Fiesta free porn video

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Fiesta Antes de continuar con el relato perm?teme comentarte algo, al principio cuando empec? a escribirlo ten?a toda la intenci?n de que fuera simplemente un relato corto, sin embargo, como te dije anteriormente, mi imaginaci?n tiene la virtud de una vez despertada, volverse incontrolable. De esta manera, comenzaron a surgir un mont?n de situaciones y fantas?as que no quer?a dejar de contarte. Ten?a entonces dos alternativas, recortaba el relato y dejaba tan solo los hechos esenciales, o lo divid?a al menos en dos partes (para que fuera mas pr?ctico cargar la p?gina) y daba rienda suelta a mi activa imaginaci?n. Como te habr?s dado cuenta, eleg? la segunda opci?n, y espero que est?s de acuerdo conmigo. Ahora s?, al relato: "Est?bamos a punto de descender cuando la Se?ora Marta nos dijo: - Primero deberemos prepararlas un poco para esta noche. Noelia, alcanzame los elementos. Noelia se dirigi? una vez mas hasta el placard y trajo un consolador de medianas dimensiones, unido a uno de sus extremos se ve?a un ca?ito de latex flexible que terminaba en una peque?a bomba de mano similar a la que tienen los aparatos para tomar la presi?n. - A ver, d?nse vuelta y mu?strenme esa colita. Casi sin saber que hacer, la obedecimos. Primero Laura y despu?s yo recibimos el consolador en nuestro interior. Al aplicarlo, Marta nos explic?: - Este es un aparato muy ?til, lo tengo cargado con una crema lubricante y voy a aplicar bastante dentro de ustedes, as? evitaremos que despu?s se quejen de que les duele. Cuando termin? de aplicar la crema en nuestro interior, nos acomodamos las bombachas y nos dispusimos a ir a la sala de reuniones donde hab?amos dejado a todas las invitadas. Al llegar, la situaci?n no pod?a ser mas extra?a, estaban todas ellas reunidas, con sus vestidos largos, charlando y bebiendo como si se encontrasen en una reuni?n tradicional. Casi nada hab?a cambiado desde que nos retiramos a pesar de que hab?a pasado un buen rato, parec?an todas estar esperando la llegada de la Se?ora Marta. Yo esperaba al menos cierta sorpresa al vernos, nosotras cinco, Marta con su atuendo de d?mina y la pr?tesis balanceando entre sus piernas, Ester y Noelia actuando como si fuesen dos polic?as, mientras que Laura y yo totalmente transformadas en dos prostitutas, no pod?amos desentonar mas con el ambiente que reinaba en la sala. - Chicas, pr?stenme atenci?n un momento por favor. Dijo Marta, casi inmediatamente se hizo el silencio en la sala y cesaron las voces de la conversaci?n, tan solo se escuchaba la m?sica de fondo, que r?pidamente una de las se?oras se encarg? de apagar. - Ustedes ya conocen a Noelia y Ester, ellas ya son dos viejas amigas nuestras y durante esta noche ser?n dos mujeres polic?a, no me responsabilizo de lo que pueden hacer con alguna de ustedes si no tiene documentos. - Pero quiero presentarles tambi?n a dos nuevas participantes de nuestras reuniones, ya las habr?n visto durante la cena, ellas son Laura y Ana, las he examinado y les puedo asegurar que son tan excepcionales como Noelia y Ester. - Durante esta noche ellas ser?n dos prostitutas, as? que como tales, saben que pueden hacer lo que quieran que no se negar?n, eso s?, deber?n pagarles de alguna manera. Cuando termin? de hablar, las participantes de la reuni?n, casi como obedeciendo a alguna se?al se levantaron y se dirigieron en grupos hacia cada una de nosotras. Dos de ellas se acercaron a Noelia y simplemente le dijeron: - Agente, cu?ntenos como es la vida de una polic?a. Noelia se limit? a responder: - Tiene documentos se?ora? Al mismo tiempo, tres de las participantes se acercaron a Laura y tom?ndola de un brazo le dec?an: - Ven? querida, vamos a una de las habitaciones que te vamos a contratar para una despedida de soltero. Lo ?ltimo que supe de ella hasta el d?a siguiente fue que se alej? con ellas abraz?ndola . Estaba totalmente aturdida pero no pude evitar ver que una mujer un poco mas madura, de aproximadamente unos cincuenta a?os, se acercaba a la Se?ora Marta, y mientras la besaba, tomaba con una de sus manos la pr?tesis de mi empleadora. Otras dos mujeres se acercaron a mi. Una de ellas de unos treinta a?os, con un vestido largo de color rojo, sumamente ajustado a su cuerpo y con un importante corte el frente de su falda que dejaba entrever sus muslos, la otra, un poco mayor, de cuarenta y tantos pero con un f?sico envidiable, luc?a tambi?n un vestido largo, pero este era azul oscuro, con un escote impresionante y de mangas largas. - Hola, porqu? no vamos a sentarnos y charlamos un poco de las cosas que nos vas a hacer? Vos hubieras dudado en responder? Yo tampoco, sonre?, sinti?ndome en el mejor de los mundos y camin? con ellas hasta un sill?n cercano, all? nos sentamos, cada una de ellas a un lado m?o. Cuando me sent?, pude ver en un rinc?n de la sala que Noelia continuaba con las dos se?oras que se hab?an acercado a ella, ahora estaban con sus manos contra la pared, de piernas abiertas y Noelia con su bast?n en la mano, levantaba la falda de sus vestidos y acariciaba alternativamente la entrepierna de una y otra. Qued? fascinada mirando esa im?gen hasta que sent? una mano acariciar mi rodilla. - Dej?las que se diviertan por su cuenta y vamos a charlar un poco. Me dijo una de ellas. Otra mano, la perteneciente a la otra mujer, mientras tanto se dedicaba a explorar mis pr?tesis mamarias. - Vamos no seas t?mida, vos tambi?n pod?s acariciarme las piernas, vas a ver que tengo una sorpresa para vos que te va a encantar. Mi mano comenz? entonces a acariciar los muslos de ella, mientras al mismo tiempo sent?a sus caricias en mi entrepierna y en mi busto. En ese momento, acerc? su cara a la mia y me di? un beso, tom? mi mano entre la suya y con suavidad la gui? hasta su entrepierna. Cual fue mi sorpresa al ver que ella ten?a tambi?n una pr?tesis como la de Marta, aunque de dimensiones un poco mas reducidas en su d?ametro e igual longitud. Sent? una presi?n en mis nalgas y al volverme, vi que la otra mujer se hab?a subido la falda y estaba frotando otra pr?tesis de cintura contra mis muslos. En ese momento contemple la sala y me di cuenta que todas ellas ten?an puesta un falo artificial que ocultaban debajo de la falda. Los tama?os y los colores variaban, pero un tema se repet?a, todas mujeres con penes siempre erectos y dispuestos a penetrar a alguna de nosotras. Noelia ya hab?a levantado por completo la falda de las dos mujeres que estaba "interrogando" y ellas tambi?n exhib?an falos similares. La Se?ora Marta estaba enfrascada en un 69 con la se?ora que se le hab?a acercado, cada una de ellas besando e introduciendo por completo en su boca el pene de la otra. Ester, estaba arrodillada, con su propio bast?n introducido en su cola, mientras besaba alternativamente la pr?tesis de las dos mujeres que estaban con ella, las cuales ya hab?an perdido su vestido y estaban tan solo con su lencer?a puesta. - Te gusta? Escuch? que me dec?an, tray?ndome de nuevo a la realidad. - Si, mucho. - Entonces porqu? no le das unos besos? No tuvo que repetirlo dos veces, inclin? mi cabeza e introduc? en mi boca ese precioso falo, poco a poco, maniobr? hasta que lo tragu? por completo, sintiendo los test?culos de latex contra mis labios. - Mir? que linda, me encanta cuando son as? viciosas. Dijo la poseedora del miembro que estaba besando mientras se franeleaba a si misma los pechos. Mientras tanto, la otra mujer se levant? y baj? el cierre de mi bombacha, al observar la crema que estaba escurriendo de mi ano le coment? a su amiga: - Est? toda mojada, la calentaste bien. Y mientras dec?a esto, se levantaba por completo la pollera, y de un solo empuj?n me penetr? violentamente. Caramba, esto era realmente el para?so, estaba de rodillas en el piso, mamando un precioso pene, acariciando los muslos enfundados en medias de lycra brillante de una de ellas, mientras sent?a dentro m?o el miembro de la otra a la par que sus hermosas tetas proporcionaban una agradable sensaci?n de calor en mi espalda. - Que ganas tengo de cojerte. Me dijo aquella a la cual estaba besando, - Dejame un poco y cambiemos de lugares, no sab?s que bien que la chupa. Dijo a su amiga. Sin embargo, la segunda de ellas no estaba dispuesta a ceder su lugar y le pidi? que le permitiera continuar un rato mas. - Siempre la misma vos, cuando te entusiasm?s son insaciable. Dijo la primera de ellas. - Porqu? no probamos de hacer un sandwich y as? estamos las dos contentas. Empec? a temblar, parec?an haber olvidado que yo solo ten?a un orificio para proporcionarles. Con discresi?n, se los coment?. - Pero tontita, no tengas miedo, ya vas a ver como se puede. Adem?s que no se diga que una prostituta no est? capacitada para hacer una cosa as?, si Marta te aprob? es porque pod?s hacerlo. Tem? discutir con ellas, record? la advertencia de la Se?ora Marta sobre las quejas de sus invitadas y me resign? a soportar lo que fuera. Reci?n en ese momento, la segunda de ellas se retir? de mi, se acost? en el piso, con su falo hacia arriba y me dijo: - A ver, ven? a sentarte aqu?. Me puse de cuclillas, acomod? su pene en la entrada de mi cola y me relaj? dejando que este entrara por completo. En ese momento, la otra gu?o mi cuerpo de manera tal que quedara acostada sobre su amiga. Una vez que estuve as? acomodada, ella se recost? sobre mi espalda, maniobr? con sus manos de manera tal de acomodar el extremo en la entrada de mi cola (recuerdo que agradec? el estar bien lucricada y dilatada) y comenz? a empujar ejerciendo cada vez mas presi?n. Para mi sorpresa, primero la cabeza y luego el resto de su miembro comenzaron a entrar en mi cola. - Viste que se pod?a tonta, ya vas a ver como te va a gustar. Casi sin darme cuenta, me hab?a penetrado por completo, ten?a dos penes dentro m?o. Jam?s hubiera pensado que pod?a lograrlo. - Bueno, lleg? la hora de moverse. Dijo la que estaba sobre m?, y comenz? a hamacarse cada vez con mas energ?a. Mientras tanto, yo estaba enfrascada en un profundo beso con aquella que se encontraba debajo, sintiendo mi cuerpo estimulado en todos sus puntos. Sus vestidos acariciaban mi espalda y mi pecho, el busto de una de ellas presionaba contra el m?o, y sent?a en mis piernas el roce de otras cuatro piernas enfundadas en las mas suaves medias. En ese momento, veo un par de botas que reconoc? como las de la Se?ora Marta, que se hab?a parado justo a mi lado. - Que tal se est? portando Ana? Pregunt?. Primero una y luego la otra le respondieron. - Muy bien, es toda una putita. - Una excelente adquisici?n para nuestro club, te felicito Marta. - Bien putita, parece que te ganaste tu premio. Dijo Marta mientras tomaba mi rostro con una de sus manos. Pero no vayas a creer que esto fue lo ?nico que hicimos durante la noche. Muy por el contrario, est?bamos reci?n empezando. Marta entonces les dijo a mis dos nuevas amantes: - Ustedes pueden encargarse de darle su premio y que ingrese al club? - Quedate tranquila que para nosotras va a ser un placer. Le dijo una de ellas. Entonces, aquella que me estaba montando se retir? de mi, de modo que qued? penetrada por solo una de ellas, me incorpor?, me sent? en cuclillas sobre su pene y comenc? a hamacarme. Mientras tanto, la otra nos rode? y abriendo sus piernas de modo que sus tobillos quedaran a ambos lados de la cabeza de su amiga, ofreci? su pr?tesis para que la mamara. Una vez mas no me hice rogar, era sencillamente delicioso, yo misma me hamacaba con placer sintiendo como ese hermoso falo entraba y sal?a de mi cola ya bastante dilatada como te imaginar?s, y al mismo tiempo, una de ellas estaba virtualmente cogi?ndome la boca, ya que hab?a tomado mi cabeza entre sus manos, y mec?a sus caderas hacia adelante y atr?s. Estuvimos un rato as? hasta que una de ellas le dijo a la otra: - Porqu? no le damos su premio? Ante la respuesta afirmativa, una retir? su pene de mi boca mientras que al incorporarme, la otra hizo dej? mis nalgas vac?as y a?orando alguna presencia dentro m?o. Me condujeron hasta el sill?n, mientras me acomodaban y dec?an: - Sentate as? que ahora vas a ver que lindo premio te ganaste. A estas alturas yo estaba sumamente intrigada sobre cual ser?a la naturaleza de mi premio, hicieron que me sentara en el sill?n pero con mis nalgas casi en el aire, cuando mi posici?n fue la que ellas estimaron la correcta me dicen: - Bueno, ahora quedate quietita, relajate y disfrut? que nosotras vamos a hacer que tengas un hermoso orgasmo. Mientras dec?an esto, una de ellas se recost? al lado m?o, y mientras con una mano retir? primero la cinta que aprisionaba mis genitales y luego comenz? a masturbarme, con la otra se dedic? a masajear mis senos mientras me besaba en el cuello y la boca. Entretanto, siento la presencia de su amiga entre mis piernas, empuj?ndolas y oblig?ndome a separarlas un poco mas. A continuaci?n recost? su cuerpo contra una de ellas, apoyando sus pechos contra mis rodillas y vi que tomando un consolador de latex, de generosas dimensiones y provisto de un mango, comenz? a introducirlo una vez mas dentro m?o. Que maravillosa sensaci?n, yo estaba en el mejor de los mundos posibles, sintiendo el vestido de una de ellas contra mi corset, a la par que estaba siendo masturbada, mientras que por otro lado, tambi?n sent?a el cuerpo de mi otra amiga recostado contra mis piernas, experimentando el roce de sus pechos contra mis piernas y sintiendo como el consolador estimulaba una vez mas mi cola. Te juro que hice todo lo posible por demorar mi orgasmo, pero las emociones vividas durante esa noche me hab?an llevado a un punto de excitaci?n extremo y realmente debo confesar que no tuve mucho ?xito a pesar m?o, ya que hubiera deseado que esta situaci?n se prolongara mucho mas. Pero, fue realmente incontenible, cuando por f?n eyacul?, lo hice en gran cantidad, mi propio semen manch? parte de mis medias y el corset. Cuando las chicas vieron esto, no parecieron sorprenderse sin? que por el contrario se mostraron encantadas. - Mir? que divina, parece que le gusta ensuciarse. - Bueno, vamos a ayudarla entonces. Cambiaron de posici?n de forma tal que quedaron una a cada lado m?o, yo continu? en la misma posici?n y ambas me ofrecieron sus penes para que los besara. Altern? entre uno y otro durante un tiempo, cuando finalmente ellas parecieron ponerse de acuerdo y comenzaron a masturbarse como si en vez de tratarse de pr?tesis fuesen miembros masculinos reales, parec?an incluso disfrutar esta situaci?n. Finalmente, casi al un?soso, sus pr?tesis eyacularon una sustancia que era sospechosamente similar al esperma, supe inmediatamente que se trataba de aquellos modelos que ya hab?a visto en un par de pel?culas que tienen la capacidad de eyacular, pero eso si, no quise preguntarme cual era el origen de la sustancia que estaba recibiendo. Simplemente disfrut? la sensaci?n de sentirme una verdadera prostituta recibiendo la leche de mis dos amantes en la cara y el pecho. As? es, cuando finalmente terminaron de acabar, ten?a toda la cara y el pecho completamente mojados por su orgasmo. Se acercaron a mi, y mientras dec?an - Que hermosa putita, comenzaron a lamer ellas mismas la suciedad de mi cuerpo, mezclando as? mi propio orgasmo con los de ellas. Luego que llenaban sus bocas con estos l?quidos, se acercaban alternativamente a mi y me daban de beber de sus propios labios la mezcla de nuestros orgasmos. Esta situaci?n de lo mas extra?a, lejos de incomodarme me excit? mas a?n y se prolong? hasta que estuve completamente limpia. Finalmente, nos recostamos las tres sobre el sill?n y nos abrazamos, producto del cansansio, quedamos dormidas las tres juntas. Y as? fue como consegu? un empleo permanente en la casa de la Se?ora Marta, actualmente vivo junto con ella, Laura, Noelia y Ester. Siempre esperamos con ansiedad las reuniones del s?bado, en ellas, Laura y yo nos desempe?amos como mucamas durante la cena, al igual que Noelia y Ester juegan su papel de personal de seguridad. Pero lo que realmente nos excita es la expectativa de saber cuales son los papeles que nos tiene reservados Marta para esa noche, al llegar a la habitaci?n, sabemos que estar? preparada la ropa pero nunca nos anticipa que seremos durante la reuni?n. Ya he sido azafata, en una oportunidad tambi?n mujer - polic?a, maestra de jard?n y de grado, prostituta, sirvienta, mujer de sociedad, carcelera, pero ahora estoy entusiasmada, he visto unos guardapolvos blancos y unas cofias, tengo el presentimiento que este s?bado ser? una enfermera."

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Test subject number 4 Complete

Author's note. Thank you all for all your encouraging reviews for my first attempt. I hope you will enjoy the complete story. And many thanks to Editor Sissy Kathy! Kathy, you did a great job turning my sleazy writing in a real story! Love you! ******************************* Test subject Number 4 It is not easy to be a foreign student. Especially when your family is poor and there is nobody who can provide financial support. Managing to enroll, getting a student loan,...

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The Bridal Party

There were four luscious bridesmaids in the house this evening, the night before my sister's wedding. One, the beautiful maid of honor, who was too old and fat to interest me, was in her bed and sound asleep, two were wide awake in my bed chatting and the fourth and youngest and cutest was in the basement under me, gasping and creaming as I plowed her juicy silt and brought her to her third climax in ten minutes. She was supposed to be sleeping on the living room couch and had been a true...

3 years ago
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Snowboards and Hot TubsChapter 2 Fork in the Road

I loved this feeling. I loved waking up next to this woman. I loved opening my eyes and seeing her smiling face on the pillow next to me. My right arm felt numb where it was trapped under her body, but I didn't really care. I loved how she stroked my cheek before kissing me. I loved the softness of her lips against mine. I loved her scent filling my nostrils. This was the second night in a row I'd spent the night with Taryn. And despite the fact that I had not been rendered unconscious...

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War Comes Home

In a few days it would be winter, and it was growing cold even here in the south, near the coast below Savannah, where a tired man in a tattered gray coat limped to the top of a rise and looked down on a big, gracious house a few hundred yards ahead. It was his home and it looked good to him. In the dusk he couldn't see that here and there a fence was sagging, that the paint on some of the outbuildings was peeling. It's doubtful he would have cared. He was tired, his feet hurt, he hadn't...

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Sandhyas Incest Invasions 8211 Part 1

{Unlike my previous stories, this is based on purely fantasy (dreams of Mrs Sandhya)}. She told me that she was my biggest so she wanted me to write her story. She saw her dad’s cock accidentally and since her father is a strict disciplinarian she can’t hope to get fucked by him. Hence she wanted me to imagine and write. We discussed her guidelines. I wrote, sent to her for approval and am publishing after making changes as she suggested. Please send comments/ suggestions to ) That day I...

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My Wicked WaysChapter 10

The next morning, I awoke to the sound of a grunting noise, much earlier than I expected, and with my lovely princesses on either side of me. I looked up and saw Max balls deep inside Anton, who was in turn busy sodomizing Eric. It seemed that the guys were now on the same page, at least for now. Jannat stood there in wide-eyed fascination, having gone to bed early last night and missed much of the same-sex action. Her fingers were deep in her pussy, and I could now smell the full extent of...

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Taking a bellyfull

Amy had done pretty well for herself since joining Localair, a small regional air carrier in the South West. Her goal was to be an air stewardess, but Localair required its stewardesses to have a second language at ‘A’ level standard and she didn’t have that. She had started off as a ground stewardess on Localair’s check-in, but within a year she had been promoted to Team Leader. Now, another year on and she is about to start her first day as Shift Manager.It was still dawn as Peter watched Amy...

2 years ago
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Mom Adventures In Village Leads To Pregnant ndash Par

Please read my previous stories.Mom amutha fucked in backyard continuation.The village president ask mom to get ready to go for hospital. When we came out some village men saw my mom and commented she is fucking her own son.Look at the dress she wears she is going to be slave for our village president.One man even ask mom what is the rate to fuck you bitch.Kumar: she can spreads her leg for beggers at free of cost.Vp: please all go back to your house.Now the car started to near by town. When we...

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Sania MirzaA day with balls

After another 10 minutes of waiting, Mahesh left and only Leander and the coach were there. “What the fuck! Why can’t Sania come for practice on time?”,said Bal. “Really she’s too much! I’ve been slogging for 2 hours and the bitch hasn’t even turned up.” “She thinks no end of herself. Just because she’s a top 50 player, my foot.” “I think it’s time you reminded her as to who gave her that break.” “I’ve tried to, but she always shows me that pretty face and well I can’t do much...

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An Amazing Deflowering in a Mans Toilet

I have been reading the stories on here and making comments, the odd thing is, that I have adopted a male persona, and in doing so, I find it suits me as I have a huge sex libido.In reality I am a girl, with nice breasts and rounded hips, and to add to my image, I completely shave my vulva, so it resembles the cherished adornment of a girl three years my junior, in fact the age I discovered sex and all the excitement, and my first orgasms.My name is Jenni and here is my story.The competition...

1 year ago
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RealityJunkies Maya Bijou The Cum In Her Pussy Bet Part 1

It’s game on for best buds Rex (Jake Jace) & Ted (Mike Mancini) when they make the ultimate bet: they have 24 hours to take a picture of their cum in their girlfriend’s pussy. It all began sitting by the pool with their girlfriends, Kelly (Alyssa Cole) & Rachel (Maya Bijou). Rex told Ted how he came inside of Kelly’s pussy. Ted didn’t believe him so Rex & Ted made a bet…now Ted’s ready to win big with Rachel! During sex, Ted asks Rachel if he can...

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Astrid our first cuckcake

At 24 she was younger than i would have normally swiped on, but she was cute and had an infectious smile & a wicked personality. We'd been chatting for a few days & we had both been on the fringes of each others age limits but we got on like a house on fire. To be honest i didnt have high hopes for Tinder but here i was butterflies in my belly and a little excited that this meet might actually happen. Usually when i get excited about these sort of things, something always seems to...

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GirlsWay Zoey Monroe Luna Star Squirting Roommates

Luna Star and Zoey Monroe are talking to each other about becoming roommates. Luna hasn’t had a roomie in ages, so it will be nice to have a girlfriend to bond with. When their conversation ends, Luna turns around to get undressed assuming that Zoey has left. Little does she know, curious little Zoey stays to watch Luna masturbate and she loves every moment! When Luna squirts, Zoey can’t help but exclaim ‘that was awesome!’, and surprises Luna in the process. Knowing...

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A Genie Gift

You know, I'm not exactly sure if I'm lucky or I was cursed by the devil itself, now, don't take it wrong, I know this would be a wet dream for any guy or girl out there, I'm just saying that things have been really wild for some time and I don't have any time for rest since a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, this whole story will sound like something out of a fantasy book, or maybe you would like to call the closest medical ward and lock me up for life, but I swear, everything that you are going...

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The wedding dress

Frannie was in a state of euphoria! Last night Kenny "popped the old question"! They were getting married! She couldn't wait to tell Kim, her best friend since grade school. They had both wondered if Kenny would ever get the nerve to go through with it, and well finally it happened! He had been so sweet, just like in the movies he fumbled with and engagement ring and stumbled with his question! It was all Frannie could do to keep from asking her for him. When he finally did get it straight...

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NubileFilms Blake Blossom Worth The Risk

Blake Blossom is a tech interviewer who will do whatever it takes to get the scoop. Today, she’s interviewing Tyler Nixon, who has been a bit catty with the details. Blake tries to give Tyler the chance to tell all the normal way, but when Tyler stays mum Blake goes for the deets in a different way. She starts unbuttoning her shirt to show off her nice cleavage a bit better. Leaning in, she strokes her hand across Tyler’s leg and crotch. When Blake finds Tyler nice and hard, she...

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Castaway Promise KeeperChapter 8

“Things would have been different if you’d offered respect and a polite greeting. Sending a tax collector to my town wasn’t an act of friendship,” I stated to Captain Longhorn. He sighed, took off his hat, and then ran his fingers through his short hair. His eyes watched a pair of dock workers man-handle a crate of wine right by his tense men. “Can we sit and talk?” I held my arms out wide in welcome. “You’d like a second chance at talking with us?” He put his hat back on his head,...

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Stepdad Finally Satisfied Me

The moment my step-dad, John, slipped his hands in my pajamas and touched my pussy, I should have kicked his ass, but I didn’t. I was a slut, a big slut who had already fantasized many times about having sex with her step-dad. I was eighteen and an all-time horny teen. I knew my step-dad was interested in me, but he started touching me in my sleep when Mom got a night job. The salary was good, so mom decided to do this job, but now John couldn’t fuck my mom. I didn’t know when he first touched...

4 years ago
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Sagging Boobs Ugly Nipples Ch 03

The end of the tale. Thanks for reading. I apologize for the delay, but I’m working with someone now temporarily, to proof and edit my work. I will soon need another editor, any volunteers? …………………………………………. Stella raged, screaming in the car. She raged about the unfairness of life, the choices she made that were wrong. and most of all, she raged about Charley, and the happiness he had found. It was totally irrational, she knew that, but she felt Norma had stolen something that was hers....

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muslim naukar ne maa ko choda

ye kahani mere bachpan ki hai jab main 5 saal ka tha mere maa aur pitaji ek sadharan ghar se hai pitaji naukri karte hai aur maa ghar ka kaam . maa mere bachan se hi ek gadrayi hui kamuk aurat hai jise bahut sex ki bhook hai. ek raat ki baat hai ki meri achanak nind khul gayi tab maine dekha ki maa aur pitaji dono nange ho kar kuch kar rahe hai main us waqt bahut chota tha kuch jyada samajh main nahi aya maine dekha ki samne wale flat ki khidki khuli thi wahan ek aurat aur mard dono mere maa...

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Thorsten Crystal and Me

Just two weeks into my second semester of university, I had my first threesome with my room mate Thorsten and his fuck friend Crystal, a hot, curvy, blond. Thorsten and I had been having sex for about two months. We had made a pact that we would have sex when there were no girls around, which wasn’t very often. Nonetheless we managed to find the time to suck each other off and have about three full on fuck sessions. Most of my classes were in the afternoon except for film history, which was in...

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Instant Messenger

Kai settled in her soft computer chair, cracking her knuckles in anticipation. Smiling broadly as his name popped up on her instant messenger. She couldn’t help herself, he made her smile as if nothing else in the world mattered to her and for these moments in time, nothing else did. Not her crappy job, not her sometimes distant husband or his children playing noisly behind her. Nothing matter as long as she was right here talking to him. Tony sighed as he watched her name flash on the screen....

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Unworthy of Belief

UNWORTHY OF BELIEF by Crazy Baron DISCLAIMERS This work may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. Please note that this story is intended for mature readers only. The people and incidents depicted herein are completely fictional. THE STORY "Excuse me. Is it okay if I sit here?" The voice is that of an aging man and it returns me to the present. I look up. He is...

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Realization By Marti B A single tear traced a ragged path down my cheek ruining my once perfect make-up. My shoulders slumped as if they were bearing the weight of the world as the full impact of my situation hit home. Angela came over to see if the dryer was too hot. I smiled and told her everything was ok and that I was fine. Angela checked my hair wrapped tight on the rollers. She said, "Looks like you're done, lets go back to my chair and I'll finishing making...

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The Midas Touch Ch 01

All characters and most locations mentioned in this story are purely fictional. The author does not know anyone that resembles these character, either alive or dead. Some of the locations are real, but are only used as geographical waypoints. The towns of White Hill and Cranston do not exist anywhere near Raystowne Lake. ************ It was 2 o’clock in the morning when Jared’s life got turned on its head. Jared and his brother David were heading up to visit family in rural Pennsylvania,...

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Seducing Cindy

My name is Elizabeth. As you may remember from my journal which is entitled, 'Elizabeth's story', I am an electrical engineering student at UCLA. That is where I met the love of my life, Robert. I fell deeply in love with Robert during my freshman year. I knew early on that Robert was the man with whom I wanted to spend my life.But I had a problem, a complication of sorts. I had a deep, dark secret that had the potential of destroying our relationship. I remember the night Robert proposed to...

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At the ConferenceChapter 2

One year to the day they announced Buckle had sold the company. The new company took control almost immediately and my new employer was a large insurance company branching out into the domestic market. A year later, they offered me a redundancy package I really couldn’t refuse. Buckle had obviously done his bit as promised and I left work with a package that was half descent. Quite honestly, I didn’t have to work anymore and at forty-seven years old, I was glad. With paying up our mortgage,...

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Rather than ask my man Roger if he would like to meet Gloria and her two boys next Sunday afternoon, I told him the arrangements were in place, knowing he would rise to, and enjoy the challenge. I am Sarah, of French descent, in my mid-forties, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man Roger, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. My body is still good, both sexes love my legs and ass and the way I trim my...

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Visit to the Farm ndash Female Hucow Slut

Chapter 1, Jen's ArrivalSixteen year old Jen disliked the long car ride. Not so much the ride itself, thedestination bummed her out. Why her parents insisted that shespend the summer at her Aunt's farm was beyond her understanding. The thought of catering to smelly a****ls was beyond meredislike. Jen was a city girl. Not that the city smelled anyprettier. It was just that in Jen's late teen years she haddiscovered the joys and wonders of the city. It seemed onlyrecently that Jen had...

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I wanted a Bigger Cock Gay

I had been considering for some time looking into one of the various penis enlargement methods that are constantly advertised on TV, the radio and of course, the constant stream of email spam promising me three more inches in just days. My cock is only five inches long, so the advertisements are constant reminders of my inadequacy. I really want to experience the power of pushing a big, thick cock—MY big thick cock into a girl and watching her squirm and groan, trying greedily to accept every...

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Maragana GirlChapter 14

Kim finally forced herself to turn on her cell phone, which was blinking with four messages from Victor Dukov. Instead of listening to the messages, Kim decided simply to return to Victor's office and tell him what happened in the park. The moment Victor saw his wayward employee, he knew something was very wrong. He had the decency to hold off on berating her for the unauthorized break until he found out what was bothering her. In a frightened, broken voice, Kim told her story. It was...

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Exposed 4 A Surprise Party

"Sweetie can you stop and come in here for a minute?" Smoothing down my dress I put down the feather duster. I curtseyed as I entered the room, just like she'd taught me over the last couple of days. "Yes dear is there something you need?" "I wanted to discuss something with you sweetie. Please come sit by me." I came and kneeled down next to her, I learned from painful experience that this was my proper place when she asked me to sit! "You know how nervous you were last...

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Forbidden love

Based on a true story I am Clair female 40 yrs. The darkness of the evening was cool and breathtaking. The thunder howled from outside. Crashing on the window. The lights if by a ghost. (On and off). My cat ran into my bed ..drifting into a slumber I lay.. when I saw auntkim enter .. she and I had been close. The storm blowing my robe up. - unbuckle aunt Kim slithered into bed. I felt a pressure between my legs.. I lifted . Hearing a moan as she massaged between my legs. Hands pushed...

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Mirror Verse A BeginningPart One

"Hey, want to go and see Captain Marvel on Wednesday?" Eric asked as they walked out of school and towards the car park." Zack was immediately up for it but Connor shook his head. "Sorry guys. I can't, I've got a date night with Amy." Both of Connor's friends groaned. "Oh come on man. Ditch her for one night. You always seem to be hanging out with her more than you do with us." Zack nodded. "Well, she is my girlfriend," Connor pointed out. But it was true, lately, Amy seemed to be...

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indian mom and her 2 sons

Hi I am Abhay, 21 and have a brother Vinay, 20. Although we have a age difference of 1 years, we are very much like twins by our behaviour as well as looks. My mom Ravina is a 42yr old fair, typical Indian woman with the perfect layer of fat at the right places. My dad Rajesh works as a civil engineer and often remains out of town for projects. We live in Kolkata. Last November we were invited to our relative's wedding in Mangalore (Karnataka). As dad was out of town, it was decided that me, my...

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The Laundry Room

We stare into each other's eyes filled with lust at the point of entry. We've been waiting for this moment for so long. I pull your gorgeous face towards me and lean in to kiss your sweet lips, our tongues hungrily entwine, relishing the chance to finally unleash the pent up sexual energy between us. You let out a soft moan when the tip of my cock slides inside you and you dig your fingernails deep into my shoulder blades. The sight of you with your glasses on and your bare breasts jiggling...

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Change of TasteChapter 3

Yep, I'm the macho guy who picked up this great babe in a hotel bar, took her back to her room, boffed her butt good, then discovered the next morning a transformation, a change in gender from knock out babe to dude. That day there was a tell all discussion about what she was and wanted to be, with a bunch of intimacy thrown in to keep my interest. We had just finsihed a really good fuck, showered and were recouping on the bed. We gulped the wine quenching our thirst, then sipped lanquidly...

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Its Good to Be a Little BadChapter 6

We made it back to the house and put the bikes in the barn. Just as we were going to leave the barn, I grabbed Bobby’s arm to stop him. He turned to me, and I put my hand behind his neck and kissed him. “Remember, our secret.” Bobby kissed me on the cheek and said, “Always, Aunt Kate. Till the day I die.” It was too much. Bobby was just too sweet, and I thought of the hard-on I had left unattended when we left the pond. The barn was no longer used for animals, but the horses’ stalls were...

3 years ago
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Dear JohnChapter 7

The next nights all I could think about was him screwing her. In my mind’s eye I could see the kids, Sarah and Mia, running into the house and calling for him: “daddy, daddy!” I was sick at heart and ruined of body. Jeff said I needed to move on and live my life, but I could see no upside to that. I just wanted to die. Dying would be good: an end to all of the pain and emotional suffering. The odd thing: I felt lost and alone and empty, but I didn’t actually hate the two of them. Don’t know...

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