A Life Rekindled free porn video

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A Life Rekindled. By Trish Jill Wayland had pretty much given up all hope of ever finding happiness, she felt prematurely aged from a failed marriage, childrearing, and loss... Oblivious to her appearance Jill cut a sad and somewhat forlorn figure as she repeated the same mind numbing routines day after day. She could have done anything with her life, but constrained by chains of guilt and habit she simply existed. Every day she avoided her reflection in the mirror, not wanting to see what happened to the laughing vivacious girl who left school with such high hopes less than twenty years earlier. Her few friends despaired about her, and Jill knew she should feel some thing, but all she saw was a barren world of grey monotony and loneliness. First came the loss of her brother in Iraq, then the betrayal when her ex-husbands promiscuous and sexually predatory nature became public five years ago. That should have spurred Jill in to rebuilding her life, but then came the phone call that destroyed any chance of her moving on. "Mrs. Wayland, it's Dr. Hargrove from Breehill School. It's Kelly she's been taken to hospital..." By the time Jill reached the hospital, she was too late her lovely daughter was dead, and with Kelly went her mothers zest for life... If it had not been for the few friends she retained at work, Jill would not have survived those initial bleak months of despair. Jill hated Friday's, even after four years weekends still brought the black dog to her door and in her usual detached mood she slowly walked home delaying her return as long as possible. Oblivious to the world around her Jill did not take any notice of the skinny long-haired figure that appeared to be following the same route, meandering along just in front of her through the 'old' new estate. Tim Collins felt happy for the first time in years. Having just finished a contract in the town where he grew up. He was now on a major nostalgia trip and intended to enjoy it! 19 years earlier his parents had dragged him kicking and screaming to their native Durham. Detesting his parent's home town at first sight Tim swore to return his 'home' someday and saw his best way of fulfilling his objective was education. In a matter of months he went from the typical teenage 'he's bright but could try harder' to one of the academic stars of his year. Much to his parents surprised and delight Tim won a place at Cambridge University and when he left home to begin his course he vowed never to live in the North East again! From Cambridge Tim went on a roller coaster ride of success, which started when he joined a large US company as a junior systems design engineer. For a few years Tim enjoyed the States, the people were fun and generally friendly to bemused looking Brits. However as the years rolled on he found he could never really feel a part of their culture or get truly comfortable. Finally the square peg in a round hole syndrome sent him jetting off to every part of the world, overseeing instillations and systems from pole to pole and everywhere between. Then on his thirty-third birthday sat on a plane from Zurich to Washington via Heathrow. He should have felt elated from scoring big time contract with the Swiss, but as the plane touched down at Heathrow Tim looked around as if he was seeing his surroundings and companions for the first time. All of a sudden it was like he could see just how purposeless his money chasing life had become and that led to the radical realisation that he did not want to live like this any more. The decision to throw away the opportunity, given his rapid rise of a top floor corner office position in one of the most powerful global companies, took Tim the time it takes to swallow a mouthful of first class Champaign. Next day to the amazement of his employers and colleagues Tim handed in his resignation saying simply in explanation, "Time to go home!" Not that Tim had any time to appreciate it because for the next twelve months he was employed for a ridiculous amount of money as a contractor overseeing the completion of projects, which he had started. Now at last that was behind him, and only days after he got back, he had seen a really straightforward installation contract going in his home town. Out of curiosity more than anything else Tim had quoted for the job even though he was horrendously over qualified for the task. The instillation was budgeted at 2.3 million, but Tim's quote was significantly under that, mainly because he had contacts and resources that were unavailable to most who would quote for such a job. Also he knew once the system was installed it would not take him long to get it working and it didn't. The office was closed for four weeks and the first two were spent physically fitting all the new equipment. Tim relished overseeing the instillation work personally. Getting real job satisfaction from being able to get his hands 'dirty', which was something, he had not been able to do in years. Two days ahead of schedule, Tim returned the keys of the office to the local health authority and made even more money in early completion bonuses. At last after three eighty-hour weeks, Tim finally had the chance to do nothing except enjoy being home. When he had started the job he had deliberately avoided visiting the area where he grown up or looking in the phone book for anyone he once knew. Tim was highly organised and he wanted to have the time to wallow in it, yet even before he started his ex-employers were on the phone again unable to accept that he meant what he said. Pushing the irritation aside Tim sent the call to voice mail and with a huge grin of anticipation fixed on his face he strode over the bridge. Feeling like a kiddie let lose in a sweet shop he took a detour round the collage gardens before walking into the town centre proper. The walk from the town centre was strange and it seemed to take next to no time before he was walking past the shop where he had once been a paperboy. Amazed at the unchanged vista Tim caught sight of his reflection in the newsagents/mini-market's large windows and smiled. With his shoulder length hair lose, wearing jeans and tee-shirt he no longer looked like the ambitious corporate bastard, which he had very nearly become. Always long-haired as a boy he had ruthlessly scythed off his hair just before he took up his post in the States. Now that he was away from that world, his way of showing it was with his hair, which was beginning to resemble the long mop he had sported when he was younger. With a daft grin on his face Tim took his time walking from the shops through his old haunts. Seeing the places he recalled so vividly in his memory for the first time in nineteen years was a surreal experience. It was not at all like he recalled. There had been a lot of development over the years, and places he still remembered with fields and cattle, were now sunk under a tide of concrete, brick and asphalt. Feeling saddened by the loss of the countryside he had once delighted in, Tim expected the worst as he made his way through the new housing estate. The gods must have been smiling on him because gave a gasp of delight when he exited the estate and looked down the lane and saw his old home and the fields beyond practically unchanged. He had seen this moment so many times in his dreams, and he suddenly stopped not noticing that someone was walking behind him until they walked into him. "I say. I am sorry," Tim apologised as he turned, and as he did so he saw the woman. At the sight of her eyes, he felt a shiver of recognition run through him. With out thinking how rude it could have sounded Tim asked abruptly. "Don't I know you?" The woman could have been attractive if she had tried, Tim noted as he took a second look. Mentally removing her unflattering glasses and the years, the flicker of recognition grew stronger and Tim said before the woman had responded to his first two comments. "Are you Jonathan Smith's older sister? Gillian?" "Once upon a time," Jill said in her emotionless voice wondering whom this odd-looking man with a mid Atlantic accent was. "Jill! Wow! Remember me?" Tim exclaimed, feeling like he had just hit the jackpot. "I'm Tim Collins, I used to live there," he nodded at the house, "and was Jon's mate at school." And often in your dresses! Tim did not add. Jill noticed that he had a kind face and as he laughed, she suddenly recognised the boy he once was. Tim was still babbling cheerfully away. "Until I was moved to Durham by my mum and dad," adding, "You probably think I'm a loony accosting you in the street like this." For the first time in years Jill's mind slipped past Kelly to her own youth. Her face felt a little strange as she felt her lips break in to a nostalgic smile. It had been a long time since she had genuinely smiled about anything. In her mind Jill rolled the years back and saw her younger brother and his mischievous long-haired mate. The memories triggered her expression to brighten even more, as she said feeling her heart suddenly thumping in her chest in response to his broad smiling face. "Hello Tim, you've not changed much, have you?" As the smile broke over her sad face Tim grinned slyly and replied self deprecatingly. "Probably more than you would ever believe," Seeing that she was carrying two full bags of shopping, he added, "Can I give you a hand with them?" "If you want," Jill replied surprised at how nice it felt to talk to someone who knew nothing about her divorce or Kelly. Tim ginned and lifted both bags from her hands. "You're the first person I knew as a child that I've met since I got back last month," he felt a shiver of delight when he saw that Gillian was not wearing any rings and felt something never really forgotten stirring in his heart. Jill felt a little tongue-tied it was years since she had spoken to a bloke socially. Her mind felt frozen and she could not think of anything to say. "Shit she saw me check out her hand!" Tim miss-read her expression and said aloud with a blush as they began to walk down the path. "Ops have I embarrassed you?" "No..." Jill said and after a moment asked the first thing that came to mind. "Are you back for good then Tim?" He screwed his face up and said. "Dunno, probably. It depends..." "On what?" Jill asked, suddenly not wanting this to be a fleeting meeting. Tim laughed. "I haven't got the foggiest. Today's the first day I've not been working every hour of the day since I got back in the country three months ago." By now they were approaching Tim's old home and he halted, momentarily overwhelmed by a tide of memory. The garden was a mess and the old house looked empty and ill maintained and yet in his mind the vision before him was juxtaposed with the one in his memory. "Just as well my dads not here..." he whispered to himself before he said more clearly beginning to move again. "Where are you living now?" "On the estate by the new primary school." Still feeling that unaccustomed smile on her face she said almost brightly. "They knocked our school down about eight years back." Jill looked back at the dilapidated house, feeling some of her depression lifting as she recalled how nice and homely it had been inside. With an unforced smile she said nodding at the house. "Did you know it's up for sale?" "Is it?" Tim said with a strange yearning look running over his face. "How much?" Thinking, bloody hell... Gillian and my home free! "Can't remember but it was in the local paper last week," Jill said watching the indecipherable emotions running over Tim's open face. "I've probably still got it at home if you want a look?" "Hey!" Tim eye's lit up and he grinned. "Now that would be really great... Not that the price is important," His grin turned depreciating as he added, "I'm loaded these days." "What do you do?" "I design and install computer systems," Tim said, and as they walked the half-mile or so down to the new estate he chattered away about his life abroad. The conversation continued over the pot of tea and after a quickest of glances at the paper, Tim said pulling out his mobile phone. "Mind if I make a call?" Noticing that he had another message waiting he glanced at the number and deleted the message. Brad Stevens was no longer his boss and just now Tim had other things on his mind. Jill shook her had and listened in as Tim phoned the estate agents and arranged a viewing. "Want to come and have a look with me in the morning?" he said grinning daftly as he snapped his phone shut and preying she would say yes. Gillian, Jon's big sister had been Tim's first crush and the one he had never forgotten. "If you want?" Jill said with a tight smile, liking how his face still showed traces of the mischievous boy she had known. "I wouldn't have asked other wise," he boyishly grinned. "Would I." Adding as he noticed the picture on the wall, "Is that your daughter, she looks an awful lot like you used to?" Jill's unusual sense of happiness dissolved like an early morning mist and she said in her normal emotionless monotone. "Yes." "Sorry..." Tim said reading all to clearly the pain in her face. The look of understanding Tim gave her, stirred something inside Jill and in a slow and broken tones she told him about her Kelly. With out any prompting Tim refilled the teapot twice during Jill's tear filled story. Showing far more compassion than any of his former work colleagues would have imagined Tim capable of. He gently steered her back to one of her pleasant memories after she had told him about the collapse of her marriage and Kelly's accident. It took a while but eventually Jill found herself once again starting to feel unaccustomedly happy as she recounted how much trouble Kelly had been as a little girl. It was her cat Ringo who broke the conversation when he came in meowing loudly about the lack of food in his dish. "Heaven's it nearly half six!" Jill exclaimed. She had been talking for nearly four hours and with a strange feeling of companionship she said jumping up almost cheerfully. "Will you stay for tea? It's the least I can do since I've kept you here all day?" Tim's could feel his heart thudding in his chest, and he so nearly said yes. "Erm no thanks," he grinned at her. "I've got a table booked for eight at the hotel. So why don't you forget cooking and join me?" Jill stopped in her tracks, the sudden sense of deflation she had felt when he had said no, vanished and she said uncertainly. "Yes but?" "What?" Tim asked kindly. "I've got nothing to wear..." Jill floundered... She had not been out on a date since she was in her late teens. "I wasn't planning on changing in to anything grander than a smarter pair of trousers and a clean shirt," Tim said pulling out his phone again. "Give me forty-five minutes," Jill said dumping a cup full of cat food in to Ringo's dish to the sound of Tim telling the hotel it would be two for dinner and that they would like to be sat on the terrace. Half an hour later Jill felt a little uncomfortable as she quickly dried her hair and discovered how unaccustomed she was to putting her makeup on. The sensation that had been stirring inside her since she had bumped in to Tim made her avoid her usual shapeless skirts and tops. Instead after perhaps five minutes of indecision Jill slipped in to a knee- length black dress and studied her reflection carefully as if seeing herself for the first time in years. Walking back down stairs she felt a pleasant buzz from Tim's reaction after she said, "Well will I do?" Tim was engrossed in the local paper with Ringo sat comfortably on his knee and looked up at her question. He had a surprised look of admiration in his eyes as he drank in her appearance and said with wonder in his tone. "Just a bit!" Jill did not really appreciate how much pleasure Tim took from her company until she got home because as he escorted her into dinner she felt like she had been transported into another world. When he said dinner at his hotel she assumed he was staying in one of the town centre hotels and got the shock of her life when he waltzed her into the most expensive place in town. The dinner was lovely and Jill felt a real pang of regret when she slipped in to the taxi at midnight wishing she had been a little less chaste with their parting kiss. In a little less than ten hours Tim had managed to reawaken something inside Jill that she had thought long gone. That night as she lay in bed with Ringo purring into her ear Jill's dreams were not filled by Kelly's haunting eyes but by the antics of two teenaged boys'. She had forgotten all about 'that' when she had been with Tim earlier. In that half awake, dream state Jill wondered what Tim would say if she told him that she knew what he used to get up to in her bedroom? She felt sure that Tim had been the instigator, because the raids on her wardrobe ended not long after he left. Next morning she would have sworn it was all just a twisted dream if she could not see her dress still where she had discarded it the night before. Even so, she still felt sure she would be stood up until Tim actually turned up on her doorstep just after nine clutching a big bouquet of flowers. "I got these for you." He grinned sheepishly and handed her the scented bundle. "For being wonderful company last night." "You shouldn't!" Jill said, feeling incredibly pleased. Tim was full of beans, which suited Jill to a tee as she felt her own spirits and self-confidence picking up as his cheerful presence filled her house. "Morning Ringo," Tim said as the cat insinuated himself in to Tim's lap, the moment he sat down at the small kitchen table. "Shall we?" Tim said glancing at his watch. "The estate agent said they would have someone at the house for half past?" It was a nice morning and for the first time in years Jill actually enjoyed the walk along the footpath to the house. With a buzz of certainty Jill knew that Tim was going to buy the house only moments after they walked in. The estate agents property viewing person was giving them the spiel and Jill said after a moment seeing that Tim was not listening at all. "Tim grew up in this house, mind if we just look round?" The estate agents eyes went 'ching' and she said, "No, not all." "Tim?" Jill said taking his arm and letting him guide them through the house. Feeling a strange sense of completeness, Tim led Jill round the house, tutting at some of the improvements. "You need a lot of work..." he whispered almost to himself. Walking back after viewing the house Tim was silently weighing up his options, the price was immaterial the question he was asking himself was did he want to live back here? Deep down he knew he did because from the day he was moved north and through out his time in the USA coming home had been his dream. However he also had to consider if was practical terms of work. Since London was not far away and there was a mainline station with airport access, that was a yes. However the thing that really tipped the scales was the attraction of Jill's reappearance in his life and the hope that their rekindled relationship might have a future. "What do you want to do?" Jill asked as they got back to her house. "Today?" Tim laughed. "Honestly?" "Yes," Jill said, never expecting his answer. "Walk over to hill to the Bird in Hand if it's still there and have a bar lunch before walking back along the river into town." He laughed adding, "It was my favourite long walk when I was a kid, and I want to see if it matches my memory." His voice filled with amusement. "When I read Lord of the Rings, that area was how I always saw The Shire in my mind." "Want some company?" Jill said, suddenly unwilling to be alone. "I've not done that in years." "I'd love it," Tim said delighted that she wanted to join him. Tim did not push things. They just spent a pleasant day walking and talking as he surprised himself by recalling the sequence of footpaths and back lanes that brought them to the pub. Walking back along the river, Jill realised that for the first time in years she felt actually happy. Tim's light-hearted chatter about the adventures he had with her brother allowed her to remember him without the pain of his loss. Getting back into town he took her to dinner at one of the riverside cafe restaurants before walking her home. "Anything planned for tomorrow?" Jill hesitantly asked as they approached her house. "Nothing more than a walk out to the old aerodrome, and a meander around the museum with a packed lunch." He smiled and added, "Some company would be nice?" "I'd like that," Jill said. It was easily the nicest weekend she had in years and as she teetered on the edge of sleep feeling physically tired from all the walking the idea of 'seeing' Tim as more than a friend started to bloom. Having spent the last four years trapped in a cycle of depression, his sudden reintroduction into her life and delight in her presence was emotional equivalent of the first bright sunny day of spring after a long and dreary winter. Getting into work the following morning feeling more alive than she had in years, Jill almost thought it was a dream until Tim met her after work, and took her to dinner again. That set the pattern for the week, and other than the day Tim had to travel to London on business they saw each other every evening. Encouraged by his presence and the genuine delight Tim took from her company as the week passed Jill found that she was starting to discover that there was life after Kelly. Although on the surface Tim was largely unchanged from the bright friendly boy of her childhood, his comment about changing more than she could ever guess was true. The adult Tim was a very contradictory personality. There was the social, laid back side of him with his unchanged silly sense of humour. She liked how he talked to her cat, and had no issues of taking the mickey out of himself, and then there was a professional Tim Collins. Jill only got fleeting glimpses of this side of him on the few occasions when she was met him for a lunch time coffee and caught him on a business call. There was nothing silly, or laid back about his professional persona. When it came to work he was all business and showed a decisive side of his nature that she found very attractive, even if she did not have a clue about what he was talking about, but it was thrilling to hear him say. "Can I call you back later? Business is important but just now taking a lady out to lunch is more important." Little by little she started to see Tim not as the amusing pest of her teens but a very attractive man. A man who delighted in her company and the more she thought about him as a potential partner, the more appealing the idea that he liked girls clothing became. It was strange. Like anyone who worked for a university Jill was not unfamiliar with the concept of transgendered people. Recalling Tim's boyhood forays into her wardrobe, she hoped he still felt the same because she started to find the whole idea him cross-dressing for her an erotically appealing idea. Not only did she somehow know that dressing him would give her the security of knowing he would never desire to stray, but also and rather shockingly she found the idea had reignited her sexuality in a way that felt very different to when she was younger. As the week passed the other librarians and archivists started to notice she was brightening up. She was talking more and her mood seemed lighter and although no one mentioned it she did notice a few strange looks from people when they saw her with a very unusual smile on her face as she thought about Tim and his unusual hobby. "What time do you finish work tomorrow?" Tim asked as he escorted her to the cinema on the Thursday evening. "Lunch time, why?" Jill said as they walked arm in arm towards town. "Want to come back up to the house with me? I'm meeting the estate agent's negotiator at half twelve." "Are you thinking about buying it?" "Yeah," Tim said, "if the price is right. A friend of mine from university sent one of his staff pretending to be a potential buyer to have a look and valued it between 180 and 200," he chuckled, "It needs a lot of work, but the basic fabric is on cursory glance still in good condition." "So anything planned for the afternoon?" he asked a little later as he walked her home. Shopping! Was the first thing that came to Jill's mind and she said with an unforced smile. "I've got to do some shopping in town and make a hair appointment." "Oh!" Tim's face fell a little until Jill added. "Some company would be nice though..." She felt a faint twinge of wicked amusement when she added, "If you don't mind trudging along as I'm girlie shopping?" Was it delight or not? Jill wondered when Tim said with a smile. "I'd like that." At the house the following afternoon Jill was watching Tim with interest, as he chatted with the estate Agent. All of a sudden she saw his business look come in his eyes as he came to a decision and she liked what she saw. Jill especially liked the look of longing he gave her before the switch flicked and he shifted from being the adult version of the happy-go-lucky boy she once knew into his more decisive and very businesslike professional working persona. With a look of calculation in his eyes Tim said bluntly. "How much?" "One hundred and ninety-five thousand." "Assuming nothing really serious shows up on a survey or the back ground check," Tim said trying not to let his grin get out of control. "I'll take it." The estate agent began to ask about mortgages and building societies and Jill was really shocked when Tim said almost nonchalantly. "I can pay cash once the paperwork is done." The estate agents face was a picture Jill noticed, as he tried to keep up with Tim who said, "My solicitors in London will contact you on Monday for the details, but I'll give you a ring myself and let you know who's surveying, but it will probably be Bob Bennet Associates, and Bob may call early." Jill did not have a clue who Bob Bennet was, but the expression on the estate agents face said that it was a name he knew and she again saw the pound signs in the man's eyes. "Assuming all goes well. I can have the funds available the moment all the paper work clears." "I hope you both like it here," The estate agent said with a handshake at the bottom of the drive. Still stunned by how casually Tim bought a house. It was not until Jill heard Tim snickering that the estate agents parting comment registered and she felt a delicious wave of giddy pleasure when she realised she had been perceived as part of a couple. What was happening to her she wondered? She had not felt like this about being with someone since she was a teenager? Then she could never have thought about Tim in the way she was beginning to think about him now! It was so strange. Jill felt like the world just turned back in to colour and the brightness thrilled her. Only this time last week she had been in her usual impassive world of grey and now on this bright afternoon she felt genuinely happy and comfortable in Tim's company. After stopping in at her house to change, Jill led Tim in to town and hit the shops. Five years of frugal living had one benefit Jill noticed when she checked her bank balance at the ATM, she could afford to have a serious spend and then some! "Ready?" Jill laughed deciding to start at Boot's cosmetic counter. Tim had a lot of experience with buying computers for the business world and knew next to nothing about shopping with a woman. Being quick on the uptake he soon worked out that his main function was to carry the garish shopping bags that contained Jill's expanding purchases. Stopping off for bit of late lunch in a little caf? that happened by chance to be opposite a nail salon and seeing the sign as they ate. Jill mentioned that her nails were a mess and straight after lunch Tim treated her to a manicure. As the girl doing her nails worked away Jill noticed Tim's enraptured expression. Deciding to be bold she asked for a bright red polish and keeping half an eye on Tim's face Jill really enjoyed the indulgence. Liking how her nails looked Jill said the moment they exited the salon. "From the look on your face you enjoyed that as much as me?" she held up her hands and said, "You like?" Tim blushed and stuttered. "Yes," before adding. "It was the smell, really triggered a memory of mum doing hers when I was a kid." Jill decided to have a little fun with him she said, digging her elbow in to his ribs. "So you don't fancy a set of your own then?" Tim went even redder and made no sound although his mouth was going up and down. Jill giggled and said, "I'll take that as a yes Tim, come along not much more now," In fairly short order Jill led the fascinated Tim through the shoe shop and in to a department store. She was looking at a skirt and moaning about her waist size. When Tim said in passing that he varied from 28 to 30 inches giving Jill a very mad idea. After god knows how many shops Tim was holding some half dozen bags when Jill halted out side the lingerie shop and said with a giggle, which was as much in apprehension as anticipation. "You wait here! I'll not be long and I want to get myself something special," Jill didn't add, "for you too," but she wanted to. So far the week had exceeded all Tim's expectations. Now Jill had really come out of her shell was terrific company and he felt a wave of nervous anxiety when he realised just how badly he had fallen for her. Unsure of how to proceed, he did not feel right about coming on to her, knowing what she had been through. Spying a vacant bench Tim made himself comfortable trying to sort out his confused feelings. Lost in thought he enjoyed just sitting on the bench watching the world go by for twenty minutes. Smiling to himself as he recalled the number of afternoons he had spent with Jon just hanging about in the town centre when he saw a gang of the 2019 vintage teenagers doing exactly the same. Tim was still a little shell-shocked about having bought his parents old house and what with Jill's comment about getting his nails done. He wondered if he could admit to her that looking like a girl was still his all time favourite fantasy? Except as a child Tim had always too embarrassed by the connotations to act on his impulses and sometimes regretted not having the bottle to do anything with his sordid secret. He had wanted to, but always chickened out at the last-minute, too scared to make it anything more than a fantasy. Lost in contemplation Tim did not see Jill exit the shop or walk up to him until her shadow fell over him. With a boisterous lilt in her tone Jill said, "Only my hair appointment to sort out and then we can go home." "Lead on then Mac Duff," Tim said giving her a bright smile picking up all the bags. Jill had booked her appointment and was chatting with the girl on the counter about what would suit her when she noticed they sold false nail kits. Giving Tim a teasing wink Jill bought a set and got the girl to explain how to fit them. Tim shivered at her wink suddenly wondering if Jill knew about his boyhood forays into her wardrobe? Hardly hearing what the hairdresser was saying Tim could not decide if he should ask her about it or if he wanted to try to talk his way out of it. Jill had touched something inside him that had never been touched before, and Tim liked how it made him feel. Tim had a few women in his past but they had always been fleeting moments of purely physical pleasure. He could tell from her general demeanour that she had been desperately unhappy and in dire need of a friend, but it went deeper than that. Gillian had always been his secret love, and seeing her looking so lost and vulnerable had awakened all those feelings. Making love to Gillian was a pleasant thing to imagine, but even better would be to share his life with her and he had never before felt like 'that' about any woman before. Tim's normally ordered and tidy mind was a mass of conflicting urges and desires, which were all centred around Jill... Feeling happier than she had in ages Jill refused to take no for an answer when she again offered Tim dinner. Jolted from his introspection Tim agreed with out thinking. Adding as an after thought that he would have to nip back to the hotel for a shower and change of clothes. "Fine shall we go then?" Jill said with a grin. "Yeah," Tim grinned shrugging ruefully at her bags. "We can lob this lot in my car and I'll drive us back up." "Not all of them I hope?" Jill said, with a grin. "I brought a new skirt and a pair of boots which I'm just dying to try." "Whatever you like my lady," Tim said liking the animation in her eyes, saying out loud without thinking. "God you're still so beautiful!" "Me beautiful?" Jill's heart missed a beat and then began to thunder in her chest as she said in a small voice. "Do you mean that?" Although they were in the middle of a packed town centre they were in a private intimate world and with honesty written large in his eyes Tim said simply. "Yes... You were always beautiful to me Jill." "Thank you..." Jill said throwing her arms around him and giving him a big uninhibited kiss slap on the lips. There little private world was shattered when a feminine voice said laughing, mistaking totally what had taken place. "Congratulation's honey. You've caught yourself a nice one there." It was the girl who had done Jill's nails and as Jill blushed brightly. The girl added as her bus pulled up. "You come in and show me the ring okay?" Jill who was much quicker on the uptake than Tim laughed and said, "Thank you. I will," as the girl got on the bus. Tim was giving her a quizzical look, which developed in to a bright blush that matched the one that was fading from Jill's face. "She thought we?" he spluttered. "Yeah," Jill giggled taking enough of the bags from Tim's unresisting hands to slip her hand in his. Suddenly Tim blush faded to be replaced with a boyish grin and he said pulling his hand free from hers and sliding it tentatively round her waist. "It's a bit sudden isn't it?" Feeling his heart melting when Jill made no move to escape his encircling arm and as he gently pulled her close. "Sudden!" Jill laughed, "I've known you 30 years and regardless of what you said. You're still the same, and-" She took a deep breath. "I know your secret..." Jill felt Tim's body tension and wondered if she had gone to far. Tim's fear was confirmed, she did know about his forays into her wardrobe and he gasped at the implications. For a split second he felt frozen mid stride and then he said sounding a little embarrassed. "Well perhaps it's not such a strange idea after all then..." Feeling a sudden surge of confidence Tim laughed. "What do you fancy diamond, sapphire or what?" Now it was Jill's turn to stop in surprise. Was he being serious? Tim grinned seeing the uncertainty in Jill's face and said, "I wouldn't offer if I didn't mean that, but we've got lot's of time to think about it. Anyway..." His words faded away as he blushed and gave her a strange look, which warmed the cockles of Jill's heart. "I don't need to think about it," Jill said with a pleased look. "But you're right," and with the same pleased expression fixed on her face. She frog marched Tim up to his hotel. Dropping her parcels on the floor of his room Jill slipped off her old black jeans and shoes the moment Tim went to the shower. On impulse she slipped on the leather pencil skirt and black chunky heel knee boots she had bought. She had got them both on a total whim. Jill had always fancied a leather skirt and knee boots but Simon her ex-husband had always said it would make her look like a slut. "And what did he know!" Jill said liking her reflection. Turning in the mirror Jill wanted to wear it back to the house, as she loved how her nails looked against the black leather but decided to save it for later. Regretfully she slipped it off and replaced it with a summery mid calf length skirt before Tim reappeared. Damp from the shower and dressed in a casual shirt and jeans he smiled when he saw her, smiling at her reflection and said appreciatively. "That looks nice on you Jill." "So do you," Jill said with a teasing smile, "but your going to have to let me do something with your hair. So sit!" She pointed at the chair and asked about his hair dryer? "Don't have one," Tim said with a sorry smile as he sat. "There's one in the bathroom though." "It will be crap then! Still," she laughed loving Tim's expression. "Even more reason to get you home double-quick, so I can do something about it." She relished how acquiescent he was to her direction and how he politely held open the doors for her. Jill half expected to see some sort of super car given the number of expensive looking computer's and clothes Tim had in his hotel room. Although the Volvo did not look that special, Jill saw once she slipped inside the leather scented interior that this was very much a top of the range motorcar. "Jill," Tim said as he pulled out of the car park preying he could work out the new one-way system. "I know this is a bit sudden but how would you feel about moving in with me when I've got the house fixed up?" Kicking himself for such a lame question after only meeting her again the week before! Almost wishing he had never spoken when Jill went eerily silent. Tim question surprised Jill and for a moment she was speechless before she said almost garbling it. "Yes," feeling a wave of giddy pleasure run though her body. It was so nice to feel desired by someone again, and she felt great until the consequences ignited her fears and self-doubts. Feeling suddenly close to tears Jill said uncertainly. "Please Tim, you're not joking are you because I don't find it easy to trust these days and if it?" Tim felt like he could breathe again, he felt sure he had been misreading Jill's humour when they had been joking about possible engagement. "I wouldn't ever do that!" he said sounding offended that she could ever think he would. "I know Tim..." Jill said apologetically. "I would love to live with you... I think?" Not realising how much the thought of living with Tim appealed to her until she said it. "And I'd really like it if you to moved in with me while we're getting your house fixed up but-" Jill could not help her self when she laughed meaning it as a joke. "I'll want a ring, and a few other things from you!" "Done!" Tim said feeling overwhelmed by wave of giddiness. "When do you want me?" Jill was still mulling over that when he added with a giggle. "Rings for your fingers, ears or toes?" "Finger!" Jill stressed. "And I'll have ears as well if I can-" Adding with a challenging giggle, "So long as you get yours done to!" she brushed back her hair and added, "Mine need re-piercing." Tim had to concentrate and said, "If you want? We'll go shopping tomorrow and get you a ring." "Was that a proposal?" Jill teased suddenly realising she was not teasing as she continued. "Because if it was then the answer will be yes!" "It could be." Tim blushed. Suddenly jumping in to the real world when a cyclist unexpectedly appeared in front of him. Jill decided at that point that silence would be a good move until they got home. Getting in Jill asked Tim to put on the kettle while she carted her purchases up to her bedroom. "Bring it up when it ready will you," Jill called and then said swearing, "Bugger! Be a dear and pop to the shop for a couple of bottle of wine?" "Okay," Tim called back, "I'll nip down to Sainsbury's they'll have better choice than corner shop plonk." And a moment later Jill heard the door close. Wasting little time Jill sorted through the prizes and laid out the two sets of fancy underwear she had brought in the lingerie shop. By the time Tim got back clanking with bottles of wine Jill felt like she walking on eggs and could feel herself trembling nervously when she opened the door for him. Although she was wearing a dressing gown over her lingerie she knew that Tim could see her stocking covered feet and lower leg, as his nostrils flared scenting her perfume. The casserole was in the oven, and once she was sure the wine was in the fridge Jill felt that warmth in the bottom of her belly beginning to spread out through her body. Taking hold of Tim's hand Jill said in a carefree tone. "I'm going to finish getting changed, want to come with me?" As Jill had a hold of his hand and gave him a little tug Tim eagerly trotted along beside her. Feeling like she was riding the crest of a wave Jill led him to her room and spinning away as she let go of his hand. She laughed feeling her nerves being replaced by a strange erotic thrill. "What do you think?" Jill asked lifting from the bed a black boned basque identical to the one she was wearing under her dressing gown. Tim felt his cock come alive as Jill showed him the underwear set of basque, tight panties and stockings. Stuttering that it was lovely Tim looked at her flabbergasted. With a teasing laugh Jill wondered what the hell had got into her as she slowly unfastened her gown and with a shrug let it slip from her shoulders. Her shrug evolved in to a strut as she said striding over to Tim feeling a little embarrassed by her dress and wanton behaviour. It was enough to make her unable to look him in the eyes as she said breezy tone. "This ones." She seductively ran her red tipped hand down her restricted satin coved torso. "Mine... So no rooting it out of my wardrobe!" When Tim did not move a muscle and for a split second Jill thought she had made a mistake until she finally recognised the look of bemused and delighted horror in his face. Loving the gasp he let out as her hands touched his body Jill gleefully began to unfasten his shirt. Feeling like she was going to explode with bliss Jill giggled confidently. "Because Tim, that basque and what not is for you, and tonight I would love to see us both in matching lingerie?" Tim was shaking and with a twisted embarrassed smile that verged on a grimace he stammered, "I... I would like that too!" "Great!" Jill laughed feeling like she was going to burst with happiness, "but first!" she ran her hand under Tim's shirt and over his sparsely haired chest. "We have to get you sheered!" In seconds Tim was all but naked and Jill gave him a look of pure anticipation as she said astounded by her sudden shamelessness. "Trust me?" Tim nodded and croaked. "Always..." As Jill hooked her fingers under his boxer shorts and swiftly pulled them down. "Hum... Nice!" Jill said with a seductive lilt in her tone as she ran her fingers through Tim's pubic hair. "But a little dense..." she giggled again leading Tim towards her bathroom by his cock, chuckling, "never mind I can do something about that in the future!" Unsure of how or what it was about Tim had caused her to swing from the total despair to feeling like she was a teenager Jill did not know or care. For the first time in years she felt alive, and she liked it. She savoured the amount of trust that Tim was showing her, loving how different his attitude was to Simon's disregard for her. Jill knew from her brief conversation with the lady in the lingerie shop that many men with a liking for silky things felt very embarrassed about it. The woman had worked it out herself when Jill asked about a larger size's commenting dryly. "Is it for madam or your husband?" The woman comments peeked Jill interest and it was on her advice that Jill was being far more forward and pushy than she really felt comfortable being. It was all well and good talking in the shop, but now the moment of truth was here Jill felt clumsy with nerves. Still, every time she saw the look of wonder and scared pleasure on Tim's face while she liberally covered him with the hair remover she had bought for this task, Jill felt a wave of reassurance fill her. He might have been shaking with embarrassment but Jill could also see how much he was enjoying everything as much as she was. Once he was covered Jill gave him a malicious giggle and said, "Don't move for ten minutes I'm going to fix my face and slip on my skirt and top." Tim could hear Jill moving about in the bedroom and he caught an occasional glimpse as she walked to and fro, but the ten minutes he waited with the vile smelling cream slowly drying on his skin lasted forever. "You can rinse it off now," Jill called cheerfully sticking her head round the door with a grin. "Then give yourself a good shower using lots of my moisturising body wash." Tim followed her instructions and felt a shiver of loathing and excitement, when he saw most of his body hair vanish down the plughole. Except for on his head and face the only remaining hair on his body was the dense cluster above his now hairless semi erect cock. Tim did not notice Jill watching with an appreciative and possessive look in her eye as he rinsed the scented body wash from his skin. He was marvelling about how smooth and soft his skin felt when Jill wolf whistled from the door and said happily. "I should keep you like that!" "It would be one way to keep me from straying!" Tim joked turning to face her, and gasped with his jaw dropping. Jill looked stunning in her boots, leather skirt and tight sleeveless top. Her hair and face were impeccably prepared and Tim felt himself surrender to the wave of attraction that filled him as he whispered hoarsely. "God you look like one of the women on the 'net!" "What women!" Jill asked sharply. "The leather clad dominatrix." Tim laughed with a blush. "Oh!" Jill said with a matching pleased blush. Curious, and about to get him to explain Jill recalled what the woman had said about proactive encouragement. "Out with you." She held open the large towel. "And I'll dry." Obligingly Tim did as she instructed feeling a mixture of what can only be described as lust combined with humiliation. He was hard pushed to control him self as Jill dried him off. Her hands often brushed over his genitals but never quite close enough or long enough to give him the push, which would tip him over the edge. Jill had no idea what she was doing to Tim. She was just drying him off and felt a little queasy when she first saw how much she was affecting him. She had always felt slightly repelled at the sight of an aroused male, but today mixed in with her repulsion was also elation that she alone was causing his reaction. It had been a long time since she had excited a man and it did make her feel good to see such a visible indication of his desire. Working a dollop of hair mousse into Tim hair, the vaguely sexual warmth that had filled her earlier was back with a vengeance and this time there was no denying it's source! Jill could feel the tiny wisp of silk that covered her pussy sticking to her moist lips as she stood back. Wishing she had the confidence to just toss him on to her bed and to take him there and then. Jill regarded his head covered in a mass of hair wrapped colourful bendy rollers feeling a little tongue-tied from the heady sensual aura that pervaded Tim's depletion and hair do. Thinking that it would lighten the atmosphere Jill said, "So you like my leather skirt and boots do you?" "Oh god yes!" Tim croaked feeling like his balls were about to explode. "Good because I could really get to like the way wearing leather makes me feel," Jill said with a grin hoping he could not read her sudden unease about being so forward. She need not have worried, as all she saw in his face was a look of entranced delight as she added, "It makes me feel oh so confident and in charge!" "You can be in charge of me any day." Tim sighed as Jill led him from the bathroom. Jill shivered in anticipation again feeling like a teenager. She was going to get laid, and this time it was going to be on her terms! She could tell from Tim's expression and body language that he worshipped her, and it felt really nice to be wanted. Geed up Jill threw her self into dressing Tim in his matching lingerie. With that look of delight and fear on his face Tim eagerly followed Jill's instructions as she fitted the firm black basque about his torso. He loved the sense of restraint as Jill encased his body in the sensually constraining vice, but the feel of the stockings when she carefully rolled them up his sensitised hairless legs was even better. The way the fine shimmering barely black nylon coated his legs like a second skin had his cock twitching like mad. He wanted to grasp her in his arms and take her but inhibited not only by his nature and by his knowledge of her past. Tim felt unable to make the first openly sexual move. The whole time he was preying that Jill was going to throw him on the bed and have her wicked way with him! Jill felt the same way, but she was pushing back her urge, savouring the freedom to be the sexually dominant party. With a trilling laugh Jill said having already made up her mind how she wanted him to look for dinner. "What sorts of look do you fancy Tim? Normal or," she gave him a sexy grin. "Tarty?" "You... You decide," Tim said in an embarrassed squeak. Jill grinned wolfishly. "I already have..." Then she glanced at the time and said, "We had better get cracking, as the dinner will be ready in less than an hour!" Delving into her bags Jill produced a scarlet ribbed top and a black skirt. "These should fit you. Let me help you get the top on over your rollers." The top felt clingy and strange but nothing like as strange as the skirt. The way that clamped his thighs together restricting his stride both annoyed and thrilled Tim. Feeling a little like Alice falling though the looking glass he hardly noticed Jill painting his face. He willingly obliged her when she asked him to move his head this way and that. At times wondering if he was having a vivid dream on an aeroplane Tim felt like all his favourite fantasies were coming true. Jill was wielding a hair dryer on his hair when Tim finally became aware of the strange feeling of his mascara-covered eyelashes flickering at the edges of his vision. Loving how his face felt Tim licked his lips and the creamy smoothness of lipstick made him want to cry out with delight! Jill could see he was in a world of his own and asked gently as she began to unwrap his hair. "How do you feel?" "Like I'm in wonderland!" Tim said with a loving tone as he tried to look up at her. "Sit still!" Jill said pushing his head back down. "And what size shoes do you take?" "Eights..." Tim said running his hands over his nylon covered thighs in delight. "Pity," Jill murmured, "I'm only a six... Ah well that's something else for later," she chuckled and teased. "If you were serious about living with me?" Jill was certain that he was, but still felt the need for reassurance. "Nothing could ever give me more pleasure..." Tim said shivering as Jill began to tease the curls she had created in his hair into the shape she wanted. Tim felt her fussing diminishing as she slipped something over the crown of his head and teased a few strands of hair. "I think I love you Jill." Jill felt her insides twist together sensually and giving a little gasp of near orgasmic pleasure she wanted to cry out. Her heart was thudding wildly and her panties were nearly sopping wet when she whispered. "Go and take a look Alice in Wonderland," as a second more powerful surge of pleasure coursed through her. Jill could feel Tim's tremors through his hands setting up a sympathetic vibration in her body as she helped him to his feet. With a giggle of delight Jill saw that Tim did not look that bad at all considering that they had never done this before and whispered in to his ear. "You sexy girl," guiding him over to her full-length mirror. Enraptured Jill could read the excitement and apprehension in Tim, as he saw his reflection for the first time. "Wow!" he gasped. "That's... Wow!" The look of delight on his face as he spun round, threw his arms around her and pulled her in to a massive hug filled Jill with a wave of giddy pleasure. Eagerly responding to the hug Jill, giggles joined Tim's gleeful chortling as they clung to each other. "Oh my god, thank you!" Tim cried pushing his head against her neck in a way that made Jill's innards jump once more. "You're no super model yet sugar," Jill said caressing his hair relishing the intimacy of everything that they had done today. Even when she had been engaged to Simon she had never experienced anything approaching the levels of understanding she was feeling at that moment. "You need some boobs and we'll do something about them later, but for now lets eat!" Jill laughed and firmly tilted his head up and planted a smacker on his lip's loving how their mixing lipstick's added to the sensation. Tim felt a mixture of emotions as Jill broke their kiss. He felt confused and delighted about having one of his adolescent fantasies come true combined with self-loathing about how much he was enjoying how Jill had done him up. His engorged cock was almost painful as it pressed against the tight material of his panties and the stimulation was nearly enough to bring him to orgasm, but not quite. Bewitched by his feminised image Tim did not move until Jill said with a delighted laugh. "Stop vainly gazing at your reflection Alice, it's time to eat!" Giving his reflection a final regretful look Tim murmured loudly enough for Jill to hear. "Alice?" "Well I can't carry on calling you Tim, looking like that can I?" Jill laughed as she firmly led Tim down to the kitchen and thrust him the corkscrew telling him. "Open the pop will you," as she made up the two bowls of stew "And anyway you were the one who said you was in Wonderland," Jill laughed as sat down. "Alice." The food was lovely and with a couple of glasses of wine it calmed the heady sexual roller coaster that they were riding enough to begin a very deep conversation. With a frank openness that neither had dared in the past they ranged from talking about teenage sexual fantasies through work and on to highly personal comments about what they liked and disliked. Tim's comments about his fantasies fascinated Jill and she would have loved to carry on in that vein. Tim she decided was a very complex bloke and by the time she had phrased a question, he was explaining why he threw away his quarter of a million pounds a year plus bonuses job. Openly he described the unhappiness he had felt living abroad, the dislike he felt about the way his personality was being corrupted by the cut-throat world he inhabited. Recounting the road to Damascus moment on the runway at Heathrow Tim said with his eyes glistening with recalled longing. "I hadn't been in Britain for three years and all I wanted to do was get off the plane and go home." Tim was equally attentive when Jill told him all about the hopes she had held for Kelly. The love she had felt for her ex-husband and the pain she had felt from his abuse and betrayal. When she was talking about Kelly, Jill's eyes filled with tears and she became very emotional. She felt a great wave of comfort from having his arms affectionate pressure about her, enough that her tears and emotions were as much from remembered delights as they were from longing and loss. As Jill spoke she could feel the self-manufactured walls in her mind crumbling as she voiced her insecurities. In explaining them she began to understand that she did still have the capacity to let herself trust enough to love whole-heartedly once more. Emotionally spent from their discussion any thought's of consummating their partnership that night had vanished. Instead of the torrid lovemaking that both had been anticipating they lay cradled each other's in their arms. Taking far greater pleasure from the loving aura between them as they slipped in to a deep fulfilled sleep. Ringo who had hopped between their laps as they had talked the night before heralded the morning at a little after eight. Tim was cuddled up to the body beside him with a possessive arm wrapped about her when he became aware of a loud squeaking. Half asleep he would have fallen back into dreamland if the soft body he was cradling had not moved. Abruptly he woke up and all came back, bumping in to Gillian and everything since. Feeling her move in preparation to roll out of bed Tim felt unwilling to release her and pulled her back to him wrapping his other arm about her halting any further movement. "Not yet," he whispered into her ear and planted a kiss on the back of her head. Saying in to her hair in a giddy tone. "You'll have to roll round so I can give my love a morning kiss before I'll let you go," Chuckling as she moved in his arms. "Then I'll make you tea and toast." Jill had a moment's confusion over feeling so comfortable with an arm wrapped about her when she woke up hearing Ringo torturing something. Jill shivered as his giggles teased her scalp and eagerly rolled over. Whispering in exultation as she found his lips. "My love!" They may not have consummated their partnership the night before but they did there and then. It was not a success and as they broke apart both exploded in to a gale of embarrassed but uninhibited laughter. "We both need practice..." Jill giggled. "But for now I'll settle for a cuppa my lovely!" Feeling a sense of self-confidence she playfully spanked his bare bum and said, "Soon!" Tim who was embarrassed by his premature loss of all control was eagerly nodding his agreement as he jumped out of bed. Leaning over and giving her an ardent kiss he dashed off to fetch breakfast. Halting abruptly in surprised when he saw his makeup smeared face and sleep tangled still curled hair in the kitchen mirror. Feeling a mixture of the world sinking and high excitement his emotions went up and down as he recalled how he had felt in the lingerie the night before. Blushing like mad Tim carried the tray back up to the bedroom and was faced by the sight of Jill's naked and very alluring bum sticking out from under her short nightdress as she knelt on the bedroom floor cleaning up what remained of Ringo's breakfast. The culprit was sat on the end of the bed looking very pleased with him self as he cleaned his fur oblivious to his mistress's moans about leaving 'insides' all over her bedroom floor. When Tim walked in Ringo let out a meow of recognition. Jill buttocks jiggled as she said, "Kick him off the bed darling or he'll be after the butter." After a leisurely breakfast plagued by Ringo's attempts to get at the butter Jill teased Tim like mad as she showed him how to remove his makeup. Feeling like teenagers they shared the shower and Jill again delighted over the feel of Tim's hairless body under her hands. With a laugh Jill exclaimed as Tim redressed in his jeans and shirt that she preferred him in a skirt. From what he had said about his 'girly' fantasies the night before Jill knew before she dropped to her knees in front of him that he would like what she had in mind. "Can I paint your toenails?" Jill giggled shaking a bottle of polish. "And then you can do mine!" "Sure!" Tim said eagerly. "I love the smell of nail varnish!" As Jill set to work Tim watched her in silence as she coated his nails with the same scarlet polish as she had on her fingernails. Sniffing deeply at the smell he giggled but otherwise remained silent until Jill was done. Only then did he tease. "But I thought we were going shopping?" "We are!" Jill laughed blowing on his toenails. "We've a deal to fulfil and you have a hotel to check out of." "Deal?" Tim said as she hopped on to the bed and thrust him the bottle followed by a foot. "I want a ring and we both want our ears pierced, so we can match!" Jill laughed wondering if he would go for it? "Oh yeah!" Tim said unable to hide his twisted grin as he tried to paint her toenails. He had wanted to get his ears pierced all his life and had never been able to pluck up the courage to get them done. Having had this fascination for things girly Tim had avoided anything that might have given his secret away, even though until yesterday he had never actually taken it any further than dreaming. Jill wanted to cheer when she heard him say sheepishly. "I'd like that." "Not bad!" Jill said once Tim had finished her toes, "better than my first go and you'll get better with all the practice you're going to be getting." Tom grinned still blushing and said, "I'd better get off and check out!" Checking out took all of an hour, most of which was spent carrying the six cases of computer stuff, as his personal effects filled just two cases. Pulling up outside Jill's Tim was going to unceremoniously dumped the lot in the garage but Jill suggested that they actually get him moved in, and by the time most of his computing business equipment was set up in her spare room and she had rearranged the wardrobe. It was mid afternoon, and Jill suggested they left shopping until the morning? Sat in her back garden, over an Indian takeaway and a bottle of wine, she asked Tim about his life after his family moved up north. She knew he was well travelled but as he spoke about his working life she was astonished at just how many places he had been. The following morning after a far more successful evening of love-making than the morning, which left them both satisfied Jill was up and dressed in a pair of jeans and the red top Tim had worn on the Friday night. Giggling as they left the house. "You said you liked the idea of us wearing matching pretties?" Tim nodded opening the car door for her. "Yes." "Well it got me thinking that we could also go for matched panties from now on. Would you like that as well?" Her question surprised Tim, making him blush brightly as he said he would. "Good because the thought of your hairless body with painted nails, pierced ears and wearing knickers to match me really turns me on!" Jill almost growled when she added, "And I'll know dammed sure that you won't be straying!" "As if I would!" Tim blushed laughing as opened her the car door. "I know when I've got a good thing, but that's a theme of a fair few tranny stories I've read..." Jill shuddered when she realised that Tim dressing a child went far deeper than she had imagined. He was a transvestite and Jill felt a humiliating chill run threw her as she was mentally assailed by all the negative imagery she had seen and read in the tabloids. Yet Jill could not deny that his kink turned her on, or that she was looking forward to finding out how just how far Tim's transvestite side went. Mixed in with erotic feelings of embarrassed glee she felt about enjoying his cross- dressing desires was also heady sense of elation about how willingly he was to accept of her decisions when it came to bringing out that side of his personality. Also bubbling under Jill's thoughts about how much she loved Tim's surprisingly erotic kink she also worried. Jill knew he was totally different in character and personality to her ex-husband Jill but it still played on her mind that her marriage's failure was her fault. Deep down she blamed herself for causing what ever it was that chased Simon into other women's beds. Tim did not notice Jill's self-doubting as he drove through town feeling like he was the king of the world! Commenting about how much nicer it was to be driving on the right side of the road Tim chattered cheerfully away as he drove towards the large shopping complex having to ask for regular directions. As they drove through town, the pure delight in Tim's voice about being with her quelled Jill's worries enough that she ended up telling herself she was being silly. Unlike Simon who never asked for directions Tim was more than willing to admit that he was Satnav dependant and had the directional sense of a lemming. She was chuckling about that when the car phone trilled. "Yeah!" Tim said pressing a button on the wheel. The radio automatically cut out and a very educated American woman's voice said. "Don't you ever return messages!" "Oh hello Mrs. Stevens," Tim replied giving Jill's thigh a squeeze. "You got your hair cut yet boy?" The voice boomed about the car. "Nope, and I'm not planning on doing," Tim laughed hearing Jill rumbling under her breath. "To bloody right!" The expansive voice again filled the car "Are you busy today? Brad said you had just finished a job an I thought since we're over here at the house I'd invite you to lunch." "I'm afraid so," Tim said almost giving Jill a heart attack when he laughed. "I'm buying my lady an engagement ring." "Timothy!" the woman said. "You're shitting me!" "Nope!" Tim said with a laugh. "Say hello Jill!" "Erm hello?" Jill said feeling a little foolish. The woman was so inquisitive, and before Jill quite caught up she had told this stranger that she and Tim were old friends. Having to stifle a laugh when the woman asked if she was going to the ballet, then perhaps they could meet? "I'm afraid I don't do ballet," Jill said seeing Kelly in her ballet gear as a little girl. "Timothy you get this girl a pretty dress and bring her to the ballet you hear! I'll send you tickets." "Can we take a rain check on that Mrs. Stevens? We've just bought a house and everything." "Shit! Brad's gonna be pissed!" The woman laughed. "He's been trying to get hold of you to dangle a fat job under your nose and tempt you back," The woman said something to someone else before returning to the call and saying. "Sorry guys I gotta git. Oh and Jill honey don't skimp on your ring. This ones led a simple life and can afford it!" "Who the hell was that?" Jill gasped when the call ended. "That was my old bosses wife, she been on at me for years about settling down with someone. That's what lunch would have been about, she probably got half a dozen candidates lined up for which ever eligible bachelors Brad's has taken a shine to," Tim laughed and followed the next sign to the car parks. "You'll have to meet her and soon, otherwise she'll only come looking," he giggled boyishly and added dryly. "Probably at the worst possible time knowing our luck!" It had not occurred to Jill at all that as Tim's partner she was going to have to meet with his friends and she could tell that they were all very high brow and wealthy. Jill was neither and she felt some of her old self-doubts and fears looming large in her mind. Tim read her expression like a book and said, "Hey, don't get wound up about Mrs. S and that money obsessed lot, they are all go to the loo just like you and me. Anyway," he grinned. "Why should I want to go back now? After all," he pulled in to a parking space and stopped the car then took hold of her hands and said, "Jill will you marry me?" Her eyes filled with tears as Jill nodded. "Yes." And pulled him in to a firm kiss. "Shush," Tim said drying Jill's eyes tenderly. "Let's go find you a ring!" Less than an hour later Jill had a very simple and frighteningly expensive solitaire diamond ring on her finger. "That," Tim said kissing her hand after putting it on her finger. "Looks like it fits just right." At first unable to take her eyes off the ring on her finger Jill wandered around the wide shopping arcades as if in a dream. Tim was content to do the same elated that the girl of his dreams was wearing his engagement ring. Oblivious to everything around them, Tim and Jill walked in a private world of their own. They remained distracted until Jill saw a piercing salon, then with the smile that had felt so strange two days earlier. Jill felt her stomach beginning to fizz with anticipation once more and said giggling. "Right my turn," and squeezed Tim's hand reassuringly. "Time to buy you your engagement rings and get my ears done," dropping the volume of her voice when she added mischievously. "Alice..." Unable to refuse her Tim followed her in. Remaining silent as Jill had a brief conversation with the girl on the counter. Tim couldn't hide all the apprehension in his face when Jill said. "Sit down Tim, you can go first." Liking the slightly scared look in his eyes as it made him look really cute and vulnerable. "Just relax," The girl said to Tim as she pulled on a pair of latex treatment gloves. Lifting a small bottle she numbed his earlobes explaining what she was doing she got started. Compliant Tim sat there and felt the girl marking his ears with a pen and then she lifted a blue plastic piercing gun. Carefully lining the gun up she said, "Hold still," and clicked a stud through. Tim almost cried no, when she moved the gun thing up his ear and clicked a second stud through the lobe. Tim's other ear was also decorated with two studs and then it was time for Jill. When they left both Jill and Tim had matched pairs of gold studs in their lobes. Not only that, they were both feeling equally aroused and when Jill suggested that they go find Alice a few things Tim willingly agreed. "What about matching knickers?" Tim whispered with a smile after Jill had bought him a couple of pair's of shoes, a plain skirt and a simple top. "That's next on the list, along with a few other things that we'll both find sexy!" Jill teased. In truth all she all was considering were a couple of long slinky nighties and short sexy ones for Tim, and a couple of pairs of pyjamas for her self. Jill had never liked how nightdresses worked up round her waist as she slept, and only wore a nightdress out of habit. A habit she had just decided to quit, from now on she was going to make sure she wore the trousers both in and out of bed! The shopping complex was filled with every shop possible and buying 15 matched pairs of was not difficult, and wouldn't have been time- consuming if Jill hadn't insisted on perusing everything before returning to the first shop to begin her purchase round. Tim's card took a caning as Jill not only bought the matching panties she also selected a small range of matching bras, suspender belts, camisoles and a couple of things that Tim did not recognise. Not that the expense bothered him and Tim followed Jill round with an elated sheepish and bemused expression. It was an expression that made Jill feel all gooey in side. "Let's have a look in here," Jill said as they passed a shop named 'Intimate Desires' for the umpteenth time. Although it looked superficially like the other naughty knickers shops that Jill had shown him, Tim noticed the difference straight away. So did Jill, and as Tim looked round at the welter of 'sexy play' costumes with his jaw on the floor she said with a giggle. "I don't think I want you to see what I'm buying in here." A woman was bearing down on them and blushing brightly Tim nodded. Again Jill saw an imperceptible shift in his body language as he said with a confident smile at the shop assistant. "If I leave you with my card can Jill charge to it?" The shop assistant nodded and said, "We have to do it all the time sir, many ladies don't want their husbands to know what they have bought," she swapped a sly grin with Jill, "until the lady is ready." "Go find a coffee love," Jill said giving Tim's face an affectionate caress, "I'll try not be long and then we can get off home." "Here," Tim handed over a matt black card and said giving her a peck on the lips. "Treat your self, the pins my birthday month year." "Treat you more like!" Jill giggled. "Now shoo!" Jill waited until Tim was out of the door before turning to the assistant and saying. "I've never been in here before and I thought I'd buy something sexy for him as we've just got engaged," she could not help showing off her ring. The assistant was a woman of about her age said with a smile after making all the right noises about Jill ring. "How sexy? Submissive, bossy or what?" "I don't know what you mean?" Jill said shaking her head, before grinning. "So why don't you show me? Tim will be happy where he is, he sneaked a paperback in to his pocket before we came out." "Well take this lovely maids dress?" The woman pointed at the dark blue satin and white lace confection hanging behind her. "You cannot really expect to be dictating your bedroom play dressed in that can you? Not that there is anything wrong with being a bit submissive from time to time, as it's kind of fun to be at your partners mercy," She grinned and showed Jill another range of sexy gear. "When you fancy the reins so to speak, I have a few 'Mistress' outfits that can be fun." The woman giggled and added uninhibitedly. "Especially if you can convince or are lucky enough to have a partner willing to try the maids uniform," her well maintained finger tip's pointed to the loops at the back of the dress, "you slip one of our little pad locks through and..." she gave Jill a very naughty look and offered her a coffee. The woman was called Helen and was very open about the place of sex play and fantasy in a good relationship. She would often refer to her own marriage to a mechanic called Steve as an example. At times she had Jill's face burning red with embarrassment as she talked about sexual role-playing. Helen was an excellent sale's woman and Jill blanched when she saw how much she had just charged to Tim's card. "Tim did say to treat your self Jill," Helen said they had been on first name terms with in five minutes. Jill could not help but to tell her new-found, soon to be close friend a fair bit more about her past than you would usually tell someone in a shop. "He's going to love what you have bought and if you want to talk about things, give me a ring or pop in for a coffee," helen said as they stood next to the counter sipping their cups. "Would you like the gold, silver or paste diamond locks?" "What's best?" Jill asked with her mind a whirl with possibilities that she had never considered before. "Stevie and I like the diamond," helen said slipping a set of three glittering locks in to the bag. "And," she grinned, "Since you have spent more than a ?100 you get a lucky dip present. I would suggest you take the pink one." Her blue tipped nail tapped a large square pink wrapped box. "Call it an incentive to call back soon." Jill lifted the box and it was heaver than she expected. Curious she was about to open the wrapper but Helen slapped her hand away and said, "Ah, Ah Jill! Patience, but if I'm right you'll love it." With a practised hand Helen was filling Jill two logo free shopping bags. "Want the catalogues? We do two, but one's a bit racy," she flipped through the slim catalogues too quickly for Jill to see anything other than a blur. "It was fun to make them. I'm on the cover of the racy one with Stevie." Assuring Helen that she would be back, Jill walked out of the shop immediately spotting Tim sat with his nose in a book at a coffee stall. Picking him up she almost bounced out in to the massive car park, and leaped a massive personal hurdle when by pure fluke they bumped in to her ex and his latest dolly bird. The weather must have known a meeting was going to happen because the sky had mellow-dramatically darkened heralding a summer storm. Jill groaned inside and clutched Tim's hand as the two couples approached each other. "Jill," Simon said sarcastically politely as they passed. "Simon," Jill replied carefully. Last time they had met there had been a scene and she had runaway crying and broken. His attitude put Tim's back up instantly. Jill could sense it through his hand and she gave Tim a massive smile when she felt him increase the pressure of his hand reassuringly. "Been shopping?" Simon said looking at the bag's, his eye's widening slightly when he saw the diamond on her finger. "No walking on the moon," Jill said sarcastically wondering what she ever saw in a weasel like Simon in the first place? "This is Tim my fianc?, who's your friend?" Jill felt herself swelling with self- assurance as she confidently faced him down. Tim was content to let Jill fight her own battle, she seemed to come out on top when Simon said sounding a little bewildered, "Well shall we dear," and led still his un-introduced 'friend' away. "Oh god that was good!" Jill said in delight and threw her arms about Tim. "I've wanted to do that for six years and every time he reduced me to tears!" "Just as well he didn't!" Tim laughed. "I would have hit him, come on let's go home it looks like it's going to rain." The return journey passed in a flash for Jill, such was her elation about having Simon run from her! She wanted to shout out in delight and was on such a high that she all but forgot about what they had purchased. "Tim?" Jill said much later as they lay sipping chilled wine on a blanket in front of the fire. Sated both physically and emotionally they were cuddling and petting each other playfully. "You don't mind my obsession about knowing you wont be straying, do you?" Tim was nestled comfortably against her shoulder and said caressing her belly. "No, not at all, it tells me that you care!" All evening he had been dying to know what was in the two red bags Jill had carried out of the last shop. When he had brought them in from the car he was very pissed off to see they had been sealed with clear sticky tape. "So what did you get in the last shop then Jill?" Tim said as he reached for more wine. He was already wearing the baby doll nightie Jill had got him and it felt incredibly sexy to be wearing noting more than that slip of satin over his shoulders held together level with his nipples by a floppy silk bow. "Owa! I had forgotten about that?" Jill exclaimed, giving Tim a seductive look. "Somehow I got sidetracked after dinner! Go fetch some more wine and I'll get the bags." Jill's lovely buttocks rolled sensually from side to side under the sexy leopard skin pattern satin pyjama bottoms as she preceded Tim out of the door and he joked, "Hope you don't plan on changing your bottoms, your arse looks really sexy in leopard skin!" Jill giggled and waggled her bum even more before halting abruptly when she saw the time. It was nearly midnight and she had work in the morning. "Shit!" Jill exclaimed unhappily, "best hold the wine my love. I've got work in the morning..." Tim didn't look as disappointed as he felt and said, "Choccy?" "Please," Jill said, "Will you lock up and knock the fire off? I'm going to hide those bags away," she grinned mischievously. "So no rooting while I'm at work." "What time are you in for?" Tim asked returning to the front room to turn off the fire and collect the wine glasses. "Nine till four," Jill called back, feeling the catalogues as she hid the bags in the bottom of her linen box. On impulse she removed both and slipped the open bag into a pillowcase before covering everything up. Comfortable in bed wearing her unflattering specks Jill was perusing the two catalogues with saucer like eyes when Tim returned with the mugs of coco. When Helen had said one of the catalogues was racy she was not joking. The first was a normal sexy underwear catalogue but the other sent Jill's heart rate through the roof. Even the cover picture made Jill tingle. It was Helen and the person Jill assumed was her husband. Steve was wearing a pretty maids costume, kneeing between Helen's legs as her head was cast back as if in throws of passion and the title was 'Her Ladyships Pleasures.' "What you got there?" Tim asked as he slipped into bed beside her. "Helen's catalogues," Jill said distractedly peering over her dark spectacle rims at him. "Helen?" Tim said. "From the last shop," Jill giggled feeling that familiar warmth burning in the base of her belly. "Want to play guess what I spent your money on?" she held up the racy catalogue. "Have a look through these while I say thank you properly," Giving him an impish grin she slipped her reading specks off and dived under the covers. Giggling as she began to kiss her way down his hairless body. Tim's eyes were as wide as Jill's when she reappeared and it was not just from looking though the catalogues. They were pretty erotic in themselves but nothing in comparison to what Jill had been doing between his legs! Jill chuckled and kissed Tim sharing the contents of her mouth with him. For moment she thought he was going to refuse as he felt the warm slimy liquid on her tongue but then he opened his mouth. Feeling deliciously wanton Jill thrust her tongue deep into his mouth delivering as much as she could down his throat before she broke the kiss and swallowed herself. Looking down on her dazed lover seeing his own cum glistening on his lips Jill felt an incredible rush of power and said as she kissed his forehead. "Any ideas my lovely Alice?" "Recreating the cover might be fun," Tim laughed, "I quite fancy the idea of having you in a maids uniform." "Only if we do it properly," Jill smiled as she rolled down beside him. "That's Helen and her husband on the cover and," she almost growled when she said, "I really fancy the thought of you in the maids uniform and me in the robe. See!" she grabbed Tim's hand and thrust it in to the warmth between her legs. "Oh god!" Tim sighed. "I hope you mean that." And before Jill could ask anything else he repeated her journey under the covers. "So..." Jill drawled, amazed that Tim was going to go down on her without any need for her to ask. Receiving oral sex was something she had only ever read about. Simon had never repaid her in kind for her giving him a blow-job and she had not expected Tim too either, until she plucked up the courage to ask him. As Tim's lips began to lap gently at her pussy Jill began to feel a wave of pure pleasure that went beyond anything she had ever felt before. "Oh my sodding god!" she shrieked as her insides went bang. "Why didn't I ever discover this before?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah Baby!" Jill crooned as she flopped about pulling Tim hair at times violently, loving the sensation of his ear studs when they caught her sensitive inner thigh's. "This is the!" Jill moaned. "Harder Alice.... Oh my god Tim..." "Tim!" Jill shrieked as she jerked about in the throws of a thundering climax and experienced the sensation of a petite-mort as her senses were overwhelmed by the height of sensation. Coming round in a languid daze Jill felt a wave of idle amusement when she saw Tim's anxious face calling. "Jill, Jill? Oh god... Jill," he babbled cradling her hand looking really worried. Jill smiled up at him and whispered, "I... I," falling silent, unable to explain what she had just experienced. Shaking herself and feeling her body reattaching in the right places Jill reached up and ran the back of her hand down Tim's face. "You have got to do that for me again... Often... My pretty TimAlicey." Tim had a heart attack when Jill abruptly flopped back half way through trying to pull his hair out and shouting. "Tim!" Fighting up from under the twisted covers calling her name, he saw Jill flat out on her back. Her face was fading from a bright red, and she had a smile on her faintly drooling lips. Feeling some of his distress lifting when he saw that her chest went reassuringly up and down like a set of bellows. He was still calling her name in abject terror, when to his relief her dazed eyes opened and smiled up at him, in away that turned his terror to pulp. Suddenly understanding what had happened Tim said calming as he cuddled down next to her. "God you scared me then but if you enjoyed that? Just wait until we try it with the maids costume..." Jill groaned and grunted approvingly as Tim clicked the light off. Flickering on the edge of sleep Jill vaguely felt Tim tenderly kiss her and whisper, "good night my love," her last conscious thought as she felt his warm comforting form cradling her was she had received more orgasms from Tim in the last twenty-four hours than Simon gave her in 11 years of marriage. "Monday morning!" Jill groaned as she turned off the alarm and immediately felt better seeing her engagement ring. Feeling an empty presence beside her Jill looked around anxiously for a split second until the scent of nearly burning toast reached her nostrils. Getting breakfast in bed still half asleep before work was a nice way to start the week Jill decided as she hopped into Tim's car. They were running a little late, as Jill had to show how Tim how to clean his ear piercings and then decide on what pretty panties they would wear, but as he was more than willing to drive her into town. Missing her bus was not a problem. Jill's boss, Dr David Sanderson noticed the change in her immediately. He could not really miss it when a top of the line Volvo XC90 pulled up outside his office window. Attracted by the movement he glanced up and saw the occupants swap a passionate kiss. He expected to see one of the 'girl's' hopping out and had to look again when he saw his dowdy part- time archive libarian get out. Only she didn't look dowdy today. In fact she had a look of confidence about her, which made her look almost like someone he remembered. Curious David took a stroll though the archive after his morning tutorials were through. "Morning Gillian," he called as he entered, knowing that Jill hated to be surprised in the spooky cellar that served as the document archive. "Morning Doctor," Jill called her tones sounding more animated than he had heard her use in years. "Manicured nails and an engagement ring Gillian?" he said with a paternal smile. "What haven't you been telling me?" "He's called Tim and he just done the new health authority computer department upgrade. He went to school with my brother, and I've known him since he was three and I was five." "And?" Sally the full-time archivist asked sounding nosey as hell. David had not noticed her stood against the wall beside him. "When he got back, we sort of bumped into each other and one thing led to another and well," Jill giggled looking far more attractive than she had the week before and held out her ring. As she was chatting she recalled something Tim had said when he was little. "He said when he was about ten that he would marry me one day," What Jill didn't add was that Tim had also said he would marry every woman on earth! "And I doubted him then but when he asked last Saturday I wasn't going to say no again... He's lovely!" "Oh!" Sally was dabbing at her eyes. "How romantic!" Shaking his head at Sally's emotion David mused as he walked away that perhaps a university literature department was not the best place to find women who didn't get all gushy about romance. From the flow of people down to the archive David knew he was not the only one curious as to whom this Tim was. Jill had worked for him since before her divorce and like all who knew her then, he felt a little protective of her. Knowing Tim's car David was able to just happen to be in the hall when Jill left to go home. Chatting to Dr. Sanderson Jill did not notice Tim walk up until he was nearly upon them and she shook a little when all of a sudden he was there. Then telling her self not to be so stupid she gave him a kiss in front of the office window and introduced them to each other. Smiling at Tim as they walked away to the car she added, "Bet he was just curious about you and why don't you wave to the gaggle looking out of the office behind me?" Sheepishly Tim looked over his shoulder and blushed seeing all the curious faces looking back. "Go on," Jill laughed. "Give them a wave." Holding Jill's hand Tim turned them both round and waved at the window mouthing. "Hello," before giving Jill a quick kiss and opening her car door with a hammy flourish. "Any ideas as to what I got for tonight lover?" Jill said with a grin as they got home. "For tea or later?" Tim said with a tease in his tone and making the tea. "For now," Jill said giving him a long kiss before they swapped how did your day go chitchat. Jill could not miss part of Tim's day, because taking up most of her dining room table was a mass of files and a couple of laptops. "Sorry," He apologised, "but that little lot is my office, business and place I call home," Babbling nervously. "I couldn't think of anywhere else with the space to get caught up and still able to work," Tim grinned even more sheepishly. "We're getting cable tomorrow as I need to get back online properly. The wireless signal is okay for a day or two but I really need a high-speed connection so I phoned the company this morning, hope you don't mind?" "No need to apologise love, this is now as much your home as mine," Jill said waving away the apology and asking curiously. "What's does it all do?" "That would take me all night, but this," he tapped a laptop, "talks to the big computer in the spare room and allows me to design a new system and test it virtually before the first component is fitted. Also because it has a virtual recreation of the site it allows me move things about for the best power consumption and cooling. Then we have the programming side of making everything talk to each other," Tim grinned, "Which is where it get really complicated, which is what the other laptop is for..." "Can it show me what you meant about women on the internet?" Jill asked. "I know nothing about a computers mind beyond the system at work, and sending emails and the like on my phone." "Yeah," Tim laughed, "let me get you my old programming laptop." And a couple of minutes later Jill was trying to get the hang of moving the pointer and navigating with a finger rather than the mouse she used at work. Once she had that worked out Jill said with a firm giggle. "Show me the women and the story's you were talking about the other night." "Okay," Tim said with a smile, "but your going to do all the work." He chuckled. "You can have that laptop if you want, it still works fine but is a little too slow and lacks the amount of memory I need these days. Anyway type whatever you think is the description in to the search box and then see where the links take you. If you get stuck just click the search button and it will bring you back here and type something else in to the box. You can show me what you find later, if it interests you enough, just click the favourite button and then click add followed by okay. Understand?" "Think so..." Jill nodded giving Tim a scared look. "Yeah, but where are you going?" "To make tea, unless you want to fast tonight?" Tim replied with a laugh. "Don't worry you cannot break it," he grinned again with a wicked light in his eyes. "Well not unless you get so frustrated that you toss it out of the window!" After slowly typing Dominatrix Jill felt just like doing that, on more than one occasion! It was so bloody exasperating when she used a mouse the pointer moved so easily, but on a finger pad it would not go where she wanted it to. She could tell from the laughter coming from the kitchen that her demonstration of the more colourful side of the English language was really amusing him, which both annoyed and delighted her. What was even better was just sitting in her front room with out a care in the world, knowing that someone else was making dinner. Eventually Tim's pot rattling and talking to Ringo faded as Jill at last began to coordinate her finger to the pointer. For Jill who had outside of work never bothered with the internet and led a fairly isolated life, the range of pure perversion she discovered when she typed 'Kinky Sex' had her blushing brightly enough to boil a kettle. "Hey?" Jill said in surprise that halted as a rather impressive looking Chinese type meal unceremoniously replaced the laptop. "You can have it back after dinner, now eat!" Tim laughed. "Trust me it's all to easy to sit there for hours." He gave her that smile that made Jill feel mushy, but before she could reply he said giving her a joking look. "I'm not having you getting all pale and wan on me!" "Where the hell did you learn how to make this?" Jill exclaimed in a muffled tone between mouthfuls as she rapidly cleared the plate on her lap before he was half way through his portion. "I lived with a Chinese girl for a couple of months after I finished Uni. I did a deal with her, she taught me to cook oriental and I taught her English," Tim read Jill's frozen face. "Not like that stupid!" he groaned. "I was in shared housing when I first went to the States." Jill didn't know what to make of the sudden feeling of jealousy that filled her when Tim mentioned the girl and feeling confused she took her plate in to the kitchen. Pretty much expecting to find a disaster zone Jill was pleasantly surprised to find it no more messed up than if she had been cooking. "Tidy as well!" she called approvingly. "Leave the washing up!" Tim shouted after Jill dumped the first pan in the sink. "I'll do it once I'm finished." Simon had never once offered to wash up, even on the very rare occasions when he had cooked! True to his word a couple of minutes later Tim practically ordered her back to the front room saying. "You've had lots of practice washing up, and next to none on a real computer." If Jill had seen the smirk on Tim's face when he set a fresh cup of tea beside her engrossed form she would not have been amused. During that first dinner Jill had stated quite firmly that she could not understand how anybody could stare at a computer screen for hours on end. Realising that a wild night was not on the cards any more. Tim settled down and immersed himself in a telly drama. With her eyes fixed on the screen Jill picked up her cup and was sipping at it again before she noticed it was empty. Looking up she put the computer reluctantly to one side and said as she stood. "Want another?" Tim nodded and handed up his cup with a smile. "Thanks love." Jill grinned and called as she walked into the kitchen. "What are you doing tomorrow?" "Meeting Bob about the survey and discussing converting probably my old bedroom in to an office for me and the rest of my junk. Then the bank to move some cash so that the funds are available and last. I'm off to meet a friend of mine who's doing the solicitor bit for me as a favour. What about you?" "The usual 9 til 2 midweek day," Jill replied after she returned from the kitchen. "I'll not be home until half four though as I've got my hair appointment at 2.15," Feeling torn between two conflicting desires. She was dying to play with the contents of Helen's bags but also fascinated by what she was reading on the Internet. "You don't mind do you?" she asked nodding at the open laptop. "No Jill," Tim laughed, "I don't mind, and if I did. It would be bloody hypocritical of me," he blew her a kiss before he said, "Although I would advise you to knock it on the head in an other hour or so or you could strain your eyes." All day Jill had been daydreaming on and off about the mind-blowing orgasm she had received the night before. The Internet was now added, and when combined with the idea's that Helen had already filled Jill's head with, she went to bed with her mind in erotic turmoil. The shear range of strange sexual practices astounded her sheltered brain, some of what she saw on the web sites turned her stomach, and other things sent tingles of excitement running through her. Drawing on her pyjamas Jill saw with a smile, that Tim blushed under her gaze as he put on the short sexy nighty and panties again Jill said tentatively as she got into the bed. "Tim can I ask you something?" "Sure?" Tim said nesting in beside her pretty sure about what she wanted to talk about. "Those Femdom sites I was looking at?" "Yes..." he grinned. "What about them?" Uncomfortably Jill shifted about feeling embarrassed and tongue-tied. Tim giggled and said trying to keep his voice level. "If you were the bloke right now? Would there be a big tent in the bed?" Jill blushed and nodded at him. "Well then would you like a little relief?" Tim grinned at her with a playful light in his eyes and said playacting. "Honey, hand relief will cost you one kiss, oral two and both a bloody good snog! I'm cheep and clean good jigi-jigi!" Jill's embarrassment lifted a little as he quickly popped a wet giggling kiss on her nose. Pulling back he added with a blush, that he would love her to be demanding about oral sex because he loved doing it! Jill who had until last night believed that men didn't really like going down on a woman, could only nod through her matching blushes. Tim had started the conversation amused. Now he was feeling as embarrassed and tongue-tied as Jill did. Forcing himself to be open, Tim tried to explain what it was that was so exciting about orally worshipping her. He made a right hash of it but Jill got the message eventually and realised from his puppy dog eyes that all she had to do was ask. "Alright Alice," Jill said in a croaky unsure tone and feeling a little foolish. "I want a bit of that worship!" Tim's smile of delight turned Jill's insides upside down. "My!" she gasped adoring every touch of his hands as with gentle yet eager fingers he eased her pyjama bottoms down her legs. "Oh yes!" Jill sighed as she felt his hands and lips caressing and nuzzling their way back up her body. "Oh Jesus..." she gasped. "This is heaven!" The sensuality of her tone only stimulated Tim to redouble his efforts. He was in heaven! He was wearing a pretty nighty and Jill had just asked him to go down on her. He would have liked her to be a bit more authoritarian, but he didn't have the nerve to ask. Jill felt her first little nerve bomb explode when his tongue briefly found her clitoris. She could almost feel his smile when he backed away from it, knowing what such an act was doing to her. Every movement of his mouth on her, triggered minor explosions eventually setting on a course that had her trashing about the covers, moaning crude exhalations of pleasure. She felt like she had reached different plane of existence and as bright flashes began to go off in front of her eyes she froze. Letting out a little cry as she clamped his face into her sex. It was like an atom bomb igniting in side her when Jill climaxed. With a final shriek of pleasure she flopped back on to the bed panting and muttering semi consciously. Tim could hear her making gentle sated meowing noises as he slowly began to start again. "No!" Jill said weakly pushing him away. "Don't.... I... Let me just enjoy the buzz..." A few seconds' later Tim's head popped up from under the covers and he grinned delightedly when he saw her exhausted dreamy expression. Nearly asleep Jill murmured. "I love you Tim." Feeling elated from having pleased Jill and a little down about not getting his end away Tim cuddled up beside her. Taking a certain amount of submissive enjoyment from the fact that his cock had spent the whole time in a pair of frilly knickers, Tim smiled and kissed the back of her head. Deciding on the edge of sleep that with the night set in the equation he was most definitely up on the evening! Next morning was a repeat of Monday except that Tim was much more smartly dressed. With his hair tied back and wearing a very sharp suit that reeked of being custom-made. Tim, Jill decided looked every inch the high-flying computer expert. As he drove her in to work Jill delighted in the knowledge that under the suit was a pair of violet silky French knickers, which matched her own. Wanting to show Tim off, Jill asked him to park by the river as she liked the walk to the college though the embankment gardens in a morning. Hand in hand they wound their way through the gardens oblivious to any other people around them. Jill could not help but take a good dollop of catty pleasure when her work mates saw her indulging in a very public kiss at the door before she scurried into work. Trying to puzzle out her twisted emotions all day Jill's distraction was noticed and commented about on. Most people in the department seemed pleased for her. She liked seeing one of two of the 'dolly birds' were just green with envy, Sally had informed every body that Tim was worth 'gazillions.' Jill carefully avoided any subtle questions about Tim's financial worth. In truth she could not answer as she did really have a clue, but from what she had seen and he had said, money was not something he worried about. "He does things to computers and has a passport to die for. It's really battered and covered in stamps," was Jill's reply to the few people who persisted. Work for a change felt tedious. The time dragged and when she finally clocked off Jill felt like she had been released from school. With a cheery, "see you in the morning," she was out of the door like a rocket and five minutes later was walking in to the hairdressers. "Hi I'm Jill Wayland. I've got an appointment at 2.15?" she told the girl at the counter who smiled and said. "Oh hello, I'm Sandy, Ms. Wayland. Do you mind if I call you Jill?" "No not at all," Jill said and was swept in to salon like a queen. After a consultation Jill felt like she was put on a production line. She was waxed, massaged, perfumed and prettied before she even reached the stylists chair. Jill had never been to a salon for the full trip and revelled in the shear pampering she was receiving. Tim had been playing again she discovered half way through. When her hairdresser, a nice girl called Wendy said as she started on Jill's hair. "Your partner sounds lovely on the phone. He called and asked if he could charge your treatments to his card as a present," she smiled at Jill in the mirror and continued. "He said you had just got engaged, is that your ring?" After showing off her engagement ring Jill was chattering to Wendy like an old friend. She told her pretty much everything this side of the bedroom door, even how much fun it had been to drag Tim round the shops last Saturday, although she did not mention how much he had enjoyed it. "Wow!" Jill gasped when saw finally saw herself as the finished product. The change to a shorter fringed hairstyle combined with the colour that had been added, knocked a good five or six years off her. Enjoying the narcissism of her own reflection Jill examined how the subtle variations in the makeup had highlighted her good points and camouflaged the bad. She almost leapt out of her skin when Tim's voice gasped. "Jill look at you!" Surprised Jill jumped round feeling a rush of joy at his unexpected appearance and said, "What are you doing here?" Mentioning that as he had got back into town from the meeting with his solicitor friend earlier than he expected, he phoned the salon to see if she was still there. He grinned boyishly and laughed. "As you were. I thought I stop and pick you up." Wendy smiled at the couple and said giving Jill a woman-to-woman look. "I think we'll call that a result Jill." Tim held out her jacket and said, "Shall we my dear?" Giving her a wicked look he added, "Can you get off work for midday tomorrow by any chance?" "Probably," Jill said delighting in the touch of his hands on her body as he helped her in to the jacket. "We can pop up now and find out if you like, Sally should still be about. Why?". Tim grinned even more brightly. "I'm signing for the house and," his grin picked up a bit of a blush as he opened the door for her. "Well? It's well..." Jill kind of enjoyed his embarrassed state. Leading him briskly out to the high street she said, "What are you babbling about?" "You're always wanting proof of commitment," Tim said with a smile, and not wanting to offend her he quickly added, "And I know why. So when I was talking to Nick at lunch time, I thought why not have your name on the deed as well?" Jill stopped abruptly. "You what?" "Home?" Tim said. "It will be joint owned if you want." "You're giving me half the house?" Jill said disbelievingly. "Well yeah..." Tim said. "You're not upset are you?" "Upset!" Jill squawked, before calming her tone when she saw the fearful expression on Tim's face. "Good lord no! Shocked... Yes," Unable to work out what to do Jill did the obvious and threw her arms round him. It was only later when Jill was lay awake in bed that it occurred to her just how bizarre the events of the past two weeks or so had been. Wallowing in that comforting sense of togetherness, which came from having a warm sleeping presence beside her. Jill was little shocked to realise that she had only met the adult Tim 15 days ago, because it felt like he had been there forever. It was as if Tim had simply jumped from little brother's mate to her fianc? and the intervening twenty years had never happened. Almost wanting to wake Tim for another bout of lovemaking, Jill snuggled down beside him and eventually dozed off with one of her hands under his panties resting her fingertips on his bushy pubes. During her treatments at the salon Jill had endured the agony of a bikini wax and she as dozed in and out of a very strange dream, seeing Tim's face yelping in agony on the treatment bench. For once next morning Jill was awake before Tim, and bounced out of bed feeling determined to get him to experience having his pubes waxed like hers! With her mind a whirl with a desire to do the job herself, Jill decided against waking him. When she looked in before she left he looked so cute asleep in his nighty. Making sure that she left a big lipstick mark on his cheek Jill walked up to the bus stop with a spring in her stride. Trying not to let all the complements about her new hairdo go to her head, the morning passed in a blur for Jill. It only seemed like she had been there five minutes when she was buzzed to reception and found Tim chatting to Doctor Sanderson. "Hey love," he called his adoring eyes finding hers before she was even through the door. "Tim!" she mock scolded. "You didn't have to pick me up?" rushing up and giving him a kiss. "It seemed pointless to bring you back again only seconds after you got home," Tim said slipping his arm about her waist in that way Jill was getting to like more and more. Again unable to resist the temptation of showing Tim off, Jill introduced him to the staff she considered friends before she allowed him to guide her to his car. Ninety minutes later they were the proud owners of a house. Tim, Jill realised didn't believe in being patient because he drove straight home and ten minutes later they were waking up to the house with the key. Tim was carrying a rucksack, and Jill was about to ask about its contents when Tim told her that they were meeting a builder and bloke called Bob. Bob was very charming wiry haired, almost classically ugly looking bloke who Jill soon discovered was a fancy architect and a bit barmy. "What's with the earrings?" Was his first blunt question to Tim. "I meant to ask yesterday, but never got the chance?" Tim had expected the question and grinned casually. "It's my attempt at telling Brad Stevens that he has zero chance of tempting me back. With out having a big row and falling out with him, and," Tim held up Jill's hand, which he was holding. "Jill liked the idea." "And this would be Jill?" Bob turned his 100-watt charm on to Jill and his ugly face transformed as he snorted. "Tim's a rude bugger sometimes, he never introduces his few companions," he tipped Jill a roguish smile and said, "Not that he was ever much good with the ladies. Did he tell you that when we were undergraduates I had to chat up the girls for him? "No?" Jill grinned liking this strange-looking bloke who was more than willing to dish the dirt about her lover! Many of the ideas about minimalism and use of space, which Bob jabbered on about, were above not only her head but Tim's as well because he said. "Bob cut the arty crap! Its me Tim the Clutter, and Jill, we're designing for here..." "Oh yeah!" Bob grinned. "Good point..." He pulled a face and said, "Let me guess? Cottage comfortable..." Tim and Jill nodded. "Neither of you have a sense of style or taste!" Bob snorted and then his mobile face twisted in to surprise as he sniffed. "Rustic homely then, still it's got good bones for that. Main part of house is turn of the last century, and the extensions were done with a little consideration to the original style except for the crappy 1980's conservatory, but I'll rip that down when I'm tying in the extensions and design something more in keeping." "My dad never liked it," Tim said with a chuckle as Bob carried on. "Got to say you surprised me Tim, I always thought you'd buy a hobbit hole in the Cotswolds for me to do up. What brought this on then?" Tim grinned at Jill and said, "Rekindled childhood romance, and a touch of fate. I grew up in this house and to see it empty uncared for... " He grinned again and squeezed Jill's hand. "When we were looking for a home." "Ah! Now I'm with you, I forgot you're from round here," Bob nodded. "Okay let's talk colour?" Tim nodded at Jill and said, "What you think love?" At first Jill felt a little overwhelmed, as Bob began to guide her about the house chattering on about how colour and texture mattered. She was talking bathrooms when she noticed Tim was involved in a totally separate conversation with the builder who's only words to her was a Scouse accented. "All right missus!" . Bob was like a sponge, as Jill's explained the vague ideas that she and Tim had jokingly worked out. He didn't write anything down and Jill was later astounded when she saw the designs Half an hour later both Bob and the builder left, leaving Tim and Jill alone. Tim let out a great sigh and said, "At last," and began to root about in his rucksack excitedly tossing a plastic and mesh roll on the floor. With a couple of clicks and a shake the roll converted in to a double camping seat. Chuckling like a loony Tim ignored Jill's bemused. "What are you doing?" and returned to the rucksack. "POP!" Jill shook her head as a half bottle of bubbly appeared in Tim's hands and with a surprised, "thank you," she slipped in to the magically provided chair, and accepted the beaker of bubbling wine he thrust at her. "Here's to us!" Tim toasted, almost ritually pouring a little of his drink on the floor as he whispered in delight to the house. "You can have some to!" Before he took a large slug of his drink. Swept up by his semi serious ritual Jill did the same and spluttering as the bubbles fizzed up her nose said, "Come here and give me a kiss you soppy daft git!" Tim needed no encouragement to oblige and unable to comprehend how happy he felt, almost flew in to Jill's open arm. Deliriously pleased Tim gave her more than one kiss before he said, "What do you want to do tonight? I could book us a table somewhere to celebrate." "No honey," Jill giggled, and plucked up her courage. "I want to stay in and celebrate." There's two more bottle's in the fridge," Tim grinned and said tentatively. "May be even three, if Alice turns up?" Jill could not think of anything to say and kissed Tim again, relishing the sensation of holding him to her. Chuckling happily as their lip's parted Jill said, "Lets go home lover and have some fun. It's half two, what's shall we have for dinner tonight?" "Dunno? What do you fancy?" "You for starters!" Jill giggled looking in his eyes. She liked looking in his eyes they expressed Tim's emotions so clearly to her. "But I'll settle for phone a meal because I really cannot be arsed cooking." Locking the door behind them, Jill and Tim meandered home taking their time each wishing the other would take charge or give a hint. They knew what they wanted to do and they both fought silent internal battles between their embarrassment and ambition. Uncharacteristically it was Jill who broke the first blocks from the wall when she said with her heart in her mouth. "When we get home I want you to strip down to your panties and go to the bedroom." Tim blushed and nodded. Jill possessively patted his bum with her hand as they walked. Loving the proprietary feeling gesture gave her. For most of her life Jill had been the one receiving such gestures, from boyfriends, her ex-husband and now Jill understood, and did it again. Just as they walked through the front door, feeling her excitement mounting as she was telling Tim. "Run along dear. I'll not be long." Shaking with anticipation and embarrassed 'I not doing this am I?' feelings Jill fumbled with the catch on the linen box. Frustrated at her clumsiness she took a steadying breath and then smoothly opened the box. Two seconds later the box was closed and Jill was shakily walking towards the bedroom door. The two plastic bags felt like they were burning her palms as she forced her self to walk in with her kinky bundle of purchases. Jill could feel the sweat breaking out all over her and with legs like rubber she said nervously. "I feel like a teenager sneaking out for her first shag!" "Me to!" Tim grinned, his excitement spoiling the lace decoration on his panties. Telling her self, here we go then! Jill ripped open the second bag and said with a hopeful grin. "Will you undress me, until we match Tim?" Tim swallowed and said feeling like his tongue was made of sandpaper. "Yes." Jill's eyes met his and he could not stop himself from admitting in a horse whisper. "I'd really like it if you dropped the will you, and just ordered me to do it?" Recalling what Helen had said about fantasy's place in sexual pleasure Jill tried to suspend her feelings of foolishness and said, "Undress me Alice." Jill saw the wrapped up box Helen had given her, and felt her excitement raising a little notch with every garment that Tim lovingly removed from her body. In the past even with her ex-husband she had never felt comfortable in anything revealing, let alone being topless or naked. She really surprised herself, when she caught sight of her confident topless reflection in the dressing table mirror. Hopping on to he bed. Jill patted the covers beside her and said, "Come here you topless hussy." Thinking as Tim hopped up beside her. 'I didn't say that did I?' 'Yes', Jill silently acknowledged her self, 'you did' and then she laughed hugging Tim close. "I feel like I'm in wonderland as well, Alice!" Jill laughed and spied the figure hugging leather dress. "What do you think?" she asked holding it against her body giving Tim a loving smile as she giggled. "I'm going to look like a right slut in this, but who cares!" "It's lovely, and not at all what I expected you to get..." Tim breathed looking agog at the array of garments in front of his eyes. "Oh I've a few more surprises yet," Jill giggled, and tapped a painted nail on a leather skirt and boned top. "We'll both look smashing in this one, but for tonight I want you to try this," she held up a French tarts split sided satin skirt. "I got it for you. It will look great with a very pretty but highly translucent blouse that I never wear." Tim was blushing like mad and nodding with an embarrassed joy. This was totally off the wall! This time last week he had been moping about his hotel room, unsure of what his next move would be having met Jill again. Now he was engaged, owned a house and was about to let the girl from his furtive teenage fantasies dress him as a tart! Still speechless with delight and shame about Jill knowing his feminine fantasy Tim dropped his eyes from Jill's and looked at a pair of leather strap things on a loop. "What are these for?" he asked feeling awkward and a little foolish. "I'll show you later!" Jill said with a grin. "But first we have a present to open!" her hands picked up the parcel and she jiggled it against her ear before she split the paper covering with her nail. "Oh wow!" Jill exclaimed discovering inside a set of wrist and ankle cuffs with attached sprung restraint straps. She looked at Tim who looked straight back and then they both giggled as Jill said. "Bags I get you at my mercy first!" With visions of her giving him a bikini wax tied to the bed Jill felt her insides clench and release a worm like glow though her body! With a heady buzz of wanton lust Jill said, "I'm in wonderland, give me a blow job Alice!" Her panties were sopping Tim realised as he reached for them only to have Jill tap him sharply on the nose and say. "Ah. Ah, no hands Alice!" her aroma was overpoweringly attractive and Tim felt a gasp of relief accepting that his desire to have her dress him as a girl, really did appeal to Jill. In that dark part of the mind where fears hid away, Tim had been sure Jill was only humouring his fetish. Wanting to give her memorable orgasm Tim was surprised to hear her begin to moan before he had even got her panties all the way down. Jill's was bathing in a sea of heady sexual bliss to have this lovely man at her beck and call thrilled her. Unaware of the noise she was making Jill thought back to the mousy housewife and protective mother she had been, feeling a real sense of regret about never discovering the delights of sexual pleasure before. Thrashing about the bed in passion Jill half wondered if Simon knew it was his inability to give as well as receive, that had made their physical unions so boring. Perhaps that was why he was a serial adulterer? Jill considered on a tide of up welling bliss before she thought crudely. "Probably not got a good fuck in him anyway," and gave her self to her ardour! Lay on her back panting and recovering, Jill said voicing an unconscious long-held wish. "Will you let me watch you wanking?" she had always wanted to see it from a spectator's point of view. Her only experiences of doing it to a bloke were from teenaged fumbling around in cars and at the cinema before she met Simon. Tim could see the curiosity burning in her half sated face and he nodded feeling her juices slowly drying on his face making his skin tingle feeling taught and stretched. Feeling like his knob was going to burst Tim blushed and ran his hands down his body slowly and teasingly. Quickly starting to feel an strange almost exhibitionist streak filling him Tim began to tease and stroke the rigid flesh under his silken panties. Jill's total absorption in his activities chilled and thrilled him. It was so embarrassing to be jerking off in front of her. Yet on the other hand it was also the most exciting thing he had ever done in his life. He had been that excited to begin with it did not take very long for Tim to reach the point of no return and with a gasping cry of, "I'm coming!" he felt the mind-blowing relief of a realising all his repressed sexual arousal. Jill grinned in delight as she saw Tim's hand working on his cock. In her youth she had seen it on a video, she had felt it happen inside her and Jill wanted to cheer when at long last, she got to see it happen in front of her. Jill loved how his body shuddered before he began to spew cum in to his panties. With erotic thoughts of her red nails doing the deed with him bound to the bed after she waxed his bikini line. Jill decided she would have to get him to show her how to do it properly! Full of confidence and brimming with erotic thoughts Jill told Tim to hit the shower, and the moment she heard the patter of the water she glanced at the clock astonished at how late it already was and went to order a Chinese. Unsure of how to proceed, Jill cast caution to the wind and a couple of minutes later joined Tim under the streaming water. With out needing any direction Tim grinned at her presence and began to create a mass of bubbly foam on her body. Jill closed her eyes and enjoyed a hedonistic moment of pure indulgence, before she kicked herself back in to gear. "Out you get honey," Jill breathed into Tim's ear, teasing her tongue over his ear studs. "And once you're moisturised and ready. I want you to put on your basque stockings and tight knickers on then wait at my dressing table. Tim felt his heart going thump, thump in his chest as he blushed and yelped an embarrassed. "Yes Jill." Jill chuckled and playfully spanked his bum as he stepped out. She gave Tim five minutes to sort himself out and then stepped out of the shower. When she reached her bedroom she was happy to see Tim looking delightfully feminine, sat on the end of the bed struggling with his suspender tabs. "Let me!" Jill sighed happily as she dashed over and dropped to her knees beside him. Pushing his hands away Jill quickly fasted the two tabs and then got Tim to help her dress in her basque and panties. Once they were both dressed in matching 2 inch heel mules and satin dressing gowns Jill sat Tim at her dressing table and said, covering her hair with a plastic hood, so it did not dry out. "Tonight I really fancy a girly night with Alice," Jill giggled. "We can do each others hair and makeup and, " she felt a faint blush run over her face as she finished with in a horse embarrassed tone. "Then I really fancy a night of mad passionate lesbian lovemaking with my sexy girlfriend!" The look in Tim's eyes when he spoke thrilled her to the core. "I... I'd really like that." His tone was so open and trusting that Jill felt like she was going to explode again as she began to wield her setting lotion, rollers and brush. Taking her time and demonstrating her every movement Jill explained the basics of putting hair on to rollers before she swapped places with Tim and let him lose on her hair. Almost on cue the front doorbell rang and as Jill collected the dinner Tim opened a bottle of Champaign and poured two glasses. "It's a lovely evening! Lets eat outside." "But?" Tim said giving Jill that scared kitten look she just loved to see on his face. "What if someone sees me?" "All they will see is two girls getting ready for a night out..." Jill said patiently. "But if you're really worried. Just pad the boobs of your basque out," she laughed and threw him the bag of cotton wool balls she had picked up for this purpose the day before. "Use this and all anyone will look at is your legs, tits and rollers!" Jill grinned at him again. "Trust me I've been a girl a long time!" Her infectious humour calmed Tim nerves about leaving the sanctuary of the house, as did the first bottle of bubbly which was rapidly consumed. By the time they had finished eating at about seven Tim was feeling very mellow and relaxed. With a sly glint that Tim immediately saw in her eye Jill giggled. "Go and wash up pretty Alice," Tim could read the excitement in her face as she giggled. "I'm going to try my new dress and fix my face. When you're done come on up and I'll get you dressed up. Oh and while I remember, don't make any plans for the weekend." Jill saw Tim's face fall as he said, "Shit! I was going to take you to meet Mary Stevens on Saturday. She's invited us to tea and gave me a right ear bending about accepting no excuses?" "Bugger!" Jill exclaimed. "I was going to give you some nails for the weekend but the glue only comes off after 48 hours. Ah well, there's no point in crying over spilt milk and we'd best get it out-of-the-way now," she gave Tim a sexy look and caressed his now filled bust. "Before I really get you looking pretty!" The turmoil her words ignited inside her mind both chilled and thrilled Jill and she wished she could talk to someone about her twisted emotions. The sexual kick she was getting out of getting Tim playing the feminine roll sometimes frightened her with it's intensity. It was like her discovery that Tim's dressing was more than a childhood fad had been the key that had unlocked a part of her mind. Displaying a set of contents that the Jill of a week ago would never have believed resided in her sexual nature! Wishing she could talk to someone who wouldn't think she was potty, Jill began to work on her face. Tim washed up feeling like he was in one of the stories he had liked to read on the Internet. Taking an inordinate amount of pleasure from clearing up, the kitchen was spotless when he picked up the three quarter full bottle and walked up to the bedroom. Jill looked stunning in the short revealing leather dress and boots. The dress did nothing to hide her charms and displayed her body to perfection. She had done her face dramatically, with lots of heavy eye shadow and glistening red lips. Letting out an appreciative gasp Tim grinned at her and laughed. "My god!" Jill could not believe what she was doing when she strutted up to him like a streetwalker and said with a smile. "I don't look too much of a slut, do I?" "Yes you do..." Tim croaked. "And it really suits you!" "Suits me?" Jill giggled. "Just wait until I get though with you, my girly!" Like with the rolling up his hair, Jill explained every thing she did as she made up Tim's face and removed the curlers. Tim tried to follow what she was doing but kept getting distracted by the very slutty looking face that was being created in the mirror. Tim loved the sensations he felt, as Jill gave him a flawless complexion, seductive eyes and inviting fuller looking lips. The three coats of mascara made his eyelashes feel wonderful! So much so that Tim could not stopping him self from fluttering his eyes at Jill, just to watch his dark heavy lashes flicker on the edge of his vision. Going for a less dramatic but equally seductive look for Tim, Jill grinned at his elated expression. Liking how the two glittering hair slides matched his eyes perfectly Jill gave a nod of satisfaction before she grinned. "Let's get your dressed so you can get on with my hair, my pretty Alice." Just like Jill had hoped the blouse was a little small and fitted Tim tightly across his padded breasts. Its shimmering pink material displayed clearly the outline of the basque beneath and she just loved how she got tantalising glimpses of his lacy stocking tops through the spilt in his skirt! Chortling rapturously. "You look scrumptious Alice," Jill felt like she was in orbit as she reached for his new heels. Tim felt like his cock was trapped in a relentless battle with the tight panties. A battle that only raged harder as Jill helped him step into the tight satin skirt. The feeling of the tight slinky skirt against his legs until it met the side split just bellow his stocking top was awesome and Tim almost came there and then. With loving care Jill smoothed a pair of high heels on to Tim's feet and then held up the leather straps Tim had asked about earlier. "You mentioned these?" Jill giggled. "Well they go like this," she hooked the loop under the instep of the heel of Tim's shoe and said, "Then this goes round the ankle like so, and then," Jill hooked the ankle strap through the end if the instep loop and quickly slipped one of the glittering locks through the end. "Click!" Jill relished the sound. She grinned up at him. "It means poor old Alice is stuck in her heels and stockings until I say so!" Jumping to her feet Jill said with a grin and held out her hands. "Up you get Alice, lets see how you get on in a pair of 'come fuck me' heels!" Tim felt like he was on stilts during his first tentative steps, and almost broke his ankle as Jill caressed the unfeminine lump that marred the contour of his skirt. "I'll have to think about a way of hiding this little baby as well!" she mused before she demanded bossily that Tim ceased hobbling! "Toe, heel, toe, heel!" Jill advised calling. "Shorter steps, and swing those hips," Keeping up her encouragement as Tim went from being really unsteady on his raised heels, to just about being able to manage them before she laughed. "What about my hair honey?" It was harder than Tim expected, Jill had made unrolling his hair look very easy. The concentration it took to keep his balance and do Jill's hair to her satisfaction distracted him from his feet screaming out about from the unaccustomed heels. Even so Tim felt that it was a delicious aching by the time she was happy. Chuckling like a dervish, Jill stuck a smooching CD of love songs on the player and said with a mischievous and appreciative look at his very good legs and sexy ankles. "Let's dance!" It was fun for half an hour but then Tim feet really rebelled and pleading thirst, he walked almost smoothly to his glass, feeling like his feet were on fire. Hearing but not really listening to Jill's eagerly called instructions as he slipped in to a seat. Only to be pulled upright a moment later and told to follow her instructions and learn to sit down properly. "Any thing to rest my feet," Tim giggled enjoying being taught to move in a feminine way as he stood. Like a dance tutor Jill laughed "From the top," before demonstrating how he should face away from the chair smoothing the back of his skirt as he gracefully sat. "Cross your legs," Jill giggled as Tim matched her actions. "Link your hands, palms out at the end of your knee and flutter those eyelashes at your lover!" Her next series of instructions we're about holding a glass, and drinking his Champaign and Tim almost groaned when Jill said, "Rested enough yet honey? I want to dance some more." The feel of the clothes, his face, his hair, and Jill's attitude to him was setting fireworks off all over his body. The sensation of his skirt and his heels when Jill twirled him under her raised arm before sweeping him back in to her grasp, made him want to pinch himself to prove he was not dreaming. By the end of the second dance and after three hours wearing them, Tim was pleading with Jill to let him take his heels off! Finally after she had made him demonstrate everything she had taught him about walking, sitting and standing Jill relented and undid the two locks. With a silly grin on her face Jill dropped the three spare keys in to a long envelope and left a large red lipstick mark over the flap, which she then signed. Holding the envelope up she placed it in the draw under the telephone and said, "If you ever need the keys? Now you know where they are." Tim nodded and massaged his feet in relief. The black strappy heels may have looked pretty and done wonders for his legs but they were torture to wear. Jill giggled saying, "Putting you in them first time out was a little cruel but I think you liked them." "Yes," Tim blushed and nodded. "They felt really nice -at first." With the amount of Champaign they had drunk during the afternoon and evening Jill's inhibitions were well suppressed and feeling suddenly shameless she demanded. "Alice, worship me!" Buzzing with a heady feeling of confidence as she sat back in to the settee and lewdly spread her legs. Tim was in heaven! Especially when Jill added with a lusty chuckle. "If you muss your face? I expect you to repair it and don't be afraid to ask for help, but I want you to do it yourself okay?" Tim was nodding when she added firmly. "Now get on with my pleasure!" "Oh yes my lady!" Tim giggled as he slipped on to his knees in front of her. Jill took a little more notice this time. Trying to understand just what Tim was doing with his lips and tongue, and why it felt so good! Even so Jill still felt the sensation of being a step out of phase when Tim ministrations eventually reached their conclusion. Instead of being wiped out by her orgasm Jill became energised and with a roaring in her ears said cried hoarsely. "Skirt up knickers down." And began to paw at Tim's stocking covered legs. Tim exploded not long after Jill's mouth came in to contact with his realised manhood and felt bitterly disappointed. Until Jill thrust her mouth over his and expelled the contents down his neck whispering as she lifted her mouth. "That should slow you down next time!" Time stood still for a while as the couple just clung together on the rolling about the floor bathing in the post orgasmic afterglow. Reluctantly Tim broke the embrace first, and said in a whisper filled with love. "I don't know what it is that you do to me Jill, -but hope it continues for ever!" Then he giggled lightly, and said, "Look's like we have a voyeur." Startled Jill rolled over and looked at the window, then noticed Ringo sat on the chair looking at them curiously, as Tim struggled stiffly to his feet. "Make sure you sit to pee Alice!" Jill giggled as Tim headed towards the toilet. Again feeling energised rather than exhausted by their activities, Jill grabbed her bag and quickly repaired as much of the damage to her face as she could. Getting finished just in time to be sat quite casually, sipping the last of her now flat wine and able to fully appreciate the amazed gasp that Tim let out. "Wow what happened to the spaced out sated tart?" he laughed and offered to open the last bottle of wine. "No thanks love. A coffee would be nice, but you have a little task to perform first! Remember our comment about being girls sneaking out for our first shag? Well now you've got to get home again Alice," Jill handed her handbag over, "and your curfew is in thirty minutes!" With Jill's help and encouragement, Tim made a right mess of his face, but Jill judged it a good first attempt and as she cleaned it all off she giggled. "I never went for an elaborate face," and told him all about when she used to go to parties with out telling her dad how she had kept her face simple to repair afterwards. After she had redone his makeup for him Jill patted his skirted bum and said, "Go put on the coffee Alice, I've got an idea," and dashed up stairs. Handing Tim his lower heels, and a handbag when he returned Jill giggled. "Slip these shoes on Alice, we can go for a walk to the post box at the end of the road!" Jill might have giggled and almost phrased it as a question but her body language told Tim that she wanted him to agree. It was he realised, another one of those trust tests that Jill seemed to need from him. Tim felt really scared, but with Jill tipsy encouragement he slipped on her knee length trench coat. Hanging the handbag, which Jill had given him for effect over his shoulder and petrified by the world beyond the house Tim had to force him self from the front door. "Head up shoulders back! You know how to walk Alice!" Jill teacherishly teased as she guided him out of the house. "Remember what I've taught you Alice and we'll be fine," Jill whispered linking their arms like women do when walking. "And anyway it's dark, a good hour off closing time, so conditions are perfect for your first experience of outdoor femininity." Next morning at work when Jill was able to reflect on her decision, she was amazed by how insistent she had been, and how much trust Tim had shown in accompanying her on that short walk. He must have been scared to death Jill realised and then grinned at her reflection in the window, it was a naughty smile of recollection. The sex that began the moment they got back to the house had been pretty mind-blowing and exhausting for both. Even so the enormity of what she had got Tim to do for her was scary and desperately needing to talk to someone about it, Jill called Helen. Jill could not have picked a better time to call, as Helen was just shutting the shop for her Thursday afternoon half day and was getting her hair done at the salon Jill had visited on the Tuesday. Knowing that Tim was busy all afternoon tying up the lose ends from the job he had just completed -like getting paid more than she earned a year, in bonuses! Feeling relieved Jill arranged to meet Helen at four in a fancy coffee bar she had often walked past but never entered. "Over here Jill?" helen called as she walked through the door. Jill smiled in relief she had not recognised any of the drinks on the menu outside and gratefully joined Helen. Who said with a smile of welcome, "what can I get you?" "A coffee?" Jill smiled. "Nothing fancy, just a plain white coffee please." Helen rattled off an order to the hovering staff and said, "Well what can I do for you then, you sounded a little fraught on the phone?" Stunned at what she was doing Jill told Helen pretty much everything that had happened. From their almost sibling like relationship as children, though how they lost contact and then on to meeting again two weeks earlier, before she moved on the more intimate information. Helen smiled kindly as Jill blushed her way though her tale and said with a tender pat on Jill hand. "He made his fortune and then came home for you, how romantic! You lucky thing!" she grinned. "He sounds lovely, but I still cannot see what your problem is? Most girls who come in my shop would give their right arms for a lover like yours!" "Well?" Jill blushed, and tried to explain how she first discovered Tim's cross dressing as a child and how over the last week she kept pushing him further along. "When you go to far honey," helen said. "He'll tell you and you'll have to respect his right to say no mind," adding with a sly grin. " Most of the time!" Jill nodded and said, "I've got this thing about us matching, panties earrings and the like?" "If he doesn't mind, where's the problem," giggled Helen astonished by Jill's naivety. "Unless you're alarmed because he sounds to me like a pretty typical tranny who's just discovered that his girlfriend likes the idea," she gave Jill a sisterly smile and added, "An awful lot of what just said then reminded me of what I told my best friend not long after I found out about Steve's dressing!" "Oh!" Jill said with a smiled of her own realising all of a sudden that Helen knew how she felt "I like Tim in a dress..." Jill blushed and giggled feeling embarrassed about commenting intimately. "He gives me better orgasms as Alice!" "Good isn't it!" helen agreed, seeing that Jill was still worried about something and said, "And?" "Well? I got a bikini wax the other day and," Jill blushed brightly. "I really want to give him one too, so we match again?" "Get a kit from Boots!" helen laughed. "I once dyed Stevie's pubes pink." "You can do such waxing yourself?" Jill gasped. "Sure, you can do most things at home these days, you just make sure you get the sensitive stuff and take a little care," helen advised recognising at last that Jill's problem was mainly down her sense of being overwhelmed by all the strange idea's she had been having lately. "Best thing you can do is start to think about your emotions in context, and after a day or so you'll see that you are much more likely to kill some one than graft a pair of tits on to Tim, or," helen giggled, "Alice..." "How did you know what I was calling him?" Jill demanded. "You told me a couple of minutes ago when you were trying to explain how you were forcing him along," helen giggled, "and let me tell you now. Just in case you had not worked it out. You are probably making Tim feel like all his private dreams have come true!" she grinned at Jill confidently and added, "I still cannot see your problem though?" Jill half laughed. "May be there isn't one? It could just be my paranoia about how Simon left me reflecting on my relationship with Tim. I'm one hundred percent sure that he would never stray, but I keep needing to reassure myself. Hence, the toes, shaved legs, pierced ears and panties. "Simon's your ex-husband right?" helen asked. "Yeah," Jill nodded and told the whole sorry story, even telling Helen about Kelly without getting overly emotional. Helen listened quietly, thinking, "you poor sod," and handing over a tissue or two as required. When Jill finally finished her tale Helen said with a friendly and sympathetic smile. "I'll say you're about due for some good luck Jill and with the bloke you've landed yourself. I'd say you were reaping the rewards of that luck in spades." With Helen's confident assessment ringing in her ears that there was nothing really wrong or unusual about her life. If you can call having a cross-dressing partner normal Jill walked home feeling much better about her self. Jill was a little miffed to see that his car was still not back, as she approached the house. Getting in she saw the answer phone was flashing like mad and feeling a tendril of fear crawling up her spine Jill pressed the button. "Hiya, my love." Tim's voice sounded thin and squeaky on replay. "We've been invited out to dinner tonight so get dressed up and I'll be back for seven to get you. It's nothing fancy, just dinner with the Health Authority IT director and his wife. Sorry to drop this on you, but I couldn't really say no, what with everything." "Shit!" Jill cursed looking at the clock. "Five-thirty." She didn't have much time and dashed off to get ready. "Hey babe!" Tim called from the door giving her a look of appreciation that Jill basked in. "You look beautiful." "Tim!" Jill exclaimed jumping to her feet. "I didn't hear you get back," and rushed up for a kiss. Feeling nervous and apprehensive, Jill wondered what she was doing as she slid from Tim's car outside a very posh looking restaurant. She was just a lowly fancy titled filling clerk and was not supposed to mix with the sort of people who ate in places like this! In the end Jill wondered why she had made such a big thing about it, as the evening was lovely. Nick and Emma the couple they were dining with were very friendly and excellent company never once giving Jill the impression that they thought any less of her than they did Tim when she told them what she did. Tim, Jill was surprised to find out was hiding a doctorate degree under his shirt and almost gave him a mouthful when the restaurant manager addressed him a Doctor Collins. Driving back Jill chuckled about her initial fears before giving Tim a joking chewing out about not mentioning that he had a PhD. "Well," Tim spluttered, sensing that Jill was joking but still surprised at her vociferous tone. "I'm not pretentious enough to have it on my bank cards and passport or anything," he shrugged, "I only ever use it professionally and try to forget about it the rest. Sorry I guess I should have said but it never occurred to me..." "Well it should!" Jill laughed. "But I'll forgive you this once, if you're very nice to me when we get home." "Oh I will be!" Tim growled. "I wanted to throw you on the bed and ravish you when I picked you up earlier!" "Thank god it Friday," Jill groaned when she crawled out of bed next morning. She felt absolutely exhausted and really did not want to go to work after another late night. Tim, Jill was disgusted to see was full of energy and raring to go. Feeling a low-grade headache from a week of late nights she listlessly nibbled at her breakfast. "You alright love?" Tim asked finally noticing that Jill was not quite woken up. "Just tired," she said giving him a warm smile, "you've worn me out and I need an early night!" Tim grinned seductively and waggled his eyebrows at her, which brought a silly smile to Jill's face as she playfully punched him. "Not that sort of early night!" Tim giggled. "Perhaps Alice can change your mind later, but for now I guess I'd best get you work." "Might be a good idea," Jill agreed as she began to sort herself out. Chatting about what the day held for them they strolled out hand in hand. Fifteen minutes later Tim dropped Jill off at work and then went to see the builder. As it was a Friday Jill was finished work for the week at one thirty as was her habit she got off the bus a stop early and went to the little supermarket cum newsagents. As well as the usual milk and cat food, this week she also stocked up on wine before getting interrogated by the woman behind the counter. The woman and her family had run the shop for years and her eagle eyes had spotted Jill driving past in Tim's distinctive slate grey car. Now seeing the ring on Jill's finger she wanted to know all about the new man in her life. "Well you knew him as a boy yourself. It's my brothers best mate from school, Tim Collins he had a paper round," Jill laughed and gave her a very edited version of the week's events as recognition filled the woman's eyes. Eventually escaping Jill meandered home unconsciously taking the route she followed the previous week. Perhaps she wanted to look at the house, Jill wondered when she realised where her feet had taken her. "Good lord!" Jill gasped as she saw the house. Only days after buying it Tim already had a builder's wagon and large rubbish skip parked outside. From the upstairs front window there was a long tube along which rumbled a frightening flow of rubble. Wondering what was going on Jill hurried up to the door and called over the racket. "Hello?" The banging ceased and a hard hated head appeared round the door and a Liverpool accented voice said, "Yerz cannot come in 'ere love, we out an 'ard 'at!" Then he suddenly smiled with recognition breaking over his face and said handing her his hat. "Alright's there Missus Collins. It's me Sam we met briefly on Wednesday. What can I do for you?" "Nothing," Jill said shaking her head liking the Missus Collins bit. "I was just walking past and got curious. You're here awfully fast?" "Youze two are payin' and these lads," he stubbed his thumb over his shoulder, "don't get paid unless they're workin'." "Oh!" Jill said still not that much wiser handing Sam his hat back. "Well thank you." And walked off amazed at Tim's eagerness to get things moving. Tim was just getting back when she walked up and Jill felt her heart rate picking up as he turned a sunny 1000-watt smile in her direction and scurried up. Immediately relieving her of the two shopping bags and trying to kiss her at the same time he laughed. "Hiya love!" Playfully Jill swatted him away and after kissing him back said with a beaming but tired grin. "Thank god it's Friday!" Walking in she was assailed by the scent of roasting meat, which set her mouth watering as she collapsed into the comfy chair. "Oh!" Tim called over the clinking of bottles. "You got some plonk, I just went out for some as well, want a brew or something stronger." "Tea please," Jill called slipping her shoes off looking about the room. She could tell he had been for most of the day because the coffee table was piled with papers and she could hear an electronic whirring coming from the dining room. "Been working?" she called reading without understanding the cover on one of the technical manuals on the table. "Yeah..." she heard his laugh echoing about the kitchen. "I've let things get a little behind this week." "Well I'm too knackered to want to do anything tonight love, so if you want to crack on it's fine by me. What's for dinner?" "Lamb," Tim said and asked changing the subject completely. "Jill you drive, don't you," as he walked in and handed her a mug. "Yeah," Jill nodded. "Great!" Tim grinned boyishly. "I want to have a little fun with Mike Stevens tomorrow, so if the weathers any good I'm borrowing us one of Bob's bikes to go on and you'll have to drive the Volvo back." "What a motorbike?" Jill said. "Yeah," Tim grinned. "You'll make a smashing bikers moll, and as Mary said it's casual, it will drive her potty when we turn up with lids and leathers!" "Erm..." Jill went white. "I've never been on a bike before." Tim gave her a sly grin and said, "Trust me you'll love it." Jill didn't even know Tim could ride a motorbike and over dinner heard how Bob had convinced him to learn as an undergraduate on the pretext that it was much cheaper than running a car. Comfortably vegged out, with a full stomach Jill spent as much of the night watching Tim as she did the telly. Loving how his expression changed as he worked his way through his pile of paperwork, as he went from things that stimulated him to others that bored him. Jill enjoyed the silent companionship and felt completely comfortable even though for once Tim was totally engrossed in something other than her. By eleven Jill was half asleep and asked. "You going to be much longer lover?" "Hour, hour and a half mebbie..." Tim said distractedly, before he caught her tone and asked with a giggle. "Want me to put you to bed Milady?" "Ummm! Yes," Jill sighed. "That would be lovely." There was something so decadent about having someone undress her and Jill felt herself brimming with happiness as he tenderly tucked her in. She could feel though the loving kiss Tim gave her before he went back to his paperwork that he felt really reluctant to leave her and Jill had to laugh. "Get on with your work Tim." Her tone took on a sleepy but anticipatory lilt as she added, "Otherwise you'll be busy when I want my pleasure," and delighted in his final and very ardent kiss before he slipped away. Vaguely aware of the chatter of a printer bellow her and missing his presence in the bed Jill did not know what time he joined her but she was still awake enough to murmur contentedly when she became aware of him getting into bed beside her. Next morning Jill knew she had overslept when she sensed the bright summer sunshine streaming through the cracks in the curtains. Cracking open her sleep dried eyes she became aware of the silence in the house and stifled a shiver. Croaking. "Tim?" she was about to call again when she noticed a sheet of paper blue tacked to the end of the bed. "Gone to get bike, Bob had to come into town today so I've hitched a lift with him. Be back for lunchtime, Love you Tim." Able to tell herself not to be so stupid, Jill missed having her breakfast in bed and after lolling around for a while she got up. Horrified that it was past eleven Jill was just coming out of the shower when she heard the muted throb of an engine stopping outside the window. Tim she guessed had been spending as he lifted a couple of bags off the seat of the bike and a second crash helmet. Enjoying his leather-clad form Jill felt a wave of reassurance that she did fancy him as much in proper bloke mode as she did as Alice, and dashed down stairs half-naked to let him in. "Your up then!" he laughed after accepting and giving her a huge good morning kiss. Strangely Jill noticed he had not shaved, and what little facial hair he had tickled her lips as they kissed. "What's with the fur? You know I dislike fur..." Tim grinned and said, "Me to, but today it's to make a point with Brad and more importantly Mary." "Oh!" Jill laughed and said mock sternly, "I want it gone the moment we get home!" "Done milady!" Tim laughed and then looked at her with a mock angry look. "You eaten yet?" Jill shook her head. With a grin Tim handed her the bags and said, "Go try that lot on love," and winked lewdly. "With your black boots... Trust me you'll love the look." Jill felt very exposed wearing the tight leather jeans and Triumph motorcycles tee shirt until she put the heavy jacket on. Then she loved it, she also liked Tim's expression when she walked in. That was good too! Jill laughed to her self as she spun in front of him and said knowing she looked really good. "Well?" "Fantastic!" Tim exclaimed and handed her the helmet. "Try this on will you?" Jill felt foolish wearing the helmet in the house and would have commented if she had not seen how carefully Tim was checking the fit the helmet and adjusting the body armour in the leathers. Seeing her expression Tim said with a muted smile. "At sixty miles an hour all that's between you and a long stay in hospital is what you're wearing. It's got to fit right..." Fussing with a few last-minute adjustments Tim finally allowed her to remove the jacket and helmet and have some breakfast. Since they were only going about forty miles Jill was surprised when Tim ushered her form the house a good four hours before they were due at the Stevens. At first it was absolutely terrifying and she spent most of the first twenty minutes with her eyes shut and her arms clamped about Tim's waist. Once they were out of the town traffic the fell away and the ride got smoother allowing Jill to relax and then start to enjoy the sensation. Revelling in the sensation of speed as Tim went in the opposite direction to where they were going. Following the course of the river, after about an hour Tim pulled up at a small caf? and asked. "Enjoy that?" Red faced and stimulated Jill nodded exclaiming about how fast they had been going as they drank their tea. "Never went over forty..." Tim grinned. "But now you've got your balance I'll use the advantages of a bike a little more. If you get scared just bang your hand on my chest and I'll cool it," he grin turned very boyish as he said, "These 1600 Thunderbirds will pull over 150 if I was stupid enough to want to go that fast." The ride through the Down's was fantastic and Jill saw the world in a totally different way by the time they were nearing the Stevens home. Jill's shiny new leathers and helmet were a little bug splattered and with the dust off he road no longer looked quite as pristine as they had been. "Ready for the loins den?" Tim shouted over his shoulder as he indicated right and smoothly lent the bike into the wide drive that led up to a huge house that was barely visible from the entrance. Jill felt a tinge of anxiety at Tim joking remark and if she had not been able to feel his rumbling laugh though her hands she would have got worried and nervous. Knowing what to do Jill waited until Tim had stopped the bike and supported it before she dismounted and it was the creak of her leathers that perked her up. Jill liked wearing leather, its texture on her skin, the sound it made, and most importantly how it made her feel. Buoyed up Jill turned towards the well-dressed older woman who was stood at the door and removed her helmet shaking her shoulder length hair lose. "Timmy!" The woman cried in recognition as Tim removed his helmet and casually hung it on the handlebars freeing his hair from the ponytail he had tied it back into. "Hi Mrs. Stevens. Come and meet Jill," he called cheerfully as he took Jill's unresisting hand and led her up to the woman. "How many time's do I have to tell you, my name is Mary." She chuckled, although her humour did not reach her eyes, which were fixed upon Jill and giving her a very assessing once over. Jill felt a little intimidated by this small bird like woman with glittering intelligent eyes and said holding out her hand. "Hello, I'm Jill." Mary took her hand and the smile reached her eyes as they shook hands. Then with shocking bluntness Mary turned on Tim and gave him a right roasting about not letting on to her that he had a young lady. Tim stood there taking the roasting for a moment or two and then wrapped his arms about Mary and slapped a kiss on her cheek laughing. "You're just a nosey busybody Mrs. Stevens." "Tim! What has happened to you?" she exclaimed as Tim let her go. Jill saw her eyes widen as she caught sight of gold glittering behind his hair. With a familiarity that surprised Jill Mary, lifted her hands to Tim's hair and pushed it away looking at the studs in his ears. "Nothing why?" Tim said, and for the first time Jill noticed that the mid Atlantic twang his accent had picked up was starting to fade. Liking how being back in his home-town had allowed his natural accent to recover as he said dryly. "Well other than being in love." "Oh dear!" Mary said with a frown running over her expressive face. "You've reverted and gone all English on us again!" Jill was about to take umbrage at Mary's tone when she threw back her head and laughed. "Brad is going to be really pissed! He in his study go and see him while I get to know your lovely fianc?e." Wondering what the hell was going on, Jill had to stifle back a feeling of anxiety when Tim left her in the massive hallway that was easily the size of her house! Mary Jill soon discovered was inordinately nosey, and before long had pried her reserve open. Unable to dislike this strange woman but still cautious Jill eventually explained that she had known Tim since he was a toddler at nursery school with her brother and before she knew it had even realised was telling her all about her failed marriage and Kelly. Mary was very sympathetic and after about an hour Jill wondered why she had felt so apprehensive at first? Mary was also a font of information about Tim's life in the States, and had her giggling on more than one occasion as she described how reserved and shy Tim had been when he first moved out there. Tim's meeting with his ex-boss had obviously been a bit heated because Jill could sense his frustration when he joined them accompanied by a tall-distinguished looking man. Who although very polite obviously saw her as the reason why he could not tempt Tim back in to the corporate fold. Although from what Jill she could tell from his conversation Brad seemed to spend his life ether working or on the golf course and seemed incapable of understanding that Tim really did not want to follow the same course. Enjoying the afternoon, Jill did not miss the non-verbal interaction between Mary and her husband when he looked at her and faintly shook his head. Neither did she miss the 'told you so' look that Mary flashed back or the aura of approval that she was giving Jill. Tim, Jill knew was very good at hiding his feelings when he had to, and she doubted that their hosts could have been able to notice his simmering anger. It was little things like the way he held his body and played the slightly dazed Brit to the hilt that told her all she needed to know. Mike had obviously waved a mega position in front of Tim and had him turn it down flat. Tim's annoyance about Mike's assumption that with enough money waved at him, he would return to the company did not really show until they were riding back home. Jill after three hours on the bike that day felt confident enough to enjoy the ride home until she glanced over Tim's shoulder and saw the speedo flickering about the 100mph marker.... Then she got very nervous, until she realised that he was unlikely to do anything stupid with her on the back and started to enjoy the sensation of the bike leaning in to the twisty bends as Tim took the back way from their home. Knowing that Tim was still wound up by the way he slumped into the kitchen chair as she for once beat him to the kettle. Jill felt with sudden certainty that she knew what would sort him out and said leaning against the sink with a smile playing on her lips.. "Go and get rid of that awful fur on your face and take a long bath with lots of my bath oil, but don't touch your hair," she giggled and added, "Because I've got a surprise for you!" "Okay..." Tim said still sounding down, so Jill slipped on to his lap and wrapped her arms about his neck giving him a long lingering kiss. "Tonight honey," she crooned. "I'm going to pamper you like you've never been pampered before!" On following Friday as she left work with a spring in her step, and surprise from Helen's shop in her bag. Anyone seeing her from the houses she passed would not have guessed that the smiling woman walking home was the same sad and forlorn woman who had passed their windows just four weeks earlier. Trish 2019.

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Lifeguard 6

I was still hard of course. I proceeded to flip her over the arm of the couch and pushed my tongue straight into her anus sending another jolt through her body. I learned later nobody had ever done that to her. I spat on her anus (actually, she was so lubed up from her vaginal flow her butt was already slick) and slowly pushed my cock into her back canal. I found out later she had never allowed anyone to do that to her before.She knew immediately she’d really been missing out. Within a minute...

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Lifeguard 7

Lifeguard 6Jill was shivering even on a warm summer night. Once Alex had Jill’s clothes off, he turned her slowly around so that now they were both facing his parents, Jill in front, Alex in back. Alex reached around and began to slowly rub her breasts with both hands. Her nipples hardened and extended as far as they could. Her nipples ached. She moaned. He kept one hand on her breast, then slid the other one into her wet pussy and moved his cock so it was sliding up and down the crack of her...

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Lifeguard 8 Group Mom Dad Son new GF

Lifeguard 7 RecapSlowly but surely, Alex started rolling onto his back pulling Jill along with him. She could barely control her legs, they were like rubber, and so they splayed on either side of Alex’s thin strong body. When he was finally fully on his back, he was also fully inside Jill’s ass so once he was fully inside of her she started cumming. Not like she’d come before, something totally different. Something totally… divine.She kept cumming and cumming, and along the way, Alex did too....

Group Sex
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Lifeguard 9 All Together Now

Lifeguard 8 RecapFriday morning Alex was shaken out of bed with a, “Get up, sleepy-head. We’re leaving to go to Derek and Belle’s in thirty minutes.”Alex jumped into the shower, packed a small bag of clothes, headed downstairs, grabbed a water bottle and some snacks and headed for the garage. He was the last one in the car. When he jumped in he saw his sister Ashley for the first time. He’d totally forgotten that his sister was joining them for the weekend. Ashley was twenty-four, so being six...

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Lifeguard 10 Here Cums Jill

Lifeguard 9 RecapAlex was poolside with Caley languishing in a kiss, lips locked for the longest time. Their combined hardons were only partly slowing them down. Ashley came over and grabbed Caley away from Alex and started to ravish her, paying particular attention to her penis. Caley’s mother Belle came over and did the same thing to Alex. Fay walked out of the pool and kneeled down, then started kissing Belle as Alex started kissing Belle’s lovely boobs and slid his cock between her legs....

4 years ago
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Lifeguard 8 Group Mom Dad Son new GF

Lifeguard 7 RecapSlowly but surely, Alex started rolling onto his back pulling Jill along with him. She could barely control her legs, they were like rubber, and so they splayed on either side of Alex’s thin strong body. When he was finally fully on his back, he was also fully inside Jill’s ass so once he was fully inside of her she started cumming. Not like she’d come before, something totally different. Something totally… divine.She kept cumming and cumming, and along the way, Alex did too....

2 years ago
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One moment, you are in bed, and the next, you are standing in your underwear outside a gate which seems to be the entrance to a park. A man in a white uniform greets you. "Hello," he says. "Welcome to Afterlife, the place you go when you die. Normally, I would check you in," he tells you, "but today, we are short on staff and our maximum has been reached. So instead, you get to go back to Earth, as a different person. Choose."

4 years ago
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Afterlife When Your Descendants Have SexChapter 2

Molly came to consciousness as a vagina -- a very tight one. A new one. It hurt. “Oh, Daphne, oh, baby...” The penis got deep enough into Daphne to wake up the clan. “What the hell is going on?” came a loud voice, very close by. It could be no one else but Adam. “Hi, Adam,” said Molly quickly. “Don’t worry. You’re dead. You come alive when your descendants have sex.” The penis poked in and out, the live boy gasping. “What? Come off it!” shouted Adam. “Yes, Daphne, yes!” said the boy,...

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Afterlife When Your Descendants Have SexChapter 6

“Dad, I’ve gotta say, that was the nicest dinner we’ve had in a long time. It’s really nice when you don’t make those digs about, ‘When do I get my grandchild?’” Zach’s stomach went cold. If she only knew... As they drove back from the fancy restaurant in the big city to her suburban home, Jen’s eyes drooped. A few minutes later her eyes were shut, mouth open a bit. “Hey, Jen?” he asked. “Jen?” “Huh?” she said very groggily, then went back to sleep. The drug was taking effect. Five...

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The smell of steaming rice and the fumes of teriyaki sauce being painted on soft, juicy chicken enter the room, setting the mood for the usual dinner. Mother always cooked like this of Fridays. This is the only day of the week that Father would come home early from work and the only time where I can converse with him. It's quiet in the kitchen at this time. Mother and Father isn't on good terms right now. The absence of Father from the home worried Mother. She would come up with the most...

3 years ago
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LifelineChapter 14

I arrived at the county lockup before breakfast was served. The guard let me bring in an unopened container of yogurt and a bottle of skim milk for my client. Desmond "Tiny" Huntley grinned when he came in and sat down across from me. His grin grew when he saw he had a choice of a healthy breakfast instead of the runny eggs, grits, bacon and coffee that were served every morning at the jail. "You'll be going home today," I said. He was pulling the top off the yogurt and he stopped. He...

2 years ago
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Lifes What You Make It Robs Story Chapter Five

This novel is an experimental writing collaboration by TheGulfCoaster and runnergirl. The story has two perfect halves, a male and female side, which fit together as one. Runnergirl will reveal Emmy’s feelings and tell the tale through her perspective, whereas TheGulfCoaster writes from Robbie’s perspective. The two stories share mutual dialogue and action where the two characters intersect and thus this is unique venture. Only by reading Emmy’s and Robbie’s stories, will the reader get the...

2 years ago
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Lifestyles of the Very Rich and Unknown

Lifestyles of the Very Rich and Unknown Introduction This is another of my stories depicting possible real-life situations, no magic, no science fiction, no unknown chemicals, though adult situations of sexual activity, coercion, kidnapping and some limited violence are involved, so consider yourself forewarned. My intent here is to explore the nature of friendships and relationships, and how people respond to events that are verging on the impossible to deal with. And the ending...

3 years ago
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Lifestyles Urban Vintage And Exquisitely Permanent

"Lifestyles: Urban Vintage And Exquisitely Permanent" It was an early fall day in the city. October 1955 as Ted Hawthorne finished his coffee and morning newspaper. He left the change for the check on the table then after buttoning his suit coat and putting on his hat he left the restaurant and began his walk down the city sidewalk. By the time he neared the downtown beauty salon he paused and lit a cigarette. But it was only a few moments later that an attractive woman exited the...

3 years ago
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Lifeguard Training All Tied Up

“Mike!” shouted a voice down the corridor. “Hey what’s up?” “My friend didn’t show to help out with the lifeguard examinations, and we need a person to pretend to be unconscious!” “Sounds easy; when do you need me?” “In, like, five minutes?” I’d just left the gym and was on my way home. Jessica is my flatmate, a slim brunette girl. She was wearing black capri leggings with three white Adidas stripes on the side and silver stripe around the knee, white trainers and a red polo shirt. She’s...

4 years ago
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Lifeguard 1

I was a shy, geeky teenager. I was a really good swimmer and competed on my junior high and high school all-boys swim team. Being in all-boys schools and being a programming geek, I just really didn’t pay attention to girls much, or even have much of an opportunity to meet them. That changed the summer I graduated from high school and turned eighteen.Up until then, my parents drove me everywhere. To practice, swim meets, etc. I was always too busy swimming or programming for hire to be bothered...

3 years ago
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Lifeguard 11 And 12

Lifeguard 11Jill woke up a little disoriented from her early afternoon with Alex, Caley and Ashley. She was having a difficult time sorting it all out when Alex walked back in the room carrying a big glass of orange juice. She sat up as he handed the glass to her. She drank heartily. Alex was naked but seemed nonchalant about it as he waited for her to finish her juice. As she finished he took her glass, put it on the side table, hugged and kissed Jill and said again, “I love you.”The smile...

2 years ago
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Lifes Challenge

A young woman learns to accept a difficult challenge. Life's Challenge ? by: Dawna Tompson - June 2002 She walked with a purpose through the low shrubs growing below the dark forest canopy, each foot landing softly on the steep moss-laden path. She wore a cape with a hood thrown over her long brown hair. A short piece of the soft linen of her dress lay exposed just below the cape. Her bare legs lifted the fabric and allowed it to be tossed in the light breeze. On another...

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Lifes a Bitch Then You Blow

'Life's a Bitch, Then You Blow' By Felicia Trans [email protected] Here I was, sitting on a dirty toilet seat in a filthy gas station restroom, trying to not get grease stains on my mini skirt or camisole top or step in the puddles of urine on the floor with my heeled sandals. I was waiting for the attendant to come in so I could pay for the tank of gas that had just been put into my crappy old Civic with 'service rendered'. And I was thinking back to a little over a year ago...

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Lifes a Lottery

This is a long story and it is also my first, please be gentle!! I originally wanted to do this with images, but it proved too hard (anyone with help or images they feel suitable please email) normal stuff applies if you are under 18, of a nervous disposition or don't like bondage/tg etc (why are you here!) don't read. Please give feedback (except spelling, grammar mistakes - life's too short!!!) Denver I love your stories please write more soon. On with the...

2 years ago
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Lifes Little Curveball 3

Months had pasted since Sarah and Holly the little movie. Their love grew stronger everyday they spent together, and the sex was like going to heaven each and every night. Sarah knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with the love of her life, Holly. The week before valentine’s day, Sarah went to the jewelry store and bought Holly the most magnificent proposal ring they had. The perfect engagement ring. On valentine’s day Sarah took Holly to Beau Chattuo, an italian resturant. ...

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Lifes Little Curveball 3

Months had pasted since Sarah and Holly the little movie. Their love grew stronger everyday they spent together, and the sex was like going to heaven each and every night. Sarah knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with the love of her life; Holly. The week before valentine's day, Sarah went to the jewelry store and bought Holly the most magnificent proposal ring they had. The perfect engagement ring. On valentine's day Sarah took Holly to Beau Chattuo, an italian resturant. ...

4 years ago
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Midlife Ch 02

Tuesday came and Peter found himself pacing his office. It was 3:30 in the afternoon and he was waiting for a client to get back to him about a new contract. He moved to the window, tapping his pen on the windowsill. He hated waiting. He was trying not to think of Maria moving around his home, doing all the domestic things that he loathed to do. He pictured her in his bedroom, changing the sheets, vacuuming under the bed, kneeling on the floor to fetch a stray sock from under the bench at the...

3 years ago
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In his small but immaculate barracks room Marine First Sergeant Jake Weeks took off his uniform for the last time. In his mirror he saw a man who was more at home in a uniform than jeans and a pullover shirt. Tall and lithe with cropped grey hair, blue eyes and leathery tough skin, he looked exactly what he was: a warrior. Or at least what he was up until today. He had spent the afternoon in the NCO club laughing and joking with old friends and avoiding the question of what he was going to...

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Midlife Ch 03

There were only dying embers left in the fire pit as the breeze off of the lake picked up making Maria shiver in Peter’s arms. ‘Better get you inside.’ Peter broke the silence. ‘It gets pretty cold at night at this altitude.’ Maria sighed, ‘Okay.’ They didn’t move for a moment, enjoying the warmth of each others bodies pressed together on the wicker sofa. Peter liked the way Maria’s body felt in his arms. She was so soft and pliant. He pressed his nose to her hair and inhaled. She smelled...

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‘Well, that ended badly.’ Peter mumbled to himself. He tried to get to his feet. He was sitting on the floor of his living room trying to sort out just what had happened. But his alcohol clouded mind and his stinging cheek made coherent thought a little difficult. He had acted like a prick and he knew it. He made another attempt at standing up but his pant-legs were bunched around his ankles and one foot slid out from under him again. ‘Fuck it.’ He growled. And lay back onto the floor, his...

2 years ago
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Midlife Breakthrough

As a recently divorced man pushing fifty, with few social skills and even fewer dating prospects, I felt a change of scenery was in order. I was fortunate to have some money saved up after the breakup, and as I work online as a consultant, I could go anywhere. As the wind whipped the snowfall into the tavern window, my friend suggested I take a trip out of town awhile, and suggested Florida. “The weather is better and you may get your groove going again.” My groove! I had to laugh, I was the...

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I had just broken up with my boyfriend, Bryce. I wanted to be able to go to a club, get drunk and fuck with a guy I’d just met. Bryce was too clingy, I liked to be free. Well, now I was. Tonight would be fun. I would get drunk and have sex. Simple, right? Right. I was 21 and in college, and partying was what college was for. I dressed in my sluttiest dress, skipping underwear. The dress was long enough to cover my ass but short enough that when I bent over you could get a full view. I did my...

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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...

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You recently moved to the big city to find a job, since unemployment is very common where you come from. Another aspect was, that you wanted to try out new stuff. Sexual stuff. But word in the small town spreads fast and you did not want to shame your Family. You like it rough, and none of your small town friends could really satisfy you. So here you are. Your name is Lena, 20 years old. You are 1,62cm short, have blonde curly hair, a slim body with nice 80c breasts and a cute small ass. It’s...

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Midlife Crisis

"Big" James Johnson was one of the best professional basketball players of his time. Two NBA championships, 9 time all-star, top 25 all time in both rebounds and points, the 6'11" power forward had an excellent career playing for Miami, New York, and finally Detroit. After nearly 20 years pro, his bad knees suffering more and more each season, he finally decided to throw in the towel and retire. Retirement was an interesting time for James. He spent the first few years just hanging around the...

2 years ago
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The third phaseTen days had passed, by now Dora and Terry, had been sleeping together each night in the marital bed, though till then, during the daylight hours they were just mum and son. A policeman had called that afternoon, saying that “someone”, he didn’t say who, had been in his words “Taken up for maliciously spreading diesel fuel on the road for a bet! he had been charged with manslaughter, and he gave a crime number, so she could contact the insurance folk. That she did and a few days...

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The Worm TurnsI thought that I would let you, the reader, know how my life has changed, some would say for the better! It all started as a normal day at work, where I am sales manager for a team of guys who sell fitness equipment. As a totally non P.C. team, we have chosen our office staff for their, shall we say, flexibility to work procedures, which they are quite happy with as it is reflected in their bonus payments. This afternoon I had just closed a big deal, and as I reflected on the...

2 years ago
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Midlife Breakthrough

As a recently divorced man pushing fifty, with few social skills and even fewer dating prospects, I felt a change of scenery was in order. I was fortunate to have some money saved up after the breakup, and as I work online as a consultant, I could go anywhere. As the wind whipped the snowfall into the tavern window, my friend suggested I take a trip out of town awhile, and suggested Florida. “The weather is better and you may get your groove going again.” My groove! I had to laugh, I was the...

Quickie Sex
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Midlife experience

I was trying to remember when I first got the urge to see another man penis. I mean, i am a straight guy. I've had many woman since an early age. Patty, my first girlfriend use to come over to my parents home during 8th grade school lunch period. No one was home. We would quickly go into the living room and start playing with each other. Petting and kissing, trying to undo her bra. My she had the biggest tits an eight grader could have !! I would the slip my hand down to her white panties and...

4 years ago
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iStartLife chapter 14

Carly sat on her hotel bed watching some documentary on the TV. She had been trying to call Sam for half an hour. Then she tried calling Freddie. Same thing, it went straight to voicemail. She a left a message for both of them, figuring they had their phones off while they were "together" or something. A little concerned that she couldn't reach her friends, Carly stretched out on the bed and waited for one of them to call her back. She fell asl*ep sometime around 10.She woke up at midnight when...

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iStartLife chapter 13

That night Sam and Freddie watched USC take on Texas Tech.The game did not as easy for USC as the last game did. Texas Tech was a much bigger, tougher team than San Diego State had been and after Carly rolled her ankle early in the second quarter and had to go to the bench. With USC's best player on the bench, Texas Tech made a run and ended up leading at halftime by the score of 49-40.When Sam and Freddie saw Carly on TV at the start of the third quarter, they could tell by the look on her...

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iStartLife chapter 12

The doctor explained to Sam her options and she decided on having a laparoscopic myomectomy since it was the least invasive, most effective, cost efficient option she had. Plus the recovering time was faster than all the other options she had. A few days after the surgery and Sam was back home."Man. Hospital food is no good." Sam said heading for the fridge. "This place looks like new." She observed.Carly and Mel had cleaned Sam's bedroom a couple of days before, getting rid of the sheets and...

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iStartLife chapter 11

The next couple of weeks turned February into March and along with it, Carly's schedule became full as the PAC-10 tournament started and the Lady Trojans were a favourite to win since they had won the regular season title outright. Then after the Pac-10 tournament, the WNCAA tournament was to start. Now the men's version got most of the headlines, but the USC Lady Trojans were getting some airtime of their own thanks to their unexpected breakout freshman star that was voted regular season MVP...

4 years ago
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iStartLife chapter 10

One Month LaterCarly wasn't there when Adam woke up from his c***, but she was there when he got discharged. She needed some closure and she went to get it. They had a conversation as she walked with him out of the hospital. She was direct, honest, and at times probably brutal. To his credit, Adam understood everything and left for Seattle without arguing."That wasn't so bad." Carly told herself as she watched Adam leave.For the last week, Sam Puckett was hiding a secret. A secret that would...

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