Shelter Ch. 05-06 free porn video

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Chapter 5

Even though Aunt Ginger had promised to still be awake, at 11:25, Samantha still tried to come through the door quietly. She found Ginger, sitting in a recliner, flipping channels. ‘Should nave known you’d be up to pester me with questions about tonight.’

‘Well of course I’d be awake, dear. I just set up two of my closest friends on a blind date they didn’t even know about. Who wouldn’t be eager to get the scoop? So… spill it!’

‘Okay, Aunt Ginger. What the hell was that all about?’

‘Archie’s something, isn’t he? Shoot, if I was even 10 years younger, girl… I wouldn’t let you anywhere near him. He’d be my little secret! So… tell me all about it.’

‘Okay, so… We didn’t really talk much on the way to the restaurant. Really, just things like ‘Turn left here.’ And I’m thinking, ‘What did you get me into?’ So awkward. Started looking like it was going to be really long night. And I think he picked up on that, because he started… well, he started saying some really funny things about you.’ Ginger looked puzzled, but Samantha quickly went on. ‘Oh, nothing remotely polite! Just giving voice to his — and my — worries. Wondering how you could do something like that to us. And he asked if I wanted to call the whole thing off, but…’

‘Yeah? Obviously, you didn’t call it off. Why not? You finally realizing what a genius I am?’

Samantha snorted appropriately. ‘No, it was one word he said — ‘us.’ I was sitting there, stewing about how you could do this to me, and he’s thinking about us, rather than just himself. It struck me. Not a lot of guys are like that. I must have smiled or something, but I heard myself say, ‘I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be.’ When what I was really starting to think was that I couldn’t, in that instant, think of anyone I’d rather be with.’

‘Which means that your Auntie Ginger was …?’

‘Fine, you want to hear me say it? You were right.’

‘Very big of you to acknowledge the obvious, dear.’ Ginger cackled. ‘Go on.’

‘So, dinner was great, but you knew it would be. And conversation never really flagged. I mean, there were a couple of times where we both got quiet, but even those were sweet moments, like we both realized there was a possibility here, and neither of us wanted to screw it up by saying or doing the wrong thing.’

Ginger looked a little sideways. ‘You got the vibe that he saw a potential there too?’

‘Yeah, I did. And why shouldn’t he? I’m a catch! Or so my nosy aunt keeps telling me…’ They shared a laugh. ‘Seriously, does that surprise you?’

‘No, dear. Of course not.’ The distant look in Ginger’s eyes told another story. Samantha paused to consider how to ask the question scampering through her mind, the same thought that echoed in Ginger’s eyes.

‘One thing I don’t get about him is why he’s single. I mean, he’s thoughtful, charming as all hell. He has this way of making you feel like… like I’ve never felt before. I wish I knew how to explain it. But when I asked him what dating life in Golden was like, he…’

‘Let me guess. He got really quiet.’

‘Yeah! What’s up with that? All he’d say was that he’d seen someone a while back, but there’d been an accident, and then he changed the subject. I know there’s more there, but…’

‘Is that what he told you? That there was an accident, and left it at that? I guess it’s still pretty much a living memory for him, so maybe it’s too painful for him to talk about. Sammi, sit down. You need to know what really happened, and if Archie can’t tell you, I can.’

Samantha thought that she had seen it all with Ginger. Ginger had tended to her when her parents had passed away, and she’d tried to repay the kindness when Ginger lost her Tommy But even with those tragedies of life, she’d never seen this emotion play across Ginger’s face: sorrow.

‘Valerie Williams. She taught US history at some college in Wisconsin. She and Archie met online, in one of those … whaddya call ’em … blog sites. Someone at her school retired to Arizona, and left Valerie two dogs to look after, so she went on the computer to learn how to take care of them. Archie answered a couple of her questions, and they hit it off. Next thing you know, they’re talking on the phone a couple times a week, then every night. Soon enough, he flew out to meet her, and he came back looking like he was three feet taller. Then she flew here to spend time with him, you’ve never seen people smile that big. He was… happy. When he gave her the ring and she said ‘yes’, it was like he’d found a home.

‘They tried to move her out here, but she couldn’t find a teaching job at any of the schools nearby, and he couldn’t get into the vet school there.’

Samantha interrupted, ‘Archie wanted to be a vet? He didn’t tell me that.’

‘Yeah, he had been trying to get into vet schools for a few years, that’s why he came to work for me. Said it was real world experience. Pssh. I think he just came in to look at my boobs.’ Their laughter broke the tension, but too soon, Ginger got very serious again.

‘Didn’t last, though. These long-distance relationships… I don’t know. I mean, they’re great as far as they go, but there’s just something about being able to come home after a frustrating day, cuddle up next to the person you love beyond words, and let him kiss and tickle and caress you and then pound into you until you both just explode into orgasmic oblivion. I remember this one time when Tommy had had just an awful day, so I met him at the door wearing nothing but a ribbon tied into a bow around my neck …’ Samantha smled, seeing Ginger lost in the reverie of the memory.

‘Anyway, Valerie drifted away from him, and he got more and more mopey about it, which didn’t help either.

‘One day, 6, maybe 7 years ago, Archie told me that she was coming into town for the weekend to try to work things out, and that he wouldn’t be around for a few days. I couldn’t have been happier for him, he seemed like his old self again. Nervous, sure, but … for the first time in a long time, he looked like he truly believed that he deserved to be happy.

‘She pulled in on Friday afternoon. And nobody saw either of them for the whole weekend. Randy at the police station said that the neighbors called three times that night, worried about the screaming and moaning from his house.’ Samantha raised an eyebrow, which Ginger caught. ‘Honey, I have it on good authority that that boy is amazing in the sack.’

‘Come Sunday morning, she left. Tore out of here like a bat out of hell. Randy pulled her over for speeding, said she must have been going 95. He let her off, because he saw how upset she was, told her to slow down and be on her way. But he told me she wasn’t wearing her ring anymore.

‘For three days, no one in town saw hide nor hair of Archie. Far as I can tell, he didn’t leave his couch except to go to the bathroom. I’m not even sure he ate. I went over to his place to try to talk to him, but all he’d say is ‘She’s gone.’

‘Wednesday night, he calls me and says that he has to go to Omaha. Omaha? What the hell are you doing driving to Omaha? He didn’t say, just said he had to go, and he’d be back when he could.

‘Tommy’s sister Kathryn had been a reporter for the Omaha newspaper, and she still lives there. So I called her to see if she could figure out what was going on, and yeah, there’d been an accident. But …

‘Valerie had a flat tire just this side of town. She pulled off to the side of the road, and this nice young fellow pulled over to help her fix it. Only … See, Valerie was a pretty girl. Wasn’t a patch on you, Sammi, but she turned her share of heads. And I guess she turned this helpful guy’s head something fierce. Kathryn said that when the police found Valerie’s body, it was a terrible sight…’ Ginger paused for a moment, and Samantha realized that she’d been holding her breath for about a minute and a half.

rie’s clothes had been torn off. She’d been … the word Kathryn used was ‘violated’ … repeatedly, brutally, and then left for dead. Honest to God, Sammi… I’ve never told this story before because I don’t like the picture it brings to mind. I guess it’s a mercy that she passed away later that night, and I sure hope God did a good job patching her up.’

For a moment, silence enveloped the room.

‘Sorry, honey. Just thinking about that girl’s ordeal gets to me. It got to Archie, too. He drove out there to grieve with Valerie’s parents. Then he sold his car, took a bus back home, and … tell me something. When you went to dinner, you drove, didn’t you?’ Samantha nodded. ‘I figured. He hasn’t driven a car since. Every time he tries to, he gets jittery, like somehow he sees her off the side of the road.

‘He quit trying to get into vet school then too. Hell, he just about quit everything. The only thing he didn’t quit was working with me. I think working with the animals here, helping them get back to healthy and finding them a good home … I think it makes him feel like he can be of some use to someone. Gives him a sense of peace.’

‘Why hasn’t he moved on? I mean, that’s a tragic story, but it wasn’t like he did anything wrong, and that was a long time ago.’

‘Honey, that’s something you’ll have to ask him. But … tread lightly, okay? You can imagine what a sore spot this is in his life. It’s a great sign that he even told you there was an accident. Maybe he’s finally coming to terms with it, because he never talks about it.

‘I’ll tell you this, though: he’s one of the best people I’ve ever known. Very few people deserve to be happy as much as Archie does. He’s been beating himself up over this for a long time, to the point where he thinks he’s damaged goods, something that no one would ever care for. If you can puncture through that, you’ll find a man who can be everything you’ve ever dreamed of. He could very well be your Prince Charming. But Sammi, you’ll have to save him first.’


When Ginger got into work Monday morning, Archie was there, working, quiet. He barely acknowledged her presence, polite but short. She let him stew in his work for the morning, but by quarter til noon, she couldn’t let him sulk any longer. ‘Archie, could I speak to you for a minute?’ Hunched over, Archie shuffled into her office, looking like the dictionary definition of ‘sullen’.

‘Okay. What’s going on? Why are you walking under that cloud?’

‘Ginger …’ He paused, trying to arrange the thoughts in his mind into a coherent sequence of words. ‘Why did you do that?’

‘Because you’re the best, Sammi’s the best, and the best deserve the best. Simple. Archie, I’ve known Sammi literally all her life. I’m the one who taught her mother how to change a diaper. So this wasn’t something I set up on the spur of the moment, okay? She’s been single forever, and I haven’t ever tried to fix her up with anyone. And I haven’t fixed you up with anyone either, because I didn’t think you were ready. The difference now is that I’ve decided you need to be ready, because otherwise you’re going to let some very wonderful moments slip past you like a warm breeze on a November night.’

‘What if I told you that I’m just not interested in her?’

‘You’d be lying. Like hell, you’re not interested. I saw the way you looked at her. She’s gorgeous, and you know it. She’s brilliant, charming, funny. And when you let yourself forget to be so damn uptight and closed-off, she was really into you.’ Archie looked up at that comment. ‘No, I will not tell you what she said, and no, I will not pass her a note in study hall. So what are you waiting for?’

‘I …’

Getting up from her chair, Ginger moved around the desk to Archie, then perched on the corner and looked into his eyes. ‘I know, Archie, I do. I know that she isn’t Valerie. But I also know that Valerie wouldn’t have wanted you to beat yourself up forever. In my heart, I believe she’s watching you from up there. And she wants you to be happy.’

Archie recoiled like he’d been slapped. ‘How can you possibly know that she would want me to be happy? She left me, remember?’

Reaching out and taking his hands tenderly, she looked down at him until his eyes met hers. ‘Archie, I do know it, deep down. And I think I can convince you of it. Did anyone ever tell you where Valerie’s accident was?’ Archie tried to look away to hide the tears, but she wouldn’t have it. ‘Do you know?’

‘Ginger, please don’t do this. Please don’t make me remember.’

‘Honey, you’ve done nothing but remember for years. Where was the accident?’

He huffed and turned away. ‘I-80, where I-680 meets it.’

‘Archie. Look at me. Her parents decided that you were too far gone into your grief to be able to process this, but … it’s time. You need to know. She was on I-80 … but she was heading west.’

Sniffling back tears, Archie took a minute to think about that. ‘What does that mean?’

‘It means she was coming back to you. It means she’d come to the obvious-to-everyone-else epiphany that she was making a mistake by giving up. It means she’d finally realized what an incredible man she had in you, and that she was willing to figure out a way to make it work… And it means that, if she believed … like I believe … that Sammi could make you happy, then she would want you to go after her.’

She let that thought linger in the air for a moment. ‘Whatever it was that you think you did to her to chase her away, Valerie turned around. And that means that she forgave you. So please, for your happiness, for Sammi, please find a way to forgive yourself.’

Chapter 6


No, that wasn’t the word for Samantha, Archie thought. What comes after beautiful? Stunning? Ravishing? Really beautiful? Devastatingly beautiful? They needed to come up with a new word to describe her.

It was her eyes. Oh sure, Archie’s eyes drifted lower a few times during the evening. He saw the curves in all the right places. He loved the view as she walked away to the ladies room, and he really loved the smile she gave him when she turned her head and caught him looking. She glowed in the low lighting that the restaurant kept. She seemed so vibrant, so … alive. He chastised himself for the ungentlemanliness of it all, but how could he not notice her delectable body? He was only human, and every other man in the room noticed her the instant she walked in.

But those other men didn’t get the full benefit of those eyes. It seemed like they changed color with her moods, they flashed when she was animated, smoldered when she was introspective. He wanted to see that flash again. Often.

The amazing part was that she had no idea how beautiful she really was or the effect she had on him. He could see the nervousness in her body language, the way she looked at him, the way she played with her hair when they talked. He loved that she actually ate dinner, rather than picking at it. She wasn’t trying to impress him. And that really impressed him.

The even more amazing part was that she re-introduced Archie to an emotion he hadn’t allowed himself to feel in a very, very long time: hope. Someone once said that hope was that thing with feathers, and it had felt, to Archie, like it had used those feathers to fly away from him. But now? Now maybe hope was nesting in his tree again.

Laying down on his couch, Archie stared at the ceiling and wondered: And what did that mean? His first reaction was the same reaction he had almost every other day of his life: guilt tinged with doubt. This couldn’t be him, his life. He didn’t have the right to expect anyone as captivating (yes, that’s the word!) and sparkling as Samantha to be interested in him. And yet, she was. Clearly. Interested. In him. Now what???

Archie reached down to scratch Gabe behind the ears, and got a happily wagging tail for his troubles. ‘Buddy, what should I do about this?’ Gabe
‘s answer (‘Call her, dumbass. You did get her number, right? Sheesh… humans.’) came out sounding rather like ‘woof woof pant woof’. ‘That’s not helping, boy,’ but Gabe got his tummy rubbed anyway.



‘Wow, is he ever,’ Samantha thought as she ate lunch in her office on Monday. Broad, strong shoulders, goofy smile, eyes that sparkled when he laughed. Imperfect, sure, but it was like all the little imperfections worked together to build a fantastic complete man. But it was clear he saw only the imperfections in himself, and had no idea how perfectly all the pieces fit together. She knew the feeling.

Even so, it wasn’t his eyes or his smile or any other definable trait. It was the way he made her feel. She’d heard about people having a presence, but she’d never experienced it.

For someone who regularly brought sick animals back to health, who delivered newborn puppies, kittens, and even the occasional foal under sometimes difficult circumstances, she’d become a little cynical in her personal life. Optimism was something she compartmentalized, left behind when she left the clinic for the night. Too many boys, then too many men, had looked past her, searching for some pop-culture-inspired Barbie doll. The great qualities she knew she had — society didn’t value those. The dates she’d dealt with only seemed to care about cup sizes and hair length, not actually talking or thinking.

And then… Archie. This was, somehow, different. And she couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was she was feeling. Optimism? Hope? The resolution of all her fruitless searches, like in that Peter Gabriel song?

Unbidden, a different snippet of music ran through her head: ‘Want you to make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world.’ That was it, when Archie was with her, everything and everyone else receded, into nothing more than background noise, wallpaper. The entirety of his attention was on her, as if she was … or maybe, someday, could be … his whole world. It was dizzying, intoxicating. Yeah, she could really get used to the idea of those eyes, that soul focused on her every morning for the rest of her days.

”The rest of my days?’ What the hell? When did I start to think like that? I sound like I’m in one of those sappy Harlequin roma… Oh. Oh shit.’

And slowly, ever so slowly, realization dawned over Dr. Samantha O’Donnell: for the first time, she now knew what it must feel like to fall in love.

She shook her head violently to brush away the cobwebs, and thoughts poured into her head. ‘No. That’s silly. You don’t fall in love with someone after one date. Especially not after one blind date. Doesn’t happen. Not like that. Yeah, he’s good looking, and smart, and charming. And it’s totally worth following up on the possibility that there could be something there. But I am not falling for a guy I’ve known for 2 days.’

‘Still,’ she said aloud to no one in particular, ‘there’s just something about him.’ She then let her mind drift, wondering why everyone in the hospital this morning was so cheery, completely unaware of the broad grin she’d been wearing all day.

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Richter woke up in bed to the sound of his alarm clock running. He sighed to himself as he sat up. Today was the first day of highschool at a new school. It wasn't like he had many friends at his old school, but any chances of making new friends were already out the window. Everyone would have their own groups and cliques. He got undressed and grabbed his towel as he headed for the bathroom. The light was on so he knew someone was already inside. It could be either his older sister, Sarah,...

3 years ago
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The FamCH 1

Key Players;Father - DaveMother - BrendaMale sibling- StevieFemale sibling - Alicia Neighbor mother - Lakeysha "candy"Neighbor twins - Keke & Tricia "Fuck daddy...that was fucking hot" Stevie said while scooping up his f@+=€r's cum from the side of his face with his finger. Stevie was kneeling by the side of the bed with Dave's quickly deflating 9 inch black cock only inches from his face. Stevie is a young tw€|>e year old b•y that has recently been diagnosed with gender identity...

1 year ago
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Sarah the hypnotic fuck toy Ch01

The man was gasping and grunting with the exertion of cock-slapping the pretty teen actress with his grotesquely engorged cock and, feeling that his orgasm was not too far away, aimed his tool at Sarah’s open mouth, filling it with his swollen dick. Sarah, the hypnotic fuck toy Ch.01 Sarah had returned to her hotel room after a long day. She enjoyed her work, helping promote the message of the Teen Pregnancy foundation, which strove to reduce teen pregnancy. Still, the busy schedule did...

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The Ultimate Guide to Kink Book Review

I recently took the time to read The Ultimate Guide to Kink: BDSM, Role Play and the Erotic Edge. The book is a compilation of work from leading sex educators in North America. It is edited by Tristan Taormino, an American author known for her activism in the sex-positive feminism movement. While I was initially skeptical about ‘sex guides’ or ‘expert advice,’ I found some of the writing to be enlightening and thought-provoking. I was able to borrow an electronic (e-book) version through my...

3 years ago
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Desire For My Randi Sister

My name is Rahul. I am 23 years and from pune, my id is and I have a sister, Vasanthi, who is 26 now. She is a very pretty looking girl with a nice shapely figure. When I was 17, I slept in her bed just once and I woke up to see her standing topless in front of her mirror. She was changing her dress and she was unaware I had awaken. I sort of saw her pretty looking bare breasts for few seconds and as I was afraid she might turn and catch me looking, I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep....

1 year ago
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BadMilfs Jessica Ryan Fiona Sprouts A Much Needed Lesson

Jessica Ryan overhears her stepdaughter, Fionna Sprouts, talking on the phone about a mysterious and well-endowed boyfriend. Unable to contain her curiosity, Jessica calls the boyfriend from Fiona’s phone and requests that he come over. Upon meeting Billy Boston, she wastes no time getting him to whip out his dick, wanting to see if what Fiona said was true. Soon after, Jessica learns that Fiona might need some help with sex. She happily shows Fiona the ropes and gets her ready for many sexual...

1 year ago
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The New Speaker In Town

When I was in my late twenties, I moved to another city to follow a job opportunity. It was a job in the Media and Public Relations department for a communication company. I began as assistant manager and after about six months, Simon, the manager, called me in his office to announce his resignation. “What? You’re kidding, right?” I asked, in dismay.“No, Linda. We are having a family issue and we have to move to New York within the end of the month,” he said, clearly sad. Then added, “Believe...

Straight Sex
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MaryJo the Rubber queen

For a long time Mary-Jo has known that she has a latex fetish but until now she has done nothing about it. As part of her new years resolution she promised herself that she would start looking into her fetish more. Mary-Jo had just finished work for the day. Today was the day that she was going to look into her fetish. She had looked up the address for one of the fetish shops in town and it wasn't to far out of her way home.

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Secret Email Account

From: GraceeeDee To: SternoDan4Fun January 20, 2018 1:37 AM Remember me from that party at the Martins before Christmas? You whispered your private email address in my ear. I hope I got this right. I tried SternoDanForFun and that didn't work. Grace D --- Re: Is it you? From: SternoDan4Fun To: GraceeeDee January 20, 2018 1:51 AM Yes, it's me. I do remember you. Who could forget you? Wow. That was a month ago. We were all talking about how Margie got caught when Carl read her...

3 years ago
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HitwifeChapter 1

People didn't believe I was getting married. I told all the boys and they laughed at me. Brooklyn Jimmy told me to shut up. "Shut-up!" he said, and then he pushed his dick in my mouth. But he always did that. Jimmy loved getting head. Sal was in my pussy, really hammering away at me from underneath and he just grunted, "OOF! Whatcha wanna do dat for, Rache?" I couldn't tell him because Jimmy was really deep in my throat already. "Mmmpphhh Mmphhh!" I said. But only because Lucky was...

2 years ago
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I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS STORY Ever since I learned what masturbation was, my stepmom Pammy became my #1 jerk off subject. After every weekend I spent with my dad and stepmom I would come home and my dick would be so sore from jerking it off all weekend. I was in high school when I really started to notice Pammy; she was 37 at the time. I don't know if she would qualify as hot to most k**s in my school, but she drove me wild. Pammy is average height with a slender body. Tits were 34B, I knew from...

1 year ago
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Lanas brother Brian and their awakening ch1

Please, please, please comment and rate this story.I write because I want to hear how you like my fantasiesMy brother and I got our genes from different sides of the family tree. He is like Dad’s side, 6’2, 200 pounds of muscle, built like an Adonis and tans in one day. Me, I’m built like Mom and Granny. Barely five foot tall, I have D cup tits that Mom has insisted on keeping tighly holstered since they first started to grow at age 11. She would point to her mom, Granny and say, “If you...

3 years ago
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SRU ApprenticeApril Fools

SRU Apprentice - April Fools By DanielSan59 "This is gonna be great!" Dannie crowed in delight as she stirred the bubbling concoction in the huge old copper cauldron. *One final ingredient and it's done* she thought to herself as she added the sea urchin extract. There was a small hiss as the clear fluid joined the seething contents of the ruddily glowing cauldron, and a small cloud of noxious steam assaulted Dannie's gloating face. "Gaack! Why does this stuff have to...

1 year ago
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The Defaced Book

He knew he was in trouble the moment he received the letter of summons to present himself at the Monastery of Repentance for ,"...committing a most serious act of defacement of a much treasured volume...." He sat down,he knew it was useless to try to get out of it, his studies at university would suffer if he did not present himself at the Monastery to answer for what he had done. It was time to face up to what he had done and accept the severe punishment that the Nun's and Monk's of the...

4 years ago
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Her Hand

He’d just returned from overseas. Once back in the states he straightened out his agenda so that he could head back to his hometown. His family lived there and they were waiting for him too. He hadn’t seen any of them in well over eight years. All of them had grown up and that included his young cousin Samantha as well. By now she was 20 years old. When he left for the military obviously she wasn’t. Now a young woman all sorts of things started to happen. Hormones being the number one thing and...

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Destination AzaharChapter 28 Adjustment of Expectations

It took Commander Denise Williams three days to modify the basic Aurora-class specifications to be configurable for bulk loads and heavy pods as well as standard pods. The AI was getting easier to work with and Celeste had replicator files created by the end of the week. Williams didn't have much to do while the drawings were being converted and accepted a lunch invitation from Constance McKinsey. She was a little surprised to see Kim Nguyen and Bobby Wallace at the table. Bobby had taken...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 34

Jane hung by her wrists, her ankles spread wide by harsh ropes attached to them. Her body was glistening with sweat and a fair amount of blood. She was in more than a little pain, but the sexual pleasure she was feeling blazed from her in waves so strong Ken felt sure even someone not Circle would feel them. Dinner and dessert had been wonderful, but eventually things had wound down. Sandy had left with Helen and Davyn, and Ken wondered if this would be the night she'd seduce them. Of...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 186

THE RETREAT, SUNDAY NIGHT Arlene and Hope turned into Hope's suite, both girls laughing and talking as each carried a puppy snuggled in her arms. When they entered the bedroom, Arlene nodded to the package Hope carried. "That plastic drop cloth should work just fine." "I hope so," Hope replied as she put Sugar in her kennel, closed the door, then opened the package that contained a painter's drop cloth. Arlene helped to strip the sheets from the bed. As they were spreading the...

2 years ago
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My Brothers Horn

I was finishing my lunch in the noisy cafeteria when Marcie plunked herself down beside me and whispered loudly, "Did you know your brother had a really big cock?" I made a face at her and kept chewing. "Oh sure," I said when she continued to nod. "And I suppose his skin's cleared up too." "Buck saw him in the shower," Marcie said, looking superior as she usually does. "He said it looked like a python." "Right," I said. "And do you know he's only fourteen? He skipped a...

3 years ago
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Our Maiden Voyage Into Jasons Room

My girlfriend Amy’s nipples never got hard during sex until the day she realized that her roommate Jason had probably heard us going at it. She went to the bathroom right after I finished cumming, like she always did. I used some tissues to clean my own mess from my hand then lay down on her bed to relax. She returned to the room, wearing my running shorts and a t-shirt, because she didn’t like to remain naked after sex—not even if we kept lying in bed for a while—and slipped under the covers. ...

1 year ago
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Glory hole tax The Mall Part 2

My clothes are still in a pile on the floor of Jim's stall. I walk in to get them when Jim pushes me against the wall and kisses me. My mouth opens in surprise and his tongue slides inside my mouth. After a moment of shock I responded by sliding my tongue over his. He pulls back and looks down at my hard cock. He steps back, pulls down his shorts and pulls me to him tight. He kisses me again deeper and harder while his hands pull my ass checks wide. I feel his finger slide inside me and love...

Gay Male
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Fucked And Impregnated My Married Kannada Maid Rupa

Hello ISS readers, this is Aravind back with another experience of mine again. After the event with my college friend Vidya, I was eager for more but she was not ready to cooperate. I started getting really horny and my eyes always hunted for a sexy body. I started checking out many girls, aunties, and my teachers and started to jerk off at home with pictures porn, and imagination. I had my semester holidays and my parents left for their hometown as they had some work over there for a week. I...

4 years ago
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Summer Discoveries No 7 Long Enough

Birds chirped. The sun felt warm on my skin. There was a gentle breeze. My eyes opened, and I saw the lake. The light breeze caused the smallest of crests upon the ripples in the water. My chin was on Jack's chest. We were both naked. On the lounger beside the pool. At the lake house.My immediate thought was minor panic that we'd be late to pick up the kids. They were at my parents' house, having spent the night there while we went out to the club, Catan's Masquerade, and then spent the night...

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Xcams Teen

The one great thing about watching horny teen girls live on cam is that they are eagerly waiting for a chance to prove that they are good enough. I’m referring to fresh-faced 18+-year-old cam sluts who will do anything to attest their worth, including fucking their tight holes for you on camera. Well, if you’ve been fantasizing about fucking the hot, horny college sluts, I might have an easier solution than having to do the legwork to make that happen on your own. It doesn’t involve much...

Live Teen Sex Cams
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A Lush Reaction

I was filled half with dread and half with nervous excitement as I made my way to rehearsals on a slightly warm, March evening. Tonight would be the first time I would see Ted since I’d written the stories about our passionate encounters in July, while the play was being performed. Part of me just wanted to clap eyes on him, but the other part wasn’t sure how much I would be able to take. He would be there in front of me, in the flesh, and I had imagined him with no clothes on. But there would...

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Secret Admirers Ch 02

Ayesha watched her husband’s car speed out the driveway and winced at the screeching noise the wheels made. Leaning her head against the window panel she felt silent tears course down her cheeks. She did love him and wanted to be the ideal wife but the hunger refused to be purged. It was as if there were two people in her warring to take control of her. She couldn’t deny the bond that she shared with Ashwin as they had been married for so long and he was a loving husband. But she couldn’t...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Kiara Gold Horny Policewoman Kiara Gold Triple Penetrated in House Raid Gangbang

After raiding a drug dealer’s flat and seizing all of his cash, policewoman Kiara Gold decides to flick her clit in the suspect’s room while her two partners search the rest of the home. After searching the living room, Detective Willy comes into the bedroom to find Kiara with her fingers knuckle deep in her box. Wasting no time whatsoever, Willy uses the opportunity to get his dick wet. Shortly after the two partners begin fucking, they’re joined by Detective Vincent who – just like Detective...

3 years ago
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John and Alex Part 2

Introduction: Alex has a great day. Hello again everyone. Thanks to the people who have given me advice! Your support keeps me going strong Today I decided to write more sex into this one. This site is not Love Stories its Sex Stories. I will write in more sex in this one. It will be long. I swear. I write this intro an hour before I start to brainstorm ideas and so if it doesnt reflect 100% dont get picky. Also, mere contact with him turns me on so if its not enough for you atleast know I ask...

2 years ago
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My Remote Controlled Gothic Hottie

Drew Robinson had just turned eighteen years of age and was halfway through his senior year of high school.  He wasn’t a bad looking guy but his self-confidence was a little lacking and the fact that most girls in the school knew that he was a pervert kept him from scoring a girlfriend. He lived with his Dad, who owned a lucrative sex toy business and had apparently had a breakthrough recently in product development.  One day, Drew just happened to be a fly on the wall at the right moment while...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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MaquisChapter 27

Windsor, Berkshire. April the following year. “Ma’am, there’s a Major General Thurgood to see you.” Beatrice looked up from the document she was reading. “Is he expected?” she asked her personal assistant with a frown. She didn’t remember any appointments for the next couple of hours, and wasn’t sure she knew the name. “No ma’am. He has a letter of introduction from Brigadier General John Maggor, and says he has some news of your children.” Beatrice quickly scanned the letter that was...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 416

A husband had just finished reading a new book entitled, 'You Can Be THE Man of Your House.' He stormed to his wife in the kitchen and announced, 'From now on, you need to know that I am the man of this house and my word is Law. You will prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I'm finished eating my meal, you will serve me a sumptuous dessert. After dinner, you are going to go upstairs with me and we will have the kind of sex that I want. Afterwards, you are going to draw me a bath...

1 year ago
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Ass Play

Bill tries to go where no man has gone before, Susan's ass.Usually humping her while feeling her big tits through her blouse and bra, today Bill tried something a little different with his girlfriend, He felt Susan's ass through her short, navy blue skirt, as she stood by the sink washing dishes."Hey, what are you doing? You almost made me drop a dish," said Susan banging her stoneware against the stainless steel sink."Nothing, I'm just feeling your ass. I love your ass," said Bill. "You have a...

2 years ago
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Average JoeChapter 2 Some Things About Mary

Mary tells her story: First, I want the readers to know that I'm not a whore, slut or what they call a cougar. Joey and I are just close friends. I have never gone after young men in my life. There was just something special about Joey. I was a lonely person since my divorce two years ago. I didn't date but at times would have liked to have sex but had no contact with other men. I did have my vibrators which I used if it was necessary. My kids were my life. Joey is a happy, yet sad young...

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driving lessons chapter three

Two months later Scott was picking on his brother again. “Still a virgin eh big brother. No woman would fancy you.” “I’m not.” “Pull the other one. Lee is a virgin. Lee is a virgin. Never been kissed. Never seen a woman naked. I bet you’ve never even kissed a woman. Do you fancy boys? Are you a cocksucker? Are you a shirt lifter?” Scott knew exactly which buttons to pull. He had Lee almost in tears. Lee wanted to keep his promise to Julie but little by little Scott wheedled the...

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Giving It To My Woman In The Sauna And The Pool

We were cuddling in the hotel sauna alone. Sweat drenched our bodies as we just wore our bathing suits and had towels around our waists. We endured the intense heat as we just relaxed in silence. Then her body shifted and she got right on top of me. She kissed me once. "I love you, husband." "I love you too, wife." We heard people outside the sauna, yelling and having fun in the pool. Then she lifted herself up off me and her feet met the floor. She left the towel, wandered to the door and...

Quickie Sex
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My Sister Is My Heaven

My sister name is usha. She is 21 years old. She is very fair and glittering in her golden colour. She was in love with a local boy for more than 3 years. She was firm to marry him only but my mother opposed to it. I convinced my mother and their marriage took place. A few days after the marriage, i noticed my sister face. She was dull. I thought due to marriage function and other ceremonies she was tired. She had come to our house with her husband. Sister was murmuring with my mom and their...

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The Accidental Watch 8th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 18

Everybody was pleased that the Commander wasn't drinking coffee. "Two days?" "Yes, sir. Two days. Ed and Seph," she pointed, "That's them over there. They borrowed me to help program a piece of electronics ... momma said I could stay for the weekend and daddy and Ed had a man to man ... or that's what daddy said he was going to do ... and Ed said they did." She explained about breakfast and that they ended up in Auburn after Seph taught her to fly the Beech ... yesterday. "So...

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