CynthiaChapter 14: Cynthia free porn video

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When I returned from Fort Sill, the house was in order, the dishes were all put away and I found Alyssa and Ashley both at their desks working. What a surprise to find them doing what they should be doing. When I went in to kiss them both, they seemed genuinely happy to see me. I suppose it represented both the relief to know that someone was here and that they honestly missed me. Alyssa hugged me longer than usual and smiled a lot. That felt good inside. We quickly decided that the first order of business was the market to replenish the food supply. We spent twenty minutes just making our list. Maybe I felt slightly guilty for being gone and let them buy a few things that I wouldn't ordinarily. Even I bought some comforts to ease the pain.

Alyssa said, "Mom called and said that she would be home tomorrow. She wants to talk to you but didn't want to call you on your cell."

I talked to Laura for a while and found nothing amiss. Her mother was better and could get along without her. I brought her up to date on the shopping trip. On the surface, everything seemed normal. No one brought up the problem of the big gorilla.

After Ashley went to see a neighbor friend, I winked and asked Alyssa, "How was it?"

She giggled. "Well, we had a nice time, but we didn't fuck. We both gave each other good orgasms. I wasn't quite ready with my surprise for him, and he seemed happy enough to be with me and watch the TV after we played with each other."

"I'm glad that you felt comfortable enough to keep things where they are. You don't have to fuck until you're ready."

"I'm ready to fuck, I just haven't set the stage right. I have this notion from some of my stories that I can make it better than I might have before reading."

I didn't want to pry. If she wanted me to know, she would tell me. "Good for you. I admire a woman in charge."

Traveling required such a hectic daily schedule that I didn't have much time to be miserable. That changed immediately when I went up to my room and looked at the bed where he should have been waiting for me. Raw dreadful emotion hit me literally causing me to sob on the bed. Apparently Alyssa heard me and came running.

"What's wrong, Cyn? What happened?"

I grabbed her in a hug and just held on to her for a while. When I could, I said, "I miss him so much. When I came in here and looked at the bed and imagined him being there to hold me, and I don't know where he is..." I lost it again.

Alyssa stroked my back and hair as she remembered my doing it for her. She kissed my cheek and said, "I love you, Cyn, and I'm sorry that you hurt so much."

When I could talk again, I said, "Thanks. It feels better to be held when you're in pain."

"You do that for me and it always makes me feel better."

I sniffled and snuffled around for a few minutes and decided that the only cure would be to go running. I'd been drawing running companions when I ran around the Army posts. In earlier days, I would have welcomed the company and attention. Now, I wanted to go through the park and trail to see if I could run through the deep sadness permeating my total existence. I said, "I have to go run."

She said instantly, "I'm going with you. You can't be out there alone."

That started my tears again. I was finally able to get dressed with my hair back as I glared at my puffy face. Shit. I felt better when Alyssa came out in her new outfit ready to go. She looked fresh and pretty with her hair back. When she hugged me, I felt more comfortable. She said, "Let's go. We can't finish until we start."

I actually laughed. "Where did you get that wisdom?"

"Our coach comes up with one or two of those every practice. Most of them are funny at the time."

When we returned from what was almost a race, I felt tired but the awful feeling of depression had departed. Now, to make dinner. I felt thankful for the routine.

Bradford Awakens

I woke up in what had to be a military hospital in a ward with many other people. My head was spinning, but if I focused on the lights above me I could slow it down. After a good while, I could focus my eyes and get a good look at what was going on. I tried to sit up, but that brought the dizzy spell back. After the third or fourth try I sat up to find paraphernalia attached that restricted my movements. I found the call button hooked to the headboard and pressed it.

Shortly a woman came up to me and looked me in the eyes. "Well, Bradford, you seem to be awake. Do you know where you are?"

"Seems like a hospital. Where else would I get room service?"

"Okay, smartass. Remember that you're not out of here yet and I'm still in charge. I can get even."

"Sorry. I've been in the boonies. Didn't realize you were so sensitive."

I suddenly felt this strong pain in my leg. She said, "Who's sensitive, now?"

"You got me. I'm sorry. I'm real sorry."

"Let me get a doc. You sound like you're almost alive."

She returned shortly with a woman in a white coat carrying the obligatory stethoscope. The nurse said, "This is Dr. Angela Martin. She's in charge of you."

"Okay. I surrender."

Dr Martin flashed a light in my eyes as she muttered, "Looks like you've already brought this one to heel, Sarah. Nice work." After a minute, she went on, "We worried about you. You've been out for a while. We don't know what happened to you, but you have a leg wound and a bad concussion. Tell me what you remember."

What a question. How did I get here? What could I remember? "I remember being at Salerno waiting for a mission. I remember going on a mission with the Army."

"Anything happen on the mission?"

"No. routine. The Sarge's people confiscated some bad guy weapons. Then, we went back to the post and did our routine reports and went to chow."

"Anything else?"

"There was another SEAL there named Miller. We ate together and shot a lot of bull. Went to the Green Bean for coffee and shot more bull. Oh, we arranged for a box of ballpoint pens to be sent from his father's club."

"Any more names?"

"Hmmm. Miller. Sergeant Allen. Oh, Sergeant Jefferson. My boss was Master Chief O'Hara."

"I'm trying to find out how you ended up here. Who shot you?"

"Nope. I didn't know I was shot until Sarah told me and demonstrated her sadistic strength of grip."

I felt Sarah's finger stab into my leg. "I'm sorry, Sarah. I'm real sorry."

Dr. Martin said, "I don't think he's quite housebroken yet, Sarah." Back to me. "You don't remember being shot or a ride in a helicopter?"

"I figure I had to get here some way, but I couldn't testify to it."

"You've helped us a little. I'll check to see if I can find any of those people you mentioned. They might help." She turned to Sarah as they walked away. "Looks like Ribot's Law all over again. Maybe it's just as well that they can't remember some of the bad events."

I looked at the clock and realized that I'd been awake for the better part of an hour. As I took deep breaths to summon strength, I suddenly thought about Cynthia and Laura and then Alyssa and Ashley. Better that I could remember them than how I got here. I had to talk to them soon.

It must have been two hours later when the two of them returned. Sarah said, "Here's what I found out. You were on a patrol out of Salerno and took fire from enemy combatants hiding in a village. Then, according to your squad, a grenade hit close and a post fell on your head. They had to drag you out unconscious and load you on the chopper. So, that's how you ended up here."

"Have you talked to Lyndon Miller? He was on my team."

"No, but I'll try to reach him. By the way, have you had any other concussions recently?"

"I had a bad bike wreck a few weeks before I came on active duty. I was out for about three hours and they made me take it slow for several days. By the way, what day is it?"

"It's 20 June. You've been out quite a while. That probably explains it. Prior concussions make subsequent ones worse." She turned to leave and then came back and asked, "Did you mention the concussion to the people who gave you your active duty physical?"

The answer was easy. Admitting it wasn't. I paused. She then said to Sarah. "Not only does he have a concussion here, but his brain must have been addled by the bike wreck. Why else would he lie to the medics about recent accidents?"

Sarah replied, "If he was confused that bad before he took the hit, it must be worse now. I'll have an orderly stay with him 24/7. He might try to escape. I'll get some restraints."

"Okay. Okay. You win. I wanted to go on the mission because the captive saved my life. I figured I owed him one. So, I forgot to mention the concussion during the physical."

Dr. Martin said, "Hmmm. I'm sure that's a violation of some article in the UCMJ. Maybe if he works hard, we won't have to report him."

I badly wanted to change the subject. No way I could come out ahead if they kept it up. "Is my leg okay?"

"It will be. As soon as you're ready for surgery, the orthopod will repair some muscles and that should fix it. We're slow right now and he's anxious to try out some new muscle procedures. From what I can tell, it should fix up fine."

"Can I stand up?"

"I don't know. Can you?" She unhooked tubes and oxygen.

I sat up and started to move my legs over the side of the bed. The left leg hurt in the thigh. Dr. Martin said, "Keep trying. It'll be better for surgery if you can walk around. The wound has healed, but the muscles won't be strong."

I struggled and put both feet on the floor. I couldn't believe those things belonged to me. Both of the women supported me and then they decided to get someone stronger to assist me. After a few minutes, I shuffled around the ward with a male therapist until the fatigue made me quit. They then had me doing that six times a day.

Sarah was tending to me one morning. I asked, "Do you have any friends at Salerno?"

"Yeah, probably quite a few. Why?"

I told her all I could remember of the situation and the raid. Lyndon Miller's name popped into my head again. Then, I told her why I was even in Afghanistan. She seemed surprised.

"You're a reservist and already did your tour. You're not planning on being career Navy. I guess you really need your head examined. Maybe I should call the shrink."

I told her about Pete's heroics in saving my life. She responded, "Do I understand that you were going out with the Army patrols for recreation?" She rolled her eyes. "I knew Salerno was bad, but you may be off the deep end."

I wrote down Pete's name and also Lyndon Miller and Sergeant Allen. I handed the paper to her. "Pete and Lyndon are SEALs. Allen is with the Army. Some Armored Cav unit, I believe. Some of them may still be there."

Several hours later, she came back. "Some days are amazing. I talked to Sgt. Allen personally. He told me that you did a good job for him and that he put you in for a citation. He said that it would be a bureaucratic miracle if it ever came through with an Army NCO recommending a Navy NCO for a commendation. Anyway, he said that they rescued the man named Pete. Miller told him that he and Pete were being returned to the States. Miller was going to Norfolk to some other duty and Pete was going to the Naval Hospital in Norfolk.'

I let out a huge sigh of relief. "I really screwed up by going on that patrol and then missing the mission I came here to do. As long as those guys got out, I'll have to be satisfied."

"Sergeant Allen told me he was initiating papers to have you transferred to his unit and wants to know when you will be well enough to go out again. Said he was short two E5s and you already knew the drill."

She talked in her official voice and I was just on the verge of worrying about how to get out of that assignment when she broke out laughing. "Had you going there for a minute, sailor!"

"Hospitals are supposed to help people recover and get well. I think you set me back a month."

"Your mission was successful. Perhaps not the one you planned, but Sarge said you all kicked a lot of butt that day. One of the men in your squad heard you yell something like 'Contrary' and then take out three of the bad guys who were threatening his position."

"I yelled Cantera. He's my boss in the Reserve Unit. He told me to get one for him and not do anything stupid just to do it."

"Well, you're batting about .500. You got one for him. I'm not sure how you handle stupid if you tell him what happened." She smiled and wiggled her finger as she moved on down the ward. Seeing her butt twitch aroused my basic desires. I had a real hard on for the first time I could remember.

When the ward was quiet and she could see everyone she needed to watch, she would sit and talk with me. It was private enough with empty bunks on either side and a lot of white noise in the room. We talked many hours about her background, my school and plans, and finally Cynthia and our family. I left out some of the intimate details about Laura. My desire for her increased with each conversation as it had been months since I had any sexual relief. I made sure that she knew how much she revved me up.

Once, she said, "You give me lots of nice strokes and I'd like to return the favor sometime."

"I'd like to stroke you with my fingers, not just my tongue."

"That would be nice, but there's no place for that to happen. I'll have to be happy with my battery-operated lover and my imagination. I'd probably get in trouble if they knew why I was going through so many regulation issue batteries."

Next day, she came in and said, "Dr. Martin thinks you're ready for surgery on your leg. They have some time tomorrow and unless all hell breaks loose, you will go in early in the morning." She always examined my body professionally each time, but the little pats and squeezes were definitely not regulation, unless affection had been written into Army Regs.

I must have looked startled. I mumbled, "Why does surgery always have to be early in the morning? The civilians have the same problem."

"Here, we do the low priority work early just in case we have a crowd later. Why does it matter? Did you have another appointment?" She almost sneered.

She put her hand on my leg and said, "It will work a lot better when they repair it." She examined and massaged the muscle until the back of her hand brushed my stiff cock. She looked surprised, grasped the entire length of it, and then whispered, "We always worry after a trauma until these functions return. You're lucky. The damage could have been six inches higher."

I shuddered and said, "Thanks for reminding me. Once it started getting awake, it happens all the time."

She gave me a reassuring squeeze, removed her hand and said, "Wish I could help you. Too many eyes and too many regulations. I'll see if I can get you into a private bathroom for a few minutes. Do you remember how?"

"I hope so. I really want to be with a woman. A woman just like you."

We locked eyes for several seconds. She whispered, "I think that would be nice. We're all needy around here. Sometimes Dr. Martin gets downright bitchy. One day, I looked at her and said, 'I know. You're just horny.'"

That made me laugh. I'd had that same conversation before with another person. "How do you take care of basic animal needs?"

She lowered her voice. "I have some privacy and I've learned to keep my head in the pillow when the freight train arrives. I tend to be noisy."

""If you keep looking that good and telling stories, I don't think mine will ever go down."

"I'll work on finding a place for massage therapy. We'll see."

Early the next morning, she sent me into a small enclosed toilet. She winked and said, "Your surgery will go better if you get rid of that load. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Are you sure you can't stay?"

"Bradford, I'm attracted to you big time. If I thought I could get away with it, I'd be all over you." She sighed. "I'll keep working on it and if you're interested, we might have a chance when your leg gets better."

I squeezed her hand and said, "Sarah, I'm interested day or night. I go to sleep and wake up lusting for you."

"I have the same problem. I just wonder how long it would take to get tired of each other."

"Only one way to find out."

She winked. "Okay, right over there. Take care of yourself."

I went into the small latrine and worked on my accumulated problem. I remembered her hand on it when she told me how happy she was to know that it still worked. I was hard instantly and within barely thirty seconds victory was at hand. Her body occupied my mind as I came, remembering the smooth strokes she gave me in the bed. She would have made it better, but I felt a lot happier after filling the paper towels with smelly semen. The whiff went right to my old brain to remind me of what I'd been missing. The aroma of semen doesn't improve with age like wine does.

I disposed of the evidence in the trash and returned to the gurney where she was waiting. She grinned, and then said, "Well, maybe I was wrong. If you're that quick, maybe I'll change my mind."

"I'm out of practice. I need to get back in shape for the endurance run. I'm sure you'd be a first rate conditioning coach."

She gazed at the wall, "Yeah, I used to be pretty good. I'm way out of practice and the simulator doesn't fire live service ammunition." She squeezed my leg. "Get this thing working again and we'll see what happens."

Shortly, I was in the OR looking at the brightly lit arena. Strangely, I wondered if the lights were full spectrum or each had a separate range of frequencies. The anesthetist started work and the screens were put in place. I was introduced to Dr. Desai who explained what he was going to do and why. He gave me the chance to back out, but the upside was that I would have much better use of my leg. I opted to continue.

I recovered from the anesthetic more quickly than I expected. Of course, I had no idea how long I was out. Seemed like a minute. Sarah was standing next to me. She smiled and said, "He did another classically superb job. I think your left leg will have a near full recovery. That is..." and she winked..."if you take your physical therapy seriously."

"When will I be able to call home?" I gasped, "Left leg? It was my right!"

She lifted the sheet and ran her hand across my cock as she examined the leg. "How forgetful of me. Unless I'm facing north, I sometimes have trouble with that left-right thing." Then she winked. "Gotcha.'

"About calling, I'll set something up for you." Then, she smiled impishly. "Wife, girl friend, or both?"

"Just two girl friends."

She giggled. "Do they know each other?"

"Yeah. We're all in this together."

"Now, that sounds interesting."


It must have been after nine that evening when my phone rang. Not many people call at that time of day. "Cynthia?"

"Yes, Chief. I'm alone in my room."

"I just returned from the Pentagon. Had to go there on other business. I talked to our folks and they are completely bewildered by the situation. We know that his body has not been found, so we conclude that he is still alive and maybe being held. The Pentagon thought it strange that they hadn't had any back channel news about it. The good news is that the SEAL team rescued Pete and three other prisoners and brought them out."

"I'm damn glad to hear about Pete. He was a friend, too, although he didn't save my life." I was beginning to crumble inside. "Thank you for calling. I don't care what time it is if you have any news."

"You're good people, Cynthia."

No more than thirty minutes later I had an email from a strange source. I opened it.


I'm the friend of Bradford's who arranged to get the pens sent to Laura Tyler. I found your email among Bradford's things. He's apparently been missing since he went on patrol with the Army before our mission to retrieve Pete. Pete is recuperating here and sends his best. We had to go on the rescue mission without Bradford and no one seems to know where he is. I'll talk to the sergeant tomorrow to see what he knows. If you know anything about Bradford, I'd appreciate your sending me a note. This is a strange situation.

Lyndon Miller

I replied to him immediately:


Thank you for your email. Great to hear from you. I know nothing about Charles and can't find out from anyone. I haven't talked to him or received an email for months. We are worried sick and don't know what to do. I can't even go looking for him. Please give Pete my best wishes.


After that exchange, my adrenalin was going crazy. What could have happened to Charles that he didn't go on the mission? He went all the way there just for that purpose. Now, no one knows where he is. I ran downstairs to see Laura, who was still in the midst of a TV movie. I ran to sit beside her on the couch and put my arms around her. "I had an email from one of his buddies who wanted to know if I knew anything about Charles. He might find out something tomorrow. He's been missing since he went on patrol with the Army. I don't understand any of this, but it's the first word we've had."

"Oh, God, Cyn. I don't know what's worse. Waiting like we've been doing, or hearing that news."

"I'll let you know if I learn anything more. You coming to bed?"

"Yeah. I think we need to be close through this."

We snuggled and cuddled, but I was quite restless. I had to work tomorrow, so I took a sleeping pill and finally slept until the alarm jolted me awake. Laura rolled over and went back to sleep. I immediately checked my email.


I talked to Sergeant Allen just a few minutes ago. He told me that Bradford was injured and was taken out by helicopter. He doesn't know where. He thought that if they didn't bring him here to Salerno, they'd take him to Kabul to the hospital there. I'll try to track him down. Pete gives you his best and wants to know what's going on between you and Bradford. I could only tell him what I knew, since Bradford didn't tell me it was private.


P.S. I thought you might like to read this news brief.

Missing commando rescued: Two members of an eight man Navy rescue team have themselves been rescued after their group was reported missing in a mountainous region of eastern Afghanistan last week, a senior Defense Department official said Sunday. No details were disclosed about how the commandos evaded Taliban fighters for about five days. No further details on the rescue will be released until the remaining members of the downed team have been brought back. The names of the rescued and missing commandos will not be released until after the operation is complete.

Same as Cynthia
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I pulled the seam of my pants out looking down at the sticky mess that coated my cock and balls, itlooked lovely and I wished some one had been there to lick it clean for me like they did in the videos. So I let my cock spring free of my pants and take hold of it. My old cum is still slick and slippery making my hand slide along my length pushing gently towards the end of my rod and moving the skin to cover the bell end with skin and block out the cool night air. As I pull back I watch and...

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Goa Encounters The Malvika Diaries 8211 Part 1

Hi Guys! This is Malvika Kapoor from Mumbai. I know you all might be waiting to read my encounters but I had to do them so that I can write it for you all. I am going to share my Goa encounters with you all which I have written with the help of my friend Chetan. I am sure you will enjoy it in his words. Hello all you amazing readers out there on ISS. This is Chetan back again with the next part of my sexual endeavors with Malvika Kapoor. For all those who don’t know me or Malvika, please refer...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 9 Going and Coming

The courtroom was not nearly as crowded as it had been during the hearing. There were still a few journalists present, as well as an assortment of the curious and some bottom skimmers looking for an edge to make some money off someone less fortunate. In contrast, the back row of the gallery held Joan, Dale, Alice, Emily, Dave, and Ashley, who’d decided to tag along more out of curiosity. “ALL RISE,” the bailiff called out. Judge Margaret Hernandez swept into the courtroom with her robes...

3 years ago
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A Wonderful Journey

By: Vicckky Hi, I am Vicckky, I am 5”8’ tall and weighted at 60kg and size of dick is normal that is 5’3 inches not like all of them who say false size. My age is 27. I am frequent reader of ISS and thought that I should also share one of my real xperience with u all guys. One fine day I was travelling in the train from kolkatta to Mumbai in AC III tier coach and I was in B I and birth no was 3. All was going well I had my dinner then I was ready for sleep and I slept around 11.30 pm some one...

1 year ago
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I Dream of DemieChapter 31 Double Your Fun

One of the coolest things about having a copy of you show up, but with only recent memories, is getting to re-watch your favorite older movies with him because he’s never seen them. We had just finished watching Terminator and Terminator 2 (Director’s Cut, of course) back-to-back. “That ... was ... awesome!” he declared. “Are there any more in the series?” I screwed up my face. “Um, there are, but I think we should just stop there to avoid disappointment.” “Huh ... okay,” he replied, and...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 18

A Change of Lifestyle Part 18 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife and their friend Jess. There is not a great deal of CD or TG content in this part of the story as it is about the developing friendship between Victoria and Jess. This is important for the direction of the overall story. Chapter 42 - Graduation I was...

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Freedom pt 2

Cheyenne looked around, thinking that maybe he was early as well. She didn't see him. What if he lied and used someone else's picture's, she thought. He couldn't have. She distinctly remembered his voice when they spoke over the phone. He sounded the age he was. She told herself to stop worrying about it and to stop being so paranoid. From her dark, out-of-the-way corner, she saw him enter. His grey hair was cut short and she could see where he was balding in the center of his scalp on...

3 years ago
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Special Massage Lesbian

She thought back to how she had decided to get into the business of personal massage.Her first orgasm had come at the hands of a masseuse who knew all of the special places on a woman's body. It had been her first special massage. She had been nervous, the tenseness evident in her shivering. She had lain nude underneath a towel that just covered her bottom, awaiting the masseuse.When the masseuse entered the room, April had been startled by the masseuse's good looks. April had expected a...

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This is a simple story of a first time threesome among friends

Linda sat across from John, her snug dress high on her well-toned legs, giving away a view of her panty clad pussy for everyone near. Her breasts were straining at the thin material of her garment, her hard nipples being easily seen. She was well on her way to being drunk, and getting loose. She rose unsteady as she got up to fetch us all another beer. “It had been a Saturday get together, just the three of them going out to lunch. Enjoying a good meal and a few drinks, then a few more,...

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Bad Girl AmberChapter 8 Terrible Tiff Torments the Tramps

After lunch we stoll to our cars (no bags or anything tedious like that – all our shopping gets delivered) and drive back to our respective apartments. We have matching sports cars – VERY expensive ones – with personalised plates, mine says "AMBER HOT" and hers says "TIFF XXX". We look sooo cool and gorgeous as we're driving along in them. Sometimes we take a short detour, drive to this really rundown place where there's always a load of yucky homeless guys slouching around. When we...

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Rogue World Chapter 1

I am Jason Black and I am witnessing a spectacular cosmic event. A wandering planet is entering the solar system of the planet Bella. Bella is a garden world set to terra-form 500 years ago and only recently (50 years) populated by settlers from Earth. The colony here is 60,000 souls and I am part of the defense force assigned by Galactic Patrol to guard against asteroids, comets and other such phenomenon as might be required to protect the planet. The wanderer is quite an oddity, it is...

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BangBus Kenzie Reeves Kenzies cake

Pretty Kenzie ends up getting interviewed inside the bus after some cash offerings. She was hesitant at first of course but that power of the dollar for you ???? We get her talking about the reasoning why she carries a cake and we get some sex questions answered. After a bigger offer we get to see her sucking on a random cock and fucking it. She looks great as she takes this big cock deep inside her from different positions. She ends up getting a huge load all over her face before she gets dropped...

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Do you want to see me for real

My name is Dave; I am a 36 year old business man and single father. My wife died 12 years ago and I have devoted my life to raising my 16 year old daughter, Ashley.While on my way home, I was involved in a small traffic accident, nothing big, just a fender bender. After trading information with the other driver I talked with my insurance agent, who said that if I could e-mail some pictures of the damage, it would help expedite the claim. When I got home, I left the car in the drive way and went...

3 years ago
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USAChapter 45

I suppose the American problem with the Philippine Islands was still going on in 1931/32. The violence of the turn of the century colored politics and there were those who remembered. Lies on both sides put the onus of "Might makes Right" on which ever side happened to be in charge at the moment. There is no doubt that both sides were wrong and both sides were right. It was an occupied country ... and the United States was doing its level best to effect land reform and separation of the...

1 year ago
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Christmas at the shore part 2

“Bro, dude. What’s good?” I asked. He looked pissed. “Not much is good now. I’m hurt.” “What the hell happened? You break something?” “Fell and tore my meniscus. My career might be over.” He was the star at my high school and was getting recruited from a few schools. His top choice was at the tourney and was talking about his offer. “Shit dude. You talk to the scout?” “He said call him when they got the results. You having a good break?” “The usual. Smokin and chillin. Are you...

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Queen of Lust

"Many sounds can be heard. The sounds of the environment such as flowing lava, erupting volcanoes, burning forests, firestorms, and sounds from the creatures living within these areas, such as roars, hisses, screams, howling, and many more. What place can harbor such conditions? It is none other than Hell. The skies are colored red with blood colored clouds strolling by the flaming sun. The realm is full of demons and sinful souls, as punishment for committing sins in the land of the living....

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Mail Call Masturbate For Me

I finally got your letter today! I thought it would never come, it was driving me crazy. I knew you sent it, but me being the over thinker that I am, figured it got lost in the mail, or even better, someone stole it. You kept telling me, give it time it’ll come, silly wee girl. I took your word for it, checking the mail daily. I felt like a kid at Christmas, or a birthday counting the days down. Except with this, the day was unknown. It came, and I almost squealed with delight (okay, I did...

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Secrets Revealed Pt I Ch 02

Part I – History Chapter 2 When we got to my bunkhouse, Patrice slowed to a stop and just looked at the door. ‘Are you sure about this?’ I asked her. ‘You don’t have to go through with it, you know.’ She shook her head. Then she looked deeply into my eyes. ‘I want to do this. I want to do it with you,’ she told me. I could hear the love in her words, a love I felt for her as well. I reached for the screen door and held it open. She walked in and went straight for my room, putting her bag...

1 year ago
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Who Is Teaching Who

Who Is Teaching WhoBy; Londebaaz Chohan A slut is a slut. A whore is a whore. A bitch is a bitch. Ludwig thought. He was still wheezing and trying to recuperate from the rough fucking he gave to Katherine. She definitely had 2 orgasms, Ludwig was sure but she was up and ready again and was stroking the semi-hard penis of Ludwig already. No doubt, her kitty was a bit sore, thanks to the hard fucking he gave but she wanted more. Ludwig smiled at her need and the enthusiasm to get fucked over and...

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The address on the package said 1313 Mockingbird Lane I thought to myself that's funny because it was the same address as the Munster's in that TV sitcom back in the sixties that show was so funny I laugh at the reruns even now...So the addressee is named Miss Patricia Yang so I pretty much know that shes Asian...and single...the package is from Victoria's Secret and I wonder what sexy type of clothing she purchased I begin to imagine her in all types of naughty lingerie as I drive to her...

4 years ago
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Nastavio sam cijelo ljeto da se družim sa mojom komšinicom Zoricom. Jebao sam je u svakom mogućem trenutku, seks sa njom je bio odličan. Jebao bi je kod nje kući najčešće ali i kod mene smo se poseksali nekoliko puta kada moji matorci nisu bili tu. Jednom nas umalo moja majka nije uhvatila na djelu. Bio sam jako zadovoljan našim seksualnim životom. Jednoga dana pozvala me je Zorica i rekla mi da dođem do nje i da kažem svojoj majci kako ću noćiti kod nje jer kao imam neka posla oko krečenja da...

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The One I Want

I want you so badly, baby… so damn bad. You’re in my head… my heart. Mmmmm… you’re in my hands. You’re on my fucking couch…

2 years ago
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Quarantine Sex Video Call

It was late at night. I just flipped my phone to see whether my GF hadd texted. "I miss you", said the text message. Imminently, I got into the chat and started texting her. "I was just thinking about you". I replied.'Oh yeah, What about me were you thinking about?'. She replied.Me - Just your thoughts today. Can't even meet you because of all this lockdown.S- I know. It feels terrible. I just wish you were here.M- Me too. I am missing you. Your body. Your touch.S- My body? Really.M- Yeah....

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The Amazonian Toy

Kyle, a young Botanist has traveled thousands of miles to explore the elusive rainforest, searching for new flora in an attempt to make himself known in the world of science. Many scientists before him had traveled into this particular part of the rainforest yet none have ever returned. He had been traveling for three days now and was just about to give up hope when something caught his attention, A spring, And laying inside, the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen.

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My Sex Adventure With Kantha 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS readers.I am a very horny guy and would fantasize fucking any pretty girl I would see. I would shag at least 3 to 4 times a day… This incident happened when I was studying in my engineering. We had a maid called kantha. She was in her late twenties and was a widow. In fact she had been working even before her husband died. I had seen him many times come to my house asking her money for gambling or drinking. In short, hers was not a happy marriage. Kantha had two children but still she...

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Building a Better PastChapter 8

I fully expected high school to be as boring as junior high had been. It started out that way, certainly. Trish and I both had Geometry, Biology, Creative Writing, Literature, American History and French. The other amigas were in most of the same classes, though Jenny had Algebra and took an art class instead of Literature, she and Jodi were taking Spanish instead of French. Jodi also passed on Literature, taking Drama instead. Classes were classes — I attended, read the books, did the...

1 year ago
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Female black boss Domination pt 1

My name is Sam and I have been working in a prison for a few years now. I am a women but she was quite pretty for an older woman. One day I got a message for the secretary that Ms. Tucker wanted to see me after Work at 4 in her office. I was concerned all day as what I could have done. At 4 sharp I showed up at her door passing all the other teachers who were teasing me about the trouble I was most obviously in. I knocked at the door and a very stern voice told me to come in. I walked in to see...

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1st Time For Emma Part 4

I didn’t see much of Emma during the next four days as we both work and I usually don’t get home until about eight o’clock in the evening. When I did bump into her she was very quiet, moody and definitely not her usual chirpy and chatter self. I didn’t know if this was a reaction of embarrassment to me following our lovemaking or if it was just her having one of our standard female mood swings. She was never impolite to me during those few days, she still smiled and said hello but there was no...

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YMenChapter 5 All Swelled in Ends El

The group spent several hours, having sex, looking for survivors, and having more sex. Buttplug was having a hell of a time, inserting six apples up Seargant Dyke's rectum, then watching her quiver and squeal with delight as she pushed them back out. Then he would push them all back up inside her again. Monsoon and Worry Girl were both naked, fondling each other. "Do you like my pure white snow pussy?" Monsoon asked everyone that passed by. Then the two women would giggle and resume...

1 year ago
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Teased And Fucked Busty Neighbour Bhabhi

Hello, dear readers its the first time I am sharing my real experience so pardon for any mistake. I have been following the iss for a long time. I have had a rather active sex life till now. This experience with bhabhi was amazing. I happy to share some more experience. Please rate and review. I live in Ahmedabad Gujarat. I am a doctor by profession 27 years old male, with decent dick size. I have had fantasies about having sex with bhabhi and aunt for a long time. My neighbor bhabhi Komal...

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A Spiders Web Ch 07

The characters in this story are property of Marvel comics. I have used them in honor of the comic series and admiration for the characters. This story is original and is in no way tied to any of the canons of the Marvel Universe (to save myself the grief of working with time lines). This story contains adult material of a sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to view such material, turn back now. This work is copyrighted to the author. Do not post this on any other site or use it for...

1 year ago
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Gallaghers IslandChapter 6

Doris Candleford was at her wit's end. While it was true she had more orgasms and little adventures right here on the deserted island at the end of the world, she could do little to re-energize her husband's interest in her ultra-submissive pussy beyond out begging him to make her "do it". Of the three other males, the Professor, the Skipper, and even silly but well-hung Gallagher; she preferred Gallagher's equipment the best of all. It was not because he was romantic, he certainly...

3 years ago
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Time Waits For No OneChapter 5

Rules, Rules, Rules Back on my side of the portal and tired. I remembered that I hadn’t been last time, but I had spent that night before sleeping on Crossroads before Helken told us she was pregnant. This time I had been up most of the night with Jessica and Beth. I had not had a restorative before I left and with little rest I was near dead on my feet. Looking at the clock and I guessed it was just fifteen minutes later, but I couldn’t recall. Everything was a weird sensation; on one hand...

2 years ago
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Becoming Sara Six months later Authors notes

Six Months later. A lot of things happened over the last six months. The most important one was Max didn't stop kissing my sister, and she didn't want him to. They moved in together not more than a month later, and will be getting married today. I thought it would take a lot longer to get to that point, but when Max had loved her since high school, and she fancied him as well just that he was not her type back then. Now she had no complaints other than she had missed so much. I...

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The Stan Howard Show

****************************************************** Disclaimer: Ok this is inspired by a true story. It is even referenced in the story. Any resemblance of the characters to real people, living and/or dead, or other fictional characters from other stories is totally unintentional, yet coincidental. Yeah, that's the ticket. It's a coincidence. This story deals with some transgendered issues, and of course sex, so if you don't want to read a story about that, well, don't....

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The Heiress

You are a private detective named John Doe, living in London. You have a small office over a pub that has good Shepherd's Pie and excellent stout on tap. You have a secretary/bookkeeper named Marie, who comes in three days a week to catch up on bills, correspondence, and cleaning. She is a dark-haired beauty, though you haven't made any moves on her. She's only been working there three months. Angela, the last secretary/bookkeeper and a gorgeous redhead, left after the two of you had sex in the...

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Extreme Brother and Sister Love

Introduction: If this offends you dont read it. I had always noticed and longed for my sisters body. She had C-cup breasts and a nice big ass. When this story started I was 15 and my sister was 14. My sister just started having her period and was starting to ask questions about sex. Our parents were always at work and it was summer break. All of our friends were on vacation so she had to ask me. She asked if sex was dangerous and I told her there were some diseases, but she wouldnt have to...

3 years ago
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Introduction: A night to remember It was a Saturday night, me and my husband sam had a couple of friends over the night before were we had played some cards and had a couple of drinks. This had come into a normal Friday night and was getting quite boring, so me and sam decided to have a little fun and go out tonight. I am just over five foot about a hundred pounds blonde hair and a very nice but with a b-cup breast. My husband is an avererge built man broad shoulders and a bit of an athletic...

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The Institute

Chapter 1.  The Induction Session        Shortly after her sixteenth birthday, Jenny’s father announced that he no longer had to legally assume financial responsibility for her and that he had decided she was to be sent to be ‘trained for marriage’ at an expensive finishing school. Hopefully, he announced, the skills she would learn there, would enable her to make a good marriage and earn him a good price which would recoup the cost of the finishing school. Jenny, a dutiful girl, accepted her...

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Hungry son

100% fiction! My mom was 39 then when this incident happened. My mom was leading a happy sex life with my dad . In fact i was the one who was not leading a sex life . My mom will be alone with me in certain occasions. That night was one such occasion. We were watching tv . It was animal planet. It was a a 2 hour program about lions. In that i lioness was fucked by her own son. I looked at mom. She still has a young face with red lips and huge tits. My mom smiled at me and asked me what is it ....

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My Little VentrueChapter 53

~~Jack~~ There was still plenty of time before sunrise, and Antoinette felt like pampering him a bit more. To the pool they went, but instead of using the pool, they stepped down into the hot tub. “I’m ... pretty drained, Antoinette,” he said. “Came twice, you know?” She laughed, and reached out to touch his nose as she stepped into the water. “I am sorry, my love, but I know you drank of both my ghouls only a couple hours ago. I suspect you have much sexual energy left for me to feast...

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