Ausflug ins Nachtleben
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Am nächsten Morgen wache ich mit einer richtigen superharten Morgenlatte (Flöte) auf.(Flöte: Während der Schlafphasen insbesondere bei erotischen und sexuellen Träumen ganz spontan auftretende Erektionen, und zum zweiten ein Druck auf die morgens meist noch gefüllte Harnblase. Durch den Harnblasendruck bleibt eine Erektion dann auch länger und bis zum Aufwachen, auch wenn der erotische Traum längst vorbei ist. Eine stark gefüllte Harnblase drückt auf die Blutbahnen im Penis, so dass das Blut...
Eine Fahrt ins Blaue (Katrin*2012) 1.Einleitung Manchmal kommt man in seinem Leben auf dumme Ideen. So, war es damals, als ich der Idee nachhing, einen Sommerurlaub, als Transvestit oder Frau zu verbringen mit einer Fahrt ins Blaue. Zu dieser Zeit war ich noch jung, z?hlte 23 Lenze und hatte noch Rosinen im Kopf. Mein Auto, das ich besa? war relativ alt und es war schon ein gewisses Risiko, damit auf gro?e Fahrt zu gehen. Es sollte Quer durch den Osten Deutschlands gehen und dann nach ...
On the last day of the Game, Alina was still twenty points ahead of her only remaining rival, Jessica Mackson. Success in the Game wasn't without its price, however. Her social life at school was basically ruined. Except for Karen all of her friends had stopped even trying to contact her. Plus, no one at Bible study took her seriously anymore. None of the students who attended said anything about the Game but she could feel their judging eyes and hear their giggling whispers while she tried...
Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiBobbi was having fun doing the ultimate surrender wrestling but fancied a bit of a change so decided to search around and see if there were any porn stars outside the US that mite be up for it.When she came across linsey her hole body started to tingle, seeing those big soft tits and sexy curves bobbi knew she had to get her over and see if she would be up for the wrestling.Bobbi rang and spoke to linsey telling her about the rules of ultimate surrender and asking her if she fancied coming over...
Introduction: Conclusion. Justin was missing a void in his life, then something wonderful happens. For the next six months, Justin was a constant fixture at the gay bar. During that six month time frame, Justin encountered numerous sexual endeavors. He still realized that something special was missing from his life. The sex part was great, but there was an empty void eating away at him. During this time frame, the Gunny had been transfered to Okinawa and a new Gunny had taken his place. Justin...
When the door to his office opened the sight of young, beautiful Alina Rogers was everything Jerry Senders had hoped for. The once haughty, self-assured girl looked utterly defeated and confused. Her skin was paler than normal and there was a sad expression on her pretty face. She seemed surprised to see him and she glanced back down at the pass she was holding in her hand. "Jerry?" she said. "Sorry, I'm ... Mrs. Simon wanted to see me. Excuse me..." "Take a seat, Alina," he said...
"Hey, check it out," Dean said to his friends. The high school seniors glanced down the hallway in the direction Dean was nodding and they instantly spotted the prettiest sophomore in school: Alina Rogers. She was at her locker and was studying her class schedule. As always the prim-and-proper girl looked sexy even in her prim-and-proper clothes. It'd been months since the boys had seen the girl they'd dubbed the "most fuckable Freshman" the year before. It was a title they'd...
"Why did you do that?" Heather paused and looked at her. She was in the middle of setting up a tripod. She'd already set up the lights and Alina had obediently helped even though all the lights pointed down at the bed and she knew what that meant. "Why did I do what?" "Tucker isn't a part of the Game!" Alina said, near tears. "You said you were only mean to me to help make sure the guys would count because you said they liked that. And ... and I get that. But Tucker isn't in the...
"Alina, can I ask you something?" The 15-year-old girl was sitting at a lunch table with her best friend, Karen Matthews. It was Wednesday of the last week of the game and for once no one had grabbed her for a fuck during lunch period. Alina had considered skipping it anyway but had decided she missed seeing her friends. She'd been avoiding most of them since the Game had started: seeing them reminded her of her real life, the one she would be returning to soon, and that made her feel...
This is my first try to write an erotic story so the story draft may seem raw. I welcome comments from everybody and you can write to me of what you thought at [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------- JUSTINS DECENT by hfernandez1983 ---------------------------------------------------------------- It was a nice summer morning. Justin had just woken up and went straight to the window. He opened it and could feel the fresh breeze of...
As seen below their are many names for the large variety of sexual topics and no real agreed upon list of Tags so I am making a list as best I can to help readers find the stories that interest them. I will be using the most common named tags to make it easier for the readers to find what they like. Below we have an example. Name Stories Blowjob 342 Blow Job 206 Blow Jobs 75 Blowjobs 13 Cock Sucking 201 Dick Sucking 124 Fellatio 16 Blowjob is the most common used...
It was a stupid, stupid, and dumbass thing to do. But I did it anyway. And I spent the better part of the rest of the night telling myself just that. I mean come morning, there was no way I was going to be able to explain it, surely she'd know ... figure it out. And then, there'd be hell to pay. Not like we both hadn't been paying it already. My father had left two years prior. He'd gotten a fairly substantial promotion, and with that an enormous pay increase, a brand new office to go...
Als reife Hobbyhure zurück ins LebenKarens Leben war ein sehr schönes gewesen, dass sie mit ihrem Mann viele Jahre genießen durfte. Sie liebten das Leben und sie verbrachten wunderbare, sinnliche Stunden voller Sex, Zärtlichkeit und Abenteuer. Sie hatten einen Sohn großgezogen und sich gemeinsam auf das wieder freie Leben gefreut, nachdem er für sein Studium als vernünftiger, junger Mann ausgezogen war. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war Karen vierzig und ihr Mann vierundvierzig Jahre alt. Natürlich waren...
I went with my mother to visit one of our neighbors. She was a very attractive lady, but she had just been through a pretty rough divorce and my mother wanted me to come with her to help out with a few things are better left for a young man to do. I spent part of the afternoon getting a few things done. Simple tasks like moving a items around the garage and putting a few things in the shed in the back yard since the cooler season was beginning. Just as we were about to leave, she mentioned...
"Your final submitted score is 92," Heather said. "Jessica only has 73." Alina smiled. "Thank God!" she said into her cell phone. It was so good to find out her victory was official. "Wait," Heather said. "I've got another call. Hang on a sec." "Okay," Alina said. While she waited her own phone beeped indicating another call. "Darn," Alina murmured. When she checked the caller ID, though, she smiled. As much as she wanted to talk with Heather about winning the Game, this...
In late November all Suzy thinks about is Christmas. Suzy loves Putting up the tree, and Christmas lights all around the house. This year is no different, but a new guy is in her life.Gary is thirty and very handsome. Suzy met him at work. They have been dating for six months now. Everyone is happy for them, parents, co-workers even Max. Max was Suzy’s boyfriend until Gary came to town.Max played the nice guy very well. Some say a little too well. Max was fifty and knew Suzy was too young for...
Quickie Sex"Don't," I whispered, pushing Kyle's hand away from my left breast for like the tenth time. "Petra..." he whined softly in the flickering light of the movie and I just kissed him again. That shut him up and I held Kyle's right hand against my tummy while my small, pink tongue explored his mouth. Actually, I knew his mouth pretty good, but you know what I mean. I love French kissing more than ice cream and I was good at it. Kyle couldn't complain as I ran my tongue between his lips and...
Saturday evening had come and four beautiful girls were gathered in Mandy's apartment on the second floor. Janine had been introduced around and admired; any new friend of Mandy was acceptable to the others. They had kissed and fondled a little when they arrived and then Mandy had sent out for a mountain of Chinese food. They drank wine while they waited and drank some more during the meal. All four were feeling excited and randy as Mandy went to the kitchen for more wine. They chuckled,...
Buffy konnte es kaum erwarten, wieder ins Schauspiellager zu kommen. Sie war jedes Jahr hingegangen, seit sie zehn war und sie liebte es. Es war draußen in der Natur, was sie mochte, weil sie ein Stadtmädchen war, aber, was sie am meisten mochte, war, dass sie Freunde dort traf, die sie sonst nur selten sehen konnte. Eine von ihnen war Megan, die eine besondere Freundin war. Sie hatten vor drei Jahren zusammen im Schauspiellager gelernt zu masturbieren. Sie waren in diesem Jahr Zimmergenossen...
TeenVorwort: Jeder kann/darf an der Geschichte mitschreiben. Zu beachten ist, das es um eine Weltraum Si-Fi Geschichte gehen soll. Hauptakteurin und Commander der Sternenbasis Stardustcity ist Gina Dominatrix. Blond, 42 Jahre alt, schmal gebaut, extrem große Op-Brüste, die wahrhaftig OP sind. Gina hat einen sehr eigenwilligen Style. Sie ist etwas unfähig und hat ihren Posten nur, weil sie mehreren ranghohen Mitgliedern des Sternenrats ihre unterqualifizierte Möse kredenzt hat. Gina ist eine...
It was on a Saturday as I was walking from town, as I passed by the government projects, Bruce called out to me. I tried to act like I did not hear. Bruce ran through the complex and headed me off at the next corner. Popping from between two buildings, Bruce caught my elbow and asked '...where you going, I called you...' I tried to pull my arm free only to have Bruce grab hold to my hand also. I defiantly growled '...I didn't hear you, I need to get home now...' Bruce twisted my wrist slightly...
I swore I would never drink like that again. My head pounded, and my mouth felt like the whole Viet Cong army had camped in it overnight. I managed to get out of bed after three previously futile attempts. I looked around at my sorry living conditions. An efficiency apartment, the owner had billed it. The space was one large room with a couple of partitions tossed together on either side. One partition hid a kitchen and postage stamp dining area, the other a dressing room, and bath. The center...
"Oh. You." "Nice way to greet your sister," Diane said. The woman pushed past him and walked into her brother's apartment but immediately stopped. "Jesus Christ, Jerry! Look at this place!" Jerry Senders sighed, closed the door, and turned to his sister. He looked around and saw what she saw: a disaster. He hadn't cleaned the place in over a week and the evidence was obvious. Empty beer bottles littered his coffee table, the wood floor, the counter that divided the room from the...
After school the following Friday, Day 5 of the Game, Alina was at her computer and she nervously typed in the Game's website address. She entered her special username and password and instantly the images of her and her competitors appeared on the monitor. She sighed in relief when she saw that her image came up first. She'd ended the previous day in second place for the first time, down two points behind some Senior she'd never met named Chloe. Mr. Senders had given each of her tits a...
"You still dominate the Game, Alina. Even though you've barely earned any points this week the 52 you earned last Friday still gives you a commanding lead." "Yes, Mr. Senders," Alina said. She was totally nude, in his office, and in the usual position. To her relief he was alone which meant he wouldn't be sharing her with any of his friends or colleagues today. She tried to keep her eyes off the steel ruler in his hand, though, since she'd yet to see him hold it without using it. He...
"Did you see this?" Jerry yawned. His sister thrust a newspaper into his arms and sauntered into his apartment. She kept one hand on the budding baby-bump she carried so sexily and walked toward his kitchen. The man sighed, closed the door to his apartment, and adjusted his bathrobe. "I've been up for maybe ten minutes," he said as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Haven't even had my coffee yet." "Oh, poor baby," Diane said as she opened his refrigerator. "At least you can...
"Erin?" The bathroom door opened and my mom looked around it as I stood under the hot spray of the shower. It was morning, a little before six, and I wasn't tired yet, but I would be later. Heather and her friends ... my friends ... had kept me up all night, or most of it anyway, and I'd never known anyone could have as much sex as we'd had. My tongue felt stiff and swollen, my lips were puffy and bruised. Stacy had given me love bites on my thighs, breasts, and neck. A dozen of them...
Chapter 5 - Riley The months that followed were a misery for me; I loved Evan, and I was sure he loved me, but I couldn’t reconcile that against the secrecy of his God-damned club. There was something going on at that terrace in Potts Point, something sexual, I was sure, and I felt that Evan had in some way been cheating on me, all the while giving me the best sex I would ever experience. I felt jilted and wronged and completely justified in my actions; but I also felt petty and small and...
SupernaturalMy wife and I were unemployed, both having been made redundant, me after 4 months, she just before they needed to pay redundancy. Neither of us had transferable skills, as a salesman I had sold but it is difficult to find that kind of employment in your mid-40s, when there are so many youngsters after that position. We both hustled for part -time job that paid the rent and ran the old crate of a motor bike that we had. Some weeks ago, we saw an article in local paper advertising an open day for...
My sexy submissive Renee and I wrote this story together. It is written from a Daddy Dom’s perspective, and I am obviously the voice narrating this tale. Within the hour, Daddy's Little Slut will be screaming God knows what into her pillow. At least that is what my Baby Girl is hoping will transpire. After weeks and weeks of planning, Renee is rather impatiently waiting for her newest fuckbuddies to arrive. Hopefully her gentlemen callers will not be so gentle, as they use every inch of her...
Ted and I were college buddies, both going through the same exams, profs and (you guessed it) girls. He was always an ass man, getting his kicks from 'bumping' up behind chicks anywhere he could find them. In shopping malls, in elevators, in the subway, anywhere.My thing is getting head.Anywhere, anytime is fine as long as the girl doesn't mind. Ted and I knew of each other's sexual preferences and became a tag team almost by accident.Sandy was a tall and healthy brunette with big blue eyes...
A month had gone by, and my cousin, Robbie called me up and we made plans for him and Cameron to come stay again. I was very excited, considering I had the best sex of my life with Cameron just weeks ago. When Friday came around and I saw them pull into the driveway i greeted my cousin and Cameron with a big hug and a wink in Cameron's direction. Once again we went out to the town and got pretty drunk. However my cousin seemed to be full of energy this night and didn't seem as though he...
Peter Graham had an erection! He had had it all morning, ever since Sue had arrived for work. She was dressed in the shop uniform of white blouse and navy blue skirt as usual but she seemed different somehow. She had given him a big smile and came to stand in front of him. "I'm feeling on top form today Peter," she glowed. Peter gasped. His eyes popped out of his head. Sue had two buttons of the blouse undone, one more than was allowed by his father. She was wearing a very flimsy bra and...
******* Aaron lay on his bed, feeling surprisingly relaxed and contented. His sister’s actions tonight had opened the floodgates to his imagination. He pulled down his pants a little, to let the cool night air caress his now flaccid penis. He looked at it. He marvelled at its newfound use and relevance to his life. But what he was most amused by was the fact his sister could play such a big part in its use. Ariel finally exited the bathroom, wiping her lips with...
So we’re back with part two of The Twin’s in a Vineyard trilogy. We previously left off at part one after Ariel gave her brother a blowjob and got cummed in her mouth. Part Two continues with Aaron lying back on his bed. His head filled with new thoughts about his sister. Again, if you find incest stories disturbing, do not continue reading. If you have yet to read part one: Ariel’s Discovery, please do as this story continues from that one. Once again, I thank you all for reading and I hope...
IncestI had been a teacher at Norwood junior school for 2 years and still thought to myself how lucky I was to have found such an ideal school. Norwood itself was a medium sized village, almost a town in fact yet quite isolated and mainly comprising middle class folk who were polite and friendly. This was my first teaching post since leaving university and many of my friends who I was with there were so jealous that I had landed such an enviable position. All though the only drawback was that I...
01.AugustLiebes Tagebuch,Mein Name ist Sabine. Ich sitze am Flughafen und warte auf meinen Flieger nach Mallorca. Nach einem Jahr mit sehr viel Arbeit und einer beendeten Beziehung habe ich mir mal eine längere Auszeit in der Sonne verdient. Ich beginne ein neues Tagebuch, weil es in meinem Leben Veränderungen gegeben hat und noch geben soll, die ich nicht einfach so Freunden oder Kollegen erzählen kann. Ich denke, dass ich bis jetzt zu brav war und das Leben nicht so ausgekostet habe, wie man...
Scott returns home to find that his front door is unlocked. He opens it cautiously and hears giggling coming from down the hall. Then he hears the moaning. He walks toward his bedroom, taking off his clothes as he goes. By the time he reaches his room, he is completely naked and completely shocked by what he sees. There is his sister with her face buried in his ex-girlfriend’s pussy. Skye’s eyes are closed or else she would have seen him by now. Tinsel’s ass faces him and he can see how wet...
This happened quite a few years back before linsey had her boobs reduced, anyway I was down in london visiting some friends when I saw a poster for a adult entertainers show where you could meet some of britains porn stars, cathy berry alica rhodes, delta white, victoria brown and of course linsey dawn mckenzie.It started at the weekend so I didn't have long to wait I said goodbye to the friends I had visited and headed home knowing I would be stopping at the show on my way back home.I got to...
Hermione didn’t sit in the same compartment as Harry and Ron did on the Hogwarts express, she and Ginny had found a compartment for themselves. Ron thought he and Hermione had argued and kept telling Harry to go apologize.Harry finally got tired of Ron and reminded him that Prefects needed to patrol the train. Ron grudgingly left the compartment leaving Harry alone. Harry’s thoughts immediately turned back to Sirius and the prophesy. Hermione had been able to keep these thought away for a...
I woke up with Jackie's yellow panties slowly being lowered to my lips. I could see the outline of his hardened cock next to the pretty leg trimmings. He knows I like that. He was about to sit on my chest and knew he didn't have to ask if I wanted to lick his member. I just love the baby doll nightie he's wearing and he always wears a lacy yellow bra with this ensemble. I get to look up the nightie and admire the pretty bra. He let's me wear it sometimes. Actually, it's Miss Robins who...
Wake to my alarm and stumble into my bathroom. Remember to not take a shower this time, though I will tomorrow. Splash water on my face then get the radio on and brush my hair. Losing the curls but still looking good. Back to my room to pick out my outfit and I am not sure. Miss Perkins paid attention to me finally.The problem is I can only dress so slutty before the partners complain. There is a certain level of professionalism needed, especially in a law firm. Look at everything then toss...
Tinsel smiles when she leaves the house. She feels energized from the sex she had with Dallas earlier in the morning and then having her brother clean her pussy with his tongue. Before she showed up, she had thought that getting her brother to finally see her as a sexual creature versus just as his companion, sibling or sister was going to be difficult. She is ecstatic to have been so wrong. She does wonder about the last time he had sex. He hasn’t said anything about a girlfriend or lover....
Kelani was, in fact, just getting started. Her accounting degree had given her the tools she needed, and her own inquisitive and tireless curiosity gave her the perfect attitude to relish doing white collar investigations. Soon she had reams of paper to go through, and disks of data. For three weeks she came to work, ignored me all day, and kept her nose in either handfuls of papers, or the computer screen. She took notes and prepared spreadsheets. I handled the upkeep on all our other cases,...
Chapter 7 – Evelyn “Aleeeeeeeeex.” I looked around, startled from my contemplation of the idol by the voice, a female voice, whispering my name; soft, sweet and enticing. “Aleeeeeeeeex. Come to me.” Breathy and sexy, it seemed directionless; all I knew for sure was that it wasn’t any of the men around the table calling me; they couldn’t even hear it; they all remained absorbed in Johanssen’s narrative. He had closed out his Bridge night adventure with Evelyn and was now explaining how Adley...
SupernaturalIf the transient sexual prowess of its members was a mystery, then the library itself was the enigma wrapped in the riddle wrapped in the mystery that was The Winsome Widow gentlemen's club. I was initially charmed by the high shelves stacked with bound volumes; there were no windows and all four walls were completely covered floor to ceiling with bookshelves and a wheeled ladder attached to each wall. In the centre of the room were two Chesterfield sofas and two sumptuous matching armchairs...
Nurse Higgins: A New Assignment By Cheryl Lynn All standard disclaimers apply, not for the sweet/sentimental reader as it is a forced femininization story. This work of fiction may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use must have author's permission. Constructive comments/suggestions are welcome at [email protected]. Rachel Higgins was a mature fifty-three years old with graying chestnut hair. As a surgical nurse, while more than competent, looked down...
In 1973 I was 18 years old and working at a grocery store called the "Warehouse Market" in east Tulsa. Grocery stores are great places to meet girls or women and I had many a sexual rendezvous with females I met at the store.In the same shopping center was a small Mexican food joint called the "Taco Hut". I would pop in over there for lunch once in awhile, not because of the fine cuisine but mainly due to the cute girl that worked there named Debbie Perkins. She was younger than me but had a...
DOLCETT DOLPHINS: WHALING CONTESTThe advert was discreet one found in a local health magazine and Roxie's curiosity was immediately aroused.Big Beautiful Woman? WIN at least $100,000 or more!! CALL 1-800-whaling Now!!BBW Swim Challenge! Are you aged 18 to 30, a Big Beautiful Woman who enjoys adventure activities?We're a sporting club with a unique love of your kind of woman and we invite you to come and join one of our weekend retreats.Deep in the heart of the countryside our retreat offers...
February 1, 2000 Dutch was nursing a Budweiser and watching a Duke play North Carolina State for the second time that season. The ACC tournament was coming up in just a few days and he was trying to get a look at as many teams as possible before the NCAA's. He heard Rosa's car pulling into the garage. A minute later, Rosa was standing next to him. He rose up and kissed her. "Missed you baby," he said. "Sure you did, and with the game on too," she said, glancing at the large screen...
Nurse Higgins Another Assignment Part 4 By Cheryl Lynn All standard disclaimers apply and not for the sweet/sentimental reader. This is a work of fiction and female domination and should not be practiced at home. May be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use prohibited unless approved by the author. Constructive comments are welcome at [email protected]. Nurse Higgins Another Assignment Part 4 Nathan was lying in bed, the breast pump humming when Natalie...
Whomever it was, they were either really young, or a very petite girl. As I got closer I could make out the goth hair and clothes so I was pretty sure who I was dealing with. When I was only a few feet away I said quietly, "Wow, nice work." The painter jumped and spun around, eyes wide open. "Don't worry, I'm not going to report you. Your art is just stunning." "Uh.... thanks. I'm not used to, you know, being caught in the act." "So where did you learn to paint like this? Do...
Title: She Ra, whore to the goblins. Author: slaveboyusa Send comments to: [email protected] Date: 1/14/2009 Summary: She Ra, while very beautiful, is still a virgin and therefore ripe for impregnating. A goblin horde has set it eyes on She Ra. They hatch a plan to kidnap her. When the goblins have She Ra in their little green clutches, they take the future queen down a notch.She Ra was still virgin at age 28. She is engaged to a prince and she is to bare him many children. It is important...
CHAPTER 18: DOLPHINS & SEALSI was being pulled by the alpha dolphin, my body slightly above his on his right side at a depth of about 15 feet. I looked to the right and behind me, then to the left, before glancing behind to verify the position of the two Navy Seals on each side, each holding the dorsal fin of a dolphin. Behind me, a single female with her calf followed closely. We were just passing through the inlet to the target cove making our planned approach on the designated target....
(Die Bilder sind von IronHawk-R, zu finden bei "DeviantArt" und mit seinem Einverständnis veröffentlicht, bisher nur das Startbild, aber passend zum Storyverlauf kommen vielleicht auch noch weitere dazu) Die wilden Lande verdienten ihren Namen eigentlich nicht mehr. Früher war es hier wahrlich wild zugegangen, plündernde Orks, Zentauren und viele andere Schrecken hatten das Land unsicher gemacht. Doch dann kamen die Amazonen! Sie sorgten für Sicherheit und brachten tatsächlich den Frieden. Die...
Helen had found Frank to be wearing his usual 'at home' attire, his robe. He had decided at the last moment to put a pair of underpants on but of course Helen was not to know that. At this moment they were sitting on Frank's sofa, toasting one another with Champagne. Frank slipped his right arm around her. She did not resist, if anything she leaned a little closer. "I hope that this Champagne doesn't make me squiffy," she giggled, already feeling the effects. She was feeling no pain...
Scott wakes up and thinks he is dreaming. The young woman next to him appears to be his adopted catgirl sister. He moves his face closer to hers and kisses her lips. Tinsel’s eyes remain shut but she smiles. And then he remembers the night before, Christmas Eve. The woman next to him is real. He lets his hand travel down the length of her body, then rests it on her smooth pussy. She parts her legs just a bit. With the allowance, he pushes his a finger against her clit and rubs. Then he hears...