OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 14 Bidding for Claudia
- 3 years ago
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Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.
The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.
They were escaping the terrible poverty out in the vast farmlands of this world. As a pleasure-slave they would have a much better life, living in rich surroundings, and doing little work other than the obvious.
They also had much better legal protection than farm workers; they could not be abused in any way. They also had to agree to be sold to the winning bidder at their auction, they could refuse if they so wished.
Pleasure-slaves were also paid a monthly allowance which they could do with what they pleased. They could also save up their allowances and eventually buy their freedom if they so wished, but this was rare, as a pleasure-slave was generally a good life.
I had purchased my first pleasure-slave. Her name was Melora; she was an eighteen year old ‘pure’, or virgin. She was blonde, petite and slim, with an incredible 34HH bust.
After a few months together Melora had told me of her mother Helena, also a pleasure slave. Her mother’s master was a wealthy land owner on the far side of the planet.
I had purchased Melora’s mother Helena, a thirty-seven year old very busty lady. I had brought Helena back home to my villa and Melora was so happy.
I had ensured Melora understood I would never ask her to join me in bed with her mother, that would be very wrong.
I had taken Helena to an ‘open’ party the previous night, where she had been had by a number of older rich guys, and she had enjoyed every minute of it…
The following morning after the open party I did as I had promised her, and screwed Helena doggystyle in front of my mirror while she told me all the naughty things she had done the night before. I certainly enjoyed listening to her story as I thrust away into her, and it wasn’t long before I came, erupting inside her.
The next few weeks were spent enjoying my time with Melora and Helena. I spent alternate nights with one or the other, and got to know them even more.
My gem store and jewellery business was doing even better. I had come to this planet to retire, but had set up a store to top up the huge wealth I had brought here. After all, pleasure slaves were not cheap.
The manager that ran my store for me had hired a new salesman, and a new delivery driver. They were both young men in their early twenties, and fairly good looking I suppose.
Once a week I would swing by the store for a few hours to check the stock and books, and chat with the staff.
One morning I had been chatting with the manager for a while about this and that when the new salesman came over after dealing with a customer. He asked to speak to me.
We chatted for some time. His name was Chad, he was twenty-five years old, and originally from Celeste, another city on the other side of this huge planet. He had moved here to Trenton, the largest city, to make his way in the world.
But he had got in to terrible debt trying to keep himself and his wife afloat financially. Trenton was an expensive city, and for two years he had not had any work until he got a job at my gem store.
He was grateful for the job, but he was already asking me for a raise. I sympathised, but told him I certainly could not justify giving a raise to someone who had only worked for me a few weeks, he would need to work hard and improve his sales.
When I told him this I could see him get visibly upset, almost like he was going to burst into tears. I took him into the back office to speak to him in private.
“Are things really so bad?” I asked.
“I’m sorry sir,” Chad blubbed, “I’m just so worried about my wife.”
“What happened?” I probed.
Chad explained he had been married to his wife Linsey for three years; that his wife had recently been fired from her waitressing job a month ago, making their financial situation even worse.
He said they had been desperate, and that he had reluctantly agreed to her taking a course of action that he now realised was a huge mistake.
She had decided to join ‘The Dirty Wives Club’. I had never heard of it. Chad explained it was a new pleasure-slave palace on the outskirts of the city, where pleasure slaves serviced wealthy men.
The difference with this place was all the pleasure slaves were married women. They submitted themselves to be owned as a pleasure slave for a fixed term, usually five years. They lived and worked six out of seven days a week at this new type of brothel. One day a week they were allowed to visit their husbands, but they belonged to the management of the pleasure palace.
He explained his wife had submitted herself a week ago, and that she had been through some training program the last few days, but that this afternoon would be her first time on the shop floor with all the other girls. He now finally realised what this truly meant, his beautiful loving wife in bed with some rich man.
He said he loved his wife so much, and why had he agreed to this scheme to clear their debts? He told me he would use the initial payment she received for submitting to be a pleasure slave to pay off a small amount of their loans, and that she had planned that they would use her monthly payments from the brothel to eventually pay off the remainder.
He felt mortified, and sick at the thought of his wife with some rich man’s hands all over her.
I felt some compassion for his plight, and loaned him a small amount of money to help him out a little. He thanked me, but said he wanted to ask me a favour.
“What’s that?” I asked.
“Would you go to this place, and speak to her for me?” he asked, “She is not allowed any contact with the outside world until her day off, so I can’t speak with her until next week.”
“Why don’t you just go there?” I asked.
“I can’t get inside the place,” he explained, “They will only allow men with a pleasure-slave owner’s card. You have one don’t you sir?”
I did. I had received one when I bought Melora, my first pleasure-slave. All high-end brothels insisted on seeing this card for entry to their establishments. I guess it kept out those who couldn’t afford the delights within.
“What would I say to her?” I said.
“You could tell her we made a mistake,” he explained, “That I could come back with the money they gave us, that maybe they would cancel the agreement.”
“I don’t know,” I said, “I’m sorry for your trouble, really I am. But I can’t get involved in anything between you and your wife.”
“Please sir, please I beg of you,” Chad pleaded.
I did think however, it might be fun to check out this Dirty Wives Club. Maybe they had some nice women working there. I guess I could check it out, and while I was there do my employee Chad a favour.
But I really didn’t want to get into long conversations with his wife about the mistakes they had made.
“I tell you what Chad, you write her a letter, and I’ll deliver it to her, okay?” I told him.
“Will you take it there today sir?” he pleaded, “Before anything can happen?”
I understood, he wanted his message to be heard by his wife before some rich guy got to take her to bed. I didn’t have anything planned for the rest of the day, so I figured why not.
“Alright Chad, write your letter, and I’ll take it over there this afternoon,” I said.
“Thank you sir, thank you, I owe you one,” finally cheering up, grabbing a pen and paper and beginning his letter to his wife.
I left him to it in the office, and went and chatted a while with one of the super-rich customers to my store.
Twenty minutes later Chad reappeared with his letter sealed in an envelope, and the business card of the Dirty Wives Club. He thanked me again as I left the store.
I took a taxi over to the other side of the city. On the way I called the Dirty Wives Club number on the business card. I spoke to the manager Theresa.
I explained I was a new customer on my way there; that I had been told about the Dirty Wives Club from a friend, but I wasn’t sure of their opening hours. Theresa explained they officially opened at 1pm, but if I arrived earlier I was welcome to have a drink in their bar.
I arrived at the Dirty Wives Club just before 1pm. It was a medium sized complex, with a large central villa style building at the centre, where the entrance was. Off this, inside the compound walls, were several other smaller bungalow villas. It was all beautifully styled, with pools and palm trees.
I walked up to the entrance, there was certainly no sign saying ‘Dirty Wives Club’, it was all very discreet, as these types of places usually were.
At the entrance the large villa door opened and an attractive Hispanic looking lady in her late thirties greeted me.
“Theresa?” I asked.
“Yes, so nice to meet you sir, we spoke before?” she smiled.
She wore a short black skirt and white blouse. She ushered me into the villa. There was a small reception area, where I had to show my pleasure-slave owners card. Theresa thanked me, and we passed the two burly security guards into a large courtyard.
Theresa made some small talk with me, asking about what type of business I was in and such. We made our way into a large bar area. There was a barmaid, but no-one else present. The bar had some very private booths, fairly dimly lit.
Theresa invited me to sit with her in one of the booths and the pretty young barmaid brought me a drink. Theresa sat next to me in the semi-circular booth.
I asked her about the Dirty Wives Club. She said they had been open a few months. They had been given special dispensation to offer temporary pleasure-slave contracts by the local ruling council.
When submitting to be a pleasure-slave, woman (and men) did so for life, or until they could buy back their freedom. However the council had granted the Dirty Wives Club owner, who also happened to be Theresa’s husband, a five year deal to offer temporary pleasure-slave contracts to married women.
The council liked the idea Theresa’s husband had come up with, and if it didn’t work out they could write it off in five years as a trial that didn’t work. They also liked the idea of married women who were perhaps unable to earn a living to do so, and of course pay taxes on their earnings.
She explained there were many rich men who liked the idea of being with another man’s wife, and those men’s desires could now be catered for.
“Is that why you’re here sir?” she asked with a cheeky grin.
“Of course,” I replied with a smile and squeezing her arm, “And to find out about this place.”
Theresa put her hand on my thigh and patted it. She seemed very friendly, almost flirting with me, so I put my arm around behind her, letting it slowly fall down her back to her ass.
I had just begun to pat her ass once, when Theresa froze, quickly took her hand from my thigh, and removed my hand from her ass, placing it back in my lap. I had wondered what I had done wrong as she suddenly stood up, smiling.
“Hi honey,” she said, as a tall, heavy set man entered the bar area and approached our booth.
“Hey babe,” he said, then turning to me, “Hi sir, how are you?”
I stood and shook his hand as he introduced himself. This was Theresa’s husband, the owner of this establishment. Now I understood why Theresa had spurned my advances.
We all sat back down and enjoyed a drink together, Theresa now sitting close to her husband. His name was Richard; he was in his mid-fifties I suppose. I congratulated him on his new business venture, telling him it was a fun and original idea.
He thanked me and said he hoped I would enjoy my time here and return again. He explained as it was such a new business they had few clients at present, that it would take a while for word to spread.
He said they had a large number of married women who had submitted themselves to become a pleasure slave. This was quite normal for regular brothels with pleasure slaves I had been to before. The rich elite of this world liked a large selection of slaves to choose from when they visited.
Of course you paid a real premium for the services of whichever woman (or man) that you choose to service you. This was because you were effectively also paying the wages of the twenty or thirty or more other women you didn’t choose that day. I had been to pleasure slave palaces, as they were commonly known here, with over five hundred women available on any particular day, and perhaps there would be only twenty or thirty customers all day long.
So you can see the price you paid for your girl’s service had to cover a lot of overhead. Richard didn’t say exactly how many married women were pleasure slaves at his place, but I had to think he must have at least eighty to a hundred; otherwise he would not attract the rich men of this city that loved a lot of choice.
He did explain he owned the large apartment building next door which was connected to this villa complex, and that was where his pleasure slaves lived, that they each had their own apartment. It was a very tall, large building, so certainly had the capacity to house a lot of pleasure-slaves.
He also explained that while he owned the business, it was Theresa who was the mistress, the owner of all the pleasure-slaves here. It had been a stipulation of their agreement with the local council.
Richard also asked about myself, and how many pleasure slaves I owned. I told him I owned just two, that I had fairly recently arrived on this world and was just beginning to learn all the delights his home planet had to offer.
He laughed, and said he hoped I would find many delights here. He told his wife Theresa she should give me a quick tour of their facility, as the girls would not quite be ready for work yet.
She said that was an excellent idea. Richard explained he had to leave on business and again thanked me for my visit and hoped I would return again.
He then kissed his wife goodbye and made his way out.
I stood as Theresa ushered me off in the opposite direction. We wandered around the villa complex, and outside into the pool area. It was a warm day, but there were many lovely shaded seating areas due to the large palm trees.
“Would you like to see one of our private villas sir?” Theresa asked smiling at me.
“Yes, why not,” I replied.
Theresa took me into one corner of the complex where a villa-style bungalow stood. Theresa opened the door and we went inside. It was beautifully styled and furnished. It had a large bathroom, with a jacuzzi bathtub.
Theresa took me through to the living room, there were large sofas; it all looked very comfortable. Theresa opened the large patio doors at the rear of the bungalow to reveal a very private and secluded little garden.
“What do you think sir,” Theresa asked.
“Yes, it’s very nice,” I told her, “You’ve done well Mistress Theresa.”
She giggled.
When we had initially walked into the bungalow I had put my arm lightly on her back to guide me. This time she had not shied away. So now out in the garden I let my hand again slowly drift down her back, eventually letting it rest at the top of her ass.
I asked her about whether she had had any input into the look of the place, and she started to tell me all about the construction, and then how she had got involved in the decoration and all the tiny details of the bungalows and the villa.
As she did so, I let my hand drop further to fully cover her ass cheek. Again she made no move to slow my advance, so I gripped her ass harder. Still she chatted away.
I assumed now she was out of sight of her husband she was happy to flirt a little with a prospective client of their business. I began to caress and grope her lovely ass more urgently.
She smiled and led me back into the bungalow and through to the bedroom. It had a very large bed, and an en-suite bathroom. My hand never left her ass. I was getting a semi-hard on.
Theresa continued to talk about all the work she had put in designing the interior of the bungalows. I was more interested in getting to know her ass. I slowly worked my index finger between her ass cheeks, down between her legs and began rubbing her pussy mound through her panties.
“Oh you have got wandering hands, haven’t you sir?” she giggled, finally acknowledging the fact I had been feeling her up the past few minutes.
“Well you can’t blame me,” I told her, “You have a lovely ass dear.”
“Thank you sir,” she blushed. Theresa turned to face me, which meant I could get my other hand on her ass too, pulling her in closer. This afforded me a glimpse down her blouse.
“And great tits too,” I grinned, as she pressed them up against me. I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, which she allowed for a second, then pulled back.
“Bad boy,” she giggled, giving my semi erect cock a quick squeeze through my trousers, “Come on sir, let’s go find you a nice young lady to fuck, shall we?”
She started to lead me back out of the bungalow. I got the sense that Theresa perhaps used to be a pleasure-slave, and maybe Richard had bought her, given her her freedom so they could marry. Now she was running a pleasure-slave business the best way she knew how, and flirting like crazy with the clients, as long as her husband wasn’t watching.
I would have quite liked to have fucked her; sadly Theresa’s married ass wasn’t up for purchase. But she was going to take me to some that were. However I still kept my hand all over ass as we walked outside, and back across the pool area.
We went back inside the large villa, and up one floor and into a very large viewing room. There were large sofas facing an enormous glass panel, behind which sat maybe seventy or so women. They sat across three stepped levels, so that the women further back weren’t hidden by those at the front.
More women arrived in the ‘goldfish bowl’ area as I sat on one of the sofas. I was the only customer here at the moment. This meant all the women were giving me their attention, waving and blowing kisses.
There were a few other ladies on my side of the glass, dressed in smart business suits. They were assistants, here to help clients with their choices of the many ladies on offer.
Behind the glass the ‘dirty wives’ were dressed in all different types of outfits; some in lingerie, bikinis, evening wear, sexy costumes, all sorts. There were some gorgeous women here; I could see myself becoming a regular visitor here. Each woman had a small badge pinned on her clothing with her name and a three digit number. Most pleasure slave palaces had systems like this, so a client could easily identify a particular girl when he was viewing sometimes a hundred ladies or more.
“So do you see anything you like sir?” Theresa asked.
“Yes, I see a lot I like,” I told her. However, I thought I had better sort out the reason I had originally come here in the first place, before getting to take one of these lovely ladies to bed for the afternoon. I had better ask Theresa about Linsey, Chad’s wife.
“But I’ve heard you have a new lady starting today? Linsey?” I told her.
“Oh, you are well informed, aren’t you sir?” she said, surprised, “Yes, it’s true. She finished her training yesterday; I was just running over a few last things with her this morning. Would you like to meet her?”
“Yes I think I would,” I replied.
“Well she’s not down here yet, as you can see the ladies are still arriving from having their hair and make-up done,” she explained.
These types of establishments always had a few hair and make-up artists on staff to make the women look their absolute best.
“I’ll call her down, would you like to meet her here, or somewhere more private? We have small lounges where you can meet her, before you make your choice? She can show you her records there too,” Theresa explained.
“Yes, that sounds fine,” I said. A private lounge would be better so I could quickly sneak her Chad’s letter, and then come back to the viewing area to choose another lady to fuck for the afternoon.
“Would you like her to greet you in lingerie, evening wear, naked…” she said.
“Evening wear is fine,” I interrupted her.
Theresa called over a staff member and whispered for a moment in their ear. Theresa then ushered me out of the viewing area and down a long corridor to a small lounge room, which had a small balcony overlooking the pool area.
I sat on the small sofa, the room was small and intimate, surely designed that way to get the girl into your lap quicker.
A waitress brought me a drink as I briefly fondled Theresa ass one more time as she sat next to me. We chatted for a short while until there was a knock at the door.
“Ah, here she is sir,” Theresa said and got up to open the door to the lounge.
In walked a beautiful young woman. She had long blonde hair, full lips and brown eyes. She wore a dark red evening dress, short and tight. It showed off her obvious charms, nice hips and ass, and low cut to reveal a very ample cleavage.
She extended her hand to me, “Hello sir, I’m Linsey,” she said smiling.
I stood, took her hand, and kissed her palm, as was often the custom on this world.
“Pleased to meet you Linsey,” I replied. A waitress brought in some more drinks as Linsey and I sat together on the sofa.
“Well sir, I’ll leave you alone for a few moments,” Theresa said, smiling and closing the door as she left.
Linsey and I sat sipping our drinks and making small talk. She asked me whether I had my own pleasure slaves, I told her briefly about Helena and Melora. She seemed quite interested in them, perhaps trying to work out what kind of women I liked.
As she talked I looked her up and down, she was quite a woman. Beautiful and sexy, truly gorgeous. I reminded myself I was supposed to be briefly meeting with her just to give her Chad’s letter.
Of course she didn’t know this, and was doing all she could to entice me. She brushed her hair back from her face seductively as we chatted. She would cross and uncross her legs from time to time. She would adjust her dress so her bust was more prominently displayed.
It was working, I started to get a semi-hard on. They had trained her well. I was her first potential customer and yet she seemed to know many of the tricks pleasure slaves had used on me before to try to ensure it was them that I chose.
“So how long have you been married Linsey?” I asked her.
“Oh, just over three years now sir,” she replied.
“How is it you both decided for you to submit yourself to become a pleasure slave?” I asked.
“Well, we got into debt when we moved to this city, and just got further and further into debt over the last year or so,” she explained, her hand resting on my thigh now, “Then I lost my job waitressing last month, so we had a real problem, you know?”
Yes I did know, I already knew all this from her husband Chad, but it was nice to hear it from her too.
“We began fighting a lot, and just weren’t getting on, and it was all because of money,” she went on, giving my thigh a cheeky squeeze, “Then my best friend Shyla, she submitted herself here, and told me it was good money, and she was having fun, so I started to think about it myself.”
“I see, and what did your husband think?” I asked.
“Yes well, you know he wasn’t keen at first of course, but eventually we decided we couldn’t really see us ever getting clear of our debts any other way,” she explained, “So last week I submitted myself here, and did my week’s training, and today’s my first day sir.”
Linsey smiled at me, giggling, and rubbing my thigh again.
“So sir, how is it you knew there was a new girl starting today?” she asked.
I was about to tell Linsey her husband had sent me with a letter for her, but I was enjoying her company too much, and bringing that up might spoil the mood. She really was absolutely gorgeous.
“Oh well, my friend frequents this place, I think he found out from a staff member a few days ago,” I lied.
“I see,” she grinned.
“So tell me some more about your husband darling,” I told her.
“Ah, now I’m beginning to understand you sir,” she giggled, and shifting in her seat to whisper in my ear, “You like the thought of fucking another man’s wife, don’t you?”
“Well, it is the whole purpose of this place, isn’t it dear?” I replied, whispering in her ear.
She giggled, giving me a peck on the cheek, “Bad boy.”
Linsey placed my arm around her. She touched the glass on the coffee table in front of us. It was also a touch screen system, and after going through a quick menu she brought up some photos of herself and her husband Chad.
There were some professional photos of her by herself in various skimpy outfits too, she had a lovely body. She skipped through them quickly until she came to some wedding photos of Chad and her getting married. There was also a scanned image of her marriage certificate, dated just over three years ago. I suppose some men wanted to see the evidence that the woman they chose here really were married, and they weren’t being duped.
Linsey also brought up her short records on the screen that Theresa had mentioned before. It showed her health certificate, that she had completed her initial training, and then a screen shot of each time she had been chosen by a client. However this screen was blank as it was her first day.
“Lovely photos darling,” I said, letting my hand slip down her back to her waist, “I love your lingerie shots.”
“Thank you sir, I had them done here a few days ago,” she said, smiling again, “But if you want to see me naked you only have to ask.”
Linsey giggled again, as my hand slipped further to rest on her ass.
“What would Chad think about that?” I asked.
Linsey suddenly looked surprised.
“How do you know his name?” she asked.
Whoops, I had screwed up. Was it time to reveal my secret? No, not just yet.
“I saw his name on the photo of your marriage certificate,” I replied, thinking quickly.
“Ah yes, of course,” she said, relaxing again, “Well I don’t think he’d be too happy, but he’s not here sir. It’s just you and me, and we can be as naughty as we like, can’t we?”
She giggled again, leaning in and give me a peck on the lips. I began to grip and grope her lovely ass with my right hand. She beamed back at me, her left hand moving up my thigh to rest of my semi-hard cock.
“And where is your husband today?” I asked.
“He should be at work, far from here sir, don’t worry,” she replied, beginning to cup my balls through my trousers.
“No, I’m not worried. What does he do?” I asked, enjoying this game.
“He works for a very rich man as a sales clerk, in a high-class jewellery store,” she said.
“Do you like rich men Linsey?” I asked, grinning.
“I do,” she nodded, “Not that I’ve had much chance to meet any. Until now that is.”
She giggled again, blowing me a kiss.
“You are a naughty girl, aren’t you honey?” I said, placing my left hand on her thighs.
She leaned in again, giving me a longer kiss on the lips and then leaning further to nibble on my ear.
“I am sir, very naughty,” she whispered in my ear, running her fingers along the outline of my hardening cock in my trousers, “Why don’t you call Miss Theresa back in here and ask her if you can take me to one of the bungalows?”
“You think I should?” I teased.
“Oh yes sir,” she continued whispering in my ear, “Take me there, and you’ll get to enjoy fucking this hot young cheating wife all afternoon. I’ll let you do whatever you want darling.”
She leaned back around to kiss me again.
“Whatever you want sir,” she purred, “Anything at all.”
I couldn’t possible resist Linsey any longer. I had come here to give her Chad’s letter, and then maybe find another hot young wife in the goldfish bowl area to fuck this afternoon. But the thought of fucking Chad’s sexy wife was too much now, I could think of nothing else.
I reached for the call button and pressed it, Linsey grinned, knowing she had managed to entice me. She kissed me again, and for the first time I kissed her back.
Almost immediately Theresa appeared at the door.
“How are you two getting on?” she asked, “Everything alright sir?”
“Yes thank you Theresa,” I replied, turning to greet her, “I think I’d like to take Linsey with me to one of your bungalows.”
Theresa looked delighted. “That’s wonderful,” she said, “And lucky you Linsey, a lovely man for you on your very first day.”
“I know. Very lucky, and excited,” Linsey grinned, running her hand along the bulge in my trousers again, “I think sir is really looking forward to fucking another man’s wife.”
Theresa and Linsey giggled in unison.
“Well that’s just the kind of men we love to meet here, isn’t it Linsey?” Theresa said.
“Absolutely,” Linsey replied, grinning at me.
“Would sir like anything particular for Linsey to wear in the bungalow?” Theresa asked.
“How about some of the lingerie from your photos you showed me?” I asked Linsey.
“Of course sir,” Linsey replied.
“Good idea,” Theresa said, “Linsey, why don’t you run along and get ready for sir, and meet him in bungalow six.”
“Yes Miss Theresa,” Linsey nodded, then turned to me, “See you soon lover.”
Linsey gave me a quick peck on the cheek, then stood and left the lounge. Damn she had a nice ass.
Theresa motioned for me to follow her.
“Let me take you to your bungalow sir,” Theresa said, smiling again at me. We made our way out into the long corridor, slowly walking toward the pool area.
Theresa took my right hand and placed it on her ass.
“Just to keep you going until Linsey joins you,” she giggled.
“Mmm, lovely,” I remarked, again get to grips with her ass as we walked.
“Sir you can stay with Linsey as long as you like, all night if you so wish,” Theresa explained, “I would ask if sir can do me a favour?”
“What’s that?” I asked, intrigued.
“I wonder if I might ask you a few questions before you leave. It’s just it’s Linsey’s first time and I need to know how she performed, if there is anything she could have done better, you understand sir?” Theresa asked.
“Yes, of course,” I told her.
“Thank you. For doing that sir, I’ll give you a nice big discount on any lady when you come back next time,” Theresa said.
“Well, thank you dear,” I said, “Will that discount apply to me taking you to bed?”
“Oh sir!” she giggled, “You are a bad boy.”
We laughed together as we began to walk through the pool area. A lovely looking young lady in an extremely skimpy black bikini approached us.
“Ah sir, this is Shyla. She’s Linsey’s friend here,” Theresa explained.
Shyla shook my hand, “Pleased to meet you sir.”
So this was Shyla that Linsey had mentioned before. She was a very attractive black girl, maybe early twenties, with big tits. She took my hand and placed it on her lovely ass.
I gave it a quick squeeze as Shyla smiled at me. ”Have fun with Linsey,” she said.
Shyla left us making her way quickly toward the viewing room with the gold fish bowl. I guess she was running late. Maybe she was one for next time.
“Friendly girl,” I said to Theresa, as I watched Shyla’s stunning ass walk away from us.
“Yes of course,” Theresa said smiling at me, “They may be married, but all my girls are very, very friendly sir.”
“You’ve trained them well it seems,” I told her.
“Thank you, sir. I appreciate that. Let me give you my card before I forget,” Theresa said, handing me a small plastic business card, “You can call me anytime if you want to make a booking with a particular lady. I think you would like Shyla, apparently she’s a really great fuck.”
Theresa was a great business woman for sure, she would do well.
“Perhaps next time then,” I said.
Theresa introduced me to three other young married lovelies in their twenties as we passed them walking through the pool area on their way to work. There were certainly a lot of very, very fuckable women here. Each one of these women wore skimpy bikinis too. There were two sexy blondes, and then a really beautiful woman I thought was probably descended from Earth’s old Indian sub-continent.
As I was introduced to each of these women they shook my hand briefly, then took my hand to place it on their ass for a few moments, just as Shyla had done. This was obviously something Theresa had trained all her girls to do, it was a nice touch. I made sure to get in a good squeeze of each of their lovely young asses before they left us to make their way off to the viewing room.
It was amazing to think there were so many husbands out there across the city, with probably no real true idea of what their wives had been trained to do here. Their husbands would never have seen the inside of a pleasure palace such as this, or any other. They simply couldn’t afford to.
Perhaps they imagined their wives were ashamed to work here, or were treated badly in some way, and were only doing it for the money, and couldn’t wait until their one day off a week to see their husbands again.
But nothing could be further from the truth. It seemed to me all the wives here were very happy to be working here, lazing around the pool in bikinis, meeting rich and powerful men. And occasionally if they got picked, they were very happy to go off for a few hours of fun, sucking and fucking the rich man who chose them over a hundred other women. But I’m sure these wives kept that fact from their loving husbands, to protect their husband’s already bruised ego.
We passed an older man in his late sixties being escorted arm in arm toward a bungalow by a nice young blonde woman in her early twenties. She wore a skimpy little schoolgirl outfit, her big tits almost falling out of it as she tottered across in her high heels. Her name badge read ‘Mindy’. He nodded and waved to us.
I nodded and waved back, as did Theresa. Out of the old man’s eye line, the young women pushed out her cheek with her tongue, the universal symbol for a blowjob, grinned and blew me a quick kiss. I wasn’t sure if she meant she wanted to suck me or him. I smiled at her anyway, she was pretty cute.
I thought to myself, I’m sure Mindy’s husband has no idea how his wife was dressed up today, how she was about to get fucked by a very old guy, or how wonderfully slutty his beloved acted around rich men.
Finally we arrived at bungalow number six. It was the same one Theresa had shown me before. She opened the door and we walked in and I sat on the large sofa in the lounge area. Some drinks and snacks had already been delivered to the round glass table in front of me.
“Well sir, I have to leave you now,” Theresa explained, “But Linsey will be here very shortly. Just ring the bell if you need anything, and I’ll see you again before you leave.”
“Thank you Theresa,” I said, giving her ass one last squeeze.
“I’m sure you already know, but Linsey will do whatever you desire sir. So have fun and enjoy her,” she said grinning at me and blowing a kiss as she made her way back to the door.
“I will,” I said, as Theresa left. I relaxed back on the sofa, removing my shoes. I fiddled with the remote control feature built in to the surface of the glass table. You could control the lighting, music, just about everything.
A few moments later, there was a knock at the door, which then opened, and Linsey appeared, closing and locking the door behind her.
She walked into the lounge, and I could now get a better look at her. She looked absolutely stunning. She wore tight black panties, black stockings and high heels, and a lovely black bra that really showed off her lovely bust. She had a really nice rack, I would guess at a 34FF.
She smiled, turning around a few times so I could get a view from all angles. She then got on all fours on top of the glass table in front of me, her panties riding up her ass a little as she bent over. She flipped her hair and pushed a button embedded in the glass surface of the table. The table began to slowly spin around.
Linsey grinned at me as she span around. Again I was getting a good look at the goods I had purchased for the afternoon. Linsey flipped her blonde hair with a shake of her head, and looked over her shoulder at me seductively as her gorgeous juicy ass slowly passed by within inches of my face.
“You like the view sir?” she purred.
“Oh Linsey, you’re a goddess,” I told her, “How your husband ever agreed to you coming here I’ll never know.”
Linsey grinned at me as she span on the table back toward me, pursing her lips together and blowing me a few kisses. As she started to turn back away from me again she began wiggling her ass at me.
Why on earth had her husband Chad sent me here to give his wife a letter? He must not be too bright, because any rich man who met Linsey in this environment was absolutely always going to end up fucking her, no doubt about it. No man could resist this.
Seriously, Chad was an idiot. Now he was going to pay the price of his stupidity. That price would be the fact the man he had sent to prevent his wife from working in a place like this, would be the one who ended up being her first client, and probably ensuring she continued working here for a long time. I was going to enjoy fucking his wife’s brains out.
Linsey began spinning back toward me, and she started swaying her tits hanging down beneath her back and forth.
“What would you have me do first sir?” she asked, “Strip, or suck?”
“Ohhh, suck honey,” I told her, “Suck, suck, suck.”
Linsey got off the glass table and knelt in front of me. She spread my legs to get herself closer, shimmying forward on her knees, her tits jiggling in her bra as she did so. She smiled as she reached for my belt, undoing it with ease.
Then Linsey unzipped my fly, and I lifted my ass up off the sofa for a moment so she could pull my trousers down to my ankles and then off. She removed my socks too, and then reached for my cock, rubbing it through my boxer shorts. She leant forward and kissed my shorts where my cock head lay throbbing underneath.
“Take ‘em off, honey,” I told her. Linsey hooked her thumbs into the waistband of my shorts.
“Let’s see what I’ll be playing with this afternoon,” Linsey said with a smile as she tugged at my shorts, my cock popping out all hard and ready for her, “Oh sir, very nice. Very nice indeed.”
She giggled, removing my shorts completely and tossing them away behind her. She gripped my shaft with her dainty little hand, slowly beginning to wank me, as her fingertips from her other hand massaged my balls.
“Oh, you have a lovely cock sir,” Linsey said grinning, looking me directly in the eye as she continued to give me a hand job, “I think I’m really going to enjoy myself this afternoon.”
She began kissing my shaft, lightly at first. Then she moved to my balls, kissing, then sucking them. Soon she ran her lips back up my shaft, and kissed the head of my cock, over and over. Then out came the tongue, licking me up and down.
Finally she took me in her mouth and began sucking me, slowly at first, but building to a steady rhythm. She made lovely slurping noises as she built up speed. Linsey looked up into my eyes quite often. I could feel her tongue running up and down the underside of my shaft as she blew me.
“You’re very good at that Linsey,” I told her.
“Thank you sir,” Linsey smiled up at me.
“Were you always this good at sucking cock, or did you learn it during your training here?” I asked cheekily.
“Well, I think my husband would say I was quite good at it,” she giggled, “But I’ve certainly learnt how to do it much better in the last week. It’s nice to finally get to show off my new skills.”
“And I’m very happy to get to experience your new skills before you husband does,” I told her.
She began slurping away again, cupping and playing with my balls. She was really very good at this. Without looking up, she reached up and began feeling for the buttons on my shirt, and slowly unbuttoned it, all the while steadily sucking away. That was a neat trick.
“How did Mistress Theresa teach you all these lovely new skills dear?” I asked, removing my shirt.
In between mouthfuls of my cock, Linsey explained there was a training room in the complex, with a special dildo with sensors inside linked to a computer. Under instruction from Theresa, Linsey had spent hours sucking away at this dildo, and analysing the scores and feedback the computer would give, to slowly get better and better.
“I also got a few tips from my friend Shyla,” she told me, grinning.
“Oh really, I met her briefly outside,” I said.
“Ah okay, she’s a sexy girl too, don’t you think?” Linsey asked.
“Sure,” I replied, “So what tricks did Shyla tell you about?”
“Let me show you sir,” she said.
Linsey licked her middle finger, then slowly inserted her fingertip into my ass, and went back to sucking my throbbing hard cock. She massaged my asshole with her fingertip, slowly pulling her finger out, and pushing it back in again.
I hadn’t had a girl do that to me before, it was a strange sensation. Not exactly stimulating, but not uncomfortable as I would have imagined. I let her continue like this for a few minutes, then decided ultimately it wasn’t for me, and I pulled her finger out.
“Don’t like it?” she asked, “No problem, you’ll love this one.”
She took my cock in her mouth again, and slowly worked her lips down to the base. Then her tongue came out over her lips and began licking my ball sack. That was very clever.
“Impressive,” I told her.
She licked at my balls for a few moments like this, before finally being force to come up for air, saliva dripping from her lips and chin. I took her head in my hands, and lowered her open mouth back onto my cock. She closed her lips around my dick, and I moved her head up and down, forcing her to suck me.
“Yeah, lovely dirty wife,” I told her, “I bet your husband has no idea his wife is being forced to suck my cock right now.”
Linsey shook her head slightly as she sucked away. She began to gag a few times, but her hands were on my thighs and she gave me a thumbs up signal, indicating she was okay, so I continued to hold her head and make her suck me.
After a while I let her up for air. Again, saliva ran from her lips and chin. She smiled at me, wiping it away.
“Now strip for me honey,” I told her.
“Of course sir,” Linsey said with a big smile on her face.
She stood up again, as I turned up the music. Linsey began to dance provocatively in front of me. She swayed her hips, and shook her ass. Slowly she pulled down her panties a little, then bent over with her ass facing me. She bent right down, her head down at her ankles, as her hands drew her panties all the way to the floor.
Her ass was amazing, what a sight, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. Such a peach of an ass. She looked back at me, winking and grinning.
Linsey then stood up straight again. With her back to me, she reached behind herself and unclasped her bra, letting it drop to the floor. As she turned back toward me she placed her hands over her boobs.
“How’s the view so far sir?” Linsey giggled.
“Wonderful darling,” I replied. I was stroking my cock as she walked back toward me. Linsey then knelt astride me on the sofa.
I reached to take her hands away from her boobs, but she resisted with a smile.
“Ah, you want to play with my husband’s favourite toys do you sir?” Linsey giggled.
“Well, he isn’t gonna be playing with them for a while Linsey, so why don’t you let me have a taste,” I told her.
I peeled back her hands from her boobs as she giggled again. They were fabulous, no wonder her husband Chad loved them so much. Lovely, full and firm tits with gorgeous nipples. My earlier guess at a 34FF bust seemed about right.
I groped and sucked on her boobs for quite a while. She held my head close as I lapped at her tits, licking around her nipples and then sucking on them, which she seemed to enjoy. I then grabbed and groped her lovely firm young ass as I continued to feast on her boobs.
“Oh sir, I haven’t had any cock in a week,” she told me, “I need it.”
I reached for her pussy, working one finger, then two inside. She was already a little wet, so she obviously was keen to get screwed very soon.
“I bet you’ve been satisfied every day in the last week by your pleasure slaves at home, haven’t you?” she teased, “But I’ve had to wait a whole week.”
“You need it bad Linsey?” I teased back.
“Oh fuck yeah. I mean, I love my husband, but I need a good seeing to every day,” she explained, “I came here for money to pay off our debts. But now I’m here, I mean he doesn’t need to know I’m going to enjoy getting as much dick as possible, does he?”
“There’s nothing wrong with a lovely young wife enjoying her work,” I said, my mouth around her right nipple, left hand on her ass, and two fingers from my right hand inside her.
She giggled, kissing the top of my head.
“Sir, let me ride your lovely cock. Please,” Linsey begged.
How was I to refuse such a request? I sat back on the sofa, and Linsey quickly rolled a condom over my dick. She re-positioned herself, then lowered her pussy on to my cock, her little hand guiding me in. She then lowered further until she took me to the hilt.
Linsey placed her hands on my chest and began slowly riding my dick. She felt lovely and tight as she bounced up and down, slowly building a rhythm. She began to sigh, and breathe heavier. I began to thrust back into her as she rode me.
“Oh yeah. Yes sir, oh fuck yeah,” she moaned under her breath.
Linsey began now to ride me harder and faster. I enjoyed the sight of Linsey’s lovely firm young tits bouncing wonderfully in front of my face. I couldn’t help but think for a moment of Chad, her husband, back at my store working hard, oblivious to the fact I was fucking his hot young wife.
“Oh god yeah, fuck yes,” she cried, bouncing up and down very fast now, “Ohhh fuck!”
She finally came, and then collapsed on my chest.
“Wow, you needed that didn’t you darling?” I asked her.
“Oh yes sir, I did,” Linsey panted, kissing me on the lips, “Thank you so much. You can’t know what it’s like for a girl like me to go for a week without dick.”
She giggled, kissing me long and hard. I moved down to kiss her beautiful neck, and then further down to suck on her gorgeous big firm tits again.
“I think I’m going to enjoy working here sir,” Linsey said smiling, “It seems I’m going to spend my mornings getting ready and making myself beautiful, and spend my afternoons fucking a lovely rich man who makes me come.”
We both laughed.
“And those rich men are all going to love fucking you honey,” I told her.
I was sure Linsey was going to be very popular here once the word got out about this place to the rich elite men of this city. Perhaps if I returned here again in a few months I might find her fully booked for weeks, who knows. I had better enjoy Linsey while I could.
I grabbed Linsey’s hips and lifted her on to her back on the sofa. I then got on top of her and she guided my cock into her sopping wet pussy. She grinned from ear to ear as I pushed my cock deeper and deeper inside her.
I then started fucking her lovely tight twat. Damn this was good. Her full young breasts sat up on her chest, she pushed in her upper arms to make them sit up further for me. They looked amazing jiggling back and forth in time to my thrusts.
“Oh yes sir, fuck me,” Linsey panted as she reached back and put her hand on my ass, encouraging me to fuck her harder, “Fuck my married pussy.”
Surely Chad had no idea what a truly dirty wife he had. I was loving this, and wasn’t going to last much longer. Still, I had as long as I wanted with Linsey, so there was plenty of time for round two.
I could feel the come building in my balls as I fucked her. I pulled out and whipped off the condom, and started to jerk off over her tits.
“Oh yes sir,” Linsey grinned, “Shoot it all over me.”
A few strokes later Linsey got her wish, as I erupted with stream after stream of hot white come all over her tits and face.
“Oh yeah, good boy,” Linsey said as another spurt hit her on the chin, “I hoped you might do that for me.”
I collapsed back on the sofa. Linsey got some wipes from a cabinet next to the sofa and cleaned herself up, and then me.
She then came and sat in my lap, she nestled my head in between her stunning tits. She was lovely. I decided however that I should not lie to her any longer, and tell her the real reason I had come to the Dirty Wives Club, and the real reason I knew it was her first day here.
I hoped she would not get upset that I had lied to her, but I’m sure lots of married men came here and told lies. However it was her first time working in a place like this, so I had to tread a little carefully.
“You know Linsey, I have to tell you something,” I told her, “I don’t really have a friend who told me there was a new wife starting today. Until this morning I’d actually never heard of this place.”
“Oh really?” she said.
“Yeah. I was actually sent here to deliver a letter to you,” I admitted, my hand slowly caressing her ass, “But when I met you I couldn’t miss out on the chance of taking you to bed.”
“Oh wow, who is the letter from though?” she asked.
“Well, it’s from your husband Chad,” I said.
“What? How do you know him?” she asked, looking a bit worried.
“I’m the owner of the jewellery store he works at you see,” I explained, “He seemed upset this morning, and so he told me all about you, and that you would begin working here. He wanted me to come here to give you a letter, to try to dissuade you from starting work here.”
Linsey looked me in the eye for a long moment in complete silence, looking so serious.
She then burst into laughter.
“Oh my god, that’s so like Chad!” she said, throwing her head back and laughing some more, “Sending a rich man to a place like this to meet up with me. What did he think was going to happen?”
She giggled some more, kissing me on the cheek.
“Of course I’d end up fucking his boss,” she grinned, “That’s so funny.”
“So you’re not upset with me?” I asked.
“Of course not sir. He’s put you in a difficult position, and you’ve re-payed him by fucking his wife, so you’re even in my book,” she giggled, “No problem. Well, it’ll be our little secret, won’t it?”
I nodded, kissing her.
“Do you want to read his letter?” I asked.
“Maybe later darling,” Linsey said, stroking my cock which was back at half-mast, “Why don’t we go into the bedroom and I’ll take you to dreamland.”
“Dreamland?” I enquired with a grin.
“Yes baby. Now we’ve both come once, you can take your time enjoying my body,” she whispered in my ear, as she jerked me back to a full hard-on, “If you like you can fuck Chad’s wife in her gorgeous tight little ass.”
Linsey stood and began to lead me toward the bedroom. I could see I was going to become a regular visitor to ‘The Dirty Wives Club’….
Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy and I continue the story of my adventures with the amazing local custom of pleasure-slaves.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the terrible...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAgain, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various others. As previous readers are aware, I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the terrible...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAgain, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware, I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAgain, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy and I continue the story of my adventures with the amazing local custom of pleasure-slaves.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the terrible...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAgain, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAgain, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. As previous readers are aware, I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy and I continue the story of my adventures with the amazing local custom of pleasure-slaves.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAgain, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue the tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAgain, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAgain, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiA warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy and I continue the story of my adventures with the amazing local custom of pleasure-slaves.As previous readers are aware, the rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the terrible...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAgain, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware, I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
- - I must note before the story starts this is a prequel to Sisters in Slavery that tells the story of the owner of the Sisters Master Robert Sanders coming of age and becoming a master within The Organization leading up to how the Brothel was started. As such there will be some new characters introduced that may or may not be in future chapters of the main story. This also means that all of the established female characters will not be appearing in this part of the story. - - Part...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: woke up early the next morning, the sun was shining brightly...
Towhom this may concern, I am writing out my adventures while living on the planet Rigel VI. It's a planet near the edge of our galaxy. It varies to inner system planets in one large way, here on Rigel it's culturally acceptable to own pleasure-slaves. These slaves differ from those of Earths past in the fact that all of these men and woman volunteer for this occupation, choosing to give their bodies to those able to afford it. These slaves are not mistreated, protected by a court of law to...
Fantasy & Sci-FiTo whom this may concern, I am writing down my memories and adventures while living on Rigel VI. For those who are unaware, it is the largest planet in the Rigel system on the very edge of our galaxy. It is also home to some rather odd traditions compared to inner system planets. The one that stands out the most is the “pleasure-slave” business that everyone on the planet seems to accept. This wasn't the same as slavery of Earths past, it was more of a legal contract that both parties had to...
Fantasy & Sci-FiChapter 5Corey found it pleasanter to march in daylight instead of stumble in the dark. She looked often at her shackled wrist, or fingered the metal on her throat in incredulity that, by them, her whole existence was dictated and changed. Against the iron links education and intelligence served naught. The padlock mocked them all. When, twice a day, it was unlocked at chore time she dared not disobey but returned to it as to a stern and waiting authority. Each night two girls were chosen to...
Chapter 3Burdett sighed. Casually, he walked to a bush and cut a withe. Corey watched, shivering, while he trimmed it down to an instrument of punishment. "I´m sorry." She said nervously. "I´ll shut up and keep quiet."He did not answer. When the supple wand was to his liking, he said pleasantly: "Hold your hand out, Miss Corey Gibson."She put both hands behind her back in shocked mortification. "You can´t!" She exclaimed incredulously. "You wouldn´t...?""Why?" There was a wealth of caustic in...
Chapter 6"Hold on, sweets. I'll go and pay the cash and get your key. Be right back."The relief was one huge tingling excitement. Audrey Cotswold stood, fingering her metal collar, savouring these last moments of a more mercenary slavery than Assef Aslam had ever imposed. The collar would soon be gone, and so would she! The plush luxury of Aslam's New York empire would enfold and protect her once again. She was more amused than concerned by his order that she be returned to him bound and...
"Undress me, Slave-Daddy," I told my father. "Yes, Mistress," he replied and there was eagerness in his voice, as well there should be, considering I'd been the distant object of his incestuous desires for almost ten years. My mother was recovered from her orgasm, which was something akin to spontaneous human combustion, I thought with a smile. It had happened suddenly and without any real physical stimulation of her sex, but she might have cheated. My attention had been focused on my...
Brenda watched in the rearview mirror as her Master stepped out of his patrol car. He was an imposing figure in his uniform; six foot two, 210 pounds, wide shoulders and narrow waist and, as always, wearing mirrored sunglasses. He walked up and stood next to her car. Brenda's window was open and he placed both hands on the door. As she looked into his face she could see her reflection in the mirrored sunglasses. She knew why he wore the mirrored shades. He wanted Brenda to see herself as he...
BDSM::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: was dark out and Kim had no idea what time it was. Her tail butt plug was still firmly in place and she was still locked in the the cage. A dim light in...
"It's so nice having lunch together, just the two of us again," my mother smiled at me. "Yeah," I smiled back. "I was gone too long, Mom. I'm sorry about that." We were downtown, in a nice little restaurant after doing some shopping together. It had been a long time since my mother and I had done this sort of thing, and we were both enjoying it. I was surprised that I felt no guilt over what I'd done with my dad the previous night and I wondered if he'd followed my instructions...
Chapter 4"You´ll wear a strip of white, and we want it pretty on you." He gave them his sardonic grin. "Believe it or not, some men pay more for a cunt they can´t see than for one they can."It was like the stewardess on a airline demonstrating the oxygen mask. Amrah mounted the platform, her chains almost silent on the plush, and proceeded to work a feminine miracle upon her loveliness with a swathe of virgin white, potent against the black on which she stood. She was loving every moment."You...
Chapter 7"I catch you if you fall." The corporal promised expansively. Then extended himself to humour. "I also catch you if you run."They did not run.In the cell their arms and wrists were freed. In their barred confinement their irons became more practical. They had little need to walk. From one side of their prison was only three or four dragging steps, the rest of them was free. If they stood still they could enjoy a false sensation of liberty. But this reflection was grim. It meant that,...
The Slave GirlChapter 2Her fall from the immaculate had been so great that she rejected middle class scruples about her body. If her breasts and vagina were weapons she would use them. After Achmed had loosed her from the bars, tended her needs and left her chained alone for the night, Miss Corey Gibson sat nakedly on her wooden bunk and ruefully reviewed her second ****. **** was not the right word. Butt all the other terms she could think of seemed equally inadequate."You like me fuck you...
Three days later I thought I was up to working as a household slave provided they realised I could not do heavy work and would not be subjected to further punishment. Consequently at 5 a.m. the following morning a eunuch came and took me to meet Georgina in the main kitchen. She was a large, stern looking woman possibly of Turkish origin. She looked at me with some disdain but she'd obviously been told I was no longer a slave and now had access to the king so she tried to hide it. As usual I...
If you don’t know about me, my name is Bradley Parker. There is nothing extra-ordinary about me, which I can tell you. I am just over 6 feet with black hair and black eyes. I just finished my junior year and will be a senior after the summer break. This year has been especially tough for me as my parents got an ugly divorce. Though I didn’t live with them in 3 years it really affected me, as I was an only child, and the thought of not celebrating Christmas or Thanks giving together bothered...
Chapter 1Upon the rich austerity of David Murchinson´s polished mahogany the silver chrome of the handcuffs were a shining incongruity against the reticence of Corporate good taste. Corey Gibson eyed them with disdain. She was more concerned with what Murchinson was saying."On the face of it I should simply shut up, keep quiet. I should allow Planet Oil Corporation to slide down the drain and your father with it. But I don´t want that." He sighed heavily. "This old family role isn´t all it´s...
She was cooking something on the pan when I got to the kitchen. As usual, she was wearing a tight blue denim shorts and a plain white t-shirt. The way she was bending over the frying pan, her beautiful bottom was presented to view. I stood behind her and appreciated the view for several seconds. “Good Morning” I told. Korin was startled and the spatula fell from her hand. Clearly she was not aware that I was standing behind her all this time. She turned around and wished good morning with a...
Note: Mary gave her father teenage Felicity to be his slave. Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 – Felicity Rye – Tacoma, WA Being a slave was a new experience for me, and I wasn't exactly sure what was required of me. Yesterday, my former Mistress—the beautiful Mary who had taken my virginity that wonderful afternoon when Mark had brought my friend April and me home with him—had given me to her father, Mr. Sullivan, to be his slave. He was a gentle man, and a...
It took me a while to connect with Ash. Tough it was early morning in Leongrad, it was well into to daytime in Moscow. “Hey Brad. Enjoying your days in Bastinia” Ash was delighted to hear from me. “Not so much Ash. It would have been a lot better if you were here. Anyway, what time are you arriving? Korin and me will come pick you up.” There was a pause on the line. Then she spoke. “Sorry to disappoint you again Brad. But it will be a couple of more days. I am trying my best to leave Moscow...
Time passed as Janet continued to lead her highly unusual life. From Monday through Friday, she worked at her job and lived normally. She worked, shopped, did laundry. She refused the advances on men at her job, and stopped socializing with her female friends. Gradually, she acquired the nickname of Ice Queen. When Friday came, she couldn't wait for the arrival of the limo to take her to Mistress Erica for her bondage session. Little could her co-workers imagine just what she was doing on...
I wonder how much I have changed ever since I came to Bastinia. Being brought up in the United States, I would never imagine about enslaving another human being, let alone hurting them like the times before the civil war. But for past week I constantly took advantage of my slave girl Korin, and even punished her which would have been un-imaginable in United States. May be this is where I meant to be. The fact that I did all these without an elevation of heart rate or even any remorse...
Here I will lay out how I, William Steelforth, progressed from the unqualified slavery enthusiast I was in high school to the qualified slavery advocate I had become as managing partner of the agency which bore my name. After high school, the next opportunity to have an animated exchange about my ideas with a teacher came in a discussion with Professor Petersen, my philosophy teacher, in my sophomore year of college. Unlike my high school civics teacher, he was actually a proponent of...
Tortured and disgraced Former Warrior Slave Francine writhed on the table in the dungeon. She still had enough of her dignity and courage left not to cry out. She would never give them the satisfaction of hearing her scream for mercy. Only another hour and the pain would stop and she would be fed and allowed to sleep. Eighteen hours pain and six hours sleep. This was the thirteenth week of this routine and she still kept her sanity, still kept count of time and still hoped one day to redeem...
Seven weeks after Francine's third fight and the sudden onset of Winter, Francine, Frederica and the Mistress were at the Slave Camp. Thanks to Francine winning seven contests in a row and Patti and Gottman also doing well, the Mistress had been able to finance another Slave Gathering Mission to Earth. It had been a different locality this time. There was still a problem with landing near Diana's house in the Old Wood. The finest minds were working on it, but no solution had as yet been...
"How would you like to have Francine tonight, Frederica?" "Very much, Mistress! It has been so long. Seven weeks since she started her training. I have seen her about the place, especially since she stopped pulling your carriage. She looks so strong. And she still has no clothes to wear?" "None. And she never will, the bitch. But you like her and she is yours tonight. I will have someone clean her up and make her smell nice for you. If I asked you to whip her again, would you...
"I just can't believe he cheated on me," Cheryl sighed. "I mean, we just got married, you know?" I nodded sympathetically. We'd spent much of the afternoon talking about BDSM, or I'd talked, I should say. Cheryl had asked a lot of questions and I'd done my best to answer them. But her mind kept wandering back to James and his infidelity. It was going to take some time before she could forgive him We were sitting at a small round table in a hotel bar after our lunch, the same hotel...
This story is of an adult nature and contains, female domination, bondage, and other deviant pastimes. If you are under age, or shocked by material of this nature, do not read the story. This story can only be published with my express permission, which has only been given to date to If you do read the story, I hope you enjoy it. It is my first story so please pass any comments back to me at [email protected]. More importantly, if there are any real Mistresses...
For the next fortnight, Katy served her boss like a dutiful young slave. She wore whatever he told her to - always a short skirt, and often without any underwear. The pretty blonde did exactly what he said, performing the most degrading sex acts on herself, on him, or on whoever he told her to. Most days John would fuck her at lunch time, and then again after work. He would never let her clean herself up afterwards, so Katy would spend all afternoon with his cum leaking out of her shaven...
Introduction: This is a purely fictional story. A continuation of the story of Ben Barnes and his family. My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 21 Cayman Island Girls Family Reunions and a Couple of Weddings Characters Introduced: Penelope, 40, Briannas Mother, 55, White, Blond hair with Blue Eyes, 38D Breasts and a swan-like neck Iris, 18, Briannas Sister, 54 White, Blond hair with Blue Eyes, 38C Breasts and a swan-like neck Julian, 16, Briannas Sister, 52,White, Blond Hair with Green Eyes, 36C...
The Lady Fortescue's departure left Francine and her fellow companions in misery the opportunity to take stock of their new situation. They were in the middle of a walled enclosure, with a tent yards away from the row of slave frames to which they were so uncomfortably and humiliatingly tied. There were buildings beyond the tent, of a ramshackle and primitive nature. The whole set-up was reminiscent of one of those forts built in the American West. Francine wondered what lay beyond the...
Introduction: Erika spends the rent money her mom left her and becomes a sex slave =================================== ERIKA THE SEX SLAVE, CHAPTER ONE =================================== KEYWORDS: M/f, teen female, sex slave, rough, blowjob, BJ, anal, humiliation, humil Comments? E-mail: [email protected] Erika was a bombshell. She was the type of girl that when walking down the street turned heads. And, she knew it. She had an amazing body, full pouty lips, great set of tits for her age,...
ERIKA THE SEX SLAVE, CHAPTER ONE =================================== KEYWORDS: M/f, teen female, sex slave, rough, blowjob, BJ, anal, humiliation, humil Comments? E-mail: [email protected] Erika was a bombshell. She was the type of girl that when walking down the street turned heads. And, she knew it. She had an amazing body, full pouty lips, great set of tits for her age, nice slender hips and a belly-dancer stomach (which had a nice dangling belly-button ring). ...
PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE SUPERGIRL: VOLUNTARY SLAVERY By Sonya Esperanto? [email protected] Supergirl is a property of DC Comics. This is a non profit story for no one below 18. Synopsis: About a world where most men died out from a virus, leaving only a small few. Supergirl also is desperately horny and even would subject herself to be a bdsm slave to any man still alive Story Supergirl flew on the sky above, realizing that a world without men was boring, that is if you...
Introduction: Fictional Story. Romance about an unusual family My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 13 Training of Nadine, Hawaiian girls and Sophia, Spring Break Cruise and a Trip to the Cayman Islands. Character Introduced: Josie, 14, daughter of Fred and sister of Jolene, white, 51 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Janice, 14, daughter of Fred Josies identical twin, white, 51 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Claire, 12, sister of Jolene twin of Clairice, white, 411 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts...
Gradually people started coming into the compound. Many were on foot and looked to be very poor. Francine guessed that they would not be serious bidders, but just here to feast their lusting eyes on fair female flesh. Some were in horse drawn carriages, but others had carts pulled by teams of strong and Tharg-like men. Two of the bidders had carriages pulled by female slaves. These female slaves were not the delicate beauties offered for sale today, but strong and muscular women. One of them...
Tonya was now very sore from holding her position so long; she wanted desperately to flex her body, but she didn't dare, guessing that she was being watched. Her entire body was starting to feel like a ball of fire, but she couldn't let herself move! Her eyes started to fill with tears from the pain; just as she thought she couldn't hold on anymore, the door opened! She turned to see Nancy enter, once again dressed in the black leather outfit she was wearing when she cut off Tonya's...
Chapter 5 - humiliation With my last evening as a free woman finished and now officially Masters Sissy Slave I had assumed that things would return to the way they had been for the previous 2 weeks. Waking up in bed with Master inside me I received my first fucking as an official slave. After he was finished with me I went to prepare myself for the day by returning to my morning routine. Taking in my gruel I remembered how good the food felt last night. I never thought that the day...
FRANCINE "Where the Hell am I?" Francine was regaining consciousness after her journey to another, harsher world. She tried to move her arms and found that they were tied behind her with a knot that she could not loosen. Her feet were bound and she was upright. As her head cleared she could see that she was tied to a kind of wooden frame and in the hot fierce burning heat of another sun than the one that had warmed her nubile young body on her own planet. She was thirsty. She was in pain....
This story is my first attempt to write any kind of fiction. I look forward to any feedback in the comments. Also, this first chapter is mostly about setting up the story, so includes a bit of background and takes a bit of time to reach the good stuff. Please bear with it, and the next few stories will be more focused. -------- Chapter 1 - An introduction Tamara was standing there, outside Jack's door. What was she doing here? It had been close to a year since they last saw each...
Characters introduced At the local school: Mr. Theodore “Teddy” Smith, 45 Principal, 6'2 12” x 3 1/2” cock Black Male Leroy, 35 Janitor, 6'3 13”x 4” cock LuAnne, 22 Nurse, 5'11 Brown hair Hazel eyes 36D swan like neck Alexandra “Alex”, 32 Teacher, 5'2 white blond hair blue eyes 34C Alana, 30 Teacher, 5'4 white Brown hair green eyes 32C Roxanne, 24 Teacher, 5'4 white Blond hair blue eyes 36D swan like neck Rosanna, 25 Teacher, 5'8 white Red hair green eyes 36C swan like...
One night after a long day of work she had started reading a BDSM story she had found online and was getting into it but was too tired to finish so she bookmarked it and went and took a quick shower. She dressed in a small comfortable pair of hello kitty shorts and a white tank top and climbed in bed. She quickly feel asleep not knowing how her life would change forever that night. Mike was a generally easygoing person, he was 33 years old 5 foot 6 about 170 pounds. He had short black...