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Sep 7, 2010

Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Nine A Fresh Assignment

Current mood:creative

Heavy Metal Thunder Productions


Copyright protected on June 2010.

The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental.

Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature audience.

Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit

Written by Stacy James Meadows

With Concepts Created by Stacy James Meadows, Larry William Van Hoorebeke, and Donald Edward Van Hoorebeke.

Previously on Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit… Jason Chambers was suspected of murder and placed under house arrest, while new murders were happening on the highways. Steven ‘Shadow’ MacGraw had a night off from work, and we saw how he spent his free time, and woke up to prepare for work. We join him now as he goes into his work office.

Chapter Nine

‘A Fresh Assignment’

Steven ‘Shadow’ MacGraw pulled up to the office parking lot in his small compact car. He pulled into the parking space that was marked with his name, and placed the gears in neutral and pulled the parking brake. He stepped out of the cinnamon colored car and in the same motion locked and shut the car door.

He made his way through the front door and worked his way up the stairs to the third floor, and arrived at the office ten minutes early. Fumbling for the key, he unlocked the door, and entered his office, turning on the light and shutting the office door as he went.

Besides just his normal office space, the office also contained a small latrine and walk in closet off to the sides. The latrine contained a toilet and a sink. On the sink sat a bar of soap and a water can for watering his various plants around the office. On the wall beside the sink was a paper towel dispenser. On the wall beside the toilet was a roll of toilet paper on a toilet paper dispenser. A metal waste basket sat on the floor between the sink and the wall. In a cabinet, underneath the sink, was stored more toilet paper, paper towels, soap, and a few pagan magazines, which had articles that described things such as casting spells, how to grow, take care of, and use herbs for general use or casting spells, special pagan holidays, and special things you could do to celebrate them, and all kinds of tips to help the environment along with several other things.

The small walk in closet contained two light grey four drawer filing cabinets, which hardly had anything in them really because his line of work was kept confidential, a photocopier machine, which worked not only as a photocopier, but as the computer’s specialized business printer as well, which was able to do multiple copies even in color, and on shelves above those were various office supplies, such as: pens, staples, paper clips, paper for the copier, markers, folders, etc.

The office itself contained a glass topped table underneath the office’s only window, a desk in the center of the room, a swivel roller wheeled and cushioned computer desk chair, which sat behind the desk, two wooden chairs, which sat in front of the desk against the wall, a small book shelf containing some work oriented manuals and video tapes, which sat at the end of the desk next to the wall in such a way that you’d have to go behind the desk to reach the shelves, a small magazine rack, which sat next to the wooden chairs, and contained business oriented magazines for guests to his office to read while they waited for him, which was very rare indeed, and another small metal trash can at the end of his desk.

On the glass topped table, in front of the window, sat six plants. The first was an aloe vera plant. Not only was the aloe vera plant’s sap good for healing burns, but magically it could be used in magical spells for protection, luck, and healing. The second plant was an angelica plant used magically for exorcisms of evil spirits, protection, healing, and visions. The third plant was a basil plant used magically for gaining love, wealth, protection, flying, or exorcism of evil spirits. The fourth plant was a sage plant used magically for gaining wisdom, protection, wishes, longevity, and even immortality. The fifth plant was a yarrow plant used magically for gaining courage, love, psychic powers, and exorcism of evil spirits. Lastly, the sixth plant was a mugwart plant used magically for gaining strength, psychic powers, protection, prophetic dreams, healing, and astral projection. Steven had decided on these plants to be in his office to help keep evil spirits out of this area, to protect his work space, and to allow only a friendly working environment here. Also, some of the plants could help inspire him in his work endeavors.

On the desk sat a computer monitor and keyboard, with the main frame sitting on the floor underneath the desk, though it was also on some pillars of wood encase the floor was flooded for some reason. Underneath the keyboard was a desk calender. To the right side of the desk calender, just above the trash can, was a paper shredder, to destroy top secret documents with. In front of the desk calender was a name plate, which read, ‘Department Investigator, Steven MacGraw.’ Behind the name plate were seven medium sized stones called chakura rocks.

There are seven main chakuras in the human body. These seven stones are used to clean, purify, and strengthen these seven chakuras.

The first chakura is located at the base of the spine, basically at the groin area, representing the element of earth, with a psychological function for survival and grounding excess energy, and it controls the emotion of stillness. If this chakura is clogged it could lead to medical conditions, such as: obesity, hemorrhoids, and constipation. The stone known as ‘apache tear’, a dark stone, is used to cleanse this chakura. The ‘apache tear’ stone can also be used in spells for protection and luck.

The second chakura is located approximately two inches below the navel, representing the element of water, with a psychological function for emotions and sexuality, and controls the emotions of desire and tears. If this chakura is clogged it could lead to medical conditions, such as: impotence, frigidity, and uterine or bladder problems. The orange stone, known as ‘carnelian’ is used to cleanse this chakura. The ‘carnelian’ stone can also be used in magical spells for protection, peace, eloquence, healing, courage, and sexual energy.

The third chakura is located at the region of the solar plexis, just below the rib cage, representing the element of fire, with a psychological function for will and power, and controls the emotions of anger, joy, and laughter. If this chakura is clogged it could lead to medical conditions, such as: ulcers, diabetes, and hyperglycemia. The yellow-gold stone known as ‘citrine’ or ‘tiger’s eye’ is used to cleanse this chakura. The ‘tiger’s eye’ stone can also be used in magical spells for protection, anti-nightmare, psychic powers, wealth, courage, energy, luck, and divination.

The fourth chakura is located in the area of the heart, at the thymus gland, representing the element of air, with a psychological function for love and balance, and controls the emotions of love and compassion. If this chakura is clogged it could lead to medical conditions, such as: asthma and high blood pressure. The stone known as ‘rose quartz’, a pink quartz stone, is used to cleanse this chakura. The ‘rose quartz’ stone can be used in magical spells for protection, attracting love, healing, psychic powers, power, and lactation.

The fifth chakura is located at the base of the throat, representing the element of ether and sound, with a psychological function for communication and creativity, and controls the emotions of expansio
n and excitement. If this chakura is clogged it could lead to medical conditions, such as: thyroids, colds, and flus. The blue stone known as ‘blue jasper’ or ‘amazonite’ is used to cleanse this chakura. The ‘blue jasper’ stone can also be used in magical spells for gambling and success.

The sixth chakura is located center, slightly above the eyebrows on the forehead, representing the element of light, with a psychological function for clairvoyance and imagination, and controls the emotion of dreaming. If this chakura is clogged it could lead to medical conditions, such as: blindness, headaches, and nightmares. The purple stone known as ‘amethyst’ is used to cleanse this chakura. The ‘amethyst’ stone can also be used in magical spells for peaceful sleep, overcoming alcoholism, healing, psychic powers, peace, love, protection against thieves, courage, and happiness.

The seventh and final main chakura is located in the center on top of the head, representing the element of thought, with a psychological function for understanding and knowing, and controls the emotion of bliss. If this chakura is clogged it could lead to medical conditions, such as: depression, alienation, and confusion. The clear stone known as ‘crystal quartz’ with it’s smooth round surface, which could be easily mistaken for glass, is used to cleanse this chakura. The ‘crystal quartz’ stone can also be used in magical spells for protection, healing, psychic powers, power, and lactation, and also, staring into the surface of the stone in meditation could reveal visions.

When Steven first got this office, he felt that the plants and stones would bring harmony into his working environment. Since it wasn’t outlandishly pagan, no one that didn’t need to know he was pagan, wouldn’t suspect that he was. In today’s times, even though there was freedom of religion, and many pagans worshiped openly, there are still many die hard Christians who would go to great lengths to cause trouble for practicing pagans, especially since they thought they would be saving the pagans soul by converting him to Christianity. In Steven’s line of work, it was better to present a friendly, nonthreatening, persona that got people to be helpful, instead of uncooperative.

Having not been in his office for a week, because of doing field work, Steven went to the restroom and filled up the water can. He then watered his plants underneath the window. Surprisingly they weren’t in to bad of condition after going so long without being watered. He then replaced the water can back in the bathroom, and then sat down behind his desk, and turned on his computer. While waiting for the computer to boot up, he laid back in his chair, and placed the chakura stones on the appropriate chakuras, while meditating for a few moments.

After a few moments of meditation, in which he visualized each of the seven chakuras glowing and releasing the blockage in a stream of light connecting the chakuras, and going up through the top of his head and into space, he put the stones back into their place behind the name sign, and began surfing the internet for the latest news.

Suddenly, he remembered the few pages that he had earlier that morning shoved into his wallet. Maybe the environment he had created in his office was actually working its magic on him and enhancing his thinking capacities. He pulled his wallet out, and retrieved the pages. As he suspected, it really didn’t give much facts about the actual details, but instead, was kind of a warning for the general public to watch their collective backs. They basically told of a rash of murders that have been happening along the more deserted highways. People were being chased off of the road, and then murdered. Steven was slightly reminded of some of the more older and even some recent remakes of horror movies with such themes, and wondered if the murderer or murderers were huge fans of those types of movies. He imagined they were, as he folded up the papers, and placed them in a desk drawer. Closing the drawer, he placed his wallet back inside his back pocket, and then resumed surfing the internet.

Midway through his news search, his supervisor, Mr. Smith, came knocking on his door. Invited in, Mr. Smith entered, and then sat down in one of the wooden chairs, with a fresh case file in the disguise of a yellow manilla folder stashed inside a newspaper, in his hands.

‘Shadow, we’ve got a new case for you to investigate. I think you’ll find this one is more up your alley.’ He said, as he handed over the easily recognizable case file, in spite of the subterfuge of the disguise, to Steven.

Steven took the newspaper with the yellow manilla folder stashed inside it, leaned back in his chair, laughing silently inside at his private spy joke of disguising the folder, separated the newspaper from the folder setting the newspaper on his desk to the side, and then opened the folder to begin examining its contents. He briefly examined the first couple of pages, with the small smile from his mental joke turning slowly into a look of concern, before asking, ‘What is this, sir?’

Steven had been focusing on more closer to home cases. This case was a total surprise from out of left field. Nothing even remotely close to this was mentioned anywhere on television, newspaper, or even in the internet news sources, and with good reason. He couldn’t believe it, that this was an actual case that was more up his alley, and more in his actual line of expertise.

Mr. Smith stood up, pulling his pants up more, tucking in his shirt as he did so, and walked around behind the desk. On a clear spot of the desk, he leaned back and rested his behind, while keeping his hands free to point at various papers in the folder while he spoke.

‘The first two pages here are the police officer’s report. Sheriff Holland was the first officer on the scene. All his personal information is enclosed as well. According to the report, as he drove up to Sitting Bull Falls, in New Mexico, he found a man running down the road from Sitting Bull Falls in complete hysterics. That man’s name was Joseph Sanchez, and his driver’s license, driver’s record, credit report, financial records, psychological evaluation, and personal data are also all enclosed in the folder. The conclusion from his information by our department is that he was a family man who worked in the oilfields as a loader. He, himself, is currently in a mental institution awaiting to be evaluated further by psychologists to determine if he is insane or not.’

‘So what caused Mr. Sanchez to run down the road hysterically, and what does that got to do with our department?’ Steven asked, still not totally convinced that it was a case for him to investigate, though he knew he would have to anyway regardless.

‘I was getting to that. Apparently something happened at the falls that killed everyone there, including Mr. Sanchez’s own wife, kids, and even his dog, except for Mr. Sanchez himself. Then he’s running down the street from the falls, when he has a car parked in the parking lot, and it’s at least forty miles from the nearest town.’

‘How were they killed?’ Steven asked, beginning a closer examination of the papers in the yellow manilla folder.

‘Well, that’s the strange part.’ Mr. Smith said, as he leaned forward and flipped through the pages until he found the autopsy report, and stopped pointing to the conclusion of the report. ‘They were all killed by a massive overdose of black widow spider bites and poison.’

‘But that’s impossible. Black widow spiders are solitary creatures, and don’t travel in swarms, colonies, or packs, especially not in bright sunlight.’ Steven said with a perplexed look on his face, as he stopped flipping through the pages and looked up at Mr. Smith for an answer.

‘That’s the major mystery that the local authorities are baffled about, but there is one strange possibility. Our Mr. Sanchez, rambling in hysterics mind you, told the police that it seemed some entity or spirit was controlling
the black widow spiders and even spoke to him.’ Mr. Smith said looking Steven right in the eyes. ‘My superiors in the Pentagon have declared this a top secret case, and they deemed that your special talents in these situations make you the best candidate for this investigation. Of course, local authorities are keeping the incident hush-hush for right now. They’re saying that the incident was a rock slide, and have shut down the falls and confiscated all of the bodies for a federal investigation, until they can figure out exactly what happened.’

Steven’s eyes dimmed in thought, as he suddenly recalled his astral travel visit with the shaman Grey Wolf, and the attack of the black widow spiders on his astral self, in perfect crystal clarity.

‘So will you take the case, Steven?’ Mr. Smith asked, barging in on Steven’s thoughts. ‘Or do I tell the higher ups to choose someone else? I know this is the type of case you like, so what will it be?’

‘Sure, it’s been to quite for so long that I’ve been expecting something like this.’ Steven said shaking off his other thoughts. ‘Just let me look this over for a bit.’

‘Sure thing, Shadow, but one more thing. If all else fails, and there is no way to stop this thing, whatever it is, my superiors have given me the permission to use deadly force. That means if you go in there, and find yourself in way over your head, you contact us, and give us the word to strike, or if you fail to report in after 48 hours, a tactical nuke will be released in the area. A possibility of an estimated 100,000 people will be killed, but the incident will be covered up as either a terrorist attack or accident at the Artesia, New Mexico oil refinery plant. The higher ups don’t want anything that could possibly be this dangerous running around unstoppable.’

‘I understand. One hundred thousand plus lives is now in my hands, so I can’t screw this up.’ Steven replied coldly.

‘Good. Whenever you’re ready to go, head on out, you know what you’ll need. Remember to use the company credit card, and to conduct yourself as a federal agent, of course, as you already know, you don’t have to follow the letter of the law, as long as you permanently stop whatever is doing the killing. Good luck, Shadow.’ With that Mr. Smith got up and left.

Steven spent ten minutes reading through the folder, but he suspected his astral conversation with Grey Wolf told him way more then this file would, and he wasn’t about to tell Mr. Smith about that. He wasn’t totally for sure about Mr. Smith, but he imagined that Mr. Smith was one of those die hard Christians.

Steven finally put down the folder and started ordering his plane tickets via the computer internet using the company credit card. He figured he could finish going through the case file more while on the flight. He then set up hotel accommodations in Carlsbad, New Mexico. No way was he going to stay at ground zero in Artesia, and with the oil refinery there, it probably stank as well.

He scooped up his seven chakura stones, placing them in his pocket. He almost always left them here, but something told him that he would be needing them, and anything else he could get for this major confrontation.

He finished punching up the tickets, and hotel accommodations, printing the flight schedule and hotel reservations, and then shut down his computer. Going into the walk in closet, he retrieved the printed schedule and reservations, folded them up, and put them in his back pocket. He exited the closet and shut the closet door.

He then went to the desk and opened up the desk drawer to pull out a business envelope and a pair of scissors. Instead though he saw the papers he had stuck in the drawer earlier. Well, he wasn’t going to be working on that case now, at least, not for now. He thought for minute about grabbing them, but in the end decided to leave them, and continued to search for what he wanted originally.

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DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW."Mmmmmm.... please help me...." I begged my younger cousin. He was 3 years younger and when he watched me pull down my shorts his eyes bugged out in excitement. I took his hand and gently placed it on my nylon panty cock that was leaking precum through the fabric...."OUuuuu whatja want me to do?" he gurgled, slowly going up and down my...

2 years ago
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We Were Blindfolded He Wasnt PROLOGUE

This is a 100% true story that happened to me just last week. I haven't been able to get it out of my mind, and frankly, I don't want to. So I thought I'd write it down.I'm not going to sit here and lie to you and say I don't hook up now and then. I mean, I don't hook up all the time, but with all the apps and websites nowadays, it's just so easy to log on if you're feeling horny. Granted, most of the time the guys flake out on you and aren't serious. Hell, a lot of the times even I'm not...

2 years ago
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Saturday, August 24, 2019... Around 3 in the morningLOLA: Daddy, daddy... oh daddy... Yes yes yes, fuck me daddy.DADDY: Fuck, you filthy whore. I am going to breed you.LOLA: ohhhhh.. hmmm mmhmm hmmmm.DADDY: Fuck.. I'm cumming whoreLOLA: Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddyyyy!!!DADDY: Fuckkkkkkkkk!!!! Fuckkkkkkkkk!!!!* Daddy CUMS. Daddy pushes me off him *DADDY: Damn, your pussy is damn good. So much better than my girlfriends.LOLA: Thank you daddy. I love making daddy feel good.DADDY: Good. Now leave...

2 years ago
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Taboo Trio Part II

Brian began undressing his sister by slowly unfastening the buttons of her blouse--the same one we had both been trying on a few moments earlier. When he was done with the last button, Kimmy, without removing the blouse, lowered her hands toward the swelling evidence of Brian's excitement, and my gaze followed. For just a few moments she seemed to fumble; then they turned, together, to look at me, play-acting looks of shocked amazement. There was a confused moment or two, and then I suddenly...

3 years ago
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A Time of Conquest and ChallengeChapter 5 Oh to own instead of rent

James Planter, the youngest son of William and Martha Planter, was a spoiled brat of the nth degree. They no doubt had overindulged the child which got him into the problem the other night. Mabel would tell me how he was allowed to win at cards by the locals and that William would pay for those losses to the ones involved in them. The gambler and his partner had not known that and would have been dead had they killed James. Little Jimmy as I came to call him was demanding from the moment he...

4 years ago
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Double her pleasure Double her fun

"Fucking Dickhead!" I mutter to myself over my shot of Jack Daniels. My boyfriend had just broken up with me... via text message! He hadn't even had the balls to do it to my face. I toss back the shot as I tap the bar, signaling to the bartender that another was needed. 'Desperately!' I thought. I toss back the fifth shot of the evening, then swing around on the bar stool, almost falling on my face in the process. Two strong, masculine arms reach out to steady me.I look up to see the most...

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The Replacement Part 1

now into her second year and still a junior constable, her sights were set on climbing up the ranks, small in stature, good looking but tough on the exterior, , Her looks caused some concern as the other officers would constantly make unwanted sexual remarks and innuendos. her dis-interest earned her the nick name of the ice girl, or often whispers that she must be a dyke. Forever tied to a desk or running errands for her work mates, constantly being reminded she was just a girl, should...

2 years ago
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Devils Island CH 13

While Jason had been busy securing a new cargo, a new day dawned on Devil's Island. Gina and Tina woke up about the same time and Gina started to suck on Masters cock to wake him up. Gina had not slept well, today she had to go back to Sammy and have her clit pierced she knew that would not be changed. Still sore from the caning of yesterday she sucked gently on Master's cock until he started to wake up and get hard. Tina was also in pain this morning her ass and pussy lips still very sore...

2 years ago
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BadDaddyPOV Lauren Philips Trades Sex For Privacy

Lauren Philips is dancing around in her room. She listens to some rock music that makes her pussy wet and turns her on. The curvy red head starts playing with her big tits while prancing around her room. When her Step Father comes to check to see if she finished her chores, all he finds is his red headed step daughter half naked and dancing like a stripper. He becomes enraged and scolds the young slut. Lauren Philips begs to not have her Mother find out about her slutty behavior. She will do...

3 years ago
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A Rainy Night in Paris Ch 03

‘Chérie, at this rate, you will owe me more for the phone call than if I just came and fixed the problem,’ Alex was on the phone with two laptops open in front of him as Samantha came out of the bedroom. ‘Monique, I love you to pieces darling, but we are getting nowhere on this. Non, chérie, c’est vrai. It is going to need a more tender touch. Oui, I am calling you ham-fisted darling but don’t take it personally.’ He had paused to listen to the woman, Monique, on the other end of the line and...

4 years ago
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Padosan Aunty

Hi readers, my name is Sharman, main bareilly ka rehnay wala hoon hain mera dick 7′ inch lamba aur 2.5 inch mota hai, my email adress is any girl, aunty or unsatisied women, and lonely wifes can contact me and mujay mail zaroor karain k meri ye story app ko kaisi lagee ok ab main story ki taraf ata hon ye story meri aur hamare pados Wali aunty ki hain jis ki age yahee 38 ya 40 hogee us kay 2 bachay te aur uss ka husband bahar rehta hai. Wo bahut hi sundar hai, aur bade bade boobs aur gand ki...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 220 Julia Thinks About My Image I Think About My Proximity Range

Monday, May 16, 2005 (Continued) I drove home puzzling about why Sensei's range limit worked so unlike mine. I had absolutely no doubt that mine was a three-foot radius sphere centered on my belly; that'd been proved countless times. For example, when the bell rang at the end of a class and everyone tried to get out the door at the same time, I'd be in a throng of jostling people. Between their leg, arm and head movements, there was enough ki flowing around me to 'paint' what was very...

4 years ago
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New SecretsChapter 3

It was a lovely day on Thursday, and I managed to convince Sarah to join me on the lake in Dad's dinghy. She took some persuading, but the post-orgasmic glow of Sarah always made her unusually compliant and I timed my request well. I had to promise her that I would not allow Rhea onto the lake, and she acquiesced without too much struggle. Rhea, was quite prepared to stay away from the water and instead used the bikes to cycle into Coniston, the nearby town, and I was almost relieved. I...

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Tag your it

She is out of the car leaving the door open before he can even dispute the fact, even if he wanted to. A light pressure to the gates allows her admittance to the grounds beyond. The fog that had been noticeable while they drove from the club now seemed denser as she jogged slowly threw the midnight darkness. As with so many things with him, this too was a first yet just as exciting and trilling as everything else they had tried so far. Shadows fell deep upon the already dark ground, some large...

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Fairly CAPableChapter 19 New You

Calix stood for a moment outside his door trying to figure out what had just happened. Octavia had kissed him. Octavia, the impossible Lieutenant who seemed to spend every moment of her existence delighting in his torment, kissed him. Three times. And he would’ve loved to have a fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh... Part of him felt guilty. Was he cheating on the others? Could he cheat on the others? He already had seven women – eight if you counted Alicia, which he didn’t – so what was he...

4 years ago
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July 2006 Austin, TX "All I need ... is everything you are, everything you are..." Do you remember that song? No, I didn't either. Not until I met the singer, and she reminded me. Now I recall it from a while back, a few years ago. Wasn't it on some Internet service commercial? Yeah, it was. The song's still around, still a good one even if people don't remember it. There's emotion in it, heart, feeling. Great lyrics also, and a tempo of diverse chords stunningly blended together....

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Romancing a Stranger

I had watched her for a long time. She had a style about her that drew me like a moth to a flame. Now my tastes transcend the normal and I find my attractions to women more based on attitude than physical form. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a great rack and a sweet ass, but the mind is the playground I enjoy the most. But I digress, this woman was a mystery to me. I only saw her for brief periods often in the elevator. We never spoke, but her scent seemed to fill me with a primal need that...

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My Nephew Caught me Masturbating

I stretched out on the sofa in knickers and soft woolen top, enjoying the fabric as it brushed my nipples into a hardening that contrasted the warm softness of the material.I touched them and felt excited, a sort of eroticism swept through my being, as tried to imagine a stranger doing it and the feed-back from my hardening, made me ache deeper down as I shifted and felt for the ultimate relief.Closing my eyes and warming to my naughtiness as I touched myself, my thoughts drifting to my meeting...

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The Escape Chapter 5 Decisikons

It was almost 9pm by the time Kimberly got to the hotel. The male managers had left for the inevitable boozing at a strip joint. As the meeting had dragged on and the prospect of dinner receded further into the future, she had picked at the remains of the buffet that had accompanied the announcement. It had been grazing rather than eating: Just enough to ruin the thought of dinner, not enough to be satisfied. Desert, then sleep, Kimberly told herself. But first she needed to dump her papers...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 04

The arrow tip followed its target slowly, staying on mark and waiting for the right moment to release. Kyle MacDonnell was a skilled hunter and waited patiently, keeping the tension on the bow taut. He stepped lightly through the underbrush, keeping his footfalls near silent, as he kept his distance from the stag, grazing on new shoots. He saw it turning his way, providing the perfect kill shot. The whistling of wood and feathers streaked through the air, sure of its mark. Kyle, only son of...

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Good Girl Gone Bad Part 11

My cousin Sandy and I had a date with a couple of cops she knew and had “dated” before. She was big into fireman, cops, and military men. I told Sandy about some of the things I was getting into, including some rough sex and name calling. She told me that these two guys were really wild, that the sex would be very intense and they would give me what I was looking for.Sandy warned me that cops were different than the firemen we had fucked a few weeks earlier. She said cops had a sense of power...

Group Sex
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Learning to Tease Part Two

Lauren just stared at me, then burst into a fit of giggles. “You’re joking right?” she asked. “No! I think I’m becoming an exhibitionist,” I replied firmly. But that just caused her to laugh even harder. Lauren is my best friend. We met at school and we spend loads of time together. She’s always the first person I tell about anything, but I was hoping for a better reaction to that news. I explained about the events of the last few weeks, only leaving out a few details like masturbating five...

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Out first time

 Renee and I have been married for ten years and for awhile I have had this fantasy of Renee hooking up with another guy. Renee always liked to tease other guys, by wearing short skirts and braless shirts. But never did I think she would actually go any further than that. So here is how first experience happened. At the time we were in the process of remodeling our rental property. My new coworker Brian would always stop by to lend a helping hand. Now Brian is good looking well built guy and a...

Wife Lovers
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 160 The Grand Prix

At the end of October, a week and a half after the Canadian Open pro-am, the real skating season started for the eligible skaters, the Grand Prix. It started with Skate America, which would be held in Lake Placid this year. All three American dance teams had been invited, and relations between all of them were very good. Since Courtney and Ryan had buried the hatchet, they all got along well. Amy was a little intimidated at first--you know, worrying if Ryan would want his old partner...

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Bait and Switch Ch 01

Also, please note that this chapter is long on story, and shorter on sex, but that is only because it is a first chapter. Subsequent chapters will be more balanced. ============================== Blue lights... A whirring sound... Something pokes my arm... Head is throbbing... I can't feel my arm... Oh no, what have they done with my arm? A pink shadow bends over me. Sweat soaked, I sit up in bed, terror filling my mind and thoughts. I quickly look at my right arm, and breathe a sigh...

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Come down this road with me

If there was one guy Mary would really want to meet, it would have to be William. A short profile of him will have to be as follows; Very sexy, blue eyes, his greying hair was neatly trimmed like that of an ex-marine, which suited his athletic build. Mary imagined him to be around six feet tall, with sensual lips. Mary loved men that kept a diary. Reading his diary kept her busy for several hours. She was thrilled chatting to him on line, wondering just where about in Africa he was...

Love Stories
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 29 Penny

November 27, 1987, Chicago, Illinois After dinner on Friday we had our house meeting to discuss living arrangements. I started out with the office and den changes, and then asked everyone their plans for the next year. There wasn’t any change other than the one I already knew about with Sofia. “Is there a problem because Kara’s having a baby?” Charlie asked. “It’s not a problem, it’s just a complication,” I said. “We have a full eight months to figure it out, and once my dad leaves, the...

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Sex and the Over Seventies A Mature Love Story

Mike had been a really good neighbour ever since he’d moved into the flat next to mine a year before. No matter what I asked him to do for me he was always willing. He’d do little jobs around the flat for me, go to the super market for me when it was raining and even did some laundry for me once when my washing machine packed in. I didn’t realise it at the time but that was when the change in him started. There’d never been anything sexual between us up then but suddenly he began flirting with...

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AbbyChapter 3

I guess that's when it finally got through to me, I had lost her and there was nothing I could do about it. I had lost my taste for spying on Abby and decided it was time to start trying to get over her. On Monday morning I waited for Abby to leave for work and I went back into her house for the last time retrieve the cameras. I took the video tape out of the recorder and threw it in the trash and then packed the equipment into my car and that afternoon I returned it to Roger. I stopped...

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Bua aur unki 2 beti ko choda

Hi friends i am -> “vs” i am here with a great story. So lets not waste time and start. Mai apne fai (papa ki bhen) ke ghar rehata tha. Mai 12th me padhta tha. Muje phele se hi sex me intrest tha aur iccha bhi hoti thi. Mera fua(unke pati) wo dusra gawo me rehte the aur naukri karte the. Wo aur unki do beti city me rehta the kuyki unki dono beti M.B.B.S me padhai karti thi. Meri teeno ke sath aachi banti thi aur wo log khule swabhav ke the.Mai kabhi kabhi unko bathroom me nahte dekhne ki try...

5 years ago
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The Little Mermaid Part 2

Introduction: Part 2 of the little mermaid hope you enjoy Ariel awoke to find herself lying on a sandy beach. With Sebastian and flounder looking worriedly at her. Then as she looked down at herself all the pain she had just endured from the sea witch and her two minions suddenly disappeared as she realised. Ive got legs, Ariel cried happily. Or she would have if she still had her voice. Well, look at what the catfish dragged in! Ariel looked up to see scuttle a seagull that she often went...

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Senior Year Ch 12

‘Bobby, don’t forget, you have an appointment for a haircut after school today,’ the young man’s mother reminded him as he left for school the next morning. ‘I know, Mom,’ Bobby said. His haircut appointment was one thing the young man didn’t need to be reminded of. He and Lisa, the hairdresser he went to, had been making love ever since his first visit to her salon during summer vacation. He looked forward to each haircut appointment. ‘Jeez, Bobby,’ his friend Eddie complained as they walked...

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PupsRUs 2 Sex on ParadeChapter 3

Hammy had satisfied his instinctual cravings and was ready to mount the woman. He was so tall that he did not have to leap onto her back, but was able to use her buttocks as a kind of slide to gain the proper position. He used his hind legs to push himself far enough to feel the woman's pussy with the tip of his erect cock. The woman's inner pussy lips were a slight problem because they stuck out so far from the outer lips, but Hammy's caresses of her pussy with his tongue had spread them...

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