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July 2006 Austin, TX

"All I need ... is everything you are, everything you are..."

Do you remember that song? No, I didn't either. Not until I met the singer, and she reminded me. Now I recall it from a while back, a few years ago. Wasn't it on some Internet service commercial?

Yeah, it was. The song's still around, still a good one even if people don't remember it. There's emotion in it, heart, feeling.

Great lyrics also, and a tempo of diverse chords stunningly blended together. For good reason, the song was a hit in its day.

It's not the only good tune on its album either- just the only one that ever made it to the big time. All the other songs are also good. Some are mellow, others are sweet. Still others put forth an important message. None are typical teen pop, they're more rock or blues. All can be catchy. But they are rarely heard, even though the emotions in their words are often felt. Why?

Time, idiots, and other stupid reasons.

"Love can be complicated, too often mistranslated. One word for all dynamics leads to problematics. Emotions and affections, feelings in all directions. Sometimes a simple action creates satisfaction..."

Have you heard that part of the song? You wouldn't unless you heard it on the radio or the album. The commercial only used the chorus. That's how it is with songs sometimes- you pick out the parts you like and disregard the others. Occasionally you may even lash out at the singer for even including those others. But to them, all the words, all the notes, are important. Ask anyone who creates- any engineer, any artist, any writer. They'll tell you they're proud of every little piece they put into their final product. Every single little step they take on their journey is one they cherish, whatever its benefits. The witnesses to their creation, they believe, should also be willing to appreciate every step.

But of course we're not. We pick and choose. We take the parts of the picture that make sense to us and we interpret them how we will. Some we remember and praise, others we mock and then seem to forget. The girl who sings this song got a lot of bad reviews when her album came out. It sold a lot of copies, but the critics hated it. However, she still kept her career despite their opinion. She did not let them boo her offstage. For every critic, she knew, there were a lot of other people who loved her. They told her so in letters, in interviews, and of course every time they listened to her sing.

"And as long as you are mine, I will take the time ... to let you know what I feel, cause ... All I need ... is everything you are.

And if you ever fall, I'll be here ... Standing in the shadow of my heart..."

Her name is Lindsay Pagano. She's a nice-looking little thing.

Long black hair, Italian-Jewish descent, dark eyes that frequently have a knowing look in them. She's small and young, but you can tell she has experience. She has great wisdom in her- it's evident in everything she does. The girl's just twenty years old, and she's already successful. They didn't just use her hit song in a commercial. It also made it onto the soundtrack of a popular movie and became the theme of a short-lived TV show. Paul

McCartney himself sang with Lindsay on the album. She's also worked with a lot of other industry professionals, all of whom appreciate her. Everything she puts out is full of her own personal style, soul, and attitude. I may not have remembered her music that much until recently, but now I know I love it all.

Other people don't love it. She's gotten bad reviews, like I said. There have also been lame emails, stupid parody songs, and other disappointing bits of so-called fan mail. I know because she told me. We've talked quite a bit in the past couple weeks.

"Cherish his love for chatter, mind games over matter ... I'm not looking for suggestions. More answers- with questions!"

My name is Nick Shang. I'm a roadie, specfically a light and sound engineer. I work for musicians in Austin, Texas, a city that is often called the Live Music Capital of the World. I do most of my work here at Antone's, one of the city's best nightclubs. It was the breakout arena for many great stars, including Stevie Ray Vaughn, the Fabulous Thunderbirds, and Guy

Forsyth. Numerous rock and blues legends have played here, everybody from old favorites like BB King and Muddy Waters to newer talents like Del Castillo and Wide Awake. Every time a famous musician comes to Austin, they usually end up visiting this place. They are always welcomed, and many are blessed.

Clifford Antone, the man who built this club, died earlier this year, but his legacy lives on. As do the musicians he's helped.

One of them, Lindsay, is here performing at his club tonight.

There are many fans of hers in the audience, and those who aren't her fans are probably becoming so rapidly. If not, well, at least most of them seem to be sticking around for the show they paid for. And they seem pretty enthusiastic too. Some seem to have been enjoying the performance, though with most I can't tell. But one thing is evident. They're all paying attention, eager for what comes next.

"There's nothing you could ever say, boy, to make me wanna walk away. And as long as you are mine, I will remind..."

I take that back. Maybe they're not really full of anticipation.

Perhaps they're impatient for this to be over with. I think about all the possible reactions as I shake my head and crack my knuckles. I've had to do this several times throughout the concert. The routine of flashes and noise I'm doing is complicated. It requires a lot of attention and on-the-spot innovation. Lindsay wanted something that would get the public's interest, yet was in keeping with the low-key image she likes to project. I was glad to help her, I've given similar assistance to a lot of musicians during my career.

What, you want to know more about me? Ok, let's see. I'm twenty-three, Asian-American, well-built. I'm told I'm good-looking. Fill in the rest of the picture however you like.

The important thing is that I'm well-versed in my craft. I studied the science of special effects at UT-Austin and I've been practicing my art since I was a kid. Just like Lindsay, I may seem young, but I've really been in this business a while. I am not an amateur.

She isn't either, I think to myself as she finishes her song and bows for the crowd before starting the next one. They clap for her, and for me too, I hope. I've been doing quite a bit of work for Lindsay this night. Every flash of light on the stage, every sound from her voice, it's all been thanks to me that the audience has heard it. I set up her speakers, her lights, her background noise. The keyboard I've been playing broadcasts her tunes. Yes, this is her concert, it's her that brought them here.

But me, I'm the one who's making things happen. The audience just doesn't know it, or if they do, they're ignoring me, concentrating on her. It always happens. I sometimes wish...

"Romeo, lay down your ego..."

Thanks, Lindsay. Good reminder. It's not all about me. This is about you. The crowd knows that, and so should I. I'm just a little symbiote, a necessary part of the magic you're making. I didn't create the magic alone. You laid it all out with me before the show got started. Now I'm helping you bring it forth. And just like you, I love my job.

An hour or so later, the concert's over. The crowd has clapped and cheered, then most have gotten up and left. A few have stayed behind, and Lindsay's been signing autographs for them. I've been watching as I nurse my drink at the bar. Right now she's speaking with a dedicated fan who's telling her how much he loved the album she put out all those years ago. He still listens to it often, he says, and thinks fondly of its songs and of her.

Lindsay smiles, gives him a hug, and tells him she'll have more music out one day soon. She's still weaving tunes and delighting most who listen. The few who dare to speak out negatively don't get her down, nor do the many who seem to ignore her siren's call.

"Nick! Hey Nick!"

I turn and see her standing beside me. "Lindsay. Can't take my eyes off you for a minute."

She beams, returning my grin. "Thanks for the show. You did a great job."

"You too." I salute her with my glass.

"What you drinking?" she asks.

"Vodka and tonic." I take a sip. "You're a little young for it."

"In this state, yeah," Lindsay sighs. She gestures at the bartender on duty tonight. "You have any carbonated water?" He nods and puts some down. I glance back at the fan she was talking with, see him give me a thumbs-up before he walks away. Thanks, I think in his direction, raising my glass in a toast. Nice to be appreciated.

"That was a local writer," Lindsay says. "He said he was anyway.

I'm not sure I've ever heard his name before tonight."

She speaks the name and I frown, finding it somewhat familiar but not easily placed. I shrug. "There's a lot of writers in


"A lot of strange people too," she agrees. "I like it, though."

I nod. "So do I."

"Well, of course. You grew up here."

I smile, glad she remembered. We've become fast friends, Lindsay and me. She's only been in Austin two weeks, but the concert she just finished took a lot of setting up. We got to know each other during the preparations. She likes me, I sometimes think. I flirt with Lindsay as much as I do with any young pretty girl, and she always smiles and laughs. Never once have I had to assure her to calm down, remind her I don't really mean it. Or do I mean it? In my fantasies, maybe, I chuckle to myself.

She returns my smile, then sits down next to me. "I was thinking about my next album."

I recall that album's the reason Lindsay's in town. Her fans have been clamoring for the release almost two years, but she hasn't had much time to work on it with college and everything else in her life. Lindsay's talent is important to her, but it's not the only thing that is. She has to find a way to settle herself to exercise her talent. That's why she left home and decided to spend most of the summer in a place that has nurtured many musicians. She's been working on her next album a lot recently, and she thinks it's really starting to flow. "Have you decided on the title yet?"

"No," Lindsay says. "But I'll have something soon. The rhythm is more important to me."

"Yeah," I laugh. "You vary it so much people sometimes have difficulty keeping up."

She smirks. "You did well enough." She takes a sip, then regards me with her eyes. "You know, I have a few more concerts while I'm in town."

"Right. Cliffy set them up before he died."

Lindsay nods. "I wish he could have been here to see them. He was good to a lot of musicians."

"Truly a patron saint of the blues."

"Yeah," she agrees. "And so many didn't even know who he was until after his death."

"That's true of a lot of folk who help stars shine," I say.

"People approach to look at the stars, and rarely they regard their supporting players."

"But the supporting players are always there."


We stare at each other for a moment, then look away. For a second her expression troubles me. No, I tell myself, we're kidding acquaintances, nothing more. She did not just give me the eye.


I turn back to her. "Yeah?"

"I want to hire you. These concerts are going to take a lot of choreographing, so is my album. You did good tonight."

"I always try to create the best show I can."

"I know. And you did it all by yourself."

Not entirely true, actually. I had helpers assisting me with the setup before and the takedown after. A supervisor was watching my every move too. Someone always is.

"I'm thinking we should work together again," Lindsay says. "I could use a good light and sound man."

"Don't you have a couple of your own?"

"No," she replies, grimacing. "When you don't put out an album in several years, and the one you did generate didn't get the best reviews, people start to desert you."

"They start to think of you as a one hit wonder."

"Yeah." She tosses back her drink and sets down the cup. "But you know what? I'm still here, making music. I have a lot of talent, and I'm not forsaking it."

"Good." My heart echoes her fervor.

"And I'm thinking this album will be just as great as my first one. I tried out one of the songs tonight, and they liked it."

"I did too."

"It's not the only song that's close to being ready. I have the words written out for most of the others. I just need to find the proper pitch." She takes another sip, then looks at me. "I was hoping you could help me with that. You've compiled albums for a few people."

"Not many. Most of my work has been at concerts." I sip my drink. "And I'm afraid I'm booked up for quite a while. I'd love to work with you again, but..."

"Surely there must be some way for you to find time."

She smiles as she says this, and I feel myself searching for one. No, I shake my head, not a good idea. My business is too important to reschedule. "I really can't see a way," I tell her with a sigh. "Albums take a lot of work. I don't have time for one right now. As for the concerts, well, I'm not on staff at the places they're at."

"Don't worry about it," Lindsay grins. "I tell them I want you, and you're in. They always listen to the star."

"True," I chuckle. She has that right. I mentally go over my schedule again. "I think I might could fit the concerts in. The album, though ... I'm sorry, I can't do it." Seeing her crestfallen look, I add a tease. "Not even if you slept with me."

"You want to sleep with me?" She looks me up and down, then smiles again. I feel my voice catch all of a sudden, and try to recover.

"I was joking, Lindsay."

"I wasn't."

I stare at her, images flashing in my mind. Do I want this? Can it happen? And should it? No. I have to stop this now.

"That really won't be necessary," I say, again with the joking tone in my voice.

"And what if it were offered?" she replies. "I'm not innocent, you know."

"I know. I just..." I stop, not knowing what to say. We're friends, we have a business relationship, I'm not sure it should go farther. All this comes into my mind, but I can't get it out.

"It'd probably just be a one night stand," Lindsay says. "If that would make you feel better."

A one night stand, I think. I find myself relaxing a little.

I've had quite a few one night stands in my time. I've forgotten a lot of them. This one, I think, would definitely be one to remember if I had it. Now that it seems easier, I consider the idea.

"We'd stay friends, right? No matter what happens?"

She nods. "Hopefully. And if not, I can always dedicate a song to you. I did that on my first album with a few guys I've known."

That explains a lot, I think, recalling some of the lyrics.

"And of course you'd get paid the usual amount too. It would just be additional compensation."

Is that all I am to you? I almost ask her. Then I look at her eyes and see that it's not true. Damn, I think to myself. Does she really know what she's asking here? "Are you sure about this?" I ask her. By now I think I like the idea, but...

Again she looks me over intently, then smirks. "Yes. I like you.

I know you won't hurt me if things go wrong."

I feel a weight lift off my shoulders. "Well..."

We talked at the bar for another hour or so. By the time we were done, I was ready to rearrange my schedule. Part of me still thought I was taking a bad risk, but the majority was ruling otherwise. Lindsay had made things easier when she agreed to give me a one night stand, album or no album. She liked me enough, she said. I found I felt the same way and wasn't surprised. So much easier to let go your guards when you find out you have an attraction in common with a friend.

For a while I took the tack that I wasn't the right person for the album she had in mind. She quashed that idea quickly. "You're the nicest guy I've met in this town. And you're a professional."

I was happy for her praise, but with the contract between us...

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Hi girls and boys, this is Arun again. Thanks to all the readers who gave comments to my previous story ‘ fucking my friend dharshu’. Who wants to know about me read my first story, This story is all about me and my close friends. This is not a fictional story its really happen on 31 Dec 2015. Any girls aunties and widows who wants sex can contact me through this Tell me come to the story. Its all started in the Christmas, when me and my friends started chatting. Let me tell about my friends...

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The Peeping Tom Day Three

The peeping tom – day three Compared to the other days so far this week I am late to get into the attic, it is nearly 08:30 . I open the window as normal, but I am not naked and ready to go, in all honesty I think I’ve missed the boat and everybody will be up and dressed and going about their business. I scan the neighbouring houses and there seems nothing is going on, but then, by chance, I catch movement in the corner of my eye. It is in the bedroom of a woman called Jean; she is in her...

2 years ago
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My Final Fantasy Part IIFantasy Reality

My Final Fantasy: Part II—Fantasy and Reality Collide When we left John his new part time help, the vivacious and sexy “Marella”, had turned into somewhat of an obsession for him. John had discovered the time wasting activity of writing erotic fantasy stories and Marella had become his muse. The story continues….. Well the next four or five weeks flew by. John became increasingly impressed as Marella settled into the house and “took charge”. Everything seemed to go without a hitch and she...

2 years ago
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Like Sister like Brother

Like Sister, like Brother By Kathy Smith Helen Goldberg is an older sister (she is in college, at Wellesley College, an all women college. It's one of the seven Sisters colleges. She is a senior applying for grad schools), and her little brother, Zak. He is still in high school. Zak and his parents are in Silicon Valley, since both of his parents are electrical engineers. Both are doing designing ICs (they are working for Intel in Santa Clara). The Mom, Rosalie, is an ex-model,...

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Lets Play Strip Slave Poker

Let’s Play Strip Slave PokerMy best friend, Lisa, had invited me over for a pool party on a Sunday afternoon in late August, during the summer between my junior and senior years at college. This was going to be the last party of the summer, before everyone went back to school. Because it was a Sunday, we would all have to get up and work the next day, so everyone would leave by midnight. Lisa said we would be playing Strip Slave Poker and other games, with a total of 4 guys and 4 girls...

4 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles 3

Three Knights of the Order of the Lion’s Shield stood in the clearing in front of the cave, it was quiet save for the soft munching from far off to one side next to the wood line as the horses nibbled on the grass nearby. The squires tended to the horses and made sure their leads were secured to nearby trees, though all of them were trained as warhorses to be calm during battles, it was better to be safe than spend hours hunting down one that decided to bolt for whatever reason. Near the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Andee Heats Up Houston Day 3

Andee folded down the top of her suitcase and zipped it shut. In a few hours she would be back in Canada, back with her husband – and after the past couple days – back on her back as she shared her experiences in Houston with the man waiting at home. She looked at Don propped up against the edge of the desk, hands stuffed into his jeans as her thoughts turned to the fun she had enjoyed on this trip. She could see the disappointment in his face as he knew their time together had come to an end....

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A Surprise at the Pool

I was on my last lap at the local pool. It was my standard twenty lap finish to my workout. As I took the last stroke, and as my fingertips touched the wall, I looked up and saw the sexiest young woman I have ever seen. She had a lean swimmer’s body with ample breasts that were just begging to be caressed. Her firm nipples were prominently jutting out from her conservative, but sexy one-piece. This African American beauty was surveying the pool, but suddenly looked down at me, smiled and said,...

1 year ago
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Monica my ex and fun with her pt 5 Placing the order

I inserted two fingers into her pussy up to the root, after a moment when they were quite slippery, I took them out and without any warning slid them both into her hot anus. She just pushed harder so that they went all the way in. She lifted herself up, turned around and climbed on top of me in a 69 position and began sucking my cock. After a while it was all slimy and I took a moment to lick her pussy. After a while she got off me, stood on all fours and bucked hard. Without waiting for any...

4 years ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 14

His parents and Marty were not the only people who cared about Caz. He had become one of those very successful people whose success almost no one begrudged. His long-burning hatred had been unable to kill the basic respect and care for people that had been a trademark of young Carter Calloway. Within his MLM company, there were literally hundreds of people who thought he walked on water. From the many under him who had earned enough extra to stave off bankruptcy, to those who had...

1 year ago
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Violet Gets Violated Part 1

"Fucking, shit!" She cursed to herself, pulling up her hoodie and hunching over her knees, trying to cover her legs. Wearing her short black and purple skirt probably wasn't the best idea for the weather, and her legs were cold in the thin tights that stuck tight to her smooth legs. Today the forest didn't feel the same. It was cold and drab; the vibrant forest hues seemed to have gone through a strainer, draining everything of warmth and colour. The leaves that hadn't fell and rotted...

3 years ago
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The Adult next door

By Miss V Part One She sensed him first when she was running her bath. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and her stomach dived to her feet and rose again. She heard him coming up the communal stairs, even though his step was light. She crept quietly to the front door and looked through the spyhole and watched as he reached the top. He looked towards her door and stood for a moment, then moved as if he would knock, but then turned, walked to his door and put his key in. As he opened...

2 years ago
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The Video Store Chapters 1 2 3

The Video StoreLea had agreed to spend the weekend at her boyfriend Alex's apartment. She told her parents that she was visiting a college friend in the next state. Her little sister Jenn knew about the arrangement but had promised to keep her secret. Jenn owed Lea one since Lea had found Jenn playing with herself while looking at a body builder magazine. Jenn was just discovering her sexuality and was easily excited. But Lea had been very supportive, explaining that she also liked to...

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DominoesChapter 3 Fall 19882

As seniors, we were allowed to define the paths we would follow throughout our lives. I began to appreciate the C.M.A. system of offering each cadet the freedom to customize his extracurricular activities to meet his own aspirations. Seniors who didn't make the varsity team were given the opportunity to pursue other activities. It was our last year and we were beginning to look toward the future. We who were room leaders had been chosen for that role because of our class standing, not...

4 years ago
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Overcoming the BitchChapter 4 Exploring the possibilities

Beth and I left the office quickly. We were both anxious to get away from the smirking faces, whispers and giggles that were going around our department. We walked side by side through the halls and waited for an elevator in silence. We gave each other nervous glances and small smiles of anticipation until we heard the ding of the elevator announcing its arrival on our floor. We walked in and quickly pressed the button to go down to the garage level where we could get into our cars. As the...

3 years ago
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Shes Mine

She's Mine  Copyright 2007 Wolter Hunter   CHAPTER 1: AIRPORT I enter the arrivals section and stand in the doorway, scanning the crowd.? I usually dislike the hustle and bustle of an airport, but today I have a special reason to be here.? I'm still not 100% sure what to expect, since the photo was of poor quality.? I didn't bring it with me.? It wouldn't help now, anyway. There she is, standing against the wall.? She's wearing a simple one-piece dress, as I had instructed.? It's a...

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King Part Two

As King released my legs and lifted himself off of me I thought ok now he just wants a blow job and then we would be done. But I was wrong for the second time tonight. King removed his boxers and was now sitting on the couch legs open wide with 10 thick inches of dick standing straight up. I knelt between his massive thighs and started sucking his balls like I always do. First trailing across them with just the tip of my tongue then taking them in my mouth one by one while his dick rested on my...

1 year ago
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Tee Total 2

Gabby's cunt flooded in overdrive her tits aching from the constant attention of CJ's busy hands. By four am Gabby collapsed on to CJ's chest a tit hanging to each side as he pulled on her nipples as she gently moved bck and forth on his cock. hey sharea slow long aritc kiss like young teenagers apart from her cunt was still half packed with his cock as they fell alseep. Gabby woke alone covered on the bed, assuming that CJ had left her hands wandered to her raw cunt sticky cunt and legs. Dry...

3 years ago
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Me And Sam Chapter 18

Chapter 18 A Matter of Trust Monday morning! The last one of the school year. I jumped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I stared at my reflection in the mirror over the sink. My raccoon eyes were beginning to fade. I took a long shower and considered the day ahead. What was I going to do about Darla? Part of me hoped that she'd made up with Sarah and that any further thoughts of her would be moot. Another part missed her soft, gentle, and...

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Teachers ConferenceChapter 2

Susan bent over to pick up the last paperclip from the floor, then stood to survey her desk. She smiled then, at the memory of what had just transpired. Who would've guessed that this unassuming classroom would become the scene for porn-worthy sexual acts? Certainly not Susan, though if she'd known that morning that her conference with Casey Vaughn would turn so much hotter, she would've prepared a little more - maybe some perfume in a few secret places. And of course she would have...

4 years ago
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My vision reduced to the few inches of screen. It should have felt restrictive but it was infinite. For so long I’d repressed it, but my body’s sexual appetite could now be free. My chest was wound tight, my world was wound tight. My heart beating so fast that my beats blurred into one immense momentum revolving in my heart: I was swept up. I felt my hands hover over the keypad - just do it.“16 Cadzow Place” appeared as if watching someone else type.2 minutes...“Postcode?”“EH7 5SN”2 minutes......

4 years ago
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Saving SisterChapter 10

Kathleen was caught completely unawares. Upset at the way Mark had marched her out of the house in a very uncharacteristic way, his little speech in Julie's kitchen left her almost catatonic. Julie and Kim were upstairs, out of sight. "Kathleen, Honey, you know I love you with all my heart. What I am about to do hurts me more than you can know. Things just have not been going well for you, and I have not been able to do anything to help you. As you must know, Julie has had some of the same...

2 years ago
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my next door sex

Ever since john and his family moved next door to me, two things have been true...john and I have been best friends and I've been extremely attracted to To john's mother Susan.Susan is about 5'5" in her early forties with shoulder length black hair, beautiful C-cup breasts, and an ass to die for. She is not skinny but definitely not fat either, very well proportioned. She had been having marriage problems lately with her husband and it was slowly falling apart and we all knew.December 25....

1 year ago
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TNA Board? This next one is going to be a real dream come true to all you airport masturbators who love waiting in line, taking off your shoes and belt, and having some fat guy stare at your naked genitals and man-boobs through an x-ray scanner. Wait, hold on. I misread the site’s name. This is actually TNABoard. It has nothing to do with the TSA, but you can still use it to get your package groped by a firm, leather-clad has been around for a little over a decade, and they...

Escort Sites
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Sissy School Part 6

SISSY SCHOOL - PART 6 By Missy Crystal The sissies flounced out of the kitchen in a train of swirling petticoats and went into the living room, which was also the classroom. I was the caboose, following Sissy Heather. As soon as we were all in the room, Mistress Mary appeared. Either she had ESP or she really was constantly monitoring us. Either way, I was glad I decided not to try anything for the time being. "Today we will have a deportment class," she announced. "Yeth, Mithtwith...

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Destinys RoadChapter 50

When we got back home from D.C., everyone was excited and wanted to find out what happened. Sadly there wasn't much I could tell them. I got Marcus, Jonathan, Charles Green, and an exceptionally skeptical Ted to get in contact with Mr. Baxter. I wasn't holding my breath about that, however. He seemed pretty sincere, but they had sent armed gunmen after us, so 'sincerity' didn't really count for much. I checked in with Alex to find out if there was any news about Margret, as well....

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StepDads Rule Number One

"Bad news ladies," I said seconds after hanging up the phone. "Your mom is stuck out of town and won't be home in time to watch the ball drop. Looks like we'll have to ring in the new year without her." "That sucks," my stepdaughter Tracie said. "She's going to miss the party." "We can still have the party, right?," my other stepdaughter Jeannie asked expectantly. "We can't cancel out now." "No worries," I said. "You can still have your friends come over tonight for as much debauchery as you...

2 years ago
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Seduced by the Milkman

This story is in two parts concluding with Virgins no More. All characters are seventeen or over. Way back in time when I was young and naïve I would hitchhike from just north of Watford to Llanberis in North Wales.  I had done this several times usually without incident however this time it was a bitter cold rainy afternoon and nobody was stopping, by 4pm I was totally pissed off as I waited by the roundabout leading up to the M1.  I was about to give up when a tanker pulled up, I opened the...

3 years ago
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Friend Zone Black Magik

I had just got home from Army basic training and AIT. Sitting around with friends no doubt I stood out. We were not your typical group you find every day. Happy to be home it was time to Party. Being the only black friend flirting was always out of the question for area of state. I was known as the life of party always dancing and for my large stick. Never any question whether I would pull a girl at club or sleep alone in my bed. I would guess thats what started the attraction and curiosity....

2 years ago
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I was so excited when you surprised me with tickets to the greatest football game ever...THE University of SC Gamecocks against the Georgia Bulldogs...What made it even better, baby was that the game was being played in Columbia, SC at the greatest football stadium ever...Williams-Brice Stadium. I can't believe you remembered how important football meant to me. just thinking about the many ways I am going to thank you for the tickets is making me wet!I don't know whether or not I should wait...

2 years ago
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Hostile TakeoverChapter 11 Preston

I heard the screaming and ran towards the stairs. I heard a piece of metal banging repeatedly against the walls and ran towards the sound. When I got to the second floor, I could see the doorway to the roof was open. I ran up the stairs and saw Amanda and Charlotte wrestling by the railing. Suddenly Amanda jerked away from the railing and Charlotte tried to jerk them back towards it. Then I realized what was about to happen. I ran as fast as I could and jumped over the railing. I grabbed the...

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