A Reunion Ch. 02 free porn video

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‘I’m not sure, Jason. I guess I’m up for just about anything.’ At least anything to make her stop thinking. She couldn’t go through with this. There was no way she could sleep with him again either. Her guilt was already eating away at her even though Jamie said okay. She knew that Jamie had a feeling they would end up sleeping together although he never said anything to her. She was expecting things to go completely different than they did. How was she going to stop this? How was she supposed to get her revenge if she did? She’d have to figure it out later. ‘Let me shower, and then you can decide what we do.’ She have him her biggest smile.

The hot water felt so good and so relaxing on her skin. As she was getting out, the door opened.

‘I thought I’d join you,’ Jason grinned.

‘Oh, um, I’m already done, sweetie.’ She wasn’t about to get back in.

He pulled her close. ‘We could always work on making you need another one,’ he said softly into her ear.

She gently pushed him away. ‘Not right now, hon. You shower if you want, and I’ll get ready. When you’re ready to go, we’ll leave, ‘kay?’ She watched him nod as she backed out of the bathroom. The shocked look on his face was making her want to laugh. Maybe she should pick what they were going to do. Anything he chose would end up leading to sex, so why did that thought excite her? She couldn’t help but sigh at the fact that her hormones were going crazy and her heart ached. She was aching for Jamie. She was hurting because of her betrayal, and how many more times would there be? No. She had to go through with this. She might not end up dragging it out for as long, but she had to do something. Quickly, she called Jamie and asked him to buy a dog collar and leash. He didn’t ask why, and she didn’t have time to explain. He was done with his shower. Excitement coursed through her veins once again as everything seemed to be falling into place. Once she was home, she would only have to wait to get Jason down there to give him an unforgettable time.

‘Awwwww…..you’re already dressed,’ he pouted.

‘I figured you knew I would be. Come on, get dressed so we can go.’ She gave him a quick kiss.

As she went to walk away, he pulled her close, kissing her deeply. She let herself melt in his arms, remembering why she was doing this. His lips were next to her ear as he whispered, ‘I was hoping on eating something before we left.’ He began to nibble on her ear.

She shivered at his words. ‘Later, Jason,’ she breathed out. She was fighting with herself to resist him. He knew it was one of her favorite things to have done, and she knew that he was talented in that area. After kissing her again, he finally let her go.

‘So, Kat, I was thinking we’d go out to eat and then maybe catch a movie. Sound like a plan?’

‘Mmmhmm,’ was her only reply. She was staring at the phone in her hand, wishing she was anywhere but here. ‘I hope you can honestly forgive me for this, Jamie, but I promise you, those feelings are quickly melting away,’ she thought to herself. Her biggest fear now was that she would lose him, and that was the last thing she wanted to do. She shook off the depressing and focused on what she had planned. It was going to put a smile on her face no matter what mood she was in. Finally, he was dressed and ready to go.

Unsurprisingly, his idea of going out to eat was a fast food restaurant. She had to fight back the urge to roll her eyes. Lucky for her, salad was an option for her, which she willingly settled for. She had been taking much better care of herself, and she was going to keep things that way. After eating, they settled on a horror movie. There really wasn’t anything that caught her interest, so she let him choose. She hadn’t seen a horror flick that bad in ages. She had a feeling she knew what he would want once they returned to his place, and she still wasn’t sure how she was going to turn him down. She was in the middle of trying to come up with something as he cut into her thoughts.

‘Kat, babe, I know you’re leaving tomorrow, and I’ve been thinking about this a lot.’ She was giving him a funny look. ‘Why don’t I go back with you? I have a lot of time still left for my vacation with no plans, and you could help me…’ he paused. ‘You could help me do some research about that thing.’

Her eyes widened. This was way too perfect! ‘Um, I’ll have to okay it with Jamie, but it sounds find to me.’

He held in a growl at the mention of Jamie. He’d have her convinced to come back with him by the time he had to come back.

When they reached the house, she stayed outside to place her phone call. Jason made his way up to the bedroom to set things up for them. They’d be leaving tomorrow, and that’s when he’d pack. He wanted to give his baby the night of her life first, and then, he could work on getting rid of Jamie.

She told him every thing, and he was okay with it. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, love. Yes, tomorrow. I’m not gonna let him stop. It’s a short drive. Mmmhmm. And thanks, sexy. You’re amazing.’ She was glowing by the time she made it up to his room.

He saw the smile on her face and knew he’d get what he wanted. She had Jamie wrapped around her little finger. ‘So, I take it he said yes?’ She nodded, and he took her in his arms, pulling her to the bed. He wasn’t going to waste any time. His lips were on hers and the grateful kiss turned passionate quickly. His hands began to wander over her body, petting her through her clothes. She wouldn’t’ve been able to stop him if she wanted to.

She had to give in. Anything else and he would have wondered why she was turning him away. She wanted to push him away, tell him to wait, anything that would postpone this, but instead, she returned his kiss, letting his hands go everywhere. Her eyes were closed, and it wasn’t long before she began to imagine it was Jamie kissing and caressing her. She responded to him which urged him on. Soon, she was lying naked on the bed.

He kissed every inch of her body, her moans only pushing him further. He loved the feel of her skin against him, and he didn’t want to go without her again. He was fully focused on pleasing her, wanting nothing but her satisfaction. He hoped he could show her that they didn’t need to play roles for this pleasure. He would willingly be her sex servant as long as he didn’t have to be a sex toy or sex slave. She didn’t need to degrade him to get what she wanted from him. He shook the thoughts away and focused on her. Jason lavished attention on her breasts, teasing and licking and nipping on them. He’d never be able to get enough of her. Each time he drew a nipping into his mouth, gently sucking, he drew a moan from her. He loved it when her hands were buried in his hair, slightly pulling on it. He took it as a sign of her enjoyment. Slowly, he began to work his way down her body, nipping now and again. He loved to make her moan. Finally, he’s in the one position he’d been longing for all day. She was so wet already, and he knew he could make it worse, but he didn’t want to tease her too badly. Gently, he blew air on her clit causing her to squirm and moan. She was arching up to him. ‘Kat, are you ready?’ He just wanted to hear her voice. He wanted her to urge him on.

‘Yes,’ she moaned out. Her body was on fire, and every touch made it worse. She needed release or she was going to hurt someone. Her hands went from gripping the sheets to gripping his hair, wanting so much more than he was giving. She was lost in a world of feelings and desires, and she needed relief. She was consumed. At the first flick of his tongue, she cried out, wanting more. Her eyes flew open as he began to lick her, giving her long, loving licks. He was savoring her, and it was driving her mad. ‘More!’ she managed to cry out, hoping he would give in to her demand, and he did as his mouth locked around her clit. As he began to suck gently, lightly flicking his tongue over her, she exploded. She screamed out, not being able t
o hold back, not really wanting to, as he slowly slid his fingers into her. She was getting dizzy as he kept pushing her over the edge. After several orgasms, he stopped. He was looking up at her, grinning like the Cheshire cat. She was dazed, knowing he had stopped but not sure why. Her eyes drifted shut, and it was then she felt him kiss her. She returned the soft, sensual kiss, not having the energy to do anything else. She gently pulled him closer, and he nipped lightly at her lower lip causing her to moan again. Her throat was raw from screaming, but she didn’t care. Her entire body was tingling.

Jason whispered to her and watched as she nodded. He bit down on his lip as he watched her move to get on all fours. His desire for her grew. Once she got in position, his hands here on her hips as he slid in. He felt her convulse around him. Another orgasm. He never remembered her coming so quickly or so much before. Maybe it was because they were finally together again. He moved slowly until she urged him on, rocking back to him faster and harder. He had lost count at how many orgasms she had already, but it didn’t matter. He knew she was enjoying herself, and that’s all that mattered. He felt her begin to shake and had her lie down. He knew she was tired and asked her if she wanted to stop. She shook her head no. He slid back in and went harder and faster, but only when she asked him to. His orgasm was building fast, and when he felt her clutching at him, her nails digging into his back, he let go, joining her. He laid down next to her, gathering her in his arms. She collapsed into him and fell into a deep sleep. Again, he couldn’t remember a time when something like this happened.

She awoke the next morning feeling blissfully sore. She should fantasize during sex more often. She was surprised that Jason was out of bed, and then she saw why. He was packing. Why was he so eager to come on this trip? Did he think Jamie was no competition to him? Knowing him, yeah, he did. He would be getting a major surprise when they got there. Without saying a word to him, she left his room and took a shower. By the time she was out and dressed, he was ready to go. He put their suitcases into the trunk, and they were ready to go. The drive was quiet except for the radio playing. She was excited that she was going home, and he was dreading having to see her with another man. There was nothing he could do about it though, nothing he really wanted to do. They stopped at a few rest areas on the way to grab a bite to eat or to give Jason a break from driving. She was happy he didn’t’ try to drag this out any. It wasn’t long before she fell asleep in the car. It never did fail, every time they went on a long trip together, she always fell sleep. He found himself glancing over at her several times during their trip. She had woken up about fifteen minutes before she was home. Her timing was perfect because Jason would have gotten lost without her.

She searched for her keys as they pulled into the driveway so she missed the awed look on his face when he got a look at the house. Every thing about it screamed that it was hers. As he parked, she got herself together and let him take care of the bags. The weekend was over, he was at her beck and call.

‘Jason, hurry up. I don’t feel like waiting for you all day,’ she demanded.

Shocked, he just looked at her. ‘Kat, are you okay?’ Confusion was coursing through him.

‘I’m fine, but it’s Mistress from now on. You agreed.’ She had to fight to hold back the laugh that wanted to bubble out.

Dumbstruck, he followed her inside. She had plenty of room but told him he’d be staying on the couch until he proved himself worthy of a bed. They had an extra ‘guest’ computer, and she let him know that he had a two hour a day limit on it. That time would be used for him to do his research. Each day, he would tell her about what he learned and what he thought about it. He would not be given a chance to back out, however. She set up an account for him with limited access, book marking several sites she knew would be of use. One site was specifically for erotic literature and had many categories. He would be allowed to read the other stories once he knew enough about how things should and will be. She was already aroused. The thought of fucking him over was giving her pure pleasure. She gave him a tour of the house, letting him know that her bedroom was off limits to him unless she or Jamie brought him in. The last room was the game room. Jamie was playing one of his video games to help keep him preoccupied. What he really wanted to do was carry her to bed and ravage her. He paused the game when he heard her clear her throat. His eyes lit up at the sight of her, but he took his time walking towards her. She, however, didn’t care and ran into his arms, kissing him.

‘I missed you, love,’ she breathed out.

‘I missed you too, baby.’ He held her tight, not wanting to let go.

‘You remember Jason, don’t you?’

Jamie nodded and let her go. ‘I’ll let you get back to what you were doing.’ He kissed her softly before turning away to sit back on the couch.

She was all smiles when she turned back to Jason, biting down on her lower lip. They left the room, and she left him in the living room as she went to her bedroom. Her heart was racing as adrenaline pumped through her body. Reaching in one of her drawers, she found the collar Jamie had bought for her, along with the leash. Her smile turned into a grin as she silently thanked him. It wasn’t much, just a black, leather, spiked collar, but it was still perfect. She couldn’t wait to see Jason’s reaction.

Jason waited patiently for her, standing just where she left him. He wanted to look around, but he was hesitant. He was slightly shaking as he stood there. What surprised him most was that seeing Jamie with her didn’t anger him like he thought it would. Maybe he had mentally prepared himself for it with out realizing it. He heard footsteps, and he stiffened. The last thing he wanted was a confrontation, a reason for her to send him home. And was she really serious about him calling her Mistress?

‘Sit down, Jason.’ Her voice snapped him back to reality. ‘That was very good of you to remain where I left you. Maybe this will be an easier transition than I thought.’ She stepped behind the couch, behind him. ‘I have a present for you, sweetie. Why don’t you close your eyes for me.’ She placed the collar on him, fastening it in place. Too bad they couldn’t have gotten one with a lock, but she wouldn’t give up hers and he wasn’t worth buying one for. She’d also have to take him shopping for a few toys she wanted for herself. When she stepped in front of him, his eyes were still closed, but she could see him trembling. ‘Open your eyes,’ she said gently. She offered him her hand and led him to the hallway mirror. Standing behind him, she whispered, ‘It’s a symbol that you are owned.’ She watched as his hand went to the collar, running his fingers over it. His eyes were wide, almost as if in disbelief that she placed a collar on him.

‘Kat, I don’t know what to say,’ he said softly. Again, his eyes widened as she smacked his ass.

‘Mistress, Jason. You have to call me Mistress. And you should thank me for the gift.’

He turned around, eyes downcast. ‘Thank you, Mistress for your gift.’

‘Good boy.’ She patted him on the ass and placed a kiss on his cheek. ‘Relax, sweetie. You’ll do fine. If you need to, why don’t you get some sleep, or you can start on your research,’ she smiled.

‘Where are you going?’

‘I’m going to take a nap.’

‘Why can’t I sleep with you?’ He really didn’t like the idea of her sleeping with Jamie while he was left on the couch.

‘One, I told you already, and two, because I said so.’ She began to walk away. ‘And don’t go over that time limit.’ She was off to the game room, needing Jamie. Without a word, she had him pause the game and straddled him. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close for a
kiss. ‘I need you, Jamie, badly.’ She kissed him again before nibbling on his ear.

‘Here?’ he asked, a little shocked. Any noise they made would be heard.

‘I don’t care where.’

With that, he gathered her in his arms and carried her to their bedroom. It wasn’t long before she had him as fired up as she was. As soon as he laid her on the bed, she sat up and began to remove his pants. His hands were buried in her hair as he stood at the edge of the bed, letting her strip him. She let her hands wander over him, her finger tips dancing on his skin before she let her hand go where both of them wanted. As she took him in her hand, he let out a soft moan, turning her on even more. She placed light kisses on his chest and stomach as she stroked and caressed him. The light kisses turned to licks and nibbles, causing him to moan with each bite. She began to move farther down, stopping to catch his eye. Once their eyes licked, she placed a slow, teasing lick right on his head. His grip on her hair tightened as she did it again and again before her tongue began lavishing attention along his shaft. He was pulling her hair now, causing her to moan as she took him in her mouth, continuing to caress him. She took her time licking and sucking on him, drawing him closer to an orgasm as each moment went by. She had him on the brink when she stopped. Lying back on the bed, she had the sweetest smile on her face, challenging him to do something.

Jamie crawled onto the bed, causing her to back up against the headboard. He kissed her before removing her clothes, leaving her exposed to him. He placed kisses and nibbles all over her, working his way down to where he knew she was aching to have him. As he kissed her, he let his hand wander to her center, allowing a finger to slide down her slit. He was surprised at how wet she was. He positioned himself between her legs, knowing she was wanting this as much as he was. He didn’t tease her, knowing she was beyond it right now. He began to lap her up nice and slow, almost like a kitten lapping up milk. She squirmed beneath him, moaning and calling out his name. His pace slowly increased before his mouth locked on her clit causing her to cry out. His hands were on her hips, trying to hold her still but he couldn’t. He knew she just needed to be pushed over the edge. He let go of her hips so he could help push her. Sliding his fingers into her wet, warm, velvet center, he began thrusting them in and out, all the while his mouth was busy with her clit. It didn’t take long before she was screaming his name, her orgasm taking over. He moved up and kissed her as he slid in. Again, another orgasm went through her. He was rough with her, knowing it was what she craved, what she needed. They went on for over an hour, switching positions, Jamie pushing her over the edge again and again. She was riding him, and he was thrusting into her had when they both came together. He pulled her down to him, kissing her with passion, love, and desire as she laid down next to him. Her head was resting on his shoulder as she finally began to catch her breath.

‘Where did all that build up from, love?’ It had been a while since he’d seen her that worked up.

‘Honestly?’ He nodded. ‘Giving Jason a tour of the house and thinking that revenge will be so sweet,’ she giggled and looked up at him. ‘I don’t know why, but the thought of humiliating him excites me like nothing else.’

He couldn’t help but laugh. ‘You’re insane.’

‘And that’s one of the many reasons you love me,’ she grinned.

Jason could hear every sound she made. ‘Couldn’t they have fucking closed the door?’ he groaned, and yet, her moans and screams were calling him to attention. He tried to concentrate on one of the sites she book marked for him, but his hand had a mind of its own. Son, he had his cock out, stroking it to her sounds. As he got closer, he remembered what she had first told him: ‘You can only come when I allow it, and that includes masturbating.’ He stopped, not really wanting to, and when he looked down at his hand, it was covered in his own juices. He sighed and went to go clean himself off.

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5 Min broadcasting myself on ChaturbateCHAT:ENTER - Mrsrchlmrsrchl:hey!chickzdigmeyup:hi!mrsrchl:long time no see!chickzdigmeyup:yea lol!mrsrchl:pm?ENTER PMchickzdigmeyup:okmrsrchl:hey theremrsrchl:how have you been?chickzdigmeyup:hichickzdigmeyup:i've been goodmrsrchl:hope you've been safe and spundmrsrchl:soundmrsrchl:thats goodchickzdigmeyup:yea, nothing too drastic lolmrsrchl:did you have to work from home for a while?chickzdigmeyup:yeahmrsrchl:i had to learn how to use zoomchickzdigmeyup:i...

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He saw her first; she recognized him staring. Parallel memories reprised when she had loved him, possessed him, and, ultimately, discarded him. His tie removed, she saw the leather band beneath his collar that showed he was bound. That and his stunned look of worship woke something inside her. Pushing her carry-on bag to him, she turned to walk towards the parking lot shuttle. He followed.A decade earlier, she had been more angry and demanding and less confident and self-aware. She had...

Quickie Sex
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My hotel room door opens as Shelley uses the key I'd passed her at the memorial. It had been a lovely service. I saw all the family I'd avoided for the last twelve years. They were a little surprised and less than pleased to see me, but no one was going to cause a scene, disturb the memorial. That was fine with me, I kept right on avoiding them and they returned the favor by ignoring me. That kept it a peaceful serene service that Ray would have hated, but it had been for the living, not for...

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I sat there in my room, staring blankly at the wall, overlooking my favorite posters and photos of my friends and boyfriend. Yes, my boyfriend Jake, the quarterback of the school football team, very eye-catching and popular... Sometimes I thought he was too popular for his own good. Our relationship was suffering because of it. I didn't know if I could trust him anymore. I waited for Megan to arrive at my place. We had to cram for our first exam of the school year, always the most difficult...

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Chapter 1 Of late, I have gotten into the habit of suddenly sitting back, in the midst of work, gazing out of the window and thinking of her. Sigh! I am a 35 year old man and I have a terrific job. Ihave a good team to work with and I enjoy my work tremendously. A lot of travel is involved, which I actually consider a perk, as I just love meeting people and interacting with them. But when it comes to making those reports... gosh! I get really lazy and have to literally force myself to finish...

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© Copyright 2003 -- all rights reserved It was a perfect September evening. A nearly cloudless sky allowed the stars to sparkle like magic. The white silk tents billowed gently in the breeze as the music drifted around us. I was dancing with the father of the bride. He twirled me around the dance floor while keeping an eye on his radiant daughter, my best friend, Susan. "So when am I going to dance at your wedding?" "Geez, Pop. Give a girl a break. Can't you be happy that Susan...

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"A world turns to the edge of night, the moon and stars so very bright... Your face glows in the candlelight, It's all because tonight's the night..." It was our song, mine and Diane's. It was the song that played when we first met, the song we sang to on our first date, that rang in our ears with that first kiss, that played softly in the background the first time we made love... "Now hold my hand and take this ring As we unite in harmony... We can begin to live the dream,...

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Leo received a wedding invitation. It was located in different city, an hour away by plane. He didn’t really want to go but he thought he should go, networking purposes. He used… Leo received a wedding invitation. It was located in different city, an hour away by plane. He didn’t really want to go but he thought he should go, networking purposes. He used to work with the groom few years ago, and he had a good job with the finance system, so it might open a good chance for Leo...

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Bridget is spending Easter with her friends Lilly and brandy. They started rejoice their teen years. Lilly asked, ''what took you so long to come over''. Bridget explained she was really busy with school. Brandy surprised Bridget by telling her Lilly and her moved in together. They decided to have a picnic in the yard. While they were eating food they decided to play around. They started sucking on food, Lilly was praised for her sucking. Lilly and Bridget started feeding each other cherries,...

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Erin and Her New Neighbor

Erin is a 42 year old high school teacher. She is not married although she has been close a time or two. During the school year she is a proper, professional teacher who expects discipline in her classroom and from herself. She appears to be rather plain looking, not wearing much makup or trendy clothes. She pretty much goes unnoticed during the school year and thats the way she prefers it. There is 2 weeks to go before summer vacation and Erin is starting to think about all the fun she is...

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Nylon footjob from wife

My wfie works at a place with a crazy (but awesome for my purposes) dress code. It requires women to either wear pants and a jacket or a skirt and a blouse. Since their air conditioning isn’t that great, coupled with people using space heaters at their desk anyways, it’s always hot. My wife, therefore, chooses the skirt choice, which also results in her wearing heels or wedges. In the winter it is even better, because if women wear a skirt, they have to wear nylons with them. For a heel/nylon...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam London River London Puts Her Big Tits All Over Oliver8217s Cock LIVE

Voluptuous MILF London River loves her big tits and especially loves sticking your face right in between them. The only thing more fun is getting a big hard cock to fuck those tits. London spits all over Oliver’s cock and Oliver makes sure to smack that big juicy ass plenty to get it all red while fucking this horny babe in all her favorite positions. London spreads her legs wide and shows us how flexible she can get by putting her feet behind her head while fucking in missionary. London...

1 year ago
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First time for Eve

*For my darling Eve, written for you, about you and I. I hope you enjoy it again darling* Eve was feeling a little low, her boyfriend of the past two years had finished with her a week ago and she was still reeling from the call. He hadn`t even had the decency to speak to her face to face. All she got was a brief phone call. Well she wasn`t going to let him get to her, she would show him. So here she was getting ready for a night out. It had been a long time since she had gone out alone, and...

4 years ago
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Sleeping on two boobs night 3

Hello friends! This is Sunny again with a fantasized story. I fantasize a lot about touching; feeling and fondling big-breasted females and also beautiful, voluptuous bellies, deep holed navels. I love females wearing saris and revealing. I can give them lot of pleasure, fondling and pampering. I am married hence “No Sex” with others. Only fore playing and fondling. I am repeating the initial section for new readers. This is a fantasy of how I spent my third night with my beautiful aunty. This...

2 years ago
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Imperium Birth Of a DynastyChapter 7

“This is it?” he asked as he closed the door. The smell of cigars and sweat was heavy in the air. Trombone was slowly playing a low tune at the podium. The people were oblivious to the sad sound as they nursed the drinks of their choice or talked with their companions. Bartender was behind the bar amusing guests, handing out drinks or making sure everyone had his ear as he moved left to right. The woman’s low voice was barely heard as she quietly said, “Yes.” She avoided to look the old man...

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Maiden By Decree Chapter 9

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Nine The Royal Grand Ball Or "The Things I do just to Keep People Happy." "So how am I supposed to act tonight?" Deirdre nervously questioned Jessica resplendent in her gold gown, as the pair waited for their men to arrive. "Just be yourself, dear," the other answered with a shrug then rearranged the...

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The Bodybuilder Part 5

The Bodybuilder - Part 5 Synopsis: Romey helps Danny lose some of the weight he's gained, and Danny begins using the name "Danni" and dressing as a girl. As the end of the year rolled around the effects of my near-constant gorging were very apparent. The last time I'd measured my weight it was just below 275 and that was several months ago so I'm guessing that I'm around 300 now. What had been my rounded and protruding belly has turned into a large sack of fat that sticks out almost...

4 years ago
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A body just excatly like stiflers mum

My name is Vito scaletta i was born in Sicilli 1992 son of an Irish father and an American mother and this is my story Chapter 1 Just like stiflers mum 5:08pm I was only 18 when I replied to an advert to rent a room near the city centre, I phoned up and made an appointment with the lady who owned the property, when I turned up at the door to check it out Mrs. Dunn answered the door and I was shocked to see the sexiest MILF of my life. Mrs. Dunn was about 40 and fit as fuck with...

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revenge on my HOME ECteacher

Now Mrs Garner was not a ugly teacher in fact i always thought she was kinda like i a cougar i would fuck but never tried cause she was a bitch she had big boobs a round ass and that was all i needed to see to get a bonner in class which always was a pain for me because i would say i have a huge penis for being 15 i had a 9 1/2 inch cock 3 inch wide so it would always press against my jeans and bend sort of. Now being that big the girls in my school couldent take it anywhere the only girl i...

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Birthday with a Twist

Sarah smiled as she held Don's present in her hands. He was going to enjoy his birthday but not in the way he was expecting. He was sitting naked in the chair as per her instructions, his cock was harder than it had been for their last six months together. Anticipation was written across his face as he watched his wife walk towards him. Sarah knelt between his open legs, her short dress riding up showing off her bare ass as she placed the wrapped box under the chair. Slowly, she started to...

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The Piper Ch 4

“They’re a good looking couple, but why are we looking at their holiday photos?” “Like I said, she is a friend from the forum, they live… let’s say an adventurous sex life.” Before Anna can finish, Joel interrupts, “No, Anna, we agreed a tour for two. I know you want to try other things, but I won’t share you with another man.” “I am not asking for your permission to fuck Lucas.” Joel interrupts again. “Anna, the card has been played. I have some pride, and our marriage won’t survive this.”...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Mommy Part 6

Unexpected Mommy - Part 6 By Trish5160 It was early when Cynthia appeared at the bottom of the stairs and knew that Alix was already up and about. He wasn't on the couch sleeping in as she expected. As she turned toward the kitchen, she called out to him. "Alix honey, where are you?" Like they were playing a game of hide and seek. She found a vision of loveliness standing there smiling at her. Cynthia lost her complete train of thought after discovering Alix. He...

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The Neighbours birthday party

We live next door to the Chesters, and have done since I was young, and Mr and Mrs Chester are an older mature couple who are almost retired, Mr Chester works at the local car factory, and Mrs Chester is a teacher at my school.Now when it comes to birthdays Mr and Mrs Chester always throw a big bash and invite all the neighbours and their friends around, and reluctantly I've always been dragged along by my parents to attend, but as I got older I didn't have to stay all night and usually...

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popping that cork

Sophie was exhausted. She had been working behind the bar for six hours tonight, new years eve. Back from university for Xmas break, she was lucky to pick up a few shifts at the local pub, to top up her student loans. It helped that her dad drank their most weekends.Most of the regulars knew her and her family, and would chat to her about uni and her studies. None of them were her age.There is another temporary barman, Tim, another student, a couple of years older, who is constantly trying to...

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No Boundaries

The previous night’s snow storm had blown in and passed on through in only a few hours, but it left serious trouble behind. The roads were horrible, and the minute they were plowed they were covered again. The wind had picked up and the snow was drifting all over the place. For some reason, February was the worst month of the year for snow. Currently, Victoria Kennedy was coaxing her sports car through the drifts, over the ice, and trying to keep it on the road. Not an easy task. She was on...

3 years ago
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Mile High Minx

Are you ever going through such a horny spell that you find all thoughts of the day lead back to sex?When you’ve had a good hard pounding the night before, you’re walking along, feeling the dull ache right up inside from having been filled by huge cock!When you’ve had a few hard pelted smacks across the ass while being fucked from behind. You feel it as you step one high heel, followed by the second into the driving seat the next morning, lowering your tender cheeks down into its seating...

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Recluse and GhostChapter 21

I received a call from Mervin while eating breakfast. "Mike, at your suggestion, I went to the REA people and asked about pole rental and why the telephone company didn't cooperate with them. From what they know, it is some long ago dispute that no one knows what the root cause is or why that has not been revisited. Just about the time you get cable, you might get a phone line too, but I might have something for you. The cable company has begun offering telephone service through the cable....

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The Eighth Warden Book 2Chapter 19

“No, not that way,” Gregor said as Sarette prepared to follow the villagers’ tracks between two tall boulders. While it had been snowing steadily for the past day, the trail the refugees had broken into the snow was deep enough that it hadn’t filled in yet. The two of them were at the head of the column, with Gregor pulling one of the sleds. Between Nedley and the scout, all of the sled haulers had been able to take breaks, which was necessary with how difficult the path had become. “Why...

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SweetheartVideo Riley Reid Eliza Jane An Education In Squirting

Riley Reid shows up at bookworm Eliza Jane’s dorm room ready to go shopping. Eliza is completely absorbed in her research paper and tells Riley that she can’t go. Riley’s annoyed and wants to know what subject trumps shopping. Eliza tells her that she’s doing a paper on Female Ejaculation. Riley’s shocked and thinks it’s weird for girls to ejaculating–it’s a thing guy’s do…right? Eliza decides it’s time to educate Riley, and...

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bush walk

It had been a couple of months since my encounter with the hot young American chick, if you haven’t read Lifeguard, which is the first encounter that will bring you up to speed.A few weeks ago my wife went to Australia for a holiday leaving me home alone, so of course the first thing I did was go out on the town with some friends.We were having a few beers and decided to go to a bar, so off, we went. We were drinking away having a great time, which got even better for me when she walked in with...

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Tesco Tart Part Nine

All writings in this series are purely works of fiction and any reference to companies or people are fictitious for the purposes of this fictional writing. Tesco Tart - Part 9. Michelle took her seat again in the now vacant canteen which, void of the lively chatter and gossip was a clinical and lifeless place. As she took mental note of the time displayed on the ominously ticking clock she sat in quiet solitude as she considered her new reality in the stores workforce. In...

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Me My beautiful insatiable Neighbor I

I am 30 years old and having a very good position in a government job. I am still living a bachelor’s life. I never felt the necessity to marry. The reason for my bachelorhood is that I m living away from my parents who are in Gujarat. I am in Delhi. Life in Delhi is typical, cannot be compared with that in Gujarat. Here, the evening means clubbing and booz, mixing with high society personalities. My higher position in government has made it easier for me to be accepted and adored in such...

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TouchdownChapter 8 Torpedo Running

London and Stockholm. The afternoon after Jennifer's release. Lightning Strikes Twice In the early afternoon, Grantby receives another unexpected call. Alice buzzes his telephone. "Grantby?" "I have an Inspector Ackroyd on the line for you from the Warwickshire Force." (1) "Oh, put him through." Grantby remembers Ackroyd from their work together on the McEwan disappearance. He assumes that the energetic Inspector Thomassen must have got Ackroyd's name from Joseph McEwan and...

2 years ago
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My street corner girl

Hey, Hey, What can I do? I gotta woman and she won’t true! I walk the town, keep searching all around. Looking for my street corner girl. Traveling riverside blues. Robert Johnson She was there waiting, looking a little pissed Cause I was late. Climbing in she looks hot! That tite little body wrapped in a tiny little flowered dress bobby sox and white sneakers. “I want to get high before,” she says sliding over to touch his leg. Looking her over he smiles, “Of course my dear, I...

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The Model Part 2

It was day two of figure drawing, and I couldn’t wait. After my experience with James yesterday, I had high expectations. My pussy was throbbing at the thought of him. When I came into the class, my eyes scanned the room for him, for his striking eyes and his muscular build. He was nowhere in sight. I was a little disappointed when I was assigned a female model. Don’t get me wrong, I find beauty in all human forms, but there’s nothing like a young man’s body. The girl was named Alana. She...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 28

While I had seen Lillian change more than a few times now, the change happening to Violet seemed far more violent and painful. The transformation Lillian underwent happened in a matter of moments, one minute she was a human, the next she was a wolf. I had to wonder if this was what occurred during a Voguel’s first transformation as their body shifts and morphs under the manipulation of the curse. It sounded like her bones were breaking with every shift of her body, as her body repurposed...

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