The First Woman Cardinal Of The Catholic Church free porn video

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THE FIRST WOMAN CARDINAL OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Melissa Tawn Mary-Anne Cardinal O'Connor walked slowly but purposefully towards the room in which the hearing was to take place. She was not wearing the ceremonial robes to which she was entitled, but rather a simply-cut purple silk business suit, with hemline modestly below the knees. Her shoes were comfortable, despite their stylish three-inch heel. Her perfectly-done hairdo showed traces of white attesting to her 50 years, and her makeup was so subtle as to be almost unnoticeable. She wore no jewelry save for a large gold pectoral cross, a copy of an original crafted by Cellini for Cardinal de Medici, later looted by Napoleon, and now exhibited with honor in the Louvre. She carried no purse or briefcase, only a breviary. It was but one month after the sensational news conference at which it was revealed that Mark Anthony O'Connor, cardinal of the Catholic church and acclaimed as the most original and charismatic theological thinker since Peter Abelard, had undergone sexual reassignment surgery and was now, legally and officially, a woman. At that conference, Cardinal O'Connor explained that she was now barred by canon law from celebrating the mass and hearing confessions, and did not intend to do so. However, there was no canonical reason why she should resign her membership in the College of Cardinals and she had no intention of doing that either. Cardinal O'Connor had been elevated to the purple by the late beloved Pope J**, generally considered a sure candidate for beatification in the near future. It was his brilliantly-written and meticulously-argued position papers which led the Great Vatican Council to reform so many aspects of the church, bringing it into tune with the twentieth century. The elevation came shortly after the Council concluded, and was taken to be a sign that future reforms were yet on the way. But then, within less than a year, the Pope suddenly died of a heart attack. His successor, a mild and gentle man, could not stand under the pressures of his great office, and he too died within a few months of his selection. The next man selected had been an outsider, of vigorous physical constitution, but of different temper than J**. He had his own close advisors and Cardinal O'Connor soon found that he had been shunted to head an important- sounding but essentially meaningless and powerless commission, and edged away from positions of real influence. After two years, asked - and all to quickly received - permission to be relieved of his duties for a year of prayer and meditation. He disappeared from view until the press conference that shocked the Vatican and the Catholic world. While Cardinal O'Connor believed that her position as a member of the College of Cardinals was secure, the Holy Father clearly had other views of the matter. Within a week, he announced the formation of a special tribunal of inquiry into the matter, to be headed by the conservative and crafty Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Leone. The tribunal had already held one meeting, at which questions posed by the Holy Father were read, and opinions against Cardinal O'Connor were presented. Today was the second meeting, at which Cardinal O'Connor would get a chance to rebut these. As Mary-Anne entered the room, she could feel the tension in the air. The members of the tribunal, her erstwhile colleagues, some of whom she had considered close friends as well, looked at her as though she were a freak in a circus. She did not cower, however. She looked at them with dignity, sat in the place allotted to her, and began her response. "Your eminences," she explained, "it is best to begin at the beginning ..." "...I was, as you know, born of a poor but pious Irish family, the fifth of seven children. From my youngest days, I had always felt that 'something was wrong' and that I should really have been a girl. Often, when I had the chance, I would dress in my sisters' clothes and pretend that I was a girl just like they were. I knew, however, that according to the teachings of the church, these actions were considered a sin, and so I was careful to do it only in secret, so that none could find out. As I entered my teens, this conflict in me caused me to be a loner - shunning the company of boys and girls alike - for fear that my secret would come out. I spent hours reading religious books trying to understand what was happening to me, but to no avail. As I grew, I became convinced that only by thoroughly learning the ways of God, could I finally understand myself. When I was 15, a chance opened up to go to Rome to study here in a course which would lead to the priesthood. I applied for the position and, since I was a good student, my application was accepted. [Cardinal O'Connor is being modest here; at the time, he was already considered the most gifted genius to have ever attended his school, in its 300 years of existence, and perhaps ever to have attended any school in Ireland.] I came to Rome, but the change of location did not quell my inner unrest. Indeed, I felt lonelier and more confused than before. Finally, one day, I felt I could no longer take it and had to unburden myself in confession, something which I had never done before. I poured out my heart and my feelings in the confessional, and the priest who heard me answered with understanding. He asked only that I look deep within myself, to make sure that my feelings were true. He did not reprimand me, as I had expected he would. Later that day, I was called to the office of the principal of the school. The Vatican official in charge of the education of future priests had paid a surprise visit and he wanted to show off his prize pupil, me, to the visitor. This visitor was, of course, a well-known man, about 20 years my senior, and generally considered by the gossip (to which all schoolboys paid extreme attention) as an up-and-coming power in the church. After a moment's conversation, I realized that the voice was that of the priest to whom I had confessed earlier that day. He too apparently figured that out too, for he suggested that, since it was a nice spring day, we should continue our conversation while walking in the school's garden. As we walked together, far from the earshot of others, talking about school matters, he suddenly changed the subject and told me that, yes, it was he who had heard my confession earlier. Fantasies, he said, are not, in themselves, wrong. He too had a persistent fantasy - though a very different one from mine. Having taken a vow of celibacy, he fantasized what it would be like to live a "normal" life, with a wife a children, whom he could love, educate, and care for. If I had a daughter, he said, I would hope she would be just like you. We talked some more, and, by whatever means, a symbiosis emerged, one about which neither of us had dreamed, but which we obviously both wanted and needed. The next time we met, it was not on the school grounds, but in an out-of-the-way caf? in one of the suburbs of the city. He was dressed this time not as a priest but in the slacks and turtleneck sweater of a typical Italian middle-class businessman. I was dressed in a semi-revealing top and skirt that were all the rage among Italian teenagers of the day. For the rest of the afternoon, we were father and daughter. He took me shopping, sightseeing, and dining. Two weeks later, we met again, and then again. Soon, we had established a definite pattern: once every two weeks we each escaped into our intermeshing fantasy worlds - he as a man of the world and me as his daughter. Let me emphasize, your eminences, that the relationship was totally chaste. The most intimate thing we ever did was that he would give me a fatherly kiss on the forehead when our meetings came to an end. We toured museums and galleries, during the summer we went to the seashore and the mountains. We talked of many things - of the history of Rome, of its architecture and art, of its customs and traditions. We talked of the world and where it was going. We also saw, and discussed, how the church was becoming less and less relevant to the lives of the ordinary citizens. We even stopped into churches and random and saw the boredom and irrelevance of it all, from the point of view of the audience sitting before an indifferent and self-absorbed priest. And I was growing up. I finished my school days and started studying in a seminary. My Father and Protector was advancing in the church hierarchy. One day, he asked me what I saw my future to be. In my role as his daughter, to which I had become so accustomed, I answered what was truthfully in my mind: I want to become a nun, father, and work with the poor. At our next meeting, he was not alone, but rather with a woman his age. Though she was not dressed in a habit, I quickly recognized her as Sister Sophia, founder of the famous order of poor sisters known and praised in the popular press as the "midnight angels of Rome" -- nuns who roam the city streets late at night, locating and taking care of the poor, the homeless, and the neglected. Sophia was a world-wise woman. She had been a fashionable courtesan of considerable repute in her day who, suddenly, left her profession at the height of her renown and joined the church. She had met many "girls" like me, and was not in the least shocked by it. After a long and probing talk, she accepted me into her order. For the next twenty years, your eminences, I spent my nights as Sister Mary-Anne, the midnight angel. Along with other sisters of the order, I fed the hungry, found shelter for the homeless, clothed the naked, and comforted the despondent. I held girls of 13 and 14 in my arms as they tried to overcome the effects of excessive of alcohol or drugs, I midwifed dozens of babies in dirty alleys or in the backrooms of brothels, and made sure that mother and infant were sent to hospitals for proper care. I saw, and experienced, aspects of this city which you never see through the smoked glass windows of your limousines', nor can you possibly imagine. And during the day, I continued my life first in the seminary and then, after ordination, as theological scholar and, later, teacher. You are all, I am sure, familiar with some of the many books and articles I wrote during that period, though many of you do not agree with them. My fantasy meetings with my Father and Protector stopped, as he was promoted and transferred to a city in the north of Italy, but I was already carving my own path upwards in the Vatican establishment. When J** was selected as Holy Father, I for the first time found that I could really influence the way the church was moving. This consumed all of my time and attention, and my nighttime existence as Sister Mary-Anne came to an end. Upon his tragic death, and as I lost the ability to help move events in the direction I felt necessary, my attention returned to my own self and I felt it was time to put my own soul in order. As you know, I applied for, and was granted, a leave of absence in order to meditate and pray. I chose a hermitage not far from Mount Tabor, the site of the Sermon on the Mount. There, surrounded by pine trees, I was able, for the first time, to carefully consider my own predicament. In Verse 27 of Chapter 1 of Genesis, we read about the creation of man, the following words, in the original Hebrew: "zachar unkevah barah otam", which are generally translated as "male and female He created them". The Hebrew conjunction "u" is generally interpreted as creating a dichotomy: EITHER male OR female. However, that is probably not a correct reading. It should more likely be considered as conjective: BOTH male AND female. (I will not tire you with a detailed philological analysis, but I ended up writing a long monograph on this with Prof. Evyatar Etsion of the Department of Biblical Philology of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, which is now in press and which should be published shortly.) In other words, the soul of every human being has both a male and female aspect. One of these, as a rule, is more dominant than the other. However, both must be there in some measure. When the dominant aspect of this gender identity corresponds to the physical characteristics of the body in which the soul sits, as is usually the case, there is no problem. But what if that does not happen? In the middle ages, a disfigured body was assumed to mirror a disfigured soul, and the clubfooted and hare lipped were social outcasts. We, of course, no longer believe that today. A club foot or a hare lip can be remedied surgically, and none of you would say that that is interfering with God's plan. Why is it not the same for the case of gender? If, in my soul, the female aspect dominates, while my body is that of a male, is it wrong for me to surgically alter my mundane body to fit my God-given soul? Or must I torture my soul in order to make it fit my body? On these questions, your eminences, I pondered for many months, before I reached the conclusion I reached. I am now in the process of writing them up in a formal, and rather lengthy, monograph, and I beg your indulgence and pardon that it will not be ready for several more months. Towards the end of my sabbatical, I saw my path clear. A quick trip to Bangkok, and the hands of a very gifted and understanding surgeon, gave me the harmony between body and soul which I have craved since childhood. I am at peace." With those words, Cardinal O'Connor ended her testimony, and asked if there are any questions that need clarification. "Just one," replied Cardinal Leone. "I would like to know the identity of the man you called your Father and Protector, the man who started you on the most terrible path that led to your present condition." "I cannot reveal it," replied Mary-Anne. He is no longer in this world, and I do not want to harm his blessed memory by having his name come out." "We order you to reveal his name," replied Cardinal Leone. "Remember that this tribunal is closed, and its protocols will not be made public." "I will reveal his name," replied Mary-Anne, "only if add to that protection the seal of the confessional. If you all agree that this is as a confession, which must never be revealed to anyone on pain of death." The cardinals in the room nodded their assent, and all secretaries and assistants left the room. "You all knew him," replied Mary-Anne, "under his apostolic name, Pope J**". He was my Father and Protector. After he named me cardinal, he joked with me in private that many popes in the past had been guilty of nepotism for naming their sons as cardinals, but he would surely go down as the first, to have named his daughter." -- After Cardinal O'Connor left the room, the tribunal met to consider its decision, which was announced the next day in a meeting open to the public. "The sole reason for removing a person from the College of Cardinals for reason other than physical inability to perform his duties is if a sin had been committed which led to that person's initial nomination or in that person's actions after nomination." No evidence of such a sin has been presented to the tribunal as yet. Moreover, interesting theological questions have been raised, which require much further study and consideration. Until the time such study is completed, or further evidence is presented, this tribunal will be adjourned. During the period of adjournment, Cardinal O'Connor will retain her position as a cardinal of the church." Mary-Anne, and everyone else in the room, including the representatives of the press, immediately grasped the significance of the pronoun in the last sentence. The tribunal would never be reconvened.

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Temperance or Temptation Too hot for the church

Temperance Leite… well, let's start describing her assets. Temperance is a very short woman, she's 5'2" tall, 137 pounds. White skin, long straight black hair, dark brown eyes, delicate face. A regular girl, except for her stunning measurements, at least from waist down. 32B-27-41. Temperance could tempt men only with her body stats alone, no need to do anything else. But she does, she fucking does. Temperance will only wear sexy clothes, those that will enhance her body shapes. Y'know,...

4 years ago
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Shopping Before Church

Shopping Before Church----------Only a few days more before the normal deliveries would arrive, but we were out of several items we needed desperately to wrap up some small jobs around the farm. It was slow enough that dad suggested I take the truck and run into town and get the supplies from the hardware store. I was ecstatic at the opportunity to get away, even if only for a few hours, although the hardware store was not my favorite place to go. I will have to explain about that at another...

2 years ago
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Passion in an Abandoned Church

After a bit of convincing (which included a lot of sweet, dirty talk), I agree to go with you on a back road adventure into the middle of nowhere. You’re on the search for waterfalls and need a willing partner to make sure you don’t get lost or eaten while out adventuring. You assure me that finding the waterfalls will make the long drive through dirt roads worth it… but I doubt this as the road seems endless, winding its way through the forest. Eventually, we find something of interest –...

Straight Sex
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Our Church

Preface:        Before I tell you the stories of the church my wife and I attend. I should tell a little about us. I met my wife when I was 24 at a wild nightclub where people look like they belong in the movie ?The Matrix?. I saw her in one of 6 cages holding girls wearing only stockings, garter belt, a g-string and a bra. The man sitting by the cages told me she was for sale if I wanted her. I paid the man $25 and removed her from the cage. I knew that it was just for fun that I didn?t...

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Temptation In Church

For the most part, I just go to church on the major holidays like Easter and Christmas. It didn’t always used to be that way. Growing up, my parents dragged me to church every Sunday until high school sports and a part time job freed me from that weekly weekend boredom. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against religion, I just don’t like going to church. It wasn’t for me for a lot of reasons. One of the reasons was that I left feeling like such a sinner for my dirty thoughts and...

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The Lady from Church

Chapter 1: The Lady from ChurchI know it's not the normal way to start a story like this, but I met her at church. She wasn't stunning by any means, and neither am I, but she was good looking and fit. I guessed she was a little older than me, and her nose was a little crooked, but her ass filled her jeans well and she always wore nice tops that accentuated her body.What really caught my attention were the girls. She had three daughters with her, none of which paid much attention to the service....

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Hi everybody! My name is Crissy and I want to tell you about how I kept my virginity but gave up my virgin ASS!I was a church girl, sang in the choir, was a cheerleader and I even took care of old people at a community center as a volunteer.Generally, I was a good girl and made my parents proud of me.I did have one secret desire though and that was to be a slut! I know it sounds strange, but even though I was a good girl, I would look at men, thinking of what it would be like to just get naked...

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It had been a long day and I was looking forward to seeing Rachel the whole drive home and the classes before. The last week had been hectic and I just wanted to have some quiet time with her. I pulled into the drive to see a quiet house which is really odd because Kate has a habit of practicing when ever she has the house to herself. I opened the front door expecting her to be asleep on the couch or doing homework of the silent kind but instead I sighed when I found her not at home and a...

4 years ago
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Gang Banged granny at the CHURCH

I have to admit it, I'm a long time slut and have done things that I am ashamed of but who really gives a shit!..LOLSince I was in grade school, I have loved boys and I worshiped cock, balls and especially loads of cum! Of course in grade school, you don't get much cum but I would let boys play with my pussy and I would let them put their little cocks in my mouth. I did it whenever possible and all the boys knew that all they had to do was ask and I would pull my panties down and lay back with...

3 years ago
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Life lessons Ch 2 Church

On our way to church Frank and I are sitting in the last row of the family’s mini van, dad’s playing his classic rock a little louder than normal. I wonder what has gotten into him this morning? And mom grinning from ear to ear I know what has her all happy and shit. Thinking our parents should not be able to hear us back here I start to whisper to Frank just to be sure they can’t. Frank can you believe our mother this morning? How she was able too handle both of us so quickly? I mean,...

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Slave SisterChapter 3 Fran Goes to Church

Fran laid in bed thinking. Her brother had, after his now traditional good morning fuck, just left the room heading back to his own bed before their mother woke up. How, she wondered, after the events of the last two days could she possibly go to church this morning and act like every thing was normal? How could she help teach those innocent second graders in Sunday school after all of the perverted and depraved things she had been forced to do? It all started Thursday night when her brother...

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RansomeChapter 4 Church

David slipped into the back of the church unnoticed just as the service was starting. During the service he was wondering what sort of a welcome he would receive after an absence of three years if he joined the rest of the congregation for coffee in the church hall. Start as you mean to go on, he thought, If I am here hunting for a bedmate I should make myself agreeable to all the eligible ladies while I choose, and if necessary pursue one or more of them. The one noticeable change to the...

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Catholic School Confessions2

It was the first day of school and I entered my homeroom class. My classmates were huddled into little groups, talking about what they did during summer. Being shy, I quietly made my way to the back of the classroom to my usual seat in the back row. I was staring off into space and daydreaming as usual when she walked in. It wasn't very often we got new students in our school, since we lived in such a small town, and this was definitely the new girl. She was slightly overweight but it...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Catholic Schoolgirl chapter 2 experiments with my brother

I woke Saturday morning, tired and restless. I did not sleep very well, which following our Friday night fuck fest was quite unusual for me.  Usually, I sleep very well after cumming; and Friday night I had two powerful orgasms.However, I was troubled by how the evening had ended. If you recall, Marc, my long-term partner, had convinced me to reveal the details of my teenage masturbation fantasies to him. These fantasies involved an improbable scenario where I was caught masturbating by my...

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Confessions of a Catholic Schoolgirl

My name is Julie. I am a twenty-five-year-old woman who has been in a serious, committed monogamous relationship for nearly four years. I moved in with Marc, nearly two years ago. We live in Lows Angeles and enjoy a good life together.  We are both professional people, whose careers occupy much of our attention during the week. On the weekends, we really try to dedicate our attention, and our passion, to each other. Our sex life is excellent. But more importantly, we are ‘soulmates’, who share...

2 years ago
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Catholic School can be Fun Part 2

“Honey is something wrong?” asked her mother. “No Mom I’m fine.” Jessica responded. “Well ok then,” Her mother stopped talking and focused her attention back on the road and the drive way that lead into the school. Jessica had dreaded having to go back to school and face Heather. What would she say? How could she look Heather in the eye now? Well Jessica thought Heather started it. Jessica’s mother pulled up in front of the school and stopped the car allowing Jessica to get out. Jessica...

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Catholic School can be Fun

“That was incredible!” Heather gasped. Both of them looked at each other. Heather was a rather short brown haired girl who had normal sized breasts for a 14 year old. Freckles covered her face. She was average build and was a girl you would call cute not hot. Jessica had brown hair also and long legs. She had small breasts for the 14 year old she was, and a shaved pussy. She had legs and thighs that made every man she saw gape. They were semi muscular and very soft and very creamy. Her breasts...

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A Catholic schoolgirl in a plaid skirt asks for a favor

I have to admit it; she was just what I wanted, my dream girl, my jerk-off fantasy. I could hardly believe it. But there she was in her tiny plaid skirt and tight white shirt, her half bra showing through, her pink nipples jutting and stretching the thin cloth and even a plaid ribbon holding back her long, blonde hair. Perfect, the porn-maker’s Catholic schoolgirl. Her legs were long and shapely, her thighs perhaps a bit heavy but her round ass was prime, incredible, and the little skirt...

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Catholic School Sins Jamies Bad Habit

Jamie was your typical high school jock, with one exception. He had already turned eighteen and was starting his Senior year at a brand new school. After getting caught dating his math teacher and the gossip that followed, his parents thought it best that he get his priorities in order. Being one of the best pitchers in the area and a lefty to boot, Saint Mary's, a Catholic school two towns over, came calling with an offer of free tuition and a spot on the baseball team. He started making some...

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Lithuanian catholic priest having sex with my wife

I’m 30 years old Lithuanian man. I, together with my 28 years old Hungarian wife Adri live in a small ton in South Lithuania. Few years ago, when my grandmother died, I have inherited her old, wooden house. I with my wife moved in and started renovate the house, to make a cosy home for ourselves. I work as a history teacher at local secondary school and my wife works as a translator, translating various texts online. Our new house is located next to local priest house, who serves in local...

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Catholic Nun Strips Naked During Church Services

Prelude: An beautiful young woman is a Catholic Nun. One Sunday morning she is given the opportunity to conduct her own Church service. She has a fantasy about being naked on stage in front of the entire congregation so she can watch them admire her slender sexy body. This is her story. deleted

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A Catholic Girl and Contraceptives

It's only been about seven weeks since I first had sex with a boy, and already I'm on the pill! I used to believe that I wouldn't ever need those. God would take care of my fertility. That's what the priest had always told me in church on Sunday.But when they got to know I was having sex, a lot of friends had suggested to me that I ought to take precautions against getting pregnant, especially as I'm only 19, but I was completely innocent and didn't know where to get contraceptives of any kind...

2 years ago
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Catholic Aunty Marathi Boy

Mera name nil h.Smart good looking 27 years old 6.5 inch ka penis.Koi bhi mujhe pasanc karsakta h.Magaf mujhe oldage lady me jada interest h.Unhe jada experience rehata h to wo majja bhi deti h.Mumbai ki koibhi lady aunty dadi anyage above 25 widow vegera koi bhi mujhse dosti karke bharosewala aur secretely maja lena chahti ho to batana.Mera id Kuch jada na badhate huye story pe aata hu.Kyunki ye real story h .Main mumbai me rwhata hu.Huwa yu ki main mera mobile chevk kar raha tha tab mujhe 1...

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Naive Catholic Cousin

Mike was a medical undergraduate. One year, he spent his vacation with his family at his uncle's house in the countryside. The families hadn't seen each other for a couple of years. Being a strict Catholic, his uncle brought up his daughter, Joyce, as one too. His cousin Joyce was a natural beauty, sweet, curvaceous sixteen-year old. Mike couldn't help stealing lusty glances at her whenever he thought he could get away with it. He hoped to get his hands on her since he saw how she had grown up...

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Naive Catholic Cousin

Mike was a medical undergraduate. One year, he spent his vacation with his family at his uncle's house in the countryside. The families hadn't seen each other for a couple of years. Being a strict Catholic, his uncle brought up his daughter, Joyce, as one too. His cousin Joyce was a natural beauty, sweet, curvaceous sixteen-year old. Mike couldn't help stealing lusty glances at her whenever he thought he could get away with it. He hoped to get his hands on her since he saw how she had...

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My Strange LifeChapter 3 Confessions of a Catholic Schoolgirl

Wednesday mornings we have Mass, that's church for catholic people, and all the girls from the Virgin Mary's Academy file into the chapel and sit on the right side of the center aisle. And all the boys come in from St. Joseph's and sit on the left side. Everybody's there, except Tama Vigit, because she's from India and she thinks there's like a zillion gods and not just one. Tama is almost sixteen and goes to our school because her parents don't want her to go to the public school. I...

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