Our Church free porn video

Before I tell you the stories of the church my wife and I attend. I should tell a little about us. I met my wife when I was 24 at a wild nightclub where people look like they belong in the movie ?The Matrix?. I saw her in one of 6 cages holding girls wearing only stockings, garter belt, a g-string and a bra. The man sitting by the cages told me she was for sale if I wanted her. I paid the man $25 and removed her from the cage. I knew that it was just for fun that I didn?t really buy a slave, but the illusion was intriguing to say the least. We talk most of the night. I made her crawl on her hands and knees whenever we moved around. Toward the end of the evening she decided to spill a glass of water on me. She then asked me to spank her right there in the club for making such a mistake. And I did... Later we went my place?
?We were married 6 months later.
Over the years our lives have taken a rather plain turn now that we have good jobs and real responsibilities.
Chapter I
Now I am 33 and when my wife suggested visiting the church on the far end of town I was skeptical to say the least. But, if that is where she wants to go, we can drive an extra 10 minutes or so. When we got there it looked like any other protestant church. A pulpit, choir with organ and or course the cross hanging on the wall behind the preacher.
After the service my wife asked if we should become members. I didn?t understand why she was enthusiastic about joining. We could get a sermon like the one we just had anywhere. But, I told her that would be fine if she really liked the church we can go here. After we were announced to the congregation the following week as new members they told us that we had to take our new member course the following Tuesday.
At the time it seemed like a waste of evening. ?Then the elders will do this and when we have a motion for that?? etc? I guess I should have paid more attention. It was 2 weeks later when I found out why my wife wanted to come here.
I was sitting there waiting for the service to start, reading the bulletin when I noticed something.
Elder Trial of Cindy Johnson concluded:
Guilty of lying to husband.
What does that mean? They announce a church member lying, why?
The service started and we had the normal hymns and the collection, but when the preacher got up this time to give the announcements. I noticed several things. First were two men bringing out what looked like a saw horse with the exception of a leather pillow looking thing in the center of it. They put is down to the right of the preacher?s pulpit. Then they both went over and sat down in the front row on either side of a couple. The preacher started to speak.
?My brethren, as some of you know the elders had to meet last week and they heard arguments about our sister in Christ, Cindy. She was accused in accordance to the ways described in the bible. First, by the one person in private this was her husband. Then, in counsel of a second which was myself and finally before the elders of the church. They have listened to him and have found her guilty of lying to him last Sunday evening. She did not miss church because she had to work, she go see a movie that is inappropriate for a Christian with two of her ?friends?.? The two men this front row stood up and each took an arm of the woman next to them and made her stand. I looked and she was wearing what looked like a thick bathrobe with no shoes or socks.
The preacher continued, ?Now, in this day in age we as a church can understand if a job is making a person work on a Sunday. We don?t like it, but we can accept it. But not lying.? He then turned and looked at the woman. ?Cindy, in accordance with the constitution of this church and principles described in the bible you shall be punished. You will therefore be on display for all to see for 12 hours. Midway you will be scourged with a cane to your bare buttocks of 50 strokes: 25 by your husband and 5 by each of the elders of this church.?
I couldn?t believe my ears. They are going to beat this woman in front of the church just for lying. The two men led her up behind the sideward horse. You could see was crying and had been for least several minutes. One of the men undid her robe and pulled it off her. Underneath she was what you could call mostly naked. All she had on was an apron like piece of cloth to cover her breasts and pussy but would leave her wide open on the back. I then noticed the she also had on wrist and ankle cuffs like the ones my wife and I had in our younger and wilder days. They bent her over the saw horse and fastened her wrists and ankles to each of its legs with padlocks spread apart. Again she began to cry audibly as the man pulled a rope attached to her long red hair then walked back behind them and tied it off to a ring in the wall. I assume this was to make it so she could not hide her head plus, it would force her to look at the people of the church. From my vantage point I could see one of her bottom globes clearly as well as most of her left breast. At this angle only her nipple was covered by the aprons cloth.
Once she was securely on display the weirdest thing happened. The entire congregation acted like nothing unusual had occurred. The preacher gave his sermon; the people listened and took notes. Three times during this sermon about lying, (big surprise on the topic there) Cindy started to cry out loud and I noticed that her husband never looked at her, not once.
Then it was over just like it had the previous weeks, we all got up and started heading for the door. Well, all of us except Cindy which was left nearly naked locked in her misery of the entire day. Several times on the way out I looked back at her sad facial expression get smaller and smaller, once again she began to cry. As before we shook the preachers hand on the way out as each of us did he reminded us to return this evening to witness the caning.

- 08.01.2022
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