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For Laura Lyn

‘Oops, that was it,’ Lola muttered as she past the dirt road she should have turned left on. She backed up, made the turn, and headed south 2.7 miles according to her directions. The sun was blistering and it hadn’t rained in weeks. Dust fogged the inside of the old ’87 Grand Am she’d driven since she was in high school, making it hard to breathe. She pressed on down the gravel country roads. Naturally the air-conditioning picked this day to be temperamental.

‘It can’t be too much farther,’ she hoped, then she saw it, the driveway with the twin oak trees that had grown close together and had been twisted into a knot by a tornado. ‘There couldn’t be two of those,’ she mused as she turned into the driveway and stopped. In her trunk lay a generic discount store ‘for sale’ sign, already stapled onto a stake, and a hammer to force it into the ground. Too bad she didn’t think to bring a sling blade.

Groaning with effort, she eventually managed to root the sign at the edge of the tire-track driveway. Lola wiped perspiration from her brow as she looked farther up the drive, wondering if there was even a building on the property. She hoped so. She had planned to spend the night rather than drive another six hours home. She hopped back into the car and crept up the path stopping twice to break down the little trees that had grown in between the track marks. ‘How long since anyone has been here?’ she wondered out loud. Then it came into view.

It was a dump. The property her late aunt Patrice had bequeathed her was nothing more than an old deserted mansion badly in need of repair, or demolition. Whatever. As soon as she returned, she planned to contact her realtor about selling the old place. She’d sell cheap to the first person who showed the slightest interest, just to get it off of her hands.

Someone had been kind enough to clear the grounds around the house. She felt as if she were expected. Rose bushes cloaked in blood red blooms climbed trellises barely hanging onto the sides of the house. It appeared that someone had been taking care of them, yet no car had been down the driveway in at least a couple of years. ‘Odd,’ she thought. Close to the front steps stood a metal pole, one of those historical markers but the info plate was missing. ‘What’s up with that?’ Lola was suddenly curious. It was sweltering in the car, she was stiff from the long ride, she decided to get out and take a look.

Lola stood on the top step testing the strength of the porch by tapping her foot on several of the boards. ‘Good enough,’ she determined, and lightly walked across to the magnificently ornate wooden front doors. She giggled to her self thinking just possibly that Lurch might be on the other side waiting to open the door for her.

Expecting the old lock to be rusty and difficult to open, she was a bit surprised that the key slid into the lock and turned virtually on its own. Twisting the knob was just as easy. Lola nudged the door open. It creaked and screamed like any respectable haunted house door ought to. ‘Honey. I’m home!’ she announced to no one and laughed to herself. No one answered, to her relief. Leaving the door open, just to be safe, Lola entered.

The rooms were huge. The ceilings, at least twelve feet, the tallest she’d ever seen. All of the furniture covered with sheets, obviously undisturbed for quite some time. Hardwood floors were spot covered with elaborate area rugs and runners. It smelled dank and musty. ‘How to get some air in this mausoleum?’ she choked. She started opening windows. New Orleans style, they cranked out from the bottom. Not too difficult, all but one rolled out smoothly. ‘Ah, fresh air. Mm, roses,’ she whispered with her eyes closed, inhaling deeply. The whole parlor seemed to be rushed with the exhilarating scent of the roses outside. Light shone in, casting rays on the walls and the magnificent paintings of a woman. ‘No, women,’ she corrected.

The kitchen lay on the back side of the house. It was spacious and semi-modern but nothing special. It didn’t matter anyway, there was no electricity. The dinning room stretched nearly the entire width of the house. The table and what was likely a buffet, underneath the sheets, was almost as long.

The staircase, a wooden spiral in the center of the house, opened to the ceiling of the second floor and seemed surprisingly sturdy as she climbed. Rooms formed a circle around the upper story. It was very dark. She moved to the window in the first room at the top of the stairs and pulled back the floor-to-ceiling drapes. They were heavy and didn’t move easily but finally some light peeked through. Lola peered out of the window, nothing but trees and underbrush. She imagined at one time there might have been a lovely lawn with scattered gardens, a stone path and maybe even a little pond with goldfish. That reminded her of the roses in the front. The question of how they managed to live and bloom without any care returned to her mind. It also reminded her that daylight was soon fading and she should be gathering her supplies from her car while she could still see. She glanced into the other four rooms. They all appeared much the same. There was a locked door next to the last bedroom she predicted was the access to the attic. There was probably a basement too but Lola was not that curious.

From her car she collected a small duffel bag, a couple of hurricane lamps and a bottle of oil, her sleeping bag, cooler with ice, and a bag of groceries she picked up at the little store in the nearby town. This should take care of her for the night. She unloaded it all in the floor just inside the doorway and carried the cooler and groceries to the kitchen.

‘First things first,’ Lola advised herself, ‘It’s getting dark.’ She set up the two oil burning lamps, filled and lit them. ‘Ta da,’ she cheered. The little flames inside the lamps flickered at first like they might blow out but then steadied themselves. She stationed one at each end of the giant marble mantle over the fireplace to cast a golden glow over the room. Lola loves the way the flames illuminate her skin. It gives her creamy, ivory skin a sexy amber glow, at least that’s what an old boyfriend used to tell her. The demented pyromaniac loved the way flames looked on anything.

She made her way around the room lifting the furniture covers. Lola knew nothing of furniture styles but this stuff was ancient and gaudy. Most of it was stained dark wood, matching the floor, and upholstered in red and gold velvet, worn bare in some places. There were three sofas and half a dozen chairs in this room. Lola knew her aunt Patrice had been a spinster. She must have done a lot of entertaining. She couldn’t imagine living alone in this house. ‘Aunt Patrice must have been quite a smoker,’ she surmised. There was an ashtray or two on every flat surface in the room. She spotted a couple of candles on the tea table, lit them, and carried them to the kitchen to fixed herself a snack.

Supper would be a cheese and cold-cuts sandwich, a bag of chips, and a Dr. Pepper. She carried them back to the parlor and sat down in an enormous oversized chair and kicked her shoes off and rested her feet on the ottoman. She set her sandwich down on the smoking table next to her. She closed her eyes for a moment. It had been a long day. When she opened them again they fell on the painting over the mantel. ‘Was that Aunt Patrice? Who were all these others?’ Too tired to care, Lola ate.

She didn’t mean to fall asleep but there was nothing else to do. She’d scooted down in the cavernous chair thinking this would be a great place to throw a party with soft music, dancing, and a little wine and… and suddenly she was eased into another time, in this same room, the crystal lamps were lit, vases were filled with roses, their aroma heavy in the air. Couples were dancing. There was music, someone playing a piano in another room, she recognized the tune, ‘Days of Wine and Roses.’ Men were at tables playing cards, t
alking, laughing. Lola realized she was slumping in her chair crumpling her dress and decided to get up, straighten herself out, and find something to drink.

There was a cool gust of air and then a voice behind her. ‘Champagne? I’m celebrating.’ He was gorgeous. She couldn’t answer but did take the glass he offered. ‘Dance with me, Madam. It would be my honor.’

‘Madam? Did he mean me?’ she turned to see if he might be speaking to someone else. There was no one close. ‘Of course,’ she agreed.

‘Hasn’t this been just the most fabulous summer?’ He rambled on and on as if they were old friends. From the conversation she gathered that he was the proprietor of a winery close by. He grew all of the grapes that he used himself. Apparently it’s been a prosperous year and he’s expecting a bountiful harvest. All the wine at this party tonight was evidently provided by him. He spoke more of making wine but Lola was lost. Her knowledge of wine began and ended with drinking and that was about the extent of her interest. Lola was content to smile and nod as long as he kept dancing.

They seemed to dance without touching the floor. The music never stopped. It was the same song playing over and over again that never ended. Other conversations melded into the music. He was still talking. They were still dancing. Dancing. Dancing. Dancing up the spiral staircase. Gliding as if they were riding on a pillow of air.

It seemed to take forever to reach the upper level. Then they were there. He stopped talking. His dark eyes were gazing into hers, asking, wanting. His mouth took hers. Scorched hers. He tasted of champagne and she was at once intoxicated. He was turning the knob on the locked door.

It opened. The attic room was pristine. Four gabled windows on each side of the room hung with sheer lacy white fabric panels moving slightly with the breeze. Sconces on the walls were already lit, shimmering gently in the draft against ox blood walls. There was a chaise lounge in one corner with a little telephone table next to it. A vanity and stool sat angled in a corner so as to give the user a view of the entire room from its oval etched-glass mirror. On each side of the mirror were tiny matching lamps. In the center, precisely positioned, lay a beautifully polished sterling silver brush, comb, and hand mirror set. A gold toned tray held various cosmetics and perfumes, everything perfectly in place. In the center of the chamber stood a magnificent antiquated canopy bed fit for a king and queen. Sheer white curtains were tied back at the posts. The fluffy white comforter was turned back revealing satiny white sheets. Black-red roses filled the vase on the night stand and their aroma, mixed with candle scents, filled the room. A single rose lay on the pillow.

He raised her to his mouth, intentionally removing her from her shoes. His hands were caressing all of her. She didn’t notice that he had inched her zipper down until her gown slipped off of her shoulders. She shivered as it dropped to the floor leaving her in only a scant chemise. She really should object. Lola pushed him back, catching her breath for an instant, then losing it again as she noticed he had already removed his own shirt and was beginning to unbutton his pants.

He was watching her watch him. She was dazed. ‘What on earth was she doing in this room with a complete stranger?’ She could hardly finish the thought with his eyes locked on hers. He pulled her close again and lifted her chemise over her head. One hook and her bra fell off her perfect little breasts. She was exquisite. The candle light glistened softly on her skin turning it a rich shade of vanilla. He could smell her soft cologne now, burying his face into her neck.

His hand found her breast and stroked it gently. His thumb toyed with her already pert nipple. Lola leaned in closer to him to convey her unvoiced permission. He scooped her up in one smooth motion. Laid her head on the pillow opposite the rose and positioned himself next to her.

He traced her face with his index finger, circling her eyes, outlining her full ruby lips. He reached the slope of her nose and coasted down. Lola closed her eyes and began to relax a little, she could handle this treatment all night long. He traveled down her neck with his fingertips and made a line to her navel. His hand moved back up to gently massage her breast. She held her breath, afraid that if she moved he might stop,

Lola began to squirm. He grinned. His hand swept its way down to her moist center. She jumped at first, then parted her legs slightly to allow him unrestricted access. She had just dropped her head back on the pillow when he brushed a finger across her clit sending lightning flashes all up her spine. Her back arched. Her body trembled. He seized her mouth at that moment, fast and hard, trapping her gasp in her throat. He continued the sweet torture while she was propped on her elbows with her head hanging back and crying out something senseless like, ‘Stop. Stop. No, don’t stop!’

He did stop. Now she objected. His eyes met hers, and his were laughing. Then his tongue touched her breast and ever so slowly drifted in spirals to the point of its desire, and hers. She cried out in anticipation, her body writhed beneath him, and then he was there. His hot mouth was covering her fancy, his tongue tantalizing her with its quick flicking motions. All thought and sense left her. Her body took on a mind of it’s own. Pulsating began in her middle then radiating out, reaching her scalp and her toes. The room suddenly went black. She thought she felt herself scream out but didn’t think any sound came out.

He was on top of her now, crushing the oxygen from her lungs. Breathing was not important right now. She was sure she was going to die of sheer pleasure soon now anyway. He entered her with a swift jolt sending fire to her middle and to her breasts. He immersed himself in her glories, again and again, keeping rhythm with the palpitations of her heart. Just as she thought she could stand no more, he shuddered and let loose the fire he held inside himself. She screamed as she convulsed, loud and hard. He collapsed on top of her. Shock waves reverberated inside both of them for what could have been hours.

A stormy hot wind raged through the room and then it was still. Lola fell into the blissful world of blessed unconsciousness.

When she finally awoke, she could not move but to open her eyes. The sun was bright in this room full of windows. At first she didn’t remember where she was, then she couldn’t remember coming to this room. She sat up and looked around her noticing that this must have been an enchanted hideaway in the past. Now all of the fabric had become dingy and yellow from age and sun exposure. The mirror on the vanity was cracked, a silver hair-care set lay there tarnished, and the lampshades were webby.

She rose from the bed and stepped on her blouse. She hadn’t even realized she was naked. She gathered her clothes and dressed quickly, as if someone might be watching. She made her way down the narrow attic steps ducking here and there to avoid spider webs that seemed to have taken over.

In the kitchen she discovered the candles she left burning had melted all over the counter top. ‘No problem.’ she thought, scraping them off and throwing them away. She picked and apple and a bottle of Coke out of the cooler and sat down at the little round table in front of a window to eat.

Lola collected her belongings, packed them up, and loaded them into the car. She went back inside the house to make sure all of the windows and doors were shut and locked, then set out on her way.

She arrived home after dark. Electricity and hot water were a welcome sight. That night she dreamed about living in the old mansion. It really was a quaint old home. On another day, in another time she might have actually entertained the idea of moving there. She called a realtor that morning and got it listed right away, then she wouldn’t have to t
hink about it again.

A couple of mornings later as Lola was reading the Sunday morning edition of the local newspaper, Her eye was caught by bold lettering half way down the page near the back of the paper. It read, ‘ONCE HISTORIC BROTHEL FOR SALE.’

‘What about that.’ she pondered. She read on, ‘For four decades this magnificent old mansion served as the counties classiest ‘entertainment’ spot. People came from three states to visit Madam Patrice’s…

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A BiAmerican in Paris Ch 05

DISAPPOINTMENT TURNS TO PLEASURE On Friday at the Paris office I received a message from Monique that she was not going to be able to come to Paris for the weekend. I was bummed out as I was looking forward to spending time with her and having some great sex. I guess I was wearing my disappointment on my sleeve and Meagan noticed. ‘Is there something wrong?’ ‘No, it’s just that I had plans with a lady friend for the weekend and she cancelled.’ ‘That’s too bad, my plans got changed for...

3 years ago
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She sat at her desk in the real estate office, going over some papers froma recent sale. Everything looked good to her and once again, she got the peoplea loan and sold the house. She made a good commission from it and that justadded to her fortune. Stephanie was a very sexy, beautiful Asian girl of 25 years old. She hadbeen to college and earned her degree, then went on to real estate school toget her license to sell. She was very well off, since she sold a lot of propertiesand was well liked...

1 year ago
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Ems Panties Pt 4

“Have you ever tried one?” Em inquired. “a condom.” “Never. Coach has a basket of them in his office. Tells us to take them if we need them, no questions asked. He says better safe than sorry. Why?” “I don’t know. Just asking. I have lots of questions about all this stuff and I never know who to ask. That sex ed class said we could ask anything but then one girl raised her hand and asked about getting pregnant from a blowjob, and everyone laughed. After that no one asked a question.” Em...

2 years ago
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Missing Cats and Found KittensChapter 17

Finally, spring showed back up again. Mother nature is kind of funny that way. No matter what, if you wait long enough, you get back to where you started. Between the 2 of us, Suzy and I discussed whether or not to participate in the Founders Day thing again. Reluctantly I agreed. And we went into a replay of the previous season. Fortunately, this time, without the grandstanding. We were pleasantly surprised when 3 of the kids showed up. Kyle, Lucy, and Susan made an appearance on the first...

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Toms Personal SEXetaryChapter 5

Tom and Samantha had enjoyed a very lusty fuck after he'd restrained himself enough to sit there and let her strip and dance in front of him without him touching her increasingly naked body at all. Then, after she'd taken every single piece of her clothing off, Samantha had straddled Tom's lap and she'd fucked him on top while he played with her sexy breasts and enjoyed feeling her riding on his super-horny cock. Tom had known that by asking Samantha to dance and strip out of her clothes...

2 years ago
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Birthday Gift

Coming from a very small town, I was a little shy in my new home. Columbus Ohio isn’t a huge city, but it was a lot bigger than I was used to. It was also a large college town. And of course the biggest plus, two hours away from the old home town. I have been living here and going to school since June. I have had different jobs to help pay the bills. Recently I started playing music with a few guys I had met through one of those jobs. I worked for a while as a mix-down engineer at Kingsmill...

2 years ago
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Impregnated by Faheed

Megan was single and longed to be married – to have a family of her own. She lived in a good subdivision, drove a good car and had a good job. She was trying to do everything right. She swiped on the profiles of most of the guys her age on Tinder, but after initial messaging, nothing ever came of it.Of course, she'd had a couple of quick fucks with one or two guys – but that's all they wanted, and all she wanted was to make them happy, even if it was just for one night.Megan was a tiny girl at...

Mind Control
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Beautiful fuck

She got home a bit late from shopping; the light on the answer machine was blinking. She put her packages down and pushed the red button. His voice came through the speaker. She smiled listening to his voice. “i see you are not home yet from your favorite pastime without me.” he said with a chuckle. “but, i want you to be ready by 8 tonight so you may have to hurry, it’s about 6:30 right now. Please dress to please, I will be entertaining tonight and you will be at my side, for whatever i...

2 years ago
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The old swimming hole

Betty called me up as she usually does several times a week, but I could tell from her voice this was something a little different. “You know the pond where we’ve gone skinny dipping a few times” she asked. Of course I knew it! It was a silly thing for two 30, almost 40 something moms to do, but it was so much fun…especially when we both had not too perfect, but not too bad bodies. “Yes, of course I do” I replied. Well, I was down there this afternoon, enjoying a little swim, the...

1 year ago
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Part One I’d slid away from my computer desk an hour earlier, reheated some frozen leftovers and hastily eaten dinner and then I had taken a quick shower to wash the days’ dust out of my hair and eyes. Crawling under the false flooring of a twenty-year-old data center, pulling out nearly one-half-mile of ancient wiring and retrenching new fiber optic cables, kicks up half a ton of dust bunnies. I could have hired a small crew of young men to do the same thing, but workmanship being what it...

3 years ago
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Paula at 29

"Paula, at 29"A Short StoryBy russell-ville-man~~~I found her in the arrivals area. A handheld black board stated: "RUSS!" "What are you doing with that sign, sweetheart?" She was giggling."I was waiting for you, Russ." "Come, girl."Paula handed the board back to the limo driver she'd borrowed it from and shifted into my arms."You came to see me, Russ." Her whisper."Yes, baby. I came to see our girl."~~~She quickly melded back into my arms as we drove thru the streets. "I couldn't wait to see...

4 years ago
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Sheena Kaa Gangbang 8211 Part I

Mera Naam Vinod haa . (mail id: yunghel) se apnee nett dostto (hot gals ) see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Mereee apneee hot and horny readers see ek appeal haa- padnee see pahlee boys apnaa lund pakad lee aur hot gals apnee chut mee unglee dal lee takee story padne mee zyadaa maza aayegaa aur jab story ekk garam...

3 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 62

Alan was first in to the room, his mighty erection swaying hypnotically from side to side as he crossed the room. Keith followed him in, I was disappointed to see that his erection had waned considerably and now his big thick cock was drooping downwards. I needed to get his cock erect and as hard as wood if it was going to be of any use to me. I quickly turned around on to all fours with my arse pointing at him. With my head down on the bed, I reached around and pulled my arse cheeks as wide...

4 years ago
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The New Hyderabadi Life Of Sex With A Reader

Hi Guys this is Vikram again for u with a new story in no time and really thank u guys soo much for ur valuable feedbacks and suggestion. Both girls and Boys, but Especially Women who are unsatisfied, divorced and widowed that im always there for u so ping me at or , please send me your feedbacks and suggestions but please don’t ask me details of women I met, im really sorry I will not give its waste of time as their privacy is my major concern and do please read my previous stories… Let me...

2 years ago
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Foot Fetish Me

I don’t remember when I started to like female feet but I remember myself staring at my school teachers beautiful anklet feet, always trying to get as close to them as possible and sometimes when she was standing next to my desk dropping my pen to get the close look school days passed slowly. I had some of the teachers with best looking feet, although all I could do was touching them sometimes to get blessings from them. My more active experience with the dominating girls began when I was in...

3 years ago
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Exposed A role reversal

I stood looking at myself in the full-length bathroom mirror as I slowly towelled myself dry. I was naked and feeling horny, the bathroom window, wide open, allowing the summer breeze to caress my bare skin. Just looking at myself, was turning me on. Was it normal for a guy to find his own body arousing? I wondered. I was not gay and yet my own ripped physique was turning me on. Maybe it was just the thought of someone else enjoying the view. Although only nineteen, the years of boxing...

3 years ago
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School Affair

Introduction: The most unexpected event in my life, involving me,my teacher and a special friend i like to call intercourse It was a warm day in mid-April, which i spent in school on detention, due to skipping computer science class multiple times for the past couple of weeks. Thus i had to stay late in school that evening to fix my notes. I was struggling to finish my work faster, but at around 5 PM i realized that Im not going anywhere soon, i got depressed because i couldnt get the task...

3 years ago
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Legally Binding Ch4

“Is that what you want?” I said softly into her ear. “Yes. Ohhhh…yes!” She kissed my cheek, my jaw, my neck, and held me even more tightly. I waited until her first enthusiasm had been expressed, then gently disengaged myself. I gave her a long warm kiss, gently removed her tears with light strokes of my thumbs, then took her by the hand and led her over to the client chair, which I pushed back until it was nearly at the window, and stood her in front of it. I went back and fetched the...

4 years ago
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Lovely Words and Basketball Jerseys

It was a rough day of school. I hated senior year although I can honestly say it was better than sophomore. I would never like to revisit those days.  I slammed the door behind me, threw my bag to the ground and collapsed on the couch. With my head in my hands, I started to sob. A million thoughts had gone racing through my mind, repeating the harsh words said to me that day. I wiped my tears and pushed my long, black fringe away from my eyes. "God dammit, Dakota! Why are you such a faggot!" I...

Gay Male
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Casey and I share a Moment

This is a true story about the first time I shared a sexual experience with a fellow female. Names have been changed and I might have stretched some facts to juice it up but the base is truthful.The coach blew her whistle and we knew it was time to get out the pool, I got out at the side closest to me, my swim suit had run up exposing my ass. I quickly use my thumbs to correct this, unsticking my swim suit from the grip of my butt cheeks. I turned and reached out my hand and helped my best...

2 years ago
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Out of Place Artefacts

I was an assistant office messenger for a urban newspaper. My work life was reliable and relaxed. Then, one day, I was sent to the djungle with a group of journalists who wanted to explore the rumours about an ancient civilisation in the primeval forest, which a section of the Eurocentric scientists had called the Rumpus culture.

4 years ago
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No FutureChapter 91

War Gabrielle 2041 Like most men—even bisexual men—Ghazi wasn't someone who'd willingly display his true emotions, especially not those such as sorrow, misery and distress. This time, however, Gabrielle was in a position she'd never been in before and one for which she was not remotely suited and that was to provide comfort to a man who'd lost his emotional self-control. "Amritsar. Jalandhar. Jaipur," Ghazi moaned. "These are places I've known and visited. My sister lives—or...

3 years ago
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Dahna Rules

------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 1The war had ended almost before it had begun. The Dahnain army led byBrigadier General Tamsin had swiftly and silently outflanked the mainBirimian forces’ spearhead led by Prince Henry and surprised them fromthe rear. In a well planned manoeuvre, Tamsin had made her troops appearas if they were retreating in front of the Birimian advance, leaving afew worthless males to die in an apparent weak and forlorn attempt...

2 years ago
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The Raise

I look at Lynn as she leaves my boss room. She is a very cute blue eyed blonde with tits almost as big as my E-cups. She is in the secretary pool for just a month and she already had A raise. I know Akiko, a busty Japanese, had already been raised, hell she even got the Hawaii assignment! Mr. Johnson, one of the firm's owners and the big name here, has his own way to reward the girls for their efforts. He choses who will get a better position or assignment and who will get a raise in the...

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Going GoingChapter 10

"May I help you?" Amy asked of the girl who walked in the door of the principal's office. Jean looked up and saw Megan. "Amy, do you know my daughter, Megan?" Jean asked. "No," blushed Amy, "I'm afraid I don't. I'm pleased to meet you, Megan." "I'm pleased to meet you too, Amy," answered Megan brightly. "Mom has told me a bit about you. She says you've been elected her right-hand-man, as it were. Not that you leave the least doubt but what you're a beautiful young...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Karlee Grey Angela White The Electra Complex

The scene opens on Bruce, a handsome blue-collar man, as he sits solemnly at the dining room table cracking his knuckles. He is staring blankly at a photo of his wife. The woman died two months earlier after a sudden illness and his family has been devastated, especially his step-daughter Laurie, who went from being a typical happy girl to a distant, resentful stranger. Now, he is waiting for her to come home — and she is late. Two hours late for their appointment, a session with a...

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mother daughter fun

**************************************** Mother/Daughter ********************************************* My best friends sister and her daughter came up for a visit to my area to see family and friends. They are from Florida and the return to New jerseywas a nice trip for them, especially after her divorce last year.I have known Kerry since we were little, I have spent many times over her house growing up, they were the "liberal" family, I had my first beer there, first party,...

4 years ago
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RedTails The Paddled Princess Chapter 1

RedTails : ReckoningsThe Paddled PrincessByScarletdownChapter I: Street SentencePowerful muscles rippling beneath soft black leather pants and matching sleeveless top, a Furling Tiger, born and bred to hunt, stalked with grim determination through the busy streets of Lovenmusk. Warden Arlin paused as he neared the city's Techno-Leisure district and sniffed at the night air. His orange and black striped tail twitched with annoyance, and a disdainful snarl crossed his feline muzzle as he took in...


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