Freckles free porn video

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Essentially, this story depicts how my wife and I met and first had sex. It is written from my wife's viewpoint but by me using her recollections and notes (women remember these events far better than men). She dictated and edited the more intimate parts. However, she is scared stiff of being identified. Therefore, names, location, jobs etc have been changed. It is, as they say in the movies, 'based on true events'. The way we met and the sex, was as depicted.

I'm English, so English spelling, grammar and terminology are used.

This work is copyright protected.


June 1980, West Germany, as it was then.

God, why am I so shy? Sometimes I could scream with frustration. I almost wear my clit out masturbating nearly every night thinking of the things I'd like to do with a man, one man in particular, but if one even speaks to me socially I go all stupid and timid. Now, they don't bother - they know they're not even going to get a kiss, let alone sex. At work, I'm okay though and can chat happily - maybe it's the lack of pressure. I don't know. It's driving me nuts.

I don't think I'm ugly. I work out in the station gym four times a week, swim most mornings and run every evening. I'm told I'm very pretty but I'm not convinced. How many men lust after women with small tits, ginger hair and masses of freckles?

I was standing on the rubber matting at my workstation in the engineering hangar at RAF Wildenrath in West Germany, near the Dutch border. I'd just spent most of the day fault finding and servicing a large reconnaissance camera and was now running it on a test rig having re-soldered some loose electrical connections. The rubber mat was to provide electrical isolation in case I screwed things up.

I'd been given the task by the Chief Tech who'd told me, "I want it running by close of play", meaning five o'clock. I glanced at the clock on the wall. As the only female avionics engineer on the base, in fact, one of only a few in the RAF (this was 1980 after all), I was constantly having to prove myself. Flicking the main control switch, the huge long camera sprang into life. Watching the various dials and screens, everything was spot on. Shutting it down, I re-set the simulated altitude from 10,000 feet to 30,000 feet and re-started the camera. The Image Motion Compensator slowed to its new setting - bang on. The clock on the wall said five to three.

Grinning to myself, I shut the camera down, disconnected all the cables and signed the worksheet. Standing in the Chief's open doorway, I waited while he spoke on the phone. Looking up he gestured towards an old armchair in the corner whilst berating the supply squadron over some delayed parts. Slamming phone down, he muttered, "Fucking pen-pushing idiots", before scribbling something on a pad and looking up. "Ginge!", he smiled, "What can I do for you?".

I liked Chief Dawson. He recognised my abilities and protected me from some of the lad's more excessive banter and practical jokes.

I handed him the clipboard. "The F96 Vinten is all done, it's ready for lifting off the bench".

Reading down the form he said, "Fuck!".

"What's the matter?", I asked certain I'd done a good job.

"Nothing, but I doubt if it's produced readings like this since it was in the factory. Well done. Now you get a prize - you can knock off".

"Thanks, Chief", I said grinning and rising.

"Hold your horses, there's a catch".

Isn't there always in the military? Slowly, I sank back down.

"I had a phone call from the Station Warrant Officer half an hour ago. He asked me if I had anyone I could knock off early. He needs a short-notice replacement volunteer to help behind the Corporals Mess bar for happy hour and tonight. You've volunteered".

My heart sank. That would mean talking to people. "How did you know I'd finish the camera early? Why me?".

"Because you're bloody good. You don't get to be one of the youngest Corporals in the trade without being good at your job. But you need to be seen around the station more, push yourself forwards. They'll be quite a few officers in there tonight, so it's a chance for you to see and be seen. Tidy your stuff away, tag your tools, shower, be at the mess by four, in civvies, wear something cool, it's going to be hot and busy in there tonight. Don't worry, you'll be on with an experienced guy".

After my shower I pulled on a pair of cream shorts and a yellow cheesecloth shirt I'd bought at the weekend, tied in a knot above my belly button. I may not have big boobs, but I had the flattest, tightest stomach of any woman on the base. After putting my red hair into a ponytail, I walked from the WRAF accommodation block the quarter mile to the Corporals Mess. Finding the front door locked, I walked around the back to where I could hear beer barrels being dragged around. Lifting one steel barrel onto another was Corporal Alan Sanders.

Oh Christ, don't tell me I'm on with him! The nicest guy around, and my favourite masturbation fantasy. Alan was a Physical Training Instructor and a blue-eyed dream. There wasn't a woman on the base who didn't fancy him but it was well known that he was off limits. He had a girlfriend back in the UK and he was one hundred percent loyal to her. He'd never even been seen to kiss a girl. Though disappointed, most women, including me, admired him for his principles.

Taking a deep breath, I said, "Hi".

Looking up he smiled and said, "Oh hi Freckles, I'm Alan", in his West Country accent, "I heard you were coming, what time do you call this?".

"But...., I was told...", I stammered.

"Hey, I'm just winding you up".

"Oh..., okay. Everyone calls me Ginge".

"I know, but I've got a cousin who's ginger and he's known as Ginge but he hates it. I guess you do too, so I'm gonna call you Freckles".

"What if I don't like being called Freckles?".

Alan leaned on a barrel and thought for a moment. "In that case, I guess we're fucked".

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Have you worked behind the bar before?".

"Once, but only for an hour or so".

"Okay, it's dead simple. All beers and spirits are one Deutschmark, soft drinks are fifty Pfennigs. Spirits are a Mark and can only be sold in singles, no doubles - Station Commander's orders. I'll show you how to work the till. It's going to be really busy tonight; Jock Cameron's wife dropped a baby girl last night so half of 16 Squadron's going to be coming through the doors at five o'clock to wet the baby's head. He's paid for a barrel of Pilsner which I've already tapped and put on a table in the far corner. On the bar, you'll find six trays of beer glasses. If you could take them down and put them on the table next to the barrel, then they can help themselves without hassling us".

Inside the bar, all the lights were on and Genesis was playing over the audio system. After taking the last tray down and helping Alan to re-stock the shelves, he put two coffees on the bar with a carton of milk and a Tupperware tub of sugar. "Right", he said, "That's everything ready, usually it's all a bit of a rush but I finished at two today so got most of it done before you arrived. Now, our domain tonight is behind the bar serving drinks to the great unwashed. The other side of the bar is the responsibility of the Duty Corporal, which tonight is Spike Meadows, you know him?".

"Tall with a big moustache, works in the MT? Don't really know him".

"That's him, big lad, larger than life, plays rugby and does amateur dramatics. Any problems or hassle you yell for me or him; we'll sort it out".

"Okay", I said, "Thanks".

"Don't forget, you're a Corporal, the same rank as every other member. Some of them have been in for donkey's years but don't take any shit from them. And there'll be some senior ranks and officers in tonight for Jock's do but don't let them play the rank card, it's our mess and they're in here only by invitation".

"What time do we close?".

"The bar shutters come down at ten-thirty, then it's up to Spike to clear the bar area. Jock's ordered trays of sandwiches from the Airman's Mess for six o'clock and he'll put a tray behind the bar for us".

"Good, I'm starving", I said, "I went for a run at lunchtime".

"I've seen you out running, in the pool and in the gym, but you never say hi".

I could feel myself blushing.

"Sorry", he said, "Didn't mean to put you on the spot. Can you read a map?".

"What?", I said, baffled by the sudden change of subject.

"Well you can run, but can you read a map at the same time?".

"I don't know, don't see why not".

"I'm starting up a station orienteering team. The Army has said we can compete in their league. I'm going to start training sessions on Monday evenings. The Army league events are on Fridays through the winter and it's classed as military training so you'd get every Friday off if you join".

I laughed, "Somehow I can't see my Chief letting me work a four-day week".

"He's got no choice in the matter. The Station Commander is 100% behind it and is joining with his wife. It's never a bad career move to get in with the Station Commander".

"Oh, right, yes, okay then", I said grinning.

"You'll get ripped to shreds mind; it's not like cross-country running. It's through rivers, over fences, brambles, stinging nettles and mud, lots of mud. Afterwards, you lower yourself into a hot bath and it stings like hell".

"Sounds fun", I said genuinely.

"What about Volkslaufs?".

"A what?", I asked.

"Volkslauf - Peoples Run, or fun run as we'd call it. There are hundreds every Sunday morning all over Germany. You just turn up, hand over the fee, usually five Marks, run ten kilometres and get a medal or sometimes a plaque or a trophy, even if you're last. There's one next Sunday down in Geilenkirchen if you fancy joining me?"

I chuckled, "Somehow, I can't see your girlfriend being too impressed with that idea".

"Ah...", he said, "Bit of a drama in that department. Turn's out she fancied a future in a French doctor's Parisian apartment rather more than an RAF Corporal's married quarters".

"Shit, sorry", I said, "I hadn't heard". I could feel my heart thumping in my chest and stomach fluttering.

"I haven't told anyone yet. It wasn't a big surprise, I knew something wasn't right. The last couple of trips home were..., well..., awkward. We argued a lot about her wanting me to leave the RAF. So you up for it?".

I looked at my coffee and hesitated. A voice in my head told me to stop being so fucking stupid. "Yes..., yes I'd like that", I finally said, not looking up.

"Good, I'll meet you at...."

"Never fear, Spikey boy's here!", bellowed Spike Meadows as he burst through the back door. "Ooh, got the coffee on, where's mine Alan me boy? Hello love, you on with this wanker tonight? What did you do wrong?".

"This is Spike", said Alan rolling his eyes, "And this is Freckles".

"Charmed I'm sure", said Spike, taking my hand, bowing and kissing it. "Lovely name Freckles, Nordic I believe, daughter of Freck the Invincible, means 'Heart of a Reindeer', you have your mother's hair. Now, get off your arse Alan, there's a man here needs a beer".

"Can you drink as Duty Corporal?", I asked as Alan laughed and got off his stool - I'd not been clobbered for that duty yet.

"Absolutely not, totally against Standing Orders. I'll have a shot of Wood's rum as a chaser as well Alan. Who's the barrel for?".

"Jock Cameron, wetting the baby's head".

"Christ, you mean someone fucked his Mrs? She's a double-bagger if ever I saw one".

From then on, the evening went really quickly. It was massively busy but Spike kept the lid on any excesses. There had been some lewd comments and dirty jokes but nothing too bad. By ten o'clock, I had been universally re-christened 'Freckles'.

At the far end of the bar, sat on stools, two Corporals from Flight Safety were seriously drunk having been playing a game of fizz-buzz for over an hour. Gesturing me over, the taller one said, "Two Pils and two Bushmills please Freckly", which made them both laugh hysterically.

After putting their drinks down I went to take the offered ten Deutschmark note but my hand was grabbed, "Wazza fuck's these pissy little drinks? I wants doubles".

"You can't have doubles, Station Orders", I said calmly.

"Then gizzanother two singles".

"No", I said, "You've both had enough, I'm not serving you any more drinks". Pulling my hand away, amazed at my new-found confidence, I snatched the money and turned to the till to get his change.

"Fuckin' bitch!", I heard him shout behind me.

Alan moved like lightning. He streaked down the bar picking up a metal ashtray on his way. Without warning he slammed it down on the bar in front of the two drunks, making them, myself and most of the bar jump. "Enough!", he shouted in their faces, "This young lady is here as a volunteer, you WILL treat her with respect and you WILL apologise, otherwise we'll be going round the back for a wee chat".

"You can't talk to us like that!", slurred the shorter one, "It's our mess".

"Aye, and I'm on the committee. Abuse of the bar staff means one word from me and you'll be barred for a month, meaning you'll be drinking with the SACs in the NAAFI bar, is that what you want?".

The taller one was about to speak when he and his buddy were pinned to the bar by a heavyweight from behind. Spike was leaning on them saying, "Gentleman, and I use the term loosely, you've had a most enjoyable evening and have dazzled us with your wit and charm, but all good things must come to an end. May I respectfully suggest that now is the time for you to summon your carriage for transportation back to your delightful place of residence?"

Lowering his head between theirs and gripping their shoulders with his vice-like hands, he growled, "Now apologise and fuck off".

"Er..., sorry Freckles", they both mumbled before staggering out the door, leaving their drinks and change. Spike watched them go, drank both whiskeys, then turned to me and winked.

By eleven, the bar was empty and with Spike's help all the tables were wiped down, carpet hoovered and glasses washed. Sitting on stools at the bar, Alan put two litre-bottles of Mosel wine on the bar, opened one and poured five glasses. "Can you just take wine and open it?", I asked.

Alan laughed, "Listen Freckles, how many drinks were you bought tonight?".

"I've no idea", I said.

"Well, I stopped counting after twenty, and you didn't drink one, you were on water all evening - so I think the mess can afford a drop of wine. This one's for you to take back", he said, pushing the other bottle across to me.

"Thanks, but I don't like wine, and why five glasses?".

Alan took the second bottle of wine and disappeared out the back. An arm appeared in the doorway holding out a bottle of Baileys. "Yes please", I laughed.

"You'll find out about the glasses in a minute", said Spike walking behind the bar, taking two packets of crisps, opening them and shaking the contents into a pile on the carpet. Seeing my raised eyebrows he said cryptically, "He only likes smokey bacon flavoured".

"You did well tonight", said Alan pouring me a small glass of Baileys, "You were thrown in the deep end but coped better than some people who've been doing it for years".

"Actually, I quite enjoyed it", I admitted sipping my drink.

"Good", said Alan, "If you...".

"Evening all!", a voice shouted from out back, followed by two burly RAF Policemen walking through the door with the biggest, hairiest Alsatian dog I'd ever seen. "Hi Alan, all quiet, Spike?".

"Yeah, no dramas Mick", said Spike, "Care to wet your whistle?".

"Cheers", said the other Policeman, picking up a glass of wine as the dog tucked into his crisps.

"Gents", said Alan, "This is Freckles, she was helping us tonight".

They both nodded towards me. "All quiet out there tonight?", asked Spike.

"Yeah, bit of a rumble in the NAAFI earlier, some rock apes kicking off as usual but Titan here barked a couple of times and they soon backed down. Handbags at ten paces really".

After a couple more minutes of chit-chat, the Policeman drained their glasses and wished us goodnight. With all the lights off, Alan locked the back door and gate. "Well", said Spike kissing my hand again, "It's been delightful, but I'm going to love you and leave you, I can hear the Brattie Wagon calling".

"Bye Spike", we both said.

"Come on Freckles, I'll walk you back to your block".

"It's okay", I said, kicking myself as soon as I'd said it.

Thankfully, Alan said, "No way. I've never left a lady to walk home on her own in the dark and I'm not starting now". Taking my arm, we walked down the road, chatting about running and orienteering. Arriving at the block, Alan said, "I'll walk you to your door, which floor?".

"Second", I said nervously, "But men aren't supposed to be in the block after ten".

Alan just grinned.

At my door, he said, "You were good company tonight, I really enjoyed myself".

"So did I", I replied quietly, looking down, my heart thumping.

"Would it spoil things if I asked for a little goodnight kiss?".

I shook my head, then nodded, confused. Alan laughed which made me laugh as well. Cupping my face, he kissed me ever so gently. His lips were soft and warm. My lips parted. It seemed so right. My tongue touched his. An electric shock went through my body. My legs went weak. I gripped his ass. What was I doing? Was this really happening?

Eventually, we parted. "Wow!", was all Alan said. I was no longer in control. I pulled his head forwards and tried to stick my tongue down his throat. I felt my pussy muscles clench and release. Again we parted. I was breathing heavily. "I'd ah..., best be going..., the Duty Sergeant might come up the stairs any second, enjoy your Baileys", said Alan, handing me the bottle and turning to leave.

"Wait", I said, my mind in a whirl, almost in a panic, "I..., I..., don't like drinking alone". Did I just say that? Would he understand my meaning?

"Have you got any glasses?", he asked.

I shook my head.

Reaching into his jacket pocket he pulled out two wine glasses. I don't think I've ever smiled so wide.

Inside my room, which thankfully I'd tidied that morning, Alan poured two glasses while I put on my favourite CD - Carole King's Tapestry. After taking a sip, I said, "Dance with me?", amazed at my bravado.

Taking me gently in his arms we swayed and shuffled to the music. With my head on his shoulder, I didn't want the evening to end. I was floating. I made my decision.

"Alan?", I said quietly.

"Mmmm?", he murmured, kissing my head.

"Will you..., make love to me?"

He stepped back a little and brushed my cheek, "Sure?".

I nodded, "Positive".

I shivered as his fingers touched my bare tummy, untying the knot in my cheesecloth shirt. "I'm...., not wearing a bra", I said. I've no idea why, he'd find out soon enough.

"I know, probably why you were bought so many drinks. Every bloke in there could see the dark shape of your nipples. Do you realise how hard it is to serve beer with an erection?".

"Oh God, I didn't realise, I've never worn it before", I giggled, "I thought I detected the outline of a small sausage in your pocket".

Without a word, Alan took my hand and placed it against the front of his jeans. "Oh my!", I said in genuine surprise, "Make that a salami!".

Alan laughed and started undoing the buttons of my shirt. "Wait", I said, "Come and sit on the bed". Looking puzzled, Alan sat next to me.

Looking at him, I could feel tears welling up, "I..., I..., don't want you to expect too much, I'm..., not, you know, very experienced at this..., in fact..., to be honest...".

"You're a virgin?", asked Alan gently.

I nodded, feeling tears running down my cheeks.

Alan hugged me tightly. I'd never felt so safe and happy.

"Don't worry", he said, releasing me and looking into my eyes whilst wiping away my tears with his thumbs, "I'll be very gentle. Just say stop if it's too much, though it may hurt a little at first".

Sniffing, I shook my head, "I've not slept with anyone, but I've..., played with toys. Medically, I'm not a virgin, if you know what I mean".

Alan smiled, "That should make things a little easier. So how far..., how much...?".


"Nothing? Not touched a cock?".

I shook my head, "Nor been touched".

"I hate to break the moment", he said, "But I haven't got any condoms".

"It's okay", I said, "I'm on the pill, my mum insisted when I joined up".

Alan looked at me for a long time. Finally, he took my hands. "Freckles, to give your virginity to someone is very special, a massive token of trust. I'm honoured and will never forget this night".

"Me too", I said pulling his t-shirt over his head. Suddenly, without me noticing him doing it, he had my buttons undone and was slipping my shirt off my shoulders. I could see him looking at my little boobs. "Sorry they're not bigger", I said.

Alan shook his head. He had a dreamy look. "No, no, no, they're perfect. Utterly, utterly, perfect little titties, I love them".

Dipping his head, he sucked my left nipple. "Oh fuck!", I gasped, gripping the sheets, I was surprised to hear myself cry, "Oh fuck yes!".

Smiling, Alan gently pushed me down onto my back. Lifting one leg then the other, he removed my trainers, then my little white gym socks. Locking his hazel brown eyes onto mine, he slid his hands up my legs, unbuttoned my shorts and pulled down the zip. Biting my lip, I raised my hips to allow him to slide off my shorts and panties in one movement. I was a little embarrassed but intrigued to see a wet patch on my purple panties.

Alan noticed it too. Smiling he stood and stuffed them into his jeans pocket.

In my naivety, I said, "They'll never fit you".

Alan laughed loudly, "You think I want to wear them?".

"Well, what..., I mean..., you can't mean..., oh my God..., do men do that?".

Alan nodded, "Next time you're lying in this bed, enjoying your 'toys', think of me lying in my bed, knocking one out with your panties over my face".

"Oh my God", I giggled, my hands over my face. By the time I'd removed them, Alan was down to his boxers. Just as he was hooking his fingers into the waistband, I said, "No, come here, let me".

As he stood by the bed, I leaned on my side and looked at the bulge in his boxers. Tentatively, nervously, I reached out and brushed my fingertips across the fabric. Fascinated, I watched the outline twitch as Alan gave a little moan. Before my eyes, the bulge got noticeably bigger! Oh my!

Taking a deep breath, I hooked the fingers of both hands into his waistband. Here goes, my first living, breathing cock. Edging the waistband down, I was surprised that no hairs were appearing. Further down, I could see the root of his fat cock. Down again, his balls appeared but still no hair and his downward pointing cock kept going. Suddenly it sprang free to point upwards at forty-five degrees, its large head swollen and shining.

"Jesus!", I exclaimed, "It's fucking massive!".

Alan laughed, "No it's not, it just looks that way because I shave".

"No Alan, it's big. I'm no expert, but that's got to be eight inches. Fuck!".

"Just about seven", he said.

As his boxers slid to the floor, I wrapped the fingers of my right hand around my first cock. Closing my eyes, I breathed deeply and savoured the feeling of heat and power that I held in my hand. Squeezing gently, I felt a surge of blood as it seemed to swell even more. How the hell was this going to fit inside me?

Without a doubt, what I held in my hand was the most beautiful, beautiful thing I had ever seen - the flared head, tight and red, the dark veins. Fascinated, I watched a dribble of shiny liquid ooze from the hole in the end, running down towards my fingers - the pre-come I'd read about.

I felt an irresistible urge wash over me. I was powerless. Licking my lips, I slipped them over his swollen head and down his shaft which was stretching my mouth wide. As he moaned, I held him there, not moving. All my senses were concentrating on the power of the living organ filling my mouth. The power to make my pussy pulse and leak creamy juices, the power to give orgasms, the power to create new human life.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, "You need to stop", said Alan, "Unless you still want to be a virgin when you wake up".

Releasing him, I laid back laughing and opened my legs, "Let's rectify that now, I need you inside me".

I watched as he climbed onto the standard issue RAF single bed, kneeling between my legs. How many nights had I laid in this bed fucking myself with an image of Alan in my mind? Now it really was about to happen. "Don't wait for me, I just want to feel you come inside me".

Leaning forwards to kiss me, I felt his hard cock pressing on my mound as our tongues danced and probed. Grabbing his hair, I pulled him down to my right breast. "Oh yes...", I moaned as he twirled the tip of his tongue around the hard nipple. Then he bit gently making me twist my hips and moan, "Nnnnnnnnnn...". I gripped his head and pulled him down harder.

His body slid lower letting his cock spring free between my legs, then I felt its bulbous head brush against my dripping lips. Releasing my nipple, he raised himself onto his hands and looked me in the eye. He was probing, searching. Suddenly I felt my lips part slightly. I moved against him. Smiling at me, he adjusted his position. My lips were eased gently wider, then I felt him start to stretch me. His eyes fluttered and closed. Oh God, his head was in me! He was in me! Oh dear God!

He was being so, so gentle. I hooked my heels behind his ass and forced him in a little further; maybe another inch. God, I felt so full and stretched.

"Oh Jesus you're so tight", he moaned above me, "So tight...".

"Fill me", I heard myself moan, "I want every inch of your beautiful cock in me".

Alan opened his eyes and slowly and gently slid his entire slippery length into me. I'd never felt anything like it. My arms shook as I pulled him down onto me and held him tight, my nails digging into his ass, my breath coming in frantic pants. Then, with a slight movement, he surprised me with another inch. We both cried out in unison as his tip brushed my cervix. With my pussy muscles, I squeezed his cock making him moan into my ear. My heels were raking his back as I bit into his shoulder.

I'd had orgasms with my dildo so knew what was coming. But I was wrong, so so wrong. The familiar heat and tingling started around my clit but then my vision started to blur. I screwed my eyes shut and saw stars and streaks of light tear in all directions in the blackness. I couldn't breathe, my lungs had stopped working. I tried to scream but nothing would come out. My whole body started to vibrate then went rigid, the universe was collapsing around me. I had lost all bodily control. My body arched, lifting Alan with me as my head went back, my mouth contorted in a long silent scream, my body now jerking and spasming.

As I was finally able to suck in some air, I was amazed to feel Alan's cock swell even more as he held himself deep inside me. A growl started in his throat, becoming a roar as I felt jet, after jet, after jet, of his hot cum spurt directly against my cervix.

A new sensation started somewhere in my depths. Weird. It scared me. It spread upwards. My nipples felt like they were burning. What the fuck? My arms and head began to shake as a second orgasmic tidal wave came from nowhere and swamped my senses. It hit like a truck. Every muscle in my arms and legs gripped Alan as a long, non-human scream consumed every molecule of air in my lungs, filling the room with noise.

With a few final jerks from both of us, we descended the other side of the orgasm mountain, panting like dogs, sweat running off us and dripping on the sheets. "Jesus fucking Christ!", groaned Alan between breaths. I was aware of running feet in the corridor, then banging on the door, "Ginge, Ginge, you okay?".

"Yes, Annie", I managed to shout, "Just a nightmare".

"You need a hug?".

"No, I'll be fine thanks".

"Shit woman, you scared the crap out of me", I heard Annie mutter as she walked back to her room.

Above me, I felt Alan start to shake. In seconds we were both giggling like school c***dren.

Finally, we shuffled around so we could just about fit on the bed laying on our sides facing each other. I could feel his cum oozing out of me. Alan smiled and said, "That was just amazing, but next time, can we use a double bed?".

"So, there's going to be a next time? Was I..., okay?", I asked.

"Okay? You were incredible. I've never seen a woman come like that, not twice within seconds. I'm usually good for fifteen or twenty minutes at least, but when you started to cum, God the look of absolute ecstasy on your face, it was beautiful, it just sent me over the edge Freckles. It was one of..., no, it was the best orgasm I've ever had".

"I've always fancied you, Alan".


I nodded stroking his hair, and said quietly, "You were my masturbating fantasy".

"Yeah? What was I doing?".


"Such as?".

"No, I'm not saying".

"Go on".

"No, I feel silly".

"It's perfectly okay to talk about sex. Just take a deep breath and tell me".

"Well..., okay..., but don't laugh. Me bent over a chair and you fucking me from behind, me on top riding you, me sucking your cock, you sucking my clit, sixty-nine..., and some other stuff that I'm definitely not telling you tonight".

"Wow! That's some list. Now I'll tell you something. All the time I was going out with Andrea I never strayed, not once, but if I was going to, it would have been with you".

"But you didn't know me".

"I'd watch you every time you came in the gym and if I was on lifeguard duty at the pool, which is incredibly boring by the way. It would brighten my day if you came in. Once, a few months ago, I'd been for a ten-mile evening run and I'd really pushed it hard. When I got back to the gym I was totally knackered, but I saw you setting off, so I ran about 100 yards behind you. Christ, I thought you were never going to turn around. Eventually, you looped around the missile site and headed back. bloody miles".

"Eight point two, it's one of my regular runs, I measured it on my bike".

"Fuck, I ran eighteen miles that evening, just to watch your ass".

"Don't be silly".

"Honestly. You were wearing a really tight pair of black Ron Hills".

"Oh yeah", I laughed, "My sister gave them to me. They are a bit tight. Lay on your back, I want to snuggle up to you".

With some effort we managed it without falling off, my head laying on his chest, running my fingers around his belly button. "Why do you shave down there?", I asked.

"I just find it more comfortable. Being a PTI, I'm pretty sweaty most of the time. It's easier to freshen up during the day if there's no hair, but do me a favour?".


"Don't shave, your ginger pubes look amazing".


"Yup. They're just as I imagined them".

"You imagined my pubes? You're weird. What else did you imagine?".

"Well, I'll tell you. Right up until Andrea and I split, she was the only one I imagined if I was having a wank".

"I hate that word", I said.

"What would you prefer?".

"Um..., I don't know, play?".

Alan chuckled, "So, I got back here from the UK and decided to..., have a little play. My favourite scenario was I'm standing in the shower and Andrea is kneeling in front of me sucking my cock until I cum on her tits. But it wasn't working, I guess it was because of the split and the rows. I wasn't getting anywhere. Next thing I knew, I was thinking of you. My cock in your beautiful mouth. That's why I nearly came just now when you sucked me - it was a fantasy come true".

"So what did you think when I walked around the corner this afternoon?".

"I was trying to look cool on the outside, but in turmoil on the inside. Fuck, you looked so hot in those shorts and that shirt with your tummy showing and the hint of your nipples".

For the next few minutes, we just laid there. Him twirling my hair around his fingers, me with my eyes shut absently running my fingertips up and down his cock, making it stir again. It had been one hell of a day, perhaps a day that might change my life forever.


"Uh huh".

"You didn't answer my question about there being next time. Will there be a next time?".

"Christ yes", he said stroking my cheek, "I'm really pissed off that I won't be able to see you tomorrow - I'm running the k**s swimming club all morning, then it's an away cricket match at Laarbruch. I won't be back 'til late".

"Does that mean..., you know..., that I'm your......, well....".


I nodded.

"Yes", he said, "Yes it does. I've got a serious question though", he whispered.

"What?", I said looking up at him.

"What's your name?".

"Oh, good grief!", I laughed, flopping my head back onto his chest.


"Olivia. Olivia Ruth Cooper".

"Olivia. I like that", he said, "So what shall we do on Sunday?".


"You busy?".


"You don't want to see me?".

"Of course I do, there's nothing I want more, but I can't see you until at least Wednesday".

"Why? I don't understand".

I raised myself up onto my right elbow and looked at him. "Earlier today you said that you hadn't yet told anyone that you'd broken up with Andrea. How's it going to look if you're seen going out with me, then you tell everyone it's over with Andrea? You know what it's like around here; it'll be all over the station that I'm the bitch that ruined Andrea's life. So tomorrow, at breakfast, you start telling people it's over, then you tell anyone at swimming, then your cricket mates. Same on Sunday. On Monday when people go into work it'll quickly spread. By Tuesday everyone from the Padre to the NAAFI checkout girls will know. Wednesday we become an item".

"Shit, I hadn't thought about that. You're right though. Oh God Wednesday? How am I supposed to last 'til Wednesday without seeing you?"

"Perhaps I'll have to give you something to think about".

"Like what?", he asked.

"There's showers down the corridor.

Same as Freckles Videos

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little blood around my cock

forgive me for any errors.Let me introduce myself. I'm Tom, a 45 year old divorced construction worker. This is the story of my young daughter Tina, and how our wonderful sexual relationship started.Tina was just 16, 5-2, about 115lbs, with long flowing dark brown hair reaching down to her beautiful heart-shaped ass, and pert 34B tits and slightly puffy nipples. Always the active athlete, Tina is slim and solid.Tina's mother and I divorced when she was 2. Her mom just up and took off to...

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The Night Nabiki Went Silent

Story: Ani-Can 2 Copyright ©2006 Written: September 20 2006 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ************************************ This is the story of Nabiki Tendo age 20 a bright enterprising young woman who could get any man or woman to do anything she wanted them to do with a simple smile and alot of blackmail of course for that was Nabiki's game "Get as much dirt as you can on someone and the rest...

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I didn’t expect my wife to be home as early as she did ,but was happy about what she did next. Claire was also surprised when she felt a hand on her shoulder then seeing my naked wife lay down beside me. “Hello “Cindy said, giving me a kiss then ran her hand up along Claire's cheek. “I probably should have warned you that hubby lasts a long time when he takes Viagra,”she said.Cindy then took a deep breath when she looked down under us .Seeing how slick my cock was from Claire’s juices...

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A Girl Without Inhibitions

Hello my name is Lucy and I am a total slut... I love to go without clothing where I can get away with doing that because I love to show off my body! I am petite and Asian with black hair but very good curves and a shapely body and two big tits that hang down sagging a little so you can know they are natural and not full of silicone. I have a round butt that is very sexy with shapely hips and womanly curvature to my body to show off to everyone. I also have hair on my pussy beause I do not...

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Robert was high. We were all high, but Robert was REALLY high. Whatever strain my wife had brought home from the dispensary was super strong. Robert smokes dope on occasion, I don’t usually, but my wife is a stoner and a connoisseur … and she had surprised us with some bomb-ass indica or sativa something. I felt pretty baked, but Robert looked like he’d been caramelized … he was practically a puddle.We were all out on our back deck under the shade awning. The day was winding down, the light...

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The Exchange Student Part 2

I pulled my face from Ingrid's crotch. smiled up at her with pure lust in my eyes. I started to rise, intent on thrusting my rigid manhood deep in her sixteen-year-old pussy, when I heard a voice behind me say, "Dad?" I froze. Without turning around, I knew it was my daughter Lily."See? I told you I would have him before the semester was over. I win the bet!" Ingrid said to my daughter in the doorway. "Do you want to watch? I'm sure he won't mind, will you, Grey?" Lily didn't run away...

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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 24 New York Lifestyle

The sleek Cessna Citation’s tires squeaked slightly as they gently touched the concrete of the seven thousand feet of runway one. The runway was a hundred-fifty feet wide; much wider than the fifty-foot width of the paved runway at Circle Airport. She’d had to compensate for the difference in sight picture so she didn’t slam into the ground. Alice was known at Signature Air where she parked in a space indicated by one of the linemen. The novelty of a single woman piloting a corporate jet had...

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Slut Wife Terry Webb Recognized

For some reason my blog post disappeared so I am reposting as a story......Im often asked if Im ever recognized while out in public. Have family members, neighbors, or even complete strangers ever learn my secret life of being a slut wife whore? If you read my virgin bride to slut wife history posted here you already read about a few examples of my family and others finding out but the following example is...

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Vijaya The Best

Hello friends! It’s me Hari with one of sex experience. It was back in my school days. I studied in a good school and I was an average student back in my school days. I was good looking. It all began when I was studying 1th std. We had most of teachers as female. One of our teachers was Vijayalakshmi and she was our mathematics teacher. She was in her late 20’s. She was not wheatish in color but she had a good race. She was neither slim nor fat. But one could never take eyes out of her ass as...

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Rent GirlsChapter 3

I wasn't exactly on pins and needles waiting for Jen to call me but, after a couple days, I began to worry about what had happened. I called her. "Sorry I didn't call you. We've got a problem and Brenda and I are trying to figure out what to do." "What's up?" "Sallie moved out." She went on to tell me that, five minutes after I had left, Johnny and Sallie had shown up. The gist of it was that, after a brief discussion, with Sallie away in the bathroom, Johnny and the other two...

1 year ago
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Dealing with Death Part II

The Grim Reaper stuck his bony hand inside his cloak, and pulled out a pocketwatch with a chain attached to whatever was inside. “For fuck’s sake. Can you get your saggy ass moving? We’re already late and if I don’t get to pick up the others, then I’ll have to go hunting for ghosts. That’s a fucking nightmare.” Sarah sat down on the bed, looking up at him. “What is your name?” He looked up from his pocket watch. “What?” “What is your name? Surely you have a name, or something that...

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A Visit to MatildasChapter 11 More Schooling

The morning of our third day was taken up with further classes, starting with Miss Carson giving us a run down of all the things she and Mrs Danbury had noted that had been at fault on the day before. “I’m afraid,” said Mrs Danbury that there is a certain amount of correction needed in order to make sure that the lessons are learned from yesterday. Each of you will come forward. Bryony James, you first.” Brian got to his feet unwillingly and went to the front of the class. “Bend over the...

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Please Professor

"Professor Snape?" he looked at me with the scowl he had been wearing all night. "My name is Chris" i said and he reluctantly (or so he was playing out) shook my hand and nodded. i followed him to class seeing as i didn't know where i was going anyways. i sat down and pulled out my sketch pad. i was a fare artist and wanted to add his sweet ass face to my collection. slowly i sketched away not really paying attention. i was hoping he would get irritated and hold me after for detention. but...

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I came home from school early the other day and found my brother masturbating in my room. I’m 14 and he’s 16.He had these porno mags open on my bed.I was like totally grossed out,but after a few minutes i began to relax a bit. Soon i was down to my bra and panties.I then sat on the bed and looked at the mags.I felt sort of turned on by some of the stuff.He guessed because he sat down next to me and put his arm round me and said i was beautiful.I blushed and he leant forward and kissed me.When i...

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I spy with my Minds Eye

I have no trouble to analyse myself and so I know why I do get turned on by masturbation, particularly masturbation by girls. I started masturbation even before puberty myself, and despite that I have very open parents there always was this feeling of guilt which accompanied the wonderful feelings in my lower stomach. In those days, I didn't know what I was doing, it didn't have a name, it was just a naughty secret which made me feel both ashamed and aroused.Luckily for me, books can teach a...

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Orchard Flower Version BravoChapter 3

There is something just plain incongruous about a woman who buys a rifle and ammunition to shoot furry dog-like things and then, on the way home, flashes bare legs at the old man driving the truck as, with a foot pressed to the dashboard, she paints her toenails bright, playful red. Not for the first time did I realize there was a woman hiding in that teenaged body, and that Jill Simmons was a complicated female of the species. She hummed with the radio as she painted, making me wish I were...

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Fun With Friends in DorsetChapter 3

Once the action had completely subsided, we all agreed it had been a fantastic evening and that we were all looking forward to more fun the next day. Louise and myself went for a shower to clean the several loads of cum from our faces and bodies. The guys all quickly got dressed and we had a final nightcap before it was time to head to bed for some rest. This brought up the question of where on earth everyone was going to sleep. Ron had two spare rooms. One which Sam was obviously taking,...

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Supplying a Winter Shelter

As snow fall over the city of Madison, the sun is setting. A picturesque scenery stands before you as the streets turn into a canvas for which the white paint of the crystallized rain fall upon. A comforting carpet of the winter weather brings a cozy and secure feel to the otherwise busy city. It feels so idyllic. There is just one problem. It's really fucking cold. You pat your arms feverishly to no avail. Your mittens barely remedies the discomfort of the cool winter air. Fucking January....

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Rocking a rowboat

Eric and I were out fishing in his rowboat one day on a little lake that we know of.It was almost 11 or so in the morning and the fish were not biting at all when Eric looked at me and asked if was up for a bit of fun already knowing what my answer would be. I am a nymphomaniac to tell the truth. I said sure pull ashore by a some trees and we’ll see what develops. He says to me no lets just do it right there in the boat. I take a quick look around and see we were still by ourselves and...

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Jackies Long Weekend

He looked down the platform as the train doors started to slam shut like giant dominos tumbling. He looked up the platform. Where the hell was she? His niece was supposed to be on this train. The passengers, some looking pissed off, others happy and smiley funneled towards the exit.  And then he spotted her, she must have been at the back of the train. He couldn't believe the change six months had made to her young body. Instead of the gawky school girl he had been expecting, and looking out...

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Naked Blackmail

As we walked into his suite, he indicated he wanted me to stand in the middle of the living room and sat down opposite.“Now,” he smiled, “show me what’s under that sexy little dress of yours. I’ve been dying to see it all evening!”He reached for a manila envelope, pulled out a sheaf of photos, and tossed them on the coffee table, where they fanned out. They were all of me doing obscene things with him and Kristol. I slowly spread them out, then impulsively pushed them away and turned my head as...

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Calculating NemesisChapter 6

Hearing that Bennington had been sent down for a sentence of two years was for me an anti-climax. The bastard would serve his sentence at an open prison as he wasn't judged to be dangerous. Well to the general population he wasn't, but to other men's wives? That was a different story. What did cheer me up was that in his divorce his wife did indeed take him to the cleaners. When he came out of prison he would be homeless, probably penniless and would never get employment again at the level...

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Virgin Teen Girl Fucked By Her Boyfriend

Hi, my name is Tanisha. I am 26 years old and I am from Mumbai. This is my first time so please ignore any mistakes. I have a curvy body and perky boobs as I am a Punjabi. This story is when I was in college and was a virgin. I had a petite body my stats were 28-26-30 and used to wear an A- sized push up bra. I had a boyfriend Kabir who was from my college itself. He stayed in the same area. We used to go to go to college together. But before going to college he would often come to my house to...

4 years ago
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Cock Torment

Cock TormentChuck Adams was eighteen but still had that boyish look and slim build that made him appear at least two years younger. Five foot six with short blonde hair and a lithe tanned body toned by lots of sun and exercise. Girls liked him and he liked them?but as friends and companions only. He was just twelve when his Uncle Jake taught him first how to use his chubby little fingers to rub a man’s cock until it jerked and the little slit in that smooth domed head spurted out jets of thick...

1 year ago
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End of the WorldChapter 3

It had been a tough hunt. It was just too early in the year for this. The snow line was still low. It took me a hard day, even following an old logging trail, to get around the mountain to where I wanted to be. Once I got there it was dusk, so I set up my tent, got something to eat and settled into my sleeping bag. I was so beat I immediately fell asleep. In the morning I had some dried meat and some water. I cleaned up the camp a bit, left the tent and bag there and set out to where I had a...

3 years ago
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Fucking And Marrying Friend8217s Mom 8211 Part 1

First of all I am fitness freak always concerned with my physique I worker out regularly. Also have a six pack abs. I was innocent till this incident. So I had a friend named cherry we were best friends we used to visit each others home very frequently… His mom name was latha who is hot 44 years old boobs are 34 to 36 and has very exotic looks all the guys in surroundings where fond of her.. Even tough she was mother of 3 children she didnt lost her charm. Her husband was police officer(s.I)...

3 years ago
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The Ride

It was late at night as he drove down the street and saw her walking alone. She was about twenty years old and her mini skirt barely covered her big round ass. Her tits were tight against her too small t-shirt. His cock got hard just watching so he pulled his care over to her and said "Do you need a ride pretty girl?" She smiled and said "That would be nice." She opened the door and got in and he could see she was very pretty. She did not sit close to the door but in the middle of the seat near...

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Mom8217s Second Honeymoon 8211 Part 2

Once we completed our lunch, we immediately left for sight seeing. The tour guide had arranged a car for us, and he also acted as the driver as well. Mom and I sat in the back seat. Although there was enough room for both of us, mom was sitting right next to me, pressing her shoulders against mine. She was wearing a white, sleeveless top and tight leggings that left little to the imagination. Her clothes clung to her body like sticky glue, giving me a full view of her contours. It was barely an...

1 year ago
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SistersChapter 15 Of The Mighty And The Weak

Linda entered the imposing room with its paintings by old masters hanging on oak paneling, and its bookcases of old law books. Randolph West was writing, comparing files and documents, looking left and right and then right and left, a caricature of the man of success in his field. He looked up at Linda over the top of his glasses, and waved at her, "Come... come..." as if she were a dog or a little child. "Sit down," he said, with a commanding voice, still busy with his papers. A few...

4 years ago
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The Dominant Construction Worker Girls

Hi Folks, Thanks for the response on the previous story. This is the follow-up to the first one where a couple of construction worker girls came to my house and I managed to shed my clothes and let them handle my stuff without their ever getting a doubt about my intentions. As I told you the last time, the first time this happened, the girls were called before they could have more fun. They talked about coming back tomorrow. So the tomorrow happened! And I was so glad it did because I...

1 year ago
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Country Girl Day One

Country Girl Day One Morning By Lauren Westley I was awakened at 6am by the little clock on the side of my bed. It didn't buzz or play music. Instead it repeated over and over, "Get up cunt." There was no snooze button. No way to ignore its command to me. No way for me to believe this had been a little girlish fantasy dream I was just awakening...

2 years ago
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From Halloween to Home

(After some hiatus, I've returned to writing. In light of having a more busy job life of, well, writing, I've decided to focus on actually finishing some of these scenarios rather than having the originally intended 50-100 endings. I've always intended to have a focus on choice, but honestly, I just don't have time for that. So! Over the next couple months expect my stories to actually have some finished choices, and I can expand from there. Thanks!) Darcey loved Halloween. Even on this...

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Huntress Ch 06

You would think that because school is out for the summer and I am only taking a few summer classes, I would have had this out sooner, but nope. Fooled ya, I am taking forever! Sorry about that, I am trying. I actually have been editing this chapter for like 2 weeks (that’s how lazy this summer is turning out to be). Thanks for reading though. I hope you enjoy. * Rhys cursed mentally. He had lost her name. While taking over her mind, he had been able to extract her name, and he remembered...

3 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 36 Hoax Aftermath A New Pam in Vegas

Mark We were unsure about how to treat the threat of the dummy pipe bomb. Was it a warning that a real bomb might appear in some way? Was it a bad joke? What was the message? Was it one deranged mind or some kind of group effort? Was it random or targeted specifically at me? Cindy insisted that we go out to dinner as we’d planned to do. We took the limousine with lead and following armored war wagons full of armed security. Cindy carried her Glock 30 in her shoulder holster. Melanie had her...

2 years ago
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My wife Threesome II

Introduction: This is continuation of My wife threesome I This is in continuation with Part 1 This is one another fantasy, I had written from bottom of my heart. You came down to Mumbai on my invitation as per your first story and you stayed back at my home quite some day to flirt with Priti. As per your story, you fucked her in front of me. You both enjoyed with deepest lust. Priti was very obsessive after having good session with you. She was repenting for the act she indulged in with you. ...

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Would You Like Ketchup With That 3

You’d go down on me if I asked you to. I blushed, recalling her words and my reluctant answer.“Yeah, I would,” I repeated quietly, my voice drowned by the sound of Louis Armstrong’s trumpet floating out of the speaker as I pulled into the drive-thru.It had taken me three days to build up the courage to see her again. Three days of turmoil before hunger won out over my better judgement. I glanced in the rear view mirror, carefully appraising myself. Red lipstick and sunglasses. Nothing out of...

1 year ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 29

August 17, 1976 It was nearing noon and the temperature had just hit 91. Benny had been walking around the property since 10:00 and he was nearly dead from the heat. He headed back towards the house, wanting to cool off in the air conditioning. He spotted another plant and stopped to hit it with a couple blasts of weed killer, known as Agent White, which the State Police had provided him. He continued on his way to the house. Reaching the back door, he put down the canister next to the door...

2 years ago
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Journal Entry Ray

It’s been a slow month sexually with nothing outside of the regular, average swinger’s party and husband sex. Lately, I’ve just done my daily routine — work, home, sleep and repeat — but I try to fit in gym visits at different times, based on my freedom. I never know when I’ll be free to play or with whom so I try to keep my eyes open and use my time correctly. I usually go to the gym around three times a week and I've sometimes had luck meeting nice guys there. I'm always aware of who is...

1 year ago
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LinnetChapter 5

In the cool of the early morning, Linnet awoke alone in the bed, aware of footsteps on the deck above, followed by the tinkling splash of water over the transom; she smiled to herself and looked at her watch. Oh six thirty. Later than it might have been, but no urgency to get out of bed yet. A voice from the cockpit behind her head. "That would seem to be quite a ... um ... liberating thing to do." Dennis Thornton. "I suppose it is. But then, I see the whole life-style as liberating,...

3 years ago
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My Initiation to the Sorority Auxiliary Part 2A Sunday

Synopsis: Jerry, a rather nerdy college Freshman studying electrical engineering, is flabbergasted when a very beautiful classmate, Samantha, invites him to try out for her Sorority Auxiliary. She strongly implies that sexual favors will be bestowed on the winners, the final three of a field of 18. Other hints lead him to research “female domination,” about which he, a virgin, knows nothing. The tests, described in earlier installments, were quite severe, but Jerry was one of the fortunate...

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The Bimbo TreatmentChapter 6 Bimbo Wifes Interracial Gangbang

Alice I knelt in the back of the gray van, the shag carpeting lining the floor tickling my legs. I ran my fingers through the delightful fibers as the undercover cop, a handsome Black man with a huge cock tenting the front of his sweatpants, climbed in after me. "You drive, Demarkus," he said to his partner, another Black man who had dreadlocks. I giggled. "Ooh, I love shag carpet. It's so soft on my fingers." The sirens grew louder as a police car approached the mall. My heart...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 319

This one is compliments of Rudolph "I thought my vasectomy would keep my wife from getting pregnant but apparently it just changes the colour of the baby." This grouping is compliments of Rrrosco After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Walmart. Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women - she loves to browse. Yesterday my dear wife received the following...

3 years ago
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ERIKA THE SEX SLAVE, CHAPTER FOUR =================================== KEY: M+/f, teen, slave, rough, blowjob, anal, sex slave, humil, DP, cum, swallowing, facial Comments? E-mail: [email protected] The next morning (day 3), I walk into the kitchen and find Erika making breakfast. She is in a black bra and lace thong. I walk in the kitchen and slap her ass, hard. I pull down her thong and spread her legs. I unzip my pants and grab her hair. I shove my cock right in...

1 year ago
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Scott and his Stepmom

Scott's had recently turned 18, for his birthday his father and his stepmom decided to get his own laptop so he didn't have to share the family computer no longer. Scott resented his stepmom, he hated the way she made him address as her as Mom or Mommy. Scott's real Mom ran out on him when he was little boy, so now he lives with his father (40), stepmom (52) and two half sisters both younger.Scott was a total nerd, top of all his classed, member of the chess team, and the AV club. He had never...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 117

Sandra waited until her dad’s car was out of sight before she went back inside. Instead of returning to her room, she decided to find her mum. She found her sitting at the kitchen table. “Hi, sweetie,” Shirley said, when she saw her daughter looking at her. Sandra sat down with her mother at the table and asked, “So? What’s your first impression of my boyfriend?” “I think he’s a very nice guy!’ Shirley answered. “Although, I have to confess, I was a little startled when I caught you two in...

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Unexpected Lessons

I had been dating LeeAnn for about six months. We were both ninth graders and in most of the same classes. Her parents, especially her father, were pretty strict, wanting to know where we go when we're out on a date and they also wanted to meet my folks before we first had a date. These days, that's pretty strict. But, I think they approved of me, I get good grades and am a pretty 'straight arrow' kid, not a trouble maker or anything. So, it was the summer before we became sophomores, and...

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BangBus Audrey Miles Spring Breaker Fucked and Ditched

We ran into this girl, who came down for Spring break. We asked her help for a survey but she was not interested, as soon as money was involved, we got her total attention, I handed her six hundred dollars to flash us, as she wasn’t comfortable doing it on the street, her idea was to do it inside the van. On the bus, she showed us her nice pair of tits, so we began to flash a lot of cash at her, until we got her naked. Once she was naked, it was easy to get her to do anything, we gave her...

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The Fleshy saali

Hi, my name is prudhvi and I have been writing erotic stories for a long time to an international publisher. After going through this ISS site, I was quite pleased by the taste of the ISS readers for Incest and sex. Several years of writing sex stories has made me turn into a sex maniac and I don’t miss a chance of fucking when a opportunity comes along, what I am going to tell you readers is a true story happened with me about a couple of months back. Now let’s go into the story. I am 30 years...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 22 Saturday Bec and Bec and Bec

Editor’s Note: The next page is undated and unsigned but it is written on the hospital stationery in Bec’s distinctive handwriting and context places it here. I sat on the rug between our beds and played with Lucy, running the tiny brush through her hair. I chatted with her as I brushed, telling her about my day. The door burst open and a girl stepped through. She slammed the door behind her and leaned against it, panting like she’d just been running. I looked her up and down. She was...

1 year ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 4 Johnnys StoryChapter 2

At 8:59 there was a light knock on the door. I had on a pair of boxers and looked through the peep hole to see who it was. I opened the door and said, “Good morning Judy. Good morning Pam.” Standing next to Judy was her sister, Pam Jones. Pam went to school with me and was in the same grade. Her smile disappeared and her face went white as I swung open the door and Judy pulled her into the suite. Darcy had come over and said “What do we have here?” “This is my sister, Pam. I asked her to...

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‘Please, Danny? I know you can play and I promised the gang. We can go forty bucks, and there will be plenty to eat and drink.’ Dave told me over the phone. I knew Dave sort of in passing, he was an OK kind of guy. But it wasn’t any kind of ‘buds’ thing so I was surprised when the phone rang. Some party, they wanted live entertainment, and I did some of that. But I charged $100 a night, and this gig was damn near a 100 mile round trip out in the valley. Most of the time I played at weddings...

2 years ago
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Incest at its best Sex with my cousin sister part2

Hello friends, I recieved overwhelming response for my very first true incest story of my sexual exploit with my real cousin Nisha. Your support and response had urged me to devote time to write my second sex experience with her. I had sex with her 10 times and I am ready to share my experience through 10 such stories if I recieve suh response in the future as well. I want to thanks ISS for providing me the platform to narrate my experience for my readers. Everyone who likes my way of sexual...

2 years ago
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10 months ago...I thought about Marla's offer all week while at home or my temp job. My boring, brain-numbing temp job where for eight hours a day I scanned old paper files from, like, a gazillion years ago into computer memory to free up cabinet space for more paper files. Each hum of the scanner made me think of all that money... What I'd have to do to earn it. On Friday my boss said I wouldn't be needed after today. Which meant on Monday, I'd have to spend an entire morning in the temp...

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In the beginning chapters 1 and 2

In the Beginning. By Brenda Goodwin @2018 We were on the way to drop dad off at the train for a quick business trip to the city. I was maybe 9 or 10 years old. I loved going for the ride to the train station. No, I wasn't enamored of trains. It was what was near the station that made the drive so exciting for me. I don't know when I first noticed it, maybe a couple years ago. The train station was in the downtown area with shops lining the streets on both sides. I could see it as...

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Birds of a Feather Chapter9

********************************************************************************************************* Birds of a Feather, Chapter 9, (Oh happy day and the surprise of our lives) Friday morning was here and the end of another workweek. We were up early, showering, dressing, eat breakfast and was on our way to work. Kathy was in a very good mood. She was constantly kissing and touching me and it really made me feel great. We were a little early so we detoured by her...

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Window ShoppingChapter 5

She blew in through the door like a gust of fresh air. She strode towards the back of the line and looked around as she walked. I looked down at the newspaper spread on my table and sipped at my coffee, hoping that she hadn't seen me staring. I glanced up, looking across the room so that I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Seeing that she was standing side on to me and looking the other way, I relaxed and looked at her more closely. Today she was wearing a short denim skirt that...

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Keeper of the GateChapter 1

Day 1, November 2008 I was out for my daily walk when it happened. I try to get in a four mile walk every day. It doesn't always happen, but I do try. This one started out like any other, except that I started later than usual. I was making good time till I stopped to talk with two of the neighborhood girls. Their names are Belinda and Malinda. They are twins — about 5'-2" tall, 110 pounds, 34C-23-34, 16 year old, long red hair, oval faces, green eyes, freckles, and just as cute as can...

2 years ago
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Once More around the Park

It was a dull October morning as Tod walked up the steps to his sister Elsie's home. He stopped on the porch to look around. This was his c***dhood home, his sister had taken it over after their mom had passed away. She and her husband, Ralph, had lived there until he died four years ago. At 64, she lived alone now.The rain had just stopped and the rich smell of wet fallen leaves and moist earth filled his nostrils. He loved this time of year. He resumed his trek to his sister's front door and...

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