I Want To Fuck My Best Friend free porn video

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My parents are going out of town for the weekend for their anniversary and I've got the house all to myself. They've allowed Bailey (my best friend) to sleep over. They hate when they leave me all alone, which they do so often, so Bailey spends a lot of time here.



The thing about my best friend is that I’m in love with her. I know, without a doubt, she’s the girl I want to be with. She knows that I’m bi-sexual, but that’s a front, because I have no desires to be with a guy. I’m seventeen years old and as of last year I knew without a doubt I was only into girls. I've tried dating other girls, but there is something special about Bailey, and I want to show her this weekend.


When my parents leave, I send her a text so she can come over. We plan on having a marathon of movies tonight. I’m going to let her choose when she shows up. I have a lot on my mind] and it’s all her. I can’t get her body out of my head. She’s about two inches shorter than me, with cute dimples and the softest voice. She has the brightest blue eyes, ones I could forever look in.


Being best friends with someone you’re in love with and they don’t know can be hard. I feel like I have no one to talk to and sometimes it gets to me. I want her to know how I feel. Ten minutes later she pulls into the drive and I go running out with my dog, Midnight. Bailey pulls her bag out from the back seat, along with a wicked grin.


“What’s with the ‘I've got a secret’ smile, Bailey?" I giggle, as we meet half way from the door and the drive.

“Oh, you know, well I might have possibly gotten a bottle of Lady Vodka to share tonight!” she grins wickedly.

“Bailey, why I never in all my life, I’m ashamed!” I tease her, knowing that we likely splitting the bottle of our fine lady.

“You know as well as I do, Amy that we’re going to polish this off. We’re going to get a nice wee buzz, and watch all four Paranormal Activities!”


I let out a groan, knowing she’d want to watch horror films all night. They scare the crap out of me and I know she wants to do it whilst drinking. Super! “Okay, well we’re having Chinese then, not pizza. You got to pick all the DVD’s.” I call Midnight in, as I close and lock the door.

“That’s fine, I had pizza for lunch.” Bailey sings songs, as she heads towards my room to put her things away.


We work on our homework right off, so we don’t have to worry about it through the weekend. My mind is mostly on her and how I’m going to tell her about my feelings. She does have a boyfriend and I don’t want to make things weird or hard, but I can’t get her off my mind. It’s not the best feeling being in love with someone you can’t have. I do worry she won’t want to be friends anymore; it’s a chance I’ll have to take.


She looks so cute in her camisole and jeans. They fit her so well, enhancing all her perfect curves. I love when she bites her lip when trying to read, as if she is paying attention with everything she has. Or, the way she brushes her hair behind her ear when she’s nervous. She constantly is bouncing her leg, because she has trouble paying attention.


Her little quirks are some of the things I love about her. We've been best friends for years, well really forever. We met in the first year of school and have been attached since. How could I not love someone who I have known for so long? I just don’t know how she feels about me. I want it; I want it more than anything, for her to feel the same as me.


“You almost done yours, Amy?” Bailey breaks my train of thought, and I blush.

“Oh, erm, yeah, just nearly. You?” I ask, knowing she is, because she wouldn't be asking otherwise.

“Yeah, I didn't have much to do since I have Study Hall last period on Fridays.”

Study Hall is one of the few classes we don’t share. “Uh, yeah lucky bitch.” I go back to my homework, wanting to finish.


By the time I’m done it’s nearly seven thirty and Bailey is in the living room with Midnight. She’s texting her boyfriend Cal, who is a good guy, but is in my damn way. She’s really into him, but tells me she doesn't love him.

“Are you finally done, slow arse?” She closes her phone, before sliding it into her back pocket.

“Yeah, you know how much I suck at trig.” I flop down besides her, throwing my legs over her lap, as Midnight lets out a soft whine.


“Shall we start our marathon, or are you scared, Ames?” She teases me, tickling up my leg and to my sides.

“No! I’m game, though the first one is scary! But the last one, at least the ending is what scares me most of all.”

We go and pop popcorn and grab Lady Vodka, downing our first glasses in one rush. We let the effect take us, before pouring another glass.


“Ah, yes hits the spot every time, don’t you think?”

I feel the warmth of the alcohol course through me,and I nod. “Mmm yep, you ready?” I hit play and the DVD begins, all is quiet, and I go back to thinking of telling her. I've played this through my mind so many times and I allow myself to think of all the possibilities that might go wrong. In the end, I know it doesn't matter. I need to tell her…


With the first DVD over and both of us freaking out, we decide to order some food. We wait for it as we begin the second one, talking through most of it. She goes on telling me that Cal wants to have sex, but she isn't sure she’s ready to have sex with him. She’s not a virgin; she just doesn't want to sleep with a guy so easily. She dated her ex for almost a year before they had sex on her sixteenth birthday, a few days later, he broke up with her. Her heart was broken for a long time, until Cal came waltzing into her life.


“You know, just because he has helped me over my ex, doesn't mean I need to fuck him, right?” She asks, as though she needs it to be confirmed for her.

“No, of course not, if you’re not ready, don’t do it Bailey.” I take her hand into mine and we talk more about Cal, not what I really had planned, but she needs it.


The doorbell rings, and I silently thank gosh it has. I hope it can be the end of all this Cal talk. We dig into the food as the end second DVD comes close to the end.

“You know, there is something creepy about kids and being possessed what were they thinking?” Bailey complains, like she isn't the one who picked the films.

“It’s all about making bank, duh. Now put it in, I like this one.”


Our bottle of Vodka empty and way to tipsy for our own good, all we can do is giggle through the film. We’re curled up together and laughing our asses off, when we should be cringing at the scary parts.

“Oh God, Bailey, I love you.” A slip of the tongue and I’m mortified. I have told her I love her before, but not like this.

“I love you to, Ames, you know that.”

I take a deep breath and look at her, “No, I mean like I really love you. I have been forever and well, I have wanted to do this for so long.” I lean into her, my lips brush against hers. I half expect her to push me off, but she doesn't. She kisses me back! Our lips meet and the kiss deepens, both of us working together as one.


I’m not entirely sure how long we kiss, but I know the film ends and the credits roll. My hand slides under her top, feeling she has no bra on, and I let out a moan. She doesn't stop me and I become greedy. I don’t want to lose my chance with her. Her own fingers curl up into my hair and she begins to grind into me. I can feel how moist I’m getting; the mere thought of her delights me.


Moving my mouth from hers, I lift her shirt, and suckle on her nipple. She tosses her head back and begins to moan for me. My other hand undoes her jeans and she pulls at my shirt. Her bright blue eyes are locked on mine and we smile at each other. I know she wants it, she has to want it. She isn't stopping me.


Our clothes are removed and we manage to slip onto the floor. I've seen her naked plenty of times before, we've even showered together. It just was never in a sexual way. That’s just what girl’s do, best friends! Somehow though, she is just ten times more beautiful right now and I guess that’s because she is finally going to be mine. “Are you sure about this, Bailey?” I ask between kissing down between her breasts, over her soft perfect stomach.

“Mmm, yes I want this Amy. Don’t stop,” she coos and she opens her legs for me.


I don’t want to miss this opportunity to be with her, even if it’s just this once. I run my tongue down over her cleft; she lets out a soft moan. I thrust my tongue into her passion-moisten depths and she lets out such a perfect squealing moan that makes me want her all the more. My tongue darts inside of her, she bucks her hips at me, making the need for her stronger.


Her musky scent is all I can smell and it’s so wonderfully heady. She is so beautiful, so innocent, and so perfect. I take her hips and pull her closer into me. I suck her clit into my mouth and hum deeply; she writhes under me, almost cursing in overwhelming need. She begs me not to stop, like I have any desire to want to. She whimpers in need. It drives me on; she wraps her legs around me bucking upwards again. I know she’s close to climax and I begin moaning for her.


Gasping out, she shudders hard and starts to come for me. It’s like a rocket; she bucks wildly and groans out. She can’t get enough of it, she comes so damn hard. I thrust two fingers into her, as she does. The tightness of her pussy is so wonderfully epic, I fuck her fast. My whole hand is soaked in juices, the throb of her walls is still clear, even though her orgasm has passed.


I bring her down slow, allowing her to catch herself, coming back to me, in the here and now. She looks down at me and smiles a sheepish smile. “I've never come so hard in my life, you cheeky cow!” she giggles, she giggles so hard she lets out a small snort, which sends us both into a fit of giggles. I climb up and pull her into my arms. I stroke her hair and feel her slowly fall asleep.


It’s not what I had in mind, our first time, but I don’t think I could have asked for a better way. She still doesn't know how I feel about her and I have a feeling we’ll end up talking about it in the morning. For now, I have the girl I love here, in my arms, and naked. I fall asleep, thinking how much I want this.


When we do wake up, we both groan, the light is way too bright. “Ugh, I think I drank too much last night,” she complains.

“No, we always drink the same, shut up. I’ll get you some water,” I get up and head towards the kitchen. I think it’s my own way of avoiding what’s to come. She follows me, wrapping up in one of the throw blankets. “So, um, last night…” She trails, unsure.


I let out a soft groan, wishing we could just forget it. “Look, Bailey, we both drank, and well…”

She looks at me, almost hurt. “Ames, it was more than that, you damn well know it. I have a confession.” She looks at me and I’m the one who is confused now. “I, um, well I know that you’re in love with me, you don’t hide it very well. To be honest, I've had some feelings for you, but I never thought of myself with a girl.”


Her voice trembles a little and I step closer. She wraps me into her arms and I think I’m just too stunned to even reply. “It’s just that, I thought I was meant to be with a guy, that’s just how it is, right? But, no, I feel happiest with you. I think that’s why I can’t give myself to Cal. He’s a great guy and all, but not who I want. Am I being stupid? Am I wrong about how you feel? Say something!”


My arms wrapped around her close, I can’t help but smile. “No, you’re not stupid and no, you’re not wrong. I’ve been in love with you for the longest time, maybe forever. I never knew you felt the same way about me, Bailey. Knowing it though, has made me fall deeper for you. I want to keep you forever.”

I kiss on her neck lightly and she purrs out, “Please, keep me forever then.”


This time, we head towards my room, dropping the blanket as we go. The both of us on the bed, we lie in such a way that we can please one another. My mouth on her breasts, hers on mine. We make sweet, soft, slow love. Her nipples perfectly hard for me, I suck on them with a loving need. She does the same for me, being with a girl for the first time she is shy, but seems to know what she’s doing.


She pulls me on top of her and her tongue moves between my pink fleshy folds. She makes love to my pussy, with her tongue and mouth. It makes me weak. I roll my hips gently, giving her more. She moans softly, tasting me as I finally lean down, and begin my magic on her. Her legs parting, I flick my tongue against her clit. She gladly offers me more, lifting her hips for me. Her slick wet softness is so accepting of me. I slide a finger inside her, fucking her slowly.


Musky scent of our sex lingers in the air, as we continue making love with each other. The need for one another starts to grow and we become greedier. She sucks hard, fucking my pussy deeper with her tongue. Two of my fingers deep inside her, I curl them, and she writhes under me. She does the same, fucking me with her own fingers. She knows my body well and knows where I want her to touch me most.


It’s me who orgasms first, she just sends me into another universe, and I don’t want to come back. It’s only us on this level and I can’t get enough of it. Within seconds of my orgasm, she begins to climax with me. We share in this moment together, coming hard. It’s nothing I've ever felt before and I have a feeling she feels the same.


Collapsing into a tangled girl cuddle, we nuzzle into each other. We talk about what we’re going to do and what makes the most sense. We have known each other forever, so it’s not like we’re new with each other. She doesn't want to hurt Cal, but she knows she has to end it with him. She wants to be with me. I’m shocked; I never thought this weekend would lead to this. It was the last thing I ever thought would happen.


She texts Cal and explains to him she isn't feeling it with him. That she has feelings for someone else and wants to see where it goes with them. She doesn't make it obvious that it’s me, though we have no desires to hide it. He doesn't get upset, he tells her he had a feeling it would end soon. They agree to be friends and end it on a good note.


We spend the rest of the weekend locked up in my house, spending as much time as we can together. We watch countless DVD’s, playing games, having every kind of sex someone can think of. I want everything with her.


And she gives me it all…



Written By Poppet: For LushStories ONLY! 



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Cd Fuckdoll

I’m a part time cross dresser, and when I’m in fem, my name’s Koni, at least that’s my name when I’m a blonde bimbo. Last Saturday night… I had arranged to meet this guy at his house. He wanted me to park in the alley behind his house and come in through the back gate. So I arrived early, so I’d have time to put on my makeup and long blonde wig. I was already wearing my black-lace panties under skin tight black leggings and a pink halter-top over a strapless bra, giving the impression I had...

2 years ago
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The Fuckmeat Gene

The Fuckmeat Gene ?what are you doing on this transport fuckmeat?? Sarah gasps as the older man sat beside her. His hand going straight down her low cut blouse to grab her Double D tits. His touch made her moan, and he chuckled at her reaction, ?Now, now cunt, you know I can’t fuck you on this transport?yet.  Its outside of the meat region and there is a minor present. But as you are a slut I can do other things until we reach the region.? Sarah gasped again as he grabbed her nipples, flicking...

3 years ago
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Brother And Bestie Fuck Each Other

Hello indian sex stories readers. My name is Saba, a Muslim girl. I am from Bangalore and my age is 24. This is the continuation of my first story. Thank you for all the feedback. I am really sorry for not replying to all of them as there were a lot of emails. This story is about how I secretly made my cousin brother and my bestie Riya to have sex without them knowing my plan. This hot encounter happened when Amin came to Bangalore for few days to visit his home. Guys drop your feedback and...

1 year ago
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Bestie Sex Is The Best Sex

Hello, friends, this is Krish again here with my new sex story, I am 22 slim looking guy with a good length of 7inch and from Vijayawada.This is my 2nd sex story.Please excuse me if there are any mistakes in my sex story. My first sex story is “Mutual seduction of cousins” (https:www.Indiansexstories.Net/incest/mutual-seduction-cousins/) please read it from the above link and you are gonna love it definitely and also give me feedbacks on my email id: I just completed my engineering in another...

3 years ago
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Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand III Executive Secretar

Hopefully, most of you who have arrived at this story have already read “Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand I and II”, so I won’t belabor the principles behind my Streams of Fuckmeat. I’ll just give a bit of an introduction here, and talk briefly about Thai women before diving in to Fuckmeat Stream Three. Work in international corporate and governmental consulting has placed me in the position to have fucked eight hundred three women, spread out over 46 countries worldwide. In five of those countries...

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Much Fuckee No Babee

I was a man from Arkansas in a strange land. It was an Asian island and I worked for a company that sold products in the US and needed somebody with a better command of English to do their technical manuals. Sitting in an outdoor restaurant eating my dinner I was approached by a young woman. Now I didn’t know a bit of their language but most everybody speaks some level of English so I was getting along okay. She sat down with me and asked, “You need cleanee, cookee?” I had an apartment but I...

4 years ago
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My Mom Sister And Masi Fucked By My Best Friend

I live at my home with my mom and sister but this week we were visited by my aunt(My mother’s sister) who came to live with us for a month. i call her masi and she’s really a fun loving and open-minded person and she has always been like a friend to me and my sister. She never got married so me, my mother and my sister is all the family that she has. We used to have a lot of fun together, visit places, go to movies, shopping etc. with her. Now let me give you a little detail about my family,...

4 years ago
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Wife fucks hubbys best friend

Cheating wife with best friendCheating wife with best friendThis story takes place about 4 years ago when my husband was away on business.The company my husband works for had asked him to go away for a few days for training, my husband knows I don't like being alone and as much as I like hanging out with women I generally prefer male company so hubby said to me why don't you get Adam to come over for tea and chill with your for the evenings ( Adam is my husband's closest friend).On the day of...

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Great Fuck With Bestfriend8217s Mallu ExGirlfriend

Hey guys and girls! I am new to ISS. I am a 23-year-old guy from Coimbatore, with a 6-inch long gun. Let me jump straight into the story without boring you all. One of my good friends broke up with his girlfriend after a 3 years long relationship due to the long distance and also because she was a bitch basically. She is a 23 years old mallu girl with an amazing body. Any guy would easily get turned on seeing her skin tone and her curves. So, once I received a random snapchat message from her...

2 years ago
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Little Fuckdolls first Lick

Imagine that you are standing naked in daddy's upstairs media room. In the middle of the room, with your slender arms secured with manacles stretched out above your head, secured with a chain to the steel ring in the ceiling where daddy usually hangs his kickboxing bag... You have been standing like that for a while, only wearing a black leather collar with a steel ring in the front of it, a mask covering your eyes, and your spider-gag in your cute little mouth, making you rely on your hearing...

2 years ago
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The Bestiality Triplets Day 1 Barbie Fucks a Dog

Many people believe that siblings who have shared a womb have a special, almost supernatural bond. While it is true most are quite alike in personality, it does not mean they can communicate telepathically. It only seems that way because of the staggering amount of time they spend together. How could they not know every single detail about each other’s lives when they spend every second of every day with one another? At least that was the case for the Lez sisters. Barbie, Candy and Nikki were...

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My Bestfriend

So here I am....my bestfriend Justin's cock lying on my bottom lip. His hand slowly stroking it as I await for his sperm. His moans fill the room and turn me on even more. My mouth opens as a bead starts to form on his slit on his head of his 7 inch cock. It's creamy white in color. I could hardly wait for Justin to cum in my mouth...I watched a lot of gay porn and saw videos of guys cumming in other guys mouths and it was hot! I came a lot just watching them and now I was about to get a hot...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Best Girfriend

My Wife's Best Girlfriend (cd, mf, cons) by Princess Pervette "I'll bet that butt of yours would look good in panties," my wife said one morning when we were getting dressed. We had been swinging singles before we married, and if my workload had permitted, I suppose we would have been a swinging couple now, but I wasn't prepared for a remark like that. I gaped at her and said, "Huh?" "I said, you'd look good in panties. You've got a really neat ass." She grinned. "That isn't...

1 year ago
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A to Z Fuckstories ndash F is for Fuckfest Part

After a grand week of losing my virginity, I thought I was in for a nice, restful Saturday. Probably no jerking off either, as I’d blown well over 20 loads (14 with the girls, before Alex’s blow jobs, not to mention jacking off), in the last 5 days alone. That’s a new record for me, easily. I went to bed almost as soon as I got home. It was about 10:30 when I pulled the covers up and laid my head on the pillow. I thought of the great week I’d just had as I drifted off to sleep. *****When I woke...

4 years ago
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True Love Fucked By Best Friend

Hi Friends and fans of ISS readers. I am going to share the incident when my best friend fucked my girlfriend with litlle of my help. My girlfriend’s name is Ridhima who is in relation with me for 3 years since 12th standard.She is a very beautiful and hot kinda girl with an innocent face. Then she was 18 with a figure of 34 30 36. Any Guy can fall for her at first look. We had sex so many times in last 3 years. We were in college now and in same class. Akshay was my childhood friend. We were...

3 years ago
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Lost a fuckbuddy but replaced him with two

After I my former fuckbuddy introduced me to two of his frat guys last July I didn't think I'd hear back from them. after all, they were in a different state away at college. I mean, most Universities are filled with very pretty young girls who are away from home who probably want to party and have fun right ? Well, I took a break from sex and then thse two naughty boys called me not long ago. We had a nice talk and they told me what a great time they had and could not stop thinking about what...

1 year ago
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Breaking in a New Fuckbuddy and Porno Partner

Caroline (Caz) was a colleague of mine. She was 29 and I was 60 when we met. It started with childish flirting in the office. She teased me asking “Have you got something in your pocket or are you pleased to see me?” And I replied, “It is a brolly!” After that she would say “I see you’ve got that brolly in your pocket again!” It developed from there. Then we exchanged mobile numbers and very soon we were sexting. She was to become the first fuckbuddy I’d had for a while. We had agreed all...

2 years ago
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Dumb Fuckmeat Begging for More

If rough, brutal fucking is not your thing, stop reading. If it is, continue. The story might even give you a hard-on.I'm a fit, good looking guy, with a big fat cock. I'm a nasty fucker though. Don't give a shit about the fuckmeat I'm banging as long as I am enjoying myself, and guess what. Every cumdump I've fucked, and there's been very many, has cum multiple times on my dick! These whores just need to be treated like shit in order to cum.Just picked up a piece of FUCKMEAT the other week,...

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Daddy helps his little fuckdoll relax before her f

Daddy's lil'fuckdoll is at school. It is her last day, with her exam upcomming in less than an hour.. You are in your cute school uniform. You are nerveous... Suddenly your phone beeps, and you take a look at it. It is a message from daddy, reading "Men's bathrooms. Now my little pet!". You hart skip a beat, your pussy immediately go hot and you make your way to the men's bathroom at school...As daddys lil'fuckdoll gets there, you see two boys exiting the men's bathroom, give you a curious...

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Daddys fuckdoll

This is about my c***dhood, most of which took place in the 70s and 80s. The names are different, but the acts are as I remember them.My name is Marie. I cannot remember a time in my life when Daddy didn't play with me. He would always touch and kiss me, and he encouraged the same behavior from me. I learned very young how to suck cock and swallow both piss and cum at Daddy's whim.Mommy was aware of and involved in the play. Often Daddy would fuck her and I would lick his cum from her cunt or...

1 year ago
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En Vacances Part 6 Fucktoy Fucked 1

En Vacances Part 6: Fucktoy Fucked 1 The air, trapped in the unventilated bedroom, sticks to my skin causing tiny droplets of sweat to seep through my porous epidermis to coat my body in a fine film. My large starring pupils are following Anita’s descent as she lowers herself onto her haunches between Grant and my widespread thighs. Grant’s breath plays hotly about my neck, liquid pools beneath his hands as they grip tightly at my waist and on the underside of my thighs where our sticky flesh...

3 years ago
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En Vacances Part 6 Fucktoy Fucked 1

En Vacances Part 6: Fucktoy Fucked 1 The air, trapped in the unventilated bedroom, sticks to my skin causing tiny droplets of sweat to seep through my porous epidermis to coat my body in a fine film. My large starring pupils are following Anita’s descent as she lowers herself onto her haunches between Grant and my widespread thighs. Grant’s breath plays hotly about my neck, liquid pools beneath his hands as they grip tightly at my waist and on the underside of my thighs where our sticky flesh...

Group Sex
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Diary of a fuckpig

It seems like i’ve only been asleep for five minutes when the alarm goes off.  i feel so tired but i have another long day ahead of me serving my Pimp as His transvestite whore and sex slave.  i run my fingers round my leather collar before throwing off the thin blanket which serves as my bed linen and start to get ready for another cycle of violent physical and sexual abuse.   Looking down at my bed it’s a wonder i manage to sleep at all – it’s just a thin foam mattress stained with blood,...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Fuck With Besties

Hello, everyone, I’m back again. I’m sugar from Delhi recently shifted to Dehradun for my studies. 5 9 (email me girls aunties bhabhis ) with a nice tool feel free to talk and well build. I did get very good response for my previous series but I couldn’t complete it because I was busy. I have had various encounters with ladies of different ages. So here with a new series. Me fucking my besties at their place. So coming to my story this is a story of three me and my 2 friends x and y can’t...

4 years ago
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Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand II Language School

Four years ago, I decided to apply my experience devising strategies for businesses worldwide to develop strategies that would bring me streams of fresh Fuckmeat in the countries of the world whose women I most enjoy to fuck. Head and shoulders above the crowd of nations is, of course, Thailand. Thai women are undisputedly the world’s most beautiful, and are also by far the most satisfying sexual female creatures on earth. I have worked in Thailand several weeks a year for years, and decided...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Cousin8217s Bestie

Hi friends, How are you, hope all doing well, I am dynu working as software engineer in Hyderabad. With the word software engineer, you may imagine that I have May girls under my list and had enjoyment all the time, but it’s not correct and I hope may it should be true. Well, I’m 28 years of age. I am a reader of this site from last 5 years’ wrote almost 10 stories in Indian Sex Stories till date and writing stories because of my passion and happiness. I write stories based on my true incident,...

3 years ago
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The Bestiality Cruise Part 1 The Cat

Introduction: An 18-y-o virgin has sex with a studly cat! Prologue Are you fucking kidding me? was my reaction when my mother informed me that every single one of my female relatives had gotten together and offered me a five-day cruise for my eighteenth birthday. The only downside was that they were coming along for the trip. But that was fine, because I had been so busy with my studies that I had barely spent any time with them at all. It would be like a five day birthday party. Little did...

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My Bestfriends Boyfriend

Introduction: This the story of Chloe and how she slept with her bestfreinds boyfriend… This is the story of Chloe…I posted this before in the forums and now Im reposting it here cause Im finally getting around to making a continuation to this story….Hope you guys enjoy… I was always the shy and quiet one of the group. Chloe The insecure one. The unexperienced one. The one that all the guys called best friend or friend. Never really the girlfriend. At least not as much as I wanted. Out of all...

3 years ago
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Marsha Seduces Her Daughters Best FriendbyMarsham

Marsha smoothed back her red hair and walked slowly toward her front door. She was in the middle of her workout and not eager to greet a door-to-door salesman, or for that matter anyone who'd talk long enough that her heart rate would slow. She needed to keep it at 80% of her maximum rate for 45 minutes if she was going to keep the cellulite from building up on her 41-year-old thighs.She opened the door and was surprised to see Amy, the 18 year old friend of Marsha's daughter Emily."Amy, come...

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Meine beste Freundin

Meine beste Freundin, und wie ich sie hintergehe Anika (18 J) ist meine allerbeste Freundin und ich ( Katja 18 J)schäme mich ein bisschen, weil ich es mehrfach mit ihrem Freund getrieben habe. Alles fing mit dem Zoff bei mir zu Hause an. Mein Alter war ständig besoffen, vögelte unter anderem mich und meine Freundinnen, bis eines Tages Mutter dem ganzen ein Ende machte. Sie schmiss den verkorksten Alki und den Rest der Familie einfach raus. Da ich nicht wußte wo ich übernachten sollte, fragte...

3 years ago
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Meine beste Freundin

Es war letztes Jahr im Sommer. Sabine, seit unseren gemeinsamen Zeiten im Kindergarten meine beste Freundin, und ich wollten endlich gemeinsam Urlaub machen und entschieden uns für eine Reise nach Afrika, genauer gesagt nach Mali. Geld spielte keine Rolle, denn Sabine hatte die Reise von ihren wohlhabenden Eltern zum bestandenen Abi geschenkt bekommen und durfte ihre beste Freundin, also mich, mitnehmen. Alleine hätte ich mir so eine Reise nie und nimmer leisten können. Sabine hatte bereits...

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