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The Captives
Twelve years after the Gulf event Cel still sent out crews looking for survivors. The few discovered were in poor shape. Shelters had been advised to keep sufficient supplies for ten years so most shelters would have run out of food and water by then.
The ones in shelters that managed to leave them usually found supplies to carry them through until the Cel ships found them.
The containers the supplies were in had been rigged with a silent pinger that alerted the searchers the unit had been activated. Four motion activated camera would then transmit the images to the nearest Akkad colony on Earth. Months had gone by since any survivors had been located.
New towns had been built on the surface of each continent and that was where the survivors were now taken after a time of observation. The towns were able to support one thousand people each but none of the towns were full yet.
The Continent of Western North America had eleven such towns and each was already self supporting.
One of those town had residents that would not be assets to any community and yet even they had managed to survive on their own for a year. That town was thousands of kilometers and large geographic obstacles from the others.
Eastern North America had eighteen such towns, three with the substandard quality beings. Two of those were nearly full. One of those contained only men. None of those three were yet self supporting, the other fifteen were.
It normally took just a week to decide the placement of the shelter survivors. On all continents the new towns were a thousand kilometers apart.
Similar settlements were on other lands with the same restrictions. There were forty two in Asia, Twenty four in Europe, and Fourteen in Africa and South America. Just one in Australia.
None of the ‘troubling’ populated towns anywhere on Earth were the citizens capable of reproducing but did not know that.
The supply canister placed at the entrance of each known shelter was a marvel, the survivors just needed to push a button to open it. The canister then inflated to create a dome that had food and water supplies for forty people for three weeks. If there were more than forty survivors another unit would be dispatched but that had rarely happened and had not happened at all in the last two years.
The shelter created had its own ambient control so it kept itself at a comfortable temperature no matter where it was. It also had comfortable seating around its inner wall and a large flat area suitable for sleeping. A large first aid kit was also included.
I small rover camera was sent into the shelter that had been vacated to see if there were any bodies in it. If any were found the bodies were scanned to determine the cause of death.
Partially eaten human bodies had been found but by itself that did not mean the fate of the survivors was determined. If the humans had died of natural causes and especially if they had died of starvation the incidents were ignored.
Some of the bodies had obviously been murdered and that initiated a close scrutiny of the survivors. Most of those ended up in restricted towns.
Microphones had been placed throughout the dome and conversations were listened to by those trained on the workings of the human mind.
Twelve years and six months after the Gulf Asteroid and five months after it had last happened a ping was transmitted and cameras were activated. A young woman watched her screens and listened on her head set. She heard nothing. She saw small beings walking around in what seemed to be space suits. She saw two women assisted into the dome.
The women were quickly given water and after a quick search they were brought bottles of nutrient drinks. The women fell asleep and the small beings made them comfortable.
The rescue observer called the Ladies Akari and Labiba on whose island that particular unit was monitored then sent a probe into the shelter they had emerged from. It was a large cave with many motor vehicles by the entrance including buses, trucks and SUV’s all marked as U.S. Government vehicles.
The Ladies had arrived by then and wondered if the vehicles still had gas and could run. It had been more than twelve years since they had driven a motor vehicle. They also saw a tractor that had apparently piled up soil to one side.
The rover then found an open elevator. The controller maneuvered it inside and before they asked themselves how they were going to get the elevator activated the doors closed and the elevator went down for a long while. When the doors opened the rover was in very large room with low ambient light.
As it proceeded into the cave the rover’s camera revealed several domes. Some were dark but some were clear. The controller sent her rover to one clear dome and found it had been a habitation.
The Ladies asked the operator to stop the rover and raise the lens, the ceiling was a hundred meters high, it was artificial.
A few meters later the lens revealed what appeared to be flying machines.
‘Where is this place, ‘Lady Labiba asked.
‘Sorry Ma’m, the visuals distracted me and I have not checked. Western North America it seems. It is a designated shelter location by the United States Government.’
‘Send out the drone from the pod, lets look around, Lady Akari ordered. ‘Feed all channels we are seeing to Cel, they may know what this place is.’
They saw equipment, offices, labs, then a shoe. The shoe had just stepped into view. The small rover was then being lifted and was suddenly in front of the face plate of a being in a space suit. The face was not human. Somehow the ladies thought it was smiling. They felt themselves smiling back.
The being then aimed the rovers camera upward and the women saw spacecraft on scaffolding, all gutted or damaged. It then carried the camera to a room that appeared to be a cafeteria. The ladies saw about fifty dead humans sitting at tables, apparently all had ceased to be in mid-meal. There were no signs of violence.
The camera was then carried to what looked like a control room and it showed the alien turning the units on. The receivers in the dome picked up signals and sent them to Shangri-La. The Ladies heard their computers begin to work.
‘Send that on to Cel,’ Labiba commanded a second watcher.
The alien carried the rover with it as he went out of the shelter and did not set it down until they were back in the dome. There was an apparent conversation with the others then all just sat and waited.
It took just forty five centons for a ship to arrive. The survivors carried the women towards the ship with what seemed like tenderness. They were reluctant to release them to the crew but did.
Once in the ship the women were taken to an infirmary and the seventeen aliens to a passenger section. The were all surprised to be greeted by an Akkad, a Devl, and a human.
They were asked what air mixture they needed.
Ahn and Sehel seemed confused by their answer.
‘I think they said something enriched methane, Sehel said.
‘I thought they said oxygen something,’ Ahn said.
Lord Jim left for a few moments and brought a hand held visualizer and put up a model oxygen/nitrogen molecule. He handed the visualizer to an alien and he soon had a molecule displayed.
That it contained oxygen and methane was obvious but it took a few moments to see it also contained argon, an inert gas. They wondered how heir bodies could use it.
Lord Jim then asked what they needed to eat. The visualizer was then set to show a jar of what appeared to be baby food.
Ahn exclaimed that was what she ate.
All aliens smiled. They understood English and could hear her.
In Cel the women were taken to the medical center in Clara and the aliens to a house in Felicity that had been the mansion of a music star. The windows and
doors had double seals and the house had been filled with their ambient air that turned out to be a combination of oxygen, methane, and argon.
The kitchen had all cabinets filled with every kind of baby food known and the aliens loved that until Martina and Helen brought them Clara’s intergalactically famous chicken soup. All could hear them make a humming sound as they slurped up the soup.
The aliens were from a world unknown to any of the others. They related that they had visited Earth for millennia hoping to add them as friends but had instead been detained after their ships became inoperable.
Many died before they were provided with a breathable atmosphere. Some died as tests were conducted of them. They though at least twice as many as them had been captured and were certain some had been on other nations before the barrage.
They said their captors had spoken of a place called Cel they desperately wanted to get to. They were happy to see it existed.
They called themselves the Gaans and spoke in the manner the Akkad spoke, high pitched sounds emanating from flaps of skin on their skulls. The Akkad and Gaans assumed they had a common ancestor.
They were smaller than the Akkad and their eyes were slanted more. Their skin had a greenish hue. As opposed to the Akkad the Gaans had a definite nose although small. The Gaans had two fingers and a thumb as opposed to the Akkad an humans.
Messages were sent into space by Cel and relayed throughout the galaxy on behalf of the aliens asking for a ride home.
In the meantime their suits were modified so that all they needed to breathe came out of nozzles below their face. Those suits were soon discarded and they began to wear what most Akkad did, diaphanous robes.
Earth air was not poisonous to them, just insufficient as was true for the Akkad. Small air bladders of what was needed was sewn into their robes and provided the necessary gases for a full day. They were now free to roam where they wished.
The air bladders on the Akkad robes contained ozone of course.
Three of the Gaans were provided homes in Clara, they were the living captains of their ships. There were seven ships in the caves, two of their captains had died in the crash and two had died mysteriously.
Two chose a companion to come along with them. They met each day with King Jordan, Lords Marc and Jim, and their Ladies as the races learned about each other. An Akkad was always present and could hear and speak directly to their guests.
Yggs and Rah, Sehel and Klm, a Doran, were also present but they needed the newly programmed translators to hear the Gaans even though the were speaking in English. Sprites broadcast all of their meetings which were informal.
The meetings were each day at first but after two weeks they became once a week affairs. The Gaans roamed far and wide between the meetings. They were in awe of the Federation ships and more so of the triple hull ship housed in its own building outside Felicity.
The two women with them recovered quickly and were feted by all in Cel. The two had not committed suicide like the others in the bunker so they could take care of the aliens. However their reluctance to eat from the aliens food supply had robbed them of strength. The aliens had turned the tables and cared for them.
The women, Toni and Ingrid, were lured into making Felicity their home. The two were partners in a relationship. They soon had over one hundred very close friends.
After their breathing problems had been solved the remaining Gaan were given the opportunity to live anywhere in Cel. Most chose Clara although several chose Penza. Three chose to stay in Felicity and were awarded a home in a Cloverleaf subdivision. Their neighbors were humans Toni and Ingrid on one side and Devl on the other. Akkad lived across the street.
The three seemed to always be giddy as you would expect from beings that had been held for as long as fifty years and thought they were alone in the universe, except for the barbarians that held them captive.
The three in Felicity soon found themselves surrounded by six species of friends that pressed their lips to them each time one saw them. All that did so were female they had noted.
The Gaans did not have separate sexes, like Akkad each was a hermaphrodite. Unlike the Akkad the Gaans could control the form of their bodies well but most went through life as neutral. The ones in Felicity individually decided to be female.
As soon as the females of Felicity saw the feminine signs appear on the Gaan women they were ravished, much to their pleasant surprise. They decided woman mode was good and went next door to visit Toni and Ingrid.
The information stream one of the aliens had broadcast to Cel from their confinement base was decoded and shared by the Peers then sent to the scientists on the other Akkad colonies on Earth and to each Federation planet.
All concluded that although a lot more advanced than Earth they were not as advanced as any in the Federation. Their mother ships had spent many years in transit and just a few scout ships had been sent down each time. The scout ships did not handle Earth weather well.
The biological set up of the Gaans was studied and the apparent closeness of them to the Akkad vanished. Nothing internally was close. The Akkad had one small heart and the Gaan had none or six depending on your definition of a heart.
The skeletal bones of the Akkad were thin but there were two of them everywhere including the spine. The Gaan had areas of a cartilage type of material enclosed in thick muscles.
The Gaan were as different to the Akkad as both were to the Cephalians.
The Gaans knew English well and understood what everyone was saying but did not allow their captors to know that. The women who saved them however knew they understood.
It had been over two years since the suicide dinner before they were found. Numerous earthquakes had been felt in the chambers and the humans had incorrectly assumed they had been buried deeper and would never be rescued.
The earthquakes had in fact moved the facility eastward into shallower ground. It was moved pretty much like a bubble through the soil layers above them.
The aliens had been digging out for just three weeks before bursting out to the surface. They expected a package was nearby and were very happy to find it.
They knew what had happened to the planet and knew of Cel from the talks of the humans they overheard. They knew they would get to go home.
It took two years for Cel to get communication back from Gaans. They had sent a rescue ship.
Cel answered back, ‘You need to have room for forty six more, we found more Gaans in other locations.’ The one communicating was the captain of one of the downed vessels. All the Gaans deferred to him.
He was answered, ‘Our mother ship has five scout ships so even though all of you would not be able to come at once it would not take long.’
The captain answered, ‘We have a place for the mother ship to land.’
Lord Carlos had searched his data bases for rumored alien capture sights and found one in France, one in Russia and one in Tibet. Each had Gaan survivors and each had humans. There was one more in Brazil but it was never found.
One of the sites had humans herding the aliens like cattle and those humans were dropped off at an isolated aggressive behavior city before continuing to Cel with the Gaans.
Those three Celian rescue ships had a Gaan woman from Felicity on board to help them communicate. The three needed to reassure those rescued that no they were not just being relocated, they were being freed. They were going home.
Two of the aliens rescued from the shelter that was herding them onto the ship stood then fainted. The translator told the medical crew not to worry too much, ‘That may have just an overwhelming experience response. We
faint when that happens.’
That was what it was.
When the Interstellar Gaan ship landed at the Felicity Spaceport a delegation from Akkad was there to greet them. It included two new Protectors that were going to the Gaan planet.
The officers and beings of the crew were gifted with robes that had the air bladders and invited them to explore Cel. New translators were now worn by many on Cel and all the Gaans.
The mother ship commander had intended to leave after one day but stayed two weeks.
When their Gaan ships left the three living in Felicity stayed. They had volunteered for and had been granted status as agents for Gaan on Earth.
That avoided any possible charges of desertion since none of the three had any intention of leaving Felicity.
Like many others they commuted to Clara on the train to their offices there.
All three were pregnant by officers of the Gaan ship. Those came back to Felicity at times to visit with their children but it was a different set of officers that made the three pregnant again. A native population of Gaans was now well underway in Felicity.
The Gaan episode had brought a mystery to Earth. They said they had not been the only ones visiting Earth over millennia. They had visited Earth for over fifteen thousand years but found they had not been the first.
They had revisited Earth every five hundred years and found Earth had been visited by others each time. Several of those visitations could be easily traced to the time the Devl had visited.
The Akkad had only been visiting Earth since the first radio signals had been detected but there was some overlap there since the Gaan had increased the frequency of their visits to every twenty years after they saw humans flying.
The Kindred, Florians, Cephalians, Dorians, Saurians and Mur had never visited Earth. The Dorans and Saurians had a planet like Earth in their mythology as did the Devl but that mythology included the beings that had piloted the three hull ship still being studied at the main shore just off Felicity.
The beings of the triple hull ship were gone before any of the Federation planets had a developing civilization.
‘So who were the others? Are they coming back?’ was asked by all.
The answer did not come for two hundred years when the owners of the three hull ship returned for it.
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xmoviesforyouAdam and I went out for lunch. We had beautiful time together, may be because he didn’t talk about anything sexual or what ever was going on between us, but he also didn’t act just like son of my friend. He was trying to act like my friend, just a little shy. We were having lunch, and I noticed Adam just starring at me while eating. No-one had ever looked at me like that. His eyes, his cute face, everything at that moment felt so beautiful. I was wearing a cleavage revealing outfit, but his...
MILFI got into bed with Gary after my shower. Thankfully he was finished raping me for the night. He pulled me into his arms and went to sleep with his hand on my breast. I lay there awake for a very long time, listening to his quiet snoring in my ear and trying not to think about what my life has become. I doubt if I got more than two or three hours sleep. I still felt dopey the next morning when the alarm went off. Gary shut it off and took me into the bathroom. I have showered with Jimmie...
Well I am Tarakesh you would have read my first sex experience. This is my second experience with my aunt. This is in my second inter in pongal holidays, then I was 16years. It is always like summer in my grandmother’s village, my entire family was at my grand mother’s house. Where my youngest uncle with his newly wed wife is there.We all went to farm where electrical pump from bore is there we all have been taking bath It was hot, and most of us were bathing under a pump which is used in...
IncestYou know the feeling.You've been looking forward to a big night for ages and ages, and the best fetish party in Europe looks and sounds as though it's going to live up to all your dreams and expectations.You know where this is going don't you?Actually Wasteland is great. But in many ways, getting there was actually more fun than being there.For a start, we got a great deal on a fantastic hotel - the Pulitzer on the Prinsengracht, right in the centre of the city.And we had a night in town before...
first time by dark stranger - by shining night My wife grew up in a very conservative Christian home where there was no such thing as sex before marriage, all these things were taboo, and so was it when we were going out which was a huge frustration to me, the upside to this was that I married a virgin and this was great. After 10 years of marriage she had been holding to her Christian ethics and beliefs and had continued to be very conservative that in fact when it came to making love it was...
EroticAshley walked through the huge ivory doors, again. High School was endless and summer was just around the corner, (plus a few million miles,) though as much as she tried to think of it as a prison, she couldn’t. With Miguel, her handsome, sporty boyfriend, and Jennifer, her wild, yet sweet best friend, school had turned into a retreat from her bad home life. “Hey Ash,” called Miguel. He smiled and walked over to her at her locker. They talked about a week ago;...
First TimeDinner With A Friend My neighbor and friend, Diane and I have actually known each other since high school. We had not been in touch with one another for over 30 years. I moved a little over two years ago and as it turned out, my old friend and classmate was now my neighbor. Since I moved in, we’ve gotten together as friends, visited, had dinners together and other things, but not that often. In the last month or so, she was going through some tough times due to an issue with someone that she...
My hubby Marc decided to be a writerMostly true but fictionalized a bit. My name is Marc. I am a professional working at a large construction firm in the Canada. I had remained unmarried into my mid twenties partly because I didn't want to give up the variety of different women that I bedded and partly because I couldn't find a women that I was willing to wake up next to for the rest of my life.I met Moni at a party about two years ago, and was immediately captivated by her looks as well as...
Unannounced visitors were not very common, especially in the middle of the day, so when the knock came at the door for Lisa Ingles, she was caught a little off guard. Little did she know that she was about to be introduced to a world of experiences that would shift her reality and alter her life completely. Little did she know that she was about to become an entirely new woman.She opened the door to find herself staring, face to face, with a beautiful black woman who looked more like she...
Xhamstertiers,Well like I said I would update on anything that happened so, here we go!So where to start…. Think maybe when I went to her house the next day to fix her computer sounds cliché I know but that’s what it is. I turn up rang the doorbell and waited; while I was standing there my mind ran through situations and what could happen.I could feel my boxers tighten as my cock started to get hard. In my daydream state I was slightly surprised when she answered the door, as I had to hide my...
Hello everybody. This is Anand alias Nandu people who are close to me call like that. When I am at 30 years this incident happened with sexy Saroja. I am handsome whitish color and 5.8 height and well maintained. I am fetish about corpulent women. Saroja might be aged approx 35 yrs and nearing 4.7ft. She is shiny whitish complexion with cheerful face, is not fat but nice figure strong fleshy body. The butt was bulged in huge size, with perfect sizes for me she looks like sex goddess; I will...
It is Saturday evening and we have just finished a fabulous meal. You have prepared a feast fit for kings and the romantic candle-lit dinner has left us both in the mood for a little after-dinner fun. "Come on.", I say, "Let's go play." You give me your coy, little-girl smile. "Yes Sir," you say. You follow me meekly into the bedroom. You aren't sure quite what to expect as I have made each evening an experience of the unexpected. I have arranged our room with soft lights, and arranged the bed...
Kit stepped out of the shower in his home’s only bathroom with his towel around his waist. In his room he dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. Leaning over his bed he nudged Nichelle. “Morning, sleepy-head,” he said. “I’m going downstairs.” “Mmm ... Okay...” Kit found his mom in the kitchen. She poured a mug of coffee for him. “Where’s Nichelle?” she asked. “She’ll be down soon. It’s harder for her to get up in the morning than it is for me. She likes her sleep.” “That genealogy...
This story I am about to describe is true and are about my experiences of sharing my Indian wife. I have changed the names for these stories. We are an Indian Sikh couple from the UK, Leicester. We have both been brought up in England and we have been married 8 years. My name is Manvir and my wife’s name is Jaspreet. I married Jaspreet when she was 22 and I was 29. We are now 30 and I am 38. Although my wife is 30 she actually looks a lot younger and still gets asked for ID when trying to buy...
=== Trust Machines: Pioneers === part 3 of 15 by Trismegistus Shandy ----- This story is set in dkfenger's Trust Machines universe. It's a prequel to his stories, however, and I've written it to stand alone for readers who haven't read them. https://www.deviantart.com/trust-machines/ Thanks to dkfenger, clancy688, MrSimple, Karantela, Icaria, and JAK for feedback on earlier drafts. This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike...
As everyone went inside and said good night. Jill invited Isabella to join us for the night. Isabella laughed, “I feel so wanted, but I will go with my Master and Mistress for the night. Jill took Isabella by the hand, “Come on babe, I will warm you up while Jeff gets ready for bed.” I was adjusting the water temperature for my shower when my twin pets walked in to the bathroom. Nahla said, “Our Mistress asked us to make sure you are ready as soon possible after your shower. Sorry Master,...
As I've mentioned in other stories, I love porn theaters and am very orally bisexual...having sucked many cocks. I'm not as much of a cumslut as I am a cock lover...although I definitely love sucking all the sweet cream out of a hard cock when that's what the guy wants. My main pleasure is the actual sucking of a throbbing piece of man meat. I absolutely love having my mouth full of hard cock and one of the main reasons I love playing in porn theaters is the opportunity to suck cock while...
“So, Pedro, I want you to fuck Candice right now. Bubba, you take Jackie. Randall, give it to Caroline, while I screw Emma. You, Gabriel, fuck her ... what’s your name, honey?” I asked one of the new ladies. “Moira,” the ginger told me, even as she welcomed Gabriel’s cock inside her. “Yes, breed Moira ... I want to see her knocked up by you,” I chuckled as I slammed in and out of Emma, admiring my seal above her sweet ass. I pulled Emma’s wavy brown hair while pounding her and using her...
Introduction: she was a beauty * story # 500, my favorite_____ A true story, I guess by letting my sexual urges just go, little by little they made my sexual desires grow. I liked this a lot. It was so intensely exciting, it makes me wet, just talking about it. Jamie got the benefit of a 24/7 hot and horny girlfriend, and I was constantly made hot by what was happening. I should explain that Tina had always crawled in bed between us in the mornings, for years now. We thought this was cute...
On the ride to the dock, Tracy put her hand on my thigh and squeezed. Then she asked me why I had given the Police Officer the name I did. "I think, Tracy Miller, is your real name. I do not doubt that. I know you have dim memories of that, but if I had given them Tracy Miltner, then they might have taken you into custody. I didn't want that. "Also," I told her as I put my hand on top of hers, "They verified who you are and your story." She lifted my hand and kissed the back of it...
“So, Mrs Johnson, how can we enable you to clear the debts?” “Is there no work I could do? I would even work in the saloon” She phrased that badly, it made him bridle. He had little patience with the ‘holier than though’ superiority of these church going people. “My girls in the saloon are not the dregs Mrs Johnson. Frankly I doubt that you have the required skill or knowledge to carry a tray of drinks on each arm without spilling a drop.” “I did not mean to imply anything, forgive me.”...
Sarah: I recognized Javier's 'friend' on sight -- and if I thought I was worried before, it was NOTHING compared to the realization that Javier's 'friend' was the head Civil Service guy on the ship! This guy could have or get practically ANYBODY for Javier -- why would he settle for me? But Momma told me in the hallway before we entered the room that it was important that I relax and be calm, because those were the things Javier found attractive about me. "It'll all fall into place,...
FLAT MATES - Part 3 Chapter 13 - "A Parting of the Ways" The first few days after Gavin flew to America I mopped about the house, listless and without any energy to do anything. I couldn't even be bothered to dress properly and wandered about in a pair of women's satin pyjamas and a towelling dressing gown. I didn't bother to shave and my long hair soon became a tangled mess. I looked frightful! Deep inside I knew I would have to snap out of this lethargy; Gloria would not have...
There is not much debate that all men enjoy jacking off, and most of us continue to do so as long as we are able. And it has been my experience that many, many males, straight, bi, gay, whatever like to masturbate together.I first began with a group of classmates after gym in junior high, but really got into it while in the Air Force with a group of buddies.The first time there were 4 of us who rented a couple of hotel rooms just off base one weekend when we were going through tech school in...
This story is fantasy. I'm a white male in my 40s and my wife is a cute Asian in her late 40s. We have a great sex life and are swingers. Mostly we like MFM and small gangbangs, she is increadably horny and I love watching her with other men. My wife and I adopted a adolescent girl from an Asian country about a year ago. This cut back some on our partying but we still managed to play once or twice a month. When we do go out one of her friends has a 13 year old daughter that we hire to...
So, anyway, I wasn’t some kind of genius or anything. I was in the 12th grade but had just turned 16 years old. You see, when I was in second grade, my teacher thought I had some good potential in the academic stuff. So, they called in someone from the state board of education, tested me, and put in the next higher grade, third. I had always been the smallest in the class. Now it was even worse. If it wasn’t for my friend, Lonnie, I would have been beat up everyday. Kids just hate anyone they...
Uh! Stian Elberd is going to fuck me in my anus today. As I bang and thump shut the door to our secretive for not-more-than-two exclusively bedroom, I turn and whirl around to see him completely and fully nude and uncovered and undressed. He is dressed in nothing but in his most sexy and seductive and alluring underwear. I love it! And I find it irresistible so, so, so very much. The way and manner that his thighs are exhibited and flashed about and vaunted and made a great show off of, it...