CowboyChapter 7 free porn video

“So, Mrs Johnson, how can we enable you to clear the debts?”
“Is there no work I could do? I would even work in the saloon” She phrased that badly, it made him bridle. He had little patience with the ‘holier than though’ superiority of these church going people.
“My girls in the saloon are not the dregs Mrs Johnson. Frankly I doubt that you have the required skill or knowledge to carry a tray of drinks on each arm without spilling a drop.”
“I did not mean to imply anything, forgive me.” But the damage was done; he genuinely had no need of more saloon workers, but had thought he might find a space for her, now the option was gone. There was another opening for a comely young widow woman such as Marie Johnson.
“I understand, but, genuinely, there is not a vacancy there. I have looked at all my ventures and... “ here he hesitated, he knew she would be shocked, horrified even. “there is only one vacancy I think; but it is something I would never dream of suggesting.”
“Mr Clinton, let us be frank since you are entirely aware of my circumstances, I am destitute. I cannot even pay the hotel bill. I will do anything.” She was unable to imagine something she wouldn’t do, perhaps she needed more imagination.
“I have an opening in Madame Riley’s. Please, hear me out. We need someone to act as reception; Christabelle, the girl who does the job at the moment, is ready to move on to more active employment. I need someone to greet people, men, and check which young ladies are available or send them to the reception room.”
“But I would meet...” she realised she would meet fellow church members. Somehow the view of a hypocritical churchman visiting a whore was still important; then she realised that was silly. If anything she was being more honest; anyway, not one church member had offered her financial help, and she needed money. Her highest priority was to her daughter, she had to make sure her daughter did not go hungry. “Yes, yes, I’ll do it”
Jeb Clinton was pleased, he had expected tears and delays and more tears; but he had expected she would eventually agree, instead she had weighed the options, found none and decided “Excellent, I will ask Mrs Danvers to visit. You know her?” She did, Mrs Danvers was a stalwart of the Baptists “She adjusts dresses or makes new ones. Let me ask her to make you a new one”
“Will I not wear my own clothes?”
“Oh, possibly, we can get her to adjust them too. They will need to be shortened and the bust made more visible. You aren’t, yet, one of the chargeable team, but you need to look the part of course.”
She had come this far, she simply agreed. They hadn’t even agreed a price, but she was in no position to argue. Then she realised he had said ‘yet’ and challenged him.
“Let me be honest. You are a comely, fancy-able lady. I have no doubt that customers will want to enquire as to your availability. When you feel able to step up to more remunerative work, let me know.”
She left, dazed and confused. She had just agreed to work in a brothel, she had come a long way from the innocent girl in Boston.
Two weeks later, she was standing at the reception desk dressed in a dress that showed her calves with a dropped neckline that displayed more of her cleavage than had ever been visible anywhere. In bed she had worn a sensible, warm, high neck nightdress; during the day she had worn similarly respectable clothing, except when she had helped with the roundups. Then she had still covered up, but wore trousers, which many women disapproved of. Mr. Halligan walked in unsteadily, he had been in the saloon; she could smell it. He leered down her dress. At first she had tended to shift the dress up when men did that. Now she accepted it as part of the job and let him look and lick his lips; she wondered when she would be required to service people like him. She realised that in accepting this job she had burnt any other boats she might have had, nobody would offer her a job now; not that anybody had offered before. She also realised now that there was an inevitable progression, first she would get used to working here, second she would get used to be lusted after, third someone would offer extra for her or there would be a busy time or she would simply be given an ultimatum. She had nearly come to terms with the obvious result, and there would be more money. She was determined that she would only provide standard sex.
Since starting she had been treated with all manner of information that she had never heard before. The girls had been a little stand-off-ish at first, after all she had been one of the moral minority trying to put them out of business; but they had soon got over it and become friendly and chatty, especially when it was quiet. They would sit in the hall and talk about their lives, and their dreams, and what different customers wanted. “That McIntyre, he always asks to bugger me. Every time! Every time I turn him down. Dirty old bastard”

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