Ring Of Rheoli - Part 5 free porn video

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Ring of Rheoli - Part 5 (Continued from part 4...) -------- Katie -------- The first week had passed in a blur. I would wake up every morning less and less defiantly. Getting dressed in these sexy outfits became second nature, and even though I hated applying Makeup, it started feeling routine. I had fallen into a particular click at school and although I paid special attention to every guy that passed by, I seemed to be Sean's girlfriend now, a thought that bombarded me with a ton of mixed feelings. Sean was the first boy I slept with from school, and lucky for me, the sex got better the more we did it. Ugh, I can't believe I'm thinking this way, I'm still a guy in here right? I don't even know what's my own free will anymore, and what's scripted. I hated smoking so much, but I even look forward to it sometimes now, something I noticed one day after school. Between school, dating, cleaning the house and every other routine I got into, I hadn't been able to take a chance at Suzie's ring. Hell, the only times I saw her lately was after Sean had left and she tormented me about our "alone time." Every night I would spend an hour or two watching some stupid girly program intently, something Jake picked on me for often, and I loved to hate them so much. Afterward I would take a long bubble bath, carefully shaving my pussy and my legs as I did. By the time my day was over, I would be so tired that I would fall right to sleep, wake up and do it again the next day. Today was Saturday and I had plans with Jennifer, Carrie and Sara at the mall. I decided that a knee-length hot pink dress, with straps and a low cut top, were appropriate for today. After finishing my makeup and blow drying my hair, I was ready just in time to hear the beep of a car out front. We giggled and gossiped the whole way there, occasionally singing some stupid girly song as we drove. After flirting with a few guys at a stop light, we were finally at the mall and I was oddly excited about this. We spent hours window shopping before we grabbed something small to eat, my new diet was still driving me crazy, as I didn't seem to eat nearly half as much as I used to or wanted to. Afterward we caught a showing of some movie about dancing, and it wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be, although as far as anyone could tell, I was excited for it. After buying a few pairs of shoes, a few new dresses, and some see-through underwear (the girls picking on me about Sean) we began to head out. My little purse seemed to have an endless supply of money too, which was a neat thought if I could actually use it for something I wanted. It was already getting dark outside when I met up with Sean, how the fuck did we spend that much time in a mall? He greeted me with the normal makeout session before we headed inside. His parents were out of town and he planned on throwing a small party, which sounded like a disaster. Two of his friends were already there, cursing eachother through a round of Halo as we entered the living room. "Fuck dude, you got me again!" yelled some guy with long brown hair. "Hey why don't you guys play Katie?" began Sean to the skeptical looks of his friends "no really, she's pretty good." I would have normally showed these guys up but all I could reply was "I have some other plans before your party starts," in a sexy voice as I ran a finger down his chest. This hollow feeling between my legs was driving me crazy and I needed something else, it was a long day. I still didn't like the fact that there was only one way for me to get a release, but what else could I do? I couldn't fight this even if I wanted to, and although part of me still tried, I couldn't pretend that it was worse than what I felt right now. "We'll be back in a few guys," declared Sean, smiling at the jealous looks on the faces of his friends. "Lucky bastard" declared one of the boys in the other room, as we made our way to the back of the house. I had his shirt off and was working on his pants when he stopped me, I looked up at him. "Hold on I have a rubber somewhere," he began. "We never used one before," I replied in a pout, I wanted to get this over with. I started on his zipper again when he put his hand in front of me, causing me to sit back and put my hands on my hips. "Listen, do you want to get pregnant!?" he asked in a serious whisper, that stopped me in my tracks. I never really considered the fact that I could get pregnant, and it horrified me. "I don't care I just want you inside me" came out of my mouth as I started to feel afraid, and before he could argue, I had his cock out and was rubbing my tongue ring around the tip. After giving him a teasing blowjob, not letting him climax, I had agreed to let him put a condom on. When he entered me, the nagging feeling of emptyness disappeared, and we went at it for an extended amount of time, it didn't feel nearly as good as it usually... No, I didn't like this no matter how much my body needed it. When he finally came I could feel a change in temperature, but nothing else. As he laid on his back in satisfaction, chest heaving in and out, I sat there in disappointment. I was still extremely horny, even after all of that and I went to work getting him back up. He replaced his rubber and we went at it again, this time I was on top and I rode him so intensely, he came again within a few minutes. Even after he came I kept going, my right hand rubbing my clit as I thrust my hip back and forth. No matter what I did I was still extremely horny and nothing could satisfy it, I was scared and I refused to stop until I had my release. Eventually he fell out, not being able to keep it up any longer, and he rolled over pulling the second condom off. I was about to beg a third time out of him when the doorbell rang. "Alright babe, see you out there" he said beaming as he left the room, I just sat there in my disappointment, frustrated by how empty I felt again and how horny I still was. What the hell was going on? "I need a cigarette" I declared to nobody, my emotions in chaos. I stood up and irritably walked outside, my hips and hands swaying in feminine exaggeration. After my smoke did nothing to releave my stress, I made my way back home. I didn't want to deal with a party right now. "Just great-" I told myself "-not only will I feel like this until someone comes inside of me, but now I can get pregnant!" I was pissed, this was obviously part of Suzie's evil plan and it fucking sucked. In no time I found myself at the door of my home, and after finishing a second smoke I made my way inside. The *click,clock* of my heeled shoes apparently caught the attention of Jake, as he immediately sat upright and covered his lap. Did I just catch him masturbating? Something about that idea really tickled my insides. "Uh, Katie... Your uh, cousin is... well" he spluttered as I watched him, even with me catching him he was still extremely hard, that blanket doing nothing to cover it up. "She decided to go out again tonight, something about uh..." he continued as I strutted toward him, the *click, clock*s slowing with each step, he could obviously see the hungry expression on my face. I have no idea how it happened, but I was suddenly on him. I didn't care that this was Jake, a guy that was like a brother to me. I didn't care whatever Suzie would do when she found out, I was going crazy and I needed this, and he was obviously under a similar spell. Without any hesitation, my legs were spread apart as I mounted him, and he slid right inside of me. It felt like he was designed to fit perfectly, every bit of my insides touched by his large member. "We... shouldn't..." was all he got out before he gave in, his eyes rolling back in his head as I milked his large cock with my cunt. He obviously gave up somewhere along the way, as his hands were freeing my large tits from my dress, moans and heavy sighs escaping my lips as he palmed them. As I became more and more turned on so did he, as if his body was reacting specifically to my own. When I finally felt him twitch inside of me I let out a sexy girlish laugh of triumph, my hips grinding on his as the warm feeling of his seed spread throughout my belly. This felt right, this felt sooooo right... but it was so wrong. Afterward we laid there catching out breath, neither one of us making a sound. In that silence he got up and fixed his clothes before turning to me, he wanted to say something but he didn't. After looking at me with a face warring between guilt and joy, he turned and made his way upstairs. I sat there on the couch in the fetal position, acknowledging what had just happened. I had just fucked Jake, my best friend. We not only fucked, we made love and it was such a strange feeling. Somehow this didn't feel wrong, but it had to be, we were best friends! I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. The worst part was, I didn't know if it was because of what had just happened, or the fact that I wanted something more... ------- Jake ------- I sat on the edge of the bed, watching the clouds through the window for what felt like hours. I can't believe what had just happened or how much I wanted it, since she moved in here I could feel my body responding to Katie's, very similar to the way I seemed to respond to Suzie's. There was something about these two girls that was so similar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. The odd thing was how right it felt, this making the pangs of guilt that much worse. I had cheated on Suzie and I had no idea how to handle it. Should I tell her? Would she find out anyway? As far as I could remember, we have never even had so much as a small fight. This would ruin us, this would destroy her. What should I do? I thought about Suzie for a minute before my mind wandered back to Katie, they were so much alike. Something about those two kept nagging at me, it felt like they were the same person, except they looked so much different. While Suzie was pretty, Katie was fucking gorgeous. Even her personality, while it had some of the same flaws that Suzie had, was so much more attractive. What am I supposed to do? Should I leave Suzie for Katie? Should I be a good husband and stay with Suzie? Should I even tell her? What about what just happened, did it even mean anything? I remember something about Katie being really slutty, hell she hooked up with that one kid her first day at school. Maybe I was just another one night stand, but if that was the case, why did it feel so fucking right? I mulled all of this over in my head for a long time. Guilty for everything I did, guilty for everything I was feeling now. Would Katie tell her aunt about this? They seemed like they were alway at some sort of silent war with eachother, maybe this was just some sort of act of vengence... I covered my face with my hands and let out a deep sigh. I would have to figure something out... ------- Things continued going downhill in this fashion for the next two weeks. Katie would wake up to the same routine during the week, her theme for dress seemed to always be slutty and pink. She went to school each day, her outfits becomming slightly more covering as the weather became cooler to Kyle's happy surprise. It seems that he wouldn't freeze to death. After school Katie and Sean would get together to fuck like rabbits, each time Sean was sure to use protection, which brought a mix of loathing and cheer for Katie. Sean seemed to become more distanced which worked just fine for her. Apparently the constant flirting with other men at school wasn't very attractive, inside Katie's mind, Kyle wondered why Sean didn't just ditch her, but he was sure the sex was too magnificant to give up... At least for Sean. Kyle would have ditched Sean from the start, but for some reason Katie wouldn't allow tha, and instead kept stringing him along. The constant surge of female hormones was still impossible for Kyle's mind to handle, especially with the high-school-drama. Somewhere around the second week, Suzie declared that Katie should be a cheerleader, much to Kyle's dismay. He already had enough going on with school, sex, cleaning, sex, stupid girly shows and sex, just to name a few; but apparently she felt that Katie was home still too often. He wondered on many occasions why she even kept him around, but apparently she enjoyed watching him act out her torturous curse. The other thing was that Suzie was rarely home these days. Every evening she would be gone until very early in the morning, which suited Kyle just fine, because he had a secret he wanted very much to keep from Suzie and her demon ring. Every night Katie and Jake would hang out, and every night they would make passionate love. At first this was extremely awkward for the two of them, but Suzie's curse had driven them both together. Being forced to have a man come inside of her, to reduce the suffering of constantly being turned on, and whatever caused Jake to become extremely aroused when Katie was, they had very little choice. It seemed like Jake's body reacted instinctively to Katie's, his apparent arousal growing with hers until they lost control. Inside Katie's mind, Kyle screamed in protest each time he fucked his best friend. A scream that would fade session after session, new feeling building inside that Kyle was unaware of. Suzie was still woefully ignorant to what was happening while she was gone, but she was otherwise occupied. These days she looked terrible, if Kyle had to guess, she looked to be pushing in on her late 50s. Deep bags under her eyes, cracks and veins throughout her translucently pale skin, her hair a mix of various purple strands, and her eyes... Generally Kyle avoided looking into her eyes, afraid of the next thing she would tell him. When she decided that Katie should be a cheerleader at school was the last time he took a peek, and he remembered what greeted him perfectly. Once upon a time Suzie had deep hazel eyes, these days she displayed a swirl of purple and crimson, the whites of her eyes tainted a faded yellow to match her teeth. The uglyness inside had finally spread to the outside, but he would never say anything, less he wind up turning into some sort of pocket pussy... And these days he didn't feel far off. He still visited the club on weekend nights, as much as he hated doing so, but he usually wound up hanging out with his bouncer-friend Bobby. He never seemed to judge her like the people at school did, and Kyle liked that. Katie never seemed to mind being judged anyway, the insinuations of being a slut only seemed to empower her will to do so. Kyle really enjoyed watching the new strippers at this place, if he knew nightclubs had girls like these, he might have even come here when he was still a guy. They danced so erotically, their bodies even put Katie's to shame. They always wore such seductive expressions on their painted faces, and when they weren't dancing you could usually catch one of them fucking one of their fans in the corner. She flirted, she danced, she even gave head in the bathroom once, but she never went home with any of these men. It was late one night and she was just finishing up her smoke, when she heard a car pull into the driveway of her house. It was hard to tell in the dark, but it looked like a police cruiser. She watched as two cops eventually stepped out. Both men were tall and decently built, judging by the size of the outlines approaching her. ------ Katie ------ "Good evening miss-" declared one of the cops, eyeballing the cigarette in my right hand "- I'm Officer Kelly, are your parents home?" "Umm, yeah. Hang on a sec" was my response as I put out the cigarette and made my way inside, both cops standing in the open doorway. I was just about to go get Jake when he came into view. "There are like two cops here" I declared to him as they stepped inside. "Can I help you officers?" asked Jake in a respectful tone. "I'm Officer Kelly and this is my partner Officer Crystal, we're looking for a missing person and maybe you can help us." Jake began to open his mouth when from behind him came "We hadn't seen anyone Officers," it was the raspy voice of Suzie and boy was she looking terrible. Both officers glared at her for a moment before Officer Kelly began again, "the person in question is a Mr. Kyle Stevenson, and he was last seen walking to your place of residence on September 28th. That was over three weeks ago." "Kyle?" began Jake before Suzie cut in, "Yes, that asshole got into a huge fight with my husband here before he left, and Jake hasn't talked to him since. Isn't that right honey?" "Yeah but..." began Jake again, not know how to finish. I wanted nothing more to tell these officers everything that had happened, to warn them about what dangers they were walking into, but I could only stand there quiet as I watched the events unfold. "Be that as it may miss, we're still going to need to ask you a few questions. Hopefully you can help us locate Mr. Stevenson, since you were the last known destination before his disappearance." "Honey, why don't you go give Mark a bath while I HELP these officers" commanded Suzie to Jake. I watched in anger as he obeyed, the look of remorse on his face as he was banished from the livingroom, my stomach doing cartwheels at the knowledge that my best friend still cared about me. "Now officers-" the bitch continued "-Kelly and Crystal did you say?" "Yes mam" nodded the partner, they had no idea what they were getting into. I wanted so badly to tell them to run, they seemed like such nice people. A purple aura radiated from Suzie as she spoke, a deepness in her raspy voice that wasn't there a moment ago, both police officers showing signs of confused fear. "You two will stay there and not move until I'm done with you." "I can't move Kelly!" yelled the partner cop, the fear spreading further across both officers faces as they took in what was happening. "What the hell is going on!" declared the other officer. "Firstly: The police, hell the Government will forget all about Kyle. As far as you are all concerned, he never existed, and neither did I" declared Suzie, sending a mix of confusion in with the fear expressed on the officers' faces. "Secondly: I need to do something about you two. Hmm, Officers Kelly and Crystal... Those sound like stripper names" she said mockingly, a broad smile spreading across her cracked and translucent face. I watched in pitty as they changed. Both officers were shrinking, their features softening as their mass shifted around. As they changed, so too did their clothes. The blue-black pants of the uniform began to rip in thousands of places at once, oddly contrasting with the diminishing of their legs. As the once-tucked-in shirts of each officer grew in length, the tearing pants continued dissolving until they formed pairs of black fishnet stockings. "What the fuck is happening!" screamed one of the former officers in a high soprano voice. The button-up shirt stopped elongating as it reached just past their plumping asses. The belt on their wastes tightening as the shirts shrank to fit their new hourglass figures. Their bodies were now small and thin, with exception to their asses and thighs, but the changes were far from over. Suzie was in a fit of deep laughter now as the finishing touches took hold. The faces of the two women standing here now were taken right out of a porno. Over plump lips, large lashy eyes, defined cheek bones and small noses. One of them even had a piercing in her right nostral, but both of them wore a thick layer of makeup, making it nearly impossible to see the eyes behind the thick lashes. Even in panic, their faces oozed sensuality, large earrings dangling from their ears, long hair spreading its way down their neck and upper backs. Their police hats shrinking slightly as their entire uniforms became a few shades lighter. The boots now reached their knees as high heels sprung from the bottoms, their bodies raising up a few inches in response, both of them nearly losing balance in the process. As they arched their backs, a few buttons flew from the tops of their elongated, form-fitting shirts, in response to the rapid growth of their chests. In no time both officers were replaced with two extremely sexy stripper cops. Both of them wore the same heavy makeup, the same slutty cop outfits with fishnet stockings, they even both sported the same platinum-blonde color of hair. With the spell completed, both girls were able to move again, and continued freaking out as they checked themselves over before turning on Suzie. "What did you do you fucking witch, change us back!" declared Officer Kelly as she reached into her gun belt. Suzie's laugh became manic as Kelly pulled out a large black dildo with a gun handle, the expression on her face of mingled fear and confusion. "Don't worry girls, you'll use those soon enough. You two are going to go back to the station and give them quite a show you see, and you will never speak of what happened here. Any time you talk from now on, you will say something an erotic cop stripper would say, and you will act on it." Officer Crystal then turned to her partner with a plan in mind and in a sexy tone she declared "You've been a bad girl." The look of horror in her eyes made Suzie lean forward a bit to watch Crystal walk over and lock into a passionate makeout session with her partner. Both girls continued their making out as they walked to the cop car, Suzie closing the door behind them before turning to face me, a wide grin on her terrible face. "So, you've been here for close to a month now Kyle, I mean Katie" she began, her gaze causing me to back into the wall. "Tell me, have you had your period yet?" "What? Of course not, I..." I began before I realized what she was asking, my eyes widened in horror. "You slutty little girl, it seems like you're pregnant, I wonder who the father is. Do you even know?" Her question was obviously rhetorical and I didn't answer, I was lost in thought. I couldn't be pregnant, I just couldn't! All those times with Sean, we used protection, we avoided... No, it couldn't be true... It just couldn't be... Jake's. But deep down inside I knew it had to be. I apparently caught Suzie off guard when I instinctively placed my right hand on my stomach. Her wide smile disappeared as she did the same thing, and I looked at her, really looked at her for the first time since she changed me. There was no bump, there were no signs of pregnancy at all. Of all the evil she's done she paid for it equally with her beauty and her unborn child, and somewhere deep inside, I pittied her. She knew very well what had happened, and she just stood there feeling her non-bump. I took this opportunity to retreat into my bedroom, I slammed the door and sat myself on the bed, both hands on my belly now. I tried to look down, to see if I could notice anything, but my view was blocked off by the mountain of cleavage before me. She was lying, I couldn't be pregnant, I just couldn't be... but if that was true, why hadn't I had my cycle yet? That was one thing I feared the most, I had no idea what it would feel like or how to brace for it, but pregnancy... And the worst part was that I knew who the father was. Without thinking I stood up and grabbing my purse, I made my way downstairs. I walked past Suzie without even a glance in her direction, or I would've noticed the malicious grin on her face and the glow of her ring. I trotted out the front door, slamming it behind me. I didn't hear anything Suzie was saying, my emotions were snowballing out of control and I had to calm myself down. I dug into my purse and pulled out a long cigarette, somewhere I knew I shouldn't be doing this but I did anyway, and I knew that it was because of that bitch's curse. ------- Suzie ------- Part of me cared that I lost the baby, part of me felt remorse for those two officers I had just turned into strippers, but it was a small part. Little by little, I stopped caring about mundane things, the only things that mattered were power and sowing chaos for my own amusement. I laughed a sinister laugh as I thought of Kyle being pregnant, the thoughts of him turned into a slut still amused me, but there was more to my plan. I looked down at my ring as I thought, taking a moment before deciding on the next fun step in Katie's life. "From now on she will be compelled to act the way she has been, but she will no longer be forced to. Everything she does will be of her own free will" I whispered romantically to my ring, that should be fun. Watching her act like a slut, doing everything she hated about me, and all of it being her own free will. I didn't make her so compelled that she wouldn't have a choice, but I made them strong enough that she would likely choose to continue. I giggled at the prospects and then thought more on her pregnancy. "No matter what, I want nothing to interfere with her pregnancy. And I want the baby's father to fall deeply in love with her." There, now he can have his own Andy to deal with, take that asshole. Before I was finished I had a brilliant idea on top of everything. "I don't want her to be able to keep this a secret. I also want her to keep cheerleading and going to school." This should be fun! I can't wait to see pregnant Kyle jumping around in a cheerleader uniform, or trying to dance at the night club, or being chased around by that little bastard's father. I simply loved watching all of my creations in play. ~flashback~ Yesterday afternoon I spent watching the two girls from the nightclub go at it, my ring making me seem invisible to anyone I decided to look upon. Carla and Debbie were their names, and Carla was now sporting an enormous cock, of which Debbie would be forced to always service. I willed them to go out into public often, and it was so gratifying to watch them fuck eachother in plain sight. I fed off of their humiliation as Carla took Debbie doggie-style at the fountain in the mall. Both of them crying with each thrust, Debbie on all fours humping back on Carla's huge cock, as Carla reached around to fondle Debbie's breasts. That day at the mall was so much fun. I remember running into Amy and boy did she look a mess, she looked like some low-rate prostitute, and judging by her company, she was. She barely acknowledged me as she walked into the parking lot, her arm around the waist of a scrawny hispanic man. I also passed a woman breast feeding her baby on a mall bench, her barely-B-cup breast exposed all but the nipple. I giggled to myself as her tits grew, soon each of them were the size of her head. I wasn't able to catch her response, for that moment two men watched by, gazing intentlly. "Boy would I like some of that" declared the moustached one to his friend, and I was happy to help. Before he knew what happened, his button-up shirt burst apart as a matching pair of tits bounced out of his chest. "What the fuck!" was his only response as he reached up to cover them, his hands barely covering the nipples. I almost fell over in amusement as his giant tits stuck out, milk suddenly leaking from each of them every time he touched them. When he moved his hands away the leaking stopped, but as soon as anything touched them they began spraying milk. His friend looked at him, a mix of amusement and concern on his face, and I had just the solution. As I walked away to check on my other creations, I looked back to see a tiny version of boob-man's friend in a diaper, sucking the milk out of his friend's overlarged tits. Both of them now depended on eachother, if boob-man didn't get milked he would suffer some extreme swelling pains, and the only nourishment his friend could get was his milk, and both of them knew that. Afterward I checked up on the couple whos argument I helped settle. After overhearing a stupid argument I decided to swap their bodies, and with a little fun in mind I forced both of them to act however the body they were in would normally act, with a catch. Both of them had a tripple increase in their sex drive. As I made my way up their driveway I could hear bickering again, rounding the corner I could see the pretty brunette's body yelling with a cigarette in her hand, a sheepish yet defiant look on the face of the handsome man's face. "I thought you quit smoking!" declared the young woman, putting the cigarette in her mouth and taking a puff. "I'm sorry-" begged the man "-but you gotta admit, it's pretty sexy." "Sexy! It smells disgusting!" cried the woman, well this wasn't any fun. "I only did it when I was stressed, you need to relax" explained the man, his hands in his pockets the whole time, trying to hide his erection. "Well that's just great, first we're somehow stuck like this, and now I have to pick up all of your dirty habits" whined the woman, this bickering was getting boring. With a little nudge from my magic ring, I helped the situation along a little. Her posture changing to that of a relaxed seductiveness, she strolled over and placed her hands around the neck of the young man, a look of surprise in his eyes. "What are you doing Jim?" asked the young man. "I have a better idea to help with the stress" explained the woman, and they proceeded inside. Judging by the way they reacted to this, they didn't even bother having sex, even with the increased libido they avoided it, pretty impressive. I made sure that she would act out every one of his sexual fantasies any time he started to argue, take that Dr. Phil. I watched them go at it for the rest of the night, a confused tension in the man's face, but he didn't fight it. No matter who was inside their head, a man's body still apparently thought with their dick. ~ ~ I snapped back to my senses as I looked up. Somehow during my daydream I had moved into the livingroom, how long was I out? The last thing I could really remember was a knock on the door, then some weird erotic daydream, and now I was sitting in front of the TV. The whole house was extremely dark, I must've been here for a while. Did I fall asleep watching a porno? On my TV screen stood these two women, strippers dressed like erotic cops to be exact. Something about them seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember why, maybe I've seen this before. "My partner here has been a bad girl" declared one blonde, as the other put her finger in her mouth. The speaking stripper pulled out her night stick as I watched, and after handcuffing her 'partner', she began to fuck her with it. None of the officers made a move as both girls began an erotic dance, slowly removing an article of clothing and displaying their parts to the world. First were the big fake tits, then they opened their pussies for the world to see. Soon the entire department was in on it, one blonde bent over to suck a cock as another cop took her from behind. The other was riding an officer on the floor like a pogo stick, both hands working at jerking two others off while she took turns sucking on the tips. This really turned me on and after a while I thought of Jake, maybe I could wake him up. Getting up and walking upstairs I felt strange, I was slightly hunched over and couldn't stand up straight, my legs felt sore with every step. Walking past the bathroom something caught my eye, but it didn't register at first. I turned for a second look and after turning on the light, I let out a gasp of terror. Staring back at me in the window was what looked like a mummified woman, skin pulled tight to show every bone in her body, cracks and veins spread all over her wide-eyed face. Her eyes were tinted yellow and her teeth were the same color, a familiar deep hazel staring back at me. Oh my fucking god, this wasn't a window, this was a mirror... This was me! I combed my hands through the purple hair, and as I did a chunk of it came out, a noticible patch from where I had just combed. I was in shock, or I would have been crying. What happened to me? I looked down at my ring and remembered that morning in the bathroom, the dark circles under my eyes, the grays in my hair, it had to be this ring. I only used it a few times though, everything I did to Kyle, which he deserved, and the changes to the house and Jake. Omigod Jake! What would he think when he saw me. "I want Jake to accept any changes made by the ring as normal" I declared in a panicked whisper, and the ring glowed. A few strands of hair fell out and a brown spot appeared on my cheek as the glow subsided. I needed to get rid of this thing before it killed me. I tugged at it over and over, but it wouldn't budge. This thing was a part of me now and no matter what I did, I couldn't get it off. "Just...fucking...great" I growled, tugging at the ring over and over. Around the tenth tug a purple shock exploded from the ring, burning my hand. Suddenly, whispers began to flood my thoughts. "It's only a matter of time...", "you will be with us...", "this is your destiny...", "play with us more..." I couldn't take it, I covered my ears and shook my head, I wanted to drown out the voices but they persisted. The last thing I saw when I looked into the mirror was the glow of the swirling purple and red eyes, and the evil toothy grin smiling back at me in the mirror. To be continued...

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An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who’d exceeded their expectations. Chapter 1 In late spring the Mornington Daily News reported at length the death of the Duke of Beaulieu in the county of Hampshire, England, aged eighty-seven. The obituary was noted with considerable relief in the small city of Mornington-on-Test...

1 year ago
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Carrington Mansion Ch 02

An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this chapter Kitty and Hayden finally meet and do a bit of verbal fencing. * Chapter 2 When heading to Mornington City in the Midwest, Hayden Carrington called on close kin in New York for three hours. His aunts and female cousins were agog that...

2 years ago
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Carrington Mansion Ch 05

An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this final chapter Kitty delivers everything to Hayden and he performs as the stallion she desires after she agrees to his proposal. Chapter 5 Returning from Chicago next day, Kitty waited outside the airport and watched the 1976 ex-Army Land Rover...

3 years ago
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Carrington Mansion Ch 03

An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this chapter a misunderstanding about unachieved sexual connection between Hayden Carrington and Kitty is resolved. Chapter 3 Kitty flopped on her bed, kicked off her shoes and swore in frustration. Angry at Hayden’s odd behavior and feeling...

2 years ago
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Carrington Mansion Ch 04

An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this chapter Kitty’s character-forming youth is detailed and Hayden begins thinking about her beyond her vulva. Chapter 4 Annoyed at the arrogance of Hayden, Kitty pounded seven miles of sidewalk that evening trying to get her head around him. Just...

1 year ago
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Bringer of Dreams

Two men waited on the small ridge ahead of the traveler. Once they knew they had been spotted they slowly climbed down from their striders and moved to take several bundles from the pack strider they had with them. Slowly advancing they also motioned for the female to dismount. Spreading a large tanned hide on the ground they then placed on it several small bundles before opening the cloth to show what was inside. Fresh fruits and vegetables such as were not normally seen in this arid region....

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

3 years ago
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Encountering the EnergistsChapter 4 Another Brick in the Wall Part 1 thru Part2

Time Irrelevant: Within the Energists' Universe After reviewing the events surrounding my funeral and that rejuvenating period of rest with Kaleigh, I was once again ready to jump back into instructing the Energists. I performed a quick review of all the concepts I had previously helped the Energists acquire on this journey towards their becoming individual physical beings. Not surprisingly, all the Energists were able to articulate a solid grasp of that material. Several of the more daring...

2 years ago
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Ring on the Changes

This story was custom written to Circe's specifications as a prize for my fourth story contest. Ring on the Changes By Morpheus The Dragon's Trove was located in an old, red brick building, with a large window in the front that had a carefully painted picture of a dragon wrapped around a large pile of books on it. Within the used bookstore, only half of it was filled with the books that the sign represented and more than half of these were of the science fiction or fantasy genre,...

1 year ago
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Springfield Is Burning

SPRINGFIELD IS BURNING (a SIMPSONS fan fiction) by Laika Pupkino ############ ############ Bicycling across a deserted public park on her way home from school in the gloom of an October afternoon, a young schoolgirl is confronted by three bullies. They block her path suddenly, so that she is forced to slam on her brakes. For someone as intelligent as she is, this child can be surprisingly naive. She assumes that other people will be as good-natured as her, or that they'll at...

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Ring of Bales

There were twenty carefully screened guests in attendance on the first night at our new location.  That was several years ago.  Now, of course, there would be many more – we call them members now – and that original arena, that ring of bales in the barn, would be too small to hold them.  But those original twenty guests, fourteen men and six women, still speak in hushed tones about the spectacle they were privileged to witness that first night.We had set up the presentation area with straw...

2 years ago
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Ring of Justice

Kevin Joiner is on the run, wanted for multiple counts of violence and rape on women over the last three weeks; in a shoot-out he was shot twice in the abdomen and is now bleeding profusely. Trying to move as fast and stealthy as he can with his sustained injuries he ducks down a little side alley, not far behind he can hear the sound of police shouting and further back dogs, he knew he needed to get find an escape route and soon. Looking around, he noticed a shop he hadn't seen...

2 years ago
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Ring World Part I

Anubis Reborn As to ‘the Great Council which is at the judging of the dead’: they are Thoth, Osiris, Anubis, and Isdes. -Egyptian Book of the Dead Squeezing the ice-blue gel onto his fingertips, Brian looked into the mirror as he spread the gel between his hands. Running fingers through his blonde streaked russet hair in a rapid, erratic motion, he sculpted the short cropped locks into the slight spike that he normally wore. A smile crossed his lips as he ran his hand under the...

3 years ago
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Mentoring By Beverley Anne Miles I couldn't believe my ears! "Sorry. What was that again?" I asked the pretty girl sitting next to me. "I said 'I absolutely love sucking cock'!" said Krystal. What can you say when you finally get to be alone with the girl you've lusted after for years, and the first thing she says to you is that she's a cocksucker? I tried to be nonchalant about it; it seemed like pretty good news to me. "Any particular reason why?" I prompted. "Let me...

1 year ago
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Ring of Truth Blog

Ring of Truth by obohobo Warnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly writtenfor adults only. MF MC. If you are underage or offended by such material -or- if viewing this fileis illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwiseis purely coincidental, etc. Copyright 2005 Prologue After finding the Ring of Truth and learning a little of its...

4 years ago
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Ring of TruthBlog 2 The origin of the ring

13th July 2004 I arrived home at nine o'clock, Dad was watching a big football match on TV and from his thoughts, I knew he was totally engrossed in it so I went to my room and took out the little book that came with the ring. The pages were seer and brown and, apart from the title page, the writing spidery and microscopic in size. Even with a magnifying glass it was difficult to read and it was only when I tried my X10 hand-lens that I could make out the words fairly clearly but with that...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Ring of Desire

„Oh, this one's pretty nice!” My breathing was becoming more and more irregular with every second. I could feel the pleasure inside of me building up, slowly. I hadn't blinked for multiple minutes already and I could feel my eyes starting to hurt a bit, but I wasn't able to stop. My left hand was practically moving on its own, trained from years of experience, while my right remained exactly where it was and didn't move an inch apart from very slight, pleasure-induced twitches. My left hand...

Mind Control
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Ring in my nose

"Come, Snothead", Miss Luslayla commands me. I go on my hands and knees obediently, naked as usual. Reaching the black girl, who is relaxing comfortably in an armchair, i kiss her feet. She kicks me slightly in the face, and i kiss her kicking foot again. She is smoking thoughtfully. "Listen, Snothead."The humiliating name Snothead used to be just mockery, but now it is my official name. One-word names are allowed since Wimbian legislation restored slavery in the country. After that i got...

4 years ago
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Ring of Reality

Simon found the ring in a storm drain, half buried under decomposing leaves, discolored cigarette butts, and disintegrating paper bags and cups and other trash. He was waiting for the train to take him home after a long afternoon of accomplishing very little and the ring's glint caught his eye as he disinterestedly surveyed the gutters. He picked it out of the foul, rotten mess without a thought and slipped it into his pants pocket. The light winter rain washed the brown filth away...

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Shearing shed

Emily feels free. She has left her warm woolen underpants and stockings on her bed in the cosy loft above the barn. Now she feels the chilly breeze curling up under the thick woolen skirt and ruffles the blond wool of her thick pubic hair as she strides. Morning sunlight radiates on her face as she steps on long frosty grass, her boots crunching on patches of ice and snow. Over the west of the farm rises a formidable small mountain dotted with huge standing boulders, a secretive sacred place...

2 years ago
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Shearing Time

Shearing Time By Lindsay It was shearing time, thousands of sheep in the space of days would be moved through the yards, herded into pens, hauled across the boards and stripped of their fleeces. Sweaty shearers would curse and swear as they manhandled the sheep into place, rousies darted about sweeping the trimmings off the board, throwing the fleeces on the sorting table. The hum and buzz of the machines was constant, the clank of the press as wool was compressed into bales, ready...

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Introduction Its several years since I lost the writing bug. My Power Broker Series was reasonably successful, but frankly I ran out of ideas. I might revisit the Power Broker universe at some stage, but in the meantime, here is another universe to get your teeth into. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex.If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upset you, do not read any further. Lifestyle Restructuring - Profits...

1 year ago
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Ring of Truth Lies

Truth and Lies; two abstract concepts that plague every sentient life form capable of any form of communication. In response, two rings came into existence. The Ring of Truth. A simple band of 100% pure gold studded with a single flawless amethyst. As long as they have a soul, whoever wears it will have their spoken and written words become the truth. Only the one wearing the ring will remember the old reality. Everyone and everything else will accept it as the truth. Suppose they were to say...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Ring of TruthBlog 1 Finding the ring

12th July 2004 "I promised Mrs. McCready you would help her move into her new house. You don't mind do you Derek?" It was typical of my mother to volunteer me without asking first. "But I planned on going over to Sandswick this afternoon mother," I protested. "Oh there'll be plenty of times you can go there. You've still two months left before you start work and the woman really needs someone strong to help her clear all the old stuff from poor Miss Read's old house. Finish your...

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Cornering By Dimelza Cassidy Synopsis: It's all about going in slow and coming out fast. 'What do I do?' I thought, sitting behind the steering wheel of my car, in the parking lot at the headquarters of Southern State Bank. Anthony Mitchell and the powers that be at Southern State Bank had offered me my dream job. It was exactly the one I had lusted after since entering the management-trainee program at Merchants, Farmers, and Machinists Bank after obtaining my MBA. Not only...

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Mentoring My Trainee Ch 01

This story is the grey area between reality and imagination. Some of it happened, some, I wish had happened. This being my maiden attempt, it would take some time to reach the sexual content. Also, the category would shift as my story proceeds – it could be Loving Wife or Erotic Coupling. As of now, I begin my Romance! ‘Beautiful!’ I murmured, half-aloud, looking at her, my lovely student. Her back was turned to me, as she wrote some detail on the white-board about the study material...

3 years ago
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Ring Of Truth 3

[ If the theme of interracial sex disturbs you, read no further! ]I'd taken off the cock ring that I'd promised Brother Dexter I would wear as often as I could. I had showered, and as I toweled off, my wife walked in."Hey," she said with a smile. "How are you doing?""I'm good," I replied.She didn't reply.When I was finished drying off, and I'd hung up the damp towel, I picked up the black cock ring, that I'd laid on the edge of the sink while I'd showered. My wife watched me as I rinsed it with...

1 year ago
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stuttering Jeremy

‘Hey! How’s my favorite nephew?’ I ask, bending at the waist to make sure he gets a good look at my tits as I lean over the chaise lounge and give him a big kiss on the cheek. My white, flower-print bikini can barely contain my well-developed breasts, which is why I chose to wear it this afternoon. ‘Aunt S-S-S-Sara,’ Jeremy stutters as his eyes bulge out towards my tanned globes, hanging just inches from his face. As I stand up, I can’t help but notice that his eyes aren’t the only things that...

2 years ago
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stuttering Jeremy

"Hey! How's my favorite nephew?" I ask, bending at the waist to make sure he gets a good look at my tits as I lean over the chaise lounge and give him a big kiss on the cheek. My white, flower-print bikini can barely contain my well-developed breasts, which is why I chose to wear it this afternoon."Aunt S-S-S-Sara," Jeremy stutters as his eyes bulge out towards my tanned globes, hanging just inches from his face. As I stand up, I can't help but notice that his eyes aren't the only things that...

4 years ago
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Soaring Eagle Stolen Love

As he and I steel away from the wagon train camp, we quietly leave as he had come. I was chilled, excited where he would take me. Little did I know he was a great warrior among his people. We rode many long hours before we came to a cave hidden within a great wall, where he led his palomino on foot. For the night he built a fire to warm the cave. He gently wrapped a very soft blanket around my shoulders. My eyes followed him as he prepared our bed for the night. We ate, then to my...

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Rings of Fate

THE RINGS OF FATE "David, I'm going to the mall, keep your eye on Susie?" mother called up the stairs. "O.K. mum," I called back, my heart rate picking up. As soon as she was out the door I searched through her bedroom for the rings that I'd seen her and dad use. Dad was an archaeologist, he had obtained these rings from an Arabian associate, they were very, very special. "Where are they?" I searched frantically until I came across the ornate little wooden box in dad's...

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Ring of TruthBlog 9 Kathleens ordeal

September 22nd 2004 The university was again in full swing. I'd started my research project, which was a continuation of the work I did for my doctorate. Now though I had a PhD student under me. He is a sporty type so we don't have much in common socially but he is fairly clued up on the work we have to do. Much of it is routine, mundane stuff. Setting up an experiment and seeing and recording the result on a database. Then repeating it twice to check the results only to find they were...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

3 years ago
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stuttering Jeremy 2

‘I don’t know Jenny,’ I say. ‘We’re talking borderline i****t here. I’m just helping him overcome his stuttering,’ I insist but she’s not dissuaded. ‘Seriously, Sara, you can’t send him out there to blow his top as soon as he touches something wet and warm … you’ve got to help get him ready,’ she says. ‘Who else can do it?’ she asks, taking my hand and pleading with her eyes. ‘Please, Sara.’ ‘I’ll do what I can,’ I promise, my pussy excited at the prospect of teaching Jeremy about sex. ‘This...

4 years ago
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stuttering Jeremy 2

"I don't know Jenny," I say. "We're talking borderline i****t here. I'm just helping him overcome his stuttering," I insist but she's not dissuaded."Seriously, Sara, you can't send him out there to blow his top as soon as he touches something wet and warm ... you've got to help get him ready," she says. "Who else can do it?" she asks, taking my hand and pleading with her eyes. "Please, Sara.""I'll do what I can," I promise, my pussy excited at the prospect of teaching Jeremy about sex."This...

2 years ago
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Rings of Trust The Test

The Test By Elliot Reid "It's a test, Mark," said Amy. "A test?" I looked at my girlfriend, eyebrows raised. "What, a compatibility test or something?" "Something like that." Amy was seated on the bed, nude, cocking her head to one side, gauging my reactions. "We've been going out for a year and you said you wanted to take it to the next stage and I guess this is where we test whether that's going to work or not." "This magic will do that?" I looked at the pair of rings...

3 years ago
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...Alley stroked his hard member, and watched it harden even more... Mr. Roberts' groans encouraged her to further explore. One hand was stroking, while the other hand really was exploring, near his sac. Upon reaching his balls, she felt his hand push her long hair behind her ear then lift her chin so he could see her face. Alley," he gasped. "Alley... I... I... " BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! She slammed her hand down on the annoying alarm clock, shutting it off, and cursed it in her head. He was...

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Humoring Me

Had it been a week? Yes a whole freaking damn week. Ugh. Why was he so reserved when he had family or friends over? Why didn’t he want me to be over when he had company? I didn't know, but at least he was consistent over the last three years we had been dating. Back up, rewind. Yes, three years dating and we still weren’t living together, a choice made by both of us. It seemed to work except in situations like this, when it had been at least a week or seemingly more since I had his nice hard...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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Remembering times with Ricky Part2

*** ( Please note words in brackets are a translation for american readers where I think required) My tongue dipped and lapped along Ricky's tight arse cleft. the bitter sweet tang urging me to lap deeper with Ricky urging me on.. “ Dig your tongue in....suck my shit.....oooo....oh sheesh....!” I pushed a little lower as he lifted his arse causing a fine pair of balls to hang down and invite me to suck them and I reached through to a warm throbbing penis or was it a cock ,what ever name you...

1 year ago
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Ring on Pants off

“Higher. Slower. Harder. Oh, right there. Harder. Faster. Oh yeah. Yes. Yes. Yes!”“Jax, you’re gonna make me…”“Keep going. Don’t stop. I need this so bad. Make me cum again. Please, Kev.”Balancing on Kevin’s bed on my knees and my elbows, buck naked except for the sparkling band on my left ring finger, I thrust my hips back, driving my fiancé’s cock deeper into my gushing slit. Kevin drilled inside me, swiveling his pelvis to graze every nerve in my canal, savoring every stroke, our skin...

Straight Sex
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Ring Stars

Welcome to Ring ☆Stars where you wrestle various different types of female wrestlers in various arenas. These characters do come from various games such as Dead or Alive, Wrestle Angels, and Street Fighter! You start off as a Rookie Male Wrestler, who has pretty much close to no experience with wrestling at all. He has been recruited up by one of the Top Pro Wrestlers in the business, Mighty Yukiko. Your Goal is to Make it past your 1st Year in the Company, Ring ☆Stars. There will be times when...

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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

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Rings of Trust Tricked

Rings of Trust: Tricked "You have to come over after school today, dude," I told my best friend Carl. He looked skeptical. "You're high, Tim," he said flatly. I had just told him about this pair of rings my crazy cousin had given me. "Where'd Paul say he'd found those rings again? Seriously? A gypsy? I mean, that's so insanely cliched my head should explode." "I know," I agreed blandly. "But... that's what he said." "Because he was addicted to turning himself into a superhero?" Carl...

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Rings of Trust Tricked

Rings of Trust: Tricked "You have to come over after school today, dude," I told my best friend Carl. He looked skeptical. "You're high, Tim," he said flatly. I had just told him about this pair of rings my crazy cousin had given me. "Where'd Paul say he'd found those rings again? Seriously? A gypsy? I mean, that's so insanely cliched my head should explode." "I know," I agreed blandly. "But... that's what he said." "Because he was addicted to turning himself into a superhero?"...

2 years ago
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Katie Lusts Her Father PART2


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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

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