Lenta Feminizacion free porn video

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Mi lenta feminizaci?n (Por Adrianaxd) Esta es una historia ficticia Despues de una penosa y larga enfermedad mi padre finalmente murio, su c?ncer nos dejo sin dinero y adem?s con muchas deudas, yo solo tenia 9 a?os y la situaci?n econ?mica de la casa era a?n desconocida para mi, mi madre no hablaba de los problemas conmigo, solo hablaba de cosas alegres para no preocuparme, ella hab?a estudiado solo hasta Comercio y hab?a trabajado como secretaria en un banco, fue ah? donde conoci? a mi padre pero cuando se cas? dejo de laborar y solo se dedico a las tareas de la casa, ella ten?a habilidades con la costura pues elaboraba su ropa y la m?a, as? que decidi? abrir un negocio como costurera, lo cual con la ayuda de las vecinas pudo tener ocupaci?n elaborando prendas que vestir y arreglos para la ropa de amigos que luego se convirtieron en sus clientes habituales. Fue as? como Mam? pudo hacerse de recursos para sostenernos y para pagar mi colegio al que asist?a por las ma?anas, un d?a una vecina le presento a mi madre a un hombre que tenia una tienda de ropa, el quer?a que Mam? elaborara algunas prendas femeninas como blusas y vestidos y afirmaba que si los modelos gustaban los pedidos se incrementar?an por lo que mama accedi? e inicio trabajando arduamente hasta altas horas de la madrugada, las prendas empezaron a venderse bien y los pedidos se incrementaron por lo que mama decidi? contratarse a una chica llamada Ana que le ayudara con la m?quina de coser, la chica era muy bonita, tenia unos 19 a?os y era amable y muy trabajadora, entre las dos pudieron cumplir con los encargos y el negocio creci?. Yo segui en el colegio por las ma?anas y por las tardes ayudaba con la limpieza y algunas tareas de la casa y el negocio, al terminar mis tareas mama me permit?a salir a jugar con mis amigos y ver televisi?n. Mi primer encuentro con las prendas femeninas sucedi? una tarde en que mam? hab?a salido a entregar algunos pedidos y Ana me llam? para que le hiciera un favor, ella quer?a que me pusiera un vestido que le hab?an encargado pero yo me negu?, sin embargo Ana insisti? argumentando que el vestido era para una chica de mi tama?o y necesitaba coser la bastilla, serian solo unos minutos por lo que finalmente decid? ayudar y me lo puse, ella se puso feliz y cuando me puse el vestido, unas calcetas y unos zapatos que ana me presto, comenz? a trabajar en ?l, ella sonriendo me comento "Mirate Adrian, te queda perfecto, pasar?as muy bien como una chica y nadie sabria que no lo eres", yo me sonroje y no dije nada mientras ella segu?a con su aguja e hilo cosiendo, yo solo pude decirle que hiciera su trabajo lo m?s r?pido posible pues no quer?a que mis amigos o mama me viera con esa ropa, en eso Mam? entro a la habitaci?n y al verme solo sonri? diciendo "Que bueno que estas dispuesto a ayudarnos Adrian, te lo agradezco mucho", sus palabras me desconcertaron pues no hizo ning?n comentario de c?mo me ve?a as? que ya no me sent? mal por estar con un vestido puesto. Este episodio empez? a repetirse con m?s frecuencia, cada vez que alguien le encargaba a mama alguna prenda de ni?a, yo me convert?a en el maniqu?, al grado de que mis salidas a jugar con amigos cada vez se hicieron menos frecuentes dado que los pedidos se incrementaron. Un d?a reclame a mama dici?ndole que ya no quer?a ponerme vestidos, que me daba mucha verguenza y que no pod?a salir a jugar con mis amigos, mama me respondi?, "Mira Adrian nosotras necesitamos a alguien que nos ayude y si debo pagarle a alguien pero en estos tiempos no tengo dinero suficiente para hacerlo, mejor te ofrezco algo de dinero para ti pero deber?s ayudarnos con el trabajo no solo con modelar ropa" Mis ojos se abrieron y el inter?s de recibir dinero me animo a preguntar "Si accedo yo a hacer ese trabajo ?Cu?nto me pagar?as? " Mam? sonrio y me dijo Te ofrezco $25.00 pesos diarios por 5 horas de trabajo" yo quede paralizado, mama solo me daba 5 pesos diarios para gasto en la escuela y ahora me ofrecia 5 veces mas asi que sin pensarlo accedi a mi nuevo empleo, Pronto mam? decidi? que yo deb?a aprender a coser y sin mas remedio Ana empez? a ense?arme y ponerme algunas tareas, al principio fue dif?cil sobre todo coser a mano, pero con la m?quina de coser se me facilito mas, en 3 meses ya pod?a tomar medidas, cortar tela y coser, empez? a gustarme pero sent?a verg?enza de que alg?n amigo de la escuela se enterara, le ped? a mama que mi m?quina de coser y mis herramientas de costura se pusieran en mi cuarto donde nadie podr?a verme asi tambi?n estar?a lejos de los ojos de la clientela. El taller de mama se especializo solo en prendas femeninas, asi que yo ya hacia blusas, faldas, vestidos, pantalones y sacos, todo lo que elaboraba de mi tama?o me ped?an que lo modelara antes de entregarse al cliente asi que casi todas las tardes me pon?a vestidos o minifaldas y blusas, ya era algo habitual y no me daba pena, lo ve?a como un trabajo que ayudaba a Mam?. Una tarde Mama me llamo a su habitaci?n y me dijo "Adrian, se que has hecho un esfuerzo maravilloso ayud?ndonos con el trabajo y con el modelaje de las prendas pero ahora quiero pedirte un enorme favor", yo le pregunte de que se trataba y me dijo "Muchas de nuestras clientes quieren ver la prenda puesta en un modelo antes de llev?rsela, pues muchas de ellas quieren escoger lo que mejor les parezca para sus hijas, o bien ya cuando compraron regresan a solicitar una modificaci?n, algunas clientes traen a sus hijas y aqu? mismo hacemos el arreglo pero otras prefieren verlas puestas en alguien y aprobarlas antes, as? que te pedir?a que modelaras algunas prendas frente a las clientes para su aprobaci?n", yo le dije "Pero Mama yo soy un chico y me dar?a verg?enza que alguien me vea en vestidos", ella contesto "Lo s? Adrian por eso te estoy pidiendo tu ayuda, Ana y yo podr?amos comprarte alguna peluca, zapatos, sosten y medias para que nadie sepa que eres un chico, te prometo que con alg?n maquillaje nadie sabra nunca que lo eres y podr?amos asi satisfacer a nuestros clientes, el negocio va creciendo y te prometo que en cuanto deje algo mas de dinero podre contratar alguna chica para que lo haga, solo es un tiempo corto, me ayudaras?", yo no tuve mas remedio que aceptar, esa misma tarde mama me llevo a una tienda y me compro 3 pantaletas con 3 brasieres, 3 juegos de pantimedias y unos zapatos negros de charol con tacon corto de una pulgada, luego fuimos a un sal?n de belleza donde me compro una peluca negra corta con fleco, de camino a casa paramos en una farmacia y compro algo de maquillaje y pintura de u?as, regresamos a casa y de inmediato fuimos a mi cuarto donde me visti? de chica completamente, me puso un fondo rosa y me pein? en estilo femenino, me dijo que la peluca seria para otras ocasiones, use unas pantaletas, brasiere y calcetas blancas, me calzo mis zapatillas de charol y luego me puse el vestido que hab?a terminado, finalmente me puso unos listones en el pelo y algo de maquillaje y me par? frente al espejo, me ve?a como una chica de 13 a?os, de no ser porque me conozco jurar?a que era una jovencita muy bonita, entonces mama decidi? que pintar?a mis u?as color rosa y pondr?a un toque labial en mis labios y r?mel en mis pesta?as, el cambio fue absoluto, era una chica, mama me abrazo y me dijo "Ven vamos a mostrarte ante Ana", Ana en cuanto me vio lanzo un silbido de gusto, se paro y me abrazo diciendo "esto debemos celebrarlo, al cerrar las invito a cenar", nos reimos y acepte, al terminar de trabajar me fui a mi cuarto para vestirme con mi ropa habitual de chico pero mama me dijo sutilmente "Adrian ?Por qu? no te dejas el vestido y vamos a cenar, nadie te reconocer? y podr?s practicar tu lado femenino, te prometo que Ana y yo te daremos consejos para que cuando modeles nadie descubra que eres un chico y no una chica, anda ser? divertido", Yo me puse nervioso y le respond? "Mam? eso seria muy vergonzoso para mi, aunque la gente no me reconozca tu y Ana saben que soy un chico y en la calle seria un chico vestido de mujer, adem?s muchos amigos y amigas pueden identificarme, imaginate el desastre que se armaria en mi colegio, ya no podr?a regresar a el", mama me calmo "No seas tonto, Ana y yo sabemos que eres un chico que nos esta ayudando y como te dije antes, te prometo que nadie va a reconocerte, es tarde y hay poca luz, adem?s iremos a un restaurante lejos de nuestra colonia y del colegio, vamos animate", to tuve mas remedio que aceptar, mam? me puso un vestido corto de verano que hab?a confeccionado como muestra y unas medias negras. No ten?amos auto asi que salimos los 3 a la calle y tomamos el autob?s, en el trayecto sent?a el aire entrar entre mis piernas y las pantimedias se sent?an muy bien, estaba empezando a gustarme esto de ponerme prendas femeninas. Al bajar del autob?s caminamos unas cuadras por el lugar y admiramos aparadores que mostraban ropa femenina, mama no dejaba de tomar notas para sus proyectos, al llegar al restaurante un hombre nos abri? la puerta y nos dijo "Mesa para 3 damitas?" yo me sonroje y Ana me dijo en voz baja "Ya ves? Tu ya eres una damita", yo le hice un gesto de enojo pero mama me tomo del brazo y pasamos a sentarnos, fue una cena ligera, yo quer?a una hamburguesa pero mama me dijo "Las mujeres debemos cuidar nuestra dieta" y solicito ensalada para mi y limonada, la verdad es que la pasamos bien, Ana me chuleaba mis u?as pintadas y mi maquillaje, mama estaba asombrada con mis lindas piernas, el asunto es que yo me preguntaba "Cuando va a parar esto? En que lio estaba metido y lo peor era que no tenia para cuando terminar. De regreso a casa todo fue normal y divertido, ni Ana ni Mama comentaron nada mas de mi atuendo femenino, solo me daban consejos de c?mo caminar en mis zapatillas y como sentarme doblando mi falda con mis manos sobre mis gl?teos, me dec?an que para no parecer un chico en falda deb?a mantener mis rodillas juntas al sentarme pues de otro modo cualquiera pod?a ver mis pantaletas, al pasar por una peque?a tienda de bisuter?a, Ana entro y me compro algunas cosas, me las regalo diciendo "Nunca debe faltar alg?n adorno en una chica", al abrir la bolsa me fije que en ella hab?a algunos collares, pulseras y aretes, y al ver estos ?ltimos yo le dije, "Gracias Ana pero los aretes no podre usarlos pues no tengo perforadas mis orejas", de inmediato Mama respondi? "Eso tiene remedio, podr?amos pasar al establecimiento para que te hagan tos perforaciones" Yo de inmediato me defend? y dije "De ning?n modo, eso har?a que todos mis amigos me tachen de mariquita", Ana contesto "No seas tonto Adrian, muchos chicos hoy en dia se perforan sus orejas hasta con varios agujeros, es la moda", Mama me dijo "Entonces que ?Te animas?" yo de inmediato me negu? y ellas ya no insistieron. En el cami?n Mama se me quedo viendo con una mirada picara y me dijo "Mira Adrian ahora que nos estas ayudando con el modelaje he pensado que no seria correcto llamarte por tu nombre frente a las clientes, asi que debemos buscarte un nombre femenino que usaras cuando estes vestido de ni?a, ?Cu?l te gustar?a?" Antes de que yo mencionara alguna palabra Ana contesto "Adriana seria lo mas propicio, pues responder?a de inmediato dada la semejanza a su nombre real" Mama me cuestono "Como ves te gustar?a llamarte Adriana?", yo movi mis hombros en se?al de no importarme eso pero mama de inmediato me bautizo "A partir de este momento te llamaras ADRIANA", el nombre de inmediato retumbo en mi cerebro, mi feminizaci?n estaba avanzando y no sab?a como detenerla. Llegamos a casa y mama me pidi? que me quedara vestido de ni?a hasta antes de dormir, me pidi? que me quedara en la sala mientras ella fue a su habitaci?n, cuando ella regreso, traia en sus manos unos aretes, eran dorados con una enorme perla blanca y me dijo, "Cuando vistas de ni?a debes ponerte estos aretes, son de clip, te apretaran un poco tus orejas pero eso ser? hasta que te animes a perfor?rtelas, mientras tanto ponte tus pulseras, tu collar y estos aretes siempre que andes en vestido" Entre Ana y Mama me pusieron la bisuter?a y al verme en el espejo ya era yo toda una se?orita, mis pensamientos eran algo escalofriantes, quer?a salir de esta situaci?n pero no se me ocurria nada que no hiriera a mi mama asi que acepte sumisamente mi situaci?n. Antes de ir a la cama, mama puso en mi ba?o algunos frascos y unas toallas de algod?n, me llamo para decirme "Aqu? te dejo estos art?culos, d?jame ense?arte a usarlos, debes considerar esto antes de dormir, primero te aplicas el desmaquillante con este algod?n, frota suavemente en toda tu cara y con cuidado apl?calo en tus ojos bien cerrados y en tus labios, esto quita el maquillaje y el r?mel de tus pesta?as, despu?s lavas toda tu cara con este jabon liquido, la secas muy bien y te pones esta crema humectante, a?n cuando en el dia no usaras maquillaje debes lavar tu cara y ponerte tu crema humectante todas las noches, pronto tendras un cutis mas terso como de ni?a, en tu bur? deje el quitaesmalte con algodones, debes impregnar el algod?n con el solvente y poco a poco lo frotas en tus u?as pintadas hasta que el esmalte desaparezca, es una larga rutina pero pronto veras los resultados" Mama sali? y yo pensaba "Todas las noches? Pues cuantos d?as debo probar vestidos", hasta hoy solo lo hacia un par de veces al mes, eso me produjo insomnio. Los d?as pasaban y la frecuencia de modelaje de ropa femenina ya se repet?a unas 3 veces por semana, mis salidas con amigos ya no exist?an, algunos de ellos llegaban a mi puerta y preguntaban por mi, la mayor?a de esas veces yo estaba vestido de ni?a por lo que mama me disculpaba, por otro lado yo ya me pon?a mi maquillaje solo, y casi era un expero en pintarme mis u?as, Ana me felicitaba por esa habilidad y aprovechaba en la comida para que le pintara sus u?as y retocara su maquillaje, todo esto siempre bajo la sonrisa de mi madre. Entre Mama y Ana me convencieron en modelar mi figura, ellas me compraron un corsette el cual yo ya usaba casi todo el dia y hasta algunas noches tambi?n, mama me explicaba que deb?a permanecer delgado y por eso mi comida era raqu?tica, seg?n mama para compensar mis alimentos me daba unas p?ldoras que eran "Complemento Alimenticio" pero yo cada dia crecia mas sin aumentar de peso, eso si mi figura empez? a cambier a una forma mas femenina. Mi dualidad de genero segu?a pues asistia a la escuela por las ma?anas como Adrian pero casi todas las tardes deb?a convertirme en Adriana, era desgastante quitar y poner tantas cosas femeninas asi que de vez en cuando asistia al colegio con ropa intima femenina, pantimedias y sin mis u?as de pies despintadas, eso me hacia perder menos tiempo al transformarme y estaba gustandome la sensaci?n de la adrenalina por la posibilidad de ser descubierto Mama era cada dia mas reconocida por la elaboraci?n de sus prendas, ya hab?an pasado 5 a?os y ten?amos mas empleadas y mas trabajo, yo le preguntaba a mama si ya pod?amos contratar a mi sustituta en modelaje y su respuesta era siempre un rotundo NO, ella alegaba que el ?xito era en gran parte gracias a m? pues sus clientes estaban encantadas con mi figura la cual cada dia era mas y mas femenina, tenia ya 14 a?os y mis caderas se ensancharon, mi cintura era de 18 pulgadas y por alguna raz?n ya tenia unos peque?os pechos. En una cena mama me informo que hab?a hecho un contrato con una mini cadena de boutiques especializada ya no en ni?as, era para se?oritas de 16 a 21 a?os por lo que me insinuo, "Debo informarte que tendr?s que ayudarnos a modelar prendas m?s sugestivas, y quiero que me acompa?es de compras pues debes usar tacones altos, mini vestidos y medias, ya no podemos seguir poni?ndote tus antiguos aretes de perla, debes entender que las jovencitas usan aretes largos y vistosos asi que debes aceptar que tus orejas sean perforadas y vamos a dejar tu pelo sin cortar para que pronto dejes de usar pelucas" yo conteste "Pero mam? ya estoy en la preparatoria y con mis orejas perforadas y mi pelo largo ya no podre ocultar que tengo una doble vida", mama me contesto "Eso tiene arreglo, podemos inscribirte en otra escuela ya como Adriana, asi ya podras disfrutar plenamente tu nuevo rol, hasta pod?a ayudarte a que cambiares de sexo si lo deseas" enojado le conteste" Mammma No por dios, yo no quiero cambiar de sexo ni de escuela yo solo deseo regresar a mi anterior vida, ser un chico como los dem?s y no andar con mis u?as pintadas y aretes en indumentaria femenina, ya me canse y te pido que no lo hagas", mama molesta me contesto "Mira hijo, hay cosas que no se pueden cambiar, debo admitir que al principio te vestimos de chica para poder vender mas y sostener el negocio pero ahora ya eres indispensable, tu imagen femenina fue un ?xito rotundo y el negocio no puede parar, debes entender que sin ti estar?amos quebrados y con tu ayuda podr?amos crecer a niveles que no imaginamos, tienes que ayudarme hijo, debes hacerlo al menos hasta que nos consolidemos y tengamos alguna chica que pueda sustituirte, mientras tanto no me puedo dar el lujo de perderte pues nos arruinar?amos, de hoy en adelante asumiras el rol de Adriana todo el tiempo que estes en casa inclusive cuando duermas, ve y cambiate ya deje la ropa que quiero que te pongas antes de ir de compras", las palabras de mama fueron contundentes y no dejaron ninguna oportunidad de replicarle, asi que sumisamente obedec?, fui a mi cuarto y me puse la ropa que mama hab?a dejado sobre mi cama, era una minifalda plisada azul con una blusa sin mangas blanca, hab?a unas pantimedias y unos zapatos de tacon de 3 pulgadas de alto, yo tenia puesto el corssete asi que me vesti, puse mi peluca y aretes y me maquille lo mejor que pude, no deb?a reconocerme nadie asi que lo hice con el mejor de los cuidados, me vi al espejo y parec?a una se?orita de unos 17 a?os, muy sexy, debo admitir que hasta una erecci?n sufri pero gracias a mi falda no se me notaba mucho, Sali del cuarto y mama me tomo de la mano para ir de compras. Lo primero que mama hizo fue llevarme a una tienda donde perforaron mis orejas y me pusieron unos aretes de peque?as piedras que simulaban unos diamantes, adem?s compro 5 pares de distintos aretes, unos eran enormes aros dorados otros largas cadenitas con piedras y los dem?s eran con corazones colgantes o de grandes formas ovaladas, eso marco definitivamente mis pensamientos, estaba perdiendo todo rastro de masculinidad en mi, luego me llevo a un salon de belleza donde arquearon mis cejas, me hicieron un corte de cabello muy femenino y me maquillaron profesionalmente, tambi?n pintaron mis u?as y depilaron mi cara y brazos, fue un poco doloroso pero gracias a que mis piernas estaban rasuradas evite que fueran depiladas tambi?n, al salir del sal?n de belleza me ve?a reflejado en los aparadores, era definitivamente una chica alta, espigada y con buenas pompis, mis pechos eran aun simulados por el brasiere, pero mama me amenazo con comprar mas adelante unos senos de silicon falsos, gracas a dios estos eran caros y me dijo que tenia que juntar dinero para comprarlos, pero no escape a la siguiente adquisici?n, fuimos a una zapater?a y me compro mis primeras zapatillas de tacon alto, eran unas negras de charol con tacon de 5 pulgadas y abiertas de la punta, era lo mas femenino que hab?a visto, me calzaron de maravilla pero con ellas perdia el equilibrio, mama me ordeno dar unos pasos al prob?rmelas y me ense?o a caminar en ellas, para mi sorpresa le dijo a la encargada que guardara mis antiguas zapatillas en la caja pues saldr?amos de la tienda con mis nuevas zapatillas puestas, yo estaba asustado y nervioso, el caminar por el centro de la ciudad con zapatos de tacon alto hacia que perdiera el equilibrio, mama me tomo por el brazo y me ayudo pero el ruido de los tacones hacia que la gente volteara a verme y eso me asustaba pues el que alguien reconociera a mama podr?a hacer que me relacionaran, de hecho algunos compa?eros de la escuela pasaron junto a nosotros y me hechaban piropos, mama sonre?a y me dec?a "Ves Adriana, hasta los chicos te coquetean, eres una linda chica y nadie sabra que eres un muchacho, camina con peque?os pasos y balancea un poco tus caderas, eso te ayuda a conservar el equilibrio", yo angustiado le comente "Pero mam?, esto esta llegando muy lejos, soy tu hijo, un hombre, por que me estas haciendo esto?, no me siento comodo interpretando a una chica y solo lo hago por ayudarte pero siento que no va a parar nunca y tengo mucho miedo", mama me dijo, "No seas tonta Adriana, muchos muchachos se visten de mujer y hasta se casan, no hay nada de malo en ello, deber?as aprender a disfrutarlo, la vida de las chicas es mas divertida que la de los hombres, ellos solo se preocupan en su trabajo y en sus deportes, nosotras siempre estamos probando cambios en nosotras mismas, nuestras opciones de vestir son much?simas, tenemos ropa de muchos colores, vestidos, faldas, blusas, pantalones, leggins, shorts, medias, calcetas, brasieres, pantaletas, fajas, zapatos, aretes, pulseras, peinados y maquillajes interminables, en cambio los hombres solo tienen unos cuantos colores en su ropa, sus ropas interiores son aburridas y en zapatos casi siempre usan el caf? o el negro, nunca se peinan diferente y su ?nico objetivo es agradar a chicas como nosotras, el mundo es FEMENINO y ya veras que poco a poco te agradara, adem?s siempre tendras la opci?n de regresar a tu aburrido mundo masculino cuando quieras pero estoy segura que alg?n dia ya no querras hacerlo" yo me quede perplejo, comprendi que mama quer?a transformarme en forma definitiva en su hija y sent? un escalofrio recorrer todo mi cuerpo, caminamos mucho tiempo y mis pies encorvados me estaban matando, le pedi a mama que pararamos en alg?n sitio para descansar un poco y mama me llevo a un caf? donde pudimos sentarnos en una mesa montada en la calle, cuando pedimos un par de cafe por primera vez vi en la orilla de la taza mis marcas de l?piz labial impresas en un chillante color rojo, mama se dio cuenta y de inmediato me dio un l?piz labial dici?ndome "Una chica debe retocar constantemente su maquillaje", me presto un peque?o espejo y me dijo apl?catelo con mucho cuidado y usa poco pues no queremos que parezcas un payaso", en el espejo pude ver mis pesta?as pintadas y mis delineados ojos con sombras de color verde, definitivamente ya era una chica. Salimos del caf? y tomamos el autob?s, unos chicos de inmediato nos cedieron sus asientos y yo sent?a que ellos no apartaban su mirada de mis piernas, me tape con mis manos y de inmediato vi mis u?as perfectamente pintadas tocando unas sedosas medias y aplisando mi peque?a falda, era una escena extraordinariamente femenina en la que nunca imagine que yo participar?a, llegamos a nuestro destino y bajamos del autob?s, en casa Ana estaba perpleja, asombrada y risue?a, pero antes de que dijera algo vi a mam? poner su dedo ?ndice en sus labios en se?al de que no comentara nada, creo que lo hizo para evitar incomodarme a?n m?s. La rutina de vestir de ni?a continu? pero de repente desaparecieron mis calzoncillos y mis calcetines de hombre de mi caj?n, ahora siembre tendr?a que usar pantaletas y calcetas o medias, el corsette se quedo como parte de mi rutina, ahora lo usaba diariamente desde la ma?ana hasta antes de dormir, mis pijamas desaparecieron y usaba baby doll?s o pijama de mujer, en mi closet solo hab?a un par de zapatos tenis y el resto eran zapatillas de mujer, ahora contaba con mas de 8 pares de distintos modelos y colores, tambi?n hab?an desaparecido mis juguetes en mis cajones, ellos estaban llenos de collares, pulceras, aretes, anillos y maquillaje, en mi ba?o hab?a toda clase de cremas desde hidratantes, depiladoras, de ojos, desmaquillantes, hasta mi jabon, shampoo y desodorante eran de mujer, cualquier persona que entrara a mi cuarto no tendr?a duda de que se trataba de una recamara de una se?orita, poco a poco fui aceptando mi transformaci?n sin darme cuenta y lo mas curioso es que empezaba a disfrutarlo. Asistia a mi escuela con toda mi ropa interior femenina, incluyendo mi brasiere pues ya tenia peque?os senos por lo que mi camisa era holgada pero mis pantalones ya eran ajustados pues mis pompis hab?an crecido, mama se encargo de comprarme jeans de mujer, no eran f?ciles de descubrir salvo por el bot?n frontal que se abrochaba del lado opuesto, sin embargo mis amigos ya no se juntaban conmigo y ve?a que a mis espaldas se re?an de mi, quiz?s ya era obvio mi nuevo rol que estaba interpretando pero curiosamente no me importaba mucho, mis compa?eras ya no me atra?an mucho, solo las ve?a para verles sus faldas, vestidos o adornos que usaban, los zapatos eran mi atracci?n principal, miraba lo bien que se ve?an mis compa?eras en medias y tacones y me imaginaba a mi mismo con ellas, en ocasiones hasta dibujaba algunos dise?os de tacones en mi cuaderno cuando est?bamos en clases, todo parec?a estar tomando un rumbo sin retorno, mi feminizaci?n era ya una realidad...... (continuara)

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Santas GiftChapter 5

I pulled out the sack of Ed's gift for Janet. Oohh, jewelry! Ed had spent serious money; nothing from that store would be cheap. We are not talking chain store jewelry. This is a very high-class local store. The sight of a label from this store confirms that this is a very special lady. It is doubtful if there is anything in the store that costs less than four figures, no $3-500 tennis bracelets, etc. I opened the back door and stepped into Janet and Ed's kitchen. As I crossed the kitchen,...

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The passage of time 1

It was a dry Wednesday afternoon. She’d come back after her school. I’d come back from my school just a little while earlier than she had. My mum was on a leave that day. So it was practically a different kind of home coming for both of us. We’d warm lunch served right in front of us. We all had good lunch where Nora couldn’t stop jabbering about her day. She was like an unwilting flower even in the terrible heat outside. I was barely keeping up with her initially. Later on we were all...

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College Freshman Fun

Jeff and Mary were not lovers. As a matter of fact they had just met a few hours ago at their first college party. Both were freshman at Florida State and this party was just a few hours after their parents dropped them off for orientation. Jeff was immediately attracted to her and loved the way she looked. He loved the appearance of her tight jean skirt on her plump body and that she wore a t-shirt that was probably one size too small which showed the outline of her white lacey bra...

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Amandas Story

Amanda, a dear friend of mine, dropped around for lunch. She is very fit and her twin brother is even fitter. They have just turned 17 but still share a bedroom; given that I know that they both sleep in the nude, I have often wondered how they could both keep their hands off each other. Amanda was in a very excited mood and given the fact she was wearing a very short skirt and no knickers it was easy for me to see that she was very wet. She would like to tell her story in her own words. Last...

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The Cheat

He looked so delicious today. He had a very important meeting downtown and couldn’t be late. The head guys were thinking about letting him join them. She knew he had worked very hard for this the last five years so she wanted him to look his absolute best. She chose a suit for him that was navy blue pin stripe, white dress shirt and a red power tie. She thought the tie would bring the colors all together. This morning she had woke up to his strong black hands pulling on her luscious tits. He...

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My New Boss

I had been working for the company for about 3 months when my boss was promoted, for a couple of days we had people standing in, filling the vacancy until HE arrived.My new boss was a lot older than me, im only 24 and he was only a couple of months away from his 50th birthday, but the sexual attraction between us was incredible.For the first couple of months he was in charge nothing happened between us.....much to my frustration, he was clearly interested, often stroking my shoulders or hair,...

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A Boy and his Mother

A Tail of a boy and his MummyXenophobio, at 18 had been raised to understand his Mother Dearest'sattitude towards the need for discipline for boys and in particular hisneed for it.Valoria Mother Dearest-Thumpsdale had always been strict, but her sternattitude increased with the teen's age and he knew it would just continuethat way.Mrs. Mother Dearest-Thumpsdale had no intention of letting up on her sonand was always finding ways to increase his shame and the regularity ofhis now routine...

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Caught out by GF

My ultimate fantasy, not true:One night while my GF is working late, I decide i have about two hours to meet a guy I'd had lined up for some time. He says he is new to the scene and wants to get a bj off a crossdresser like me. Hes 62 and a has nice big belly and large cock. I quickly dress in my gfs fishnets, thong pink heels and bra. I am feeling amazing as I always do when I'm in stockings.After a bit of chat I finally convince him i can accommodate and it's totally safe. Ive been sending...

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Initium NovumChapter 2

The pilots were in agreement that they should depart at six AM local time, which would be one AM Eastern time. The flight should take eight hours and they should land in Florida about nine AM. They decided to land in Orlando rather than Miami, as the runway and taxi lights were still working when they were last there. As part of the preflight check they met with John Adams to see if he had found a replacement circuit board for the faulty one they had trouble with on the flight over. He said...

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PornHub Horror

Much of human action is inspired by two emotions: Arousal and fear. It makes complete sense. The whole point of our existence is to fuck and make more humans, so of course, wanting to fuck would be on our minds all day. Furthermore, it's tough to fuck if you're torn to pieces by a bear while wandering the rugged forests of the northeastern United States. So you better keep your head on a swivel if you ever want to dip your dong into a danky snatch ever again.Ahh! Real Boners!You may have...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Humiliation In suburbia

This is a follow on to my story 'Terror In Ibiza.'Upon our return home, things weren’t as bad as you might have imagined.Neither of us were traumatised by what had happened we hardly spoke about it but when we did Lynn would find herself apologising constantly, I think she was really unnerved by the fact that they had managed to take her over and control her so completely. After all, she was a faithful woman, completely in love with her man, how could they have done this to her?I of course...

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My name is Sally and I’m married to John my husband, He specializes in psychiatric patients, who have been put away in a psychiatric hospital for most of their life,We have been married for 10 years,He has worked very hard in the past 10 years to get his position at one of the top psychiatric hospitals,We are both in our thirties so life is great our sex life has always been good as we both like the same things in life and do so much together as a couple,Life was about to change when my husband...

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Playing With the Devil

We were at the mall killing time on a Saturday afternoon. She and I were hunting for a birthday gift for her mother and not having much luck finding anything. As we looked over the jewelry counter in Dillard’s one of the make-up girls asked Sandy if she wanted to be made up. Sandy was eighteen but forbidden by our religion and her strict parents to wear make-up. Even though we had known each other since kindergarten we were only friends, bonded by the church and the fact that we didn’t have...

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Should A FatherInLaw Be Seduced 8211 Part 4

We quickly got out of the house. Ria, my sexy bahu in her tight black dress (barely reaching her ass), walked in front of me with her high heels. Those high heels made her tight ass sway in a sexy way. Oh, I couldn’t believe her ass was so round and perfectly shaped. The thing about a well-shaped soft ass is that it needs to be displayed in the right piece of clothing. The tight black dress did just that. It was all over her tight ass-like skin. It gave a perfect visual of the shape of her two...

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Cocksucking Captain

As a married straight cocksucker, it’s not always easy to find a convenient place to engage in my favorite activity. I have a large sailboat that I keep on a mooring on the harbor and lately, I have been bringing guys out to the boat and taking them below to suck their dicks. Although the following story is fiction, it’s not that far from the truth. After meeting online, we exchanged emails and I told him of my passion for sucking cock and for being energetically throat fucked. I also made it...

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CoWorker sets Me Up on a Date Blacken

It’s got to be the not knowing that’s killing me. I let my wife go out on a date tonight. That by itself is a first, but this date . . . . Now I’m just sitting here twiddling my thumbs having already exhausted my dick. She said she would tell me everything, but my imagination has already overwhelmed me.This evening we met for an early dinner after work. We went through the usual small talk, but she seemed nervous, so I asked her to spill it. What was bothering her?“Remember how we talked about...

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A Game of InchesChapter 26

On the Wednesday after our final game, we all met for our last team meeting, cleaned out our locker’s, then left the facility. I had been in constant contact with Josh, his surgery had went well, he was expected to make a full recovery. He could start throwing again in a few months, he promised to call so we could work out together. I was now facing at least three months of inactivity, other than normal workouts to stay in shape. I thought about going home, but three months around Ashley just...

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Pizza Beer For A Change

PIZZA & BEER FOR A CHANGE Part 1 of 3 - The Transformation By sissy_babs It was just another boring Thursday night. Dan's only saving grace was Thursday Night Football. At least he could watch a game tonight. Checking the fridge he realized that he was long past due for a shopping trip but he hated shopping. That was the woman's job but Dan never really had a woman. Well, he did 'have' women, lots of them. He had them, their friends, their sisters, their mothers he didn't...

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BlizzardChapter 7

“Wow. Wow wow wow!” Max cheered as I let her go. Alex charged my face, displacing Max and grabbing my skull. Her kiss was sloppy, random, and awesome. I moved my hands to her waist. “Hey there,” Sam purred, and squeezed my cock through my jeans. Her breasts were pressed into the back of my ribs. Alex broke the kiss in a rush backwards. She was red, flushed, giggling. She grinned broadly. She was almost apologetic in saying: “Sam’s knuckles were tickling me.” I reached down, intent on...

4 years ago
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Another threesome with Mark with a twist at the en

After our first threesome with Mark things were more relaxed for my wife and that made it easier more.Keep in mind that my wife was  very shy at the time this started so this was a very big step in our life.After our Friday night threesome my wife was in a great mood she asked me a few times if I was still okay with what happened and again I told her I'm fine I just don't want you to do something with Mark when I'm not around she told me that she would never even think about doing anything...

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Stepson FantasyChapter 3 A team effort

Peggy was now in full MILF Slut mode. A week or so back she broke all norms by seducing and then fucking her stepson, Steve. It happened innocently enough, she thought to herself, but it would never have happened if she had been more careful. If she had just made sure her bedroom door was closed during her morning ritual of masturbating on her bed then Steve would not have innocently seen her playing with herself. Events then took a new course and she ended up with his lovely young erection...

2 years ago
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By Jax_Teller I had been on this adult website that was much like face book but all adult. Reading threads and messages from people I never met in real life, sharing experiences, being social. I had long given up hope of finding the one submissive I was looking for but still liked to stay in contact with the freaks I call community. I read a thread by a young woman who was asking if anyone had experience in anonymous sexual encounters. I have had many and shared some of my experiences...

3 years ago
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Shadowsblade Fight for the right to Wedding party

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

3 years ago
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Village Girl Grows Up In The Town

Hy guys. After submitting my last story about my affair with my sweet lovely Namita miss, many of my readers and others had commented for a second story. Well, this is not a continuation of our relationship. But rather what Namita mam had told me about her. How she lost her virginity. I hope you guys like it. Namita mam grew up in her hometown in a villa which was built by her granddad. She grew up there till she came of the 20s. Then she had moved to the town with her father and mother after...

2 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 52 Home

Anne met Will and Mary's plane. Waiting for the bags, Anne clung to Will, kissing him and hugging. When they got home, Mary started the round of hugs with the others, Anne took Will upstairs. At supper, Sigrid said, "Should we call them, Mary?" "No, Sigrid, let's make up a tray. I'll take it up." Alex went with her, knocked on the door and opened it. Mary went in with the tray. Will and Anne were lying in the bed, spent but joined. Anne's face shone with joy. Mary set the tray on a...

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Baby Oil Bad Boy

Saturday mornings felt like being wrapped up in a warm, snuggly blanket on an icy cold winter’s night. They are the sanctuary for the weekday weary, and for Sarah it meant she could rouse from her ‘slumber of the dead’ a couple of hours later than usual. It was a lovely feeling, being relaxed and totally at peace with the world. She stretched out her tired, weary limbs under the big soft duvet and smiled, it felt like floating on a fluffy white cloud. Five days of the week, the pressures of...

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ThisGirlSucks Allie Nicole Tanned And Tantalizing Oral Teaser

Tanned and tantalizing, Allie Nicole waits on the bed ready for a hard cock. She breathes heavily and feels the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as a wave of horniness rushes over her. Allie reaches down and touches herself and lets the orgasmic pleasure wash through her. Finally, our stud gives her what she is begging for, feeding her his veiny boner. She divebombs on his dick, taking it all the way down to the root as she gags and chokes. She flashes her beautiful hazel eyes and then...

2 years ago
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The Old Neighborhood

Thanks to the hip and knee doctor for editing assistance. I knew that things were going to be different as soon as I started my new school. I was born and raised in Philly and moving an hour away from the city would definitely take some adjustment. By adjustment, that meant that I had to learn to live with it. I kept my nose clean and stayed out of trouble at the request of my father and insistence of my mother. The population was diversified to say the least. Some Blacks, some Spics, a few...

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A Wifes Torrid Love Affair With Her Young Coworker

Karen’s life seemed nearly perfect. She had everything a woman would ever want. A great marriage two wonderful children and a career that was taking her places. Her friends were all envious of her as they were all divorced and unhappy with their own lives. Karen and her husband had taken a trip to Jamaica for a week. They spent the week reconnecting with one another as they just relaxed and enjoying the time with being with one another. Karen looked gorgeous as she returned from her trip as...

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Old Friends

Helén and Catherine are old friends from back in the days when we lived up in Stockholm. I send Hubby up to Stockholm four to five times a year for romantic hookups with them to keep in touch.Helén is a beautiful brunette with a shapely but very petite body. Hubby and her served on the board of a club together back then. Hubby was the president and Helén was the secretary. And I do mean a real secretary in every way. He taught her a lot about administration and business...as well as a few...

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For Ricky Your Little Nasty GIrl


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GloryHoleInitiations Anne Amari 10202019

Anne is fed up with men. She is about to go full blown lesbian! She still loves the cock, but just can’t stand the idiots attached to the cock. In a perfect world, she could get a big juicy cock without the douchebag connected to it. Maybe there’s something for her down at the Video Store. Originally she came in looking for some girl on girl action. Unfortunately for her…this video store doesn’t carry that kind of product. However, they do carry a line of movies about...

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Suzies New Life Chapter 3

Chapter 3: San Francisco Here We Come I was sleeping soundly, dreaming of what it would be like to be Suzie fulltime, wearing nice clothes, being able to get rid of all of my boring guy clothes, being able to get my hair colored and permed without anyone saying anything, to have real breasts and to have guys check me out as just a cute girl. Gees did I say guys? Suddenly my sweet dreams were interrupted by Jennifer shaking me saying it was time to get up. I sat up and...

1 year ago
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The JaysChapter 19

The plan was put into action. The gang promised not to reveal anything private that might affect Libby. Jenny took on board the same for the village. Kristian Timermat approved of the plan and arranged for his agent to be present so that he could organise a press conference. Court's father agreed to everything on one condition: that he meet Libby. Court agreed but insisted that his stepmother should not be present. She was too glamorous and flamboyant for the Morrises. His father agreed....

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The Dirty Old Couple

The Dirty Old CoupleThis is the story of an event that happened when I was about 21, at University, and exploring my sexuality. This event was a quantum leap in that exploration, like Columbus discovering the new world. I had a regular boyfriend at the time, his name was Chris. We had been dating for about eight months and had been having sex for about six of those. We had been getting more and more adventurous in our sex life and two weeks prior Chris had fucked my virgin asshole. While it...

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The Android Lover PART ONE

PART ONE The Order She had never been one for socialising, 28 and still a virgin, extremely shy around other people and even worse, when a man would dare speak to her. But she wanted to feel the touch of a lover so badly. She lived a frugal life, spending her money on just what she needed to live and as she never went out to socialise, had amassed quite a sum of money as her savings – the only items she spent her money on was her underwear. She loved the feeling of knowing that she was...

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Blood LustChapter 25

Arthur came awake with a shudder. The throbbing of his head and the malaise that gripped his body brought back dim recollections of the hangovers he had suffered as a mortal. He had nearly made a grievous error the previous night. The emotional feedback from his bond to hundreds of ferals had very nearly overwhelmed him. In fact, he almost certainly would have succumbed to the rage, hate and, above all else, hunger that had beat relentlessly at his mind, if the ferals had not started to die...

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The Purple Man wants Revenge

Originally written for Superstories.net. If you want to join be my guest :) The Life of Susan Storm Richards was a mess. Since her Accident her whole Life was filled with almost surreal and Comic-like Adventures. Even now, 5 Years later, she wasn’t sure if she was understanding what was happening. The Fantastic Four had surely made quite an impression on the Superhero Society. They played in the same League as the Avengers, the X-Men and S.H.I.E.L.D, mostly even in a higher League but all of...

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Forbidden Lovers Part 2

Day 2.   “Hi!” Kate shouted across to me as I made my way to the pool. It was 11 am and heaving at the poolside. I scanned the area for somewhere to put my things. I caught Harry’s eye during my scanning of the area but he quickly darted his away, returning his gaze to the pool in front of him. I didn’t expect any less. Dropping my towel to the wooden sunbed in front, I pulled my top over my head and began applying oil generously to my arms and legs. A few of the other guests were in the...

4 years ago
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Fighting for Love Ch 04

: Chapter Four : Jessica peeked in the window of the oven and smiled when she saw the corn bread rising and getting golden brown. ‘Jess, do you have a minute?’ Jake asked from the doorway. Jessica nodded. ‘What’s going on Jake?’ she asked, standing up and turning around. Jake hesitated. ‘Danny was hurt on the op,’ Jake told her. He watched all the color drain out of Jessica’s face. Danny had been gone for nearly four months and she really missed him, even if she wasn’t ready to admit it. ...

4 years ago
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Road Trip With Truck Driver 8211 Part 3

I hope you like the series and read my previous series, Let me know your thoughts about the story in the comments section. I am continuing from where I ended the previous part. Rahul: What happened, ma’am? Do you want something else? Gayatri: Fuck me! Rahul was perplexed as he didn’t expect her to be so straightforward regarding the issue. He didn’t know how to respond and just stared at her as if he didn’t understand what she meant. Gayatri: I said. FUCK ME! Rahul: Are you, serious...

4 years ago
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Fiftieth High School Reunion

Fiftieth High School Reunion When I received my Fiftieth High School Reunion packet I almost shredded it along with the other junk mail. I went to my tenth reunion and never went back. I realized that I didn’t like anyone that I had attended school with, I was the youngest member of my class, and I was a nerd. I didn’t know I was a nerd. Not until I saw the movie called Revenge of the Nerds. That was when my wife and finally realized that I was a nerd. I had been sixteen throughout...

3 years ago
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Australian StoryChapter 33 Running

Tuesday 9-Oct 2007 Chris looked around the classroom quickly. This was it. Time to say good-bye. They probably wouldn't ever be coming back. He grabbed Shahia's hands. "Get your kit. Get Maria. I'll get Hassan and Alyssa. We'll meet at the station." He squeezed her hands quickly, and jumped up, knocking his desk over. Quick, everything needed to be done quickly. Everyone was turning to look at him. "Lisa, David. Go with Shahia. RUN!" Lisa, just because. David, because he could...

2 years ago
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Good Old Boys Club Part 1

Introduction: Hi yall! GB here. This is my first story on the site, I hope you guys like it. Leave a comment, Id love to hear some feedback from you guys. This story has sort of a slow build, but therell be plenty of hot sex coming up in later chapters as well! Theres a bit at the end of this one to keep you guys interested and give a sample of whats to come. Hope you enjoy! [1] Ooh, looks like weve got a whale. Candi, one of the more popular strippers at The Dollhouse, surreptitiously...

2 years ago
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She offered to trade her pussy for a brand new lap

Her story:Last week I finally lost it with my old computer and smashed it to bits with a baseball bat. I was extremely furious with it as I had several papers to write and the damn piece of shit kept crashing on me every five or ten minutes. I would spend almost twenty minutes just trying to get the fucking thing to boot back up. It was impossible to get any work done on it. You can imagine my joy and sense of satisfaction when I slammed it with the bat and watched it break into a gazillion...

1 year ago
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The Company Bowling League

I was forty-eight years old and working as a mid-level marketing manager in an oil company in Houston at the time of this story. Our company sponsored a bowling league, and there was enough interest in bowling that there were a total of ten four-man teams, each representing a different department. One of my good friends and coworker, Jason Fuller, was on the men’s team from our department, but I never had much of an interest in bowling, so I never tried out for the team.Jason is my age and a...

4 years ago
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A routine gyno exam

My loving hubby woke up very early that morning. I heard the fucking alarm and I rolled onto my stomach. I slipped two fingers down to my shaven mound and inserted them deep into my cunt.It felt wet and very nice indeed.Victor noticed I was touching myself; so he lifted the covers and slapped my buttocks a bit hard. He then laughed, telling me I should not forget my appointment with the gynecologist... It would be just a routine general exam, including my asshole.As soon as Victor left for his...

2 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 97 The Departure for Belgium

A few minutes after the scene of confusion produced in the salons of M. Danglars by the unexpected appearance of the brigade of soldiers, and by the disclosure which had followed, the mansion was deserted with as much rapidity as if a case of plague or of cholera morbus had broken out among the guests. In a few minutes, through all the doors, down all the staircases, by every exit, every one hastened to retire, or rather to fly; for it was a situation where the ordinary condolences, --which...

4 years ago
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My Stepsister 03 ndash 16th Birthday Party

My Step-sister 03 – 16th Birthday PartyUnusually for me, if you want to follow the story you will need to read - My step-sister – Next Doors Au Pair! If you don’t care and just want a raunchy story please continue.As you would expect with parents present, the party went without incident. However I did notice that Nichole was, when my parents were occupied, having a contest with her three best friends. They each had a banana and had to see who could deep throat the deepest. After about 30...

1 year ago
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Meri choot ki aag mere bhai ne bujhayi

Meri choot ki aag mere bhai ne bujhayi Meri choot ki aag mere bhai ne bujhayi mera naam kiran hai me 35 saal ki saadi suda mahila hoon,me madhy pradesh ke ek chhote seshahar ki rahne waali hoon ,mere priwaar me, me ,mere pati 42saal,mera beta 12 saal aur beti 15 ki hai,mere pati job karte hai, unhen 8 saal se dame ki bimaari hai es karan thoda sa bhi saririk kaam karne seunki saanse ukhadne lagti hai ese karan pichle 8 saalo se me sex ka sukh nahi le paayi aab to sex kiikchayen bhi mar si gyi...

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Ex Girlfriend new story

This is another true story about the chick I worked with at the factory. It just came to mind and I thought I'd better post it before I forgot it again. I hope you enjoy and please leave comments. Thanks! I spent the night at her place and as usual when we went to bed, we fucked. I swear this bitch loved to fuck more than any other woman I've ever met! and it was very easy to make her cum, I've never seen a woman that was able to cum that easily and in so many different ways! Oh yeah and...

1 year ago
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A Sissys First Dildo Experience

Buying a dildo online was a bit nerve-wracking, honestly. Not for any huge reason or anything – I live alone, and the packaging is supposed to be discreet anyway, but there’s just something that made me nervous when I first put in the order.Sure enough, it wasn’t like it was a fat box labeled, “Tasty Black Dildos for Sissy Whores,” all around it; just a plain box, inside which was some bubble wrap and a plain, pink bag. But inside that bag was an unforgettable package.After carefully opening it...

2 years ago
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Whoops 3 Whoopsie Daisie Finale

Mike found himself caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. The 'woman' on his lap was comatose from emotional strain. She was total dead weight and Mike was unable to lift her. His wife was passed out on the floor and he knew if he didn't go to her there would hell to pay. Mike realized that to someone just walking into the room, it would be a very compromising tableau. It wasn't and he needed to put things back to a normal appearance. He did the only thing he...

3 years ago
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The peeping toms cumuppance

The Peeping Tom’s ‘Cum’-uppanceBy Steady BowAbstract: Carl is caught watching two girls in his class shower through the keyhole. They blackmail him into agreeing to be humiliated and punished as a price for their silence. Chapter 1 – The Peeping TomCarl was a shy boy. An outsider. At 16, he had never seen a girl naked, or got anywhere close to having a girlfriend. He was seen as a bookworm, a bit of a nerd, someone whom it would have been uncool to be friendly to, let alone be friends with. He...

2 years ago
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The YVirus Ch 08

[The following story is entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional. All characters depicted in sexual acts and scenarios are at least eighteen years of age or older. The following story contains aspects of BDSM, CBT (cock and ball torture), femdom, forced orgasms, tease and denial, prostate stimulation, anal sex, ass worship, sex with machines, and much more. If any of these categories don’t appeal to you then I strongly suggest...

1 year ago
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Looking Through the LensChapter 1 Down by the Seaside

The Sea, once she casts her spell, holds one in her net of wonder forever. - J.Y.C. Thump, thump, thump, thump... “Turn that crap off!” I yelled at the guy in my dream. I rolled around in bed for a minute before figuring out that I wasn’t dreaming. Something really was pulsing my room like a cheesy dance club. As the sleep evaporated from my eyes, I caught sight of my sneakers on the floor beside my bed. Since they were within arm’s reach, one of the shoes ended up flying across the...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Emily Addison Cums Hard

Sexy hot beauty Emily Addison returns to Cherry Pimps after several years away and is sexy as ever. She loves fucking LIVE and can not wait to get Nathan Bronsons hard cock in her mouth but especially wants it deep in her wet pussy! Nathan fucks her hard but passionately giving her ever inch that she desires while admiring those sexy long legs in her thigh high stockings! He sucks those toes and makes her sit down on his cock so she really feels as he drills deep into her. Emily just can not...


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