Todo Mi Cuerpo Y Mi Mente (I) free porn video

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Es la primera vez que quedas con alguien de la red. No sabes si debes pero quieres hacerlo y ya es hora de conocer a alguien. Ademas, este es muy majo.
Llegas al bar, tarde y me buscas desde la puerta.
Me ves y piensas “diossssssssss es ese, es guapillo y atractivo, mas de lo que pensaba”.

- ¿Hola, eres Babidy?

- ¿Y tu Alicia? ¿Que tomas?

- Una cola.

Sacas unos papeles del bolso y un bolígrafo. Lo apoyas en la mesa y leo algunas palabras de las escritas “CONTRATO DE SUMISIÓN" " ILIMITADO" " DURACIÓN UN MES”. Al final del papel, una fotocopia del DNI
Me miras fijamente a los ojos, sin pestañear y me lo entregas firmado.

Dejo los papeles sobre la mesa y pido tu coca-cola. Te observo y tu mirada busca al camarero, adivinando si leerá el papel tan a la vista o no. Suspiras cuando se aleja, doblo los papeles y los guardo.

Hablamos mientras das sorbitos a la bebida. Me levanto y me alejo, me apoyo en la pared detrás tuyo, no puedes verme, pero yo sí. Observo el bar y como las miradas se desvían hacia ti. Vestiste provocativa como te dije.

Vuelvo, te rodeo por atrás y susurro:

- Ve al baño, quítate las bragas y métetelas en el coño. Luego nos iremos.

Excitada por la situación, mientras te encaminas al baño, tu cabeza da vueltas a lo que estas viviendo. Jamas has sido libertina, jamas has sido salida, ni siquiera has vestido como hoy.
Nunca habías puesto los cuernos a mi marido, ni te lo habías planteado hasta conocerme.

Pero siempre la fantasía mas habitual para masturbarte ha sido la sumisión. Claro que una cosa es fantasear y otra vivirlo. De todas formas esto es factible, menos mal que es tanga.

- Ya estoy, he obedecido, vámonos.

Salimos del bar, agarro tu mano y siento tu nerviosismo. Paseamos y hablamos.
Ya no me agarras tan fuerte y tu caminar es mas pausado. Te relajas, confías en mi.

Te rodeo la cintura sin soltarte la mano y la pongo encima de tu nalga, dejo ahí tu mano y te rodeo con mi brazo. Andas en esa posición, sin necesitar mas indicaciones, hasta llegar a un pequeño parque.

Te apoyo en el respaldo de un banco, de pie. Me agacho y separo tus piernas. Sientes un dedo acariciarte, penetrarte y sacar tus bragas, mojadas. Me pongo de pie, sonrío y las acerco a tu cara. Las hueles...

- Tío nos van a ver, no estoy preparada para esto. Tengo miedo, estoy nerviosa por todo.

Has dicho a tu marido que ibas con unas amigas un fin de semana. El contrato es de un mes, no se como vas a poder quedar de nuevo, si es que te gusta el juego.

- Nadie te va a conocer, pero tienes que tranquilizarte. Toma, esta es la llave de la habitación. Sube, date un baño, abre la nevera y mira sobre la cama. Yo subiré en media hora. Tendrás que abrirme la puerta.

- ¿Como quieres que te llame? ¿Mag? ¿Amo? No me has dicho ni tu edad ni tu estado civil. ¿Media hora? Tardo tres minutos en ducharme.

- Llámame Mag, no necesitas saber nada mas de mi de momento. Tienes que escucharme bien para cumplir el contrato. No te duches, báñate tranquila, relájate. Abre algo de la nevera, ponte música... Así de nerviosa no disfrutarás como mereces. Luego lee la nota que hay encima de la cama.

Te veo alejarte hacia el hotel. Hemos hablado mucho y se lo que va a pasar.

Entras en la habitación y lo primero que haces es abrir la nota, no puedes controlar tu curiosidad. Lees: "ABRE LA PUERTA DESNUDA CON UNA COPA DE VINO EN LA MANO”. Tu excitación no para de crecer.

Estas nerviosa, mas excitada que la mayor parte de las veces que he tenido un buen polvo

Toc, toc, toc

Abres la puerta con miedo, asomando la cabeza pero tal y como te he pedido


Termino de abrir la puerta, cojo la copa de vino y doy un sorbo. Derramo el resto por tu cuerpo, observo como va mojando tu piel.

La puerta sigue abierta y se escucha una pareja por el pasillo. Se acercan. Veo tu expresión suplicante. Me quito el cinturón, siguen acercándose.

Bajo la cremallera y me sigues la mano con la mirada.

De repente, se han parado unas puertas antes de llegar. Solo digo...

- Arrodíllate.

Te arrodillas frente a mi, sabías que existiría esta situación, lo esperabas y deseabas. Notas el bulto, te acercas deseando lo que va a pasar.

La visión de tu cuerpo me hace desearte, dejarte hacer lo que está en tu mente, pero se que has sido mala.

- Has leído la nota solo llegar verdad?


- Te has bañado?


El cinturón, aún en mi mano, golpea tus nalgas. No lo esperabas y un grito ahogado sale de tu garganta.

- Sígueme, de rodillas

Me acerco a una silla, me siento y te hago un gesto para que pongas tu cuerpo encima. Te doy un cachete que retumba por la habitación. Dos, tres, cuatro...

- Ya vale, por favor. Sólo me duché y leí la nota solo entrar por la puerta. Lo siento

Me detengo. Solo quería una disculpa.

- Recuerda nuestro contrato. Solo obedece. Túmbate boca abajo.

Abro la nevera, cojo una botella de agua bien fría y la hago rodar por tu espalda. La deslizo hasta tu culo rojo de los azotes y te calma el calor que sientes.

- Ponte otra vez de rodillas en el suelo.

Me bajo los pantalones, me siento delante tuyo y recuesto mi espalda. Sabes que tienes que hacer.

Me miras y piensas: “ya es hora de que me pidas eso. Es una de las cosas de sexo que mas placer me dan,
y por lo que me han contado lo hago muy bien, no tengo claro si por que me gusta lo hago muy bien o lo hago muy bien por que me gusta”.

Suena un móvil.

- Joder, puto teléfono. ¿Quien será? Debí apagarlo Mag. ¿Puedo cogerlo?

Ves el nombre de tu marido en la pantalla y lo coges.

- Hola cari, te iba a llamar ahora mismo. Bien estoy bien, ya te llamare que voy a pagar en el super.

Me incorporo, sentado. Te miro hablar y no doy crédito que hayas parado y estés hablando. Me acerco a ti y meto dos dedos en tu coño.

- Joder, estas empapada. (te susurro en el otro oído)

Veo como muerdes tu labio para que tu marido no note lo que pasa. Dos dedos empiezan a hacerte suspirar.

- Parece que tu marido te echa de menos, no quiere colgar.

Te tumbo de espaldas en el suelo, separo tus piernas agarrando tus rodillas y te acaricio desde estas hasta las tetas. Pellizco tus pezones, fuerte. Das un gritito y sabes que tienes que colgar mientras mis manos bajan por tu cuerpo. Noto como aguantas la respiración para ahogar los gemidos.

Mis manos llegan a tus muslos, siento la presión de tus piernas por separarse al máximo. Mi palma derecha sobre tu coño, se empapa entera. Tres dedos te penetran, chapotean. Te noto al limite y me aprietas para que no los saque. Veo tu boca abierta, creo que tu marido te descubrirá si no haces algo.

- He de cortar cariño.

Sueltas el móvil y te liberas.

- ¿Me corro! Diossssssssssssssss, casi se entera.

- ¿Le puedo volver a llamar?

- Llama y chúpamela. Has tenido demasiado premio sin hacer nada.

- Lo siento cari, se me había cortado. Nada ya te llamare luego.

Ya hace rato que estoy duro y tu mamada es de las mejores que he tenido... Opto por dejar que te lo tragues todo, cosa que haces sin inmutarte.

Cojo la maleta que trajiste, vacía como te pedí y meto dentro sábanas, toallas y tu ropa. Quedas desnuda frente a la cama, mirándome. Saco una libreta y un boli, te la acerco y rellenas los datos que hay marcados.

Código del móvil: 3538
Pin de la tarjeta: 1977

Cojo la maleta, tu bolsa y me dirijo a la puerta. Me paro delante de ella y me doy la vuelta, veo alivio en tu mirada y me acerco. Te enseño una tarjeta. Puedes leer: “LIMPIEN LA HABITACIÓN”

De tu boca sale un no en tono de suplica y yo pregunto:

- Como dices?

Bajas la mirada arrepentida, ves como mis pies se alejan, cierro la puerta y me voy.

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Revelation of the Damned

© 2003 I wont let them get me. Not now, not ever. I had to run, you see, I had to get away from what they were doing to me, to all of us there, at the Corporation. The Kayden people are evil people, a corporation under the wing of some underground government sect. They took me, along with a few select others; we were to be their research "participants". I think they chose people like us, because no one would miss us, no one would care if we went missing. We were a group of the wayward,...

3 years ago
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Finally a Princess Pt 06

Finally a Princess (Part 6) Part 6 of a Disney loving crossdresser who has come out to his wife on a Disney Cruise. Living the dream is coming to an end and the future is uncertain. Again, I woke up to feel of the ship vibrating. I knew this meant we were back at Port Canaveral and would be docked soon. I sensed Steve was still in the bed but we were no longer spooned together like when I had drifted off to sleep. I gently moved and looked to my left and saw he was laying on...

2 years ago
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My Sister Let Me Fuck Her

any one can contact me through my mail "[email protected]"Hi guys,. My name is desiboy75. I am 20 and living in Hyderabad. My sister is 6 years elder to me and got married last year.When we were younger, my whole family – my mom, dad, sister and me used to sleep in the same bed. It was during this time that I started masturbating. I had found out about the extreme pleasures of it and was uncontrollable.Soon, I started to take advantage of my sister’s body sleeping next to me during the...

4 years ago
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A Bond Beyond Years 8211 Part 4

Naked, tired and drenched in my body fluids, I drifted away into sleep. Soon, I found myself standing in front of my sister’s house. I stood outside and took a few minutes. I can’t believe I am back here again. The past few days have been a blur. Life passed uneventfully. But my mind was occupied elsewhere. On one side, I struggled to accept it all. I still could not believe how Sneha convinced herself to get sexual with her son! On the other hand, I was horny all the time! Whenever my naked...

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Megans Mardi Gras Fantasy Pt 45

Just as crowd erupted with cheers and applause, I heard a guy at the table shouting, "It's her!"As Megan's dress floated to the floor! She stood proudly displaying her black satin corset, bare breasts, garters and stockings and was recognized as the flasher from the night before!Then Megan took over, challenging anyone to another game, winner take all, she dared! I grabbed our camcorder and climbed up on the bar, not wanting the growing crowd to block the view! To my pleasure, the guy who...

4 years ago
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Fully Fashioned Nylon Stocking High Heel Beginning

Nobody would be surprised by my fetish with the fact that my comforter when I went to bed ( When I could stop them finding it) when I was young was a black Aristoc harmony point, mmmmm so soft, sheer, shiny. I had grown up with my Mother, Aunty, friends of theirs all wearing ffnylon stockings and high heels and me being allowed to mingle with them when they visited for “Gatherings”. I would sit on the floor looking up and around at ffnylon tops being shown, wrinkles galore, sheer, shiny, dark,...

2 years ago
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Path To GloryChapter 8

Suzette wrapped her tiny arms around me much as I had her beside the water two years before. "I got here as fast as I could, Jay," she said. "You should have gotten mom and dad up last night." She and Jeff put their arm around my waist and helped guide me toward the locker room. The local television stations were there as were a couple of larger market newspapers. The Associated Press picked up a picture from one of its subscribers of the three of us walking toward the locker room....

2 years ago
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Sammie the Shifter

My Name’s Sammie, I was just a regular 13 year old girl When I discovered my Ability to Change form, I’m 19 now, and While I don’t understand my power, I have complete control of it, I can shift into animals and assume the form of other people, I loved it, I Lead a relatively carefree life, I was Studying Criminology At University, I planned on going into the private detective business I woke up to the song paranoid by black Sabbath playing from my cd alarm clock, the sun shone brightly...

3 years ago
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The Pizza Hook Up

I was in the little town, about thirty miles from my college town, at the pizza joint not far from the motel I was at for the weekend. I had ordered a pepperoni pizza, medium, to go. Having been informed the it would take thirty minutes I ordered a pitcher of beer and found a table and waited. To my surprise the guy that took my order came over and sat down at my table, I was half way through my pitcher and the young bastard brought his own glass and helped himself. I asked 'what do you think...

3 years ago
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Alicias confession

Recently I met a very captivatingly beautiful woman at a singles event at a downtown cocktail bar. From the moment we made eye contact, we clicked. She imediately sucked me in with her easyness. Easy to talk to, fun to flirt with, lovely to look at. Luckily for me, she seemed to enjoy my company as much as i hers. Being that it was her first time at one of these local events, every guy in the room was circling her like sharks. The friend who had brought her there slipped out with a guy she had...

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Horny MotherInLaw

It was 10 yrs back when I went for a summer trip to my wife’s village. there was a famous pilgrim centre 150 km away from her home and I planned a trip to have a dharshan there. my plan was to go in the afternoon, spent a night at an inn, have dharsan in the evening as well as in the following morning but at the time of my departure my father in law asked me to take my mother in law in my pilgrimage. he could not come with us as he had some unavoidable programmed my wife and children were not...

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Joanna Tranny Prostitute

Joanna stood on the street corner and casually shifted her posture from one leg to the other. So far it had been a quiet evening for her with few punters around. Not many girls were plying the streets either. She’d had one customer earlier. He had been an Asian guy in a Toyota who’d stopped asking for business and after she’d explained the she was a cross dresser and he had readily agreed to anal sex .He was young, quite handsome and had treated her with kindness and respect. They’d driven to a...

4 years ago
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The Prize1

By: DamonX ([email protected]) The Prize I held my breath and closed one eye as I slowly drew my arm back, feeling the smooth wood gliding easily over my hand. Keeping my vision intently locked, the pool cue shot forward, striking the white ball sending it rolling across the table. "Come on!" I muttered to myself as the cue ball just nicked the 8-ball sending it rolling towards the corner pocket. The room went silent as the black ball butted against both sides of...

2 years ago
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New Years In Manali with Hot Friend Neha

Hi guys, I am back with another story – this time about a . I have known Neha since my school days, and she is 3 years younger than me. She is in her final college year. Her friends decided to go on a trip to Manali.  I was chatting with Neha casually, and she mentioned it. Then she asked me what I would be doing around the New year. So I told her that I didn’t have any plans and honestly didn’t even want to go anywhere. She asked me to come with her. I refused at first, but she insisted. I...

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Conference Strangers

I have had a good weekend and learned a lot listening to those in the Virtual Assistant workforce. I want a few drinks. I decide to make a conscious effort to look damn good. I am slightly tan because it is summer, which makes my skin look like the sun kissed it.  I chose to keep my eye make-up pretty and neutral to accentuate my hazel eyes, I love the way caramel tones bring out the sparkle in my eyes. Choosing a deep red lipstick that makes me feel bold when I put it on and shows off my full...

Oral Sex
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The swapping married couple

Joseph and Anne have been happily married for 14 years had great sex life. Joseph was not bad looking guy he stood 6'3 with stocky frame. His cock was above average at 9" long and 2 1/2" thick with nice set of balls that would shoot thick loads of cum. Anne was sexy chubby wife with a curvy thick ass and a huge perky set 44DD tits with big round aureoles and nice nipples to match. They couldn't keep there hands off one another and then one night they where role playing while having sex when...

4 years ago
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SixMonths TurnaroundChapter 8

Cliff didn’t see Sandy at her desk when he got to the office Monday morning. He smiled to himself, figuring he had worn her out. He felt very tired but wonderful. Sunday had been a physically exhausting day. She had been variously joyful, impish, questing, loving, funny, romantic, and, it seemed, all possible combinations of them. The one thing she had never done was take herself seriously after her first disclosures. He had returned to his own apartment late Sunday night. Going into his...

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Public Sex

Hi all friends of ISS, I am going to pen down is a 100% true incidence which happened around in 2007 with my now Ex-gf. All names had been changed (for obvious reasons) but the locations are not. Coming to story with brief about me , am James 32 years male from Mumbai average body as am not a gym freak 5.6’ feet leaving in south Mumbai The incidence is about me & my GF say (Jasmeen) in late 2007. Jasmeen & me were going great in personal as well as our sex life till the mid of 2007. Let me...

3 years ago
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The Little GuyChapter 1

I am in my senior year and had never played school sports. I am limited only to playing recreational sports because of my handicap. I am seventeen years old, six foot two at two hundred and two pounds. I work out daily with weights to circumvent my frustrations because of my handicap. Our father, who owns a chain of sports stores and a one-time professional body builder, has always encouraged Sabrina and I to work out. In our basement, dad keeps almost every type of workout piece of equipment...

4 years ago
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The Holiday

Zoe Fields sat up in her bed, her fiery red hair a tangled mess. She was still tired from the early flight and all the travel of the previous day. The flight had been quite smooth and they had landed earlier than expected however, it was the early morning drive to the airport, not to mention the security checks and hours of queuing that had taken their toll. The holiday had officially begun and the young redhead could not wait for the good times ahead. Zoe rubbed her deep green eyes and got out...


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