Sucky VacationChapter 15
- 2 years ago
- 33
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When Jeff, Shawna, and Shelly rejoined the group back at the theme park, Amy shot Jeff a head-shaking smile. Shelly danced around between Jeff and Shawna, swinging their joined hands as she skipped along. Shawna seemed equally happy with a beaming, satisfied smile that lit her up from the inside.
“Seriously? Both of them?” Amy whispered as she leaned in, not quite letting go of Neal’s hand. “How does that even work?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Jeff smirked in reply. “I was a perfect gentleman.”
“Fine!” Amy rolled her eyes and laughed. “Be that way. Shelly tells me everything.”
The whole group stayed together all afternoon, but each time Jeff sat for a ride or a rest he was bracketed on both sides by Shawna and Shelly. They floated around a lazy river, went off on a safari, and finally watched animals from a train ride around the park. Mom, Nessa, and Aunt Jackie just grinned at the three of them like they thought it was cute.
Despite the parents being around, Jeff caught sight of Amy sneaking kisses with Neal a few times and felt proud she was going for her vacation fling. The stunned look Neal wore the whole time made it obvious Amy was firmly in the driver’s seat.
Lori had no one special to hang out with and made certain everyone knew she wasn’t happy about it. While they walked around, she tried to force herself between Amy and Neal, then she tried to pull Shelly away from Jeff and Shawna. When none of that worked, her attitude really started circling the bowl.
“I don’t want to go see a stupid bug show,” Lori whined as she crossed her arms.
“You were excited when we planned everything last night,” Aunt Jackie said in a tone that indicated she was reaching the end of her patience with her youngest daughter.
Jeff had felt a little sympathy for Lori earlier, but the constant complaints had left him irritated. Shelly and Amy ignored Lori, as only siblings can. Shawna still had hope because she tried one more time to bring Lori along.
“Just look at all the cool animals there on the tree,” Shawna said, pointing out the sculpted lion emerging from a branch on the enormous tree at the center of the theme park.
“It’s not even a real tree,” Lori muttered and kicked at a stone on the path.
“It’s still brilliant,” Shawna said as she patted Lori on the back. “Right?”
“I guess,” Lori sighed.
“You want to sit next to me for the show?”
Lori looked up at Shawna with an expression that bordered on worship. “Really?”
“Yeah, if you lose that shite attitude.” Shawna raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry,” Lori whispered as she looked down.
“That’s settled then.” Shawna tugged her close enough to drape her arm across the smaller girl’s shoulders.
Jeff and Shelly shared an eye roll but remained silent as Shawna led Lori into the dark waiting area for the show. After the theater doors opened and they all went in, Lori dropped into the seat between Jeff and Shawna. Shelly sat on his other side followed by Amy and Neal. The adults filled in the remaining seats, all of them clearly excited by the ant colony theme of the theater.
Lori leaned into Jeff and clung to his arm for a moment. Then she leaned a little closer and looked up to get his attention. “Would you sleep with me in my bed tonight?”
Shawna overheard the question and hid a laugh behind her hand. Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she mouthed, Again?
Shelly must have heard as well, because made a click with her tongue followed by a frustrated sigh. Then she leaned over to whisper to Amy who barked a laugh.
“I mean, it’s my turn, isn’t it?” Lori asked with wide eyes. He couldn’t decide if she looked scared or excited by the idea.
“Sure,” Jeff said, stretching the word out over a few seconds. “Why not?”
“I just figured it was my turn since Amy and Shelly already had their turn.”
“Yeah, but they only had to sleep in my bed because you tossed and turned so much you pushed them out of yours.” Jeff used a light tone and squeezed her arm to show he was mostly teasing.
“I did not,” Lori pronounced, then paused looking away. “Well, maybe I did a little. But I wouldn’t push you out.”
“It’s fine.” Jeff shot an amused look over Lori’s head at Shawna who was still stifling her laughter.
The bug show was cute, but when the red-eyed spiders dropped from the ceiling, Lori and Shelly squeezed Jeff’s arm and squealed loud enough to make him deaf in both ears. After they returned their 3D glasses at the exit, the whole group gathered out in front of the huge tree. The sun was slipping closer to the horizon and everyone was looking worn out. Aunt Jackie, Mom, and Nessa approached Jeff and Shawna with anxious expressions.
“We were wondering,” Mom started.
Aunt Jackie took over. “And it’s totally okay if you say no.”
Nessa pushed between her companions and laughed. “What these two can’t seem to get out is that we’d like to have a grown-up night out together. Could we pay you to keep an eye on the girls and Neal for a few hours?”
Jeff and Shawna glanced at each other and shrugged. “Sure, no problem,” Jeff answered for them both. “We can order pizza and watch a movie or something.”
“Yeah,” Shawna agreed. “I’m shagged out, to be honest. I could use some rest before we hit the big park tomorrow.”
“T’anks,” Nessa said with an excited glance at Neal’s father, Richard. “We really appreciate it.”
Lori and Shelly complained a little about leaving the park while the sun was still out. Amy and Neal grinned at each other, probably over the opportunity to spend more alone time together. The bus ride back to the resort was more subdued than the ride out. Lori stuck to one side of Jeff and Shawna held his hand on the other. Shelly and Amy spent the trip whispering together with excited expressions on their faces.
Once they got back to the resort, the families split up so the kids could shower and change into pajamas. Jeff was still waiting for his turn in the shower when Shawna returned wearing a loose-fitting sleepset in her favorite shade of deep green. The shorts were trimmed in gold piping and the t-shirt had Luck of the Irish spelled out in a gold script.
“Nice,” he said as he greeted her with a quick kiss. Her warm scent inspired Jeff to drop more kisses along her cheek and neck.
“No tickles,” she giggled and pushed him away. “Besides, you stink of the day.”
“It’s not my fault the girls are taking forever,” Jeff said as he directed his voice toward the bathroom door.
Lori was already in her pajamas and watching television from her bed. The show featured the teenaged kids of good guys and bad guys from the movies. Apparently, they were all going to the same high school and there was a ton of silly teen drama and magic.
Shelly was in the other bed removing toenail polish, based on the strong chemical smell. She had already showered and was wearing a princess-themed pajama set with a towel wrapped around her long hair.
Amy stepped out of the bathroom wearing a long t-shirt while patting her braided hair dry. She glanced at Jeff. “All yours!”
“Keep an eye on the kids for me and save me some pizza,” Jeff said to Shawna.
“Ya’ sure I can’t scrub your back?” she asked with a bright twinkle in her eyes.
His answer was a quick kiss and a laugh before locking himself in the bathroom. He stripped and showered quickly, paying special attention to all the spots he hoped would get special attention later. He shaved carefully, brushed his teeth, and dressed in his soft sleep shorts and an old soccer jersey.
The scent of pizza made his stomach growl as he hung his towel up to dry over the bathroom door. When he looked in the adjoining room he noted the adults had gone out for the night. Neal and Amy were camped out over in her parents’ bed watching television with the lights off.
Shelly and Lori were engrossed in the pirate movie playing on the television. Shawna had spread out Shelly’s toes with spacers and had bent over to paint them. She looked up long enough to give him a grin as he passed. Jeff answered Shawna’s grin with one of his own.
“Come sit with me,” Lori said as she bounced in place on the other bed. “I saved you some pizza!”
His youngest cousin was the age where she couldn’t seem to decide if she wanted to grow up or not. Her slim frame was starting to fill out in curves, but her long brown hair was a tangled damp mess. Her pajamas featured anime characters, but the cut of the sleep shorts and top showed plenty of smooth skin.
Jeff jumped into bed with her and grabbed a piece of pizza from the open box. “So what are we watching?” he asked, even though he already knew.
“They just got the pirate ship out of the bottle,” Lori explained while he ate. “Now they have to get to the magic trident before the bad guys.”
Jeff ate the rest of the pizza quickly and got up to crush the pizza box into the small trash can. Before he went back to bed, he grabbed a brush from the bathroom counter. Lori glanced at it before looking a question at him.
“Sit in front of me,” he suggested as he climbed into bed.
Lori scooted forward while glancing back at him with a curious expression. Jeff reached out to straighten her hair. He fingered through the tangles first, then began to work the brush through without pulling too hard. His last girlfriend had loved to have her hair brushed. After she started dating someone else, Jeff discovered he missed doing it.
Lori made a low hum as he made long, deep strokes with the brush. Shawna and Shelly both smirked at him from the other bed, but he just shrugged at their amusement. While Lori watched the movie, he concentrated on taming her hair into soft waves. By the time he got it completely straightened out, Lori wore a satisfied smile.
“Can I lean back against you?” she asked quietly.
Jeff sat the brush on the nightstand before opening his legs. He helped her scoot back against his chest with his legs running outside along hers. She snuggled back against him and tugged his arms around her waist. With the top of her head right under his chin, Jeff kissed her hair and hugged her close. The sweet scent of her shampoo and soap tickled his nose.
Shawna grabbed the brush from the nightstand and began working it through Shelly’s damp hair. Both of them were obviously amused by the way he was holding Lori. Shawna brushed long strokes while Shelly’s toenails dried.
Jeff woke to someone shaking his shoulder. He blinked hard a few times and looked back to see Amy standing there. “If you want to see Christina before she leaves, you’d better get going,” she whispered. The room was still dark because of the blackout curtains, but there was light filtering around the edges. Amy? Jeff frowned. Then who is— Shelly was still sleeping next to him. She smiled in her sleep and snuggled deeper in his arms. Shit, shit, shit! The memory from the night before was...
Even through closed eyes and sunglasses, Jeff felt the cool shadow that blocked the late afternoon sun. He opened his eyes to discover a certain copper-haired beauty leaning over his lounge chair. “Hey, Shawna.” “Hey yerself,” she said while her curly locks dangled around his face. The first thing he noticed was the fabric of her deep purple one-piece straining across her swaying breasts. The second was her brilliant smile that crinkled the corners of her green eyes. “You up for a...
Jeff jogged up to the table while his family was just sitting down at for dinner. He and Shawna had showered before leaving the room, so at least he didn’t smell like sex. They had parted ways at the bar by the pool where her mother, Nessa, had greeted her daughter with a hug and Jeff with a knowing smirk. He briefly returned Nessa’s greeting then gave Shawna one last kiss on the cheek before escaping with his face burning like he was sunburnt. It was just too weird that Shawna’s mother knew...
“What’s that on your neck?” Amy asked with an amused twinkle in her eye. Jeff had noticed the small hickey while he was shaving. It took a moment, but he eventually recalled Shelly sucking on his neck the night before when she was trying to be quiet. She probably didn’t even know she’d done it. “Don’t ask.” Jeff felt his face heat and stepped out of the bathroom. “And please don’t tease Shelly about it.” That sparked an even bigger grin from Amy. “Like you could stop me!” He shook his...
Jeff woke on the very edge of the mattress with Lori’s cold feet pressing into the small of his back. He blinked and looked back over his shoulder. Lori was sprawled out at an angle with her head nearly hanging off the edge of the mattress. One arm was flung out to the pillows and the other lay across her body with her fingers just under the edge of her panties. Her nightshirt had ridden up to expose a flat stomach with a thin slice of a navel. Light hairs were scattered across her skin with...
“This is the best day ever!” Lori danced around in her tight blue denim shorts and a pink spaghetti-strap top. Jeff noted she wasn’t wearing the cotton bra-like-thing she normally wore. Her pinpoint nipples pushed out the fabric covering her barely-there breasts. “She’s definitely in a better mood today,” Shelly murmured to Amy and the two of them giggled. After their parents finally got moving and out of the resort, their day in the big park flew by. The theme park was absolutely packed...
“Gah, it smells like a French whorehouse in here,” Nessa said as the adults came into the room and turned on the overhead lights. Jeff startled awake and glanced around in panic as he realized he’d fallen asleep. Lori was still sleeping despite the bright light, but everyone else had roused as fast as he had. Amy and Shelly jerked the sheets up to cover their bare breasts while Neal looked ready to bolt at being caught in bed between them. “What the hell is going on here?” Uncle Bob...
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Jeff got up to go to the bathroom during the night. When he came back, Amy had rolled into his space on the crowded queen-sized bed they’d shared with Neal and Shelly. Their parents had obviously returned at some point because Uncle Bob ripped a muffled fart in the next room. Jeff chuckled silently as he padded softly to the other bed. Lori sprawled there bonelessly, alone and wearing a long nightshirt, so he eased her over and joined her in the sheets. She made whiny objections to being...
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0001 - Tempro; 0101 - Shelby (mother ship); 1000 - Sherry 0003 - Conner; 0798 - (still growing); 0098 - Lucy (missing); 0999 - Zan; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Sherry?! You were called Sherry?” Still somewhat in shock Derrick could only stare at the hologram of the young woman. “Why yes Sire,” the slender brown haired teen replied....
My job was actually pretty easy. You see, I just needed the right set-up. As it happened, it was waiting for me to pounce. At the end of the semester, a small group of students stay behind. Those without other boarding, those who need to stay due to bad grades or just those without nowhere to go. With security at a minimum then, it's the best time to strike. Working as a gardener at the campus, I got to see all of the students and learn who would be around. All I had to do was wait for the time...
BDSMForeword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. Operators of erotic story web sites and other collections, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post and/or distribute my stories, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author. You may not make changes...
Not quite a month after Teena, Gordo and Stick began their sexual adventures, they were caught. Not by their parents, but by Jeri, Teena's 13 year-old big sister. Jeri was usually completely uninterested in her little sister's life and she completely loathed Stick. So, whenever Stick was over, Jeri tried to be somewhere else. Somewhere else had lately been wherever Johnson Pinecone - the Keene's neighbor and Jeri's boyfriend - happened to be. Jeri had only recently decided to date...
He stands there waiting in anticipation for the long awaited encounter. He doesn’t know what he is feeling or even how to describe it. He wonders what it will be like, what she will be like. He hopes he is able to recognise her, he starts to worry about not knowing who she is. His head is looking down and she can see that he looks nervous. She thinks she might be but her happiness won’t let it show, she can imagine the thoughts he is having, how much he might be thinking of things. At first...
On arriving at the hotel and having booked in we made our way to the bar. The journey of 30 miles had been made in excited anticipation and silence. We looked around and immediately spotted Jon sitting by himself slowly drinking a pint of lager. He had described himself down to the last ‘t’. About 6’0’’, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, short hair, and black (of Caribbean descent). We went over and introduced ourselves. ‘Hi! I’m Lisa and this is Martin’. Formalities over with I sat down next to...
Melvin had worked the plan over and over in his head, and when he saw her he knew she was the perfect one. Mary was plain in almost every way. She rarely looked people in the eye at work and appeared almost afraid to speak to people. Her clothes and appearance were both awkward. Her desk was in an obscure corner and she ate lunch by herself. Her badge showed she was a temp, just like Melvin.He had taken the job just to search for the right woman, he already had his inheritance and the...
The next day, Maggie busied herself around the house sorting out things and preparing for the new school year. It was hard to find a moment when she had stopped doing things and would speak to me about sex. I could see that she was still upset by how her Manchester trip ended. Over the next few days I also was very busy at work and was getting home late. When Maggie and I met up in the evening she remained more subdued than her normal self. I asked her a couple of times whether she had been...
Wife LoversWithout speaking, Tobin took Trevor’s hand and led him from the living room upstairs to his bedroom. Both of them stumbled as they went, as their pants were still mid-thigh. Laughing, they shucked their pants, leaving them sprawled on the stairs, and entered Tobin’s room entirely naked. They both paused at the same time—each drinking in the sight of the other’s body. Both of them were hard again, their cock’s bobbing and swaying before them, slick and wet and visibly throbbing. They stared at...
Gay MaleDecember 24th, Christmas Eve. The mere mention of the day will cause some to rejoice and other to crawl into a hole and wish for death. Well for Ashlee, Brenda, mom, dad and me, we chose the first one and not the last. Ashlee woke up with me, we were not cuddling, but right next to each other so when I got out of bed, I woke her up and she joined me for the bathroom. "Why don't you put on your robe and come downstairs with me." "That is just what I was thinking sweet heart." Ashlee...
"Morning mom," I said as I walked into the kitchen the morning I turned 18. "Happy Birthday! You're 18, an adult!" she said, hugging me tight. "Yeah. Hard to believe, huh?" Mom nodded. My name is Roxanne, but my friends call my Roxie. I'm 5'3'' and 110 lbs. I have dark blonde hair down to my perfectly rounded ass and a pair of sparkling, green eyes. I have a nice body too, a pair of 32B tits, flat tummy, and long, tanned legs. "You better leave or you're gonna be late to school," Mom said as...
LesbianHi, Guys and Girls.. Am Shyam, age of 28 from Kerala. Am 5feet 9″ height with a curved dick of 6″.. My ID is This is other sex incident happened in my life. Like my previous posts this one also be little long. As am trying to express each and every moments. First of all Deep Thanks to all who read my stories and appreciated me, but some of them asked me for the Photos of MY girlfriends ,Please readers don’t ask me the contacts and other things of my Girlfriends, I won’t share that ever, I am...
My introduction to the joys of a strap-on dildo came in a roundabout way. My wife and I were attending an outdoor party at our health club in northern California. It was a nice warm evening and a great band was playing. We were drinking wine and enjoying the music. My wife seemed to be particularly intrigued with the lead singer, a sultry brunette with long curly hair and a husky sensual voice. I had my arms wrapped around her and she was leaning back into me. I casually asked if she was...