Sucky VacationChapter 15
- 2 years ago
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Spending the day with Amy made it easier for Jeff to avoid thinking about his family situation. They had spent their time going to different parks to ride their favorite rides again. In one park they found a jungle-themed restaurant with fantastic food for lunch but both had gotten tired before dinner. Jeff could tell Amy was uncomfortable despite the ibuprofen she’d taken for her cramps that morning and suggested they head back to the hotel.
He was distracted and tense on the bus ride back at the thought of confronting his family, especially Uncle Bob. My biological father, Jeff thought bitterly. Amy must have noticed his anxiety and kept his right hand captured in both of hers. He leaned over and pressed his lips into her beaded hair, drawing in her sun-warmed scent.
She reached up to scratch between the braids. “I think I need to take the beads out. It’s getting too itchy. Do I stink?”
“Nope, you just smell like you,” Jeff said with a kiss near her ear. “I can help you get the beads off tonight if you want.”
She turned and smiled at him for a moment before kissing him. “I’d like that.”
They got off the bus at the resort and swung their hands as they wound their way to the room they shared. Jeff opened the door with his wrist band and allowed Amy through first.
“I need to clean up and shower,” she said to Jeff without meeting his eyes. “Do you need to use the bathroom first?”
“You don’t need to be embarrassed around me,” he said as he lifted her chin with his fingertips. “It’s just your period.”
Amy let out a half-hearted chuckle. “I know, but it’s just weird talking about it with a guy.”
They both stripped off their clothes. Jeff folded his dirty clothes in his suitcase while Amy tossed hers in the pile on the floor near the dresser. After letting Amy enter the bathroom first, he shut the door behind them and locked it.
While Amy sat on the toilet, Jeff stepped into the tub and drew the curtain to start the shower. He adjusted the temperature, then stepped into the warm spray. Eventually, Amy flushed and slipped through the curtain to join him. She still seemed a little hesitant, so Jeff allowed her past into the shower spray while he turned the bar of soap over and over in a wet washcloth.
Watching the water wash over Amy’s curves was captivating. She raised her arms to scratch her hair in the spray, which lifted her small breasts high on her chest. Her light-colored nipples were crinkled in the spray. The water flowed down from her breasts along the narrow curves of her body to run through the tangle of hair at the joining of her thighs.
Jeff washed Amy with slow, sensual strokes that left suds and goosebumps behind. He covered every inch of her from her neck down to her waist as she slowly turned in the spraying water. He moved the shower curtain slightly to sit on the edge of the tub. Then he worked the sudsy cloth down from her waist to her legs. She lifted each foot to his bent knee so he could wash her arch, instep, and toes.
“You doing this makes me feel like a queen,” Amy chuckled as a blush rose on her chest and cheeks.
“Sit here, my queen,” Jeff invited and patted one leg.
She sat daintily, her face even with his. He kissed her in the warm spray while he moved the sudsy washcloth between her knees. While his tongue explored her mouth, he carefully washed the messy tangle of hair between her legs. She opened herself to him even more.
She broke the kiss with heat in her eyes. “You know the worst part about being on your period?”
“How horny you get,” she said and resumed kissing with more passion.
Dropping the cloth, Jeff allowed the water spray to rinse the suds away. Then he parted her wet tangle with his fingers and used his thumb to tease at the top of her folds where the hair was densest. Amy gripped his head between her hands and responded by devouring his lips.
Jeff probed gently while he kept his thumb circling, allowing the water to wash away anything that remained. His cock rose until it pressed against the outside of her thigh. He couldn’t resist breaking the kiss to lean down and take a puckered nipple into his mouth.
“Oh, God,” Amy moaned as she rocked into his hand. She gasped as her body trembled, then Jeff felt her warmth pulse against his fingers. “I need you in me,” she begged in frustration.
Fumbling for a moment, Amy half stood to bring his knees together while lifting his cock. She backed up until she hovered over his lap, slowly lowering herself until his hard shaft slowly disappeared into her slippery depths.
Jeff wrapped his arms around her from behind while he kissed her neck and shoulders. One hand went to cup her breast and the other moved between her legs to feel their joining. She rubbed the same places with him. Her hand moved quickly in tight circles, so he stroked her from navel to knees. She arched her back when he pinched her nipple with his other hand or tugged on it gently.
Turning her head, Amy continued to kiss him. Her breath came unevenly as he kissed her in return. She rose and fell out of rhythm, impaling herself again and again. Her inner muscles flexed and squeezed around his cock. Lost in pleasure, she tilted her head back against his shoulder and cried out, her knees squeezing together as her hand rubbed in a wild frenzy. Water splashed everywhere.
A long straining moan came at the end of her cry. It left her body shaking like she was cold despite the warm spray. Then her jerky movements slowed as Jeff felt the rhythmic pulses of her orgasm clasp his cock in its quivering grip. She relaxed against him as the tremors passed, panting the tension away with giggles of giddy pleasure.
Jeff held her close, kissing her shoulders and neck with a huge grin on his face. Watching her seek her own pleasure like that was erotic as hell and he didn’t want it to end yet. She finally rolled her head over to kiss his open mouth.
“And just like that, no more cramps,” she said quietly. “You’re better than ibuprofen!”
Jeff didn’t know what to say, so he kept dropping light kisses on her cheek, neck, and shoulders.
“Let me help get you off, too,” she said as she started to move against him.
“No,” he said as he held her down. “I’m good. Besides, after spending all that time cleaning you up I don’t want to leave another mess behind.”
That comment made them both chuckle as he squeezed her tightly for one last hug.
She eased off of him with a grimace. The pink tint she’d left disappeared from his lap in the shower spray. He got the washcloth and cleaned them both off again, then stood as he rinsed the cloth in the water. After they rinsed each other off a final time, they kissed once more, deeply, before Jeff turned off the shower.
He left Amy in the bathroom while he dried off. No one had come back to the rooms yet, so he dressed slowly in shorts and a soft undershirt. Amy came out without a towel and pulled on panties and a nightshirt.
“Were you serious about helping me take the beads out of my hair?” Amy asked.
“Of course,” he said as he sat on the bed against the headboard and patted the space between his legs. Amy got a comb and a plastic cup from the bathroom before she sat.
“You can put the beads in here,” she said as she handed him the plastic cup. Then she turned on the television and began surfing channels.
Jeff put the cup next to his leg and began working the beads off starting on the left side. It was a slow process because Jeff was careful not pull her hair or break the long strands by rushing. He had done a handful of the beaded lengths when the door lock beeped and Shelly appeared in the opening doorway.
“Hey,” Shelly exclaimed as she held the door open for Lori to enter. “There y’all are!”
Lori ran directly to Jeff and threw her arms around his neck before whispering, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Jeff hugged her back with one arm and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I take it you and Shawna had a great day?”
While Jeff continued to remove beads from Amy’s hair, Lori and Shelly chattered away, filling them in on all the day’s happenings. Some older lady had seen Lori and Shawna kissing while they waited in line and made a rude comment. Lori laughed as she described the moment as her rite of passage for coming out as a lesbian.
Shelly was still captivated by Neal based on her stories of their activities and affection. When Amy asked where Neal and Shawna were, Lori said that they had gone back to their rooms. Apparently, Uncle Bob wanted to have a family meeting. Jeff winced at the announcement.
That was the moment when Mom, Dad, Aunt Jackie, and Uncle Bob entered the adjoining room. Their quiet conversation wasn’t loud enough to overhear, but the tone was serious and filled with the sharp sounds of tension. Jeff kept removing the beads from Amy’s hair and swallowed the acid burning in his stomach. When the adjoining door to their room opened all the way, Jeff ignored their parents as they came in and stood just inside the open doorway.
“This room’s a wreck,” Uncle Bob groused as he kicked at the pile of the girls’ clothes near the dresser. “Why don’t you pick up after yourselves.”
Jeff resisted the urge to point out that his own things fit neatly in his suitcase. Shelly gathered a few items off the floor and dropped them on top of the open suitcases on the table in a half-hearted attempt to appease her father. Then she and Lori climbed into the other bed and sat quietly.
Dad pulled each of the four chairs from around the table and dumped the clothes piled on them to the floor. They sat down in the chairs at the foot of the beds with Dad at one end, Bob near the door, and left Mom and Aunt Jackie in the middle.
Mom cleared her throat and looked at Jeff. “I would like to start by apologizing to Jeff for what I said this morning. It came out all wrong. I never intended to hurt you.”
Jeff kept working methodically to remove beads after Mom spoke, the only sound was the clatter of beads hitting the bottom of the cup. He knew he should accept the apology, but couldn’t seem to let the anger go.
“Say something please,” Mom begged.
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” Jeff said as his fingers continued to work the beads down Amy’s hair. “You’re forgiven? I’m still angry. It fucking hurt after all these years to find out the father I love, who raised me, isn’t my sperm donor.” He bit out the last two words with more anger than he’d intended.
Uncle Bob flinched, but his grimace returned quickly. “Well, I’m not comfortable with what’s been going on in here for the past week.”
“You don’t even know what’s been going on here,” Jeff replied, his eyes drilling Uncle Bob while his hands continued to ease the beads down Amy’s hair. “You’ve made assumptions, jumped to conclusions. But then you also screwed my Mom, so hey, it’s all good.” Jeff’s sour tone grated in his own ears, but he couldn’t seem to stop.
“Now who’s jumping to conclusions,” Uncle Bob mumbled.
“I believe that I’m all the evidence I need for that particular assumption.” Jeff gritted his teeth and returned to Amy’s hair. “It’s the hypocrisy that bothers me the most.”
“What hypocrisy?” Uncle Bob said as he shifted uncomfortably.
Jeff looked at his mother. “How old were you and Aunt Jackie when you started fooling around?”
The twins looked at each other. “Thirteen? Fourteen?” Mom asked and Aunt Jackie nodded.
“When did you two meet Dad and Uncle Bob?” Jeff asked his mother.
“Um,” she said and glanced toward her husband. “Sixteen, I think. Junior year of high school.”
“How long before the four of you fooled around together? How long before you started going to nudist—pardon me—naturist camps? I know you didn’t stop until sometime after I turned five. Lori was in diapers the last time I remember running around outside naked.”
Jeff woke to someone shaking his shoulder. He blinked hard a few times and looked back to see Amy standing there. “If you want to see Christina before she leaves, you’d better get going,” she whispered. The room was still dark because of the blackout curtains, but there was light filtering around the edges. Amy? Jeff frowned. Then who is— Shelly was still sleeping next to him. She smiled in her sleep and snuggled deeper in his arms. Shit, shit, shit! The memory from the night before was...
Even through closed eyes and sunglasses, Jeff felt the cool shadow that blocked the late afternoon sun. He opened his eyes to discover a certain copper-haired beauty leaning over his lounge chair. “Hey, Shawna.” “Hey yerself,” she said while her curly locks dangled around his face. The first thing he noticed was the fabric of her deep purple one-piece straining across her swaying breasts. The second was her brilliant smile that crinkled the corners of her green eyes. “You up for a...
Jeff jogged up to the table while his family was just sitting down at for dinner. He and Shawna had showered before leaving the room, so at least he didn’t smell like sex. They had parted ways at the bar by the pool where her mother, Nessa, had greeted her daughter with a hug and Jeff with a knowing smirk. He briefly returned Nessa’s greeting then gave Shawna one last kiss on the cheek before escaping with his face burning like he was sunburnt. It was just too weird that Shawna’s mother knew...
“What’s that on your neck?” Amy asked with an amused twinkle in her eye. Jeff had noticed the small hickey while he was shaving. It took a moment, but he eventually recalled Shelly sucking on his neck the night before when she was trying to be quiet. She probably didn’t even know she’d done it. “Don’t ask.” Jeff felt his face heat and stepped out of the bathroom. “And please don’t tease Shelly about it.” That sparked an even bigger grin from Amy. “Like you could stop me!” He shook his...
When Jeff, Shawna, and Shelly rejoined the group back at the theme park, Amy shot Jeff a head-shaking smile. Shelly danced around between Jeff and Shawna, swinging their joined hands as she skipped along. Shawna seemed equally happy with a beaming, satisfied smile that lit her up from the inside. “Seriously? Both of them?” Amy whispered as she leaned in, not quite letting go of Neal’s hand. “How does that even work?” “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Jeff smirked in reply. “I was...
Jeff woke on the very edge of the mattress with Lori’s cold feet pressing into the small of his back. He blinked and looked back over his shoulder. Lori was sprawled out at an angle with her head nearly hanging off the edge of the mattress. One arm was flung out to the pillows and the other lay across her body with her fingers just under the edge of her panties. Her nightshirt had ridden up to expose a flat stomach with a thin slice of a navel. Light hairs were scattered across her skin with...
“This is the best day ever!” Lori danced around in her tight blue denim shorts and a pink spaghetti-strap top. Jeff noted she wasn’t wearing the cotton bra-like-thing she normally wore. Her pinpoint nipples pushed out the fabric covering her barely-there breasts. “She’s definitely in a better mood today,” Shelly murmured to Amy and the two of them giggled. After their parents finally got moving and out of the resort, their day in the big park flew by. The theme park was absolutely packed...
“Gah, it smells like a French whorehouse in here,” Nessa said as the adults came into the room and turned on the overhead lights. Jeff startled awake and glanced around in panic as he realized he’d fallen asleep. Lori was still sleeping despite the bright light, but everyone else had roused as fast as he had. Amy and Shelly jerked the sheets up to cover their bare breasts while Neal looked ready to bolt at being caught in bed between them. “What the hell is going on here?” Uncle Bob...
Breakfast ended up being anticlimactic. Everyone arrived around the same time to raid the resort buffet. Jeff and Neal had to pull tables together for everyone to have a seat. Neal had clearly lost some of his shyness as he traded not-so-subtle innuendos with the girls right along with Jeff. If their parents had issues with the risque conversation, they kept it to themselves. Once everyone was seated together it became clear the parents were no longer interested in discussing what they had...
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Book I - Awakening, in five chapters, deals with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self. In Chapter I Dani was confronted with her past and introduced to sissy boy dress, public venues and intimate sex with her new Master. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex and references to all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or be gone! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Either way, please...
“No?” “No.” I repeated. “Family secrets.” “I understand,” said Abby. The professor was interested and with a few nudges and gestures, talked Abby into revealing her ancestry. “This is mostly innuendo and surmise. Very little was provable until DNA testing,” she said. “My great great grand mother was born on Bali. In an area where dark skin prevailed, light skin was treasured. She was very light. A favorite of visitors to the temple, photographs abound and many bare breasted postcards of...
“IT’S A LITTLE LATE FOR BREAKFAST,” Dad said when he saw us at the door. “Would you like to join us for lunch?” “Sorry, Dad,” I said sheepishly. “I was drawing. The time kind of got away from us.” Dad nodded his head. Mom came to the door, raised one eyebrow at me, and we headed down to lunch. We sat in a little café and it was apparent to me that something was bugging my folks. There wasn’t much I could do about it unless they asked something. I certainly wasn’t going to provide details...
The sun was high in the sky, the light glistening off the snow that lay like a soft, cotton blanket across the countryside. I leant my forehead against the cold window, condensation forming on the glass. I pulled my outstretched legs into me as I lay on the window seat, snuggling down into my woollen turtleneck as I did so, the fitted material stretching at my chest. The fire was roaring opposite me, the heat warming up my bare feet. I glanced down at my sweet little toes, with the nails...
Nic was finishing up a scotch at the hotel bar as he mentally went over his early morning business meeting. After a week of negotiations and contracts, it was a success to acquire the tech startup. It'd cost him a few million but millions were pocket change compared to the billions he was worth. Now, he only had to check out of the hotel and head back to his home in LA. After spending the past few days in Chicago’s “springtime” weather, it was just what he needed.His plans changed quickly when...
Straight SexI was out one Friday night with my mate, Neil, just in our local pub, when I caught the eye of a couple of girls I knew from my summer holiday work in the warehouse of a local factory. The girls waved me over & we sat down with Carol, a plain looking girl of around 20 with a penchant for revealing tops & short skirts which showed off her trim body.With Carol was Elaine, a married woman in her mid 20's with 2 k**s, a pretty girl wearing similar clothing struggling to contain her, more...
Well i was having a bath in this room and this woman was washing me and making sure i was clean . Then you walked in and made the lady leave. You made me get out and dryed me off and put some furs from the bed on me then made me turn around a put a big gold necklace on me. I then kissed you to thank you and took off all your heavy furs and armour. I joked about ur dirty hands so you slipped them under my furs on my body. We started kissing and tlked how long i hadnt seen you.. You threw the fur...
The light from the window woke me the next morning, Friday. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was early - 6:30. I surveyed myself mentally and realized that while the nausea was there, I didn't feel that I was going to be sick. Maybe that was a good sign. More than that, I was feeling silly. Downright giddy, actually. I couldn't have defined the feeling back then, but now I would call it feeling girly. Playfully, I rolled over and kissed my husband on the cheek, feeling the...
I went home and took another quick shower. I began uploading the pictures we took today onto my computer. The piece of paper with Kala’s phone number on it was right in front of me on my desk. I picked up the phone but before I dialed I tried to remember everything Cass told me earlier. I reminded myself that Kala is just a person and that she’s probably nervous, too. I picked up the phone and dialed the number she gave Kyle. Her phone started ringing and my nervousness seemed to increase...
Have you ever wondered how a man can accidentally become a cocksucker? By that, you should not include an experience where a man and a friend sat at home on a Friday night, drinking beer, watching porn and going down on each other. Although, that is how it started out. The story you are about to read is my true experience.A few years ago, my friend and his wife would come to my family's home on Friday nights. We usually ordered pizza, barbecued something, or just cooked whatever we wanted at...
Gay MaleHello ISS readers this is your SJ Swapnil(name changed) and i am going to share you my story of fucking my own sister. It was though very different for having incest relationships but this shit changed my life. . . . Now about myself, i am 5’11” with a semi-heavy musculature (have been going to gym for 2 years) having 6.8 inches lund.Waise to mujhe koi aisa ehsaas to tha nahi ki kabhi aisa bhi hoga par wo 6 day din mere din ke sabse behtareen din the. I just completed my class 12th and was...
Dependency By Beverley Anne Miles The body was lying in the darkness, partially hidden in the corner of shadow at the foot of the wall next to the back entrance to my shop. I was coming back from the pub one night, quite late, when I found it. I checked around me to make sure it wasn't a set up for a mugging - it's been tried before, then leant down over the prone body - when I first looked I wasn't sure what gender I was looking at. Face down, the long lank hair hid the facial...
Hii guyz and girlsss kaise ho aap sab. Main iss ki new member bani aur socha yahan sabhi apni story likhte hai to kyu na main bhi apni kahani ap sab ko bata du. Pehle bhi kyi baar socha tha yaha story likhne ke baare me par kabhi himmat nahi hui to aaj finally m likh hi rahi hu. Pehle aap sab ko main apne baare me bata deti hu mera naam hai priya aur m basically punjab ki rehne vali hu. Abhi main graduation kar rahi hu aur ye jo incident main ap sab ke saath share karne vali hu vo mere saath...
Hi Friends, I am Rishi from Delhi, my age is 25 yrs. with ok kind of personality. Apni story share karne se pehle thoda or apne baare me bata deta hu ki main Delhi me job karta hu or rented flat me rehta hu.Ye story un dino ki hai jab meri Girlfriend (Chaaru) interview ke bahane se Calcutta se Delhi 7 din ke liye mere flat pe rehne aa gai thi or uski choti behan jo karib 22 saal ki hogi, vo bhi uske saath ayi thi, jiska naam Sanchita tha. Sanchita or meri baat hoti rehti thi or thoda bohat...
My heart beats faster when I am at the races with a hundred quid riding on a horse; I get a thrill from hitting a great golf shot and like all men I quiver when I see a beautiful woman. A fabulous sunset fills me with pleasure and when my favourite soccer team scores, I'm bursting with delight. But nothing is so agonisingly exciting as waiting for my wife to come home after a date.My first story describes how I discovered that Susannah had cheated on me after three years of marriage (I'm the...