Robin and the Doctor
- 2 years ago
- 35
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Joseph Ninehouse, MD had taken over the small town medical practice from his mentor almost six months ago. Joe, it seemed, was even more popular with the female clients than Dr. Balkema had been. He had just finished up with the last patient for the day and was writing notes on their charts when Ellen Morris, his nurse/assistant/all around flunky, handed him one last medical file.
‘What’s this Ellen?’ Joe asked.
‘It’s my file doctor. If you’ve got the time I’d like you to give me my annual physical. That is if you don’t have any objections.’
When Joe looked into her eyes he thought he saw a little twinkle there and instantly recalled his first physical exam with Dr. Balkema when he was only eighteen. Ellen had given him his first sexual experience with a member of the opposite sex. She had jerked him off after he had developed an erection while she was administering a routine enema.
‘None whatsoever, Ellen.’ Joe said. ‘Why don’t you disrobe while I review your file?’
Joe had Ellen sit on the edge of the exam table while he took her pulse and blood pressure and checked her lungs and heart for any abnormalities. Ellen was a beautiful woman. With her high cheekbones and flashing green eyes she looked and acted like the strong professional woman that she was. Sitting in her high cut white panties and simple but sturdy white bra she was causing Joe to feel a stirring in his loins. Her short cut dark hair was sprinkled with strands of gray, but her face showed very few lines of age. She wore little, if any, make-up and if Joe didn’t know that she had two daughters that were in their early twenties, he would have guess her age to be mid thirties.
‘I find it hard to believe that you’re fifty-one Ellen. Your skin tone and fitness belie your age.’ Joe commented. ‘Stand over by the bar and I’ll take your measurements. I think it would be better if you weren’t wearing that bra. Don’t you?’ Ellen nodded her agreement and slipped off the bra and clasped the bar. And Joe strode up behind her and reaching around cupped both tits with his large hands and pressed her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.
‘The first woman that ever touched my erect penis was you Ellen. You gave me an enema and then masturbated me. Do you remember? Do you think its time I did the same for you?’ He said as his right hand slid down her stomach and into her panties and cupped her hot wet vulva.
‘Well, I’m not real thrilled about the prospects of an enema, but the rest of it sounds fair to me. After all turn about is fair play. Right?’
Joe pushed her panties off her ass and down to her knees and as Ellen turned to face him the crumpled around her ankles and she stepped out of them. With his hands on her ass he pulled their bodies together as Ellen clamped her hands behind Joe’s head and brought their lips together for a deep tongue-battling kiss.
As they kissed Joe backed her up to the exam table and sitting her down she enveloped his waist with her legs as he dropped his scrubs and shorts and let his stiff dick poke at her hairy opening. Ellen reached between them and grabbing his prick she briskly rubbed it at her open slit. When she was sufficiently wet, they slid together. Joe looked into Ellen’s eyes as he wondered what brought this change in her behavior. Ellen had always been free and open around Joe, but he knew that she didn’t love him, and although she was attractive, Joe was looking for someone just a little bit younger.
‘Don’t move Joe, please.’ Ellen said. ‘It feels really nice, and I’m glad you put it in, but…and I say this with reluctance…this isn’t going to work. I wasn’t sure before, but now I am. I’m leaving. I’m going to retire and join Phillip in Florida. All the time I worked for him, we were lovers. But I didn’t want to move away, but over the last six months I found that I miss him a lot. I had to try you at least once, but I know that he is the man for me. You can take it out now, or if you want or you can finish up.’
‘I’ll take it out on one condition. Otherwise I’m going to fuck you so long and hard you’ll be way to old to move to Florida. I want you to stick around long enough for me to get a replacement. Would you do that for me?’ Joe said as he let his thumbs gently roll back and forth over her rapidly expanding clitoris as he moved just the head of his dick slowly in and out of her love tunnel.
‘You know of course that Marlene Rodgers is an RN don’t you? Her daughters are now in Middle School and I think she would be interested in a job.’ Ellen said.
‘That would create a lot of problems for me. You know she’s been a fantasy of mine for years. I don’t know if I could work along side her every day and not go crazy with lust.’ Joe said.
‘Take it out and lets talk.’
‘If I take it out I’ll still owe you one.’
‘I’d rather have you owe me for the rest of your life rather than cheat me out of one.’ Ellen laughed as she sat up and retrieved her panties.
After Joe got his scrubs pulled up Ellen convinced Joe that he should at least consider hiring Marlene. They were going to need help, and could probably use at least two nurses. Joe was still thinking about it the next morning right after he finished doing hospital rounds in the city.
‘Joe Ninehouse?’ A tall elderly man in a doctor’s smock asked Joe as he touched him at the elbow.
‘Yes sir, what can I do for you?’
‘I’m Stan Susan. I have a practice in Falls Creek just a few miles down the road from you. I use to cover for Phillip Balkema when ever he took vacations, which were few and far between.’
‘Oh yes sir, he did mention you, I’m so sorry I haven’t contacted you yet, but I’ve been so busy.’ Joe tried to explain.
‘Not too busy, I hope. Stan said. ‘I’ve just hired a new partner, and I don’t feel comfortable doing a physical exam on a colleague, and I’m wondering if I could impose on you.’
‘Be more than happy to help you sir. Why don’t you just call my office and set up an appointment?’
‘Well, I wanted to get it done today if possible. Could I send Sam by after hours? Say six-thirty tonight.
‘I can do that. I’ll be waiting.’ Joe said. It was a little after six-thirty when Joe finished with his last patient for the day and he had completely forgotten about his promise to Stan Susan when Diane came back with a new file folder.
‘Dr. Susan is here.’ Diane said. ‘I have an appointment to get fitted for a new wedding dress so I’m out of here. I’m sure you’ll be able to handle this by yourself, so I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll lock up on my way out.’
Joe finished up the paper work for the last patient and walked out to the lobby to find a very attractive young woman sitting there by herself.
‘I thought Diane said Dr. Susan was here?’ Joe said a little bewildered.
‘I’m Dr. Susan.’ The woman said. ‘Didn’t my dad talk to you this morning about me coming over for a physical examination?
‘Yes he did, but he said his it was his new partner. He didn’t say that you were his daughter. Come on back. I’m Joe Ninehouse.’
‘Samantha Susan.’ She said sticking out her hand. ‘I think my dad is just a little shy about examining his own daughter, and besides he and I have both heard some nice things about you.’
‘Thank you. You’re here for a routine physical. When did you have your last check-up?’
‘Other than at med school, I think I was about twelve. So, sixteen years ago.’
‘Any problems that I should be aware of? Are you feeling OK?’
‘I’m fine, except…I’m experiencing a little blood from my rectum. I may have a torn polyp, but I couldn’t see anything myself.’ Susan said.
‘When we get to that part of the exam, we’ll take a look.’ Joe said. ‘One of the things that Dr. Balkema did, that I really like, is that he took physical measurements of his patients. I’m doing the same thing because I think down the line it could be useful. If you don’t mind I’ll do that wi
th you. OK?’
‘Whatever you normally do is fine with me.’ Susan said smiling. ‘Should I take off my clothes?’
‘Just your sweater and slacks for now…shoes and socks as well then put your hands on this bar here and stand tall.’
Joe admired the physique of Samantha Susan as he looked at her from behind. She had wide shoulders and a straight back that flared out into fairly wide hips that were covered in light blue cotton briefs. Her legs were thin with strong calf muscles and firm thighs. When he walked around to her front he saw that her breasts were firm and fairly large. The beige under wire bra was made of a smooth satin like material and just barely hinted at the shape of her nipples beneath. Samantha stood still with a silly little grin on her face.
No words were spoken as Joe took measurements and recorded than until he accidentally on purpose brushed the knuckles of his left hand across her nipple as he took her upper chest measurements. When he placed the tape across the nipples to take her breast measurement, both nipples were standing tall and now clearly discernable through the thin material.
‘Ooops.’ Sam mumbled as Joe just grinned and finished up with the measurements.
‘Please remove your bra and lie face down on the table. I’m going to do an epidermis dermatology exam first, than we’ll do the breast and internal checkups. OK?’
Sam was enjoying the warm firm hands of this handsome doctor that was touching and pushing all over her back. As he moved down one side of the table to get to her lower back she turned her head towards him and was rewarded with a view of his engorged cock as it strained against his pant leg. He must be getting as turned on doing the exam as I am having it done she thought. When he reached her panties and pulled down on the sides, she helped him by lifting her hips off the table as he pulled them down her thighs and off her feet. Then he finished touching and probing along her legs down to her feet. He looked at each toe and as she cupped her heel in one hand and pulled just a little on each toe.
‘Are you going to play ‘this little piggy went to market’ with my toes?’ Sam giggled.
‘Maybe later if you ask nice.’ Joe laughed back. ‘Roll over on your back please.’ He said as he walked back up to her head. When Joe examined her breasts he lightly touched them with just his fingertips, than he did a regular medical breasts exam.
‘This is a stupid question to ask a medical doctor, but do you do regular self breast exams?’ When Sam nodded in the affirmative he gripped both nipples and pulled them up and out. ‘Good elasticity.’ He said.
Moving his hands over her stomach and hipbones, he ran his fingers through her thick pubic hair and touched her inner thighs to have her spread her legs.
‘Bring the soles of your feet together and flop your knees out please.’ Joe asked as he gently pulled on the fatty pads that lay outside her vagina and pulled apart her inner pussy lips. With the palm of his left hand on her pubic bone he used his fingers to pull back the hood on her citreous and watched as a tiny little protrusion showed itself from underneath. He had her put her legs back down and continued his exam of her legs to her brightly painted toes.
‘Scoot down and put your legs up in the stirrups please.’ Joe said as he donned a rubber glove and pushed his finger inside her body and felt the walls of her wet saturated pussy. When he inserted the speculum and took a pap smear Sam thought his touch was very gentle.
‘Now lets check out your rectum.’ Joe said as he put on fresh gloves and applied a generous glob of petroleum jelly to his finger as well as her anus. Using his index finger he pushed gently into her rear passage and when Sam jumped in obvious pain he removed his finger.
‘I’m going to open you up just a little so I can see better. It seems to be something on the wall of the colon only about an inch in from the anus.’
After a long look Joe removed his gloves and placing one hand on her thigh, just a fraction of an inch from her pussy He looked up her torso and into her eyes.
‘It appears you have a deep scratch or cut on the inner wall of your rectum. Have you been engaging in rough anal sex?’ Joe asked.
‘I haven’t been engaging in any kind of sex lately.’ Sam said with a puzzled look on her face. Then realization of what had happened came like a flash of lighting and she blushed so hard and fast it spread all the way down to her chest. ‘Oh my God! This is so embarrassing. I was masturbating with my vibrator and I wanted some anal stimulation and I pushed the top of my perfume bottle in my anus. It has a sharp pointed tip, and I must have scratched myself with that. God…how could I be so stupid?’
‘Believe me, I know what you mean.’ Joe said. ‘I think we should give you a really deep cleansing enema and then treat the cut with ointment. You should eat lightly and use a Fleet Enema every day for the next week applying antiseptic to the scratch afterwards. Then come back and see me in about a week and I’ll check it again.’
The enemas took almost an hour and afterwards Joe busied himself writing notes and facing the wall as Samantha put her clothes back on. He wanted to ask her to dinner, but wasn’t sure if she would be receptive or not and he was a little afraid of rejection.
‘After a girl is examined by you she doesn’t have many secrets left.’ Sam said. ‘But I know you haven’t had dinner yet, and neither have I, so how about I take you out to eat?’
‘You must be a mind reader. I’ve been trying to think of a way to ask you out. We could go out to the River’s Edge Bar and have fish. That would be easy on your digestive tract.’
‘It’s good to know you’re still interested in my rear end.’ Sam said laughing. ‘Lets go.’
During dinner the two got to know one another and both were a little sad when it became time to leave. After they got back to Joe’s office the awkwardness of their relationship was evident. Joe wanted to hug Sam, and maybe even kiss her, but he wasn’t sure what to do. Sam shared the exact same feelings and inhabitations.
‘Should I come back next Friday about this same time so you can check me out?’ Sam asked.
‘Yes that would be good. Maybe we could do dinner again…afterwards?’
‘Sounds wonderful.’ Sam said as she put her arms around his waist for a little hug before she got in her car and left.
Things were pretty normal during the week, and Joe saw Sam and her dad at the hospital on Wednesday, but they only had the chance to wave at one another. Friday was a hectic day and Joe got way behind. At six O’clock Ellen announced the last patient of the day.
Marlene Rogers was sitting on the edge of the exam table wearing a zip up nylon exercise jacket and matching long loose pants with white socks and tennis shoes on.
‘Mrs. Rogers, you’re as beautiful as ever.’ Joe said as he walked over to her and took her hand.
‘Thanks Doctor, but please call me Marlene. Mrs. Rogers is still Coach’s mother. I’m glad you took over Dr. Balkema’s practice. Everybody in town agrees with me I think.’
‘Thank you, Marlene. If you remove your jacket and trousers, we can get started by doing your measurements first.
‘Joe I’m not really here for a physical, but I am about due. What I came for today was to ask you for a job. I’d like to take Ellen’s place and be your nurse and all around girl friday. Before you say anything, let me just tell you where I’m coming from. I love my husband, and I’ve never ever cheated on him. Like most women I have fantasies about other men being desirous of me. With Doctor Balkema and with you I was able to have men other than my husband look at me and touch me. I even had an orgasm when you examined me last year. I don’t want to have sexual intercourse with you, and I’m pretty sure you don’t want to fuck me either. But I truly think the two of us can get along together, and still have a lot of fun wit
hout getting romantically involved. If you agree, please hire me. I know you won’t regret it.’
‘You’re hired. Can you start next Monday?’ Joe asked.
‘Yes, but I’ll need a physical. Can you take care of that little matter right now?’ She asked as she unzipped her jacket and started pushing her pants down.
‘Sure, step over here to the bar and we’ll begin with your measurements.’ Joe said admiring the bright red bra and panties Marlene was wearing. ‘Do you always wear such sexy underwear, or only when you visit your favorite doctor?’ Joe inquired.
‘Well to be honest with you I was thinking maybe you’d see me undressed and if I do say so myself, I look good in red.’ Marlene said blushing a little.
‘You have a very sexy body, Marlene. I think you look great in red, especially when you blush. Take those frilly things off and give me a view of the entire package.’ Joe said laughing.
Light banter and easy comradeship of friends ensued until the end of the examination when Joe had his hands resting on Marlene’s inner thighs just a fraction of an inch from her pussy.
‘Everything looks great Marlene.’ Joe said lightly tapping his fingertips on the thick pubic hair at the top of her vagina. ‘I think you ought to get this cute little package home to Coach before it drowns in its own fluid.’
As Joe escorted Marlene out of the Clinic, Samantha Susan was waiting in the lobby. Joe introduced the two and informed Sam that Marlene was going to be his new office nurse. After Marlene left Joe brought Sam back to an examination room.
‘Have you experienced any more pain or discomfort in your rectum?’ Joe asked.
‘For the past couple of days everything seems just fine.’ Sam said. ‘Should I take my pants off and get in the stirrups?’
‘I think if you just push everything down your thighs a bit and get on the table on your side I can check you out.’
When Sam drew her knees up toward her chest the cleft of her butt opened up revealing the puffy fur covered lips of her pussy as well as the puckered opening of her anus. Joe spread an ample amount of lubricating jelly on his index finger and lightly stroked it around the opening to her rear door.
‘I’m not going to use a glove Sam because I want to be able to feel if there is any scar tissue present. OK?’
With a gently push he slipped his finger past the anal ring and felt around the edges. He gently went around and around letting his finger get deeper in her colon and was surprised when he noticed that some clear fluid was leaking from the lower edge of Sam’s vagina. Now that she was now all healed up and remembering that Sam had told him she had injured herself while masturbating Joe started slowly withdrawing and reinserting his finger in her butt hole.
‘Ohhhhh…Ahhhh.’ Sam moaned as she rolled over on her stomach and pushed her ass up and spread her knees as wide as her pants and panties would allow.
When Joe saw that Sam had her fingers furiously frigging her clitoris, he continued the probing in her ass until she climaxed and collapsed on the exam table. Gently removing his finger and walked over to the sink on the other side of the room.
‘Everything seems to be just fine, Sam.’ He said chuckling a little to himself.
‘You’re a bastard Joe.’ Sam laughed. ‘Someday, somehow, I’ll pay you back for that.’
Again the couple went out to dinner, but Joe had a cesarean birth scheduled for early the next morning so they parted company. They both knew, however, that it would not be long before they shared a bed together.
Joe had made a dinner date with Samantha for Friday evening and at the end of the day both Ellen and Marlene came back with the file folder for the last patient of the day. The two stood silently as Joe opened the folder. It was empty.
‘What’s this?’ Joe asked.
‘It’s a file folder for you. You haven’t had a physical since way before Dr. Balkema left, and we’ve contacted Dr. Susan. If you would please disrobe down to you under shorts we’ll get started.’
While Joe was hesitating about what to do Samantha walked in. Joe wasn’t sure this was a good idea.
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When a man turns 45 there are a lot of things he should do.One of those things is go to the doctor and get a thorough medical exam. I had always heard this and since I was newly divorced and new in town I just picked a doctor out of the phone book at random. Then I tried four others before I found one that was accepting new patients!!! So when I walked into the office and discovered that I had chosen a doctor that was a woman, I almost turned tail and ran, but remembered how difficult it had...
A few days after I returned to California, Alix got pissed at me. In my write-up of my four day weekend, I got a little carried away. My opening line was "I just spent the weekend with the three greatest cocksuckers in the world." I then called Stefani, Tabby, and Darcy the oral equivalent of the three tenors and described all fourteen of my oral deliveries in fine detail with ecstatic accounts of Stefani's perfect fit, Tabby's private strip show, Darcy's slow tease coupled with her...
Hi everyone, I am Ritika, a 36-year-old from North India who settled in the South with a job in an MNC. I am single. I am alone after my live-in partner broke up about 18 months ago. I hope you all like my story about sex with doctor. Loneliness was so harsh that I felt depressed. Reading the fascinating stories here and masturbation found me my peace. After my breakup, I had sex about 3 months ago. I am writing about the As it is the norm post Covid19, I was working from home. Over the...
Hi everyone, I am Ritika, a 36-year-old from North India who settled in the South with a job in an MNC. I am single. I am alone after my live-in partner broke up about 18 months ago. I hope you all like my story about sex with doctor. Loneliness was so harsh that I felt depressed. Reading the fascinating stories here and masturbation found me my peace. After my breakup, I had sex about 3 months ago. I am writing about the As it is the norm post Covid19, I was working from home. Over the...
“It’s like a long piece of rectangular tissue paper, only a little harder, no sides! It’s so awkward, but since I had a woman for the doctor, it was a bit better, I guess.” Her friend had told her. So, since the fifth grade, Lillian had sworn that she’d never, ever get a physical. And as the years went by, and her body changed from flat chested to pretty big B cups, no pubic hair to pubic hair, no curves to curvy—the feeling of not wanting a physical only increased. However, now she was a...
You celebrated your eighteenth birthday with a lovely square cake with yellow edge icing, and the words 'Happy 18th Birthday' in green and blue on top. It was not long after, that you decided to go see a doctor for a check-up and to ask some questions about things that were concerning you. More than concerning, they were bothering you.You'd thought about it for a couple of months, but you could not bring yourself to make the appointment. One concern was that you had this longstanding fantasy...
BDSMMy employer switched health insurance carriers again a few months ago. Soon afterward we all got a memo informing us that we had the option of switching to a new plan with a lower premium. In order to qualify, an employee would have to undergo a complete physical exam to make sure there were no pre-existing conditions.I wasn't too happy about this. Since I'm gay, I'd always had my own physician for my "special" health problems, in order to avoid dealing with the company doctors. If I wanted the...
While comments are down, PM me to let me know what you think! Keep in mind Im still new! * * * It was a warm summer day and Id just finished swimming in the pool. My parents and brother were out shopping, and they had left me home alone. I was only 10 years old, so it was rare for me to get time off for myself. Id spent most of the morning sitting around watching TV, but I thought since it was such a nice day I should try out my new bikini that my parents had given me for my birthday. I...
Meri 2 baje ki appointment thi. Ek hafte pehle ye appointment confirm hui, tab se aaj tak chain se neend nahi aayi hai. Pehli baar kisi se sex ke prati apna dar batane wali thi.. meri saheli sapna ne is doctor ke bare me bataya tha, ki kaise is doctor ne uske mane dar ko hataya aur saath hi use apne pati ko khush rahkne ka tarika bhi bataya. Pehle sunke thoda ajeeb laga ki kais eek anjaan aadmi se ye sab kahungi, par hai to wo doctor hi, ye soch ke appointment le liya. Sapna bhi bohot zor de...
It was obvious from the moment they arrived that this was not an ordinary medical practice. First, it was located in a large house with a very long driveway. A tall fence surrounded the entire property and it was miles from anything else. Within the fence it was almost like a forest. There was no way anyone would see inside the house without permission. The front gate had an actual guard stationed 24 hrs a day. Honestly it gave Pixie the creeps, but she trusted her Master enough to have...
a visit to the woman doctorWhen I was about 30 years old and had been pampered for some years with schoonpa and also regularly pampered my little girl's pussy, I received the request from schoonpa to have me examined by a woman doctor.He knew a very good doctor that also occasionally passed by.After arranging an appointment, he gave me the time and hour when he would come to pick me up to go to the doctor.I also received a new outfit from schoonpa who had to wear on that day.When we went to...
I grew up in the 1970s during the time of "sexual enlightenment." It seems like I had always known what sex was about. My parents quietly and unemotionally explained the basics of sexuality, and answered my questions openly. They seemed to know how much to tell me so I didn't feel overwhelmed. In spite of knowing about sex, it did little to slake my curiosity. I doubt that any amount of education could do that, but at least I never had to find out from my friends that the stork really...
That afternoon I was at the bathroom in my office, when I had a sharp ache in my belly. I bent over my waist and felt my lower body was burning.I managed to come back to my desk and my secretary asked me if I was feeling fine. Then I told her I was going back home for the rest of the day…As I came home, my loving Ana understood my condition and she advised me to take an emergency appointment with a Doctor at the private clinic.Next day I went to my date at early afternoon.I was a little bit...
My inner circle happened to be comprised of all male gay members. We were a good team but as time went on, one by one my fellow hopefuls either dropped out of, or were rejected by the powers to be, and kicked out of the program until only I was left. I graduated with top honors and was given my first job in the military as lead engineer in charge of organizing mission details from scratch on how our team would successfully complete the mission to Mars. This was a prestigious position for...
I arrived at one of my favorite local courses on "doctor, doctor" day, planning on getting in some practice and then hooking up with an anonymous group later. It was always kind of fun to just hook up with strangers on a course, since the obnoxious asshole percentage of golfers is usually pretty low at the hacker level, and I was looking forward to the experience, especially since my new found ability to score low was earning me major undeserved respect (and money) from my playing...
It is time for your yearly check up so you call your gynecologists office to make your appointment. You are surprised to be told that your doctor is now semi-retired but that there is a new doctor now taking over his practice. You agree to see the new doctor, Dr. Bill, and are given an appointment for the following week. The morning of your appointment you are feeling quite horny and debate pulling out your vibrator. A glance at the clock assures you that you don't have time so as you are...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 15, 2010) Chapter 26 - What's Wrong With Me, Doctor? I had just sat down to eat dinner with my family when my phone started to ring. I got up from my seat and quickly walked over to the table where I had set my purse. Digging...
I am 37 years old and have been married to the same woman for 17 years. Our sex life is what you would expect after 17 years of marriage, no anal and very little oral. I find myself looking at almost every woman with a half decent face or body that passes me. I like watching porn and masturbating. A couple of moths ago I notice what looks like a freckle on my cock, I thought nothing of it. Over the next few months it started to get a little bigger. I though to myself I should go to my...
Gay MaleNext, said the pretty clinic assistant who was sitting at her desk placed outside the door leading to the doctors room. The lady who was sitting opposite to me got up and went towards the doctors door as her turn was up leaving me alone in the waiting room. It was a quiet Monday afternoon. This doctor was new in our locality and had earned quiet a good name in a few weeks. Hello to all readers. My name is Raji and am 34 years old married woman. I am from a small town in Punjab. I have a typical...
LesbianMy life.I nervously went into the doctor's room. Not at all sure what I would say tohim. However it had got to the point where I really wanted to give up on life, Iknew that despite being heterosexual I would never be with a woman."Pencil dick, pencil dick" the teasing rang in my ears. Whilst I love sport Icould no longer go into a changing room with my schoolmates. You see, theywere correct my penis was tiny compared to theirs. Everywhere I went I heardor at least thought I heard the sniggers...
Doctor Weston Dr Weston sat behind his desk as he listen to to the family in front of him. He had been a family counsular for years and had many succesful family he had helped with their problems, But with special case, he had to help them in a differnet way, using his special telent. The family he was listening too consites of Rob Frances, his wife Juliett Frances and their 18 year old son William. The family came to see Dr Weston because of the constant agrueing. Dr Weston knew...
lepton’s visit to the doctor Poor little lepton woke up this morning with a terrible pain up his ass. he could barely make it out of bed and asked permission to cancel his cleaning appointment of the day?even though it meant severe punishment later from Lady Elektra. She jokingly commented it was probably his anal blown-up ego causing such pressure. he very luckily did manage to get an appointment with his doctor if he could make it before 11 am. As best he could, lepton hurriedly got dressed,...
My Dad has been a very healthy man much of his life. Therefore he did not have a doctor that he called his own for much of his life. He often told me that he was a very sickly child and must have had every cold and virus that a body could have and become immune to them. So it was rare for him to even go to a doctor. When he was about 40 he had an injury on his job that resulted in a cut to his finger that required a visit to the hospital for stitches. He then had to follow up that with visits...
I was on my way to the doctor. Not that there was anything wrong with me, you will understand faithful reader that I am fairly healthy. Fit too, I like doing a fair few sports. Sport is a good way to have fun and keep fit and well at the same time. Anyway, I am diverging here, I was on my way to the doctor not for her to see me but for me to see to her. Her was a doctor of a certain age already, a mother I'd like to fuck or milf if it wasn't for the fact that she didn't have k**s. She had a...
"Oh Shit! I am going to be late for my doctor's appointment," Emma thought to herself in a panic, as she slipped on her panties. The next thought through her mind as she fastened her bra, was how in the heck she was even going to be able to go through with the appointment? Emma had been on her way to her annual gynecological exam, when she stopped by her friend's house to drop something off for the upcoming charity auction. But somehow, Emma had ended up in a wild and exhilarating...
My wife died several years ago in a tragic car accident. Since then, I have never sought out any kind of companionship. Oh, sure, I would occasionally watch porn or read some dirty books, and even watch maybe a little to closely when a good-looking girl walked by with thoughts of "maybe someday", but that was about it. My regular doctor moved to another part of the state, and I had to look for a new one. Several of my friends (mostly male) had suggested a doctor who had only been in town for a...
EroticThis story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...
A nurse walks me to the exam room and closes the door behind her. She asks me to strip down and take everything off. While she tosses a sheer thin gown on the examining table for me to slip on before she turns and leaves the room. The front of the gown if completely open. I put the gown on and my 36C tits are barely covered and are easily visible in the gown. My nipples are hard from the cold exam room. I lie back on the cold table in just the gown and wait for the Doctor to enter. I hear a...
I was in my twenties, learning how to be a physician, when I first stuck my finger up some guy's ass, checking his prostate, trying to sense the different feeling that would disclose the possibility of cancer. And it wasn't long after that before my finger was up a female ass, to see whether the blood she complained about was bright or dark, to locate the source. With the guys it was medical, putting them through a test that they found uncomfortable and I found to be boring, unless I found...
My wife has been complaining of pain every time we have sex, so we went to her OBGYN to see if there's something going on. The sight of my wife in a hospital gown, spread eagle on the table, hairy pussy exposed, while another woman fingered her, was enough to get me hard as a rock! I was a little embarrassed by it, especially when my wife shot me an evil look, because it was obvious that she was not enjoying it at all, and also that she could see how turned on I was. It's hard to help,...
I had been having trouble having an orgasm with my hubby Sean, well, not exactly trouble, id never had ine, EVER! not that he knew, I faked all the ones I'd ever had with him, and we'd been married for five years! Dint get me wrong, i love sex, and him, totally, i just wish i could orgasm with him.One day me and friends were all sitting around gossiping as you do, and the topic soon turned to sex, and how everyone found it a chore, to my surprise lots of my friends faked it with their men too,...
Hi all, today I am going to narrate yet another incident which took place recently. As many of you know, I am Ramya 18 years of age and 31 24 32 are my stats and 5feet 6inches in height. I guess that has been the norm here that every female author re-states her stats in all her stories for the horny folks ;) ok story starts here. After the last story, I did receive many good comments and many of them started chatting with me online.Some of the chats turned very horny that I started experiencing...
Oh, we were just playing around. My best friend Suzie and I, and, somehow she talked me into letter her shave my pussy. I know, all girls do that nowadays but not me. I'm extremely shy about my body and even letting Suzie see me naked was very nerve-wracking. But, after an afternoon in the hot tub and a couple...okay a few margaritas, I let her slip off my bathing suit and see my youthful body. My tits are not real big but they're just right for me and my nipples? Well, Suzie called them...