Oh...my...doctor free porn video

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The heat from the building hit her in the face as she stepped inside and as she moved she could hear her heals on the hard marble floor. They sounded so loud in this hollow hall. At the end of the hall she punched the button for the elevator and waited. Just as she was growing impatient with the damned slow elevator a young sexy man walked up behind her and stood next to her. “What luck! Maybe this day won’t be so bad after all.” she thought and it seemed like he was ridding the elevator too! At least she had this stud to look at for a while. The man was tall, about 6 ft, and had a lean but muscular build to him. His hair was clipped short with a deep caramel brown color. Underneath that tight white button down shirt she was sure there was a set of abs to die for. His eyes were a piercing brownish gold that seemed to have some emotion behind them. Lust maybe? Jessica started to think of what she wanted to do to the gorgeous man next to her. Oh she’d have her way with him alright. “What a hard sexy face” she contemplated. Umm…she bet he looked good with his shirt off. Just as she was about to undress him in her mind the elevator dinged which quickly brought her back to reality.

They both stepped onto the elevator and she punched the 3rd floor and surprisingly he didn’t enter another floor. Jessica guessed this guy was a lawyer or something just based on his attire. If she had any balls what so ever she would speak to the man but for some reason the words would not leave her mouth. At least she could look at him for a few moments longer. As the elevator started to move she noticed how wonderful this guy smelled. He was wearing her favorite cologne and good god was it intoxicating. Maybe she’d fantasize about this guy instead of concentrating on her old doctor during the exam. Don’t get her wrong…her doctor is sweet and very gentle but he’s not much to look at and when you have your legs spread wide for a man while he’s inserting things into your pussy. Let’s be honest, if you’re going to endure this you want him to be hot! Jessica thought she saw the guy check her out but she must be dreaming. He was way too hot for her to land him. Not to say Jessica wasn’t good looking but she was 5’8” around 155 lbs with medium length blonde hair and greens eyes. Jessica’s a curvy girl with a nice ass and thighs. She definitely had the hour glass figure but that didn’t seem to be an attractive quality for the skinny ones. The loud ding of the elevator broke her thoughts and she found herself slamming back to reality. The doors opened and she went straight and he went right….”Damn so much for that fantasy.” she thought.

She walked a ways down the hall until she found the door for her gyno’s office. She stepped into the office and felt the door slam behind her. No going back now. The office carried that antiseptic scent that most offices have. She went up the receptionist to let her know she was here for her 9:30 appointment. “The doctor will be right with you” she replied. Jessica sat down in a seat and started to flip through an out-dated magazine. Within a few minutes she heard the door open and a loud voice call “Jessica”. She rose slowly and walked towards the door. The nurse smiled at her as she led Jessica down the hall towards the exam room.

Once in the room the nurse took her blood pressure, temperature and weight. She jotted a few things down and then placed her file on the counter. “Ok go ahead and get undressed and put this sheet over yourself. Unfortunately we are out of gowns today. Our cleaner hasn’t arrived with the new ones yet. Is that ok?” the nurse asked. “Yeah that’s fine with me” Jessica replied. The nurse gave her a smile again and left the room. Jessica’s hands were shaking. Good lord as if this wasn’t scary enough they have to also make these damn rooms so cold! “Ok” she told herself “Do this quickly”. She undid the zipper for her skirt and let it fall to the floor. Next went her panties. She picked them both up and folded them on the chair. Then her top and bra came off and found themselves in the heap with the rest of her security. It wasn’t even a minute before she was diving under the sheet to try and stay warm. She tried to think about something else then what was about to happen. Maybe she could think about school or that test she had coming up. Anything was better than this.

Just as she was getting relaxed and had stopped shaking she heard a light knock at the door. “Come in” was all she replied. She heard the door open and looked towards the entrance. She almost fainted at what she was seeing! Standing in the doorway was her mystery elevator man! What was he doing here? Oh lord this was going to be hard. “Who are you? Where is Dr. Mathews?” she asked in a not so calm voice. Oh this was her fantasy alright but she knew she wasn’t going to be able to hide her arousal for this man. “Hello Jessica. My name is Dr. Odmo and I am covering for Dr. Matthews today. I hope you don’t mind. He had to leave for a family emergency so I’m the last minute fill in.” he said. Jessica studied the handsome man in front of her and decided that lean body looked even better in a lab coat. “I guess that’s ok” she responded. “Good, let’s get down to business” he said.

“How have you been feeling recently Jessica?”

“Doing fine I guess. School is stressful but otherwise I’m doing fine” she replied.

“Good glad to hear it. Have you been having any problems in the bedroom recently? Any concerns?” he asked.

“Haha! There has been no bed room action in almost two years. I’m not even sure if it works correctly”

Dr. Odmo gave her a strange look like he didn’t believe her. “What you don’t believe me?” she said. “Uh no….it’s just that a woman like you shouldn’t be having that problem. Anyway let’s get on with the exam.” he replied. As he was staring at her it was then that Jessica spotted something she couldn’t believe. The good doctor was actually getting hard! His pants were tight enough and you could clearly see a slight wet spot forming. Ah ha! So he was interested in her. Sweet!

“I’m going to begin the breast exam now. Is that ok with you?” he asked with a tentative look. “That’s fine by me” Jessica responded. The doctor moved over to her left side and moved the sheet down to her waist. He began with her left breast and with two hands (One to hold the breast and the other to feel) he began to press her breast. He went from the outer rim all the way to the nipple. Then he did something she’s never seen done before. He pinched her nipple! “Oh” was her response as she tried not to move into the sensation. “Did that hurt?” he asked. “You said it had been a while since your last sexual encounter so I thought it would be best to check the responses of your body today.” Interesting…she wondered what he meant by that. “It’s ok doctor. Just a bit sensitive” she responded. He moved to the right breast and did the same thing again. This time he pinched a little harder. Oh god her legs were on fire and she could feel her pussy slowly getting wet. This man was driving her to an orgasm without even toughing her clit.

Just as she was about to drift into a wonderful land of pleasure he stopped. “Let’s check your heart and lungs. Please sit up.” She did as she was told and dreaded the cold sensation of the stethoscope but it never came. He had warmed it up first! Good man! He slid his hand and stethoscope across her chest and began to listen to her heart. His face was awfully close to hers and she could smell his cologne and feel his heat. God she wanted him. He was just so damn sexy. He then moved to her back and asked her to breathe in deeply. She had caught him several times now staring at her breasts and the pool of fabric that was covering her pussy. She knew what he was looking at. She’d give it to him willingly if she thought for a moment he wanted it. She knew he wouldn’t though. She wasn’t his type. I mean sure he was aroused but probably not because of her. Maybe he was imagining her as someone else. Who knows…

“All done Jessica. Would you roll over onto your stomach please?”

“What do I need to do that for?” she said with a nervous look.

“Don’t’ worry it won’t hurt a bit. Just please do it.”

“Ok” she said softly.

What did this doctor want with her on her belly? She started to feel uncomfortable. Was this some sort of joke or was he trying to look at her? As she rolled over she could feel the panic rise in her body. She laid down on her belly and she heard him walk towards her. “Ok I’m going to touch your back a bit and make sure everything is ok” he reassured her. “Ok doctor” Thank god! That settled her nerves. He proceeded to place his left palm on her back and thump his left hand with his right. He seemed to be listening for any weird sounds. After about a minute he said “I’ll be right back I need to get something from the counter.” She could hear him moving around but she wasn’t concerned and kept her eyes closed. When he came back he placed a hand on her lower back and slowly moved it towards the sheet.

“Ok Jessica I’m going to take your temperature now. I will be done in a few minutes.”

“You’re going to what? But the nurse already took my temperature and it was fine.” Jessica was shaking again and was extremely scared about this guy placing anything into her ass. How humiliating could this day get?

“I never trust those things and rectal thermometers are standard procedure for my patients. Please just relax and it’ll all be over in a bit”

With that he removed the sheet and she could feel his hand on her left ass cheek. She then felt his finger coat her asshole with lube. He moved his finger in big circles at first and then concentrating the movements towards her sweet forbidden hole. He started to push and she could feel her virgin hole resist his finger. He pressed a little harder and then he was in. She started to squirm a little bit under the new intrusion. Dr. Odmo placed one hand on her back and urged her to stay still. “This will help ease in the thermometer” he said quietly. She just laid there silent and motionless. She didn’t want to admit it to him but she’d always had a fantasy about this. She loved gyno stories about the doctor taking advantage of the patient but she never dreamed she would get to live out her fantasy. A few minutes later she felt her body relax as he removed his finger. Seconds later she felt something much larger press up against the opening to her hole. That had to be the biggest thermometer ever. It felt over an inch wide and this doctor was determined to get it all the way into her. As it moved into her body it stretched her farther then she even thought possible. She moaned a bit as the thermometer slid in but soon it had settled in its place.

“That’s good Jessica. Just relax. Does it feel good?”

“Well um it does I guess. It’s strange really.” She was not about to admit to him that she liked this sensation. It made her feel like such a dirty slut and she loved every second of it. Having this man take advantage of her was an incredible feeling.

“Most women feel that way but I know in time it’s not so bad”

With that last statement she felt him start to move the thermometer in and out of her tight little asshole. “I’m just trying to increase your relaxation. Don’t be alarmed if you feel a slight arousal.” and with that he started to move the instrument faster and deeper. He was right…it did feel good. As he continued to sodomize her she could feel her pussy grow wet as small pool of her love juices begin to form. Oh god she wanted to start this pelvic exam like there was no tomorrow! Almost as if he read her thoughts she felt him remove the thermometer from her rectum. “Ok everything looks good here let’s move on with the exam. Did you have some where you needed to be at a certain time?” Just as she was about to answer the nurse knocked at the door. “Doctor I need to leave for half an hour is that ok?” she called in. “That’s fine Melissa. See you when you get back” he called back. “That’s ok with you correct?” he asked Jessica. She nodded in agreement and she was sitting up on the table. She wanted to see where this thing went with Dr. Odmo. Maybe her fantasy would come true after all.

As soon as the nurse closed the door Dr. Odmo looked at her with a devilish grin. “Ok now Jessica I want to check one of your sexual reflexes since you said it has been a while. I want to be sure everything is working correctly. Is that ok with you?” he asked. “Um...why yes that’s fine with me” she replied. With that Dr. Odom placed his hand on Jessica’s shoulder as a signal to lie down. “I would like to see how your oral reflexes are however that requires a special instrument. I hope you don’t mind” and as he finished his sentence she saw him reach for his belt. Jessica’s eyes went wide with excitement and fear. Her eyes were fixed of Dr. Odmo’s hands and his clothing fell to the floor. Sitting in front of her was a massive cock! It was fully erect and begging for her mouth. Dr. Odmo moved his hand to the back of her head and pulled her slightly towards his cock. Jessica rolled over on her side and reached out for this man’s ragging erection. She began to moving her hand up and down his silky cock and heard a moan escape from Dr. Odmo. Jessica started off soft and then became to stroke his cock with more force and in one swift motion she moved her warm mouth onto his cock. Her wet mouth engulfed his cock and began sucking him with fierce determination. Dr. Odmo was moving with her mouth and pushing into her so hard his cock hit her throat. He had one hand gripping the table and the other on the back of her head impaling her mouth with every stroke. Jessica moved her hand to his balls and began to massage them as she was sucking this hot doctor towards an orgasm. She was in ecstasy and could feel her pussy begging for this man’s attention. Dr. Odmo was moaning with her every stroke and about to blow. The good doctor pulled out of Jessica’s warm mouth “Oh Jessica that was amazing but I have more in store for you so why don’t we get on to that now. We can revisit this later.” “Whatever you’d like doctor” was all Jessica could reply. She didn’t want to lose his cock and really wanted to see this man come but was intrigued by his statement. As Dr. Odmo was replacing his plants and belt she rolled onto her back and waited for his orders.

“Ok so scoot down till your butt is at the edge of the table and place your feet in the stirrups please.” Dr. Odmo asked. She let him guide her left foot into the stirrup and then her right. Then he adjusted the stirrups so that her legs were as wide as possible. He had a full view of her sopping wet pussy. She was glad she had decided to shave that morning. Her pussy was clean and dripping for his earlier play with the thermometer. She heard him take in a deep breath. She could see his eyes fixated on her.

“You don’t mind if I remove this sheet do you? It’s in my way”

“Not at all Dr. Odmo. You’re in charge here.”

“Ok well I’m going to do a series of tests you may not have had during your other exams. Is that ok?”

“Whatever you think is necessary doctor” She could barely believe it! He wanted to try things with her! Oh my god this was wonderful!

With that comment he removed the blanket and began to work on her. He slowly ran his fingers on the outside of her pussy. His touch was light and soft.

“Does this feel good? Is it arousing?”

“It feels good and it’s somewhat arousing.”

“Ok well how about this…” as he moved his fingers just over her clit.

“Oh god” she said as she moaned. His touch felt wonderful and she could feel her arousal heighten.

“Ok well now it’s time to get down to business.” He slid two fingers inside of her pussy as quickly as he could and lifted them up a little in a come here motion. Jessica rose off the table with a loud moan. Oh did it feel good to be touched that way. She missed a man’s touch. He began to use his other hand to press on the outside of her abdomen. “Does any of this hurt?” he asked as he continued playing inside her. “No it all feels fine” she responded. He palpated her a little bit more and then removed his fingers. Slowly he stood up and went to the counter. He returned with the largest speculum she had ever seen. He sat back down between her legs and placed a little bit of KY jelly on the tip of the speculum. Then he spread her lips and slowly slid the instrument into her wet pussy. About half way through the doctor noticed Jessica was getting a little tight so he stopped and rotated the instrument. Within seconds he was forging on into her pussy and he kept driving it in until the handle hit her ass. Jessica could do nothing but squirm as the hard metal instrument invaded her. She was tight from all of those years without any penetration. The intrusion of the object felt wonderful and then she felt it open. It was spreading her insides and making her feel amazing. When the instrument was fully open she watched his face change. Dr. Odmo just sat back for a moment and stared at her pussy. It seemed he enjoyed seeing her spread open like that for him to view. Jessica couldn’t argue…this was a hot moment and oh boy did she want to cum. She wanted this man so bad she could feel it. He inserted a swab into her to collect some samples and then he started to move the speculum in and out of her sopping pussy. Jessica could feel it penetrating her and she could barely stand it anymore. She looked at Dr. Odmo and their eyes connected. He could tell she wanted it and she could see he did too.

“Jessica if it’s ok I’d like to use a special instrument on you. I want to measure you sexual response. Is that ok?”

“Why yes doctor that seems fine with me.”

“Call me Jase.”

“Of course…Jase.”

With that he went for his belt buckle and button for his pants. In a matter of seconds a raging hard on that was dripping with precum was sitting in front of her. Oh god she wanted this man. She wanted his cock inside her so badly that that her pussy throbbed in anticipation. He stood there stroking himself to her body laid out before him. His eyes were moving from her pussy to her breasts to her face. Everything about his body said he wanted her and he was going to have her. He moved his hand to the speculum and removed it from her cunt. He made eye contact with Jessica and with one swift motion he buried his hard cock deep inside her. She gasped and griped the table at this instant of intense pleasure. Jase could feel Jessica’s warm tight pussy wrapped around him and it felt amazing to be inside her. He began to pump in and out of her going deeper than any man ever had. Jessica moaned like a slut with pleasure as he penetrated her. His long cock was stretching her insides and she could feel a huge orgasm building. Just as she thought she would explode he removed his cock from her soaking wet cunt. He then began playing with her ass that was still lubed up from the thermometer. He placed his cock just outside her asshole and slowly pressed the head into her. She was writhing on the table from the pleasure. Once Jase could tell she was loosened up he drove his cock deep into her ass. He pounded his thick cock inside her forbidden hole stretching her and driving her to ecstasy with every stroke. He then began rubbing her clit with his fingers as he continued to fuck her tight asshole. Every now and then he would pull his dick out all the way so he could see her gaping hole. He would then ram it back into her ass as she moaned and gasped which he loved to hear. Jase was driving the beautiful woman wild. After several minutes he pulled out of her ass and slammed back into her pussy with a vengeance. He seemed more determined now than ever to make her cum. Her body was pulsing with him and matching his every movement. She could feel her orgasm rising and the loud slapping of his body against her’s added to the moment. Her moaning increased and she started to shake. “I’m cuming!” was all she could scream. The orgasm gripped her body and she screamed even louder. At that very moment Jase could feel Jessica’s pussy contract around his hard cock and it sent him over the edge. He moaned loudly as he exploded inside her and sent his load of hot cum deep into her cunt. As their orgasms subsided Jase collapsed on top of Jessica’s sexy body. Within minutes Jase pulled out of Jessica and placed one hand behind her head and the other softly on the side of her face. He kissed her slowly at first and then more forcefully as she sunk into him. He kissed her with more passion then she had ever been kissed before. Jessica decided that day that she had to date this man and that she wanted to have this fantasy again.


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CHAPTER ONE : The Visitor The cats were the first to announce his arrival. Tails high in the air they paraded up and down the hall. Pushing open the door to the living room, they rubbed themselves against her legs, gazing at her with bright eyes as if to will her to do something, to get up and follow them. She pushed them gently away, too deep within her book to want their interruption. A log fell to cinders in the fire with a gentle hiss while the old clock’s steady tick counted the lazy...

2 years ago
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My fun today

My fun todayHi everyone stuck at home due to this damn virus. However, I did manage a little fun this morning. You probably know my husband owns a construction company and that my 41-year-old daughter Michelle has been fucking him since she was 19. I have stories posted about that. My hubby is not doing any construction at this time so as not to risk the lives of his personnel. However, he and my daughter still do maintenance on his construction vehicles. Today they both left home at about 8...

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whatever Lola wants

Lola's friend was performing at the bar we went to that night, she was a beautiful Brazilian girl, tall but extremely voluptuous, with wide hips, bouncy ass and large breasts just jiggling about in front of her as she turned upside down on the pole. Her many moves included a slow sensuous climb up the pole then turning upside down and spreading her legs apart in to a perfect split. Lola looked extremely attractive that night, her dark eye make up made her eyes look deep and sensual, her lips...

3 years ago
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Unfinished Business

Dieter was sitting looking out over the water.   He slowly sipped his beer.   From somewhere behind him he became aware of an English voice speaking on a mobile phone.    “Must go, sorry…..and you…..take care, you.” In an instant that voice took him back to L’Auditori in Barcelona, several years before.     Vividly he saw legs, and thighs.   In his mind he played that scene again, savouring the feeling he had felt in his loins as his eyes ran up those legs and over those thighs. It was as if...

1 year ago
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Taking care of a friend Allison and Chuck

My girlfriend Allison and I had always loved doing threesomes and group sex. We have a friend named Chuck who lived next door. Chuck was a socially awkward guy he is short and thin with medium length dirty blonde hair and he wore glasses. He would always come over and hang out with us and our friends but he always seemed to go near Allison and talk to her a lot and touch her. He made it obvious that he liked her but we just brushed it off. Our friends would ask why we hang out with him because...

1 year ago
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Vodhina Ni Balavantham Ga Denganu

Hi telugu sex stories readers baagunaaraa? Idi na first story so emaina mistakes vunte adjust chesu kondi . Na peru kalyan. Tana peru indira. Tanu ma mama kururu na kante pedda so vadina . Privacy kosam tanu paina pent house lo vuntadhi . Ma parents iddaru job valu epudu busy ga vuntaru . Link will open in a new tab Ika story lo ki veldam . Nenu inter nenu chemistry weak. So tanu naku tution cheptadhi. Tanu chemistry lo phd chestadhi and fitness guide. Naku tana midha feelings epudu nunchi...

3 years ago
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Owned by Hemangini 8211 3

Introduction : Avinash continues to interview Hemangini for his new writing. As she pursues with her story, the revelation at the next stage tends to get harrowing from where it started. She welcomes him into an all new ambience which leaves Avinash in the absolute stupor. I would just like to add an advanced disclaimer to any Indian religious reader advancing to this part. This part of the story doesn’t directly or indirectly intends to cause offensive desolation to any religious beliefs or...

2 years ago
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Mother knows best

My fantasies are varied and can be as extreme as they come, to my mind they are just fantasies that I never want to actually happen so they can be unrealistic or just plain wrong. Be they incest, bestiality, bdsm, lactation or piss, they can get my mind to that place where I like it to be when I cum. As I said my wife is my world but she doesn’t have a kinky bone in her body, but she does her best to keep me satisfied. But of course, I always want more, I want her to tie me up, whip me,...

4 years ago
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1Do You Have a Big Dick Why NotChapter 18

“Come piss on your little sister’s face before we wash you two cunts down,” Betty stripped off her own clothes. I have to admit that on the list of all-time erotic things to hear a slutty mother tell her daughter this one plays in my brain on endless loop when I need something to masturbate too. It works every time. I didn’t want to get my clothes wet and it just felt normal and yet at the same time it felt so completely weird for me to undress in the backyard. I was self-conscious that I...

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Cuckold Short Stories

Walking in on interracial cuckoldingNormally you announce your arrival when you get home from work. Today you can hear your wife moaning before you open the door so you keep quiet. She’s either having sex or masturbating, and as she usually masturbates in the bedroom, you suspect there’s another man in your house enjoying her pussy.It’s so much louder when you open the door. Her moans are loud and beautiful. You can hear the sound of flesh slapping together as another man fucks your wife. You’d...

4 years ago
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Dial-A-Change by Troy Hello, you have reached Dial-A-Change, your one and only source for complete and total transformation. If you want to become a woman press 1, if you want to become a man press 2, if you want to become a girl press 3, if you want to become a boy press 4, if you want to become an infant press 5, if you want to be a wolf press 6, if you are predisposed to equines press 7, if ..... If you want to be a car press 87, if you want to be a brassiere... Jeff...

2 years ago
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The Shy Mans Nirvana

Ah, Masturbation.What would we shy gentlemen do without you?We will be forever grateful for your ability to sate our need.  We're not like those other men that can chat up some unsuspecting young vixen. Then promptly bed her as if they'd been dating for months.  Only to use them until their interest is lost, discarding them like a damp tissue. We have to wine and dine them for weeks. Just as we believe we are getting close, they hastily leave us for the former when we run across them while out...

3 years ago
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The Devils Equinox Ch 04

Baxter’s awareness first touched on a world that was blurry, streaked, utterly strange and cold, when a wet leaf almost smacked itself against his face he lurched back instinctively, coming completely back to wakefulness. He was sitting in the cold rented Toyota, one of his hands on the steering wheel still. The near-gale raging outside had just deposited another shredded leaf on the windshield. He blinked. What the hell had just happened? Did he and Shari just …? Shari was sitting next to him...

2 years ago
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The Married Woman Part 2

By: DamonX ([email protected]) The Married Woman Part 2 "Okay," I explained. "Just like this." The woman on the bench in front me struggled clumsily to lift the bar from her chest. Normally I'd be staring constantly at her perky tits, and drooling over her spandex covered ass, but my mind was elsewhere. "Good Cindy," I continued. "One more time." The girl struggled out one last rep before I took the bar and placed it back on the rack. "Well that's...

4 years ago
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Sin City

Roulette wheels, poker tables, casino chips, showgirls and cold hard cash. The neon lights of Las Vegas sent out the same rays of attraction night after night, enticing opportunists to come and take on the shrewdly skewed odds. Even the supremely foolish knew they were unlikely to win much, yet the aura of glamour and eroticism surrounding the casinos was too enthralling to avoid. The luxury and grandeur was built on immeasurable gamblers’ losses. Las Vegas made a fortune out of broken dreams...

3 years ago
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Proud Slave GirlChapter 16

Francine walked back to Gottman at the end of another round in which she had mainly kept up her tactic of using her speed to stay out of trouble. She was hating this and wanted to stay in close and get in a few punches, even if it did mean taking some heavy shots from Augusta. She wasn't afraid of HER any More! "What round is it now, Gottman. I'm starting to lose count. We'll never get home by nightfall at this rate! Can't I try and finish it? " "Round Fifteen, Francine. And, no -...

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I know that Americans don’t ‘get’ the English sport of cricket – but then, a lot of English people don’t really understand the game either, or at least they don’t understand its interest and pleasure. That goes especially for women, because – like football – it always used to be seen as a man’s sport. But that has been changing for a while now, and, as with golf and football, the women’s game is slowly developing a following. Why am I telling you this? Well, I have enjoyed playing...

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First true cuckold experience

This is the true story of the first girl who really cheated on me.I had experiences before this. I highly recommend reading my first story posted on my profile.You'll have a lot more information, and will be able to get a better understanding of, where I am coming from.This is the first time a was a true cuckold.It was about 5 or 6 months after my experience with Celina, I had moved on a little but not really.I was still hanging out and skating with Colton and Christian(Who is Celina's little...

2 years ago
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Am ganzen Körper erzitterte ich und Lisa grinste mich lasziv an: «Na, mein Hengst, so eine feine Berührung wird dich doch nicht aus dem Konzept bringen?» - «Du hast ja keine Ahnung, was so kochendes Blut in meinem Schwanz anrichtet… Aber warte nur, das zahle ich dir noch heim!», versprach ich ihr ebenso anzüglich lächelnd.Sie stand auf, meinen strammen Lustpfahl immer noch in der einen Hand du schaute mir tief in die Augen. Mit der anderen Hand fuhr sie unter meine T-Shirt und befahl mit rauer...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Serena Santos Vienna Black Road Trip Stepsister Ramming

When Serena Santos and Vienna Black take a road trip to the Keys with Serenas stepbrother, they want to meet some guys for a fun time. But Serenas stepbrother comes around to ruin the fun. Luckily Vienna has an idea of how to smooth things over. She chokes on his fat dick until he is putty in her hands. His pervy stepsister even joins in on the action! Later, the girls get some dirty ideas. They cannot stop thinking about Serenas stepbrothers cock, so they help him get over his ex by riding his...

3 years ago
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My Brother8217s Bride8217s Cousin Sister 8211 Part I

Hi All, I am Akshay Ganna 36 years old with an athletic body structure standing 6 feet tall. Lot of girls ogle me and show hidden desires, so I use it to the maximum of my advantage. I hope you have read the first 4 parts of “My Brother’s Bride” where I had some great sexual encounters with Bhavana, 22 year old who was going to be my cousin brother Vinay’s wife now and living in Pune. This story is about her cousin sister Bhavya whom I trapped and took her fresh virgin cunt. Bhavya is Bhavana’s...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Aarora Fire 23 year old

Who’s five foot two with eyes of blue and is the most “On Fire” heavenly celestial body? Meet our 23 year old Ex*!%@t of the day AA-Rora. Inside joke everyone. She’ll get it and this girl IS ON FIRE. She’s also engaged and has the green light to suck a stranger’s dick and spread her starship wings wide for our man Tyler Nixon, who by the way just couldn’t get over how tight and good her pussy was today. So if you like live under a rock or something, then you’re probably not to up-to-date on...

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Mom at the Nude Beach

100% fiction! My mother is 61 years old but very active and very cute. She's small, maybe 5" tall and weighs about 100lbs. She wears glasses and has short curly gray hair. Her best features are her big breasts and nice bubble butt although you can't tell because of the loose fitting sun dresses she wears. My name is Mike and I'm a junior in high school and since I hit puberty, my cock has grown to a fat 9 inches long with big balls that I need to jack off at least three times a day. My best...

3 years ago
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Audra A New Life Redux

Audra: A New Life Redux Joanne Foxcourt Author's Note: Shortly after the first version of this story was posted to the Internet, I received some incredibly good advice about what I was doing right and what I was doing wrong. I'm extremely grateful for that strong and detailed critique - enough that I felt it completely necessary to revisit this story and try to make it better. Equally as important, I felt that too much was left dangling after the first attempt was done....

2 years ago
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The Contest

The Contest by Caleb Jones "Gee, Eric, I got this Email from Raven saying Mindy was changing the writing contest into a beauty contest!" "I got one from Raven too, Caleb! It was right after he sent out his great story for the writing contest." "Mine said that due to the co-sponsorship of HairMania and RollerMania, the contest had been transformed into a beauty contest, Eric." "Mine, also, Caleb." "Now we might not have time to write our stories for the contest!" The...

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My BrotherinLaw then the Pizza Guy

My older sister was heavily pregnant and due to drop. I had planned to be there for the birth, which was planned for the house, and because it was a July birth, I used up a few weeks of my summer break from college to be there for her.My brother in law played his part as the devoted husband, but there was something else creeping in, that both myself and Jack, were subconsciously aware off, I was becoming 'broody', and his forced celibacy, from my sister's fear of sex so close to birth, began...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 147

Nude Runner A woman was having a daytime affair while her husband was at work. One rainy day she was in bed with her boyfriend when, to her horror, she heard her husband's car pull into the driveway. 'Oh my God - Hurry! Grab your clothes and jump out the window. My husband's home early!' 'I can't jump out the window. It's raining out there!' 'If my husband catches us in here, he'll kill us both!' she replied. 'He's got a hot temper and a gun, so the rain is the least of your...

4 years ago
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Dabai Main Hone Wali Sali Ki Chuda

Hi readers main apni ek sachi kahani batane ja raha hoon jo mari hone wali sali ke sath he ye kahani aaj se 5 saal purani he. Mera naam yasir he mari age abhi 27 saal he our mare loure ki size 7 inch bara and 3 inch mota he abhi main apni story pe aata hoon main dubai main ek achi company main kaam kerta hoon udhher mari hone wali sali apne husband ke sath rehti he. Main hamesh us ke ghar chuti ke din jata tha main jab bhi jata tha tow wo akser apne ghar ke kaam main lagi rehti thi magar mare...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 9

The value of a Catholic education and a #2 pencil.] Little Susie was not the best student in Catholic School. Usually she slept through the class. One day her teacher, a Nun, called on her while she was sleeping. 'Tell me Susie, who created the universe?' When Susie didn't stir, little Johnny who was her friend sitting behind her, took his pencil and jabbed her in the rear. 'God Almighty!' shouted Susie. The Nun said, 'Very good' and continued teaching her class... A little later...

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DaddysLilAngel Tiffany Watson Fuck My Ass

Lusty coed Tiffany Watson wants some, and her stepbrother is her first choice to satisfy her lusty urges. When she’s unsuccessful in seducing her stepbrother with the promise of her perfect tits and her sweet landing strip twat, she tries begging. Tiffany’s ratted her out to her stepdad Tony, who confronts Tiffany in her bedroom. He turns Tiffany over and spanks her while spelling out her punishment, and she offers to do anything if he’ll agree not to take her car away. When...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 11 Complications

After Chloe left I returned to repairing the stable door, but my mind was not completely on the task. The wild idea that had entered my mind, of remaining at Château Blanchard and having Annette and the three girls as my mistresses, had become a more tangible thought. I still had not heard from Caroline, and all I had was Krish’s assurance it was me that she loved. Even if Krish was correct regarding her feelings towards me, she may have reassessed her priorities now she was widow. I knew...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 14 Azloc threat

“Emperor, my name is Yoyo Arsames and I am the head of the military, your second in command, my rank is Senior Admiral. Next in command is General Eg’thach Trongronur followed by Adm. Kalman Cazacul and General Feraldus Orlandini.” Jason introduced them to Linda, Andrea, Celia and Felicia and then to Zafa Nefu, Kariya Nama, Coriyama Kelubaru and Nara Pela. He finally introduced them to Empress Valsam Sabins. “Adm. Arsames before we begin the meeting my grandchildren who are competing in the...

1 year ago
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All Black X! If I ask you if you like Black porn, what comes to mind? There are interracial scenes where blonde chicks are getting hammered by monstrous BBC, a staple of any premium porn site with a good collection. There are also Ebony scenes where a White dude gets to smash a Nubian goddess. For whatever reason, it’s not as common to see a Black guy fucking a Black chick in pornography. Enter AllBlackX.AllBlackX.com is a newer paysite specializing in exactly what it sounds like. The landing...

Premium Black Porn Sites
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His skin is so smooth. So soft and warm, it glides under my lips as I make my way down along the side of his gorgeous neck, lubricating him with my saliva in the process. We’re cuddling on the sofa in his cramped, dim bedroom. Posters of bands I’ve never heard of or seen, random drawings, strange quotations all adorn his walls. I don’t think about that much though, as he’s breathing smiles into my hair. I’m with him right now, and that’s all that matters to me at the moment. He’s in my arms,...

Love Stories
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Cloistered Bliss

I never understood the meaning of bliss until I let myself surrender. Every night, candle flames painted viscous shadows on the walls of my cell. They gathered in the corners of the room and flirted with the shreds of moonlight spilling onto the stone floor. The shadows seemed to love the sparse, enclosed space, the single crucifix on the wall, the surface of my woolen blanket. And yet they possessed devotion towards nothing save their own insubstantial alliance of light and darkness. I both...

3 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 17a

Just a sip A week had passed since her run-in with Kal and his friends and Rowan was feeling hungry. She had spent a significant amount of time thinking about that night and how she had ended up saved from the same fate as the will-o’-wisp. Her guess was that the portion of her consciousness that remained inside the creature saw what was about to happen and managed to take control of the wisp for a few seconds. It used the opportunity to rip her out of Kal’s head, which was none too...

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Hot Adventure With Colleague During Business Trip

Hello to all readers out there. This is Mr. K here again from Bangalore. Here I am sharing an interesting sexual adventure that happened during November last year. The main character of this story is my colleague – Riya (name changed for privacy reasons). Riya is in her mid-30 and a little elder to me. Though she is married and has a small kid, she still looks young and attractive like a university student. Riya usually maintains some distance among the male colleagues in our office but pretty...

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