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Eastern Thrace, 377 A.D.

Zura was a beautiful girl.

The great Lord God gifted her with golden blonde hair, bright amber eyes, and flawless skin. Her face seem crafted by the Lord Himself, in the visage of his loyal angels. Her figure was fit and nubile, the epitome of health and youth. Her bosom and hips were supple and curvaceous, the very picture of fertility. In the countryside village of Silistra, no woman or girl could rival Zura’s beauty, not even her sisters.

When Zura walked through the market, men and women alike would pause their business to bask in the radiance she exuded. Men wanted her, women wanted to be her.

On a near daily basis, Zura’s father was approached by men asking if they could have her hand in marriage. They would trade anything, do anything, pay any dowry, just to have the Jewel of Silistra as their wife.

But Zura’s father was a difficult man to bargain with, for he owned the largest vineyard in all of the Thracian countryside. People came from near and far to trade for his wine, the quality of which was rivaled by few in all the Roman Empire… as was his youngest daughter’s beauty. Few could afford his wine, and even fewer could afford the price he levied for his daughter’s hand.

Yes, Zura was a very beautiful girl…

… until the Goths attacked.

They came under the cover of night, when the moon was absent and stars were obscured by heralding storm clouds. The darkness cloaked their approach, the thunder masked their marching feet.

The barbarian tribe razed the village, destroying homes, setting fire to the streets, and plundering the market and farms. Few villagers could stand against their brutality, the likes of which did not seem human. Despite the swords and spears they wielded, the Goths seemed more akin to animals. They wore no armor and bore no shields—only loincloths, boots, and cloaks made from wolfskin protected their hairy tanned skin. At times, the line between man and wolf seem blurred, such was their ferocity.

They ran through the streets, through the countryside, laying waste to everything in their path. Blood, fear, anguish, and death was the turbulence of their wake. Young and old, sick and healthy alike, men, woman, and even children fell to their wrath.

Few were spared.

Among them was Zura.

Being on a large hill that overlooked the village, her father’s villa was among the first to be attacked. She had to watch the Goths invade and take her home-she had to watch her mother and father, her sisters and brothers, and even her nieces and nephews fall to the claws and blades of the relentless Gothic horde…

One of Zura’s suitors—a guest at the villa, a decorated veteran soldier from Rome—could do nothing to protect her. He fell immediately to the savagery of the Goths, his skull cleaved in two, his limbs torn from his body, and his heart ripped out of his chest.

Zura screamed in grief and fear as the Goths dragged her through the burning streets of her once proud village, asking God why she was spared to witness the destruction of her home and her people. Why hadn’t they killed her like the rest?

When the village was taken and its last pitiful defender had fallen… Zura got her answer. In the smoldering, smoking ruins of Silistra, the Gothic savages took her.

They took her.

They ripped at her dyed and embroidered clothes, pulled at her golden hair, grabbed at her breasts, scratched at her fair skin, and plundered and violated her once-untouched chastity.

Zura was a beautiful girl, until the Goths stripped her of her worth, bludgeoned away her beauty, and stole her purity. They were relentless, when one barbarian finished, she would passed on to another.

For days after they forced themselves into the village, the Goths forced themselves inside her. Zura never saw respite. The drive to fright and resist was soon quelled. She lost hope-lost faith-in the God that was supposed to love her. Why had He gifted her with such beauty, the very thing that made her the favorite plaything of these savage animals? With every thrust forced inside her, they scoured and chipped away at a piece of her soul… until she laid empty and broken beneath their feverish rutting bodies.

Her body was a husk. These animals could do with it as they pleased, because her soul was no longer present. Zura was a pale shade of what she once was.

The famed Jewel of Silistra was now the favored Whore of the Goths.

/ / / / / / / / /

Zura tried to will away the throbbing around her bruised black eye, the stinging in her split lip, and the pain between her thighs… but it was difficult, seeing that she was laying wet and shivering under a leafless tree, bound to it by shackles, as were the few other girls the Goths saw fit to ‘spare.’

The cloudy night sky continued to drizzle—the rain had not stopped since the morning after the attack—turning the ground to muck, and chilling the girls to the bone. Their only defense against the cold were thin woolen tunics that covered nothing, and the red mud that caked their skin, still stained by the spilt blood of the fallen villagers.

Zura heard the sound of footsteps, and the fearful whimpers of the other girls.

‘That one,’ said a low raspy voice.

Zura felt the chains of her shackles being pulled at as the other girls moved away from the speaker, but she did not move. There was no use trying to escape, and the other girls needn’t worry. Zura knew who the warrior wanted.

Rough hands grabbed her hair and pulled her to her feet. She stood there, trembling, trying to keep balance as they unbound her. It was amazing she still could stand after the countless assaults her womanhood had suffered over the past few days.

‘Come with me,’ the warrior said.

Zura recognized him, she had memorized his beady eyes, crooked nose, and yellow teeth. He was the savage that made use of her most frequently. And it wasn’t only her, the animal’s libido seemed insatiable, he had taken pleasure from each of the five captured girls at least once. Zura allowed herself a small smirk. At least he would be quick.

‘What are you laughing at, slave?!’ the warrior spat.


The man had brought his fist to her face. ‘Do not speak!’

Zura spat blood into the mud, along with it a tooth. She had lost count how many teeth had been beaten out of her jaw.

The man held her tightly by the neck and spat his words directly to her face, ‘The only reason I do not slash tongue from mouth is so that it can still wrap itself around my cock.’

Zura reeled back at his putrid breath, but said nothing.

The warrior grabbed her tightly by the hair and pulled her alongside himself as he walked. Zura struggled to keep up, walking was now a laborious chore. Her once graceful gait was now a shambling limp. Cramps and soreness between her thighs were her constant companions now.

She was led away from the Gothic camp, and up a beaten path, one she recognized despite the blood that still stained it. She looked ahead. She was being led to her father’s villa, her home.

As Zura walked through the courtyard, she noticed her favorite olive tree, the one her nieces and nephews loved to climb. There was a smoldering black pit underneath it… a pyre housing the charred bones of her family… with those of their servants.

Zura lamented at such disrespect, to think that the Goths had her family-the richest and proudest in the region-share an equal grave with filthy wretched slaves?

But wasn’t that all she was now, too? A slave, cattle—mere property of the barbarian Goths that raped her, nearly every hour of the day?

She was escorted through the bloodstained halls of her former home. Where was she being taken? The warriors usually had no care or preference where they had their way with her, b
e it in their tents or open view of others by the campfire.

Finally, she was shoved through a curtain and into a room.

‘Ritheus, your whore,’ the warrior said, kicking Zura’s shin to force her to her knees.

Zura kneeled in her father’s chamber, the biggest room of the villa. The flat stone walls were bathed in soft light from the oil-lamps and candles that decorated the room. A large wooden tub in the corner was being filled with warm water by another warrior, whilst a table in the opposite corner was being served with food. The fine linen cloths on the bed were replaced by animal skins and furs. Her father’s blood had been washed from the floor, but the stain was still plainly there.

A giant man stood in the center of the room, facing the window, his back draped by a coarse fur cloak. With a deep baritone voice, he told the other Goths, ‘Leave us.’

The warriors quit the room, leaving Zura alone with the man they called Ritheus.

He stood tall, well over six and a half feet. He had a protruding belly, and his frame was bulky and wide, but despite that, his broad chest and thick arms were rippling with hard sculpted muscle.

On his head was a mantle skinned from a bear, the beast’s snout and ears still attached.

Zura knew this man. She recalled his name, in the past having heard it spoken by Roman soldiers that visited her father. Ritheus Ursus, a fierce Gothic tribal chief, known for having the aspect, strength, and brutality of the terrible brown bears that dominated the forests and mountains north of the Danube River.

She also knew him as the man that had choked her youngest niece to death, decapitated her father, and cleaved her suitor’s skull in two. The very axe that had done those terrible deeds leaned against the corner of the room, blade still glistening with viscera.

Ritheus took off his mantle and loincloth and turned to Zura, revealing a bald head and a bushy black beard, so long it was braided into a plait that extended nearly to his navel. Extraordinary endowment dangled between his thighs.

For the first time in days, fear struck Zura’s heart, and the urge to flee was rekindled. Surely this beast of a man would give her the most brutal raping yet, making her previous tortures seem like the caresses of a tender lover…

‘Girl. Come to me,’ he commanded.

Zura did not rise from her knees, fear holding her fast to the floor. She stole a glance over her shoulder, towards the entrance to the room. She knew the corridors of her father’s villa better than these savages, she could possibly…

… but she didn’t get a chance. Ritheus walked over to her, his heavy footsteps reverberating through the floor. He grabbed her by the arm and brought her to her feet.

‘Do not think to run,’ Ritheus said. ‘Other girls like you have tried, and my men have killed them in pursuit. They know not how to restrain themselves.’

Zura trembled in fright, flashes of memory coming to her eyes… her mother and sisters fleeing the Gothic warriors, only to be stricken down and ravaged on the spot.

To her surprise, instead of leading her to the bed, Ritheus led her to the bathtub and placed a strigil into her trembling hands.

He sank into the bathtub slowly, the girth of his massive body causing water to spill onto the floor. A low growl rumbled out of his lips. Or perhaps that was a sigh of relief, Zura thought. The man’s voice was so deep it was hard to tell.

‘I would have you clean me,’ he said.

Is that all? Zura questioned silently, not daring to speak out loud. She surely doubted it, but she would comply, if only to delay the brutal pummeling that was to come.

‘The oil is there,’ Ritheus said, pointing at a clay bottle placed nearby.

As Zura took the bottle, Ritheus turned his back to her, indicating that was where she should start. She poured the oil onto his back, spread it across his skin. She marveled at the rough and bumpy texture, the other Goths did not have skin so coarse. Zura shifted her body to allow the candle light to fall upon Ritheus’ back.

His dark tan skin was covered in a network of terrible scars. They extended from his shoulders and neck, all the way down to his buttocks. Not an inch of skin lay unblemished by jagged bumpy tissue. Afraid that she may cause him discomfort by taking the strigil to his marred skin, Zura hesitated.

‘Proceed, you will not harm me,’ Ritheus said.

Zura did as she was told and began to scrape away the dirt and grime from his back. Ritheus did not seem to be in any pain or discomfort, he only moved to give her more access.

Finally, when she was done with his back, he said, ‘Strip.’

Zura knew what was to come, so she ignored his command. If he was going to take her, why not tear away her pathetic excuse for clothes himself? What was stopping him? A small girl like her had no hope of resisting a giant man like him.

With a growl of annoyance, Ritheus said, ‘Strip, girl, so that you may enter the tub and continue.’

Zura took off her sole piece of clothing, and entered the tub. Ritheus threw his plaited beard over his shoulder so that she had access to his chest. His back was not the only part of his body that held scars. His sinuous arms, thick legs, and broad chest all held hefty wounds that had long since healed, testaments to the life a tenacious warrior.

Zura continued cleaning him, taking her time and sparring no inch of skin, knowing that the longer she took to perform her task, the longer her body remained uninvaded by turgid Gothic flesh.

When she was done, Ritheus surprised her yet again by leaving the tub, not once a laying a hand on her. He stomped to the bed and redressed.

Zura sat in the tub, at a loss for what to do.

Ritheus sat himself at a table, grabbed a chunk of horsemeat and took a generous bite. ‘You may clean yourself, if you so wish,’ he said, mouth full.

Zura did so, thanking God for yet another delay. She took the oil and strigil to her skin and happily scraped away the dirt, mud, and blood that had caked itself onto her body. She paid particular attention to her thighs, where putrid Goth seed that had long since dried itself.

Once clean, Zura still remained a far cry from her former glory. Her once flawless skin was still marred by bruises, scratches, and bite marks inflicted by the men that made cruel and rough use of her body. Her once golden and flowing hair was tattered and in clumps, red scrabs peppered her scalp where locks had been torn out. Yet the damage was not only external… nothing could wash away the darkness smeared open her soul by the unwelcome touch of these barbarians.

She stepped out of the tub, once again uncertain about what to do.

‘Come to the bed,’ Ritheus said, gesturing that she come over.

She did not refuse him, knowing it would be foolish to do so. She sat at the edge of bed, still naked and wet from the bath. Was he going to take her now?

‘Here,’ Ritheus said, grabbing a chunk of bread and tossing it to her. ‘Feed yourself, lest you wither away into nothing.’

Zura caught the loaf and stared at it. Does he jest?

Ritheus gazed at her with hard eyes.

Zura bowed her head slightly, and said, ‘Gratitude.’ She took a bite.

It was stale old bread, but how savory did it taste as it entered her mouth, and filled her aching stomach. Cramps in her harrowed womb had masked a hunger that was now brought to the surface. The warriors of the camp hardly fed her and the other girls. Either from cruelty or neglect, she wasn’t sure.

Finishing the loaf, Zura eyed a hunk of horsemeat. She glanced at Ritheus, and a small nod of his head indicated his approval. Zura tore into it quickly and savagely, in a manner unfit a girl of delicate upbringing.

Ritheus handed her a cup of wine, and Zura gulped it down quickly. ‘Such a gluttonous appetite
for so small a girl,’ Ritheus said.

Daring once again to speak, Zura said, ‘Your men seldom feed me and the others… if we occupy their attention, it is for other means than nourishing us.’

Ritheus said nothing, he only nodded in understanding. Finishing the last of his meal, he cleared the table and placed a map upon it. He sat there, studying it intently, and stroking his beard.

Zura watched him in anxious expectation, slowly chewing her food. Was he waiting for her to finish her meal? Why had he not taken her yet? No other Goth warrior had expressed such patience, such restraint, especially when she sat naked and bare in front of him.

Finally, Zura could not hold her nervous anticipation any longer. Better to have it over with quickly, than be in this state of torturous uncertainty. She asked him, ‘W-will… will you take me now?’

Ritheus did not look up from the map, but said, ‘No.’

Zura could not believe her ears. He must be joking, playing at a cruel jest. She was certain nearly half his army had known the flesh of either her or one of the other girls of her village, during and after the attack. They were savage barbarians, it was in their very nature to rape and pillage, plunder and kill, to take what was not theirs. At her own self-disgust, Zura felt almost insulted. Had the Jewel of Silistra been so badly tarnished that even this base animal did not want her?

She dared to ask, ‘Why?’

Ritheus removed his eyes from the map and steeled them on her. ‘I too have known the lash of slavery.’

Zura readily believed him, recalling the scars on his back. They were clearly lashes from a whip. ‘Who was your master?’

‘My masters were the Huns and I lived under their whip for many years. They killed and enslaved many of my people, and pillaged and took our villages. I saw my own sister forced upon by their soldiers.’

Zura scowled. Was he serious?

Ritheus scoffed. ‘Yes, I understand the irony, but such is war. I will not fault my men for reaping the spoils of battle, but I myself will not partake. My wife and others follow our army only a few camps away. My men have stained you with filth and disease, and I will not spread it to her.’

Bearing the insult, Zura asked, ‘Why not lead your men by example? Show them the path of mercy.’

‘They would never take it.’


‘Because every last one of them would gladly see you Romans suffer at the end of their blades and their cocks rather than allow a single one of you to walk free.’

‘Why did you attack my village then? We are not Roman, we’re Thracian!’

‘The shadow of Rome casts itself over your village, and you gladly suckle at her breast!’ Ritheus roared angrily. ‘You are Roman, and we will see every village and city fall in our wake!’

‘Why do you hate us so? We have done you no wrong!’

‘You stupid, spoiled girl,’ Ritheus growled. ‘Standing high atop your pedestal, ignorant to what goes on in the muck beneath you.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘As every one of my men has fucked you, the Roman Empire have fucked us in kind!’ Ritheus yelled, leaping to his feet. He towered over Zura menacingly. ‘Beaten and broken, we Goths were driven from our lands in the north by the Hunnic horde. We asked you Romans simply for humble refuge, to hide and lick our wounds, yet the second we crossed the Danube we were yet again enslaved, then left to starve! What do you think happens when you beat, cage, and starve a dog? It lashes back with the intensity of a wolf!’

Zura reeled back, fearing Ritheus would strike her in his rage. He may not want to take pleasure from her flesh, but nothing stopped him from beating her to balm the sore wounds inflicted by her people.

But he didn’t do anything. With a low growling breath, he calmed himself and turned away. He sat back down at the table and put his attention back to the map.

Zura watched him again for a long while, eventually gathering the courage to say, ‘If you will not take me, what is to become of me this night?’

‘I must keep appearances for the sake of my men,’ Ritheus said. ‘Take the bed and rest yourself.’

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Whether it was the sound of the traffic outside, or the humidity of the night, or maybe the strange, slightly uncomfortable bed, I lay there in that semi-slumbering state of consciousness while my mind became slowly aware of a woman in the next room making quiet whimpering sounds. In a rush, I remembered where I was. At Amy and Jeff’s in London.Instantly I was wide awake, my ears pricked, straining to interpret what I was hearing. Immediately, I made the assumption that it was Amy and Jeff...

2 years ago
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Sex With Horny Virgin 8211 Part II

Hi guys and gals let me introduce myself….I am Shanmugam…male from madras. this happened last ye was 24… I live in a posh area….in a nice apartment with my parents. We have really friendly neighbors except one person opposite my house….man she is a fucking bitch…and her age is 70…can u believe it ” at that age she pokes her nose in every damn thing ,…she doesn’t pay the maintenance fee for the flat etc. Well she did have a granddaughter who was an….angel personified…she looks wow! her name is...

2 years ago
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Llc chapter 6 A new beginning

Lynne did not know what to do she kept pacing around her room looking at the huge wet spot on her bed where she had exploded while fantasizing about Becky eating her pussy. Finally she said "fuck it" and picked up the phone, she was not expecting the voice on the other end though. I picked up the phone since becky was masturbating in the shower. " hi Lynne, Becky is in the shower is there something i can help you with?" Lynne's voice cracked as she spoke with me. Apparently she had a crush on...

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Flashing NOT my mother in law

This website has made me want to flash my not mother in law so I built up the courage to do so. I didn't plan everything so I just went with it as the day went. She's a mexican lady in her mid 60's. She's not cute or anything and doesn't wear makeup. She's very tiny and talks very low and walks slow. My wife has told me her mom has had dildos in the past so she has a freaky side. Here's my story how I flashed her.I started by waiting till we were alone one morning. She was awake before me...

4 years ago
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not planned

Ok So Thursday nights are mom and I time she spends the night after work (many stories posted about our Thursdays together). Anyway she called around 7:00 saying she had a date. I was a little upset not going to be with her and told her to make sure she services him well. We both laughed and she said "Of Course Princess I always do".Sitting around reading by myself I called a friend of mine Richard (gay guy) asking is he wanted to go out for a while and I would pick him up. So, we went to our...

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I Have No IdeaChapter 24

“I was supposed to go home a week before we came down here.” “I’m blowing my cheat day the second I get near a strawberry turnover.” “I just wanna see the stars again.” The girls hadn’t been so chatty in a while. I guess we had run out of stories. Not wearing a top today? Wanna fuck? Without weather, even small talk had burned away. We all eagerly awaited the elevator. Charlotte, My Valkyrie, rubbed sunscreen on my shoulders. Finding the crate of SPF 60 had set a fire under all of us....

3 years ago
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I had just turned forty and had taken a job at a fairly senior position at a different professional service firm in my town and was starting to get familiar with their procedures and personnel. I started noticing one of the junior associates who was assigned to a few of my projects, a striking girl of about 24 with long legs, blonde/brown hair and a very slim (some would say skinny) body with exciting blue eyes and a saucy, teasing look on her face. I felt very attracted to her, but because of...

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Hottest Girl In The School 8211 Urvashi

Hello Readers, Im Pranay from Patna, and I am a regular visitor of this site. Few of the stories posted here got me thinking that maybe even I should pen down a few of my own experiences. Today I am going to tell you guys about my first story. My first time’ It was in the 11th grade when I was going to turn 18, and I know that it is a very wrong thing to do but I had a bet with my friends that I was going to lose my virginity before I turn 18. So first I’ll tell you a little something about...

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The Fucking Plague

As he walked across mostly barren streets, Jim ruminated on his current situation. The corpses left behind by the plague had mostly been either cleaned up or rotted into nothing. Used to be you could hardly pass a region without seeing dead bodies mid-coitus; a twisted mockery of the miracle of life, people dead in the process of creating a new life. It was the fucking plague after all.Nobody knew who coined the term, but once it was coined, the term stuck. The Fucking Plague, a double meaning,...

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HorseLoving Farm WivesChapter 9

Having found out that Claire and Molly were cunt-suckers and dog fuckers, Brenda had not hesitated at all. She rode the stallion right up to the back of the converted farmhouse, slid down from its back and hitched it to the porch railing. She went up the steps and entered the house without bothering to knock or announce her presence. She went down the hall and looked into the living room... and smiled delightedly at what she saw. Claire and Molly were both kneeling over a huge mastiff,...

3 years ago
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Meri Pyari Bahen 8211 Part V

Hi friends its UR and only URS LOVE GUPTA again with my 5th part of my story MERI PYARI BAHEN. Jiska 1st part pehle MERI PYARI BAHEN (2nd January ko) jiska address hai or MERI PYARI BAHEN PART-2 (17th January ko) jiska address hai or MERI PYARI BAHEN PART-3 (6th febuary ko) jiska address...

3 years ago
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Sex with my cousin sister

Hi I am regular reader of ISS .reading all your stories encouraged me to share my experience with you all Let come to the story. This all happened when I was just 19 years old I had sex with my cousin sister. Let me tell about her she was 21 years old she was very sexy her figure was 36-25-36 with good round ass and boobs . She was engaged and was to marry in two to three month. I stay in pune in a three bedroom flat in every summer vacation my cousin sister use to come to our place for...

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Tara and Jason

Tara and Jason enjoyed wild nights out. It was on one of those wild nights out that they found themselves in trouble and were left with the stark choice of attending the Monastery of Repentance or being hit with a very heavy monetary fine that neither of them could afford;and so it was on that cold,windy Monday morning back in January that they found themselves waiting in a room with others who were sent to the Monastery to receive whatever was coming to them. Tara hated the idea of having to...

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 13 Misty ComptonChapter 9

The concert Saturday night went as well, if not better than the one the previous night. Misty saw a lot of faces in the crowd that she had seen the night before, waving photographs at her and seeking autographs. The fact that they were hearing some of the same music didn’t seem to bother them. After a set of five uninterrupted songs, Misty announced that they were going to play a home-grown song and introduced Jasper. She went through the rest of the band, too, something she had forgotten to...

3 years ago
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Light and DarkChapter 7

He had a woman he loved in Saigon I got a picture of him in her arms now Born in the USA, Bruce Springsteen Sutton, Surrey, November 25th "Sophie?" Caerys sat up, staring at the brief silhouette that disappeared as the door eased quietly shut. "Sophie, what's wrong?" The whispered reply was too quiet to hear. "What? Soph?" "Nothing, Caerys." She whispered, a little louder. "Nothing's wrong." "Then... uh..." The light flicked on as Caerys reached over to the bedside...

3 years ago
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Teenage Sex

Hi everyone my name is sasikanth,iam a normal guy of 60kg and about 5’8” of height.I recently completed my EAMCET qualifing examination and joined in some college in hyderabad of doing my partner’s name was shalini.she was about my age with 5’5” height and a wery good figure of 38-25-37.she had a very nice pair of boobs,cup shaped and steady straight outside.i have a lot of sexual desire and used to browse all the sex sites and mastubate my seeing those videos and pictures on the...

2 years ago
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Dont Judge a Book Part 3 Chapter 8

Sunday 11th November 2018, one minute after midnightSeeing Jill’s car parked by itself in our drive caused all kinds of feelings for me, my adrenaline and energy levels suddenly spiking. Fight or flight. Was she there by herself, or was Malcolm and or Luther there with her, or maybe Dee – the she-devil who’d been dildoing Fake me in Jill’s first porno which I’d been made to watch.Heading into the house I felt like I imagined a soldier feels edging into a house that may well be booby-trapped...

Wife Lovers
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A Night Spent Satisfying My Aunt Shaila

Hi, friends, this is Shyam again, This is about a very unexpected but pleasant night I spent with my aunt Shaila (father’s sister) at the new house. I am from Pune basically. But I had to rush to Ahmedabad to visit my uncle who was ill and admitted to a Hospital near SG highway. It was a quick decision hence I could not pack properly. I boarded the Pune Ahmedabad Duronto and went straight to Hospital. I saw my aunt Shaila there in the lobby. She seemed very tired but as usual dressed...

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Leftovers A Bulls Story First time cuc

This was written up a few years ago by a lover of mine. It sits somewhere in the the middle of fact and fiction (my husband is a perfectly good lover) but it does capture several good memories that we all have. The original author eventually moved out of state, got married and his wife has no idea how kinky he can be...If you like my stories, please subscribe, follow and send a friend request!K----->MWhen I met Kathleen she was as hot as the sun and exuded sex without even trying. Her...

2 years ago
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Irsquom an ExhibitionistDeal with it Part T

I’m an Exhibitionist...Deal with it! (Part Three)For the next two days, hubby couldn’t keep his hands off me or his cock out of me! We fucked all over the house, with me wearing different sexy outfits. He even took me into a sex shop in town and kitted me out in some fantasy wear. Included in the purchase were a Nurses uniform, a French Maids outfit and a very sexy PVC Cat suit that zipped all the way around and various Stockings, Garter Belts, a couple of ½ cup bras and an assortment of G...

3 years ago
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To My Slave

Since meeting you I have used your body as my toy, the ability to do with it as I wish has brought a whole new light to my life. To know your devotion as I take you beyond your limits proves to me your insatiable appetite to gratify my needs. Laying contently at my feet I gaze upon your elegance. Your cock still firm and glistening from the indulgence you showed to my demanding pussy. Even now I can vividly remember the first night I made you mine. The deserted beach our playground, a...

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Common Ground

The walls of the transporter room came into focus as the newly promoted Lieutenant completed her transfer from the high-speed transport that had been her home for the last two days. Quarters aboard Hermes had been cramped to say the least, but they were little better than she expected to find here on Crockett. A patrol cruiser with a crew of twenty-eight, its accommodations were going to be very unlike those she’d had back on Enterprise. Especially those she had enjoyed as a Captain’s...

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A letter to my slave boy

A letter to my submissive slave boy      My sweet little boy-slut, I bet you?re wondering why I am writing to you as it?s been such a long time since my last letter.Well, I figured that since I see you every day now and we spend so much time together since you became my own little 24/7 live- in slave to use or abuse as I see fit and that young body became my own little piece of meat property, there really has been no real point in writing as I could always tell you things directly....

4 years ago
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Bisexual Hotties Adventure

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate another fictional story. This story is how I turned two of my friends into bisexuals and had fun along with them. Just imagine whatever is happening. It is not a real story. So guys, hands on your cock and girls, on your pussy now. I’m a software engineer from Bangalore. It so happened that few junior engineers joined my team. There were two beautiful north Indian girls named, Naina and Amisha, along with many others....

2 years ago
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A Frustrated Wife Steps Out

Cynthia Adams (her friends called her Cindy), drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as she waited out the stoplight. Cindy was a 42 year-old married white woman who, as the younger crowd would say, was some kind if MILF. She kept her figure in line with thrice weekly workouts and had treated herself to breast enhancement last year as she began to notice some sag. The result was a middle-aged woman with the figure of a thirty year old. Beep! She was brought back to attention to driving by...

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Swim Lessons Get Sexy

Jason groaned as his turned off the alarm clock. Summer was winding down and instead of spending it at the beach or out with friends this was yet another day he would be spending at work. He couldn’t really complain though. After all teaching swim lessons was a great job to have during his summer breaks from university. After a quick shower and bowl of cereal he hopped in his truck and drove to work. He walked into the pool deck with in his trunks and faded lifeguard shirt. The staff room was...

4 years ago
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The Accidental Tyrran

Jenna grunted in exertion as she rubbed the waxy substance into the oak countertops. It was early afternoon and business was slow at the small book store where she had been working for the last several months. As the only employee, it usually fell to her to clean and maintain the pleasant little shop while Nathal, the owner, doted lovingly over any new books under the pretense of inventorying them. But she didn't mind, she actually enjoyed the physical labor. The effort gave her a sense of...

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The Attack of The Queen Bee

Saffron City was a peaceful place no super Villain very little crime to speak of. It was home to the rich and the fortunate. Which made it the ideal place to settle down and live a safe and quite life. That was until one day on the cities birthday during the mayor's speech. Saffron city had its first ever Super villain attack. Well to be exact super villainess. She called herself Queen Bee and she and her drones took to the stage and demand the people of the city to listen. "You will all become...

Mind Control
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NubileFilms Anna Claire Clouds July 2022 Fantasy Of The Month

Will Pounder and Quinton James are in the kitchen preparing for a Fourth of July barbeque when Anna Claire Clouds joins them. Wearing just a patriotic bikini, she walks right up to the watermelon to have a snack. The watermelon drips down onto her chest, prompting Anna Claire to ask Quinton to help her clean it up, which he’s happy to do. Anna Claire then turns to Will and tells him that she needs him to come to the bedroom with her and help her get all lotioned up before everyone else...

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Light and Dark

One of the many benefits of heading up a company that creates erotica is that I can turn any and every business trip into a pleasure trip with a little bit of creative license. If I’m scouting locations to shoot new videos, I absolutely must stay in the best hotels with a spa because I might be able to use it as the site of my next couple’s retreat. If I’m doing a model search for new models, for fresh faces, what better place to do that than some sleepy little resort town in The Seychelles...

1 year ago
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Pizza Flash

We had discussed a pizza flash many times and Mandy knew it would as be as exciting for her as it would be for me, but the opportunity had never really presented itself until I booked a weekend break in self catering cottage on the outskirts of Cardiff, one of three on a farm about 2 miles from the city. Having had a liquid lunch, we had shopped for a sexy top for Mandy to wear out for dinner that night, and were both quite turned on by the time the taxi dropped us back at the cottage. Whilst...

2 years ago
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First gay encounter turns into more when his wife shows up

Introduction: This story is complete fiction, inspired by a chat conversation I had a couple days ago. I hope you enjoy. (If you want to show me how much you enjoy it, that would be great…) Id never touched another cock before and I deeply wanted to, I met him online and we talked for a while and jerked off a few times while talking. He is 30 years older with a hairy, 7 inch cock that happens to be very thick compared to my 6 inch and medium thick cock. He was excited to touch another cock for...

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the neighbor needs my help pt7

If you read part 1 Thru 6 of (the neighbor needs my help) this starts where Part 3 & 6 ended.Lynn's Birthday PresentThe week started out pretty normal on Wednesday evening Joan came over. Lynn answers the door and Joan comes in with a shopping bag in her hand. We sit and talk for a while then Joan tells Lynn if is going to have sex with Chuck she might want to try her fake Chuck toy first to be sure that she can handle his huge cock. Lynn's smiles and says do you think I really need to. I...

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California Kate

I have always felt a certain connection to California. Unsure if it comes from my c***dhood love for The Beach Boys or maybe it's my love for Sublime. Or perhaps, I'm just a hopeless dreamer and I figure California is a good place to get discovered. In any case, when I lost my job in the factory, at the hands of a jealous power-tripping cunt, I knew it was time for a big change of scenery. I spent the rest of my money on a one way ticket to Long Beach, where I would start to build a new life...

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Under The Boardwalk

It was a warm day in August, Kate and Lisa were at the boardwalk riding the rides.  They were in line to ride the flume.  They were talking to various people wasting time waiting for their turn.  Kate and Lisa were visiting Kate's grandparents in New Jersey.  The girls lived in Florida and would be leaving tomorrow.Eventually, it was their turn.  They entered the log and sat down.  Kate sat in front of Lisa.  They put their arms on the bars and got ready for their ride.  The ride started and it...

Straight Sex
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Celestial WarsChapter 11

Rain and Flame ~Humans live two lives. First, they live out their mortal years, and those determine if they shall fall unto Hell, or ascend unto Heaven. Second, they live as a soul of either Light or Dark. When the soul dies ... it vanishes unto Nothing.The Third Lesson of the Magician's Guild. -Devnik- Clouds rolled in across the night sky ... quick and low and determined. My tongue flicked out to taste the air. It was heavy and filled with the promise of rain. I turned my head up,...

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