GreeniesChapter 19A free porn video

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Eden MPG base

September 3, 2146

The smell in the outside deployment male locker room was horrid, perhaps the worst olfactory sensation Jeff had ever experienced. The thought that he was contributing to it did nothing to ease his disgust. It was the smell of over a thousand combat soldiers who had been outside for eight days, sweating inside of their biosuits, unable to shower or even evaporate the sweat properly. The moment they began to remove the biosuits in the confined space all those layers of perspiration, most of it old, began to permeate the air like a gas.

"I'm gonna fuckin' puke," said Hicks, who was standing next to Jeff and who did indeed appear to a bit green around the gills.

"Go ahead," Jeff told him, peeling the main portion of his suit downward as gingerly as possible. "It can't possibly make it smell worse in here." He disconnected the urine catheter and eased away from the solid waste tube stuck to his anus. His penis was raw and tender from so many days with a piece of latex on it and he winced as the air hit it. He stepped out of the suit, leaving him standing naked except for the MPG T-shirt he'd donned nine days ago after his last shower. It was pretty much beyond salvage at this point. Even if it was washed and sterilized the smell and the sweat stains would probably remain. He took it off and put it in a plastic bag from his locker, intending to simply throw it away.

He had already unloaded his M-24 and removed all of the magazines from the outside pockets on the suit. He now removed his last waste-pack, his food pack, the water tank and the air supply tank and put them all in his locker. He made a last check of all the pockets, finding two loose M-24 rounds, two rocks he didn't remember picking up, and the wrapper from a food pack. He tossed all these onto a back shelf and then removed the combat computer module that controlled the suit. This he set on a different shelf. Satisfied that the suit was now completely empty he turned it inside out — a process that took the better part of five minutes — and then hung it on a hook on the outside of his locker door.

"You got the Spray-clean?" he asked Hicks, who was still going through his own pockets.

"Yeah, right there, top shelf."

Jeff reached into his locker and grabbed the aerosol can. The contents were something that had been developed by a Martian chemist about five years before and it made the process of cleaning one's biosuit a breeze instead of the agonizing, two to three hour ordeal it had once been. All you did was sprayed the entire inside with the concoction, which was a combination of disinfectant and cleaning compounds that would bind to any foreign matter. The active ingredients were mixed in with a sodium bicarbonate base that would absorb most of the odor. He sprayed nearly a quarter of the can, saturating the entire suit. In two hours all he had to do was wipe it all off with a towel and the suit would be ready for action.

"Thanks," Jeff said, putting the can back. "Now its time for a shower, a shave, and some real fuckin' food."

"I heard they got steaks and artichokes out there for us," Hicks said, starting the process of turning his own suit inside out.

"I heard they got us some beer too," Jeff said, his mouth salivating at the very thought.

"If they don't, I'm gonna find me some. Some smokes too. After eight fuckin' days out in the wastelands I wanna drink and smoke until I barf and my lungs get coughed out."

"Well put," Jeff said, grabbing a towel, some soap, and some shampoo.

"You wanna join me?" he asked. "Me and Zen are gonna hit the Troop Club and see what we can score over there. I heard a rumor that they held some of the booze back for the combat soldiers."

"I got something I need to do," Jeff responded.

"You sure, man?" Hicks said. "Xenia might be there. She's pretty much shot me down at this point but you could probably jack your round into her chamber if you play your cards right."

"Xenia and I have an understanding about that," Jeff said.

"What the fuck you mean?"

"Never mind," he said. "I might head over later on, especially if they got booze and smokes over there. But first I gotta go home."

"Home?" Hicks said, raising his eyebrows a bit. "I thought you hated your old lady like the marines hate the Mosquitoes."

"I do," he said. "And its time for me to do something about it. A little promise I made to myself."

"Ahhh," Hicks said knowingly. "You're gonna tell her to take a flying fuck at Phobos?"

"Yep," he confirmed.

"I can respect that," Hicks told him. He considered for a second. "You gonna tear off one last piece first? A farewell fuck?"

To his surprise, Jeff actually found himself seriously considering this suggestion for a few seconds. Sure he hated Belinda now and she had put on more than thirty kilos since they'd been married and sex with her had been nothing but a chore for the last year or so — a chore that had been unsuccessful in its goal of conceiving their one child so they could get that two-bedroom apartment — but the thought of sliding into her body and rutting atop her until release was strangely compelling at this particular moment in time. Wow, he thought, trying to shake the image off before it produced an erection, I'm really fuckin' horny right now. What the hell is up with that?

"No," he told Hicks when the thought was finally banished. "I may need to get my weapon oiled but I don't need it that bad. I'll score me a little something later at the club."

"Not if I score it first," Hicks told him. "I'm horny enough to fuck Drogan and you know how fuckin' ugly she is. It must be all that death and shit we saw that does it, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah," Jeff said as the image of stripping Drogan's manly, yet female body down and slamming into her locked into his consciousness — and not in a bad way either. "I think I know what you mean. I'm gonna go hit the shower. Maybe I'll make it a cold one."

It was quite some time before he actually got to the shower. There were only thirty showerheads in the locker room and there were almost a thousand people wanting to use them at one time. He waited in a long line that stretched all across the back and side walls of the room. The stink of so many naked, disgusting bodies gathered together in close proximity was almost more than he could take at first. Gradually, however, his nose became desensitized to it and he stopped noticing it. Once that happened he was able to engage in conversation with those in line around him. The topics were mostly about the last eight days and what was going on out there now.

"I still can't believe General Jackson called a fuckin' cease-fire on those marines just because they're retreating," said a squad sergeant just behind Jeff in line. "They're just strolling their way back to their LZ right this minute! The Mosquitoes and the special forces teams could be beating the shit out of them!"

"I heard that in Proctor General Azacan almost resigned over that order," said a private in front of Jeff. "He could have gotten his armor in front of the marines and cut them off completely. He could have fuckin' destroyed them, man!" He shook his head. "I'm wondering if Jackson's lost it. Maybe Laura Whiting oughtta replace his ass with Zoloft."

"Amen to that," said the sergeant. "I used to have a lot of respect for Jackson, but now... I'm not so sure."

Jeff listened to the conversations but contributed little to them. He, like most of the troops that had actually put their asses on the line, that had seen friends killed and horribly wounded, that had known that they themselves might die at any moment, had a sincere wish that every WestHem marine on Mars and above it would be killed in some horrible, painful way. He hated the thought that they were just driving at their leisure back to their landing zones where they would launch back into orbit to regroup and then come back down again in overwhelming strength, probably at Eden or New Pittsburgh. The sour taste of their getaway was taking away from what should have been the euphoria of victory. But as for actually replacing Jackson with Zoloft? He wasn't so sure that was a good idea. Nor did many of the others around them.

"Jackson's got us this far," was the common argument among the pro-Jacksonians. "He may have fucked up a wet dream with this cease-fire but he's still the fuckin' man."

"He choked under the pressure," was the common argument among the anti-Jacksonians. "He thinks they're really giving up and he decided not to make them mad."

The entire argument was somewhat of a moot point, of course. General Jackson wasn't offering his resignation, nor was Laura Whiting asking for it. At least that was the story being passed around at the moment. The WestHems in all four theaters were back at their LZs and in the process of loading their equipment back into their ships. Though the main line units were still under deployment, just in case, the ACRs and the support units had been brought back in and given forty-eight hour passes. Another rumor floating about was that many of the soldiers — particularly those in the units that had taken the heaviest losses — weren't planning to come back.

Jeff finally made his way to a showerhead. An MP guarding the entrance to this particular section of the locker room warned him — politely at least — that he only had three minutes to shower and get out.

He made the best of his three minutes, luxuriating under the spray even though it made the abrasions on his penis sting quite badly. He put on a thick layer of soap and scrubbed everywhere with a washcloth, quickly turning it a dingy brown color. He used almost a hundred milliliters of shampoo on his hair and then quickly brushed his teeth before the final rinse-off. When he left the stall for the next soldier in line he felt almost human again — starving, dehydrated, sore, and very tired — but almost human nonetheless.

He walked naked back to his locker and quickly used his laser shaver to take the eight days worth of bristly stubble off his face. He put on some deodorant and combed his hair and then put on a fresh pair of MPG shorts and a fresh MPG T-shirt. He slipped his moccasins on his feet and then headed for the exit and the hopefully fresh air that would be found there.

They were indeed serving steaks and artichokes in the mess hall, along with sautéed mushrooms, garlic baked potatoes, and two bottles of beer for each soldier. The smell alone when he walked into the room was nearly enough to trigger an orgasm. He waited in another line for another twenty minutes before getting his tray. He then went searching for an empty spot at a table. In this endeavor he scored rather well. Not only did he find a place to sit down but it was next to Xenia, who was working on cleaning the rest of the artichoke leaves so she could get to the heart.

"Food has never tasted so fucking good," she told him, her face blissful, her long hair still a little damp from her shower. "It's even better than the shower."

"Where's Zen and Belinda?" he asked, cracking open one of his beers. He took a long, delicious drink of it, savoring the flavor, savoring the warm feeling it put in his empty stomach.

"Zen's grandmother came to town and set up a little apartment for him in the Brophy Towers."

"His grandmother?"

"She's the one who raised him," Xenia said. "His parents were killed in the Jupiter War. A laser strike took out their building while he was visiting her for the day. He's very close to her."

"I didn't know that."

"He sent all the credits he made since he enlisted to her. It's the first time they've had income since she had her medical license taken away. She apparently remembers how to manage money. She used those credits to come here and find him a place to stay. He was very excited about it. It'll be the first place other than public housing he's ever lived in."

"Well that's an ass fuck for him," Jeff said, actually glad he was gone — it was a little less competition for Xenia's affections. "And what about... you know... Belinda?"

The look she gave him was evil. "She went with your friend Drogan."

"Drogan?" he asked, pausing in the act of cutting his first piece of steak. "Where did they go?"

"Back to Drogan's place. She's going to stay with her."

"Stay with her? But... how... I mean, they don't even know each other, do they?"

"They do now," she said. "Drogan came over to the table to talk to me — it seems she has a little crush on me as well — and the next thing you know, they're chatting like they were old friends. Belinda mentioned that she'd been deployed here from NP and didn't have a place to stay..."

"Wait a minute," Jeff interrupted. "I thought she was gonna stay with you."

"She was," Xenia said. "And then I told her about that little emotional blackmail scheme of yours."

"Emotional blackmail scheme?"

"I call things what they are," she said. "That thing about you not fucking me until I say I love you?"

"I wouldn't exactly call it blackmail," he said. "It's just... you know, the way I feel."

"A funny way to feel," she said.

Jeff shrugged, refusing to discuss it any further. "She decided not to move in with you because of that?" he asked. "I would've thought she'd be happier than a marine at full retreat."

She giggled a little. "Good one," she said.

"I just made it up."

"Anyway, I would've thought the same, but Belinda seemed to take it as a challenge to her love for me or some shit like that. She said if you could do it, she could do it too. Now she won't give me no tongue — or anything else — until I tell her I love her."

"No shit?" Jeff asked, unsure how he should feel about this, jealous or relieved.

"No shit," she pouted. "So here I am, all alone and horny while the people who are supposed to love me won't give up the trim."

"Kind of ironic, isn't it?" he asked, utilizing a word he'd just learned a few days before.

"Oh shut the fuck up and eat," she said, though not unkindly.

He shut the fuck up and ate, spending the next ten minutes in an orgy of chewing, chomping, drinking, and swallowing. The steak was easily the best he'd ever had. The artichoke was the first he'd ever had. And the sautéed mushrooms were almost better than sex. Xenia watched him silently as he made a pig of himself, occasionally taking a sip from the remains of her beer or picking at a stray mushroom on her plate.

"So where are you going now?" she asked when he drained the last swallow of his second beer.

"I'm gonna go see the other Belinda in my life," he told her. "And I'm going to tell her she ain't in my life no more."

"Are you doing this just because of me?"

He wanted to lie and tell her he was but he couldn't bring himself to. "No," he said. "Not at all. Belinda was a mistake from the beginning. We've never loved each other — hell, we've hated each other most of our relationship. She was the wife I was programmed to take. It's time to put an end to it."

She nodded. "At least there's no kid to worry about, huh?"

"At least there's that," he said.

"And what are you gonna do after that? You coming to the Troop Club?"

"Wouldn't miss it," he said. "Are you going?"

"Fuckin' aye." Her eyes took on a little shine. "And where are you going after that? I don't imagine your wife will be too keen on you staying with her after you tell her what you have to say."

"Wouldn't want to stay with her anyway," he said. "To tell you the truth, I haven't thought that far ahead. I'll probably go back to the base and crash out there. They have some bachelor quarters available."

"Those are just tents in the exercise yard," she said. "You don't want to sleep there."

"I've been sleeping in a biosuit in a fuckin' trench for the past eight days," he said. "I don't think it will bother me."

"What if you get lucky?" she asked. "I presume you're going to be looking for a little female companionship, right?"

He cast his eyes downward, unsure what to say.

"Oh come on now," she told him. "If you're not gonna fuck me there's no reason why you shouldn't fuck someone else. I certainly have no plans to remain celibate while you and Belinda are having your little hunger strike. I'm gonna find me a guy with a big, hard dick and a girl with a tight, wet pussy and take both of them back to my place and behave like the full-blooded Martian I am."

Jeff felt a minor stab of jealousy at this revelation, but only a mild one. In Martian culture it was not all that unusual to have sex with others for the sheer enjoyment of it, even when in a committed relationship — which he and Xenia certainly were not in. "Yeah," he said. "I guess I wouldn't turn down a little action."

"That's my boy," she said, reaching across the table and caressing his cheek. "So where you gonna take her?"

"Her place?" he asked.

"Or you can take her to my place," she suggested. "I got a spare bedroom you can stay in. No strings attached."

"And you won't try to fuck me?" he asked.

She gave him a saucy smile. "I didn't say that."

"I won't do it," he told her. "I told you how I feel about you. I told you what you have to do to get a piece of me."

"Fine," she pouted. "But the offer is still open."

"I'll think about it," he said.

"You do that. I'll see you at the Troop Club. I'll be the one rubbing my wet pussy over everything in sight."

"Except me," he said.

She stood up and leaned over him, lifting his chin up. She kissed him gently on the mouth, a soft, sensuous kiss that sent chills down his spine. "I didn't promise that either," she said.

She walked away without another word, leaving him with a raging erection.

Jeff found that the MarsTrans system was still operating under emergency operation rules. Although it was back to running on a normal schedule there were armed MPG military police in each car and there was no charge being levied for any passengers. He simply walked past the turnstiles and the empty guard booth and boarded, finding a seat near the rear among many other men and women, most of whom were in MPG shirts and T-shirts like he was.

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MyPervyFamily Gia Oh My So Easily Manipulated

Getting played is always humiliating. Especially when it’s by Gia Oh My, your sneaky stepdaughter. She was prancing around without a bra on, her juicy tits jiggling & bouncing as her nipples popped out. Then she asked me (Duncan Saint) to rub her cute little feet. She turned around and wiggled that phat little ass at me. Who could blame a man for checking her out when she was tanning topless later!? Well she didn’t see it that way & thought I should pay for her Euro trip so...

4 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 78

Ted Billings smiled broadly when a carload of women pulled up to drop off his first-round draft pick. “They’re staying, right?” he asked. “Stacy will murder me if they don’t. I told her that she wouldn’t be the only one in the stands this year.” “They’re just going to park,” Phil assured him with a laugh. “I asked them to watch for Stacy and invite her to sit with them. I had some classes with her last year. I didn’t know you two were dating.” “Engaged,” Ted said proudly. “We’ve been...

1 year ago
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Getting Laid With UK Lecturer

Hello everyone, this incident happened when I was doing my masters from UK with one of my professors which is going still now and in fact I was able to seduce her younger sister and now I enjoy them both let’s not waste time and start with the incident which happened 4 months before, Goldie had always been a good student but he had a few secret desires that created constant wet dreams and erections during class, among other things. The uni counselor, Mrs. Smith, was an object of sexual desire...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 9 Keepers

I found the Halls of Hasvik easily enough as they could not be missed. Next to the huge doors ;which were as I could see now, were made of dark wood with large Ultronit bands holding large timbers together; was a smaller metal door and I knocked there. It did not take long and another man opened, he too was dressed like the other one but he was the stark opposite of the Old man I met the day before. He was fat, Midril would have appeared like a weightless Elf compared to this man. His woven...

2 years ago
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Its the future but not as we know it

It’s the future But not as you know it!Setting the scene:My story starts just over 200 years ago in the year 2015. My name is Sam (Samuel) Tyler ad back then I was the sole owner of a successful UK private prison empire.As you read this story, you’ll already know that I’m bondage but I never really talked openly about my fantasies, even when I won the Euro Lottery in February 2008.I guess I should start my story before February 2008 and set the scene up to that day that would change the first...

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Finding Master

Part One We met online, as so many people do these days. It was an adult social site, and it was where I defined my online persona and let myself cut loose finally from hiding my sexual preferences. It amazed me that there were so many men looking for a woman like me, but I was also stunned to find as I spoke with many of them that they had no clue how to correctly handle me. The man named Wolf, with the long dark hair, full beard, and bright jade green eyes knew just the right way to deal...

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Runaway TrainChapter 53

We spent a relaxing day on the beach. Well, I spent a relaxing day on the beach. I think the others were bored. They wanted to go shopping and try out the jet skis. But I needed a day to just do nothing. Liz seemed to understand that – or, at the very least, she wasn’t going to fight with me over it – so the others were left to find something to occupy their time. Dom and Brian had to be with Liz and they said Skye and Jill would be safe if they wanted to wander around. Their only caveat was...

4 years ago
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Sallys and Kens night out

Sally and her husband, Ken have been married for thirty years. He is successful, not brilliantly, but comfortable. Being a senior executive at his job, was no longer demanding, his job now to mind six or seven junior executives that were busting humps to secure a measure of security. He was their evaluator. At work he was a professional, even emotionally distant. He shed his pretense of a conservative, sober, restrained persona to allow the pent up and mounting energy emerge after starting his...

1 year ago
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Strangers and Sex

I don't know why it is but I have always been attracted to strangers. My sister in law and I sometimes go out clubbing together. This particular night my sister in law disappears for a long time. As she comes back in to the club we get up to dance and I accidentally bump into this really handsome well built man. He grabs my arm and steadies me so I don’t fall. Glancing back at him thanking him I notice he's so handsome. My eyes keep going to him while my sister in law and I are dancing. He...

3 years ago
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The House In The Woods A Sexual HistoryChapter 30

I awoke in the late afternoon. Margaret was fully dressed, lying on the duvet facing me, watching for the moment I woke up. When I opened my mouth to speak she put a finger to my lips just like she always used to, and then put her arms around me. We lay like that for a long time. When I rose from the bed and followed her downstairs, the gun was no longer on the table. Still without speaking, we began to clean the house. I called the office and in a curiously calm voice told my colleagues...

2 years ago
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Aunty Aur Mai

Hi friend’s am Rehaan from Mumbai ye meri phli story hai aur mra phla real sex experience bhi jo mai ap logo se share kar rha hun mai koi bht acha writer to nhi but koshish karunga k ache se acha likh sakun. Mai apne bre me bta dun k mri hight 5’11” hai and well body hai aur sex ka bht shaukin hun dirty sex ko bht zada enjy karta hun ab story pe hun ye sweet and sexy hadsa kuch 2 sal phle hua tha mre ghar k bazo Wale ghar me 1 aunty ayen the rehne k liye rent pe wo aur unki ladki jo 3 sal ki...

3 years ago
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Seduced Mom with the Help of Stranger Part ll

Mom requested him to sit in the nearby chair and thanked him for coming and helping us thinking he is real doctor. Mom use to wear saree all the time and it was dirt and not proper since she is sick and bed rest and he signaled me to go out of the bed room but I didn’t obeyed. Then he took me to the hall and told me plan will not work if I am there and told me to look inside through the door side. Then he went inside and asked my mom about the health problems and started looking at the tablets...

4 years ago
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Corina Chapter 17

I have fun with my sexy little wife and her friend!!!ENJOY IT LIKE I DID!!!!Corina let me take her nightie off and stopped me when I started to rub her very wet slit. She said I wasn't supposed to touch her pussy for a month and smiled at me. I pushed her on the bed and told her there was no way I could last a month without her pussy. I said I was not going to last the night even and she giggled up at me. I smiled at Corina and told her to just lay there a minute because I had a surprise for...

2 years ago
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Mummy Ne Garam Kiya

Hi doston mera naam ayaan hai mai hyderabad mai rehta hun ye story hai mere aur meri ammi ke beech mere family mai ammi yasmeen age 39 abba nehal age 45 aur mai meri age hai 20 ye baat undino ki hai jab ammi ki tabiyat theek nahi rehti thi aur maine unka kitchen mai haath batan shuro kiya tha abba ku jawar ki roti debi hoti hai wo ammi yani yasmeen neechai ek marble ki sil par banati hai. Uswaqt mai bhi kitchen kuch kaam karraha tha tabhi meri nazar mere ammi ke boobs par padhu roti dalne se...

1 year ago
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The Cabin Chapter 1

Chapter 1Every year my mother, sister and I all went to our grandparent’s cabin in the woods just after Christmas to remove ourselves from all the materiality in the world now. Don’t get me wrong, we were materialistic as well, we just like to reconnect with nature and remind ourselves where we came from. Our great-great-great grandfather was a frontiersman in North America during the late 1700s and it was his land that the cabin was built on.It was a very simple cabin, made of logs, wood fire...

3 years ago
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Masquerades 101 Chapter 13 Make a Splash

Nicole I didn't oversleep this time. I was actually eager to hear from Victor about last night's date. I went to bed early last night and didn't stay up late enough to call him. I hope he didn't screw it up. I'd hate to have to do damage control when we swap back. After showering and getting dressed, I found my phone sitting on top of the open Victoria's Secrets Catalog on the desk. I grabbed it and dialed the number for my old phone. After two rings, I could hear my old voice...

3 years ago
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Taking out the Trash

This is an old story my husband wrote on Literotica after we did a roleplay. Hope you all enjoy it.._____________________________First off, I'll be polite and I'll introduce myself. My name is Rick. I live in a little dingy floating on the banks of the Seine. I used to work as a trash collector in my thirties and now I'm pretty much unemployed after I was fired because one of the guy's who's thrash I used to clear had me fired for doing something that him and my employer both found pretty...

3 years ago
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Staying Power

"Oh my god," she sighed. My big hard cock was slowly pushing in and out of her sopping pussy; she lay under me, naked with her killer legs open wide. "God, don't stop," her arms holding me tight. I wasn't about to stop fucking this gorgeous creature, at this pace I could go on almost for ever. My eyes scan up and down her perfect body, her tits a little big for her slim frame, but hey who's complaining. Her body now was showing signs of her approaching orgasm, her mouth slack was...

4 years ago
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BtVS Summers Heat

Buffy Summers was feeling distinctly warm. She had all day. But it wasn't a fever or anything. It was more... she was horny. After all, she was a healthy young woman who had found she enjoyed sex. But, since she had broken things off with Riley, she had found no one else to replace him in her bed.Truth be told, once she found out that Willow was gay or bi or whatever she was, Buffy had found herself fantasizing about the perky redhead. But she also would never come between Willow and her lover,...

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The Camera

The Camera By Margaret Jeanette Jason Truax was unpacking his fishing equipment. He was just returning from a weeklong Canadian fishing trip. It had been a very successful trip. He would have a lot of good memories from it. He unpacked and put away his clothes with some going into the laundry and the clean ones getting put away. He was in a hurry to get back to work. He went in and booted up his computer. He was writing a novel. It was a suspense novel and he was ready to go....

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 32 Celebration

On a beautiful and sunny Saturday afternoon in June, Kayla and I were standing in anticipation, turned facing the rear of the church, waiting to catch our first glimpse. All the other participants were in their places, with the big man standing nervously in front. As the organ music swelled and segued into a traditional wedding processional, the bridal party started pacing majestically down the white runner that covered the carpeting of the center aisle. After three bridesmaids and the...

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Dorettas Mistake

She sat at the table and thought that she had really done it this time.What was she going to do? She had to come up with five thousand bucks and fast; otherwise she was in hot water- literally! Why had she ever borrowed that kind of money from loan sharks in the first place? Damn, she thought it was a sure win when she bet on that horse! Then, in the last lap, it had to stumble and break his leg! Shit- of all the luck! If it weren?t for bad luck, she would have no luck at all!Doretta was...

3 years ago
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The Door Next DoorChapter 8

Ben embraced Molly as they stood outside the TSA checkpoint at the entrance to his gate's concourse. He kissed her lips. "I'm really sorry you're not coming with me," he said. "I am, too -- but duty calls." He kissed her lips again. "I'll miss you." "I'll miss you, too." "I'll text you with my room number when I get to the hotel," he said. "Just in case you need to be in touch with me." "You'll have your Treo -- right?" "Right; and my laptop so you can send me...

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The Overlook Ch 02

‘Mama, I need you. Please call me back,’ Molly said in a quivering voice on voice mail. She stared out the window of the private jet and silently cried. To have been torn so abruptly from Seth had caused greater pain than she anticipated. She felt like a little girl lost in an unknown city. She didn’t know what to do or where to turn. All she felt was a void where her heart used to be. ‘Excuse me, Miss Fournier,’ said the flight attendant. Molly looked up at her with swollen, red eyes. ‘Your...

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My Wet NeighbourChapter 2

The next day I awoke just knowing that it was going to be special. I had spent much of the night awake, going over and over in my mind what had happened with Anne the day before. I couldn't wait to get the early morning routine out of the way and call on Anne again. I gave my husband breakfast and packed in up a small lunch before seeing him off to work at around 8.30. Then I turned my attention to my son. I wanted to get him off to college as soon as possible. I knew I was going next door...

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Harry listening to Hermione Ginny

It was going to the fifth year for Harry Potter at Hogwarts. Lord Voldemort was now alive again, and out there somewhere. The paper had been saying a lot of mean things about Harry, and the Wizengamot Court and the Minister of Magic had tried to get Harry expelled from Hogwarts except that Professor Dumbledore had come to his hearing and had gotten him cleared. Now Harry was sitting in the room that he was sharing with his best mate Ron at Grimwauld Place that his Godfather owned and the Order...

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Hollywood DreamsChapter 14

Carla leaned heavily on me as we made our way down the stairs and through the darkened house. She seemed overwhelmed by all that had happened over the last few hours. I guided her toward the cabana. She had not bothered to tie her silk robe as we left Caroline's room so I was treated to the erotic sight of my grandmothers beautiful breasts, with still-hard nipples, bouncing with every step of her high heels. Her blonde pussy glistened with our mingled love juices, and her stocking tops were...

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The Special Agent

The Special Agent walked into the imposing office through the huge double doors.Waiting for him, perched on the edge of her desk was his boss, the imposing Ms Jones. Ms. Jones wore her hair in a tight bun. That, her glasses and dark red lipstick, her dark navy business suit and high heels gave her an air of authority. She was not one to be messed with. “Ahhh. Simon." she said. “I gather you’re here for your final test.”“That is correct Ma’am.”She walked back behind her desk placed both hands on...

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problem with Amish

Introduction: roadside fucking with old Amish man and his friend. Emily was driving her brand new red BMW convertible west on US 30. It was a warm spring morning and she had top down and her flowing blonde hair trailing wildly behind her in the wind. She had set out this morning on a quest for what a friend had described as the most wild organic marijuana to be had anywhere. She was now 2 hours away from her home in a posh neighborhood of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. The friend had told here...

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Scoreland Violetta Violetta8217s Screamin8217 for a Creamin8217

The cream spills out of South American beauty Violetta after Liam takes his dick out of her pussy. They’ve sucked, they’ve fucked. Violetta came, and her sexy moans made Liam shoot his load in her pink honeypot. SCORELAND: Have you seen your videos? Violetta: I’ve seen them on my SCORELAND page. SCORELAND: Do you watch your videos with someone or alone? Violetta: I saw them alone. SCORELAND: What did you think? Violetta: I liked the videos. I didn’t see the complete...

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South Beach The Closing

The story I'm about to tell you happened two months ago. My name is Margie Nelson, my husband's name is Jack. Jack and I have what is called an open marriage. I was faithful to my marriage until I caught Jack with another woman in my bed. I beat her ass, slugged him and walked out. I took a trip to Miami, FL and ended up in bed with a handsome young black man named Javon. Turns out that he had the biggest cock that I could imagine and I loved fucking him. My time in Miami was spent more in bed...

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Twelve Lays of Xmas Ch 09

Part Nine of 12 Lays of Xmas, the full novella version. I’m sorry Part 8 got posted before Part 7 – technical problem. * * * * * The Twelve Lays of Xmas Nine Ladies Dancing I can’t tell you just how exhausted we all were the following morning. I don’t recall what time I woke up, but Cristal had already dressed and gone. Jessica pointed out a message of thanks she had left on the bedroom mirror. It took me several minutes to decipher the scrawl. Neither of us could face even looking out...

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Runway 3

Chapter 3 Dirk's training continued and as a result had become a very exciting young woman. He was going to make a considerable splash in the world of modeling and couldn't wait to begin his undercover work. Dirk's femininity had become a learned experience from the constant training he was receiving from Maria. His sessions would last for hours until he got the lesson right and was becoming more comfortable with his new role and sexual identity. Dirk had finally broken down his...

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Employed for their pleasure Pt 1 The trip from home to the space station

The trip from home to the space station. The supply ship was docked at the main space port and shuttles were taking things up to it and loading supplies to take to various planets and space stations throughout a five light year radius from us. The master of the ship was out purchasing the things that he had orders for. Master is the name now most often used for the ship’s captain. Three or four good trips would pay for his ship and then he would be making huge profits for his crew and...

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