- 2 years ago
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Gaeaye sat dangling her shapely legs in a pristine brook, her lush body covered only by her dark hair, which would have hung down to her knees if she were standing. The scent of flowers — every flower known in the world — filled the air. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees surrounding the stream. Birds sang in those trees, and a fawn drank a few feet away from Gaeaye, untroubled by her presence. No man or god could have conceived a place more serene and peaceful.
Yet her face was troubled.
Inclining her head for a moment, the goddess known as the Earth Mother answered a call from Braeland, God of the Hunt, allowing him admittance into her realm.
He stood behind her in the sun-dappled meadow a moment later. Dressed in the brown and green of a huntsman with a longbow slung over his shoulder, he seemed an alien presence in this land where the animals held no fear. "Mother, do you feel it?"
Smiling for just a moment as a school of fry tickled her feet, Gaeaye replied, "We all feel it, Braeland. Something was taken from us when the stars aligned in the sky."
"But what? I feel as if a great darkness grows, and we are blind to the source."
"Listen, Braeland, do you not hear them? The heavens and hells are in turmoil. Something beyond us — beyond the mother of us all — has awakened. Something from the time before has been roused from its slumber."
Braeland moved to stand next to Gaeaye, concern obvious in his voice, "How is this possible?"
"All things are possible, Braeland. When mother's jewels divided the cloak of night, the power of all was strong. A pathway to the time before was opened, and it has awakened its own."
"What are we to do? This cannot be. That which was before would rend all creation."
Turning toward her visitor, Gaeaye advised, "Only if it is freed."
"If it has awakened, it will call to the mortals. They know not the danger and could be deceived."
"It is not unopposed. The signs revealed this prophecy to us, though we ignored them. Remember the prophecy. Even in the time before, so alien to us all, there was a balance."
Braeland exclaimed, "We must be the balance!"
The fawn drinking from the stream raised its head, ears pricked to the wind. Above, the sound of birdsong vanished. A voice emerged from behind the gods, where none should have stood to speak, "You are a part of it."
Spinning and pulling his longbow from his shoulder, knocking an arrow in the same fluid motion, Braeland turned upon the source of the voice.
Gaeaye vanished from where she sat, appearing beside Braeland and placing a hand upon his arm. "Do no violence in my realm. I sense no threat from this one."
Braeland released the draw of his bow slowly, reluctantly obeying the order of Gaeaye in this, her realm.
Gaeaye stepped forward. "Welcome, mortal, to my place of peace."
The man's voice was sonorous, and his tone respectful, if not reverent. "Thank you for your wise forbearance, Earth Mother."
Gaeaye tilted her head, the action revealing the swell of her breast. She then asked, "How is it that I do not know you?"
Toying with his iron-grey goatee, hints of a haughty smile crossed the mortal's face. "You do not know me for the same reason you have forgotten Zoraster Arias, as he calls himself now."
Braeland asked, "And what shall we call you, intruder?"
Smoothing his dark purple robes, the man offered a mocking bow and replied, "How remiss of me not to introduce myself, God of the Hunt. I am Rogan Illiciat. I serve that which opposes Zoraster and the darkness he seeks to free."
"I know you," Braeland said, narrowing his eyes.
Illiciat pulled the hood of his robe over his bald head, "Through those who serve you, as you may know Zoraster and those who serve him once more if you but concentrate. The eyes of mortals are unaffected by the powers. You are part of the balance, as are all who would see creation remain as it is now."
Despite another calming touch of Gaeaye's hand, Braeland retorted, "I cannot see into your heart and mind — how are we to know you do not serve the darkness?"
The haughty smile reemerged on Illiciat's face. "Such is irrelevant. I have given you the information you require to play your part in this game." Turning to Gaeaye, he added, "One more thing I will tell you, Earth Mother. You must heal the rift with the Fey."
Having spoken those words, Illiciat simply vanished as if he had never been.
Braeland turned to the nature goddess and said, "I do not trust this mortal, if he is indeed such."
"Once he may have been mortal, but no longer. He wields the power of Sorcery, and indeed the touch of that which was before is upon him. I must think on this, but I find wisdom in his instruction regarding the Fey. Our quarrel with them is selfish, based only upon the fact that they fall outside our sphere of influence. They are the balance to the Hellspawn, who will surely flock to the darkness, and we would do well to heal the rift with them."
Braeland furrowed his brow, considering the Earth Mother's words. "Perhaps, at least in that, he may speak truth."
"Tell the others of this Zoraster, as will I. If his presence is hidden from our eyes, he bears watching through those who serve us."
"As does this Illiciat," Braeland insisted.
"As does he," Gaeaye agreed.
Danica awoke to the odd sensation that an oppressive fog was hanging over her. Slipping into the second sight, she examined her wards and the magic present in the room, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. When she shook off the last vestiges of sleep, the strange feeling went with it.
It did nothing to remove Danica's worries.
The convergence had occurred the night before, and Danica's dreams had been troubled. Strange visions of mists, demons and danger had haunted her throughout the night. She had no idea whether the dreams were a product of the foul magic the Seer had said would happen, or her own subconscious concerns about the prophecy.
In the process of learning all the new spells from the temple of Sekmamun, and her recent research into demon-countering Art, something had been nagging at the back of Danica's mind. The protective magics she had always depended upon to defend her had proven useless against Meckataur's powers.
Rune magic was the thing that kept popping into her mind. Ever since her encounter with the worktable that had opened her mind to the runes, Danica had grown ever more proficient in their use. Now that she had mastered all the magic she felt was within her range for the time being, Danica was considering the possibility of creating some runic defenses. Runes might be able to protect her from the powers of demons, as well as other magics that didn't conform to the norms of the Art.
Danica only mused over the thoughts slightly as she bathed and ate, saving that for when she stepped into her lab afterwards. Sitting down at a desk, she retrieved a pen and paper, and then started to consider things in earnest.
A few sketches quickly let her know that, while possible, making some sort of amulet or other item and inscribing it with runes had limitations. She could only make details on such an item so small, and that limited the amount of protections such an item could provide. It would certainly have no space to contain offensive magic, although she could have created a wand or staff to house those sorts of powers.
Thinking back to her time on the island, and more specifically of the Nameless Ones, an idea occurred to Danica. Sigla had covered the zombies, essentially for show, but it did spark an idea that might work. There was plenty of space on one's body that could provide the canvas on which to draw many powerful rune structures.
The idea of defacing her body with runes, and the difficulty of doing so without help, didn't really have a lot of appeal to Danica, however. There was a solution to this as well, involving both a spell she had never really considered worth much effort, and a magical type of ink.
The spell, known as Reflection's Servant, allowed the caster to slip into a state of concentration and obtain a viewpoint as if they were outside their body. It was somewhat similar to astral projection, except the spell did not actually cause the caster to vacate their body. The spell also allowed the hazy image of oneself that the spell created as the caster's alternate viewpoint to manipulate objects in the physical world.
The notes about the spell listed removing offensive hair from the back as one of the possible uses of the spell. Considering how out of place it seemed with the remainder of the suggested uses, Danica considered it likely that this was the true reason for the spell's creation.
Considering the similarities to astral projection and telekinesis, which was very similar to how the spell manipulated physical objects, Danica felt she would be able to command the spell with the high level of mastery necessary to tattoo her body with runes. An incorrectly drawn rune was a dangerous thing, and something as permanent as a tattoo was not the sort of thing you wanted to make a mistake with, even if it were invisible.
Invisibility was the property of the ink, created for use in secret documents, only appearing under certain conditions. Otherwise, anything written with the ink vanished until called into visibility by the circumstances dictated during the making of the ink. Danica would have no need for the ink to be visible once the runes were finished, but knew it was likely the tattoos would be visible when the magic activated. The stronger the rune structure, the more likely it was to glow with power when activated.
The final problem was finding a way to draw the structures upon her body without Zoraster finding out about it. Danica had no desire to reveal what she knew about runes to Zoraster. While the structures she used in the defenses protecting her rooms bespoke a great deal of skill, they were a far cry from what she truly understood. It felt as if some new property or use of the runes appeared in her mind daily, and to Danica it seemed that understanding of rune magic grew exponentially after she obtained a certain level of mastery. Once you could recognize the patterns of runes and the way they fit together in structures, it became easier every day.
Danica discarded the idea of using the inner library at the temple of Sekmamun as a location, because it was not a private spot. She would need to be in various states of undress to draw the runes upon her skin, and the nature of the Reflection's Servant spell would make it difficult for her to quickly banish the spell and cover up if necessary. Danica had no shame about her body, but she wasn't pleasantly disposed toward alarming people who walked in upon her half-naked when they should have no reason to find such.
The numerous other places where Zoraster could not spy upon her had similar problems. The Spell Engine was one place that was completely private, but it would suck up her spell the instant it came into being.
Consideration of the Spell Engine provided her with the solution, the Hellgate. Danica could force time to move differently inside the pocket of space created by the spell. Inside, she could spend hours laboring over her tattoos, while only moments passed in the real world. She had to consider the demons within the Hellgate's space, but Danica was truly unconcerned about them, as she had been able to control them rather effectively in the two trips with Heather and Grant.
Danica still didn't know whether she would go through with the idea, but she certainly found that she leaned toward undertaking the task. For the time being, learning the Reflection's Servant spell was a necessary step, and it could possibly prove useful for other things.
The Master of the school where she and her sister had first studied had once told her, Magic is a subtle art, and even the most innocuous spell can prove to be of great value under the correct circumstances.
Danica had not given much weight to the statement, even well into her adult life, but had learned the truth of it since she had fallen into Zoraster's trap. Simple telekinesis, which she had always been good at but thought was all but useless, had saved her life more than once on her tasks.
Smiling at memories of her teen years struggling to learn magic, Danica made the decision to at least learn the spell, and then decide about the rest later.
Celes had taken advantage of the power offered by the convergence, as had Zoraster. The magic Celes utilized was no less important to her, but far less earth shattering. She had used the power of the convergence to alter the enchantments upon her toy. Before, an image of Andrea lapped her when she used the toy, but now Danica's auburn locks brushed against Celes' thighs when the magic was active.
The power of the convergence had also strengthened the power of the illusion. When Celes had strapped on the toy to test it following a short recovery period after casting the spell, she found that the illusion was so vivid it was difficult to believe that Danica was not actually between her legs, driving her to unbelievable heights of ecstasy. She had even been able to reach out and stroke those auburn curls, feeling them between her fingers, clenched in orgasm.
The toy lay on the nightstand, unwashed, and Celes lay naked in her bed, covered in the sticky evidence of her pleasure. She had barely been able to summon up the energy to remove the toy before collapsing into slumber.
Celes' desire flared again as she awakened, remembering the wonderful release, several times over, that the newly enhanced toy had given her the night before. She nearly reached for the toy to slide it over her loins once more, but stopped when she decided that becoming too addicted to the pleasure was unhealthy.
Rising with a sigh, Celes went to her bath, taking the toy with her to clean it as well. She had to fight the desire to use it the whole time, the feeling only fading when she put the toy away in the nightstand drawer and got it out of her sight.
Celes had gathered, with some trepidation, what little information she could find about witchcraft. There was much that was conjecture and rumor, but Celes remembered just enough of her mother's teachings that she thought she could determine what was true and what was false.
Now that she was stuck with her powers and her destiny once more, Celes decided that she should learn as much as she could about her powers. The conversation with Danica about the demon Meckataur had leant strength to this consideration in Celes' mind. Witchcraft was ultimately a weapon to defend against and destroy Hellspawn.
At least in the hands of a good witch.
A witch that turned to self-gain, or any other number of human fallibilities, became a tool of the very creatures the craft existed to combat. Demons took great delight in encouraging witches to turn, because it not only eliminated a dangerous enemy, it also provided them with tools to further their own desires.
Sitting down with one of the books, Celes took the first step in a long journey toward making up for lost time.
Zoraster waved his hands, and all the mirrors in his scrying room went dark. Everything was proceeding exactly as planned. Everyone and everything was in place, or would be soon. Stepping out of the room, he found Camilla waiting for him in the hall.
"Master, men from Draxnog wish to speak with you."
Zoraster rolled his eyes and sighed, "Send them to my sitting room and see that their comfort is provided for. I will await them there."
Strolling toward his rarely used sitting room, Zoraster sneered. He knew why the fools were coming — they sought more coin to build their armies. If the idiot Draxnog had not relied so heavily upon the slave labor of the plains barbarians, the nation would not be in the straits it was now. As it was, Zoraster propped up the economy of the entire nation by funding most of the military spending, a necessity if Draxnog was going to be of any use to him when the time came.
He needed that nation's forces to contend with Egoria, the nation carved from lands once occupied by Draxnog, by Thakkorias and his intrepid band of do-gooders. Draxnog had his faults, but his strength was in his hatred of the annoying cretins in Egoria that presented one of the two most significant threats to his plans. Zoraster needed those armies on the southern front when the time came to neutralize Egoria.
The coin was of no real concern; Zoraster had more sources to obtain that than he could ever hope to spend. Dealing with the annoying southerners, with their ridiculous accents, simply grated on his nerves.
Zoraster smiled thinking about the ultimate culmination of his plans, however. Draxnog would be one of the casualties in the war to come. While Zoraster was far from above using atrocity as a tool when necessary, Draxnog and his armies considered it a pleasurable diversion. Slavery, theft, murder, rape — all were weapons in Zoraster's hands, but they were the means to abolish such abominations in the perfect world he intended to rule.
Sending a silent thought ensured that the necessary funds would be ready immediately, and the brown-skinned beggars Draxnog had sent would be gone as quickly as possible. Walking in to the sitting room, Zoraster eased into a thickly padded chair and waited for Camilla to lead the smelly southerners in.
Meckataur's muzzle split into a wide grin as Arleen presented him with his spawn. The child looked human, large for a newborn, but absolutely human. Only the glint of intelligence and malevolence in the dark eyes of the child revealed his evil parentage.
That would end soon enough. The child would grow rapidly, provided the brood mare who had carried it survived long enough to nurse it for the required few days.
Arleen took the child to the crèche, which Meckataur soon hoped would hold many more of his spawn, and turned his eyes to Mopario, who prayed over the unconscious and mangled woman who had just delivered the child.
Mopario was high in his god's favor, and the wide splits torn in the woman's nether regions during the birth healed.
"Awaken her to nurse my spawn as soon as possible," Meckataur rumbled to the cleric of the war-god.
"It shall be so, Meckataur," Mopario replied.
A horrific scream split the air, filled with pain and anguish beyond imagining. Once more, Meckataur's horrible features twisted into a malevolent smile. It appeared his spawn were eager to escape the prison of their mother's wombs and see the light of the world they would rule.
The warm glow that infused Danica only a few hours later let her know the spell was hers. Danica already knew how she was going to test the use of the spell. She had been feeling a bit lazy and had not shaven in a couple of days. The necessary care required for that task would well test her control over the new magic.
Danica brought a washbasin and her razor to the bed, and then laid several towels over the coverings to protect them from the water. Stripping off her robes and panties, Danica lay down, clad only in her brassiere, and cleared her mind, preparing to cast the spell.
Danica chanted, making the necessary gestures of the spell and holding the small silver square that was the material component of the spell. It would be some time before she was proficient enough with the spell to eliminate the need for the physical focus of the spell. In the meantime, it was going to be expensive.
When the spell's power came into being, Danica closed her eyes and relaxed, letting her mind drift. It was indeed very similar to astral projection, and Danica soon viewed her body from an angle that few who were not on their way to the afterlife ever had the opportunity to see.
Instead of a ghostly apparition, she looked more like a faint outline. Holding her hand up in front of her face, Danica could see right through it. The image was somewhat distorted, as if she were looking through water, but everything beyond her hand was fully visible.
She first practiced controlling her physical body from her new vantage point, silently ordering it to raise one leg up high. Her body obeyed her, and oddly enough, Danica could feel faint hints of the muscles moving in her transparent body. It was a little disconcerting, but Danica got used to it as she continued to move her real body around, getting used to the way the magic worked.
Next, she tried the crucial part of the spell, manipulating physical objects with her transparent body. Danica found this no more difficult than manipulating her real body, easily picking up the razor and holding it, even twirling it between her fingers. The method was very similar to her telekinetic powers, except she had the focus of her hands as an additional reference point.
After a few minutes of practice, Danica ordered her physical body to bend one knee. She shaved the lower leg, finding that it was no more difficult than shaving someone else. Shortly after she started, Danica was able to relax and complete the task quickly. Even the delicate shaving around her folds proved to be easy. She also noticed, as she grew used to the spell, that she could detect the sensations from her real body. She could feel the razor sliding over her skin, and knew when it was threatening to bite into her.
When Danica finished, she put down the razor and ran her fingers over her physical body's smooth mound. A shudder passed through Danica's magical body as she felt her real body respond to the touch.
Curious after that sensation, Danica rubbed her fingers over her folds before her. A stronger shock of pleasure from that touch immediately rewarded her. Now very curious and quite aroused, Danica explored her body further. The pleasure she felt grew stronger as she teased her transparent fingers between her real lips.
The sensation was strong, and felt incredible, but there was a slight disconnect from the feeling. It was obvious her real body was responding to the touch, but she was able to concentrate on what she was doing.
Sliding her fingers deep into the wet sheathe of her own sex, Danica rubbed her swollen bud as well. Absently, she parted her physical legs, discovering that the more she used the spell, the easier it was to manipulate both of her forms simultaneously. Her pleasure mounted, and her clear fingers thrust faster with each passing moment.
Danica learned something new about the spell as she built toward release. The limits of the real world meant nothing to her magically assumed form. Her fingers elongated and thickened unconsciously as her real body demanded more. Danica was soon in a fog of pleasure, with just enough of a divorce from the feeling to maintain full control of what she was doing.
The spell ended suddenly when Danica came. The shock of her consciousness returning to her body was pale by comparison to the explosion of pleasure that rocked her body. Danica screamed, her juices erupting from her in a torrent. Haltingly, Danica regained control of her body to rub her clit and keep the orgasm going.
At last, Danica collapsed to the bed, panting for breath, and let out a little satisfied moan. A smile crossed her face and she chuckled. This little test certainly proved she could use the magic to scribe the runes on her skin, and she had little doubt that it would be easier the next time she tried the spell.
For now, however, her body was telling her that it was far from satisfied. Danica rolled over and retrieved one of her toys from the nightstand beside her bed to sate that need.
Danica packed a few things in preparation to leave for her apartment in Groenport, a little over one hundred miles to the Southeast on the shore of the Groen Sea. A scowl crossed her face momentarily as she thought about the circumstances surrounding her purchase of that apartment. She had actually wanted to have a place in Dalaria, but Zoraster had intervened and ordered her, in no uncertain terms, to stay out of the city. It lay on the border, and was apparently too close to the town of Destindale — where Danica had lived when her nightmare began — for Zoraster's liking. Danica had not even considered the proximity of Dalaria to the Protectorates of Armand, the land of her birth, when deciding to find an apartment there. She had simply liked the city, the people there, and the wealth of trade items available.
Groenport was close enough to the atmosphere she had liked in Dalaria, so long as she stayed away from the water. Nearly every seaside town had a distinctive odor near the docks, brought on by people tossing things in the sea and having them all return with the tides. The people of Groenport apparently were even less mindful of this than most that dwelt near the sea. The smell turned Danica's stomach, and so her apartment was as far from the ocean as possible, but still had a nice view of it from a distance.
Her destination was really irrelevant, because it was the stop in the Hellgate that mattered. Danica planned to begin scribing the runes on her skin immediately. She knew how it could be done now, and the amount of magic the runes would provide her, able to be activated with a thought, was a lure too strong to ignore.
Danica cast the spell and stepped into the Hellgate. Looking around, she saw none of the demons that inhabited the place, and nodded in satisfaction. It appeared that her chastisement of the creatures was starting to stick. Danica fell into a deep concentration, feeling the flow of the magic and turning to the task of manipulating the flow of time within the extra-dimensional pocket.
It proved ridiculously easy. The little pocket of space responded to her whims near instantly. Danica felt a little touch against her consciousness, suggesting that she could turn time backwards as well. The idea of having an eighteen-year-old body again was certainly appealing.
Danica shook her head and opened her eyes. That was the creatures that resided here trying to tempt her again, she realized. She had accomplished what she wanted to do, and weeks could now pass for her while outside only moments would tick by.
Danica immediately shed her clothing, absently conjuring up a bed on which to lie while she worked. Looking down at her body, she chuckled. The years had been kind to her, in truth. Just over thirty now, she wasn't sagging or growing wrinkly. Her breasts didn't ride quite as high as they had when she was a teen, but considering their size, they had endured the test of time quite well.
Danica's heart lurched when she heard a familiar voice behind her, "You look beautiful," it said.
Turning, Danica saw Darius and Jonathon standing behind her. They were nude, hard, and stunningly handsome. For a moment, she wanted nothing more than to drag them both into the bed with her, and then she remembered where she was.
Seething anger welled up inside Danica. The creatures invading her mind to assume the forms of the two men who had touched her heart enraged her. Danica was startled to find a sword in her hand as her anger built. When the weapon appeared, the landscape flickered momentarily from the beautiful glade, revealing a bleak expanse of sand and rock, devoid of life. The creatures also assumed their true forms. The scenery reverted to the familiar form, but the demons did not.
The creatures cringed and shrank away from the blade in Danica's hand, trembling violently. Danica raised the sword up to examine it. It was similar to a longsword, the blade polished to a mirror-like finish. Swirls and whorls decorated the entire blade and hilt, gold trimmed the crosspiece, and a large ruby decorated the pommel. The weapon was weightless in her hand, and in fact felt like an extension of her hand. Instinctively, Danica knew that it was an extension of her.
"Please mistress," one of the creatures hissed.
Danica brandished the sword toward them, "I don't ever want to see any of you again, unless I summon you. Is that clear?"
The creatures both replied, "Yes, Mistress!" The monsters then immediately vanished into the undergrowth.
As Danica's anger drained away, the sword faded and vanished as well. Danica nodded her head approvingly, and then turned toward the bed. She had come here for a reason, and it was time to get started.
Celes stood outside Danica's door, not even knowing why she was really there. She had determined almost immediately that Danica was not there, and that the wards on the room were active.
Celes sighed, glad in a way that Danica was not inside. She felt that whatever excuse she would have offered would have instantly rang untrue in Danica's ears. Celes simply longed to see Danica — longed for more — but she had to see her at least.
"Hello, Celes. Is Danica here?"
Celes turned to see Andrea walking toward her. "No, she's out and about somewhere. Her wards are up, and that means she's not here."
Andrea looked at Celes curiously, concentrating on the old woman's eyes. Andrea's eyes opened wider, a look of realization in her face. The note of longing in Celes' voice had been minor and carefully masked, but Andrea had caught it.
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amar dujon mama achen.babllu ar bapan.dujoner biye hoye geche.bablu mamar ekta 12 bochorer meye ache.bablu mamar bou holo savita mami.boyos 36 hobe,gayer rong forsa,boro- gol pacha,sudol 34sizer mai duto khasa,thot jhora jeno rosalo modhu makhano lichu. Ami koushik,amar boyos 26yrs,ami ekta school ye porai.porikkhar pore chuti porle ami thik kori bablu mamar bari jabo karon dirgho 4 bochor jaona hoyni.amake dekhe mama mami to khub khushi.amake oder nijeder room ta diye dilo.mamar mayer satheo...
18th June 2015. Siddhartha had caught typhoid and was on bed rest for a week. Four days had passed without a single fuck session. Riya too was pissed without sex. I advised her to somehow seduce Sid to take her to bed and after that we would disclose our secret relationships to him. My hunger knew no bounds. I needed a dick right at the moment. I asked Sid for it but he clearly ignored because of his illness. I left for office in anger. In my anger I forgot to bring my car keys down. I didn’t...
“Run. Run as fast and as hard as you can back to your dorm.” —Richelle Mead, Shadow Kiss (Vampire Academy 3) IT WAS SERIOUSLY A PROBLEM to take my hands off the two round butts cuddled up to me in the morning. I lay there with that soft smooth flesh in my hands and a rising erection as Nanette paused in the doorway of our bedroom. “Come on, Jacob. I have to go to work this morning. We need a hard run. I think you’re getting flabby.” Right. I hadn’t run in Washington, though I was told...
Hi this is Abhimanyu from Bhopal the city of lakes. This is my first story in Indian sex stories since I was started reading I thought to share my experience also. Plz forgive me if any mistakes happens, Please give feedback to my email: Let’s come to the story as I told you I’m from Bhopal living with my parents. My height is 5’9″ and the tool size of 7 inch long and 2 inch thick. We live in quarters of housing board where 5 to 6 quarters in building. I was on 1 floor. It was year 2006...
IncestHi every one this is my first story, so please bear with my mistakes. My Self Nani (Name Changed) and I am from Lingampally, Hyderabad, I am regular reader of this site, and the story… [email protected]
IndianIntroduction: This is a rendition of the classic Goldie Locks and the3 Bears intended for a mature audience so if you are younger than 18, please put this down, and find a Dr. Seuss book, otherwise please enjoy and be safe. Goldee Lox & the Three Bears Once upon a time, there was young girl name Goldee lox. Goldee was a sexy young woman, her measurements are 32-28-24, lips sweet as tootsie rolls and an ass even J-lo would envy. One day Goldee was walking down a street of her home town of...
"Uuuggghhhh" I groaned, "what the fuck." I slowly opened my eyes and quickly closed them. The bright light of morning piercing into the room burned my eyes, well it felt that way. I rubbed my eyes and again slowly opened them, trying to accustom my self to the morning sun, well at least I thought it was morning. I lay in my bed and tried to pull myself together. My head was pounding and all I could taste in my mouth was alcohol. "What happened last night?!"Coming to my senses and finally back...
My youthful dreams of stalwart heroes fighting to defend me and then claiming me as their prize never once included getting my pussy licked in front of everyone or an orgy. I had also never actually thought that it would ever happen. Happen, it did and it just adds to the complexity that is the soap opera of my life.For those of you just tuning in, I’ve been involved in an off-again, on-again, complicated relationship that I seem to have been determined to destroy from the very start. It is...
Group Sexhiya i am Kevin , i am 18 My Friend is called Kyle he is 18 My Mum Is Called Suzanne , she is 48 - she is about 5 ft 7 ,slimmish, very short blonde hair, blue eyes , very tanned , she has drooping 38 c tits.A few months back , My mum won a holiday for 3 people at work , It was a 5 star All inclusive hotel in Turkey.We Had 1 spare ticket and i asked my mum if i could bring a friend and she agreed.Before we Knew it we was in turkey by the hotel pool in the boiling sun relaxing with a nice beer ,...
Однажды нам с супругой написал наш постоянный клиент и попросил приехать на встречу. Приехав, на следующий день в ресторан, и пообщавшись с ним, мы узнали, что их компания отмечает юбилей, и он хочет с нашей помощью поздравить троих своих компаньонов. Цена, предложенная им за спектакль с нашим участием, была достаточно высокой, но узнав эксклюзивные условия заказа, мы поняли, за что нам заплатят такие деньги, и обсудив сценарий, согласились на эту встречу.Через несколько дней мы приехали в его...
Sexual Faux Pas 02I'd known Benny the Jet for about 2 years. He was a Finance Broker and got the nickname because of the speed with which he could organise loans. It didn't matter how much you wanted, or what you wanted it for, Benny the Jet could get it for you and get it quickly.I met him through work when I was working for this Management Consultancy that specialised in 'rescuing' companies in serious trouble. We often used Benny to procure short term loans to keep companies afloat until we...
A click and the front door to the summer home was flung open. Victoria strolled into the foyer with her assistant Karen following. Victoria paused to take it in. She sniffed the air. Fresh, not musty. She ran a finger to check for dust on a nearby table. Nothing. "Satisfactory. Make a note to thank the maid. I'll let her visit her family as a man next weekend, but she's to be back here, ball-free and in her uniform no later than 7 A.M. the following Monday morning." Karen swiped open...
Please refrain from hating on people’s chapters as they wrote it for the Chyoa community, but don’t let the possibility deter you from writing. For **people wanting to write**: Just add your path on this with an appropriate title and I’ll read through it to see if it is ready to be approved. If you want me to edit it for you just PM me and I’ll do it. And finally only add onto other people’s paths if you are working with them or they allow you to add onto it.
He looked out the oval window as the 737 banked on its approach run to Inverness Airport, contrasting the different scenery of Hampshire to the rugged landscape below. He collected the keys from the hire car desk and handed them to Terry as the attendant led the way to a blue Ford Mondeo. Terry had insisted on the flight up that she drive to her parent’s home, claiming that they would be passing some of the most beautiful scenery in the Highlands and that he could sit back and enjoy...
It was the sexiest feeling in the world. Ashleigh, my busty brunette boss, the woman I called my friend for the past eleven months, grinding on my leg whilst kissing me. I could feel her wetness through my stockings. I wasn’t a lesbian, I wasn’t bi, I had been curious but I never thought this would ever happen to me and I fucking loved it. I lost sense of the fact I was being watched, that this was at my work place everything went out the window as soon as Ashleigh moaned into my mouth. It made...
Group SexThe rest of the weekend flew by, however the next three days of school seemed to drag on forever. Vincent had been busy working on a project for school, so we hadn’t had our usual opportunity to sneak away to the construction site for quick toke and stroke. Finally, Thursday rolled around and Vincent was free to whisk me away. We headed out the period before lunch, knowing that we would have the munchies when we were done. We made our way to the abandoned neighborhood, and backed in to our...
ExhibitionismOne day I was in my room getting dressed and Janine came in. I was topless and only in my panties. Janine just stared at me. "Is everything was all right?" I asked. She just broke down crying. "I need to tell you something." She said through her tears. I went and sat on my bed and patted the place next to me indicating she should sit next to me. She timidly complied. "What is it?" I asked her. "While I've been away at college I discovered something. I'm into... women. I'm...
This is a story which occurred a while after my hubby and I got married.Two months before we started talking about have a c***d of our own, I was 29 and he was 31. We both agreed the timing was right and I stopped taking the pill. In the two months leading up to this day, we had sex many times in many different positions and hadn't fallen pregnant yet. Then this specific thursday night arrived. He got home from work and found me in the kitchen. I was wearing an oldish casual dress. He greeted...
I live in a very nice neighborhood that is close to the local university. Last year my next door neighbor died peacefully in his home and his house was quickly sold to some investor who did a quick renovation and then quickly slapped a student rooms for rent sign on the front lawn. At first I was pissed of because the last thing I wanted was a bunch of drunk idiot college k**s partying all night. I was pleasantly surprised when I was 3 very attractive girls move in. There was a very curvy...
Thule sat in his car, parked on the mountain across from the Vandevoort Estate, smoking a cigarette and watching. The party was obviously a much larger event than he had anticipated. The first guests were already arriving and handing their cars over to valets who were driving them over to the empty, grassy space a quarter mile down the road. Assuming they expected to fill the lot they'd cordoned off, there would be easily five to six hundred cars by the time they were done. Stripping out of...
Candy had been quiet all week, but I could tell she was looking forward to more action. She had been quite brazen about this. Come to think of it, so had Yukiko and Vicky. Robert and I were in a quandary. Without telling any of the girls we met that week. There was no denying that we were having a blast with these three girls, that was a given. Yet this could be dangerous. The girls seemed quite excited to take this, way beyond what we, or they, ever imagined. We couldn't call this off, nor...
Part One.This is a dream/fantasy l had about my friend's young au pair, who is 19. I would describe Katie as about 5 4" tall, size 8/10, long wavy auburn hair, pert tits and very flirty. I was walking home from town after a night out and met Katie who was walking home alone after being separated from her friends. I offered to walk with her to keep her company, we chatted on the way general small talk, when Katie suddenly said: 'I hope l don't regret doing this' and kissed me, a small light kiss...
Hello ladies and gentleman, I am ram this story is about me and my loving sister the whole story is true and emotionally attached to me. I am back with the fourth part of the story for people who have not read the first part please read through and let me know about if there are improvements to be made in the story. In the previous part was that me and my sister decided to tell about our relationship to my girlfriend anu. So it was decided that my sister will tell regarding us to anu so the...
Incest"I am a gift, from Viktor Kropusek to Arthur Wilson, given in thanks and apology. Do with this gift as you please, for as long as you please." He'd just walked into his house. The girl stood by the fireplace. She'd lit a fire. She wore a simple strapless summer dress of a gold knit material that reached half way down her thighs. She had a broad foreheaded face with beautiful gray eyes. Her hair floated about her shoulders, a wheat colored cloud. Her feet were bare. He blazed into anger,...
Hello friends, Rahul here. I am back with the continuation of my previous story where Khalid and Asma shared their wife swapping journey. After listening to the whole story of Khalid and Asma we had our food. Shruti and I were really excited for the coming session. All four of us took a shower together where we kissed and rubbed each other partners passionately. While we came out of the bathroom I took Shruti at one corner and asked her, “Baby, just tell me frankly. Are you comfortable with...
It was a phone call that evidently triggered it. A very short phone call, just one word. "Escite." Italian: "Exit." Spook traced it, but it was so brief that all he could tell me was that it was local and nearby, emanating from perhaps a ten- or twelve-block radius. The voice, he said, was Estrada's; for whatever reasons he was telling them to get out of where they were. They weren't in a hurry; they took the time to pack up their equipment before they got into their car. I hated...
Mike was so happy to see Cindy back at tree fort that he waited until her third day back before he told her to fuck the dogs. During those three days she spent her time fucking and sucking the three of us. Mike had modified the cervix plug with an eyelet in the base so that he could hook it with a bent piece of coat hanger and pop it right of her. I could tell it still hurt her when he put it in and pulled it out but she didn’t complain. As it turned out Cindy really liked fucking and...
We got further down the road to where there was a small turn-in for people needing to have a rest from driving and decided that we needed to stop to readjust our clothing and sort ourselves out. We got out and I pulled my shorts back up as Sarah pulled her skirt back down. She redid the buttons on her shirt then reached into the back for a towel that we often carry with us now. She gave the seat, the door trim and the window a bit of a clean. Best thing I ever did was buy a car with leather...
ExhibitionismYou read here about little Anne Marie. She is our Baby sitter for our Black Baby boy-junior. Junior banged into me by his BIG negro Stud DADDY. My hubby could not provide!Anne Marie had become a huge fan of black dick, yes since being very young too. She had begun with white boys, then met her 1st black love, who opened her up to all huge black shafts.She rang me and said she was told that she would have to job seek, or no more benefits from the state!! The job center had said she was pretty...
The following morning Emerson was pleased to see the girls rode with their hair tucked under their hats, although he knew a person would have to be a fair distance away to mistake them for men. Those two were very much female. The herd had settled into a routine and the drive was going well. Emerson was confident that if he could get past Gustin the drive would succeed. It was about an hour before Emerson expected to reach the night's campground when Tom Gordon rode up to him. "Emerson,...
Chapter 1 This all started the day I was leaving school to walk home and passed the middle school right next to my high school; there was Sara, my best friend Mike's girlfriend, standing waiting for her mother to pick her up. I said hello and she just sniffled and mumbled something, then wrote her phone number of a piece of paper and said for me to call her later. I'd almost forgotten it when, about five o'clock, I saw the note sitting on my bed. So, I called the number and she answered,...
By : Nishagupta151 Mera naam Nisha Gupta hai me rajsthan ki rahne wali hu me ISS ki regular reader hu easki kahaniya kitni sachhi hai me nahi janti lekin me aapko apni jo kahani batane ja rahi hu vo bilkul sachhi hai. me jab bhi ISS ki story padhti to mere man me bhi ichha hoti me bhi kisi handsome larke ki baho me chali jau aur vo mujhe bahut pyar kare aur mujhe pyar se chode meri fighure 32 / 28 / 32 hai aur mera colour fair hai. Meri saheliya mujhe bolti nisha tum eatni sexy ho yaar ki...
“So how did your parents take it?” Christi asked, speaking to Jason through their cell phones. He was sitting in a snowy parking lot in Portland, having just filled out his fifth job application. In front of him now was a McDonalds application. Damn, his parents had always told him to study hard and get into a good college so that he would never have to flip burgers. Thanks a lot, Black Stigmata. “I can’t really say, I went to bed as soon as I got home and left before anyone else...
Victoria Cakes is back and she came to the heart of Bang Bros, Miami baby! We had to give her the full Miami treatment, and by that we mean….REALLY big dick. Our boy Isiah Maxwell is ready to take on that huge ass. She walked around in public showing off her amazing booty, and the residents of Miami were….excited to say the least. She even got recognized by a few fans! I guess it’s hard not to get recognized with a legendary ass like hers. We head over to the Bang Bros crib...
xmoviesforyouI stepped out of the pool into the cool night air and wrapped my robe around my incredibly thin body. I looked at the lake and walked into the large house that I was now living in. I went through the enclosed back porch and into the living room area. Jim was sitting in the recliner as usual watching Thursday night football. I waited for a commercial and stepped in front of his chair and opened my robe showing him my beautiful thin body with my small tits and well-shaved pussy. Then I turned...
The R.A.I.D. and the Mild Mannered School Teacher Watching the children play, Adam saw several kids form a game of tag. They were laughing and giggling as they ran around. There were innocent kids doing nothing but having fun. They looked like a bunch of boys, but one might have been a girl, as his hair was a bit longer than the rest. Not that it mattered. Adam had forgotten what it felt like to have so much fun just playing. He longed to remember how it was to enjoy himself so much....
Exam sir pe the or mujhe padhai bhi karni thi. Par me apni mami ki yaadon me khoya rahata tha. Mera apne ghar me bilkul bhi man nahin lagta tha. Me to bas jese tese wapas apni pyari mami ke ghar Jana chahta tha. Par ye exam kambkhat. Me har roj raat ko takiya apne pairon me lekar mami ka imagination karta tha. Or har roj unka imagination kar muth bhi maarta tha. Exam ek month tak chalne wale the. Or ye ek mahina kese katega mujhe nahin pata tha. Fir ek ke baad ek dhire dhire exam hone lage....
‘What is your problem? I thought we talked about this before.’ Joanne Croix stood in front of her door with her arms crossed. ‘I’m not ready to go in that direction with you.’ Gary shook his head, ‘I’m tired of this, Jo. I’m a man. I’m not some boy you can just play around with. I’ve taken you out. Bought you stuff. I thought we had an understanding.’ Jo frowned, ‘I’ll get you your money back for the tickets…’ ‘I don’t want the money back. I want you.’ ‘Look, it’s been a rough night. I…’ ...
Exams were, well, exams. Until I sat on the desk and started to write, my hands were clammy and my nerves all over the place. But the moment the tip of my pen touched the sheet for the first time, all that faded away and was replaced by a manic drive to squeeze as many words as I could onto the paper. Time flew by, and before I knew it, it was evening again and once more time to cram and get last minute jitters for Tuesday’s subjects. Anne and I hardly talked, each caught in our own world of...
As I write this story my wife and I are in our mid 50s and it is a time to reflect on our lives and relationship.My wife and I met at school when we were 15 years old, looking back at her at that age I can accept why older guys hit on her and why her male cousins and their friends ****d her over a long period of time.However she maintains it was not **** as she was an equal consenter to the daily sex she had with a group of about 10 young guys aged about 19.I have always been very self concious...
Hi friends my name is Alex. I am 26 yrs old. I am 6 feet tall, fair and have an athletic body. I have 7 inch long dick. My email id is and I am going to share my real life experience when I fucked my computer teacher and then she became whore for me. This occurred when I was doing my Eng. in Bangalore in first year we had to learn about all the braches. I was doing mechanical Eng at that time. So we had to study computer programming to give exposure to other branches of Eng. A teacher named...
Time unknown and irrelevant – The Energists' Universe Upon our arrival back in the Energists alternate universe, I asked why it didn't feel like I was there watching Kaleigh and my family for almost three weeks. The Energists seemed befuddled by my question as I could now sense in them some distress. They shut me out of their communication loop for a moment as they worked on some type of problem without my knowledge. When they allowed me to rejoin their telepathic form of communicating,...
Since that night with Tom fucking Karen in the Hotel my mind had been buzzing. How could I take it further? I liked the idea of other men having their way with her, and she wasn’t likely to object either. The thing is though, no matter how sexy and dirty Karen is, to our friends and neighbours she is always miss prim and proper. None of them would believe some of the things she gets up to. Whenever she has one of her adventures it’s either miles out of the area with locals or if she’s really...
Hi to all this is Tom working as a Senior Manager in a reputed firm From Chennai, I am 33 year old now and let me tell about myself I am 5 ft 11 in fair complexion good athletic body and always looked for the best in life even when planned to have sex. This happened last month when there was an urgent Meeting in Luck now, I tried for book a train ticket but unfortunately I didn’t get, so I plan to go by AC Bus. This was my first experience to suffer in a Bus. Any How I reached at Bus stand...
“Are you sure?” Molly asked me, arms close to her chest in hesitation. I rolled my eyes, wiggling out from under the bed so I can stand up. “I haven’t let you down yet, have I?” I gestured back to the bed. “It’s just as I suspected. The thing just came loose. You’re honestly good to go at this point.” Molly’s unsure expression loosened, then a smile appeared on her face. “Thanks, Aaron.” she replied, coming in for a hug, surprising me with her force. I couldn’t help but chuckle, albeit...
Shyla Jennings is sorting through her clothes to do some laundry. When she hears a knock at the door, she wonders who it could be. She opens the door to find her neighbor, Eliza Jane, standing there. Eliza apologizes for the intrusion and tells her that her washing machine broke and she desperately needs to do a load. Shyla, who was about to do a load herself, tells her that she can throw in her clothes as well. The girls walk to the machine and Eliza starts taking off her clothes. When Shyla...
xmoviesforyouMy Parent’s Friends I often think my parents were slightly naïve in some respects. I used to get a good telling off for what I believed where minor offences like home work not done, coming home late etc. but for some things I don’t even realise they thought anything was wrong! Every Saturday night they played cards with a couple they had known for years, certainly as long as I had been aware. I was 19 and working as a trainee manager in a department store in my home town. Saturday evening...
Hello people, once again it’s Jatin with his new story. First, thanks to all the ISS readers to have taken interest in reading my real life incidents and coming to me with their feedback and also thanks for the emails and getting in touch with me. If you like my stories do email me on Those who haven’t read my previous story, here is some brief information abt myself. I am Jatin, 26 years old living in UK (soon returning to India), but I spent most of my life in India as my parents have a...