DanicaPart 19A free porn video

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Gaeaye sat dangling her shapely legs in a pristine brook, her lush body covered only by her dark hair, which would have hung down to her knees if she were standing. The scent of flowers — every flower known in the world — filled the air. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees surrounding the stream. Birds sang in those trees, and a fawn drank a few feet away from Gaeaye, untroubled by her presence. No man or god could have conceived a place more serene and peaceful.

Yet her face was troubled.

Inclining her head for a moment, the goddess known as the Earth Mother answered a call from Braeland, God of the Hunt, allowing him admittance into her realm.

He stood behind her in the sun-dappled meadow a moment later. Dressed in the brown and green of a huntsman with a longbow slung over his shoulder, he seemed an alien presence in this land where the animals held no fear. "Mother, do you feel it?"

Smiling for just a moment as a school of fry tickled her feet, Gaeaye replied, "We all feel it, Braeland. Something was taken from us when the stars aligned in the sky."

"But what? I feel as if a great darkness grows, and we are blind to the source."

"Listen, Braeland, do you not hear them? The heavens and hells are in turmoil. Something beyond us — beyond the mother of us all — has awakened. Something from the time before has been roused from its slumber."

Braeland moved to stand next to Gaeaye, concern obvious in his voice, "How is this possible?"

"All things are possible, Braeland. When mother's jewels divided the cloak of night, the power of all was strong. A pathway to the time before was opened, and it has awakened its own."

"What are we to do? This cannot be. That which was before would rend all creation."

Turning toward her visitor, Gaeaye advised, "Only if it is freed."

"If it has awakened, it will call to the mortals. They know not the danger and could be deceived."

"It is not unopposed. The signs revealed this prophecy to us, though we ignored them. Remember the prophecy. Even in the time before, so alien to us all, there was a balance."

Braeland exclaimed, "We must be the balance!"

The fawn drinking from the stream raised its head, ears pricked to the wind. Above, the sound of birdsong vanished. A voice emerged from behind the gods, where none should have stood to speak, "You are a part of it."

Spinning and pulling his longbow from his shoulder, knocking an arrow in the same fluid motion, Braeland turned upon the source of the voice.

Gaeaye vanished from where she sat, appearing beside Braeland and placing a hand upon his arm. "Do no violence in my realm. I sense no threat from this one."

Braeland released the draw of his bow slowly, reluctantly obeying the order of Gaeaye in this, her realm.

Gaeaye stepped forward. "Welcome, mortal, to my place of peace."

The man's voice was sonorous, and his tone respectful, if not reverent. "Thank you for your wise forbearance, Earth Mother."

Gaeaye tilted her head, the action revealing the swell of her breast. She then asked, "How is it that I do not know you?"

Toying with his iron-grey goatee, hints of a haughty smile crossed the mortal's face. "You do not know me for the same reason you have forgotten Zoraster Arias, as he calls himself now."

Braeland asked, "And what shall we call you, intruder?"

Smoothing his dark purple robes, the man offered a mocking bow and replied, "How remiss of me not to introduce myself, God of the Hunt. I am Rogan Illiciat. I serve that which opposes Zoraster and the darkness he seeks to free."

"I know you," Braeland said, narrowing his eyes.

Illiciat pulled the hood of his robe over his bald head, "Through those who serve you, as you may know Zoraster and those who serve him once more if you but concentrate. The eyes of mortals are unaffected by the powers. You are part of the balance, as are all who would see creation remain as it is now."

Despite another calming touch of Gaeaye's hand, Braeland retorted, "I cannot see into your heart and mind — how are we to know you do not serve the darkness?"

The haughty smile reemerged on Illiciat's face. "Such is irrelevant. I have given you the information you require to play your part in this game." Turning to Gaeaye, he added, "One more thing I will tell you, Earth Mother. You must heal the rift with the Fey."

Having spoken those words, Illiciat simply vanished as if he had never been.

Braeland turned to the nature goddess and said, "I do not trust this mortal, if he is indeed such."

"Once he may have been mortal, but no longer. He wields the power of Sorcery, and indeed the touch of that which was before is upon him. I must think on this, but I find wisdom in his instruction regarding the Fey. Our quarrel with them is selfish, based only upon the fact that they fall outside our sphere of influence. They are the balance to the Hellspawn, who will surely flock to the darkness, and we would do well to heal the rift with them."

Braeland furrowed his brow, considering the Earth Mother's words. "Perhaps, at least in that, he may speak truth."

"Tell the others of this Zoraster, as will I. If his presence is hidden from our eyes, he bears watching through those who serve us."

"As does this Illiciat," Braeland insisted.

"As does he," Gaeaye agreed.

Danica awoke to the odd sensation that an oppressive fog was hanging over her. Slipping into the second sight, she examined her wards and the magic present in the room, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. When she shook off the last vestiges of sleep, the strange feeling went with it.

It did nothing to remove Danica's worries.

The convergence had occurred the night before, and Danica's dreams had been troubled. Strange visions of mists, demons and danger had haunted her throughout the night. She had no idea whether the dreams were a product of the foul magic the Seer had said would happen, or her own subconscious concerns about the prophecy.

In the process of learning all the new spells from the temple of Sekmamun, and her recent research into demon-countering Art, something had been nagging at the back of Danica's mind. The protective magics she had always depended upon to defend her had proven useless against Meckataur's powers.

Rune magic was the thing that kept popping into her mind. Ever since her encounter with the worktable that had opened her mind to the runes, Danica had grown ever more proficient in their use. Now that she had mastered all the magic she felt was within her range for the time being, Danica was considering the possibility of creating some runic defenses. Runes might be able to protect her from the powers of demons, as well as other magics that didn't conform to the norms of the Art.

Danica only mused over the thoughts slightly as she bathed and ate, saving that for when she stepped into her lab afterwards. Sitting down at a desk, she retrieved a pen and paper, and then started to consider things in earnest.

A few sketches quickly let her know that, while possible, making some sort of amulet or other item and inscribing it with runes had limitations. She could only make details on such an item so small, and that limited the amount of protections such an item could provide. It would certainly have no space to contain offensive magic, although she could have created a wand or staff to house those sorts of powers.

Thinking back to her time on the island, and more specifically of the Nameless Ones, an idea occurred to Danica. Sigla had covered the zombies, essentially for show, but it did spark an idea that might work. There was plenty of space on one's body that could provide the canvas on which to draw many powerful rune structures.

The idea of defacing her body with runes, and the difficulty of doing so without help, didn't really have a lot of appeal to Danica, however. There was a solution to this as well, involving both a spell she had never really considered worth much effort, and a magical type of ink.

The spell, known as Reflection's Servant, allowed the caster to slip into a state of concentration and obtain a viewpoint as if they were outside their body. It was somewhat similar to astral projection, except the spell did not actually cause the caster to vacate their body. The spell also allowed the hazy image of oneself that the spell created as the caster's alternate viewpoint to manipulate objects in the physical world.

The notes about the spell listed removing offensive hair from the back as one of the possible uses of the spell. Considering how out of place it seemed with the remainder of the suggested uses, Danica considered it likely that this was the true reason for the spell's creation.

Considering the similarities to astral projection and telekinesis, which was very similar to how the spell manipulated physical objects, Danica felt she would be able to command the spell with the high level of mastery necessary to tattoo her body with runes. An incorrectly drawn rune was a dangerous thing, and something as permanent as a tattoo was not the sort of thing you wanted to make a mistake with, even if it were invisible.

Invisibility was the property of the ink, created for use in secret documents, only appearing under certain conditions. Otherwise, anything written with the ink vanished until called into visibility by the circumstances dictated during the making of the ink. Danica would have no need for the ink to be visible once the runes were finished, but knew it was likely the tattoos would be visible when the magic activated. The stronger the rune structure, the more likely it was to glow with power when activated.

The final problem was finding a way to draw the structures upon her body without Zoraster finding out about it. Danica had no desire to reveal what she knew about runes to Zoraster. While the structures she used in the defenses protecting her rooms bespoke a great deal of skill, they were a far cry from what she truly understood. It felt as if some new property or use of the runes appeared in her mind daily, and to Danica it seemed that understanding of rune magic grew exponentially after she obtained a certain level of mastery. Once you could recognize the patterns of runes and the way they fit together in structures, it became easier every day.

Danica discarded the idea of using the inner library at the temple of Sekmamun as a location, because it was not a private spot. She would need to be in various states of undress to draw the runes upon her skin, and the nature of the Reflection's Servant spell would make it difficult for her to quickly banish the spell and cover up if necessary. Danica had no shame about her body, but she wasn't pleasantly disposed toward alarming people who walked in upon her half-naked when they should have no reason to find such.

The numerous other places where Zoraster could not spy upon her had similar problems. The Spell Engine was one place that was completely private, but it would suck up her spell the instant it came into being.

Consideration of the Spell Engine provided her with the solution, the Hellgate. Danica could force time to move differently inside the pocket of space created by the spell. Inside, she could spend hours laboring over her tattoos, while only moments passed in the real world. She had to consider the demons within the Hellgate's space, but Danica was truly unconcerned about them, as she had been able to control them rather effectively in the two trips with Heather and Grant.

Danica still didn't know whether she would go through with the idea, but she certainly found that she leaned toward undertaking the task. For the time being, learning the Reflection's Servant spell was a necessary step, and it could possibly prove useful for other things.

The Master of the school where she and her sister had first studied had once told her, Magic is a subtle art, and even the most innocuous spell can prove to be of great value under the correct circumstances.

Danica had not given much weight to the statement, even well into her adult life, but had learned the truth of it since she had fallen into Zoraster's trap. Simple telekinesis, which she had always been good at but thought was all but useless, had saved her life more than once on her tasks.

Smiling at memories of her teen years struggling to learn magic, Danica made the decision to at least learn the spell, and then decide about the rest later.

Celes had taken advantage of the power offered by the convergence, as had Zoraster. The magic Celes utilized was no less important to her, but far less earth shattering. She had used the power of the convergence to alter the enchantments upon her toy. Before, an image of Andrea lapped her when she used the toy, but now Danica's auburn locks brushed against Celes' thighs when the magic was active.

The power of the convergence had also strengthened the power of the illusion. When Celes had strapped on the toy to test it following a short recovery period after casting the spell, she found that the illusion was so vivid it was difficult to believe that Danica was not actually between her legs, driving her to unbelievable heights of ecstasy. She had even been able to reach out and stroke those auburn curls, feeling them between her fingers, clenched in orgasm.

The toy lay on the nightstand, unwashed, and Celes lay naked in her bed, covered in the sticky evidence of her pleasure. She had barely been able to summon up the energy to remove the toy before collapsing into slumber.

Celes' desire flared again as she awakened, remembering the wonderful release, several times over, that the newly enhanced toy had given her the night before. She nearly reached for the toy to slide it over her loins once more, but stopped when she decided that becoming too addicted to the pleasure was unhealthy.

Rising with a sigh, Celes went to her bath, taking the toy with her to clean it as well. She had to fight the desire to use it the whole time, the feeling only fading when she put the toy away in the nightstand drawer and got it out of her sight.

Celes had gathered, with some trepidation, what little information she could find about witchcraft. There was much that was conjecture and rumor, but Celes remembered just enough of her mother's teachings that she thought she could determine what was true and what was false.

Now that she was stuck with her powers and her destiny once more, Celes decided that she should learn as much as she could about her powers. The conversation with Danica about the demon Meckataur had leant strength to this consideration in Celes' mind. Witchcraft was ultimately a weapon to defend against and destroy Hellspawn.

At least in the hands of a good witch.

A witch that turned to self-gain, or any other number of human fallibilities, became a tool of the very creatures the craft existed to combat. Demons took great delight in encouraging witches to turn, because it not only eliminated a dangerous enemy, it also provided them with tools to further their own desires.

Sitting down with one of the books, Celes took the first step in a long journey toward making up for lost time.

Zoraster waved his hands, and all the mirrors in his scrying room went dark. Everything was proceeding exactly as planned. Everyone and everything was in place, or would be soon. Stepping out of the room, he found Camilla waiting for him in the hall.

"Master, men from Draxnog wish to speak with you."

Zoraster rolled his eyes and sighed, "Send them to my sitting room and see that their comfort is provided for. I will await them there."

Strolling toward his rarely used sitting room, Zoraster sneered. He knew why the fools were coming — they sought more coin to build their armies. If the idiot Draxnog had not relied so heavily upon the slave labor of the plains barbarians, the nation would not be in the straits it was now. As it was, Zoraster propped up the economy of the entire nation by funding most of the military spending, a necessity if Draxnog was going to be of any use to him when the time came.

He needed that nation's forces to contend with Egoria, the nation carved from lands once occupied by Draxnog, by Thakkorias and his intrepid band of do-gooders. Draxnog had his faults, but his strength was in his hatred of the annoying cretins in Egoria that presented one of the two most significant threats to his plans. Zoraster needed those armies on the southern front when the time came to neutralize Egoria.

The coin was of no real concern; Zoraster had more sources to obtain that than he could ever hope to spend. Dealing with the annoying southerners, with their ridiculous accents, simply grated on his nerves.

Zoraster smiled thinking about the ultimate culmination of his plans, however. Draxnog would be one of the casualties in the war to come. While Zoraster was far from above using atrocity as a tool when necessary, Draxnog and his armies considered it a pleasurable diversion. Slavery, theft, murder, rape — all were weapons in Zoraster's hands, but they were the means to abolish such abominations in the perfect world he intended to rule.

Sending a silent thought ensured that the necessary funds would be ready immediately, and the brown-skinned beggars Draxnog had sent would be gone as quickly as possible. Walking in to the sitting room, Zoraster eased into a thickly padded chair and waited for Camilla to lead the smelly southerners in.

Meckataur's muzzle split into a wide grin as Arleen presented him with his spawn. The child looked human, large for a newborn, but absolutely human. Only the glint of intelligence and malevolence in the dark eyes of the child revealed his evil parentage.

That would end soon enough. The child would grow rapidly, provided the brood mare who had carried it survived long enough to nurse it for the required few days.

Arleen took the child to the crèche, which Meckataur soon hoped would hold many more of his spawn, and turned his eyes to Mopario, who prayed over the unconscious and mangled woman who had just delivered the child.

Mopario was high in his god's favor, and the wide splits torn in the woman's nether regions during the birth healed.

"Awaken her to nurse my spawn as soon as possible," Meckataur rumbled to the cleric of the war-god.

"It shall be so, Meckataur," Mopario replied.

A horrific scream split the air, filled with pain and anguish beyond imagining. Once more, Meckataur's horrible features twisted into a malevolent smile. It appeared his spawn were eager to escape the prison of their mother's wombs and see the light of the world they would rule.

The warm glow that infused Danica only a few hours later let her know the spell was hers. Danica already knew how she was going to test the use of the spell. She had been feeling a bit lazy and had not shaven in a couple of days. The necessary care required for that task would well test her control over the new magic.

Danica brought a washbasin and her razor to the bed, and then laid several towels over the coverings to protect them from the water. Stripping off her robes and panties, Danica lay down, clad only in her brassiere, and cleared her mind, preparing to cast the spell.

Danica chanted, making the necessary gestures of the spell and holding the small silver square that was the material component of the spell. It would be some time before she was proficient enough with the spell to eliminate the need for the physical focus of the spell. In the meantime, it was going to be expensive.

When the spell's power came into being, Danica closed her eyes and relaxed, letting her mind drift. It was indeed very similar to astral projection, and Danica soon viewed her body from an angle that few who were not on their way to the afterlife ever had the opportunity to see.

Instead of a ghostly apparition, she looked more like a faint outline. Holding her hand up in front of her face, Danica could see right through it. The image was somewhat distorted, as if she were looking through water, but everything beyond her hand was fully visible.

She first practiced controlling her physical body from her new vantage point, silently ordering it to raise one leg up high. Her body obeyed her, and oddly enough, Danica could feel faint hints of the muscles moving in her transparent body. It was a little disconcerting, but Danica got used to it as she continued to move her real body around, getting used to the way the magic worked.

Next, she tried the crucial part of the spell, manipulating physical objects with her transparent body. Danica found this no more difficult than manipulating her real body, easily picking up the razor and holding it, even twirling it between her fingers. The method was very similar to her telekinetic powers, except she had the focus of her hands as an additional reference point.

After a few minutes of practice, Danica ordered her physical body to bend one knee. She shaved the lower leg, finding that it was no more difficult than shaving someone else. Shortly after she started, Danica was able to relax and complete the task quickly. Even the delicate shaving around her folds proved to be easy. She also noticed, as she grew used to the spell, that she could detect the sensations from her real body. She could feel the razor sliding over her skin, and knew when it was threatening to bite into her.

When Danica finished, she put down the razor and ran her fingers over her physical body's smooth mound. A shudder passed through Danica's magical body as she felt her real body respond to the touch.

Curious after that sensation, Danica rubbed her fingers over her folds before her. A stronger shock of pleasure from that touch immediately rewarded her. Now very curious and quite aroused, Danica explored her body further. The pleasure she felt grew stronger as she teased her transparent fingers between her real lips.

The sensation was strong, and felt incredible, but there was a slight disconnect from the feeling. It was obvious her real body was responding to the touch, but she was able to concentrate on what she was doing.

Sliding her fingers deep into the wet sheathe of her own sex, Danica rubbed her swollen bud as well. Absently, she parted her physical legs, discovering that the more she used the spell, the easier it was to manipulate both of her forms simultaneously. Her pleasure mounted, and her clear fingers thrust faster with each passing moment.

Danica learned something new about the spell as she built toward release. The limits of the real world meant nothing to her magically assumed form. Her fingers elongated and thickened unconsciously as her real body demanded more. Danica was soon in a fog of pleasure, with just enough of a divorce from the feeling to maintain full control of what she was doing.

The spell ended suddenly when Danica came. The shock of her consciousness returning to her body was pale by comparison to the explosion of pleasure that rocked her body. Danica screamed, her juices erupting from her in a torrent. Haltingly, Danica regained control of her body to rub her clit and keep the orgasm going.

At last, Danica collapsed to the bed, panting for breath, and let out a little satisfied moan. A smile crossed her face and she chuckled. This little test certainly proved she could use the magic to scribe the runes on her skin, and she had little doubt that it would be easier the next time she tried the spell.

For now, however, her body was telling her that it was far from satisfied. Danica rolled over and retrieved one of her toys from the nightstand beside her bed to sate that need.

Danica packed a few things in preparation to leave for her apartment in Groenport, a little over one hundred miles to the Southeast on the shore of the Groen Sea. A scowl crossed her face momentarily as she thought about the circumstances surrounding her purchase of that apartment. She had actually wanted to have a place in Dalaria, but Zoraster had intervened and ordered her, in no uncertain terms, to stay out of the city. It lay on the border, and was apparently too close to the town of Destindale — where Danica had lived when her nightmare began — for Zoraster's liking. Danica had not even considered the proximity of Dalaria to the Protectorates of Armand, the land of her birth, when deciding to find an apartment there. She had simply liked the city, the people there, and the wealth of trade items available.

Groenport was close enough to the atmosphere she had liked in Dalaria, so long as she stayed away from the water. Nearly every seaside town had a distinctive odor near the docks, brought on by people tossing things in the sea and having them all return with the tides. The people of Groenport apparently were even less mindful of this than most that dwelt near the sea. The smell turned Danica's stomach, and so her apartment was as far from the ocean as possible, but still had a nice view of it from a distance.

Her destination was really irrelevant, because it was the stop in the Hellgate that mattered. Danica planned to begin scribing the runes on her skin immediately. She knew how it could be done now, and the amount of magic the runes would provide her, able to be activated with a thought, was a lure too strong to ignore.

Danica cast the spell and stepped into the Hellgate. Looking around, she saw none of the demons that inhabited the place, and nodded in satisfaction. It appeared that her chastisement of the creatures was starting to stick. Danica fell into a deep concentration, feeling the flow of the magic and turning to the task of manipulating the flow of time within the extra-dimensional pocket.

It proved ridiculously easy. The little pocket of space responded to her whims near instantly. Danica felt a little touch against her consciousness, suggesting that she could turn time backwards as well. The idea of having an eighteen-year-old body again was certainly appealing.

Danica shook her head and opened her eyes. That was the creatures that resided here trying to tempt her again, she realized. She had accomplished what she wanted to do, and weeks could now pass for her while outside only moments would tick by.

Danica immediately shed her clothing, absently conjuring up a bed on which to lie while she worked. Looking down at her body, she chuckled. The years had been kind to her, in truth. Just over thirty now, she wasn't sagging or growing wrinkly. Her breasts didn't ride quite as high as they had when she was a teen, but considering their size, they had endured the test of time quite well.

Danica's heart lurched when she heard a familiar voice behind her, "You look beautiful," it said.

Turning, Danica saw Darius and Jonathon standing behind her. They were nude, hard, and stunningly handsome. For a moment, she wanted nothing more than to drag them both into the bed with her, and then she remembered where she was.

Seething anger welled up inside Danica. The creatures invading her mind to assume the forms of the two men who had touched her heart enraged her. Danica was startled to find a sword in her hand as her anger built. When the weapon appeared, the landscape flickered momentarily from the beautiful glade, revealing a bleak expanse of sand and rock, devoid of life. The creatures also assumed their true forms. The scenery reverted to the familiar form, but the demons did not.

The creatures cringed and shrank away from the blade in Danica's hand, trembling violently. Danica raised the sword up to examine it. It was similar to a longsword, the blade polished to a mirror-like finish. Swirls and whorls decorated the entire blade and hilt, gold trimmed the crosspiece, and a large ruby decorated the pommel. The weapon was weightless in her hand, and in fact felt like an extension of her hand. Instinctively, Danica knew that it was an extension of her.

"Please mistress," one of the creatures hissed.

Danica brandished the sword toward them, "I don't ever want to see any of you again, unless I summon you. Is that clear?"

The creatures both replied, "Yes, Mistress!" The monsters then immediately vanished into the undergrowth.

As Danica's anger drained away, the sword faded and vanished as well. Danica nodded her head approvingly, and then turned toward the bed. She had come here for a reason, and it was time to get started.

Celes stood outside Danica's door, not even knowing why she was really there. She had determined almost immediately that Danica was not there, and that the wards on the room were active.

Celes sighed, glad in a way that Danica was not inside. She felt that whatever excuse she would have offered would have instantly rang untrue in Danica's ears. Celes simply longed to see Danica — longed for more — but she had to see her at least.

"Hello, Celes. Is Danica here?"

Celes turned to see Andrea walking toward her. "No, she's out and about somewhere. Her wards are up, and that means she's not here."

Andrea looked at Celes curiously, concentrating on the old woman's eyes. Andrea's eyes opened wider, a look of realization in her face. The note of longing in Celes' voice had been minor and carefully masked, but Andrea had caught it.

Same as Danica
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Looking at the racks of department store swimwear made Di break out in a cold sweat. It had seemed like a good idea at home. After they arrived at the store, Jason had stepped back to allow the sales lady, Geneva, to get her size and style preferences, but Di could barely make herself speak. "This is a nice one-piece in yellow," Geneva said holding the suit by its hanger across her other arm. "It's cut low over the hips and has a short ruffle skirt." She leaned in close to whisper,...

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The MILF next door parte dos Karen

... (continua)So I rushed to my house with her matching thong and bra in my head, [I have the same one] kept telling myself, what are the odds, my neighbor next door has a set like mine. I decided to change accordingly, I went to my closet, check my panty's drawer and looked for the same set. What a great rush, I found a pair of khaky pants, a guayavera, some nice dancing a shoes and a light jacket. By the time I got back to Karen's house, she was already "ready," very rare in latin women,...

1 year ago
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BFFs Jennifer Jacobs Ella Knox Evelin Stone Cosplay Queens

Jake was spying on his stepsister and her friends while they were getting ready for the comic book convention. Jennifer Jacobs, Ella Knox, and Evelin Stone were all looking so cute in their cosplay outfits. They hoped to win the costume competition, but it was sure to be tough. Good thing Jake knows one of the judges. The girls are sure to win if he puts in a good word! Jake busts them right then and there, and breaks some bad news to the girls. There will only be one winner, and they thought...

2 years ago
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The Magicians BirthdayChapter 5

Pandora took his hand as they left the hall. Lasco looked back to say something to Lucilla, but he couldn't see her. Perhaps that was just as well. He was too confused to work out what to say, in any case. Through the large door they walked into a short corridor. The empty area had two doors on each side, one of which they'd walked through, and an additional door at each end. Pandora pushed Lasco up against the wall, and pulled his robe open. She was significantly shorter than him, and...

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I am a male escort part 3

I went back to my hotel worn out and happy at the same time. I can't believe I made 3K for five hours of work. I got a good rest before I headed back home. I had to stop at a rest stop for bathroom break, stretch my legs and watch the crowed coming and going. I noticed the hot black girl park. It looked as though she was traveling alone. When she came out the bathroom, she seemed to have the same idea as me. I watched her as she walked around before the path brought he towards me. When she got...

1 year ago
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The Descent of AlexChapter 10

It was a typical crowded Thursday night and I already found the crowd to be a little more rowdy on Thursday’s which I figured was in anticipation of the coming weekend. Making my way through the crowded room always meant guys grabbing me, pulling me close and holding my bare bottom with their the hands while I wiggled and giggled and playfully tried to escape their clutches. I had just finished sucking my seventh big fat juicy cock of the night when Mister Gamboni caught my eye as I rounded...

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Junior YearChapter 34 Donrsquot Take Me For Granted

Pam, Tracy and Lacy were flying in for the wedding. I’d almost forgotten that part of the settlement prohibited Cal from being anywhere near Pam. My dad called me to let me know they had worked it out so he could go to most of the events as long as he paid for security for her. Rita had volunteered one of her people to accompany Pam and her mom when Cal would be around. Devin, Cora and Sandy were also coming in today. They’d coordinated the wedding so it coincided with their annual corporate...

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Introduction From ?Tomorrow's Technology? magazine?.. Soft Cybernetics ? The New Alchemy? By our science correspondent Are we about to see first human robots? Can scientists create zombies? ?Soft Cybernetics? is a controversial new approach to the problem of creatingintelligent systems, provides new ways to solve the problems of micro-behaviourmanagement. To date cybernetics has focused on the use of feed-back and control mechanismsto produce self-regulating systems using electromechanical...

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FAIRYDUST by Sarah Tandomwerk Rick loaded the usual tabs up in his browser and assumed the ideal position, able to see not only the latest images as they began to load but, behind the monitor, across his dimmed room, the door lest anyone may have cause to burst in on this most private of acts. His interests were wide ranging, he almost prided himself on this. In one tab, usually his first port of call, girls in diapers - girls far too old for diapers. There often weren't many of...

2 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 4 Spending

We decided we would use about fifteen hundred dollars at the race track, limiting each race to five hundred maximum, anymore might raise suspicions because Jen was the only one old enough to place a bet. Having that settled I made a command decision and suggested that we go shopping. God you'd have thought I'd suggested the cure for cancer. They jumped up hugged and kissed me until I was forced to push them away, "We're wasting valuable shopping time ladies." I reminded them. That got...

3 years ago
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Getting Caught

When I was 14 my panty fetish was fully involved and I took any opportunity to steal or borrow a silky pair of panties, weather they were from a friend’s mother or sister or from one of my own family for that matter. The source didn’t really matter as long as they were silky smooth and I could get them home to play with. I became very skilled in knowing where to find panties in a girl’s bedroom, usually in the top left hand or right hand dresser drawer and I also knew how to blindly search a...

1 year ago
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Ol friend

It had been three years since I’d moved back to the west coast, but I still hadn’t seen one of my oldest friends Kenneth. Kenneth and I had a falling out because of a girl (of course). He cheated on her, they broke up and I slept with her. It wasn’t a good ending to our friendship. That was over 15 years ago and I hoped that we could mend a relationship that was 10 years in the making. I knew that he was hurt over my actions, but I also knew that with the chance to explain we could fix it....

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The Milf Chronicles Scarlet

Thomas James was a student at the local university. Just like a lot of kids at the university, he was always on the lookout for spare cash. To help out with gas, food, and the occasional luxury. One afternoon Thomas saw an advertisement in the local paper. “Pool person needed.” So Thomas called the advertisement. The person with the mobile number was named Scarlet Grey. When she answered, Thomas felt a sort of shiver run down his spine. Her voice was so sexy! “Hi, this is Scarlet.” “Hi,...

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My Sister and Me Pt4

And now, on with the show! I couldn't believe what had happened in just the last few days. And now, I was sitting in my sister's living room waiting for her to get home from work. She was bringing her girlfriend into our mini-orgy. It was all a bit mind boggling. I was drinking a beer when I heard a key twist in the door lock and my sister came in. Behind her was her friend, Marty Brewer. If I had been the kind of person who was surprised easily I would have spit my beer out and probably...

4 years ago
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Bukkake Holiday

"Mmmmm, that's nice and warm,' I purred, as another load of cum landed on my face. I groped my spunk-coated breasts, massaging the warm, succulent goo into my skin. I looked around the room. I was surrounded by men, too many to count, all naked, hard and ready to cum. This was a situation entirely of my own doing. I am a spunkaholic.I have a fetish for cum - everything about it. I adore the taste. I love how it feels on my skin. The aroma is delicious. It feels so warm when it lands on my body,...

4 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 24 State Champs Part 1

Chapter 24 - State Champs Part 1 I had to hire a car to take me to the States Martial Arts Championship. The reason being, it would take several hours to get signed in, weighed and for the tournament to start, Mom and Dad wanted to come and watch me compete, but it seemed pointless for them to have to hang around for the hours that the preliminary would entail. So by using the hire car, they were able to sleep longer, keeping their sleep pattern the same before driving. I however had to be...

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The Mermaid Short Story

Johnny Stout, 33, a life-long bachelor and a plumber by trade, is a very cheeky one: His element is the water and his love belongs to the mermaids of the deep! And whenever he dreams on his water bed at night his wet fantasies dive into the unexplored caverns hidden under the surface, the disturbed matress gurgling the sound track to his emotions: Like in all those steaming hot summer nights when I can't find any sleep I go for a refreshing swim. Quietly I climb over the fence of the local pool...

3 years ago
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Frat Boy Games Ch 7

Anna awakened slowly. She hurt and tried to curl up in a ball, but couldn’t. Her mind could not comprehend her state. Pleasure was starting to run through her, pleasure beyond belief. He watched her come around. Number Two had forgone three toys and brought one big one instead. It was a small motor, really an aquarium pump. He had three lines of tubing coming from it. Two suction cups were on her nipples, gently sucking them to attention. The third was supposed to go on her clit, but that had...

4 years ago
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The Hunger Games Part 1

A soft knock on the door temporarly brought her out of her misery. She wiped the tears off her face and walked to the door. It was Peeta and it was clear he had been crying. "Time for dinner" he mumbled and then walked away. Peeta and Katniss had a very long relationship. They had not always talked to each other except for the occasional "Hi". He could have any girl he wanted. His sandy blonde hair, brown eyes, and muscular build made him the perfect husband. Now he would have to be...

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DDFBusty Sofia Lee Busty Czech Fucked In Kitchen

All-natural busty sex goddess Sofia Lee is always a fan favorite on DDFBusty. Those big tits of hers that size in at a 32F are a sight to behold and savor. In this saucy triple-X scene the glamour pornstar is playing the role of kinky call center girl who’s making a special delivery to the house where horny man Mike Chapman resides. As soon as the curvy cutie steps foot into the kitchen her big jugs are being groped and fondled which is just fine for this naughty nympho. Sofia goes the...

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Rose (F/f) By Dudetodude Note: I have re written an older story of mine and re posted it under my current pen name. Hope you enjoy it! This story is about an older woman and a young mother whose casual relationship had developed into more than what the young mother had expected. My name is Lacy and since my divorce six months ago, I have been living on my own with both my daughters 2 and 4 years old and trying to settle into a new life after 5 years of marriage. I have no family in town...

1 year ago
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The Stranger 8211 Part II

A lot of thanks for the enthusiasm you have shown and liking the first part of this story.  Who can disagree that sitting on Kinetic when the girl (the one you have hot for) is driving. The subtle touch, the whiff of air, the growing penis and the soft touching all make it a horny ride and experience. Especially when it’s dark, the roads are lonely and you get what your mind is thinking. I enjoyed that moment fully cupping her soft breasts. Sometime I would hold her waist from behind, so she...

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PERSONAL ASSISTANTI heard that you are looking for a new personal assistant since yours has been promoted. I would love to have the opportunity to have the position but I know that I don’t have the skills. I’ve always wondered if the rumors that you were screwing your PA were true but no one ever knew for sure. I am surprised that you call me into your office. I’m just a receptionist and you’ve never really had a need to give me work. When I come into your office you’re waiting at the door...

3 years ago
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Making wifey cum

I thought I’d just share with you all how I make “wifey” cum. We’re both in our 50’s and have experimented with Sex for years now- we’ve tried all the “kinky” stuff and have reverted to the following. See what you think and let me know.I always insist on wifey wearing matching black undies; that’s a flimsy see thru bra and matching skimpy briefs (I prefer briefs to thongs). She has to put them on first thing on a morning and wear them all day for when I get home as I love her wearing worn...

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Wife fucks another guy 2

In my last post, I wrote about the first time my wife fucked another guy and how much we enjoyed it, better than I could have imagined even in fantasy. This story starts when we woke in the hotel the next morning.I awoke and after a minute or so, the haze cleared, first thing that pops into my mind is the reality of what happened last night. I felt my cock start to harden as I replayed all the visions from the night before, D cumming on Dan’s hard cock. I glanced over at D as she slept with a...

1 year ago
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The Poet and his Muse

Jason Petrov stood at the stove and stirred his oatmeal. He repeated the line of poetry he had been working on since dawn, trying to get it right, when the telephone's shrill ringing shattered his concentration. Fuck! He slammed his spoon down on the counter. Why can't I be left alone? Before picking up the phone, he noticed the empty bird feeder outside his kitchen window, then took a deep sigh to suppress his anger before picking up the receiver. He spoke calmly, then stiffened at the voice...

Straight Sex
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Life as a Rich Brat Ariana Grande

Hello I am a 19-year old boy named Cy. I am a son of a famous producer in hollywood. I have my own apartment and live off of my father’s money. I am living the life. But the bonus is that I get to have sex with the hottest ladies in hollywod. All I have to do is say I’ll get a good word in with my father and they’ll do anything to get a role. That the thing with hollywood women they are all sluts for work.———————————————————————So here I am in my living room of my apartment playing the...

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BBC turned Me Out PT2

When I got home, Laura was frantic. She had called the police, hospitals and a number of our friends. I came in looking disheveled with my shorts sticking to me from the dried cum that had leaked out of my ass. My hair was a mess and had Tony's cock on my breathe. She kissed me deeply and with tears in her eyes asked me where I had been. I told her that I was mugged and knocked u*********s while I was out jogging. She wanted to call the police and take me to the hospital, but I told her I was...

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Mandys Panties

We were staying at the apartment of one of my girlfriend's college sorority sisters. Luckily for us we knew someone in town and didn't have to get a hotel room.Even luckier for me, she was smoking hot.We had gotten into town late the previous evening and quickly went to bed so my girlfriend could rest up for her job interview.The following morning our host, Mandy, had left early for work. My girlfriend showered, dressed and left for her interview soon thereafter.I had told the girls I was going...

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How to tell your wife you watch porn

I have more. I post several times a day. At the link below I have references to other articles and pictures. http://eroticchristian.com/talking-about-porn-with-your-wife/ So you have used porn for years secretly.  Your wife has caught you a few times and you sincerely promised to never do it again.  But a few weeks/months later, you saw a link and... well.  There you were. Then you started wondering why all men look at porn no matter how religious, Christian, or sincere they are....

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Die Zauberin Spiegelbild german

******************************************************** Die Zauberin ? Spiegelbild(das Gegenst?ck zu ?Die Zauberin? (Sollte ich jetzt wohl zu ?Die Zauberin ? Hasso? umtaufen)********************************************************I BegegnungEs war nicht mein Tag...Heute hatte ich das Haus verkauft. Dort in Raukfurth war ich die letzten Jahre zu Hause gewesen. Und jetzt hatte ich es verkauft - weit unter Wert. Wie unversch?mt der H?ndler gewesen war; allein daf?r h?tte ich ihn schon verfluchen solle...

2 years ago
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Postumus sic an IntroductionChapter 4

"Couldn't you start from the beginning, at least for us?" I asked Snake, gesturing at Lindy. "I'm not sure there is a beginning," Snake replied cryptically. "Besides," said Betty, "It's more effective if you're surprised like the readers at first. Like fragments, puzzle pieces slowly revealing the whole bit by bit." "But ... You know the puzzle box shows the finished image," Lindy pointed out. "Maybe the gods own the box and drop the pieces from on high," Snake...

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Family Curiosity Made Me a Sex Toy

With me being considerably younger, of course I would be sent to bed earlier but this particular Friday night our parents were obviously in a good mood as they had let me stay up later to watch the end of the movie. They had enjoyed some wine and were being a little touchy feely, causing us to protest at the open displays of affection but there were zero complaints when the relaxed parenting kicked in. Eventually we were both chased off to bed, presumably so they could enjoy some adult time...

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Die unbestechliche Staatsanwltin

Nora, die 32jährige, 1,65m große, wohlproportionierte Staatsanwältin hatte es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht den größten Drogendealer Hamburgs endlich in den Knast zu bringen. Und sie war sich sicher ihn diesmal zu bekommen. Es hatten sich schon einige Kolleginnen und Kollegen daran versucht, einige hatten einfach aufgegeben, andere waren korrupt und hatten sich abgesetzt, wieder andere waren einfach verschwunden. Doch Nora war sich sicher, sie würde ihn überführen, denn sie hatte Fotos und...

1 year ago
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My Exs Plan

I was at work and my cell phone rang. I ignored it since it was my ex calling.  I've been intentionally avoiding him since we broke up.  My phone kept ringing and I was getting text messages, saying he needed to see me.  I would ignore the calls and delete the texts. I was leaving work and it getting dark outside.  I was walking towards the parking garage when I saw someone following me. I started walking towards the elevator and away from my car to try and get some help when I got grabbed from...

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Teenage Girl Loves to Fuck Older Men

There have been stories in the news recently about the importance of kids having stable homes with loving mothers and fathers. I was blessed with just such a home, except that my parents are both very busy with their careers and related social events with other adults and had little time for me. I know that I'm loved, but not enough for them to pay much attention to my personal life.My name is Tori, and I was sixteen years old when my parents moved to Portland, Oregon so they could accept their...

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Merchant Seaman

Paul dreamed he was back on leave in Tokyo. It was in one of the Oyasumi, (the bathhouses) now westernized and common as massage parlors in America. But this was a special place-of a bygone era now to be found only in fiction- where a gentleman, or at least a man of some means could purchase unique and pleasurable experiences without reservation or inhibition. In a room walled only by beautifully printed sheets of rice paper and lit softly from behind by paper lamps and from within by many...

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My 1st sex with my sister

Day came when I was in 4rth std . My mom n dad were on job getting our disrolled life back on track. I used to be in school up to 2 pm and return by riksha wala along with my younger brother. We were tenants at tre place. They have two sons among eldest was 5years elder than me named Prashil. we used to play hide n seek. When ever i used hide Prashil also hide with me and used to have body contacts with me this went on and then he used to tell me to fondle his dick by which he used to get...

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Tom Ch 04

An upset Melissa come running to find Tom who was just emerging from the women’s restroom with the company’s librarian. ‘Tom, Tom.’ ‘Melissa, calm down. Armageddon is not scheduled for today.’ ‘Tom, Tom. Mrs Stokes has arrived and is with the partners. You and I have been called to them.’ ‘Oh good. We can snare this one for you darling.’ ‘What?’ ‘You’ll do the work. I’m employed as the ideas guy. I’m not required to work.’ ‘Oh, I think I understand what you mean. Will we survive this?’ ...

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A Smokey Night With Mrs J

I had come home for Christmas break during my second year of college and decided to get together with a longtime buddy, a guy I’d known since I was ten. He’d elected to go to a local college and was still living at home so we decided to meet up at his place, about five blocks from where I grew up. On the walk over, via a route I’d taken hundreds of times before, I was visited by a series of mental images that first took shape during my post-puberty years. That time when I began discovering and...

1 year ago
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Dogging on Stokes Bay

For once we were having a good summers day so as I live near the beach in Gosport Hampshire, yes I know saying gosport has a beach is a bit of a stretch but its got the sea and pebbles. I parked up by stokes Bay Toilets as I used to enjoy some of the glory hole action from there until the miserably fuckers at gosport council spoiled our fun!As I was walking down the beach I walked past the beach huts and noticed one door was open a bit and inside could see this couple having some fun! and at...

3 years ago
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My Last 7 Years Part IV

Hi Guys, This is Haarshini again back with my Third part. Thanks for your comment that’s encourage me to write my next part of my experience. For those who don’t know me please read the first two parts before reading this as there is no time for introduction again sorry guys.. More over I want to make a point clear that Iam not a call girl or Bitch. Let me move on to the story. Just for the continuation of my last part I have copied the last paragraph of my last part. Pradeep hearing all this...

2 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 70

I'm not trying to say that the Alphabet Soup wasn't unhappy with us. They were. But we were mostly innocent of any wrong doing ... mostly. They really didn't like kids well versed in their constitutional rights, and tried the old trick: "If you don't have anything to hide, you should talk to us." "Daddy, here are the names, times, dates and badge numbers of the Agents who don't believe in the Constitution." They REALLY didn't like that. Alaska was soon overflowing with Agents...

3 years ago
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The ForcePart 6

When I was 13, I got hung up on Star Wars. Not the movie, per se, but some of the stuff that happened in it. Stuff like old Obi-Wan's mind tricks on the Imperial troopers, and those too-cool light sabers. I got so stuck on that stuff, in fact, that I'd ultimately wound up learning how that mind-control gig worked, through a lengthy process that involved self-hypnosis, meditation, biofeedback, electronics, and a lot of other stuff. And by 'learning how', I mean that I'd actually been...

2 years ago
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Alice gets Hitched

Introduction: Alice is married off to a tight fisted Scot. The young blonde really sturts her stuff in the marraige bed. [b]Alice Gets Hitched 7 by Will Buster As can be imagined, a pregnant, used mistress can be rather difficult to palm off. Difficult, that is, unless a large dowry accompanies the lusty little vixen. Alice was no exception to this social rule so prevalent in late Georgian England. Alices belly was now thick with healthy child from the almost constant amorous attentions of...

2 years ago
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It all started with that sms, on the 14 February around 11:00am. Judy was just on her way out to get some milk and fruit at the corner shop, when she got the sms.‘I’ll pick you up at 8:00pm. To a night, to unlock floodgates of desire.’She had no idea of who this sms came from. The number was not in her phone list. What now? She thought.So she sent a message back. ‘I think you have the wrong number, sorry I don’t recall this number on my cell.’Not long after she sent it, she got a reply...

First Time
4 years ago
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More wishful thinking

I had been working at a local retail outlet mainly in the sporting goods dept.They transfered a 25 year old guy for me to train ,he was very good looking with a great body.When he was bent over stocking shelves I couldnt help but nonice the top of a thong sticking up out of his tight jeans I had always been curious but was married with three sons and just kept it in the back of my mind.Mitch had a very beautiful girlfriend but I would always catch him stealing glances at my crotch and ass . ...

1 year ago
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The Pickle Lady

I love pickles. Sweet, dill, big, small, I have a passion for pickles. Therefore I was overjoyed when I met the pickle lady. I chanced upon a farmer’s market one Saturday morning in a new part of town. At least it was new to me. There was the obligatory table displaying jars of pickles in various shapes, sizes and flavors. There was a small hand-made sign saying The Pickle Lady and, behind the table the pickle lady herself. She appeared to be on the far side of 50, like me. She had blonde...

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Island Of Desire Ch 0203

Chapter 2 Greg stepped from the bus after arriving at the Nirooma Resort. He was a little worse for wear after enduring a battering from the potholed Fijian roads for an hour and a half. The hotel porters whisked the bags into the foyer and two beautiful Fijian women offered the new arrivals tropical cocktails festooned with beautiful flowers. Greg took a sip and enjoyed its sweet taste followed by a serious kick of rum. Getting into the tropical mood, he smiled at the lady behind the...

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