SamChapter 19A free porn video

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When I woke up in the morning it was very bright in the room, I rolled over to look at the clock and saw that I had slept later than I could remember ever doing. I did the math and found that I had my usual eight hours. It was just delayed a few hours because I had got in so late the night before.

"Or the morning of," I corrected myself.

Being a night-owl was a new experience for me. I felt that the day was almost half gone because I hadn't gotten up before nine.

I slid off the high mattress and padded over to the mirror that I had used to reassure myself that I was someone who was quite capable of taking care of herself. The reflection was a girl in the usual all-over light-tan, blemish-free skin I normally wore. This rang a small bell in the back of my head and I remembered that I had gone to sleep wearing my fully-animated Dragon-skin. I thought about it and remembered what had happened when I conked my head on the roof of Smith and Jones' car. My skin had reverted back then too.

"The animation takes conscious control to maintain," I reasoned. "The static stuff stays put until I change it, but anything moving means I have to keep thinking about it to keep it going. That's good to know."

I suppose I had become complacent because it was so easy to turn it on and off now that I had had so much practice at it. I was happy to have figured it out, because this was one more clue to how all this worked.

Because I was running late, I remembered that Brute's breakfast was late, too. The surge of guilt sent me right out the door to get the poor dog some food. It wasn't til I was halfway down the second flight of stairs that I noticed I was still in my skin.

"Not early enough to be streaking outside," I thought, and I called up my blue bikini from my mental wardrobe.

I still felt underdressed. The backyard was private and all, but this late on a Saturday morning there were likely to be more people out doing stuff in their yards. I tried to expand the bikini into a pair of shorts and a tube-top. When I paused to look in the hall mirror, the shorts looked very nice and quite credible, but the tube-top was a miserable failure. It looked absurd wrapped around my boobs and into my cleavage and wasn't going to fool anyone, even at a distance on a foggy day. I went back to the bikini-top with triangular cups that worked pretty well, if you didn't notice the nipple-rings poking out of button-holes on the front.

The shorts also looked good out in the sun, especially after I had worked on the seams and the texture of the fabric some more, so I filed them away as another item I could return to whenever I wanted.

I hadn't really thought much about using my skin-changing ability to simulate clothes. Mom seemed to be determined to make me as much of a clothes-horse as she was, and Mr. Morton was such a design genius, that it didn't seem necessary for me to invent fake clothes. The bikini was a spur-of-the-moment joke and I had put so much effort into developing the Dragon that anything less impressive seemed anticlimactic. The bikini and the shorts proved that I could do other things though and that intrigued me. As long as the garment I copied was normally thin and tight-fitting, I could probably duplicate it in a way that would pass as long as no one got a really close look, or touched it. If someone got that close, they were probably someone I wouldn't mind finding out that I was really naked anyway.

The more I thought about it, the more the idea appealed to me, though. My imaginary clothes would never need washing — something that occurred to me while Brute and I wrestled around the yard. They would never wrinkle, or get ripped, or fall off my scrawny ass, as some of my shorts kept trying to do.

I had seen some photos on the Internet of models wearing body-paint that looked like clothes and I thought that I could probably outdo them with the level of detail I could manage. I had also seen some photos of girls wearing paint that was just for decoration and that intrigued me too, but I'm not enough of an artist to think of something original. Finger-painting in kindergarten was about as far as my artistic leanings went. I probably owe somebody royalties for copying their Dragon.

Still, if I could save Mom from spending time scrubbing grass-stains out of the seat of a pair of shorts, it seemed worthwhile to wear my new outfit when I was going to be in the dog's domain. I always showered after playing with him anyway, and my skin was both repairable and shrink-resistant. As choices in clothing went, during Spring and Summer, a bikini-top and shorts was just about a uniform for girls hereabouts. If I could get away with any kind of ersatz clothing, this would be the most likely outfit.

So, when I stepped out of the shower after washing the smell of Brute off of me, I put back on the same shorts and top, just to see if anyone would notice.

Breakfast wasn't the cold bowl of cereal I had expected for being such a slugabed. When I came downstairs the second time I smelled wonderful things happening in the kitchen. I was about to poke my nose in when the door swung open and Jim came through carrying a glass and a pitcher of orange juice.

"Good morning, Jim," I said, perhaps too perkily.

Jim barely glanced at me in passing as he walked around to his usual spot at the table, plopped down in the chair and very carefully poured himself a tumbler of juice.

I remained standing to give him the best opportunity to admire my imaginary clothes, but he took a gulp of juice and then hung his head and stared morosely into the glass.

"Ah!" I said, understanding the situation. "Is someone a wee bit hung over this morning?"

Jim mumbled something that I was probably better off not hearing and took a smaller sip of juice before resuming his bleary-eyed study of the pulp floating in his glass.

"A better person than me wouldn't say this," I said, nobly. "But, you did this to yourself, you know."

"Yeah," he mumbled. "I know. I shouldn't have drunk all that beer. But I was fine until this morning. Or I thought I was."

"What did Mom say when she saw you like this?"

"Nothing. But she didn't have to. Neeka said it all last night when I walked her home."


He looked miserable enough, so I dropped the subject. I was sure that Neeka had already made all the points I could have, and besides, I wasn't in the best moral position to be preaching to him about the evils of alcohol. But for my ability to run my metabolism at high speed, we might both be suffering.

"Mom is experimenting with omelets this morning," he volunteered, probably grateful for my silence. "She's in there making the mother of all omelets now."

"That's good, because I can eat a horse."

Jim just nodded. Perhaps he wasn't sure if his stomach was ready for eggs quite yet.

"Where's Bud?"

"Mom said he went over to Jolene's house this morning. He rode his bike over." Jim chuckled. "He hasn't had that thing out in over a year."

"She rode hers over here, so he must have got the idea from her. Besides, now they can go riding together. And on bikes she'll probably feel comfortable."

"If they don't just hang out at her house. He was nervous about meeting her parents, you know."

Actually, I didn't. Bud didn't talk much about his feelings, even when we were in the sack. Unless it was about what we were doing at the moment, that is. I didn't know if he had or hadn't met Jolene's folks until this moment. I wondered if they had gone riding or if they were just hanging out at her house.

I imagined Bud sitting on a sofa with Jolene with her parents in the room. I couldn't begin to imagine the conversation. I just had no frame of reference for the situation. I had certainly never had a boy come into the house and try to have a conversation with Yvette. It would have sparked World War III if one had tried!

Jim's head cleared enough for him to raise his head and squint in my direction. He rubbed his forehead and said, "Nice. You look nice today."

It sounded a little forced, so I wasn't sure if he was being honest or he just thought I was fishing for the complement by posing. Either way, he gave no indication that he had caught on to the deception.

"Thank you," I said, pulling out a chair, just a Mom came in with a couple of plates.

"Well," she said, seeing me at the table, "Good morning, sleepyhead! You don't look nearly as bad as Jim here." Jim said she hadn't said anything to him directly, but she couldn't resist getting in an off-hand dig.

"Don't give me any credit," I confessed. "I was every bit as bad as Jim. I just got away without suffering the consequences. Don't worry. I'm on the wagon from now on. No more liquor for me." I shrewdly left the door open for the occasional beer.

"Me too!" Jim groaned emphatically. "It's just not worth it."

I suspected he may have been thinking about the talking-to he had got from Neeka the night before, rather than his hangover; but his regret seemed sincere, so I didn't pursue it.

Mom took her cue from me and went back into the kitchen without another word. She came back with another serving of omelet and I wondered how many eggs she had cracked to make one omelet this big.

"When are you going on your 'play-date'?" She asked. She was reminding me, in case I had forgotten about George.

"I guess as soon as I finish this, I said.

"You're going to wear that top? I thought you'd want to save that for the beach tomorrow."

I chewed politely before answering. Mom knew about the fake bikini. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye to see if I could tell if she knew which one I had on at the moment. She wasn't smiling. She didn't know. She couldn't tell. Damn, I was good!

"No. I was thinking about my demin jumper," I said, once I had swallowed. "The one we got at Mr. Morton's the first time?"

The jumper was one of the things we bought 'off the rack' that was a bit too small. It was a sleeveless baby-blue one-piece with a darling lace collar and matching little lace cuffs around the arm and leg-openings. The legs were cut as high as a pair of short-shorts. Unlike most clothes, it was small enough in the rear so that it fit my butt very nicely; which was why I bought it. And it zipped up the front, so I could be as daring as I wanted to be with how far I left it open. The only drawback was that it was really too small in the bust. I had to leave the zipper down quite a bit, or it looked like it was squashing me.

I had thought of the jumper because it was the closest thing to play-clothes that I had and I wanted to get into the spirit of my play-date with George. I was sure George would like it, and it might jar his mother into accepting the fact that her son was all grown up now.

Mom was staring, now. A smile spread across her face as she realized that she was being put-on.

"The shorts too?" She asked.

I nodded and stood up so she could get a good look.

"Amazing! The rings gave it away as soon as I noticed them. But it does look remarkably real."

"Thank you. I wondered if anyone would notice."

She nodded toward Jim, who was concentrating on eating his portion of the omelet and keeping his head from falling off his shoulders. I shook my head and shrugged. In his present condition, Jim wasn't really a fair test. With Bud gone and my date with George coming up, this was another experiment that would have to be postponed.

I found that I had a pair of canvas flats that matched my new denim jumper. They were a couple of years old and a little faded, but they would be perfect for the look I wanted — seven going on eighteen and ready to play. When I checked myself in the mirror I found that the 'seven' part wasn't working very well, but it still looked darling, and with the zipper I could regulate the level of sexy from mild to 'oh, wow'. I decided to start off a tooth or two past modest and make adjustments from there. I had no idea what George might want to do.

Actually, I had one idea. Based on our first encounter, I was pretty sure George would like me to help him with his 'problem' whenever it came up. I was cool with that. Treating it casually, rather than seriously, would make it easier for George to deal with. Having me act like it was no big deal would take some of the stress out of it for George. And his mother too, I reminded myself.

George might qualify as one of my 'projects', but mostly I just wanted to get to know him. He seemed like a nice guy and the fact that he and I were the same height made him almost irresistible. Growing up, I had learned to cope with living in a world full of people who were all much taller than I was, but it was still wonderful to have met someone who was on my level. If for no other reason, I hoped George and I would become good friends.

Once I was dressed and ready, my fanny-pack in place, Mom suggested I might have forgotten something.

"Where do the Whitleys live?" she asked.

"Moreland Court. It's over by de Leon Park." In fact it was two blocks from another house where I had spent an interesting afternoon. Small world.

"How had you planned to get there? That's three miles from here."

"Walk. Jog. I'm dressed for it and it's a nice day. It will only take me a few minutes. Less if I can sprint when no one's looking."

"But you'll get all sweaty! Let me take you."

"I bet I won't. I will take more than a short jog to make me sweat. But thanks, I'll take you up on that."

It took Mom longer to get fixed to drive me over than I had expected it to take me to get there on foot, but I figured this was just another way she wanted to show me she cared, so I was patient about it.

I was also patient when she pulled into the Whitley's driveway, turned off the engine and got out of the car. I suppose I thought she would just drop me off. I didn't think that she would want to meet the Whitleys, too. I mean, even though she was leaving me with strangers, she hardly needed to verify that I would be in good keeping. Although when I thought about it that way, it seemed very motherly of her.

I don't know if Lucinda Whitley was expecting to meet Mom or not, but she didn't seem surprised to see both of us when she opened the door. After a brief introduction, she showed us into a modest but immaculate living room that looked like it was ready for an appearance in a magazine. Even the magazines on the coffee table seemed to have been selected and arranged to match the colors of the room. I wondered if Mom and Mrs. Whitley had the same decorator.

We were just sitting down when George came in. He looked happy to see me. Judging by the thorough up and down look he gave me, my choice of outfit met with his approval. I wanted to give him a big hug for that, but I wanted to see what Mom and Lucinda would have to say to each other, so I took George's hand and pulled him down to sit next to me on the couch. Unfortunately, Mom had other ideas.

"Sam," she said, "why don't you and George run along and play while Lucinda and I have a chat."

I couldn't think of a good argument as to why I should be allowed to stay, other than blatant curiosity. I wouldn't have tried to argue even if I could, it wouldn't have been polite. So George and I left the room so our mothers could discuss us in private.

George took me upstairs to his room, which was equally as immaculate as the living room. I was impressed that it was just as clean and organized as my own room, which I made a point to keep in the same pristine condition as it was when Mom presented it to me. That condition was in marked contrast to Jim and Bud's rooms, which were anything but clean and organized.

George saw me looking and confessed, "It's not usually this neat. Mom and I spent all of last night and most of this morning straightening up. She even made me change my shirt before you got here."

"You didn't need to do all this for me!" I said.

George's knit shirt and pressed khaki shorts did look good on him, though. I was flattered that Lucinda had gone to so much trouble on my account.

"Well, I think it's mainly for your mother. I showed Mom the address you gave me and she just about hit the ceiling when she found out who your mom was."


I felt a momentary pang of jealousy that this visit had suddenly become about a visit by 'Mrs. Reynolds'. After which, I didn't know whether to laugh or be embarrassed. I had been upstaged by Mom's social status and reputation and I was ashamed of my reaction. I had been through a lot lately, and I guess I had got used to being at the center of things. Here was a perfectly clear reminder that no matter how dramatic my life had become, not everything was about me.

"It's OK," George said. "My room probably needed to be cleaned up anyway. And I found a few things that had got lost, too."

That sounded more like it. You could have misplaced any number of things in Jim's room and not found them for days. Mom's comment about not leaving any surprises for the cleaning people started to make more sense.

"So," I said, trying to get my mind off the conversation going on in the living room — a conversation that I now understood was even less my business than I had supposed it to be. "When you told me about your school, I pictured this big prison full of boys, all dying to get out. I guess I thought they kept you under lock and key." I had even fantasized about smuggling myself in so I could find out what it would be like to be the only girl locked up with hundreds of lonely boys.

"I probably exaggerated some. It's not really that bad. It just seems like a prison because it's all guys and no girls. The security is pretty tight, though. There is a fence around the place, and guards at the gate. You have to show your ID to get in in the morning, and you need a pass to get off the grounds during school hours. It's just a lot more... restrictive than regular school. The sports requirement is one thing. They also have a strict dress code that's very last-century, you know?"

"Yeah. I understand." George and I had more in common that I had thought. I knew just how he felt, dealing with all those rules and restrictions.

"So, you want to go over and hit the mall, or go to a movie, or just hang out here and listen to some tunes. I have almost all of Steel Flytrap's CDs."

I hated to tell George that I had never developed a taste for Metal. It all just sounded like an excuse for a headache to me. I wasn't real fond of Rap, either. I preferred music that had a melody and didn't hurt your ears. I scanned George's collection politely, but there wasn't much there that appealed to me.

The idea of going out somewhere with George did sound good, though.

"I don't want to put your Mom out or anything." I said.

"Oh, she won't mind. I already asked her if she minded me taking the car, in case we wanted to go somewhere."

I had been so used to being dependant on others for transportation that I hadn't even considered that someone with a driver's license could just walk out of the house, get in the car and go wherever they wanted. I suppose having a doting mother, as well as my own personal chauffeur, and a rather unique form of transport had spoiled me and insulated me from the ordinary pleasures of the real world. Going for a ride with George sounded perfect.

"OK, let's go," I said. "Anywhere you want!"

Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. Whitley were chatting away when George and I stuck our heads in long enough for him to tell his mother we were leaving.

"That's fine, dear. Have a good time!" Mrs. Whitley called out as George grabbed the keys off the hook and we dashed outside.

Mom just smiled and waved at me as George dragged me along behind him. I suppose an opportunity to get out of the house sounded pretty good to him. We barely touched the steps on the way out of the house.

George rolled all the windows down as soon as we were in the car. I started to object, because the wind would mess-up my hair, but riding along with the breeze blowing through the car seemed to go along with the sense of freedom I felt, so I didn't say anything.

"Um, I like your — ah — shoot, whatever it is," George stammered, taking a hand off the wheel long enough to wave at my playsuit.

"'Jumper'," I said, "And thank you kindly. I think it's cute. If a little snug."

I pulled my shoulders back to emphasize where it was snug on me. George turned his head and looked. He looked a little too long and when he looked back he had to jerk the wheel to keep the car from running into the curb.

Same as Sam
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Roommate rescued

My roommate and I had a pretty cool relationship. Natalie and I met in college when I tried to find an apartment, she offered a room in her two bedroom apartment since her old room mate had moved out.Natalie, liked to be called Nat, was a easy going young woman with a great job and lots of friends. She was a big girl, kind of curvy but not really fat. I dated a few girls in college and one or two afterwards, but nothing too serious. Nat never dated much. She studied hard and had lots of other...

1 year ago
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Ranch Hand ch1

By ldtexas My name is Cris, and this is my story... I was 18 and had spent five of the last six years in and out of foster homes, jail and halfway houses. My parents were killed in a car crash when I was 12 and there were no relatives to take me in. I admit that I was a handful at that point, was very mad that my folks left me all alone and I guess I let it out by being a pain in the ass to those foster families that took me in. It took going to juvenile hall for six months on an...

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True wife Swap Story Part 1

This is a true story. I just wanted to share it with a community that would appteciate. I am also not the best author but wanted to start sharing some of my sexual experiences. If you like what you read please let me know. I hope this stpry makes you cum as much as i did when i was partaking in the events. I changed the names of participants for privacy. This took place in June of 2008On a phone conversation one day my dear friend Matt had been chatting about different women we thought were...

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Glenn stepped into the darkened bar, pausing to let his eyes adjust to the low lighting. Two men stood up at the bar, talking and pulling on tall bottles of beer. The bored bartender was absentmindedly polishing and stacking glasses. Off to the side sat a couple, leaned in close, young. New and budding love surrounded them, they seemed oblivious to all around them as their hands and fingers brushed across the tiny table. Glenn ordered a glass of red wine, the bartender’s practiced hands were...

3 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 5

"I am a spirit, I can take any form I want. Little one." He is still laughing at me under his breath. I watch his eyes. He is soaking up the view of me. And, I might add, I do the same. "You were difficult to find," he chides me. I remain silent. "It took some doing but I see now where you are." "Why are you even here?" I ask at this point I am terribly suspicious of his actions. "Why? To keep you out of trouble, which I see I am too late to prevent." He doesn't sound angry,...

4 years ago
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My first sexperience read to love it

While on a vacation in the far north east part of India, On the day before I was due to leave the resort I was staying in, I had this singular experience, which I am about to relate. The place I was staying in was in the forrests, by a lonely road, with plenty of vegetation. The cottage like living quarters were far apart, with a big garden with walkways and lawns separating them. I was enjoying the quietness of the place. For most of my vacation I was the lone guest, until a group of three...

2 years ago
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Kleines Einmaleins der Abspritztechniken

Kleines Ein-mal-eins der AbspritztechnikenProfessionelle Spritzer sind mit der Theorie der Cumshot-Techniken vertraut.Für alle anderen möchte ich hier eine kurze Einführung in die angewandtenAbspritzmethoden geben.Straight-CumshotGeläufigste Art eine Frau anzuspritzen. Man zielt direkt auf die Stelle, die vollgespritzt werden soll.Sprinkler / rain CumshotDie Theorie hinter einem Sprinkler Cumshot (auch bekannt als cum rain) ist, dass man nicht gezielt auf die Stelle spritzt die man treffen...

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Inga Comes to AmericaChapter 8

The next morning we relaxed and had coffee and waited to see if Smitty would call and invite us to Al's club. He did call but said that he had been unable to set anything up before the time he had agreed upon to release Tammy at the airport and allow her to continue on to Orlando. Since there was not going to be another lesbian sex show I made Inga put on a tiny skirt and revealing top and we went out on the bike to see what kind of fun we could find. I rode out of town to a biker bar that...

2 years ago
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Crazy dreams

I met Dave about 2 years ago at a swingers party. I had just turned 18 and he was 43. I remember thinking that it was hot that he was exactly 25 years older than me. I was dressed in drag and he was into t-gurls and he was married and hung like a horse and I happened to be into partying naked with big dicked married guys ;-) I always acted masculine around his wife, but whenever she wasn't around, I put on stockings and heels, makeup and wigs, and pranced around like a sissy little...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Lulu Chu Christmas Is Cumming

It’s Christmastime and Lulu Chu has realized something terrible: She forgot to get her roommate, Damon Dice, a gift! After thinking on it for a while, Lulu realizes she has a built in present. She can give Damon the gift of a romp between the sheets. Decking herself out in sexy Santa lingerie, Lulu joins Damon in his bedroom on Christmas morning. She crawls into bed with her roommie and strokes his morning wood while letting him know that he can have anything he wants. Damon tries to...

3 years ago
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Hi Tish 5

© Copyright 2013, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Synopsis: A gal named Tish succinctly answers a cry for help from a sister t-girl in extremis. Hi Tish FM 5 by Leslie Lowe Hi Tish, First, get this straight. I'm not one of your sissy bitches. I'm a real man who likes real women. And I've had my fair share of them. But I got a problem. I married a man. It started one night when I was traveling on business in New Orleans. After I...

2 years ago
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Vicky Bound for Vacation Part 2

Part 2 ‘Oh God….This thing is driving me nuts.’ Vicky was squirming in her seat at the restaurant with her new remote controlled vibrator snug in her pussy. Looking at me with a slight pout she asked, ‘Turn it up just a little higher, please. I want to see if I can cum right here.’ She was way into this. I was holding the remote control in my hand under the table, playing with the buttons and dials. Every time I tweaked the control her head would jerk back and forth in a body spasm. Her long,...

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dad and the week end

She and her dad were going away for the week end. It was their bonding time. soon she would be off to college and now they would spend time together. They checked in the hotel and were in the same room but two beds. They went down to the restaurant before they turned in for the night. Back at the room, she went to put on her night gown. It was short and sexy for a daughter.The dad slept nude. She always thought her dad was very sexy for a dad. She dreamed about kissing and touching him. He...

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Wedding Day

Maahira was almost dressed."You make a beautiful bride." His voice startled her. "Not that I ever imagined you to be anything less than breathtaking.""Samar! What are you doing here?" she asked, knocking over bottles and makeup in her haste to cover her half-untied blouse."God, you really are the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on, Maahi." "Samar, I don't think you should be here right now.""I've come to say goodbye."He'd moved over to her and his hands were slowly doing the...

Straight Sex
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GirlsUnderArrest Khloe Kapri S01E02 One Way Exit

The way out is through Officer Brandon Carter (Tommy Pistol) just got a call about a disgruntled employee (Khloe Kapri) who has recently gotten laid off from her job. She returned to her former employer demanding they give her the money she’s claiming they owe her. The assistant manager, who was the one who notified the police, is claiming the suspect is being overly aggressive and is afraid she’s going to get violent if someone doesn’t intervene. When Officer Carter walks in,...

1 year ago
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The Paradise Of Lust 3 Meeting Tanya For First Time

Hello friends, it is me Deepak with the rest of my story. I extend my sorry to all people who tried to reach me at My mail id has changed to It will be convenient to your lustful instincts if you read the erstwhile parts for grasping the true essence of the plot. And don’t feel shy to give me a ping at All names are fictional and people in cochin, please don’t ask for contact details I was still in my undergarments when the bell rang and I sure had no idea what to do next. Pragya, also in...

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In the future, anything is possible. Interstellar travel, galactic conflict. Reality bending encounters, new and wondrous technology. Some things remains the same however. People are always people, and women can always be stripped and humiliated! Join the futuristic nude adventures of a diverse cast of women in different science fiction worlds. Offering cyberpunk, post apocalyptic, steampunk and much much more!

3 years ago
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My Wife8217s Friend Devi In Outdoor 8211 Day Two

I decided to pick her up from central railway station. This time she came in a wonderful black chudi with some nice glittery art work on it. Just to explain you, she is 5.2”, brown, short female with a sexy face and seducing eyes and voice. After that we decided to go to beach for some time. So we went in beach in bike and walked to the shore then sat under a stationed boat. Since morning we were speaking sexy and the moment we reached that boat we started exchanging kisses vigorously. She has...

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Between reality and fantasies

Hey hot girls and sweet bhabhies..i’m sam…the story which i’m going to write here is about my fantasis about my mami and my real story with my distant sister who is not related to me by blood but she is sister of my very close friend and she ties rakhi to me..the first part is about my fantasies for my mami…my mami is a dark complexioned middle aged woman..she has a figure to die for…her ass is mind boggling and this is the best part that i like about a woman..its just so full of flesh and so...

1 year ago
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Looking for a hypnobooru? Want to get hypnotized at Hypno Hub? If you could hypnotize a bitch into fucking you, would you do it? Rhetorical question of course, why the hell would you not!? There's something beautiful about a dazed and confused girl absentmindedly sucking on your cock, no matter how much she regrets it later.Dangerous words I know, especially with all this #MeToo bullshit going on, but it's true. How do I know? Cause Hypno Hub is a popular porn site that is all about hypnotized...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 3 Union school

The best day in my life was when I turned seven and I could go to Union school being away from the Burg and away from my father was like breathing lighter air. Everyone had to go to Union school. That was Union Law and it superseded local law. Union school was such a long part of our society that it too became an Old Tradition and therefore was good. At school I learned that Nilfeheim was a Water-World and that we all originally came from a Planet named Earth and settled here long time...

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ltttle girl slut0

I was 40, made my money in the .com biz and now retierd. my name is Jack but from the moulment we met sissy called me her Daddy. the fucked up thing was she refused to spend a dime of my money all she wanted to do was baby me and treat me like a child. When she moved in with me she told me she was quiting her job and would be taking care of me full time, I didn't know what that ment then but I learned fast.....This little girl was a freak. The first clue was when I went to take a piss, she...

2 years ago
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Dada Ka Lund Maaa Ke Chut Me

Indian Sex stories padhne wale sabhi logo ka mere taraf se swagat hai. maine is site ke lagbhag sare stories ko padha hai. isse inspired hoke aaj mai apke liye ek aisi kahani likhne jaa raha hu jise padhne ke baad apko pata chalega ki kis tarah se ek aurat itni majabur ho jati hai ki use apne sarir ke bhukh ko saant karne ke liye kisi dusre mard ke saath sona padata hai. isse pahle ki mai apni ye kahahi suru karu mai sabase pahle apka parichay apne pariwar ke logo se kara du. mere pariwar me...

4 years ago
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Too Twisted Tales

This story will be an anthology of discomforting short tales. It is a place for me to flesh out my ideas that aren’t long enough for their own separate stories and are too ‘twisted’ for anywhere else. It can be a place for you to do that too if you want. That said, the rules of this site will be adhered to in terms of content restrictions. And furthermore, all characters in these stories are over 18 years of age. As much should always be understood and no attempt will be made to suggest...

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Zoe the Paramedic

Zoe loved her job. She had recently graduated as a paramedic and was loving helping people and returning something to the community she grew up in. The hours could be very long especially on night shifts but she always had the company of her fellow paramedic in the ambulance and she enjoyed chatting to members of the public.Today had been a slow day. She had been sent to a country fair to help support the St John's Ambulance and all she had done was patch up a number of grazed knees and told a...

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Armin und Lea Teil 9

Es war soweit, in zwei Stunden würde Frau Brehmer mit ihrem Mann vor der Tür stehen. Erhard, Heike und Lea saßen beim Abendbrot, splitternackt wie immer, aber heute war es sehr still am Tisch und die Anspannung war zu spüren, da sie nicht genau wussten, was sie von Frau Brehmer und ihrem Mann zu erwarten hatten. „Ziehen wir uns denn gleich was an?“ fragte Lea. „Nein, nein, wir benehmen uns wie immer. Wir sind Nudisten und verleugnen das nicht. Auch wenn wir normalerweise fremden Besuch...

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All holes filled

Hi as some of you know from Mike’s stories I’m Chris; since he put the first story of how I became the slutty wife many of you think I am I’ve enjoyed reading them online. Sam and Ben were at first a little pissed but seeing the read count has given us all a buzz. One thing about me and Mike is that I might not tell him straight away what’s happened but he knows as soon as. Anyhow Mike suggested I use the logon as this was my story so here goes. Our neighbours Bill and Chris have a corner...

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The Film Director

He called himself a film director but in reality he made short porn films. The films were good, made money and he was well funded.He made contact after seeing some of my pictures on the internet, pictures of my two ladies around the house and pool. He was wondering if he could use our place for one of his films. He sent us some of his films to watch and, as he was offering a decent wedge to use the place, we agreed that he could.A few days later he and one of film crew turned up to get a proper...

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Young Sissy SonBrother Part 3

Young Sissy Brother/Son Part 3 But it was June, who laid in her bed and reflected on the evening events she just experienced with her two children. She thought Ali actually had fun helping her make dinner. And she started to see him in a new light, more girlish and less rough. And Bree was also helpful in suggesting that Ali leave on her apron as it looked so nice and would help protect his clothes while eating. Ali, of course, was very cooperative and left on his apron. June...

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A Playful Conversation

For some reason, Abby, my wife of seven years, had begun telling me about her girlfriend Kayla’s having a crush on me. Now, understand me here, I love my Abby. I’m very happy with her and always have been. And, while I’m as horny as the next guy in looking at other women, and yes, even envisioning them in bed with me, or us, I’ve never even thought about actually doing it. So imagine my surprise, when one night at a neighbor’s get-together, Abby brought up Kayla just as our hostess was opening...

Wife Lovers
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Dark Street ChoicesChapter 3

Laying his head back Julian just went with it, the fear he felt only adding to the sensation as her tongue ran over his shaft. Opening her mouth Julian felt Katy's razor sharp teeth as she took him into her mouth deepthroating him. Julian had to keep himself from moving; afraid that the slightest move would cut him. Just as he was about to cum Katy bit down twirling her tongue over the effected area which sent him over the edge. Within moments a new warmth spread across his body and...

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Daughter Dearest

Recently, my sexuality has been awakened by a most unlikely circumstance. It took me a long time to come to grips with it, but now I'm completely grateful, and I couldn't be happier that it happened the way it did. I haven't had a sex life since my daughter's father walked out on us about 16 years ago. My daughter was almost 3 at the time and I really didn't have anyone to turn to, so I just did what I had to do. Unfortunately, that left little, or no time for me. I don't even think I thought...

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Uber Sharing To Bed Sharing With Horny Bengali Housewife

Hey guys, I am Nikhil and I am back with my new sex story. For those who haven’t read my last stories, I am a 21-year-old boy living in Kolkata. I am six feet tall, milky white in colour and my dick size is 6.3 inches. I have always been interested in matured women as their boobs are always so firm and curves are indeed attractive. So, one fine day, I was waiting for the cab to arrive at the roadside and to my surprise, this woman in her late 30s was sitting in the car at the backseat. Let me...

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Welcome to the Neighborhood Part I

About six or seven years into our marriage, my wife Sydney and I hit a rough patch in our relationship. With both of us trying to build careers, we let our personal relationship deteriorate, to the point of looking elsewhere for what we should have been looking for at home. But before either of us pulled the trigger on an extra-marital affair, we moved into a corner house in a new neighborhood. After the moving truck had departed and the furniture placed where we wanted it, we took to...

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I guess I was always a pervert, but I did realize that I really had a problem until she caught me jerking off to pictures of her on the internet. Now just let me ask you, if you came across pictures of the same girl that you have been fantasizing about on a regular basis on the internet bent over with little pink panties around her knees and that perfect tan round butt sticking up in the air, you can't tell me that you couldn't help but whip it out and beat it like Micheal. So there I was about...

1 year ago
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The Weekend Chapter 8

Please read previous chapters to get the whole story. Hope you enjoy.Chapter 8As we laid there, Carrie could feel the warmth of my body all the way round her. I had my arms around her and our legs were tied in knots. It felt so comfy. We just closed our eyes and fell asleep in each others arms. All night every time Carrie stirred, she felt me there with her with my arms around her. She just squeezed me a little and drifted back off to sleep with a big smile on her pretty face.As the sun started...

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Exchanged Chapter 39

Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 39: I SAT...

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