In My LifeChapter 3B free porn video

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The following morning Emerson was pleased to see the girls rode with their hair tucked under their hats, although he knew a person would have to be a fair distance away to mistake them for men. Those two were very much female.

The herd had settled into a routine and the drive was going well. Emerson was confident that if he could get past Gustin the drive would succeed.

It was about an hour before Emerson expected to reach the night's campground when Tom Gordon rode up to him. "Emerson, it's probably okay, but I wanted to be sure you knew. The girls headed off to catch Pedro. They said the herd was going good and they were going to surprise everyone with something to eat besides beans. Do you think they will be all right?"

Emerson was immediately annoyed. They probably would have no problems, but they had gone alone! How could he be certain?

"Tom, I think we'll ride on ahead and catch them. This is exactly what I did not want them to do, regardless of the reason."

Emerson took off at a fast trot with Tom close behind. In twenty minutes of hard riding they found where Pedro had set up camp and the girls' horses were there. Still a half mile distant, Emerson felt relief. He would give them the lecture of their lives!

Tom called to him and Emerson looked his way. Tom was pointing to a break in the rocks near the base of a mountain. Emerging from the opening were four armed men. They were headed for the camp and were about the same distance away from it as Emerson and Tom.

Emerson opened his gelding up and Tom followed suit. The two pulled into camp just ahead of the small group of armed men. Emerson dismounted and walked to the fire and stood facing the approaching riders. Tom came up on Emerson's left.

As the four got close they stopped their mounts and sat looking the situation over. Emerson knew the leader had to be Gustin. He was a big man, in his forties with a surprisingly friendly smile. To his right was a Mexican, dressed in black and silver. Long hair flowed from under his hat. He didn't bother to try a smile and showed contempt as he faced Tom and Emerson.

The other two had to be Miller and Tuleya. Emerson had heard descriptions of the two. Miller was a slight man, blonde to point of almost being an albino. He wore a mustache as light as the rest of his hair. He was around thirty and was one of those people that always seemed nervous and on edge. Tuleya was dark in complexion and hair. He was much larger than Miller and looked almost jovial. Emerson knew that he was anything but that, and regarded the group closely.

The four men dismounted and walked to the fire, stopping across from Emerson and Tom. It was at this time the two girls emerged from the small tent Pedro had placed for them by the chuck wagon.

They had seen Tom and Emerson ride up and knew they were in for a dressing down, but both felt justified in their actions. It began when Maria thought it would be nice to cook a 'real meal', as she called it She then persuaded Cathy. "This is our last chance to have a decent meal," Maria had told Cathy. "We are safe enough today. The real danger starts tomorrow. Think how much everyone will appreciate a good meal."

Cathy had been dubious. "You know what Emerson said. He might get pretty upset."

Maria responded, "What can he do? Spank us? Come on Cathy, let's do it."

Cathy had relented, but insisted Tom be told of their plans. Maria chided her as they rode. "You seem to spend a lot of time with Tom. Is there something there?"

"I am surprised you noticed, the way you watch Emerson all the time. I happen to think Tom is nice. The more I see of him, the more I realize he is better than I had thought."

As soon as they reached the chuck wagon the two appraised Pedro of their plans. Since he would have a good meal and only have to gather wood for a fire, he gladly agreed.

The girls ducked into their shelter and quickly cleaned up. Both washed their faces and hands, removed their hats and combed their hair. At this point, they heard horses and glanced out to see Emerson and Tom riding fast to the camp.

"We are in for it now," Cathy told Maria. "Did you see how fast they rode up? Emerson must be mad!"

"Well, I am not afraid of any man," Maria answered. "We will stick to our plans and make a nice meal, for a change. That will take care of any ill feelings fast."

The two women failed to hear the other riders approach from their blind side. When they stepped out of the shelter, it was to find Emerson and Tom facing four men across the fire.

They saw the strangers react to their presence. Their mouths all dropped and they became openly agitated. Maria realized these men were like animals and there would be trouble. Both girls stopped and stood very still.

"Good God!" Bob Gustin exclaimed. "Will you look at that! Boys, this is our lucky day!"

"If you don't mind, Gustin, I'd like that dark-haired one first." It was Miller and his eyes practically glowed as he watched Maria.

"Boys, you know I'll be fair. First, I think we should talk to these gents. They may have something to say." Gustin gave a quick laugh as he finished.

Emerson stood still, watching the four. It was his to do. These men would try to kill Tom and him, and take the girls and the cattle. There were only four of them here, but there had to be more close by. Swiftly calculating their chances, Emerson knew how bleak it was. Still, it was fortunate that Gustin did not have his entire gang with him. Emerson determined he would never let them join forces. His best chance was to take as many of these men as he could right now.

Tom followed Emerson's lead. Maria and Cathy remained silent. They had heard the comments and knew what these men planned.

"This is a quiet bunch," Gustin finally spoke. "We are here to tell you we are going to cut your herd for any of my cattle. While we are at it, I think these ladies will want to go with us. Isn't that so, girls, or would you rather we kill these cowboys right here and now?"

There it was. Maria knew they would shoot Emerson and Tom if they didn't agree to go with them. She also knew Emerson would die before he would let those brutes have her and Cathy. She had placed them all in a horrible position!

It was Emerson that spoke. "You are Gustin? You don't have any cattle and you certainly aren't going to cut this herd. And," Emerson emphasized his next sentence," You'll rot in Hell before you ever touch one of these girls!"

Gustin gave that friendly smile. "Mister, I am Bob Gustin and I have eight men on a flat on that mountain watching us right now. All I have to do is signal them and they'll be here in a couple of minutes. Now do you have a crew that can handle a dozen fighting men?"

"The crew will only have to handle eight and yes, they are up to it." Emerson answered. Emerson took a half step closer and asked, "Gustin, do you think you are up to it?"

Gustin was confused. "Why do you think they'll only have eight to worry about? You can bet we'll be with them."

"I'm betting you won't be, Gustin. So far you've talked a lot but haven't done much to back it up. Talk is cheap," Emerson smiled at Gustin across the fire.

It was Tuleya that spoke, "For Christ's sake, Gustin! He means to take us out of the play, here and now!"

"Who are you?" Gustin had lost his smile. "You don't look like anybody I ever heard of. I think you're just desperate. I'm going to signal my men to come down."

"The next move you make better be for your gun, Gustin. I can't let you get together with the rest of your scum. You've made your talk, now it's time to back it up!" Emerson goaded the outlaw leader.

Maria stood still, sensing that death was at hand. She marveled at Emerson's nerve and confidence. Even as she felt fear unlike any she had ever experienced before, she admired Emerson. He was a man, as her father would say. He faced Gustin and his outlaws and showed no fear. He had even challenged them!

Tom Gordon knew he was facing some very salty men and he had thoughts of dying. He was amazed that he had no fear. These men were out to rape and plunder and he and Emerson were the only ones that were near enough to stop them. If he died in these hills, it would be with honor. He considered that and knew it was better than living in shame. He felt pride. Emerson needed help and he was the man standing beside him with his life in the balance. At this point, he had no doubt that Emerson's intention was to shoot it out with these outlaws!

Maria, too, understood what was about to happen. Emerson was going to improve the odds for the others and possibly give the women an opportunity to survive, even at the cost of his life. She watched the scene unfold in horror.

Cathy Jordan recognized the situation as being bleak, and decided Tom and Emerson would not be able to handle all four men. She glanced around and located her rifle, leaning against the wagon, not five feet away. Quickly, she made her plans.

Cathy felt pride in the courage of the two men from Morgantown. Tom was showing more nerve than most. Few would back Emerson in this hand. Gustin seemed to hold all the cards. Yet Tom did not waver, and Cathy knew he was willing to die for her and Maria. She promised herself that she would never question Tom's courage again, if they both survived this situation. Thinking about her rifle, Cathy knew that she was going to have a say in who was left standing.

Gustin gave the group by the fire his best smile, "There's no need to get all worked up. We were just-" and he went for his gun.

Emerson had sized up the group and decided Miller and Tuleya were the most serious threat. He would concentrate on them. He was glad to have Tom side him, but knew Tom would never be able to take the other two. It was a tough situation. His intention was to get as many as possible and hope the rest of the crew would show up in time to help the girls.

His hands shot down and came up blazing. He was putting lead into Miller and Tuleya as fast as he could thumb back the hammer. The button Emerson had focused on disappeared on Miller's shirt. Tuleya's shirt pocket turned crimson and both men staggered backward.

As he was firing, Emerson saw the Mexican go down and realized Tom had done his job. A blow smashed Emerson's right shoulder and he was turned part way around. He brought up his left hand gun and pointed it at Gustin only to see Gustin's chest turn red and his arms flail wildly. Then Emerson saw Gustin take another slug in the chest and drop over backward. Turning he saw Cathy Jordan levering another shell into her rifle.

Tom concentrated on Emerson's advice. He had to make his first shot count! When Gustin started the dance, Tom had already decided to try for the long-haired Mexican. Tom was bringing his colt up when he saw flame and felt the bullet go by his head. Tom leveled his gun and shot, just before his man fired for the second time. Tom's aim was true and the Mexican took one in the heart, but not before his second shot took the hat off Tom Gordon's head. Tom went down in a heap.

Cathy grabbed for her rifle when the shooting started. Turning back she saw Tom and the Mexican both drop and Emerson hit by a bullet of Gustin's. Feeling a hatred she had never before experienced, she shot Gustin in the chest. Working the lever, she fired again and then ejected the spent shell and replaced it with a fresh one, waiting.

Emerson began dumping spent cartridges from his left hand gun as he surveyed the scene. Unable able to use his right arm, it took longer than usual. He holstered that colt and reached over and removed the gun from his right hand and reloaded that.

By this time Cathy was at Tom's side, looking at his head wound. With a sigh of relief, she told Emerson, "He's still alive, but it looks like a slug dug a furrow in his head. I think he should be all right if I can stop the bleeding."

Maria was close to Emerson. "You've been shot! Look at your shoulder, and your leg!"

Emerson had not known he was hit in the leg, but when Maria mentioned it he noticed his right leg was weak. He had been hit in the thigh, near the spot the steer had gouged. The bullet had passed through, but he was bleeding from both wounds.

He staggered as he took a step and Maria came closer and placed his good arm around her shoulders.

"I want you girls to get out of here, fast! The rest of Gustin's crew watched that whole thing and will be high tailing it down that mountain right now."

"Emerson, Tom needs care. I guess I'll stay here with him." It was Cathy. Emerson suddenly realized he would never get Cathy to leave Tom.

He nodded to Cathy. "Then get him under the wagon and have your rifle loaded and ready." Pedro came puffing into camp, his arms full of wood and his eyes popping. "Pedro, stay with Cathy and Tom." Emerson was trying to think through the pain that was beginning to flood his body.

"Maria, ride for the crew and get them back here pronto! I'm going to try to beat the rest of Gustin's bunch to that wash I saw these four come from. If I can beat them there, I can hold them off for awhile. Help me back to my horse and then get on Tom's and ride!"

Mounting his gelding was difficult, but with Maria's help he made it. Maria then jumped on Tom's mount.

"There is no sense telling you to be careful. Just stay alive, for me, please." Maria told Emerson and then wheeled her horse and headed out on a dead run.

It seemed like it took forever, but just over a mile out, Maria saw the crew riding in a group, headed in her direction. She pulled up as they approached.

Pat Casey was white as he questioned Maria. "We heard shooting. Where have you been hit?"

Maria glanced at her shirt and saw it was covered with blood. Her father thought she had been shot! "I wasn't hit. Tom and Emerson shot it out with Gustin and three of his men. Gustin's bunch is dead, but Tom and Emerson were hit. This is Emerson's blood. Gustin said the rest of his gang would come off that mountain, so Emerson rode to a wash to try to hold them off. He is seriously wounded and needs help!"

Then, as if to emphasize her words, gunfire reached their ears. Without another word, Miguel spurred his horse in that direction, and the rest followed suit. Maria turned Tom's tired mount and headed after them as fast as she could.

Emerson knew he had lost much blood and was weakening as he rode. Still, he had no choice. If he could get to that bottleneck before Gustin's bunch, he could hold them off for a while. Emerson knew his crew had to have heard the shooting and would be coming.

He left his horse and headed for some high rocks on the east side of the ravine. He fell when he dismounted, his right leg no longer responding to his commands. He lurched to his feet and locked his knee. Using his rifle as a crutch he managed to get into the rocks. It wasn't the place he would have chosen, but it was the one he could reach.

Riders were coming hard down a dim trail and Emerson knew he had barely reached the rocks in time. It was Gustin's men, of that he was certain. The third man was obviously an Indian, riding with no saddle and no shirt.

Cradling the rifle against his left shoulder, Emerson put the lead rider in his sights. When he got within forty yards, Emerson squeezed the trigger. The man rolled off the back of the horse and remained where he struck the ground. The rest of the outlaws threw themselves from their saddles and took cover in the rocks.

They soon determined Emerson's position and began shooting in his direction. Placing the stock between his knees, Emerson worked the lever on the rifle. Slugs whined off the rocks around him as he kept low. Emerson felt himself becoming dizzy and knew the crew would have to show up soon, or it would be all over.

He pointed the rifle around a bolder and fired a shot with his left hand, just to give them the idea he was still alive and shooting back. Then he slowly worked another shell into the chamber.

Miguel Hernandez rode like a man possessed. His wife's son was in grave danger. He has grown fond of Emerson and recognized him as a man of character and courage. The rest of the crew worked to keep up. Following the sounds of the shooting, Miguel saw the opening in the rocks and headed for it with his colt drawn. Those behind him followed suit and raced into the wash with their guns ready.

Gustin's men had taken cover from the shots Emerson fired. When Miguel and the others hit the opening, their sides were exposed. The fighting was brutal, but lasted only about a minute. Miguel, Pat Casey, Billy Hatko and the rest of the riders were no pilgrims. When they entered the wash they laid down a merciless barrage that the remnants of Gustin's gang could not endure.

Emerson had gotten to his feet when he heard the riders open up on the outlaws and saw most of the swift finish. Feeling weak, but relieved, he was about to call down, when he sensed movement behind him. Trying to move fast, Emerson simply fell, but it saved his life. He felt a burning sensation in his lower back and he landed on his bad shoulder. Rolling over, and in great pain, he saw the Apache standing over him with a bloody knife.

Even as he tried to get a pistol into play, Emerson knew he would be no match for the speed of the Indian. The knife would do its work and Emerson was far too weak to prevent it.

Suddenly, from close by, a shot boomed and Emerson saw the Indian's blood spray the boulders. The cruel face showed surprise for a second and then went blank, as the man collapsed on Emerson, dead.

With his last bit of strength, Emerson pushed the body from him. Standing on a rock, holding a rifle, was Maria. She dropped the weapon, rushed over and and knelt beside Emerson. "Can you get up? We have to get you out of here."

"I think I can make my feet, if you help me. I'm getting a little light-headed. Maria, you were just in time!" Emerson's voice was weak and he could barely hear himself.

With Maria to lean on, Emerson was able to get back down to where he had left his horse. He knew that, even with her help he would not be able to reach the saddle. At that point, his crew rode out of the wash and over to where he and Maria stood.

Billy Hatko jumped off his horse and gently put his arms around Emerson. It was barely in time, as Emerson felt himself sinking. Billy lowered him to the ground and began to work on him immediately. He cut what was left of Emerson's shirt and made bandages and placed them over the wounds.

"We have to stop the bleeding now, then we'll get you back to camp to do a thorough job. It looks like I'll have to stitch your back. This reminds me of that time we were in San Francisco." As he spoke, Billy quickly worked to stop the flow of blood.

"Now let's get you back to camp." Billy declared and Maria and the others watched as Billy lifted Emerson into the saddle. Maria had been very quiet, but as she mounted, she looked at the other riders.

"Bob, are you all right?" she asked Bob Jordan. He was wearing a bandage around his left forearm.

"Maria, it is a scratch compared to what Emerson took. We wiped out the rest of Gustin's gang! These guys might look like a bunch of ranchers, but can they shoot! Your dad and Miguel rode into that wash, shooting the Hell out of them. I was lucky to get there in time to be a part of it. Is Cathy okay?" Bob was still very excited from his first taste of battle.

"She is fine. When Tom and Emerson shot it out with those four, your sister grabbed her rifle and killed Gustin herself. He was putting bullets into Emerson, who had been fighting with that Miller and Tuleya. Tom shot some other man and was wounded in the head. She would not leave for safety when Emerson told her to. She insisted on staying with Tom. Pedro had been out looking for firewood and missed the whole thing." Maria decided to admit to the group why they came to be at the camp.

"It was my fault this all happened. I talked Cathy into leaving early to go to the camp to make a nice meal for everyone. I never thought there would be any trouble today. I almost got everyone killed. Those men were discussing what they were going to do with Cathy and me, like we were a couple of cattle. If Tom and Emerson hadn't followed us in, I hate to think where we would be now." Maria was very contrite as she told her story.

Pat Casey spoke, "Maria, we aren't going to worry about that right now. We have too many things to do. As soon as we determine how things are at the camp we have to get back to the herd or those animals will wander all over the place. Just learn from these things."

Emerson was lost in a world between reality and dream, except the pain was becoming very real. He could hear people, but didn't know, or care, what was said. Billy rode close to him, keeping him in the saddle. He was hunched forward, his chin on his chest.

As they approached the camp, Pedro and Cathy stepped from cover, both carrying rifles. Cathy looked the group over. "I'd guess you all met up with the rest of that outlaw bunch and they didn't fare so well. Bob, are you hurt?"

"It's little more than a scratch. We shot the Hell out of that gang of tough men. Emerson is hurt bad though. How is Tom?" Bob showed relief as he saw his sister was unhurt.

"He is breathing regular and the bleeding has stopped, but he hasn't come to, yet. I think he will be all right in a couple of days. I sure hope so!" It was like Cathy to say what she felt.

As the riders entered the camp, Gustin and his men were still stretched out in death. Each man was able to see the fight in his mind as he looked at the scene.

"Every damn one of them brought their gun into play." It was Pat Casey. "I'd say they had their chance and came up short. Any man that would bother women deserves this. Boys, drag these bustards out of here and cover them with rocks."

Billy and Maria had helped Emerson down and laid him on a blanket by the fire. Billy seemed to have experience in wounds and took control.

"Pedro, get a bottle of whiskey out of the wagon. We have to pour some on this man's wounds, and then pour some in him. Maria, heat some water up. We have to clean these wounds."

Billy was amazingly gentle as he probed and cleaned Emerson's wounds. Emerson had lapsed into unconsciousness, but moaned when Billy poured the alcohol on them. Maria was at Billy's side, helping any way she could.

"I have to stitch up this cut. It looks like a knife wound." Billy said to Maria. "Do you know how he got it?"

"When all the riders were shooting it out with Gustin's crowd in those rocks, I found Emerson's horse and looked around for him. When I did find him he was struggling with an Indian. Emerson was already weak and the Indian was going to stab him, so I shot the Indian. He was so close he fell on Emerson when he died." Maria was thinking about the fear she felt and she had gladly killed a man to save another.

Billy looked at Maria. "You'll do Maria! Emerson owes you his life. That was good work."

"Billy, I disobeyed him and now he's lost blood and who knows what, because of me. Tom is badly hurt. I don't feel like I helped him any." Maria was near tears.

"I don't think you understand men very well, Maria. Tom and Emerson did what they had to do. They won't complain. Emerson would give his life to save yours and never think twice. They are going to be happy they saved two of the finest girls in New Mexico. What you and Cathy can do to repay them, is always be what you are now," Billy counseled.

Maria felt tears on her cheeks as she spoke, "Billy, thanks, but what if I'm not worth it? Emerson's life is more important than mine!"

Billy smiled as he responded, "Maria, don't you see? You are worth it! That answer proved it! Let's get this done and let him rest."

Maria spent that evening, and the entire night, sitting by Emerson, placing wet cloths on his forehead to relieve the fever that gripped him. Cathy was near by, maintaining a vigil over Tom. Occasionally, the two would exchange encouragements or smiles. Each knew how worried the other was.

In the small hours of the morning Emerson seemed on fire. Maria kept placing cool cloths on him and wiping his brow. It was then that he began to talk, and to Maria's surprise, in fluent Spanish. She found that answering in Spanish seemed to relax him, so she spent the rest of the night responding to Emerson's talk. Cathy heard them and was surprised as well. She could only imagine what Maria thought when she learned Emerson had mastered that language.

Maria knew Cathy could hear, but not understand, what she and Emerson were saying. She was grateful for that. Emerson was squeezing her hand and talking love. At first it embarrassed Maria, but she soon found herself responding to him. He would smile and sleep for short periods, them she would feel the pressure on her hand and he would start in again. Maria found herself looking forward to those moments.

She felt closer to Emerson than she ever had to any man, and could say things she normally would not. He was delirious and would never remember the things they said. Besides, it seemed to help relax him and she knew he would need rest if he were going to make it. So Maria talked of love to a man near death and learned from it. As she spoke, she began to understand her feelings toward this handsome man, who had both made her life Hell and saved it twice.

The sun was just beginning to show in the eastern sky when Cathy gasped loudly. "Tom is coming around! His eyes are open!"

Maria joined Cathy as Tom moaned and looked around. "I guess I must be dead and with the angels." A weak smile followed.

Cathy laughed, "You are with angels, but you're still alive, thank God!" and she bent down and kissed him. As she withdrew, Cathy told Tom, "You had a bullet bounce off that thick skull of yours. You've been out ever since. How do you feel?"

"Like I was kicked in the head by a mule! I did feel some relief when you kissed me. I wonder if you could sort of help me out a little more?" Tom asked with a straight face.

"Okay this time, but don't think I'm going to try to give you a full recovery right now!" Cathy laughed as she gave Tom another kiss. "I'm just so glad that you woke up!"

"What did happen? I don't remember very much. I guess Emerson thinks I'm pretty slow. What did he say?" Tom watched as the girls' expressions turned serious. "Is he all right? For God's sake, did he get killed?"

Maria answered, " Emerson is very much alive. He was hit in the shoulder and leg in that fight and then rode to meet the rest of Gustin's gang in the wash to the east, so they couldn't over run the camp and get you and Cathy. She refused to leave you. In that fight an Indian cut him with a knife and he lost more blood. Right now, he is sleeping by the fire, but he has a bad fever and is not very well."

"Tom, it was my fault for talking Cathy into leaving the herd. You and Emerson were wonderful. You saved Cathy and me. I only hope you both can forgive me."

"It sounds like Emerson was busy." Tom looked at Maria. "There is nothing to forgive. I'm just glad I was finally able to answer the call. I was calm and wasn't afraid, although I may have been too slow. I can't speak for Emerson, but I know he would ride into Hell for you. We saw him do it, in fact. He will never be angry with you."

Maria returned to Emerson's side as Cathy and Tom discussed the previous day's excitement. It seemed to Maria that those two were becoming more than friends on this trip. She was glad for them, but it brought her back to the man beside her. She realized how much she wanted him to recover. Maria wiped his brow and waited.

As the day wore on members of the crew stopped by to see how Emerson was doing. Pat Casey spoke to Maria, "I know you are worried about Emerson, but lie down and get some rest. We don't want you to be ill, too. We have to keep drifting the herd so the cattle can graze. I'll be sure somebody is around to keep an eye on you. I think we eliminated most of the danger yesterday. I'll be back this evening to see how everything is going. Get some rest."

Billy came by twice to clean the wounds and change bandages. "I know he looks bad, but he'll make it. No bones were hit. His shoulder will take a long time to heal. He suffered muscle damage, but I think he is better now than he was last night. He sure has a good nurse, who had better get some rest."

Emerson woke with the feeling someone had put equal amounts of sand and cotton in his mouth. He felt pain in his shoulder, but not as bad as he might expect. His leg throbbed, but compared to his shoulder, would be no problem. The cut he received from the damned Indian burned his back.

Emerson decided to open his eyes and get some water. He found a damp cloth covered his forehead and eyes and a weight was on his chest. Looking under the edge of the cloth he could see Maria lying with her head on his chest. She seemed asleep. He realized his left hand was resting on her cheek.

Gently, he began to caress her cheek and neck. He kept it up for several minutes. Then he felt Maria stiffen. She was very still for a minute as Emerson kept caressing her. Then she sat up and removed the cloth and looked into his eyes.

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Bris fuck toy

One of major sexual interests is to be used as a sexual object/toy and to experience moderate erotic humiliation. Recently I had a particularly nice dream that hit quite a few of my sexual desires and I'd like to share it. This will be a multi part story so don't worry I'm not stopping halfway through and leaving you hanging. Sorry about formatting being off the paragraphs kept merging when I transferred it from my computerMy girlfriend, Bri, and I decided to experiment with having a ffm...

3 years ago
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Alone and Not Alone

When Jon woke up, he was home. That in itself was not particularly unusual. There were any number of jobs in the world that might require him to work overnight shifts, or (heaven forbid) spend long periods of time on the road, traveling and sleeping in motels, but Jon Stanford had not yet fallen to such depths. No, his was a normal job, one that made him work a gazillion hours a week and paid for about a quarter of it. With gas prices rising and rent going up too, there were sometimes...

1 year ago
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Only for my Husband

Danielle combed her long blonde hair as she stood in front of the full length mirror starring at her reflection. Danielle was a trophy wife and had married straight out of college to a man who was twenty years her senior. Pete was a wonderful husband and as a matter of fact he gave Danielle everything she wanted in life. Pete was an heir to his parent’s fortune and now controlled his Father’s business. His wealth...

2 years ago
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First time

I’m a fairly normal guy, I’m very short only 5’4′ but I’m thin and very athletic and have a nice 7 in cock. I just started dating this new girl from my school, she always seemed like a normal girl. She is super hot, about 5′ 4′-5’5′ and a tight sexy ass with perfect C cup tits. After a couple of weeks I decided it was time to move our relationship on to a new level. One night while we were making out in her room I decided to make my move, so I sliped my fingers into her sweet cunt. She was so...

4 years ago
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boyfriends horny brother

When I was just out of college I went on a trip with Joe, my boyfriend atthe time, to the mid-sized Illinois city where he grew up. Most of hisfamily still lived there including his brothers Mike and Lee who, on ourfirst night staying at Joe's parents' house, came over for dinner.His brothers were a total trip – loud and funny, constantly crackingjokes at everyone's expense, but so charming and good looking that you justdidn't care.Both of them were confirmed bachelors and they shared an...

2 years ago
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A Christmas StormChapter 8 Now What

It was much later when we moved. What was left of the fire had been nice and the music had been soft. It was suppertime Gail said, “I guess I need to start some supper.” “I’ve been fine with you here. We don’t have any pressing appointments so we can eat late.” “Todd, you could follow me into the kitchen and help. We could talk. I think being vertical would assist our vocal cords.” I grinned, helped her up, and followed her into the kitchen. She had taken chicken out this morning to...

3 years ago
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A Lil Hypnotherapy

‘God damn it, Jason, this isn’t the restaurant!’ Jenna slammed her purse down on the dashboard. She recognized the street and the building they were in front of. It wasn’t the posh restaurant he had promised to take her to. Instead, it was the office of Jason’s psychiatrist. Jason had been trying to get her to join him in a joint marital counseling session here for the past two weeks, while Jenna had steadfastly refused. Earlier in the evening, the two had a marital spat — yet another in a...

3 years ago
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Sissy Becomes a Slut

So by this time I was a sissy with two lovers Peter and David the brothers next door. They were quiet different from each other, Peter tended to be the gentler of the two. When he fucked me, he would carress my sissy body, lick my nipples and toy with my boi clitty. When we had the house to ourselves we would make a date out of it. We would kiss on the couch and explore each others bodies, he would take me upstairs to the bedroom, I wouold suck his fabulous cock and he would then hike my legs...

1 year ago
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wife duznt know or duz she

I’m not sure when the change in my attitude to Vikki began. I’m also not sure what set it off but I have an idea about that.She was 18 and I was 26 when we married. Her parents weren’t behind us 100% because of her age and I had actually met her two years previously but because of the obviousness of our age difference I kept my hands off her until she was 18. I had a good job in the aeronautics business in the U.K. and my many friends were all married and all in the same business. As my friends...

1 year ago
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Shopno 8211 Dosh

Sokale ghum theke uthe toilet a gelam, dekhi amar pant er vetore shukno chorchore ki jeno. Segulu tene tene tulte valoy laglo. Gotorater sopner kotha mone portei sorir shir shir korte laglo. Kemon jani… tobe besh valoy lagsilo. Sopne dekhesi ami ammur sathe close hoye tar dudh khassi, se puro nogno ar amio nogno. Sopne ami prosrab kore diesi. Sebar-e prothom. Sopner valo laga amar jagroto oboshthayo mone kori. Khub valo lage. Dupure kingba rat-e jokhon-e ghumate jai kingba jokhon porte ar valo...

2 years ago
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I Owe It All To Daylight Savings Time Part One

I OWE IT ALL TO DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME PART ONE By Katharine Sexkitten Why, you ask, would a person write their autobiography? What reason do they have for telling others their story? However biased it might be? Hollywood celebrities, sure. But the average person? What would inspire them to think anyone needed or wanted to know about their boring lives? Especially someone who is now only twenty-two? Well, as it turns out, mine is anything but an ordinary life. Although, the...

4 years ago
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Good Breeding

Courtney was seething. She watched her soon-to-be sister-in-law, Lilith, giggling with her friends as they primped her hair, fluffing her white dress and veil. Courtney watched them pull the dress up over Lilith’s ample, pendulous breasts, and she scowled at the large nipple rings the girl sported. The black-haired girl seemed to enjoy being the center of attention as the three other pretty girls who were Lilith’s bridesmaids fawned over her, telling her how beautiful she looked, how lucky...

3 years ago
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Too old for Sex Never

I’m now in my early 60s and following the death of my wife I thought an active sex life was over. With the kids all moved out I had sold up and moved into a park home adjacent to some local woods. A quick hop over the fence and a stroll through the woods would lead to an old flooded sand pit which was now a bird sanctuary, also walking these woods served two purposes, first it allowed me some sexual relief for I would find a cosy glade then having checked the coast was clear I would drop my...

1 year ago
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Akkadian StatuetteChapter 3 New Home

I had to stop thinking of "Martin". It was my body, my home. My life. In this new life I was an only child. My parents were still at work when I arrived. I was alone for a while, and I took the opportunity to try spell-casting. I went to my room and closed and locked the door. The bedroom lock wouldn't stop anybody determined to get in, but it would provide a notice of disturbance. More importantly, it would be a symbolic isolation from the rest of the world – very important in casting...

3 years ago
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Hunting Shack

Our friend Bill has a nice little cottage "up north" set on eighty acres of land. He is an outdoorsman and spends a lot of time hunting in his woods. He and my wife have always been flirtatious with one another. Like many men, it turns me on when they flirt. I often hope and imagine what it would be like if their flirting got physical. I have told my wife how I'd like to see them kiss and explore each other. She always shrugs it off as just a weird fantasy of mine and that she would have a...

Wife Lovers
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Heaven After Marriage

Hi guys i am rueben durai here with my 1st real encounter that i wanted to share it with you guys, i am 28 yrs of old , married 3 years ago , of course its a love marriage, real love real stuffs then after my wife gave birth to my princess , she looks not at all interested in sex anymore, but i am a king of guy who has large appetites , i have very much interest in sex from my childhood, i have even fucked my wife before our marriage at least 3 times, but then now she has lost interest in it....

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Skye Blue Stepsister Pole Riding

Blonde beauty Skye Bleu make short hair looks hot as fuck, so her stepbrother was bound to get some naughty ideas about her after a while. To get out of her chores, she agrees to give the pervy dude a blowjob. But when she finishes, he blows a surprise load in her mouth! Later, Skye calls her stepbrother to pick her up in the middle of the night after her car breaks down. To pay him back, she lets him fuck her tight pussy. A couple days later, Skyes stepbrother walks in on her in the shower....

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College Visit with Not My Niece Pt6

The college visit with not my niece pt 6Yes, this Ellie is a fictional girl, and yet, she is based upon a very real girl I know from the internet. In fact, I know damn well she is going to be sopping wet reading this story and knowing how many pricks are dripping and firing!So read on and let her know what you think!!!+++++++++++Ellie looked tired, but beautiful as we entered the room filled with white starched table clothes, men and suites and women in fancy gowns. She put them all to shame!...

2 years ago
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Making Mom my Slave Part 1

i****t/TabooMaking Mom My Slut bygypsee©“Mike, can you take a look at my computer? I can’t seem to find some of my recent documents?” “Sure mom, give me a sec.” Mike looked over his shoulder as his mom walked back down the hall to her home office. He couldn’t get over how, even in her mid fifties; she looked incredibly sexy with her firm tits and tight ass. Many was the night he lay in bed stroking his hard shaft to some girl in his freshman college class only to have his imagination slip into...

2 years ago
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Wife does her husband Chapter 3

It was Friday evening and I was at the office trying to finish my market analysis report for Monday. I was running late and wanted to finish it so that I did not have to come on Saturday to finish it. And my cell began buzzing . . . . , - Hello - What is my bitch doing there??? was the reply to my hello. I knew it was my wife and she was calling for Cleopatra, you know, my asshole. I said - Cleo is fine, resting for a good week-end. - Then finish whatever is that you are doing and bring Cleo...

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Mila Mynx Gym feet chastity

Mila was fit and worked out regularly. You could tell, just by looking at her. Her skin, always so fresh, lightly tanned and smooth, so smooth... It was a Saturday, she enjoyed going for a run followed by yoga session as always to cool down and stretch. The groups were mixed, the way she liked it. Mila is an exhibitionist and craves male attention. She wouldn’t have to look, but she knew that the guys in the class were partly there for her. To watch her move and stretch. Whilst she always had a...

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Making our Baby

There comes a time in a young woman’s life when the love for her man becomes so true she cannot imagine it ever changing. For some, it proves to be an ethereal and elusive moment that is eventually lost in time, never to be rediscovered. For a lucky few, it is what it seems, a harbinger to a lifetime of wedded bliss… Julie felt the steamy air rise up through the bubbles covering the surface of the bath. The pleasantly warm vapor enveloped her in its embrace like a soft blanket. With a gentle...

Love Stories
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Alene Ravens New Life Year IIIChapter 4

Terror filled Alene’s heart, the last thing she needed after last night was this. Jen stood at her doorstep, the woman who turned her life into a living nightmare. “Jen? What are you doing here?” Alene asked. While her body wanted to escape, her mind was still fuzzy with last night’s alcohol. She knew she should run but as last night came back to her she remained locked in place. “I deserve whatever you’ll do to me, I’ve been foolish and ruined our lives,” Alene said in a voice that came to...

2 years ago
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My Summer WifeChapter 3

“Oh, damn you, damn it ... oh, fuck it!” Kelly cussed repeatedly as I plundered her anally, my cock pulsing as I took her ass at last. “Oh, fuck... ,” I groaned myself as I felt her tight, slick, very hot asshole grip my dick, rubbing it just the right way with every stroke. “Ahhhhhhhhh!” Kelly grunted as she creamed herself, enjoying my prick back there far more than I could ever have guessed. I looked down at Kelly’s wonderful buns, her lovely ass as it took me deep inside to the base,...

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The Deal

The Deal By Margaret Jeanette Jane and Henry Thomas were having supper at one of their favorite supper clubs. Henry had just lost another one of the many jobs he'd had in the three years they were married. "You know Henry this is the twenty-seventh job you've had and lost since we were married. I know some of them were more physical than you could handle but some of them were ones you could have used as stepping stones to better jobs. You have to realize sometimes you have to...

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Young And Foolish Part One

Part One True Confessions of a Lonely Boy I was about 10years old when this happened. I used to go to the Saturday matinee at our local pictures. I would normally sit in the second or third row because there was no one else there. One time a grown up sat next to me. I knew nothing about anything other than peeping at my sister when she dressed in those days. But that's another story. After the first film finished the man asked me if I wanted...

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The QuestionChapter 2 Holly

It was Simon’s turn to drive the pair of them to work. “How did Holly take her score now she’s had the chance to sleep on it?” he asked. “She’s a little disappointed with her 4.9,” Alex said. “The people at the CAP testing place said she was still young and her score should improve as she gets older. Most teenagers score higher at later tests.” “They told Esther the same.” “A 4.9 means she’ll have to find a sponsor. I’m sorry to push you on this, Simon, but I think you should take her. She...

1 year ago
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A Day at the Museum

I wrote this story for someone. I would love feedback to see if anyone is interested in me continuing the story. Thanks for the feedback! * It had been years since I had last been to Montreal. It has been one of my favorite cities since the first time I visited it more than 20 years ago. I had stayed away too long, and missed this beautiful city. It was July, and the weather was beautiful. The natives were complaining about the heat, but as a life-long resident of Florida, I was used to much...

4 years ago
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Breaking Him Up

Breaking Him UpEdward had been living with his girlfriend for nearly a year. Their sex life had slowed considerably and he found his thoughts more and more drawn to fantasies of more experimental and less inhibited activities. His thoughts and fantasies wandered aimlessly at first, but then found himself more and more communicating with one specific woman, via email and on the phone. She wasn?t just any woman, however, she was a Domina. She was skilled, personally and professionally in taking...

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Baseball Annie in Love

Author’s notes: This is a sequel to ‘Baseball Annie.’ All characters in this work of fiction are at least 18 years old. ***** William ‘Stretch’ Simpson, the rookie first baseman with the Las Vegas Comets, felt really good about what he had done that day and the previous night. In the baseball game, the second of the home stand, he had gotten five hits in as many times at bat, including two home runs and a two-bagger, and had driven in six runs, all personal bests for him in the major...

4 years ago
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Poolboy Benefits

======================== She’s desperate for help. The only question is how desperate? This is an entry in the SUMMER LOVIN STORY CONTEST 2012. It’s a little long – I’d normally break it up into two or three chapters, but as a contest entry, I made it one big story. ======================== ‘Mom, gimme a break! I only got back from college two days ago. How about a little time to relax?’ ‘If you’re not going to work for you father, you’re going to stick with our deal. I won’t have you...

1 year ago
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Rhapsody SuiteTwentytwo

WHEN I RETURNED TO THE LOWER LEVEL bearing two bottles of Prosecco, a bottle of peach juice, and the required ten glasses, the first thing I noticed was that no one had dressed. At least not in clothes. Melody had produced a dozen strips of fabric and the girls were busy draping them partially over their bodies, apparently making sure that their most delectable bits stayed exposed. The tableau setting had been rearranged and it looked like they were getting ready for another sketch. I groaned...

2 years ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 8

As Mrs Cross drew a sharp breath, Bob gave a laugh, saying, "Don't listen to her, Georgina. She loves trying to shock people. She shocked me one night, and that led to us marrying eventually, but I shall say no more about it, or Mary will be the one to get embarrassed." He glared at Mary, but a smile belied his words. "I love her, just as I love my other wives. They are all marvellous women, the best thing that ever happened to me. I hope Amelia will find the same love on a permanent...

3 years ago
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The true story of losing my virginity to my best m

Okay, here's the deal as they say. Chatting to a good friend here on Xhamster, I told her how I lost my virginity. The memory came flooding back. I did write about this when I first signed up, but was embarrased at how badly it was written so I deleted it after a couple of days. It was, after all, my first attempt at writing a story since school essays over forty years ago. I've taught myself a bit more about writing since first posting it.So this is 95% true. The 5% that isn't doesn't matter...

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Becoming Josie part 1

I’m so pissed at them. How can they say I cannot go? I graduate in two months. I’ve done everything for them. I am graduating at the top of my class, with a full scholarship in the fall. Hell, I’m still a virgin for crying out loud! If it was Chloe they would have said yes.“Chloe is the pretty one, the cheerleader, off to the University of Florida, partying her time away with her sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha. She can do whatever she wants,” ranting to the reflection in the mirror as I pace around...

First Time
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My friends wife and him

I was sitting around the house really horny when the phone rang. It was a friend of mine who I had known since we were k**s. We talked all the time and told each other everything. Well, he asked me if I had any plans for that night. I said no I was just watching porn. He said, " Why don't you come over tonight for dinner. My wife wants to try being with two guys and wants one to be bi." He knew I was bi so I was not surprised he had asked me. To be honest, when I told him I was bi I think he...

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EvilAngel Lana Rhoades Cute Insatiable Fuck Doll

Naturally buxom brunette Lana Rhoades looks delicious in aqua lingerie. Her blue eyes seductively stare through the camera as she flaunts her delectable assets in a steamy striptease. Lana welcomes stud Manuel Ferrara with passionate kisses and a sloppy, cock-chugging blow job with lewd, bunghole rimming benefits! Gripping her gorgeous breasts, Manuel fucks her from behind and strokes her clit while Lana moans in bliss. He rewards his fully fucked sex doll with multiple cum streams on her face...

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Sex Adventure With Online Unknown Friend

Hi friends I am back with few more incident and stories, this time I am going to tell you about my unknown online friend and adventure with her. let me introduce to them who are new and who don’t know me I am Anuj and I am Gigolo living in Anand. I am 21yr and my dick (Cock) is 7 inch long and around 3 inch thick. Our friendship started from an app called kik. I used to search for unknowns females who are looking for male escort or males for having fun. One after searching a lot I found her and...

2 years ago
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Blackthwaite House complete story

BLACKTHWAITE HOUSE (Complete story) By Lisa Lovelace ~ ~ ~ Part 1 After graduating from high school in Bellingham, a pretty college town at the very top left corner of the continental U.S., I decided to take a gap year before college, and decided to start it by taking a walking tour of the Lake District in northwest England. I was an avid hiker - slender and fit, if a bit on the short side - and looked forward to exploring Wordsworth country on foot. It looked incredibly...

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The Early XMas Present

She knew it was HIS special day, so she prepared her body for the taking. She lathered extra-long for him. She wanted this night to be perfect just for him because he was special to her. And because she was special to Him, he got a room close by in the same town she lived in and he knew she would be relaxed and hot to do whatever HE wanted done that night and all-night long and every time he saw her from this day forward. She vowed to do “everything” and “anything” he wanted to...

2 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 22 The Weddings

The brides and grooms were in final preparations. The first three couples were in the tents that were constructed at the end of the aisle. They were getting pimped out for the final walk. They had tossed a coin to decide who got to walk down first and who was next. Sandra and Dave were first, and then Anita and Terry. Leigh and DT were bringing up the rear. Dave wore a tuxedo and the other boys their military dress. The brides and their bride’s maids looked lovely in the dresses that Tammy...

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Sexual Encounters of a Young man 19 Mating with his first Virgin Rukhsana

The story is by one of his friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the company which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families In part 1-18 you have read Maanvi and Rupali started to give him food every alternate month...

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Shade Of Purple

Nerdy was the word that sprang to mind whenever people saw Lenny, head always buried in books and achieving best grades at college. This was in total contrast to his brother and sister who were exciting and fun to be with. Lenny just got on with life. He got along with everyone since he would do the chores for the family. Dad was away on business trips most of the time. Mum used part of the large house as an office for her therapy counselling. Mum could be best described as a hippy with her...

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Majhi Katha Marathi

Hello friends…me ahe aapla raj…gheun aloy majhi navin katha…aaplyala majhi katha kashi vatli he nakki kalva…marathi kaku, vahini ani muli secret chat ani relationship sathi mala ya mail id var contact karu shakta…tar ata aapla jast vel n gheta me majhi katha sangto.. तेव्हा माझा दुरचा नातेवाईक ‘अनुभव’ आणि त्याची बायको प्रियांका हे दोघे पुण्यात नोकरीस होते. दोघेही एकाच ऑफिसात कामाला होते. माझीही सतत पुण्याच्या कचेरीत कामं निघत असल्याने माझं त्यांच्या घरी बर्यापैकी येणंजाणंस असे. नात्याने जरी...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Chloe Blowjob For The Servant

Woah! Look at those gigantic 36DD / 80F hooters! Could you resist Chloé’s incredibly hot boobs? Her servant Tarzan serves her some apple juice in the afternoon when this ever-horny brunette Slovakian glamour goddess asks him if he wanted to have some fun. Of course, he’s down for that! She grabs his dick and starts massaging that gigantic cock in her strong hands. Chloé loves his sac and can’t wait to stick his dong down her deep throat for some late afternoon blowjob action!...

3 years ago
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Third Times A CharmChapter 6 Hana

There was no work for me to do at the office, so I stayed home and worked on what we now called the Triple-U, for universal utility units. They had photocells on top, with sealed electronics underneath. There was a tank with water and trash connections, so stuff could be put in the unit. The electronics sensed if there was something in the input tank and went to work. Water was evaporated and then condensed in a separate tank, where it was treated with ozone to kill all bacteria and viruses....

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 384

Wednesday was like Tuesday only, a little smoother. We were all making the time zone transition and the men the shift transition; everyday was a little easier. Two more ambassadors came to see me on Wednesday. The Brazilian and Australian ambassadors came in the morning. Two more off my list that I needed to present credentials to. Wednesday was the UPS announcement at Morton Field in the terminal. It was noon when it began and the girls had bought our own TV type camera and was broadcasting...

1 year ago
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The Message Light

The Message LightEileen received the message on her answer phone ….it was short and to the point… “Come to room 218 at the ‘Rest Right’ motel at four in the afternoon. Don’t be late.” One glance at her watch told her that she wouldn’t be, time for a quick shower and she’d get there, no trouble.When she arrived, he was waiting there for her, there in the cool inside of the shaded room.“Close the door Eileen.”She went in and did so, trying to gauge his mood. Something was not quite right.“Eileen....

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 150

"Look Sylvie, we have to make this look convincing. We want whoever is bugging you to think I'm an old boyfriend," He said it quietly over his beer. "Exactly how far to you think I am going to carry this charade?" I asked. "That depends on how bad you want to know who is bugging you. Believe me I don't want to be here. I have better things to do with my time, don't I?" he said. "Look that cockney accent is going to wear thin in about an hour. I have heard you speak with hardly...

3 years ago
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By the Way

The steamy water from the hot tub warms my naked body as I immerse myself up to my shoulders. I tilt my head back and rest it on the edge of the tub as I take in a deep breath of the crisp evening air. I reach one hand up to caress my nipple the other stretches down between my legs as I begin to lose myself in a sexual fantasy. Feeling a presence I turn my head and see you standing there. With a big smile you raise up a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. I push through the water to the...

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