A Texas Housewife Gets Fucked By Her Son free porn video

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Abigail stirred and pulled the covers over her bare,
cold skin. Her shoulder was exposed to the frigid air
of the bedroom. She had forgotten to turn up the heat
again. With her head feeling like a rotten melon ready
to split apart, and the taste of a well-worn sweat sock
in her mouth, she didn’t wonder why she had forgotten
to turn up the thermostat the night before.

The blanket covered her to the neck, but as she pulled,
she felt a resistance. That bothered her. Her husband
Fredrick was out of town and wouldn’t be back from his
overseas flight for another week. Abigail sat bolt
upright in bed and ignored the blood pounding in her
ears and the sharp jab of pain that needled into the
back of her eyeballs.

In horror, she saw the naked body of her 19 years old
son Jerry in bed next to her. Bits and pieces of what
had happened the previous night began to filter up out
of the hangover-masked depths of her mind.

She remembered being drunk. She remembered Jerry coming
home from his girlfriend stoned out of his tree. Her
mouth felt as dry and parched as the desert sands when
she remembered Jerry fucking her.

She had fucked her own son!

She felt her stomach do a flip-flop in reaction. That
was unforgivable! Abigail could barely comprehend what
she had done, the demands her body had made that forced
her into fucking her own flesh and blood.

The memories from last night started to hit her mind.
In the absence of Fredrick she spent her entire evening
drinking. As she felt the impact of the alcohol in her
stomach, her knees felt weak and watery. She felt a
strong longing for a steel-hard cock shoved up her

What use was money if it made you unhappy? It was
certainly no good to Abigail since it didn’t bring her
even a moderately good fucking. She had toyed with the
idea of going out and finding a stud to service her.
Abigail knew that she could really knock out a dude if
she wore some of the clothes she had hanging in her
closet and never had the chance to wear. That brilliant
red dress slit up the side that exposed her legs,
thighs and ass and let her tits dribble out the top
would make any man’s cock hard.

But she lacked the courage to go out to a bar and get
picked up. Abigail’s strict upbringing and religious
hang-ups caught her in a really bad trap. She cursed
her loneliness and after sometime she fell asleep.

She was awakened when her nineteen-year-old son came
staggering in.

She rubbed her bleary eyes and knew from the difficulty
she had in focusing her eyes that she was still drunk.
But if she was drunk, Jerry Jensen was in even worse
shape. Her son couldn’t make it down the hall without
bouncing off one wall and smashing into the other.

“Jerry!” she snapped. “Where the hell have you been?
It’s three in the morning.”

Her son’s answer came out in a string like taffy being
pulled. His words were slurred, and she knew he was
stoned out of his head. “Uh, hi, Mom. I… I’ve been
over at… a friend’s… house.” As an afterthought, he
added, “We were… studying. You know?”

Abigail could smell the sweet, pungent odor of
marijuana as Jerry came into the room. His clothes
would have to be fumigated to get rid of the smell.

“Don’t lie to me. You’ve been over at Katherine’s
smoking dope.” She was having some trouble making her
own words come out in the proper order.

Abigail took a stiff drink from the half-filled glass
on the table beside her chair. She longingly looked at
the fluid. It was the last from the bottle of
Benchmark. Even the cheap stuff was gone; she had
finished all of it off a couple days ago.

“So, all right, I was. Big fucking deal. You hit the
bottle, I… I take a hit off… a joint. What’s the
difference?” Jerry flopped down on the floor in front
of his drunken mother.

Abigail studied her son as if for the first time. He
looked so much like Fredrick, yet acted so differently.
Jerry had his father’s aquiline nose, the sharp
features and flat facial planes. Long black hair and
piercing black eyes the color of coal finished the
picture. Right now, those eyes seemed to be fogged

Abigail couldn’t say too much about that. She felt a
bit on the foggy side herself. She had drained an
entire quart of bourbon, and her body had done nothing
but soak it up like a sponge and get her drunker than a

Besides, the woman didn’t really think smoking dope was
all that bad. Jerry’s grades had been steadily going
down, but Abigail thought that was due more to
Katherine than anything else. Jerry had run across the
brown-haired girl two months after school had begun.
Abigail wasn’t sure, but she thought that Jerry had
probably been a virgin up to that encounter.

Her mind began to wonder about Jerry. He looked so much
like Fredrick. Did he fuck as poorly as his father? Or
would he have learned things from Katherine that would
make him a better lover? Fredrick was too traditional
in his lovemaking. Missionary or nothing! A woman’s
place was in the home. A woman’s place was under her

Abigail wouldn’t have minded the unoriginal fucking if
Fredrick had been much good at it. She suspected he
saved his really expert stuff for those damned sexy
stewardesses. Abigail was certain that Fredrick balled
every one of them he could entice into bed with him.
And he had lots of opportunities flying to Europe once
a month in addition to the domestic flights.

“Aw, come on, Mom. What’s the matter?” Jerry had
reached out and limply put a hand on his mother’s
thigh. Abigail looked into her son’s eyes again and
realized that her mind had been wandering.

“Nothing, Jerry. Nothing’s the matter.” She pressed her
hand on top of his, then squeezed. Unbidden, Jerry’s
hand closed on her thigh, then began stroking back and
forth. Tremors of anticipation surged through her body.

Abigail’s hand traveled along Jerry’s brawny arm while
her legs unconsciously drifted apart. Without even
realizing what she was doing, she was offering her body
to her own son!

The thought filtered through her boozed drenched mind,
but she didn’t care. Her body was telling her she
needed a man. Jerry was man. And she wanted him so

Abigail slipped from the chair and onto the deep pile
shag rug. Jerry lay down beside her and ran a hand
under her shirt. His hand felt cool, exciting. As he
pressed against her naked flesh, Abigail began to
unbutton his gaudy, embroidered shirt. The buttons
quickly parted, and Jerry wiggled out of the garment.
He returned the favor, and Abigail was naked to the
waist, too.

Jerry mumbled something, and then began sucking on
Abigail’s tit. The woman lay back on the rug and began
to writhe sensuously. The feel of the soft carpet on
her naked back, the wondrous sensation of Jerry’s wet
mouth engulfing her tit, those were her universe. She
felt her son’s tongue start at the base of one of the
creamy cones, and then begin a slow, agonizing journey
up the slope. He reached the summit after licking most
of the soft flesh of the tit and leaving behind a
glistening, saliva-drenched trail.

Abigail felt the tiny nipple begin to surge and fill
with blood and her heart rate accelerated. Her nipple
expanded with each beat of her heart until it was fully
erect and feeling as if it would burst like a balloon.

Through the fog that covered her mind like a blanket
came the faint message, “This isn’t right!” Abigail
ignored it. It felt so good, so damned good, having a
man’s mouth sucking at her tits. Jerry’s hands added to
her stimulation and quickly pushed down any protest
that Abigail might have tried to voice.

She felt her son’s hand snake its way across her
stomach, then under the waistband of her jeans. Like a
miner digging for gold, Jerry’s hand plummeted downward
until he found the soft mat of her cunt mound. His
fingers began a gentle motion, slipping from one side
to the other. Fingers laced through the coarse strands
of pubic hair and then lightly pulled.

Abigail thought that she’d lose her mind from the sheer
carnal delight that hurtled through her body. She never
remembered Jerry’s fumbling to get her blue jeans off
nor did she remember the stroking hands across her torn
silk briefs. The horny woman did remember the finger
crammed up her cunt.

She felt as if a knife had ripped into her belly. That
slender digit made her buck and arch her back to shove
it as far as she could up into the seething, liquid
interior of her cunt.

“Oh, Jerry, darling Jerry, my baby… fuck me! I want
you to fuck me!” His mother’s words were slurred and
indistinct. Jerry could barely hear or understand the
words. But it didn’t matter. That was what he wanted to
do and that was what he was going to do!

Jerry moved his mouth from its position high atop one
of Abigail’s tits and began a long, liquid journey down
to her cunt. His tongue slipped and slid over her milky
skin until he reached the deep well of her navel. He
paused for a moment, then his tongue hardened and
plunged it down into his mother’s navel.

Abigail moaned and reached to take Jerry’s head in her
hands. She pushed at the back of the black-haired
youth’s head to insure that his face wouldn’t leave her
belly button unattended for even a second.

The feel of his rough tongue swirling around inside her
navel was a turn on like she had seldom before
experienced. It was indescribable; lances of carnal
pleasure stabbed into her belly each time his tongue
lightly touched her. It was as if he had dipped his
tongue in acid before beginning his explorations in the
concave depression of her belly.

Jerry wasn’t satisfied to stay very long sampling this
tiny hole. The one he aimed for was a bit larger; it
was able to take his cock until he was buried balls
deep in his mother. His mouth seemed to demand the
right to explore first, and the youth allowed it the
privilege knowing his cock would be satisfied later.

His chin rubbed against his mother’s pubic mound. He
followed the patch of hair down to the fully erect pink
pillar of Abigail’s cunt. Jerry licked the pleasure-
button a few times until his mother screamed out,
“DAMMIT! FUCK ME! FUCK ME HAAARD!” She began to whimper
and cry in her need for a cock. Jerry continued to suck
on the tiny stub of erectile tissue between Abigail’s
firm well-fleshed thighs.

Jerry’s mind was moving slowly, still under the
influence of the dope he had smoked earlier. All he saw
was the gaping cunt in front of him. The wetness and
the musky woman odor seemed to draw him ever onward and
made him oblivious to the fact that he was getting
ready to fuck his own mother.

Abigail was past caring who was sampling her pussy. Her
cunt overflowed with juice and dribbled down the crack
into her ass. It tickled; it stimulated. When Jerry’s
tongue speared into her cunt, she cried out
incoherently. “AAAIIEEEEE!”

Her hips began to shake with the pent-up feeling locked
within her loins. The sexual tensions that had mounted
were like flood waters behind a dam. When the dam
burst, all hell would break loose. Her body hunched up
to meet her son’s mouth, obliviously cramming cunt
forcefully into his face.

Jerry continued to slurp up the hot oils that seeped
from his mother’s pink-lipped cunt. It was tasty,
tangy, a treat he’d sampled enough to enjoy to the
utmost. Jerry shoved his ramrod of a tongue up as far
into the slippery cunt as he could. Inside the velvet-
cloaked channel, he began to wiggle his tongue around,
tantalizing the walls of Abigail’s cunt with the
promise of something bigger and firmer to be rammed up
his passage after he had had his fill of her succulent
cunt juice.

The tongue slithering around inside the woman’s cunt
began to feel as if it were a branding iron charring
her delicate pussy flesh. Abigail reached between her
legs and shoved the black-haired head into her cunt.
She wanted more of the tongue lashing her son was
giving her!

The tiny fire that had begun to burn in her stomach was
fanned into a full-fledged blaze by Jerry’s oral
attentions to her clit. When he began to lick along the
blood-engorged flaps that hid her cunt, the fire turned
into a raging inferno that threatened to devour her
entire being. His tongue thrashing about in her cuntal
gash triggered a huge orgasm.

Jerry felt his mother’s stomach muscles tense and the
walls of her cunt begin to ripple and convulse with
orgasmic intensity. The gush of cunt juice threatened
to drown her son. He avidly lapped it up like a cat
lapping cream from a bowl, then Jerry tired of the
tempting treat.

Its time he fucked this horny woman! His very own

Jerry began to make his way up Abigail’s body. Her arms
wrapped around his body as the boy reached under his
mother’s armpits and fervently gripped her shoulders.
As her legs drifted apart in obvious encouragement to
him, Jerry slammed his hips forward. His turgid,
purpled cockhead smashed into the area around Abigail’s
cunt, but he failed to hit dead center.

His cock glided up and across the wet pubic thatch and
stimulated the lower portion of his shaft. Jerry gasped
in reaction. He began to grind his hips against the
pelvis of the woman trapped under him, and soon he felt
his balls tightening and shrinking into a compressed
sac that dangled under his eight-inch cock.

Abigail managed to guide the boy’s massive prick down
her cuntlips to the entrance to her hot hole.

“Now, Jerry, oooohhh! FUCK MEEE!” the woman shrieked.
Team began to well up at the corners of her eyes as she
screwed her eyelids tightly shut. The sensation ripping
through her body threatened another orgasm, but Abigail
wanted to prolong this wondrous feeling as long as
possible. She wanted to revel in the feel of Jerry’s
big, manly cock inside her cunt. She had felt it throb
and jerk under her fingers. Now she wanted it deep up
her cunt where it could do what it was designed to do.

Nature had meant for a man to fuck a woman. She wanted
the ultimate experience of being filled with cock until
she felt like she would be torn apart.

She wanted to be fucked!

Jerry found the target and shoved powerfully with his
hips. Muscles tightened and he rocketed forward, his
battering ram of a cock sizzling up the tight, oozing
tunnel of his mother’s cunt. Jerry felt his balls smash
into his mother’s ass, so swift was his initial stroke
into her cunt.

Jerry wanted to soak in the juices surrounding his
dick. The heat and pressure around his cock made
Abigail’s cunt seem like a virgin’s asshole. In a
distracted fashion, Jerry wondered why his father
fooled around when he had a hot, tight cunt like this
waiting for him at home. It didn’t really matter to
Jerry. If his old man didn’t want it, he would take

Jerry pulled back, and his cock made an obscene sucking
noise as he pulled out of his mother’s cunt. He never
hesitated. The boy immediately rammed forward again to
surround his cock with the clutching warmth of the cunt
being so freely and wantonly offered to him.

If Jerry felt the compression and warmth on his dick,
Abigail was feeling sensations a hundred times more
intense and erotic. His massive cock scored along her
cunt and millions of needles jabbed into her pussy
walls. Jerry’s cock jerked and twitched inside Abigail;
she felt every twitch and tremor, and her body
magnified it until shock waves reverberated throughout
her torso. Her breathing was heavy with lust. She
clawed at her son’s back with her fingernails and left
bloody tracks to attest to her unbridled passion.

As Jerry began an agonizing, slow rotation of his hips,
Abigail felt another climax crouching to pounce on her.
She began to hunch up and down to take as much of that
sweet, punishing cock up her cunt as she could. As her
knees rose on a level with Jerry’s shoulders, he
corkscrewed himself forward another full inch into her
hot pussy.

Jerry felt the first contractions of his mother’s cunt
that signaled another orgasm. As she tightened her
stomach muscles and clutched wildly at his buried cock,
Jerry began a frantic humping. His own orgasm jolted
electrically throughout his groin. Release was only
seconds away, and he wanted to cram himself even
farther into his mother’s hot cunt.

As Jerry’s hard strokes flamed into her belly, Abigail
shrieked, “OOOOH GOD!” and climaxed. The tidal wave of
ecstasy that swept through her body sent her to new,
unexplored heights of sexual fulfillment.

Jerry grunted as he continued pumping his cock into the
well-lubricated cavity between Abigail’s legs. When he
felt the fiery tide of his jism creep down his shaft,
Jerry moaned and arched his back in one last attempt to
rip his mother apart.

His balls blasted out gallons of creamy cum and
whitewashed the walls of Abigail’s cunt. For a brief
moment, mother and son rocked together, mutual passion
flooding their bodies. Locked together in each other’s
arms, they rested.


That memory of last night frightened Abigail for a
moment, then her trip hammering heart slowed back to
normal. She suddenly saw her son stirring in the bed.
Jerry stretched his cramped muscles without opening his
eyes. He yawned an enormous yawn, then rolled onto his
back and flexed his muscles like a cat awakening from a
long nap. Abigail was fascinated in spite of herself as
she watched the flow and play of her son’s tendons and

Her son wasn’t a weightlifter or a jock, but he wasn’t
any ninety-eight-pound weakling, either. There wasn’t
any flab on him like there was on Fredrick. In a way,
her son reminded her of the man she had married
nineteen years earlier. Jerry was trim, well built,
sleek, and streamlined and one hell of a good fuck.

What was really so wrong with fucking her own son?
There wasn’t any chance of pregnancy; the pill had
taken care of things like that. And she needed a man, a
real man, around to sate her aching desires. Her sexual
tensions had built to the point where she thought she
would go insane. Was it really all that bad using her
son as the outlet she needed?

The more Abigail thought about it, the more sense it
made. Jerry was around. Fredrick wasn’t. Jerry was a
man, youthful and lustful. Fredrick was getting paunchy
and hadn’t really satisfied her in the last ten years.

Fredrick Jensen may have been an expert pilot, but when
it came down to soaring in the sack, he was more of a
canceled flight than anything else.

“Hi, Mom,” said Jerry, his voice tinged with the fuzzy
blur of sleep.

“How are you this morning?” Abigail could barely stand
the sound of her own voice. The hangover made her
tongue feel like a catcher’s mitt, and she was sure
that the evil little gnome inside her head would never
stop kicking the backs of her eyeballs with those
spiked golf shoes.

“Just great. But you look like warmed over death. You
shouldn’t drink like you do. Take up a clean vice.”

He was sounding more and more cheerful. And Abigail
hated him for it.

“Really, Mom. Dope’s a lot better high. You must have
one hell of a big hangover.” He watched, as she
solemnly shook her head no.

“Hmmm,” Jerry muttered. Then he clapped his hands
together in a sharp, emphatic sound that threatened to
burst Abigail’s eardrums.

“Dammit! Why the hell did you have to do that?” she

“Ha! Thought so! You do have a hangover. And I bet
you’ve forgotten what all happened last night. Booze
makes people forget a lot of stuff. I remember

Abigail wasn’t sure if her son was boasting or merely
stating a fact. She asked, “And what happened, Mr.

“After we finished fucking out in the living room, you
sucked on my cock for a while. Then I got it up, we
came in here and got it on again.” He studied his
mother for a few seconds, then said, “Mother of mine,
have you ever got a tight one. Even tighter than
Kathy’s, and is she ever a hot one!”

Abigail saw her son didn’t have the slightest remorse
or hang-up over fucking his own mother. In fact, he
seemed to have enjoyed it. And he was complimenting
her. Abigail couldn’t remember the last time Fredrick
had said anything halfway nice about their lovemaking.
Mostly, he just grunted a lot, shot his load into her,
then rolled off and went to sleep.

The woman shuddered as she thought of the many nights
she had listened to Fredrick’s snores disturbing the

“Don’t you think it’s a little… kinky… to ball your
own mother?” Abigail asked in obvious surprise.

“Sure, that’s what makes it such a turn on! It’s really
kinky! Face it Mom, I can’t stand the same things over
and over. It’s got to be exciting. You’ve got to do
different things, or you’ll get bored. I bet the old
man is a real downer in the sack. Missionary position
or nothing, right?”

It took Abigail a couple seconds to realize that Jerry
was talking about Fredrick. She hadn’t realized how
obvious it was, her relationship with her husband. Even
her son had seen that Fredrick was less than adequate
sexually. Abigail would not have cared if Fredrick had
been inexpert as long as he had tried different
positions. That hang-up of his about always getting on
top was tiresome after so many years of marriage. He
wouldn’t even eat her out, though he sometimes demanded
that his wife suck his cock. The woman sometimes
thought Fredrick had a large streak of sadism in him.
That he delighted in making her do the same tired
things year after year, refusing to innovate.

Hell, she had never even been fucked up the ass! In
nineteen Goddamn years of marriage, Fredrick had
completely missed her rear door.

That sudden thought made her answer, “That’s the way it
is, Jerry. Your father’s not much of an ace in bed.
He’s never… fucked me in… the ass.” Her words
stretched out. She wanted to see what effect they would
have on her son.

Jerry scratched his ribs, then his balls. The woman
couldn’t keep her eyes off his cock. Her son was really
hung. That long cock of his could keep a harem
satisfied. It had certainly kept her satisfied last

Jerry, almost too casually, said, “That so? That must
be a real shame because you have such a nice ass. It’s
so round and firm. Doesn’t sag and look flabby like
most women. This might sound really kinky to you, but I
get a real charge out of watching you walk down the
street. Or just around the house. Your butt sways so
nice. Not up and down or from side to side but sort of
in a circle. Really a turn on watching you from

Jerry continued to scratch at his groin, languorously,
in obvious invitation.

Abigail licked her dry lips. Did she really want to be
ass-fucked by her own son? It was apparent he’d do it.
As the woman watched, she could see his cock slowly
stiffening. Could she waste his beautiful hard-on?

The familiar aching and hollow feeling in her cunt
returned. She needed a man, and Fredrick wasn’t able to
provide for her in that line any more. Jerry seemed
more than willing; he seemed to be eager for the
opportunity to make it with his own mother.

The bored housewife made the big decision. She reached
over and removed Jerry’s hand from his crotch and
replaced it with her own. She purred, “What’s a big boy
like you doing jacking himself off? When there’s a
woman around?” Abigail began a gentle stroking of the
semi stiff cock curled in his groin. Her hand felt the
stiff, bristling hair of her son’s groin before she
started the gradual journey down the hardening shaft.
Two trips from balls to cockhead and Jerry’s prick was
huge. As huge as Abigail remembered from the night

She held the quivering cock in her cool grasp, then
squeezed. The pulsating vein along the shaft thrilled
her. The feel of the loose skin as she stroked the cock
excited her. When Jerry pulled her lips to his for a
deep soul kiss, Abigail almost ripped his prick out by
the roots.

Unlike Fredrick, Jerry didn’t seem to mind the painful
handling of his cock. He seemed to ignore it in his
lust, his haste to pull his mother’s body firmly
against his own. Abigail gasped as the air rushed out
of her lungs. Jerry’s grip around her body was like
that of a bear’s.

Her tongue dueled in the erotic, moist playground of
her son’s mouth. Their tongues twisted around and
around and intertwined as they stimulated each other.
When Abigail felt her nipples harden into tiny pebbles
poking into Jerry’s sparsely haired chest, she knew
that she would do whatever he wanted. She didn’t want
to deny him any part of her body, be it mouth or cunt
or… asshole!

That singe thought thrilled her more than the entire
last ten years of fucking Fredrick. She had been
trapped, and now her son was liberating her. Abigail
would gladly forsake everything she had for a good sex

Jerry squirted her tongue from his mouth with a thrust
of his own oral member. He decided that he’d had enough
of this mouth play the night before. He wanted to
sample other delights of his mother’s body. And her ear
seemed like a good place to begin.

Jerry exhaled heavily, hotly. His breath sensitized the
delicate flesh of Abigail’s earlobe. That simple action
made her gasp in reaction and clutch him even closer.
The feel of her tits pressing into his chest made him
wonder if she could poke all the way through his body
with those marble-hard pebbles on the tips of her tits.

He didn’t know; he didn’t care. If it killed him, what
a way to go!

Jerry thrust his tongue, cock hard, into his mother’s
ear. He wasn’t able to penetrate very far, but it
didn’t make that much of a difference. She was properly
aroused by his erotic foreplay. When he tasted the
tender flesh of her earlobe, Abigail began to writhe
and rub against him with a fierce sexual need. A need
to be fucked.

As Jerry tongue-fucked his mother’s ear, Abigail
gripped at her son’s chest with her fingers. Unable to
withstand the need any more, she pleaded, “Oh, Jerry…
fuck me! I want you up my ass! It’s burning up! Fuck
me, fuck me, FUCKMEFUCKME…!”

Jerry heard the plea and felt his cock stiffen even
more in response. To actually bury his cock up his
mother’s asshole! That was something he had thought
about, had jacked off thinking about. A dream about to
come true since she was actually begging him to do it!

It was lime for him to take command. She had more or
less been in the driver’s seat up till now.

Larry would not allow that any longer. He pushed her
away from him as he ordered, “On your hands and knees!
Right now!”

Like a flash of lightning, Abigail obeyed. She almost
panted in anticipation of having that huge hunk of man
meat shoved up her ass. Abigail poised herself on the
bed waiting for her son to take her doggie style up the

Like an artist, Jerry studied the material with which
he had to work. His mother’s perky ass poked up in the
air, inviting him to spread those milky white ass
cheeks with his cock and plunge into her shit chute. He
took both globes in his strong hands and kneaded the
flesh. The flow of the skin under his powerful
squeezing fingers excited Jerry. He knew it excited his
mother, too, because he could see the yawning cavern of
her cunt begin to moisten with juice.

Jerry gripped one ass cheek and turned it in a
counterclockwise direction. The right cheek was rotated
in a clockwise pattern. Abigail felt as if she were
being torn apart. The daggers of pain exploded in her
loins like bombs detonating. Rut it was a good pain, a
pain tied together with stimulation of her cunt.
Abigail could feel the skin being stretched around her
cunt, feel her clit being worked back and forth as her
cuntlips were moved around the tiny spike of pleasure
buried at the juncture of her labia.

Her son knew it was turning her on. The flow of her
inner lubricants, proved that. Her heavy panting, the
way her entire body shivered with carnal need, all
showed Jerry he was doing the right thing.

But he needed his own throbbing, jerking cock tended to
and fast! He didn’t want to squirt his jism all over
his mother’s back. He wanted to be inside her when he
came. Getting into her ass would be hard unless he was
properly oiled for the job.

Jerry gripped his mother’s trim waist with his hands
and shoved his hips forward in a swooping thrust. His
aim wasn’t off a millimeter. The long, steely shaft
penetrated Abigail’s cunt and raced up her channel so
fast they both gasped from the sudden friction.

Jerry wished he could have stayed there, in this
position, fucking his mother from behind like an
animal. His fingers clamped down so tightly on her
waist he left handprints.

He could stay buried up Abigail’s cunt. Sure. But that
wasn’t what either of them really wanted. Jerry quickly
made the decision, then rammed in and out of the frothy
cunt several more times to make sure he was properly
greased and ready for action. Then he moved back and
spread his mother’s thighs a bit more. Jerry had plenty
of room. He just liked running his hands along the
smooth, soft skin of the woman’s inner thighs.

His cock glistening in the morning light that drifted
into the bedroom through the open curtains, Jerry
advanced. The bed was soft and yielding and did not
provide him with as firm a surface as he would have
preferred. But all such thoughts vanished when the tip
of his cock lightly touched against the tight sphincter
of his mother’s ass.

The tiny little muscle was clenched like a fist. It
didn’t want anything the size of Jerry’s cock shoved
past it. But Jerry was determined to cram his prick up
his mother’s asshole. The tip of his glans pressed
firmly into the resisting asshole. Jerry pulled his
mother’s hips back into his groin until the hairy upper
portions of his thighs rubbed against the backs of her

Abigail felt the anal muscle begin to relax as Jerry
slowly, inexorably shoved forward into her asshole.
Jerry didn’t batter and smash into her, for which she
was grateful. This was painful. It hurt like hell. She
hadn’t felt as much pain since she had her cherry
popped when she was fifteen.

With his gradual movements, Jerry soon buried the
broad, turgid head of his fat cock inside his mother’s
ass. He caught his breath and poised himself. The
muscle was relaxed and all was in readiness. He tensed
the flat, strong muscles of his stomach, then heaved.

Abigail screamed as her ass was reamed by Jerry’s
eight-inch cock. The first inch had been painful; this
was a thousand times worse. She felt as if an entire
army of fire ants had been turned loose in her asshole.
Yet, at the same time, it was sheer Heaven. The feeling
of a huge cock inside her, filling her and giving her
pleasure, became the foremost sensation in her body,
drowning out all pain.

The woman felt her internal membranes being stretched
and pulled in new and unfamiliar directions. The
feeling was delicious. Her entire body tingled and felt
more alive than it ever had before. Abigail wondered
why she hadn’t done this before.

Ass-fucking was even more fun than having cock shoved
up her cunt!

The warmth in her ass spread like slowly melting
butter. The woman wiggled her butt and shoved back into
her son’s crotch to let him know that everything was
okay. She didn’t trust herself to say anything. All
Abigail was able to do was purr like a contented cat,
deep in her throat.

Jerry didn’t have to be told that everything was going
fine. He could feel it. God, could he ever feel it! If
he had thrust his cock into a surgeon’s glove, the fit
couldn’t have been tighter. If the glove had been
filled with hot lava, his cock couldn’t have been
surrounded by a hotter substance. Jerry felt the
searing heat along his entire shaft. He felt as if he
had been caught in some erotically designed vise, his
cock completely trapped in the jaws.

Jerry withdrew, then slammed forward again. His mother
groaned, “Uuuummm, goood, Jerry, so goood! Fuck my
asss!” Her passions mounted higher and higher as Jerry
picked up the speed of his stroking.

The friction became virtually unbearable as Jerry made
one huge thrust after another into the grasping, hot
tunnel of Abigail’s ass. His piston action continued
until his balls felt as if they were ready to explode.

Abigail’s reaction to the fucking of her virgin ass was
even more potent. The fire kindled in her loins spread
like napalm. She was engulfed in the radioactive fires
devouring her innards. The buried spike of Jerry’s cock
seemed to be the center for the intense, wonderful
sensations radiating throughout her belly.

The woman bounced a bit on the soft bed and the
springing action shoved her son’s prick even farther up
her ass. Lance after sweet lance of flame licked at her
and gradually crept along her nerves until her entire
being shook and trembled in reaction.

There was no gradual building toward an orgasm for
Abigail. Not this time. The velvet and iron grip
clamped down on her and tossed her high on the
hurricane winds of ecstasy before she was aware of what
was happening. Abigail floated and soared and sailed
until her body was drained of all energy. Never had she
felt so sexually sated as when she finally drifted down
from that incredible sexual high.

Jerry had felt his mother’s body go rigid with climax.
His own was quick to follow. The idea of fucking his
mother was a turn on; fucking her up the shit chute was
even more exciting to the youth. His cock seemed to
expand even more, fill up the tiny diameter of the
woman’s asshole to capacity, before it literally

A flood of jism dynamited into Abigail’s ass. Jerry
bucked and hunched in his lust as his mighty cock
spewed out its fiery load. All too soon, his cock began
to deflate and Jerry looked down between his legs. His
once-proud cock dribbled out of his mother’s ass amid a
flow of his own cum. White gobs of the sticky cream
clung to his prick as the fleshy rod rapidly shrank.
Jerry felt weak, and collapsed onto the bed. Abigail
curled up next to him and quietly said, “That was
super, or whatever you call it, Jerry.”

“Super? You mean it was one hell of a fuck!”

“Right on!”

It was a fantastic fuck the best Abigail had had in a
long time. But as she started coming down from it, she
was surprised to hear a car puffing up in the driveway.
She knew the sound of that car.

“Oh, my God!” she gasped. “It’s Fredrick! He came back
early! Run for your bedroom! You can dress there and go
out the window!”

She worried that her husband would notice the mussed
sheets, smell the scent of hot cunt and wild fucking
that lingered in the room, but all he did was undress,
take his usual shower, and climb into bed with her. He
did not seem at all surprised that she was naked. He
wrapped his arms around her, puffing her back against
his stomach, his fingers curling around her tit, his
usual hold on her when he went to sleep.

Abigail snuggled her naked ass to his body, feeling his
cock against her ass, but that was all it would touch.

Within moments, he was sound asleep. He didn’t suspect
anything. For that she was glad. But her guilt still
remained. She had fucked her own son. And she had done
it twice!


The following morning, Abigail prepared breakfast for
her family, still feeling guilty. Fredrick came in,
looking as tired as he had when he had come home from
work. He sat at the table, drinking coffee and turning
to the newspaper without speaking. Abigail felt her
anger swell against her husband. The least he could do
was say good morning.

As she was putting breakfast on the table, she saw
Jerry coming. She gave her son a smile as he came in,
sitting down next to his father, giving him a sheepish

“Morning, Mom. How are things?”

“All right, I suppose.”

“Hi, Daddy,” Jerry said,

“Good morning,” Fredrick said,

Still in her robe, Abigail sat across from her husband,
and they ate in silence. When Fredrick finished, he
scooted his chair back, stood up and left to dress up
in his room.

As Fredrick went away Abigail looked at her son.

“Still hung up over what we did? Hell, Mom, no reason
to be. If the old man’s no good, you deserve someone
better. Right? I just happened to be around.”

“Is that all you think about… about screwing your own

Jerry’s eyes widened slightly. “Yeah. What more do you
want me to say? I really got off on it. You’re one hell
of a good lay.”

“Y-You’re not feeling the least bit guilty? I mean…

“Incest? Shit, that’s just a scare word out of the Dark
Ages. I dig you and you dig me. We make a good team
together in the sack. And you’ve got a damn tight cunt.
And don’t tell me I’m not any good at fucking. I’ve
fucked enough chicks to know what’s good and what

Abigail studied her son. She believed her son when he
said she was a good lay. Abigail knew she was, and that
bothered her quite a bit.

Jerry eagerly leaned toward her, swishing his tongue
over her covered nipples. “If Dad don’t leave soon, I’m
going to fuck you right on this table, Mom!”

She pushed Jerry away when she heard her Fredrick
footsteps coming back.

“I gotta go,” he said. “Jerry, aren’t you gonna be late
for school?”

“I’ve got a headache,” he said to him.

Fredrick came to kiss Abigail’s cheek. She wanted his
mouth on hers, not her cheek, but she said nothing.
Fredrick kissed her on cheek kissed and went off.

As soon as she heard the sound of car starting she let
her robe fall from her shoulders. “Did you say
something about fucking me on the table, Jerry?”

Grinning widely, he stood and opened his pants, pushing
them down and taking them off his feet. His cock began
to jut out, as she looked him up and down. Then she
pushed plates out of the way and sat on the table with
her long legs spread wide apart, leaning back so her
son could look right at her beautiful cunt.

“Fuck it, Jerry!” she whimpered as her son stepped to
her. “Fuck mother’s hot cunt hard and fast! I want it
real hard right now!”

Jerry moved between her thighs and rammed the head of
his cock into his mother’s cunt swiftly, taking her
breath away.

“Ohhhh, God, yes!” she wailed, leaning back, opening
her legs as wide as they would go. “Fuck it, fuck it!
Hard, Jerry… Fuck me as hard as you can!”

Jerry closed his hands over his mother’s naked tits and
began to pound his cock in and out of her pussy,
fucking rapidly. Abigail cried out with the deep
penetration of her son’s cock. She lifted her long
legs, wrapping them around his hunching ass. Wet sounds
came from their crotch as his cock rammed and plunged.

“Ahhhhh, I can feel your balls on my ass, Jerry!” she
sobbed. “I can feel your hot balls slap at my ass!
Ooooh, fuck me! Fuck mother in that hot, wet cunt! I
love that hard cock in my cunt, fucking!”

“Take it, Mom!” he panted, ramming hard. “Take my cock
up your fucking wet cunt! I’m going to fuck your hot
ass off, Mom!”

Squeezing her tits, twisting them, he drove his young
cock vigorously into his mother’s gripping cunt.
Abigail cried out with sweet ecstasy, kicking her heels
against his ass. The harder he squeezed her tits, the
better she liked it, the hotter her cunt became. She
was so wet that her juices flowed from her stretched
cunt to the cheeks of her ass, drenching her son’s
balls and making her asshole burn and pucker.

“Fuck my hot ass!” she screamed. “Fuck mother’s hot,
hot ass! Fuck my ass off! Fuck me raw… fuck my cunt
raw! God, I want that cock so fucking deep in my twat,
my snatch, my pussy, and my cunt! I want it so deep
that I can taste it in my mouth!”

Dropping his hands from her tits, he clutched his
mother’s twisting hips, jerking her onto his cock as he
stabbed into her. They were panting heavily now, and
Abigail was almost crying with the intensity of her
son’s cock banging rapidly into her cunt. She began to
shake as her cunt swelled around his cock, an orgasm
growing like liquid fire in the pit of her stomach.

“Make me come!” she shrieked. “Make mother’s hot cunt
come, darling!”

With her heels locked around her son’s churning ass,
Abigail fell back on the table, her hips thrashing up
and down, her cunt grinding frantically on Jerry’s
cock. She grabbed her tits and smashed them, squeezing
brutally. Her ass pounded wildly, and her clinging cunt
slid back and forth on his raging hard-on. With his
mother on her back across the table, Jerry clutched her
dancing hips, but they bucked in such a frenzy that his
hands kept sliding off.

Twisting and humping, Abigail shrieked her ecstasy, her
head twisting as wildly as her ass. Her thighs held his
body like a steel claw, every part of him showing the
intense strain.

“Ahhhhh!” Abigail wailed, and smashed her cunt as hard
as she could against him, her lower body jerking
spasmodically. She screeched again.

Her cunt exploded around her son’s cock, squeezing
harder than it had before. The hot contractions
threatened to blister Jerry’s cock, but he pounded in
and out with frenzy, his balls swollen tightly. Lifting
his head, eyes closed, his breath roared out, and his
cock gushed powerfully, sending scalding squirts of
creamy come juice into his mother’s gobbling cunt.

“Squirt it in me!” Abigail cried loudly. “Ahhh, God,
come in mother’s hot cunt! Fill mother’s hot cunt full
of that sweet juice! Drown mother’s cunt with your hot,
sweet, come juice!”

They strained together for a long time, desperate to
drag the wonderful sensations out, her hips slowing in
motion, but still twisting as his cock softened inside
her cunt. When her hips dropped, Jerry’s cock came out
of his mother’s cunt with a soft, wet, sucking sound,
and he slumped into a chair. Abigail lay across the
table, panting, long legs dangling, her cunt gently
pulsating. Come juice seeped from the pink, now
swollen, slit, running slowly over the shivering cheeks
of her smooth ass. The soft hairs of her cunt were
matted around the lips.

“My God,” Abigail breathed as she sat up, weak. “That
was the best yet, darling.”

Jerry grinned up at her, still slumped in the chair,
his legs wide and his cock coated with his mother’s
pussy juices. She slid off the table, kneeling in front
of him, leaning her face down. She ran her tongue along
his cock, tasting her pussy on it. Sticking her tongue
beneath his balls, she bounced them tenderly, looking
up at his face. With a soft mewl; she closed her mouth
around his cock and balls, taking them inside to suck
gently, knowing they were sensitive now. She let his
balls out of her mouth, turned her face and sucked at
the flesh on his inner thigh.

“How’s your headache now?” she teased, standing up.

Jerry laughed, pointing at the tip of his cock. “That
was the headache, Mom, but you took care of it. Should
I go onto school now?”

“Why? You’d only be late, and we can have the whole day
to ourselves.” She ran her hand through his hair. “I’m
going to bathe. Why don’t you rest until I finish?”

“Maybe I’ll shower.”

“Please don’t,” she murmured. “I love the smell of your
crotch when you’re sweaty.”

She hummed happily as she bathed, the hot water
soothing her swollen cunt. She hoped her son could keep
up with her, fucking her all day until she was
exhausted. It had been years since she had fucked
herself into exhaustion with her husband. It would be
very nice to do it again, this time with her son.

When she finished, she returned to her son, naked, her
skin glowing pinkly, her cunt soothed, but still fiery
with need. Jerry was sprawled on his back in the middle
of the floor, reading his father’s newspaper, his legs
parted. She stood and looked between his thighs at his
cock and balls. A tremor of insatiable hunger burned
through her, a hunger that was growing more and more.

Lowering to her knees, she pushed her face between his
thighs and into his crotch. Jerry threw the paper away,
watching her. Abigail, with her knees drawn up, jutted
her sweet, shapely ass in the air, nuzzling her face
into his crotch, smelling his scent, his balls feeling
so wonderful in her face. She licked around the insides
of his thighs, around his balls and over his cock. Her
eyes showed fire as her mouth and tongue caressed his
crotch. Jerry spread his legs wide. Pushing her tongue
beneath his balls, Abigail whimpered in pleasure, as
she tasted them.

“You’re so sweet here,” she moaned. “I love to lick
your balls, baby. They’re so soft now, loose.” She drew
in a deep breath. “Mmmmmm, you smell so exciting…
with mother’s cunt smell on you. Here… lift your
knees up.”

Jerry bent his knees, and she pushed them back, causing
his ass to raise off the floor. She gazed at him,
hardly breathing. His ass spread open and his asshole
crinkled before her eyes. She moaned in passion as she
gazed at him.

Then, with a soft cry, Abigail pushed her face into her
son’s ass, kissing the edges of his asshole, the
insides of the ass cheeks. Her tongue darted, licking
his flesh as her lips kissed. She mewled and strained
her face between the cheeks of his ass as tight as she
could, her own uplifted ass swaying.

Making soft sounds of pleasure, Abigail lapped at her
son’s ass with a feverish pleasure, her tongue swirling
against the tightness of his asshole, around his balls,
along the shaft of his cock, which was starting to
stiffen up again. Her tongue probed at his asshole,
pushing and trying to penetrate. Her hands pulled at
his hips as her mouth sucked the crinkle of his

“Mom, you’re sucking my asshole!” Jerry gasped.

“I know,” she said, lifting her face to look at him
past his cock and balls. “I know I’m sucking your
asshole, baby. What’s the matter, don’t you like it?”

“Ahhhh, yes!”

“Wiggle your ass in my face, Jerry,” she purred,
pressing her mouth against his asshole again, licking
wetly at the pucker.

Jerry twisted his ass, his mother’s hot wet tongue
making his asshole crinkle, his balls writhe. He
grabbed his cock and began to jerk on it, unable to
keep his hands off. Abigail watched his fist above his
balls as she licked his asshole, her eyes smoldering
with erotic pleasure. Her cunt had become wet again,
the hot juices smearing the insides of her long thighs,
her clit throbbing with tingling hardness.

“Jerry,” she whispered throatily. “Will you eat
mother’s cunt?”

“I’ll eat anything, Mom,” he moaned in passion. “I’ll
eat your cunt good! I’ll suck your wet pussy, lick
it… stick my tongue up in you!”

“Oooooh, baby!” she sobbed and twisted about, her ass
toward his head. She spread her knees above her son’s
head, her face hovering over his cock. She arched her
ass, pushing her cunt outward above his face. “Can you
see mother’s cunt good this way?”

“Ahhhh, yes, Mom!”

Jerry stared up at his mother’s cunt. He ran his hands
up her thighs and over her satiny ass, cupping the
cheeks. He spread them wider, and watched with fiery
eyes as her cunt pulsated, her asshole puckering. He
pushed his fingers to the hairy edges of her slit, and
parted it. Opening his mother’s cunt up, he swallowed
with anticipation to taste it, to push his tongue into
the wet heat and fuck her that way.

Abigail loved the way her son was looking up at her
cunt. One of her hands was stroking his cock, the other
under his ass, holding the ass cheek. Her tongue
swirled about the smooth head of his cock, her lips
kissing hotly at his piss hole. She waggled her ass
suggestively at his face, and when she felt her son
push his mouth over her cunt, she gasped softly,
squirming in his face. She lowered her face, sinking
her lips over his cock. With his cock in her mouth, she
fondled his balls, twisting her pussy around, rubbing
it at her son’s face.

Jerry buried his face in the juicy heat of his mother’s
crotch, finding the soft wetness delightful. He held
her twisting ass with both hands, but not so tight she
couldn’t wiggle. He opened his mouth wide, spreading
his lips around his mother’s hairy cunt, sucking the
juices from it. His nose pressed at her tight,
crinkling asshole, and his breath excited his mother.

Pulling her mouth off his cock, she cried out, “Ohhhh,
suck it, baby! Suck mother’s cunt! Lap mother’s
pussy… suck my cunt, Jerry!”

Jerry ran his tongue hungrily up and down the fiery
slit of her cunt, tasting pussy juices eagerly. He
probed his tongue around her swollen clit, swirling
hotly. Abigail smashed her cunt down, pressing hard at
his mouth, swallowing his cock again. She clutched her
son’s ass with both hands now, her fingers squeezing as
her mouth jerked up and down. Her lips were very tight,
hot and wet. She ran her mouth from the smooth head to
the base, moaning in rapture when her son thrust his
tongue into her cunt, stabbing in and out. She smeared
his face, rubbing back and forth on it. He caressed her
trembling ass, her thighs, and began to pump his cock
up and down, fucking into his mother’s willing mouth.

Dancing her hot ass about, pumping her cunt into his
face, Abigail sucked her son’s cock with low moans of
ecstasy, licking it often as she lifted her mouth to
swirl her tongue about his balls. Smashing her lips
hard at the base, she could feel the head of his cock,
trying to push into her throat, but it was not long
enough. Spreading her knees wide, her crotch open, she
stained her cunt to his mouth, feeling his tongue slide
in and out. Her pussy flexed and squeezed his tongue as
it did his cock.

Jerry stretched his mother’s cunt as open as he could,
pushing his tongue deep, wiggling it against the
sensitive tissues, her clit crushed by his bottom lip,
his upper lip touching his mother’s asshole. It was her
son’s mouth and tongue sucking her cunt, and the sheer
perversity of it created a mindless lust in her.

Gasping huskily, she rammed her mouth up and down his
cock, fucking him with it, her lips sliding wetly,
burning. Her nipples rubbed at his stomach, and she
smashed them onto him, her hands gripping his
tightening ass, lifting him to take his cock as deep as
possible into her mouth. Her naked ass began to whip
about, slam up and down. Her cunt made wet sounds, too,
wet sucking sounds. She began to squeal around his cock
when she felt it throb with a greater hardness. She
drew upward on the shaft of his cock hard, holding the
head between her lips, sucking bubbling juices out of
it, her tongue scraping his piss hole, her throat

She arched her ass, then rammed down, her movements the
same as if she were on top of him with his cock in her
cunt. As her son tongue-fucked her deeply, she shoved
her long legs out straight, her hot thighs gripping his
face, and began to rub and hump his face, grinding her
cunt on his mouth. At the same time, she feverishly
gobbled his cock, her face darting up and down, her
lips stretched around his raging hard-on. She sucked
his cock as if she couldn’t get enough of it. In a way,
she couldn’t. She wanted it in her cunt and in her
mouth at the same time, but that was impossible.

Her stomach became tight as she felt herself getting
ready to come. She squirmed against his face harder,
moaning around his throbbing cock. The cheeks of her
ass bunched and flexed. She loved to feel his fingers
between the hot checks of her ass while his tongue
started racing in and out of her cunt.

With a deep, throaty wail, Abigail smashed her cunt
hard into her son’s face, his cock deep in her mouth.
Her naked body trembled, then shuddered. Her orgasm was
tight, very hard. The convulsions of her hairy cunt
around his buried tongue made Jerry stab hard and fast,
squeezing her ass and putting her pussy as far into his
mouth as he could, wanting to make his mother come
better than ever. Hot juices ran over his face and down
his neck. His breath seared the pucker of her asshole.

Abigail came hard, for a long time, holding his hard
cock in her mouth, but not sucking. She couldn’t suck
him now. She couldn’t move, only push her cunt as hard
as she could into his mouth.

When the spasms ended, fading slowly, she gripped his
cock tighter with her mouth and pulled her knees back
up until she had her shapely ass sticking in the air
again, spread with her juicy cunt an inch above his
face. Then she started sucking his cock again, bobbing
her mouth up and down, wanting to make him come.

Jerry tickled his mother’s clit with his tongue as she
sucked his cock, making her whimper because it was so
sensitive. He pushed his cock up, going as far as he
could into his mother’s mouth. He was starting to
groan, his balls tight and aching.

As she felt something happening between her legs she
was afraid she was going to pee. Jerry would be mad if
she did it in his face. With the contractions of her
cunt, she spurted a few drops of piss that squirted
into Jerry’s face. With a cry, she pulled her ass out
of his face and stood up, turning around and looking
down at him.

“What did you do that for, mom?” Jerry said. “Didn’t
you like what I was doing to you?”

“I was about to pee,” Abigail giggled.

Despite her urge to go to pee in the bathroom she began
squirting hot piss. She started sobbing with an intense
orgasm by spraying hot piss in quick spurts onto her
thighs and floor.


The following day Jerry wanted to stay home from
school, but Abigail refused. She wanted him to be with
her but school had to come first and she emphasized its

After about five minutes she had nothing to do. She
thought of calling her husband, Fredrick, and see if he
would meet her for lunch, but she knew he would not

She washed up the small pile of laundry made a shopping
list, and then watched a soap opera on television. She
undressed and tried on most of her clothes again,
selected panties and bras, sorted them and threw away
all the old pairs, then realized she would have buy
more. If not for Fredrick, she thought with a wicked
giggle, she wouldn’t have to wear panties at all.

By noon, she was beside herself with need. Wanting to
do something really wicked, Abigail brought a wooden
kitchen chair into the living room, and undressed
before the huge plate glass, the drapes wide open. She
sat in the chair, the back toward the window, and with
her naked tits resting on the top, spread her legs
around it and began to play with her cunt, almost
hoping someone would come by, the postman perhaps, or a
salesman, or even a paperboy.

After a few moments, she turned the chair to face the
window, spreading her legs wide as she sat down again,
her ass pushed over the edge of the seat. Fingering her
cunt, sliding her fingers up and down the slit, she
closed her eyes, fantasizing that someone was watching
her. Working the finger of one hand into her cunt, she
used her other hand to rub her inflamed clitoris.
Moaning in self-induced pleasure, a movement caught her
eye. It had been unexpected despite her exhibitionistic
fantasy, and she almost yanked her hands away and
clamped her thighs together. But a ripple of ecstasy
flooded her, and instead she stabbed her finger into
her cunt with more vigor.

Her son’s face appeared clearly, grinning through the
window at her.

Abigail grinned widely, motioning him inside, still
fucking herself.

Jerry came in, standing at her feet watching her, his
cock pushing at his jeans. Without saying anything to
her son, she cupped his balls, squeezing them in her
palm, still fingering herself. Jerry leaned over and
fondled his mother’s tits, pushing his mouth onto hers.
Abigail, purring in pleasure to have her son there,
pushed her tongue into his mouth as she opened his
pants, puffing his cock free.

Clutching his prick, pounding on it, still finger-
fucking herself, sucking hungrily at his tongue,
Abigail let out a tight, throaty moan, her cunt
contracting with orgasm.

“Mmmmm, I needed that one,” she murmured, slumping back
with her legs still spread wide. “It wasn’t the best,
but I needed it very much.” She still held his cock.
“What are you doing home, anyway?”

“Because of this,” he said, pushing his cock into her
fist. “I couldn’t stay at school with this, Mom.”

She looked at the head of his cock bulging from her
tight fist. “No, you couldn’t have.”

She pulled him to her shoulder, turning her head and
licking the flat surface of her tongue over

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Becoming a Housewife

Becoming A Housewife -------------------- Author Note: This story was inspired by fellow Fictionmania author JaneDough7 who started (but never completed) a wonderful series called "The Housewife" back in 2003. Ever since I read her stories, I've been entranced by the idea of a young man becoming a housewife - a regular, ordinary housewife with regular, ordinary duties. I started my version in 2009, but then got stuck in exactly the same place that JaneDough7 got stuck, and so...

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Housewife Fucked By A Salesman

By : Rrahulraj10 Dear All, This is my first story for this site. My name is Rahul. I am a software engineer working in a very reputed company. I am very fond of sex and sex stories. I really like this site and it’s my turn now to contribute to the site. This is a true incident happened to my wife. My wife is very loyal to me. She used to say me each and every small thing that she experiences. This was one of incidents encountered by her. In fact it was her first sexual experience that she...

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The Housewife

In the public domain, do whatever you want with this text. THE HOUSEWIFE By JaneDough7 Chapter 1 I had this thing for my neighbor, Mrs. Johnson. She was somewhere in her forties and all woman. Very curvy and always in full makeup, always smelling like a total woman. Her husband had a very good job as an executive at a local high-tech company, and Mrs. Johnson lived the life of a housewife. I was fascinated with her breasts... I found it hard not...

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The Housewife II

In the public domain. Do whatever you want with this text. This episode mostly just expounds on the previous one; I know it, so please don't bother to point it out. I had intended to write another scene before I posted this episode, a scene which really does more than just emphasize the previous one, but I've got 30K here, so rather that wait, here's Episode Two of... THE HOUSEWIFE II By JaneDough7 Chapter 3 I walked home in a daze, unable to...

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Texas Gal Part 2

Texas Gal - Part 2 by C. Sprite copyright 1999 Chapter Four Despair & Hope I was sure that somebody had just punched me in the stomach. I couldn't get my breath. I got dizzy. I would have fallen but for my sisters holding onto me long enough for the police officer to reach me from where he had been standing a few feet away. I thought, 'Daddy dead. Mommy dead also, maybe?' The world started to spin. The police officer picked me up and carried me to the...

4 years ago
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Erikas Adventure part nine Good little housewife

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure Part Nine - A Good...

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Erikas Adventure Part Ten A Good Housewife

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure Part Ten - A Good...

2 years ago
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Hot Housewife Next Door Fucked In Her Kitchen

I was transferred to my new office in Pune for a short duration of 6 months. I was staying at a 2 BHK flat with a roommate. The main road across our flat was always packed with traffic. It usually took me hours just to get to the office as I worked a night shift. Just across my flat, lived a family of 3. They were married last year and were quite young and had a newborn daughter. Our flats were designed in such a way that I could see their kitchen through ours. Since I used to cook, I...

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Texas Redemption

Foreword: This story is actually a sequel to "Crossing Texas". That story tells of a young man who, while passing through Texas, simply drank too much and awoke from his drunkenness accused of rape. He had a choice: either he could stay and work as a maid at the motel where the alleged rape occurred, or the motel owner would call in the authorities. Rather than sit in a Texas dungeon for years, the young man chose to be a maid. This sequel occurs nearly a year later. It focuses upon...

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Texas Bukkake

The concept of TexasBukkake may come as a surprise to anybody who thought the genre was strictly a Japanese hobby. But, come on, my dudes! Not only are American pornstars just as freaky as their Asian AV idol counterparts, but our porno movies don’t censor all the sperm-squirting dongs and cum-catching twats. Now that’s what I call freedom!Anyway, Texas is known for doing things big, so why wouldn’t they go big, wet, and messy when it comes to the gangbangs? That’s the entire premise behind...

Premium Extreme Porn Sites
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Cherry Goodhead Housewife Ch 02

Chapter 2: No Man Could Resist A couple weeks later I had a short business trip, for a few days. When I returned I gave my young wife a call while driving. She picked up and was excited to see me, saying that I was going to have a very good night. I asked her what she meant, but she was coy. ‘You’ll see, sir,’ she teased. ‘I have a few ideas I think you’d really enjoy. Did you cum while you were gone?’ I told her no, that I’d saved it for her. ‘Mmm, good. Maybe you can paint my face with it...

2 years ago
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Housewife Bobby Fucked By Another Black Guy

Hi readers it’s me Bobby (not real name just a fake name) again with another experience. Again I am introducing myself am 36 year old beautiful housewife with white color huge sexy boobs and nice curved ass. My body size and structure is similar to Tamil actress Namitha. Those who are reading this first time please go through my other posts housewife bobby fucked by young guy and bobby again fucked by young guy. Please forgive my mistakes. Thanks for your feedback’ u can mail me at So coming...

2 years ago
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A Sexy Housewife Visits My Shop

It was a very hot day in August and I was working at my shop. I own a Automotive Gas and Service station. I have owned and operated it for the last twenty years. I have a few employees who work for me. I’m still involved and work on all the cars. I'm definitely a hands on owner. My name is Jake Rhodes and I'm forty-five and single. I'm 6'2" and weigh about two hundred and ten pounds. I have salt and pepper hair and blue eyes. I love women and often will fuck housewives who bring their...

4 years ago
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Housewife and the Boy

Nancy was cleaning up the family cabin for her son and his friends to spend a weekend fishing. The lake was great for hiking around, and her husband said there were some big fish in there. Her husband, Hank, had asked why bother cleaning up the cabin for a bunch of k**s.Nancy was fastidious with keeping house, and couldn't bear the thought of her son and his friends sleeping there with cobwebs in the corners. It was the thought of their mothers finding out that motivated her. She had been...

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## the housewife from high Part 1 society to whore in colony part 1. #erotic Characters Priya :lawyer and heroine Maid :shyamala Watchman :Ramu Maid husband :Gopal Call girl : Swapna Old colony president :raghunath(63yrs) Tailor :Ramlal Tailor wife : rangamma Madam : brothel house owner Hi , this is Priya and I am writing one of my humiliating experiences in this story . I am going to tell you how one incident has changed me from being a decent and arrogant wife to...

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Manya Forbidden lust of an Indian housewife

The shrill morning alarm sent unruly bolts and waves into Manya's body as she stirred, opened her deep eyes and cast a sleepy glance towards the place next to her. Her eyes met with the not so inspiring sight of her still snoring husband Desh, cuddled up like an insecure c***d, his breath carrying the odour of liquor and his chest heaving in monotonous regularity. The 36 year old housewife sighed and shifted her full frame slowly out of the bed to begin another day. Clad in a thin white blouse...

3 years ago
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Becoming The Real Housewife

"Becoming The Real Housewife" I was in the kitchen cooking dinner when I heard the car pull into the garage. Dave entered the house carrying a pink box tied with a pink satin bow that he set on the table. He glanced at me as he hung his coat up then sat down at the table and poured himself a glass of wine. "Hi," he said. I returned the same response as I continued to stir the dinner on the stove. "I got you a present today I think you'll really like," he said referring to the pink...

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Texas Death Row Market

She was driving through the open space, wondering whether she would make iton time. The speedometer of her sedan was showing about 50 mph on a two wayroad just off the highway. There was nothing but dust and dirt on each sideof the road. She was not used to this kind of a terrain. She was from EasternMassachusetts where one quickly gets used to seeing trees on one side of theroad, and the ocean on the other. Being in Texas or the first time of her lifereally was a great experience for her....

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Fucked The Aphrodisiac UP Housewife

Hi readers. I’m Sarfaraz Khan a 23 year old male from South India, single. I love making love to hot girls and aunties. I believe in not forcing yourself on a woman. Sex should always be consensual and I create a situation where the female herself gives in to me. This is about my neighbor. Let’s call her ‘Janaki’. She was from the state of UP, came and settled in my locality as her husband was working in some small firm. They were not much educated but not very poor like the typical migrant...

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Jennifers Journey Becoming the Perfect Housewife Part 4

Jennifer's Journey ? Becoming the Perfect Housewife, Part 4 January Brings Some Changes With the start of the New Year, there were a few changes to my life and my weekly schedule. I was no longer going with Sarah to the gym two mornings a week. I was doing my work-outs at home in front of my TV with my new exercise DVDs and workout outfits. My favorite routine was something called Fitness Ballet, which combined some ballet basics with lots of stretching and some aerobics. Sarah...

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Im a housewife

I'm a Housewife Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Injured on the job, I was at home to recover when I got the news. The chemical that my body had absorbed caused me to temporarily lose some of my dexterity as well as experiencing some minor loss of visual acuity. The doctors told me it would go away, yet that made it impossible for me to return to work. Physically there wasn't anything wrong, yet the company decided to allow me to stay home and draw my pay rather than work...

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The Making of a Housewife

THE MAKING OF A HOUSEWIFE Tony Meacher loved his wife, Alice, unconditionally. He had been put out of work when his company relocated to a northern town, but his wife was working in a family business locally where she was valued highly. He didn't think that his job any more important than hers, and there was no question that she wanted to stay put, so they did. He found it difficult to accept that his wife was the breadwinner until he realised that he could shoulder all the...

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Sleeping With My Tinder Match Indian Housewife

Hi, I am Kalai from Bangalore and this is a story about how I met an unsatisfied housewife on Tinder and had sex with her. This is a real story and not fiction. This incident took place nearly a year ago when the first lockdown was partially lifted in Bangalore. I had never been in a relationship for a long time so I decided to get on Tinder and find myself a girlfriend. It took quite some time for me to find a match. After a month’s search, I was matched with an Indian housewife woman of age...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 13 and Preacher Sucks

My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...

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The White Suburban Housewife Getting Ready for t

The White Suburban Housewife - Getting Ready for the CustomerAs usual, the alarm came on at 6:30 am but I was already awake. In fact, I had been awake most of the night. I had tried to sleep but I kept waking up stressed and in a panic because today I would become a whore. Before the sun sets today I will become a whore. More troubling, I will be a white whore for black men. The alarm went off again to tell us that it’s now 6:45. Dan turned over and put his arm over me and pulled me...

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housewife bobby fucked by a black guy

Hi readers it’s me Bobby (not real name just a fake name) again withanother experience. Again I am introducing myself am 36 year oldbeautiful housewife with white color huge sexy boobs and nice curvedass. My body size and structure is similar to Tamil actress Namitha.Those who are reading this first time please go through my otherposts housewife bobby fucked by young guy and bobby again fuckedby young guy. Please forgive my mistakes. Thanks for your feedback’u can mail me at [email protected]...

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Bored Housewife Learns Her Lesson

Barnkitty had been home all day, bored, waiting for TomCat to arrive. She knew he would be extra-late tonight. Sometimes the office just got the better of his time, but he meant to earn for his family, take care of his wife, and excel in his career.The same cannot always be said of Barnkitty. She lacked focus, thought often of sex, fluffy clouds, and men with firm hands and deep disciplining techniques. Barnkitty did not have an exceedinly complex personality, but she loved her man and tried...

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Fucked A Hot Housewife Whom I Met In Tinder

Hi guys. For those who do not know me, I am Sai, 24, a student in NIT Trichy. I am back with a new experience in Trichy. This experience happened when my college started and I got a match in Tinder with a housewife. Her name is Jasmine, a 27-year-old housewife. Her husband works as a bank manager and their marriage is arranged. At first, we chatted like normal friends. But after some days, I asked her about her life and all the details. Then she told me about her and asked whether I have a...

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The Housewife III

The Housewife Part 3 By JaneDough7 Chapter 7 Anne Johnson relaxed, enjoying the warm, oiled and perfumed bath water. She smiled. She had found the solution to her problem. No longer would she have to put up with Bill's molestations, she though. And that's what they were to her: molestations. Bill didn't 'make love' with her. He used her. Used her as if she were the lowest of whores. Forced her to do the vilest things in bed. No longer would she be forced to use her mouth on her...

2 years ago
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Tales Of Ananya 8211 Part 1A Hot Indian Housewife

“Ananya, Ananya Ramachandran,” the attendant shouted. That’s when I realized I was daydreaming. “That’s me,” I said and stood up. Everyone in the lobby was looking at me, a hot Indian housewife, especially at my midriff. My saree pallu was flying in the air giving everyone a show of my navel. I realized it and quickly covered it. “You can go in. Your husband works on the fifth floor,” he said. The elevator door was about to close, but I managed to get in. Only one man was in. He must be above...

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Tales Of Ananya 8211 Part 1A Hot Indian Housewife

“Ananya, Ananya Ramachandran,” the attendant shouted. That’s when I realized I was daydreaming. “That’s me,” I said and stood up. Everyone in the lobby was looking at me, a hot Indian housewife, especially at my midriff. My saree pallu was flying in the air giving everyone a show of my navel. I realized it and quickly covered it. “You can go in. Your husband works on the fifth floor,” he said. The elevator door was about to close, but I managed to get in. Only one man was in....

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Virtual Sex Adventures With Lonely Housewife 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS fans! I am Dheena from Chennai and this is my first story at ISS. I work in an MNC and my favorite pastime is to do kinky role-play with girls/aunts that I meet on sex chat sites. Sometimes, I also do role-play chat with guys where we tag team. We share our fantasy of fucking the girls in our life or imaginary sluts like actresses, movie characters, and porn stars. During these role plays, I have spun a lot of interesting sex stories that I would like to share with you...

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Virtual Sex Adventures With Lonely Housewife 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS fans! I am Dheena from Chennai and this is my first story at ISS. I work in an MNC and my favorite pastime is to do kinky role-play with girls/aunts that I meet on sex chat sites. Sometimes, I also do role-play chat with guys where we tag team. We share our fantasy of fucking the girls in our life or imaginary sluts like actresses, movie characters, and porn stars. During these role plays, I have spun a lot of interesting sex stories that I would like to share with you...

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Fucked Surat Housewife

Hello, everyone of indian sex stories dot net, I am thankful to every reader who replied me for my last story.Big thanks to you all. Guys this is my another true life experience about a week ago. After my last story how I fucked my neighbor aunty activa sikhate sikate…Please go and read on indian sex stories dot net. Story start karneke pehle mein aapne bareme introduce karna chahta hu. My name is vicky I am 27 years old. From mumbai height 5.5ft kabhi-kabhi gym janewali body hai. Baki sab...

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Bored housewife gets anal gangbang

Kerry is a Russian housewife living in London. She met her English husband on a Russian brides online dating service. She is 31 years old and has a high sex drive. Recently she has done everything to get her husband's attention sexually telling him that he can do anything to her and nothing is off limits. However, her husband is no longer interested and also spends a lot of time away on business trips She suspects he is cheating on her. So, in desperation, Kerry decided to put herself about on...

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Texas Jack Ch 0103

Chapter One – The Hold Up The four riders spurred their horses into a run as the stagecoach came into sight. Their leader, astride a big buckskin, adjusted his mask and drew his six shooter. ‘Let’s take it!!’ He said reining his horse around and heading down the hill. Shots started coming from the coach as soon as the driver and guard saw the four men coming at them. At the gallop, the outlaw leader aimed and fired. The diver slumped back in the seat, dropping the reins. ‘DAMN!!!’ the robber...

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Texas Gal Part 4

Texas Gal - Part 4 by C. Sprite Copyright 1999 Chapter Thirteen Lumber 102 Susan and I got out of bed and went into Auntie's room. She was still sleeping so I opened up her curtains to let the morning sun in, while Suz went into the bathroom to run our bath. Auntie stirred with the sunlight on her face and when I was sure that she was awake, I went into the bathroom. We were soaking in the tub when Judy and Mary arrived. As always, we talked about our...

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Texas Trade

TEXAS TRADE Texas, big Texas, wild west state and one of the few states where cowboy boots go with a suit, it's the state I was going through, easy to get lost in it, how true. Id come into some money from my grandmothers estate, about 50 grand. Part of it went to clear some debts, and the rest I put onto a holiday, a self drive one through the United States. I had the leave and the money, so why not. Id come into Texas through New Mexico, another state where cowboy boots...

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Texas Trade Chapter 2

TEXAS TRADE CHAPTER 2 That night I slept in segments. I knew it wouldn't be long until my male body returned and I could go back to being male. I had enjoyed being female, being a sexy cheerleader, shopping for sexy clothes and showing them off. It had all been eye opening, but I was still hoping to go back to being male. Jenna's 18yo body that I was still in was out of school and I was reviewing university options, there were a lot of them. Jenna's grades had always been good and...

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Indian Housewife Mom And Son

Hi guys, my name is Abhishek. I am 19 years old. My family consists of me, my mom and my dad. My mom is a housewife and my dad, Kumar works in an IT company. He spends most of his time at his office. My mom Ananya is 37 years old. She is so health-conscious. She does exercises and yoga regularly. She maintains her sexy body like a pro. And of course, all this is for showing off her body! My mother always wears a dress in a revealing manner, even in the house. She roams in a short baby doll...

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The White Suburban Housewife Insatiable Lust

After more than three years absence, Susan, The White Suburban Housewife, returns. Readers will recall that Susan got involved with Marvin, a black businessman, through the internet. They eventually met in person and Marvin introduced Susan to interracial sex. She loved it. Then Marvin duped her into having sex with his business clients. In essence, she was working as a prostitute. Her first trick was with one of Marvin’s best business clients, Robert. Robert showed Susan what sex with a virile...

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Housewife Porn Star

???  ??? I had just kissed my husband goodbye from the front porch a few seconds ago and now I?m watching the car back slowly out of the driveway.? I can see his smiling face every time he glances back to me from behind the driver?s seat. I?m trying my best to look as natural as I can as I keep smiling at him. ?? I watch as the car slowly backs out into the street and I waive one last time before John puts the car into gear and waives one last time and turns the corner to merge onto the...

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Anything to be a housewife

Anything to be a housewife She heard to front door close, Dave was home. "Hi babe, how have you been?" he said. "Good thanks honey how was work?" she replied. "Hard day, still trying to catch up from last week, I'm tired and ready for a rest," said Dave. "You sit down and relax, I'll bring you a beer," she said, smiling to herself. This was what she had dreamed of since she was a little boy. Sitting at her mother's feet, touching her silky stockings, wanting to be just...

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Hot Sex With My 46 Years Old Housewife Mom

Dear readers, I am always a fan of incest stories, especially those involving moms. I thought were just a fantasy until recently it happened to me. And to say more, yes I just recently fucked my mom. To start my experience, let me share about my family. In our family, there are only me, mom and dad. Dad is 49 yo and Mom is 46 yo. I am 22 yo. My dad runs his own security company that provides security services to MNC. Mom was previously working as a clerk and recently stopped working and now...

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The Happy Housewife

When she was growing up, Joanne detested the very thought of helping her mother with the housework. The thought of the boring chores was enough to make her want to vomit. But if she had her choice, she preferred to do the more repetitive duties like polishing the silverware or dusting the furniture. The sight of her hard-working mom down on her knees scrubbing the floor tiles turned her off completely. The one event that traumatically changed her attitude was when she happened to witness her...

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How I fucked an Amazingly Gorgeous Hot Housewife

I am aryan 23, a businessman from gujarat. About my physique, I am 6 feet and have a lean body and perfect structure. And the housewife is vidhi 36, from a town in gujarat. She is 5’8″ and has an awesome bhabhi figure of 34-30-34 with the right amount of flesh and fair toned. She has amazing black eyes to die for and beautiful hands. This is a bit long story but a complete turn on and kinky. Stay if you want to cum hard. I appreciate your patience. Having described us, let’s jump to the story....

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Texas Summer Heat Chapter 4

Blake and Tanya arrived in Amarillo and went straight to a nice hotel and secured a room. It was dinnertime so before they got too comfortable they decided to grab a bite to eat."I don't know about you, but I'm starving!" Blake said when they had went up and put some things in their room."I am too... you kinda work up an appetite in me!" Tanya said, biting her fingernail coyly.He smiled and pulled her to him in a kiss. Then they left to go to the front desk and inquire about a restaurant. After...

Straight Sex
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A Stepmothers Sin Chapter 5 I try to understand what is motivating my stepson

Chapter Five: I realize I needed to understand Robert's motivation and desires betterIt happens again the next morning.I arose early, slipped out of bed without waking Robert. Silently, I went into the bathroom. I turned the water on, giving the hot water time to work its way through the pipes for my warm shower. While waiting for the water to warm up, I stared into the mirror and assessed my thirty nine year old body. Objectively speaking, I was in excellent shape. My breasts were firm and...

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Mrs Fletcher Chapter One Brothers Motherinlaw

I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. My...

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The Debauchery of a Young Housewife

Asha was newly married to Rajesh Sinha, a young businessman, who hadhis own auto-parts making factory in the outskirts of Delhi. Theylived in a big bungalow with Rajesh's parents. They had just returnedfrom their honeymoon. Asha a voluptuous women had been a virginbefore marriage, although she had indulged in heavy petting with afew boys and her house servant. Luckily before she could go anyfurther her marriage was fixed. She was a lusty young woman with abig body, heavy breasts and a tight...

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Daughters Incestuous Therapy 3 The Joys of Mothers Loving Sons

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: The Joys of Mothers Loving Sons By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Session 5 with Jill Daniels “Thanks for coming in today,” I said to Jill Daniels, smiling at the mother of Mercedes. Normally, I saw Jill on Friday after my session with her daughter and not on Monday. The woman nodded. She lay on the bed beside me. I was working her towards my cuddle therapy. I loved the look in her eyes. She had this...

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Story of a Naive Housewife

Amit and Ruby recently married and living in an apartment in Mumbai. Amit works working in an MNC. Ruby is a simple housewife. They are happily married, have no k**s as yet. Ruby is a very beautiful girl, mostly liked wearing salwar suits and when she wore sarees she looked stunning. She always wore a dupatta and kept her body covered. All men lusted after her. they were jealous of Amit. Amit is an average looking guy, he is quite simple and enjoys his work. Ruby is new in Mumbai. she spends...

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Muslim housewife seduces black man

Hafsah was a 30 year old Muslim housewife of Pakistani origin. Her husband's name was Osman and he had successfully reached a high position in a firm so this meant that Hafsah was fortunate enough to live in a large house and be free from having to get a job. But a downside was that Hafsah was all alone and would miss the romantic fucking sessions she had after they had their arranged marriage.Hafsah was a very fair skinned lady who had long hair, large round breasts and a firm ass. She would...

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The White Suburban Housewife The First Customer

The next morning Dan took his own sweet time to get ready for work but he finally got out of the house and on his way to work. Before he was out of site of our house I was on the computer, logging in and checking my emails but there was nothing from Marvin. I was very disappointed and let down. Ever since I woke up I had been thinking about Marvin and anticipating an email from him telling me how much he enjoyed our...encounter. But alas there was no such email. So with nothing pressing...

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Sex With A Telugu Housewife In Hyderabad

Hello everyone I am Vishnu 29yrs young 5.11 and slim good looking person live in Hyderabad. I am going to tell my true story in my life that happened. I don’t want to waste time and i will come quickly to the story and this is my second story. Actually it happened 3months back. I after my 1st sex with a house wife in front of her husband this my second story, with a housewife I meet her in online, she is normal body having 3yrs kid and her husband is working in a company he will leave morning 9...

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Jennifers Journey Becoming the Perfect Housewife Part 2

Jennifer's Journey: Becoming the Perfect Housewife -- Part 2 By Jennifer Madison At Sarah's suggestion, starting in the Fall two years ago, I started living as Jennifer at least four and a half days a week. Together, Sarah and I have been working to mold me into a perfect, doting and feminine housewife. My girl wardrobe has increased dramatically from all the shopping we've been doing. And between trips to exercise class, the salon and my cooking and...

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