Always Finding TroubleChapter 18
- 2 years ago
- 25
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I woke to the telephone ringing. I picked it up and got a dial tone, but the phone was still ringing. Oh shit, that's the guest line.
I pushed the button to get the second line and answered "Hello" instead of Safe Two.
A voice came back with, "This is Chuck, right?"
"Yes, Who, What, and Why?"
"This is Deputy Marshal from Orlando and no jokes please, I've heard them all, just call me Marshal Marshal. I called this number because I need your safe house and the line isn't ringing there. I'm on I-4 about forty-five minutes out and will need to get a couple of guests into your place. I heard you guys moved and that you were the cheese now. Is Bobby really the new station chief?"
"Yeah, she is. I'm concerned though as the line is supposed to be going to both places and the guys should have answered. Do you know where the Bureau's warehouse inspection station is?"
"You mean the place where they have the bunks for guys when there's something big? Where the tech lab is?"
"Yeah, that one. Take your guests there for inspection and induction. If they are clean, they'll go out to the safe house. If they are funny, they stay in the hotel. How long before pickup for relocation?"
"This one is tough; they are witnesses and are being hunted. I have two chase cars with me, one in front and one in back. They even had me use our padded wagon. (protected vehicle)."
"Okay, either Bobby or I will meet you at the warehouse. Get them started through a checkup right away, as it can take a while if they're dirty."
"Got it, see you soon and congratulations on your new job."
When I hung up, Bobby was already in the shower. I called the duty number and told them that Safe didn't answer, that I wanted two teams out there instantly, and to use the tactical radio to let me know. I called the warehouse to let them know of some hot incoming and they said they were ready. I called the duty guy at the hotel to tell him to keep the floor clean as we might have more guests up there. He said "no sweat," as the hotel already promised us the floor for at least the rest of the week.
Bobby was getting out of the shower. I filled her in and asked her if we should rouse the others. She said, "Jan isn't mine, but you can use her. I'll get Marie up, though. If something's hot, I want her cool with me."
"Listen, we don't have a protected vehicle, so we need to be camouflaged. How about us taking the pickup to check out the new safe house, then we'll head to the warehouse?"
Bobby smiled, "Sounds good, but I'm in charge here so you can go back to sleep."
"Not a chance, this is still one of my offices and if there's a problem, the buck stops with me."
I headed for the shower as Bobby said, "How did I know you would say that."
By the time I was out of the shower and getting dressed, Jan and Marie were both up and almost ready. Wanda came out of her room and asked, "What's going on and why didn't you wake me up?"
I gave her a brief rundown and told her to go ahead and get a head start on the day by getting ready to go in. We gave her keys to the Expedition to go in later, and I gave her my keys to the new office. I told her to stay by the phone in case someone else called as there was something wrong with the safe house phone.
She knew immediately there might be more to it, but said she would get ready.
I took a deep breath before I made sure everyone checked their weapons. We didn't have any rifles, but we would remedy that later today.
Bobby drove the truck to the new safe house since she knew where it was, busting my chops about the pickup truck the whole way, but easing the pain by reminding me she had gotten rid of it for me. As we drove up the street near the house, we came to our outside duty guys, and I had to show my face before the window came down. I told them about the phone and they said their last contact with the house was about an hour ago on the radio.
That made me feel better, so I used the radio on the way to the house. They answered right away and I told them that I was visiting in a white Ford crew cab pickup. They asked me if the station chief had authorized my visit and I handed the radio to Bobby.
"Good man, I'll remember that. Um, this is tomorrow, so if you would let the pumpkin in, I would appreciate it." She was giving the password for the day.
"The mice will open the door."
We didn't think they would open the garage but they did. This was a three car garage with the Suburban in the single car slot.
Bobby patted the roof, and the back door to the entrance from the garage opened, showing friendly faces holstering their sidearms. As she walked in the house, Bobby asked, "Is the phone working?"
"Yeah, we used it last night to call home. I'm married and my wife is thinking about perhaps us taking over the Safe One and Two."
I checked the phone, both lines worked. I punched line two and dialed my cell phone number, the caller ID showed some other number than the safe house number. I checked line one and it was the normal number for what used to be our first line at the old house.
It took me a second to remember what to do, but I remembered and called the operator who took a year to answer. I gave her the national security code. She was apologetic that it took her so long to answer. I asked for the security repair facility and was transferred instantly.
"Secure repair."
I identified our branch with its number and advised them of the problem. He asked me to hang on. I could hear him typing on a keyboard and came back said, "The dumb fucks from second shift didn't key in the change. I've got you switched on a direct number swap. Do you want that number changed?"
"No, leave it, since I already have it recorded on my cell. I'll have it available as we're personally retaining that residence."
"Listen, the program change won't be permanent until three AM tomorrow morning. You need to check that number every hour to make sure that it's still programmed right. These numb nuts can screw up a wet dream, so they could make everything revert. I would suggest you call forward the line you consider secure to your new line. That way the call will ring in both places. I'll set it up so it will ring in both places when forwarded. You know what, I'm not waiting. I've got your number, I'll call you right back.
I picked up line one and was going to dial but the dial tone vanished. It came back and I was going to dial again when the second line rang. I picked it up and said, "Safe."
"Gotcha. I know Verizon is going to have a cow, but I made the change permanent and put a security password on it. When you guys need to change this number again, use your office number for the password if the repair guy that's on isn't savvy. Sorry about the mix up."
"No loss this time, just some sleep. Thanks."
I hung up and we all relaxed. The duty guys said, "I put on a pot of coffee and started breakfast. You'll just have an early day."
I told him that we have guests arriving at the warehouse to be checked out, but not to leave for transport until they were declared clean. He said, "Are we going to run everyone through there now?"
Bobby answered, "it's part of the stations new SOP. Better catch up on your reading. I'll remind everybody during the next several briefings. You should have an updated book here."
One of the duty guys pulled the manual from the shelf in the kitchen and began flipping through it. "Geez, there are a lot of changes. I guess I will have plenty to read today."
Bobby said, "Go through the SOP completely every month. It doesn't hurt to do it weekly. If you are the Safe One, you will be putting the info in and can read it then. When you receive a change, put it in immediately as it could save a life."
"Got it, Chief. That's why you're chief and I'm still a straight deputy. I'm working on it."
I called Wanda on the number that had come up on my caller ID. She answered "May I help you," not knowing what was up with the line. I told her to write the number down so she would have it. I told her this part of the emergency was complete. She should drive in when she wanted to, but go through security at the front entrance. She was registered, but would still have to check in until something changed.
We ate breakfast and headed into the office very early. Marie said, "I think I would make a better deputy than those two. I know how to follow directions."
Bobby was perfect. "You are a deputy and you are in one of the most important positions in the station. Every deputy in the station depends on your coordination and your knowledge of every rule, every regulation, and every change. Your job is to keep D.C. off our back."
Marie asked, "Is it that important to be a clerk?"
I answered, "Sarah was the clerk that kept this branch together while we had an infiltrator leading us astray. She knew the rules and wouldn't let the men or even the impostor stray. Even though it was her knowledge that helped the guy fake his position, it was her knowledge that saved the station and probably several lives."
"Pretty important then," Marie said. "Can I still get some action every once in a while?"
Bobby said, "There's always a chance for a clerk to do some field work. I'll make sure you're included on anything big."
I suggested, "Get to know Wanda. She's experienced and knowledgeable. Sarah will bring you up right as well. If you learn from the two of them, you could end up like Sarah as an ACE. That's our nickname for the Assistant Station Chief."
Jan said, "You're in a station that's making history, Marie. Your station is probably the first one in the history of the service to have women as both chief and assistant. People will know of your background and it will help. I want to be a deputy in your station, but Chuck says that my future is better served with the Bureau."
"It is, Jan, but as you can see, I'm trying to get the two branches to work together. Individually, we are both good. Collectively, we are unbeatable."
Bobby said, "Just that attitude is what made the man the new master. Um, just what is your title anyway?"
"I don't know, do I need one?"
"You need cards, stationary, a sign on your door, something to address you by, all that stuff."
I smiled, "I'll let my new Office Manager figure it out and let you know. Perhaps she'll tell me at the same time."
Bobby said, "You know she's going to be a real task master."
"Yep, that'll be great. I was used to Sarah making me toe the line. Wanda is a perfect follow up. I shouldn't miss too much."
We arrived at the garage where Bobby parked the truck in the temporary position and wrote a note that she left with the keys for Hank when he came in. We walked across to the hotel to get a stack of donuts, then went through security on the way upstairs. The duty guy said, "I just put on coffee. The guys from Orlando are at the warehouse. They want the Chief, that's you, Bobby, to call them. Thanks for the donut. Hell of a wake up, huh?"
Bobby called the warehouse to find out that the couple that were intended witnesses were as clean as the wind driven snow. She said, "Since they are going to be going back and forth to court and they may be hunted, I'm putting them in the hotel."
She called the safe house and said, "Take the Suburban and have a detail follow you. I want the guests in the hotel. I'm told the couple are hot witnesses and are being hunted. Keep your eyes open and check at each step."
She looked at me, Jan, then Marie, and said, "You know it's too easy to just take our little group and just do things. I have to learn to use my men. I'll call the standby guys and get them heated up. That's what I'm supposed to do. I better call the ACE, so she's alerted." She was looking at a list, "It doesn't make a difference, Dave is on standby. Two birds with one call."
While Bobby was acting like a station chief, I was eating a donut and drinking coffee. Jan said she was going to the Bureau office, so I gave her two donuts for the security guys on the first floor. She took two cups of coffee and the two donuts and headed to work. I wandered over to the hotel and up to the security guy on the penthouse floor. He said the regular room had been cleaned up and was ready for new people. I told him there were some hot witnesses on the way. I also told him that we should be getting rid of our two Russians. The girl was another matter. I didn't know what to do with her.
The duty guy said, "She really needs to go into foster care. She needs an education and a lot of attention before she can be put out in public. She has too many bad experiences from her slave days to be normal."
When I said, "Where will I find foster parents that can handle a girl like that?" He said, "Call this number and speak to the lady that answers. Her name is Gina and she is just that person. There will be a language problem, but not one where the little girl is not understood. Gina came from that same environment and is now a loving wife and foster mother to girls like that."
I could see the pride in his eyes. "Is she your wife?"
"You guessed it. She can't have kids because her insides were torn up when she was little. But she is one hell of a mother to the girls that need it. She has her teaching degree and certificate, so she can home school the girl. Call her, then call immigration. If you can get Homeland Security to cooperate, they can have her at our house today."
"There won't be a problem with any security agencies in this town, trust me."
"That's right; you're the new whatever it is they call you. Shit, we have it made here with you in our backyard. Go get it done. Don't worry about calling Gina, I'll do it. If you call her, she'll keep you on the phone for a year. She's heard so much about you, she'll talk your arm off."
"Thanks, Jack. We've taken care of another problem. I'll get Jan to come over and explain things to her."
"No need, one of the USF girls stayed overnight with her and according to the monitors, everything is perfect. The little girl went to bed and the student sacked out on the couch. See there." He pointed to two monitors. They are fine. Our couple is acting like a couple, and they have quit bitching at each other. I think they know we aren't going to send them back."
I left the duty guy, Jack, and went back across the street. I went to the rear of the building, looking for something that looked like an elevator. There was an oversized wooden door just inside the back door, but it was locked. Maybe I had a key that fit it.
I went through security again, rode upstairs and walked down the hallway, trying to figure out the rear of the building and where that door had been. There was another oversized door that was also locked. I think I had the answer.
I walked down to my office and almost didn't try the door because I had given away my keys. The door was open and Wanda was in the office, arranging the clerks' desks. She said, "Good morning, Mr. Johnson."
"I'm Chuck, Mr. Johnson passed away years ago."
"You will be Mr. Johnson in this office. The clerks must call you by your appropriate name and refer to you in the same manner. When we are not here, it will be a pleasure to call you Chuck, or some other endearing term, but here, you are Mr. Johnson."
I guess I've been told. "Does that mean you are Ms. Johnson?"
"Only if I'm being scolded. It is appropriate for you to refer to me by my first name or any nickname you wish to assign. The same goes for our future clerks."
Okay, the babe has some rules. I can live with that.
"Wanda, I know this is probably a station thing, but we have a sixteen year old Russian girl who escaped from a brothel here in town. Last night, all of the places under suspicion should have been taken down, but the info is being withheld from the media as there may be more. Anyway, this little girl can't be sent back to Russia, and she can't be released into society since she is too young and only has knowledge of one way of life. I need to get immigration to release her to some foster parents. Because of the possibility that the Russians might want her back, it needs to be kept confidential, even secret maybe. How should this be handled?"
She thought for a moment then said, "Let's get her some ID with a new name. I'll use that name to get immigration to grant us permanent residence and will work with the Children's and Family Division to place her in appropriate foster care."
"We have a deputy whose wife is a teacher and takes care of distressed teens. I want the girl there."
"Give me the names and I will make sure that it's taken care of. I'm good at working with those departments. Ah, Sir, I need to make some personal long distance calls to arrange for my belongings to be trucked. I will also need to find a storage facility for the other few things I am transporting."
"Use the phone all you need. Buffalo is on my list of places to see soon. Go over to the station office for the daily briefing that you need to do everyday anyway. Have Bobby introduce you, and ask the deputies about any storage places close to the house. That ought to take care of it. Call Hank, our guy in the garage to get you a car. If you want him to take you around to dealerships, he will. If you want to just try out a bunch of different types of cars, he'll fix you up. You'll like him; he's a down home guy that loves to help people and loves cars. You might watch him, though. He is respectful, but the man is single and does keep a close eye on candy such as you."
"That's an inappropriate remark, Mr. Johnson, but thank you. Thank you for the warning, also. I found a stack of credit cards in my desk with a note that says I'm to order a credit card for my expenses and fuel. Should I do that?"
"Yep, take one of mine for right now and you can use Staples online or go there. We have an account with them and you need to decorate the offices. You'll need the card for that. We both have a bunch to do today, so let's get to it. Can I have my keys back? Yours are in your drawer. I won't lock my office so you will have access to everything in there. I will leave my PC on, as I use "Go to my PC" when I'm out of town or out of the office. My PC password is password, all lower case. If you want to make it something else, let me know so I can memorize it."
I paused for a second and looked around before saying, "It's almost time for the briefing, so you might start in there. I would appreciate it if you handle the Russian girl for me next. I'll go advise Bobby that you're in charge of that."
As I began to leave the office, Wanda touched my arm and said, "Thank you for hiring me and thank you for immediately using my abilities and trusting my judgment. We are going to work out. I'll get started on hiring clerks. You're going to have a cow at how much paperwork there is going to be."
We went to the station office where I grabbed coffee and a donut before I went to advise Bobby about the girl and what Wanda would be doing. Bobby nodded and said thanks, as she didn't have a clue as to how to handle the young girl.
I told her that Wanda would attend all briefings and I would appreciate it if she introduced her this morning. I would stay scarce so her authority would not be undermined. She smiled and said, "Sarah and I agreed that you could start coming to briefings in a month or so. We should have the pecking order established by then. You did a good job on Marie. She's out there being the little general Sarah used to be. She's going to be a good one."
I left and wandered down the hallway to try my key in the elevator. It was one of those locks that is always locked, but the key just releases the latch to open it. Inside was the elevator with one button. I pushed the button and the door opened. I pulled the hall door closed and pushed the only button available. It was either the top floor or the first floor. I rode down and the elevator door opened. I opened the wooden door and stepped out. Shutting the door and using the key to open it again, I pushed the button to get the elevator door to close and rode back up. How about that, a secure, private elevator? I would have to decide whether it was a good idea for Wanda or me to use it. It might be good to have us logged into the building. That's how they could find us sometimes, if something went wrong and they knew we were in the building.
Wanda was in the office, calling the duty guys that were to get the girl a new name and ID. The Bureau had the available names, social security numbers, and such. We just grabbed them and gave them to whomever we needed to. They didn't really know or understand how the Marshal Service worked, and we didn't bother to tell them. I'm sure they had a lot we didn't know either.
I checked my e-mail on my laptop and answered the couple that were there. I thanked John for the pickup and he called almost as soon as I pushed "send."
He was laughing, "Steal one of my pickups will you. Enjoy your ride, Chuck."
"I sold it."
"What do you mean you sold it? You can't do that."
"Sure I can. There was a requisition for a crew cab pickup that was already authorized. I just transferred the vehicle through the station to the new federal owners. They'll be happy for the fast response. Besides there's only a couple of thousand miles on the truck, it's brand new."
"You are too sneaky. I pull a prank and you're out of it before I get a laugh."
"I did drive it last night, and it came in handy this morning for camouflage." I explained what had happened and he said, "So you came to work early."
"Yep, but I needed to. I have a bunch of loose ends to make sure get tied up, and my to-do list is getting bigger. How important is the problem in Buffalo?"
"It's not critical mass yet, but it's getting there. I have a replacement in the wings. Be careful when you make the change, as the guy can be a hot head. You can offer him a new station as a deputy, but he's done as a Chief."
"Can I use the plane or should I get reservations?"
"If you need the plane, it'll be on its way. If you can use a local charter, use them if it's faster. You have an "at the pleasure of the president's" budget, just use it wisely. I'll watch it for you to keep you posted. The higher you get, the more they watch every nickel. They're going to shit that you've already turned the pickup at cost. That's a coup in itself. You're office had taken a twenty-five grand hit on the truck and you just got it back. Check the listings of available vehicles. If you take a vehicle that someone else has been pulled from, your office gets it free. Tell Wanda that too, she's good with budgets."
I said, "That lady is by the numbers. I love it. This place is going to be ship shape in a heart beat."
"She's tough, but she'll be an ass saver that's for sure."
"Let me get to work, Boss, I'll talk to you later."
"Hang on there, I am your reporting official, you are your own boss. You do not have a boss except for the U.S. Marshal in charge in the area of what you are doing at that minute. Use that power sparingly and with good judgment."
"Jesus, this is a precariously strange job."
"Like you don't know, but you will in time."
We hung up and I answered the rest of my e-mails. I called the Buffalo office to find out the Station Chief's schedule. He was out today, but was due in tomorrow. I was conflicted about whether to use the federal plane or the charter.
I went to the real boss of the place, "Wanda, can you tell me if it's cheaper for me to use the federal plane stationed in D.C. right now or for me to use a charter. We have a good charter service down here and you'll like their people. You know that once we get this office cooking, you'll be traveling with me for some issues. We're going to make things the way they should be, but only change things when they need to be changed."
"Good attitude, Sir. We'll do a good job."
She looked down at her notes, "While you were talking to John, we've established an identity, and the immigration people have made Children and Family Services assign this child to us. I've spoken to Gina. Dave will be taking her home with him. He's made arrangements with the USF girl to visit with the new family member to assist in her English lessons. There's a bunch of paper that has to be handled yet, but I'll get it done as I get it in."
Wanda continued, "Let me figure out which plane is cheaper and I'll advise you. Here are some incident reports for you to review and if you have any questions, e-mail the stations involved."
Darnn, if I have to review all the incident reports in the U.S. it could take a lot of time. I might have to delegate that. I read them over and didn't see anything amiss. Only one dead guy and he did it to himself during his capture. There was a box for the supervising official that was circled in red. I assumed Wanda was telling me to initial it. I did and was trying to figure out what to do with them when Wanda placed two wooden trays on my desk. In small brass letters one said "In" and one said "Out." I smiled and slid the papers in the out basket. She pointed to the "in" basket to show me more paper. Darn.
These were Bureau changes that I needed to be aware of. I read them, noting there were holes in them. I pulled a binder out that had "FBI" on it, and it already had some older bulletins in it. I snapped them in and called downstairs to see if Jan wanted to do our required practice with me. She did, so I advised Wanda where I was headed and she said, "May I come with you, please? I want to become more proficient. You have made me have the desire to become a better deputy."
We went downstairs, and while Jan ran through her exercises, I put Wanda in a booth and began from the top. We went over all the safety precautions up through dry fire. Jan had joined me to listen. We went out and the range officer handed me two full magazines and one empty with three loose rounds. I said, "You've watched me do this before. Thanks."
We went through the handling again. I demonstrated putting the round in the magazine, inserting it into the gun, and chambering a round. I jacked the round out and ejected the empty magazine. Wanda did the maneuver in order, stood in a two handed position as I had instructed, brought the gun up slowly, and fired. She hit the outer area of the body circle. She said excitedly, "I hit it. I hit it the first time."
I told her to repeat the process and if she needed to, to go slower but to remember to breathe before squeezing the trigger. This time she hit almost dead center. She was grinning like crazy. She repeated the single round firing one more time hitting a little off center, but still white.
"Okay, Wanda, you now need to load a full magazine and fire all rounds until empty. I want you to count to three between rounds. Count out loud. To be accurate, you might even consider doing that under fire."
She loaded up and began firing and counting, firing and counting, until the slide locked back. She said, "Did I hit the center with all of them?"
Jan said, "You sure did Annie Oakley. That was great for a new shooter."
"I've shot before, as it's required, but no one ever took the time to teach me to shoot. This is sort of fun."
Jan grinned and said to me, "You might have another convert."
I told Wanda, "Now, go load your three magazines and put up a new target. The first magazine in the body, the second magazine in the head, and alternate the last one between the body and head. Remember, count between rounds. If you need to count to four, do it. Accuracy is important."
"Jan and I loaded up magazines with range rounds and did our exercises. We didn't do any decision rounds, just straight accuracy practice. We did sort of do it speed style and I fired my last magazine from the hip for fun."
Jan said, "No fair, Wild Bill, I didn't know you were going to go cowboy on me. I want to practice that. That might be important. I have never thought about it before."
The range officer handed her a loaded magazine. She blushed and went to the stand, pulled the door open and slowly fired a magazine, using my counting method. She did well for the first time doing hip shots.
"That's a lot more difficult than you made it look. Your counting thing works though, as I did focus better. I'm going to use that in competition, but with fewer numbers."
Wanda had picked up her brass and the range officer was teaching her how to clean her weapon. She put the full magazine back in the gun, chambered a round, and put her Glock into her clip-on holster. She looked up at us, smiling.
The range officer said, "Another student off to a good start. I'm using all of your techniques on the new people. It's working out great."
I asked, "Do you have everything you need down here?"
"Yes Sir. John has always made sure the ranges are well funded. Mine is very active, especially since you signed on. We're getting some good shooters in here."
"How about Homeland Security, are they practicing?"
"They only have to qualify monthly. That's not often enough. How about having them try every two weeks. Send a directive and I'll try to schedule them. Do you want the reports of the non-shooters?"
We were up and working out early. I was thinking that I would like a little more of a workout like last night's, but kept right on walking on that damn treadmill. It was a pleasure to get back to lifting some weights, followed by demonstrating how to skip rope with a fake leg. I still need a real peg leg for sports and some fun things. We swam hard for almost thirty minutes, until Bobby caught my good ankle and said, "Will you stop, for crying our loud. Jesus, we quit ten minutes ago." It...
The three of us were up, showered, and dressed early. John called down to see if we were up and came down with Kenisha. "My bags are in the lobby, what's for breakfast? Want to eat with everyone else?" "Yes, let's do that and afterward go up and get the reports before I leave for the airport." As we were having our coffee before the food came, John said, "Chuck, you are now a Major in the Marshal Service. Congratulations. You'll enjoy the pay increase. I had a choice of bringing...
Morning found me forming some Tae Chi, finding my inner peace. Bobby surprised me and showed up naked to follow my lead. Jan and Marie showed up soon, also naked. I was moving slowly, when I spied a naked Wanda coming from the house and wondered, "Now what?" When I felt perfectly arranged within myself, I stopped and walked back inside the cage to take off my leg and clothes to swim. The girls did a few more moves, and came in. They all dove in and swam with me until it was time to either...
What the fuck was that? I woke up sweating and damn near shaking. I scooted to the edge of the bed and sat up, trying to get my heart rate back to normal. My mind was filled with images of that damned cell, with the idiot jailer grinning at me before he swung his baton. In my dream, I couldn't move fast enough to keep from being hit. The dream had switched back and forth between being knocked off the tow motor in Minneapolis and not being able to get up, to trying fire at the crazy Tulsa...
I woke up about five, feeling someone getting into bed with us. It was Tina, I looked up as she held her finger over her lips and lay behind Lisa. An hour later, the alarm went off so we all got up. After a quick potty visit, I went outside to form for a few minutes. Brandy and Tiani followed me, then Lisa came out to join in with what I was doing. This morning I explained that I heard soft, slow, oriental music playing as I went through the various positions. Each position was done to...
Monday morning, after some serious swimming, I was finishing dressing when my cell phone rang. It was John. "You're going to have to go to St. Louis for a Bureau station change then head up to Chicago for a Homeland Security union arbitration meeting. You'll need support, so advise Wanda. You'll probably be gone two nights, so plan on three. I know you just started your flight training, but this can't be helped. I have to be elsewhere. You know, out of this world and such. I'm sending...
I woke early, snuggled between my big babe and a slim slinky woman. When Bobby is snuggled to your back, she seems to encompass you, surrounding you with her large arms, and often with a leg thrown over you so you can't get away. (That's what it seems like anyway.) My mind wandered, thinking of all the teasing, and what seemed to me to be an all out orgy last night. I had actually been together with the beautiful intriguing redhead, Shannon, the classic Zena, and, oh my, another big babe,...
I woke up at six Thursday morning, slid from bed, strapped on my leg, put on shorts and T-shirt, and used the bathroom. The pace had been a little stressful lately, so a few minutes of mute Tae Chi would go a long way to toward relaxing me and preparing me mentally. Going through the stretching and stances becomes smooth and graceful, soon filling your mind with equally smooth melodic music that you "dance" to. Once that point is reached, you can close your eyes and let the rhythm take you...
2 finding life`s partner Day one, Mrs Ursula Parry, a widow of 66 summers, thumbed her way, slowly through yellow pages. Her home, the huge rambling old house overlooking the bay, that she and her late husband had made their home all those years ago. It was the home they had chosen for its remoteness, a mile and a half from the village, as her husband had had a joy in her making him scream when they were newlywed. Tony her Late husband had had a `sub` streak a mile wide, not that she had not...
2 finding life`s partner Day one; Mrs Ursula Parry, a widow of 66 summers, thumbed her way, slowly through yellow pages. Her home, the huge rambling old house overlooking the bay, that she and her late husband had made their home all those years ago. It was the home they had chosen for its remoteness, a mile and a half from the village, as her husband had had a joy in her making him scream when they were newlywed. Tony her Late husband had had a `sub` streak a mile wide, not that she had...
After the morning briefing, Sarah gave me the next of kin information for Forest. He came out of school directly into the service and had advanced rapidly. His personnel file did not show any dependents or any living parents. Sarah decided to investigate, as there was a sizeable life insurance policy that went to an heir. Forest's original employment application did not list a next of kin. This was a part of the application that was marked as "must be completed." No place to go but...
We were up by six and John was in our suite, having breakfast, at six thirty. We went over the e-mails from yesterday and anxiously waited for the call from Ken, as we were kept from calling until too late yesterday. At seven thirty, we called Ken knowing he was an early in the office guy. "Good timing, guys," Ken said. "I've just finished checking my e-mails. The New York group has some Ruskies tailing our investigators, so we have some of New York's finest picking them up for bullshit...
Finding Jocelyn. By Tanya H. I first met her one Tuesday in a shabby office in the corner of the county Ambulance Service HQ. I barged in, towing the hoover, with a hum on my lips and my cleaning bucket in the free hand only to come to a stop, just inside the door, when I realised somebody was still working in there. Normally by the time I get round most people had got on their toes and were well on their way home. I was used to having the place to myself,...
"Aren't they so sweet?" "Look how Brandy's almost laying on him." "Do you think they did it last night?" "Why don't you guys leave for a few minutes? I have a special way to wake him up." "We might have a special way to wake him up too." "I'm scared to death of him, but I just love him to pieces. I'll just have to think of what could have been. My big one-legged white man that got away." I opened my eyes to find Jan and Angie accompanied by Tiani, Frieda, Judy, and...
(With apologies to anyone who has been waiting over 2 years for this story to continue!) I stirred slowly, not knowing whether Miss Allie was nearby or just talking through my earphones. I was still stuck, handcuffed to the bed with a double-ended dildo in my mouth and blackened eye goggles. But I knew she was there when I felt her straddle me. Then she fiddled with the dildo in my mouth and there was my customary drink of her strong overnight urine trickling thru it and down my...
Waking up on Saturday morning is always traumatic. For some reason, the body alarm gets out of whack and even though you aren't supposed to be anywhere, you feel guilty for getting up later than usual. I lay in bed between the sleeping beauties, thinking about the two injured girls and how they were doing. Only a broken arm and a broken wrist between the two girls isn't that bad, so you have to think that they were lucky, having been in a head-on collision. It's always traumatic when...
Prologue It's just after 7 AM on a brisk November morning and a bus pulls into a bay at the South Station Bus Terminal in downtown Boston. Everyone gets off the bus except one. Still remaining in a seat in the back of the bus is a little child, barely older than 4 years old, looking around scared and unsure what to do now. The child has long brown hair that is twisted and frayed at the ends. It appears to be a boy judging by the colors and cut of the clothes but it is hard to tell...
I was up before six. All of us had breakfast and were loaded on the aircraft by eight, in Washington by ten, and home by noon thirty. I drove the men to the station and went up to see Wanda. When I came in, Conish and Angie both got up and hugged me, saying that they were glad I was all right. I went to see Wanda, she shut her door, and she hugged me and said, "I knew you were going to be in danger and I just knew you were going to be in front. You did lead and you were hurt. You had to get...
Finding the inner goddess tg. (Disclaimer: this story contains male-to-female tf, some heavy sexual themes and graphic descriptions of genitalia. Don't read if this offends you.) "You should've seen her. She had great tits, and an ass to match. You listening?" a voice cut through the crowded din of the bar. "Huh?" Rick almost coughed up the beer he'd been drinking as he turned to the workmate who'd broken his concentration. "Linda. The girl Thomas was out with last...
Oh man, that feels good. A mouth was gently sucking me, bringing me closer and closer to filling the sucking mouth with my gift. I caressed the head of the sucking person and looked down to see Jan's smiling face with her lips around me. She lifted her mouth from me and said, "You gave me so much pleasure last night, I want to do this for you. It makes me feel so special that I can give you this. Please, come in my mouth, it will make me happy." Just when I couldn't hold on another...
I woke at five thirty. It's amazing that my body will wake up when I need to. I hopped to the bathroom, peed, shaved, brushed my teeth, and showered. I was hopping out to get dressed as Bobby came in with a cup of coffee. We kissed and she said, "I hope that wasn't too far out for you. It was heaven for me. I hope Marie is okay with it. I can't wait to enjoy Wanda, she is something." The conversation was causing my dick to rise. I said, "Cool it; I don't have a lot of extra...
Oh my goodness, that feels so good. Oh, oh, it won't be long. I put my hand on the head that was moving back and forth on me. The hair was very short, it was Jan's. I looked down at her and she smiled up at me, "I just love to suck you. This is so pleasant. I love what you give me too. Give it to me, Chuck, I want it." Wanda woke just then and kissed me softly. "Aren't you the lucky one? Your dark-haired lesbian beauty is giving you something she would never give another man. You are...
Ah, Friday morning, perhaps I can get out a little early and relax. What I need is that little bi-plane, go soar in the clouds, and feel the mist on my face. I need one of those Snoopy hats with the goggles. The smile on my face woke Brandy who had her cheek resting against mine. "What's making you smile, Honey?" "I'm lying here with two beauties, a very special person snuggled up and greeting me when I first wake up, what more could make me happy?" "How about flying, were you...
The TV news announcer was telling the camera what a beautiful day it was going to be, with no thunderstorms in the forecast and great beach weather, if anyone could find a beach. Looking at the clock told me it was five in the morning. That was reasonable as it was six at home. I felt nasty having slept in my clothes with my leg strapped on all night. I stripped, hopped to the bathroom, and after covering my wounds with waterproof bandages, took a long shower, washing off the grime of the...
(C) 2006 Nick B - All rights reserved Chapter 1 School... ||||||||||| I was not a big kid, in fact I was probably only about the same size as a medium-sized girl; about five-six by the age of sixteen. My body was still smooth and slender with no muscular definition whatsoever. I hadn't much in the way of body hair (or body to put it on really) and my face was still baby-smooth. By this age, I would have expected to have something - even if it was just a dead caterpillar on my top...
My body alarm went off telling me it was time to get up. I sat up and turned off the alarm, leaned over, and kissed Bobby. She moaned, asking me to give her another fifteen minutes, so I slipped on my peg, a pair of shorts, and a T-shirt and went outside to relax before my day. Before I even began my stance, Wanda was with me, followed by Marie and Jan. As we all began, Bobby came out, followed shortly by Angie who just stood looking at what we were doing. As we continued, she took a...
Someone was sleeping on top of me. It wasn't Tiani either, as whoever it was, was bigger. Opening my eyes, I could see the auburn hair of Brandy. It was so brown, it was a little reddish. You would think it was dyed, but her mom's hair was like that, only with some gray intermingled. I was surprised her weight wasn't hurting my ribs as I only felt the restriction from the extra weight. I was still between the large breasted redhead, Frieda, and the small blonde, Judy. The group was very...
You may be wondering why I had been so accepting and compliant thru this whole saga. If you had asked me then, I probably would have told you that my initial hots for Allie had mellowed into a warmth that still held onto a hope that something could happen between us. Reading back over what I have written and knowing now what lay ahead, I realize now that it was a hopeless hope. If you ask me now, I recognize that it was all a mixture of my submissive nature - even though I was...
The next morning I reported to Forest who said he didn't have any answers for me as he didn't understand the file either. He accompanied me downstairs for the Bureau briefing. It seems the clerks in the federal court building were somehow changing files and were making changes to the recorded trial transcripts so appeals would be easier. If this were true, there would be lawyers as well as clerks that were involved. A clerk wouldn't know exactly what to change in order to give a reviewing...
Morning found the three of us swimming so hard, I think we were churning instead of swimming. When we finished we were breathing hard, but feeling refreshed. Jan had not come home, so she had obviously found a friend to go home with. About the time we were eating breakfast, a car drove up and Jan got out. She came in smiling and said, "I'll be ready in a few minutes. Save some breakfast for me." I needed to wander around with the Homeland group today, so I would have to drive. Wanda said...
I woke up with the thought of 'did I really make Nancy pregnant?' Was she really ready? Would they really do that? That line of thought would have continued except that a mouth was slowly sucking me. It felt very, very good, but different than Jan and different from yesterday morning. I petted the head of the sucker. Short hair, a smile on her face. Oh my, so good. As I got closer and closer, a dark face appeared over me to smile at me and give me a kiss. When I was swelling to let loose,...
I woke up just before six and slid from bed. Having put my peg leg on with a pair of shorts and T-shirt, I went outside to enjoy a few minutes of stretching. My form was drawing to a close when I felt Wanda near me, then saw her, Jan and Lisa as we all came to a close. While we relaxed, I noticed Marie sitting inside the pool cage watching us. Dennis was next to her. The girls were stripping and heading for the pool, so I thought, what the hey, I should be okay and I need the exercise. I...
THE TALE OF JET & QUARTZ By: Darian Deamos Chapter Five: Finding Center Wolf looked around and sighed. It had been just over a day, and he was glad of the respite, but he needed to get off of the train before it got to Seattle. It was too bad that the collar kept him from actively betraying anything, or he would have done something here, but even the thought of leaving some blood on the ground had frozen him. He turned and opened the back of the car, and leaned out into the...
"We need to talk," Cody said, as he stood, and walked towards the door to the cell. "What about Mahdi's body?" Gabir asked, jerking his head in the direction of the bloody body. Cody glanced over his shoulder, saying, "Leave it. The Lieutenant might need a reminder." The Lieutenant shook his head frantically, a drop of blood from his own nose landing on the wall beside him. "I don't need a reminder," Salim said shakily. "I won't lie, and I'll tell you everything that I can to...
Finding Janine By BobH (c) 2003 They say it takes a year. In terms of dealing with the first phase, with the raw, open wound that is your grief, that's about right. After a year, the initial pain dulls to the point where you begin to occasionally smile again, and going on with your life seems like more of a possibility, but the sense of loss never truly goes away. Janine Fox was my wife, and she was my life. Every day with her was a joy. I could hardly wait to get in from...
This story is a sequel to Trapped in a Faerie Tale. I had the idea for this story some time ago and have been working on it off an on for the last year. I would classify it as an adventure story that has a TG theme, similar to the first story. If you haven't read the first story, I would like it if you did. It is not necessary that you do so before reading this tale, however. FINDING HAPPILY EVER AFTER (TRAPPED IN FAERIE TALE BOOK...
It was a typical August day in South Florida, 99 degrees Fahrenheit with 99% humidity, the air so hot and wet it seemed to shimmer in liquid layers above the pavement as my Honda powered up the ramp onto I-95, a first, small step in a 1400 mile quest to find my missing sister Danielle. 'Danielle, ' I whispered wistfully to the empty car, an indistinct, still blurry vision of a beautiful twenty year old girl drawing me inexorably northward. I hadn't even known she was missing twelve months...
The TV was playing with a cheery female newscaster telling about the overnight news on a local cable channel. Another lady came on to give traffic information, followed by the weather person. I had a headache and I had to pee really bad. Probably too much booze, but I usually don't have hangovers. It must be a combination of the wound and the booze. I was still in my pants, so I stripped and headed to the bathroom where they had a mini coffeepot. The first thing after a big drink of water...
Monday My head was screaming, new day, new day, come on, wake up, enjoy the new day. What's up with that? The two laying with me were so sweet. They each had a leg and an arm over me, protectively. For a couple of supposed lezzies, they sure were cuddly with me, a guy. The clock said it was almost six and my body clock was saying let's get up. My tank was telling me it was overfull and needed draining. Ever so gently, I got out from between the two girls and went to the bathroom. I...
I woke up groggy on Wednesday morning, disoriented, and did not remember going to bed. The clock said five fifty, so it was nearing my regular time to get up. I rolled to the side of the bed to get up and reached for my peg. It wasn't there. I had to focus now, because things were not in order, not where they normally were. Spying the peg on the chair by the foot of the bed, I hopped over and sat to slip it on. In the bathroom, I relieved myself and quickly brushed my teeth, as my mouth...
I woke early as we did get to bed reasonably early. I got up, peed, put my leg. shorts, and a T-shirt on, and went to the kitchen to make coffee. I went out to the patio and was enjoying the fresh morning air when Wanda wrapped her arms around me, kissing my neck. "I haven't had the opportunity to thank you for my gift. That was exceptionally nice of you to do for me. I saw that wreck you drove home, although Marie thinks it's just great. Would you enjoy coming back to bed for a few...
Tuesdays are always weird. Usually you spend part of Tuesday finishing up what you didn't do on Monday. But today, all my stuff was complete until I got a call from the Dallas office. "Mr. Johnson, I'm Randal Davidson, the Assistant Chief in the Dallas/Ft. Worth station. Our chief was shot last night and may not live. We are going to need some supervision, as there are several problems that are being dealt with internally." "Randal, why am I hearing about internal problems for the...
I woke with a start, hearing the TV announcer say "Good morning, it's a wonderful Wednesday morning." The clock said five o'clock, so I had the choice of sleeping another hour or getting going. I got up and called the desk to see if I could get into the pool this early. The desk clerk said, "The gym is open and there are two lap pools in there. Would that do?" I went to the gym and rode the bike, used the treadmill, then used the free weights for twenty minutes. When I was done with...
The race wasn’t nail biting, after the first few laps of intense action and the usual knockouts at the first corner of the race, there had been little for the Ferrari clad Misty to cheer about, probably out of boredom, her similarly clothed boyfriend had begun an argument with the couple next to them. The couple were British and American, their accents noticable over the noise of the spectators but and were dressed in matching silvery gray tops and black jeans. The silvery satin shirts had...
Six o'clock found me awake, as usual, thinking of what had to be done yet today. There was no sense in trying to go back to sleep, so I began sliding out of bed. Bobby's large hand and arm wrapped around me and pulled me back to her, spinning me around so I was face to face with her. We kissed some until she said, "I know we need to get going, but I needed some kisses from my guy. You know, we make a pretty good team. Wonder if Forest is picking up on that. I'd bet Howard filled him in....
I woke up at ten, sitting up quickly, knowing I had slept late. The house was quiet, so I knew I was alone. After using the bathroom, I walked into the kitchen and found a note on the table. Bobby had written, "We didn't want to wake you, so warm up some coffee in the microwave and make one of the Jimmy Dean breakfast bowls. We're all at work doing the required annual file cleaning and reviews, see you soon ... Love, Bobby." I thought for a second how tough it was to have all of the...
The slow seductive pitch of Black Velvet filled the Club as Noelle’s heart beat out the same steady rhythm. She thought the height difference would make them look like an odd couple on the floor but somehow it all worked out. She never danced to anything like this, but with him she felt compelled to show some sex appeal. She slowly worked her body against his hearing his raspy breathing, and murmurs of approval. She soon felt a strong hand running over her side guiding her movements. When she...
Finding Her Master By Ropetease ©2010 Chapter 3 Joe sat back in his chair, smiling to himself, picking up the phone he called his favorite restaurant by the bay. He asked for a booth by the large window in back for two. Closing out the day, he went home to make sure his play room was clean. Joe had one room made into a dungeon complete with a x cross and bondage table. On the walls, he had a selection of whips, floggers and restraints. He also had a bondage pony with a 4-inch padded top....
FINDING MY VOICE Chapter 2 - Upping the Ante Of course, no sooner had I arrived home from my shopping expedition, than it was off with my male drab and on with my new purchases. I found that whilst I couldn't tighten the laces on my corset to the extent that Edith had managed, I still managed to squeeze my waist sufficiently to create a reasonable curvy figure. Once fully attired in my underwear, I spent several deliciously enjoyable hours trying on all the dresses; skirts; and tops I...
Finding Her Master By Ropetease ©2010 Chapter 3 Joe sat back in his chair, smiling to himself, picking up the phone he called his favorite restaurant by the bay. He asked for a booth by the large window in back for two. Closing out the day, he went home to make sure his play room was clean. Joe had one room made into a dungeon complete with a x cross and bondage table. On the walls, he had a selection of whips, floggers and restraints. He also had a bondage pony with a 4-inch padded top....
BDSMI was at my farm house. I was just remembering the good old times I had spent with my husband at this place before getting divorced. However, ever since my divorce, I had a couple of dates with younger men. It was always fun to indulge with them as they had great energy and they could satisfy my needs. Although, my recent partner John had gone out of the town and I was missing his touch. You need to keep finding ways of satisfaction when you miss someone. I also thought of checking out an...
Extra Marital AffairAh, Saturday. I was semi-conscious, thinking about sleeping in. Then the mind kicked in. Oh yeah, ground school for a pilot's license. I wonder how smart it was to commit to something like this. Oh well, I did commit, so I better be getting out there. I slid from bed and did the bathroom stuff, coming from the shower to meet my big beauty. She gave me a wonderful hug, telling me that the girls were going shopping out at the Quality Wear factory store today. She said Sue and another lady she...
There was some rustling around during the night as Brandy and Judy exchanged places. Judy snuggled up to me and kissed my cheek and neck, holding me. I felt tears on my shoulder as she said, "I love you, Chuck, please keep us." Tiani kissed my chest, and then I felt Brandy put her hand on my chest. I woke up to find Frieda's face next to mine, smiling at me. She kissed me softly and snuggled into me. Nancy was behind her and my hand was holding her to us as my other hand was holding...
Ah, Monday morning, exciting Mondays, a new week, new adventures. I was almost giggling because I am always excited on Monday mornings. Lisa opened a single eye and said, "You are entirely too happy for a Monday morning. What's with that?" "I love Mondays, the beginning of a new week. Something new is right out that front door. It's exciting." From behind me, I heard, "You are certifiable. Jesus, give it a rest. You sound more like Uncle Steve every day. You should be out on the...
Finding Her Master By: Ropetease c 2010 Chapter 10 She was on the verge of exploding when she felt the vibrator inside her going full speed. Robin’s wave crashed as her fear turned real, someone turned the vibrator to full speed. ‘Who is doing this to me? Who are you?’ her muffled screams demanded from behind her gagged mouth. Shaking her head side to side she began to panic, pulling against the bonds holding her. Her muffled screams of ‘Nooo!’ behind the ball gag. Panic began to set in, her...
The year after I finished college, I took a job as a junior management trainee in a stock market firm. I hated everything about the job, but it paid my share of the rent while I got my screwed up brain together. One Saturday, a female showed at our door, asking if we would consider a girl for the roommate opening we had posted. She looked presentable, and I invited her in to meet Sean, my one remaining roommate. The lease was in my name, and it wasn't a good time of the year for finding...
Finding Her Master By: Ropetease c 2010 Chapter 10 She was on the verge of exploding when she felt the vibrator inside her going full speed. Robin's wave crashed as her fear turned real, someone turned the vibrator to full speed. "Who is doing this to me? Who are you?" her muffled screams demanded from behind her gagged mouth. Shaking her head side to side she began to panic, pulling against the bonds holding her. Her muffled screams of "Nooo!" behind the ball gag. Panic began to set in, her...
BDSMWe were downstairs, having breakfast, when Howard came down. "You two even beat me out of bed this morning. I've heard a lot about you, Chuck, but didn't really know what to expect. John was always so straight and you are too, but you just feel looser, more on your toes. One footed toes, that is." "This is an important day for you, Howard, getting introduced to your first station as the Chief, and representing the service and your station at a major meeting. Let me be the heavy today so...