Mercies free porn video

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Introduction: hope you enjoy this Small Mercies

Part I


Im late…so late…and yet as I hear your key in the lock, Im still not
ready to go. My sense of time has escaped me tonight. It does that
sometimes…and now with your new boss and his many stuffed minions
awaiting our arrival Ive done the inexcusable once again.

I hear you settle heavily on the edge of the bed as I finish pinning my
hair and applying my lipstick…pink and understated. I turn. You are
resplendent in your new suit. Italian. Tailored. Expensive. Ordered by you
just for this event.

I know my role in this delicate dance we are to share. I review as I cross
the room, hastily snatching at the clothing that rests impatiently beside
you…my naked skin prickling at the thought. I am to be your trophy…an
ornament clinging to your arm, a testament to your acceptability among the
powerful men who have tentatively opened their ranks to you. My wardrobe
has been chosen accordingly. Demure. Feminine. Look, but dont touch, it
says. I want to be what you need.

I feel your eyes on me…worried…impatient, as I grasp my flimsy panties
from the waiting pile. Time is the enemy, I think as I feel the cool, black
lace slide seductively up my legs, over my thighs toward my hips. The
delicious feel of them entices me as they conceal my auburn thatch from
your gaze. Are you still watching? I wonder. Are you still impatient?

Silently, I turn to face you, attempting to read your statement as I slip
my arms through the silken straps of my matching bustier. My nipples
harden, their aureoles dark and dusky…a contrast to the pale contours of
my lips. Quickly I secure the tiny hooks which bind me, feeling the lift as
it molds my breasts, manipulates them…creates a display for your eyes

I glance nervously towards you…searching your eyes for a sign. Have I
pleased you? Have I erased the impatience from your gaze?

Quietly I place my left foot beside you on the bed and begin to unfurl the
black, silk stocking, so carefully rolled in my palm, upward…over my
calf…my knee…my thigh. I secure it with a satin garter, then turn to
repeat the process. I feel your hand grasp my ankle…stroking suggestively
along my calf. Are you still impatient, I wonder again…or has your focus
wavered…become misdirected?

I cross in front of you…long easy strides…and take the small, crystal
vial of Tea Rose from my vanity table. This is the part you like
best…the part you fantasize about. This is worth a pause, a few extra
heartbeats in the pulse of the moment. Its not to be rushed.

I return to face you, insinuating myself between your splayed thighs,
grasping the tiny, tear-shaped flacon between my palms. A pop…a small
sucking sound. I hear you swallow… hard…your Adams apple working
urgently against the pristine knot of your new power tie.

Hold this for me? I whisper, thrusting the small, smooth bauble into your
palm. Be careful…dont spill.

Silently, I withdraw the stopper, its hard crystalline nipple coated with
the muted essence of roses. I place a drop…a single drop on the tip of my
finger. Heavy-lidded, my eyes warming to the task…I arch my neck and dab
it gently in the hollow of my throat…just a touch… feather-light…soft
as silk. Your unencumbered palm brushes against my thigh. I sigh softly.
Did the sound touch you in that special place where only I can reach?

I dip the stopper once more. Your hand trembles. Dont spill, I whisper
again, as I place a second drop on my manicured digit. Then slowly, your
eyes following my every move, I slip my finger between my breasts…so
firm…so prominent in their black lace bustier. I hear you groan.

Dont spill, I repeat, my voice a caress.

I dip again.

This time I part my thighs, raising my foot upward between your stiffening
legs, and bringing it to rest on the outside of your hip.

A single drop. Pristine and perfect.

Slowly my finger lowers, between my parted limbs, and I trail a thin line
of the aromatic moisture along my inner thigh.

You dip your head, inhaling the heady aroma of sex and roses…your
impatience a thing of the past…replaced by a more acute sense of
urgency…but I havent finished…not yet.

I dip a final time…one last maddening immersion…and place the small,
hard cylinder between my palms. Slowly I begin to roll its moist surface
against my flesh…like a child awaiting a treat…coating my skin with its
dewy effluent.

Why her palms?

I hear you wonder, your thoughts almost tangible.

Why there?

Youll be wondering that all night… I have no doubt of it. When the
staunch and staid patrons of this new world to which you aspire are
discussing their golf scores this evening… its my palms that will occupy
your thoughts…my palms and the promises they hold.

But…I want to be what you need me to be. Ive delayed long enough. I need
to make an end. We need to be on our way.

Quickly I don my blouse, a Victorian confection in antique
lace…classic… enigmatic, with a sweetheart neckline displaying the
full half-moons of my breasts for your approval. Your eyes soften.
Uncertainty wafts across your features…vacillation. Perhaps…?

But no…Im determined. This pseudo-social soiree is of great importance
to your career. I wont compromise this evening. I cant.

Without pause, I wrap my open skirt around my hips, covering the bare
expanse between my bustier and the low, lacy elastic of my panties. It too
is vintage, black velvet, buttoned down the front from the heavy leather
belt I cinch around my waist, to the full sweep of the hem hovering just
above my ankles. I secure the buttons as far as the knee, but leave the
remaining undone. A peek. A seduction. Look, but dont touch.

I complete the ensemble with a final touch…a velvet choker. Is it a
symbol perhaps…a reminder of the hand that gave it to me…the man that
gave it to me?

I smooth my clothing with my fingers, watching lust and obligation warring
behind your eyelids. I have only my boots remaining now. High heeled. High
buttoned. Calf-length black leather.

I slip my foot hesitantly into the right, and retrieve the antique button
hook from the vanity. Grasping the bulbous, wooden handle in my palm, I
deftly insert the hook into the tiny aperture. With a flip of the wrist,
the gap begins to diminish. Button-hooked. I continue thusly, until the
dozen or so pearly closures are securely in place, then pull on my left
boot to repeat the procedure.

No, you mutter thickly. Come here. Let me.

I am uncertain. There is no time. No time…but I obey.

Once again I stand between your outstretched
thighs…wondering…wondering. Your hand penetrates the slit in my skirt
and grasps my knee.

I quiver.

Gently…but brooking no resistance, you part my thighs and place my foot
on the bed between your legs. Your palm extends.

Button hook? you rasp.

I feel your hands on my calf…holding me in place…inserting the hook
into the butter-soft leather again and again. My breathing becomes ragged
and uneven…moisture flows unbidden…drenching my auburn curls.


My thighs, open and vulnerable, begin to shiver beneath your touch.

No time.

No time.



They reach my knee, your task complete, but still you hold me fast.

Dan? I ask.

A question? A plea?

Your eyes, smoky and glazed, form a response that no words could

Slowly I feel the button hook trace a flaming trail along my inner thigh,
its bulbous, wooden handle still pressed tightly into your palm.

I shiver once again. You wouldnt. You couldnt.

The thin metallic shaft gently nudges the fragile elastic perimeter of my
panties. I feel it turn in your hand, the wooden knob warm against my
quivering flesh. My knees become weak. I brace myself against your


I try to whisper once more, but the word dies silently in my throat…
desperation unanswered.

And then I hear the instrument of my torment thud heavily to the carpet
beneath my quaking form. Relieved, I begin to pull away.

No, you rasp, your voice heavy with need. Not yet. Are you wet?

My lips move incoherently, but words fail me. Im helpless to
respond…mute…a prisoner. Slowly you insinuate your index finger beneath
the elastic…tracing the outline of my wet and dripping chasm.

You smile.

You stroke.

Then, in one swift, penetrating thrust, you plunge your finger deep within
my quivering core. I gasp…begin to fall…but you wrap your free arm
around my waist and hold me fast and unmoving as your finger continues its
maddening exploration.

Then, just as my world begins to fall apart…to shatter into a million
crystalline fragments… you withdraw.

I whimper as you raise your glistening digit to your lips, the residual
void a physical torment. Not yet, you whisper, watching my hunger engulf
me. I want you to think of me this evening…to think, and feel,

But I need something…anything…a balm to sooth the ache you have
awakened in me. I take your hand. Let me…please, I ask, my voice primal
with desperation.

Gently, greedily, I raise your finger to my mouth, stroking its length with
my tongue, drawing it deeply between my parted lips. The taste…a little
you…a lot of me, dissolves against my palate.

Were late, I whisper. I have to let go now.

You nod, the gentle pressure of my mouth lingering on the tip of your
finger…and…(whats that?)…a tiny smudge of pink lipstick carelessly
smeared across the pad. I reach to wipe it off, but you draw away.

No, you respond. Leave it there. I want to remember you, and this, until
we get home.

I blush. Your words penetrate deeper than your wayward digit ever could.

I want to be what you need tonight. I need to be what you want.

I want…

I want…

I need…
Part II


I take your hand and lead you to the car, apparently all sense of
distraction at our earlier encounter erased. We walk with easy strides to
the door, and then you take my arm as we head outside. Our chariot awaits,
a new purchase with the signing bonus from my new company, a gleaming black
Mercedes, luxuriously appointed with a leather interior, something that
made your mouth water last night as I mentioned, oh so casually, what that
leather might feel like against certain elements of your anatomy, should
they come into direct, bare contact one with the other.

Always the gentleman, I open your door, and stare directly at the leg
briefly exposed to my view as you quietly seat yourself in the car, your
hands running along the seat beside you. Knowing your weakness for the
touch of leather on your skin, in fact the touch of any material on your
skin if properly applied, I smile to myself, knowing that such information
may yet come into greater use in our future.

I walk to my side of the car, proud of the woman I take with me tonight. I
smile wider at my choice of words, since taking you is ultimately my goal
for the evening, to see your body shake and tremble as your control
crumbles and the remnants are mine to devour. Voracious is a word you used
to describe me once, then I reminded you that my appetite knows
satisfaction in only one dish, at which point you laughed, a sound quickly
turning to a groan as my…but such a reminiscence is not yet ready to be

We have an appointment to keep.

I get in, starting the car and we pull from the driveway. I look over at
you as we go along, and we smile at each other, until I raise my finger to
my lips and lick it gently, and your eyes flutter as your hands move
involuntarily to the front of your skirt.

Then you feel my hand grasping your wrists as I speak.

Not now. Wait.

You groan at this, and I see your knuckles whiten slightly as you grip the
seat next to you, wanting to do more, knowing that yes, indeed, waiting is

We arrive, and the gathering is buzzing with the predictable smattering of
wit nearly smothered by the obvious posturing of my colleagues. Hired as a
creative director for their public relations and communications department,
I know that this will never be a world entirely to our liking. But the
contacts made here will serve us both well, as the draft of your first
novel is nearly complete, and the work has begun on our collaboration on an
anthology sure to be a bestseller. We mingle, two creative minds veiled in
our proper attire and polite conversation, as dinner is soon served.

One thing that can be said for this company is that it is not entirely
bound by traditional dining experiences, as each couple is seated in fairly
private booths around the restaurant hired for the evening. They wish their
new employees to feel welcome, but do realize that allowing them to be
somewhat separated from each other will make them more comfortable. There
will be times to meet with clients at mass gatherings of nearly anonymous
people, but now is not such a time.

We sit side by side, perusing the menu, as I lean in to gently place my
lips at your neck. You blush, muttering something about the people around
us, but you know you enjoy it completely. Regardless, no one except the
waiter can really see us in this little nook. Then you feel my hand reach
for a button on your skirt. You place your hand over mine, saying no, but I
look in your eyes.

Trust me. The tablecloth reaches almost to the floor…no one is looking,
and they could be standing right there, you could be naked from the waist
down, and no one would be the wiser.

You relax, but only for a moment, as the first two buttons from your knee
are undone, and my hand does not stop its work. Soon they are undone to
just above the bottom of your panties, and your breathing has quickened

I see our waiter a few tables away yet, taking orders for wine, and stop,
but my hand is cupping against the front of your panty clad entrance, and
my middle finger slides down and presses them in gently. Then our waiter is
here, and I remove my finger, but my hand stays in place. I order a bottle
of Zinfandel, knowing your penchant for a Mexican vintage of slightly more
intoxicating properties, but also aware of the possibilities yet to come.

You glance around nervously, but your legs, instead of closing against my
ministrations, have somehow opened wider, and I slip the tip of my finger
around your panties, as at last they touch the heat that I have been
feeling for the last few minutes.

You gasp, quietly, as I slip into your wetness, and begin to gently stroke
you. Another finger slips within, and you grind against them a little.

I whisper caution, as we dont wish to cause any undue disturbance here. I
look at you, my right hand casually raising a glass of water to my lips,
talking to you all the while, as you struggle to maintain a statement of
normalcy. But you nearly fail, as the pressure of my fingers has stoked
once again the barely banked fires of passion that we crafted before
leaving the house for this evening. The wine arrives, and the waiter hands
me the cork for my approval. I take it in my left hand, extricating myself
from your panties, and sniff it. My fingers grasp it, and the scent of your
moisture is wafted toward my nostrils along with the product of the

Excellent, I declare, and he pours 2 glasses, replacing the cork in the
bottle as he goes.

I sip from my glass, and you do from yours, until I take the cork from the
bottle in my left hand and slide it below the table again. You look at me,
eyes widening as you begin to suspect my next destination. I nod gently,
and your legs open beneath my touch again.

You know I have no interest in placing anything but me inside you, but that
doesnt mean I wont tease you at all. The cork moves inside the nearly
non-existent panties, as I slide it against your lips, now nearly flooded
with your anticipation. Up, and down, you feel it rasping against you, then
it is removed, and I place it under my nose again.

Delicious. A heady bouquet that could overpower, but yet remains
intriguingly subtle.

You smile, and then our dinner arrives soon after. Throughout the meal, I
look at you, and you glance around nervously from time to time. Without my
touch, you have recalled your state, and the others around us. I decide to
distract you once more. I take from my plate a slice of chicken breast,
and, taking it from my fork, it begins its journey once again to your
waiting center. You look at me, a half smile on your face, knowing that
such as small piece of meat will barely register sensation, but you still
breathe in sharply as it brushes your lips again, as my fingers coax your
moisture along it.

I raise it again, and, placing it on my fork, I stare at it, noting the
glistening sauce that now coats its surface. I take a bite, and close my
eyes, savoring the taste of you mingling with the chicken in my mouth. I
offer it to you, and your mouth opens, but then I smile, and finish the
last of it myself. I tell you to button your skirt again, as it is about
time for us to leave.

You do, but leave a couple buttons undone…our dinner has left you a bit
more daring than when we arrived, and so a bit more of you will be obvious
to anyone noting our departure. And they will, as you and I together make a
rather striking couple, one in which onlookers are aware of our shared
passions and joys. You take my arm, and we stand for a moment as you adjust
your breathing, as the teasing through dinner has left you a bit breathless
with both the efforts and the anticipation of what yet is to come.

We drive home, our hands locked together, and you seek to bring our joined
hands to the front of you again, but I shake my head, pulling you away
again, and you moan, nearly whining, until I remind you that the waiting
draws the beauty out of passion.

Part III


I sit beside you, in your fine new car, clothed in your fine new suit…so
cool…so controlled, but I can remember, not so many hours before when
your control was not so complete. I smile and touch my finger to my lips.
Is that little dab of pink still there, I wonder…on the tip of your

Your smirk tells me that you think you have the upper hand here. Well,
maybe you have…but all that can change.

You gently touch my thigh, exposed from my efforts to slide into the front
seat after releasing so many buttons. You smile as you watch me
squirm…telling me once again that I must wait…wait…wait. But I have
other plans…ones that may change your mind…

Deftly, I lift my purse from the floor where it rests, discarded in my
discomfiture, and take a tissue from the tiny, slitted palm-sized package.
Then, raising it to my lips, I begin to dab…ever so gently, until you
shift your gaze… wondering what I have in mind.

I smile…an enigmatic smile…the game is afoot.

I dab again…and again until Im sure that all of my lipstick has been
removed, and my lips are as naked as youd like me to be. Then…a twinkle
in my eye…my hand strays to the smooth finish of your slacks, tracing the
sharp crease upward to the union of leg and hip. I lean back against the
seat…a sigh…and gently slip my fingers inward toward the hard pulse
that I know Ill find within. So…you want me to wait, I
think…well…lets see how adept you are at the waiting game.

Sarah? you question, your composure beginning to unravel. Im trying to

My hand strays to your zipper…a soft zzzz…and freedom.

I know, I reply. …So am I.

You shift your focus…distracted…unsure. I have you now…and I know it.
Confidently…my purpose foremost in my mind, I slip my hand inside of your
silk boxers and secure my prize.

The car swerves.

Keep your eyes on the road, my Love, I whisper. Leave this in better

I watch as you grip the wheel, your fingers drumming nervously on the round
firmness of it. Then, scooting my velvet derriere all the way toward the
passenger door, I lean toward you and release your manhood from its silken

You gasp.

Sarah? you question. Now…here?

I smile once again.

Yes, I reply, …to both questions.

A red light blinks at the intersection in front of you…the car
halts…and I gently take you between my lips. You stroke the
wheel…feeling its convolutions flow beneath your fingers…but its not
enough. You close your eyes and lean heavily back against the fine
Corinthian leather of this magnificent, luxurious automobile.

I begin to lick…lightly at first, then with added determination. You
groan. A car honks behind us…a driver shouts. What is that hes calling
you? You dont care…not this time. Let him get his own…

The car moved forward…jerkily at first… and I take you deeply into my
throat…relishing your taste… devouring you as I nestle between your
quivering thighs.

Your right hand reaches down to stroke my hair, still bound softly atop my
head. Sarah…we cant, you murmur, but your hand, sliding down to grasp
the back of my neck says otherwise.

I feel your fingers diving into my coiffure…urging me against
you…stiffening with restraint. A hairpin? You give it a tug. And another?
And yet another? Soon you feel the weight of my hair, silken soft…wildly
abandoned, fall against your leg, and my face vanishes from view.

Was that a stop sign? You missed it!

You swell with an urgency unimagined only a few scant minutes before. Your
driving has become erratic. I can see the police report now. Do you still
want me to wait? Do you?

My lips…lost in a mass of red strands, continue to move against
you…sucking gently… teasing… testing your determination…your
control. I swirl my tongue around your hardened shaft…your fingers close
painfully around a fistful of my hair.

OH! I cry out.

Youre not quite as under control as Id imagined…but we still have a few
blocks to go. Theres still time…victory is still within my grasp…my

I redouble my efforts, the soft pant of my breath warming the fabric of
your suit, the leather upon which you sit…and then I taste the first tiny
drops of your defeat escape tentatively against my tongue.

The car halts, and I feel you grasp my hair…tugging me from the scene of
my crime.

Were here, you murmur huskily. Now, its my turn.

Your words reverberate against my flesh.

My turn, you repeat, sliding across the seat and pressing me intimately
against the passenger door.

I feel your finger, blunt and demanding, insinuating itself beneath my
collar…my velvet bond…set in place the day you gave it to me…
invisibly present ever since. You pull me toward you, immobile, your tongue
trailing across my cheek.


Sarah Rose, you whisper against my throat, Youre going to need a safe
word tonight.

My eyes shift and widen. A safe word? Im confused. My uncertainty shows,
and you smile. My reaction stimulates you, and I feel your finger curl
against my throat, reveling in the rapid beating of my pulse.

A safe word, Sarah Rose, you repeat, using my full name, the one most
likely to evoke my childlike obedience…the one most likely to call forth
my unquestioning submission to your every whim.

Youll need one tonight. Its the only thing that will halt the
game…not tears…not pleas…not the passionate screams that you utter
so freely when were together.

You lean closer, and mutter a word…a single word into my ear, your voice
heavy with purpose.

Say it, Sarah Rose, you demand, your voice carrying a message I dare not
resist. I want to hear you say it.

I swallow…hard…feeling your finger releasing my choker to trail
possessively down the front of my blouse…ever downward to the gaping slit
in my skirt.

Your hand slides between my thighs, and I hear the impatience in your
voice, as you demand once again:

Say it…now.

My lips begin to form the syllables, to do as Ive been bidden, but
wordless acquiescence is the only response Im capable of giving. My chest
tightens, my head begins to pound. Have I forgotten to breathe? I feel your
thumb pressing heavily against the lacy barrier of my quivering mound…my
eyes close, and I try once again.

Mercy, I whisper…as my breath escapes audibly into the leather-bound
space around me…my voice strained and alien.


Your hand vanishes. A door opens…a slight breeze…and youre gone.

I feel my door, my sole support, open behind me…your arms the only thing
between my body and the pavement below. Gently…your eyes heavy-lidded,
you lead me to the threshold.


…my mind prods the word,


…caresses it,


…clings to it.


Part IV


My turn. I hear my own words echoing in my mind. On the threshold, I
quickly pull you to me, my thigh moving rapidly between your legs as my
arms crush you to me. You gasp, but are quickly silenced by my lips as they
devour yours, our tongues battling there as you instinctively move against

I walk you inside, still kissing, my arms lifting your feet from the
ground. Despite your skirt, your legs move up to wrap around my waist. As
we step inside the door, I push you against the wall, and you can feel my
hardness against you, as through our clothing my body finds yours and we
begin to grind against each other.

Mindful of the expensive nature of both our clothing, but still wishing to
not delay, I push you away from me. You stand, panting, your thighs lewdly
splayed, as your hand reaches up and further unbuttons your skirt. I stop
you, spinning you around and putting your face to the wall. Your hands
caress the smooth plaster and I step behind you. I push your legs together
as you squirm at my touch, then all is revealed to your questioning mind as
my fingers find the hem of your panties and I tear them off of you.

You gasp as you feel the soft tug against your flesh, but flimsy as they
are, there is not much resistance. Then I grab each one of your wrists,
pulling them behind your back and securing them to each other with the
remnants of the torn material. You cringe a little, almost afraid at this
new development, but I whisper in your ear.

Hush, my love. You are mine to enjoy, mine for my pleasure. But you are
also mine to love, and I will never hurt you.

You relax, instinctively knowing such things, but still apprehensive about
something new, even though new things for us always mean new pleasures.

I turn you to face me, but quickly your view is blocked by a silken
blindfold produced from a hidden pocket in my coat, knowing that our
arrival home would be followed quickly by such an encounter. You feel my
hands begin to undo the belt at your waist, followed quickly by the skirt.
Then, each button of your blouse is undone, and it too is pushed aside,
bunching at your bound hands. You arch your back, knowing instinctively
what your bustier has done to the curve of your breasts, and knowing that I
cannot resist them completely. But I do, at least for now.

You hear me sliding something from another jacket pocket, and soon you
sense the bindings of your bustier being loosened, one by one. Then the
coolness of the air in the house hits your skin, as you realize that your
bustier has been cut away from you, and your nipples harden at the thought
of both your naked state and what I plan to do with it. I soon cut away the
blouse too, promising to replace it soon, on one of our memorable shopping

Then I step back, and watch you, breasts heaving, legs wide, and your hands
squirming to free themselves of the bond of their restraints. I see your
head turning to where you think I am, and your tongue leaves your lips,
tracing a path from side to side, so gently, as you wonder what will come

I too wonder, but I would rather ponder you for the moment…your stocking
clad legs spread for me. I can see the moisture that has been building as a
bit of it breaks free and begins it slow path down your inner thigh. I
track its path, knowing that soon my tongue will be following that same
path to its source. I tell you this, about the moisture you can feel and
the tongue that you can imagine, and I notice your nipples hardening again
ever so slightly at the thought. I watch you lick your lips as you hoarsely

What now?

I chuckle.

Great and wonderful things, my love.

Then I step to you, and our lips meet, our tongues battling as we kiss. My
hands do not caress you, and you whimper, straining for touch. But touch
will come. Yes, it will come.

You stand before me, as anticipation tinged with a slight unknowing fear
washes electric across your skin. Your mind is at battle again with your
desires, telling you that yes, tonight will be one for the ages as they
say, but wondering if now would be the time to cry, Mercy, bringing us
back to events better understood, yet less inviting, less tempting in the
ways of forbidden pleasures. For it is pleasure that we share, knowing that
within us lies one of the other, a body and mind only complete when joined
in intimate carnal bliss. You feel my fingers along your choker, the velvet
transmitting my touch in muted tones, but still loudly proclaiming to your
body what my intentions are for you, for tonight and many nights to come.

In its center, at the hollow of your neck, is centered a ring, deceptively
delicate in its construction, yet strong enough to withstand a great deal
of stress. You smile at the memory of my explaining the nature of the
velvet choker, and its attached ring. You asked me then what its uses were,
but I only smiled, and walked away. You trembled then, for you could guess
what lay ahead. Yes, guess, but perhaps even your adventurous mind could
not begin to open itself to what I have planned for you. And you tremble
now as you did then, for again you are afraid of yourself, knowing that
there is little you will not endure for the sake of pleasure. For pleasure,
like a great many things in your life, is part of the ritual, a sense of
purpose with which you do nearly everything.

And this is the why for tonight, for tonight I wish to take you…no,
take us, somewhere as yet only discussed in the purest hypothetical

I speak…

Tonight begins a journey, my love…a journey that has no foreseeable end,
but has many branches along the way. Until now we have played at games,
games that will lead to an ultimate game…tonight. Tonight you will be
mine in ways you and I have only begun to imagine. Tonight I am not your
lover, the man who shares your bed. Tonight, until you cry Mercy, I am
your Master. I am your whole world…I am the answer to your every need,
your every desire…I am the only one who you will ever want inside you.
And I will be inside you in every way. But I am not merely going to use you
for my pleasure. I am going to use you for our pleasure, as it is a
blissful ecstasy that awaits.

You turn your head to my voice, then hear a slight snap…it sounds
like…no, but that cant be…it CANT be…would I do that to you? Yes,
your mind answers, he would, your Master would. And then you feel a slight
tug as the leash is tightened, and my voice tells you to follow me.

We step through the entryway, and then to the 2nd bedroom, my study. At
least that seems to be where we are headed…blind except to what your
minds eye pictures, you can only guess at our destination.

I lead you, and then you hear the door shut…its strangely quiet in here.
You hear your blood pounding in your ears, and that is all…startled by
the touch of my lips near your ear, you hear me say:

You may have guessed, my sweet submissive angel, that we are in my study.
But not the study you would assume. I contracted with some men who have a
certain artistic bent to their remodeling work. In my daily absence, they
have been here…first of all, soundproofing this room. Not just to keep
others from listening to what is about to take place, but to keep the
outside world at bay as much as possible.

I remove your blindfold, and you gasp at what lies before you. I study you,
wondering what your reaction will be.

My angel, you are not to speak unless spoken to…is that understood? And
any response you give me will be followed by Master. Is that clear as

Yes Master, you barely say, hardly able to contain the emotions churning
in the silence.

Good. Look around, drink it in. For soon your eyes will be covered again,
and we will begin.

Your eyes are drawn first to the candles, and you smile, knowing what the
flickering firelight on your skin does to me. Gone are the books that
usually line these walls, and candles are everywhere. The room is a vast
flickering sea of flame, a picture that your body paints well. You notice
too that the walls are padded, thicker… the soundproofing of which I
spoke. Along the walls are hanging various handcuffs, a gag or 2 (you
shudder at their presence here), and several silken scarves. Also along the
walls are what appear to be some feathers, but next to them are some other
implements that give you pause, implements that look as though they might
cause pain. I see your eyes drawn to those, and I speak again.

My angel, those will only be used if you should ever request them. You
know me now…my torture of you will only be sweet, and otherwise to touch
you would only be at your word to me. Never will I force such a thing upon

You relax, uncertain if such things would ever bring you pleasure, but safe
in the knowledge that it would be yours to control. Safe. But is it safety
you seek? You feel an odd tinge of disappointment that perhaps there are
boundaries to what I would have from you.

But know one thing…

At this your shoulders tighten…fear? Hope? Your emotions at war with your
sensible self, as you hang on the words that come next.

…In all other things, you are mine.

You relax only slightly, still feeling that odd disappointment at what may
not take place. But such a feeling is quickly swept aside, as your eyes are
drawn to the centerpiece of the room…there are some other fixtures here,
but this one, for now, holds your gaze. It is a masseuses couch after a
fashion, black leather gleaming dully in the candlelight, and there is the
place to lie face down comfortably, but then the top and bottom have
extensions attached. There are arms and legs pointing off at 45 degree
angles from the couch, and attached to them are what appear to be silk
lined manacles and cuffs. You look at me, so many questions dancing in your
eyes, but the blindfold returns, and I am lost to your vision.

You feel me behind you, undoing the bonds of your wrists, and then you are
led to the table. I lie you back, and quickly, expertly it seems, fasten
the restraints for your wrists, your ankles, and then, a touch unexpected,
a silken strap goes across your body at your waist. You are unable to move,
and again that touch of terror at your helpless state. Your breath
quickens, and then my hand is on you, caressing your body, and you are
calmed once again.

You lie there, helpless, as you strain to listen for any clue as to what
comes next. Then you heard the dreaded clink of ice cubes in a bowl, and
you stiffen, wondering how they will come into play. Then the first icy
drop strikes your right nipple, then the left, then 2 more in the auburn
patch of need that strains for greater contact.

Again the icy caress…first the right, the left, then the very center of
your desires. The drops come irregularly, an exquisite adaptation of
Chinese water torture, until suddenly, without warning, one of the
offending cubes enters you, slid into you by my fingers. You gasp, your
muscles clamping uncontrollably around the icy shock to your heated core,
wanting to rid yourself of it, but not daring, as the alien sensation
triggers a trembling in you.

As the ice melts, and your bodys heat again conquers your hidden place,
you feel unfulfilled, knowing that you want more, a great deal more. But
knowing too that such a thing is indeed my place, my decision to make.
Part V


The chill of the air conditioning assails my flesh as I feel my clothing
part and my skin attempt to adapt to its altered state. My blouse…my
favorite…a Victorian dream, lays in tatters about my feet. All that is
left are my stockings, held in place (for the moment?) by the thinnest of
garters along my thigh, and the soft, black leather of my high-buttoned

I flush, my skin turning a rosy pink…my eyes, hidden now from view…
straining against the blind for a sign, any sign of your further


The word rolls around in my mind as I hear the metallic click of a snap
against my throat. A leash? Am I to be treated like an animal…a pet whose
only purpose is your amusement? Wantonly, I feel my nipples peak, hardening
almost painfully as the leather strap brushes against them.

A gentle tug…then more insistent, and I am lead away. My mind traces the
pathway across the room…to your den? Am I to be taken to (in?) this
no-womans land, this last bastion of your male dominated world? Ive
never been allowed in here before…never. The door, ever locked, has
thwarted even my own finely honed curiosity. And now Ive arrived, led
naked and shivering by the unwavering firmness of your hand…into what?

I feel you behind me, your hands descending the line of my body…across my
turgid breasts (a painful tweak), downward past my abdomen to crudely grasp
my quivering mound.

You begin to stroke, to insinuate your finger once more…without
preamble…taking that which you have claimed as yours…your
conquest…your property.

I feel a whimper rise to my lips, but I hold it back. What if you dont
stop? What if you do? Which bears the greater threat?

And then I hear your voice in my ear…whispering…telling me of the
changes youve contracted with special craftsmen…artisans known only to
powerful men in certain, private circles. I am to be allowed a glimpse, but
only that…a brief titillation…an image to carry me through… what?

My blindfold falls away and the room begins to form before my eyes. I am
awestruck…breathless that so much could have been hidden behind so
innocuous a facade.

I feel a shiver…fear? Anticipation? Urgency? My eyes scan the walls,
decorated with implements of erotic manipulation… finding some things
totally familiar… but others?

This room comes well equipped. Before my widening eyes I see harness
leather, whips of various sizes and shapes, metallic clamps, the bulbous
form of a gag…with a strange, belted dais, in the shape of an X…the
centerpiece of this peculiar and threatening chamber of submission.

Ring-bolts have been set into heavy beams, both on the walls and from heavy
timbers traversing the ceiling.

Long wooden rods…yoke-like…iron-ringed at either end…their purpose
beyond my trembling comprehension sit waiting in a not forgotten corner.

A leather chair…comfortable and overstuffed…not meant for me I am sure,
fills a place against the far wall, an ottoman placed at its feet. This
room comes well equipped. A small voice within me cries out…

Mercy…oh please, mercy!

But all I hear is the minute hiss of the air conditioning, and the swish of
silk as my blindfold is replaced.

And then I am being lead once again…forward (toward the X?) and I feel
your hands, strong and insistent, pressing me down against the cool leather
surface…parting my thighs… rebinding me hand and foot…

I feel the fear in my mouth…a thin metallic taste between my lips…I am
unable to cry out, struck dumb by my own terror.


My back arches, a deceptive illusion of freedom, only to be taken
away…bound by a silken restraint…and then I hear it…the delicate
clink of ice in my fine crystal ice bucket. My throat parched, my lips open
gratefully, but to no avail.

And then I feel the first tortuous drop splash boldly against my nipple. I
tear at my bonds as the freezing teardrop descends my breast…calling my
flesh to full attention.

Then another…I cry out. Please…no more…please!

Please what, Sarah Rose? Have you forgotten so soon?

Your voice rasps, as yet another spate of frozen droplets assault my flesh,
this time lower, between my outstretched thighs.

Oh my God…MASTER!!!…please…no more…no more!

Your finger, cold and wet from your ministrations traces my parched and
quivering lower lip. I lunge to suckle, but it serves me not at all.

The clink of yet another cube against the crystal assails my ears. I feel
your fingers parting the auburn curls between my legs…opening
me…exposing me. An object… hard…cylindrical…freezing (party ice?)
penetrates deep into my body. I cry out, struggling for freedom. The chill,
so cold it burns my flesh endures…but can I?

My mind, but my mind only cries aloud.


But my lips remain silent as I feel the liquid, the by-product of my
torment, flow in embarrassing runnels from my body as its source sears me
to the core. It pools beneath my buttocks, running unchecked against the
small of my back. Shame overcomes me.

Is he watching? Can he tell that this effluent is a result of his acts and
not my own? What is he thinking?

Does he care?

Does my torment touch him at all?

Does he too have a safe word?

Part VI


I watch you there, straining against your bonds, doing battle with whatever
ideas you had about what is and is not forbidden between us. I see your
lips working, mouthing the word that you long to say, but dare not for fear
of what you will lose in this night. I know in my heart that whatever the
outcome of our foray into places once thought forbidden, that I will love
you more after this night if such a thing is possible.

For as I see you there, helpless, open, exposed, I see you for what you are
tonight. A sacrifice of yourself, a giving of all that you once knew about
your own heart and mind. To yourself, to us. But, and at this my heart
pauses in its rhythm with the thrill of such knowledge: you have given it
all to me. You are mine to enjoy, mine to take my pleasure from.

You are mine.

Then, I hear it again in the spaces that echo with desires that soon will
be unchecked.

You are Mine. The capital is an audible one, an internal understanding of
the power your apparent weakness gives me. For bound you may be, open to
whatever I can conceive, but you still control me as you have from the
first. You overwhelm my senses. Your spirit dares me to go beyond what I
have known of myself, of my mind, of my heart.

And, lest I forget, of my body.

You are lying there, but I see you suspended, as perhaps tonight you will
be, hung from some ethereal heavens, bridging the mundane of our daily
lives and the absolute ecstasy of possible pleasures. Through you and this
gift of yourself to me will come so many things, so many understandings of
yourself, of us.

And of me.

For you know me, my submissive angel. You know what lurks half hidden in
the darker corners of my heart. And while you would never ask for what I am
about to give you, yet you have asked already. You have given yourself to
me, and only a cry of mercy will end it. And where it ends, so we begin,
from a new starting place in a karma-laden moment.

A moment that began with first steps your naked body took across your room

I speak.

Angel, for that is my name for you tonight, your Master is about to

Your mind whirls, wondering what I can mean. Havent we already begun?

Pleasure will be yours in ways you can not yet even begin to imagine. Yes,
in a way we have begun, but the teasing, the torturous drawing out of

I pause, and you lie motionless, barely daring to breathe at what may come

That time is at an end for now.

This sends a new chill along your skin, a nearly visible ripple of the
confused maelstrom of emotions that even now threatens to engulf you.

Now begins a time of taking. A time when your body will be my plaything.
You will be Mine.

You hear the capital that time, and as with all other words tonight, it
frightens you. For you have submitted completely.

Submission, angel, has become something of a study of mine.

This, too, brings a shuddering chill, for you know my way of studying:
absorbing all I can, to know as much as I can about whatever has caught my
minds fancy. It is a shared study, this, and you know what you have read.
Hopefully, fearfully, urgently, you wonder if perhaps we share any of this

I know it has become yours as well. A submissive will endure until she can
no longer submit. This you know. And a submissive will take whatever is
dealt her, knowing that the Master will not harm her unduly, for her safe
word will always be her way out. There may come a time, perhaps tonight,
when I will ask you what you have done to you. But for now, your body, and
your silence, will be my request.

Your mind begins to whirl, knowing that there are things on the walls that
you fear, yet you hope, too, in the strangest fashion, that you can endure
as much and as many of those things as possible. Then it begins to dawn,
that I would never hurt you unless you asked. Your mouth opens, you almost
ask if those things and perhaps others are what I am referring to. But you

I can almost see the words forming on your lips. Yes, those are the things
to which I refer. But not yet. Perhaps not tonight. A great many other
things await you until then.

I step to your bonds, and undo them quickly. The only contact you can
perceive is that of the leather leash brushing your breasts. You feel it
tighten, then you are pulled to your feet. Still blind, your hands go out
to steady yourself.

The sensation on the back of your neck increases, as you realize that you
are being pulled forward.


My voice tears through the silence.

You kneel, obediently, blindly.

Then you hear the unmistakable sound an opening, a soft whir of metallic
teeth, then my hand grasps the back of your head.

Show me your tongue.

Your tongue extends, and you taste what was so recently engulfed by your

No lips, just your tongue.

You internally whimper at this, wanting to take me in completely. Outside
this room you know that you would never willingly accept the offering in
your mouth, but in here you wonder how this other self that you have become
would react.

Your tongue begins to work its way around my tumescence, and you lean
forward to taste more, but my hand in your hair ceases all forward

Remember well precisely what you are doing.

You wonder at this, but your mind is soon occupied again with the taste of
me. Suddenly my hand in your hair tightens, pulling you to your feet. You
nearly whimper again, sorry for the sudden loss, but then the leash
tightens, leading you to another corner of the room.

You are bent forward, and my hands quickly secure your wrists, then your
ankles. Then you realize where I have bound you. It is a leather-covered
sawhorse that you did notice in the corner. Your rounded bottom and legs,
still clad in the stockings protrude obscenely. Your head, when you lower
it, can feel the blood rushing to it. You raise your head, wondering what
awaits you.

Then, you are assaulted from behind. You yelp at first, but soon moan
luxuriously as what was just surrounded by your tongue now impales your
flooded need. My hands reach for the curves of your bottom, steadying
myself, and you can feel my clothing rasping against the tender flesh as I
pound in and out.




You are aghast at your bodys reactions. There is no painful dryness. You
were ready to receive what is now being given you. Wanting. Needing. How
can this be? Then the source of your pleasure and confusion retreats as
quickly as its invasion.

You moan now with unrequited desire, and then your head is raised by your
hair again. Show me your tongue.

Obediently, the tongue is displayed, and you taste…your mind registers
quickly that you are tasting yourself mingled with my flesh. You pause, but
the grip in your hair tightens, and you bend to your task. Now almost
greedily you begin to lick away the remnants of this recent passion,
knowing that you have done so before, sampled your own juices out of
curiosity and occasional necessity. But this? This decadence? This blurring
of what is proper?

You respond to it, laving me with your efforts. Then it is pulled away once
more, your bonds are released, and you are led to another part of the room.

Here your legs are spread again, and you become aware of the air
conditioning as it strikes the moisture from your intimate core. Your arms
are raised, spread wide, and you feel yourself being shackled. Then, a new
humiliation (pleasure? the 2 have nearly become one in your mind), as a gag
is placed between your lips.

Now I break my silence.

Cry out as you will. For whatever reason. Since your mouth will be
silenced, nod your head 3 times for your safe word. Again, if you feel the
need to cry out for mercy, nod your head 3 times. Do you understand?

You nod your head once, and await the touch of your Master.

Part VII


Angel, for that is my name for you tonight, your Master is about to

The words…your words…echo repeatedly in my mind, between my legs, and
in the very pit of my stomach. Have I chosen well this night? Will I be
able to suffer the divine torture that is at hand without crying for mercy?
Will I account myself well? Will I please my Master?

The bench, now warmed by the heat of my flesh… moistened by the mingled
flow from my body, has become a safe haven to me…a thing that is known in
a place both foreign and terrifying. Oh!…to rest here…never to face
what will occur this night. Could I ask for more? But I know it is not to
be, for even as I play desperately with these thoughts, my Master unbinds
me…yet another trial awaits.

My hair has become a second leash…a handle by which I find myself
controlled…manipulated…molded into acquiescence.

Kneel. Show me your tongue I hear you say, your words slicing through the
darkness behind my blindfold like red-hot pokers. My tongue? My hands long
to reach out…my lips to embrace…but I am barred from such contact. My
tongue, and that alone must suffice. I am bewildered… lost…deprived of
the sensual interface which I crave…but I obey. I have no choice.

Restrained by your fingers, woven brutally through the locks of my hair, I
extend the warm, pink digit from between my lips and feel the salty taste
of your hardened member against its surface. Hungrily I swirl my tongue
along your pulsating shaft…longing for a reward perhaps?

[Am I doing well, my Master? Do I please you? May I now…]

But as quickly as it began, its over, and I once again I feel myself
propelled, directed, forced across the room by your unseen hand. I feel the
tension build between my thighs…moisture flowing wantonly, a sensuous
silkiness that floods my deprived senses.

Something hard…cold presses against my abdomen, and I find myself
positioned awkwardly over some sort of barrier. My wrists are once more
fettered, and I recall the voice of my aerobics instructor bidding us to
touch (our) toes. I feel my ankles being forced apart once again, and
secured spread-eagle on the far side of this strange and chill instrument
of my undoing. Once more I am humiliated… exposed as my posterior region
is laid open before your gaze.

The blood rushes to my head, and I strain my neck upward to clear my
thoughts…free myself from the pounding between my ears. Where are
You…my Master? What is to be my fate in this most uncomfortable of
postures? What do you…


I cry out as you penetrate me brutally from behind…the long, hard length
of you thrusting deeply within my moist, trembling core. Once more. And
again. You take no quarter, and I ask none, as you pound relentlessly into
my belly. My cries begin to take on a different timbre, as I attempt to
thrust against you…to hold you fast…to milk the essence from your body
and into my own. But once again my pleas fall on deaf ears… I am
thwarted… my prize is stolen from me, and I am destitute with the yawning
chasm of my desire left empty and abandoned.

Show me your tongue, you demand once more.

Obediently, I comply. Perhaps this time…?

And then I taste the sweet tang of my own juices, served up on a bed of
hardened flesh. Should I be repulsed? I know that I should, but this
contact…any contact indeed, has become an obsession. And so I extend my
tongue and taste what is offered me…gratefully…hungrily…lustily,
seeking more but restrained always by your unseen hand. Surely now I will
be allowed to…

No! [Your voice or my own?]

Again, as before, I am deprived even the most bestial of pleasures as my
bonds are released and I am propelled to yet another destination in this
seductive chamber of horrors. My legs begin to tremble, and my safe word
rises to my lips.


I feel my body again restrained, my quivering legs forced apart and the
cold shackles of my next trial set in place. Can you see the unfettered
flow of my juices down the insides of my thighs…do you care…is it
allowed? A flush overcomes me. What do you think of me now?

My arms are likewise raised, and again I feel my freedom diminished by cold
steel, boundaries both cruel and unbreakable. My vulnerability overcomes
me. The helpless plight of my beleaguered limbs…my body… evokes a dim
terror deep in my bowels. Surely now I must cry out for respite? I feel my
tears curling softly down my cheeks…wetting the silk which now clings in
sodden folds against my skin. Perhaps my Master will see my plight and take

But something inside of me will not allow me to use the one thing that
could mean my salvation…[mercy]…and then that too is taken away.
Roughly, I feel the soft, leather sac of a gag being forced between my

No, I scream, but my cries are stifled…held fast by this newest of
torments. Fear overcomes me. What of my safe word? Has my one and only
power, the one security to which I cling been taken from me?

I flex my wrists, my legs pumping uselessly beneath me. This was not our
deal…not in the silent bargain wed struck at all. My options have been
obliterated…my kill switch disabled. I am at your mercy…and I fear
that you have none to give. I hear my voice, a muted scream lost in the
thick padding of this terrifying room you have designed.

Please…no…no! Mercy!

But my cried go unheard…swallowed up by the leather sac which presses
swollenly against my tongue. Hope crashes around me, destroyed by the
desperate terror, which dominates it.

And then I hear your voice parting the silence. A reprieve. Three nods, and
I will be spared. A mere three nods and all of this will be but a tortured,
erotic memory. Three nods and I will be once more free from this nightmare.

But I cannot.

Something inside of me forbids me to acquiesce…forbids me to seek the
shelter that I should crave so desperately. I will cry out…of that I am
certain. I will test my bonds with tortured limbs, struggling for the
freedom that three nods alone can give me. But I will not…cannot commit
the act that will win me my release. You have branded me in places most
invisible. I am Yours.

I nod my head once, and await the touch of my Master.



I have never been more proud of you than I am at this moment. I lean
forward to whisper this to you, but I know too that this is a test for me
as well. Can I withstand the temptation of your helpless form any longer?
Will I be strong enough to withhold mercy long enough for you to achieve a
passion as yet only imagined in your darkest hours of dreaming?

For gone is my Sarah Rose, and in her place I have bound my Angel, hung
there for my taking. I smile at this, knowing that release awaits us both,
but in a fashion we have yet never experienced.

I walk to the front of you, my eyes drawn to your working limbs and your
heaving breasts, bisected by the leash, marring the surface of your perfect
skin. I see you begin to calm, and your head settles, resting now,
wondering what will come next. Your position, while helpless is far from
uncomfortable, but I can tell that your strength to stand will be sorely
tested. I turn, reaching behind me for an object I have yet left alone,
something I never would use outside these doors unless you said the words.
But you have, said them over and over again, in that silent language of a
body betraying a logical mind.

I see the message written in the glistening flow down your thighs. You want
more. Much more. But how much more you can stand will be something we both
shall find out soon enough. I stroke the tip of one achingly hard nipple
with what I have taken from the wall, and you stiffen, both in the taunting
pleasure and in the knowledge of what is being applied. It is a short
riding crop, designed to inflict sudden, searing pain, but to not mark its
target unless applied excessively. Used on horses, you will taste it
tonight on your skin. Not as a punishment, for no crime has been committed,
but as an understanding of yourself, of what you are capable of sustaining.
And of myself as well, knowing that you, in some part of your soul, need
and desire the completion this night will bring.

I stand behind you now, the crop sliding along the curves of you. You lunge
backward at me, trying to feel more, feel anything, and then I step closer.
My hand, gloved now in supple calfskin, cups your right breast. You
shudder, moaning loudly at the first hint of contact. I caress the nipple,
feeling its hardness straining under my ministrations. Then I place two
fingers on either side of your protruding need there on your breast, and I
begin to squeeze. Gently, applying more pressure. I see your head begin to
move, side to side, my eyes riveted to you watching for the only plea for
release to which I can respond. I let go, and the blood flows to it again,
hearing you sigh beneath the leather of your silencing. Then I fiercely
tweak it, and the hint of pleasure is nearly flooded away by the pain felt,
and just as suddenly, my left hand, armed with the crop, descends.

The contact of leather with bare, helpless flesh is one I have imagined for
quite some time. But your bodys thrashing at the dual impact of both the
leather crop and the mangling glove is one I had not anticipated. I nearly
give in, telling you how many more you will have to endure, as I see your
head loll to one side, the echoes of a stifled scream seared forever in my

I strike again, swiftly moving the other side of your body, my left hand
now renewing the assault on the left most sister of the previous victim. My
right hand bears the crop now, and it is applied swiftly. Once, twice,
alternating blows. I count, beginning a rhythm at the 3rd stroke that lasts
until… 10.

Yes, 10 will suffice. The tears are flowing down your cheeks freely now,
and I see you begin to nod your head to stave off further agonies. I step
away, and I see you raise your head as your body shakes with sobbing. My
Angel, my sweet one, my eyes are drawn to the gaping of your thighs. And I
see what I had feared might be absent…the glistening wetness has grown in
the candlelight. Your smothered cries now taper off to quaking sobs, as I
am transfixed at your bodys reaction to what has taken place.

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My wife and the hot tub Pt1

I had been married to my second wife Sonja for about six months when we were invited to a Saturday barbecue at the house of one of her married friends. Katie was a girlfriend she had known since college and her husband Fernando whom she had known for almost as long. Her friends live in Coral Gables, Miami and since we live in Fort Lauderdale, which is more than an hour's drive, we decided to take an extra change of clothes just in case we had to spend the night from drinking too much, which has...

2 years ago
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Sensuous Journey Part 2

Sensuous Journey Part 2 As we reached the top of the stairs and proceeded into the master bedroom, I was totally astounded by the huge array of assorted lingerie that was displayed around the large room. There were several beautiful nylon full slips draped on the couch along with a handful of delicate lacey camisoles. As I slowly surveyed the room, I spotted several half- slips, panties, garter-belts, stockings, you name it. It looked like a fine lingerie shop. But, what rendered...

1 year ago
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Norton Towers ndash apartment block for ladies w

Chapter oneWhat does a reasonably active professional man of 60, full head of hair and reasonably libido do when made redundant? In my case it was a case of being realistic and finding any job that pays the bills. So when I saw this ad for a mature concierge porter/handyman, I thought why not?’ After submitting the application I was invited to be interviewed by the ‘property management committee’. As I entered the old upmarket Edwardian mansion block in the suburbs I was met by a smartly...

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FamilySinners London River Mothers And Stepsons

In an effort to get her stepsons attention London, joins a dating app he uses. While she masks her identity with a different profile picture, all of her body pictures are the same. Soon they exchange x-rated photos. London bursts in on her step son. At first he is embarrassed. Then he can’t believe that was sexting with his step mom this entire time. London dominates her son she bounces on his cock, making sure to let her him watch her curves bounce from every angle. He can’t believe she can...

2 years ago
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MasterPC The Eclectics Edition Vacation

Xanthos — At the Temporary House — Early July Construction at the new home is going well... Xanthos Industries is doing better than expected... Maybe it's time for a vacation. Who to take with me though... Lis and Anna are tied up with College, Tiffany is tied up with Xanthos Industries — though Kat would probably be free, Amy might be interested, though she may prefer to stick with Tif, Angie will probably want to go, as will her mom, and I haven't known Mei long enough to guess at her...

3 years ago
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Careful who you befriend

Chris has always been a troublemaker. Since he was born, he’s always liked to act tough, and in another attempt for attention is how he got into the most trouble he ever got in his life. Taking out one of the legs of the teacher’s seat was going to be just a harmless joke that would make the teacher fall to the ground. Ms. Campbell fell to the ground as he had planned, but hit her head on the way down with the desk. She didn’t sustain grave injuries, but no one in the class wanted to take blame...

2 years ago
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My Maid

Our maid had been with us for a year and there was nothing unusual between us exept that at times my maid would "accidentally" bumped on me but I hadn't given a thought to it until the day my maid and I were left alone at home. It was afternoon and my maid was lying on her bed with her bedroom door opened. I thought horny and I thought I would try courting my maid making sure she would never report to my wife. She was lying facing the wall away from my approaches, so I gently felt her...

2 years ago
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A Journey To Remember

Hello friends, main hu Raj..aaj main aap ko jo story batane ja raha hu wo mere sath ghati hui ek sachchi ghatna hai.. Agar aap ko meri story pasand aati hai to aap mujhe mala is email id par bata sakte hai. Any girl, aunty, bhabhi who wants to have secret relationship can contact me. So without wasting your time I will tell you my sory. Pune se engineering complete karne k bad main benglore me job kar raha tha. 3-4 months me mera pune aana jana laga rehta tha. Ekbar aise hi holidays me main...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Hot English Teacher Rabia

This was when in was in schooling that I had a lot of passion and crush for my english mam rabia. She was a very hot and sexy personality with huge assets. She had great boobs and buttocks. During those days I never got a chance to get very close to her. But she made me have that feeling and hopes for her when she asked me to bring her a blue film. I got very excited and hopeful for my future relation with her. After completing my schooling I had to join a college since there was no 12 class in...

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SaraChapter 5

Mark and Sara stood out on the small front porch and waved as their parent's car left the driveway. Watching their car disappear down the street, Mark heard Sara walk back into the house, the screen door slamming behind her. He waited out on the porch, watching as the sun set behind the trees across the street until he felt the night air begin to cool, and contemplated whether or not to call his girlfriend Karen. Things had not been good between them, especially since Mark had lost his...

3 years ago
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A dirty night in

My boyfriend's parents were going on holiday, this meant one thing for us, we would have the house to ourselves. This also meant we could have sex somewhere other than his small bedroom. Whilst he was out at work, I had a day free from university so I made the preparations. I cooked a romantic meal, shaved myself clean, put on some lacey underwear and covered the sitting room in candles. I found a porn dvd we had bought on a recent trip to Amsterdam and put it in the tv, then lay down some...

Straight Sex
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The Way HomeChapter 6

(snap) (thunk) (click-click) (snick) (traffic) (voices) (birds) "I am here early again." "Wonderful." "My receptionist doesn't know what to think." "Did she say something about you leaving early?" "No! But I can tell by the way she stares at me." "Well, take a seat, please. I've been hoping I would get a chance to talk with you again." "I see Gianna is with you again." I wave to the girl. She giggles and does a little finger wave back to me. I am struck by her simple...

1 year ago
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My Fetish For Panties CH1

I LOVE dirty panties! Yes I have a panty fetish........BIG TIME!! I would like to share my experiences on xhamster here with like minded individuals or those who are just curious about panty fetishism. This is one of many chapters I would like to share, so I hope everyone enjoys! I would like to start from the begining, the first time I ever held a pair of dirty panties in my hands...........I was 8, and being an only c***d, never had the opportunity to check out girls undies before going over...

1 year ago
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A Month With Laura Chapter 1

"On Stomach," the woman said matter-of-factly, gesturing to the massage table in front of her. I was actually somewhat dissapointed. While her body was certainly nothing to complain about, her face was old and weathered. Here I was, blowing my monthly entertainment budget out on an "extra special" oriental massage, and the woman they had stuck me with struck me as more of a witch-doctor than the nubile young plaything I was looking forward too. I moved back towards the door. This...

2 years ago
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Anal sex fisting and degradation Part 3

A second time this evening my heart dropped. He smiled at me and winked. I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed him. Unable to speak, I kissed him again. He was still smiling. “Before you ask how I know, let me show you something.” Holding hands, we walked through the long corridor, down into the basement. He took a key from a shelf and unlocked a heavy door. I smelled rubber, latex and disinfectant. The light was dimly at first, but he turned it up a little bit. What I saw then was beyond...

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A Helping Hand Part One

I knew I was in trouble and wasn’t sure where to turn. I really like being self employed, but times like this really suck. Cash flow is everything and right now, the cash was not flowing. My heart sank into my gut as I read the 10 day termination notice for my electric bill. I needed to come up with over $350 within ten days and I only had $60 and needed to get some groceries within the next couple of days as well. I wasn’t sure what to do. I reviewed all of my current jobs in progress and had...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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That he lay down his wife for his friend

I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing She walked into the room where we were waiting for the meeting to start, her high heels clicking on the stone floor intending to be noticed. Dutifully most male eyes turned and stared. Female eyes showed no reaction, but Mrs Guthrie, an elderly parishioner sitting on my left said, “Jezebel, Whore of Babylon.” I responded, “Corset (much needed), makeup too thick, shoes wrong colour.” Jean on my right and wife of a cosmetic...

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A Wahindi Murder

Dr. Tahira Mallick handed her passport to the immigration officer at the Entebbe International Airport. The British national of Indian descent waited patiently while the man did his job. He finally decided her tourist visa was approved and stamped her documents. She collected her belongings and strolled outside to meet her ride.A woman in a light blue pantsuit held a sign with her last name on it.“Hi, Inspector Obura! I’m Tahira!”“Dr. Mallick. It’s nice to meet you.”“Same here. Please call me,...

1 year ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book ThreeChapter 2

Roommate Trouble Beth sat at the large dining room table with a small plate of bacon, some coffee and a large plate with the remnants of a strawberry crepe. She scribbled a few more words on a notepad by her laptop, frowning at the list. “Any luck?” Sofia asked, walking in with her own breakfast. The cyclops took the seat across from Beth. A few of the seats in the formal dining room had been designed for larger people, allowing the cyclops to sit comfortably at the table. As far as Beth...

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A Demanding Stepsister II Jacks Revenge

It had been weeks since Christine had taken control of her stepbrother Jack and used him just for sex. Since that day, nothing much had taken place between the two step siblings.Jack had still heard the rumors that Christine was still going around being a total slut, sucking any dick she could find and giving free hand jobs to most guys in high school.But after the way she used him just for her own pleasure of sexual deviance, Jack began planning on getting revenge on her in return. He was...

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My fantasies

#1 I’m in the kitchen at my house, entertaining some guests. My man walks up behind me, and discreetly pulls the back of my pants down, before wrapping me in a hug. He slips his cock out of his pants, and slowly eases it into my already lubed ass, while I try to pretend nothing is happening, and carry on normal conversation with the guests. He moves around the counter, separating us and our friends, as he continues making dinner, slowly pushing in and out with his big man meat, sending ripples...

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My Wifes first lesbian experience

My wife’s first sexual experience was when she was quite young and was with a much older male. She seduced him and enjoyed sex with boys and men whenever she had the chance. As she grew older, but not yet out of school, my wife, Kathaleen, started fantasizing about other girls. She had read a little bit of erotica that focused on f/f sex, and the idea of making love to another girl became a mild obsession with her. She had a very close friend, Linda, who was her same age, and it wasn’t unusual...

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My first internship was during my junior year of college. I was doing accounts payable for a small health clinic. It was run out of this old one story building with the clinic on the main floor and all the financial department located in the basement. It didn't pay well but I had to take it due to my poor grades. The accounting department was made up of just five staff. A accounting manager, who was an ass, and I suspected he was stealing from the clinic. A accounting supervisor, who was never...

2 years ago
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My Masters Request

I waited patiently outside the door for my master. It was exactly 8pm and he had requested I turn up on time wearing an outfit consisting of tight black pencil skirt, white shirt, French knickers, matching bra and stockings. My heels were higher than what I was used to and my hair was loose round my shoulders. This was hidden under a knee high coat. I rang the door bell and the door opened, I had never met this man in person before, only ever online. The pictures I had thought were not real,...

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Distant CousinsChapter 7

The party was in full swing, with a modicum of celebrities from the sports world and the entertainment industry, and unfortunately also, their cadre of hangers-on, which included a few drug pushers. Cocaine was the optimum drug choice for two main reasons: it didn't emit aromas that might serve as probale cause, and only a "consumption amount" was there, easy to flush, if necessary. Stuffy neighbors are more likely to rat out these types of parties when they are not invited, and they...

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Awakenings Ch 06

Jeanne kissed me and said, "Michael, I'm starving and I'll bet you are too." "I am." "Got any ideas about dinner?" "How about some seafood? That is the Pacific Ocean out there." "That's a wonderful idea. Do you know any good restaurants?" "There's a very nice sea food cafe on Geary Street." "Is that very far away?" "Maybe a mile." "Is it fancy?" "Do you want fancy? If you do we can go the Cliff House. It's at the bottom of the hill." "Let's do that tomorrow night. Tonight I want casual." "The...

4 years ago
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Silent Watcher

Voyeurism: the practice of gaining sexual gratification from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity. That cod-psychiatric definition (lifted from an internet site) was good enough for me. My reclusive middle-aged neighbour, Madeline, I’d decided, was most certainly a voyeur.I’d been fascinated by the Peeping Tom phenomenon ever since seeing Hitchcock’s ‘Rear Window’ back in the 1950s: a rather over-rated movie in which the wheelchair-bound James Stewart thinks he’s...

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BrutalSessions Keira Croft All Natural Pain Pig Keira Croft Squirts in Rope Bondage

Keira Croft is a secret slut and is no stranger to being tied up and abused. She is the kind of whore that you would never suspect if you met her at the supermarket. But beneath her quiet exterior is a hungry BDSM pain slut that wants nothing more than to be restrained and used. She begins her session suspended in the middle of the room, dangling only from black leather wrist and ankle cuffs. As she twirls helplessly about like a fuck toy, she is completely vulnerable and exposed to the cruel...

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Degraded Sissy

This will be a familiar scene to many a sissy and transvestite - home alone, dressed up in stockings, high heels, panties and bra......probably belonging to your mother, sister, wife, girlfriend, painted with makeup and nail polish......masturbating away as you wallow in a deluge of girlie sensations - the soft friction of you sheer stockinged legs brush aghast each other and pretty panties around you waist, the tight embrace of a woman’s around your flat chest......immersed in girlie thoughts...

1 year ago
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What Once Was Old

This is the first story I've written in over a decade. It's still a work in progress but I wanted to share it with you all and get some feedback while I'm writing. Here is part one. What Once Was Old My friend Mason and I sat in silence as we watched the upteenth episode of Family Guy in a row, eyes glazed over in the glow of the television set. We had to face facts. The boredom was setting in and we hadn't even started our "vacation" yet. Ironic how we bitch and moan...

4 years ago
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Small Town Small StreetChapter 2 Number One

Number one is the only house in the street, which was never inhabited by fishermen. It housed the production and administration of a long forgotten local brewery, and in its present day restored state it contained, until two years ago, the offices and the living quarters of the town's most successful lawyer. A highly respected man he was, and he had to be, or he would not attract business. At the age of 42 he really looked what he was, a successful provincial lawyer. Always well dressed,...

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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 21 Love

We must have lain like that for ten minutes or more. A rock digging into my back finally roused me. “Honey, we have to move,” I said to her. She wiggled, and my cock must have still been plugging up her cunnie as I felt the flood of fluid run down onto my balls and then down my arse crack. I suddenly needed to pee as well. She sat back and stretched and my discomfort was suddenly forgotten as I watched her tits lift and fall. Damn, they were lovely titties. Believe it or not, she did...

1 year ago
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Moving Around The End

Moving around 5 Special Agent Mike Statemen starred at the screen, over the shoulder of Agent Williams. "Play it again" Stateman said. The screen showed Edward and his partner carring a limp Agent Burrow and placing him into the boot of their car. Agent williams then click on the next on the screen and onto the next camera. Following the car all the way to a small shop which the offical paper work said was a brick and brack shop, but the un-offical paper work said was a magic shop....

2 years ago
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Lost With Nothing to Lose08 Shipping Out

“I can’t believe we’re here,” Lamar said, peering out the display window at the large ship docked before them. “After all our preparations, we’re about to venture back into space, facing worse odds than we did on the way here.” “It’s not as bad as it looks.” Al studied the craft, searching for some miniscule unseen detail. “I’ve got a few plans in the works.” “Yeah, we’ve noticed,” Etta said. “Given what you had me researching,” Lamar said, “I’ve got a decent idea of what you’re...

1 year ago
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A Kinky Family ChristmasChapter 3

“So, what really went down with you and Stewart, anyway? Are you not divorcing, then, or what?” I inquired of Nancy now over breakfast, while Taylor sat on my lap and Neha rubbed my shoulders a bit. “Oh, no, we are. We love each other and enjoy each other, but when it comes to ... some things, we’d be better off as exes with benefits. Though we’re really all married to each other now, I understand. But in terms of the primary spouse, if you will, it’s best this way. Stewart just wanted to...

4 years ago
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Incestuous HaremChapter 16 Big Sis is Punished

Thanks to Ron for beta reading this! Melody Samuels I followed Clint out of the Dairy Queen in absolute shock. What was going on? Our older sister, Zoey, claimed to be working at this Dairy Queen for weeks with her best friend, and lover, Stefani. She was supposed to be working right now. After our hot orgy with Pam’s mom—and the even hotter revelation that Ms. Hiragawa was one of Dad’s lovers and that Pam was his daughter—we had come to the Dairy Queen to eat dinner, see Zoey, and maybe...

2 years ago
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The bell rings signalling the end of lunch at HHS. I get out of my car and start walking with my friends towards 4th period. As I'm walking towards 4th period I see Judy Renteria getting out of her Red S10, Judy is a ridiculously sexy Mexican soccer player. She has an athletic frame of 5'6" 130lbs. She was wearing her typical tight blue jeans that showcased her athletic ass, which I just couldn't take my eyes off of. I told my friends they could walk to class, and that I would be a second, then...

3 years ago
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Surprised to see me

This is a true story I posted elsewhere some time ago and I thought I would share it.Late 1970's / early 80's and I was working in the North of England. My job took me around all over the place and I would have to visit various building projects for the company I worked for. I was late 20's , married , and had been interested in wanking and occasionally cocksucking for a few years.This particular day the job I had to go and look at was in a prison, in Co Durham. I won't give the name of the...

2 years ago
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The Four Hour ErectionChapter 4

There was a flurry of activity in the car, during which Dub managed to roll his window down. "Well what do we have here?" asked the policeman. "Uh ... um ... I can explain!" stammered Angela. Dub was still attempting to get his pants done back up and put his penis away. Angela pulled her blouse together and tried to button it. "You're the new doctor, ain't you?" asked the officer. Angela felt dread settle in her stomach. "Yes," she admitted miserably. The cop looked at Dub....

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Sierra 02252019

When we asked 21 year old Sierra what she thought she’d be doing at a porn shoot, she played it pretty coy and told us she thought it was a modeling job and she might have to touch a dick. Now this seems strange for a girl who told us that she wanted to be in porn since she was a little girl, and as we found out the more we talked to her, she wanted to come across as the innocent, good girl. Yeah, we knew it was bullshit from the start and this one was a little slut behind the shy...

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Uncle Fucked My Mom

This is true incident. I am raj from ranchi jharkhand. I am an intermediate student. Main apne family members ke saath yehan rehta hoon. Mere papa business me hain mummy school teacher hai. Chota bhai school me hai. Meri mummy bahut hi spiritual woman hai. Breast size 36 ka hai. Body figure 36-32-40 ka hai. Meri mummy aksar sarees hi pehanti hai. School jaane ke liye taiyaar hoti hai to main bhi daily morning me mummy ke room pe aa jaata hoon. Mummy ki chuchiyaan dekh ke to choosne ka mann...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Alexa Grace Power Play

Alex Adams is really into the television and his stepsister Alexa Grace is totally sick of it. She tries everything she can think of to get Alex’s attention, from talking at him to laying on him to whipping out her soft little boobs in front of him to stealing his pants. Although she doesn’t quite get the reaction she wants from taking her stepbrother’s pants, Alexa does get an eyeful of her stepbrother’s big dick. Of course she takes the opportunity to get on her knees...

3 years ago
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Reminiscences of My Rapturous Days With RanjaniChapter 3 Thursday

That morning also I did not see Ranjani and I assumed that she had left for school early for her rehearsal in connection with the oncoming celebrations. In the evening I came by 5 PM and I found Radha, Ranjani and Chitti with my aunty. After serving me snacks aunty and Radha left for temple. Much to my disappointment Chitti was left with us. I looked at him with some dismay and Ranjani tittered at my uneasiness. We sat with the carom board but Chitti again prevented our play. So we idly sat...

1 year ago
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Renderotica is the kind of adult site that would not have existed in the recent past. While porn has always existed, it was improbable for anyone to create their own pornographic content. But thanks to the advances in technology and platforms like Patreon giving fans the option to fund their favorite creators, it has never been easier to bring one’s porn ideas to life.This combination has given ordinary people the chance to create pornographic games, animated adult content, XXX comics, and so...

Premium Hentai Sites
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Open Minded Siblings Part 8211 1

Hello, everyone, I am a male and I am going to narrate this friction story as a female.I am a regular reader of iss for past 3 years and I have a tool of 7in any women or girls can contact me trough my email:   Hi, I am Neha.We are five members in our family.My father is a businessman and mother is a teacher at a university so both of them come home late in the evening.First my elder brother Rahul he is 6ft tall, fair and good looking guy with well-shaped body and doing final year b.E.Second...

2 years ago
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Twisted Teen Tales

                                             Twisted Teen Tales                                                                                          by                                                                                    Rolf Palsy                                                                                    Chapter 1                                                                       Spanked and Raped by Daddy        When I was fourteen, mom took a powder, leaving me...

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The Visitor Monicas Diary Friday June 9

The Visitor By School Belle Monica's Diary Friday, June 9 The phone rang before 8 o'clock this morning. Nathan was long gone for work, and I hadn't gotten the kids up yet. Letting them sleep in during the summer usually gives me time to do some actual praying, planning, and organizing for the day. Since I normally do this outside, weather permitting, it took me a little while to reach the phone. When I finally did get to it, the caller had hung up. At that moment I kind of...

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Copyright © 1996 A few years ago, my sister invited me to join her family for a trip to Orlando and the Disney World complex. They live in Chicago, and I hardly ever get a chance to see them. So I said yes, despite my preference for traveling to more exotic and adventurous destinations. Judy's kids are 5 and 8 years old, so I knew that it would be fun to watch them enjoy the wonderland of children's pleasures. Her husband Jake and I don't normally get along too well-I guess he thinks...

1 year ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 21

“That’s no problem,” Cal said, “I can walk home by myself, it’s only ten minutes. “Kathy and I will walk you home, then I’ll walk Kathy,” I said, “that makes sense.” “No it doesn’t,” Kathy insisted, “the sensible thing to do is for you and Cal to walk me home, then you and Cal walk home together.” “No seriously,” Cal said, “I’ll be perfectly fine on my own.” “That is not going to happen,” Kathy said, “the rule is girls don’t walk home alone. David, tell her.” “I just don’t want to be...

2 years ago
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The Howl of the BeastChapter 2

It was four months now since Rick had left the old town, there were a couple of reasons but the main one was because the lodging where he boarded and shared his bed with the daughter Marion had to be sold. The mother had finally been admitted to an 'aged care home' and to pay for that the house had to be put on the market. It was a pity to say goodbye to Marion for she had given him enormous pleasure even more than his old girl friend Pam had once done. Fucking Marion was a pleasure that he...

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Sophie The morning after

Sophie was woken to the unmistakable feeling of Sam, her Fiancé, gently kissing his way down her body under the covers. He was obviously finally horny after rejecting her night out invitation the previous night. She had fallen asleep in just her thong after a heavy night drinking and as she slowly woke up, she could feel the hangover, her clothes from a few hours before were s**ttered over the floor beside her bed. Ordinarily, being woken by oral was something she expected but today was...

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No stupid cunt

A city, somewhere, dawn The boys were breaking up after a night out. Stephan, barely standing, was elucidating to all who listened on his sexual life. Nobody listened, the drunken boys staggering forward in silent determination not to take to quadruped locomotion. They had spent their ticket fare on White Lightning - public transport was soooo overrated ... - I can fuck shree times ... no ... four timesh ... yeah four timesh ... every time ... and in the morning ... twish ... I...

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And there she was, right on time. Every Saturday afternoon the cute little redhead shows up at my store and every time she does something gets stolen. The problem is that she's good at it and I've yet to catch her red handed. I sat at my desk in the loss prevention office and watched as she moved out of the view of one camera and into range of the next. She knew where the cameras were placed and where the dead zones were, at least she did before I'd added the new ones. "That's it baby, poke...

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