Mother Watches Her Son s Punishment Exam
- 2 years ago
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With a loud sigh, Madeline Myers laid the essay she had just finished on the growing pile to her left. Then, rather than reach for the next one, she opted instead for the open bottle of beer that rested between the two piles. Normally, the thirty-six year old redhead would never indulge while grading student papers, but in this circumstance she felt she would never get through them without doing so.
Putting down the bottle, she again sighed as she picked up another paper from the now thankfully smaller stack to her right. Glancing at the title, she saw that this one, at least, had a different subject than the last six. While she had expected a good number of the students to pick the easiest subject, reading the results had been frustrating because just about every one of them had failed to cover the most important points.
“Well you have no one to blame but yourself,” Maddie thought as she began to read the opening paragraph. “You could’ve just said no when Principal Carey asked you to take over Mr. Andreatti’s history class, just like the other six teachers he asked before you did.”
A month before, Dino Andreatti, one of the high school’s veteran teachers, had suffered a mild heart attack. Thankfully, his doctor’s prognosis was for a full recovery, but he would be out until the next term at the very least. Catching Maddie at an unguarded moment, one which she later defined as one in which she couldn’t come up with a believable excuse as to why she couldn’t, John Carey had talked her into taking over the class for the last few weeks.
“It’s a senior class,” Carey had stressed as he tried to make the offer more appealing, “they graduate in not more than a month. It’s more babysitting than teaching.”
Normally, Maddie wouldn’t have minded the extra assignment, especially since she owed the principal a favor or two. She actually still liked being a teacher, although admittedly not as much as when she’d first stepped in front of a class twelve years before. Her reluctance in this case was that it was American History 101, or as it was more commonly known – the Neanderthals.
Every school had a class like that, some more than one. A class designed to be an easy grade for jocks that needed to keep their academic eligibility. Maddie wasn’t naïve; she knew how the game, so to speak, was played. That didn’t mean, however, that she had to like it.
In fact, she was about to say no, excuse or no excuse, when the principal played his trump card. If she took over the class, he promised, he would count the extra time against the post term activities that every teacher was required to do. In other words, she would start her summer vacation two weeks ahead of everyone else. That, Maddie had to admit, fell under the category of an offer she couldn’t refuse.
Therefore, she agreed to go along, but only to a point. There was no way she was going to give out passing grades without having anything to base them on. Just showing up for class simply wasn’t going to cut it, not with her name on the class register. The problem, she quickly discovered, was that Mr. Andreatti hadn’t so much as given a pop quiz all semester.
It wouldn’t have taken much effort to come up with a final exam, but even she had to admit that it wouldn’t be fair to judge this class by the same standards that she used for her regular ones. It was also doubtful, she judged, that most of these students could pass one of her tests. It was then that she came up with the idea of the essay.
She announced to the class the next morning, only the third day of her charge, that their entire final grade was going to be based on an independent research paper. The topic of which, she said, could be of their own choosing, as long as it covered a subject listed in the syllabus. All they had to do to pass, and in doing so graduate, was show that they had learned something about American History this year. At the time, little had she imagined that in the case of this particular class, even that might prove an insurmountable task. By the time she’d read the first half dozen essays, Maddie realized that she’d be grading their work on a very generous curve. Then, by the time the read pile was one paper higher than the unread one, the first bottle of beer had been opened.
It wasn’t that these kids were stupid, she thought, just that too many of them were simply lazy. From the time most of them first picked up a ball and exhibited superior skill in handling it, they had been led to believe that was all that mattered. Oh they might have to apply themselves somewhat in a few classes, but not too many. Not when there were teachers and school officials that were willing to help them along. Student sports brought both prestige and more importantly additional funding to the school, money that kept other programs going in a time of budget cuts. They also, she admitted, gave some students access to college educations that they might otherwise never have afforded. It was a game alright, one that had been played long before she’d become a teacher and would most likely continue long after she was gone. Therefore, it was pointless, she told herself, to get upset about it.
The student whose name graced the paper she next picked up was a perfect example of that system. Johnny Knight was an eighteen-year old first baseman on the school’s championship team. Well on his way to leading them to their fourth state title, he’d been offered both a full scholarship to one of the best schools in the state as and invited to skip school totally and play minor league ball. As far as anyone knew, he hadn’t yet made up his mind.
As she opened the plastic cover and began to read, Maddie remembered another aspect to the baseball player that had added to his fame. It might have been expected for a young man with his movie star looks and athletic form to score heavily among the school’s female population, but an often whispered but never confirmed rumor had made him almost legendary. The rumor claimed that his many conquests hadn’t been confined to a who’s who of the most desirable girls in school, but had included at least one and possibly two teachers as well. It had been a rumor that the administration hadn’t been eager to investigate, considering it their own version of don’t ask, don’t tell.
Every time she heard that rumor, Maddie wondered if it was true, and if so, who the teacher might have been. If she had to pick a likely candidate, her vote would go to Yvonne Anders, a physical education teacher who had topped the schools secret TILF list that the students created every year. Officially, just about every female teacher in the school, and a few male ones once the list became co-ed, expressed outrage that such a list actually existed. Secretly, however, more than a few harbored a secret delight at having been included on it. In all her years as a teacher, Maddie hadn’t so much as gained an honorable mention.
If that rumor was indeed true, Maddie wasn’t sure if she should be ashamed of her associate, whoever she or they might really be, or envious. At five ten and a hundred and sixty-two pounds, just about all of it muscle, coupled with looks that belonged on a matinee star and not the baseball field, Johnny Knight was temptation enough to lead the most devout woman astray. She’d often overheard other teachers who’d had him in their classes confess to their closest friends that if they let their minds wander too long thinking about it, they often ventured into forbidden realms.
Focusing her attention back on the subject in hand, Maddie found herself considerably surprised. She had expected Johnny’s report to be one of the worst of the lot and it was anything but. Her low expectation had been based on a confrontation she’d had with him after the class in which she’d announced the project.
Quite self-confidently, he had come up to her desk after everyone else had cleared the room, and informed her that because of his busy practice schedule, especially with the state championships only a few weeks away, Mr. Andreatti usually excused him from assignments like this. What was unmentioned, but inherent in his attitude, was his equally active social life.
Taken back for a moment by his presumption, especially since his former teacher had never given him any assignments to be excused from in the first place, Maddie had replied to his request with an anger that in hindsight was perhaps a bit over the top. He would, she informed him, submit a final report like everyone else or fail the class. Further, she added, if he planned to go and complain to Principal Carey, like she had heard he’d done on other occasions, he was free to do so. But she also warned him that she and the principal had an agreement that she could run this class as she saw fit, and that wasn’t about to change. Not if he wanted her to continue teaching it. In her class, she repeated, he had to do more than just occupy space.
“This is pretty good work,” Maddie said to herself as she turned another page. “I’m really surprised. Who’d have imagined that King Jock had a first class brain to go with his first class bod?”
Of course that wasn’t a sentiment she could share. Teachers were, after all, not supposed to notice such things. Not even when boys with rippling muscles came to class with body fitting t-shirts, or sweet young things wore outfits that left little to the imagination, especially when they had their tits all but hanging out.
Back in her own high school days, Maddie would never have dressed like that. Not that she wouldn’t have liked the guys, and she included teachers on that assessment, to have looked at her. The former Madeline Goldberg could’ve walked naked across the cafeteria hall, and only drawn slight interest. Not an ugly duckling by any means, she nevertheless considered herself only average. It was a description she preferred to the one she’d overheard her grandmother use – plain Jane.
She’d learned to compensate for the boy’s lack of notice of her body by developing her mind, quickly becoming the go to girl if you needed help in any subject. The problem with that was that once they got past the class, she quickly became a non-person again.
She thought that had changed in her second year of college when she met Benjamin Meyers, who had proposed marriage six months after they’d been introduced to each other at her sister’s wedding. Ben had seemed nice enough, so she had said yes. It hadn’t hurt that they’d been sleeping together since a month after they’d met. Still, it hadn’t taken long after they’d made it official for her to realize that their marriage had quickly devolved into one boring day after another, with the nights being even more so. The decision to divorce soon after their second anniversary came easier than the one to marry.
Not that her life after marriage had turned out to be very exciting either. She’d had a few short relationships in the years since, but none memorable. She’d even drifted into an affair with a married teacher who had since transferred to another school. To this day, she wasn’t exactly sure how that had come about.
They’d been picked as the school representatives for a conference up in the state capitol. Prior to that, she didn’t have any opinion, good or bad, about Teddy Green. Looking back, all she remembered was that on the second night of the conference, she and Teddy had been having drinks with a few other teachers they had met. Somehow, they had wound up back in her room afterwards, and before she knew it, they were kissing each other. Maddie distinctly remembered the feel of his hand as it slipped inside her blouse; the rest was pretty much an alcoholic blur. Except of course for the fact that only a few minutes later she found herself down on her knees, his cock deep in her mouth. Much later, she would learn that Teddy’s wife of twenty-two years considered that act to be both vile and disgusting, and something not done by decent women.
That one night stand had blossomed into an affair, one that had begun to wither even quicker than her marriage. Sharing box lunches and sneaking away for a quickie in a locked classroom afterwards hardly created the sort of memories she wanted to be able to look back on in her old age. Especially since even the quickie soon devolved into an even shorter knee bending session, without the lunch. Still, in light of the past few years, there had been times when Maddie missed even that.
“Son of a bitch!” Maddie suddenly exclaimed as she abruptly stopped reading and backtracked to start the last paragraph over. “Son of a bitch,” she repeated, now that she had no doubt.
Dropping the paper on the couch, Maddie got up and walked over to the desk where her laptop sat. Opening up one of the desk drawers, she pulled out a small box of storage disks and, after sorting through them until she found the one she wanted, slipped it into the drive.
Once the disk loaded, she went to the search screen and typed in the phrase that had caught her attention. It didn’t take long for the computer, old as it was, to sort through all the files and find a match.
Opening the file, Maddie quickly confirmed something that she was already sure of someone else had written Johnny’s paper. He had been smart enough not to simply copy one that he’d gotten off the Internet, but had gone to the trouble of having someone ghost write a totally new one for him. If it hadn’t been for that particular phrase that caught the teacher’s attention, he would’ve undoubtedly gotten away with it.
Scrolling up to read the name on paper, Maddie quickly remembered the girl as having been in her AP History last term. Johnny had to have known that, but what he couldn’t have known was that she had made such an impression on Maddie with her writing skills that her work might be recognizable. At the time she had first read it, Maddie had thought that turn of phrase that had worked its way into Johnny’s paper to be one of the cleverest turns of phrase she had read in a long time. So much so that it couldn’t help but seem familiar a year later. Even so, if it hadn’t been for the fact that a few years back, Maddie had begun to let her students email in their papers, she wouldn’t have been able to confirm her feeling so quickly. Rereading Alice Morgan’s paper in it’s entirely; she was now even more certain that she had written both reports. The writing style was too similar to be otherwise.
“That sneaky bastard,” she said as she shut down the laptop.
Maddie spent a good many hours over the rest of the weekend trying to decide what to do about the paper. Her first reaction of course was to simply give him a failing grade, which would undoubtedly prevent him from graduating as well as participating in the final championship game, still a week off. While her action would be more than justified, she began to have some reservations as to whether Principal Carey would let her do just that. There was no telling what an accusation of cheating, no more than an accusation since she had the proof, might do to his college prospects. Not wanting to be involved in any scandal, the state university might very well withdraw their scholarship offer. She didn’t think the baseball team would care, but you never can judge the effect of negative publicity.
Then there was the matter of Alice Morgan to consider. Since she had graduated the year before, there was little Maddie could do about her having helped Johnny cheat. Still, having her name associated with a scandal, one that would certainly get some press attention since it involved a star athlete, couldn’t do her own career goals much good.
American History 101 was her last class of the day on Monday, which was one of the reasons Principal Carey had asked her to take it, her original class schedule having ended a period before. As she went about her duties in the classes before it, Maddie felt a sour taste in her stomach. She had finally decided to do what was probably the best thing, even if it was the least palatable. She was going to let Johnny Knight get away with it. But not, she promised herself, without her first giving him a piece of her mind. It might not do him any good, but it might at least make her feel better about it.
Johnny Knight was confused but unconcerned when he got back his paper and instead of the B he had expected, he had told Alice not to make it too good, the front page had been marked with the instructions to see the teacher after class. That his deception had been found out never once entered his mind.
“Is this going to take long?” he said as he walked up to the desk, this time not even waiting the class to empty out. “I’ve got someone waiting for me.”
“No doubt,” Maddie said under her breath, not looking up from the papers on her desk.
She let him wait a few more moments, then told him to sit down and she would be with him as soon as she was finished. In actuality, she was just killing time, waiting until the last of the other students left. All told, she waited five minutes after that before telling him to close the classroom door so that they could speak uninterrupted.
She began by telling him that she had been genuinely surprised by the quality of the paper he had submitted. So much so that it caused her to reassess her original opinion of him.
Johnny sat up in the chair, a broad smile of satisfaction on his face. Then she dropped the hammer, causing that smile to instantly vanish.
“It really was a shame that I couldn’t give it the grade it deserved,” Maddie continued, “but that would be pointless since the author isn’t even a student at this school any longer.”
“I don’t understand,” Johnny said.
“Oh I’m sure you do,” Maddie replied. “Doesn’t the name Alice Morgan ring a bell?”
Johnny turned pale.
“I have to say that I’m deeply disappointed by this turn of events,” Maddie continued, ignoring his now obvious discomfort. “All you had to do was turn in anything, it didn’t even have to be that good, and you would’ve passed the class. Yet, you couldn’t even be bothered to do that much. No, it was just easier to have someone else do it for you.”
Johnny’s mind quickly focused on the phrase, “would’ve passed the class.”
“You’re going to fail me?” he asked.
“Isn’t that what happens to people who cheat on final exams?” Maddie said, not actually answering the question. “And as I made clear in class, this was your final exam.”
“But if I don’t pass, I don’t graduate,” Johnny said, as if the idea had just occurred to him for the first time.
“The two do usually go together,” Maddie said, resisting the urge to smile.
“My scholarship...” he said, his voice trailing off as the implications hit him.
His reaction was exactly what Maddie had been hoping for. The only question was how long she would let him dangle before letting him off the hook. Long enough, she hoped, for the lesson of what could have happened to really sink in. It was possible that once he was off the hook, he would quickly put it all out of his mind, but that was a chance she was willing to take. The longer she let him think about it, the greater the likelihood that it might have some positive effect.
“I don’t suppose that you even considered how this might affect Alice, have you?” Maddie asked, thinking of anything that would draw out the discussion.
“Alice?” he said.
“I don’t know what she got out of all this, but it’s liable to cost her as well,” Maddie said, thinking now that including Alice might not be a bad idea since it would help justify her letting him off scot free. “If I remember correctly, she once told me she had plans to be a teacher when she graduated. That obviously would now be out the window.”
To her disappointment, Maddie saw that her inclusion of Alice seemed to have no effect on Johnny. All he kept talking about was what his not graduating was going to mean to him.
“Oh well, at least I tried,” Maddie thought in frustration as she decided it was time to do what was she had to do.
Before she could, however, Johnny suddenly became quite animated and began talking over her.
“Look, I know I did something really stupid, and I’m sorry,” he said, the look of concern on his face quite genuine. “But there had to be another way that we can work this out.”
Maddie paused for a moment, maybe her scare tactic might have some lasting effect after all.
“Do you mean like taking a make over?” she asked. “Redoing, or actually doing the paper this time.”
“Not exactly,” Johnny said. “The state championship game is this Friday and I have practice almost every day after school.”
“So much for him having learned a lesson,” Maddie thought.
“I was thinking something more along the lines of a trade,” he said.
Now it was Maddie’s turn to look confused, saying that she didn’t understand.
“You have something that I want, a passing grade,” Johnny said, glancing over his shoulder for a second at the empty room, as if making sure there was no one else there to hear, “and maybe I have something that you want.”
“A bribe, you’re actually offering me a bribe?” Maddie said in surprise. “You want to give me money in exchange for a passing grade?”
As shocked as she was, Maddie couldn’t help but be curious as to how much money he was actually talking about. She knew Johnny’s family was middle class so it wasn’t like he was going to be offering her some big payday. Probably at least a thousand dollars, she thought, anything less would be insulting. Not that she had any thought of actually taking it.
“I wasn’t talking about money,” Johnny said, adding even more to her confusion.
“I don’t understand,” Maddie said.
“Something you might enjoy more than money,” Johnny said.
When it was obvious that she still didn’t get what he was implying, Johnny was a bit more explicit, pointing out that he knew that many of the female teachers looked at him in the same way that most of the students in school did. In fact, he admitted, giving confirmation to the rumor, a few of them had done more than look.
“Yvonne Anders?” Maddie said without thinking, stunned as Johnny nodded his head in acknowledgement.
“I’m not going to confirm anyone else because the both of them are married,” Johnny said, expanding the list to one more than anyone had suspected.
“Well it’s nice to see that you have some scruples,” Maddie said, if a bit sarcastically.
The sarcasm was lost on Johnny.
“So we’d just do right here on the desk?” Maddie asked, this time making it hard to miss.
As soon as she’d said the words, she was reminded of the few times when she and Teddy Green had done just that.
“No, we could go somewhere else,” Johnny smiled. “Maybe a motel, or your apartment.”
“Neither of those sounds quite private enough,” Maddie pointed out, not able to believe that she was actually having this conversation, even if she knew that it was only for curiosity, that she would not actually do something like that.
“Well, my brother has a place over in Greenridge, that’s about an hour away,” Johnny suggested. “He lets me use it when he’s out of town, like he is now.”
The phrase “keep your indiscretions a hundred miles from the flag pole” jumped involuntarily into Maddie’s head. Greenridge wasn’t a hundred miles away, but it wasn’t just around the corner either.
“This is insane,” was the next thought that popped into her head, and she opened her mouth to say just that.
Instead, it came out as a question as to, if that was where he had taken the others.
“The married ones,” Johnny answered. “Miss Anders just had me come over to her apartment.”
Somehow, knowing Yvonne Anders as she did, Maddie didn’t find that surprising. There was a reason that she only taught gym and health education.
“So what do you think?” Johnny finally asked.
Now was the time, Maddie knew, to bring this all to a close, saying that it was a tempting offer but one that she had to decline. But since he was so sincere in his remorse, a lie but what else could she say, she was going to cut him a break. After all, there was Alice to think of, as well as how devastated his parents might be if he didn’t graduate.
Then, for the second time, her mouth opened and the wrong words came out. To her surprise, she simply said okay.
Johnny had given her his brother’s address and told her he would be there at eight o’clock that night. As she drove south about a quarter after seven, Maddie considered the fact that she really should just turn the car around and hightail it back home. Give him the minimum passing grade and just pretend that none of this ever happened.
Thinking about their conversation afterwards, Maddie decided that all it needed was a change of gender to match the plot of one of those old porn videos she and Ben used to watch in a vain attempt to spice up their marriage. The young temptress who seduced the older teacher to get a passing grade. Things like that didn’t happen in real life, did they? Yet, by his own admission, Johnny had slept with three teachers, although he never stated that it had been for a grade. She was sure that whoever the other two had been, they had also made the TILF list, married or not.
As the miles passed, she thought back to the image in her bathroom mirror that greeted her when she came out of the shower, only a bit over an hour ago. There was nothing really wrong with her body, at least not when compared to any other thirty-six year old. Yes, she could stand to lose some weight, who couldn’t, and her breasts sagged just a bit. But overall, it wasn’t that much different from the image that greeted her on her wedding night. However, it definitely wasn’t an image that would entice an eighteen-year old boy, especially one that looked like Johnny and had his pick of women.
Putting on her sexiest underwear, ones that had been bought by a boyfriend now long gone, Maddie tried to justify what she was doing. It wasn’t as if she was really trading the grade for sex, since she had planned from the beginning to let him slide. True, at least for another week, he was still a student and she was a teacher, so that bothered her a little. But, she reminded herself, he was the one who initiated this, and he was eighteen, even if he was still a student. The racy undergarments were balanced out by a plain blue dress, the kind she would normally have worn to school.
When she turned into the parking lot of the apartment house where Johnny said his brother lived, Maddie was having doubts. Still she went on, leaving her car in one of the spots for visitors on the far end and walking the length of the lot to the lobby entrance. It wasn’t until she was reaching for the buzzer on the wall that it suddenly occurred to her that all of this could be a set up.
“Oh my God, what if it is?” she asked herself. “What if Johnny and some of his friends were waiting for her, ready to have a laugh at the expense of the horny old teacher? How could I ever explain what I’m doing here if that was the case?”
Suddenly, the idea of picking a less clandestine place, one that might’ve had an alternate reason for being there grew in appeal. Perhaps Yvonne wasn’t as dumb as Maddie had taken her for. Still, it seemed too late to back down now, and Maddie rang the bell.
While she waited for a response, she considered the idea that she could always claim she had a frantic call from one of her students, despondent that he was going to fail her class and not graduate. That she hadn’t called anyone else because he asked her not to. It was a weak excuse she knew, but better to be thought of as having made a bad call than being exposed in the truth.
“Yes,” said the voice over the intercom, just muffled enough for Maddie to not be totally certain that it was Johnny’s.
“Madeline Myers,” she said, keeping her response neutral in case anyone else was listening.
“Come on up,” came the reply as the door buzzed and unlocked.
Much to her relief, Johnny answered the door himself, wearing a short, terry cloth robe. He looked fresh from the shower, which he had been taking, explaining that he had come to the apartment right from practice.
He quickly tried to set her as ease, telling her that they were quite alone, offering to let her take a quick look to make certain. Evidently, that concern had occurred to his previous guests as well. It only took a few minutes for her to cover all four rooms, although by the time she was done she felt a bit silly actually checking both the closets and behind the shower curtains.
“Would you like a drink?” Johnny asked. “We’ve got beer or I could open a bottle of wine?”
“A beer would be fine,” Maddie said, thinking for a moment that she might get in trouble drinking with an underage student, then realizing how that was the least of the things she could get in trouble for here.
Johnny took two cold beers from the refrigerator and after opening them both, handed her one. To her surprise, she downed almost a third of it at once. Johnny went a little more slowly with his.
“Well it’s not as if I’m the one who has to worry about getting it up,” she thought after considering how much she had just downed.
“Why don’t we have a seat on the couch?” Johnny said, motioning to the long L shaped sofa in the center of the room.
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Private O'Neil, had been in the army for just weeks. Her time at Aberdeen proving ground was far different than anyone had said. She was having a bad time at the moment. O'Neil was 5' 6" quite big and stocky. She had a chest of 38DD. Short cropped auburn hair. She was very fit having been brought up on her uncles farm near Dayton Ohio. She had no problem with the training as she was very strong anyhow. All she'd known was the farm and local school, her knowledge of the ways of the world...
I had recently completed and appointment with a new doctor just to meet him and discuss my health. After arriving and sitting in the waiting room for about 15 minutes, I was called in to be seen. A cute, young female nurse attended to me by weighing me and taking me to a room to wait for the doctor. In the room, she took my vitals and blood pressure. After finishing, she said the doctor would be in shortly. I thanked her, she said "you're very welcome", and she left, closing the door behind...
My wife i 42 years old and still extremely sexy. She has dirty blonde hair, an athletic body, and a great ass. She loves to show it off too. In fact, we both get incredibly turned on when she exhibits herself in public. She has left the curtain slightly open while trying on clothes at an H&M so that any customer passing by could get a peak. One guy passed by the curtain four times trying to act like he wasn't snooping. She once wore a thong bikini bottom to a beach to the great satisfaction...
Dr. Michael readied the new exam room for its first patient of the day. He’d had the room specially equipped to take advantage of the females he specifically chose from the young, inexperienced students who received medical examinations at no charge. In exchange for this free service they would allow medical students to be present during the exams. Or these females would think the men present at their exams were medical students. Dr. Michael never let actual medical students take part; instead...
MasturbationBruno was dumbfounded. He was walking out from his annual medical check-up with the company doctor. She was a woman in her early forties, brunette and slightly overweight, resembling his wife Julie when she was the same age. In the last four years, he had met her six times and felt at ease with her no-nonsense attitude about global health care. This time, however, he was holding in his hand a prescription for a preventive medical procedure imposed by the company's insurer. Every corporate...
BDSMHe checked the chart of the next patient, Joanna, a nineteen-year-old university student from Stratford, Ontario. Many university students visited his clinic, which was exactly why he located it close to campus. He didn’t practice medicine for the money; he had more then he could ever spend. He simply enjoyed female flesh. And, the younger, the better. He preferred young, inexperienced girls who could be easily controlled by an authoritative person, such as a doctor. He had never met...
Hi Everyone! My name is Mary, and I am a junior at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro! UNCG does not require students to get a physical exam for college, but my parents my senior year of high school forced me to get one anyway! lol They said it would be a good time to have my first OBGYN visit.... Boy was it scary!!!! ahhh THIS IS A TRUE STORY; THIS REALLY DID HAPPEN TO ME.... My mother had called her OBGYN and set me up an appointment to get a full OBGYN physical at the university...
VoyeurEmily barges in Tommy’s room without so much of applying a courtesy knock. Walking right in, she sees Tommy at his desk studying and doing his homework like her good little slave. “Good, I see you’re doing your homework. By the way, how are those grades coming?” She asks. Tommy was a little perturbed, ever since they made this agreement, Emily thought she had the right to walk into his room whenever she wanted to, which considering the agreement, he guessed she did. But it was still...
Unlike most men, I look forward to my annual prostate exam because living in a sexless marriage, it’s the closest thing I have to sex with another human being. My doctor of thirty-plus years apparently sees things differently because the last couple of years, he simply asked me if I was having any issues urinating or if I found myself getting up frequently at night to pee. In hindsight, I should have said, “yes,” because I’m sure he would have slipped on the glove and probed away but my...
Gay MaleNicole knew the minute he walked into the office that this guy was going to be an asshole, and of course, he was here to see Dr. Jackson. She watched him sit down in the waiting room. His posture indicating that he thought he was someone important. She rolled her eyes. Dr. J was just gonna love him. She checked his chart, noting that he was here for a physical exam. “Let’s get this over,” she said, under her breath. After making sure the exam room was ready, she called his name, and then led...
BDSMAfter my first study session with Caitlyn for our first final exams of first year we manage to get through the next 3 study sessions without fucking each other. Although we didn't fuck each other again yet we did exchanged a few passionate kisses and felt each others bodies on a number of occasions. It was a Thursday morning and I made my way to Caitlyn's house rather early as our final exam was at 1pm that day. My girlfriend Jessica finished her last exam of the year the day before and her and...
Donna rolled over in bed, her alarm rudely awakening her from sleep. Having just turned 18, Donna's mother had advised her to schedule an appointment with her physician for a complete exam. Wanting to get the appointment over with as quickly as possible, Donna had accepted the first appointment the receptionist offered, at 7 a.m.Running her fingers up and down her toned stomach, Donna cursed herself for making such an early appointment. Donna's hands squeezed her sort of large but firm breasts,...
"Phillip that is a very shallow thought. That you are not a man because the size of your penis doesn't measure up to some preconceived, and very faulty I might add, notion." Emma Frost said sternly. "But have you been laughed at on two different occasions because of it? Did you hear the snickers at you in the lunch room? I have and it wasn't nice." Phillip retorted "Yes, Phillip, you are correct, that isn't right and it is something that you should not of had to experience, but you...
Another Reprise from the stories I posted as Handsomepeter47Annual Doctor ExamI live 50 miles from the city where my doctor has his office. Yesterday was to be my annual exam. I always like to be early in the office so arrived there at 8:00 a.m. When I was called by the nurse to follow her to the examination room, I had to silently curse the daily Cialis I had been taking because her ass was so nice. I thought about other things though and was only semi-erect when she asked me to be seated.She...
Your friends have told you about Doctor Dan, they usually laugh or blush as they say “he’s got unusual methods, but he’s a really good OB/GYN doctor.” So, it was time for your yearly woman’s exam, so you called and made an appointment. You were instructed to drink a 16 oz. glass of water 2 hours before you arrived, and try not to void in between. As you arrived at his office, I greeted you saying “Hello Alissa, I am Doctor Dan” and I take you to the exam room and told you to disrobe. A few...
I felt a little nervous as I parked in the medical arts building parking lot. It was not because my new doctor was a woman; I was secure enough in my manhood that it didn’t bother me. I just felt a little uncomfortable, as was natural, whenever you establish yourself as patient with a new doctor. The fact that I was running late, and had the last appointment of the day, did not help.The company I had just joined insisted on a physical exam, and since I was new to the area, I needed to find...
I live 50 miles from the city where my doctor has his office. Yesterday was to be my annual exam. I always like to be early in the office so arrived there at 8:00 a.m. When I was called by the nurse to follow her to the examination room, I had to silently curse the daily Cialis I had been taking because her ass was so nice. I thought about other things though and was only semi-erect when she asked me to be seated. She asked me about my medications, asking if I still took each one and if I...
I’m not a slut or whore, I’m the top student of my class, but I also have fantasies. My fantasy man was my thirty-seven year old physics teacher, Mr. Denning. He was tall, had short hair, most of the time dressed in white shirt and black pants with polished leather shoes. He was the hottest man in the world for me. I thought about getting fucked by him, but I never tried to seduce him, because I knew that not all the fantasies come true. But a day before my physics exams, I couldn’t...
I’m not a slut or whore, I’m the top student of my class, but I also have fantasies. My fantasy man was my thirty-seven year old physics teacher, Mr. Denning. He was tall, had short hair, most of the time dressed in white shirt and black pants with polished leather shoes. He was the hottest man in the world for me. I thought about getting fucked by him, but I never tried to seduce him, because I knew that not all the fantasies come true. But a day before my physics exams, I couldn’t...
Straight SexA Colon Exam and a ‘Quickie’ can be a good thing.A friend asked me if I’d ever had to go to the hospital after a meeting with one of my friends. I did, a few times, but not because of what he did. I did have to be treated, on occasion, for an irritated bowel; irritated colon is the better term. This usually happened when I lived with a guy for a while or was dating someone who wanted sex numerous times in a week. The condition actually began when I was in my teens, it was treated then but, no...
MICHELLE'S FIRST EXAMMichelle and Dr. Wellhung had been writing emails back and forth and chatting on instant messenger for nearly a month before she finally decided to follow through with her desire to undergo an examination. She was nervous, she was apprehensive, and she was also driven by a desire that was relentless. That was her dilemma. She was an intelligent and responsible woman, and she was about to do something that any intelligent and responsible woman would think was absolutely...
Airport Anal Exam By Humbleslave A few months had passed since the wild Christmas party, which had found me bound, beaten, ass-fucked, and humiliated in front of more people from my past. I was busy washing Mistress Chantz's convertible in a skimpy white string bikini and matching heels, with my hands bound behind my back, which was obviously quite a sight for the neighbors. By now I was used to this sort of thing, and went about my business, kneeling on the hood of the car to scrub...
It was a bright sunny day in October as Jessica stepped out from her car. The wind caught her skirt and sent it twirling around her thighs. As the cold wind swirled around her legs she started to feel worse about what she was at the building to do that morning. She looked up at the sky and took in a deep breath trying to brace herself for this day she hated and it appeared that every year seemed to get harder and harder to come here. What was so important about the gynecologist anyway? It...
“Thank you and now get the hell into your room. I can't work with you beside me,” Claire scolded her roommate Christopher with just a hint of desperation in her voice.“Come on, you didn't even receive the e-mail with your exam questions yet. Besides, it was you who came to me almost crying because your internet connection wasn't working. How did you accidentally delete our Wi-Fi password from your computer?” Christopher replied with an undertone of growing frustration.“I said thank you for...
Quickie SexMelinda page nervously through a two tear old Newsweek, while waiting for the receptionist to call her name! She had just turned eighteen, and her mother had decided that it was about time she had her first ‘female doctor’s visit’! ‘Good grief,’ she thought to herself, ‘she was in great shape, why in the heck did she need to see a gynecologist anyway!?!’ It sounded just like a gun shot when a nurse poked her head out of the door leading to the examination rooms and said, ‘Melinda, we’re ready...
Upon this door it read "Women's Health" and I knew I was soon taking the next step in my exam. This room also had an examination table in the middle of the room, but this time it also had stirrups attached and the backrest was sitting at about 60 degrees. At this stage only a female nurse was in the room, her back to me I could see her assembling and placing instruments on a metal tray. The orderly ordered me to take a seat on the side of the table. He soon left the room and a male doctor...
Melinda page nervously through a two tear old Newsweek, while waiting for the receptionist to call her name! She had just turned eighteen, and her mother had decided that it was about time she had her first "female doctor's visit"! "Good grief," she thought to herself, "she was in great shape, why in the heck did she need to see a gynecologist anyway!?!" It sounded just like a gun shot when a nurse poked her head out of the door leading to the examination rooms and said, "Melinda, we're ready...
First TimeRex waited in the examining room nervously waiting for Dr. Jenkins to arrive. He hated doctorsand felt uncomfortable even though this was just a routine sports physical for school. Theappointment was for 2:00pm and here it was almost 3:00, making him wait seemed like cruel andunusual punishment! Just then the door flew open and Doctor Jenkins' nurse, Miss Boyd cameflying through the door and told Rex the Doctor was on his way. Within two minutes Dr.Jenkinsentered the examining room, sat down on...
Rex waited in the examining room nervously waiting for Dr. Jenkins to arrive. He hated doctors and felt uncomfortable even though this was just a routine sports physical for school. The appointment was for 2:00pm and here it was almost 3:00, making him wait seemed like cruel and unusual punishment! Just then the door flew open and Doctor Jenkins’ nurse, Miss Boyd came flying through the door and told Rex the Doctor was on his way. Within two minutes Dr.Jenkins entered the examining room,...
Rex waited in the examining room nervously waiting for Dr. Jenkins to arrive. He hated doctors and felt uncomfortable even though this was just a routine sports physical for school. The appointment was for 2:00pm and here it was almost 3:00, making him wait seemed like cruel and unusual punishment! Just then the door flew open and doctor Jenkins' nurse, Miss Boyd came flying through the door and told Rex the Doctor was on his way. Within two minutes Dr.Jenkins entered the examining room, sat...
EroticNext in the examining room was a nervously boy named Ronny waiting for Dr. Jenkins to arrive. He had told me before that he hated doctorsand felt uncomfortable even though this was just a routine sports physical for school. Theappointment was for 2:00pm and here it was almost 3:00, making him wait seemed like cruel andunusual punishment! I opened the door and being Doctor Jenkins' nurse, I cameflying through the door and told Ronny the Doctor was on his way. Within two minutes Dr.Jenkinsentered...
"Come, Jane, it's your turn," the instructor commanded.This was it. The last exam at the Slut School. If Jane passes this exam she would get a Diploma as an a-class slut."This way," her female instructor led her into a long hallway.What Jane saw in the hallway was not an ordinary sight. About 20 restrained men of all ages where lined at the left wall, standing cloth-less on elevated platforms, so their crotch was on head level to whoever walked the hallway.The ground looked dirty, covered in...
Let me give you a visual of my wife. 5’10’ 135 with thick long nipples on a pair of C-cup breast. Long strong legs with a very curvy ass. Long hair and very shy. My wife came home a little anxious after seeing her gynecologist. She started explaining to me what had happened in the exam. ‘I was sitting on the examining table when he came in. He seemed in a really good mood. He walked up to me and took my hand to shake it and continued to hold it as we were talking. He had pointed out a new chart...
My loving hubby woke up very early that morning. I heard the fucking alarm and I rolled onto my stomach. I slipped two fingers down to my shaven mound and inserted them deep into my cunt.It felt wet and very nice indeed.Victor noticed I was touching myself; so he lifted the covers and slapped my buttocks a bit hard. He then laughed, telling me I should not forget my appointment with the gynecologist... It would be just a routine general exam, including my asshole.As soon as Victor left for his...
One Hell of a Way to Unwind after an Exam Coming home after taking my exam all I want is a beer and a nice hot bubble bath to relax. When I reach the door there is a note that reads, “I am here for whatever you desire tonight.” I open the door; I hear Robert Plant’s voice coming from the stereo, which brings a smile to my face. TJ knows how much Robert Plant's voice turns me on and how the music of Led Zeppelin always puts me in a better mood. Walking in the door there is a nice chilled glass...
Straight SexLet me give you a visual of my wife. 5'10" 135 with thick long nipples on a pair of C-cup breast. Long strong legs with a very curvy ass. Long hair and very shy. My wife came home a little anxious after seeing her gynecologist. She started explaining to me what had happened in the exam. "I was sitting on the examining table when he came in. He seemed in a really good mood. He walked up to me and took my hand to shake it and continued to hold it as we were talking. He had pointed out a new chart...
Wife LoversAs Darla arrived, Michelle, Dr. Anderson's new student nurse and sex partner, gave a smiling signal to both Dr. Anderson and Dr. Chad, who was a visiting doctor from the Congo, as the young patient raced in the door and announced herself. Michelle, who was barely 18, pretended to barely notice Darla as she kept her head down and instructed Darla to fill out some medical forms, after which she walked toward the back to see the final preparations being made for Darla's examination. Michelle...
Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Nicole knew the minute he walked into the office that this guy was going to be an asshole, and of course, he was here to see Dr. Jackson. She watched him sit down in the waiting room. His posture indicating that he thought he was someone important. She rolled her eyes. Dr. J was just gonna love him. She checked his chart, noting that he was here for a physical exam. “Let’s get this over,” she said, under her breath. After making sure the exam room was ready, she called his name, and then...
One Hell of a Way to Unwind after an Exam Coming home after taking my exam all I want is a beer and a nice hot bubble bath to relax. When I reach the door there is a note that reads, “I am here for whatever you desire tonight.” I open the door, I hear Robert Plant’s voice coming from the stereo, which brings a smile to my face. TJ knows how much Robert Plant’s voice turns me on and how the music of Led Zeppelin always puts me in a better mood. Walking in the door there is a nice chilled glass...
First Fuck After French Exam***This is a true story and is as much as I can remember, but seeing as it was more than 15 years ago, I might have missed out a few details***My friend John and I had just finished our written French exam. It was barely 12.30 in the afternoon and we had no reason to remain at the school. We began walking home together as we shared part of the route and got to talking about our girlfriends. I had recently split from this dumb, fugly girl who I had only been with...
Many years ago, I was experiencing a burning sensation when I urinated. It would come and go. Sometimes it wasn't that bad and other times it was really irritating. because I am self employed and work a lot, I put my little issue to the back of my priorities list and hoped it would just get better. It didn't! Finally, I decided that I needed to see a doctor. The problem was that because I hadn't been to a doctor in years, I didn't know who to go to so iasked my wife who she saw. She...
Chapter 1 – High School Nurses Exam or Welcome to Hell, Boys 15 Year old Jordan Haystack shifted anxiously in his seat as he awaited the mandatory nurse’s exam for freshman year of high school. The knot in his stomach grew tighter and tighter, and he felt sicker and sicker. The line of boys in front of him looked just as terrified. The boys filing out of the nurses office ahead of us kept their gaze fastened straight to the floor, their cheeks bright red. It didn’t...
Lee Ann is fourteen years old and beautiful. She is a soft spoken, quiet, a well-behaved young lady, a bit on the shy side. She is slim and petite, a tan firm body with a wonderful muscular tone from being an avid tennis player. She stands about five feet and five inches tall. She has shoulder length blond hair, and beautiful blue eyes. Lee Ann's tits are small and firm, with pointy peach colored nipples surrounded by the pale white flesh of her breasts that are in contrast to her deep tan....
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn Sites