A Unfortunate Walk Home free porn video

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Sarah waited for her classmates to pile out of the classroom before following them at a distance. In the hallway Sarah checked the coast and made sure it was clear of Milfred before grabbing a textbook from her locker and quickly making her way to the double doors at the end of the hallway. The schools parking lot was already packed full of students making their way onto their buses while the upperclassmen honked at the annoyance of having their way blocked.

Sarah watched as many of her classmates got into their different cars and sped away from the school. Sarah sighed a deep sigh and took a moment to feel sorry for herself before beginning her walk home. She was used to going without what the other kids had, her parents had struggled her whole life just keeping the house from being foreclosed on, and that sadly made Sarah often have to go without. But today was different, her favorite aunt Megan was meeting her at her house after school and had dropped a hint that she was thinking about getting Sarah her own cell phone. The very idea made Sarah giddy with excitement.

Sarah hated walking home from school, she didn’t live far and the walk wasn’t the problem she had with it. There were only two streets that went from the school to her house, one of which added an extra mile of pointlessly curvy roads, while the shorter way made Sarah uneasy. Since she had moved into the neighborhood at the beginning of 7th grade whenever she walked down the street Old Man Reynolds dog would stock the fence and bark incessantly. It freaked her out so much when she was younger she hadn’t walked down the street for a whole year.

Sarah thought about taking the longer way for a moment, but remembered her aunt would be waiting for her and she couldn’t quench her excitement to potentially get her first phone. Sarah's mind filled with thoughts of showing off her new toy with her classmates tomorrow and finally being able to get texts from her friends. She smiled at the thought of how great tomorrow may be.

The neighborhood wasn’t in itself dangerous, in fact it was a nice street full of different colored townhomes, some with ornate flower beds or a swingset in the backyard. However Sarah always dreaded her run in with the old man's dog. He lived on the corner of the street just a half dozen houses up from her own. Sarah groaned when the driveway came into sight and she saw Mr. Reynolds pick-up truck missing from the driveway. Sarah had come to learn that if he wasn’t home his dog was forced to play in the backyard till he returned.

“Rooooof!! Roooooof!! ROOOFF!” The large Rottweiler/Mastiff exploded from behind the fence. Sarah frowned remembering how that fence had only a couple years ago been new. Now it was spotted with head size holes in the wooden fence that the beast had made in desperation to get out. She could hear him scratching and trying to bite the fence apart as the determined K-9 fought his snout and then neck through a damaged section of fence.

Sarah made a mental note to not risk coming this way again unless absolutely necessary. She turned her gaze off of the ferocious animal and kept walking forward as fast as her feet could carry her without breaking into a run. She could see her house she was almost halfway to it from the dog when…

“ROOOOF!” Sarah’s heart froze in her chest she couldn’t get herself to do anything but stop and turn around. There he was standing right infront of her not but two feet away. after all these years she had never gotten a proper look at her nemesis but seeing him up close outside of his cage was a whole new level of scary. On four legs it’s shoulders were taller then Sarah’s waist, and his head was easily wider then her own.

The dog didn’t waste any time taking down his prey, to Sarah he was just a massive fuzzy blur as he leaped square into her chest. Sarah laid in place, her back against the hard concrete, trying desperately in vain to catch her breathe. Sarah realized she was holding her eyes closed as hard as her face would let her. When she opened them her left eye was almost immediately greeted by a big ol’ glob of drool.

“Ewww!” She screeched and violently dabbed her eye on her sleeve. The agitated dog flinched at her sudden movement and repaid her by biting down on the arm she was using to wipe her eye. Sarah tried to scream for help but she still couldn’t get her breathing under control, so instead her plea for help came out sounding like a balloon losing air as it spins around the room. The beast yanked on her arm a few times before letting go and grabbing her jeans and part of her leg in his fangs. Sarah didn’t even notice as his teeth pierced through her ankle, only when he began pulling her back towards his fence did she feel the skin tearing.

I must have blacked out… Sarah thought to herself. She was all the way back where he must have broken out of, cause half her body was outside the fence, but her feet had been dragged into the yard where the animal was still trying its hardest to pull the rest of her into its enclosure. Sarah scrambled to get free but like a dog playing tug-of-war the more she struggled the harder he bit down on her leg. Finally the fear was too much for Sarah to deal with herself. She felt herself lock up unable to move a muscle. What is that…? There was no doubt her panties were warming up, and then immediately go from warm to soaked as Sarah unable to stop herself filled her panties full of pee, which seeped down her legs and backside getting her tightly fitted jeans properly wet.

Her attackers demeanor immediately shifted, he let go of her leg and used his snout to nuzzle her wet lap. Sarah groaned, What the hell does this dog want with me?! There was a large splinter digging into her back as she lay there halfway inside the yard unable to see for herself what was going on with her bottom half. She felt him begin tugging her inside the yard again and winced as the shard of wood scraped open her back pulling her shirt up to her neck before she was deposited fully into the yard.

The yard was big, a shed sat neatly in the back corner of it along with a small fire pit and seating. The old man’s house had a large back porch on it’s backside full of cigarette butts and things the dog had torn apart so much you couldn’t tell what it had been before. The old man obviously didn’t like mowing his lawn, the front yard was freshly cut but his backyard was covered in one to two feet tall grass. Sarah could begin to feel the grass burns along her skin that had been dragged across the yard forcefully.

The beast released hold of Sarah and took a step back but never unlocking his eyes from her body he had successfully retrieved. He wanted to see what Sarah would do next if left alone. It took a little longer than a minute but she began to move, slowly at first as she squirmed her sore body against the ground. She was laying on her back her shirt still pulled up between her neck and bra. She un-spread her legs and tried to stand up. Though besides her leg Shooting out bursts of pain, the dog began to growl loudly when she attempted to stand up.

Sarah tilted her head back in exasperation. She felt the tears welling up in her eyes till they were streaming down her face, her stomach shifting up and down as she sucked in shallow breathes of air the best she could. She felt her chest getting warm and unable to see through her freshly teary eyes, felt around with her hands instead. The massive dog was standing on her right side with his leg up delivering a warm stinky stream of urine over her bare chest, her bra was drenched by the time the dog finished marking his new claimed territory.

For the next (what seemed like an hour to Sarah) they lay on the ground next to eachother. Sarah unable to move without getting growled at, and the large dog taking a light nap, only stopping to open an eye periodically to make sure his prize was still there. Just when Sarah was seriously considering making a run for her house, the back porch door slid open and the old man Mr. Reynolds stepped into the yard.

“What’s going on Roofus?” The old man asked nonchalantly. He must not be able to see me. Sarah tilted her head up and stared at the old man pleading with her eyes for him to help her. The old man was already looking at her though and his expression never losing it’s little grin. “Who’s a good boy!” Mr. Reynolds encouraged padding his dog proudly on the top of it’s massively thick head. “Did this girl try to break into our yard, did you show her why that’s a shit idea boy?”

Sarah was horrified, “Sir no! Your dog broke down the fence and attacked me!” Sarah was struggling to get the words out through her hyperventilating crying episode.

The old man didn’t listen, instead he turned around to go back inside but before he did he turned around and said “I’ve seen you walk by my house day after day my dear child. I had a feeling you were up to no good, I hope Rufus has taught you your lesson.” and with that he slid the door behind him leaving the girl and the dog alone. Rufus didn’t waste anytime, he was excited to play with his toy with the new approval from his master.

Sarah let out her disappointment and fear through small silent sobs that rocked her body back and worth. Rufus’s mouth was between her legs, Sarah tried to keep her dignity and close the wet gap between her thighs but she was only met with a growl at her unwillingness to play along. So Sarah decided she had no choice but to lie motionless legs open for her capturer. Rufus used his snout to push her legs far enough apart to fit his wide muscular head into her crotch. The dog was salivating so much every couple seconds a puddle of drool would fall onto Sarah who was forced to just lie there. Sarah could tell the dog was getting restless, she waited patiently to see what he was getting so worked up about. Rufus snorted violently onto the poor girls panties and pranced away from her and towards his dog house. Sarah didn’t know what else to do besides lay motionless so it was a while before she got the hint she was to join him in the doghouse. She could tell he wanted her to come on her own this time, but she couldn’t get herself to go over to the beast who had mauled her in the first place.

Just then the screen door opened again and Mr. Reynolds stepped out smoking a cigarette. “What are you doing there?” He asked inquisitively glancing towards his dog. Sarah assumed the question was directed towards the dog like before, but when he turned to her his face was burning with a hungry curiosity that worried Sarah deeply. “He wants you to get in his dog house, looks like he has found a new play toy and I didn’t even have to get it for him this time.” The old man chuckled at his own words. Sarah felt helpless and angry from how the events of the day had turned out, her face was furrowed into a scowl. The old man muttered something vile under his breathe and strode over to her. He slipped the back of his hand underneath her piss stained white cotton bra and gripped it like a handle, pulling her roughly to her unstable feet. Without any hesitation he began towards the dog house with Sarah trying desperately to stay on her feet while simultaneously being yanked forward by her bra. Mr. Reynolds tugged on her bra for her to hurry up but instead it made her fall forwards. The old man never let go of her bra as it shredded off of her sending her half naked and wet into a dusty clump of dirt she supposed the dog must dig in often.

She sat up before anyone could drag her back up themselves. She spit the dirt out of her mouth and used her shirt to wipe off her dirt covered face. Sarah immediately remembered her aunt was less than a couple hundred yards away waiting this whole time for her to get home from school. Sarah looked desperately towards the hole in the fence, though unfortunately Mr. Reynolds could see right through her. He grabbed her by her tangled blonde hair and forced her on her knees. He held her head in place with an iron grip that made her scalp scream in protest. Sarah looked up and found herself looking eye level with the old man's hand, he quickly undid his pants button and unzipped them letting them fall slightly putting only his tighty whities between her face and the bulge that was slowly expanding before her eyes.

Mr. Reynolds looked down at the petite young blonde child he had kneeling less than an inch from his old cock. “I’ll give you a chance to be a good girl.”

Sarah’s eyes moved from his to his crotch, she knew there was no way out of this. Better to give him what he wanted then deny it to him. Having made up her mind she leaned forward to pull his underwear off with her teeth (something she had seen in a porno). But the old man didn’t give her time to even touch it, he wasn’t in the mood to wait obviously. He reached into his underwear that had seen cleaner days and retrieved his curved cock. He let it drop onto the girls face and slide off dangling against the side of her cheek ready to be sucked. Sarah closed her eyes and opened her mouth, as it slid down into her mouth a fear gripped her. I have never done this before, what if I do it wrong? She attempted to put that thought in the back of her mind which proved to be easy as her focus shifted to the taste and feel of the mans cock in her mouth. The old man pulled his pants and his briefs down to his ankles and leaned back gripping her hair tightly and arching his cock forward to go deeper down her throat. He groaned in pleasure to let his toy know she was doing what she was supposed to. Sarah felt sick about it, but she did her best to do a good job, she was trying to suck him off like she was a professional.

“Hey!” The old man yelled, making Rufus who had been peacefully watching jump up in his dog house. “No teeth, what is wrong with you?”

Sarah slid her mouth off of the cock and looked up at the old man who it belonged to. “I’m.. sor..sorry” She stammered awkwardly.

The old man glared down at her and slammed her headed into his crotch and held her tight against his groin. “Do it right or I will have to break your teeth out, now don’t pull away till my whole dick is down your throat, you understand?”

Sarah looked up and nodded as she tried to line her mouth up with his member. A second later she had it in her mouth again and was trying with all her might not to scrape her teeth against his penis. The old man pulled her shirt off with the help of Sarah who didn’t resist but lifted her arms reflexively. As an added bonus he tossed the shirt into the doghouse where Rufus set about shredding it apart. Sarah wanted to speak up, scream for help, even make a run for it with Rufus right there but as the minutes went by her situation was just getting worse and worse. She quivered as her mind flashed to her bent over face first in the dirt while the old man and his dog forced her to give them her innocence.

Sarah’s jaw felt like it was close to falling off her face by the time Rufus had gotten bored tearing her shirt and bra apart into smaller and smaller pieces. Sarah didn’t know if it was possible to die from sucking dick but she was beginning to believe it may be a possibility as her body became sorer and sorer and the old man seemed to get bigger and more relentless. Rufus walked over to Sarah and watched her head and neck bob back and forth back and forth back and forth onto his masters erect man meat and into his groin before pulling back again and repeating. Her chest was bare, her hair wrapped tightly in the old man's grip. Her developing breasts slapped lazily back and forth against her chest.

The old man Mr. Reynolds had his head thrown back to the heavens and his pelvis thrusted forwards towards Sarah who wasn’t missing a beat as she licked and slurped away at his privates. Rufus perked his ears up as the old man half moaned and half groaned. Sarah did all the work rocking back and forth as she made sure she did everything perfectly, she had to remember not to let her teeth get away from her, she figured out quite quickly if she kept a certain pressure in her mouth and used her tongue to lick the head of his prick he would reward her efforts with a grunt or pulling her hair a bit. He looked down at the little slave his dog had brought home for him and smiled at the effort she was putting in to sucking his old cock. He gripped her hair tight and held her head still while he took his slobber covered pecker out of her mouth and replaced it by picking up his old stretched out nutsack and setting his balls directly on her face.

Sarah grimaced as the old man placed his sweaty testicles on top of her mouth, but she quickly forced herself to not look quite so unhappy.

“Lick them, dunk them in your mouth, kiss my balls like you can’t get enough of them.”

Sarah felt out of her depth, not only was she hating every second of this situation, she had no idea how to do it well. This old man expects me to know how to service a man already, does he even have any idea I’ve never done any of this before?.. Sarah was trapped in her thoughts. She felt too many things at the moment and needed to feel less. She thought about making a run for it again, maybe she could get away. But what about when she got home, how would she explain being half naked and covered in ball sweat?

She looked up and knew she had waited too long to follow instructions. The old man was frowning down at her. “It’s really a shame you turned out to be such a disrespectful little girl--” Sarah shut him up mid sentence by holding his shaft straight and after licking the tip of the old mans cock began to gently motorboat his scrotum with the tip of her nose and her tongue while occasionally planting a seemingly passionate kiss up and down his shaft and sack.

Rufus edged around Sarah’s back side and pressed his nose sharply against her jeans directly on top of where her asshole would be. Not expecting to get nudged so forcefully Sarah found herself falling forwards into Mr. Reynolds. She immediately opened her mouth so whatever was inside it wouldn’t get hurt as she fell, she stuck her arms out desperately grabbing onto the old perverts legs for balance.

“Her ass smell like roses boy?” The old man jested to his dog. He gripped Sarah’s now matted hair in his right hand and slipped his left hand down her chest into the front of her jeans. He suggestively flopped his cock in front of the girls face and gave her hair a tug incase she needed some extra motivation. He had her tight jeans unbottoned and unzipped in record time. He used the extra space to turn his hand around inside of her still soiled panties. He ran the tips of his fingers against her lips. He was delighted her pussy lips weren’t flabby but instead they hugged tight to the form of her vagina. He slipped two of his fingers into her like he was cutting butter with a hot knife. Her urine soaked privates made entering her a breeze.

Sarah was beginning to lose track of everything that was happening to her. She felt her scalp being tugged roughly each time he wanted her to take his cock deeper in her mouth. Rufus was all over her backside sniffing something he found interesting. She tried to push Mr. Reynolds hand away from going down her pants but she was futile in her half ass attempt to discourage him. Sarah felt his palm brush over her clit sending a little electric shock down her body. She could feel herself getting wet between her legs all over again but this time it wasn’t piss. She wouldn’t ever admit it but it felt good. She kept sucking his dick through the whole thing. A minute later the old man had become bored of touching her lady parts and took his hand out of her vaginal entrance. He gripped her pants near the small of her back and yanked them forcefully down to her knees.

Rufus took advantage of the wardrobe change and pressed his snout into her ass crack as he rooted around in search of her precious little brown hole. His oversized tongue began lapping away at her ass. Sarah couldn’t help but laugh as the dog that had attacked her an hour before was tickling her butt. She felt the cock slip out of her mouth as the old man backed away from her. He motioned for her to stand up, which she did without hesitation. Rufus looked annoyed his tasty chew toy had abandoned him. Mr. Reynolds pulled Sarah close and pushed her slowly towards the ground. He finished yanking off her damp dusty pants and spread her legs as far as he could get them. He had his old man cock inside the young girl within a couple seconds and was pumping her rigorously with deep strokes from his thin but long cock. He looked down at her face as he unknowingly stripped her of her virginity. She cringed each time he sank himself in her, but he didn’t care he was about to blow his funk all inside his new playtoy.

Mr. Reynolds whistled for Rufus to come over to him and instructed him to stand over the petite girl. “Suck it.” He commanded Sarah as he plunged himself inside her. She squinted her eyes and grunted but hesitantly began to inch closer as she sat up and began petting Rufus. He looked at her with an annoyed dog face till she stopped petting him, she reached up under his belly and stroked the sheath of his dog cock gently with three of her finger tips. The pouch of skin immediately responded to her touch as Rufus’s red rocket inched out till it was at least 6 inches long. She scooched forward on the ground and placed the animals member in her mouth, finding that she enjoyed the shape and taste of dog cock more than Mr. Reynolds. It didn’t take her long to have a face full of dog spunk as the old man continued his attack on her insides.

“Did you learn your lesson about trespassing on someone's private property miss?” He asked her not slowing down his strokes even a little. He could see the dumb look on her face as she tried not to enjoy his cock going in and out in and out.

“Mhmmm, you taught me my lesson all right!” she exclaimed. “FUCK YES!” She screamed in pleasure loud enough he was sure his neighbors must have heard their outdoor fuck session. He slammed himself inside her harder and faster then he had been going, right before he thrust as deep inside her pussy as he could go, he held himself there as he emptied inside her.


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Down The Shore Under The Boardwalk

I sometimes get the notion into my head to take a drive down the shore and listen to music, walk along the beach and enjoy the sound and "feel" of the waves crashing on shore at high tide just about any time of the year. Well, with the temps today in the 50's I jumped at the chance since the roads were clear and traffic was minimal. I stopped at Starbucks, got myself a latte and put in a CD (the Black album..) and off I drove with the window down. Yup, I love being outdoors whenever I can.I...

1 year ago
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A Night On The Boardwalk

"Yo......so what are we doing for dinner before we head onto the boardwalk?" Carly walked into the room, where her and Kelsy were sharing at Kelsy's Aunt's house in Wildwood, NJ. She was wrapped in a fluffy white towel, just getting out of the shower after a nice warm afternoon of tanning on the beach. Kelsy's gaze from the tv moved to her best friend. "Well, I was thinking just dinner at that seafood restaurant right before the boardwalk on this street, what do you think?" Kels asked, watching...

3 years ago
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Unfortunate husband has to foot the bill for the numerous pairs of panties his wanton wife loses

Tom and his wife Sharon were shopping and Tom was wishing he could die. He was the only man in the lingerie department of the department store. Sharon was buying panties to replenish her dwindling supply. She mumbled to herself as she browsed rack after rack, dropping the names of various men at the warehouse where she was a shipping clerk. Such-and-such a guy liked yellow, such-and-such liked lacy panties. Tom noticed other women looking at Sharon and at him. He sidled over and murmured,...

2 years ago
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Unfortunate Fortune

You sit in the expansive study of your late uncle Jonathan, awaiting the reading of his will. While you had barely ever met him, and this is only the second time you had been inside his large mansion, you have a slight hope of getting some portion of your elderly uncle's fortune. He was an odd man who kept to himself and without any direct descendants you had as much of a chance as anyone else. To your right sits your uncle's "Spiritual adviser," Madame Laurent. Coy, busty, and with long dark...

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Unfortunate Consequences

First of all, you must pick your character. The following is a list of characters to choose from. Maggie; A young, thin girl of 19, maggie is a woman set in the modern day. Known to be a girl to keep to herself and not have many friends, she has no-one to rely on to keep her from making silly mistakes. As a result, she finds herself in situations that are very perilous to her health and virtue. Ciara; A curvacious girl of 18, Ciara is living in the age of the western world. She lives on a farm...

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Unfortunate Encounter With Sexy Aunty Mother8217s Brother8217s Wife

Hi all sexy ISS readers. I am reading sex stories in ISS from my college days. This ISS had given me ideas that made me fuck lots of woman. Sorry as this is my first story if any mistakes there please excuse me. About me Rocky, age 26, Andhra Pradesh. I am normal guy with 5’7 height, brown in color, with 6 inch long dick with huge thickness. I am working as a consultant, Bangalore. I had lots of fun with many matured ladies and less with girls. I am greatly attracted with matured ladies; they...

2 years ago
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Unfortunate Sex

By : Nas0789 Hi All this is khan from chennai near sowcarpet, am 30yrs old married this is my first story so please excuse.I am slim 5.9 height fair and with 6.5 inch prick with 3” diameter i love the beauty of girls by seeing their boobs i go wild. I have been reading lot of stories and finally could get courage to write my own exp. I never had any discreet relationship with others it happened 2 weeks back when I was travelling from Chennai to Bangalore I met a girl who boarded the train with...

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Unfortunate Tales of Vanessa

Vanessa is a normal girl. She is average height, long black hair tied back into a ponytail, not ugly but not attractive. She also just isn’t into sex, not even touching herself. The only problem is that she has quite the curvy figure, with large breasts. This is not ideal for her because it draws a lot of unwanted attention. She tries to show as little skin as possible but no matter what she wears her breasts are always on display, their form distinct underneath the fabric of her tops. She...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 7 A Quiet Night at Home

I really wanted to talk to Allison about the things that Bob and I had discussed. The only problem was she wasn't there. I found a note saying that she and Shannon had gone to the mall to catch a matinee and that she would be home for dinner. So much for that idea. Then I realized it wasn't such a big deal. After all, we had all night to talk, and other things. I changed and took my homework out on the back patio. The next hour and a half was spent relaxing in the sun. Just me, some tunes...

3 years ago
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SRU Catwalk Comeback

SRU: Catwalk comeback By MTG 15th August 2002 Well, a month before heading back to South Bank University to complete my Computing degree, I was in the Bentalls centre in Kingston shopping for bits and pieces so I would be ready when term started in about a month's time. After my quite literally 'out of this world' year I had already been itching to get back to normality after April - post the events of July I couldn't wait for term to start - with Steve having already...

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James the Homemaker

"You've got some explaining to do, little Missy! What, did you think I'd call you 'young man' with all those panties and a bra under your mattress? Is that your only undies supply? Why didn't you just put them in your panty drawer? Oh, don't worry. I already moved them so they'd be a little more convenient for you. Oh, and I bought you some more. A girl needs more than five pairs of panties and one bra. I'm sure I got you the right size and I bought the most feminine ones for...

4 years ago
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Working With Walker Pt 4

Walker was tripping over his words trying to explain. "I...we….uh….sor…..sorry….not w….." I just sat there silent, trying to focus on Tyler's current state. Was he mad? Or just surprised? He didn't seem very mad. He wasn't trying to push us away. In fact, Walker's hand was still wrapped around his cock. He made no effort to remove his hand. I think he was more surprised than anything. So I took a chance. "Fuck it." I move up and plant my lips on Tyler's. He resists at first, but...

3 years ago
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Sabine Draws Gun on Walker

CHAPTER 1 Walker Smith had the age-old problem that occurs from time to time. The younger sister had spent the night in his bed, the other sister had caught his eye and their mother appeared to be trying to get it off with him. Walker thought it would only require the father to throw his arm around him and call him pal and… The 11:50 train heading east had Walker aboard, kicking himself for not choosing correctly initially but knowing he’d made the right decision by getting out of that...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 130 Homecoming

Every day after school the next week, we had basketball tryouts. There must have been fifty of us because Coach Hancock and Coach Mitchell were picking both the varsity and JV teams. Every guy in the school seemed to be there to try out. They ran drills. They ran dribbling practice. They ran shooting skills. They ran layups. They ran rebounds. Mostly, they ran us. I don't think I'd ever run so much. Fortunately, I'd biked a lot. My legs and lungs were strong. Whitney told me I had to do...

4 years ago
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Working With Walker Pt 6

I sat in the back with Walker while Tyler was driving and Mike was in the passenger seat. Mike lived within walking distance of this theater, so he rode back with us to Tyler and Walker's house. Walker sat in the middle to be close to me. We were rubbing each other's thighs, enjoying the sensation. I guess Tyler saw us in the rearview mirror, because he took his right hand off the wheel and started gently rubbing Mike's thigh. I heard a soft moan from Mike, so he must be enjoying the...

2 years ago
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Working With Walker Pt 7 Finale

Once we were all in Tyler's room, Mike asked, "So what else can we do?" I get on the bed and sit up on my knees. I grab my half-hard dick and present it to Mike. "How about you start with this?" He needed no more prompting. He jumped on the bed enthusiastically on all fours, grabbed my cock, and shoved it in his mouth. He didn't have the technique down just yet, but it still felt really good. If he doesn't end up regretting tonight, I imagine he will have plenty more practice to get...

4 years ago
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Working With Walker Pt 5

Tyler joined Walker and I several more times since that first night. He was still trying to seduce Mike, so that's where most of his focus was. He had been hanging out with him almost every night. Mike was still being bashful, but had loosened up lately. Tyler said he'd cuddled with him on Mike's couch and they made out once, but Mike broke it off after only a few minutes. Since that night though, Mike went back to the cycle of flirting and rejecting Tyler's advances. Walker and I were...

2 years ago
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Mrs Walker

Mrs WalkerI was born in a very small village in the Cotswold area of the UK, with about twenty-five houses a small pub, and village shop come post office. Everyone knew everyone’s business, and my nearest friend lived thirty minutes away by bicycle, I attended an all boys school, and I’m an only c***d. My sex education was none existent, the local shop didn't have a top-shelf magazine section, there was no internet, and the girls of my village were too old to take notice of me or too young. ...

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Home Sweet Homeland

"Elisabeth, can you come into my office at once, please?" Elisabeth Manning looked up from her computer screen, surprised at the somber tone in Willard Aldredge's voice. He was usually a pretty unemotional sort of a boss, the kind of steady going and rather dull bureaucrat to be found in any government department in Washington. Then again, Elisabeth would have had to use much the same words to describe her own life; steady and dull. But something or someone had obviously got Willard fired...

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SleepwalkerChapter 38 A Quiet Day At Home

It felt like I had just lay down and snuggled up to Shannon and suddenly it was 5:30 and the alarm was going off. I rolled quickly to shut it off. I must not have moved all night. I stretched to relieve some of the stiffness. Normally I'm up early and shut it off, but this morning the alarm had already done its damage; the girls were awake and stirring as well. Shannon voiced what we all must have been thinking. "It can't be morning." Allison stretched and groaned. "It must be, or I...

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Working With Walker

At the time of writing, I worked at a movie theater for a while. The pay was shit, but my coworkers were cool and the movies were free. All jobs have their perks, right? Overall, it was a fun job. I got along with pretty much everyone there. Outside of work, I hung out mostly with Walker. He was nice and funny. We got along really well. Walker had just graduated high school and moved out from his parents and rented a house with some friends of his. I was going to college and staying with my...

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=== Homesick === by Trismegistus Shandy This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. ----- We'd all gone to see the new _Tombs of Atuan_ movie, Mom and Dad and Kiara and me. On the way home, we chatted about the movie and got into an argument about whether they'd gotten Ged and Tenar's relationship right. Those were the last normal moments of our lives. Then Dad turned into our subdivision -- still normal --...

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Working With Walker Pt 3

"Hey." Was all Tyler said. So far…..so good? "Hey, Ty." Walker responded. I just gave him a nod. "Guess you worked this morning?" "Yeah, I was with Mike last night. He said he couldn't make it in to work today and asked if I could come in to open for him. I would've said no since it was already late at the time, but I need the money." Mike was another co-worker at the theater. I didn't talk to him as much as I did with Walker and Tyler, but he seemed cool. "Gotcha." I...

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Walker Family Fun Part 01

After the funeral service was over, everyone went outside to place flowers on the casket sitting over the grave. When I took my turn to put flowers on it, I leaned way over and everyone's eyes immediately went to my beautiful naked breasts hanging down inside my business suit top. The people behind me got a great view also when they watched my short skirt rise up and expose the bottom of my naked ass cheeks. Even funerals can be fun sometimes! I just love the looks I get when I go grocery...

2 years ago
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Sleepwalking Part 2

If you haven't read part 1 I suggest you go back and start at the beginning. Lol My cousin Grace had dropped a bomb on me telling me what she and my sister Sue had done while I was sleepwalking when I was only 11. This was a couple decades later. We were drinking and smoking a bowl, and getting pretty fucked up. I asked her if they ever did anything else after that. I was really turned on by now and my cock was raging hard. She smiled mischievously, and told me that they started making plans...

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SleepwalkingChapter 5

from sleepwalking IV We laughed for a few minutes before she looked at the clock. "Shit, I have to get this stuff back. I wish I could see you again Martin, I really do." "Why can't you?" She kissed me deeply, causing my dick to stir once more. "I'm engaged. Tonight is my last night at the conference before I go home to get married next week." "Wow, I didn't know. Hope I gave you a good last thing!" I smiled, chuckling softly. "Fulfilled almost all of my fantasies. Oh god that was...

1 year ago
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Home Sweet Homeland

"Elisabeth, can you come into my office at once, please?" Elisabeth Manning looked up from her computer screen, surprised at the somber tone in Willard Aldredge's voice. He was usually a pretty unemotional sort of a boss, the kind of steady going and rather dull bureaucrat to be found in any government department in Washington. Then again, Elisabeth would have had to use much the same words to describe her own life; steady and dull. But something or someone had obviously got Willard fired up...

Group Sex
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Walker Academy

Walker Academy by Alyssa Davis Chris was summoned to meet with the Dean of Admissions at the Walker Academy of Nursing. After earning an associate degree in Business Administration at a junior college, he had entered a competition for a two year scholarship in nursing at Walker with his goal towards Nursing Administration, and was eagerly waiting for the results. He had learned that Walker, a very well accredited school associated with a large medical facility in a campus...

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South of Bikini Homeworld

South of Bikini Episode 7 "Homeworld" 0800 hours, Ni'ihau, Hawaii, May 8th, 1944 "Good morning, Empress." "Good morning, Corrine." "'Morning, Empress." "Good morning, Jamie." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, Tish." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, already! Oh, et too, Alex?" Allie seemed a little upset this morning as I approached on an intercept. We were both on course for breakfast. As usual, the...

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Three Square MealsChapter 47 They arrive on the Maliri homeworld

John sat on one of the sofas in the Officers’ Lounge, with his feet up on the coffee table, and Alyssa and Calara cuddled up beside him. The other girls were spread out on the adjacent sofas, and they watched the colourful expanse of Maliri Space drift by, through the long windows that flanked the room. “John...” Dana said tentatively, looking over at him from the other sofa, her beautiful face burning with curiosity. “It’s nearly time for bed, have you got something planned for...

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It is a beautiful autumn day a week before the big game with the homecoming dance afterward.Rebecca is a freshman at this college who is cute as a button but, oh, so shy. She is five feet tall with long red hair and bright green eyes. She is curvy and could stop traffic if she really wanted to. But she dresses for comfort not to impress anyone. There are enough other girls that dress to get attention.She has decided to go ahead and invest in a sexy off the shoulder red dress for Homecoming. She...

Love Stories
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The Long Walk Home

I heard his voice in my ear, from the other side of the phone. I'd called after working my shift, a full 8 hour day, to see if he needed me to pick up anything before I headed home. I was walking, because the car has been in the shop for almost a month. I knew it would take me a while to get home, and it was late. I was hoping it would be something simple that he'd need, or nothing at all. My feet were killing me, and at this hour the lines would be horrible. "Yes, I need some socks. Nothing...

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Five Taboo Short Stories by Mrs Walker

#1 "Fun in the Bathroom with my Daughter" #2 "I Have Sex with my Son on the Train"#3 "My Daughter And I Have Sex on our Driveway" #4 "I sleep with my Daughter"#5 "My Son Strips me Naked on our Driveway"Story #1 "Fun in the Bathroom with my Daughter" by Mrs WalkerI want to spend more time looking at my naked body in the mirror, but I leave my bedroom and walk naked down the hallway to get my eighteen year old daughter Krissy so we can take a shower together. When I enter her room, she is sitting...

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Working With Walker Pt 2

Before I fell asleep last night, I had a thought that worried me. That maybe it was the booze and the hormones that got the better of us. I was hoping Walker wouldn't wake up this morning with regret and confusion. Or worse, anger and shame. But waking up to the sight of sober him moaning and sucking my cock made all those worries disappear. I run my hands through his hair, letting out small moans. I move his head up and down, guiding his mouth along my cock. For someone who's never done...

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A Dreaded Homecoming

CHAPTER 1 Barbara Thompson came close to panic as she read the email from her daughter on the eve of Nikki’s homecoming after spending the last two years in England finishing her Fine Arts Degree at great expense. Barbara and husband Bass (Basil) had used the money set aside to buy another commercial property in their town of Lynch to ensure their eldest received the education she desired. The email read: ‘Hi mom, my degree with honors is in the bag and I’ll be home in two weeks. I have...

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Walker Family Fun Part 02

At my age, when most women are putting on a few pounds, I am still the same weight as when I was attending modeling college when I was eighteen years old. At the school I met my husband and we decided to get married. I had my two kids soon afterwards, then went back into swimsuit modeling for the next ten years. Anyway, I suggested to my daughter that she also gets into modeling and she said she would love to. Today at eleven o'clock she has an appointment downtown for her physical checkup,...

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