Lady Janice of Sterling Part I
- 4 years ago
- 28
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At the exact same time that Jack was putting the moves on my wife, I was in my office, having a homemade sandwich for lunch.
It was now about two months since I had started wearing bras (during the day) and nightgowns (during the night) for Janice.
Two months, and so many changes!
My mind traveled over to my briefcase which I knew contained a moist pair of panties that Janice had worn just yesterday. Should I take them out to enjoy them for a minute? My penis shifted uncomfortably in my tight, white, control-top panty.
My life was now overflowing with sexual tension, and all of Janice's little daily rituals and 'new traditions' seemed to just pile it on.
For example, it wasn't enough that my penis was encased in lacy, silky panties. It wasn't enough that my breasts were being encased and hugged by a satiny bra which tugged at my shoulders whenever I moved.
No, that wasn't nearly enough for Janice.
Because I had to have her soiled panties with me as well. "So you can take them out and smell me, whenever you'd like," she said, sweetly. "All part of my nefarious plan to make you totally addicted to my body, to bind you to me ... forever."
As if I wasn't already bound by our marriage vows. I took another look at the briefcase. In my mind's eye I could see her midnight blue nylon panties nestled in the zip-loc bag, tucked in behind some papers.
Later tonight I knew I would be seeing tomorrow's panties up close and personal, since my worship of her crotch had become a part of our daily ritual.
It began every morning at her dressing table. Each and every day she would provide me a copy of my oath which, with my nose in her crotch, I would be required to recite.
Recently, at Janice's suggestion, I had begun making additions to my daily oath. These were always worshipful suggestions, and they would change every day. For example, I might start off with, "I, Paul Johnson, completely under the spell of my goddess, who controls me, mind, body and spirit, do solemnly swear..."
Or, I might add on to her name, and say something like "Lady Janice, whose smells, touch, taste, and vision I have become dependent upon as much as I have become dependent on air for breathing..."
Yes, corny, I know. But it's all just role-playing, right? If you can't be corny with your wife while playing a role, then when can you?
Of course, at some point the boundaries between role and reality begin to blur ... or disappear.
Like cooking, for example. All of the dinners became my responsibility, as well as all of the cleaning around the house. Was that part of the role, or was that part of real life? Janice was getting home later and later, and her job had gotten a lot busier after her promotion.
Janice and I had both been elated with her promotion, of course. She saw it as evidence that her newly assertive personality was being rewarded in the workplace. Cynically, I thought that it probably had just as much to do with her shorter dresses, stockings, low-cut blouses, and high-heels. But of course, I would never say that to her.
So I began to work through lunch so I could leave a half-hour early to get home in time to prepare dinner. Janice was always very particular about having dinner ready for her as soon as she got home. "By the time I get home, it's already late for dinner," she explained, "and I just don't think we should make it one minute later. Don't you agree?"
Of course I did ... it made sense. And I really didn't mind cooking for her, after all, she was always so appreciative of my efforts.
But she definitely wanted dinner on time! Once I had to stay late at work - something came up at the last minute - and so dinner was not quite done when she got home.
"What do you mean, it's not ready?" She asked, on the verge of being angry.
"I'm ... it's just ... something came up at work, and I just couldn't get home in time..." I stammered, surprised at her attitude.
"Fine!" she said, "I'll just make my own dinner."
And to my astonishment, she went to the kitchen and made herself a sandwich.
"But ... dinner will be ready in just 35 minutes," I pleaded with her. "Can't you wait?"
She glared at me. "I expect dinner to be ready when I walk in the door," she said. "We talked about it, right? We agreed, right? And yet, it's not done. 35 minutes is exactly 35 minutes too late. I am going to eat this sandwich and then go to bed, and if you know what's good for you, you'll sleep in the guest bedroom tonight."
And with that, Janice took her sandwich into the bedroom and slammed the door.
That was the last time I was late for dinner! From then on, I made sure to always have a backup plan, something which could be thrown together quickly, just in case.
My boss, Rachael, certainly noticed the difference.
"Your productivity has dropped, Paul," she said as we had our quarterly meeting together. "Your task completion is down by more than 30% ... is everything OK?"
"Oh, sure," I said, "It's just..."
"Just what?"
"Well, Janice has had to work late a lot recently, she just got a promotion ... and well, I guess I've had to take on a larger share of the housework."
"Really??" Rachael's eyes lit up at my admission. "If only I could find a husband like you! I'll have to ask Janice how she convinced you to sacrifice your career for hers."
"Well, that's not how I'd put it..." I said quickly, horrified at Rachael's implication. "It'll just be temporary, really. Just until Janice has a chance to clean up the mess at work she inherited."
"Well, I wouldn't be too sure," Rachael said. "Regardless, I'll have to shift some of your tasks to Daniel, I hope that's okay. After all, the work has to get done."
My heart sunk. I knew that unless I started working more hours I might be out of a job.
"Sure," I said, "but it will only be temporary, I swear."
Unfortunately, it wasn't just dinner that was cutting into my work hours. Over the last month, Janice had pretty much made it clear that I was to be responsible for all of the housework as well.
"Sweetie..." she would always start this way. "I brought home a ton of work to do. Could you do the laundry? It really needs to be done."
Or, "I'm sorry, honey, there's no way I'm going to be able to clean the bathrooms today, and they are getting positively filthy. Would you be a dear and do it for me?"
"Maybe it's time to get maid service?" I inquired, cautiously one evening.
"No way!" Janice slammed her palm down on the table, causing me to jump. "Strangers? Wandering around our house? Doing who knows what? What if they discovered all of your lady's lingerie?"
"I guess you have a point," I backed down, quickly.
"Honey," Janice said, soothingly, "I know you've had to do all this extra work around the house, but I promise, I'll pitch in as soon as my job starts to let up a bit." Janice reached over to stroke my neck.
"OK..." I said, mollified somewhat.
"But until I do, would you mind washing my stockings? I know it's a pain, but they really do need to be washed by hand and then hung up to dry. They are expensive, and they really need just the best of care."
I looked into her eyes, feeling completely trapped. With her new job, Janice was making considerably more money than I was, and so I knew it just made sense that I picked up the slack at home.
"Yes, I can do them," I said, defeated, taking on yet another household chore.
"You're the best," she said.
And so I was kept busy. Evenings were spent cooking dinner and cleaning up. Weekends were spent doing laundry and cleaning the house from top to bottom, including vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing toilets, etc. etc.
I found myself reluctantly taking on chores which we had never done before. Things like hand-washing our lingerie. They had always been machine washed before, but now, for some reason, Janice felt that only hand-washing (and hang-drying) would do.
And ironing the sheets. Janice had never, ever, ironed sheets before, but now I was supposed to do it. And since I had to wash the sheets every week, that meant ironing them every week as well.
"The sheets look wonderful!" Janice enthused, after I had ironed them for the first time. "Don't you think they look so nice and crisp! Oh, I can't thank you enough, I've always wanted to do them, but never had time. Thank you, Paul."
"You're welcome," I mumbled.
Well, at least she was grateful.
Pretty soon I was ironing not only the sheets, but Janice's entire wardrobe as well.
"Honey?" Janice called out.
"Yes?" Janice was in her closet when I entered.
"I'm totally swamped preparing for the meeting tomorrow. Would you mind?" She held up her blouse.
"Mind what?" I asked, not comprehending.
"I need you to iron this blouse for me, if it's not too much trouble. I wouldn't ask, except I'm going to be getting to bed late enough as-is."
"Sure!" I agreed, assuming that this was a one-time thing.
"And... ?" she asked, tentatively.
"Something else?"
"Well, the only shoes I have to wear with this suit are these black ones, but they're all scuffed up..."
"Do you want me to shine them for you?"
"Would you? Oh Paul, I don't know how I'd cope without you!"
"Sure..." I sighed.
"Oh, and if you could touch up this skirt with the iron that'd be great, too. It got a little creased the last time I wore it. Thanks!"
Of course the next night, Janice asked me to iron her clothes again. And this time, she had a dark blue pair of shoes which needed to be cleaned and polished.
On the third night, she didn't even ask. I just found her outfit, blouse, suit, and shoes waiting for me.
Other than all of the cooking, cleaning, and laundry, there were easily a thousand other small tasks which Janice asked of me -- tasks which I would group into the category of 'personal servant'.
Anything and everything which Janice needed, if she could get me to do it, she would.
"Paul? Take these to Office Depot and get 5 copies of each, collated and stapled. Thanks."
"Paul? I just left my clothes on the floor over there. Would you mind putting them in the hamper? Thanks."
"Paul? I need you to take this suit to the cleaners, OK? And you'll pick it up when it's done, won't you?"
"Paul? I need to take this hem up, just a half inch. You can do that, can't you? Oh, and don't use the machine, I know you can do a better job by hand. Thanks!"
"Paul? Would you make a fresh cup of coffee for me? Thanks!"
At some point, after a particularly exasperating evening of request after request, I was just about fed up. I had just gone out to the office supply store where I bought a new red pen for Janice. A whole trip out for just one fucking ball-point pen!
"Here's your pen," I said, slamming it down on the desk where she was working. "Maybe in the future I should kneel by your side, so I could be instantly available for your next command, my Lady Janice?" I said, with heavy, heavy sarcasm.
"Really?" Janice looked up at me. "What a wonderful idea!"
"No!" I stepped back, horrified. "I was just joking!"
"Maybe you were," she said, "but it's still a good idea. After all, sometimes it seems like I wait forever until you answer my call."
Janice got up and fetched a throw-pillow from the closet. She dropped it on the floor next to her desk.
"From now on," she said, "this is your 'beck and call' pillow. Whenever this is on the floor, I want you to be kneeling on it, ready to handle my every need."
"No..." I moaned. "Please, no. I have a life too ... I mean..."
"Listen," Janice reasoned with me, "My work is just insane now. OK? And the sooner I can get through this, the sooner our life can get back to normal. You want that, don't you?"
"Well then, surely you'll want to help out in any way that you can, right? If only temporarily?"
"Sure ... I guess."
"In any way you can?"
I sighed. "Yes, in any way I can."
"Good. Now kneel on the pillow..."
I hesitated. Would I really do this? "But Janice, this is just too much. I mean, I really do want to help out, but this..."
"You said yesterday that you would do whatever you could, right?"
"Yes, I remember..."
"Well, can you do this? Is it impossible for you to kneel here next to me and be my assistant?"
"No, it's not impossible, but I just think my time could be better used elsewhere."
"I'll be the judge of that," Janice said, coldly. "I need you to be here for me. Specifically, I need to you be right here, kneeling and ready to help at a moment's notice, for me. You said you would do anything you can. You can do this. So kneel."
I hid my face in my hands, for some reason, I was suddenly very short of breath.
"Paul?" Janice looked at me, expectantly.
I hesitated and turned away for a second. For some reason, my breath was coming out in only short, quick gasps. I closed my eyes and tried to think, but all I had pounding through my head was her cold words: 'You can do this'.
"I don't have all evening," she said, behind me.
I turned around and looked at Janice with weepy eyes. She simply pointed to the pillow by her side.
With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I sank down and knelt on my new 'beck and call pillow'. I knew I was giving in and giving up a part of my freedom. Intellectually, I might have thought it was only temporary, something needed to help with her job. But if I had been honest with myself, I think I always knew that it would become a permanent part of our life together.
A single tear leaked out of my eye as I looked up at Janice, who had already turned back to her work.
After about 10 minutes, Janice gave me her first command. Without even glancing in my direction she said, "Go to the 24 hour grocery store and purchase a dog collar for a large dog," she said, simply.
"What?" I asked, incredulous. "Why do you need that?"
WHAM Janice slammed her palm on the desk, causing me to jerk away. "NEVER ASK WHY!!" she shouted. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHY? I THINK THE COMMAND IS CLEAR, ISN'T IT?"
After a second to settle down, Janice continued in a more reasonable tone.
"I realize this is new," she said, "so I really shouldn't be so upset. But I've always hated that you have to know the reasons for everything. So, rule number 1: never ask why. If a command is unclear, you can ask for clarification on exactly what you need to do. But you may never ask why. My reasons are my own."
Suddenly I realized just how dominant Janice had become. Her outburst made it clear that this was her new personality ... this was not 'role-playing' any more. At least not for her.
"Do you understand?" Janice asked, quietly.
"Now, let's try again. Go to the 24 hour grocery store and purchase a dog collar for a large dog."
Without saying a word, I got up, got my car keys, and headed out of the house.
Fortunately, the grocery store is pretty close, and so in about 20 minutes I was back, kneeling on the 'beck and call' pillow and holding the dog collar.
As soon as I was back, Janice gave me her next command.
"Take off all your clothes except your panties and bra. Take the dog collar out of its package and put it on."
When I was done, I went back to kneeling on the pillow. The dog collar fit snugly around my neck. I understood now that it was intended to make me feel more subservient and conscious of my new role.
It worked.
And what was worse, it worked on my penis too. I was rock hard.
Janice looked me over, approvingly.
The next day, as I got ready to get dressed for work, I went to the bed to see what panties Janice had picked out for me. I always loved this moment. What would it be today? What devilishly feminine panties would I be asked to wear? I thrilled at the anticipation. But nothing fancy this time. Simple panty briefs, pink nylon with some lace around the edges and a nice embroidery design. As I picked up the panties, a white card fluttered to the ground. I picked it up and inspected it. It was...
The next day was Sunday, and, unfortunately, the Mall was open. I had spent the night trying my best to sleep with a rubber penis pressed against my face, eventually falling asleep around 2 am. In the morning I woke up with a start. The balls were in my mouth. Had I been sucking on them in my sleep? Yikes. Anyway, that morning, after putting on a pair of panties and a bra - surprisingly simple considering what I had worn the night before - I dressed in normal clothes and we went...
This time I decided to wait until we were getting ready for bed. I figured that Janice might then be able to act on the suggestions right away (I hoped!). "Janice?" "Yes, Paul?" "Lady Janice?" She grinned. "Ooh, I like that. I may have to ask you to start calling me that all the time!" I punched her playfully in the arm and then tried again. "Lady Janice of Sterling?" Janice froze, and then after a second began her recitation: I want Paul to be more feminine. I get horny...
Janice had been buying and choosing my underwear for just a couple of weeks and already I had a drawer chock full of frilly, feminine, lacy panties. There were all kinds. Panties with lace panels in front, rumba panties with row upon row of lace draped across my buns, a lacy G-string, a thong with an elastic string that ran up between my ass cheeks, a high-cut thong with 'Sexy!' written across the crotch (in rhinestones!), sheer panties with polka-dot embroidery, Chantilly lace bloomers,...
Brrring Brrring The phone rang out. "Now who could that be?" Janice mused to herself as she got up to answer the phone. Maybe it was Paul, she thought. He was still at the office, catching up on work from last week. Janice grinned at the thought of it. What had gotten in to her? Lately, she had been worrying about how she had changed over the last year or so. The changes were astonishing, and yet they were wonderful too. She wondered if this 'new' her was really her. She really did...
"Lady Janice of Sterling" I said. Janice froze, her eyes wide open. It was Saturday morning. We had just finished our breakfast and were reading the paper together. After a second, Janice recited her mantra: I want Paul to be more feminine. I get horny when he is more feminine. The more feminine he is, the more dominant I become. My god, I thought to myself, it worked! Janice paused for a second and closed her eyes. "Janice?" I asked, gently. "Paul!" she said, suddenly opening...
Four more days is all it took. On Saturday evening I knelt before Janice in just my bra, panties, and dog collar and said the dreaded words. "I submit to your demands," I said. "Really?" Janice fairly squealed with delight. "You agree to submit to all of my demands?" "Yes," I hung my head, "just, please, don't ever make me wear this damn bra ever again." All that day, the bra was at its tightest setting. The points of the tacks dug cruelly into my breasts. Not enough to pierce...
I spent the whole day trying to think of ways to prevent Jack from coming again for dinner, but I could not think of a single thing. There was only one hope left. That Jack still held a shred of respect for his old 'best friend', and wouldn't take advantage of my situation any further. "How's dinner coming?" Janice asked as she stepped in the door. "It's ready," I said. "Everything's in the warming drawer, and can be served up at anytime." "You are such a good housekeeper and...
Jack was at work when the phone rang. "Hello?" "Jack?" "Paul?" "Jack! I need your help. I'm desperate." "Wait, Paul, what's the matter?" Jack leaned back in his chair. "Jack! Something's wrong with me. Please," I pleaded, "what happened the night I spent at your place?" "Now Paul, you know I can't talk about things like that while I'm at work." "Oh, right." Damn! What to do? I couldn't drive over to visit Jack, because Janice had driven me to work! And I...
"I want to move things to the next level," said Janice. I was kneeling next to Janice on my 'beck and call' pillow. "What do you mean?" I asked, worried. "Well, I want you to be more feminine," Janice said, simply. "I get horny when you become more feminine." I gulped. Janice was repeating her mind-control command back to me ... where did that come from?? "Like what?" I asked. "First," she said, in a businesslike fashion, "I want you to go to my stylist and have her color...
"Here's your first assignment, Paul: Filing papers!" Rachael said. It was Monday, my first day as Rachael's 'organizational assistant', and I was in her office getting instructions. "My god, Rachael, I never realized how bad things were!" I said. Papers and folders where piled in stacks all over her office, with a couple of them as much as three feet (1m) high! "This isn't the worst of it, come with me," Rachael led me to the office next door. "See why I need help?" The...
Dinner was almost done by the time Janice stepped in the front door. Normally I don't cook, but Janice had called earlier that day. "I'm going to be out late shopping," she said, "so I want you to make dinner tonight. OK?" "But..." I started. "No buts," she cut me off. "I'll be home by 8 o'clock and I expect it to be ready. Thank you!" And the phone went dead. And so, that evening I stopped on the way home from work, bought enough ingredients for a simple meal of chicken...
"Shit!" I looked at my watch and then pushed down on the accelerator. I was running late. The checkout line at the grocery story had been agonizingly slow. Just last week, Janice had started demanding fresh, homemade dinners every night. That meant stopping at the grocery store every day to buy ingredients. Yet another burden added to my already hectic daily life. "Step on it!" I shouted at the driver in front of me. I knew that Janice would not be pleased if her meal was late. Her new...
"Aaaaugh!" I woke up with a start, sitting bolt upright. I was in bed, the sun was shining, and I could hear Janice showering in the master bathroom. What had happened last night? I wondered. Some things were clear. I went to talk to Jack upstairs in the guest bedroom. And then he told me that I had been programmed with a dose of the mind control drug that he had saved in his refrigerator. But he had only done it because ... I had asked for it? That I had wanted to become submissive and...
"Janice, I can't wear this!" I said, with a whimper. Janice had just showed me my outfit for the day. It was a two-piece dress suit, cherry red, 100% polyester, acetate lining, with a skirt that came to just below the knee. And what was worse is that it came with a white nylon, button-up, blouse with wide floppy lapels. "But this is your 'secretary uniform, '" Janice said, with a giggle. "You'll look just like an extra in 'Working Girl.'" "But Janice!" I said, exasperated,...
"Janice?" I touched Janice lightly on the arm. It was Friday night and we were both sitting at the dinner table. I had mixed the drug into a small glass of ice tea which Janice had just drunk. "Yes, Paul?" she asked, sleepily. The drug was taking hold. Janice closed her eyes and leaned back against the dining room chair. It was time to execute Step One of the plan. Jack had explained everything in great detail the night before. "STEP ONE:" he had said. "Under the influence of the...
"You look amazing, Janice!" Jack said, enthusiastically. At Jack's invitation, the two were having lunch together at an intimate bistro. Jack's eyes roamed freely over Janice's body as he got up to give her a kiss on the cheek. Janice had dressed especially sexy for her lunch with Jack, putting on a low-cut blouse with a plunging neckline, a short red skirt that showed just a hint of stocking top, and her fire-engine red high heels. Janice blushed as she acknowledged Jack's admiring...
"We have to talk." The words most hated by men all over the country. "Okay," I said, worried now. Janice was sitting on the sofa in the living room, and I was sitting on her lap. Janice had one hand up my skirt and it was devilishly stroking my penis. I was being hugged by the other as it reached around and squeezed my breast forms. My god I was hard! With all her teasing and humiliation, Janice had kept me on edge throughout dinner. She even made me eat more of her special "glazed"...
"Jack asked me to give this to you." I handed her the envelope. Janice and I were getting ready to go to bed. I was already in my nightgown (pink babydoll tonight). It was a brand new nightgown - Janie would often buy me a new one for special occasions, or whenever she felt bad for pushing me too hard. It made me look about 14 years old. And although the details were still fuzzy in my head (why was that?), apparently Janice had felt extraordinarily bad for her behavior, because she had...
The next day, Janice still hadn't laundered my underwear. "I guess you'll just have to wear a pair of my panties again," she said, brightly, handing me a white pair with at least an inch (2.5 cm) of lace around the hem. "I really don't like wearing these to work," I said. "Tsk," she brushed away my concerns, "who's going to know?" "But..." "Now be a good boy and put these on," she commanded. Where will this end? I wondered to myself, as I slipped the panties on -- the...
"So, life begins at forty, huh?" Jack asked. "What's that?" I looked up from my sandwich. "I said, life begins at forty. Look at you! You seem happier than I've seen you for months." "You're right," I grinned. "Things with Janice are going fantastically." "Well, good," he said. "Janice deserves to be happy." Jack was right. Things were fantastic. And best of all was the sex. Janice and I were having sex nearly every day! She was so horny, and her new, more demanding...
After our session, Janice never really 'snapped out of it.' Instead she remained in a sleepy fog, and readily agreed to my suggestion that we should go to bed early. Once in bed, she quickly fell asleep. When I opened my eyes the next morning, I saw her ... wide awake and watching me. "Hey sleepyhead," she said. "Hi..." I responded. "How are you feeling this morning?" I asked, tentatively. A smile lit up her face. "I feel great! It's the weirdest thing ... but I feel like this...
"Jack, thank god you're home. Janice and I have had a fight. Can I spend the night?" I was standing on the front steps outside Jack's row house. He was standing in the open door, in a robe, looking at me, blurry eyed. "Geez, Paul. It's what, 2 am?" "I'm sorry..." Jack stepped aside. "Hey, no problem, come on in. Let me get you a cup of tea." "Oh, no thanks," I stepped inside and put my bag down on the floor. "No, I insist," Jack said, going to the kitchen. It had been a...
I first met Tina when she was just sixteen years old Janice. by ?The Fantasist.? Chapter one. I first met Janice when she was just sixteen.? It was in the early summertime, and late evening, and I was driving back from a business meeting and I saw this girl walking. She was thumbing for a lift so I slowed down to take a look. She was about five feet four inches tall with long shapely legs that were accentuated by her short skirt so, being a red-blooded American male, I stopped for...
I met Janice in my freshman year of college. We had a few courses together, so we had some talking points to get to know each other better. Janice was beautiful with a soft smile that just someway brightened up the day. Her hair was an auburn color, which she wore down to the tops of her shoulders. She often wore shorts which highlighted strong straight legs that were quite long. Janice was about 5'6" and 125 pounds of pure sensual energy. Her skin was soft and she got enough sun to give her...
There was an audience sat watching her; Brian, Ginger, Peter, about twenty five students from Springbank, neighbours Lucy, Yvonne and Andrea. Lucy was naked having already performed her strip on stage. Brian had made Janice, Andrea and Lucy lose their inhibitions, all while they were conscious of what they were doing, but unable to stop themselves, performing whatever Brian ordered. No act of perversions the women were forced to perform were taboo. Janice was his latest conquest due to mind...
Janice and Moe Childhood memories are funny things. There's no rhyme or reason as to what memories will stick or when they'll surface. Janice and I lived next door to each other in a country setting in the outer suburbs of New York. Our families had lived side by side for many years before our births. Janice and I were the only children in both families. She was two years older than me and though we had been neighbors since birth, my first recollection of the girl next door was from...
It was Friday morning and Janice was happy, she would soon be meeting Wayne, her lover. She had told her husband that she was having a weekend with her friend Ruth and would be home late Sunday afternoon so she had three days with Wayne and two nights. Technically though not just with Wayne he had promised to take her to a posh club for morning coffee, 5* lunch and an afternoon of fun. She did not know what the fun would be but trusted Wayne. Wayne had said some of his friends would be eating...
Ever wonder what happened to Dr Janice Lester following the events of 'Turnabout Intruder'? This is a sequel to my earlier story STAR TREK: THE FINAL FATE OF JANICE LESTER. STAR TREK: THE SECOND LIFE OF JANICE LESTER by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures * 2269: Elba II "I stole your body because I wanted to captain a starship, something Starfleet doesn't allow women to do," said Janice Lester....
Tuesday – Sunday Tuesday On Tuesday I went to work played catch-up from Monday. Janice called me and told me that she was going to have a surprise for me the next time she saw me and wouldn't’t tell me anything else. Wednesday I had a routine day and nothing exciting happened, work, dinner with some friends and got home at about 9:00 and Janice wasn’t home, I went off to bed after news. Thursday Morning I got up shaved and showered. As I was getting out of the shower I heard Janice’s...
Straight SexThere was an audience sat watching her; five policemen and a policewoman all in uniform, Brian, Ginger, Peter, about twenty five students from Springbank, neighbours Lucy, Yvonne and Andrea. Lucy was naked having already performed her strip on stage. Brian had made Janice, Andrea and Lucy lose their inhibitions, all while they were conscious of what they were doing, but unable to stop themselves, performing whatever Brian ordered. No act of perversions the women were forced to perform were...
“Mrs Goodall?” he enquired. Janice nodded her head. “My name is Nick I have something for you” He responded grinning. Nick had a tablet in his hand and he turned the screen round to show her the picture that was on screen. Janice gasped in surprise! The picture was of her and Jack Taylor laid on his bed both naked and kissing. Janice could not believe it she had totally forgotten about her relationship with Jack, which had ended only about a month ago. Jack was another Springbank pupil and...
Porn girls gotta start somewhere. It was 2:30 in the afternoon and Brittany was cruising in her new red Beemer. The car was freshly washed and gleaming. This was the way Brittany wanted the car to look while she was out trolling. Near a local high school there were lots of girls walking home. Some were pretty enough for what Brittany wanted, but they weren't right. She kept driving, making sure she didn't break the speed limit, which meant she was going slow enough to check...
Janie and Jim were related, but only vaguely so. Janie’s mom was married to Jim’s dad, so technically, there were brother and sister, just not blood related. Jim was eighteen and Janie was almost eighteen, falling behind Jim by about three weeks. They had both lived under the same roof for about five years, the time that their respective parents had been married. Each had their own room and each had their own set of friends. They seemed totally different in everything. Jim was a jock and Janie...
First TimeWhere does one begin when speaking of Janice.Janice was always unruly,always rude and always the schoolgirl that could be seen standing outside Reverand Mother Gertrude's private study.As she grew into an attractive young woman Janice still found herself getting up to mischief;not turning up for work,parking wherever she liked,;generally giving two fingers to everyone else.Janice had some hope at school where the nuns of St.Vincents tried to instill discipline in her by means of corporal...
Janice My Secretary Michael, who is 49 years old moved back to his hometown about two months ago. He had been living out of state since he started college. He was married with three c***dren.. His father owned a successful business and decided to retire. He asked Michael to take over the business. Michael accepted the challenge. Janice was 61 years old with short blonde hair. She had worked for Michael's father for the past 25 years and enjoyed it very much. She was his administrative...
She walked to Wayne’s office he had a friend called Mea that he wanted her to meet. When Janice entered Wayne’s office he was by himself, he smiled and gave Janice a quick kiss. “Mea is delayed but he is bringing a few friends with him, for you to meet" he said and continued “I am going to show you want I am really like" he smiled at Janice. He picked up his phone and called Ruth and asked her to come to his office, she was a friend of Janice’s who worked also worked at the office. Ruth...
She walked to Wayne's office he had a friend called Mea that he wanted her to meet. When Janice entered Wayne's office he was by himself, he smiled and gave Janice a quick kiss. "Mea is delayed but he is bringing a few friends with him, for you to meet" he said and continued "I am going to show you want I am really like" he smiled at Janice. He picked up his phone and called Ruth and asked her to come to his office, she was a friend of Janice's who worked also worked at the office. Ruth...
Tuesday I woke up to the alarm and Janice was already up, she was in the kitchen having coffee and a cigarette. She was all showered and made up; she was dressed ready to start her day. She told me she woke up at 5:00; she couldn’t sleep so got up and decided to get ready. She was wearing a black suit pants that had a matching jacket, a white satin blouse, the same black bead necklace and earrings she wore the night before. She had on her bright red lipstick, with black pumps. She looked very...
Straight SexThe next day at college Janice found a bag on her desk with a note from Wayne telling her to wear what was in the bag. Janice quickly changed so she was wearing a black g-string, suspenders and stockings a skirt so short that it did not cover the top of her stockings, no bra just a white blouse. She walked to Wayne's office he had a friend called Mea that he wanted her to meet. When Janice entered Wayne's office he was by himself, he smiled and gave Janice a quick kiss. "Mea is delayed...
Janice in ‘The Fantasist.’When Janice was nineteen I had to make a business trip to the UK, London to be exact. I was only going to be there for a week and Janice persuaded me to take her along for the ride. When we got there I gave her a wad of cash so that she could go shopping while I was tied up in meetingsOn the Wednesday I had to meet someone in a small town down on the south coast. I was given pretty clear instructions on how to get there so I decided to rent a car and drive...
Friday was busy day at work, I was glad to go home. Hooray, the weekend is here! When I arrived at home I relaxed and had a drink and prepared to BBQ a steak I had ready for dinner. I had dinner and did some email and cruising on the computer. I then watched some TV and then headed off to bed. Saturday I had slept in went and did some shopping and then met a friend for lunch. I returned to the house and did normal house cleaning and laundry. I felt tired that evening and actually went to bed...
Straight SexMy Neighbor Janice Chapter 5 I was gone all week Monday to Friday so I called Janice on Thursday to tell her that I would be home late Friday night and would see her Saturday. “Just come over when ever you get home as I will be up, it doesn’t matter what the time is or call me when you are close to getting home” Janice said. I agreed and told her I would, and that was looking forward to getting home. The Weekend Friday – Monday Friday morning I woke early, I dressed, packed and checked...
My Neighbor Janice Chapter 5 I was gone all week Monday to Friday so I called Janice on Thursday to tell her that I would be home late Friday night and would see her Saturday. “Just come over when ever you get home as I will be up, it doesn’t matter what the time is or call me when you are close to getting home” Janice said. I agreed and told her I would, and that was looking forward to getting home. The Weekend Friday - Monday Friday morning I woke early, I dressed, packed and checked...
BDSMThe doorbell rang, and as Janice Reeves got up to answer it she heard her eighteen year old son, Nick, call to her from upstairs. “Mom, that’s gonna be Thomas, will you let him in and tell him to come up to my room, please?” “Sure thing, Nick,” she replied. She opened the door and there on the other side of the screen door stood Thomas, her son’s best friend. “Hi, Mrs. Reeves!” he said, “Is Nick here?” “Hi, Thomas, yeah, he’s upstairs in his room and says for you to go on up,” she replied,...
MILFWe went by train straight from work on the Friday; a neighbour agreed to feed Buttons and we planned to return Sunday lunchtime. The journey to Chester was crowed but we did get seats and Janice asked why I hadn't wanted to drive. When we passed the M60 on our way into Manchester I showed her; it was a massive car park, and was like that every Friday afternoon. We arrived at Chester at about 5.30pm and Janice's Dad, Charles, met us. He was about fifty, distinguished looking, tall, and...
Twice a neighbour had called the police complaining about the noise. Russell thought it was Janice that had made the calls, even though it wasn't. Because of the calls and another number of disagreements between them they both hated each other. Janice in fact did not get on with any of Russell's family. They were a rough lot thought Janice, Russell was a dustbin man and so were some of his mates. They all ready sounded drunk. In a sudden fit of anger Janice decided to go and give Russell a...
She walked through into the front room and stopped, she could not move, Janice tried to pick her feet up she could not, however hard she tried she was frozen still like a statue. Suddenly memories of the previous two days came flooding back, she remembered what Ginger had made her do, he had raped her and by controlling her mind he had made her enjoy it and join in. She had walked naked down her street and he had buggered her. She tried to move desperate to get away but she really was...
She walked through into the front room and stopped, she could not move, Janice tried to pick her feet up she could not, however hard she tried she was frozen still like a statue. Suddenly memories of the previous two days came flooding back, she remembered what Ginger had made her do, he had raped her and by controlling her mind he had made her enjoy it and join in. She had walked naked down her street and he had buggered her. She tried to move desperate to get away but she really was...
Twice a neighbour had called the police complaining about the noise. Russell thought it was Janice that had made the calls, even though it wasn't. Because of the calls and another number of disagreements between them they both hated each other. Janice in fact did not get on with any of Russell's family. They were a rough lot thought Janice, Russell was a dustbin man and so were some of his mates. They already sounded drunk even at this time. In a sudden fit of anger Janice decided to go...
Introduction: Janice, a story about a wife, mother, nympho I met Janice in my freshman year of college. We had a few courses together, so we had some talking points to get to know each other better. Janice was beautiful with a soft smile that just someway brightened up the day. Her hair was an auburn color, which she wore down to the tops of her shoulders. She often wore shorts which highlighted strong straight legs that were quite long. Janice was about 56 and 125 pounds of pure sensual...
Janice T messaged me: "So, when are you two going to invite me?" She included a hot picture of two women and a man, naked and wrapped around each other, to make sure I understood. There was a problem. I wasn't a twosome. In fact, my last affair had been with another woman, who just got more and more unhappy with my kinkiness and and exhibitionism. Fortunately, I had a wide variety of fuck-buddies of both genders. The problem with fuck-buddies is that they're rarely available and interested on...
Group Sex"are you sure," She took her hand off the steering wheel and squeezed my knee, "I really want you Ruth I feel desperate to have you." I was surprised, arriving at college for work that morning I had been worried about Janice's reaction to the events that had taken place the day before. Wayne had called me into his office where Janice was already present and he revealed photographs of him and me having sex together. I had broken off my relationship with Wayne a few months before as I...
I was in a local coffee shop talking to my mate Ian. "18 months since I last had sex," I grumbled, "and even back then the sex with Sharon was not great, regular but not great." "You need a good fuck with a more experienced woman," said Ian grinning at me. Ian seemed to have good sex life while although I had made love to three different women and I had enjoyed it the sex had seemed fairly safe none of the women had really wanted to experiment. Ian looked at the contact list in his...
Friday – Monday Morning I got up at 6:30 was looking forward to the day and the weekend. My cock was hard and I never even jerked off all week. I headed to work at 8:30 little later than usual but I was caught up with both jobs I was doing right now and hope nothing would go wrong today. The day really went smooth and was heading for home at 4:00 and called Janice. She answered the phone obviously looking at the call display first, by saying "Hello this is your fucking cheating fucking whore...
Straight SexContinuing with JaniceI was awaken by the phone ringing and saw that Janice was no longer in the bed so I got up and saw a pair of oversize black silky shorts laid out on the bed with a oversize white T shirt beside them. I assumed they were for me to wear so I put them on and exited the bedroom and saw Janice was talking on the phone. She was obviously talking to her boyfriend Mike and I looked out the window and saw that we sure received a lot of snow over the night. Janice was already...
Straight SexIt was early next morning when Janice woke up. Jacob was long gone, having been shooed away by Rosemary with the promise that he could see Janice again later. Also, Janice's prom dress had been removed. She was now wearing just a simple cotton nightdress and cotton panties. Rosemary had been waiting in the room for Janice to wake up. This was it. Rosemary was certain Janice was now fully restored to her new body. Janice groaned and sat up. "Janice? How are you feeling?" Rosemary rushed...
Arrived at Wayne’s around 10.15am. Wayne opened the door at my knock and gave me a big kiss. We moved into his front room. He was wearing a short sleeved blue shirt and dark blue casual trousers. I commented he looked very smart. A kiss from him and his fingers found the buttons of my blouse it was quickly discarded along with my bra. What a pleasant start to the weekend my hands were very soon unfastening his trousers and within five minutes of arriving at his house we were both naked on the...