Lady Janice Of SterlingChapter 16: The Next Level free porn video

Four more days is all it took. On Saturday evening I knelt before Janice in just my bra, panties, and dog collar and said the dreaded words.
"I submit to your demands," I said.
"Really?" Janice fairly squealed with delight. "You agree to submit to all of my demands?"
"Yes," I hung my head, "just, please, don't ever make me wear this damn bra ever again." All that day, the bra was at its tightest setting. The points of the tacks dug cruelly into my breasts. Not enough to pierce the skin, but enough to be constantly painful.
And of course it was Saturday, which meant doing laundry, dusting, vacuuming, washing toilets, scrubbing the bathroom, and ironing. Everything possible which would cause the bra to shift back and forth over my tortured chest.
"You are not in a position to make demands," Janice said. "You will wear the bra if I ever decide you need to." She held my head in her hands. "But if you really are a nice, obedient husband, I see no reason why we should ever have to resort to using it again."
Janice turned me around, unlocked the bra, and removed it.
She turned me around and pulled me into a wonderfully warm hug.
"I'm so sorry I've been such a bitch," she whispered in my ear. "I don't know what's gotten into me." Her hands stroked up and down my body, one hand going into my panties and stroking my buns. "It's like I can't control myself, I just want to see you become more feminine. Can you forgive me?"
"Of course," I said, my penis gradually becoming hard in my panties.
"Good," she said. "Now let's get started!"
Since it was Saturday night, there wasn't much we could do. But Janice did teach me how to shave my legs and underarms. It took a little time, but soon my legs and underarms were hair-free.
"Well, not great," Janice said after I had stepped out of the shower and dried off. "But after a few days it should be perfect."
"A few days?"
"Right. I am expecting you to shave every morning during your shower, understand?"
"I understand," I said.
"Repeat after me, I, Paul Arthur Johnson, do solemnly swear to shave my legs and armpits, every day, for the rest of my life."
"I, Paul Arthur Johnson do solemnly swear to shave my legs and armpits, every day, for the rest of my life."
"Every day, for the rest of your life. Isn't that nice?"
"I suppose."
"Oh hush. I just know you'll come to love your new, silky smooth legs and sexy underarms."
That evening I was spanked. Because I had refused her demands for the previous 7 days, I would be spanked for the next 14 days.
After my spanking, as I stood in just panties and a bra, Janice pulled out a large cardboard box from her closet.
"I bought this for you as a present for when you finally gave in."
I placed the box on the bed and lifted the cover. At first, I couldn't even tell what it was -- there was so much fabric! As I lifted it out of the box, yards and yards of lace and nylon spilled out of the box and on to the floor.
"Oh my goodness!" I gasped, amazed. Eventually I found the neckline and held it out for inspection.
It was a gorgeous cream nylon and lace nightgown. There were two layers. The inner layer was satiny nylon and came up to just cover my chest, with long sleeves and a long skirt which was enormously wide and flowing at the hem. The second layer was made up delicate lace and went as far up as my neck and chin, and then covered the entire gown all the way to the floor.
I looked at Janice, amazed. "But Janice ... I can't wear this! It's too ... too beautiful!"
"Tutt, tutt," she said, brushing away my concerns, "my girl has suffered a lot these last few days, and I want to treat you to something special. But I don't want to get it soiled, so let's put this on first, okay?"
Janice held up a condom.
"Oh ... Okay," I agreed.
Janice pulled my hard penis out from within the confining panties. "All set to go, aren't we?" she giggled, placing the condom over the head of my hard member and then rolling it down the shaft. After a couple of blindingly delicious strokes, Janice tucked me back into my panties, nice and safe.
"Now, since this is something of a vintage gown, I think we need something special underneath as well," Janice pulled out a pair of cream colored bloomers from the box. "Would this be okay?"
"Yes!" I gasped, delighted. They were silky long-legged bloomers, with delicate ribbons and lace stitched into the hems. Janice held them out to me and I carefully stepped into them. My skin tingled as she slid them up my legs. Once in place, she tightened a ribbon around my waist and then around the hem of each leg, gathering the fabric snugly around my body. The ribbons were then tied off with a big floppy bows. The lace tickled my thighs.
"Mmmmm," I sighed with pleasure as Janice stroked my penis through the two layers of silk and nylon. Then she pulled me into a warm hug and gave me a deep kiss on the lips.
"Honey?" she asked, pulling apart slightly.
"Yes?" I said, breathless and distracted as Janice began to gently tweak my nipples through my nylon bra.
"I want to ask you a favor, well, actually multiple favors. Just for tonight. If you don't want to, it's okay. But if you do, it would be wonderful."
"Sure!" I said, without thinking. I was feeling warm, loved, and incredibly turned on. "What would you like?"
Janice returned to gently stroking my penis. "You said 'sure'. Do you really mean that? Do you trust me?"
I hugged her and lightly kissed her on the neck. "Of course I trust you. What would you like me to do?"
"Well, first..." Janice reached over and pulled out a medium-sized box from her night stand, "I would like you to use these."
Janice opened the box and revealed two silicon breast forms. She pulled one out and held it up to me. I guessed it would transform me to an ample C cup.
"Oh, gosh," I mumbled. I ran my fingers over the breast form and the perky, hard-rubber nipple.
Suddenly this was more than just dressing up in women's clothing. This was deeper than simple role playing. I was crossing yet another line. It was obvious where this would go. No longer was I merely a submissive male dressed up in women's clothing, answering to my wife's demands.
Janice now wanted me to become a woman.
From transvestite to transgender.
But did I want that? I thought back to my original desires - just to wear panties and bras more often. And yes, to be married to someone who was more dominant and controlling about how I dressed up. But then, Janice wanted for me to have earrings, and now I was waxing my chest and shaving my legs, and soon I would get new hair, laser hair removal, and a tattoo...
But through all that I was still male. Right?
"A man with breasts?" I asked Janice, tremulously.
"No," she purred, her eyes positively glowing with excitement. "A woman with breasts. My woman. My submissive girl. My wife."
I hesitated, unsure, yet again, about where this was headed.
"It's only for tonight," Janice said, "and besides, you promised!"
I winced, thinking how my promises kept getting me into trouble. But then, they were only breast forms, right? Nothing permanent.
"Okay," I said finally.
"Yay!" Janice said, excited. Carefully hefting the breast form, she pulled my left bra cup away from my body and gently slipped it in. After doing the same with the right breast, she adjusted them. The straps tugged at my shoulders, supporting this new, unaccustomed weight for the first time. They felt cool to the touch, but quickly warmed to my body temperature.
Janice stepped back and took a look at me.
"Oh," she said simply.
She was staring at my breasts. "Hello ... Earth to Janice?" I waved my hand in front of her face.
Janice snapped out of it. "I'm sorry! It's just..." she shook her head to clear her mind.
Just then I noticed how strong was the smell of her sex. Janice must be intensely turned on, I realized.
"Now for the main event," Janice gathered up the nightgown and held it open for me. I threaded my arms and head through the fabric cloud and stood still as Janice worked the bodice over my new lumps and pulled it down to the floor, straightening the skirts around my legs.
"Oh my gosh," Janice said. "You look beautiful! Here, you have to come and see." Janice dragged me by the arm to the full length mirror.
I stood next to her, looking at my reflection in the mirror. She was right. From the neck down I looked amazing. Even my face, with the earrings and the longer hair (Janice had brushed it out a bit) didn't look too bad.
I reached up and caressed my breasts, watching my reflection do the same. I realized that my breaths were coming out in short gasps.
"Who's this incredibly sexy woman I see?" Janice hugged me from behind, reaching up to squeeze and fondle my breasts. "Oh..." she moaned, clearly as excited by my new figure and appearance as I was, if not more so.
After a couple of minutes, Janice fetched the 'beck and call' pillow and placed it in front of me.
"Kneel and place your arms behind your back," she said. I did as instructed.
Janice fetched something from her night stand. "This is just to keep your hands out of the way, Okay?"
"Okay..." I said.
I felt metal, and then a ratchety sound, and realized with a panic that my arms had been handcuffed behind me.
"But, Janice! You don't need to..."
"Shhh!" She silenced me with a finger on my lips. "This is just to keep you out of trouble while I'm getting changed. I'll let you free in just a bit."
Janice bent down to stroke my breasts and penis (now trapped under four layers of fabric and a condom) and went to her walk-in closet, leaving me, kneeling, on the 'beck and call pillow', staring at my reflection in the mirror.
I knelt on the pillow, back straight, breasts out, wrists handcuffed behind my back, looking at my reflection while Janice changed.
I turned left and right, admiring myself from different angles. I was surprised at how much the breast forms helped my figure. From the neck down I looked pretty good. Of course, the loose, flowing gown helped.
And from the neck up wasn't completely awful. Of course there was some beard stubble, shaggy eyebrows, sideburns ... I still looked like a man. But my hair had become long and shaggy over the last year, and it hung around my chin, and that helped. It was not really an embarrassing picture.
And as I looked in the mirror, something troubling happened.
I began to look normal.
Somehow the nightgown, the breasts, the hair, the earrings ... they all merged into something that worked together. I recognized myself.
"Do you like what you see?" Janice asked, creeping up beside me.
I turned with a start and looked at her.
"Oh my god!" I gasped.
Janice was dressed in a tuxedo. Not super formal with tails, but just an elegant, black, James-Bond-Style jacket and pants with satin trim, bow tie, and white shirt (no ruffles).
"You look ... you look ... amazing."
"Not bad, actually," she said, delighted, looking at herself in the mirror and turning this way and that. "Could be worse, anyway."
You know how some women look even hotter and sexier when wearing men's clothing? This was Janice, even with no makeup and her short hair in its normal bob.
Janice left for a moment and returned with a bottle and glasses. She turned on some music - a collection of slow, romantic songs - and a few moments later I heard a pop! and the glug-glug of champagne.
"Let's get these off of you," Janice knelt behind me and unlocked the handcuffs.
"A toast to my new housewife!" Janice said.
"A toast to my new house-husband!" I said. We toasted.
Janice stepped closer and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Could I interest you in a dance?"
I looked into her eyes. "Yes, please," I said. We put our glasses down and moved to the center of the room...
... and danced. Slow, and romantic. Fabric cascading down my body, wife dressed in a tuxedo, bloomers and ribbons tickling my thighs, a slight buzz from the champagne, and the new feeling of breasts.
I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the moment.
After a song or two I began to notice something ... Something down below.
Janice pulled me in closer, holding me tight against her body, her hands on my buns, pushing our hips together.
We danced for another second, and then I realized.
Janice chuckled, seeing my eyes go wide. "I was wondering when you'd notice," she said.
Janice had a bulge in her pants!
She put her lips next to my ear and whispered, "that's right, sweetie. I have a special 'package' just for you." Her hot breath caused me to shiver. Our two bulges dueled each other in the close space between our bodies.
"Oh, I'm getting so horny," she said, licking my ear. "Why don't you be a good girl..." she took my hand by the wrist and placed my palm on her bulge, "and give this poor boy a little lovin'?"

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