Sucky VacationChapter 7 free porn video

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“What’s that on your neck?” Amy asked with an amused twinkle in her eye.

Jeff had noticed the small hickey while he was shaving. It took a moment, but he eventually recalled Shelly sucking on his neck the night before when she was trying to be quiet. She probably didn’t even know she’d done it.

“Don’t ask.” Jeff felt his face heat and stepped out of the bathroom. “And please don’t tease Shelly about it.”

That sparked an even bigger grin from Amy. “Like you could stop me!”

He shook his head and sat on the bed to tie his running shoes. Mom had made a point about picking appropriate clothes for spending all day walking around in the sun. Jeff went with khaki cargo shorts and a tight blue t-shirt under a colorful Hawaiian shirt. He tugged the collar of the shirt higher to hide the love bite from the rest of the family.

The plan was to meet Nessa and Shawna at the bus stop to ride over to the theme park together. Because they were all staying on property, they were allowed in the park an hour before the public. That was key to the strategy he and his cousins had worked out for hitting their favorite rides before the lines got too long.

While everyone was walking to the bus stop, Shelly came up to Jeff with a nervous expression to peek around the edge of his collar. She spotted the little bruise in the dim morning light and grimaced.

“Sorry,” she whispered to Jeff.

“It’s no big deal,” he said, hoping to reassure her.

Amy glanced over with a triumphant grin and Shelly stuck out her tongue, making Jeff chuckle. He took both of their hands and swung them the rest of the way there. The three cousins had on denim short-shorts that hugged their hips and accentuated the round curve of their butts. Even Lori, who had nothing much up top, had enough of an ass to make Jeff roll his eyes. They all had on sleeveless shirts in different colors that gave tantalizing peeks of the colorful sports bras they each wore.

When they arrived at the bus stop in front of their hotel, Nessa was sitting and looking at her phone while Shawna leaned bonelessly against her mother’s side and rested her head against her mother’s shoulder.

“Mornin’,” he said to them as his family trooped up.

Shawna looked up with a yawn. “How can you look so chipper? It ain’t even dawn.”

“I’m a morning person, I guess. Plus I’m closer to my home timezone than you are.”

“True,” she said, then narrowed her eyes at him. She stood and focused in on his neck. “Did I do that?” she whispered as she stepped closer.

Jeff shifted uncomfortably and glanced at Nessa who was now chatting with Aunt Jackie. “No,” he said as he tugged his collar to conceal it again. “Shelly.”

Shawna snickered. “Snogged yer cousin last night, didn’t ya?”

“Our room has two beds and four of us. Shelly drew the short straw last night and had to sleep with me. It just kinda happened.”

She looked around until she spotted Shelly having an intense conversation with Amy. “Cheeky girl,” she groused with an amused shake of her head. “Can I assume she’s even more besotted this morning?”

“Probably,” Jeff admitted with an embarrassed grin.

“Gah,” Shawna laughed. “And I suppose you enjoyed playing finger puppets with her?”

Jeff rolled his head back and chuckled silently. “I can’t believe we’re talking about this.”

“Hey, I admit it, I’m jealous,” Shawna reached over and squeezed his hand. “If I had the chance to sleep in your bed, I’d want to be your finger puppet all night myself.”

“You look nice, by the way,” Jeff said in an obvious attempt to change the subject. She wore that green and gold shirt he’d seen her and her mother admiring at the shop. Matching green shorts stopped a little above her knees. Her hair was pulled back with a scrunchy to form a loose tail. Her pixie features were still quirked in amusement.

“I bet you both had to be really quiet,” Shawna whispered as Amy, Shelly, and Lori came skipping over.

“Hey Shawna,” Amy said. Her sisters echoed the greeting.

“Hey,” Shawna replied. “You guys ready for a fun day?”

Amy nodded. “I just hope we can get into that movie ride before the lines get insane. The park app said the average wait during the day is, like, three hours.”

A bus pulled up with the name of the park blinking in block letters above the driver. The bus hissed to a halt and beeped as it lowered closer to the ground. They all loaded up with the other guests waiting for the early ride to the park. Jeff stood and held the pole overhead to allow Shawna a seat. She took advantage of their relative positions to eat him up with her eyes while the bus pulled away.

“It’s so hard to look and not touch,” she whispered to him.

“Trust me, I know,” he said as he looked down the scoop neck of her shirt at the freckled skin across the tops of her breasts. “You really do look great.”

“T’anks,” she said. Then she leaned forward and looked up. “Do ya remember the last time we were in this position?”

Jeff felt his cock grow at the memory of her sitting on the corner of her bed while she sucked him dry. She licked her lips slowly.

“You’re going to tease me all day, aren’t you?” he asked.

“I had to sleep all night with your scent all around me,” she whispered over the roar of the bus engine. “I needed you desperately, but I resisted the temptation to pleasure myself. And all the while you were snogging your cousin.”

“It was just for her,” Jeff whispered back, caught in her intense gaze. “Not me.”

“I don’t know if I believe that.”

“You got my last one and can have my next one if you want.” Jeff grinned as the swaying bus caused his hips to swing closer to her face.

“Promises, promises,” she chuckled. “Too many cameras at the park to get away with anything there.”

“We could go off on our own and then take a bus back to the hotel,” Jeff suggested. “It’s only about fifteen minutes away from the park. No one would even know.”

“I like that idea,” Shawna said.

Jeff glanced over to see Amy talking to a teen and his father. The guy looked to be about her age and appeared stunned that she was paying attention to him. Amy pulled Nessa over and introduced her to the father. The bus was too loud to hear what was being said, but Nessa shook the father’s hand and smiled.

After a few more bouncy turns, the bus pulled in front of the theme park entrance and opened the doors to discharge its passengers. They grouped together just before the security checkpoint. Jeff was surprised when the father and son he’d seen Amy talking to joined their group.

“Okay,” Dad said to the group. “We are heading left when we get into the park to hit the movie ride first. After that, you’re on your own until lunch.”

Aunt Jackie took over at that point. “Girls, you stick with Jeff and Shawna this morning. They are in charge, so don’t give them a hard time. Remember, we’ll meet at the big tree at noon and decide whether we want to eat here at the park or go somewhere else.”

“Is it okay if I go with them, too?” Amy’s new friend asked his father.

The dad looked amused but feigned being wounded. “You said you wanted this trip to just be us guys and now you’re abandoning me!”

“Come on, Dad,” the boy pleaded. His quick glance at Amy told Jeff the real reason for the change of plans.

“Fine,” his dad sighed and looked to Shawna and Jeff. “Do you guys mind if Neal hangs out?”

“What’s one more?” Shawna said with a shrug and extended her hand. “Nice to meetcha Neal, I’m Shawna.”

Introductions went around. Neal’s dad was named Richard and Nessa appeared happy to have a partner to round out their numbers.

Shawna and Jeff linked hands while the cousins and Neal led the way through security and the park entrance. A quick wrist band swipe and fingerprint check later, they were streaming with the crowd into the glowing green and blue hues of an alien planet. The decor matched the movie set perfectly, with floating boulders and pulsing crystals. They all marveled at the intricate details along the way to the line for the ride.

Snaking through the rope lines gave them plenty of time to chat. The six of them mixed and matched conversations, sometimes as a whole group and others in pairs or trios. Jeff noticed Shawna and Shelly had a long chat with lots of smiles and giggles, which worried him immensely. Amy and Neal spent the majority of their time talking together. Jeff was pleased he didn’t get a douchebag vibe from Neal, so he smiled to encourage Amy to spread her wings.

Their discussions touched on the glowing accents of the attraction, the movie it was based on, and then delved into more personal subjects. Lori kept herself busy chatting to another girl in line that was closer to her age. Amy and Neal had obvious chemistry that drew them into close conversations that yielded big smiles from both of them.

That left Shawna, Shelly, and Jeff in their own little group. He was comfortably affectionate with both of them and soon found himself holding both of their hands. Shawna kept the conversation bouncing around from topic to topic with little effort. Then she leaned closer to Shelly.

“I was wondering something,” Shawna said with a wink up at Jeff. “Jeff mentioned that you gave him that mark on his neck.”

Shelly instantly flushed and looked down. “It was an accident.”

“I don’t mind, we’re just mates after all. I was just curious how it came about.”

Shelly went from pink to red as she looked up at Jeff in a mute appeal to save her.

“Well,” Jeff started. “We were asleep when we heard this squeaking noise.”

“No, Jeff,” Shelly gasped and laughed. “You can’t tell her that!”

“Och, now you have to tell,” Shawna said with a chuckle.

“We eventually figured out the rhythmic sound was coming from our parents’ room.”

“A squeaking sound?” Shawna asked them both with a knowing grin. “What was it, I wonder?”

Shelly sighed in resignation and leaned closer. “My mom and dad were ... having sex.”

“How did you know it was your parents and not his?”

“Uncle Bob has a notorious gas problem,” Jeff whispered. “The finale was punctuated with a loud fart.”

Shawna burst out laughing but managed to get herself under control before anyone asked what was so funny. “Okay, that’s hilariously disturbing, but it doesn’t explain the love bite on Jeff’s neck.”

The line had moved down, so Shelly ignored the question long enough to fill in the gap. When they huddled up again, Shelly met Shawna’s eyes and took a deep breath. “I got a little excited from listening. Jeff rubbed me and I needed to be quiet.”

“I have the same problem when he rubs me,” Shawna confessed. “Drives me right mad, he does.”

Jeff grinned at the two of them. He didn’t know what Shawna was up to, but he was glad she was getting Shelly to talk about the experience. Despite that first time being unintentional, he wanted Shelly to feel okay about what had happened.

“You don’t think it’s weird?” Shelly asked. “I mean, that Jeff’s my cousin?”

“Naw, I snogged my cousin when I was your age. It’s harmless. Lots of kids I know experimented with family members first. You know Jeff wouldn’t hurt you, right?”

“No,” Shelly confirmed with a shake of her head. “He would never hurt me.”

“Exactly. So figuring stuff out with him kind makes sense, right?” Shawna asked.

“Mom would totally freak out,” Shelly whispered.

“It ain’t got nothin’ to do with her,” Shawna stated emphatically. “Your body and experiences belong to you. She’s right to protect you, as she can, but this is personal stuff you need to figure out for yourself somehow. And better with a nice guy like Jeff than some chav at a party.”

“It’s been nice,” Shelly said with a shy smile at Jeff. “I like sleeping with him.”

“I bet,” Shawna said with a sly grin. “He looks snuggly.”

‘Oh, he’s the best,” Shelly gushed. “When he wraps me up in his arms I feel so safe.”

Jeff felt a flush and avoided their eyes until the butterflies settled in his stomach.

“Can I ask you a question?” Shelly hesitated and looked down at her fingers. “It’s kinda personal.”

“Sure,” Shawna said. “We’re all mates.”

“Can you tell me what ... sex feels like?” she whispered the last.

“Well,” Shawna said with a flush of her own spreading from the tops of her breasts. “For me, it starts off kinda like feeling hungry. Ya’ know how your stomach gets all swirly and fluttery? Then I get an achy feeling down low in my belly. It’s halfway between feeling hot and like an itch if that makes sense.”

“Yeah,” Shelly whispered breathlessly.

Jeff found himself adjusting himself. He herded them a little further down the line but stopped so they still had a little privacy.

“Then I feel like I need to rub against something, kinda like a cat does when it wants a scratch. Now, someone like Jeff here knows how to scratch right where it itches.”

“Oh yeah,” Shelly confirmed with a nod.

“Not all guys do, I’m sad to say. If you’re lucky, your bloke will kiss down your body and tease you for a long time. He’ll use his lips and tongue to get your body ready.”

“Does it really feel as good as I read?”

“It’s absolutely toe-curling and scream-inducing when they know what they’re doing.”

“It still seems gross.” Shelly made a face and stepped a little further up the line.

“I used to think so, but guys are quick enough to want you to suck on their dick. My advice? Make them go first, and if they won’t do you, don’t do them. Anyway, I enjoy sex more once I’m relaxed and satisfied to start with.”

“But what’s it like?”

“First off, guys come in different sizes. Jeff, here, he’s about perfect sized for me, but guys can be too big or too small. Too big and it’ll hurt when they stretch you out. Too small and there won’t be enough there to enjoy it.”

Shelly glanced at Jeff, then her eyes darted down to the front of his shorts.

“My favorite moment is that first thrust. If you’re wet and ready, there’s an empty ache that being filled completely satisfies. Sometimes I just want to hold him there and experience being full. Knowing a guy is deep inside me...” Shawna shivered and shut her eyes.

“How deep does it go?” Shelly asked. Shawna opened her eyes and looked at Shelly’s shorts.

“Let’s see. Jeff is long enough to reach from my wrist to my fingertips.” She placed her hand along the front of Shelly’s shorts. Shelly pulled in a shocked breath but swayed closer. Shawna didn’t appear to notice the reaction as she slipped her fingers down and then bent her wrist. “Right about here,” she said and drew a finger across Shelly’s stomach.

Shelly blinked a few times and gave Shawna an odd look. “That must feel weird.”

“I guess it does, in a way, but it also feels really good. Once the guy starts moving it gets even better. It’s like ocean waves breaking over and over. It’ll take you away from every worry or concern if you let it.” Shawna blew out a long breath. “Is it getting hot out here?”

Jeff was hard as steel. “It’s been hot and you’re making it hotter.”

Shawna chuckled and reached for Shelly’s hand. Turning to block anyone from seeing what she was doing, she rubbed Shelly’s palm over Jeff’s erect cock a few times.

“Dammit,” Jeff whispered as he gave an involuntary thrust into their hands.

Both Shelly and Shawna giggled at their teasing.

“It really is that big,” Shelly whispered to Shawna.

“You’ve never touched it before?” Shawna asked.

“No, but I felt it when he snuggled into my back last night.” Shelly glanced back at Jeff. “I was too out of it to care at that point.”

Shawna smiled and nodded at Jeff. “So you were telling the truth,” she said to him.

“I’m thinking about skipping lunch,” he replied with a smirk of his own.

“You’re gonna go back to the hotel?” Shelly asked with a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. Both Shawna and Jeff looked at each other before nodding. Shelly leaned closer between them. “Can I come, too? Just to watch?”

The idea of Shelly watching them have sex made Jeff’s cock twitch. Shawna sucked in her cheeks and looked between the two of them.

“I forgot my camera in the hotel room,” Shelly said. “You could take me back to look for it.”

“That might work,” Shawna whispered. “I’m game if you are.”

“Game on,” Jeff said with a nod of his head.

The line moved quicker at that point but Jeff was distracted by the impish pair who now were busy whispering things he couldn’t hear. He shifted his focus ahead and smiled at Amy and Neal holding hands. Lori was still talking to her new friend in line.

They finally made it to the head of the line. The movie ride required twelve people to stand in numbered circles to watch a video set up the scenario. The group was then scanned for imaginary contaminants while they flapped their arms like chickens. Then they were led into a room with what appeared to be video game motorcycles each person had to sit on while wearing 3D glasses.

The visual imagery was incredible. The ride made it feel like they were each flying on the back of a dragon-like animal as it took them on a wild ride through the imaginary planet from the movie. Other touches, like scents and water spray, added to the immersive effect. They all exclaimed about how amazing the ride was as they made their exit through the inevitable gift shop.

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What Are Best Friends For

I've known Nicole my whole life. Well, almost all my life, we moved next door to her family when we were both two. Now, we're fourteen. So, we have basically grown up together and we're best buds. We've slept over at each other's houses, in the same bedroom, no, don't get any ideas nothing has really ever happened. No, not even playing 'Doctor and Nurse.' I did that with Kathy Burrows. Hers were the first tits I'd ever seen, well, they were barely swollen nipples, really. But...

2 years ago
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The Librarian

He held her head in is hands, cupping her ears to steady her while she stood, statuesque. Her feet planted slightly apart, arms hanging down by her sides. Apart from her eyes and heaving chest, noting else moved. John looked into her eyes with a steady stare, questioning and trying to gain reassurance that he had read her signals correctly. Letting go of her head, he undid the buttons of her heavy cardigan, pushing the bone shaped fastenings through the buttonholes, starting at the button...

3 years ago
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Big Cock For My Mom

Mom needed a big cock Hi iss .my name is Rohit and I m working in a mnc in Bangalore. I m 25 years old and belong to Ranchi. My family consists of my father who is in service, my mother, homemakers and a sister who is doing her graduation from Delhi. This is the story of last winter. My mother is a very conservative and a religious woman. She is very loyal to her family. It was the month of January when we came to know that my cousin sister was getting married. Therefore, we had to leave for...

2 years ago
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Gift From The FutureChapter 4

He started to fix the coffee. She was so intent on seeing what he was doing that she was always in his way. He turned and bumped into her and spilled the coffee grounds all over the floor. The fact that she was totally nude did little to help him. He cleaned up the mess and waited for the coffee to finish brewing. He saw her staring at him, "Would you like something to eat? I have no idea what your people eat, but I'm sure I have something that you'll like." "Where do you store the...

1 year ago
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HorseLoving Farm WivesChapter 7

Mike's eyes were closed, his head tilted back, panting and wheezing from his open mouth. He had come so hard that he was semiconscious, his vitality squirted from his prick. His prick continued to sway indecisively. It looked like a cobra rising from a basket and swaying to the movement of the fakir's flute, Claire thought. And Claire had a hairy basket into which that cobra could go. It was the same way that it had happened with her friend Molly, that spiraling descent into naughtiness....

1 year ago
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Family ParadiseChapter 4

Once again dad took off at a run, following the path leading around the side of the hill up towards the plateau. I ran directly behind him, with David behind me. As we turned the corner beginning the slight ascent, another torch greeted us just above. This one being held however, by Chris who stood there looking down at us as we approached. She was wearing a bright white bikini, highlighting her dark tan. Any other time I'd have looked on admiring the look. At the moment however, with my...

3 years ago
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First Day at Camp

I was 13 years old when I went to my first stay away from home camp. I never really thought much about it but going to an all boys camp was certainly going to be different than anything else I'd ever done. I was pretty excited to be getting away from home and to be out to make new friends. As I headed over to my cabin and started unpacking a boy came up beside me sitting on my bed. "Hey what's up," he asked laying down, "I'm Kyle who're you?" Usually I would've told him to get off my...

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Dream MasterChapter 10 Explanations

"Wow!" Jamie said when we were back at the house. "Remind me never to piss you off. For a nice guy, you really kicked ass back there." "I figured it would be safer if I did it. You probably would have gotten them arrested at the very least." "The very least," she agreed. "Isn't it amazing how easy it is to work with Amber?" "I wouldn't know," I said. "I've never tried with anyone else." "One of these days you'll find out, and then you can tell me. So what now? It's...

1 year ago
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Mistress WatchingChapter 17

Hy Symington knocked on the door about 5 minutes after Ed got off the phone with Commander Rice. Ed let him in and Ed introduced Hy to Ann. They all sat at the kitchen table. "You said you know who the man in that last picture was," Hy said, "You also have an ID on the ring?" Ed shook his head, "I know who they are. I had the call the State Police and ask them to get involved. They're on the way over here right now. Hy, this is too big for us. All hell is going to break loose. Hy...

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Case 1

Case #1 by Miss Patricia Hood 1 Rain made for another dismal day. Nick couldn't understand why his girlfriend had become so adamant about him coming to Rittensburg. The place looked like something out of some bad horror movie. "Why did we have to come all the way here, couldn't I just find a counselor in Britain?", Nick asked. Sarah just smiled at him. "I just want us both to be happy", she replied. She told him about how she had red about this place that had a new treatment...

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Taste of Sherry

Jake heard the front door open, followed by two voices raised in loud, drunken laughter. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. At least somebody is having fun on a Friday night. Despite having broken up with his girlfriend almost a month earlier, he was in no hurry to get back into the game. Work and classes cut into his time, and he remembered all too well how hectic it had been the last time he was trying to find someone. With a few promising conversations going on the dating site he’d...

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DDFBusty Sofia Lee Big Titties Bounce On BBC

Busty brunette Czech sex goddess Sofia Lee can’t get enough of her man Charlie Mac’s big black cock, so when he comes home and wants to take her in the middle of the afternoon poolside, she’s delighted to take him deep inside of her. The blue-eyed curvy assed big titted temptress bounces on his big shaft in reverse cowgirl in this interracial scene and then takes a hardcore pussy fucking in doggystyle and all of their other favorite go-to positions. See Charlie eat the glamour...

1 year ago
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lesbian in bangalore

My name is asha this is my true story dfter submitting my first story here second story for you. Now i am decided to stay in hostel because now im turned into lesbo. In hostel I got a room with three beds so I have to share with two other girls, out of the two girls one girl is new like me and another girl is our senior. I was very tired with the journey, and very uncomfortable as it’s a new place, I washed my face and started changing my dress to nightie, and I absorb that the senior girl...

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The Throat-gasm I love sucking cock. At least I think I do. You see, I've never actually done it, but recently I have been fascinated/ obsessed with it. In recent years, due to health issues, my sex life has crashed and I find myself looking at alternatives to conventional heteronormative practices. In my experience, there are two types of people when it comes to sex, the Pleasers and the Pleased. Simple enough. I'm sure there are hundreds of different terms for these...

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my new submissive family Part 2 home sweet home

I woke up early with a raging hard-on. Mary had finally fallen asleep. She had tried to move as far away from me as possible during the night, but I had curled up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. My now hard cock was nestled right between the cheeks of her ass. Her ass was still wet from last night. As I reached down to direct my cock, Mary’s eyes opened up. She tried to move her ass out of the way, but I had already set my sights on a little morning butt fucking. I slammed my...

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cindy makes a bet

Well it all started out simple enough, I was at Mike my husband's paintball practice when I slipped up and told the guy's on the team you could not beat a girl's team. The guy's told me to put my money where my mouth was. lol. So I said if you guy's win the tournament I will do any thing you ask (thinking what is the worst these guy will ask of me, might have to clean there car's or there paintball gear). I mean having been around these guy's for over 3 years now watching some them grow up the...

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William Redman CarterChapter 3

William looked across the table at Patrick and asked, "So how are things going?" "They are going well. Once I got over the initial shock, I found that I can deal with the nudity," Patrick answered although he wasn't going to mention the unease he felt when talking with Lucy. "Good. After two years here you'll be able to handle most things that life throws at you. You'll need that when you become a Chief," William said choosing his words with great care. It was time to plant a seed...

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Cathys Overnight pt 2

The three of us got ready for bed and when we were finished, Ann told Cathy that she and I slept in the nude and if Cathy wanted, she could too or sleep in whatever she had. Cathy agreed and we headed for bed. Cathy took the left outside, Ann the middle and me on the right side of our king size bed. I leaned over Ann and as Cathy rose up and leaned towards me, we kissed and when we were done, Cathy turned down and she and Ann kissed a nice long passionate kiss. I kissed Ann when she finished...

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Big Breasted Secretary spanked and caned by her Big Bad Boss

Big Breasted Secretary spanked and caned by her Big Bad Boss. Copyright: Yeowch website. ****************************************************************************** Nineteen year old Stephanie Tweddle was in big trouble and she knew it. Glancing up from her desk, she could see through the glass partition Mr Thompson, her boss practising his swing as he waited for her to knock on his office door at the stroke of 5pm sharp. "Oh heck!!" The ticking of the...

2 years ago
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Park to house of part 2 by fun

Hope you enjoy..... BunnieI spent all night thinking what I had done in the park bathroom... and what the hung stranger may have in mind for the next meeting...... my own mind twirled constantly... as the time approached, I had the feeling more was going to be expected of me than just my mouth, so I cleaned myself thoroughly to be prepared....... I enjoyed that pleasure and knew how wonderful it made guys feel... I slipped on my pink panties, bluejean cutoff short shorts and an oversized white...

1 year ago
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Koen and Bob Part 2

After a few minutes Bob gently turned Koen on his belly. He straddled Koen's upper thighs, leaned forward dragging his engorged eight inch cock between the soft boy ass cheeks. Bob began to softly massage Koen's shoulders and then slowly moved his hands down the smooth skin of Koen's back. He slid his hands under his rib cage until he found the small nipples. Gently, he pinched the two nibs until they erected to two small points. Koen moaned and squirmed to Bob's ministrations. Koen felt his...

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Working late night

It was turning 8pm and the boss had a few employees working late including his secretary. She was a cute 20 something year old with fiery red hair, slender legs, a nice round buttocks and a perfectly sized pair of tits. She started to get fed up and was ready to go home and had planned to run herself a warm bath to relax in and play with herself to relieve some tension. As she walked towards her bosses door she realised his blinds were closed. Looking around to check no one was close she peered...

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Girl RefurbishedChapter 5 The Fat Lady Sings

Joe The announcement came during one of our lunches and it hit me like a ton of bricks. We had made provisional plans for a family Christmas, being together, heal some, and enjoy the holiday spirit. Judy was nervous I could tell, all through the lunch. After we finished, she asked me to walk with her for a few minutes. "Joe, I know we made plans for the holidays, but I don't want to go through with it. Let's face it, our summer vacation did not bring us any closer. The way you pushed me...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Vanessa Veracruz Peyton Coast The Anniversary Treat

When Peyton Coast asks her friend Vanessa Veracruz for anniversary ideas to celebrate with her boyfriend, Vanessa Veracruz talks her into giving him a NURU massage. Peyton’s intrigued when Vanessa shows her the set up in her bedroom. Beside the mattress covered in plastic is a bowl of thick, viscous liquid that Vanessa says, feels unbelievable on the skin. She explains that she just gave her boyfriend one yesterday. Since Vanessa wants Peyton to have the best anniversary possible, she...

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Hitting the showers part 4

Introduction: This is part 4 of the Hitting the showers series. Kik me at Gunter1996 for Ideas on where the story should head or for if you just want to talk with me ,) Ross Woke up the next morning spooning shaun as he slept. He looked around the room thinking about all the great things they did last night, it stated to get a boner so he got out of bed so he wouldnt wake shaun. he headed downstairs and came into what looked like a robbery. There where pillows and cloths thrown everywhere. He...

1 year ago
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Discovering Ben

Ben and I attended the same university and were both 18. We cared about the fate of our country and the unfolding world events. But some of our buddies seemed only to be concerned about the weekend's conquests or football scores. Ben and I were so close that we often knew what the other was thinking. There were times when I dared not to think it. But, I loved him--as a friend with my head, as a close buddy with my heart, but also in a different way. I discovered that I like men and was a man....

First Time
2 years ago
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Mickey and Ernie

Copyright© obohobo 2007 "Why don't you ask Ernie in stores to have a look at it Mickey? You saw that beautiful box he made for Mrs. Gooch when she retired last year and the photos in the paper of the case he made for the ceremonial mace for the Mayor's Parlour." Sally Meacham suggested to her friend Michelle as they sat in the canteen of Brindle Enterprises at lunchtime. "Oh I don't know Sal, he's a strange man. Always seems scared shitless when near a woman and doesn't even stand...

1 year ago
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I woke to the sound of surf in the small, tidy room. French doors opened onto a charming patio, and the next step was in warm dry sand. This two week vacation was a dream come true, a fantasy realized, on Isla de la Paz Hermosa, a small island in the midst of an emerald sea. It was not a resort in the traditional sense. The decor was serene. The fabric and paint were a light, tone-on-tone brightness. The wood of the furniture was dark and rich. Upholstery invited one to rest in loving and...

3 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 12

Victor watched from his chair behind the desk, his face impassive, his hands folded under his chin. On the sofa, a naked and horny Gina writhed and moaned as she drilled a large dildo deep into her cunt. She trembled as she hung at the edge, denied final release by a simple hold on her mind. Victor leaned back. He had chosen not to share this artificial reality with Gina to better reinforce the illusion that she was alone in her own bedroom. However, he linked to the now growing bit of his...

1 year ago
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Its My PartyChapter 39

Later that morning, at spiral mark 63,577 of Black Mall Time: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 9:58 AM Amber looked at her list and then around the large sporting goods store, trying to find where the Bowie knives would be. Earlier her team had inspected the edge of Black Mall’s unlocked territory, but now she was alone on the second floor of Herman’s Wilderness Outfitters, performing what was now a boring daily routine of shopping. Amber yawned and thought for a moment. They should all be back...

3 years ago
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Mom Ki Friend Ki Mast Chudai

Friend, I am sumit here from indore and I am still working in a goverment sector as a purchase manager, meri age 26 year hai aur mera body athlete type ka hai mai roj gym karta hu, meri yeh kahani aaj se 3 mahine pahle ki hai, aunty ki chudai Meri yeh kahani mere mom ki friend smita aunty ke sath mera jo anubhav hai vo mai share kar raha hu, story padhne ke baad apne vichar comment kare aur koi ladki bhabhi aunty sex chat karna chahti hai aur sex karna chahti hai to mail jaroor kare. Meri mom...

1 year ago
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Dungeon of Pleasure

You find yourself in a very small room. There is no furniture or anything at all, except for that door made of iron just in front of you. You have no idea, from where you came. It is just like, that someone might have been erasing your memories or something like that. The ground is made of very uneven flagstone and the walls seem to be made of masonry. Only one little candle in the room is burning, so you can see the door and everything. It looks like you might just be somewhere...


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