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The doctor blinked back tears “I’m sorry ... your son didn’t make it.”

“No!” the doctor caught her as she fainted.

3 years earlier

Amy twirled the sparse hair on Danny’s chest as they cuddled. “What are your plans for the future?”

Danny kissed her hair “That depends on whether I’m with you or with you.”

“What’s that mean?”

“Before we met, I decided to stay single. I couldn’t think of a way to get your attention and I’ve never wanted anybody else.”

“That could change,” Amy said.

“No. Oh, I’ve seen lots of girls I wouldn’t mind fucking, but I don’t want them. All I have room in my life for is Mom, you, my art, and our kids if and when we have them.”

“Getting ahead of ourselves aren’t we.”

“No, I was explaining my plans for the future. In one we’re happily married, raising kids and I’m a famous artist and you’re running your companies. In the other, I’m single with the occasional mistress. I’m still a famous artist. When I can no longer hold a brush or I read your obituary, I do a Hemingway.”

“You wouldn’t!” Amy gasped.

“There’s no reason not to.”

Amy sat up. “What!”

“I decided a couple of years ago after seeing a Ninja dedication prayer on TV.” Danny closed his eyes and quoted with solemn dignity: “I pray for success in this adventure to which I now swear service. I will not be captured nor reveal my identity. It will be done or I will not return alive. Sealed with my honor.”

“Honey, you can’t base your life on TV,” Amy said.

“I’ve never had anyone teach me how to be a man. I’ve had to teach myself.” Danny snarled. “I’m not stupid. I spent four months reading Japanese philosophy. It’s quite beautiful. I learned the value of discipline, purpose, and, commitment.”

“Danny, I’m sorry for calling you stupid. I don’t understand why you think killing yourself is ok.”

He held his arm up and she snuggled back in. He kissed her. “I accept that tonight might be the only time we’ll ever be lovers. If that is true, then all I’ll have is what I have here.” He touched his heart “and the hope that one day we can be together. The day you die I no longer have hope. It means the altar of love I built through my paintings becomes a torture chamber. I won’t live without my muse.”

Amy caressed his face “Baby?”

“I remember the first time I saw your picture. I was nine. Boys had been picking on me. I was crying as I walked home. I went past a house where a boy was playing with his dad. I ran away because I knew I was never going to play with my daddy again. When I turned the corner of our street, Momma’s car was at the house. I have a rule to never let her see me cry so I went into the woods.”

“When I calmed down, I went home and looked for something to draw. I found a picture of a pretty woman on the beach. Her eyes were so bright and kind.” He grazed her face with his fingertips. “I could see the sadness in them and that she made faces too, so people couldn’t see inside. I knew we could be friends.”

Danny traced her lips “I still have that drawing. I poured out my heart to you as I worked on your paintings and soaked you up as I studied your photos.”

“Sacred Sinn is a character I play.”

“I know. I have to admit you threw me for a loop when I walked in. Wow, that was hot!”

Amy giggled.

“Even though we’ve only known each other a few months,” He took her hand and placed it over his heart “you’ve been here for five years” He wrapped his arms around her. “I want you here, forever.”

Amy sighed and snuggled in.

“What’s that shit-eating grin for?” Tiffany asked as she entered the foyer.

Danny held up his cell phone.

She smiled, “Congrats, come into the dining room with me.” She sat a bag on the table. “Have a seat.” She pulled out: four beers, two cigars, an ashtray, and a lighter before sitting.”

“What’s this?” Danny asked.

“We have some celebrating to do.” She popped open a beer and took a sip. “Go ahead.” Danny grabbed one. “I’m sorry there’s no man here for you to celebrate losing your virginity with. After your dad died, I ... just couldn’t. I’m ready to start dating again.”

Danny sipped his beer. “That’s OK.”

“I’m proud of you. Amy told me you put her needs first. So how’s it feel to be a man?”

He winked at her. “I was a man before I slept with her or she wouldn’t have done it.”

His mother laughed “Touche. How was it?”

Danny got a faraway look in his eyes and fell silent. Amy drank almost half a beer before he spoke. “If I described it’s meaning to me with a thousand words and each word had a thousand shades of meaning I will have only scratched its surface and misled you.”

“You are fourteen, right?”

“If it had been anyone but her I would say it was an interesting use of friction.”

Tiffany spewed beer across the table laughing. “Gawd! I can’t believe you said that. Get me a rag.” She was still chuckling as she cleaned the mess. “You always surprise me.” She sat back down. “So who have you got your eyes on next?”


“That might not happen.”

“I know.”

“What then?” Tiffany asked

“Well, I know this mom and her five daughters.”

“Hey, I want grandbabies.”

“Then you better help me get Amy to go along with the program.”

His mother smirked “I don’t know. You seem to be doing pretty well. You convinced a thirty-four-year-old woman to take you to bed and date you when you turn eighteen. That’s pretty remarkable.”

“I know, I’ve got three and a half years to get ready.” His eyes widened and his jaw dropped “I’ve only got three and a half years to get ready. SHIT! I don’t know how to pay bills, dance, run a business or anything. What if somebody mugs us? I don’t know how to fight. Fuck, fuck, fuck. What if somebody broke in here? Oh god, how could I have missed that? I failed.” His face clouded as he jumped to his feet.

“Danny STOP! Calm down, You haven’t failed at anything. We’ve got plenty of time to get you ready. I’ll help you. I can teach you to dance and handle money. We’ll find teachers for what I don’t know. Sit.”

He dropped into his chair. “I’m sorry. I just realized how stupid I am.”

His mother smiled “You’re not stupid. You lack knowledge and experience, both of which are easily fixed. Now, drink your beer. We’ll sort this other stuff out later. Did you like her dress?”

“Oh god, Yes!”

“So?” She bumped shoulders with him. “Dish.”

He shook his head “A gentleman and all that.”

Tiffany hugged him “I’m so proud of you and you’re no fun at all.”

Danny whispered in her ear “I did learn a new way of writing.” then touched his tongue to her ear. “Did you brush up on your spelling?”

His mom blushed and laughed “You are so evil.”

“I’ll also say that I have enough material for probably twenty more paintings.”

“Are you going to let me see your studio?”

A pained expression crossed Danny’s face. “I ... uh ... Mmm.”

She kissed his cheek. “I won’t push you. I’d like to see more of your paintings, please.”

“James Silo told me to give you this, sir.” Danny said.

Russell Martin pulled a moleskin notebook out of his pocket. He compared numbers on the card to the ones in the notebook. He marked through a line in the notebook, stuffed the card in it and pocketed it. “You have three minutes, talk.”

“I would like you to train me to fight, sir. Mr. Silo said you would be the best teacher for me.”

“Tell me why I should teach you.”

“I have someone to protect and before long I’ll have someone else. I don’t know how to fight and I need to learn.”

“You got some bitch knocked up?”

“I promised my dad before he died, I’d take care of my mom and I’ve met the woman I plan to marry. I realized a few days ago how helpless I am.”

“I can’t help you, son. I don’t train fighters. I take men and turn them into animals who would rather kill than fuck. Most of them lead unhappy lives and few of them stay married to the same woman. Hell, I’ve married four times myself. Go find yourself a good karate school and call it done.” Mr. Martin stood.

“Mr. Silo said I was to say Tommy Stafford if you refused.”

The man paled and sat. He fished in his pocket and pulled out a flask. He drained it in one pull. Russell stared at Danny a long time. “I don’t know what game he’s playing, but if he wants you to train then you’ll train.”

Danny nodded.

The older man leaned forward, elbows on his knees, his nose almost touching Danny’s. Danny shivered under the intensity of the man’s gaze. “Understand this, If you ever use what I teach you except in self-defense I will kill you. Start one fight, beat one woman. Drunk or sober, doesn’t matter, I’ll kill you. Got it?”

“Y ... yes, sir,” Danny stammered.

Mr. Martin sat back. “Your ass is mine seven hours a week. Three for training and four to work to pay for that training. I expect you to work out six days a week, starting tomorrow. Be here tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. You won’t like what happens if you’re here at 5:01. You know where the door is.” He left the room.

Danny stared at the empty chair “Damn.”

“How’s Spain?” Tiffany asked.

“Beautiful as always. We’ll wrap in a week or so. How’s everything there?”

“Danny’s been possessed since you left. I’m teaching him household finance and baking. He’s attending art school, martial arts, and college classes on business management.”

“What?” Amy said.

“He said he only has a little over three years to get ready and doesn’t have a second to waste.”

Amy’s voice trembled “He knows I’m still making porn, right?”

“He knows it in his head. I’m not sure about his heart.” Tiff sighed. “It’s something he’ll have to deal with. You promised him a chance when he turned eighteen, that’s it.”

“I know ... I love him. I don’t want to lose him.”

“You promised not to tell him until he’s eighteen. I know it’s hard, but he needs the chance to grow up. If making movies are a problem, then you have some choices to make. He’s working his ass off to mold himself into the man he believes you deserve. You might start talking about retiring. That way, if you decide to quit, he won’t connect it to himself.”

“OK. When did you become the big sister?”

Tiffany laughed. “I know, right? I grounded Danny last week. You won’t believe what the little shit did.”


“Rick from sales asked me out. When he picked me up I invited him in. We’re sitting in the dining room talking. Danny pulls a .45 and takes it apart and puts it back together. He’s staring at Rick as he does it and says “You know that’s my mother? It would upset me if she was mistreated.”

“He didn’t!” Amy shrieked. “Where did he get a gun?”

“From that martial arts school of his, the instructor let him sign out a trainer.”

“What did Rick do?”

“He laughed, rolled up his sleeve and showed Danny a tattoo. “I’m Force Recon. Your mother is exactly as safe as she wants to be.”

“What happened then?” Amy asked.

“Danny said “That’s all I want.” then I sent him to his room. I tried to apologize. Rick laughed it off.”

“Did Rick get lucky?”

“Did he ever...”

2 years earlier

“This sounds silly, but I’m about to pull my hair out. Is Danny gay?”

Tiffany laughed. “No. Why would you think that, Jaime?”

“I can’t get his attention. I’ve been trying for three months. He just won’t get a clue. It doesn’t make sense.”

Tiffany smirked. “Danny’s focused on his future. He knows what he’s looking for and he would never disrespect you.”

“Huh?” Jaime said.

“Let me ask you this, how would you feel if you and Danny dated for a few months and he dropped you cold for another girl? No warning, he walks away.”

“I’d be pissed.”

“You’d have every right. I’d be pissed at him for doing it to you. He knows what he wants in a girl and until he sees it he won’t move. Danny doesn’t play games with peoples feelings. All he wants is to be friends. If you push him he’ll shut you out.”

“I don’t like that answer,” Jaime said.

“If you want to be in Danny’s life I suggest you listen. If you don’t, he’ll freeze you out.”

Jaime frowned.

Tiffany sat back. “I’ll tell you what, Danny always showers when he gets home. If you want, I’ll let you offer to shower with him and let you do it if he agrees. If Danny says no, you drop it, OK?”

Jaime’s eyes popped wide “Really?”


Jaime almost jumped when He came in the room. “Hi, Jaime. Mom, I’m going to shower.” Danny said as he turned away.

“D ... danny may I shower with you?” Jaime whispered.

Danny froze then turned towards Jaime. He stared into her eyes a long moment then went to her and pulled her to her feet. In a gentle tone, he said: “We’re not going to have that kind of relationship, but If you like I would like a hug now.”

Jaime grabbed him in a fierce hug and bawled.

Danny wrapped her up and stroked her hair as he whispered to her.

After Jaime left, Tiffany hugged Danny. “I’m so proud of the way you handled that. Now, go get your shower.”

Tiffany went to her room and locked the door, grabbing her laptop she skyped Amy. “Hey, are you by yourself?”

“Yeah, I’m just sitting in my condo.”

“Great! Let me tell you what Danny did, but first, go get Charlie. I’ve got Fred here.” She held up a large dildo.

“Wait a sec, I’ll be right back.” Amy vanished from the screen.

As Danny was studying in his room his mother’s scream blasted through the wall. “OH, MY GOD!”

“MY VIRGIN EARS!” Danny screamed back.

“Shaddup.” Was the only response.

A few months later

Amy sat next to Danny on the couch. “What’s this I hear about you refusing to show your paintings of me at your show?”

He bit his lip “They’re intimate.”

“They’re beautiful.” She countered.

“I don’t want to make money off of you or my feelings for you.”

She tapped his knee. “You know people pay me to fuck on camera, right?”

He nodded.

“I make more than a lot of actresses. People pay to watch me do gangbangs and threesomes. It’s all about the physical.” Amy stared at her hands and whispered: “Are you ashamed of me?” She risked a look at him. “I ... I want others to see me the way you do.”

“I couldn’t feel shame for you if I tried.” He took her hand then dropped it. “I’m sorry.” He stammered.

She took his hand “It’s OK. We can hold hands for a while.”

Danny tightened his grip. “If it’s what you want we can go down to my studio and pick out a mini-exhibit. I don’t want to ever show Ecstasy of Belonging that one stays private.OK?”

“The one that shows my O face?”

“No. The one that shows the O face you had when you became mine.” Danny leaned over and yelled. “MOM, I’M GONNA KISS AMY.”


Danny soul kissed her.

“TIME!” Tiffany yelled.



“SHADDUP!” Amy and David yelled together laughing.

While they waited, Danny said, “I had an idea. Since you keep your real name under wraps, why don’t we call your exhibit “The Beauty of Sinn?”

Amy blushed “Thank you. How many paintings can I pick?”

“We’ll do three of the portraits and twelve of the smaller. Mrs. Fuller will have final say on which if any are actually displayed. I’m sure at least one portrait and two or three of the others will meet with her approval. Do you want to come?”

“Sorry, son of mine, you have a few years yet,” Tiff said as she sat on the love chair.

“Spoilsport,” Danny said, sticking his tongue out at her.

“There’s also the fact that I’m nude in most of your paintings. If I showed up on your arm. They might start asking questions. Questions which could get your mom and me in trouble.”

“Oh shit, I didn’t realize,” Danny said.

“Yep, which is why you get to wait a few more years. You’ve still got some growing to do.” Tiffany said. “Now, kiss Amy’s cheek and say “I’m sorry for being an idiot.”.”

Danny did so.

After the gallery show, Danny burst into the house and grabbed Amy spinning her. “We did it! All your paintings sold! Three magazines interviewed me.” He kissed her.

Amy squeezed him. “I’m so proud of you.”

Danny picked her up. He sat on the couch with Amy on his lap.

Tiffany pointed “No. Danny, could I speak to you in the kitchen, please.”

She closed the door and faced him. “You’re pushing it. You are putting me in a position with one of my oldest friends and I’m not going to have it.” She hugged him. “You’ve been doing so well don’t blow it. I don’t mind a little Kissy face and hand holding. Every century or so, I’ll even disappear for a night so you can be together.” Tiffany looked at Danny with tear filled eyes. “You need the next two years to grow. Please, don’t make me choose the welfare of my son over my best friend,” her chin trembled “because I will.”

Danny pulled her closer “I’m so sorry I hurt you. You’ll never have to choose. I promise.”

“I want what’s best for you.” She whispered.

“I know. I’ll do better.” He kissed her forehead.

Tiffany broke the hug. “We better get back in there before Amy thinks we’re mad at her.”

Danny went to Amy and caressed her face. “I need to go think.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Why are you crying?”

“You didn’t do anything wrong. I did. I pushed the boundaries so far that mom was afraid she would hurt your friendship by pushing back. Promise me you’ll be here in the morning.”

“Of course, Where’s your mom?”

“In the kitchen.” He bent to kiss her. She turned her cheek to him.

“You’ve had enough kisses today. I’m going to check on your mom.”

“You’re leaving tomorrow.”

Amy nodded. “I have to be back on set soon.”

Danny hugged her “I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you.”

“Come to the dining room with me? I want to talk with you about something important. Mom knows.”


Danny put an artist portfolio on the table. “While I was thinking about my attitude last week, I did an exercise called recapitulation.”

“What?” Amy asked.

“Don’t worry about it. What matters is that I came away with two memories and an idea. You told me that you want others to see you the way I do. Look, this is how I saw you as a little boy.” He opened the portfolio.

“The only thing here is my eyes. You sketched everything else.”

“It’s the only place you were real. There was sadness, love and the desire for love.” He turned the page. “Here’s one I drew a few days later.”

“A fairy!”

Danny nodded. “My magical friend who loved me and was always on my side. Who whispered in my ear when I was sad.” He tapped the drawing. “This is the one I want to talk about. Our money from the sale came in. After graduation, I’m opening a gallery. I want Haught Gallery to sponsor and partner with you to create The Amy Lynn Faerie Foundation.”


Danny turned a page. “We’ll create a line of children’s books featuring Amy the faerie who will encourage and teach them. You’ll do the writing and I’ll do the art.” He turned another page. “We’ll have little Faerie houses made by artisans for people to buy. All the profits go to help children. Eventually, I want Amy the faerie dolls to give children in hospitals and shelters. Well?”

Amy stared at Danny as fat tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Amy? ... Amy? ... MOM!”

Tiffany walked in and kissed Danny on top of the head. “She’s fine. Give her a moment, then kiss her. I’m going to Steve’s for the night. Enjoy.” She hugged him. “I’m proud of you.”

One year earlier

“Mrs. Haught?”


“I’m Russell Martin.”

“Danny’s Karate teacher.”

“Yes, Ma’am. I need to discuss something with you. May I come in?”

“Is there a problem?”

“There is.”

They went to the living room and grabbed seats. Russell said “You have a misunderstanding about who I am and what I do. I worked for the government. My specialty was taking men and turning them into killing machines.”

“What’s this got to do with Danny?”

“After I retired, I built a farm down the road for people like me. Where we could hang out, drink a few beers, shoot a few rounds in a place where we’re safe. One day, Danny shows up and hands me one of my markers.”

“Marker?” Tiffany asked.

“An I.O.U. That particular marker was given to a man who had kept me from bleeding to death during a firefight. Your son asked me to train him. When I asked why, he said he had to protect his mother and his woman. I told him to go find a Karate school.” Martin paled. “I know that I don’t look like it. I’m a licensed psychologist. The man who gave Danny the marker gave him a name to give me if I refused.”

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A Night Ill Never Forget0

I went to the tallest building I had ever seen before in my life. It was my library, and it was about six stories tall. The elevator was out of order so I had to climb all of these fucking stairs and shit. When I finally got to the ledge I pulled my pants off and began to scream to the people down below that I was going to jump. They were so small like tiny ants. After a little while, I think maybe about 9 hours, a rescue truck showed up. Two men got out and I could see them pointng and...

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PornWorld Anissa Kate Ania Kinski Busty Babes Anissa Kate And Ania Kinski Ditch Boxing Lesson For Threesome With Fitness Coach

Raven haired hotties Anissa Kate and Ania Kinski are in the locker room waiting for their boxing lesson when they realise they can’t their hands off each others big tits. They pass the time by fingering and toying a glass dildo together when they hear their trainer outside and quickly fix themselves up to start their joint lesson. Their fitness coach, Jay starts them off with a warm up and while they take a drinks break, Ania accidentally spills water down Anissa’s white cropped...

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Ivy League Sluts

Chapter 1 Rude Awakening Chapter 1 Rude Awakening ???? ?Miss, are you all right?? called the elderly woman standing by the driver side window of the BMW roadster.? They were looking down at a partially dressed female lying in the fully reclined driver?s seat.???? ?Here, let me, Mabel,? said her husband reaching past his wife to knock loudly on the car window using his dome ring as a knocker. ?Miss, wake up.????? Getting closer also provided a better view of the girl?s exposed breasts.?...

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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 12 Jenny

Dave carpooled into work with JR in her Jaguar sports car. The top was down, so it wasn’t conducive to talking. He did note the demonic look on her face on the way to the office as she wove through traffic about thirty miles per hour over the posted speed limits. He realized this was her normal persona in that car. He wondered how many police cars knew of her driving habits. He hadn’t seen JR except at a distance, so hadn’t talked to her since Saturday morning. She seemed to be around the...

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DevilsFilm Payton Preslee BAD Relatives

Tony Lovelocks is enjoying a nice, quiet evening home when he gets an unexpected visit from his rebellious stepsister, Payton Preslee, who declares she’s going to crash there for the night. He quickly learns that she’s been thrown out of college and plans to stay with him until she can reapply next semester. But since this is a one-bedroom apartment, that means they’ll have to share the bed! Although Tony’s not keen on the idea, he’s willing to reconsider the...

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Pleasure for two part one

Pleasure for two (part one) She lay in her bed covered with sheets completely naked, her long, fiery and curly red hair covered her pillow, and she stood at 5’8 at 120 pounds. Her summer blue eyes are tightly closed, her hands moved down her body, her right stopping at her 38C tits tweaking her swollen red ½ nipples with large half dollar areolas. Her left hand streaked down her flat stomach to her Brazilian waxed pussy. This girl was truly a virgin goddess lusted by all men. Just next door, a...

4 years ago
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Summer fun 3

Those were the days, back when it was just David and me. A couple of years later, in the summer I was to turn fortein and it seemed David wanted to play our secret game more often. One late summer afternoon David and I had just finished taking our evening shower. We were headed to our room wearing only our undies, and there we would put on our pj's for the night. As we walked down the hall together we glanced at each other for a brief moment. Looking down at the front of my lil broehs...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 176 Remembrances 11Dark Arts

(Kenshin is standing over Nakajou, sword poised.) Kenshin: Will you take me to Tomoe? Or will you die? Choose, now. Nakajou (thinking): That was a killing blow... If he'd pushed it one step further... no, he... could it be... (aloud) Then try this! (He fires a tiny crossbow bolt at him; it strikes Kenshin in the shoulder.) Nakajou: I thought so! You didn't stop a step short! Like I thought, you just misjudged your own movements! In this forest you've lost your intuition--you're not as...

2 years ago
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Incall on a Cold Winter Sunday

Marcie called Sunday around 1 pm saying she was lonely and horny. I had nothing better to do so I drove right over. Marcie answered the door in a loose hanging, bright red shift made of very fine silk. It hung down to her thighs, but it was easy to tell she was wearing no underwear. She gave me a hug and kiss on the neck and I took the liberty of reaching under her shift to grope her bare ass.She giggled as she pushed me away and led me through her back entryway into her kitchen. She...

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Jills Day OutChapter 5

Destination? "Okay cunt, time to earn your keep," said Bernie. He leant her forward while her thumbs were untied. The blood flowing back to her hands caused her some pain. The van began to rock as it left the metalled road for a rough track. After another twenty minutes or so it crossed a cattle-grid and shortly after it came to a sudden stop. "Do your face up, cunt!" snapped Bernie, handing her the make-up compact from her handbag. In the dimness of the van she used the small mirror to...

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Lunch Time

She finds him just like she thought she would. At his desk, hard at work, banging away at his keyboard, the phone pressed to his ear trying to do a dozen things at one time. He barely even glances her way as she closes the office door behind her, and never notices at all when she turns the lock. But he does wave her to have a seat and wait. For weeks he’s been so wrapped up in his work, usually working through lunch, sometimes even dinner and late into the night. Coming home after she has...

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Australian StoryChapter 21 Not to be taken for granted

Friday 1-June 2007 Hassan was a lot better by Friday. Not well enough to go to school, but well enough for Shahia to go back at school, with a huge smile on her face, and well enough for them all to come to Chris's place like usual, though Chris's mum went around and picked him up to meet the rest of them after school. They were all nicely settled when Lisa arrived with her mum in tow. Since Chris hadn't told her why he had asked her to pop over, she was astounded when both Chris and...

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The visit

You were nervous, you had been chatting to Mark on-line for months but this was the first meeting in person. you walked up the driveway to the house, your heart beating hard in your chest as you got closer. the train ticket and instructions had arrived 3 days ago and you had nearly called it off several times, but had plucked up the courage to take this trip."the door will be open" said the letter, and it was. "there will be further instructions in the first room on the right".you step into...

1 year ago
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Gay sex with Mustafa the handsome

Mustafa was the best looking waiter in the hotel. He was dark, classically handsome and had eyes that drew me in and made me weak. There was a theatrical element to him as he was always over-correct, very formal and over-acting his role of waiter. He walked with a confident and sexy swagger. His trousers were a little tighter than those of the other waiters and they seemed to be of a different cut altogether. They hugged a pert and rounded bottom which I could barely take my eyes off. He was...

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Helen and Daddy

Helen was tingly all over as her orgasm slowly faded. She slowly squeezed her fingers in and out of her satisfied pussy, letting out a quiet squishing sound each time. Her sheets were ruined, she could feel the large, wet stain under her butt. Her other hand gently tugged at her pierced nipples as a quiet moan struggled against her smiling lips. It wasn't often that she got to scream and be loud. Her mom, Lucy, usually worked from home, but had gone to Arkansas to visit family. Her...

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Stag Weekend Part 3Sunday Homecoming

Plus we all wanted to shower and clean off the smell of other woman before we went back to our girls if you catch my drift. I met Bill and Jason as they checked out and as I finished settling up my bill Rick walked out of the elevator and to the counter looking a bit more than content as he threw me a wink. After a light breakfast at the diner next door Bill and Jason took off home in Bills car. They had come together as they both lived on the other side of the city, same as Rick and I we...

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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 12

The Phoenix III was powered up and accelerating once again at one-quarter gravity. This time it would only be for a few hours. That's how long it would take to arrive where the great ship drifted as it slowly followed Mars around the sun. Not wanting to wait, the Femme Fatales and their new trainees, the Necrotwins, all teleported from the Phoenix into the dark, dead hulk. Béla and Lisa went together. Jackie went with Alicia. Tabatha teleported to the cargo hold with the Necrotwins to take...

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Massage mi sis

I”m 18. My sister is 20, and she has a great body. Her tits are 36As, not too small, but just right, and she has a nice firm ass. I fantasize about her all the time, and then one day, my fantasies came true.One day, while watching tv, my sister asked for a massage, and i said ok. I started rubbing her back, but she complained that her shirt got in the way, so she took it off, and now all she had on was a bra. I started at her lower back and worked my way up, until i got to her strap. I lied...

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BetrayalChapter 2

"Got you now, you thieving bastard. I fucking knew it." The muscle-bound man pounded the keyboard triumphantly, freezing the offending image on the large monitor in front of him. He rubbed his eyes wearily. Sometimes, being head of security was a real bitch. But after more than five hours of pouring over surveillance footage, he had finally found the proverbial smoking gun. As he stood and stretched, the man known as Max the Enforcer looked around the small, windowless room. He liked the...

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The autumn rain was hammering down on the darkened skylights above as he wandered down the hallway. It was a mundane evening routine, checking that all the lights were off, but there was an electric tingle in the air and on the tip of his tongue. Maybe it was from the storm, and maybe it wasn't.In the gathering darkness, he locked each door as he went along, listening to the wind and rain and feeling his cock stiffen. The closer he got to her room, the more excited he got, his fingers fumbling...

1 year ago
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Part two of my island love

Now don't get me wrong oral sex is a wonderful thing. Especially the way Bud does it! But, as we held each other, there on the sand completely alone, both of us naked, we both looked at each other and as Bud pulled me closer, my legs over lapped his and I sat on his lap. As I did, he took his big swollen cock and put it against my open pussy. I lifted up and into him! His cock went into my hole easy and smoothly. I cried out: "OH BUD!!! OH YES!! BABY!! OH YES! FUCK ME!!" And I began to pump my...

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Cats MeowChapter 4

"Uh oh." I muttered as I covered my body with the bedspread from the nearby bed to hide my nakedness. Had I known that Tom had not left the room, I would never have messed with the gem. But now it was too late and he was human. He stared down at his body and sighed, covering his privates (which I swear I was not looking at!) and shuddered. "Thank God!" His voice was deep, attractive, one I could easily get lost within. "I thought I'd be a cat for the rest of my life." He ran his free...

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Teasing to climax

Picture, if you would, a dark, candle lit room. Filling the space along one side is a king sized bed, the sheets fresh and silky. The soft smell of incense meets your nostrils. Sneaking up behind you, I wrap my arms around you and begin kissing the bottom of your neck. Mmm, baby, that feels good. Running my hands across your stomach, I kiss up to you neck, blowing a hot breath across your ear before nibbling on your ear lobe. Kissing back down to your collarbone, I run my hands slowly up your...

Oral Sex
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 19

I woke up the next morning with a wonderful warm sensation on my cock. I opened my eyes to see Tamara had her mouth all over my breakfast sausage. I moaned and she looked up into my eyes. I smiled and she continued sucking with a little more vigor. I reached my hand down and caressed the top of her head. This was one beautiful woman, and not just because she was quickly working me towards an orgasm. She completed her task and now hundreds of tiny particles were working their way to her sweet...

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Trick or Treat

Introduction: This is my first story so I want to know what everybody thinks so please leave comments There was something about the air in Chicago whenever October rolled around. Brooklyn breathed in the fresh autumn air from the patio. For some reason, the air seemed fresher and cleaner. Its crispness mixed with the scent of freshly fallen leaves, reminding her that the days were getting shorter and the nights were getting colder. Normally, October was her major party month. Shed take weeks to...

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A Flawed DiamondChapter 49

Brock had seen Meredith pass in front of the bedroom door a couple of times as he talked to Stan Balsam. He didn't think anything of it until she appeared just as he ended the call. "What's up?" he asked. The look on Meredith's face told him something wasn't right. "You're not going to believe it," she said as she sat beside him on the bed. Brock expected more to follow but instead Meredith sat staring at the open doorway. "I'll probably need more information than that," he...

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What Do You Want To Do With Me

Hi, John. My name is Rachel. I'm a 23 year old girl with kind of chestnut-blonde hair, a little longer than shoulder length. I'm about 5'8", 150 pounds and have small-to-average-sized-but-superbly-shaped breasts(if you ask me). That's actually what I (the author) look like. I wrote myself into this story because I'm turned on by the idea of people doing dirty stuff to me electronically. So when you're finished having fun, please feel free to send me a message and tell me what you did to me so...

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My Brother Took My Virginity

Friends its my true story,not a fiction.First of all i will introduce myself to all of you so that you guys can imagine my true picture as the story goes on.My name is sweety.I am 18 years old.I am 5-5 in height.My measurement is 34-30-36.I am slim and beautiful,every part of my body is spotless.From the age of 13 my boobs looked like rocks.My nipple colour is brown.My brother is 20 years old,and he is smart and strong his cock is 6″,(i knew it when he fucked me).My mom and dad both are in a...

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You Sure Got A Pretty Mouth 9

Thanks to all those readers who have asked for more chapters in this series. I never thought of writing a series but because you have continuously asked for more from this story, I have done my best to comply. We all live multi-faceted lives (I don't have time to write but once or twice every other week) but I will try to write new chapters and follow-ups to my other stories too. Thanks again to all those readers who have emailed with kudos, I live and write for them. For those who write saying...

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Puppy Love Ch 04

Dear Readers, I love David and Emma too much to finish this story in 4 chapters as I had originally planned. However the next installment might take a couple weeks to finish because I decided it would be fun to enter the Halloween story contest. So please be patient, and check out my story for the contest while you’re waiting. Vote for me! As always, I love hearing feedback so tell me what you think Hope you like chapter 4. honey28 *********** I was even more nervous than I had been on...

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Tammy Blames Her Husband

She couldn't help think that at this rate she was going to suck of everybody in the store in about 10 minutes. Tammy tried to appease her guilty conscious by telling herself it was all her husband's fault. He was the one who turned her on to that sex story site and all those hot stories, many of which made her horny to no end. Roger did his best to satisfy her but she became more and more open to the idea of acting out. Roger frequently had to go out of town for business which left Tammy alone,...

Cheating Wife
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Chapter 1. His footsteps echoed through the uninstalled halls of the Art Gallery as he walked towards the showing room. It was quiet. It was hard to believe that just a few hours ago, this place was buzzing with people for the unveiling of a new collection. In this collection was his target. A painting estimated to be about 70 years old from an unknown artist. The gallery purchased it for 60 million and would probably pay double to get it back. Which is why he knew she’d be after it. After...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 12 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 12: Clyda & Jordan Part 6Clyda opened her eyes in shock as she heard Jordan's latest request. "You have got to be fucking k**ding me!" exclaimed Clyda. "You aren't human girl." "Didn't Dee Dee and Tiffany tell you that I was crazy about cock, Clyda?" asked Jordan. "They didn't tell me that you had a bloody terminal case of it, love," retorted Clyda. "Well, I think I've got one last good load in me for you," continued Clyda. "You've got to realize that we're not all rampaging...

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Rich Mans New Acventure

Bret was one guy who never had trouble finding a piece of ass when he needed to get busy, needed some satisfaction, and needed to bust a nut, so to speak.   He was rich, drove a great car, good looking and the loneliest guy in town.   Sure he could always go down to the local pub and find some sweet young pair of lips to suck his cock dry, or some tight little snatch to stroke until he unloaded his cream for her, but he was getting tired of all that crap, he needed more, just wasn’t sure...

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Chud Gya Rasty Main Academy Say Ghar Jaty Huay

Hi. Main hu aadil. Main sb say phle apne bare m bta du k main 18 sal ka hu. Meri ass smooth or gori hai. Main aik bottom hu. Meri ass bht goal hai. Jb b pent pehnta hu to bht mushkil say fit ati hai andr. Chalyn ab chudai story pay aty hain. Or main tuition say wapis jaa rha tha. Raat k 10 bj rhy thy. Main railway tracks main say guzar rha tha k mujhe laga jesy mera koi peecha kr rha hai. Main ny peechy dekha. To aik admi fone pay kisi say bt kr rha tha or mery peechy chal rha tha. Main ny...

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Recording our raunchy romp in mom's room. by Oediplex 8==3~ One morning I saw the oddest sight. I guess mom thought I had already left. I was due for playing over at my buddy's house that Saturday. In fact, I had left, but remembering I had promised to bring a magazine, I returned, having not gotten far. The door to her room was open a little, so as I passed it, I caught a glimpse of her. She was not fully dressed yet. Of course, that got my attention. Mom is a beautiful...

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Confessions of a fetishist

Hello all. I would like to write something about myself and my thoughts as a fetishist.Somewhere, I read that fetishes are shaped in c***dhood and that's how it was in my case.It started in kindergarten. Then I started to pay more attention to the legs and shoes of my friends.Something fascinated me about it, later in primary school while playing with my friends I noticed that girls like to crush various toys like toy cars but also others. To make the boys angry. It was the first time it...

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Welcome Home6

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She sighs sitting back in his lazy boy, flipping through the channels finding nothing on, glancing around seeing the place spotless, inhaling.. smelling the dinner she was cooking, wafting through the air. He said on the phone that he was going to bed home in a few hours, she just wished he would hurry up. She has missed him these past weeks....

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The American dream

The gang were at the bar, having a big night. Fortunately a buddy dragged a couple of gorgeous ladies to our table and proceeded to chat , a bigger girl of Hawaiian decent, beautiful tattoos and an amazing rac. Immaculate dark hair framed her face contains the brightest smile, all the boys were consumed with her breasts. Her friend was almost the polar opposite. A petite yet Shapley blonde that could only be described as a quentisential California girl with long flowing locks and striking blue...

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The Waitress part 2

As the week’s followed me and the Waitress became close. A lust driven steamy affair began to take shape in the work place. It was a busy Saturday afternoon the Restaurant was flowing nicely. I was over staffed on purpose. As soon as she came walking up those stairs she'd give me the all familiar wink.. She was young and very attractive even in her tight black uniform you could see her curves and hour glass figure oozing out of those tight black leggings and black v neck t-shirt. She had small...

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