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It had all began months ago, building from a small spark into a raging inferno. The outburst in the staff meeting only verified the culmination of my frustrations, whereas unwittingly, I had single-handedly undermined the confidence of our most trusted customer. The CEO called me into his office early the next morning and threw a round-trip ticket to Mazatlan across his desk with two options. The first was to pack only the clothes I’d needed and get my life back together under the warm tropical sun, or pack my personal effects in the office and not return. With little forethought, I opted for the first option, and hurried to my newly rented apartment to pack for the afternoon flight. It had just started to rain as the jet poked through the clouds into the clear blue.

Several months earlier, my divorce was finalized, and the companion I dreamed of sharing my life with strolled out of my life to begin anew with the executive VP of her negotiating firm. What had begun as a caring supportive relationship soon became bogged down in material gain and personal prestige. While I had continued to climb the lofty corporate ladder, my wife began her own upward ascent away from us. The settlement left me stripped of everything but an old T’Bird I was trying to restore, and my retirement intact while she walked away with a lifetime of mutually earned toys. Her attorney was good, and I was just too damn hurt to offer much resistance. With little more than memories and shattered dreams, I was alone again.

The plane landed outside of the city on a poorly maintained field surrounded by scrub bushes and agonizing heat. The over-priced taxi ride to town was an exercise in harm avoidance, from the crazy opposing drivers to the open air cab that threatened to throw me out on every turn. The beachfront hotel was accommodating and the sites and smells tantalizing, but not enough for me to leave the air conditioned comfort of my room and the twenty channels the local cable company offered. I bought a bottle of one of the local wines and proceeded to drown my sorrows into oblivion despite the constant report of car horns and maxed out car stereos blasting ranchero music. Lost in self-denial and pity, I tried to analyze my options. Should I forget the office that bound me to the city, and move closer to the consolation of my family living near the East Coast? Everything became to blurred to early, and I fell asleep as the sun dropped over the horizon with a fiery red glow.

The evening had fallen into night time, accompanied with blaring music and loud partying from the surrounding hotel rooms making sleep impossible to all but the deaf. Staggering into the hallway, I straightened my shirt and wandered to the elevator, bumping into the one of the local employees delivering a tray of multicolored drinks to any one of a hundred different parties within the confines of the hotel. I jabbed the button for the lobby and descended noisily from the third floor, as the humid air swirled around me unmercifully, almost taking my breath away. After several frustrating endeavors, I finally found my way into the bustling lounge and ordered one of the local over priced concoctions while silently debating what it would cost to return to the rain and my apartment on the morrow.

One of the local call girls slid next to me and tried to start a conversation, but with no working knowledge of the local dialect I could only smile and walk away in search of a quiet alcove to fulfill the ‘sorting out’ process that would finally lead to closure and a new outlook on the lifestyle I was hoping to rebuild. That is when it hit – I was surrounded by beautifully tanned, dark eyed, silky legged potential escorts, naive in the ways of my world, but savvy in the bedroom. It was a virtually bedding paradise, and I had been too caught up in myself to realize the multitude of opportunities that awaited with only the minimal coercion and cash outlay. It had been some time since the comfort of a woman’s charms had relieved my frustrations, and with my stress levels bordering on overload, a good lay might just be the much needed elixir.

Gazing through the shadows while the band took the stage, I spied a young lovely in a one piece outfit that accented her shapely hips and small breasts. Moving to her table quickly, I gestured towards my glass and pointed to her. She looked me over carefully, studying my face intently for several moments before nodding at the empty seat across from her. Signaling the bar, a drink arrived almost instantly as five dollars were swept from the table. I tried to learn her name or anything about her, but she only smiled a distant smile, almost looking through me as if disenchanted by my presence. The band sprang to life with an ear shattering discord, and began chanting a horrible rendition of Elvis, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the results of their collective efforts. Turning to the dark haired beauty, I could tell that she was not very pleased by the noise, so I rose to make a discreet exit patting her arm gently in understanding. So many women, so little time.

As I made me way towards the exit, I felt a slight tug on my shirt and turned to see the little lady from the table trying to follow me despite her high heels to which she was obviously unaccustomed. I stopped her, and by lifting her legs one at a time, I removed the shoes from her tiny feet, before taking her hand and guiding her into the far more serene restaurant. Sitting at a table that overlooked the water, we ordered from the seafood menu, and I watched her wolf down the food so quickly she almost choked on several different occasions. All the while, only non-verbal gestures were the essence of our conversations. While we were putting away some sort of rum coated pastry, I pointed towards the ceiling and made a gesture of sleeping which she slowly acknowledged by bowing her head and holding up five fingers. I nodded and smiled but she turned to stare at the surf.

Once in my room, she quickly wriggled out of her attire and disappeared into the shower. Several moment later she gestured for me to enter, and hurriedly undressing, I stepped through the threshold with my eyes riveted on her firm full breasts – small by many standards but firm and crowned by large nipples that begged to be touched. I tried, but she pushed my hand away and set about lathering every inch of my tired body, concentrating on the rapidly rising flesh that would shortly enter her intimate depths. She milked my rod tenderly yet forcefully, looking for any sign of a discharge as I began to groan in delight. Once satisfied, she quickly dried herself off, and strolled over to the bed, leaving me to dry myself.

As I stepped from the steamy shower, I saw her lying on her back fiddling with a condom, and went for my wallet to withdraw a fifty and lay it on the night stand next to her. Pausing to look over her nakedness, I noted the tell tale stretch marks on her abdomen heralding recent child bearing. Her hand sought my still raging organ, and deftly slipped the condom over its length. Rolling it down skillfully, she gave a few enticing strokes and guided into the dark muff surrounding her sexuality. Pressing into her depths gently, I allowed the delicious sensation to fully engulf my being before humping away in total abandon. She stared blankly at the ceiling, bringing her hips up to meet my thrusts with her arms loosely wrapped around me. All too soon, I erupted into the rubber sheath, pumping frantically to maximize the sensations of the tight pussy that was, for this brief instant, mine alone. As my spine tingling orgasm gradually receded she patted my back dutifully until, fully spent, she rolled me on to my back and produced a wad of toilet paper to first remove my orgasmic residue from between her delicate legs before turning her attention to wiping off my rapidly deflating erection. Within moments, she had slipped into her attire and disappeared out into the noisy hallway, never looking back. I’ll never know when she collected her far

It was not the best encounter of my life, but at risk of sounding calloused, it was more than sufficient and I slipped into a most fitful slumber until the late hours of the following morning. The room was freezing as I’d forgotten to turn down the air. Hurriedly donning my cut-offs and an old corporate t-shirt, I set out in search of warmth and food. The mid-day sun was merciless as I crossed the road towards the beach and some of the local food stands swarming with customers there. Grabbing some burritos from one of the more crowded vendors, I swaggered along the beautiful beach, marveling at the constant parade of beautiful scantily clad boobies bouncing in the nearby surf. Beautiful long legs and curvaceous torsos were everywhere to be seen, and smiling eyes returned every greeting I rendered.

Soon I was splashing in the warm waves, delighting in the soothing sea water sensations. With nary a need for a towel to dry off, I stumbled out of the surf and onto the fine white sand feeling more alive than I had in years. As I wandered further down the beach, I spotted a tantalizing tanned figure reclining on a tattered beach towel. Giving pause I watched her, wondering where her escort must be. There was none, but a young child that ran from the surf and plopped down unceremoniously next to her. Hubby must be at work. Resetting my radar, I started to stroll past her until something forced me to pause and absorb her charms one last time. She was too familiar, and as she lifted the sunglasses to her hair, I recognized her from the night before. She was even more beautiful, and I felt my throat tighten in anticipation. At first, she pretended she didn’t recognize me, but a second glance that focused first on my face, then onto my ‘package’ revealed her familiarity. I could have sworn there was a slight flush to her cheeks when she turned away.

Not knowing whether her apparent actions were rejection or embarrassment, I turned back up the beach away from her and spotted a barefoot vendor walking along the sand selling kites and balloons. After some lengthy bargaining using hand signals and facial expressions, I opted for a small kite, before returning to the site of my most recent lover. She was combing the sand from her long flowing hair as her companion was busy erecting a sand blob next to her feet. I handed the lad the kite, and his face froze with fear before turning to the rigid female form next to him. She raised her sunglasses again, and stared into my face for and eternity before a smile slowly crossed her full rich lips and she mouthed a silent ‘thank you.’ The boy turned and beamed at me before jumping up and running down the beach with his new treasure.

It was my turn to be stunned. Recovering quickly, I took her hand, and we dashed into the pounding waves, splashing and frolicking like two long lost friends. On several occasions the tumbling surf threw her into my willing arms, and I was able to gaze into the ebony pools of her innocence before we were overtaken by another wave and sent tumbling into the salty brine. Her son soon joined us and time stood still. It was only when the sun began to dwindle and my sun burn screamed for shade that we turned up the beach and hailed a cab for a nearby McDonalds. As Jose (her Son)gleefully played on the plastic maze, I began to piece together the mystery of this vibrant young girl – so worldly yet so innocent.

A bad marriage to a childhood sweetheart had ended with infidelity and fear for Marta. Still living with her Mother, she had struggled to raise the standard of her immediate family, learning ‘one word’ English phrases to help her with the myriad of vacationers that were the primary source of income for the city. Only recently, she had turned to the night life when her job in the market was lost. Her mistrust for men and staunch devotion to a better life for Jose returned her to the only security she had known with her family. Her tale was not unlike millions of single mothers that had turned from there cheating husbands in hopes of nurturing solidarity for future generations. Saddened by her tale, yet delighted with her company, I kept her close to me, touching often and turning the conversation towards her life rather than bogging her mind with the frustration and futility of my own. Too soon night was upon us and although I wanted to spend much more time with her, she needed to return to the sanctity of her home and her Mother, who was adamantly suspicious of any and all foreigners. Smart Mom, I thought, this attractive young unsuspecting creature would be easy prey to a multitude of wolves, myself included!

I gave her fare to go home and slipped a twenty into her beach bag undetected before returning to the hotel to rinse off the salt spray in cold water, and tarry back into the steamy world where I had found Marta. So many young women, so little time. ‘The Strip’ was alive with music and women, accompanied by numerous pan handlers and gold diggers. It was not a place for the weak or foolish. I loved the danger and intrigue, and with careful observation was soon able to move with the best of them. Somewhere towards the end of a seemingly never ending row of night clubs, I was confronted by a delicious young beauty who offered to ‘suck my balls dry’ right in the middle of the street. Fascinated, I guided her into a dark, semi-hidden alcove and let her have her way with me. She was skilled far beyond my expectations, immediately latching on to my lifeless member and using her tongue and throat to extract my abundant essence inside of a few minutes. She left with twenty bucks, and I left with totally depleted gonads.

The chase was great yet as with all good things, too much becomes a bore, and by the start of a new day, I found myself in a cab heading for the hotel. Too many more nights like this, and my manhood would be forced into early retirement, a tempting possibility I was considering when I arrived at the hotel. Thinking a quick brew would calm my jangling nerves (and gonads) I swung into the lounge and my gaze immediately found Marta in the same corner where we originally met. Absolving guilt immediately as no implied commitment was ever made, I slowly moved towards her table when her sad eyes found mine. The hurt was painfully apparent. I signaled the waitress quickly and ask to join her despite the anger that now surfaced. It was about to become the most important night of my life.

Despite our communicative faults, I quickly learned of the dreams I had triggered, and the fears that I had reinforced. Knowing that I held her breaking heart in my hand, I trembled from her overwhelming beauty, and immediately resolved to restore the stars that had shone so brightly in her eyes hours earlier. Taking her hand, I led her out into the street and hailed the first vacant cab available. Stopping only to buy a dozen red roses at the nearest corner, I directed the driver to take her home and not to return without her son and herself. The dazed look on her face was the last I saw of her until the sun had renewed its presence over the parched landscape.

Three gentle taps at the door announced her arrival and I swung into action. The consulate office had the paperwork ready when we arrived and with a few copies of vital documents and the hasty exchange of funds, Marta and Son were the proud owners of a Visa to accompany there passports. Another quick trip to the travel agency and I was assured that my return flight home would be accompanied. The remainder of the day was spent meeting her Mother who served up a fine traditional dinner, packing the best of the tattered clothing remnants they possessed, and answering a multitude of questions about the new land they would soon be sharing with me. Dinner at the local outdoor restaurant was spent resolving her fears and sharing dreams while Jose gorged himself on desert.

As Marta tucked the sleeping lad into bed, I marveled at how quickly he had adapted to my mannerisms and discipline. She quickly removed her clothes and grabbed my belt pulling me
into the shower before hastily removing my attire. Once the flow of water had been adjusted to a comfortable setting, I learned just how passionate and responsive this delicate jewel really was, With merely a gentle touch, I could bring her to the threshold of an orgasm. Uninhibited and sensual, she gave herself totally, bathing the instruments of her seduction with a copious fountain of her ejaculate. On several occasions I had to cover her mouth to stifle her orgasmic screams from waking Jose. It wasn’t until her knees were trembling from overstimulation, that I explored the tiny chocolate nub of her essence with my tongue, producing an orgasm that made her collapse into a quivering heap of silky, sweet smelling skin.

My fears of overindulgence were quickly resolved when she grabbed my throbbing organ, and after taking its length fully into her mouth, giving me the most fulfilling oral sex of my life. It was my turn to tremble and collapse into her loving embrace as the last of the hot water drained from the water heater. Toweling off each other quickly, we tumbled into the bed, as she curled up to the fetal form of Jose, I curled behind her, and allowed sleep to soothe our tired spirits. It was four in the morning when I was stirred into wakefulness by a soft hand caressing life into my wilted manhood. Turning on her side, she guided me into her moist warm pussy, and began flexing its muscles in an urgent milking manner. It was the most erotic and stimulating experience of my sexual life. Despite my best efforts, I could not quell the urgent burning in my loins and all too soon I bit into her shoulder as my essence erupted into her womb. Her rapidly building orgasm climaxed almost immediately afterwards, sweeping through her trembling form in quivering spasms. My dreams and realities blended into the form that was rapidly slipping back into sleep beside me.

The following Monday when I returned to the office, I was received for the new man I had become. Behind me lay the loneliness and frustration a bad emotional investment can render. Ahead lay the dreams of my love and my soon to be adopted child. It immediately became apparent that the investment the company had made in my vacation, would pay of far greater dividends than they could have ever imagined, and I was soon promoted to head our overseas sales division. Immediately I began research on the viability of establishing a distribution center for our condoms in Mazatlan.

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Super FluChapter 14

Junior woke the next day to a delightful sensation. Looking down he saw the top of Sarah's head as she engulfed his cock. Looking at the clock on the nightstand he noticed it was 12:01pm. Just before they had gone to sleep Sarah had asked when he wanted to be woken. He had joking said at noon with a blowjob. He looked to his right where Jessica had been laying last night and saw only rumbled covers. The sensations coming from down below were wonderful. Still he was as surprised as Sarah when...

4 years ago
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My Experience With My Dietician

Hi this is Rocky, I have been reading sex stories on ISS for many years. I too wanted to submit a story but due to lack of time I couldn’t so here I am with my experience with my dietician. Request you to give feedback on As am a gym freak so I wanted a proper diet chart and for that I needed a dietitian. So one of my friend told me about this dietician nidhi (name changed) as he too had taken diet session from her. So I took her no and booked an appointment for me. Next day around 11m I went...

2 years ago
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The Games Of 8216Bitches And Bastards8217 8211 Part 3 Satisfying Sex

Hi dear ISS readers. First of all, thank you for showing such an enormous love for my story. I would like to thank you guys for reading my story. I’ve got 480+ emails from the readers appreciating me for the first two parts of my story. Thanks for your love and encouragement. Recap: After finishing a good threesome sex session, we three were relaxing and were chit-chatting with each other and then the phone rang. It was Madan. As Madan calling Rajitha is common. So we laughed and simply ignored...

1 year ago
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The Dirty Old Resident

Meranda thinks as she enters the huge building. 35 floors, the biggest building Meranda has ever worked in. She walks down a long hallway to the clock in machine and swipes her badge. It beeps and she decides to go to the restroom to see how she looks in her new uniform, the 21 year old redhead makes a crooked grin as she looks at the dorky light blue button down and baggy dark blue work pants. No one would ever guess that the young redhead had a nive curvy body underneath. She shakes her...

2 years ago
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Fun with The Neighbors

A few years ago, my girlfriend Chrissie and I moved into a rental house in a modest neighborhood of mostly families and a few couples. There were chi***ren from young to 20 somethings still living at home. Chrissie has always been pretty slutty and I am good with that . . . we were in our mid 20’s and not ready to get tied down long term yet. It was not unusual for her to go out partying and hook up with one or more guys and come home drunk with a very wet pussy. That always turned into a long...

1 year ago
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Feminizing First Step

Today my mother and I went swimsuit shopping at a local department store. It was early in the afternoon, and we practically had the place to ourselves. Upon entering the store, we walked past a large column covered in mirrors, and I caught a glimpse of myself. I definitely inherited my dad's diminutive body. It's almost like I never hit puberty. I am still at least one inch shorter than my mother, and probably with less body hair. I rarely need to shave. My mother talks about going to...

3 years ago
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All his life, Bradley Kenton had lived in Marickville, New York. He was born there in the summer of 1972, and had gone through his entire school years up until college there. He grew up in a suburban neighborhood with his mother, father, and younger sister. When he was ten, Bradley could remember his father and mother having a terrible argument. Screaming and insults had gone on for hours. Bradley was sitting in his room, on the floor, playing a game of Monopoly with his eight-year-old sister...

3 years ago
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Suspicious Behavior Part 3

The drive home was uneventful. My wife sat up and put on her seatbelt, per my request, yet stayed in the backseat. The car was very quiet until about two blocks from our house."I imagine that it's pretty messy back there?" I said knowingly. "I put my panties back on" she replied, "but a lot was already running out of me.""So you're a drippy mess?" I added, "Yes baby" my wife replied, lowering her head away from my sight in the rearview mirror, "I am...""Once in the garage" I continued, "go...

4 years ago
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Moni shared

I am Moni the wife. I love telling these stories from the wifes perspective. I wanted to be a shared wife from the beginning so it all started a few weeks after we were married. One day hubby's cousin Dan was visiting from out of town ans was staying with us for a week. We had never met but i found him cute. i had alreary told my hubby how i wanted my lifestyle and he agreed as long as he always got to watch. On his second day there he had told my hubby how lucky he was since he thought I was...

2 years ago
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Starting our cumeekend

It is Friday night and we are in your car going home after having dinner and a walk in our favorite park holding hands in the dark. All the way home we are talking and laughing, it has been a rough week with work and not having enough time for each other but now we are finally free and we know what awaits this weekend. It is a weekend for just the two of us, our retreat, our time alone, our cumeekend. We look at each other, our lust permeating the air as we eat at each other with our gaze....

3 years ago
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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 16 Monday After NiS

Robin - Early Morning I woke up next to Pat thinking about how I could get used to this. Who was I kidding? I am already used to waking up next to them, and I would definitely miss doing that if we were apart. When my alarm went off it occurred to me that today I could get dressed before going to school. Unlike last week, I could actually keep my clothes on all day today. After taking a quick shower with Pat I returned to my rooms to get dressed. I decided to wear a green polo shirt and a...

1 year ago
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The Story of Master McBridepart 6

I decided and off to the park I walked. Once I got to the area along the trail where they had first tripped me, I stepped back into the woods to the same area the boys dragged me yesterday. It was a secluded area where you couldn’t see out of the woods too far, nor could anyone see in. I waited there pacing around and around for what seemed like an eternity. Pretty soon, I heard rustling in the woods and eventually, out walked the boy from lunch. “Good to see you made it” said the boy. “I would...

4 years ago
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Experiments With My Girly Body

By : Floozyarun Hi guys and girls. I am Arun and as the name suggests I am a male but I have a body that looks so much like a girl. I have had experiences of sexuality from long time ago but as ISS restricts posting of underage stories I don’t want to tell it here. This is one of my experience after i went to college with my room mates at hostel, this story should not be considered as gay because in all the situations I simulate a woman to my lovers, In my hostel we have 4 members each room...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Horny Student Hot Professor

She walks briskly into class a few minutes early and sits in the front row. She pretends to look over her notes from the previous class. She sits up straight, her eyes down, swinging her crossed leg rhythmically. She has a big secret and she’s deathly afraid someone will surmise. She’s wearing a short, flirty summer skirt and her legs are bare, no tights. The professor comes in and class begins. He notices that she is sitting in the front row, notices her posture and her big black Mary Jane...

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Bitch1

I did just that. We were standing up in the kitchen when I yelled They're not even my fucking dishes! He took one step foward and shoved me into the refrigerator so hard it cracked my back multiple times, and knocked the wind out of me. Unable to inhale, or exhale I crumpled to the floor, gasping for air. He grabbed my long brown hair and dragged me down the hall to his bedroom. He boomed I'll teach you to respect me! As he threw me onto his bed he said You little shit. He closed and...

1 year ago
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Christmas Spirit ReallyChapter 4

Everybody sat up late watching television but paying little attention to the programs, all lost in their own thoughts trying to make sense of the day’s events. Finally, from pure emotional exhaustion, first Adam, then Lynn and lastly, Aaron went to bed. Next morning Aaron had to satisfy himself that Lynn would be okay staying home from school by herself, then he waited with Adam for the school bus before heading off himself in the pickup. During lunch break he got a call from Fran who had...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Family

To others, we are the perfect family. Great jobs, loving relationship, our daughter is in a private high school, we also have beautiful home. My perfect life, the one I've dreamed of since I was nothing but a young child. But we all have secrets, don't we? My name is Liana Stevens, this is my family secret. It all started in the car, around eight AM, Friday September10th. My husband, Michael, had received a phone call from the principal of Westridge Academy for girls. I sighed, running my...

1 year ago
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Main Meri Biwi Aur Mera Dost 8211 Part 7

Hi, this Ajit Roy, aaya hu firse ek naaya part lekar. Yeh part bohut mazedar hone wala hai. Toh bina time waste kiye story suru karta hu jahan se khatam kiya tha. Rahul ka itna lamba bhashan sunkar Manali statue ban gayi. Rahul aur kuch nahi kaha. Woh apne room mein chala gaya. Yeh sabkuch video recording ke through dekh kar main ghar lauta. Raat ko hum sath mein dinner kiye. Manali bohut absence minded dikh rahi thi. Khana kha kar room mein jate hi Manali ne light off kardi aur mujh par tut...

4 years ago
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A night drinking leads to unexpected

First story so be nice, but this really happened.I was out with the girlfriend drinking after work one night when she leaned over saying we need to get out of here, I could tell she was drunk which works to my advantage. I got her home and barely got her to the bedroom before I had her bent over the bed with my tongue shoved in her wet pussy, after a few minutes I moved up to her asshole. She always acts like she doesnt like to be rimmed and fingered but I know shes just trying to keep some...

2 years ago
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Pool Time

Ive known I was Bi since I was 13, and now was on a vacation with my best friend. He is very hot, we work out together all the time, he has a ripped chest, and cut abs and I see him without a shirt on all the time. I was in the closet, even to him at the time, but I jerked off to him almost every night before I went to sleep. On the first afternoon of vacation we arrived about 6pm, and went strait to the pool to relax after a day of driving, locked in a car with my parents. While playing in the...

3 years ago
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Do Bhenchod Bhaiyon Ne Apni Bhenon Ki Gaand Ka Maja Liya Diya

Hi, mein 20 sal ka healthy aur khubsurat yuvak hun. Meri ek hi bahin h, sajani . . Jo 18 ki h.Mera ek jigri freind h, sohanlal, jo 23 sal ka h. Uski ek bahin ka nam ranjana h, jo 19 sal ki.Ye vakaya hm 4-logon ke bich ka h, yane ki do gaandkhor mard- dost jinhone apas me ek dusre ki gand mari, aur do bahine jinki gaand unke do bhaiyon ne bari-bari mari. Mein yahan batadun ki sajani meri sagi bahin h, mgr sohanlal mera khas jigri dost h, mei use bade bhai ki tareh manata hun.Ranjana jo h vo...

1 year ago
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Six Times A DayPart 106 Dreams

Alan somehow made it from Heather and Simone to his first class, but with barely seconds to spare. To do that, he had to run most of the way, which left him very winded. Christine was disappointed. She'd loved her date with him the night before, so had been looking forward to talking to him again at school ever since she'd woken that morning. But since he just barely made it to class in time, she was barely able to trade hellos with him before class started, even though their desks were...

1 year ago
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Whore Queen Part 1 of 2

Malika, sought after by many young men, was extremely beautiful. Unbeknownst to many, she also had a beautiful voluptuous body underneath her plain work clothes. When she was 18 years of age, a young prince from a far away land visited their province for a hunting sport. The prince took notice of her beauty when he came across her at the village and charged his men to investigate more about Malika that very day. That night, when the prince, his friends and his escort where celebrating a...

First Time
3 years ago
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Vikki ndash My New Lodger

We were both feeling drained so decided to get some sleep and being the gentleman I am I allowed Vikki to go up the stairs first just in case she lost her footing and of course the bonus to that was I got a lovely view of her denim clad arse.As we got into the bedroom it soon became apparent that Vikki had nothing to sleep in and looked a little concerned, “Shall I sleep in my knickers daddy?” she asked as her shorts dropped to the floor and as nice as she looked in her black lace panties I...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Katie Morgan Satisfying My Stepmom

Katie Morgan just wants to get some sleep, but there’s water dripping from the ceiling of her bedroom right onto her twat. Peeling off her wet thong and nightie, she changes clothes and then relocates to her stepson Tyler Nixon’s bed. What she doesn’t know is that Tyler has just been masturbating and that he’s horny as hell. Faced with the opportunity to have his stepmom, Tyler decides to go for it. He rubs her ass and finds that she’s not wearing underwear. When...

4 years ago
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Having just finished my second bottle of wine, I was just awaiting the arrival home of my wife from her girly night out. This week it was one of those Anne summers sex party she was at.At 12.30 Deb arrived home more than the worse for wear, having had a good drink by the state she was in. Although she was in a pleasant mood she could not wait to tell a little secret she had learnt that evening.I enquired “how was the night”? Deb giggled and replied “brilliant, we had a real good laugh” “Did you...

3 years ago
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Chapter Two Feminzer disease takes my body over

Chapter Two By Terry Hansay Title: Feminzer disease takes my body over Description: My wife helps me through the Feminzer disease as I become a full women slowly. I had to learn a whole new life with her help. Sorry but I lost it again and could not go into the lingerie store. We sat in the car outside Mary's Bra and Shape Shop. How the heck could I ever walk into a store to buy a bra, I said, just then I broke down crying again, I was very emotional. My wife saw the emotional...

2 years ago
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“Kallie?” I said pulling her to where we could talk and not be heard. “Yes dear,” she replied giving me again that smile that radiates love. “I found an ALS Research Center in San Francisco. They are expecting records from your doctor regarding your preliminary diagnosis. I have emailed you their information and would love it if you took care of doing that in the next 24 to 48 hours,” I asked. “It isn’t that important, Charles,” she said. “It is to me, please, Special K, do it for me,...

1 year ago
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r/GirlsFinishingTheJob/, aka "Reddit Girls Finishing The Job"! If you’re on Reddit frequently, then you know that there’s no shortage in supply of hot NSFW subreddits for you to check out and enjoy. One such subreddit is /r/GirlsFinishingTheJob and it’s absolutely amazing if you ask me. Sure, I might be The Porn Dude and I might like to just go to a porn site straight away, but if you’re looking for something specific and you’re into community posting, then this place is much better than what...

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