Intercambiando Cuerpos free porn video

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Intercambiando cuerpos con una compa?era Esta historia se centra en John, un joven de 18 a?os a punto de entrar a la universidad, a unos meses de empezar la universidad su vida cambia totalmente, sin saber qu? es lo que le depara el futuro el solo puede dar lo mejor de s? y esperar que su vida no empeore. Es lunes por la ma?ana, John se alista para ir a su primer d?a en el ?ltimo grado de la escuela, el solo piensa en que pronto dejara esa horrible escuela y podr? escoger una buena universidad a la cual ir donde podr? estudiar lo que quiera sin que sus padres lo obliguen, ?l sabe que sus padres solo quieren lo mejor para ?l y por eso le han controlado su vida hasta ahora, aun as? ?l quiere un poco m?s de libertad, no es que odie a sus padres pero si desea m?s libertad. Son las 7 de la ma?ana y John va entrando a la escuela, es una escuela p?blica por lo cual todos los estudiantes llevan un uniforme de pantal?n gris, camisa blanca y su?ter azul marino y zapatos negros para los chicos, mientras que las chicas deben llevar falda gris, zapatos negros, camisa blanca y su?ter azul marino aunque hay algunas chicas que suelen llevar calcetas arriba de la rodilla, otras llevan pantimedias azul marino o negras, no est? permitido pero las autoridades escolares hacen caso omiso de esta violaci?n a las reglas. John sab?a que su primer d?a iba a ser aburrido porque siempre son clases donde todo mundo se presenta, los profesores explican el m?todo de dar clases y proceden a retirarse as? que no iba con expectativas altas. Despu?s de su primer clase John pudo ver que todos en su sal?n eran desconocidos para ?l, todos ya ten?an un grupo de amigos con el que conversar y ?l era el ?nico aislado, ?l pens? que as? ser?a mejor puesto que era el ?ltimo grado y no quer?a involucrarse con alguien de esa escuela porque no era la mejor que hab?a, solo iba ah? porque le quedaba cerca de casa y as? pod?a ir sin mucho esfuerzo y sus padres podr?an estar m?s al pendiente de ?l, as? que no se esforzar?a por hacer amistades, ya tiene unos cuantos amigos de sus grados pasados y podr?a verlos en el receso que es despu?s de la segunda clase. Al iniciar la segunda clase, la profesora pide que todos escriban en una hoja su nombre y lo que les gusta de la materia (historia pfff) John termina r?pido as? que pide permiso para ir al ba?o, piensa en lo que comprara para comer en el receso cuando se encuentra con una chica en el pasillo, ella es una chica un poco m?s baja que el (John mide 1.75) va vestida con el uniforme normal de la escuela excepto que trae pantimedias negras y zapatos escolares tipo flats, ella es de cuerpo delgado, con pechos algo grandes, piernas ni delgadas ni muy anchas sino que estilizadas y contorneadas, pies peque?os al igual que sus manos, que se pod?a ver ten?an los dedos delgados y finos, algo alargados pero nada fuera de lo normal en una chica, se pod?a ver su figura de reloj de arena a pesar del su?ter algo holgado que tra?a puesto y por ?ltimo su cabello largo era le llegaba hasta el pecho y su estilo de peinado era de flequillo, muy popular entre las chicas j?venes. Al bajar las escaleras los dos juntos la chica hablo y le dijo: ??-"la escuela es aburrida los primeros d?as ?no?" John -"Bastante, espero pronto suceda una huelga o algo que haga m?s emocionante el venir" ??-"hahahha eso ser?a bueno, me llamo Valerie y ?tu?" John -"John, soy del 6101 (as? clasificaban a los grupos de la escuela) ?y t??" Valerie -"yo del 4102, eres de ?ltimo semestre por lo que veo, ?emocionado de salir de aqu??" John - "Si bastante, ya s? a qu? universidad quiero ir, solo espero terminar este semestre y por fin poder estudiar lo que realmente me gusta, Ingenier?a en alimentos" Valerie - "Suena a que ya no aguantas venir a la escuela hahahaha " John - "Realmente no, no aguantar?a otro a?o aqu?, espero tu ?ltimo a?o aqu? lo pases bien Valerie" Valerie - "Tengo el presentimiento que este ser? un a?o divertido para mi John, dime, ?qu? es lo que menos te gusta de estar en esta escuela? John - "Pues todo, los profesores no tienen motivaci?n para ense?ar, los otros estudiantes se ve que nada m?s vienen a perder el tiempo y se molestan al ver que alguien no les sigue la corriente" Valerie - "Te hacen bullyng por ser buen estudiante hahahahah suena a que te tienen envidia o tu eres muy eg?latra" John - "?No lo soy! ?Acaso t? tambi?n vienes a perder el tiempo y no tomar enserio las clases y tu futuro?" Valerie - "Por supuesto que me preocupo por mi futuro, pero no por eso dejo de divertirme, no es tan dif?cil hacer las dos cosas John, deber?as intentarlo" John - "No es tan f?cil, adem?s, aqu? no hay gente con la que valga la pena salir y divertirse, solo idiotas" Valerie - "Creo que tenemos conceptos diferentes de diversi?n hahahaha" Para este momento, ya hab?an pasado unos diez minutos y un rector nos vio platicando en el pasillo y nos llam? la atenci?n por estar fuera de clases por lo que cada quien se fue por su lado, entonces John regreso a su sal?n y la profesora ya estaba empezando a pasar alumno por alumno por lo que paso a sentarse y solo pudo pensar en lo que le dijo Valerie, ?divertirse y ser responsable es f?cil? Seguro es porque es mujer y las cosas le llegan f?cil a ella, era guapa, por lo que de seguro tenia a alguien que le hacia la tarea por ella o quien le ayudara con trabajos de la escuela, si, seguro ha de ser eso, si yo fuera alguien as? como ella, todo lo podr?a obtener f?cil, tendr?a a medio sal?n queriendo salir conmigo y ofreci?ndose a hacer mi tarea. Durante todo el d?a solo pudo pensar en lo que hablo con Valerie, intento buscarla en el receso pero no pudo localizarla, sus amigos de otros semestres parece que ya hab?an hecho amistades y ?l no quer?a interrumpirles, as? que solo los saludo de lejos y ?l se qued? afuera de su sal?n sentado, al llegar a su casa procedi? a hacer la poca tarea que le hab?an dejado, comi? solo puesto que sus padres trabajan durante el d?a y solo lo puede ver en las noches y en las ma?anas, de ah? solo se puso a jugar en la computadora hasta que diera la hora de dormir. Al siguiente d?a todo transcurri? normal, las primeras dos clases fueron igual que el d?a anterior puesto que esas solo le tocaban el martes, as? que cuando llego la hora del receso solo quer?a caminar sin rumbo para estirar las piernas, cuando sali? al patio se encontr? con Valerie, ella iba vestida igual que ayer, solo que ahora ten?a el cabello recogido, parec?a un peinado de cebolla o tomate si lo ves con imaginaci?n, en fin, esta se aproxim? a John y le dijo Valerie - "John! Qu? bueno que te veo, quer?a hablar contigo ?puedes?" John - "Hola Valerie, claro dime ?de que quer?as hablar?" Valerie - "Aqu? no, vamos a un lugar m?s solo ?s??" John - "Ehhh est? bien" John solo pensaba en que esta chica le quer?a pedir que fuera su novio, lo hab?a visto miles de veces, las chicas llevan a los chicos a lugares solitarios para pedirles salir juntos, solo que John sab?a que ?l no era tan guapo como para salir con alguien como Valerie, ni sab?a porque hab?a llegado a querer ella salir con el puesto que solo hablaron unos minutos ayer ?Tal vez quer?a usarlo para que le hiciera todos sus proyectos y tareas de la escuela? De ninguna manera aceptar?a que alguien lo usara as?, por lo que pens? que en cuanto ella le dijera eso ?l le dir?a que est? saliendo con alguien y que no pod?a, si eso har?a. Aunque al mismo tiempo pensaba que si sal?a con ella los dem?s pensar?an que es una clase de s?per chico en secreto y eso har?a que lo respetasen o que lo consideren alguien muy bueno para ligar para salir con alguien como Valerie, todo eso cruzaba la mente de John de camino a unas escaleras cerca de la direcci?n general, ah? nadie pasaba porque cre?an que en cualquier momento podr?a salir el director y rega?arlos, al llegar, Valerie le extendi? la mano y le dio una peque?a caja y le pidi? que cerrara los ojos. John cre?a que en la caja hab?a algo para responder si o no dependiendo de su pregunta de salir juntos que ?l pensaba le iba a hacer, pero lo que le pidi? no lo esperaba. Valerie - "Necesito que sostengas la caja con una mano y con la otra tomes mi mano y no la sueltes hasta que te diga vale" John confundido por su pedido acepta y procede a sostener la caja con la mano derecha y con la izquierda toma la mano de Valerie, al sostener su mano de Valerie noto que hab?a como un peque?o celular o un iPod, no estaba seguro pero no le pregunto, solo la sigui? sosteniendo, fue algo dif?cil ya que ten?a los ojos cerrados pero lo logro, ?l pens? que era la forma m?s rara que alguien pod?a haber escogido para pedirle salir, escuchaba que Valerie murmuraba algo, crey? que estaba practicando el c?mo decirle que salieran juntos, de repente sinti? que todo estaba temblando, intento abrir los ojos pero no pod?a, ?l no pod?a moverse, sinti? miedo y p?nico, crey? que Valerie le estaba haciendo algo, no sab?a que cosa era pero s? que algo le hac?a, de pronto todo se calm? y pudo abrir los ojos y lo primero que vio fue a s? mismo, espantado dio un paso atr?s y se tropez?, algo andaba mal con su cuerpo, se sent?a diferente, como si tuviera un peso encima de su pecho que lo hace tropezar, al recuperarse del tropiezo tuvo que mirar forzosamente hacia abajo, vio sus pies, no eran los suyos, eran los peque?os pies de Valerie, estaba usando sus flats y sus piernas estaban usando pantimedias, tra?a falda y pod?a notar su busto sobresaliendo. John - "??Que paso?! ?Mi voz? Porque suena como la tuya, bueno como yo, como Valerie, ???qu? me hiciste??!" Valerie - "Tranquilo John, solo intercambie nuestras mentes, pens? sobre lo que dijiste ayer y bueno, yo he estado buscando con quien intercambiar vidas por un rato y experimentar el otro lado, te eleg? porque confi? en que no har?s nada est?pido, tienes un futuro planeado y no quieres arruinarlo haciendo algo tonto mientras estas en mi cuerpo, aun as? me tome una peque?a medida de seguridad por si hac?as algo imprudente mientras estabas en mi cuerpo" Valerie procede a abrir la caja y adentro estaba un peque?o controlador, lo oprime y John siente en su entrepierna una fuerte vibraci?n lo que hace que se retuerza, no puede creer lo intenso que siente, es como si alguien agarrara su miembro y le pusiera un celular vibrando de la nada, es tan intenso que apenas y puedes hablar, apoyando su mano de un barandal de la escalera se da cuenta que esta chica est? loca, lo tiene a su merced pues si hace algo solo le basta oprimir un bot?n y el no podr? defenderse, baja sus manos donde est? la falda y no encuentra nada, su entrepierna esta vac?a, lo que hace que vibre su interior debe estar por dentro pero no puede encontrarlo con las manos, las pantimedias le impiden meter sus manos dentro de las bragas y buscar. Valerie deja de oprimir el bot?n y la sensaci?n se va desvaneciendo, pronto John se puede parar normal pero sus piernas siguen temblando. John - "?Qu? diablos fue eso? ??Te metiste un vibrador?? ??Tengo un vibrador?? ??Dios que diablos eres t??!" Valerie - "Ya te dije que solo quiero probar este lado de la vida por un rato, solo haz lo que te digo y eventualmente tendr?s tu vida de regreso" John - "?C?mo estas tan segura que nadie se va a dar cuenta que cambiamos? No s? nada sobre ti, ni tus amigos, ni como act?as ni tus clases, nada" Valerie - "?Crees que esto lo planee de la noche a la ma?ana? Llevo todas las vacaciones pensando en esto, todo est? planeado, cuando regreses a mi sal?n, habr? un cuaderno con todos los detalles que necesitas saber para fingir ser yo, al menos hasta ma?ana cuando vea tu nivel de compromiso con esto, de ah? veremos que procede, si te portas bien, todo ser? diversi?n para los dos, de lo contrario solo yo me divertir? John, vamos, ?no quieres eso verdad?" Termina diciendo esto apuntando al control del vibrador que ten?a John dentro de si John - "Mira yo tambi?n puedo arruinar tu vida, soy tu y puedo hacer muchas cosas para arruinarla" Valerie - "Claro que puedes arruinar mi vida, pero en este momento es tu vida y si no quieres arruinarla y vivirla por siempre no lo har?s" John sabe que ella tiene raz?n, tiene las de ganar, aparte de que no tiene idea de c?mo volver a su cuerpo, solo ella sabe que es lo que hizo y como revertirlo, por ahora solo le queda obedecer y seguir el juego aunque no quiera Valerie - "Habiendo aclarado eso, por ahora solo te ense?are como moverte, parece que aun tienes el caminar de hombre y no te has acostumbrado a al peso de mi pecho, as? que camina de esta forma" Valerie entonces procede a ense?arle a John como caminar y expresarse, tuvo que ser breve y concisa pues el receso solo duraba media hora y ya iban por los quince minutos. John al caminar no pod?a dejar de sentir su pecho, como rebotaba, en especial al subir y bajar escaleras, sus piernas las sent?a desnudas por la falda a pesar de traer pantimedias, era una sensaci?n rara, el nylon lo hac?a sentir protegido y descubierto al mismo tiempo, sent?a una leve presi?n en su pecho por el sujetador que ahora portaba, su entrepierna se sent?a vac?a, y adem?s pod?a sentir como se mov?a el vibrador dentro de ?l, no lo sent?a como algo molesto, si no cuando se mov?a muy r?pido, pod?a sentir como este se mov?a en su interior. Fue dif?cil para John pero pudo hacer que su caminar se viera normal, sus expresiones lo delataban un poco pero si se manten?a callado pod?a pasar el d?a sin problema. La ropa ajustada le parec?a molesto, cre?a que lo que Valerie usaba no era de su talla aunque esta le quedara normal, no se sent?a del todo normal para ?l. Justo antes de terminar el receso Valerie le explica a John cu?l era su sal?n, un edificio a lado de donde John tomaba clases, primer piso, se sentaba justo en medio del sal?n, tres filas a su derecha y tres filas a su izquierda, tres bancas en frente de ?l y la suya era la cuarta, justo donde hab?a una mochila rosada, dentro de la mochila hab?a un diario con llave donde ven?an instrucciones sobre qu? es lo que ten?a que hacer, Valerie le dio una llave que saco de su propio su?ter, esa llave abr?a el diario. John segu?a sin comprender del todo como pudo terminar as? en su segundo d?a de clases, ahora tendr?a que pretender ser una chica que no conoce y vivir as?, si bien le excitaba un poco la idea de poder fingir ser una chica y vivir como una, no le agradaba la idea de vivir una vida que no conoc?a, ?Qu? tal si el padre de Valerie la maltrata? O si vive en un lugar feo, tiene alg?n trastorno o algo, ?si solo intercambiamos mentes eso quiere decir que todos sus trastornos f?sicos los voy a padecer? Sera mejor preguntarle de una buena vez John - "Oye ?tienes alg?n trastorno o enfermedad de la que deba saber? ?Asm?tica o bul?mica quiz?? ?Necesito tomar medicina? Valerie - "Bueno no s? si esto es a lo que te refieres pero tengo una adicci?n a la masturbaci?n, o quiz?s soy ninf?mana, pero no s? si cuente como trastorno f?sico o solo lo tenga en la mente, supongo que lo averiguaremos ?no John? Adem?s mi periodo comienza en dos semanas, deber?s prepararte para eso" John - "?Periodo? No tengo ganas de saber m?s de eso ahorita, apenas estoy procesando el que tengo una vagina, adem?s de que puedo sentir el vibrador dentro de m?, algo que nunca hab?a sentido y no sab?a que pod?a sentir, al menos no en mi viejo cuerpo, aparte este peso en mi pecho no deja de molestarme, ?C?mo puedes vivir e ignorarlo? Parece imposible ya que puedo sentir su rebotar con cada paso" Valerie - "Bueno eso es f?cil cuando te acostumbras, ya ni le tomas importancia y solo lo das por sentado como algo m?s de tu vida, yo tambi?n siento diferente tu cuerpo, tan fuerte y sin problemas de equilibrio al moverse, es fant?stico, aunque la entrepierna s? que es molesta, no puedo caminar sin tener que tener mis piernas un poco separadas" John - "Para m? siempre ha sido normal el caminar as?, ahora siento que mis piernas se van autom?ticamente al centro, supongo que es porque ahora no tengo nada ah?, mis pies tambi?n los siento m?s peque?os y fr?giles tan-.. Justo en ese momento son? la campana anunciando que se hab?a acabado el receso, John sinti? p?nico pues sab?a que ahora deb?a actuar como una chica y responder al nombre de "Valerie" y no al de "John" Valerie - "Bueno ahora solo tienes que ir a tu sal?n "Valerie", recuerda las reglas, finge ser yo hasta ma?ana, en el diario vendr?n instrucciones adicionales y adem?s respuestas a posibles dudas que te surjan, nos vemos ma?ana para tu evaluaci?n" Dicho esto Valerie paso a ir al sal?n que le correspond?a, el de John, dejando atr?s a John con una cara de incertidumbre y sin saber que le depara el d?a, John bajo de las escaleras, y procedi? a ir al sal?n que le indico Valerie, era su primera caminata como mujer y sab?a que Valerie atraer?a miradas, el solo sent?a que todo mundo lo observaba, pensando que lo ve?an como John pero usando ropa de mujer, aunque al pasar por un pasillo que ten?a un espejo pudo verse a s? mismo, una chica de estatura promedio, usando el uniforme que cualquier otra chica usaba, de cabello largo amarrado y con fleco, tra?a un maquillaje discreto o eso pensaba John porque pod?a distinguir peque?os trazos de maquillaje en su rostro, labios gruesos y con un poco de labial ?o era b?lsamo para labios? Hab?a muchas cosas que no sab?a de las mujeres, y el maquillaje era una de ellas. John prosigui? a su sal?n y al subir las escaleras pudo escuchar como unos chicos se re?an detr?s de ?l "?se reir?n de que subo las escaleras como hombre siendo chica? Debo tener cuidado de no ense?ar de m?s ahora que estoy usando falda " as? que John sigui? subiendo las escaleras pero ahora juntaba m?s las piernas y procuraba dar pasos un poco m?s peque?os como hab?a practicado, al llegar a su sal?n, corri? a buscar su lugar, encontr?ndolo r?pido detr?s de dos chicas, se sent? y busco el diario en el cual ven?an m?s instrucciones, esperaba que nadie le hablara durante la escuela pero tan pronto encontr? el diario fue saludado por un chico que se sent? en el pupitre de la izquierda. ?? - Hola Valerie, que tal tu receso, no te vi y te estuve buscando para platicar un rato John - Ah hola este estuve ocupada con un amigo hahahah lo siento "?C?mo se llamara este chico? ?Est? intentando conseguir una cita con Valerie? ?Conmigo? Es raro que un chico intente ligarme, ella debi? darme m?s detalles de su sal?n y sus compa?eros, ni siquiera es el nombre de alguno de sus amigos, bueno quiz?s si lo anoto en el diario pero necesito abrirlo sin que alguien me vea o seguro van a descubrir que no soy ella" pens? John ?? - "Un amigo eh, ?segura que no era un pretendiente? No quiero tener competencia para salir contigo". Dijo el chico mientras parec?a que ve?a a John de abajo para arriba sin cesar John - "Hablamos al rato si, ahorita estoy algo ocupado con algo y quiero apurarme, este... ?Cu?l era tu nombre? ?? - "?ocupado? Ocupada querr?s decir hahahahha y no puedo creer que hayas olvidado mi nombre, despu?s de que ayer te lo escrib?, Daniel ?recuerdas? John - Cierto, Daniel, que olvidadiza soy hahahhaha bueno Daniel hablamos al rato Daniel - Pero nada de salir corriendo como ayer eh, realmente me gustas y quiero salir contigo Valerie John solo asinti? con la cabeza sinti?ndose sumamente raro, nunca hab?a pasado por algo as?, se sent? como sonrojado, ?acaso le gustaba recibir coqueteo de alguien m?s? Esto es demasiado raro John prosigui?, saco la llave de su bolsillo y abri? el diario con cautela en su pupitre acerc?ndose un poco para ocultar lo que venga adentro, en la primera p?gina hab?a una portada que dec?a "Diario de Valerie", en la siguiente p?gina hab?a una que dec?a "Favor de no leer sin consentimiento o habr? un castigo divino" John al leer esto sinti? miedo, no sab?a si lo escribi? Valerie para alejar a las personas de leerlo o si era una amenaza real pues sabe que ella pudo intercambiar sus cuerpo, ?Sera una bruja acaso? John pas? las p?ginas hasta que encontr? las instrucciones que dec?an: Bueno hasta aqu? quiero compartir mi historia con ustedes, espero comenten lo que les pareci?, cualquier comentario es bien recibi?, me gustar?a mejorar y saber que piensan, s? que puede haber cosas que no entiendan pero hare lo mejor que pueda para explicarme mejor, pronto habr? una versi?n en ingl?s y esa quiero revisarla m?s a fondo ya que las cosas son diferentes all? y seguramente no entender?n algunas cosas, por eso tambi?n quise no ser tan especifico en algunas cosas como el colegio por ejemplo.

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3 years ago
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It Started With a Cup of CoffeeChapter 13

The next day, Tracy wasn't there to great David when he got to the store, and looking around, he actually grumbled. He'd gotten used to having his coffee there waiting for him when he showed up for work. He also suddenly realized that he missed seeing what Tracy was wearing, and he realized that he missed looking at her hot young body as well! "Fantasies," he told himself again. The hot young thing was always inspiring new fantasies. "Well if anyone else shows up, they'll just have to...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Haley Reed Natalie Knight Look What You Made Me Do

Natalie Knight and her friend Haley Reed are just hanging out gossiping with the added bonus that Natalie’s stepbrother, Brad Sterling, thinks they may be talking about him. The girls delight in taunting Brad as their whispered questions to one another get increasingly sexual – but not about him. When Brad has finally worn through their amusement, the girls decide to actually talk about him if that’s what he wants so badly. They ask him questions about his cock, which makes Brad so...

2 years ago
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Sex Addict 2

This is a true story about me growing up a pervert. Maybe many guys would not have taken advantage of the opportunities and the people like I did. I have no regrets. Lexi slipped off her little bikini top showing her flat chest and big nipples, then quickly pulling her bottom off exposing her bald pussy. ‘My boobs are not growing yet but nipples are!’ she laughed. ‘ Come on Annie show him your big boobs,’ Annie unhooked her top and slipped it off revealing her nice pert tits and large cone...

1 year ago
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Holiday Girl Chapters 1 2

Introduction: This is a story about a girls unexpected threesome. The sex starts in chapter 2. Leave a comment if you like it! Chapter 1 ————————————– Its Friday night. The night club is loud and dense and sweaty and the crowd flickers in and out of existence as the lights strobe around them. I can feel the fast-paced rumble of rap lyrics in my bones as the speakers rhythmically thunder with bass. LESS is the name of the club. Its the kind of place where half the girls arent wearing panties...

4 years ago
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New Girl on the Cheer Squad

The New Girl on the Cheer Squad By Julia Michelle Chapter 1 Owens's parents were out, as they usually were anymore. He was sitting at the Kitchen table, eating with his sister Megan and her friend Holly. "Owen, I don't know how else to tell you this," said his sister Megan in a solemn tone that caught his attention. "I have been talking to Holly and Cathy. And we decided that you should join the cheer squad." "What," Own said in disbelief. "That's fucking stupid. Only girls...

3 years ago
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Once you go black yoursquoll really want to do it a

Here is how I came to love and crave bbc! I’ve been with my husband for 25 years. About 10 years ago to spice things up a little we started looking at porn together and talking about different scenarios and what turns us on and really opening up sexually. We are both really turned on by white wives with blacks. He bought me my first black dildo and that was it - I loved it ! At the time it was huge for me. I loved being filled up so completely, it was like nothing I’d ever felt before... over...

1 year ago
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Chaddie Buddy8217s Elder Sister 8211 Part 2

Hello indian sex stories dot net Friends, I think it’s time to continue my experience from where we had stopped in the last part. Thanks to you all for such an overwhelming response. So coming back to the story. After our first love making session, we did not get a second chance early. Though we used to meet, we used to go for movies and lunch sessions but we could only have small kissing sessions in the movies. It had been around 6 months after our first session where we got a chance to get...

4 years ago
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Aunt Pussy Killed On Bed

Hi guys and this is Chandhan from Bangalore and this is my first story so please ignore me if any mistakes and your feedback is awaited any hot aunties, widowed ladies interested can contact me onto And a little about myself and I’m still 20 years old and I am doing ma 2nd UG in a reputed college and coming to the story. i used to stay in m uncles home,my uncle had a big firm he lived with his wife S and his daughter. He was my Dad’s Brother as I was week in accounts he used to teach me even...

4 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 539

Shortly after sunup the girls and I along with two little boys were walking on the beach. Then we spent two hours working on tans and helping the boys build sand castles. At 0930 we met the rest of the family in the clubhouse for breakfast. At 1030 we were going to meet with all the deep water employees and then back to the beach for the rest of the afternoon. Our meeting with the employees was an eye opener for us and them. There were a lot of questions and instructions given. Lorrie was...

2 years ago
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Living His Dream

As he sat outdoors and enjoyed the California sunshine – only 75°, mild for Los Angeles – Trace Winston didn’t have any regrets about moving from Toronto a decade earlier. It was likely about 45° there right now and would soon be colder, he had never liked winter. Trace was a very proud Canadian and always would be, but they could keep their winters. Trace was happy that his Science-Fiction writing had afforded him the opportunity to pack up & move to the West Coast shortly after his first...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Emma Hix Cum Before You Go

Bombshell Emma Hix takes the time to get herself nice and made up with a light touch that looks better than natural. Dressed in a bra and sheer booty shorts, she’s an enchanting sight for Zac Wild as he watches her do her thing. By the time Emma is done putting on her face, all Zac wants is to tumble her back into bed. Coming up behind Emma, Zac drops soft kisses on her neck and sensitive shoulders. When he finds her nice and pliantly willing, he continues his journey south. Kneeling, he...

2 years ago
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Momrsquos Used Cunt part 2

Here I am lying in my bed staring up at the ceiling thinking back to last night when I fucked my mom, when who should walk in to my bedroom but her. She had on her tee shirt, cum nightie and straight away, I noticed her braless tits pressed up against the thin material.Mom sat down on the bed“I know what you did last night” she said then crossed her legs slowly making sure I saw her do it.I started to turn red and I was getting prepared for a right good rollicking when I released she was...

2 years ago
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Wife went topless first time in her life

I wanted to share this true story of the first time my wife went topless on a beach. This happened in the summer of 2014.My wife and I live in London, but she is an American. We’ve been married for 5 years, and are very happy. We had lived in the USA for a few years, but are enjoying British life. Being in London gave us the chance to enjoy holidays in Europe. After much discussion, we had decided to go to the Canary Islands. The climate is great, and it would be a nice, relaxing holiday, which...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 342 The Angel Visits Memphis but not Graceland

Sunday, April 22, 2007 (Continued) I discussed my plans with the parents, especially Mom and Dad because they'd be taking the calls. Later that evening, I flew to Memphis, located a reporter typing up a story in his station's office. He was sitting within twenty four feet of the exterior wall, which made it even easier for me to type. During a pause in his typing, I machine-gunned, "Grab your phone, tape recorder and camera. Come to the roof for an interview you'll love." I repeated it...

3 years ago
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Bondage and spanking anal sex and attempted rape

I stood outside the cabin and watched a trio of Canadian Geese ducking for grubs or whatever it is that Canadian geese duck for. They foraged in the scrub grass right at the edge of the woods, keeping a watchful eye on their watcher. One of them honked and I honked back, feeling not the least bit foolish. The sunlight was brilliant, with not a cloud in the blue sky, and there was nothing but the fresh mountain air and the scent of pine. No pollution or the people who cause it. We were...

2 years ago
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Not A Virgin Anymore

Hello friends mera name mayank he and me haryana ka rehne walla hu main kafi time se ISS par stories padh rha hu especially insect. Bhut enjoy bhi kiya, but jab bhi main stories padhta tha to mera man bhi kerta tha ke Main bhi apni sister ke sath sex kru aur ye incident abhi kuch din purana h dosto main apne bare me bta du main 3rd yr ka student hu aur meri umer 20 sal h dikhne me average handsome mera land 6.5 inch ka he aur chut ka bhut bda shokin hu. Ye incident mera aur meri mama ki...

2 years ago
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The Ultimate Incest part 3

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, I am Yash. I am 23 living in Pune. My email address is Send your feedbacks and I will keep on writing the stories. I am a horny man, so any girl, aunty can contact me. I have my own place. I especially love divorced aunties. Divorced aunties can message from anywhere in India. This is the third part of the series. Let’s recap a little. I seduced my mother and we had wonderful sex. Now, in this part is about our vacation in Goa. I joined a company in Pune...

2 years ago
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Sailors in Silk Chapter 6B

Sailors in Silk, Chapter 6B - By: Beverly Taff (With Acknowledgements to Cleo Marie, UK.) Character List. Madeline. Myself. Elizabeth. My lesbian companion. Azure Our erstwhile Moorish Medicine woman. Najanga African Princess (Rescued Slave). Ongola Rescued African Slave Obengi " " " Axetl Amazonian female shaman Trysta Rescued Cornish Bondswoman Sally Rescued African slave, Trysta's companion N.B. 'Tipping the velvet' is an old Georgian/Victorian...

4 years ago
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car session

After my wife gave birth her pussy was hotter and tighter than ever and her sex drive was higher than it had ever been. I was working lots and her dirty texts that she’s send me all day would make me massively hard and super horny. It became ritual for her to time our newborn’s naps so that she’d be ready for my dick the moment I got home. Often times I’d find her toying her pussy in front of our bedroom mirror, or on all fours fingering herself, expecting me to walk in and dive into her cunt...

2 years ago
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A Genny Story The Strapon

  A Genny Story…The Strap-On This is nearly a compleatly true story. It is my first attempt at submitting any of my adventures, but I have been sharing them with friends on line for a couple of years. I hope you enjoy this, and I promise to try to send some more. I am Genny Just after Melly and I moved in together, I came home one morning and found a strap-on dildo still in the box, sitting on Melly’s dresser. I was going to leave it alone but my curosity got the best of me. I took it out to...

3 years ago
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First Time fantasy

We started to go away at weekends, we went to Nottingham booked into a hotel on the Friday, but on the Saturday , we decided to go on a all day drinking session.We started at about midday, at 8pm we were both a bit drunk and went into a bar it was really full, but we need to sit down, we got our drinks ad looked for a seat.We noticed one guy sitting on his own at a table and asked if he minded us sitting there, he said "No, he didn't", so we sat down and and began to chat, we soon engaged him...

2 years ago
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Friday Night

So you some of you boys liked that little story you read in my profile well here is one you real love also. So Friday night i was stuck in SoCa. I'd was really feeling horny all day being I spent the day with two hot studs and my hubby was not there. So late that night after talking on the phone with my hubby when I got back to my hotel room I thought I’d have to do something about it!! So I'm dressed in my little skintight black mini dress and it just covers my ass and my tits are holding the...

4 years ago
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Small Opposites Part Three The Finale

He did not even have to guide his small erection into her tiny opening by hand. His aim was perfect and he felt the head of his hardness slowly pierce her pink cavity. He felt the warmth on the head as it sunk into soft suppleness. She sighed heavily as she felt the tip inside her opening as well. He did not go all the way inside her yet. He took one of his hands and began caressing her hard right nipple, all the while letting the head of his small erection linger just inside her vaginal...

2 years ago
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Bad Luck Betty

Bad Luck Betty is exactly how she sounds. She's a clumsy girl who is not on the side of Lady Luck as she often finds herself in humiliating, unexpected, uninvoked scenarios. She's 21 years old. She has small boobs, a small butt, long light auburn hair and gray eyes as well as light freckles that dot her face. But what will her scenario be?

3 years ago
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Back at the beginnings of European history, before the great druids of old, back when Stonehenge and the other circles were being erected the power and civilizations of the dwarves were coming to an end. The civilizations of man were spreading and cultivating the wildernesses of Europe. Farms and villages were being carved out of the great forests that blanketed the continent and its surrounding islands. Eighteen hundred years before Christ walked the earth there lived a dwarf named Leapekin in...

2 years ago
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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 34

“You can still walk!” he complained when I opened the door. “Very cute. It’s my shoulder that’s the problem,” I said dryly, “not my hips.” “Your shoulder looks good. Not perfect yet, but it’s healing up nicely. Better than I expected, to be honest. Let’s work it out, push it some and see how you feel,” he suggested and we went out to the clinic where he pushed me a lot harder than he had before. By the time we were done, I was in a lot of pain, but I also felt like we were making big...

2 years ago
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Madiha got blacked

Madiha is a newbie Pakistani actress. She is struggling to build up her career. She is extremely hot and beautiful but not a very good actress. she is offered a role in a below budget movie that will be filmed in Mexico. The team went there and got eventually bankrupted and could not manage to get back. The team left her there and she got into further trouble by getting accidentally mixed with a smuggling group and got arrested. But one of the junior constable listened to her and offered her to...

2 years ago
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Some Hot Morning

I’m in front of the large mirror when you enter the bathroom dressed in just your boxers, your hair ruffled from sleep. The air is heavy from my shower a few minutes ago, with a hint of fragrant steam still lingering. I’m stood in my bra and panties, letting a richly scented body oil sink into my skin before I dress for work.My matching underwear is pale pink, the soft, lace-trimmed satin fabric chosen for the sensuous feel against my skin. My long, blonde hair is dried in soft waves and rests...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Facebook Virgin Friend Losing Her Virginity 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, I am 35 m from Delhi, who travel across India for work and pleasure along. I have been a reader of this site for more how long myself don’t know, I am a horny single guy (yes not married yet) and been having fun from 18 years age, experience do counts hehe, no I ain’t a tom cruise I am a normal Punjabi Indian men heavy built with average tool who loves to satisfy his partner to core, love giving and getting oral fun, experiments with food items etc. I am inn for online, phone sex,...

1 year ago
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A Good Night

Coming into the room, I look around and notice several things at once. The lights are low, there are several candles burning. A black leather whip is laid out on the table, along with a set of black leather cuffs. There are scarves tied to the bed. I hear you in the bathroom. The shower is going and you have no idea I’m watching you bathe. Watching the soft soap slide down your body, your fingers going up and over your chest and neck, back down your stomach and over your thighs, has me so hot...

1 year ago
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Private Gina Varney Enjoys Phenomenal DP Threesome

The stunning Gina Varney is next up as one of our Sexy British Babes and after a long afternoon of shopping, she’s headed back home to her boyfriend who has a threesome surprise in store. The cocks of Raylan Franco and Chris Cobalt await and Gina wastes no time getting the fun started started as she bends over and warms up with a couple of deepthroat blowjobs. Then watch the rest of the action unfold on as this sexy babe offers up her pussy and ass for an incredible anal and DP...

3 years ago
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nonconsensual fun

I had fantasised about watching you being used by other men many times, it had become an obsession almost. In role-play and sex games it had come up time and again and I knew you also wanted it, but always pulled back as you were afraid of losing control and not being able to stop. The idea of you as an all out cock whore may seem laughable but I knew that once you began down that road you would not be able to stop. The idea to turn fantasy into action came via an online chat room. We had...

4 years ago
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Kinky Housekeeper

I had been out of work for quite a while, and money was running short. So, since I was getting a little desperate, I was calling about just any job in the paper. There was one that said just “houskeeper wanted, fair pay, flexible hours” with a phone number. I decided to call, even though I didn’t really like house work, and arranged an interview the next day. I arrived at the appointed time, and was greeted at the door by an older man, perhaps about fifty, (as opposed to my...

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Making the Grade Michelle

I sat in my office going through my lecture notes just prior to heading off to the classroom at our local community college. I was in a good mood and looking forward to spending a Friday night with some fellow “horn-dogs” at a local strip joint called “Babes”.My wife and I had split up months earlier, because she and I just didn’t see eye to eye on things and I was feeling a bot down because I hadn’t been out of the apartment in months, closeting myself away from the world. Then, one of my...

3 years ago
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Lunch time snack with friends

I went to the gloryhole in Newport a few weeks ago. I had planned to get there around lunch time because that’s usually when there are several guys in the arcade. This day there was only one car in the lot. I got to the booth I like and fed the machine, unzipped my pants and started stroking my cock. I was watching a bi movie and after several minutes I heard the door close in the next booth. I looked thru the hole and saw a guy feeding the machine. I couldn’t see his face. I stood up just in...

3 years ago
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The Queen of the Office LoPR Part V

The Queen of the Office Anwyn couldn't believe it. She had only been engaged for a single day and she was already arguing with her fianc? Anthony. "What the hell do you want with this?" She pointed at the mask of her own face that was in her hand. "You have one of me," Anthony evaded. He was still dressed as Angela in a sexy angel outfit with a pair of wings, a halo and white heels. "That's not the point. Why do you want to look like me? I checked the suit and it was made for a m...

3 years ago
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Brushing Moms HairChapter 2

I didn’t avoid Mom the next day. Not on your life. At breakfast and dinner I tried to send private messages to Mom through meaningful glances but she was oblivious to every one. Not once did I receive an acknowledgement of any kind. Mom didn’t flash me a secret smile or glance, or avert her eyes in sudden discomfort upon interpreting an uncomfortable signal. She was the same mother I had known every day of my life. I hadn’t known what to expect. At first, I was apprehensive because I thought...

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Sylvias mom part 4

When I got back to Sheila's house that evening, she greeted me at door. She had a towel wrapped around her which barely covered her nipples and hung just to the top of her thighs. It was obvious that she had no intention of wasting time with clothing. She was like an alley cat in heat or a crazed tigress as she dragged me into the house. She was tearing at my clothes almost ripping them shreds to get them off of me. She didn't even bother trying to make it to the bedroom. She knew exactly what...

2 years ago
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My story is about the start of my transition to a woman and finding the perfect guy

This story started a couple of years ago, or should I say it all started 40 years ago when I was young. It seems I have always enjoyed dressing in women’s clothes. I have been a closet cross dresser for most of my life, starting with dressing in my mother’s, sister’s, aunts, friends, etc. underwear then my wife’s and at any opportunity pinching other women’s underwear when the opportunity arose, then wearing them under my regular clothes. Recently I bought a video...

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Beas PonyChapter 3

It was in the middle of the day. I was seated at a vanity in Helen's bedroom brushing my hair. I hadn't had a good chance to brush it out since arriving, and the brisk strokes tugging at my scalp felt good. My hair was longer than it had been in years, the thick brown tresses reaching down to just below my shoulder blades. It seemed like an awful lot of hair as I watched it move with my head in the mirror. I picked the mass up with both hands and held it atop my head for an instant. The...

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Moms best friend

I was 13 and my Mom’s best friend Terri had recently walked out on her husband after finding out he was cheating on her. Terri at the time was 46 years old and very attractive (to me at least) for her age, red hair with some gray, about 5’6” tall, she was a large lady but not nasty large I guess a small BBW would be a good description of her. She had a nice round booty and big tits DD or DDD depending on which one of her bras I checked out. Terri came to stay with us for about a month...

3 years ago
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My best friend visits home

Sara and I were college mates five years back and we were best friends and classmates as well. We used to sit on the same bench, eat food, roam around, gossip and have fun together. The college was jealous of watching our intimacy. We were best friends, that is what I knew about our relationship and nothing more, although I didn't know what was going on in her mind.I had a good job and settled in my hometown, but I had lost contact with Sara. We hardly talked to each other, now that she was...

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Bimbo Ch 03

‘What’s wrong? Why am I only meeting weirdos?’ ‘You just had bad luck, that’s all,’ Sam comforts her. ‘Everyone knows you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince.’ ‘What if all you’re kissing are a bunch of pigs?’ Ellenor moans. ‘Oh, that’s not fair! That hunk wasn’t a pig, he just had a very small dick!’ ‘AND he was a bad kisser,’ she points out. ‘What do you care, if it’s only a One Night Stand?’ She looks at him sternly. ‘I deserve good quality fucking EVERY time,’ she...

1 year ago
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Desperate for some TLC not

Releasing his cock from my mouth, he yanks my head back by the hair which he had been forcing my mouth down on his rock hard cock with and explodes on my face and surrounding areas, some of it actually gets in my mouth which is gasping for air. Just when I think it’s all over and this pillaging of my mouth has seized, he stands up and leans back against the wall, pulling me along with him, by the hair, I’m on my knees and he then forces me against the wall and my head cracks hard against it,...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Getting more than even

Harry Beardsley thought of himself as a great practical joker. One day he put a vibrator with a remote control in Ms. Sally Speaker's purse just before a meeting with managers of the corporation that they both worked for. Harry considered Sally fair game, she was a very conservative proper executive. At the meeting Sally stood up and gave a very professional report about her team brainstorming the latest techniques of the companies computer system. About half way through her boring speech I...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 19

It was getting close to mid-day the following day, when Therese first caught a glimpse of the coast of France. The confirmation of seeing it made her heart jump with excitement. The entire trip was made in thought and now it held in her heart, if those thoughts would come to pass. The hazy line of mist finally gave way to the coastal splendour of St. Brieuc, the same place she left from in misery, but now returning to in joy. Even the brightly painted buildings took on a cheerier complexion. ...

2 years ago
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To Whom It May ConcernChapter 5 Techno Magi

Eleric floated in a lotus position, his eyes closed as he focused his energies through the circle and into their leader Zoe Long. The group was attempting to discover the source of the unusual disturbance that had affected them all. They were having difficulties however; one of their number and their main clairvoyant had not arrived. Eleric continued to concentrate on the flow of energies, guiding the energy of his fellow members, controlling the ebb and flow, ensuring that Zoe was able to...

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WTF Highs School Defense Force

Windroy Twelve Forrest Secondary School was just your average public high school.  Well... on the outside, anyway.  Although it was over a hundred years old, the school building looked very modern and was up-to-date in terms of school equipment and such.  At present, it had over 50 classrooms and around 900 students.  The computer-labs had the latest computer models and used the Linux OS.  The gymnasium had the latest in training equipment and the library took up two floors.In the year 2XXX, it...

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