Intercambiando Cuerpos free porn video

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Intercambiando cuerpos con una compa?era Esta historia se centra en John, un joven de 18 a?os a punto de entrar a la universidad, a unos meses de empezar la universidad su vida cambia totalmente, sin saber qu? es lo que le depara el futuro el solo puede dar lo mejor de s? y esperar que su vida no empeore. Es lunes por la ma?ana, John se alista para ir a su primer d?a en el ?ltimo grado de la escuela, el solo piensa en que pronto dejara esa horrible escuela y podr? escoger una buena universidad a la cual ir donde podr? estudiar lo que quiera sin que sus padres lo obliguen, ?l sabe que sus padres solo quieren lo mejor para ?l y por eso le han controlado su vida hasta ahora, aun as? ?l quiere un poco m?s de libertad, no es que odie a sus padres pero si desea m?s libertad. Son las 7 de la ma?ana y John va entrando a la escuela, es una escuela p?blica por lo cual todos los estudiantes llevan un uniforme de pantal?n gris, camisa blanca y su?ter azul marino y zapatos negros para los chicos, mientras que las chicas deben llevar falda gris, zapatos negros, camisa blanca y su?ter azul marino aunque hay algunas chicas que suelen llevar calcetas arriba de la rodilla, otras llevan pantimedias azul marino o negras, no est? permitido pero las autoridades escolares hacen caso omiso de esta violaci?n a las reglas. John sab?a que su primer d?a iba a ser aburrido porque siempre son clases donde todo mundo se presenta, los profesores explican el m?todo de dar clases y proceden a retirarse as? que no iba con expectativas altas. Despu?s de su primer clase John pudo ver que todos en su sal?n eran desconocidos para ?l, todos ya ten?an un grupo de amigos con el que conversar y ?l era el ?nico aislado, ?l pens? que as? ser?a mejor puesto que era el ?ltimo grado y no quer?a involucrarse con alguien de esa escuela porque no era la mejor que hab?a, solo iba ah? porque le quedaba cerca de casa y as? pod?a ir sin mucho esfuerzo y sus padres podr?an estar m?s al pendiente de ?l, as? que no se esforzar?a por hacer amistades, ya tiene unos cuantos amigos de sus grados pasados y podr?a verlos en el receso que es despu?s de la segunda clase. Al iniciar la segunda clase, la profesora pide que todos escriban en una hoja su nombre y lo que les gusta de la materia (historia pfff) John termina r?pido as? que pide permiso para ir al ba?o, piensa en lo que comprara para comer en el receso cuando se encuentra con una chica en el pasillo, ella es una chica un poco m?s baja que el (John mide 1.75) va vestida con el uniforme normal de la escuela excepto que trae pantimedias negras y zapatos escolares tipo flats, ella es de cuerpo delgado, con pechos algo grandes, piernas ni delgadas ni muy anchas sino que estilizadas y contorneadas, pies peque?os al igual que sus manos, que se pod?a ver ten?an los dedos delgados y finos, algo alargados pero nada fuera de lo normal en una chica, se pod?a ver su figura de reloj de arena a pesar del su?ter algo holgado que tra?a puesto y por ?ltimo su cabello largo era le llegaba hasta el pecho y su estilo de peinado era de flequillo, muy popular entre las chicas j?venes. Al bajar las escaleras los dos juntos la chica hablo y le dijo: ??-"la escuela es aburrida los primeros d?as ?no?" John -"Bastante, espero pronto suceda una huelga o algo que haga m?s emocionante el venir" ??-"hahahha eso ser?a bueno, me llamo Valerie y ?tu?" John -"John, soy del 6101 (as? clasificaban a los grupos de la escuela) ?y t??" Valerie -"yo del 4102, eres de ?ltimo semestre por lo que veo, ?emocionado de salir de aqu??" John - "Si bastante, ya s? a qu? universidad quiero ir, solo espero terminar este semestre y por fin poder estudiar lo que realmente me gusta, Ingenier?a en alimentos" Valerie - "Suena a que ya no aguantas venir a la escuela hahahaha " John - "Realmente no, no aguantar?a otro a?o aqu?, espero tu ?ltimo a?o aqu? lo pases bien Valerie" Valerie - "Tengo el presentimiento que este ser? un a?o divertido para mi John, dime, ?qu? es lo que menos te gusta de estar en esta escuela? John - "Pues todo, los profesores no tienen motivaci?n para ense?ar, los otros estudiantes se ve que nada m?s vienen a perder el tiempo y se molestan al ver que alguien no les sigue la corriente" Valerie - "Te hacen bullyng por ser buen estudiante hahahahah suena a que te tienen envidia o tu eres muy eg?latra" John - "?No lo soy! ?Acaso t? tambi?n vienes a perder el tiempo y no tomar enserio las clases y tu futuro?" Valerie - "Por supuesto que me preocupo por mi futuro, pero no por eso dejo de divertirme, no es tan dif?cil hacer las dos cosas John, deber?as intentarlo" John - "No es tan f?cil, adem?s, aqu? no hay gente con la que valga la pena salir y divertirse, solo idiotas" Valerie - "Creo que tenemos conceptos diferentes de diversi?n hahahaha" Para este momento, ya hab?an pasado unos diez minutos y un rector nos vio platicando en el pasillo y nos llam? la atenci?n por estar fuera de clases por lo que cada quien se fue por su lado, entonces John regreso a su sal?n y la profesora ya estaba empezando a pasar alumno por alumno por lo que paso a sentarse y solo pudo pensar en lo que le dijo Valerie, ?divertirse y ser responsable es f?cil? Seguro es porque es mujer y las cosas le llegan f?cil a ella, era guapa, por lo que de seguro tenia a alguien que le hacia la tarea por ella o quien le ayudara con trabajos de la escuela, si, seguro ha de ser eso, si yo fuera alguien as? como ella, todo lo podr?a obtener f?cil, tendr?a a medio sal?n queriendo salir conmigo y ofreci?ndose a hacer mi tarea. Durante todo el d?a solo pudo pensar en lo que hablo con Valerie, intento buscarla en el receso pero no pudo localizarla, sus amigos de otros semestres parece que ya hab?an hecho amistades y ?l no quer?a interrumpirles, as? que solo los saludo de lejos y ?l se qued? afuera de su sal?n sentado, al llegar a su casa procedi? a hacer la poca tarea que le hab?an dejado, comi? solo puesto que sus padres trabajan durante el d?a y solo lo puede ver en las noches y en las ma?anas, de ah? solo se puso a jugar en la computadora hasta que diera la hora de dormir. Al siguiente d?a todo transcurri? normal, las primeras dos clases fueron igual que el d?a anterior puesto que esas solo le tocaban el martes, as? que cuando llego la hora del receso solo quer?a caminar sin rumbo para estirar las piernas, cuando sali? al patio se encontr? con Valerie, ella iba vestida igual que ayer, solo que ahora ten?a el cabello recogido, parec?a un peinado de cebolla o tomate si lo ves con imaginaci?n, en fin, esta se aproxim? a John y le dijo Valerie - "John! Qu? bueno que te veo, quer?a hablar contigo ?puedes?" John - "Hola Valerie, claro dime ?de que quer?as hablar?" Valerie - "Aqu? no, vamos a un lugar m?s solo ?s??" John - "Ehhh est? bien" John solo pensaba en que esta chica le quer?a pedir que fuera su novio, lo hab?a visto miles de veces, las chicas llevan a los chicos a lugares solitarios para pedirles salir juntos, solo que John sab?a que ?l no era tan guapo como para salir con alguien como Valerie, ni sab?a porque hab?a llegado a querer ella salir con el puesto que solo hablaron unos minutos ayer ?Tal vez quer?a usarlo para que le hiciera todos sus proyectos y tareas de la escuela? De ninguna manera aceptar?a que alguien lo usara as?, por lo que pens? que en cuanto ella le dijera eso ?l le dir?a que est? saliendo con alguien y que no pod?a, si eso har?a. Aunque al mismo tiempo pensaba que si sal?a con ella los dem?s pensar?an que es una clase de s?per chico en secreto y eso har?a que lo respetasen o que lo consideren alguien muy bueno para ligar para salir con alguien como Valerie, todo eso cruzaba la mente de John de camino a unas escaleras cerca de la direcci?n general, ah? nadie pasaba porque cre?an que en cualquier momento podr?a salir el director y rega?arlos, al llegar, Valerie le extendi? la mano y le dio una peque?a caja y le pidi? que cerrara los ojos. John cre?a que en la caja hab?a algo para responder si o no dependiendo de su pregunta de salir juntos que ?l pensaba le iba a hacer, pero lo que le pidi? no lo esperaba. Valerie - "Necesito que sostengas la caja con una mano y con la otra tomes mi mano y no la sueltes hasta que te diga vale" John confundido por su pedido acepta y procede a sostener la caja con la mano derecha y con la izquierda toma la mano de Valerie, al sostener su mano de Valerie noto que hab?a como un peque?o celular o un iPod, no estaba seguro pero no le pregunto, solo la sigui? sosteniendo, fue algo dif?cil ya que ten?a los ojos cerrados pero lo logro, ?l pens? que era la forma m?s rara que alguien pod?a haber escogido para pedirle salir, escuchaba que Valerie murmuraba algo, crey? que estaba practicando el c?mo decirle que salieran juntos, de repente sinti? que todo estaba temblando, intento abrir los ojos pero no pod?a, ?l no pod?a moverse, sinti? miedo y p?nico, crey? que Valerie le estaba haciendo algo, no sab?a que cosa era pero s? que algo le hac?a, de pronto todo se calm? y pudo abrir los ojos y lo primero que vio fue a s? mismo, espantado dio un paso atr?s y se tropez?, algo andaba mal con su cuerpo, se sent?a diferente, como si tuviera un peso encima de su pecho que lo hace tropezar, al recuperarse del tropiezo tuvo que mirar forzosamente hacia abajo, vio sus pies, no eran los suyos, eran los peque?os pies de Valerie, estaba usando sus flats y sus piernas estaban usando pantimedias, tra?a falda y pod?a notar su busto sobresaliendo. John - "??Que paso?! ?Mi voz? Porque suena como la tuya, bueno como yo, como Valerie, ???qu? me hiciste??!" Valerie - "Tranquilo John, solo intercambie nuestras mentes, pens? sobre lo que dijiste ayer y bueno, yo he estado buscando con quien intercambiar vidas por un rato y experimentar el otro lado, te eleg? porque confi? en que no har?s nada est?pido, tienes un futuro planeado y no quieres arruinarlo haciendo algo tonto mientras estas en mi cuerpo, aun as? me tome una peque?a medida de seguridad por si hac?as algo imprudente mientras estabas en mi cuerpo" Valerie procede a abrir la caja y adentro estaba un peque?o controlador, lo oprime y John siente en su entrepierna una fuerte vibraci?n lo que hace que se retuerza, no puede creer lo intenso que siente, es como si alguien agarrara su miembro y le pusiera un celular vibrando de la nada, es tan intenso que apenas y puedes hablar, apoyando su mano de un barandal de la escalera se da cuenta que esta chica est? loca, lo tiene a su merced pues si hace algo solo le basta oprimir un bot?n y el no podr? defenderse, baja sus manos donde est? la falda y no encuentra nada, su entrepierna esta vac?a, lo que hace que vibre su interior debe estar por dentro pero no puede encontrarlo con las manos, las pantimedias le impiden meter sus manos dentro de las bragas y buscar. Valerie deja de oprimir el bot?n y la sensaci?n se va desvaneciendo, pronto John se puede parar normal pero sus piernas siguen temblando. John - "?Qu? diablos fue eso? ??Te metiste un vibrador?? ??Tengo un vibrador?? ??Dios que diablos eres t??!" Valerie - "Ya te dije que solo quiero probar este lado de la vida por un rato, solo haz lo que te digo y eventualmente tendr?s tu vida de regreso" John - "?C?mo estas tan segura que nadie se va a dar cuenta que cambiamos? No s? nada sobre ti, ni tus amigos, ni como act?as ni tus clases, nada" Valerie - "?Crees que esto lo planee de la noche a la ma?ana? Llevo todas las vacaciones pensando en esto, todo est? planeado, cuando regreses a mi sal?n, habr? un cuaderno con todos los detalles que necesitas saber para fingir ser yo, al menos hasta ma?ana cuando vea tu nivel de compromiso con esto, de ah? veremos que procede, si te portas bien, todo ser? diversi?n para los dos, de lo contrario solo yo me divertir? John, vamos, ?no quieres eso verdad?" Termina diciendo esto apuntando al control del vibrador que ten?a John dentro de si John - "Mira yo tambi?n puedo arruinar tu vida, soy tu y puedo hacer muchas cosas para arruinarla" Valerie - "Claro que puedes arruinar mi vida, pero en este momento es tu vida y si no quieres arruinarla y vivirla por siempre no lo har?s" John sabe que ella tiene raz?n, tiene las de ganar, aparte de que no tiene idea de c?mo volver a su cuerpo, solo ella sabe que es lo que hizo y como revertirlo, por ahora solo le queda obedecer y seguir el juego aunque no quiera Valerie - "Habiendo aclarado eso, por ahora solo te ense?are como moverte, parece que aun tienes el caminar de hombre y no te has acostumbrado a al peso de mi pecho, as? que camina de esta forma" Valerie entonces procede a ense?arle a John como caminar y expresarse, tuvo que ser breve y concisa pues el receso solo duraba media hora y ya iban por los quince minutos. John al caminar no pod?a dejar de sentir su pecho, como rebotaba, en especial al subir y bajar escaleras, sus piernas las sent?a desnudas por la falda a pesar de traer pantimedias, era una sensaci?n rara, el nylon lo hac?a sentir protegido y descubierto al mismo tiempo, sent?a una leve presi?n en su pecho por el sujetador que ahora portaba, su entrepierna se sent?a vac?a, y adem?s pod?a sentir como se mov?a el vibrador dentro de ?l, no lo sent?a como algo molesto, si no cuando se mov?a muy r?pido, pod?a sentir como este se mov?a en su interior. Fue dif?cil para John pero pudo hacer que su caminar se viera normal, sus expresiones lo delataban un poco pero si se manten?a callado pod?a pasar el d?a sin problema. La ropa ajustada le parec?a molesto, cre?a que lo que Valerie usaba no era de su talla aunque esta le quedara normal, no se sent?a del todo normal para ?l. Justo antes de terminar el receso Valerie le explica a John cu?l era su sal?n, un edificio a lado de donde John tomaba clases, primer piso, se sentaba justo en medio del sal?n, tres filas a su derecha y tres filas a su izquierda, tres bancas en frente de ?l y la suya era la cuarta, justo donde hab?a una mochila rosada, dentro de la mochila hab?a un diario con llave donde ven?an instrucciones sobre qu? es lo que ten?a que hacer, Valerie le dio una llave que saco de su propio su?ter, esa llave abr?a el diario. John segu?a sin comprender del todo como pudo terminar as? en su segundo d?a de clases, ahora tendr?a que pretender ser una chica que no conoce y vivir as?, si bien le excitaba un poco la idea de poder fingir ser una chica y vivir como una, no le agradaba la idea de vivir una vida que no conoc?a, ?Qu? tal si el padre de Valerie la maltrata? O si vive en un lugar feo, tiene alg?n trastorno o algo, ?si solo intercambiamos mentes eso quiere decir que todos sus trastornos f?sicos los voy a padecer? Sera mejor preguntarle de una buena vez John - "Oye ?tienes alg?n trastorno o enfermedad de la que deba saber? ?Asm?tica o bul?mica quiz?? ?Necesito tomar medicina? Valerie - "Bueno no s? si esto es a lo que te refieres pero tengo una adicci?n a la masturbaci?n, o quiz?s soy ninf?mana, pero no s? si cuente como trastorno f?sico o solo lo tenga en la mente, supongo que lo averiguaremos ?no John? Adem?s mi periodo comienza en dos semanas, deber?s prepararte para eso" John - "?Periodo? No tengo ganas de saber m?s de eso ahorita, apenas estoy procesando el que tengo una vagina, adem?s de que puedo sentir el vibrador dentro de m?, algo que nunca hab?a sentido y no sab?a que pod?a sentir, al menos no en mi viejo cuerpo, aparte este peso en mi pecho no deja de molestarme, ?C?mo puedes vivir e ignorarlo? Parece imposible ya que puedo sentir su rebotar con cada paso" Valerie - "Bueno eso es f?cil cuando te acostumbras, ya ni le tomas importancia y solo lo das por sentado como algo m?s de tu vida, yo tambi?n siento diferente tu cuerpo, tan fuerte y sin problemas de equilibrio al moverse, es fant?stico, aunque la entrepierna s? que es molesta, no puedo caminar sin tener que tener mis piernas un poco separadas" John - "Para m? siempre ha sido normal el caminar as?, ahora siento que mis piernas se van autom?ticamente al centro, supongo que es porque ahora no tengo nada ah?, mis pies tambi?n los siento m?s peque?os y fr?giles tan-.. Justo en ese momento son? la campana anunciando que se hab?a acabado el receso, John sinti? p?nico pues sab?a que ahora deb?a actuar como una chica y responder al nombre de "Valerie" y no al de "John" Valerie - "Bueno ahora solo tienes que ir a tu sal?n "Valerie", recuerda las reglas, finge ser yo hasta ma?ana, en el diario vendr?n instrucciones adicionales y adem?s respuestas a posibles dudas que te surjan, nos vemos ma?ana para tu evaluaci?n" Dicho esto Valerie paso a ir al sal?n que le correspond?a, el de John, dejando atr?s a John con una cara de incertidumbre y sin saber que le depara el d?a, John bajo de las escaleras, y procedi? a ir al sal?n que le indico Valerie, era su primera caminata como mujer y sab?a que Valerie atraer?a miradas, el solo sent?a que todo mundo lo observaba, pensando que lo ve?an como John pero usando ropa de mujer, aunque al pasar por un pasillo que ten?a un espejo pudo verse a s? mismo, una chica de estatura promedio, usando el uniforme que cualquier otra chica usaba, de cabello largo amarrado y con fleco, tra?a un maquillaje discreto o eso pensaba John porque pod?a distinguir peque?os trazos de maquillaje en su rostro, labios gruesos y con un poco de labial ?o era b?lsamo para labios? Hab?a muchas cosas que no sab?a de las mujeres, y el maquillaje era una de ellas. John prosigui? a su sal?n y al subir las escaleras pudo escuchar como unos chicos se re?an detr?s de ?l "?se reir?n de que subo las escaleras como hombre siendo chica? Debo tener cuidado de no ense?ar de m?s ahora que estoy usando falda " as? que John sigui? subiendo las escaleras pero ahora juntaba m?s las piernas y procuraba dar pasos un poco m?s peque?os como hab?a practicado, al llegar a su sal?n, corri? a buscar su lugar, encontr?ndolo r?pido detr?s de dos chicas, se sent? y busco el diario en el cual ven?an m?s instrucciones, esperaba que nadie le hablara durante la escuela pero tan pronto encontr? el diario fue saludado por un chico que se sent? en el pupitre de la izquierda. ?? - Hola Valerie, que tal tu receso, no te vi y te estuve buscando para platicar un rato John - Ah hola este estuve ocupada con un amigo hahahah lo siento "?C?mo se llamara este chico? ?Est? intentando conseguir una cita con Valerie? ?Conmigo? Es raro que un chico intente ligarme, ella debi? darme m?s detalles de su sal?n y sus compa?eros, ni siquiera es el nombre de alguno de sus amigos, bueno quiz?s si lo anoto en el diario pero necesito abrirlo sin que alguien me vea o seguro van a descubrir que no soy ella" pens? John ?? - "Un amigo eh, ?segura que no era un pretendiente? No quiero tener competencia para salir contigo". Dijo el chico mientras parec?a que ve?a a John de abajo para arriba sin cesar John - "Hablamos al rato si, ahorita estoy algo ocupado con algo y quiero apurarme, este... ?Cu?l era tu nombre? ?? - "?ocupado? Ocupada querr?s decir hahahahha y no puedo creer que hayas olvidado mi nombre, despu?s de que ayer te lo escrib?, Daniel ?recuerdas? John - Cierto, Daniel, que olvidadiza soy hahahhaha bueno Daniel hablamos al rato Daniel - Pero nada de salir corriendo como ayer eh, realmente me gustas y quiero salir contigo Valerie John solo asinti? con la cabeza sinti?ndose sumamente raro, nunca hab?a pasado por algo as?, se sent? como sonrojado, ?acaso le gustaba recibir coqueteo de alguien m?s? Esto es demasiado raro John prosigui?, saco la llave de su bolsillo y abri? el diario con cautela en su pupitre acerc?ndose un poco para ocultar lo que venga adentro, en la primera p?gina hab?a una portada que dec?a "Diario de Valerie", en la siguiente p?gina hab?a una que dec?a "Favor de no leer sin consentimiento o habr? un castigo divino" John al leer esto sinti? miedo, no sab?a si lo escribi? Valerie para alejar a las personas de leerlo o si era una amenaza real pues sabe que ella pudo intercambiar sus cuerpo, ?Sera una bruja acaso? John pas? las p?ginas hasta que encontr? las instrucciones que dec?an: Bueno hasta aqu? quiero compartir mi historia con ustedes, espero comenten lo que les pareci?, cualquier comentario es bien recibi?, me gustar?a mejorar y saber que piensan, s? que puede haber cosas que no entiendan pero hare lo mejor que pueda para explicarme mejor, pronto habr? una versi?n en ingl?s y esa quiero revisarla m?s a fondo ya que las cosas son diferentes all? y seguramente no entender?n algunas cosas, por eso tambi?n quise no ser tan especifico en algunas cosas como el colegio por ejemplo.

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Seamus was rather surprised to find that Julio had not been killed by Rocky, when he arrived back at the place where he had left Rachel and his mother. Rachel was quietly taunting the thug by commenting that Rocky had literally scared the shit out of him. He wasn't sure how she had gotten back down the hill but when she put the flip-flops on and started to walk, Rocky snarled at Julio and, between the dog and his mother, they frog marched him back to the cabin. It would have been easier,...

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LoveHerFeet Nia Nacci My Party Hook Up

I was at my girlfriend’s party where I met this guy, Bill. He was handsome and nice to talk to. After a few drinks, the horny girl in me wanted to come out. The more we were hanging out, the more sure I was I wanted to fuck him. And preferably sooner than later! I’m glad we were on the same page because a few minutes later he invited me to his house for another drink. Once there, we sat down in his living room and he brought a bottle of champagne with two glasses. We started to make...

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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 10

Hello every one hope karta hu ki aap sab ne meri pichli 9 part dost ke papa aur meri mummy ki nazayaz sambandh ko padh liya hoga. Ye kahani aage ki bato ka hai last kahani me aap sab ne padha ki uncle us rat ko bahut aggressive ho gaye the aur mummy ko apne bed pe bahut choda. Ab mai aap sab ko aage ki kahani batane jaa raha hu. Us rat ke bad uncle barabar meri mummy ko chodne lage. Mujhe ghar me school se aane ke bad kai bar condams dikhte the mai jan raha tha ki din me aate hai yaha pe in...

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Emilys First Solo Holiday Part 04

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 04 DAY 08 – The second day of my ‘enslavement’ ****** Will didn’t wake me by fucking me. We were both woken by Harry telling us to get our lazy butts off the bed. When Will woke he looked disappointed, I know that I was. “Will, you go and shower in our room, you know how long girls take to get ready” Harry said...

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The people involved in tonight’s tale are, Anne, her god-parent Audrey, and myself. A few weeks ago, Anne told me about her god-parent Audrey getting ripped off by the guy that was living with her. Apparently he’s been seeing someone else after moving in with Audrey for a year or so. During that time he’s persuaded her to buy a bigger house and get a mortgage to do so. Then things started going wrong and he’s claiming half of the house and other bits and pieces. It’s usually the woman that...

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Two Japanese girls from Vegas

This is a continuation, almost nine months later, of my story about Two Japanese girls in VegasIt was a lazy Saturday afternoon. I was with me girlfriend. We had met a couple of months ago. We were still much in love and because of that we were fully naked. Occasionally stroking and caressing each other. We were startled when the door bell rang. We didn’t expect anybody. The mailman had been on his round already and most of the neighbors were away on holiday.I decided to check it out so I put...

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I Want A Raise

I have been struggling to pay the bills for the past few months. I work a stupid secretary job that my friend got me. The pay is barely enough to get me by. I really need a raise in my payment if I want to keep this beautiful condo I have. My first home that I bought by myself.I arranged for a meeting with my boss, Miss Kool, at a local cafe by our work. I dressed in my semi-formal work wear with a tight blouse opening buttons to expose a peak of cleavage. My long legs showing from the knees...

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Tales of Arkham More Dreams in the WitchHouse

Author's note: For those of you wondering where Arkham is, it sprang from the imagination of H.P.Lovecraft, one of the greatest horror writers. The characters in this story were borrowed mainly from Dreams in the Witch-House, written by Lovecraft and published in 1932. I apologize for borrowing Lovecraft's characters without being able to borrow his talent, but we work with the talents we're given. That said - I hope you enjoy! Kate Baptista Walter Gilman awoke screaming...

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JackpotChapter 2

After an early dinner at the casino next to us, I led Darla to the card room. She was holding my hand and wouldn't let go. Several times I tried to explain that maybe she should not come with me to the card room this first time after our progressive win, but the hurt in her eyes immediately made me stop. I lamely said, "I just don't want you to be bored." I went up to the poker room desk and asked if there was a seat open at the 20-40 Hold'em game. He grinned and said, "We have been...

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Hard Times

I stop off at your house to drop off a book I borrowed from you and knock on the door. You open the door in cut off jeans and a t-shirt that shows off your tight,flat stomach and the telltale signs of erect nipples. “Oh thanks!” You say as I give you the book.”Very entertaining reading!” I say as you welcome me in. I walk into the living room with you and sit on the couch.”So what have you been up to lately?” You ask as you sit cross legged next to me but leave your legs open enough so I can...

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Morgan L

Morgan sat in her kitchen now for the first time she began having doubts my god she thought I just spent the night fucking two of my son’s friends I enjoyed the hell out of it, but young guys talk I would not want Terry to find out. I would like to see them again, but this may become difficult when Terry is home. Her phone buzzed bigguy came up she instantly answered, what Morgan didn’t know was her two new fuck buddies were planning a gangbang on her for Saturday night. Saturday morning, she...

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Merry Exmas

A flip of a switch filled the yard with colored lights. Regina smiled while watching the spruce trees lining the sidewalk appear to spin. She didn't care that chasing lights were out of style - she liked them. Curtain lights, icicle lights, LEDs ... The trend changed every year anyway. Turning around, she sighed. It was hard to get into the spirit in an empty house. The loss of her dad five years earlier had started it, followed by her mother the following year, and then the divorce. This...

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Ahead of the GameChapter 13

Upon entering the cave, the first thing Jeff noticed was the man seated on a huge ebony throne. With his flowing red hair and blazing black eyes, his appearance was enough to cause the faint of heart to tremble in terror. Jeff stared at the man, more out of curiosity than fear. Even though he suspected the true identity of his host, Jeff knew the strange man could have already killed him if that had been his intent. "Come in, young man. I have been expecting you. Poseidon told me you were a...

4 years ago
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Awakening the Slut Ch 2

It had been a half-hour since the girls had left and they still had not returned. I had been unaware of the time, as I had been busily ogling the bevy of hot chicks that were at the club. I was really getting horny and could not wait to bury my big slab inside Donna’s cunt. The girls finally appeared and slid into the booth on each side of me. I was just about to say, “where the hell…” when Donna reached under the table and began stroking my cock through my pants. Lisa purred in my ear, “Let’s...

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Blackmailed Preachers WifeChapter 17

Chase met with Carrie and she gave him the drugs to give to Miranda. That night, while they were eating dinner, Chase slipped the drugs into Miranda’s drink without her seeing him. They finished dinner and then she gave the kids their baths and put them to bed. They were sitting in the living room watching television when Chase noticed that Miranda’s eyes had glossed over. She was looking at the television, but didn’t seem to be seeing it, just staring into space. Miranda, now at twenty-two,...

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19 Vayathu Pennai Thuki Vaithu Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaaga teen age pennai thuki vaithu eppadi usar seithu oothen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar praveen vayathu 19 aagugirathu. Naan oru auntyaal nandraaga ooka katrukonden endru thaan sola vendum, naan ippozhuthu coimbatore kalluriyil muthal aandu padithu varugiren. En pakathu veetil oru aunty irukiraargal avargal vayathu 38 irukum, avargalin kanavar matrum kuzhanthaigal veetil ilatha pozhuthu ennai aval veetirku azhaithu aval mulaiyaal...

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lsquoBoundrsquo To Sell

Having worked at the company for almost three years andhaving made no attempt to hide the fact that I was alesbian, I suppose that it didn’t come as much of a surprisewhen one of the other women came over to ask me if I hada lot of lesbian friends.More than just idle curiosity, however, it turned out thatSally was also a lesbian and that, to my initial horror, shemade a bit of extra cash holding sales parties in theevenings and at weekends. But rather than selling Amway,Tupperware or any of...

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Meet Nina

  One day while we are in my studio, just fooling around, me working and you watching me create a new painting and you touching me every so often, we hear a knock on the door.   Not expecting anyone I peak through the window curtain and there is this lovely woman standing there.   I think that her lips are so big and full and sensual and her tits beautiful that I immediately get excited knowing that I could change the day and you, me, and her could have some fun.   I answer the door...

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CoercedChapter 8

By seven the next morning I was showered, powdered and hair styled, ready for the day. I had my uniform back on, coffee ready and breakfast on the stove when Sheila and Greg came downstairs. Greg quickly ate and hurried out the door. “I’m going to be busy today,” Sheila told me as she watched me kneel on the floor beside Max and eat the leftovers. “I know I promised I’d take you shopping, though, so I’ll meet you at the mall at 12:30. Don’t be late.” “Yes, Mrs. Winters,” I replied. “It’s...

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Crazy doctor psychotherapy can work miracles

So here I am, all alone in this office. It's quite nice and polished, maybe a bit posh looking, but with a twist to it: if the patient tries to relax too much by sinking in the couch, her (hopefully her) eyes will gaze at a very good copy of Munch's "Scream" on the opposite wall; if he (and i think it's going to be a he) tries to boredly or evasively look out through the window, there's a splendid copy of Raphael's "Fornarina" between the windows, and it'll bring at least his gaze, if not his...

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Cinema Fun

Lexi is beautiful and very sexy. She's curvy with long brown hair, fair complexion and brown eyes that seem to go on forever. She's got nice, big D-cup breasts and a sexy ass. For a number of years, Lexi knew about my fantasy to see her with another man. She'd put it off as something that shouldn't happen, but was always turned on when I'd brought it up. Things changed one evening during a trip to the city. *We had been out to a lovely restaurant for a fantastic meal, and she’d had a couple of...

Wife Lovers
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Grace and the Longest TieChapter 14

“No, Paul,” I said again. I was frightened. I know I had just given a blow job to my other two sons. All three had just watched me screw a dog and I had had licentious thoughts about being intimate with them. Yet, somehow, this didn’t seem to be the right time to go all the way. Writing this now makes no sense but this was my feeling. I did not want it to happen like this. Go me, it wasn’t love, it was just sex. Paul was going to use me not as a lover but a whore. Just like the dogs used me....

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 1 Solitude

He thought of those who put him there and his blood boiled. The digidestined mere mortals, mere humans, mere children, defeated him and sent him to this hell. Their strengths held him here for eternity. He was left with nothing but the worst emotions a being can feel. Every night he dreamed of total revenge against the digidestined. The thought of wrapping his hands around their necks was the only thing that kept him going. He wanted them to make them suffer until the light of hope leaves...

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Part 5

My Husbands overseas business trip:Jen and her fiancè Rodger invited myself and daughter over on Sunday for a midday lunch.I arrived by them at 11h30 and they invited us in. Rodger's 5 year old niece was there as well and after my daughter and her making friends they set off to play all around the house, giving me a few minutes of freedom and time to chat with my bestie and her fiancè. A bit after before 13h00 we sat down at the table and had a wonderful meal. After lunch Jen and I tidied up...

2 years ago
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Tuesday Night Annie and Michelle

Tuesday has been a wonderful day and I am hoping to continue into a wonderful evening. As I follow Michelle to her house I cant help but think about how beautiful she is. She has long thick brown hair with pale blue eyes. She has kept in very good shape. You would never guess she is in her mid 30’s. Her ass is still nice and firm. And her breasts are amazing as I saw today. I could lick and massage them for days. We have always known that we both were bi-sexual but had never considered being...

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The Gift Hitchhiker

Early in the spring of 1977, on a sunny Saturday afternoon, my young bride and I (Our first anniversary and her twenty-first birthday was still a few months away, in June. I had just recently turned thirty-three.) drove to Pomona for a portable TV that was on sale and then the plan was an early dinner prior to us going home to get ready for Game Night. By now the 'Game' was a regular weekend activity that we had successfully played at least a dozen times. She had taken the opportunity to...

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Sauna Operation OverlordChapter 8

Some people just can't leave an idea alone! The armed boats seemed such a good idea that there just had to be a way to salvage the inspiration. After a lot of head scratching and discussion, the idea of a basic modification in the boats came to mind. Somebody suggested that the whole problem could be solved by redesigning the boats! The current boats had a rounded bottom and a sort-of keel; why not change to a flat-bottomed boat with a width great enough to overcome the tendency for the boat...

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Enjoying My Bold Maid

I am 28 yrs old and I am single. My height is 6ft. And an average body . My tool is 6″ long and 2″ thick. And my maid was of same age and a gorgeous body with little dark complexion which suited her. She was damn sexy in her looks. She was around 28-24-28 I like to tell about a incident that happened with my maid in my life few years back her name is mangla (changed), she has an asset of slim and gorgeous body of dark tone which suits her perfect. I was mad to have her in my arms and deflower...

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Wife invited new female workmate to dinner

We were getting ready for our occasional date night at home. It was something that we both enjoyed allowing us time together in the midst of hectic schedules. Linda ws last to get ready as usual and was wearing a new dress, evening gown style would be my best description. Sexy in that there were big panels of material coverin gher ample breasts, although as it was backless, there was obviously no bra! It was then that the door bell rang and Linda said that will be Pam. I looked at Linda and she...

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Altered Fates Stabbed in the Back

Altered Fates: Stabbed In The Back By: Regina Lawson I may have been selfish; in fact, I was selfish, I knew it. I wanted so much to make some sort of difference in the world that I overrode my wife?s objections and took the diplomatic position offered to me anyhow. I was to take up a minor position at our embassy in Panama which was responsible for American tourism, but that put me in touch with intelligence assets in the Central American region. My name is Stuart Barnes...

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The Devil Made Me Do ItChapter 2

She came to bed with him that night, instead of sleeping on his couch. Just as natural as could be, she came and crawled in with him. “Tina,” he said. “You ever sleep with a guy? Sleep sleep, not sex sleep?” “I haven’t done either, really.” she said. “You are really still a virgin? For real?” he said. She nodded. “Yeah. A dick’s been close, but never in.” she said. His turn to nod. This might be fun. He’d never deflowered a virgin. He knew he’d receive some extra karma from it, even if no...

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I Discovered an Angel

Description: One day I discovered an angel. He was 7 years old, and his (I thought) father had tried to use him as a punching bag. His mother was killed trying to protect him. His father, the puncher is in the hospital after I hit him with a shovel handle on the side of his head. I was too late to save the mother, but I did save Jonny. Edited By Barney R. Messed with afterward by me all errors are mine I am Ralph Simkin 35, a widower, and living in a mid-Michigan city. I am something of a...

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My Real Life Experience With Aunt 8211 Part 1

I decided to write my own story and experience , this story is a long story which contains true family love lust relationship funny incidents and I don’t know form where to start with. I am Sandesh (name changed) 20 years from Bangalore a normal whitish brown guy with exact 6 ft tall and my life was going simply as usual I had a girlfriend but I broke up with her. Coming to my family there are 7 members they are me, sis, dad , mom , uncle , aunty and there child ( my cousin) . Everybody goes to...

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Her Happy Ending

I lay silently face-down on the soft massage table, my face gently cradled by a spongy pillow. The room was dim and warm, the carpet bland, the koto music emanating from the music player ethereal, yet rustic. I waited alone until there was a knock on the door. “Are you ready for me?” Daniel asked from behind the door. I took a deep breath. My flesh tingled. The fact that I was completely nude tugged at my mind as I replied, “Yes.” He was going to see me naked. What would he think? What would...

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TripinChapter 35

When we finished the Pizza dinner it was after 7PM. I wanted to go out alone, so I said to Royce. "Royce I have been in that hospital, or whatever the fancy term is for that place for 6 months. I want to go party." "My haven't you gotten brave," he said with a grin. "I suppose I have. Royce do not take offense at this, but I want to go out alone. I know you are my bodyguard and everything, but I'm pretty sure the danger has passed," I said. "I'm not sure at all, so let's make a...

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Mein Zweites Leben 2

Mein Zweites Leben (2) - Die Schule Die ist die Fortsetzung von Mein Zweites Leben (1) ( =1382959938277653391). Ich empfehle, zuerst den Anfang zu lesen. Die Schule Ich halte kurz an, als ich die Einfahrt passiert habe. Vor mir liegt ein gr??eres Anwesen mit einem Haupthaus und zwei Nebengeb?uden, alles in freundlichem Wei? gestrichen. An der Seite ein kleiner, gut gef?llter Parkplatz, den ich dann auch vorsichtshalber ans...

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Meri biwi ki chudai by ek handsome guy

Hi I am Rajesh 31 yrs old with 29 yrs old beautiful and sexy wife vidya.   We r very open minded and very free in sex.   I am describing my whole story in hind so any one can enjoy it. Me or vidya dono bahut hi sexy hai hum humesha nayenaye sex practical karte rehte hai vidya bhi bahut cooperate lkarti hai.   Last year hum log mumbai gaye the vaha per hum ek hotel me ruke the din me to hum ghumne ke liye bahar gaye magar jub raat hui to hum log hotel me vapis aaye to vaha ek bahut hi handsome...

3 years ago
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Pain And Pleasure

By : Fast Fucker Hi I’m Mac from Jaipur I’m now 21 and studying in Bba 2nd year this happened I was in 12th class and my board exams were near and I was trying to study but can not cocentrate on studies because some guest came to our house and it was small house no speare room for study so I decided to go to my masi’s house their house was big and anu my masi’s son he was also in studying, so I thought that we will study together and he can help me in solving problem He was intellegent in...

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My Friend Harshita 8211 Part 11 Femdom Saga With A New Twist

Hey Guys. It’s been long and it took some time to write this up. Before we begin let’s do a quick recap of things that have happened up until now. So I had a boyfriend named Virat. I had the best bondage sex of my life with him. But later on, the videos of this incident were found by my college roommate. She along with a few of her friends blackmailed me into becoming their slave. And that’s what I’ve been all this long. These are the last few days of me being a slave to them. We are in Tina’s...

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The Party

"The Party" I was going through my mail and the morning paper when I heard a knock at my apartment door. I looked through the peep hole of my front door to see my new neighbor lady Rhonda standing there waiting as she held a large white box and a few smaller packages. She and her boyfriend Tom had moved in only a couple months earlier. I could feel my stomach begin to churn then heard her knock at the door again. "I know you're in there Tim! Open the door!" I took the chain...

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Sunny The Final Chapter

My series of stories featuring Sunny have been well-received by readers, judging from the feedback I have received. She was one of the truly unforgettable women in my life and a gifted fellatrix. Ironically, I doubt seriously that she understands that. I invite all readers to read this final Sunny story, vote on it and provide commentary on it or any of my other stories. My relationship with Sunny ended one day in the mid 80’s when it became apparent to me that she had taken a life path that I...

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Breakfast Time At Arthurs

As Sonia swallowed most of the piss some landed on her face & her 44dd fake tits that Charlie had bought her a year earlier. Two months ago , Arthur had hypnotized Sonia & now she was his favorite submissive. Last night Sonia thought , Arthur had skullfucked her, she had licked his balls , ass & then he fucked her cunt and ass . She must have had at least 5 orgasms , & Arthur had creampied her ass & pussy before he gave her, her usual golden shower. . Arthur was finished with her .For now ,...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 240 True Confessions

Saturday night, we had another campfire. Many of the gis had been replaced with bikinis or board shorts. I noted that the bikinis weren't the skimpiest ones I'd seen all summer, and most girls wore a wrap around their waists. Apparently, while I was flying around with John, Mama Bea had a talk with Cassie, Mary, and Rose. She was such a quiet and unassuming woman, but a force to be reckoned with when needed. After all, when John first tore up our agreement, it was Bea who negotiated having...

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Giving To Charity

Charity flipped on the windshield wipers and turned the heater up while she negotiated the Chicago traffic. It had been freezing all week, and the rain was coming down in sheets, looking more like a solid stream rather than individual drops. She’d worn her favorite skirt today, and the knit pullover sweater she had on clung to her body showing off her best assets. Her beige canvas raincoat was in the seat next to her umbrella; her purse tucked safely under it. The tall buildings of the city...

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Sallys First Conquest

My name is Sally, I am forty three .I guess if you were a stranger and ask me about my sex life, I would tell you to mind your own business. Honestly, that part of my life until recently has been as pedestrian as any. I got married to a decent guy right out of high school, had a k** by the time I was 20 and had two more before I turned 25. Time flies while you are busy. Between work, k**s and house work, romance was on the back burner. My husband Paul was not very demanding, we usually had sex...

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Today is Saturday and that is my normal day to take care of the yard and any little incidentals around the house. I am a pretty good handyman, even if I do say so myself. Unlike George, my next-door neighbor, who can’t do anything mechanical. Smart fellow, and super nice, just can’t work with his hands. I hate to be disturbed when I am working, so some time ago, my wife and I agreed that she would take the k** and do her weekly shopping, movie with the girl, whatever, on Saturday so as to stay...

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BangbrosClips Madison Brite At Home Gym Sex

Johnny’s stepmom has a rockin’ body, she loves to workout and get naked directly after. He decides to sneak into her room and spy on her and film a little video of her naked. He goes to the bathroom to jerk off to the video and she catches it. She’s not mad, instead she’s turned on. She finds it hot and decides to help him get rid of those urges he has. She sucks his dick and takes him to the bedroom to fuck him. They fuck in multiple positions and he leaves a huge load...

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Aditi The Beautiful Housewife

It’s incredible to get an overwhelming response to my previous experience. Thank you, beautiful ladies, for the compliments and sex chats. Aditi was one of those lucky ladies who emailed me and complimented me. It was 1:20 am in the night (morning to be precise!) when I was trying to check my work emails and got a chat request on hangouts. It was Aditi who pinged me said “loved your experience with Priyanka. She is so lucky!” I am Rohit, well-travelled (about 17 countries), well-read guy. I...

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Incestuous HaremChapter 9 Incestuous Submission

Vicky Samuels I loved how Pam Hiragawa trembled as I led her into my dark classroom. Trickles of light bled through the closed Venetian blinds, painting stripes across the neat rows of desk. The sixteen-year-old, Japanese girl trembled, hands clasped before her, pale-olive cheeks flushed. Her silk-black hair was gathered in a French braid falling down her back. She was the type of Japanese girl Clinton would love. I missed my master and lover. If bigamy was legal, he would have been my...

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Brooke Cant DrinkChapter 23

As soon as Delon stalked off, Carol came running over. She threw her arms around Doug and almost yelled, “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND!!” He hugged her and said, “I’m married. Same thing, right?” She sighed and said, “Only because you’re married to that slut! “Jesus, Doug! Why did you do that? He’s gonna take that out on Brooke!” He kissed the tip of her nose and said, “It’s okay. It’s over. We don’t have to worry about him anymore.” He gently moved Carol out of the way and picked up...

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