JackpotChapter 2 free porn video

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After an early dinner at the casino next to us, I led Darla to the card room. She was holding my hand and wouldn't let go. Several times I tried to explain that maybe she should not come with me to the card room this first time after our progressive win, but the hurt in her eyes immediately made me stop. I lamely said, "I just don't want you to be bored."

I went up to the poker room desk and asked if there was a seat open at the 20-40 Hold'em game. He grinned and said, "We have been holding it for you."

As I walked up to my table I spotted six locals and three tourists with the one seat empty waiting for me. As I approached the table I spotted a small, silver square thing in front of each local. I reached the table and groaned—the silver thing was a toy slot machine. Six locals all pulled the handle and the reels spun. A mechanical voice came from each machine and said, "Here comes the jackpot."

One local jumped up and asked for my autograph. Another pressed a completed loan application into my hands—he only needed $85,000. Three other locals said they had collectively signed up 89 people for a two-hour seminar with me teaching them how to beat the Las Vegas slots.

Of course my face was red and I was getting pissed. Darla, misunderstanding these locals, was beaming at my popularity. Finally, I looked at Roy; the one local I respected for common sense and card playing. He said in a serious voice, "Sometimes you stray from the path, Paul. The best thing to do is jump back on the horse and pick up the pieces.

"It happens to all of us. I actually caught Traci putting a one-dollar bet on Spin the Wheel earlier this week. I forgave her for this venial sin but warned her that the path to gambling is like hell—easy to get into, but very difficult to get out."

Traci was Roy's girlfriend and she was gorgeous. When I first saw those two together I was instantly jealous. She was five-foot six-inches or so, and like Darla, a blonde with very nice breasts. Traci had a great personality; she talked to everyone. Once the locals saw that she was hooked up with Roy, she became one of the locals. She was a good, but not great low limit Hold'em player. I watched her play 6-12 a few times—Roy almost always sat behind her for a while until his game started—and her play was solid, just not creative enough for the big time. I thought she could move up to 10-20 game in a few months if she kept working on her game. Traci usually was sitting behind Roy when she quit her 6-12 game.

Traci grinned at Darla and me, as I sat down with my chips. Just then the dealer shift ended and Steve, one of the better dealers in the card room, came up to deal his shift. He had a 20-inch by 40-inch cardboard under his arm. Just before he sat down he looked at me and said, "My wife Sheila asked if you would do a favor for us, Paul. For posterity we need your signature on this picture."

It was a blown-up picture of Darla and me with my arms pushing against her breasts as she stared into my eyes. The caption in the morning paper read "Poker Professional Branches Out." My face went red. The tourists were confused and the locals at the table were openly laughing. Darla said, "What a great picture. Do I get to sign it, too?" A new round of chuckles started—it was even worse than I expected from these professional friends of mine.

Maintaining a modicum of calmness I said, "It's hard to tip you, Steve, if you don't deal the cards."

Steve grinned and answered, "Yes, sir, slots professional."

Finally Steve started to deal and I began to play the cards. Darla was behind me watching the cards and trying to figure out the game. I was so anxious to start playing that I had forgotten to explain the rules of Hold'em to her. She didn't seem to mind.

All the ribbing had put me off my game. I was determined to close my mind to all outside distractions and to start playing up to my potential.

The hands went by and I won a couple of small pots, but nothing special. Then a hand started. The two blinds put up their chips of $10 and $20 and the first one to bet or fold was Roy. He raised the bet to $40. The other players folded to me and I looked at my two down cards. They were two kings; it was an excellent starting hand. I raised another $20. Everyone else folded. Roy called.

I knew that Roy was a creative poker player, but not a wild one; and I knew he respected my ability. The pot had $150 in it, and there was just the two of us left playing the hand. Steve dealt the three up cards and they were a two, an eight, and an ace, all of different suits. The good news was that it was a ragged flop with little chance that it would help Roy if he were drawing for a straight or flush. The bad news was the ace.

Roy came out betting $20. I went into a huddle with my brain. What could Roy have? With the first two cards he came out betting in the first position, so if he had a pair it would have to be a decent pair of maybe nines, but most likely tens or higher. He would also probably raise with ace and jack, ace and queen, or ace and king. But then I raised him. I was telling him that I knew he had a decent hand, but mine was better. He had to read me for two queens, kings, or aces, or possibly an ace and king.

But now after the three up cards were shown, he bet! He was telling me that I know you have a very good hand, but mine is better. Roy wouldn't try to bluff me at this stage because he knew I played solid, statistical poker. I thought, "I'm in big trouble. He would not bet into me with two queens. He must have started with an ace and king. He couldn't have started with two kings or aces because he would have re-raised me earlier, but he had just called. So, Roy had to have started with an ace and a king and now he has two aces against my two kings.

I did the statistics. If he started with an ace and king, then there was only one king left in the deck. It was a forty-seven to one shot that the next card would be a king, but I had to put in $20 to find out. There was $170 in the pot, so the pot was giving me less than nine to one to go for a forty-seven to one possibility. This was a no brainer—it was a clear fold; there was no doubt in my mind that I shouldn't waste my $20 to see the next card.

As I opened my mouth to say, "Fold," I felt Darla's hand on my shoulder and she squeezed it. The squeeze felt nice; she was a touchy type of girl, and I was starting to appreciate her assets as I said, "Call."

"CALL!" I thought, "What have I done? My mind had gone south on a simple squeeze from a beautiful female. I meant to say 'fold.'" I thought, "How the hell could I have done that?"

It was too late to change. I put in the four red chips and Steve dealt the fourth up card. It was a king—out of forty-seven possible cards, I got the only one that could improve my hand! I now had three kings against Roy's two aces.

I was mortified. What a dumb play—the kind a tourist would make, but this time, I was the one who made it. Roy was clearly puzzled. He had assumed that I would fold and was surprised when I called. It was his turn to bet. He said, "Check." Roy had to have two pair—aces and kings against my three kings. I bet $40. Clearly confused at what I held, Roy called my bet.

The last card was turned up. It was a nothing. Roy checked and called when I bet another $40. The pot was $350 dollars of which all but $30 had been put in by Roy and me.

We turned our cards over. Roy saw my three kings. He blinked and then looked at me as he said, "You win, Paul. That's a nice hand."

Traci chuckled first and then I spotted Steve grinning, followed by the other locals. The tourists continued to look confused. Roy had replayed the hand in his mind instantly and said to me in gently sarcastic way, "Nice call on the flop to get the last king. Your slots partner is not only very pretty, but she brings you luck too."

Darla and the three tourists were in the dark. Everyone else at the table knew what a bonehead play I had made; that I won the hand was completely unimportant. I was embarrassed; I could feel my face flush as I heard Darla's squeal of pleasure as the chips were pushed to me.

She pulled my arm and said, "Now that I know you're back to your good game, do you mind if I wander around for a couple of hours?

Gratefully I said, "I'll miss you, but go have fun and come back when you want."

The giggles were over and the next hand had started. I hunkered down and thought to myself, "Perfect poker from now on—no mental mistakes; just play your game."

For the next three hours I played perfect poker. I did not make a single mistake; every time the odds were with me I bet, and when they were not I checked or folded. Unfortunately, the random nature of the cards was not conducive to my card playing. If it were a fifty-fifty chance that I would win a $300 pot by calling a $40 bet, I put in my money, and lost. Poker is frustrating that way—just because you make the right decision doesn't mean the right cards will come up. Now the right cards will come up in the long term, but a few hours of playing was not the long term. So I was stuck—poker language for losing—to the tune of $400.

The last hand had just ended when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Darla was grinning and said, "How are you doing, partner?"

I answered quietly, "Oh, I'm down a couple of bucks."

Darla giggled and said excitedly, "Well, that's okay since I went to the casino next door and saw a slots tournament sign. I paid $25 to play and came in second. I won $400! Isn't that great?"

The chuckles started again. I had a choice to make—defend my poker reputation with a put down retort to her lucky winning or make my partner happy. It was decision time with my relationship with Darla.

I said, "I think that's absolutely fantastic! What a team we are."

I looked at Roy expecting to see a grin on his face. Instead he had a serious look as he nodded his head in approval.

Before I could think that one out, another illogical event occurred—female telepathy. Without a word Traci stood up and started to walk out of the poker room; Darla squeezed my shoulder and followed Traci. The card game continued for another twenty minutes when Roy pointed his finger and said, "It looks like a bonding type of thing to me."

I looked where he was pointing and saw Traci and Darla. They were on the rail of the poker room smiling and talking. Darla pointed her finger in our general direction and Traci immediately started laughing so hard she had to wipe tears from her eyes. Then Traci said something and it was Darla's turn to be hysterical. The two blondes were like sisters at a family reunion. Eventually they came back to the table grinning and talking. Darla sat behind me again, and I played another thirty minutes, winning a few and losing a few. I thought to myself, "There is something else to do at night, isn't there, Paul?"

I turned to Darla and said, "I'm a little tired. Maybe we should call it a night?"

The smile on her face was a very positive yes.

After Darla came twice and me once, we lay side by side going over the day—from the clothes buying to her tournament win. I had lost money at poker, but it had been a wonderful day. This girl was fantastic; her sexuality and body blended in so perfectly with my own, that the sex, or lust, or love—whatever it was—made this female the best thing I had ever experienced. "If only," I thought, "she had just a touch of quantitative logic in her approach to life."

She kissed me again and I thought, "Well, maybe that's not the end of the world."

I asked her, "You and Traci seemed to have gotten along? What did you talk about?"

Darla answered, "Just girl talk. I really like her. She really makes you feel good."

I closed my eyes briefly; Darla was shaking me and said, "Wake up, sleepy head. We have more clothes to buy and pictures to take."

It was morning. Except for one intense, but brief, sexual encounter with Darla, I had slept the entire night without waking.

The morning was hectic but fun. Darla bought clothes. The pictures they took showed me helping her pick out the good stuff—don't believe everything you see. We went to the last two casinos in the group and had our pictures taken in front of various slot machines as if we were playing. Actually, one time Darla snuck a quarter into the machine just before the picture was taken. Of course, another $10 jackpot hit. That picture caught Darla hugging me with her feet in the air—my Darla gets very excited when a jackpot comes in.

The work over for the day, I had the limo drive out Charleston to Red Rock Canyon to show Darla the desert. She was amazed at the beauty of the canyon.

We returned to the casino and decided to go swimming. I had brought my suit from my apartment and Darla put on her newly-purchased bikini. She stood there in front of me in the most miniscule bikini that man or woman had ever invented and I said, "Well, don't you think you need to put on your swimming suit?"

She said, "It's on."

I answered, "Where?"

She looked down a second and then figured it out. "Paul, you are an absolute nut. This covers all the important stuff. You're just teasing me."

After our swim we had another great dinner. I won a little at poker that night. After thirty minutes or so into the poker game, Traci and Darla disappeared again for a couple of hours and came back laughing. They had been 'shopping' and won $10 at Spin the Wheel. I looked at Roy and he just shrugged.

I left the game to go to the bathroom and as I was walking back to the card room I ran into Traci who also apparently had the same urge. She looked at me and said, "I really like Darla. What a winner she is and, if you don't mind me saying so, well above your normal picks. She's great!"

For the first time I had a chance to talk to someone about my situation. I said, "Traci, Darla is absolutely fantastic and I could really fall for her. My problem is that she doesn't have any feel whatsoever for what Roy and I do—the statistics, the intensity of the game. She hasn't shown me that she has a clue about odds and probabilities. If she's all feel and I'm all numbers, it could be a relationship disaster. Tell me I'm wrong."

Traci looked at me and hesitated. Finally she said, "Well maybe you don't know the complete Darla yet." She grinned and said, "You still have time to get to know her better, don't you?"

The next two days and nights were a repeat—wonderful sex, some silly tourist stuff, and some serious poker playing.

We were going back to the hotel room to change for dinner. This time we had picked a very expensive restaurant on the Strip and the limo would be waiting for us in forty-five minutes. As we closed the door, Darla turned and kissed me. I asked, "What was that for?"

"Just a thank you for some wonderful days," she answered.

I looked at her and said, "Too bad we don't have more time for some physical stuff Darla. Your body is too beautiful to leave untouched for long."

She grinned and said, "We have time. You can come as fast as anybody I know, if you want to."

"That's not true," I answered. "You come faster than anybody I know when you want to."

Darla grinned and said, "Those are betting words. I know them when I hear them. Here's the rule. Both of us get naked. One of us is the aggressor and the other is the passive person. The passive person lies on the bed with their hands above their head as if they were tied. The aggressor makes the other one come using only their mouth and tongue. The one who holds out the longest is the winner. We flip to see who goes first. Bet?"

Of course I couldn't refuse. We flipped and Darla lost. I was first to be the aggressor. We stripped quickly and she lay on the bed with her hands above her head and her legs slightly spread. She looked at the bedside clock and said, "Go."

I knew she thought that I would go right to her clitoris, but she was wrong. Darla's nipples were very sensitive and so my first assault was there. It was awkward to kiss and tongue and suck nipples when you can't use your hands, but after a minute or so I was awarded with the first moan. That was my signal that she was starting to be aroused. I quickly shifted south and tried to penetrate her labia lips to reach her clitoris. Again, without the use of your hands and fingers, it is different. My tongue finally reached its target and it went to work. The moans and shifting of her hips were telling me that I was getting to her, but it was taking time. Finally, she screamed, "Oh shit!" Her hips arched into my face and her orgasm began. When she finished she grinned and looked at the clock.

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Hello dost aaj mai apko eak meri age 24 ki hai new romantic likh raha hoi ya kahni Mar Dost Ajay Ke Maa ke hai Ajay ka gahr ma Ajay ke Maa or saas or Sasu ratha hai ajay Delhi ma padtha hai mara or ajay ma gahri dosti hai ajay ka father ak business man hai ajay ke bhoot sunder 35 saal ke young lady hai nipple teak hai gadnd mooti hai. Story ma aksar ajay ka ghar jaya kartha tha aksar aunty ke kam ma help kardata ak din ma ajay ka computer sa ajay sa baat kararha that u ajay ke ghar k baar ma...

3 years ago
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Screwing my Stepsr

The thought of watching his step-s****r screw, excited Justin. She was a cute girl, blonde with big blue eyes and a cute smile. She had had sex before, and he always wondered what it would be like watching her do it. He had seen Janet naked a couple of times, and had promptly jacked off after each time. He and Scott both were virgins, but it looked like Scotty was gonna get his first. All the girls liked Scott. He had brown hair and eyes and was a cross between Scott Baio and the Karate k**....

1 year ago
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How To Treat Your Working Man and vice versa

How to Treat a Working Husband My parents were poor, but hard working. mom worked at a bakery and dad worked maintenance on a building. Ever since I was in elementary school, mom got home after 7 p.m., and Dad didn’t get home until 11 p.m. I had a lot of time to myself after school. My next door neighbor was a couple years older than me. I won’t say at what time and age, but use your imagination, we fucked. She showed me how to satisfy her even before I knew how to masturbate, and we enjoyed...

3 years ago
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“Why did you decide to do this, Eve?” I felt Mr. Anderson run his hand over my bottom and gently squeeze. I let out a little moan and slid a little closer to him in that king-size bed. At that moment I realized I’d passed by his bedroom hundreds of times but never gone in until now. “Does there have to be a reason?” I said coyly. “No ... it’s just I...” It was fun to watch him stutter and stammer a bit. He always came across so confident and self-assured ... But not now. “I guess I’ve...

3 years ago
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Second chance

It was 6 months later I was staying in yet another hotel. Still working away. I got back to my room after another hard day. But it was Friday and I had a day off tomorrow. So I had a quick shower. I started thinking about the chance meeting I had 6 months earlier with Davy and my cock started to grow. No I thought I am not going to have a wank...... Just in case. I have not had any other sort of sex with another man since. After the shower I dried off and got out my tights and panties. Which I...

3 years ago
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Jessicas Short Stories

This is a collection of short stories about the stunning and sexy Jessica. Hope everyone likes them as much as I enjoyed writing them for all of you. As summer comes by and college ends for the 19 year old Jessica, she comes home to finally see her family and friends. Though when she did get home her parents let her know that they were planning to be traveling a lot this summer and so they wouldn't really be home all that much. Even though Jessica was a bit bummed out she couldn't be too mad....

3 years ago
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First Female Lover

After I lost my virginity to Derek I felt liberated. Particularly as Jennifer and her boyfriend John, were sexually active too so we became a regular foursome. I liked that as her boyfriend had a car so when it was raining we could at least kiss and cuddle in reasonable comfort. I was writing home every week to mother telling her all about my school work, and I also wrote to Emma. As I said before, I always felt I could tell Emma anything and she would keep it to herself, so I told her about...

3 years ago
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Curious Bros

My first gay experience, i recently met this young guy at my gym i train a few times a week and usually have a steam after. Last week i saw this slim hairless body as my eyes run over his chest and down to his tight boxers i saw them bulge and found myself wanting to see more. I've never been attracted to a guy before, i mean my buddy's and i used to jerk off together and often play naked games like wrestling and i found it fun but it was more to do with us being horny s****l boys that didn't...

2 years ago
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Prom ch 2

Saturday. I wake up late. I check my phone, almost on autopilot, just checking Facebook, Instagram, pretty much whatever just to catch up on what I may have missed the night before. I see a post by Renee. It read ‘that moment when you meet someone better than your last’ with a bunch of heart emojis after it. I immediately perk up. ‘Is she talking about me?’ I think to myself. I mean, she has to be talking about me, I was with her yesterday. As I’m pondering this, that party pops up in my...

3 years ago
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Wishful Thinking

Wishful Thinking ? by: Jennifer White There was a knock on my door. On the front steps was a man I didn't know. He looked nervous, shifting his weight from foot to foot. I opened the door, but kept the chain on. In this day and age, a woman can't be too careful. You never know what is out there. "Are you Jennifer?" he asked. "Who are you?" I replied. "I'm Vince. I...I spoke with your friend Ashley. I have a...a problem, and she said you could help me." "Call me...

4 years ago
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The Cuckolds Comeuppance The Secret Revenge of Walter Mitty

The Cuckold’s Comeuppance: The Secret Revenge of Walter Mitty  The soon to be ex Mrs. Miller was at lunch with her lawyer.“Bob, what the hell is taking that god damned judge so long?”“Relax Carol. You know this is the divorce and criminal trial of the century. The judge did say she’d have a decision today. It’s not even noon.”“Listen, mother-fucker, you said my name wouldn’t be dragged through the mud.”“I’m a lawyer and I told you that Ben is probably behind it. Remember that there was only a...

1 year ago
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                                        "Painaholic" by stHell66(teen,high school,rough,rape,d/s)   Begin the mis-adventures of Ally, a misguided and envy slut, always trusting of her loving boyfriend. Can she find truelove in getting kidnapped and rape 24/7.  main characters:  Ally-the main slut,young envy slut, 5'1" 98 pds, not developed, baby bottle nipples, small breast. Pointy nipples thatembarrass her under her t-shirt, when she gets excited they get more pointier. Black hair in pig-tail...

2 years ago
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Last time in church

Again the clearing up was left to Caroline, I offered to help as I know I'll get a fuck out of it. As I cleared away all the hymn books Caroline was talking to a young girl, she looked about 17. As she went into the back room with this girl she said to me "Tea?", "Yes please" I answered. After I'd locked up I went in the back room and they were talking.Caroline said "This is Joanne" I said "Hello Joanne", Joanne said "It's Jo". As we were sat down drinking tea Caroline asked Jo how old she was...

1 year ago
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Mythili And Me 8211 Thanks To Bangalore Climate

Climate of Bangalore only god can fig it our when and how it gonna change.. I was waiting near electronic city flyover waiting for bus or cab. It was around 10.30 am cursing myself for sleeping late yesterday night.. was chatting with my friends need to reach office by 12.30 but crossing the silkboard flyover and reaching to hebbal is a achievement for everyone My bad I was running short of Internet that day, can’t book ola or Uber also.. it was drizzling I couldn’t enjoy d climate also...

3 years ago
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One Week With Heather Part 1Day 2

I slept poorly that night, worried about how things were going and what might await me tomorrow. I awoke around 7 am to feel a soft hand around my dick. Cara sat on the couch in a t-shirt and pajama bottoms watching MTV. At the same time, she was absentmindedly playing with my dick; occasionally stroking it and running her fingernails across my sack. I was rock hard, of course, but Cara didn’t comment on it. After fifteen minutes of alternating manipulations, I was getting close to cumming,...

4 years ago
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The 3 Weeks of Sexual Pleasure Pt 1 MOM

The day went on rather uneventfully and I figured maybe they had forgotten so my mind wasn’t racing as much. That was until I heard the delicate voice of my beautiful mother call my name and tell me that they needed to talk to me. Slowly, I crept into the kitchen where they both stood looking at me. I was surprised to see that their faces both had a look of normalcy and there was no apparent rage or anger. The silence was finally broken when I told them that I knew what they wanted to talk...

3 years ago
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Sex Extreme

Ah, but how the body tires with age, and the beauty and virility we took for granted in our youth become our most sought after goals, ever more distant, like a ship drifting away on the horizon. How would I fare today should a similar adventure befall me? As I look down the broad, leaf filled bridleway, deep in the heart of the forest, in the very same spot where those two ladies, the vixen and her slave, had briefly taken over my existence twenty years before, I have to wonder. Would they...

2 years ago
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Tricked and treated to a creampie

When I got home from work, I knew I had to hurry. My wife Wendy and I, were going to my employers Halloween costume party. The party was being held at a very nice hotel that was far across town. I work for a large electronics firm and knew that they could certainly afford to throw a big party for everyone. Wendy was already dressed in her costume, when I got home. She looked really sexy. She was dressed as “Elvira”.Wendy has a gorgeous figure and the costume was definitely showing off her...

3 years ago
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Men Are Just Testicles in PrisonChapter 4

Bill tossed and turned. He ought to just go to sleep. Amy might come and she might not; she would know best. It was notably warmer; apparently Amy had turned up the heat. Just as he was drifting off he heard footsteps outside, and his heart leapt when the upstairs door opened. "I brought a candle this time." She lit it and set it on the floor several feet away. They met at the bars and kissed for some minutes, hands pressed through the bars to caress each other. She pulled back and undid...

1 year ago
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Like Father Like Son Part 1

First of all I'd like to begin by giving some background information on the various members of my family. Firstly there's me probably best described as a poorly endowed wimp. There's my 39 year old wife Sheila, her 59 year old Mother Ann and completing the trio of females that live in my house my 19 year old Daughter Pam. Finally last but not least there's my 18 year old Son Robert, who's small in stature like me and can sometimes by a bit unruly. My story begins in earnest some 2...

4 years ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 3

For the third time I woke up disoriented in a place I didn’t recognize, and I was pissed. It never felt good and it took me a while to get out of the groggy fog that accompanied it. The only saving grace was, unlike the previous times this had occurred, I was waking up on something soft. Not to say that the chair in the Council chamber wasn’t comfortable, but the position I had woken up in was uncomfortable. I was laying down this time and this had to be the most comfortable bed I had ever...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Ashley Wolf Ashley Wolf Has A Fucking Wild Time LIVE

Ashley Wolf is absolutely killing showing off her sexy body in her sheer purple lingerie. Those panties can not hide that gorgeous bush and she will be having all your cocks rock hard just like Chad Alva’s is soon. Ashley loves getting sloppy on some dick. Ashley deep throats Chads cock and spits all over that dick! She wants it to be nice and wet for when Chad has had enough of her sucking and needs to start fucking! Ashley’s pussy so wet and pink and just wants pounded hard!...

3 years ago
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Adventures In Rubber Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Mandy stared at nothing out the windshield. "Oh, about a week should do." "A week! I was thinking of hours! I can't stay a week, I've got to be back to work on Monday." "Oh, come on," Mandy said reproachfully, "we haven't seen each other in years. Besides, you look like you could use a vacation. Don't you have some vacation time you could use?" "Well... I've got thirty days a year, and I haven't used any yet, but.." "Then it's final! I'll hear no more about it. We'll just stop...

2 years ago
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DilemmaChapter 6

I don't know whose will it was, but we were married two months later in the Southwestern Chapel, a Gothic oddity in the middle of Central Texas in Georgetown. The wedding was perfect, everyone cried, every one danced and only a few of my old friends got drunk. Although people made an effort not to let me hear Lorelei's name, I heard people talk about her several times, and it had no effect at all! It was a GREAT day. The night was even better... if I'd ever had any reservation about...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Mom

Ring !!Ring! Ring – My phone is ringing and I whip open the shower curtain and run for the mobile phone on my night stand next to my bed. “Hello. Hello! You reached him now give me some news!” I say. “Hello, is this Jeremy best friend. My name is Ms. Keisha and I was hoping you could come over right away. I just had a big fight with Jeremy and he stormed out of his room and the house.” she said. “Oh Ms. Keisha,how are you? It almost 10 o’clock and I...

2 years ago
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20 July 2007Chapter 12

Karen exhaled deeply, looking at her gathering. “Now it’s time to face the music. I owe all of you an explanation as to why I was so bad off to want to kill myself. Yes, I tried to commit suicide by driving my car off the cliff at the abandoned rock quarry.” “You don’t have to explain anything to us if you don’t want to Mom,” Brad said. “Yes I do, I need to get this off my chest, so please bear with me for a few minutes.” “When Steve and I were married we tried for several years to have...

1 year ago
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A Little Bit of Force

"No, I won't!" Evie said, as forcefully as she could, considering that she was trembling with fear. She knew that she was not going to be allowed to rise from the couch because I had shoved her back several times already. "I don't care if you want to or not, just do it." "No, it's dirty and disgusting too! I refuse to do anything nasty like that." "Listen! I not only want it. I need it, so accept that and do it." "I don't even know how to do it, and I don't want to know. The very idea of doing...

First Time
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A Horseshoes LuckChapter 9

Aston spent most of the remaining night assisting in the lining up of teams of horses for the wagons and carriages. Harnessing them in the dark was slow work until something unexpected happened. Glowing disk’s of some material rose up into the air, spreading out to give the yard a near daylight brightness. The departure preparations sped up dramatically after that. He did manage to nap for an hour before the first call went out. He had his team set and ready, though they did grumble quite a...

3 years ago
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Just for Tonight

‘I’m scared I’m not going to find a guy that I love as much as I love you.’ I stared at Nick, completely dumbfounded by his honesty. ‘You’re my best friend,’ I replied. ‘I love you too. And it’s comforting to know that we share the same fear.’ I smiled up at him, pain in his eyes mirroring my own. I held his head in my hands, and then kissed his forehead. He looked down at me and we kissed chastely on the lips, sharing a best friend moment. I blinked, and the dynamic of our kiss changed. He...

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Pungent flower 11 Playtime

I got my electronic trimmer from the bathroom and showed it to her. I told her this is what I use to remove hair. She looked at it and asked how it worked. I told her I will show her how to use it on her underarms. She was a little shy and refused my offer politely. I said if she doesn’t clean her underarms the clothes I got for her would go to waste. She agreed after some convincing. She was still afraid to use it herself. I told her its not supposed to be done alone and that I will help her. ...

1 year ago
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Hostel Life Is Fun When You Have A Best Friend

My name is yaash, I’m 27 years old now. An MBA by qualification and a businessman by profession. I am a big fan of iss and have been following it for a long time now. Finally, even I got the courage and came out of my laziness to post my experience. This incident or the series of incidents coming up in the story is 99% true and nothing is imaginary except for the names of the characters for obvious reasons. I would like you people to give a review on the same and how to improve my writing for...

2 years ago
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Oh My Where Did He Learn This

I guess you could call me a victim of success. My husband and I married during freshman year of college and I had to drop out after the first year to deliver our only child, David. By the time Phil graduated towards an MBA in Economics, he already had the job of jobs on Wall St. waiting for him. As research analyst, he made hand over fist money with expense accounts and all of the other perks. But it required him to sell his soul to the company, spending ridiculous hours at work and...

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