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Standard disclaimers: This is a work of fiction - no character
within is a depiction of any real person, living or dead. No
place or event described within exists outside of the writer's
imagination. Copyright retained by the author and this post
is for private use of the reader only. It is not to be published
in any form whatsoever, including being made available on BBSs,
or on Web Pages, without the express prior consent of author.
Any readers who are underage in the jurisdiction in which
they reside are asked to please pass by.

Although there is discussion of a snuff film in the story, this is NOT a snuffstory. If you need to be reassured, go to the last part of the story and youwill find the heroine riding off to new and better adventures. The author iswell aware that some folks really don't like snuff (personally, I think itis a waste) and so I am going to extra lengths to appeal to your curiosity.




Chapter 1

The man was anxious. He knew about the group's preparations for a snuff filmand he was determined to prevent the ultimate outcome. He couldn't do muchto prevent what would happen to the woman in the lead-up and frankly, he wasn'ttoo sure he really wanted to.

The "Group" was a collection of men and women who had made severalfake snuff films. A few in the group, including him, had acted in previousfilms and he had belonged to the group for a long time. He would, and had,beaten a woman bloody, nailed tits to a board and branded them but he drewthe line at murder.

Valerie, the woman who would be involved in the proposed snuff film, was thirty-nineyears old and a widow left with nearly nothing when her husband died. She hadtwo kids she wanted to go to college but knew she'd never be able to financetheir education. Additionally, the family home was in danger of foreclosureby the bank. She worked hard but couldn't get ahead and was very discouraged.

She answered an unusual advertisement on a fetish website and, subsequently,a meeting with a couple women and some men was set up, She couldn't see thembut she had noticed two different female voices; she couldn't count the men.The security arrangements were explained away so that she would never knowany of the people who engaged her. After some careful questioning, and a hugepause, Valerie acknowledged that she understood the offer might involve herdeath. One of the men interviewing her cleared any uncertainty by assuringher that it was not a case of might but absolutely would involve her death.

Over a period of a few weeks, the Group made arrangements so her kids wouldhave enough money to go to college and the house would be paid off and putin their names. She also arranged for an old school chum who was an attorneyto be administrator of her will and guardian to the boys if anything ever happenedto her.

Preparations for the event took time but finally all was ready and she hadprepared herself in ways that, under different circumstances, she would neverhave done. Her many new piercings were a case in point. She knew women whohad their nipples pierced but she would never have thought of having it doneherself. Afterwards, looking in the mirror, she had to admit they were veryattractive. But getting it done had hurt like a bitch because the group hadinsisted on larger than average rings, which meant a larger hole and that hurtmore. Most women would have begun with smaller holes and worked their way upbut she didn't have the time.

The many rings in her pussy were interesting; they hadn't hurt as much asthe piercings in her nips and had healed faster. Yes, the clit piercing hadhurt a lot but she had to admit it was sort of neat. She also discovered rightoff that it was very useful and wished she'd had it sooner. She had a nicelittle gold bar in her clit but the line of rings around her outer pussy lipswere just there.

In addition to the nipples and pussy her naval and nose were also piercedand the ears done several more times. She could hide the pussy and nipple piercingsbut the ear and nose ones could not be hidden from her kids so she just toldthem she liked them.

The nose ring was startling. It was large, descending below the level of herupper lip, which meant she sometimes had to lift it out of the way when shewas eating. The piercings in her eyebrows really gave her an odd look, as didthe inserts in her ear lobes. Damn but those large holes in her ears had hurt;they actually were punched out. She added up the total of new holes in herskin and in her head, and was startled when it came to twenty-two. Fortunately,one of the Group gave her some salve that seemed to accelerate the healingprocess. Nevertheless, she adhered to the daily treatment set up by the personwho had done her piercings.

Not all of the required preparations were painful. For instance, shaving herpussy was something she hadn't done since she got married, and it was fun todo again. Yes, of course, she had shaved her pussy many times as a teen andcollege student in her twenties but her husband had encouraged her to let herbush grow. She thought it would be nicer to eat a shaven pussy but he saidhe liked the feel of her pussy hair on his face when he did her.

The group had given her a special fastener so that she could wear her newleather coat open but just enough to barely cover her bare tits. The firsttime she had gone out wearing it this way, she felt she was on display, whichshe was, but she didn't notice people being especially impressed or even noticing.Plus, lo and behold, she liked the exhibitionist part.

Although she had a couple of pairs of boots to go with her leather pants,the Group required that she be fitted for new boots at a certain cobbler's.Valerie had no idea what this was about.

She had frequently masturbated after the death of her husband but the Groupwanted her to increase the frequency. They had given her a set of ben wa ballsto wear while she was at work and those little metal balls had been a revelation.They seemed to keep her horny all the time. Except when she was a teenager,she couldn't recall such a continual state of sexual arousal. It was nice.She might only have a few more weeks to live, but it seemed she was going togo out as a fully aroused sexual animal. What have I been missing she askedherself frequently.

Since she had been widowed Valerie had gone out a few times with girl friendsand a couple times men she had met in bars had even fucked her. Again, at therequest of the Group, she had gone out a few times after making the deal, andeven seduced a couple men, but neither had been especially memorable with themen themselves seemingly confused by her pussy jewellery. Just seducing themhad been good for her and she even liked the taste of the semen from the manshe sucked off.

She had even begun to smoke again because she had figured there was no sensein worrying about cancer now.

Valerie had saved the last requirement until very close to the time when sheexpected to be summoned. When she entered the beauty parlour for her regularappointment her light brown hair was shoulder length. Asked how much she wantedcut off she had replied all of it! The hairdresser asked her to repeat herinstructions and she told the beautician to cut it all off and make her bald.

Reluctantly, the woman had done so. When her hair length was as short as thehairdresser could get it with a clippers, she proceeded to lather Valerie'sscalp and then shaved her head. To her amazement, Valerie was really pleasedwith her appearance. That she had a very nicely shaped head helped a lot, butthe starkness of her skull without the hair was really beautiful.

On what she thought might be the last day of her life, Valerie sent her kidsoff to school; then wrote a letter to each child. She told them she had madearrangements for them to have the house and money for a college education but,to accomplish all this, she would have to leave them and they would never seeher again. She couldn't bear to tell them that their mother was essentiallycommitting suicide to pay for their college education. She asked their pardonbut told them she knew of no other way.

After taking one last look around the house she donned a long leather coat.She was already wearing a leather corset (that came up over her tits) and leatherjeans with knee high boots. She took a cab to the airport, making conversationwith the driver so that he'd be sure to remember her, as if her baldness wasnot unique enough. At the airport, even though she knew the way, she askedtwo different employees for directions to the General Aviation area. Then shemade a phone call to the number previously given her and said simply: "I'mhere." She was told to take a certain seat and wait.

In time, a woman approached and made like an old friend who hadn't seen herin a long time. They chatted for a while and then she asked Valerie if shewanted a drink. Figuring it was something required of her, she replied in theaffirmative, and the two left the seating area. They entered the lounge andordered martinis. Valerie automatically lit a cigarette and the other womanmerely nodded. Finishing the drinks the woman told her they would exit thedoors to the apron where the private planes were parked and board a plane.

When they were seated and strapped in seats on a single engine plane, Valeriewas handed two black scarves and told to blindfold herself with one and tocover her baldhead with the other. She was bemused, if she was going to die,why hide where she was going, but did as asked. The pilot never looked directlyat her and wore his goggles the entire time. The flight was only about halfan hour long and, for all she knew, they could have landed back where theystarted.

As they flew along, blindfolded as she was, Valerie considered her leather.Her husband had introduced leather into her life and at first she just woreit to please him, but gradually had become addicted to the feel and smell ofleather. Her skin had bonded with the animal softness and her leather wardrobewas now extensive. Leather dresses and leather suits, leather trousers in jeanform and dress up form, she had them all. She had leather blouses and leatherlingerie, including push up leather bras and leather bras with cut outs forher nipples which were especially useful now since her nipples had been pierced.She had leather garter belts and kid gloves to the wrist, the elbow and eventhe shoulder. At one point, she had laughingly suggested to her husband thatthe only thing lacking was leather sheets for the bed and, presto, they hadthem.

Valerie spent a lot of time in her leather cat suit because it was very special.She learned very quickly that her husband enjoyed just seeing her dressed init to watch a movie with him. Of course, the suit had zipped openings overher boobs and in her crotch and these might be opened or closed as a need occurred.When they were open, she might have clothes pins attached to her nipples. Theyhurt, but she learned to get pleasure from that hurt because it was obviousher husband enjoyed putting them on her and she enjoyed giving her husbandthat pleasure.

She also had various things inserted in her cunt and asshole. Being filledwas something she had grown to like, and when the vibrating effects were onshe could be kept at a level of sexual tension for several minutes. The ideawas for her to resist an orgasm for as long as possible. At first, three minuteswas a long wait, but with practice, eventually she could stretch it out toa quarter hour and then a half and finally an hour. That had happened onlyonce the last time she and her husband had been together before he died. Inan instant, she regretted recalling that memory; she was about to die and hewas already dead.

She still had to wear the blindfold while being assisted into a car. As theywere walking away from the plane, she heard the motor rev up. When they gotin the car, her companion stated the plane was going to fly on for severalhours. The stop to let them off would not be recorded and the plane had themarkings of another plane just like it so even if someone remembered the numberwhile looking for Valerie, they would reach a dead end.

They drove for about a quarter hour. While she had no idea where they were,Valerie knew they were in deep woods from the smell in the air that came inthrough the ventilation system. In fact, the woodsy odour was the first thing,except for the fuel odour at the airport that had overpowered the smell ofher leather until now.

Valerie began to think about the things this group might do to her beforeending her life and ending her anxiety. What, her mind shouted at her, wasthat ? Had she really felt a slight shiver in her pussy? Contemplating a painfuldeath was a turn-on? It was! Fuck! Although she had a good sex life with herhusband, since she had agreed to accept death, all of a sudden she had becomea very sexual animal. Well, wasn't that just the shits.

And just then the car came to a stop and her companion told her she couldremove her blindfold if she wished, so she did. Wow! It was quite a lodge witha huge lawn and at least a four-car garage. The driver came around to openher door and she was told to extend both feet out of the door before exitingthe car. When she did the driver and her companion secured leg irons to herankles. The companion explained that they didn't think she would try to escapebut the leg irons would reduce the temptation.

Valerie was shown to a suite of rooms, her shackles were removed and she waslocked in. A glance out the window strengthened the idea of no escape. Shewas only one floor up, but her room was right over the kennels. There werea couple big black dogs and she surmised they were probably released to roamthe grounds at night. Well, she didn't want anything to interfere with thekids getting the money and the house so just resigned herself to a painfuldeath. Would it be today? Tomorrow? She didn't have a clue but there was nosense worrying about it because she had made her choice.

The woman she had met at the airport came in dressed in a maid's uniform andhelped Valerie prepare herself. The maid shaved her head and then rubbed herscalp vigorously with a very light oil until her pate shone. Her make-up soonturned into something very elaborate. Indeed, Valerie thought she'd never wornso much make-up. A red, creamy substance was applied to her face in the formof an eye mask. By the time the maid had evened it out and applied sparklesit was just as if she was wearing a burglar's mask on her face. The cream servedas eye shadow but her eyes were heavily outlined with eyeliner. Her lips weredone in a shade of purple that was very thick and shinny and a light blushapplied to her cheeks.

She was invited to sit and the maid quickly laced her into a pair of kneehigh boots with heels of at least six inches. Again, shackles were locked onher ankles but with a longer chain. No doubt the greater length was allowedbecause of the height of the heels. The maid pulled her to her feet and thendraped her leather coat over her shoulders. She was accompanied to the headof the stairs and then motioned to go down to be met by seven people.

They Group cheered her arrival among them. There were seven, so she assumedthat five were men since she already knew two of them were women. All of themwore hooded capes and masks.

"Valerie" said one of the men, "please join us in the parlourfor a before-dinner drink. We want you to be comfortable and enjoy yourself."

Struck with the irony, Valerie replied, "Before you arrange for me todie?"

There was a cold silence, until Valerie herself smiled and added, "Isn'tthat what we are here for? My death? Believe me, ladies and gentlemen, I fullyunderstand our arrangement and I will live up to it - er, I guess that shouldbe I will live until you end my life."

They all seemed to collectively exhale and the man who had made the invitationfor drinks said, "Quite so. Shall we proceed?"

And so the eight of them entered a nice, comfortable room, with overstuffedchairs and couches. A very nice fire had been laid. As she sat, Valerie attemptedto close her coat, but one of the women told her to just let it stay open becausethey all wanted to view her new jewellery. Valerie abandoned the attempt toclose the coat and instead slid forward in the seat and opened her legs soher multi-pierced cunt was in full view. The others applauded.

The other woman spoke, "You seem to have adjusted to your role very well,Valerie. Are you just pleased to be providing for your kids, no matter whatthe cost?"

She was silent for a moment and took a sip of the drink that had been servedby a butler and replied, "Well, of course, I wouldn't be doing this ifthe money wasn't involved. But I have to tell you that the preparations havehad an interesting effect on me. I am not suicidal, so I'm not looking forwardto dying. But your requirements have re-awakened the sexual side of me andI admit to enjoying that."

The seven turned and murmured among themselves. Finally, the first man spoke. "Isit our understanding that you are enjoying yourself at this moment?"

"Indeed," she replied. "If you were to look closely, you wouldsee my cunt lips are swollen and my pussy is wet. In some way or another Ihave responded to the preparations. As I said, I don't look forward to dying,but must admit that the last several weeks have been fun, as is this momentnow. Now, I have a question, will I die tonight?"

"Well, that was the deal we originally discussed. You would undergo severetreatment at our hands tonight and be assassinated afterwards."

"Hmm, I thought so. So when do I begin the process of dying?"

There was another long pause and then one of the women began, "Valerie,we have discovered in you something totally unexpected. In spite of our agreement,we expected reluctance on your part, an attempt to escape or get free. Almostanything but the emotions and reactions you're displaying now. Would you beinterested in modifying our agreement?"

Instantly on guard, Valerie early shouted, "You're not going to takethe money or the house from my kids, are you?"

"No, no," the woman reassured her. "In fact, quite the opposite.We had prepared six different scenarios for your death. You would have selecteda number and it would reveal how you would suffer and die. What we wonder nowValerie, is if you would be willing to undergo several of the scenarios andwe will triple the amount of money your children will receive."

With a grin, Valerie reminded them, "But I can die only once, can't I?"

"That is true," the woman agreed. "But we can stop any of thescenarios just short of death. You will die, but you won't know ahead of timewhich scenario will result in your actual death."

"What's the catch?" Valerie replied. "You can do that anyway."

There was a collective gasp. "Valerie," one of the men spoke, "youdoubt our honesty?"

At that response, Valerie laughed out loud and the others, realizing the fauxpau, joined in the laughter.

When they all settled down, a second round of drinks was served and, whileValerie lighted another cigarette, the man continued, "What I meant isthat we are honourable. We contracted with you to settle on your children asum of money in return for which for which you would be tortured and killed.We are offering to increase the sum for which you will be tortured up to threetimes the original amount, with death resulting as previously agreed."

Valerie drew deeply on her cigarette. The idea of her kids getting triplethe amount she had been willing to die for really appealed to her. And thenher new found sexuality settled the issue for her. She had an orgasm rightthere in front of them all, cigarette in hand. It might not have been the biggestone she'd ever had but there was no denying that it had been an orgasm. "Well," shesaid, "I guess THAT just settles it. When do we start?"

Should you wish to comment upon my story, I can be reached by
E-mail at:

[email protected]

Comments and criticism are welcome.

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HOUSE BOI I have been searching for a house boi for sometime now. You know, a live in plaything to fill my more decadent desires. With the help of a very close female friend who happens to work in the county Family Services Department I finally found what I was looking for. She does a great deal for work with the foster care system. It seems that once a young person reaches the age of 18 the Foster Care system pretty much just dumps them out on their own. Kind of shitty if you ask me, but...

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Wife8217s Lust

I have always been excited when watching my beautiful wife pleasure another man. I have usually been involved in the open and not in the closet watching. My wife Cindy has had many experiences with our friend Jim; again, I am usually part of the fun. Cindy is 5’2”, 108lbs with perky breasts and next to no bush. She keeps it trimmed very neatly and appealing. Jim is 6’3”, 230lbs and packs a fat 8 1/2” cock. Cindy really likes the size of his cock. I have told Jim on many occasions that Cindy...

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TeamSkeetDupes Kasey Miller Stepdaughter Loves My Cum

When crystal eyed cutie Kasey Miller sees that her stepdad is walking around the house naked, she is totally shocked. But before long, that shock turns into an insatiable curiosity that can only be cured with some cocksucking. The beautiful blonde seduces her old man, convincing him to slip his veiny dick between her hungry lips. She reaches out and grabs it, stroking until it is rock hard. Then, she swirls her tongue around the tip, letting saliva stream down his shaft. This nasty stepdaughter...

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TouchMyWife Jordan Maxx Slutty Cheerleader Cosplay Wife 8211 Horny Halloween

My wife Jordan & I are at a Halloween party, getting frisky in the bathroom. She’s dressed in a cute cheerleader outfit, her nipples popping right through her shirt. As we’re fooling around, I propose bringing in a party-goer in a football player costume to tackle my wife. She is intrigued and hesitantly accepts. Luckily for her this guy has a big cock & my honry wife can’t help but suck on it til she gets all wet. He pulls her panties down and fucks her doggystyle....

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A midsummers rainstorm

“Are you OK? Do you need any first aid?” as he noticed a gash above her right eye. “I think I’ll be OK but the tow truck won’t be here till 12:30. Do you think I could stay a while since the rain is a bad as it is?” He accepted without hesitation. He brought her a fresh shirt because the shirt she was wearing was soaked, exposing the plump breasts of the schoolteacher. “You can change in the bathroom on the right, down the hall.” “Thank you so much,” she said as she made her way down the...

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Broke Down

As the freezing, tempestuous wind whistled through the uninsulated crack in the passenger door of her older model Honda, Riley realized she had little choice. She was stuck here, hundreds of miles from her home, in her broken down little hatchback in the midst of a freezing February Minnesota blizzard, and it was quickly getting dark. She chastised herself for forgetting to charge her cell phone, because it died before she’d even pulled out of her own driveway, and she’d forgotten to bring her...

First Time
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Curious Meg Becoming a Slut Wife Chapter 2

I knew early on that I needed more than just fantasies to satisfy my desires. I also knew that if I stayed in our town I would end up like most of the girls I knew, married to a local guy and trapped for life. I wanted to find a guy like the ones in the stories I had been reading, a guy I could love and marry and that was open minded enough and to accept and satisfy sexual desires. I just didn’t know how to get there and couldn’t think of any options to get away to have some adventures like the...

Group Sex
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Fun With Angel Met In Pub

Hi all, my name is josh. I am a student living in USA. This is a real story happened the last march when I visited new york. I’m open to meeting girls and ladies below 40 in USA and India when I visit. Please email your feedback to All the amazing hotties out there I can give you real fun. Coming to the story, I was visiting my friend and we decided to hit a famous pub in new york. It was a crowded place, after five rounds of drinks I hit the dance floor. There I was eyeing a beautiful Indian...

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Bikini Beach The Nerds Holiday Queen

This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. Cast of Characters: Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee, and Robert's best friend and roommate. Robert and Brandon grew up together. Brandon is a computer genius, but is very awkward around girls. Robert - Not quite...

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A quick enciunter at the mens room

Friday at midday my loving wife Ana cancelled her appointment to lunch with me; she said the Architect she had hired would meet us at the mall’s food court. She warned me that person was a bit eccentric; but had good references from some of her girlfriends.So I went alone for just a quick meal at the same mall and told Ana we would meet with the Architect later.The place was just few blocks from my office. The food court was a bit crowded; but I got some pizza slices and got a seat.Soon I...

2 years ago
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An insatiable woman

 replied, think, table, receipt, cautiousness, apron Her husband never paid her any attention. That´s why she felt so sexually unsatisfied. She almost passed out, her eyes popped up for so much screaming and lust.  I was burning from pleasure, as I saw my step mother sucking my dick so anxiously, full of madness. %%%%%%%% It was a very quite and foggy morning, grey, like those we usually have in Bilbao , Spain .  I was doing the dishes, while daydreaming in the things I was doing, my...

First Time
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FlintkoteChapter 59

Bianca, Sofia and Maria put their heads together and came up with an acceptable lie. Mr. Austin seemed to like it ... and it had the approval of our personal Child Protection Agent ... Elizabeth Anne Boleyn. The two girls were orphans and rather than become costly wards of the state they were ‘given’ to me ... you know ... let ‘ol moneybags pay. I was paying for everything anyway. “Let her do it.” was the revenge of the town on the Rebel. With two teenagers in my care, Cynthiamae wasn’t...

3 years ago
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My Mom the StripperChapter 2

“I-I don’t know Will, that’s...” “Mom, I love you, you’re beautiful ... That’s it! ‘Beautiful!’ That can be your main theme music. Just a second?” I went and got my IPod and started the song, and Mom got up, moving to the music – it was fantastic as she was rubbing herself all over her body to this. She was shaking her butt, and dancing well, and at the point the music was Christina trilling, she tore open her robe, showing me her entire naked body, F-Cups and all. I stood up as she teased...

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Dominant Family

Looking over the fields of hay at the back of our house, I remembered the many happy memories. There was and still are lovely, lush, green fields and woods, with many different paths you can take, all different but all beautiful. I used to spend many happy hours running nearly naked through the hay and woodland trees, trying to catch the beautifully coloured butterflies, while listening to the bird song, the long grass tickling my legs. Laughing, and jumping, in all the tiny puddles of water...

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Alexs Craigslist Adventures Ch 3

Vito loves the taste of my assMy name is Alex, I'm a 28 year old Bi guy who more than occasionally meets guys. Lately I've been sort of lazy and have been doing my best to find guys close by, because when I want cock, I don't want to wait. I hope to share more of my true stories in the future.-----I was lucky enough that Vito answered one of my ads. It was a late night, last summer when I got his response, "Hey, I live in the same town, and have my place to myself." His roommates where out of...

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LA FunChapter 40

The world was foggy this morning. At least my head was foggy. The previous day had been so full of everything that I didn't think I could handle another day like that. Knowing that I needed to wake up, I moved from the bed, slipping from under the clutching Willy and over the top of Katie, who reached up and pulled my head down for a kiss. I put my workout clothes on and went to the basement to use the gym. I had finished stretching, just started the treadmill, and turned the TV on when...

1 year ago
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Gym Pleasures

The hour was reaching 10 o'clock in the gym and most people had finished working out for the night. Politely, Jane went around and told the remaining patrons that is was time to lock up, and soon the building was empty. Jane, the young college co-ed in charge of the night shift, was a spectacular sight. Her 5'11", 130 lb. frame made her long, shapely legs and 36D breasts seem all the more attractive than they already were, but those were hardly the only drool-worthy features of the 20 year-old...

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Baileys BrotherChapter 8 Bailey The Young and the Reckless

The sun came up, birds were chirping, everything in the world was where it was supposed to me. I showered without getting my hair wet and was ready for school fast. My brother didn’t tease me at breakfast. Becky and Addy were chatty on the bus to school and I remembered why I loved having them as friends. I was totally fine. Everything was how it was supposed to be. Except that under it all, it wasn’t. I’d been letting my homework slip, sometimes I did a rush job and I even got a couple...

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Dads Dating AdviceChapter 4

“No popping cherries,” Bob moaned for maybe the fifth time. The last gulp of Scotch he’d slammed had been working on him, and now it registered in full, threatening to tip him into peaceful unconsciousness. There was a warm, naked woman in his arms who looked and smelled like Olivia, but he knew she wasn’t. Still, she felt good, snuggled up against him. He knew, in a misty kind of way that it was his daughter, because every once in a while she said something and it was Julie’s voice. His...

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A Familys New Years Eve Part 5

A Family New Year’s Eve – Part V Please read “A Family New Year’s Eve – Chapters I, II, III, and IV” – before you read this (if you haven’t already.) This will make more sense if you do. Laurie’s heart had just about stopped; her breathing fast and shallow as her mind tried to grasp what her new Master, her eighteen year old son, Matt, had said to her. She was aware of the wash of her cunt juice over her spread thighs as she rocked back on her heels; she felt the hardness of her nipples push...

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Surprise foursome4

Beep! Beep! "hey wanna meet up on Monday." Eagerly I replied, it was pretty obvious my crush on her everyone knew about it "Yeah sure Eloise". All right let's slow down a bit I'm 15 and a very athletic tennis player although I used to be small and scrawny, but recently started getting bigger muscles as I work out. Monday came fast, I arranged to meet up at her house to do some revision. By the time I got to her house I was nervous and sweaty, I had never been to a girl's house or even...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 664

This one is compliments of John A. Three important thing to remember about the coming weekend. 1 - Day light savings ends on Sunday, November 6th. Set your clocks back an hour. 2 - Change the batteries in your smoke detectors. 3 - Due to the Holiday season, set your scales back 10 pounds. This on Is Compliments of Bobby C A young priest is walking down the street, a hooker walks up to him and says,” A quickie for five bucks”, this confuses the priest so he keeps walking, pretty soon...

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It Finally Happened

By: Tomboy7 Hi guys, Tomboy here. I am a Male. 25 years living in Mumbai. Please feel free to leave comments on my mail id. Let’s start with the story: Over the past year I had reconnected with an Aunt I had a falling out with. She had come to visit, and we hit it off again. We would text all the time, and talk on the phone like once a week. We would often go out to party, and usually flirt back and forth. She was a decent looking woman for being 35 (I was 23 by the way) she had black hair...

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Labor Day 79 With Kelly

It was Labor Day weekend of 1979. Kelly and I were nineteen and she would soon start her sophomore year of college. Patrick and Yvonne were our best friends in the world. Since we’d first swapped partners a couple of years prior we had become regular sex partners, especially Patrick and Kelly. Yvonne typically had to be “in the mood.” Kelly, however, was always ready for sex and loved nothing more than having two cocks willing to service her.Patrick’s family had a long history of spending the...

Group Sex
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Introduction to Slavery

The Problem My wife and I had been fighting. Serious fighting. We were bothto the point where we had stopped the anger and had begun serious discussions about gettingdivorced. Looking back on this now, it's hard for me to see who was really right and who was really wrong. I'm not sure I can even tell you who was mad about what. For about a month we just kind of co-existed,neither of us talking much; only when absolutely necessary. Then Megan said she wanted to give it one moreshot. "Jason,...

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The Unforgiving Tale of Asgard

The Unforgiving Tale of Asgard a story by Carter Jones Prologue Sometimes I wonder whether journaling even matters. I'm sure all of those other teenagers out there are busy typing about love and first this, first time that. I guess in a way, what I do write has a sense of familiarity that most would understand if context were to be vague. For example: there are those days in which I can sit here, wonder about life and...

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Padosan Teacher Ki Gaand Chudai

Hii friends mera naam vivaan h or m ek student hu or m belong karta hu ek chote se sahar se pr m apni pdai k karan jaipur me rent pr rahta hu or yaha apni competiton exams ki tyari karta hu. To m apko bor na karte huye apni kahani start karta hu ye kahani h mere or meri padosan jo abi abi 4 mahine pahle bani thi kyu ki mene apna room change kiya tha. Mera routin iss prkar se tha ki m subah subah class k liye jaya karta tha frr m apne room pr pdta tha. Sham k time me chht pr yu hi tahlta tha...

1 year ago
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Globes of Power

Mother is jealous of her daughters large breasts. The Globes of Power All characters in this story are over 18 years old. Chapter One Sandra Thompson, the middle-aged woman with petite frame and short, light brown hair, stood in the kitchen, preparing dinner. She glanced down at her small breasts, feeling insecure as she always did when her youngest daughter was nearby. Emily, her older daughter, had a slim figure and long dark hair. Sophia, her youngest daughter, slim with long dark hair like...

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What do you mean gay

(March 21st) Hi my names Harry Styles, I'm 18 and I just so happen to be in one of the world most popular boybands. One Direction. We've come a long way since 2010 but none more than my best friend Louis and I. We did absolutly everything together! But I felt lately we had drifted when he got a girlfriend but this one day changed everything. The sun split the curtains on the Saturday morning, the only Saturday One Direction had, had off in a while, I decided it would be good just to...

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Country Roads Take Me HomeChapter 2

I actually love living out in the country. At first, I didn’t think I would. I certainly didn’t move out here with my Uncle Dan by choice. About four months ago, I was still living with my mom and stepdad in a fairly large city. One night, when my mom was working late, my stepdad and I got into a discussion about whether younger or older men make better lovers. His argument was that older men are much more patient, especially when giving oral sex to their partners. I told him, half-jokingly,...

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Hot Evening With My Student 8211 Part I

Hi all and this is Varsha here. I am 26 years old, married; hubby is in the Middle East. I am fair, slim, and tall and my stats are 34 28 32. One day my neighbour came with her daughter who was in class 12 and asked me to take science tuitions for her as I was a science graduate as she requested very much and also I did not have much work to do as I was staying alone in my house. So I accepted. Soon more students started joining. It was only one more month to exams and regular students only...

2 years ago
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Becoming Chloe Part 3

Becoming Chloe Part 3: The continuing story of Chloe and her transition assisted by his wife and her boyfriend. [email protected] (Cindy Johnson) After we finished lunch Kate instructed me to clean the dishes, put everything away and come up to the bedroom when I was done. I heard them both go upstairs and then heard them moving things and realized that they were getting ready to move my things out of the bedroom. As I rushed to finish I saw Ricky carrying things out of the...

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Never Lie to Kat

Akira knelt on the cement floor of the sweltering basement, her arms tied behind her back by thick rope that threatened to break the delicate skin of her wrists. Sweat dripped down her hair, pooling around the thick ball gag in her mouth. Kat only gagged Akira when she was very angry. Never Lie to Kat She looked down at the filthy floor, a spider crawled dangerously close to her knee, where the evidence of her lie was dripping down her thighs. She twitched at the closeness of large black bug....

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Delicious Daughters Part 8211 2

As I was busy opening her pussy lips with my fingers I did not hear her calling me. “ yes, I said” She smiled and said “ I liked it..’ “what? “ “ what you have here, she said with her grip on my cock”. It is big, like you. “ but, what will mother say? She was a bit afraid. I pissed her pussy and said “ don’t worry, I will manage. I will make her agree, I said, if promise not to go to your lover. Be happy with my cock, will you? I asked. ‘ yes, his cock is not as big as yours” she said. “ have...

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DorcelClub LaSirena69 Lasirena 4 You

Discover the first Dorcel scene of Lasirena, the beautiful brunette with perfect curves. Lasirena and Seth Gambles have been married for some time and have decided to be libertines. While having a good time with strangers, Lasirena forces James to wait patiently at home until she comes home to tell him about her antics. Tonight, while James masturbates while listening to the story of the pretty brunette, the latter finally grants him the favor of undressing before making love to him with...


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