LA FunChapter 40 free porn video

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The world was foggy this morning. At least my head was foggy. The previous day had been so full of everything that I didn't think I could handle another day like that. Knowing that I needed to wake up, I moved from the bed, slipping from under the clutching Willy and over the top of Katie, who reached up and pulled my head down for a kiss. I put my workout clothes on and went to the basement to use the gym.

I had finished stretching, just started the treadmill, and turned the TV on when Donte, Michi, and Dai came into the gym room. They stretched out and then slowly began and worked up to about the same speed as I was going. Donte asked me, "What kind of surprises do you have for us today?" as our breathing settled.

"None, I hope. This was supposed to be a honeymoon and not some kind of test. That damn hotel got us off to a bad start, so I'm going to encourage Jules to take some of her anger out on them. I can't imagine how they became the most popular hotel in Honolulu."

Dai jokingly said, "They probably even have bedbugs."

That caused even the dry-humored Michi to laugh.

There was a blurb on the Hawaii news channel that talked about a major breakthrough of the ongoing human trafficking investigations. Five people from Afghanistan had been discovered hiding on the island. They discovered that three men who had been convinced to travel with them had been murdered at sea by the traffickers because they became hard to deal with. A vessel that was offshore was captured by the Coast Guard as it was approaching the island to drop off more of the almost slave labor being brought in.

The four of us tried to come up with what a human might be worth to go to all that trouble to get them and transport them here. We just couldn't put together how that would be better than hiring and paying for someone to work with and for you.

Dai said, "It is very admirable to be a domestic in a home of a person revered by others in Japan. Men and women train to become cooks, maids, butlers, or closet men (Men who assist the head of the household to dress, and who takes care of his apparel – what used to be called a valet, before the kid who parks your car got the title.) They are only required to work six days a week, so they often have their own home and family."

I thought of the people in our house in LA and realized that they didn't have much time of their own as they began early in the morning and often worked late at night. I hope they were paid enough for their efforts and that they enjoyed what they did.

We all switched to free weights and began doing our personal regimes. Dai was fascinated by my multiple repetitions of lighter weights instead of the heavier weights. I explained to him that one of my instructors advised me that I could build my stamina and still increase my strength if I were to do multiple repetitions with lighter weights.

Donte was already following my lead with this, and we smiled at each other as Dai went to half the weight he was using and began doing repetitions until he couldn't do them any longer. He was smiling as he sat up from the bench. "You might have something there, Brad. I feel good and could have pulled something toward the end, but I didn't as I was giving each rep a smooth ascent without hurting myself."

Dai said, "I will have Hideki follow your suggestion when he comes to the gym. The man is very regular with his exercise schedule, and attempts to do some daily. Nobuko is also very active and uses the treadmills and Nautilus positions. It's no wonder that she remains so beautiful." You could see the admiration Dai had for his boss and wife.

I ran upstairs, but couldn't get the girls to respond. Not a problem, so I stripped, showered, shaved, and then used my 'No No' to clean myself of any hair that was trying to grow on my center. The hair on my legs seemed to become denser as I aged. I was looking pretty clean where I wanted to be clean by using the device often enough.

I was more forceful with the girls about getting up now. They moaned and groaned, but finally began sitting up, giving me ideas of some morning playtime instead of getting the day started. Jules told me, "Go away, we'll get up and get going. Look at the time; it isn't even seven o'clock yet. You are so uncool with your sleeping habits."

I went downstairs to see if Kumi might be making something special this morning. She was preparing something, but Wanda stuffed something into my mouth and told me, go away and leave them alone. "We're making a special breakfast for all who are here." Kumi came to me and gave me a very warm hug and pulled my head to her so we gently kissed on the lips. The very wanton cook rubbed herself against me this time before letting go and smiling at me. I think I heard Wanda say 'slant-eyed slut' as I walked out of the kitchen area.

Auli was at the bar and had Bloody Marys ready to be poured. He poured me a cup of coffee and also poured me one of his concoctions. I went to where my cell phone was plugged in and called the Hollywood office. Georgia was excited that I called and said Kelly was bouncing off the wall today. Kelly said, "Seventy-six, just like the 'Music Man'!" and she began singing, "Seventy-six trombones led the big parade," when she picked up. "We had seventy-six sales this weekend, Brad. We only have thirty-six salespeople total. That means that every one of them had at least one sale and most had two. Some had three or four for this to happen. We could make two hundred this week. You should be here instead of blessing us from almost three thousand miles away. I'm so excited."

"That's awesome, Kelly! There's going to be a man from the same security group that Donte and Yori came from to watch the office while I'm gone. Show him where the restrooms and the break rooms are, and include him with your Subway orders." I exclaimed after a pause, "Holy shit, Kelly, seventy-six sales! That's so unbelievable. Think of something we can do to show our appreciation and how great we think all our salespeople are. Follow the sales, Kelly. Make sure they all get to Finance and to Decorating. You'll need to have a special spiff for listings after sales like that."

Kelly said, "I think the entire office has been so excited about you getting married that it carried over into the salespeople, and they were in a frenzy. What are you going to do for an encore?"

"I wasn't even there, Kelly. We gave them a gentle push last week and look what they did. Help them to get to two hundred, and then push them again. We're a special office and you my sweet are leading it right now. Thank you."

Kelly said, "We hired another girl to take Racine's place since you took Willy with you, and have her working as secretary now." Kelly's voice became very soft as she said, "Racine is so delicious; you're going to like traveling with her."

"No, no, no, no. That's entirely the wrong attitude. Willy might come back."

Kelly laughed at that and said, "We all know the look she had when she watched the girls get married. She was/is possessed, possessed with the girls and with you. What the fuck do you have anyway?"

"Stop. I love all you girls, but there has to be a limit as to what my relationship with any of you can be. You have all pushed it to the limit. I really want us to be respectful of each other."

Kelly said, "I'll be respectful, but I want some playtime with the boss. That'll make me a better person."

"Go to work. Treat the guy from security with respect, and give him a place to sit."

"Oh, it's already done. He was waiting for me when I opened up this morning. His name is Tuni, and he has a perpetual smile on his face. He's been looking at files on the computer and reading his tablet like Yori used to do so far. We'll take care of him."

Leaving those three girls in charge of the office was dangerous. They were almost too aggressive and could create havoc without trying.

I had to tweak Dan, so I called the home office. Dan was in a meeting, so I landed on Dorothy's phone. "How are you doing, Mr. Married Man?"

"Great, Dot. I wanted to call to nudge Dan about seventy-six sales over the weekend."

"Oh, we've already heard and have confetti throughout the office. I think the partners are in the conference room trying to figure out how to reward you. How did you do that, Brad? You had to have been whacked out over getting married last week, but you traveled to San Antonio and then primed your office for this unbelievable weekend before you got married and left for a week. Everyone here is betting that you stay two weeks."

Dorothy barely took a breath before asking, "What the fuck did you do? We had an FBI inquiry about you over the weekend that I had to answer without having any documents. I was in LA watching you bite the dust. They called again this morning to confirm what your title was and what your duties are. The Agent said you bought a seven million dollar beach house on Waikiki outside Honolulu."

"You know Jules is a Kamatsu and that she is a currency and commodity trader, Dorothy. She's made me some money, but she spent most of it this past weekend. I hope I'll have enough to pay the taxes. She made enough money for her grandfather to buy a sports team."

The personal secretary of Mooney's super execs said, "Well, that's not all who called this morning. A man said he was the business editor for the Honolulu Star-Advisor and wanted a bio on you. You know I don't do those, so I e-mailed the boys and the legal counsel who all nixed giving info out. You are a hot commodity all of a sudden."

The voluptuous lady said, "So tell me, Stud, do I get an invite to your Hawaiian paradise?" In a much quieter voice she said, "I'll reward you and your ladies very nicely and even pay my own way to get there."

"You are so bad, Dorothy. You've given me hardons for almost six years and you're offering some of that prime pussy now that I'm married."

I thought Dot would fall off her chair from laughing so hard. "You slay me, Brad. You are always so gentlemanly and appropriate with everyone, and then you come out with something like that. I love it. Go away, I have work to do. I'll tell Dan you called to brag. Goodbye."

The girls had come downstairs while I was on the phone, and my folks, as well as Katie's, were sucking up Bloody Marys. I took my empty glass to Auli who immediately refilled it. I was in a really good mood by now.

Kini came to me and whispered, "The FBI, DEA, and the local police want to go through the apartment and garage. Could you come and talk to them?"

I walked to the foyer and could see an armada of law enforcement. I told them, "Go through the garage and the apartment to see if you can find anything. See me first if you have to come into the house because I have several people who are helping me celebrate my wedding last Saturday. We really haven't been able to enjoy our marital status much so far."

We all had a great breakfast, enjoying talking about Katie's, Jules', and my childhoods. Mom asked Willy about her past, and she said, "My mom is getting along very nicely now. She's in a nursing home and is mobile again. She's had a rough time and has recovered far better than expected. I'd love for her to be with us sometimes."

This tugged on Jules who grabbed Willy and pulled her out of the room into the office area. I didn't want to intrude, but wanted to know what the problem was with having Willy's mother join us.

The two came into the 'big' room with tear-stained faces. Neither had put makeup on, so there were no streaks.

Katie came to me and hugged me. "We are so lucky to have healthy parents who can support themselves. Willy's mom has been in a nursing home and hospice care for a couple of years. Willy has met the challenge, but could often have used help through this ordeal. I want to help her, Brad. I want her to live with us, to be cared for by us, and to have Willy there to make sure what's left of her life is a good memory. We are so blessed, Brad."

"You don't have to ask me if you want to spend money to help someone."

Jules smiled at me, and said, "Yes, I do. You are the master of the house and all the money of the house is yours to spend as you see fit."

I didn't laugh, but wanted to. "Ah, Jules, Honey, Baby, you pushed through a seven million dollar purchase on this house. I might not have agreed to it."

Jules kissed me, and since she was sitting on my lap, she wiggled to stimulate growth before saying, "It was the right thing to do at that time. I was about to be impulsive and buy that damned hotel so I could fire a few people. The Concierge and the Evening Manager have already been let go. No one ever contacted the Hotel Manager, so he wasn't at fault. No matter; I've extracted my pound of flesh. I made some advantageous trades while we were supposed to be sleeping last night that has built your bank account back up. Our accountant will help with the taxes, so don't panic. We'll get whatever needs to appear together."

I rubbed the magic tummy of the mother of my first child, but smoke didn't appear and no magic genie came out to grant wishes. Katie sensed an intimate moment and came over to sit on my other knee. Willy followed, sat on top of the two girls' laps, and hung onto my neck instead of trying to find a knee. She said, "It's so good to have Jules and Katie be between Brad and me. Our love is so special that we should be a part of each other forever."

Why did that get to me? Big tears were running down my cheeks as I held all three women.

Mom came over and wiped my face with a tissue, and then leaned down to kiss me. Jules whispered, "Be careful there. Kissing this guy gets most women bedded down for a bit."

My mom smiled, leaned to Jules, and said, "I would try him out at least once."

Oh shit, not my mother too. My sister had made a smart remark that she wanted some private time, and now mom wants to play. It won't happen, so no harm, no foul, but the two sex freaks of the family heard it and would do everything in their power to try to make it happen unless I redirected their efforts.

An FBI Agent came back to the house and wanted to speak to me. He said, "I'm told you offered the use of the garage apartment for our surveillance team. Can we do that, and if so, where should we park our vehicles so they aren't in the way?"

I had to ask, "How long will you want to carry on this surveillance, and why only here and not some other areas that are less inhabited?"

The Agent said, "Waikiki has been the most frequent drop off area for a long while. The people you found had already been here for a week and were due to be taken away, but you bought the house and that screwed up the smugglers' plans."

It took me a minute to find Suda, the chauffeur. I had her go out to instruct the Agents where to park so they wouldn't be blocking the garage. That reminded me, so I went to Wanda and asked her about landscaping. She said she had already called the landscapers to advise them we still wanted them to maintain the grounds. They had only missed a week. She said that Jules had used her bank to set up a local checking account with a debit card. Jules, Katie, and Wanda were going to go to the bank together for signature cards and the debit card.

Jules repeated what Wanda had told me when I went back out to the 'big' room. She also said she wanted to find a local bookkeeper or accountant who could help Wanda and take care of payroll. They might need to be on that bank account as well.

Kini and Auli had friends at several of the local golf courses, so they were asked to see if they could get tee times for the two sets of parents. Hideki declined to go, and said that he wanted to rest today as the rest of his week was going to be busy.

The house was quiet all of sudden. Hideki and Nobuko were in the downstairs suite resting, Donte was wandering the grounds, checking it for any form of security problems, the upstairs maids were busy cleaning and taking care of our clothes, and the two serving as butlers were doing the bidding of the maids and cooks.

I had gone into the office to use the PC to check e-mail and found that there really wasn't much. The girls at the office were taking care of things instead of letting me be concerned.

I felt the presence of someone while I was sitting at the desk using the PC, and looked up to see Willy. She gave me a beautiful smile and patiently sat while I finished. I got up and went around and sat next to her in the other leather desk chair. "What's up, Willy? You look like you have something on your mind?"

The small woman did the um, um, ah, um routine until I said, "Okay, I'm interested whatever it is, and I assure you I won't be upset or angry with anything you have to tell me. Now, talk to me."

Willy took in a deep breath, let it out, and locked eyes with me. "I want something special in our relationship with Jules, Katie, and you. I don't know how to describe it, but I want to be like, like a, like a slave to you three."

Now that is something that will knock you off your chair.

"Slave may not be the correct word, maybe it would be a submissive, but I want to be owned by you three. You would keep me at your side and tell me what to do, but I would have the free will to want to do whatever you want. As far as day to day everything, I would know how to function and be of assistance to Jules and Katie, and I would be at your direction when you are home. You could say I would be at your 'beck and call'. I want this because I love those two girls, and I love you more each day. I know this is strange and you are probably shocked. A slave doesn't come with an instruction manual, but it does come with a willingness to do as told. I want to wear a choker, or even a dog collar, that tells everyone that I'm yours and belong to you. You are very strong with me and the girls, and it just brings my feelings of desire to be your slave and submissive out that much more. Can you do this?"

This was going to make me sweat. "Have you spoken to Jules and Katie about this?"

"Just around the edges, as I was trying to tell them that I considered you my master and them my mistresses. They joked that you were their master too. It will be up to you to tell them what my position in our home will be, sort of where I would be in the food chain."

"You're serious, aren't you?"

Willy blushed and looked down, "Very serious. This has been my secret passion for years and years, but I've have never found the right person or persons. It would be that I can give you control of my life and enjoy being your dependent. You're going to bring my mother into your home that you want to share with me, knowing it might be a strain sometimes. Jules already has some of your people in LA looking for caregivers who can be a part of the staff. I want to be under your control and take direction from you."

I closely looked at the woman, "So, you aren't planning on going back to work at the office."

"Not if I can be a part of the family the way I want to be. I will enjoy being your slave if I can live with you three and know that my mother is taken care of. My life would be complete. There are advantages for you. You would have me as your sex slave too. I would be available to you anytime anywhere for anything you might desire. I know you have two women who are willing to do that with you now, and I would be their extension. I want to sleep at your feet, wash you, shave you, and dress you. I want to be your slave. I want to do that with all three of you."

I used my cell phone and called Katie. "How are you guys doing setting everything up, Katie?"

Katie told me, "We have a CPA who will handle the bookkeeping with Wanda and take care of the house payroll. She will stay in touch with us so we will be able to retain a handle on this home. We're finishing up at the bank now, is there something you need?"

"Yes, I need you to think of this a minute and listen without falling over and acting too shocked. I want you and Jules to find and buy some kind of choker like a collar that would be comfortable for Willy. If you find something in colors get several in different colors. Willy is going to be our slave. We'll talk about this more later, but this is something she wants."

Katie said, "Jules and I were just talking about how submissive Willy has been with us since we brought her with us. She seems extraordinarily happy but she does act submissive to us. I know what you want and we'll make an effort, but Jules and I want to be with you enjoying our honeymoon."

"You will, but you'll have a small beauty hanging onto your ankles. You two are going to have to work out how to interact with her. It's easy for me, I'll tell her what to do, and I'll spank her if she doesn't respond." I winked at Willy as I said that and she shivered.

"I'll tell Jules what and why we need it. I think Wanda knows all about that kind of relationship. Kumi wants to be your slave too. The way she drools over you and rubs up against you is amazing. Jules already asked me if we should take her home with us, ha, ha, ha." At least she was laughing. "We'll get what you want."

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The late night café was getting ready to close when the 3 girls walked in and asked for coffee before sitting at a table, 18 year old Abdul sent his younger brother home telling him to locked the shutters as he went, Abdul prepared the coffee’s watching the girls as he did, he knew all 3 girls were from the local estate and were 2 years younger than him, he slipped a couple of pills in each cup before giving the coffee to the girls, he dropped the blinds and watched as the girls drunk their...

3 years ago
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The Sentence the next three chapters 171819

Chapter #17 Getting ready to party: I had to laugh, because I remembered what mom had told me on the way down stairs, about Holli not liking to dress up. Mom told me to be good and watch TV while she took care of getting Holli & herself ready. I asked mom if I could get something to drink. So, she went to the kitchen and came back with my princess sip cup full of soda. She said here you are dear. This way you wouldn't spill anything on that lovely dress. I said thank...

4 years ago
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Banding show goes wrong

Banding show goes wrong Part 1 By [email protected] Ian had been living with his older brother Chris in the big city for three months now. Chris was the alpha male, always looking for the next hot chick to come along. Ian was more reserved, quiet. The brother with secrets. Ian heard Chris slam the front door and start up his Toyota ute. Chis was an electrician and liked to start early. That suited Ian. He still hadn't found a job so he'd been exploring the internet. A...

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Brother8217s Unplanned Romance With His Cousin Sister 8211 Part 2

Hello guys, I am Raghav Batra back with 2nd part of “Brother’s unplanned romance with his cousin sister”. After that incident (read 1st part) I was feeling very ashamed and was not able to face her. Somehow I passed brother’s marriage. Next day there were some after-marriage rituals, we all were invited, but I decided not to go there ( as there will be only family members and I had to face her more which I don’t want to ). I made an excuse that I had some important work with my friend and I...

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BtVS Summers Heat

Buffy Summers was feeling distinctly warm. She had all day. But it wasn't a fever or anything. It was more... she was horny. After all, she was a healthy young woman who had found she enjoyed sex. But, since she had broken things off with Riley, she had found no one else to replace him in her bed.Truth be told, once she found out that Willow was gay or bi or whatever she was, Buffy had found herself fantasizing about the perky redhead. But she also would never come between Willow and her lover,...

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Playing Holi With Cousin8217s Wife 8211 Final Part

Hello friends, Back with the final version of my story “Playing holi with bhabhi in absence of my cousin.” Here goes the remaining part. Do read and comment. Next day everything went normal but i was still waiting for her to come out but was of no use. Then again next day in the morning, she called me on my mobile and asked, “what are you doing?” I said, “kuch nahi, bas abhi sokar utha” She said, “mujhe ek ring chahiye. Badle me aapko jo chahiye mujhse, wo le lo.” I said, “ring kisliye?” She...

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The Passenger Seat Chapter 1 Wood

WOOD THE MOVING TRUCK was a welcome surprise.For months, Tara watched prospective buyers come and go from the house next door. Couples, singles and families. Some older than her. Some younger. And for months, she hoped for new neighbors.It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy the privacy of their remote home. In fact, part of the appeal when they bought the house was its secluded lot, and the fact that it was entirely wooded on one side.It was simply that Tara sometimes felt alone.Her husband’s job...

2 years ago
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Granny Takes Care Of Me 8211 Part 1

Hi, this sex story idea was sent to me by a reader. It is a bit long and detailed as requested by him. Hope you enjoy this story. Visit my profile to read more of my stories. Grandma had been living alone ever since grandpa passed away two years ago. I was in college when grandpa passed away so I made a brief visit and couldn’t stay for long. But now I had found a job in granny’s city and I couldn’t be happier to move in with her. Let me tell you a bit about my granny. Even though she is in her...

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Deepa Seduced 8211 Part I

By : Jamesh8080 Hi friend’s what can I do? I get half filled story which excites me I think it will be completed but its doesnt get completed by the real author. Anyway this too I am sending is not mine, It Belongs to one Deepa Patil as per what she chatted with me. I like it as it’s a first insect story that I liked, I hope you too will like the same. Next morning, my cunt was sore. I felt a little discomfort while walking. However, as the day progressed the pain was replaced by a gentle...

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USS INTERPRIK a Sex Trek story 2012 by Salmacius

This story is similar to other one You can see and is set like the cinema of the saga of "Star Trek" - so imagine in practice the same customs and the same atmosphere - and it's the story of an interplanetary voyage, with a few differences ... . that this will never find the movie or the text of it.Chapter 1) THE DEPARTUREIt describes the journey of the "USS INTERPRIK" - starship ship in the same class as the best known "USS ENTERPRISE", but this is more modern and spacecraft that made a...

2 years ago
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SnatchedChapter 33

By the time we were within five hundred or so yards of the Calak I knew something was wrong, and I signaled for a halt. "I can smell sickness at the Calak, and I think it is from wounded men. I even think I could smell that some of them are dead, newly dead," I said. "Can you be sure it isn't some disease?" Shaton asked. "No, I can't be sure, but I don't think that's what it is. Maybe I should go ahead and check to be sure. I will signal you with two quick shots if it seems safe...

4 years ago
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You are nothing

((Use the customizable tab to the right for this story.)) Wow, that weekend just went like a blur. After spending the past weekend with your long-distance Girlfriend Sophie, you've been left satisfied and ready to go ahead with your usual week. London station is so boring especially on a Monday morning. You're having to wait every hour for this wretched train to come so you can go back to your boring, quiet village in the Countryside. You can't believe this is still your life. Sophie is great,...

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Asian American Waitress

Tasha worked at the club where I was bartending. We always got along well. There was always a lot of flirting going on between us, but nothing ever happened since she was dating Brett at the time. I made it quite clear on many occasions, that I would love to spend some intimate time with her if she ever freed herself of him. She would usually give me a sexy look and wink at me saying something like "I'll keep that in mind, Stud". Tasha was one of the sexiest women I have ever lusted for....

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The Forfeit II

I was upstairs when Linda arrived. Kelly had teased me about how much Linda and I had enjoyed ourselves during our forfeit session with Janet the other time and had admitted that she had got a buzz out of it too. Being the plaything of, not only my girlfriend, but her delicious redhead friend of course appealed to me, so when Kelly suggested Linda join us for another "game" I was all for it. Mind you, now it came to it I was more nervous! I heard the girls chatting and laughing as I arrived...

2 years ago
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Sister Seduction Part 1

Chapter One When I wake up, I force myself to sit up, and I look at my clock. 8:35 a.m. "Oh, shit," I mutter, and I quickly get dressed, grab my school bag, and run downstairs, and into the kitchen where my mom is making my 12-year-old and 8-year-old sisters breakfast. I open the fridge to grab the milk, when my mom says my name. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," she says with a chuckle, motioning to the calendar. June 30th. Summer vacation starts today. "Well....shit," I say,...

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Emily Willis Twitter 13000 928000

If you know of a tight, gorgeous petite butt-slut, raise your hand. Now, are we thinking of the same girl? The one I'm focusing on is Emily Willis. She's this petite, 110-pound girl who loves getting her tight pussy and her asshole fucked as good as can be. She's a naughty girl with so much sex appeal that just her eyes looking at you is enough to make you want to shove your dick down her throat. Oh, Emily loves deepthroating, too.When it comes to her Twitter, Emily is sitting at just over 950K...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Love Never Dies Pt 07

This story is based on personal experience. My thanks to the readers who have accompanied me this far. And special heartfelt thanks to those who have encouraged me along the way with their comments and votes. ~~~~~~~ NOW TRAFFIC was light that Friday evening and I made good time. It was 7:01 when I parked the car in the garage and switched off the engine. I removed the phone from my pocket, preparing to text Gaynor, when it beep-beeped. The words on the screen told me: 1 message from Gaynor....

2 years ago
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Hot Coming FamilyChapter 4

John held his palms over his sister's firm young tits and massaged them through the material of her tee-shirt. He pulled on her bra-less nipples and ground his hands against them. "We shouldn't be doing this now, John!" the teenaged girl hissed. "Everyone's home and they might hear us." The boy squeezed one tit and slipped his free hand over her bare midriff. He brought his lips down hard on hers and forced his tongue all the way into her mouth. "So what?" he muttered, darting his...

4 years ago
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Part FiveIn The SuiteWe entered the suite. Both girls gave me a long hug and goodnight kiss full on the lips. They both thanked me again for a wonderful evening. We headed to our respective bedrooms.I had just pulled the sheet up over my nude body and was about to turn off the light, when I heard a soft knock on my door, I figured it was Shelly."Come in." I said. It was Amy in her sheer negligee."Hi daddy." She said as she climbed onto the bed, kneeling next to me."Hi Honey." I replied."Do you...

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Threeway Love

I had known both Jake and Marksince I was little. We had grown up together and shared most important memories. We had been inseparable all through school. None of our other friendships lasted, even going through puberty and the awkwardness of feelings never changed our friendship. Having been through everything with them it was no surprise when I found myself falling for them both. Jake was tall and skinny with blonde hair and reminded me of a skater punk even though he was friendly and...

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SweetheartVideo Cassidy Banks Lena Paul Chapter 1 The Departure

When Sister Mona (Mona Wales) finds out that she will be transferred to Mother Joan’s (Magdalene St-Michaels) abbey, Mother Superior (Nina Hartley) warns her about Mother Joan’s way of doing things. This won’t be Sister Mona’s first time meeting Mother Joan, though, as she knew her in her younger years. Despite the resentment she still bears for her, she pushes her feelings aside and kisses Mother Superior, smiling gently at her before leaving. Unlike Mother Joan, Mother...

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My wife and neighbour

The evening began as a diner party between three couples at village 8 miles fromhome. Sharon and I went with our neighbours Ian and Diane, the men in DJ`s andthe girls in cocktail dress's. Sharon looked great in her blue dress, underwhich I knew she had new G-string and suspenders. The dress offered her 34D titsadequate support so she was braless. The food was good and the wine flowed. Theevening included lots of fun and games, including dancing with each other'spartners. The girls all looked...

3 years ago
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Neighborhood PetChapter 4

The following morning, Karen Smith was still too overwhelmed from the obscene thrill of her forbidden sexual coupling with her aunt's dog to feel any significant amount of shame or remorse over what she had done. Oh, admittedly, there had been several light twinges of both in the hours that followed. She wasn't quite that calloused yet, not to realize the unnaturalness or unlawfulness of their abnormal love-making, but the delectable pleasures her darling Satyr had raised and sated within...

1 year ago
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Fallen Poets

Authors note: this story is a work of fiction and in no way reflects the actions or thoughts of the people involved.Lucy stood at the bar waiting to be served. The concert had been as good, if not better, than she had anticipated. In her head she replayed her favourite songs and recalled every nuance of Markos performance. His voice was just as gorgeous as she remembered from the videos, and Ollie played the guitar like a dream. It had been amazing.Sipping her drink Lucy made her way over to...

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Surviving the DivorceChapter 9

"What do we need to talk about, Dear?" I asked, though I had a inkling. "Your ex-wife, Gary," Patricia said, seriously, but with an odd twinkle in her eye. "That promises to be rather an involved discussion," I replied, "so do you mind if I relay my news first, before I forget again?" "I suppose, as long as it doesn't take too long." She draped herself elegantly over one of the chairs, graciously inviting me to the one next to it with a wave of one slender hand. I swear to God,...

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He Made Us Do It

My name is Claudia and I am a single parent raising two children up in Lancaster. The city is a medium sized one, around a 75,000 people or so, in what is known as the high desert area about 60 miles north of Los Angeles. My daughter Jesse is 16 and growing into a beautiful young woman and my son Scott just turned 14 and is the typical teenage boy, interested in nothing but sports and girls. It is mid-summer in Lancaster and as such it doesn't get dark until around nine. I was standing at the...

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Trip of a Lifetime Book I I Grieve With TheeChapter 3 Conspiracy of Destruction

Apparently nobody found it necessary to explain, why they had to return to the ship all of a sudden. Captain Archer's frequent evasions of a straight answer told her that they wouldn't like it. -=/\=- After almost three hours of meditation T'Pol found herself back in Paxton's Prison holding baby Elizabeth. One of Paxton's guards pointed a phase pistol at her head. Suddenly the door was opened and a guard shoved in Trip's beaten up body. Blood ran down his face. "I should have known...

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Renting a Room

‘Scott! The damn toilet’s plugged again.’ Valerie’s shout carried from the third floor to the kitchen, where Sharon and I were having a first cup of coffee. I wandered out to the foot of the stairs. ‘That’s it, Valerie, I warned you the last time. Your indoor plumbing days are over.’ Seconds later, the hard body landed on my back and a hand grabbed away the coffee. ‘I am reporting you to the city this very morning. Tenants can’t be treated like this!’ She perched on the counter, helping...

1 year ago
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Sardar Aur Mein

Indian Sex Stories .NET ko bahuth thanks bolke yeh story suru karum.Meri nam kumari.45 age.5.5 ft height.38 36 42 meri body shape gori.Meri pahali story ”pahali bar sardar ke sath sex publish hoke 3 din hi hua.Bahuth emais aaye.Kuch lok ko yah icha dhe ki afi ki sambhav likhne keliye.Isliye kal ke din aur rath hue sambhav sunathi hum.Iss ki sab readers ko very very thanks specially jo message feje unko. Muje jo message feje unmem jadha sardar lok dhe.20 sal se lekar 52sal thak ki.Un mem ek...

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Pakathu Veetu Aunty Pooja

Hello friends, en peyar Ramesh, vayathu 22 aagugirathu, naan kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu varugiren. En pakathu veetil iru aunty irunthaargal, avargal ippozhuthu thaan vadagaiku vanthu irunthaargal. Auntyku oru paiyan irukiraan avan ippozhuthu thaan palli padithu varugiraan, aunty ennai oru naal motai maadiyil thuni kayap podum pozhuthu ennai azhaithu en maganuku konjam soli thara mudiyuma endru ketargal? Naan sari aunty naan avanuku soli tharugiren endru soli irunthen, aunty kanavan kalaiyil...

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KittyChapter 11 The town takes new form

The first two weeks of summer vacation went by without incident. I stopped by the pool every afternoon to help Jane with the closing, but we didn't take advantage of having the key to the house the way I'd planned. Jane was patient with me. She must have known I was having trouble ridding my mind of the image of her with Berry, responding to his touches, urging him to 'put it in.' By the same token, it didn't seem to bother her that I'd been intimate with Janet, the girl that had...

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Stella Maris SM in Spain 4

Sexy shower quicky, masturbations shows, lezzie love comes into our agendaI feel the heat of her red bums in my hands as I lick her slit during the golden part of our shower.It turns me on once more. I tell Stella Maris to turn around, spread her legs and tip-toe for me.I bend her over and ask her to rub her self. Stella Maris submits eagerly as soon as I enter her."I want you to come on my orders, my love. I want your orgasm to milk my member as I start to come".So sexy to feel Stella Maris...

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Cock Sucker

I read an online erotic tale by Sir. He mentioned how he teased his woman so much that it made her dripping wet. He would grab the back of her head ramming his cock in and out of her mouth saying,"You like that you little cock sucker? Stay on your knees and service my big fucking dick you dirty little slut!""You like being a cock sucker don't you?" He asked in sheer delight."That's right play with your pussy while I ram my dick down your slutty throat," he continued as he gyrated deeper in her...

Oral Sex
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Kept Hard

Author’s Note: I’ve been asked several questions and figured I’d answer them here: First, Yes, I am real Second, Yes, Dildo Whore and Servant are real as well All these stories are written by Dildo Whore and are based on real occurrences.  No, they aren’t 100% real. He submits them to me as an offering, and if I find them exciting I publish them and he gets to fuck me. Now, on to the latest offering?. -- I arrived home to our condo tired and worn out.  Traffic was tough tonight and it took me a...

1 year ago
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Raziya Fucked By Arun 8211 Part 2

Hello once again this me Arun once again.. I’m working for the government of Kerala.. This is the second part of how I enjoyed Raziya.. Please forward your feedbacks to Catch the first part Raziya fucked by Arun only on Indian sex stories. . Coming to the story. Happening in Kerala Gods own country :) After the first incident at the beach of kayamkulam were we enjoyed, it was a damn lustrous that we do it again… so we thought we would meet again in march as I was busy in the month of...

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Chance Meeting Part 2

were with her before. They all sat at a table and Rob went to greet them. Rachel said hi and introduced her 2 friends as Betsy and Donna. Rob immediately wondered if Rachel got it on with either one of them or maybe with both. Rob ordered them all a drink. A couple of guys came over and asked Betsy and Donna to dance so Rob sat down with Rachel. They talked about the great time they had last weekend. Rob reminded her that it was now her turn to come over to his place so she could meet...

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One Hand Luke

The wind swept through the valley, relieving some of the heat of the day. A cowboy wearing a black Stetson and black chaps rode into town slowly on a black horse. He looked ragged from days of travel, his left hand gripped the horse's reins tightly.He stopped in front of the saloon. He was in his mid-twenties, his light blonde hair contrasted with his black hat and a grey shirt.He climbed off his horse, quite aware of the town people looking at him. He smiled, he was aware of his reputation....


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