A first time adventure
- 4 years ago
- 28
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"I was hoping you guys would help. Putting all those labels on is going to take a long time."
Betts said, "How are you going to mail them? Put them in a mail box? It will get full pretty soon."
"Some may go by post but there already are a lot of Purolator and other courier services. I figure we can put them into some boxes and get the company to just come by and pick them up before the people come to do their jobs in the morning."
Betts was nervous. She said, "I want to help. Tell me what to do."
"Who else is in?"
There were no shirkers.
My plan was simple. We would sneak out one week from tonight and ride to the warehouse district. I could see the alarm system as if it were in front of me. Opening a circular security lock had to be mastered as well as regular door and pad locks. There was a safe in the place and it was booby trapped. I wanted to get in there too.
The guys had to be very familiar with the area we were going to invade. As far as I knew none of them had a run in with the law. They would be nervous because not only were we trying to hurt the mob but we were doing something that was against the law.
We went to Canadian Tire and bought some padlocks and some door locks to practice on. The net had pictures of lock picks. Sam's dad had all sorts of odds and ends and it took a while before we had seven different picks. The rest tried to pick too but I was the only one that could do this. It was easier for me because I could see what was happening in the lock.
Like the crystals I got better the more I did this. I picked the locks to two old wrecks and then their ignitions. When this was all done Betts and I had to go home to get ready to go to the restaurant. The guys would pick locks for fun.
Jerry's dad owned a wrecking business. Usually he stayed away because his parents were drunks. There were always lots of locks there to play with. They had a safe too and as long as I took nothing he would see if we could practice on it.
Lillian said when we came in, "You two better hurry up. We have a reservation."
We both said, "Yes Mom," in unison and then laughed at each other. I took my clothes off and ran to the bathroom. Betts came out of her room dressed. She didn't want to go naked now I guess. She did give me the eye and I posed like a body builder. We showered together and came out together to meet June. She didn't say anything but she had to know we were naked together.
I dressed in my best duds and made sure I had my wallet and my good counterfeit money. It could not be distinguished from the real article except by the serial numbers. It made quite a lump because it was all in twenties. Most of the money I simply folded up and put in a different pocket.
Betts came to me to help her with her jewellery just like her mother got her father to work. Patricia did the same thing. When I finished she said in a whisper, "Do you love me?"
"Sure I do Patricia."
"You do more for Betts than me."
"She is a full fledged girlfriend. You are still at the junior level. You have to wait a few years."
"But I want it now."
Betts came close and held her sister. "I know what you mean sister. Some things take a long time. You think I am big but I have to wait for a lot more years just to vote."
"But I want..."
"We will talk later. Ok?"
Downstairs we were all inspected then Lillian said, "You have your money Wally?"
"Yes Ma'am," I said as I saluted.
"Then let's get going."
The restaurant was downtown and the traffic was as bad as usual. Bert let us out in front then found that there was a valet to take the car away. Bert was greeted in the restaurant as if he were the king. I hung back to the end of the line with a twenty folded in my hand. There was just enough time to shake the man's hand and say quietly, "I get the bill after and only me."
The man looked at Bert and said, "Certainly Sir."
My French was not up to reading the menu very well but the English under it was much easier to me. Their beef was supposed to be excellent or so the restaurant guide said. I was happy that my girls did not order burgers and fries. We had already gone over the menu on-line so we could make our choices quickly. The rest at out table were, I think, impressed with our speed.
The meal was good. Lillian said, "I like your choice of restaurants. Do you come here often."
"I always stop in here when I fly into Toronto."
Lillian burst out laughing and the rest of the patrons looked at her. "My daughter sure caught a gem."
"Perhaps I have done the catching."
When it looked like it was about time to leave, I excused myself and found our waiter. "I would like to pay our bill before my father chooses to do so."
The man did the total while I stayed out of sight then paid the bill with 15% tip. It was all done in cash and took up nearly half of my money.
Betts got up when I came back and said, "I have to go to the lady's room." Patricia got up quickly to do the same thing. Women always seemed to need help to go to the bathroom.
When Bert asked for the check, the waiter did not look at me but said, "Your check has been taken care of already."
Bert looked at me and I said, "It was my treat. Don't spoil it for me."
"Alright, this time."
I slept alone that night even though there was no school. It was not so much being in the same bed with Betts but with Patricia too. Eventually the parents were going to see things the way they really were.
We were busy the next week. Jerry was the first to pick a lock besides me and this encouraged the rest. Monday night I sneaked out of the house and went with Jerry to his father's yard. I had to defeat the burglar alarm and the other locks too. This area was dark and there were always people prowling at night.
The safe took time. I didn't need light. I just saw the notches inside and stopped where the bar would swing through all of them without hitting the sides. I found that being close was not good enough.
When I opened the door, Jerry said, "I don't believe it. You got by the alarm as easy as my dad then you open the safe as if you know the combination. How did you do it?"
"Picking locks is a knack. You are getting it too. The alarm is a piece of cake once the door to the box is opened. You just are under a time limit. Your father uses the numbers and I simply bypass the alarm. The safe is by feel. I don't think many people can do this but a few can. Let's go home now. We had our practice."
"You could break into banks and get millions."
I slipped into my bed but saw Patricia in there ahead of me. She was asleep. I changed in my pajamas and then carried the girl back to her own bed.
The next morning Betts came to me. "How did it go?"
I was sleepy but after I moved a bit I said, "Great. Everything worked fine."
We bought thin gloves like the doctors used as well as black pants, shirts and shoes. I was the one to pay but the guys got a kick of being on the Mission Impossible team. We went to the warehouse district three times. We studied both buildings and I showed them the interior layout.
Twice we took a bus to Bay street. On a side street was Cosner Data Processing. The place looked difficult even to my normal eyesight. This place handled enough money that it would get lots of attention to their alarm system. I had seen all the internal details and the external too but it was good just to look at the building to get a feel for it. The feeling I got was dangerous.
Saturday night rolled around. All of us were nervous. Betts' parents saw this and asked what was wrong. They found out nothing except that we didn't want to talk about it.
The house was quiet at midnight and we slipped out of our rooms and went downstairs. We went outside this way and to the garage where we changed into our black clothing and then some white reflecting clothes in case we were stopped. We unlocked the bikes. The few tools we needed were in my pack. We walked the bikes a few houses then peddled to a shopping centre to wait for the rest.
Chuck apparently could not wait and he was there ahead of us. Ten and fifteen minutes later the other two arrived. They all had clothes that would look normal but we could still get stopped because of our age and the time.
Downtown, we waited a few minutes away in an alleyway to catch out breath. The reflective clothing went into a garbage bag and was put behind some bushes. Clear gloves went on our hands. We peddled off trying to act like this was just a night ride for kids.
We drove by the building. I looked inside to see if somebody had stayed over. It took a few minutes but I knew that it was now vacant. The guys held my bike out of the lights while I went to the door. I fumbled the job nearly a dozen times before I got it. It was not because it was a complicated lock but because I was too nervous. This time I had the numbers to press. I probably couldn't open the panel in time to deactivate the alarm otherwise.
I drew a breath of air and tried to relax. It took a minute but I opened the door quickly and pressed the numbers I had been given. There was no alarm but then again many only sounded at a call station.
I went outside and waved. The gang surged forward with Chuck and Jerry handling my bike between them. The bikes all came into the reception room and were stood up on their kickstands. I locked the door behind us and the guys just looked around in amazement. This was our first crime even if it was to fight people like Wendy's father.
I turned the lights on. This shocked the guys. "It's ok. There are no windows. They don't want people seeing in here. Betts the computer and the printer. Guys, let's find the disks and keep your gloves on no matter what."
We went to the mailing room and turned on more lights. Betts started the machinery she was briefed to learn.
There were seventeen different pornographic disks. Nadac said they were all illegal. I was not going to check them first. He could help us a lot more but we both knew we had to do this ourselves. The first disk was going to be mailed to the Prime Minster of Canada. He and the other politicians may get an erection but had to do something about this.
Currier bags were stuffed with disks and a sheet that was printed from a floppy disk. Nadac had set up a website in Russia. It would be closed soon and he made provisions for others to take its place. There was a password to get in and only those people we were sending the packages too would get in.
I tinkered with the computer to officially say that I tapped the machine for Nadac. He had already done so but I needed the practice.
"I am going to the back room now." Betts looked scared and so did the rest but they said nothing.
This room had its own secure lock and another alarm system. I picked the lock and punched in the number then went out and tried it again with my pick. I would not have been fast enough.
There was a large safe built into the floor. I had to use my back to move the desk then pick up a rug and then slide out a piece of granite that looked decorative. There was a tool for removing this in the closet luckily.
The safe opened easily. I was not so nervous now. I had to get down and really dig. There were large ledgers and a lot of small notebooks. There were a lot of CDs and DVDs of people that were caught doing something then blackmailed. Most of the time they were blackmailed into doing something very illegal. Another ledger actually had confessions of some of those that were trapped to further incriminate them.
Another book had a list of all the children that were caught. It was possible though unlikely that Betts would be in here.
The notes were about what was on the disks. There was a lot of other valuables in the safe. Some were stacks of credit cards, ID cards, Driver's Licences for many provinces, states and even countries. There was more cash here than I had ever seen before. Luckily it was already in bags. Four of the seven bags had counterfeit currency and this I left.
There was an Uzi with two extra clips. A box with gemstones. A heavy cloth sack with a plastic sac inside. This inner sack containing smaller packets of cocaine.
I speed read some of the notes about blackmail and then put them to one side. They would have to go with us. The safe was put back in order but with a lot of articles left out. The room was straightened up and both the Uzi and the cocaine were left on the desk. I got my pack and filled it to capacity with what had to go.
I left the door open and the alarm deactivated. There was a broom in the hall closet and I went over the floor to hide my footprints. I would not care if I had size 12s.
The guys were busy and I pitched in to help. Canvas sacks were used to hold a large number of individual disks. Usually strong double walled cardboard boxes were used to ship thousands at a time.
Jerry said, "Did you get in?"
"Sure did."
"What did you find?"
"Our agreement Jerry!"
"Ya, I know. I was just curious."
I got everything in the safe that I chose to take. They thought it was all blackmail information and it was but I had the cash too. The police could see the stolen goods and return them. The guys would get some money to but if they got too much or too fast they there would be questions asked.
It was almost four when we were done. I looked through the door and saw that nobody was around. There was a locked courier box and our work for the night was put into this for pick up. The key for the box was in one of the desks.
I swept up all my tracks and then did the same for the rest. Even the toilet seat and handle was cleaned. To screw-up now was to court death. I cleaned up to the reception area and our bikes then the bikes went out. I worked backwards now removing tire marks or even mud that could have come from a bike tire. I left the broom just inside the door and locked the door one last time.
There was very little traffic at this time Sunday morning. I was always looking for trouble. We just missed a car for the security service that covered this area. It was legit but owned by one of Caputo's flunkies.
We made it to the place where we stashed our other clothes. We changed quickly and nobody stared at Betts. They were still too worried. Our black pants and shirts only went as far as a dumpster. The safest thing to do would be to wait until traffic picked up but none of us were supposed to be out.
We peddled to a church with a chain link fence. Our bikes were chained together and to the fence poles. We hid in the shadows until the right bus came by. I sat in a seat with Betts and my full pack was in the aisle.
"That was some party."
Betts got the idea and said, "We should have slept there too."
The guys tried to act but they were so bad it was better for them to be quiet. Sam was so nervous though that he could not shut up. We had to get off at a plaza or Sam would start to tell the driver what we actually did.
Once off, Chuck turned to Sam and punched him in the face. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?"
Sam was crying now like a baby. He was just not suited for this. It took ten minutes for Sam to quiet down. Chuck was still angry enough to beat the shit out of his friend. Betts lead the way and we crossed the street. At a public payphone we called for a taxi and one came in ten minutes.
I paid for the ride and gave money to the others in case they needed it. I said, "We can talk later. Not too early, I need my sleep."
Betts and I changed back into our pajamas and went back into the house. This time I kept my pack close.
I gave Betts a kiss and sent her off to bed then I did too.
There was nothing more to do. Nadac would make phone calls and arrange matters over the phone. I just had to see how I could put people's lives back together.
I got up at eleven with the alarm. A few minutes I got Betts up and we had a shower. When we got dressed and came down I saw Bert and Lillian sitting at the table. They didn't say anything when I said good morning.
Bert said, "Where were you last night?"
Oh shit, I had never considered this. I was thinking furiously but nothing was coming.
"I am waiting young man."
"I am sorry Sir, but I took Betts out. We layed down in the park and talked about our future. We did not even... do anything."
"You were gone all night."
"One night is hardly time enough. A lifetime may not be enough."
"I see that I am going to have to set some limits on you. It is one thing to have my daughter as... a girlfriend but you take her out into the night. Anything could happen to her. That to me shows that you are irresponsible."
"I try to act as grown up as possible. I also do my best to protect your daughter."
"When you two go out of the house in the future, you will tell us where you are going and when you will come back."
"That is suitable, Sir."
Betts cried now but it may have been in relief. I was going to refuse to answer them but this would hurt all of us more than a lie. I did not like to lie to these people.
Lillian gave us some breakfast but we talked very little. Betts and I went to my room. I lifted weights and she read a book but I don't think she turned any pages.
"Hello Nadac. Did the courier service take the parcels?"
"They did at 8:47 this morning. The parcels will be delivered tomorrow but some will be today. The Attorney General of your province will get his package within an hour. The additional articles found in the safe were listed. Some references I found already in the police files."
"Do you have a revised estimate to when the police will raid the building?"
"Nothing important has changed. It should be between two and three hours after midday."
"Thanks Nadac. I just needed some reassurance. I had to lie to Bert and Lillian. I don't like to do that."
"The Aristis lie when it suits them too. They do make it more believable."
"It is not the quality of lying but the fact that I have done it."
"I understand this."
Nadac had to be telling me something and I could not read between the lines. It could be anything and I was too sleepy to think about it.
I went back altering crystals as I lifted weights and wondered how my life had got so complicated.
The website was starting to get hits. News must have spread. There were many more hits than disks we sent out. Many of the disks were already in transit too.
The guys started to phone and I invited them over to have a pizza. We had to go back downtown on the bus to get our bikes anyway. When the guys got here, I mentioned to Lillian that we were going out on the porch.
"That's fine Wally."
The porch was not a good place to talk. We kept our voices down and stayed close together.
Chuck asked, "Did you hear anything?"
"I think a task force of city police, the Ontario Provincial police and the RCMP are forming now. We have to get our bikes. Let's order the pizza later and get our bikes now. We might just go by the warehouse district but not too close."
Betts said, "What about our... restrictions?"
The guys looked at me. I guess I had to explain. "Our operation had another problem I had not seen. Betts' parents found us missing last night. Today they asked. We can't leave the house now without telling them of where we are going and when we are coming back."
Jerry said, "That is a real bummer. We're twelve not two."
"A lot of twelve year-olds are not very responsible."
"Neither are adults. Look at my parents. They drink all the time."
Sam was nursing his lip a few times already and I asked, "How are your injuries?"
"They hurt like hell."
"Sam, you do not know what that means. Your injuries hurt you. I told you guys many times that we have to think like a military unit not some preschoolers. You had a form of post combat stress. You will grow out of it or control it yourself if there is more to do."
"More! We hit them pretty hard."
"We hit the hand that made... that stuff. There are a lot more hands. You helped Betts and me as friends. There are not that many people that will risk their lives to help somebody else."
Chuck asked, "Since we got away, will you tell me what you found?"
"You are not supposed to ask. One day I will tell you. I smiled at them now and added, "The news will have a lot of interesting information."
I got a smile back and they seemed to relax.
Betts and the guys hurried to the school. I was going to call a taxi instead of the much slower bus. They would get picked up at this neutral location. They had orders to pick up more of our uniforms on the way back. This should keep them occupied with something they would find more mundane.
I had Nadac do the call for me. Lillian came from the laundry room and said to me, "Hi Wally. I just wanted to say I am sorry for what we had to do to you and Betts."
"You have the right to do that and in your eyes you have the reasons. When we are older that you will see that we will still be acting rationally and working with our emotions. It is a balancing act to be young. Our glands want us together but our minds fight hard to suppress our glands while still doing something that we both want."
"I understand Wally. I was young too. I don't understand it though. You are both more outgoing like an old married couple but still suffering like the young people you are."
"That is because Betts is so smart."
"I think you both are smart. Just don't think that you are always going to be smart enough. Life has a way of knocking us down every once in a while."
The guys were not soon enough to see the raid but they did see a ring of police cars that grew and grew. Not all were the same colour either.
Nadac provided me with a better view inside the building. Some men were in white suits and photographing anything and everything. The Uzi and the now open bag of cocaine got a lot of attention. It was a half hour later that the desk was moved but only after the prints from under the desk top were collected. The steel rod and even the granite were dusted just in case. The combination to the safe was on the net and a lot of important people were nearby to witness the opening.
The safe was dusted then opened. The contents were then photographed and the contents removed one piece at a time and put into tagged bags. The empty safe was then checked for prints.
The rest of the building had a lot of activity too. The computers had the isos of the present and past sessions of kiddy porn. The most important was a list of those that purchased the bulk disks. Nadac had amassed this information from many sources and conveniently provided the file for the police. Another file listed the address of the nearby building, thus establishing a valid link to obtain a search warrant. This building had information that would incriminate a lot of blackmailed starlets. This had to be provided so they could get the help they needed.
Another small safe had the records and a small amount of cocaine to keep the regulars coming back. The forced addiction of children and their parents featured prominently on the web page. A locksmith would have to open this and somebody else deal with the burglar alarms.
Trucks came to take away the evidence but the guys got home first.
I went onto the porch and Chuck excitedly said, "You should have seen it. There were more cops than I ever saw before. I wish I had binoculars to see them. I thought they would just start taking everything out and go in a few hours but they stayed as if they found something very important."
Sam said through his damaged lip, "The security cars were all there too. I am sure that G... that guy knows what happened and is shaking in his boots."
"Shhhh, not so loud." I had not explained this to them before. It was time for it to be faced. "He may be shaking in fear but he did not get to where he was by hiding in a closet. He is angry as hell. He is going to think that some of his people ratted out on him. He is also worried that a lot of people will talk and implicate him. He liked to fuck kids so they know at least his face."
"What's he going to do?"
I said nothing and let them come up with their own answer.
Betts said, "What is going to happen to Wendy's father?"
"He looks to be very rich but he is not that high in the organisation. He will most likely be arrested. He will claim to be innocent. There should be enough evidence to put him into jail. He can run too but then someone will find him and he will die. Another possibility is that he kills himself now or somebody does it for him. He can't talk then. It all depends on how trustworthy the guy is seen to be."
Sam said, "I didn't think people would get killed."
"I said all along that we could get killed. Think of all the kids that had their lives ruined. We put a stop to it and stopped these guys from trapping more young people. If a few bad guys die, it is still a good price to save the rest."
"What is going to happen to the kids... the ones on the DVDs. Some we know."
Chuck hit Sam in the arm now and Sam hung his head."
"So you guys took some samples?" They didn't answer. That shit is really illegal. If somebody finds it then it may tie us to what happened. Saving even one can kill all of us. Is it really worth it to watch that sort of thing?"
Sam looked down and shook his head.
"You guys, gather up the disks. I want all of you there to see them destroyed. If you want some smut then we can buy some legal stuff."
They didn't look happy. "As for the stars to those movies, well I do not know. They may get threatened to remain quiet but they are still a weak link. I don't know how desperate Caputo is or will be. Once I do then we can guess what he will do."
The guys went home after they ate their fill of pizza. We had got back to being just kids. The television was turned on and we watched sports. Betts stayed with us as a sign of solidarity though she did like baseball.
Later, I slipped out and used a taxi to get near the church we had stashed the bikes at. My bike was not expensive and that may have been a reason it was still there.
I peddled home instead of going to the warehouses. I had a better picture in my mind anyway. When I passed a camera store I stopped and went in. This was an upscale establishment and I looked through their supply of binoculars.
Nadac fed me information about optics and I looked for a good pair. Infrared looked good but had little magnification. The ones with the largest lenses gathered the most light and were clearer. They were also heavier. The magnification power was important but it was hard to find something if you were able to see the nose hairs on a guy. A zoom action was the best. You could see a wide field and then move in. The higher the magnification the more a small shake in the hands was noticed. There were some new models out with image stabilisation that was in some high end cameras.
Nobody came over to help me so I just turned to go. I had enough to buy at least the infrared unit they had but now they would not get my business.
On the way home I searched on the net in my mind for a mail order company that could supply what I wanted. My army of four needed some equipment even though I did not need as much. It would make them feel more like an army if they trained together too.
Something was nagging at me and I pulled over to the side of the street and tried to fish it out the information. It was not like before when Nadac tried to hide data from me. This is what my mind was hiding from me. It had to do with friends. It was when I put in the fact that I may not be here, as in on earth, that I got onto the right track. I was going to leave one day. I wanted a family and this may mean Betts. She may not be the right person though. I wanted friends with me and this meant the guys along with Betts.
I didn't want to go to some world with only some aliens around even if they were like us. I had a flash of one of the Tomma women getting hold of Sam. They were aggressive and almost exactly opposite to the Aristis women. They could take Sam and make him do what they wanted. He would be like a pet to them unless he got toughened up and toughened up a lot. That was something we all could use and it would draw us together the way a uniform would.
The trip home was spent forming my army or as they liked to be called my 'Mission Impossible Team'.
The game had not ended by the time I got home. I sat with them for a while and in a quiet period I said, "We have to train more."
Betts said, "Doing what?"
"I think we should take judo."
She and the guys looked at me. I could see that they thought this an odd thing to say.
"I am ordering some equipment that a military would love to get. Chuck mentioned binoculars today. I want a pair for lowlight and infrared. Another pair can be used in the daytime. This has to have zoom and image stabilisation.
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One of the Girls - Part One of Two Belladonna The white, sling-back pump dangled from Kristine's fingertips. The fluorescent overhead lights made the iridescent shoes seem to glitter in her hands, making it difficult for Alec Prinze to turn away. Alec grimaced as the girls continued to join forces in their effort to get him into Kristine's shoes in a literal sense. Alec was embarrassed by the idea. He struggled to understand how things had gotten so far out of hand since he...
“I told two of my girlfriends about our sex life over coffee today baby,” I tell my man with a self satisfied smile. “They are the same age as us. “I told them you think my big, firm ass is glorious and how you love licking and kissing my ass cheeks as foreplay while I watch in a mirror. “And how I love you licking me to multi-orgasms with my legs over your shoulders while I watch in a mirror. Before I blow your thick, nine-inch erection. “And sometimes we have an extra person, male or...
If possible, all of the color now left Heather’s face, as she realized that we had company that had literally appeared before her very eyes. The others gasped quickly, too, but I kept screwing Mom, more than eager to experience her all over again. Hesitantly, Heather, Madeira, and Janine touched both my flesh and Mom’s, scarcely believing that she was corporeal at all. Yet, when they felt her skin on theirs, felt the electricity and the power that rolled off Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, there...
I hadn't verbally stated my sins to anyone. To speak aloud of the feelings that clouded my mind and better judgement left me feeling a new, delicious kind of "dirty" I had never thought possible. We grow though, and as we grow we come across new, and sometimes obscene ways that remind us we are human. But the instinct, the capability of committing such unspeakable things is there in the back of one's mind. All it takes is a little spark to bring the fires of destruction to life. However,...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. When Angelica finally put in an appearance, her face and upper chest was flushed with excitement, her blonde hair was disheveled, and her dress looked as if she’d just slept in it. ‘Where the hell have you been?’ Mike hissed, grabbing her by the elbow, and pulling her down onto the high stool next to him. ‘I’ve been waiting here for over...
It was not until one hot summer’s night when I was heading to the bathroom late after studying for a test the next day. I had to go pee and well brush my teeth so I could go to sleep, I had a test in first period, which is my history class one of my worst subjects for me I have to say. I could hear my mother and father talking, I heard mom speak out, yes harder, that’s it. Then dad said not so loud our son might hear you. Mom giggled saying our son can’t hear a thing while he is sleeping. ...
story title (required) Given Away Master loves to give me away.? It doesn?t mean he cares for me any less, but one of his things is watching other men or women use me for their perverted sexual pleasures.? The more demeaning, humiliating, painful, and subjugating, the better. ?i?ve been brought to a large open room.? Nothing special and i?m not allowed to see much of it.? i have been told i will be entertaining a Dom friend of Masters and should be very obedient. Master led me in,...
CHAPTER 9 - What A Tangled Web We Weave, When First We Practice To Deceive "Please Ellen, let's not tease about that. There is no way I am interested in some guy." "How do you know if you haven't tried?" George frowned as Ellen gave Heather one last examination then announced, "It looks like you'll pass girly muster. Tonight, is your first date with a man. I think it's important you are as attractive as I can make you. We certainly don't want him questioning your true gender,...
I had been posted to Mumbai three month ago. I used to live in a flat in Malad with his wife Urmi. My job profile was such that I used to get 8-10 thousand rupees under the table per day. I never had a satisfactory sex life with my wife. Our maid Sarina aged 35 had been working since last 3 months. Her boobs were firm and were like juicy mangoes. I often used to peep into her blouse whenever I got chances and my wife was not around. She had seen me watching her breast and every time. She had...
Connie was helping her get ready. She felt like a teenager, her stomach tingling, as though she and Peter hadn't been intimate. She hadn't tried to look pretty for so long, the feel of makeup, the lipstick, and the sexy black dress making her feel good. Her image in the mirror was another woman. Svelte and gorgeous. Her long hair waved and over one shoulder, eyes large, body shown to advantage by the smooth black material hugging her, the slit in the side hinting at her long, bare legs. "I...
I had just finished school and was off to college. I moved immediately to the new town and got a job at a hotel doing maintenance. The first week I spent getting training and then the second week they gave me a bunch of old work orders and told me to figure out which ones should be closed and which ones still need attention. So off I went room to room checking the complaints. I came to this room, knocked on the door. An attractive woman answered, I told her that I needed to check the AC. She...
Hi readers! This is Rahul here again with my second incident with my hot love bhabhi which happened yesterday. We had arranged a Diwali party at my bhabhis house yesterday night my bhabhi as u will all know had big boobs lovely eyes and nice long hair her lips r all saucy n she dresses up very classy. Her age is even young 35 I Just love her mad. Yesterday we had fixed a time of 7 pm at her house as u know my brother travels abroad for work as always he wasn’t there n this year we had planned...
IncestHi friends .I’m Raj ..again apke liye ak sexy story leke aya hoo ..vese to apne meri story padi hi hogi or iska acha responce mila 1st story jo meri real life he or uske bad ki do jo kafi hot he so apne na padi ho to pls vo bhi pad lena apko really baut maza ayega ..ab me jo story suna ne ja raha hoo vo meri story nai he kal hi ak ladki jo muje net par mili uski he me sab batai detail me Apko kaheta hoo pls detail zarur padna take apko story or interesting or sachi he iska pata chale . mene iss...
Joyce The meeting in Detroit was boring. I just wanted to get to my hotel room in Chicago, so I could fuck Eric. Soon we were in the plane, flying into the wild blue yonder. Eric and I talked all the way to Chicago. We talked about the pool tournament and what our responsibilities would be. At this tournament we will have a lot more help. Both of us will be trouble shooters, problem solvers, and finger pointers. It will our job to let the help know just what to do. We should have a little...
The Twilight of the White Race 2034 CE Hikari was forced to watch. It was her first week in the compound ... All of the white and asian girls wore pure white robes to make their bodies immediately accessible. The short Japanese American girl was so tiny among the black brutish guards that sneered at her. Her lithe body was pale and slender with a small chest. However, the lovely girl was gifted with a cute firm bubble butt that her black betters loved to grope and knead at every chance...
Earlier that morning, Don had called to let Barbara know his luncheon date with Steve Smith was still on and that he intended to pour it to their neighbor, along with the martinis, just the way they had rehashed it the night before. Not that the voluptuous, onyx-eyed brunette ever felt the need for an aphrodisiac, but the way Don had painted mental images of what it would be like for her with Steve had certainly reacted on her as one. God, she'd gone wild, and so had he, neither of them able...
"Mom, I think I know who Tom is," said Natasha. "You do?" replied Helen. Natasha nodded, "I spotted Kev Hayles watching us as we were walking around." "So?" said Helen, cocking her head to one side. "Well, he was smiling before we started, it was as though he knew what was going to happen before we began," explained Natasha. Helen looked at her daughter and frowned, "That's a bit flimsy isn't it?" "It is a bit," agreed Natasha, "but he's also taken to making eyes at...
Lunchtime was very interesting. Alice was complaining that she was still sore from our morning rut and although she felt aroused, she knew she shouldn’t have penetrative sex. Did anyone have any suggestions? Anne said that Alice could always go for anal sex, but Alice pointed out that she had said penetrative sex, so she wasn’t letting me anywhere near her. Mary said that June should find out what her boss could do to enhance her sexual education. Alice appeared to like that suggestion...
When principal, Thomas confides in Carol that her college age son is getting a little too close with a teacher at his high school, she starts to panic. The last thing she wants is for her son to lose sight of his own goals with a childish crush he might have on an older woman. To help her relieve the stress, Thomas invites Carol out for a drink but she quickly suggests sex instead. This sexy cougar can only forget her troubles when a cock is balls deep inside her and her pussy is quivering his...
xmoviesforyouHi All, This is Rocky back with another wonderful experience. Thanks for response for my previous stories. This is story about my cousin’s wife Preeti. She is very beautiful and very sexy, underline word sexy. Of course she is not natural beauty like my wife but she is very attractive. Preeti spends lot of time in makeup and beauty parlor. Preeti’s features are extremely hot. She will turn any head towards her. 36D-27-38. Perfect example for hour glass shape. She is bit dusky, black and silky...
Incest''Like her mother,'' he thought, modest, timid, yet dignified in her way. Father had eaten an early lunch and was taking a respite from the heat outside. She thought she heard the sound of voices approaching and wondered if it was the neighbour with some news, hopefully not bad like the last time. There was an uneasiness in the air, she couldn't put her finger on it, perhaps it was her lack of sleep. But there was definitely someone approaching the house. She got up, and moved...
466, an explosive marriage It is a fact that us stay at home Englishmen if told to stay at home get restless… perhaps we don’t like being told… anyway this poxy virus, had us all shut in so I thought I would relate to you a friends tale. He`s just your average married man, suffers from a chest complaint and his wife has diabetic tendencies, so they are on the ‘at risk’ register, and isolating which to them is simple, but inconvenient some days. they have been married five years, and in her...
Candance Jones never had much luck in the looks department. Scranny, short and what tits she did have sagged like a wet paper bag. Her hair looked like a tumbleweed, her skin blemished, teeth crooked and yellow. She hated the body she had and would do anything to get a better one. One night Candance was standing in her backyard looking at the stars. Seeing a shooting star she laughed in her raspy voice. "I wish I had the body of a godess. Can you do that star? Can you... What the...
LesbianPeter and Samantha ‘How was your weekend?’ Samantha asked, coming into the kitchen. She was wearing a light summer skirt and a lacy blouse, her black hair pulled back from her green eyes. ‘I never got the chance to ask last night or this morning.’ ‘It was fine,’ Peter answered, non-committal. He wasn’t sure how he was going to tell her about his experiences with Eric. They had an open, comfortable relationship, but their promise to each other was it all had to be open and honest. He’d now...
“How was your day love?” I made a point of calling my wife. It was Monday, a whole day since I saw my Little Girl at Leeds Station. We had our thing my slut and I, and that ‘thing’ was supposed to draw the boundaries and define what it was that we had, and where it was we had it, but if I was being honest I just could not get her out of my head. Even during the waking moments with my eyes open I ‘saw’ her ... on the cross, tied to the bed, in the throes of orgasm, her arms around my neck...
Nancy parked her car by the curb. With her engine idling she opened the window and peered over the edge into the darkness. Her headlights caught the steady glitter of cool, light rain. She paused briefly, wound up the window and drove along at a slower speed. Through the headlights, she looked for any fresh skidmarks across the wet tar — a final act of reckless driving. There was nothing. She continued on... On past occasions, Nancy found old wrecks left at the bottom of embankments across...
“Have we been hailed?” Harris shook his head.”No not yet, but the sphere is transmitting genuine Union Transponder Codes.” The screen changed and a hooded Narth became visible. The Comm. Officer looked at his console and shrugged. The Narth spoke. “This is the USS Narth. “There was a pause and the Narth moved his shrouded head as if he was looking at someone then he nodded and said.” One hopes to be forgiven, by the one who has command. One was uncertain of the correct address. It is the...
If your first was with someone you really loved and shared a large part of your life with, and not just a fling or one-night stand, then he or she will always hold a special place in your memories. Tracey was my first real love, and rarely does a day go by that something doesn’t trigger a memory of her. We split up before college, but we stayed in contact with each other. The following story is fantasy, although I wish it had been true. She called me one evening to ask me a favor. “Hey, my...
I was awakened early the following morning by the licking of my ear and the gentle stroking of my cock. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was my smiling Rosie. She leaned down to kiss me, morning breath and all, then slid into position on top of me. “Remember what I told you last night about morning, noon, and night?” I could only grin as she moved over me, rubbed my cock into her slit, and slid slowly down my pole. “I loved everything last night; it was just incredible and my...
We arrived at the studio 5 minutes earlier and were greeted by a smiling young girl who ushers us into a waiting room. Laura looked nervous. I try to make small talk, but she is not really listening. She looks gorgeous as usual in short jean skirt, white vest and flip flops. We wait for a few minutes when another girl walks in and moves us into an office across the room. We are greeted by a man, middle aged, quite slim, dark balding hair, about 5ft 11” tall.“Hello Laura” He beams and shakes her...
Group SexThis is the true story of my XHAMSTER meet and fuck last Thursday 3/12/15. The young lady is a XHAMSTER member and married and DID NOT want to be on video. She was cheating with me. I snuck a quick video for you guys. PLEASE DO NOT ASK WHO SHE IS AS I AM NOT GOING TO TELL. I ALWAYS protect my ladies.Last Thursday I was having a hella bad day at work. I normally would just bend my intern over in a conference room, or have my new cuckold couple meet me but I had that craving for “new meat”....
Picture a day in which we’re too exhausted to go anywhere. Our backyard houses one of those wide hammocks that tie to either side of a stand. We assembled it the day you bought it, stashed a few books in a storage bin underneath, and haven’t gone back to it since. ‘It’s time we spend the whole day here,’ you say, already walking toward it. Leaving the blanket from our bed on the grass, you roll into the hammock, wearing only your pajama bottoms. I follow in my nightgown and nuzzle cold feet...
Being a 35 year virile male with a tendency to want women, I came up with a plan to have them always – the ZOO. I began by knocking out one of my living room walls and inserting unbreakable class in its place. I then constructed six individual all unbreakable glass cells attached in line. Making sure it was shatterproof and soundproof. Since my new additions will have to eat I constructed a small door to insert the food and remove it. Now since they will be permanent residents with no...
I have been in sales for over 25 years and have banged more than my share of clients, most of them in their 40's, 50's and 60's and older, as I love to flirt with and have sex with older women. Amy works for one of my clients and she is a new employee who just graduated 6 months ago from college and is studying for her CPA. Amy is thin, blond hair green eyes and an ass to die for. Your typical 22 year old hottie. Oh I'm 59 and I look 55!I have been in the office about 3 times and never really...
The following is my true story. Funny to recall that I was once so naïve I didn’t realize that a girl could get pregnant having sex if the boy had already cum once. I blew Anthony off and then I agreed to have sex with him. We came so close… so incredibly close and I remember how bad it hurt with him trying to get inside me. Then my grandfather knocked on the door and that was the end of it. I was still a virgin… thank god. I started dating Michael six months later and our relationship was...
It had been two weeks since the toy party at her neighbor’shouse. Jackie’s neighbor, Anabel, had a toy party that ended with a twist. The mystery lover’s tongue lapping up the dripping juices from her cunt were still playing over and over in her mind. No matter what she threatened Anabel with, her neighbor had promised not to give her secrets away. Jackie still had fleeting moments where she felt guilty for giving in to the pleasure at the party, Her 15 year marriage to John was a marriage of...
Allie’s skipping school today. Why? Cuz school sucks, duh. Plus there’s a festival that she and her friends are gonna go to later. Allie planned this out so she knows that no one is gonna find out. But one thing she didn’t plan for is Branden. You see, Branden is friend’s with Allie’s older brother. The two of em play basketball together. They’re supposed to play today, lowkey. Jake was supposed to ditch his classes but with his grade’s so bad, he had...
xmoviesforyouWhen morning came, I awakened to three of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever been exposed to. I smiled, then I laughed out loud as they all grabbed me and we hugged for the longest time. “Thank you all, I love each of you, I love all of you. I’m the happiest man on earth. “We love your sexy ass too Murphy. Now, you’re the man of the family, you’re the head of the clan, your wives are hungry and we know all your children are hungry also. What are your plans to feed us this morning?” Meghan...
This was the summer of firsts. I was having so much fun knowing how much control I had over my neighbor. With a flick of my tongue I could send a wave of pure pleasure making his body convulse and cum involuntarily. The power and control was intoxicating. In the few weeks to follow we fooled around practically every day after school. He was slowly but surely becoming more and more comfortable with the idea that I was his slutty little cum dumpster. With some great joy and lots of practice, he...
First TimeIt’s a dark and muggy night. Clouds cover this sky, the orangish glow of the city lights reflects upon the puddles in the street, only disturbed by the occasional droplet of water. A man driving around the seemingly empty yet busy streets. Busy with drug deals, scantily dressed woman walking around waiting for a car to pull over to them. The man scanning every one of them, looking them up and down slowly. He notices one standing distant from any of the others. She may be alone, but she seems to...
NovelsI enjoy wearing womens clothing. Wearing womens clothing in public is something I really enjoy. Of course, being a male, wearing womens clothing is not socially acceptable. Peoples reactions to such behaviour ranges from them thinking the person is a pervert, gay, strange, a sissy or amusing on the one hand to being accepting on the other. I'm submissive by nature. Ever since I first started masturbating it was to images of me being dominated by women. From the time I first started...
Voodoo Gone Wrong A Timber Grove Story by Trinity CHAPTER -ONE- Jerry looked down at his watch and then to the clock on his wall in hopes that either one was wrong... but they both read 2:40. A long sigh was followed up with a quick slam of his hand on the small table in front of him. He got up and crossed the small room to see if the small neon sign was on outside, and he could see it was. From his angle the sign made no sense, but to those walking down a small alley off the...
Lynn wrapped herself around the stranger as they stumbled into her bedroom. She had picked him up in a bar a little under an hour before. He fit her profile which wasn’t much to begin with but he was tall, handsome and strong and for a one night stand his I.Q. didn’t matter. She hadn’t even asked his name and had proceeded to call him Jim much to his amusement. She bit down on his lip her excitement at fever pitch but she knew she had to make this last. His clumsy fingers were ripping open her...
Pichli baar aapne padha tha kaise humne ek prostitute, Tina, ko bulaya aur room pe pehla round choda. Aage ki kahani yaha. Main Tina ko chodne ke baad sofa pe let gaya aur dono ladkiyan bed pe chali gayi. Asha ne Tina ka sar pakda aur uske sath deep kissing karne lag gayi. Done ek dusre se lipte the aur apni thigh pe dusri ki chut ragadh rahe the. Kya nazara tha! Main: Asha kya mast chod rahi hai. Bilkul lesbian ke jaise. Asha: Dekh ke maze le kamine. Apni bandi ko dusri ladki ko chodte...
The Problem with Men The Total Woman Academy graduated only the finest of women, instilled with exceptional intelligence, beauty and poise. They had spent their college years basking in assertive manhandling by the resident coach tutors, perfecting their feminine personas. Special events like Father-Daughter Weekend and Free-Will Weekends provided bonus opportunities for exposure to real world workouts. Sometimes encounters with the events’ guest coach tutors turned into unexpected incest when...
When Rhodes first saw her in the hallways of his High School, he was both intimidated and instantly turned on. The smile and laughter she would exude, enchanted all the near to her side. And seemingly dashed each one, boys and girls with an invisible ink of elixir marking them with a forever stain, making them feel they could charm her. Rhodes never got close enough to her to feel that tainting stain the others were dosed with. Although he badly wanted to, he didn’t have the courage. Apart from...
Dee looked out from the stifling warmth of the car; its open windows and the feeble through-breeze they created doing little to cool the women as they waited anxiously across the road from the cafe. The waft of leather which came from Carmen's tight and squeaky outfit somehow complementing the feminine scents borne by her and the other women, but though they had parked just a short while before, the sweet mixture of essences and the increasing heat had them all longing to be out in the air....
This is a story about a guy and his playful, but dominant, t-girl girlfriend.It involves blowjobs and fucking, where the guy receives the dick. The story also includes spanking, cum-eating, foot-worship.If you're not into the idea of a cute girl with a dick inflicting all this on a guy, it's probably best to avoid this one.The vibe is playful, consensual, and loving dominance... but with some reluctance from the male character.* * * *Hope jumped onto the bed and straddled my body. Warm, morning...
The tide washes onto the shore and just as quickly it fades back into the ocean, only to wash onto the shore once more. The moonlight dances on your skin as you walk along the coastline late at night. You watch the waves and the water in awe. You can only describe this moment and place in time as though it were something from a dream. You have found this to be a secluded and private area where no one watches. You make your way to a secluded part of the shore. You look around to make sure no one...
Hai friends i am nico 35 year from Sacramento california , am working in softwere company ,i am white my wife is arab from syria she is 26 year, i given my wife to my boss...... my companies effect economic crisis , my boss protect my job, he is 48 year old man ,4 week befeore he saw my wife in my office and he told me, you ara a luky man you got a beautiful arab hijab wife ,and i am realy like ur wife, iam realy wanna meet ur wife and dinner with her ,ididnt say nothin,because of my situation...
“He is a greedy little sucker; likes my nipples to suck on even more than you do. I have plenty of milk at the moment, but it has to be entirely for the boy for now; none for you. And before you mention it, I am too sore down there for any of your lovemaking. The midwives made me a soft pad to sit on, which helps, but it will be some weeks before I am back to wanting your loving attention down there. Noma is much the same I think. She had her son about two fingers of days after me. She is as...