Bloodsport Fairytale Ch. 3 free porn video

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Introduction: life on the run is hard for a vampire First and foremost let me apologize profusely for the unbelievably long wait between the previous chapter and this one. All I can offer by way of excuse is that life can be a cruel mistress indeed. Not long after I started working on this chapter, my computer crashed and took all of my work with It, because I am borderline computer illiterate and simple concepts such as anti virus and data back ups continually elude me. And seeing as I am still quite far from my ultimate goal of filthy, belligerently rich author / playboy, I only recently managed to scrape together enough cold hard cash to replace it. Now, since Im sure you have other things in mind that dont involve listening to me prattle on about my day to day woes, let us return to Darrick and Courtney, and their lighthearted romp across America&hellip,

It had been more than a month since I had stopped bothering to cover our trail, and the old bastard still hadnt shown his face. Courtney, bless her naive little heart, rather optimistically believed that this meant we had permanently thrown him off our trail, and for most of the last week she had been sulking because I didnt agree and had kept us on the move. To make matters worse, I had also begun to notice that Courtneys psychological state was in a steady decline, and had been for some time now. She had started acting increasingly childish, and now her behavior was closer to that of a ten year old than it was to her actual age of fourteen&hellip, an extremely horny ten year old, mind you, but a ten year old nonetheless. At that very moment, in fact, I was having to deal with another of her bizarre stunts.

We were staying at the Marriott (ritzy, I know) and I had just stepped out of what I swear must have been the best and most relaxing shower Ive ever taken in my seven hundred years of life when I came face to face with a brightly beaming Courtney hold a rather distressed little girl by the hair. Now, I would love nothing more than to say that my quick mind immediately jumped into action, churning out workable solutions to this little problem. Sadly, that was not the case. The unspeakably queer sight of a tiny, little slip of a girl dragging around another tiny, little slip of a girl by her curly blonde hair induced enough cognitive dissonance that all I could do was stumble over to the rooms single bed, sit down, and heave a long-suffering sigh. After taking a minute to collect my thoughts, I spoke.

Courtney, I said, somehow managing to keep my voice level despite the rage that had begun coursing through me, who the fuck is that?

I found her when I went down to the lobby to get a drink, Courtney replied, wide eyed with excitement, Can we keep her?

Well. That was creepy.

Im sorry. Did you just say that you want to keep her? Shes not a dog, Court, shes a little girl that you have just kidnapped, and, might I add, in full view of security cameras and hotel guests alike.

I dont get it. Was I too lenient with her? Too strict? Did her time spent in Oxfords tender care just decide to jump up and devour what was left of her mind out of nowhere? How in the hell did she get the idea that this was okay? (Not that Im adverse to kidnapping little girls, mind you, but she could have at least done some planning beforehand.)

My scathing tone had deflated her enthusiasm somewhat, but, being the trooper that she is, she soldiered right along, saying, Well you havent played with me at all lately, and Ive always wanted a little sister. Whats the big deal, Dare?

Good god, there were so many holes in her logic that I didnt even know where to start, so I settled for pointing out what was, to me, the most important issue.

Courtney, does the term Amber Alert mean anything to you? I said, trying, and failing, to stay calm and rational, We take her with us and within a day, every law enforcement agency in the country is going to be out looking for us.

So what? she yelled, That didnt stop you from taking me did it?!

Shut your fucking mouth, I growled back, Oxford is the one who took you. Im the one who saved you from that hell, and dont you forget it.

Courtney withered in the face of my ire, and began sobbing quietly, but I pressed on, saying, If you dont want to stay with me thats fine. Ill drop you right back on your parents doorstep. But bear in mind, princess, that once I do, Oxford will just kill me and then hell take you right back, and I wont be around to rescue you next time.

I could tell that this conversation was going nowhere fast, and I was pretty sure that the girls parents had noticed she was missing by now, so, at best, we had about ten minutes before the place was swarming with police. Deciding that placating Courtney was the quickest solution, I adopted a gentler tone and said, Listen, Court, I get that youre lonely and need someone to keep you company during the day, so Ill tell you what: Once weve taken care of the old man for good, I promise that we will find you a little sister, but you have to let me plan it out next time. You cant just grab the first one that catches your eye.

Courtney, who was still sniffling at the idea of giving up her new toy, nodded obediently and released her hold on the little girl, who promptly bolted for the door to our room. Imagine her surprise when, in less time than it takes to blink, I appeared between her and her destination and grabbed her. Whether it was from built up stress combined with the shock of seeing me move so fast, or because she somehow sensed my complete otherness the girl, who had done nothing but cry quietly through my entire exchange with Courtney, began screaming and thrashing like she was on fire. I couldnt have that so I spun her around and used one hand to clamp down hard on her nose and mouth, completely cutting off her air supply, while sticking the index finger of my other hand into my mouth and coating it generously in the narcotic venom my fangs secrete. Since the girl hadnt been prepared for it, there wasnt much oxygen already in her lungs when I cut off her air, and her face rapidly went from red to an odd shade of purple. When her struggles started to weaken I judged it safe to remove my hand because she wouldnt be able to start screaming again until after the effects of almost suffocating had worn off.

When I let go the little girl sagged weakly to the floor, and I quickly wiped my venom coated finger across her lips, effectively sedating her. I then wrapped my arms around her and let my supercharged pheromones do their work while she regained her breath and calmed down. After no more than a minute, the girl was more or less back to normal, except now she viewed me as a friend and ally. Someone who could be trusted completely. I told the girl (Whos name turned out to be Madison.) to go back to the lobby and tell her parents that she had gotten lost while looking for the bathroom. She grinned at me and nodded in a way that was almost sickeningly adorable, and virtually bounced out of the room and into the hall. I waited until she was safely around the corner before quickly packing what few possessions Courtney and I had, grabbing her roughly by the hand, and dragging her out of the hotel by way of an exit at the other end of the hallway. Once outside I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down before hoisting Courtney in my arms and taking off at a dead sprint that, to an outside observer, would look as if we had simply disappeared.

From the Marriott we were at in Branson, I headed south, not stopping until we had passed completely through Arkansas and happened upon a small, isolated town in central Louisiana. At that time it was a little after four in the morning and all of that running had left me incredibly hungry, so, with Courtney still cradled in my arms, I started roving around town looking for a quick bite (pun intended).

I hit pay dirt when we came across a bar that, judging from the glowing neon sign on the door, was still open (Thank god for red necks with nothing better to do than drink). As I came to a stop in the gravel parking lot and set Courtney on her feet, I looked over the place and decided it was suitable for my purposes. The building itself looked like nothing so much as a gigantic, corrugated-steel shed, complete with a sheet metal roof, and there were several large patches where the paint had flaked away and bright orange rust showed through. The fact that the bar had no sign to attract customers combined with the number of beat up trucks in the lot led me to believe that this was probably the only bar in town, and the unmistakably masculine odor coming from the building told me that almost all of the people inside were male. Rendering all of my nifty vampiric charming abilities completely useless.

Luckily I had a still-budding fourteen year old minx next to me who would be perfect for luring out an unsuspecting patron, and, giving her the signal, watched as she trotted across parking lot, through the rusted out door, and into the murky depths of the smoke filled tavern.

When the door closed behind her with a dull thud, I circled around to the rear of the building and waited. This was a scenario that we had played out a dozen times before, Courtney would go in and flirt with various drunkards until she was able to convince one of the to take her outside for a little fun. Once they found a nice, heavily shadowed nook and commenced said fun, I could saunter in and slaughter the jackass at my leisure, although I generally let them finish fucking her first as a sort of last treat (See? Im not all bad).

Unsurprisingly it didnt take more than a few minutes for Courtney to come traipsing around to the back of the bar, arm in arm with some fat bastard who could barely stand up. I crouched further back in the deepest shadows to avoid being seen and prepared to pounce while the two of them began making out sloppily and the guy began pawing at her clothes. I grimaced in irritation when he got fed up with trying to undo the buttons on her shirt and simply ripped it off of her. Dammit. Now I was going to have to pay for another new shirt for her, and I hated going to the store. Luckily the bra she was wearing was a front hook so he was able to get it off without destroying another article of clothing.

As I watched, the drunken red neck began licking and sucking on her left breast while he squeezed and pinched her other nipple with his left hand. Courtney, for her part, was at least pretending to enjoy the rough treatment he was giving her, and began moaning prettily, though any sober person would be able to tell she was faking it. The fatso, on the other hand, took her moans as a good sign and began redoubling his efforts until she pushed him away and dropped to her knees in front of him. She deftly unzipped and lowered his jeans in order to pull out his no doubt already erect penis, and even though I couldnt see it from this angle, judging from the way her eyes widened the size of his member must have been far more impressive than my own. Courtney immediately took him into her mouth and began sucking with an enthusiasm that was no longer faked, and my irritation ratcheted up another notch.

The red neck began fucking Courtneys mouth with zeal, and at one point even grabbed the back of her head and forced her all the way down until her nose hit his pubic bone. When he did she abruptly lurched back and promptly vomited all over the pavement. That tore it. Courtney had taken my entire length down her throat dozens of times and had never even gagged once. Screw letting this guy fuck her, it was time for him to die.

Courtney was about to resume giving him a blow job when she saw me leave my hiding place and begin approaching him quietly from behind, and, taking this as her cue, immediately stopped what she was doing. The red neck, however, was facing the other way and couldnt see me, so just as he was maneuvering to shove his penis back down her throat, I grabbed a fistful of his greasy hair and bent his head so far back that he was forced to drop to his knees lest I break his neck. To his credit, the guy started fighting right away, but his level of drunkenness combined with the awkward position I held him in meant he couldnt put up much resistance, and even if he could, I was far stronger than he would ever be able to match so, really, he was doomed from the start.

I grabbed his throat with my free hand and squeezed until I could feel my fingers touching behind his windpipe. I knew from experience that this was extraordinarily painful, and if he had been able to get any air he would have been screaming bloody murder. It was then that I got my first look at his dick and a wave of irrational anger and jealousy surged over me. It was fucking HUGE. No wonder Courtney (who was still sitting on the ground in front of him, watching events unfold) had puked. Hell, Im surprised she didnt dislocate her jaw on that monster.

At that moment I made a decision. I wasnt going to eat this guy, because then he would die in a euphoric bliss, and I wanted him to suffer. So instead of biting him, I made sure I had a solid grip on his windpipe, and PULLED. There was a wet tearing sound and the entire front half of his neck came away in my hand. The guy fell over and started flopping around on the ground like a fish out of water, and I could tell that if I werent currently holding his voice box in my clenched fist he would be screaming. Loud.

Blood fountained from the open wound in his throat and drenched Courtneys face and perky tits in a steaming red mess, and I will admit that seeing her looking like that got my cock rock hard in an instant. Unable to contain myself I pulled Courtney to her feet, and, after quickly shedding her of her jeans and panties, pulled her into a passionate kiss that she returned two fold. I felt her tongue dart into my mouth and caress one of my venom coated fangs, and she went limp in my arms and shuddered in an intense orgasm. I couldnt take it any more. I needed to get inside of her, and fast. While I looked around for a suitable place to have sex (I cant imagine that gravel would be comfortable for her), I got a flash of inspiration and laid her face down on the newly dead corpse of the man I had just murdered, and entered her from behind. When she opened her eyes and saw exactly what it was that she was laying on she struggled to get away for a few seconds, but I got a firm hold on her hips and began plowing into her in earnest, and after a minute she finally relaxed and just enjoyed the thorough fucking I was giving her.

It didnt take long. Within ten minutes her hoarse cries reached a crescendo and she let out the hummingbird trill that signified she had had her second orgasm, and as I watched, I saw her little tongue dart out and she actually licked some of the blood out of the gaping hole where the mans throat used to be. That was more than I could take and I blasted the inside of her vagina with semen. I withdrew my now limp cock from her dripping pussy, flipped her onto her back and began cleaning the blood off of her face and chest with my tongue. Once I was satisfied that she was completely clean I went over to our one small bag and got her only other outfit, then had her change and go back into the bar to fetch me another meal.

I had to wait considerably longer this time, so I busied myself by hiding the fat red necks corpse behind a nearby dumpster, and when Courtney finally reappeared around the corner of the building, she had not one, but two people following her. A man and a woman who both appeared to be in their late twenties. But instead of getting frisky with them like I expected her to, she came walking straight towards me, and called out, Look Dare! I found some swingers!

You see? This is why I could never stay mad at the girl.

The young couple was understandably startled to see me appear from the darkness and both of them began slowly edging away from me, so I tried to make myself look as non-threatening as possible and casually strode over to them with a friendly smile plastered on my face. I was afraid it looked fake as hell, but I neednt have worried as both the man and the woman visibly relaxed and came over to greet me and shake hands.

As I shook the womans hand and exchanged empty pleasantries with the both of them, I could tell right off the bat that my pheromones were doing their job and the woman was more than ready to engage in some sexy fun. One look at her partner, though, told me that those same pheromones were having the opposite effect on him. He felt threatened by me (I couldnt blame him. After all I WAS planning to kill them before long.), and he was obviously creeped out by the fact that I was hiding behind the bar. Hell, probably the only reason he had agreed to come out here was the promise of getting to molest my under-aged companion. Dealing with him was going to be tricky.

Carefully thinking up a plan while continuing our inane chatter, I decided that since I had satiated my lust on Courtneys eager young body earlier, and I wasnt hungry enough to merit eating two people, I would forgo all the foreplay and cut right to the main event. To that end, when the man reached out his hand for a handshake (and he no doubt intended to try and establish dominance by crushing my hand) I simply wound up and punched him in the face with all of my super human strength. A wet crack resounded through the parking lot, and I felt his facial bones give under my fist, caving in his skull. The mans entire body went completely limp in an instant, and he was dead before he hit the ground.

There were a few blissful seconds of stunned silence as he lay twitch on the ground, and then the woman opened her mouth to let out what would no doubt have been and ear-drum shattering scream. Luckily I managed to clamp my hand over her mouth on the inhale and wasted no time in sinking my fangs into her carotid artery. After that she was trapped in such an intense orgasm that she probably couldnt have screamed even if I let her. As she twitched through her climax I felt her extremities and then her core go cold, and through the blood pulsing into my mouth I felt her heart beat slow and then stop altogether. When there was nothing left the inside her for me to take I let her limp body fall away from me, and as she hit the ground her bowels let go, and the stench of urine and shit filled the air.

With all of my appetites fully sated, I set about the task of disposing of all three bodies by throwing them in the dumpster (Hey it was there, so why not?). Once that annoying little chore was done I scooped Courtney back up in my arms and we wandered through town for a while, looking for a suitable place to bed down for the day. The search took far longer than I expected, however, and there was less than an hour left before sunrise when we finally managed to find an abandoned house on the outskirts of town.

The place was in a state of complete disrepair. All of the windows were boarded up, and the glass in them had been shattered long ago. It was also impossible to tell what color the house had been originally, because long term exposure to the elements with no periodic maintenance had stripped most of the paint away, and even in the spots where it was intact, it was faded to the point of being unrecognizable. All of that combined with the conspicuously large holes in the roof made the idea of here dubious at best, but we didnt exactly have a surplus of options so I resigned myself to making use of the place, which at least had and underground storm shelter that I could use to protect myself from the sun. Honestly the shabbiness and discomfort didnt really bother me. After all, during the daylight hours I was, for all intents and purposes, dead. Courtney was the one who would have to put up with discomfort, but that was of no concern to me.

After ripping the rusted out padlock of of the cellar door, I found a (relatively) clean corner at the back of the tiny space and made myself comfortable, telling Courtney to close the door behind her. Once she did, though, she had to stop moving entirely because it was now pitch-black inside the shelter and she couldnt see anything. Sighing in exasperation (carting a human around can be DAMN inconvenient sometimes) I pulled a cheap disposable lighter out of my pocket and produced a tiny flame for her to see by. As she fumble her way towards me I found a rotted out burlap sack she could use as a blanket and held it out to her. Courtney made a disgusted face, but took it anyway, and curled up beside me in the dark room. I figured that was about as good as it was going to get, so I shoved the lighter back in my pocket, and promptly fell asleep.

The sun had just passed its zenith when all hell broke loose.

I was curled up in my corner, soundly dead but still aware of my surroundings, and Courtney was tossing and turning on the floor next to me when a male voice blared over a speaker, DARRICK THATCHER! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!

hearing the person outside use my full name was surprising enough to jar me to wakefulness, and when I looked down at Courtney, I saw that it had woken her up too. Her pupils were dilated and she was starting to hyperventilate, letting me know she was terrified past the capacity for thought. In an effort to bring her back to her senses I lightly tapped her on the cheek, but, as strong as I was, even a light tap was enough to rattle her teeth. She put a hand to her bruised cheek and stared at me, wide-eyed with surprise that I had hit her.

Calm down, I whispered harshly, the last thing I need is for you to have a panic attack right now.

She nodded silently, and, wrapping her arms around her legs, began rocking back and forth, trying to relieve some of the nervous energy that was coursing through her. I found the adrenaline soaked fear-sweat that she was pumping out thoroughly distracting, so I held my breath and closed my eyes in an effort to take stock of the situation. Outside was an unknown number of law enforcement officials, (who somehow knew my real name) all of which were undoubtedly heavily armed, and inside the storm shelter with me was one excitable fourteen year old girl that weighed maybe one hundred pounds soaking wet, and was so terrified that she had begun quietly muttering to herself. Well, Id been in worse scrapes, and the police outside would be easy enough to kill in the five or so minutes it would take for me to succumb to the blazing sunlight, but Courtney was far more vulnerable than I was and she might get caught in the crossfire during the ensuing chaos. Luckily I had a modest array of supernatural powers to help me out of this mess.

Taking a deep breath in preparation, I reached deep within myself and flexed the internal muscle that would release my spirit from the bonds of my corporeal form. I HATED having to use this ability because floating around as a disembodied spirit was always so disconcerting, mainly because of the intense feeling of vertigo I always got. That, and its pretty trippy not being able to feel, smell, or interact with anything. As a ghost that would be invisible to humans, I floated up through the cellar doors and onto the sun drenched lawn of the abandoned house. The intense sunlight couldnt hurt me in this form, but the brightness was still damned uncomfortable. After taking a second to get my bearings I looked to the street and found my would be attackers.

There were twelve cops in all, huddled behind the doors of six squad cars that had their lights flashing like a crappy rave party, and every one of the twelve officers was armed with a high powered assault rifle, and one even had a tear gas launcher.


This was going to be more complicated than I thought, especially since there was also a crowd of onlookers gathered at the very edge of a perimeter the police had formed with crime scene tape. I also noticed that more than a few of the curious bystanders had a camera with which to film the whole sordid affair. That meant that not only was I going to have to find a way to kill the twelve police men before they could accidentally shoot Courtney, I was also going to have to do it without being seen by one of the many cameras in attendance.

Focusing my attention inward, I found the thread connecting me to my body, and using that I flexed one of my other abilities, reversing gravity in the area around the cops and their cars, and had the immense satisfaction of watching as they all began falling skyward. Once they were sufficiently high and I deemed that they wouldnt survive a crash landing, I let gravity return to normal, and reveled in the sound as they screamed all the way down. I immediately returned to my body and giggled like a school girl when I heard the meaty thump of bodies hitting the ground at high speed, followed by the thunderous reports of the squad cars crashing down and exploding.

I grinned briefly while I listened to the screams of the scattering crowd, but then I was forced to turn my attention to our other (and more pressing) problem. We obviously couldnt stay here any longer, because the panic would soon die down and the human authorities would be back in force and armed for bear, but the sun was also high in the sky, which meant that I couldnt leave either.

What to do?

Thinking quickly, I came up with a plan, but I cringed inwardly as it took shape. Courtney was NOT going to like this.

Court. I said, turning to her abruptly.

What? she squeaked. She had calmed down somewhat after the initial commotion, but fear was still evident in her voice and expression. I outlined the situation to her as briefly as I could, then braced myself to put my plan into action.

So what should we do, Dare? she asked me, complete trust in her eyes. Thank god for impressionable youth.

By way of response, I put my hands on her shoulders in a comforting gesture, and said, Courtney, Im really sorry about this.

She cocked her head to the side and gave me a confused look that lasted right up until I punched her in the face.


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I have always considered myself heterosexual, although I have been bi-curious for many years I have never had a sexual experience with a man until last summer.To help ends meet we have taken in foreign students over the last few years. The money is good and the students are usually no trouble as they are out studying during the day and either go out or stay in their rooms at night.Last summer we had a beautiful 30-year Old Italian woman called Carla come to stay for three months. She was...

3 years ago
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Schoolgirl BondageChapter 6

"That hurt... a little," Betty confessed, looking at Jack as he withdrew from her cunt. The big man said nothing for the moment, relishing the sensation of a slow withdrawal. Betty, too, kept quiet for the moment, feeling his softening prickmeat pulling out, shuddering as her elastic cuntal walls shrank back and touched one another behind the retreating prick-meat. Now reality began trickling in. She was still bound there, stripped and held prisoner in the high school gymnasium by this...

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family Ties

“Oh that’s good!” Della said as she entered the room.“Oh shit! Turn it off Bob.” Carrie almost jumped up, rearranging herself hastily.“Don’t be a spoilsport,” Della said taking a seat and gazing at the TV.“Mother!” Carrie said. “I thought you were asleep in bed.”“I was but this looks far more fun,” Della said with a wicked smile. “Don’t let me stop you from what you were doing.”“Mother!”“Oh come on,” Della said. “I have watched porn movies before you know.”“Not with your daughter and...

1 year ago
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Fun On A Spring Day

Lisa and I would often go out on nice weather days and enjoy the outdoors. On these days, depending on her mood, Lisa would wear some kind of outfit that would show off her body in some way. More often than not, I could look down her blouse or in from the side.This day Lisa was in that kind of mood. Lisa was wearing a nice pair of shorts that made it easy to realize that she had nice legs and she was fit. With a nice wrap around top that from the side or if she was to bend over, you could look...

4 years ago
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Countermove Ch 02

Summary so far: Day 1- Onyx vs. Tyger: Onyx loses her first match ever and pays the price. ********** Countermove By: Chrystal Wynd Day 2 Alright, I was royally pissed. After being the undefeated champion for 3 years running, I had been beaten handily in the first round of the tournament by Tyger, some unknown wench who just happened to have the same powers of ‘mental persuasion’ I have. Now I had a shaven pussy just like the other girls in my wrestling federation and my fingernails and...

1 year ago
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A Kitty on a train

In case you guys don't know, Indian trains are shit crowded. Sweaty men all compressed one against the other. The back of each man closely pressing the front of the one behind him. This is a place no less than heaven, if you ask me. I just love getting touched and groped in the train. the best part being that nothing that happens on a local train is permanent. And as soon as you get out of the train, its as if nothing happened, its a clean slate again.But there was a time when I didn't know...

2 years ago
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K T and FamilyChapter 12 Into the Fire

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: After the rehearsal and dinner, things quieted down. This was mostly because Dad is a difficult interview and everyone else was out of town. Friday was sort of the dress rehearsal for the party on the lawn. Once everything was set up, a lot of the booths were opened for the Amish to use. There was a dance in the evening. Aunt Jo says the Amish are like everyone else. They like to have fun. In the City, Mom, my aunts and Nanny CC did final fittings for the...

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My Goddess

April 22nd, 2015 On our first date, I asked you to let me surprise you. You were shy, but agreed. I took you out into the park, and we gazed at the stars as the crepuscular light slowly faded. Your hand found mine across the thin blanket, and I still remember the way that my heart leapt into my throat as I thought: She likes me! She actually likes me! I looked over to see you staring at me, and you turned away, blushing. I brushed your cheek softly with my thumb and leaned over to kiss you....

First Time
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Destination AzaharChapter 5 Delayed Dreams

The spine of Copernicus was laid down as a K'treel class explorer but it wasn't yet completed when production of K'treel class ships was finally cancelled. Rather than being scrapped, it was completed as a deep-space observatory that was never intended to enter a planetary system during a mission, much less enter an atmosphere. The shuttle bay was completed as a machine shop and gymnasium. It had no armament, but the same amount of weight was taken up with instrumentation. Copernicus's...

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Indian Housewife Mom And Son 8211 Part 2

Please make sure you’ve read the previous story about my Indian housewife mom. I’m gonna start this one right where I left. I went back to my room. I couldn’t really do or think of anything. The last 20 minutes were definitely the best 20 minutes of my whole life. That sentence was etched in my mind, “If you want to do anything with me, just ask.” I’m pretty sure she meant sex. After that whole thing, I was longing for sex more than before. But the thing is, I don’t want to have sex with my...

2 years ago
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wondering why she had followed the instructions on the handwritten note, perhaps it was the perfumed scent that had made her tingle inside, or that she was so sure she recognised the handwriting, she shook her head briefly and carried on walking towards the huge blank-faced building and it's single solitary door.she put her hand to the handle and cautiously opens the door, pushing it and walks throughshe stops, her hand still on the door handle, leaving her arm trailing a little behind her ......

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Highschool Grade 9 Chapter 2

All people, places, and events in this story are fictitious, any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidence. This is written in first person, not based on true experiences, and if you aren’t an enjoyer of those under the age of 18, then please refrain from rude comments, it’s only a story. Apologies for the short beginning, I had a funeral to attend, and it’s hard to think of what to write when someone dies, y’know? Anyways, hopefully this one is a little longer,...

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One Woman ManChapter 4

The sound of a hair dryer cut through her fitful sleep like a buzz saw. Allison moaned as she came awake to a killer hangover. Her head ached and her body resisted even the slightest attempt at motion. She was vaguely aware she was still wearing the same clothes she had on last night. What had possessed her to drink so much? Last night? Oh my God! Had she really let her former college roommate Tricia talk her into going out to Mike's Roadhouse after the awards banquet? Oh ... and suddenly...

1 year ago
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Cell Block54

Guards of the Catalina prison watched over inmates as they entered the lunchroom. Sounds, yells and screams hollered by Psycho Maniacs and Sociopath personalities wail across the room. Mr. Jack Gann was an appointed guardsman to relieve Mr. Mark Tripper, who was terribly ill from consuming bacteria infested tuna fish from, a snak-pac vender machine located in the premises of the Olowasee Catalina Prison break room. Inmates sat down and eye balled Jack. He was a notorious man with no feeling of...

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The Collection

There exists in professional circles a legendary photographer. His portfolio is expansive. Landscapes, sports, journalism, and what he is most famous for, modeling. His ability to capture a subject's beauty is something to be marveled, but he also has an infamous reputation as well. Popular, respected models have often entered his studio with only professional intentions in mind, and end up staying weeks on end, the studio echoing with the sounds of flesh slapping on flesh, and lustful moans....

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A hot house wife

Hello friends hope you enjoy my stories. I don’t get lot of responses, but few. So for them I am again writing this incident. Hope u people will enjoy and would mail me. If u have any hidden fantasies let me know, I could help u in that. Females feel free to mail me, as I guarantee u that it would be between us. My email ids are OR Let me come to the story. I have a habit of going to walk early morning. I returned nearly 8.30 am. The main reason for going to early walk is I get to see lots of...

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Nice Encounter With A Lady While Watching Skating Competition

I am a regular reader of ISS and all the time I was thinking that I am so unfortunate that I have never got an opportunity to enjoy the female companion. First of all, I am very shy, romantic, but not bold enough to approach and take dare actions. I always feel the desire whenever I saw beautiful females whether college girls or aunties with good structure and used to dream about them and various sex positions which I would like to have in my mind. I am narrating an incident which happened...

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JulesJordan Victoria June Thick In All The Right Places Victoria June Shows Off Her Dangerous Curves

Victoria June’s curves will give you whiplash while watching this scene from Victoria June captivates in the “sexual matrix” garb that she’s adorned in. The clean black latex look with killer gradient footwear and shades suit the curvy femme-bunny perfectly. We are treated to a nice outdoor tease sequence that runs indoors. It culminates in a boob unleashing that makes you want to reach through the screen and squeeze. Damn it! Bewitching brown-eyed Victoria June and Jules...

3 years ago
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A letter to my father

A Letter to My Father Dear Dad: I wish I could give you this letter in person. I wish we could sit down and talk. We actually have a lot in common, you and me. Both of us have struggled with a sense of worthlessness, although it may have been for different reasons. But, you left this world a long time ago, and I can only grieve for the loss, and pray that you are now at peace. I wonder what you might have been like if you had somehow overcome the suicidal impulse and had been able...

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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 7 Allie Strenwich

"Let's see now. 'kay, here's where we left off. You don't mind if we don't start at the beginning do you Hoke?" Asked Julie. "Hey, whatever turns you on. And I WANT to turn you on Baby." Did I say that he's got the cutest dimples on each side of his mouth when he smiles? Oh, I digress. Hoke has become somewhat active... His middle finger was worming it way into her pussy. Julie braced herself against the headboard and raised her left leg onto Hoke's shoulder(opening herself to...

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A Cautious Man Ch 0608

Chapter 6: When he met Zena Wildman, it wasn’t at a church social. She came into his shop one noon hour and handed him a fine old Sunbeam toaster. It was the heavyweight, chromed beauty of the fifties with the slow-down, slow-up feature. The raising and lowering mechanism had quit and almost as an afterthought, Zena remembered Bill’s Repairs and decided to see if it could be fixed. It had been in the family for many years and had been given to her by her parents when she moved out. Her brother...

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Pay Back0

When I was in my early 30’s is started to get into gambling. I we go out and play the slots at the local casinos. That soon got boring. So, I tried my hand at poker. It was fun. But, I was a very poor player. My interest then turned in horse racing. I found a bar that was nearby that offered OTB. Soon almost like clockwork I was there every day. It was nice to go there and place a few bets, drink some and relax. One day I met this guy who came in to play the races too. We started...

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My Love For My Friend8217s Mom 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, I am Raj, age 20 from Mumbai. I used to read a lot of stories here and finally, I decided to write my real-life experience of how I lost my virginity. Just like any other young guy, I too had a crush on older women. To begin with, I used to study in a nearby college and lived with my mom. I had a friend in my college whose name was Karan. Karan was from a very rich south Mumbai family. His dad was a rich businessman and his mom ran her own garment business. During my college days, I...

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Possession Hijinks

Introduction Theo: Hey, I have nothing to do today. You got any ideas? In an inconspicuous corner, two teenagers are sitting around during their lunch break. For most, it may seem that there is hardly any time to do anything. But for these two bored teenagers, it feels like time has stopped in its tracks. Cody: What about the usual? After hearing his friend complain over and over, Cody answered with a smirk on his face. Although he didn't say what activity it was, his best friend Theo...

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‘I love you Mommy! I love you Daddy!’ Natasha Stone giggled with her backpack dangling from her shoulder. She had just finished giving her father a hug and was now waving as she ran off into the classroom. Both parents had their eyes shining with tears… Tears of pride and happiness. Their five year old daughter was starting her first day of school. It was symbolic day for the parents who wished for nothing but the best for their daughter. They didn’t know that as their little girl ran into...

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My Husbands Cock in Chasity

Over a year ago, Steve began begging to have his cock locked up. He had purchased a cage and had locked his cock up in it. He handed me the key and told me I controlled his cock from now on. The whole thing seemed crazy to me but I played along. Over the next few days I teased him over and over again. I walked around the house half naked, rubbed up against him and pinched his nipples each time we got close I would dipped my finger in my pussy and put it under his nose so he could just smell me....

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Community TooChapter 47

Cindy’s turn: “Weren’t you here, like, a couple of weeks ago?” That was Barry Rotkopf, the FAA designated flight examiner at the big airport in Mobile. “Feels like it,” I smiled. “Yet here I am again.” “Wally warned me. He says if I pass you for your commercial, he’s coming gunning for me. Show me your driver’s license.” I whipped it out and put it on the desk in front of him. ““Good, Lord, Cindy, you’re eighteen years and ONE DAY old.” “I didn’t want to dawdle,” I said. “You’re gonna...

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Taking Virginity Of Innocent Sister

Hi, I am sameer and I am 19 years old. I am average guy with 7 inch dick. This is story about me and my sister. Her name is shamitaand and she is 22 years old. She is an innocent shy girl. Her figure is 34 32 36. Her boobs are not very big but they are perfectly shaped. For feedback mail me at My family consist of me, sister, mom and dad. Getting back to the story, I never had bad intentions about shamita but I started reading stories at iss and seeing videos of brother and sister porn videos...

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Moms Friends and Lovers

Tina walked along the driveway, practically walking on tip-toes in her stilettos, and made her way around the house to the backyard gate. She opened the latch, glanced around and giggled like she was trying to break into her own house. Her skirt lifted and a breeze caressed her ass. She had wondered if her mom would be in the garden but she was nowhere to be found. She crept back to the driveway, waved to Stephanie, and whispered with an exaggerated movement of her lips, "The coast is clear." ...

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Wife private pool party

I woke up on Saturday morning by my wife as I glanced over. I saw she stripped down to her underwear, this summer was way to hot. I wake her up softly with kisses on her firm thick ass cheeks and make my way up. Removing her sports bra and nibbling on those 38D tits. I get her awake and in doggy stlye ( both our favorite position). I fit in 8 inches and get a good handle on her thin lower back. It drives me nuts seeing her ass bounce and jiggle from my thrust. I pound her and let my balls slap...

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Babe where8217s my cock

It’s the story of my first anal sex experience that happened when I was 19, about 5-6 years ago. It happened with the first girl I’d actually consider a “girlfriend”, though we were only together about 6 months. First, a little about me. I’m a taller guy, around 6’1. Fairly skinny build, though I work out I’m definitely not ripped, just what I like to consider in shape. I have dark hair and hazel eyes. The part people are probably wondering about, my...

2 years ago
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Williamson had just played a glorious cover drive when my phone rang. Since I could see that it was Brian, I was tempted not to answer. On the other hand, I knew that he would just keep pressing redial until I did. ‘What?’ ‘Where are you?’ ‘At home,’ I said. ‘Watching cricket. On the box.’ ‘Good,’ he said. ‘Good?’ ‘Yes. I thought that you might have been doing something important.’ ‘Watching cricket is important,’ I said. ‘You can watch the highlights package later. That way, you won’t...

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Eternal Awakening Chapter Two

To those asking why I'm reposting this. 1. This is the original, the one being posted in Wattpad is changed. He says so on his main page. 2. It introduces Captius to a larger group of people which is something want for him. His work is amazing and that is why I always make sure to credit him. 3. The very original copy can only be found on one site, and that site is a pain in the ass to go through plus not well known. Now with that out of the way, I give you Eternal Awakening...

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I moonlight as a gigolo pleasuring women in that age group so connecting with that group of women was very appealing to me. I kept asking my female clientele and network about the group but always drew a blank response. However, in due course a lady who introduced herself as Nancy over the phone asked me if I would like to be the ‘featured man’ (her words) for their next meeting. She explained that the women were all high profile people in business and government, all were single, all were...

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I reach up and grab your cock, pulling you towards me, but you don’t budge. I try again pulling harder, and you laugh at me, telling me you’re not giving it to me until your good and ready to.. I narrow my eyes and roll of the bed, I stand in front of your and grab your cock again in my hands twisting, trying to force you into the bed.. You look down at me, “Like those small soft little hands of yours could actually bring me down." I look at you and say, "fuck you” and I am determined to...

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The Perfect Day Part Two

She raised her head and looked up into her father’s eyes looking back at her. The confidence and manipulation she’d been exuding wavered for a moment even as she stepped forward, her left hand almost unconsciously slipping into her soaking underwear as the other raised up and cupped her breast. “Show me,” she whispered nervously,” Daddy… please… show me.”Her finger just crested the upper edge of her slit as his hands slid around her and pulled her, crushed her to him. His lips captured hers,...

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Dungeon of flesh and blood

Liam Walker was moving out of his home, and he was very happy about it. At last he would have his freedom, lately he has been having too many occasions were his parents interrupt him when he was getting friendly with his right hand. Lucky for him his grandmother got sick. And it was also found that his grand parents were not taking their meds properly, so it was decided that his grandparents would move into his house and he would move to his grandparents house. Their house was just a 10 minute...

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Male cum slut

My name is John I am now thirty two quite slim, live alone and have a thing for women’s panties, I just love to wear them under my clothes and have a large selection of thongs and other types of panties and I want to tell you how this has changed my life completely. When I was a teenager me and my best mate Tommy used to have what we called play time. This involved us both sitting around in just our boxer’s watching porn films and masturbating together, it was nothing gay but I did love to see...

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The Debutante The Delinquint Part 2

"Tonight?" Blair looked over at Jo, who was sitting at the table with her arm held in the air, so that she could be a few extra feet away from the blonde while Blair was on the phone"Um, tonight isn't really... No, tomorrow won't be any better. But what about next month? I'll be available then," Blair offered hopefully. "Oh. Well, of course. If your parents insist that you go with them to the Swiss Alps, you can't very well refuse and risk your inheritance... Yes, of course I understand...

4 years ago
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Fat Cousin In Child Winter 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am Sam from pune. ( name changed for privacy purpose)and I hail from small town in maharashtra.. I am 5 8″tall with bit of extra pounds but always ready to lick and rim a pussy of any age..This story is between me and my real uncle’s daughter and and and named payal( name changed for privacy purpose).. Story is 10 years old when I was in class at our home town and she was in her 12 class…She is having a fatty body but nice face cut.Her boobs are pretty bigger I guess 38 coz of her heavy...

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Our Week Of Fun In Bali

Two years ago, my husband and I visited Australia. Sharing a motor home with my brother and his wife left us little opportunity to pander to each other's pleasures, and we so decided to stopover in Bali for an amorous seven days on our trip back. For this beach hotel and island tour, I had packed a separate suitcase containing only the bare essentials for the hot climate, mainly a couple of light summer dresses and my yellow bikini as well as a revealing Wicked Weasel that Dave had bought and...

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The Gutenberg RubricChapter 6

Maddie and Frank decided to complete the ink analysis of the Carthusian manuscript while he instructed her in Guild lore as his new apprentice. Frank said he wanted to check the manuscript for any later transfers of the Wyrich Gospels that might have been mentioned in the records. Keith was so exhausted, however, that he left the workshop and collapsed in bed for a nap. He awoke with Maddie snuggled close beside him. He took a quick inventory of his wounds and realized that most of the small...

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Dont Be a Hero PART 3

Don't be a hero PART3. Six Months Later: It has been half a year since Kenny Harrington was kidnapped and transformed into the lovely yet dangerous Whitney Forman. Not one ounce of Kenny remains in the cute Texas girls body or head, with the exception of one brief moment each week Kenny's mind is brought back. Every Sunday night Whitney receives a phone call where one phrase "goodboygoodherobadgirl" For mere seconds Kenny's personality comes back to great emotional pain to...

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his name was jason. he was just a workin class guy, not much in the way of looks, slightly longer hair than normal, somewhat athletic, and gifted with a 11 inch penis and good sized testicles.he would go out after work and survey the bars and theaters, goin to concerts or events and haveing fun. the guy was a social maveric and great with girls. well, he knew how to get girls. he wasnt so good at choosing them.jason decided to go to the local bar after work one day and found it half deserted....

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