The Stormwind Courier
- 2 years ago
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Celeste's Courier
"Package for you, Harper" Tedstood up in his cubicle, but Brian just waved one muscular arm towardsthe reception area and walked off. The salesmen weren't very pallywith him or the other accountants--sales guys were all jock types, funnyand charming, and they didn't have a lot of energy for the numbers-crunchers.When they weren't selling insurance, they were playing grab-ass with thereceptionists, who never seemed to squeal or giggle when Ted or Mort, theother accountant came by.
But that didn't matter. Tonight was a specialnight for him! Ted walked down the hall after thanking Brian, the sales rep,swaggeringoff in his rugby jacket, Brian who had already forgotten poor Ted'sexistence. Ted was still on cloud nine. Tonight was his night for release!
Ted passed Shauna, one of the secretaries andshe was talking on a cell phone and playing with one of her amber curls abstractedly.Her chest heaved in the lacy blouse as she went on about an obnoxious shoeprice at Hechts. She brushed Ted and his cock swelled against the harsh steel.Ooh that hurt. Whenever Ted passed a cute young girl, his poor dick wentthrough this, and Celeste had actually ordered him a smaller one after they'dwed. "Teddy, I just have this jealous streak." she'd told the downcastTed after having him view a "Dr. Fellatio" porn tape to see ifhis erection could swell successfully in the belt, and of course it couldn't.But tonight he was going to take that belt off and get some needed relief.
Celeste was going to take Ted's chastitybelt off, and let him jerk off. Celeste was the one factor in Ted's lifethat did make the sales guys respect him a little--when she pulled up inTed's little red convertible, and he jumped in, a lot of the guys were amazedat what Ted had going for him, that he'd snagged such a hot wife. They apparentlythought he was having a fabulous sex life, and Ted wouldn't let anyone thinkany differently, though the closest his dick had come to Celeste was rubbingagainst her shoe now and then when she was feeling affectionate onhis release date. She'd never even touched his bare dick with her hand, thoughshe'd squeezed him occasionally through his pants---and it had been threeyears of living together, five months of them married.
Ted's dick was so constricted after a month--hoursand hours and days and days---thirty days of the poor little worm tryingto stretch out into a full erection in a tube much too small for it--andit was always painful. Celeste even encouraged Ted to pursue some of hisold habits of porn films and jerk-books...and all his tease/denial websites...butit was too much torture in the vicious little metal prison. Ted had givenall that stuff up, just so his penis wouldn't get nasty rashes from scrapingthe sides of the damn chastity tube.
The managing partner's seventeen year olddaughter passed Ted in the hall, she was working there this summer, but didn'thave to wear office spoiled. Look at her in her sloppy cut-offsand belly shirt how can she be so informal...oooh, it's happening again,Ted's dick was attempting futiley to ream through the Iron Maiden betweenhis legs,but it was no use. That was the one thing Ted couldn't avoid beingstimulated by...the girls out in the world, and Celeste in his own house...ohthe agony!
Ted nodded at the bike courier carelessly,and took the package and signed his name on the proffered manifest. "Mr.Harper." the courier touched his arm," I am supposed to pick thisitem up again in thirty has to be given back, sir." Tedlooked up irritatedly at the courier, who seemed to be smirking at him. "Yeah...that'sfine." These bike couriers are such a pain, Ted thought. His youngerbrother had dropped out of college for a year to skid around the streetswith those stupid packages. Ted's folks had jumped all over Sandy, askinghim why he couldn't be more like Ted, who never let his hair grow beyondhis ears, and had only had one B on a report card in his life. Sandy hadonly had one B on his report card also, but for different, upsetting reasons.
Sandy had always been a D student, sincekindergarten, but he'd had a ball with the girls--driving around in an oldjalopy with two or three of them laughing while Ted, a year ahead of hisbrother and debate captain and Senior Class President smiled shyly at cheerleadersas they carefully walked around him and his trig books on their way to practice.Celeste had been the cutest of them, and she had always been nice to Ted...apat on the arm, and that sort of thing. Ted had tutored her once or twicein first year Algebra, which Celeste kept failing...he was in dreamland overher, and when he ran into Cel in the mall a decade after graduation, Teddysnapped her up fast. Even with all the rules, and the nasty belt, he andCeleste were happy...Ted was happier than he'd ever been.
Ted took the package, a small box and walkedback to his office, ruminating about getting the damn belt off. When they'dstarted their odd relationship, Celeste was thrilled to be with someone whofinancially supported her, gave her lots of spending money, never asked whethershe saw other men (Ted knew she did) and who cleaned the house. WhenTed hesitantly presented Celeste with the chastity belt he'd bought online,and told her that he wanted to admire her from afar, and not have her feelthreatened by his maleness, she assented. "Just let me have the keyonce a month, Miss Celeste" Ted had asked. "I'll jerk off and giveyou the key back. I just want to watch you while I play with myself."
Celeste had been very pleased with this,and had obliged Ted by wearing lots of really cute outfits--tube tops, skin-tightsweaters, miniskirts or cut-off jeans, and high, high heels. At first shewas astounded that this was all Teddy wanted--two minutes tugging his minisculepenis while kneeling on the floor, and then back in the belt, and often hewould take her to dinner and buy her some jewelry. It seemed to work forboth of them...but then Celeste felt at some point, that Ted needed to earnhis orgasms more.
Ted sat down, and put the box next to apile of spreadsheets. Ted thought of Celeste's cleavage, and how close he'dcome several times to viewing her nipples through the bikini tops she waswearing this summer, it was hot, and she'd wear a top and shorts, and...Ted found himself touching his crotch. Oh, God, no...this is so painful.He could feel his poor penis straining against the metal...ooh. Just a fewmore hours and Ted would be kneeling in front of his Princess, jerking offinto a little bowl as he did every thirty days, except when he was bad, andthen it was five, six, or seven weeks between orgasms. It was such a briefheaven--whipping his dick as Celeste timed him--five to fifteen minutes dependingon her mood...oooh, but the squirt was intense when it came!
Just a little while longer, and he wouldbe naked, on his knees, staring up into the emerald green eyes, while Celestesat with crossed legs in some sexy outfit...ooh, it made all the housework,the cuckolding she put him through...all the misery...brinigng Celeste andher boyfriend Travis breakfast in bed in the morning was the most miserableand humiliating activity, especially because Cel wouldn't let Ted just comein in his business clothes--no, he had to come up to the bedroom with a cookedbreakfast--Travis liked eggs and that declasse corn beef hash--and Ted hadto walk in either nude in an apron and the chastity belt, or just wearingthe chastity belt,and then Travis would often make fun of him. Travis wasa cruel man, Teddy thought.
But Celeste had her quirks, but she's agreat gal, Ted smiled. He decided to give Celeste a call. He was not allowedto call her between two and five thirty on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays,because she had "company" but it was only one-fifteen, and he wantedto tell his girl how much he loved her. The phone rang, and rang again. Tedpanicked, thinking that Celeste was out,he wanted to talk with her. Mustshe always be with Travis? Finally, the phone picked up, and Ted heard Celeste'sdulcet voice.
"Celeste baby? It's your Theodore." Tedgrinned into the phone, thinking of what she must be wearing right now. Maybeit was the overall cut-offs without any shirt or did she get thosestraps to just cover her breasts? "Teddy, didn't you get the package?I thought you would be busy right now." Celeste's voice had a bit ofmirth in it. What package? What was she talking about? Ted noted thelittle box on his desk. He'd thought this was some sort of work thing...itwas too small to be a CD,though. "I see a box on my desk,Cel. Do youmean this little..." "White box, yes. Ted, you really should readthe note, you only have eleven minutes left,sweetheart." What? Ted openedthe box and found a key on a ring and a note. The note said:
"Dear Ted
Here is the key to your chastity belt.I don't really feel like watching you sweat and grunt and rub your pimpledhands all over that disgusting little rod of yours. I figured this month,you could jerk off in the bathroom. I asked the courier, who is a young friendof mine, to allow you twenty minutes to go in the bathroom, you have yourown bathroom at the end of the hall, and jerk can do it as muchas you like within the twenty minute time limit. Then you have to lock upthe cage and give the key back to Danny.
What? "Celeste, this is totally unfair!" Tedtried to keep his voice low, but it was difficult, he was so upset. "Thisis the one day of the month, the one HOUR that I look forward to...I wantus to be together during..."Ted lowered his voice "...our moment.Why do I have to do it here in the bathroom,by myself?" Ted felt likecrying. He wouldn't get to shoot his scuzz and watch Celeste smileand arch her chest. Once he'd had a huge load spew after Celeste decidedto apply lipstick while he was wanking...what the hell? "Teddy, youhave only five minutes left...I told Danny to advise you..." "Yeah,I heard," Ted said loudly. "But it's unfair. Why not at home?" Josh,the guyin the next cubicle put down his work and stared at Ted. Ted shookhis head at Josh, indicating that he was sorry for making a big noise. "Twominutes, Teddy." Celeste was sure keeping track.
So he had to go and jerk off in a bathroomstall, just as he'd done in a thousand public restrooms in his puberty, inhis early twenties--hoping no one would come in while he was whacking hisdick madly, and trying desperately not to pant. The executive bathroom wasout of order, and Ted would have to use the communal bathroom. How couldthis be? How could Celeste deny him the pleasure of wanking off in his ownhouse? But wait, Celeste had gotten Ted to sign the house over to her a fewmonths ago...and in return, she'd allowed him to look at her tits while hejerked off...and for once, he hadn't had to lick up the spew. But of courseTed still felt it was his house...and he was so nice to her...Sigh. He supposedhe could make a run for the stalls. Shit.
"So I have to go and do it alone inthe stall?" Ted was disbelieving. He looked up and Danny the courierwas walking up to the desk. Ted's hand closed on the box. "Okay,okay, Celeste. Just give me ten more minutes...please." Ted heard Celeste'sthroaty chuckle, and felt his wrist squeezed. Ted looked down and his handhad opened, the kid's grip was intense, and Ted had let go of the box. ThenDan the courier had picked up the box and put it back in his bag. TappingTed on the shoulder in a friendly way, Dan waved and walked off.
Ted began to cry silently,listening tothe phone, as Celeste made some giggling noises. Ted could hear Travis inthe background, laughing as well. "Teddy," Celeste said in a chokedvoice, "I hope you think about not following instructions and the consequencesthereof, babe...Thirty days from now you'll be sixty days along without ajerk-off, and whatever I have you do, I suggest you follow directions. Ifyou get a package in the mail, you should read it...but next month I thinkI might have you jerk off in front of the picture window...Travis is tickling--ohhyou bad boy, stop!--tickling me, Teddy, and I got to go..Be sure you're homeby six, darlin'. You're making us lamb chops, remember?"
The End
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the story which reveals about real incest relationship..... [email protected] Please share your views regarding my story and how I can improve it. Your good advice is appreciated.
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She was just fifteen when her dad first came to her bedroom. He was naked and quickly undressed her and began to kiss and suck her small tits. He spread her legs and his hands and fingers touched every inch of her pussy. Two fingers rubbed her clit and then traveled down to her fuck hole. He rubbed all around it and then pushed a finger in her. His mouth went to her clit and as he finger fucked her he sucked her clit. She liked all that daddy was doing to her. She would cum when her dad would...
I watched, fascinated, as Jules slowly came down to earth from her huge cum, although her pussy still twitched and spasmed along with her hips. She bucked hard for about another minute, as her brain slowly re-established full control over her pussy. Her shouts and random cries subsided to a whisper as the champagne bottle gradually lost its own momentum and eased out of her soaking slit to lie on the leather sofa, just resting in the outer folds of Jules’s pussy lips. I say lost momentum, but...
VoyeurThomas sits on his couch in nothing but his underwear. They are completely soaked with his cum. On the cab ride home, Emma had undone his buckle, slid her hand into his boxers and jerked him off. THOMAS You sure you want me to leave these on? Emma spreads out on the floor before him, down to her lace lingerie body suit. Her round aerolas peep through. Her tits aren’t nearly as big as Chelsea’s, but they are perky and her body more than makes up for it. Working her ass round and round,...
Billy was glad to get the cellphone—it would have saved him some aggravation if he'd had one while he was waiting with the baseball equipment. But that wasn't all, he got a nice letter from the City Parks Commissioner thanking him for protecting the equipment from theft or vandalism. Again, Billy was a hero, and it was all thanks to Genie. Billy didn't know exactly what to say, so he simply thanked the being for his support. I was glad to do it, Master. After all, it's a part of my job....
Debbie let out a hissing sound as my full length filled her arse she tried to speak but the vibrating egg was still working its magic & she doubled up into a tight ball as yet another orgasm was teased from her young body Whether she was aware it was me in her arse & not the butt plug i could not tell or for that matter really care , all my attention was now focused on my cock in its tight embrace , I kept as still as was possible letting Debbies twitching writhing body do all the work ,...
Vicky woke up, of course. I don't know how Rock Hudson got a drunk Doris Day from the living room to the bedroom, getting her out of an evening gown and into a flowing nightgown without seeing anything or waking her up. I don't think Vicky was fully awake at any time and it didn't take long at all for her to fall back asleep when she was back in bed. She seemed to enjoy it when I maneuvered her arms and legs so I could take off her clothes. Vicky wasn't wearing a luxurious nightgown when...
The castle was old but the bathroom was modern, with a Jacuzzi tub, shower, hand basin, toilet and bidet. I used the bidet to clean out my nasty cunt before giving my ass a soak. There was a jar of petroleum jelly handily placed by the basin and I proceeded to oil up my anal opening and enlarging it with three and then four fingers without much pain. I repaired as best as I could with my fingers some of my face makeup, brushed my wig with my hands and was pleased with my appearance. I, then,...
Rising early Kat was up and noticed that Seth was seated at the table with his back slightly to the rest of the room. She slowly approached but she could hear him softly talking to himself. She tried to wait but eventually she got curious. "I know Marie, but we're almost done here ... you don't think you'll go early do you? Oh, not really ... Dusty met his first ghoul yesterday ... he'll be ok, but he was out cold again ... I better run everyone will be up soon. I love you," said...
The next day, Claire walked into the containment room pushing a cart full of some sort of equipment. "Good morning to you," she said cheerfully. "You'll pardon me if I don't get up," Gruthsorik grumbled from the bunk. "No, that's fine, in fact it would be helpful if you laid still for this," Claire said. She pushed the cart up to the cell wall opposite the bunk, unfolded some of the devices, and aimed them at him. Gruthsorik turned his head to the side to watch. "Dare I ask what...
Do you think you have the Answers!!!!! DEAR ABBY ADMITTED SHE WAS AT A LOSS AS HOW TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: (You can’t make this stuff up) Dear Abby, A couple of women moved in across the hall from me. One is a middle-aged gym teacher and the other is a social worker in her mid-twenties. These two women go everywhere together, and I’ve never seen a man go into or leave their apartment. Do you think they could be Lebanese? Dear Abby, What can I do about all the Sex, Nudity, Fowl...
Celebrating her birthday with good friends.(Group Sex)Alice looked at her naked body in the mirror. She cupped her full breasts and stroked her nipples with her thumbs feeling the familiar thrill as her flesh hardened and stood out in its brown glory. As usual she felt the thrill flow into her hairless cunt and she knew that her lips there were becoming thick and full of blood. She could almost see the clit stiffen and pull out of its protective hood. Slowly she slid her hands along her body...
My air conditioning broke last week and my house was as hot as hell so I decided to go for a midnight drive. I drove to 7-11 for a Big Gulp and then made my way to a small secluded beach near my house. There was only one car in the parking lot when I pulled in, but the beach looked empty. It was a cloudless night, and the moon was full so it was actually not all that dark out. I decided to go for a walk on the the beach. I left my sandals in the car along with my t-shirt. All I had on was...
I was enjoying my normal life along with my secret sex life with my uncle without any problem. Once in a while, watching my parents in the night when they were in sex game was continue and sex had become a necessary and very important part of my life. I have learned everything about sex form uncle and I consider myself as SEX-PERT. My body was developing fast and taking a beautiful shape, I do not know whether this is because of having regular sex or because of my growing age. I was looking...
IncestPart 1 of 4 Today was day two at the hospital, I had come in for a routine procedure but because of delays to my scans, I was stuck here. It was nothing scary, some imbalance in magnesium or iron or something that sounded metallic. I had offered to lick an iron bar if it would help but unfortunately, it is not quite that simple, so here I sit. So, my name is Alice Cotter, I'm 28 years old and I'm 5 feet and 6 inches tall (on my tippy toes) and I weigh around… none of your fucking business!...
I have known my wife for the last 27 years, and I can say that I am lucky enough to have married the love of my life. We have been blessed with two children, and we work hard to give our kids all we can. I am an engineer and a partner in a leading engineering company, my wife is a nurse who should have retired but she regards her job as a vocation and decided to go back to her job once our kids grew up enough to be able to stay home alone. On the lighter side, my wife and I still enjoy a very...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Hi Sis, I have to stay at Aunties for the summer, so I'm just leaving you this note to tell you that even though I won't see you for a while, I will still think of you. I know we're not as old as most other people who like to touch, and even though everyone thinks brothers and sisters shouldn't do it with each other, I know you like to watch me rub my weener and I like it too, when you watch me and smile when you see my juice squirt out. You don't know...
IncestI was usually out of the flat and on the road about seven in order to get my first call in early. The post, supposedly the morning post, didn't arrive until twelve-thirty or even later some days. So I would get to read any correspondence later in the evening after getting my paperwork done and cooking a meal. I picked up the mail and sorted it in my usual manner. One letter stood out and I sat down in shock, recognising Jas's handwriting immediately. I couldn't open it, not knowing what...