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Chapter 4

The limo was sitting outside terries warehouseright on queue, she could see it from the back widow, she could see the driverstanding by the door of the car waiting, well this was a plunge, Terry hadthree little black dresses, the one she had chosen was one from her teens,she had filled out a lot sense then in many areas, her bust was a lot bigger,Terry was a petite 34a, however with her change of lifestyle, better eating,aerobics, swimming and the gym, terry had changed to become a very curvywomen, her shoulders broad but not overly cut with muscle, a good roundnessin her hips but no trace of fat, the 36d's and those legs, so in the longand short of it, the dress fit like a glove, shoestring straps and only fallinginches below her ass cheeks, silk mixed with just a hint of lycra made thedress pull in on every curve, matched with a pair of killer black patentheels Terry headed for the lift. Although it was five past ten it was stillvery light out, the moon was so illuminating, as terry approached the chauffershe noticed she was female. "Good evening Miss???" the chauffer was askingTerry's name but in a manner that could cause no intrusion "De Ville, TerryDe Ville, but please call me Terry", "yes miss" the chauffer opened the reardoor for terry. This was luxury, inside was seating for twelve on an L shapedseat, a cut crystal bar set up, a full inboard entertainment system, creamleather upholstery with soft matching cushions, even the carpet was cream,terry thought to herself this must be a bitch to keep clean. The door closed,the chauffer got into her seat and pulled away, "where are we heading?" Terryasked, "I was told just to drive around the west end until you give me otherinstructions Terry." Suddenly the stereo came on but with a sultry ladiesvoice speaking, it didn't take terry long to realise it was a recording,firstly terry was told to look in one of the compartments below the bar,in it was twenty thousand pounds in twenty's, this was to be her spendingmoney for this evening, she was to proceed to kings cross and pick up a whorefuck her, then take the whore for a meal in one of the many late night eateries,then she was to take her to top hotel, then get the morning chamber maidin on the action, if she completed this she could keep the change, theirwould have to be evidence, their was a micro digital camera for photographicevidence, a restaurant receipt, a hotel receipt. What a challenge this wouldbe thought Terry but what about work, tomorrow was Monday and she had tosee if there had been any repercussions about her trip to Selina's, usingthe cars telephone Terry left a message on her works answer system that shehad picked up some bug and she would not be in Monday or Tuesday but shouldbe fine by Wednesday.

Cruising around Kings Cross at ten thirty at night was new to Terry and doingit in a limo was even more novel, she didn't realise so many girls worked thestreets, terry lived a world away from this life style. Most of the women lookedso rough, like this had been there life since a young age, all types wherethere, Europeans, Asian, Black, terry guessed a lot of the white girls wouldprobably be former Russian states, that had that really icy cold beauty, orwhat was left of there beauty. Terry lowered the window and peered out as thechauffeur drove around the block, she spotted two Chinese looking girls, theymust have been new, they still had an heir of innocence about them, and shetold the chauffeur to pull up. Terry lowered the window some more and beckonedthe two girls over, suddenly she realised she hadn't thought what she wouldsay; she had never propositioned a working girl before. The two girls wherea lot shorter than terry, both slim and both no older than eighteen or nineteen,one of them smiled at terry "you looking for good time lady, we give you goodtime" they where both Filipinos, not Chinese as terry had thought, probablybrought over by there family specifically for street work, "where your man?" thesecond asked, still smiling, "I have no man, it's just me. How much is it forone of you?" the first one looked at her friend realising an opportunity toearn more, "we no work just one, we work two, One hundred fifty pounds each,you have very good time, we make you so happy lady" Terry opened the door,two for the price she was expecting to pay for one, this was going to be funand very lucrative "so what are your names?" terry was eager to get thingsgoing, glancing at the one on the right "my name Suzie and my sister Joy", "okSuzie you can pour the champagne and Joy, you can start by taking my clothesoff" without a slightest hesitation the two girls complied "oh and I do notdrink alone, I expect you two would a drink" Suzie smiled and poured threeglasses. Joy had started to ease Terry's dress up, due to it's clinginess itjust rolled up, revealing the white silk thong terry had selected, it lookedgood next to her tanned body. Joy slid the dress over Terry's arching back,as Terry arched she caught the chauffeur looking in the rear view mirror, Terrymouthed the words can you see the chauffeured smiledand nodded, Terry smiled and went back to her hookers. Joy and Suzie kneltbetween terry's parted thighs, peeling her thong aside, which was already dampin anticipation, opening her up they started to lick, tasting Terry takingturns to place small kisses on Terry's open pussy, terry started to squirm,this was intense. Joy and Suzie where showing there expertise in there trade,Terry felt her first orgasm rising, she rode it thrusting her pelvis towardsthere eager mouths, panting with lust, yet the two Filipinos seem so cool.Terry glanced at the chauffer, "pull over would you please I have another jobfor you" the chauffer winked and pulled over at the next available spot. Asthe girls feasted on Terry's cunt, Terry passed the camera to the chauffer "Iwant some pictures, nice one's honey, make me look good!" the chauffeur turnedin her seat and started to shoot, Terry could hear the camera beep as eachshot was taken, sighing as she felt another orgasm rise in her pussy. Terrysaw the lens of the camera extend for a close up of the girls buried in Terry'sthighs, opening her thighs wider so the chauffeur could get a better shot sheruptured again into the throws of another orgasm. "Ok that's enough for now" Terrysuddenly exclaimed " I want you two to entertain me till we get to the shops,take me to a adult shop chauffeur please, oh and make it a classy one, I don'twant to go into some dive." The chauffeur put the camera on the passenger seat,indicated and pulled the car back out into the traffic, as the car purred alongin the late evening traffic, Terry sat on the soft leather upholstery, withnothing but her damp thong watching as the two girls where in the throws ofa '69' session she was smiling like the cat with all the cream. The eveningwas pleasantly warm, Terry glanced out at all the passing people as the carcould only manage a mere fifteen miles per hour in the weekend congestion,Terry lowered the window slightly, the mirrored glass allowed the passers byknow knowledge as to what was transpiring inside. Two passing girls saw thewindow lowering, who could be inside, it was sure to be someone famous, theytried to peer in but the window closed as quick as it opened.

The chauffeur pulled the limo up in a small street, in the heart of Soho, "weare here miss, I mean Terry" changing her address as instructed earlier, "theshop is called Aphrodite, I think this is exactly what you are looking for" slippingher dress back on, minus the damp thong, Terry left the two Filipinos and thechauffeur to browse by herself. This was something she had never done beforeand she didn't want to be influenced by others or to be rushed, mind you itwas now eleven fifteen on Sunday night, what time did these sort of shops close?Terry entered the shop to be greeted by a tall blond guy and an equally tallblond lady, both very Nordic looking, smiling they looked Terry up and down,Terry smiled back and started to look around, it was the dresses that caughtTerry's eye first. Picking up a small chic PVC number, she held it againstherself, it was short but not so short that it was obscene; it had thin shoulderstraps and vertical slits down the back. That would do for starters, movingon to the vibrators and other sexual toys; Terry selected a double-ended neondildo, a large black

strap-on, two anal plugs and a long line of chrome anal beads, then fromthe S & M section she picked out a leather paddle, some cuffs and a smallspreader bar. The lady asked if that was everything,

"I want to change into the dress, this one is soiled." Terry felt different,like she had a new power, the lady showed her to a fitting room and enquiredif she would require assistance, Terry just nodded, the lady returned witha packet of talc, and some cherry oil. Removing Terry's dress, the lady startedto dust Terry all over as though it was perfectly normal to her, explainingthis would help to ease the dress on. The dress was incredibly tight; suckingagainst Terry's skin, the shop assistant shaped Terry's breasts into the PVC,as she pulled the dress past Terry's naked cunt the shop assistant felt herdampness and smiled up at Terry. The dress showed every curve to perfection,and then using the cherry oil she buffed Terry to a nice deep shine. A newpair of stilettos and Terry was ready to leave, the male attendant had beenwrapping the other items, Terry paid the bill and left.

Out in the night air Terry stood proud with her new appearance, she strodeto the door of the limo with an air of a new sexual awakening, waiting forthe chauffeur to open the door for her, the chauffeur responded dutifully andplaced the parcels in the boot. Suzie and Joy whistled when they saw thereemployer, Terry liked this and showed a little smile.

"Ok take me to the Dorchester now, I think we should go for one of the best",

"Yes Terry" the chauffer replied smiling in her rear view mirror, lookingat the two hookers Terry asked if they where available till tomorrow lunchtime, after some heavy negotiating a fee was agreed and everyone smiled. Thejourney from Soho to park lane did not take long, when they arrived the limopulled up and the night doormen came scuttling over. "Any bags Ma'am?" he askedin that quaint English accent. Terry pointed to the trunk whilst looking tothe chauffer, Terry asked her to return at midday tomorrow; the chauffer offeredher the car phone number in case she needed anything, stressing the anything.The doorman followed the ladies to the front desk carrying the bags from thesex shop, if only he new what they contained, at his age heart failure wouldhave been for sure.

The receptionist informed Terry that there was only three rooms available,a double, a twin and the executive suite, well of course Terry chose the suite,the receptionist informed Terry that at one thousand two hundred a night, wasshe sure that she wanted it, Terry giving her an evil contemptuous stare snarled, "yes,and I would like two bottle's of Krystal and a large bowl of strawberries tobe sent up" when the receptionist asked how Terry would settle the bill, Terrysmiled this time and opened her purse "cash my dear" and handed over fifteenhundred pound in new fifty pound notes, "the extra is to cover additional roomservice, I will be having" the receptionist saw the remaining wad of notesin Terry's purse and smiled back.

With the bellboy now holding Terry's bags and key card, Terry and the twogirls followed the young man to the lift, once in the lift Terry saw in themirrored reflection how good she looked, and how tall she was in the heels,she towered over the young man, looking at him, Terry thought he was quitehandsome although too young for her tastes, Terry started to blow the backof his neck, the two hookers found this highly amusing but the lad would notreact, Terry leant forward and brushed her chest against his back and stillno reaction, then when Terry was about to grope him the floor bell went, savedby the bell thought Terry. There was no other room on this floor, the viewwas stunning, from one side the Thames, the other the lights of the West End.Palming the bellboy a fifty quid tip, Terry whispered to him, "there's anotherone of them if you can get me a couple of grams of nose candy" the boy smiled "halfan hour ok Miss",

"Wonderful, ok you can go now" and with that the lad left the room with aspring in his step, it was his job to make sure a new arrival got exactly whatthey required and he could manage most things. Once alone Terry looked to thetwo girls, ordering Suzie and Joy to run a bath, Terry went to the bedroomand unpacked her toys; she felt the black strap on. It was at least three inchesthick, thicker than any man she had been with, and a good ten inches in length,it was not hard but not soft either. On the butt of the dildo was a thick smallcurved stump; Terry could only wait to find out how that little fella wouldfeel. It certainly didn't seem half an hour before there was a knock on thedoor, Suzie rushed and answered the door, and it was the bellboy. Terry couldsee in his red face that he had exerted himself to complete this deed, thisdeserved a reward, the lad handed Terry a little bag of coke, "it's top qualityshit Miss, if you ever need it when your in London, I'm your man"

"Oh I'm sure you are, now here this is yours" Terry handed the lad anotherhundred and fifty pounds, then looking to Suzie, "I think for that good servicehe deserves a tip, why don't you give him a blow job."

Suzie just went straight to her knee's in front of him, the lad was stillin shock at Terry's statement, that he allowed the girl to remove his cockand begin her art, Terry just stood there and smiled at him while Suzie wasbobbing her head up and down, such professionalism, no questions, no qualmsjust straight down to the job. The lad was just grinning, shock had been overtaken by pleasure, he thought he would of died of embarrassment, but havingthis tall sexual woman staring at him, just kept him captivated. He new thatTerry was feeding off his pleasure, suddenly his cock pulsed then he startedto convulsively jerk, his spunk shooting to the back of Suzie's throat. AsSuzie licked his cock clean, Terry smiled at the lad "was that nice….hhmmmm,leave your number, I might have more errands that I want running." Terry turnedon her heel and strode off to the bathroom, her voice echoing as she left theroom, the lad was to leave but keep his mobile on.

The bathroom was full of steam, the bath Joy had run was very hot, it tookTerry five minutes just to get in the bath, but now she was up to her shoulders.Joy had put some oil in the bath, Terry's skin shimmered in the soft lighting,she felt tiredness setting in, the hot water and the past few days had startedto catch up, she was on a sexual roller coaster and she had no intention gettingoff. Joy and Suzie entered the bathroom, Joy carrying the silver tray withthe champagne and Suzie with the strawberries, next to the strawberries, sixlines had been carved out of the coke the lad had delivered, "oh how thoughtfulSuzie" as she beckoned the tray nearer, Terry knelt up in the large bath, herbreasts proud and red, her nipples swollen, Joy rested the tray on the heavingbreasts and offered Terry a rolled banknote, Terry took two lines one afterthe other, then gestured to Joy and Suzie they should take the other two each. "Rightfirst things first, Joy I want you to feed me the strawberries while Suzieyou are to shave me, there is stubble on my legs and I can't abide stubble." Shiftingher position to the edge of the large circular bath, she steadied herself witha firm grip either side. Joy took one of the large ripe strawberries and offeredit to Terry's waiting mouth, Terry ate it hungrily, the next one Joy teaseda little making Terry reach for it with her tongue, this made Terry smile,the next one Joy rubbed along her own wet slit, staring at her Joy smiled "Missywant this special strawberry," Terry nodded it, as it was slid into her openmouth, it had the natural sweetness of the strawberry as well as a musky twang.

Suzie had prepared the shaving soap, lathering Terry's right leg, which sheheld out of the water; Suzie quickly removed all the stubble and then repeatedthe process on the left, "Missy sit on edge of bath please?" Terry new whatwas coming next, with Joy helping her up, Terry sat on the edge of the bath,resting one heel on one side and the other down on the floor, spreading herthighs wide open waiting to receive Joy's attention. Joy lathered up Terry'spussy with the shaving foam, then started with the razor, gently scraping theskin leaving a child like smoothness, Joy's face was a like an artist at work,pulling Terry's labia together then apart so she make sure she got everywhere,just leaving a small diamond patch above Terry's clit hood, "Missy turn overand put hands on side of bath please!" it was more of an order than a requestbut Terry would of complied either way, this was a life which if finances wouldallow she could get very used to. Leaving her feet about two feet apart Terrybent forward at the waist, showing off how supple she was and to assist, placingher palms on the edge of the bath, Joy asked for some assistance form Suziein their native tongue, Suzie gently opened up Terry's ass cheeks, so Joy couldfinish the job, removing a couple of wispy blond hairs, but this time she wasusing tweezers, the sudden pain made Terry startle, going up on tip toes totry and pull away was met by a sharp slap on the ass, "Missy be still, me nearlyfinished, then me make you happy Missy", Terry smiled to her self giving Joya playful wiggle of her ass, indicating for her to go on, whilst Joy finishedSuzie fetched one of the sex toys from the bedroom. Suzie took some oil andstarted to oil Terry's raw pussy, she could feel her arms starting to sag,squirming as she felt Suzie's fingers enter her cunt, rubbing the oil overthe freshly shaved area then delving back into her cunt, three fingers thenfour, then with a gentle push the whole of Suzie's hand was eaten by Terry'scunt, groaning Terry's legs started to buckle but Joy saw this and supportedTerry so she wouldn't fall, feeling Suzie's hand come out, Terry pushed backonly to feel four fingers go back in and the thumb enter has ass, this sensationwas too much Terry groaned out loud feeling waves come over her, her thighstrembling, then a new sensation, Suzie was feeding the anal beads into Terry'sass, five of them popped in just leaving the little chrome chain hanging out.Joy stood Terry up and led her naked out into the living area, opening thebalcony doors Terry was led out into the warm summer night air. At fifteenfloors up it was surprisingly warm and the city was still so alive below, itwas now one thirty in the morning yet it seemed the city never slept. Standing ona balcony fifteen floors up naked looking over London, with two Philippinehookers, now that was strange. Joy crouched with her back against the railingsand pulled Terry closer, bringing Terry's cunt to her face, tongue coming outto meet, the tongue found home straight away, flicking open Terry's wet lips,looking for her clit, Suzie was behind caressing Terry's ass cheeks gentlyteasing the chain, then without warning slapped Terry's ass and pulled thechain, Terry buckled with the pop as the ball came out. Joys tongue workedfuriously at Terry's clit when another slap reigned down, and another ballpopped out, god could she last, Joy was now reaching up massaging Terry's breasts,as Joy sensed the next slap she tweaked Terry's nipples hard, the slap came,then the third and fourth ball popped out of Terry's ass, Terry's orgasm hadstarted and the two hookers new it, the slaps to each cheek where fast andthe tongue on Terry's clit was working as hard as it could, the hands on thebreasts where working in rhythm, tweaking and massaging. Terry screamed inthe early morning air, the final ball popped from her ass. Terry collapsedwhere she stood, her cunt oozing from its excitement, her anus tender but stillsensitive. The two girls gently lifted Terry and guided her through to thebedroom laying her on the huge sumptuous bed, pulling the duvet back they gotin either side of Terry cuddling up to her.

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Personal Cock Slut

Sometimes our sex is soft and tender, making love. However, sometimes it’s rough and hot fucking! I received a text on Friday mid-morning from my man at work. It said: He wrote, “I’m horny. I need my cock sucked and fucked. Some woman will have my cock in her mouth and pussy this afternoon. Are YOU interested?” I replied, “YES I am! I want your cock, I need your cock! Just tell me where and when.” He then wrote, “Hmmm, doesn’t sound like you want it badly enough. I’ll have someone else do it.”...

3 years ago
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Personal Maneuvers

Driving is not exactly the sexiest pass time in the world especially for some one whose only experience of it was with a lecherous instructor with a personal hygiene problem and an obsession with dirty jokes. Yes this did happen to me. Looking back I now realise that all the warning signs had been there but being so young I had not seen them, not until it was to late. At eighteen I was very impressionable and even now I shudder at the thought of what happened. His odour -ridden clothes and...

3 years ago
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Personal secretary

My self JK..Hi all, Here is my another story…I am 27 years old and was in search of a job. I had sent many applications for job and was waiting for an interview call from any of the firms to which I had sent my job application. One day I got a call from a company to attend an interview at their office. The post that I had applied for was of Personal Secretary. Now I went to attend the interview. When I reached their office I came to know that the company was into manufacturing & distribution of...

3 years ago
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Personal Trainer

Justin was a personal trainer. He demanded the very best out of all the people he worked with. If they did not meet expectations, he passed them onto another personal trainer. He had noticed over the years how he seemed to get more women than men to help train. He found the woman to be more motivated and willing to work harder than the males. The men always seemed to think they knew so much more than he did. They did not.The person that Justin enjoyed helping train the most was a busty Asian...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Personal Massage With Matured Women Turned Into Sex

Hi readers, this is my first story ever and its a true incident happened in ma life. Myself leo working as a fitness coach and as a masseur in Coimbatore, hope you all know that a job of masseur is quite romantic but we get used to it and do not find any interest on women cos we do that every day and we get see females with different ages and problems since its a club there will be a female masseur also so there will be no chance to mislead. But one fine day a women aged 50 came to our parlor...

1 year ago
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The Courier

Friday afternoon, about 2:00 PM, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and it was a courier with a parcel.I did not want to leave the door open as it was cold and windy outside, so I invited him in. He needed my signature on the receipt and as I signed, I glanced down at the bulge in his crotch. Mmmm, formidable looking it was.I handed the receipt to him and he gave me the parcel and I put it on the floor.I said, “That is a mighty hot looking package you got there, bud.”He looked confused and...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Friday afternoon about 2:00 PM, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and it was a courier with a parcel.I didn’t want to leave the door open as it was cold and windy outside, so I invited him in. He needed my signature on the receipt and as I signed, I glanced down at the bulge in his crotch. Mmmmm, formidable looking it was. I handed the receipt to him and he gave me the parcel and I put it on the floor. I said, “That is a mighty hot looking package you got there bud.”He looked confused and...

1 year ago
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Personal Touch

Chelby waited for the ferry on the docks of Seattle that took her across the waters to the ship yard on the far side of Puget Sound. The evening was chilly and she could tell autumn was here. The sky was clear the air crisp and the stars sparkled overhead. She leaned over the side of the ferry to gaze into the water as the ferry chopped through it, she loved the wind in her face, and the way it caused her hair to fly wildly. It had been a long time since she had taken the journeys she would...

2 years ago
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Personal Best Part 1

The morning sun was streaming through the window when I woke. We must have forgotten to draw the curtains last night, I thought. I was alone in the big bed, and as I stretched out my naked body I experienced that wonderful feeling of perfect well-being that comes to a girl who has slept well after being comprehensively fucked. I didn’t remember much about the previous evening, but it had obviously been really good. I became aware of a pleasant funky smell. I stroked my body and investigated a...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Personal Faggot Slave Letter

>>> My name is Ryan. I am nineteen now and I am the personal faggot slave to a bunch of jocks at at well known Midwestern University. Some of you have read my story up to now, but for the rest of you, here is a quick account of how my horror started. I am smooth bodied and small of stature. I am a Freshman and was still eighteen years old, rather naive and shy. Let me make this perfectly clear to you, I was and am still straight. Although I must admit, I hardly know what that means anymore. I...

1 year ago
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Personal sexual mentoring for my personal assistant Part 2

Kris wanted a second night with me. after a long day, she came to my room and was ready for more. she shyly confessed that she was eager to learn more about sex and she felt very safe and comfortable with me. she requested that my mentorship for her to include sex and practical experience. Boldly, she took the initiative to undress me, caressed my cock to full erection. she then undressed herself and begged me to show her how to have good intercourse. my expertise is in sucking nipples which...

1 year ago
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Personal Foul

Synopsis: Everything seemed to be going Danny's way as he went off to celebrate his college football team's latest victory; that is, until he began to change into a girl at a crowded bar. This story is set against the background of the Ohio State football season of 2002. Personal Foul By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. Author's note: The football games in this story are the actual games played by Ohio State University in their 2002 season. Chapter 1 Saturday November 2,...

1 year ago
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Personal phone

You were just sitting in class like usual, with your eyes glued to your phone to pass the time, until your phone froze with a notification showing a progress bar and text shifting from 'scanning app use', 'scanning search history','scanning storage' and so on. After scanning all of your personal data, the progress bar was at 100% and you got a new notification explaining how your phone would be undergoing an experimental update shortly and that it would allow you to experience a much more...

2 years ago
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Personal Time

The school year was quickly winding down as the weather started to change over from spring to summer. I needed a break, so I decided to take a couple of personal days. My husband was out of town for a few days, and our daughter had not yet returned from college. I had the house to myself.I had a few errands to run which I got done before lunch. It was a beautiful day, so I decided that I would get some sun by the pool. As I searched through my draw of bikinis, I thought about one of the Wicked...

1 year ago
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Personal Shopper

A Bi Woman who likes to play dress up gives a gay sales clerk the ride of his life. “Personal Shopper” I would like to start off by saying that I consider myself Bisexual and while the concept of a female cross dresser is rare, I’m here to tell you that it does exist. I like to wear men’s cloths, it really turns me on. It’s is if I am a completely different person when I play dress up .one day one I was bored beyond all reason , I happened to notice that a new men’s wear store had opened up in...

3 years ago
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Personal Bodyguard

I sat on the cold, hard bench watching the hordes of police officers walk past me, paying not attention to the exhausted woman in front of them. I ran my hands through my hair, and tried to rub the sleep from my eyes. I’d been sat here for hours, waiting for someone to take my statement. ‘Sam?’ a soft Scottish voice called my name, and I looked up into a pair of chocolate brown eyes, and a gentle smile. ‘Follow me.’ The voice said, and I was led into a nearby interview room. ‘I’m Detective...

3 years ago
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Personal Professionals Vol 6 Personal Assistance

“Here's the last of it,” he grunted. With a thud, he plopped the stack of files down on the desk. “I swear to God, this case had better be worth all this hassle. Need anything else, Ariel?” With a sigh, the young woman behind the desk leaned back in her chair, rubbing her temples. “Besides a vacation?” She groaned, rubbing the back of her neck. Smiling softly, Jacob moved behind her and started kneading her shoulders, causing her to sigh contentedly and slump lower in her chair. “How's this...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Personal Preference

I had read about the place on the Cruise Spots feature on Men4sexnow and found the description really hot—something like, “I thought I had walked onto set for a gay porn movie.” Unfortunately, I had failed to write down the address, so I was just cruising blind as I tried to find the place when I was in town on the far-east side of the Phoenix area on a short visit. I had just about given up when I noticed this very non-descript building with a sign, PERSONAL PREFERENCE as I drove by it. I did...

3 years ago
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Personal trainer

I am Louise, married and always very straight laced. I am 44 year and i always keep in shape, having nice legs and a D size breasts. Life has been quiet for me and I had been a good girl. Since I had put some weight on over Christmas I had decided to go to training in the park to get fit and loose some weightI joined a group that meet in the park at 0600 and train to 0700 then i could shower in the gym next to the park and then get dressed for work we trained each Monday and Thursday all...

4 years ago
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Personal Assistant

So after the limo ride and saying goodbye to Ian, Karyn and I checked into our rooms, not saying very much to each other on the elevator ride or when waiting for the porter to deliver our luggage. I was still feeling a sexual buzz from watching such a lustful and pleasuring romp what could I say?As we settled in to our separate quarters and like always kept the adjoining door open so we could talk freely, there was nothing but the sound of hangers clicking in the closet and drawers opening and...

3 years ago
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Personal Training

Maybe it was a mid-life crisis? Regardless of the reason, I joined the local gym. And I didn't just join, I hired a personal trainer to set me up. Just one week, I figured, and she could teach me everything I needed to know, and I'd go on from there. My husband was a regular gym rat, but I wanted to be smooth and lean, and figured a female trainer could show me the things that women should do. She showed me, all right... The first item on the schedule was measurements. I was rather...

2 years ago
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Personal Massage To A Couple From Gurgaon

I am working as a professional masseur in NCR. Daily I do various types of message to my customers which are men and women both. I really live my work so much. So I always focused on my way to give smooth and relaxing massages to each and every client. Send your feedback or comments at One day of my previous client who is a beautiful couple called for a personal message at her home. I reached to their home at given time with my equipments and oils. He said first he wants to get message then...

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Personal Shopper

Personal Shopper By Emma Smith Monday, 26 August 2002 Chapter 1 "At last, I have finished it!" he shouted to the empty room at the top of his voice. He heard someone upstairs banging on the floor in anger. He continued at a slightly lower volume. "For twenty five years they called me mad. Then I changed my name. Now I, Otto Von Fruitcake, have succeeded where no one else could," He looked around guiltily and finished his remark. "Where no one else could be bothered to...

3 years ago
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Personal Stylist

Personal Stylist By Rosie "Why are we here?" I carefully asked Julie as she was about to open the door. Suddenly, she stopped and looked at me. "I made an appointment with a stylist," she said. "I thought we were going..." I began, but she was already opening the door and I shut up. Anyway, recently it made more sense for me not to question my wife too much. Obediently, I followed her into the office, where we were greeted by a mature, well dressed lady. "You must be Mrs....

3 years ago
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Personal Secretary

Hi friends, this is Bobby here again after a long time. For the people.” Who don’t know me; I am male 36 from Delhi. I am big fan of ISS and written previous episodes in ISS and got good replies from number of people across the globe. Well coming to the latest incident which happened to me a month back. I was sitting alone in my office. It was after the lunch time and I was bit relaxing and talking to my friends on phone when suddenly one lady knocked the door of my office and just peeped in...

1 year ago
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Personal Hygeine

At long last, Laura felt the powerful waves of orgasm wash over her as her own fingers slid in and out of herself, desperately trying to hang onto the pleasure going through her head like a drug. Unfortunately, she eventually crashed back down to reality, and found herself lying sticky and spent, naked from the waist down, on her bed. Laura pulled her two fingers out of her cunt, staring at the pussy juice covering them dispassionately. She needed to wash them off, she thought idly. She was...

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Personal Ad Answered

I decided it would be fun to place a personal ad. This would be like a blind date and I promised myself that if I got an answer, I'd try and seduce the woman, no matter what she was like. I described myself as a 35 year old man. 6' 3" tall at 185 lbs. with hazel eyes. Long brown hair and a mustache. I said I was looking for a 50 plus year old woman who was interested in having some intimate fun. After about a week, I got one envelope from the news paper. It was from a 59 year old woman. She did...

1 year ago
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Personality Change

A work of fiction.Lillian Maynard was a sixty year old widow, her husband had left her f******n years earlier. Her son Jeff who Lillian had late in life was only two when his father left and so never knew him. The boy was now sixteen, a bright boy who worked for a small IT company close to where he lived. His relationship with his mother was fairly formal.After her divorce from her husband Lillian turned to religion and became a devout Christian, didn’t drink, a non smoker and wouldn’t have...

2 years ago
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Personality Lecturer Gets Banged

Hey, everyone! I’m Rahul from Bangalore back with another story. Just a quick note on why my stories take so much time for posting, it’s because the stories are a 100% genuine. Genuine stories take some time as for me to undergo the experience and then can be made as I can’t get laid everyday lol. On that note let me talk about my new experience. Anyone looking to provide feedback contact or looking for an experience me at The starting part of me being in college was 2 years ago. The later...

2 years ago
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Personality Talk Me and Mom

2010 10 07 My name is Dre. I'm a 27 year old single guy with bisexual view of interest. Despite already having a steady job, i still live with my parents due to their old age and i don't have any siblings to take care of them. For once, i have the idea to hire a maid or servant to serve them, so that i could live on my own, but they refused and like me to live with them. I have TG tendency in a form of i like wearing women clothes a.k.a. crossdressing. Usually i borrow my mom's,...

3 years ago
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Personal Services Manager Pt 1

Discrete experienced service and maintenance person for permanent position in a disabled person’s establishment. Applicants will be required to demonstrate their ability to perform in difficult situations. Reply to Classified Ads, Box 3579. It looked innocent enough, but reading between the lines, I decided that the advertiser was seeking someone to have sex with a disabled person (or persons) possibly an amputee, not that it mattered. What I wanted to know was, apart from regular...

4 years ago
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Personal Services Manager Pt 2

Lunchtime was very interesting. Alice was complaining that she was still sore from our morning rut and although she felt aroused, she knew she shouldn’t have penetrative sex. Did anyone have any suggestions? Anne said that Alice could always go for anal sex, but Alice pointed out that she had said penetrative sex, so she wasn’t letting me anywhere near her. Mary said that June should find out what her boss could do to enhance her sexual education. Alice appeared to like that suggestion...

3 years ago
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Personal Trainer

The person that Justin enjoyed helping train the most was a busty Asian woman. Her name was London and she had a great attitude towards working out and listening to instructions. It also helped that she had a sexually attractive body; all curves and a little plump, just the way Justin liked them. London was such a devout worker and some of the drills and stretches had Justin’s cock straining to get out of his workout shorts. He was beginning to suspect that she knew what her body was doing to...

2 years ago
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Personal Professionals Vol 1 My Very Happy Meal

I've known my best friend for so long, I'm not even sure of when we met. All I know is that back then, I didn't even like girls yet. But she changed all that without trying. She was kind to me when no one else at school was. Oddly enough, I was the guy who became interested in a girl's personality before I was even interested with their bodies. But enough of that. We've been friends ever since, even after my unrequited love faded. And she's grown more beautiful every day since. I'll describe...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Personal Service Manager Finale

“Good evening; my name is Mary. We met in the store you work in a few weeks ago and you gave me this number to ring after 7pm. I apologise for the delay in calling you, but it was unavoidable until now. I would love to know your name and I would love to invite you to my home if you are still interested.” Her name was Julie and she was certainly interested in meeting with Mary. She thought the delay in receiving a call was because Mary was not interested. When could they meet? Mary...

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