Solace & Rosanna Ch. 19 free porn video

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2003: The day was overcast with the threat of rain, but Rosanna was prepared, as always, with her umbrella tucked in her shoulder-bag as she walked uptown to Matilda’s office. She recalled the times Solace had appeared at several of their meetings looking as if she’d been through a hurricane, hair plastered, soaked and wind-blown, but sexy, nonetheless. Damned sexy. On one such memorable occasion Solace had raced into a rehearsal-late–and dropped her belongings into a nearby chair. She had then sought out Rosanna and flung her rain-soaked body at her, kissing her passionately by way of a greeting. Rosanna had flinched at the dampness pressing against her warm, dry clothes but had soon responded, enfolding Solace possessively in her arms and returning the kiss with rising arousal. Throats had cleared and they’d remembered where they were. As they breathlessly parted, Rosanna not only felt her own now damp clothes but her cheeks burning with embarrassment through the catcalls, whistles and snickers. Secretly, she had also felt a rush of pride at Solace’s unrestrained affections.

Arriving at Matilda’s office, she leaned briefly against a supporting pole holding up the building’s awning. Glancing at her watch, she realized that she was half an hour early. Her nervousness at meeting with Matilda would not allow her to stay at GSW any longer. She decided to walk to Central Park, locate an empty bench and sit down to wait. This mini trek would afford her the opportunity to compose herself before jumping into what surely might become a confrontational situation.

Rosanna’s attractively styled hair, charcoal gray pantsuit worn with a navy blue blouse and short navy-blue boots bespoke success and confidence. It conveyed the impression that this was a woman in charge of her life, a life in which most decisions and people certainly swung her way. If an interested observer could have stolen a quick peak into Rosanna Romero’s head, however, they would have been treated to a roller-coaster ride of dipping, twisting, swirling masses of emotions and thoughts. Solace, Matilda, Casey, friendship, love, and children weaved in and around the corridors of her mind–all vying for first place. Stepping onto the cobblestones of the park, she stopped to massage her lightly throbbing temples, looked up and spotted an empty bench and made her way to it. She sat down heavily. Rosanna watched passersby with a distracted air until, bored, she closed her eyes—a decidedly daring action for the streets of New York City.

She had never told either Solace or Matilda that she loved them. Whom did she love? She loved them both, but.. And where did Casey fit in? She knew the answer to that one–she simply lusted after Casey now. In the wake of Casey’s ten-year absence, the need to have her as a confidante had dwindled. She had Sam to fill that position and there was no sexual tension to get in the way. Her thoughts came to rest on their telephone conversation of the previous evening.

“Sam, you just don’t understand,” Rosanna said as she blew out an exasperated breath.

“I understand perfectly, dear. You want to have your cake and—“

“Stop right there, Sam. Why do we have so many sayings about eating something? You look good enough to eat, you’re gonna eat those words, having your cake and eating it, too… We’re such an orally-fixated society.” Rosanna leapt up from her couch and began pacing her living room.

“There’s nothing wrong with being oral, Rosie. I know I don’t have to tell you that. And don’t try to change the subject. Have you even thought of giving Solace the benefit of the doubt? You’re assuming she can’t take care of children. Have you even discussed the issue with her? Have you seen her dealing with kids? How do you know Miss Matilda will do any better?” Sam was the only person who was allowed to call her Rosie. All others paid dearly for uttering that syrupy-sweet moniker. ..

“Well, it has to be easier, Sam. Don’t you think?”

“What I think is that you should give Solace a chance and try to work on this instead of calling it quits and running off with that dreadful Harpie woman.”

“Harper, Sam…Harper,” Rosanna corrected.

“Whatever,” Sam growled.

Sam’s dislike of Matilda was a source of annoyance between them.

“She’s not dreadful. She’s organized, and punctual, and prepared for everything—just the way she should be.” Rosanna countered, stubbing her toe on a chair, releasing a silent expletive.

“And boring, and predictable and uncultured, and—“ Sam added.

“Matilda’s not uncultured, Sam. She goes to museums and photography shows. All the things I can’t share with—“ Rosanna cut her statement short…

“You are awful, Rosie Romero. You’re only seeing Solace’s shortcomings. What about her fantastic cooking, and singing, and dancing and creativity? Ms. Harpie doesn’t have a creative molecule in her entire body. She’s so…passive!” Sam shuttered as if the mere mention of the word gave him gooseflesh.

“Sam, I run a successful business that takes a lot of my concentration and effort. I need at least one aspect of my life to be simple.”

“Simple is boring, Rosie, and you know you would be climbing the walls. Solace is fun, and crazy, and talented and all those things a good gay woman should be!” Sam giggled.

“Sam, you are crazy! Why do I even try to discuss this with you? Can’t you even try to see where I’m coming from here?”

“I refuse to go there, Ro, and I hope you turn around before it’s too late and you’re stuck with Harriet Harpie. I think she likes you just because you remind her of a strong, cute guy.”

“You jerk! Matilda’s never been with any men.” Rosanna said indignantly.

“No, but does she tap into your feminine side?” Sam asked.

“You’ve been reading too much of that pop-psychology crap, Sam. I don’t even tap into my feminine side,” Rosanna growled.

“You need to do that Ro. It’ll keep you sensitive and balanced. I am totally in tune with my feminine side and it helps keep my karma flowing in the right direction.

“Spare me, Sam. We all know about your feminine side and we’re trying to avoid it at all costs. And where did you get the erroneous idea that you were in any way balanced?” Rosanna countered.

“Say what you want, but Solace balances you out. I get good vibes whenever we’re all together..

“Good vibes. On that note, I’m saying goodbye.” Rosanna picked up a pencil and snapped it in two, tossing the pieces in a nearby waste basket.

“Go ahead and run, but—“ Sam began, but Rosanna cut him off.

“And how’s Peter?”

“Touché. We can talk about him next time. I’m sure you have to get to bed and so do I. I have a big shoot tomorrow.”

“I’m sure you do. Goodnight, Sam.”

“Goodnight, Rosie.” Sam’s voice rang with merriment, belying the fact that he would be going to bed any time soon. Rosanna knew that he would be up for hours on his computer, chatting away. He had actually met some pretty suspicious characters, and Rosanna was forever sending up warning flares, which he steadfastly ignored.

There was no way she was going to be able to sleep in her state of mind. Her eyes, alighted on her upright piano and she move towards it. She stroked its burnished cover. Pulling out the bench, she sat down and began to play a Mozart sonata. As her fingers glided over the keys, she felt a calmness wash over her. She played for two hours, ending one piece and launching into another until sheer exhaustion overtook her and she went to bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Sam wore blinders when it came to Solace and it was useless to try to engage him in an objective conversation. She would have to make a decision for herself—and then she would a
sk her grandmother if she had made the right one. She waited impatiently for her return from Puerto Rico. Rosanna supposed she was suffering from the old cliché, which allowed for loving two people for different reasons. The fact that she was even thinking about love caused her to break out in a light perspiration. She had admitted it, though, and it was true. She did love Solace very much. The past month had been hellish. She also loved Matilda, but not enough upon which to build a life. But she had broken it off with Solace. Rosanna’s confetti-like thoughts coalesced into a single wish–she fervently longed for Solace to be fully sighted. This fact clouded Rosanna’s vision of their future. She wanted Solace to be able to share every aspect of her life, and she also felt that Solace needed to be able to see to care for their children. God, that had a wonderful sound—their children. She thrilled with the warm sentiment. She knew Solace was capable of doing almost anything she set her mind on, but she could not get beyond the child issue. Surely they must require two sighted parents. Rosanna had never seen blind parents, and she was having difficulty imagining the possibility. She felt someone standing over her and opened her eyes. She checked her watch, it was five o’clock sharp. Matilda stood above her, smiling faintly, her hair pulled away from her lovely face by an elegant headband.

“Hi there,” she said, her voice quiet and even. Rosanna hadn’t heard her approach. She could feel a blush creep up to the roots of her hair. Thankfully, Matilda could not read her traitorous thoughts.

“Hi,” Rosanna said as she got to her feet, pulled Matilda into an embrace and kissed her lightly on the cheek. She could feel Matilda stiffen, her eyes darting back and forth to see if anyone was around who might know her.

“I came out, looked up and down the avenues, and spotted you. May I join you in your thoughts?” she said nervously.

“Let’s walk down the park,” Rosanna said, side-stepping the question.

Matilda felt the sting of rejection but decided to forge ahead.

“How was your day, Rosanna? How’s that new instructor working out?” She knew that this topic would be good for at least a few blocks. Butterflies danced in her stomach and she was not ready to launch into the real reason they were meeting.

“He’s…direct. I think his background in the military has affected him. He knows his stuff, but I think he doesn’t yet get that these are students and not recruits. I should never have trusted Debbie with the hiring.” Rosanna said through clenched teeth.

“But that’s why you pay her, Rosanna. She’s supposed to do that and she wouldn’t have hired him if she didn’t believe he was up to the job. You can’t do everything in the company. You’ve got to delegate responsibility and then trust that the right decisions will be made,” Matilda said reasonably. Her hands were behind her back, head slightly bowed and she spoke with finality as if this were a stance she had taken in the past or perhaps had been taken with her.

“You’re right, of course, but my gut feeling tells me that he’s going to be trouble and our reputation might suffer as a result.”

“He’s on probation, right? Just have Debbie keep an eye on him and if he steps out of line, then you can step in and reprimand him or fire him, if need be.”

“You’re right again, Mattie. I just hate to see the students being treated as if they’re in boot camp. Getting Started With is about fun as much as learning, no matter how old you are,” Rosanna said with conviction. Her aim for GSW was to hire competent but fun and innovative instructors who fueled the students’ passion for learning through imaginative techniques.

“A little discipline never hurt anyone,” Matilda said off-handedly.

“You think it’s all right that he beat the students into submission?” an edge creeping into Rosanna’s voice.

“No. I just think that if they aren’t guided by a strong, firm hand, they won’t reach their full potential.”

“Ah,” came Rosanna’s non-committal reply. Strike one. What would Matilda be like with their children?

Taking Rosanna’s reply for consent, Matilda looped her arm in Rosanna’s, who raised an eyebrow but kept walking. It was not like Matilda to be openly affectionate. She was always concerned with someone from her office finding out about her personal life. Rosanna chafed at this, but so far had kept her comments regarding being “out” to herself.

Rosanna cared little for the reactions and opinions of others. The only people she wanted to please were her mother, her abuelita, and…Solace…and Mattie. Right?

Snap out of it, Romero! Rosanna chided herself. You’re with Matilda and the two of you definitely need to talk. She stopped, turned to Matilda and took both of her hands in hers.

“Let’s get a cab.” Rosanna walked to the curb, not waiting for Matilda’s reply. She hailed a taxi and ushered Matilda inside. The driver sped off before they had sufficient time to fasten their seatbelts and they were jolted back against the seat.

“I’m not sure we should be having such an important conversation in a restaurant, Rosanna.” Mattie said, her hands fumbling with the buckle.

“Do you want to go somewhere else?” Rosanna said agreeably, thinking it might be best if they weren’t near food or drink, which could be handily thrown at her.

“Why don’t we go somewhere neutral? How about that atrium area on fifty-seventh street under all those clocks? There are chairs there, and I’m sure we can find a seat that’s out of the way of other ears.” Matilda suggested.

“Great,” replied Rosanna and gave the driver the new address.

“Why didn’t you tell me that when you got in? Now I have to—“ the driver complained.

“Look, we’re telling you now, okay? Don’t worry. We’ll pay the extra.” Rosanna said in a tone that made it clear that she was not in the mood to argue.

Rosanna and Matilda located a seat in a corner of the atrium. For several minutes they simply stared at each other and around the vast space, neither wanting to be the first.

Matilda broke the silence, “Rosanna, I know that running out on you was wrong, but I was confused and I couldn’t take it that you had almost slept with your old high school friend. But I do love you and I want to make it work. We can make it work.”

Oh God, she had said the word ‘love’. She loves me. How can I do this to her? “Mattie, I…I know you needed time, and I probably did as well, but…” Rosanna interrupted. She fiddled nervously with her wrist-watch as she spoke.

Matilda cut her off.

“Rosanna, we can see the world, do anything, go anywhere. There are no

limitations on what we can do. We have similar tastes and personalities. We’re perfect together.”

As Rosanna listened to Matilda, certain phrases popped out at her. It seemed that Matilda was taking direct aim at Solace and her visual impairment. And I provided the ammunition so willingly. I complained about Solace and then I slept with Matilda. What a piece of work I am! How am I going to get out of this without hurting Matilda? I used her. But a small voice whispered that they had used each other. She began again.

“Matilda, I…we… I’m sorry. I’m sorry for leading you on.

“What?” Matilda’s voice was quiet, but Rosanna noticed her hands were trembling.

“I love you, too, but…

“You’re finally saying the words I want to hear, but I don’t think I want to hear the rest,” said Matilda, a slight tremor in her voice as well.

“I… This is not… I’ll just have to say it. Oh God, Matilda, I love you, but I’m not in love with you. Rosanna’s mouth felt as though it were filled with sand. She longed for a diet soda.

“Oh, you’re not in love with me. And I suppose that when we made love you weren’t in love with me. What was that, Rosanna? Was I just some amusing past-time or your latest plaything?” Matilda’s voice began to rise in volume and pitch.

“No. You know I’m not that kind of person, Mattie. We both enjoyed our lovemaking—“ Rosanna started, but was cut off.

“You mean our having sex then because you said you didn’t love me.” Said Matilda sarcastically.

“Mattie, I love so many things about you. In many ways, we fit perfectly together. But I don’t know. We… I need more.” Rosanna said as calmly as she could.

“More what? More women?”

“Not more women, just one woman.” Rosanna said softly.

“Ah…Solace. Is that it, Rosanna? You need Solace? Why do you need Solace? Does she make you feel like a big hero? Do you get your kicks helping a poor blind woman?” Matilda spat.

“Matilda, do not go there.” Rosanna’s voice was low and menacing. She could feel her anger rising like a wave.

“Oh, of course, you don’t want me to talk about her now. You only used me when you needed someone to spill your guts to about her.” Matilda rose, and began to gather her belongings. She had not wanted to think that Rosanna would break up with her, but that was exactly what was happening and she wasn’t going to stay here and be humiliated.

“Mattie, please.” Rosanna stood up as well. She reached out to put a hand on Matilda’s arm to delay her departure. The resounding slap to her face rang through the atrium and caused her to fall back into her seat. Heads turned to see from which direction the sound had come but just as quickly turned away. Rosanna sat stunned, holding her burning cheek.

“You bitch! Go back to your little disabled woman. I hope you’re really happy and have lots of little blind kids!” Mattie shouted, snatching up her bag and striding briskly away before Rosanna could rise to her feet and stop her. She also made a hasty retreat because she did not want Rosanna to see the tears stinging her eyes. She had let her temper get the best of her and had said some unforgivable words, which she knew would not be forgotten.

Rosanna stood, straightened her suit jacket, slung her bag over her shoulder and walked slowly out of the atrium. It certainly had not gone as planned, but how did she think it would go? She had genuinely cared for Matilda but she felt compelled to do the honorable thing. Matilda wanted Rosanna’s heart, but that had been stolen by a beautiful, talented, sensuous, auburn-haired, lunatic. She now desperately required advice from her abuelita on how to get Solace Tynan back.

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Hanna was sitting in the Pierced Boar tavern in the village of Morrovale. She was perched beside her best friend Sharesh, the Rakasta, on one of the tavern's bar stools. Hanna had one of the 'special' stools, which were noticeably taller, to accommodate the halflings' tendency to be three feet in height or less. Her sizable bare feet were propped onto the first rung down from the padded seat. There were other halflings dwelling near this village, several communities within a week's walk,...

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LizChapter 3

Ending B ... continue from the first page... “Yes, well, I’m still drenched with your hot cum. I’m keeping it nice and warm for lube later, knowing my Ryan. He’ll want to bone me as soon as I walk inside, barely giving me time to shut the front door behind me before he slides into home plate. He’ll want to feel every second of another man’s jizz on his dick as he fucks my used cunt. “Once he realizes just how hot and horny this makes me, just like him, he’ll want you to bang me as often as...

4 years ago
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Peter Norths Best CUMSHOT

I Think X-Hamster is A great site. It’s funny that their are a couple of Peter North’s gay vid’s on her. And Great Video’s of Peter North Cumming on lot’s of lovely faces like Czech Republic Nikita Denise I think she’s so Hot. But I personally think Peter North’s greatest Cum Shot Came in a Flick called the Big Boob Boat Ride. His Awesome Cum Shot all over Bunny Bleu’s face. I hope Maybe someone might be able too get this one posted up. Peter North and some Guy called Johnny cum Lately both...

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In the basement

I never told anyone , my mom still think i stayed to play the switch with thembut i was the one getting switchall 3 of them planed it for a week after the big bbq last weekendwhen i was the only one in a tight speedo in the poola bit older with horny black cocks half hard playing in the pool when our parents talked i bet they all jerkoff thinking of my white bubble but until next fridaymom dropping me at the house where i was invited to play nintendothey didnt loose any timei tried to ask them...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 1

The following characters appear in the first two chapters: Kennard Curran O'Connell (Ken) Mike and Clare's Son, 5'-10" tall, 142 pounds, 17 years old, red hair, green eyes, dual Talents Kellen Conroy O'Connell (Kell) Pat and Cathleen's Son, 5'-10" tall, 144 pounds, 17 years old, red hair, blue eyes, dual Talents Mark Michael O'Connell Mike and Shannon's Son, 5'-10" tall, 140 pounds, 17 years old, red hair, green eyes Seamus Patrick O'Connell Pat and Sheena's Son,...

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The Sleepover

 "Ah Rachel! You miss a turn!" Melanie said, laughing. I frowned and sat back. I was at my best friend, Melanie's, 17th birthday party, and so far it had been boring. All we did was watch movies and play games. Now, don't get me wrong, I love movies as much as the next girl. But tonight, I wanted to do a little more. There were four of us there. My friend Melanie, Jade, Mary, Rachel and I, all sat in a circle around a game board. I was tired of this game. "This is soooo boring," I said, leaning...

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NubileFilms Paula Closer To Me

Buxom Paula has a secret for her love Dan. She takes the time to get herself nicely made up, then struts up the stairs to where Dan is working. She joins him in his office, then slowly undoes the zipper on her jacket to reveal that she’s only wearing a kickass bra and matching thong underneath. Strutting forward in her high heels, she offers her ass to Dan so he can squeeze and smack the two globes before leading him back downstairs. Once they have relocated to the living room, Paula...

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Wizards LegacyChapter 3

They must have decided to show me some mercy, because they weren't in there that long. My chin bounced off the floor a couple of times when they came out wrapped in towels and headed for their rooms to get dressed. Maybe letting them go first wasn't such a bad idea, after all. Breakfast was great but I remembered last night, and didn't stuff myself. I was pleased to see that oatmeal wasn't on the menu. I had some biscuits and gravy, along with some fruit. I also had my first cup of...

2 years ago
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Joys of AccountingChapter 11

"Mrs Potter, You asked me to look for anything with your name on it, I've found a couple of files, I wonder if we could meet and see if you can identify them." We agreed to meet at the coffee shop in the nearby Holiday Inn. The cunt had the balls to tell me not to worry as she would bring the reward money. We had a back booth and it was two in the afternoon, so we basically had the place to ourselves. The pompous old bitch had the guts to put an envelope on the table top as if it were the...

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TeamSkeetLabs Vivian Taylor Stuck Sex

By now, you’ve probably stumbled upon the comical scenario of “stuck sex,” a situation in which stuck girls get fucked. Team Skeet is proud to present our very own rendition of stuck sex in this latest Team Skeet Labs update. In today’s episode, Vivian Taylor gets stuck in the window and calls for Brick Danger to help her out. But soon enough, the clumsy Vivian is finding herself stuck in all sorts of situations. Luckily for her, Brick is willing to help her out no matter what the conundrum.

4 years ago
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What A Wicked Witch

It was the beginning of October in my Junior year of college, and I already needed something to get my mind off of the madness of my studies. Since the semester started, I hadn't even thought of the word fun, as it seemed so far out of reach. Halloween was just around the corner though, so I planned for it to be the night I'd stretch out, and walk amongst the living.I knew of this club a town over from where I grew up. They have a function hall on the other side of the building, which I had...

Straight Sex
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Escape from BuggeryChapter 19

Tracey knew that back home she was regarded as something of a slut. This had never been something which had really troubled her. After all what were the opinions of a few dried-up cunts compared to the pleasures of all that cock which was just out there for anyone willing to grab it. She'd even sometimes been called a tart, but that was an epithet too far. For all the indiscriminate fucking she'd enjoyed with Sharon, she had never been a prostitute. Not that she'd slighted any gifts her...

1 year ago
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PornHub Latina

Welcome to one of the most popular porn sites, I am sure everyone has already heard about… PornHub. Whenever you are looking for some free porn videos, I am pretty sure that this is one of the first porn sites you visit, right? Well, you are welcome to explore PornHub on your own, I am here to talk about one of their hottest categories, the Latina one… so if you like Latina sluts as much as me, you are bound to love this section as well.Those who are just interested in PornHub and not their...

Latina Porn Sites
2 years ago
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My Golden Chance To Fuck Sweet Preethy

Hai iss readers. I am Ajith 27 years old from Kerala my email id. com contact me…. this is my true incident. I am a computer service technician. This incident was before 5 months. On that day  i got a call from my friend her name was Gopika and she is my classmate; she told me that her friend’s computer is dead please help her this is very urgent and gave her number i agreed today i will go. After some time i called that number her name was Preethy and she told me it’s very urgent please  come...

3 years ago
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They way you make me feel

Alone in a darkened corner of the room, my eyes follow you as you enter.   You look around, surveying the room, searching for me.   My eyes feast upon you.   Standing so tall, so sure of yourself, tension radiating off of you like hot steam.   I watch your eyes as you spot me.   Waiting.   They widen just slightly and I can see your nostrils flare as if you can smell my hunger for you.   Stopping to exchange pleasantries along the way, you make your way towards me.   I imagine I can...

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The Double Penetration In The Science Lab

Hey, thank you for your responses. I will continue from my previous experience in the estate. After thanking me that guy went his way and I got out of the estate and got home. I didn’t meet him until next week. My next sexual experience happened during a fest in another school. I was in the science lab with our team, which was our changing room. They were supposed to be lined up behind the stage and they went there. I was left alone in the science lab. I was getting a bit horny. I closed the...

4 years ago
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Suprise package

Some events that you would never have considered happening, happen. Reality can be better than the fantasies over which we masturbate, but aren’t fantasies fun? My step sister was two years older than me, we weren’t close, not really having much in common other than the fact our respective parents had married. Sophie, in the two years I had known her, had grown from a “puppy fat” kid to a gorgeous teenager, she reminded me so much of someone famous but for the life of me I couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Cities of Power Ch 04

The thirteen bikes roared to life as the first rays of the sun touched the horizon. Talon led the way out onto the plain his mind firmly on the mission and its completion. He had stolen back to the home of Trix in the small hours of the morning to check on her and to leave her the gift he had brought to give her should he have the opportunity to see her on this mission. Taken over entirely by the feel of the young woman in his arms he had forgotten its existence until he returned to camp. Mica...

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SSShotguneagle Part Two

That's all it took for Leah to fully motivate her to find a way out of here. She spent the entire night, finding any possible way to escape out of her cell. She checked every inch of the bars, walls, ground, and even the ceiling. The toilet wasn't much help either. The only thing she found was a small chip on the wall behind the bed that left a small indent. She probably could dig into it, as a result, make it bigger, but the bed frame was bolted to the ground. She couldn't move the bed at...

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How I became a dirty anal cumslut part III

I just laid there on the bench in the locker room. My body was covered in cum. Most of it was on my face and in my hair, and I had swallowed quite a bit too, but there was a lot running down my tits and belly. My ass was wet was just everywhere from rolling around in all the positions those boys put me in. Both my pussy and asshole were quivering from the intense session I just went through.The boys all milled around picking up their clothes, spurred on by the gym teacher yelling at...

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A Cum Journey

I love cum. I've been eating it since I was 18. These stories I'm only now sharing are part of my life. I never realized that there were others like me. I'm hot just thinking about others enjoying their bodies the way I do. I got home early from work one afternoon and I knew I'd have the house to myself for at least an hour until my girlfriend got home. I was going to whip up a nice hot load so I stripped and lay on the bed and started to stroke my rapidly swelling cock. It felt so good and it...

2 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 8

I wasn’t sure what I expected when I left the den. Maybe Mr. Van Dusen would be waiting for me. Maybe Ms. Kulick would be. The foyer, however, was empty. I needed to go to Newton Grove, but I didn’t have a car. I looked at Rho, who met my eyes with something akin to sexual devotion in hers. I could feel her hand in mine, warm and soft. It was different from before, but I couldn’t put my finger on what that difference was. All I knew was that I liked it. I knew, standing there gazing into her...

4 years ago
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Another Business Trip Continued

I slept like the dead, and woke up to the room phone ringing. "Sir, Mr Lim's driver is waiting for you." said the voice on the other end. "That's impossible, our meeting isn't until tomorrow," I replied. As it turned out, we crossed the international date line, so we did actually have a meeting that day. My bad. Worse, was that I was also supposed to have dinner with Mr Lim, and one of his Jr VPs, that evening, even though I'd made a date with our sexy flight attendants. This called for a...

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Assassins Creed Black Flag

It was a hot Sunday in July. The year was 1716. Captain Kenway was sailing across the Carribbean, her ship's sails fully unfurled. The deck was full, ever hand singing, content, and working hard on the ship. The vessel's was the Jackdaw, a small brig. Jenny was behind the wheel, minding her own business, beside her quarter-master, Adéwalé. They had met on a Spanish fleet, where they were being held prisoner. The dramatic events of that day had forged a great friendship, and perhaps something...

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The Door That Changed My Luck

Hi, this is writing this story. This is the story about how a relationship between aunt and her nephew changes by the turn of a door.Your comments and feedbacks are welcome. My name is Raju and this is the story of how a door changed my life. I live in the city with my parents where I just finished my final exam. I am their only son and we come from a big family. Our ancestral home is in a village outside the city. We have been living there till my 2nd or 3rd standard after which my we shifted...

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A Coachs Revenge

I was your typical highly skilled but too small basketballer. Destined to a coaching role and wishing I’d been blessed with another foot of height so I called make the most of the game I loved best. I had been an assistant and had a couple of fitness and rehabilitation roles but wanted to move on to a senior coaching role. I asked around and looked at the want ads but with no real luck apart from one gig coaching a girl’s college team that was not to appealing to say the least. Not that...

5 years ago
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wedding that changed me into slut

Before I went to the Dominican Republic I had had 2 sexual partners,Bob, my current husband to be, and David, the father of my son Paul.My name is Jill, and at the time, a 34 year old, happy with her lot, getting married for the second time to a kind, considerate man. It a was dream. Getting married on a sunshine island in the Carribean, I was so lucky. What i didnt realise was that i would arrive on my holiday a normally sexed person and leave an adulderess 6 times over.A little about myself...

2 years ago
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Susan and Stevenaked in SchoolChapter 2

TUESDAY Steve God, waking up curled up with Susan is like a dream come true. I awoke to the alarm clock, and slid into Susan gently; I stroked in and out a couple of times before she fully awoke, but when she did, it was Katie bar the doors. She arched her back to meet my thrusts, and soon we came, together. We got in the shower, dressed minimally, and went down for breakfast. Beth had hired a professional cook, and meals were on par with the better hotel restaurants. We then said our...

3 years ago
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Biggest Baddest 2

The guys name was Peter he said to my wife well can I try you out. She said sure and I am still so horny from fucking Randy and want some more cum in my pussy. This guy came up beside Peter his name was Chad he said can I get in on this to I would luv to get my cock in your nice ass. My wife started to kiss Peter and then kissed Chad gasping I want you both to fuck me in my ass and cunt. I am so horny, my cunt is so wet, I need you and she knelt down in between the two men. They undid their...

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A guy and his 60 Dreamscape0

Gen - Jakes first Jinn                                                                Tina - Rita's daughter Jinn - What the genies are called                                             Trully -  second Jinn doc Rasmir's little sister Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker            Nyrae - Juno's powerful Jinn   Mary - Boss's daughter                                                              Nuha - Leader of Deadly Trio     Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's...

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Aunty Seducing Me For Hot Affair Part I

Hi readers. I am Rahul. 24 years old from Kerala. About myself – I am 5ft 8 inches tall. Moderately fare. I was into football and athletics in my school and college. So I am bit lean and muscular. Especially after the 3 months I spent at the gym after my college. God has gifted me with a decent tool. It is pretty thick and long. But not like the huge ones they show in foreign porn videos. Feedback to this story are welcome at my email id – I have always had the hot for mature women. Yes, I...

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Sherris OpenCrotch UndiesChapter 2

As she sat in the dimly lit, but not quite dark yet movie-house, Sherri saw the older man sitting in the row in front of her turn his head around and look back at her. It was easy to see where his gaze was directed. He was staring intently at her partially open knees and she was certain he had a bird’s eye view of her uncovered pussy and anal openings because the only clean pair of panties she had left were the Valentine’s gift of crotch-less panties given to her by the gang at work that...

3 years ago
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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 2

For a short while the Jays, to use the nickname Jayde and Jake had adopted, did as he promised and quietened down. However, over a couple of weeks or so the volume crept back up. No chance meetings on the stairs provided an easy opportunity for me to mention the subject again. Friends were sympathetic, but had no practical suggestions. Smiles described them as 'those two noisy birds roosting upstairs, ' and suggested firing a shotgun loaded with blanks at them. Witty, but as I pointed out,...

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