Solace & Rosanna Ch. 16 free porn video

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2000: “Aren’t you ready yet, Sol?” called Rosanna impatiently from Solace’s living room. She glanced again at her watch, noting they had less than an hour to get to the rehearsal in time. They would have to take a taxi. Katrina would give them the evil eye. Rosanna could not understand why Solace found it so difficult to get herself together each time. She seemed to be organized only half the time and the other she spent in a hopeless state of confusion. Rosanna huffed in agitation. Suddenly, her nostrils were assailed by a wonderful floral fragrance. She smiled in spite of her annoyance. Solace was such a girl sometimes—wearing skirts, hose, heels, and makeup, perfume. Secretly, Rosanna found this side of Solace quite appealing and alluring. At other times, Rosanna was unable to persuade Solace to wear anything but her worn jeans, a tee-shirt and her favorite pair of multi-colored sneakers.

“What are you doing in there?” Rosanna stormed from corner to corner, gathering up Solace’s cane, coat, music, knapsack, (she made sure that Solace’s wallet was in the front pocket of the sack where it could easily be reached). She placed the items neatly by the front door. Rosanna wondered how long it would take for Solace to locate her things. Of course, she would have to tell her if it looked like she would never put her hands on them. Rosanna would mold Solace into organization, no matter how aggravating and/or lengthy the process might be. Ironically, Solace was an absolute model of efficiency in the kitchen and woe be unto anyone who re-arranged her spices and utensils. However, this seemed to be the only evidence that she had a clue about living in an orderly fashion.

Rosanna would usher Solace out of the apartment as she emerged from the bathroom. She was halted in her efforts by a distress call.

“Sanna! Help! My hair’s rebelling!” Solace whined. “I can’t get these damned combs to stay in. I think I’m pulling my hair out. I’m going to have bald patches.”

“If you can’t get them in, nobody can, Sol. Now hurry up! We’re already late. We should have left at least an hour ago.” Rosanna said as she jammed an arm into the sleeve of her suit jacket. She wore a black tailor-made pantsuit with a cream-colored silk blouse and highly polished black boots. The diamond studs in her ears sparkled as they caught the light and she wore diamond cufflinks at her wrists, of course, her ensemble was made complete by her signature fragrance, Sensuale.

“Please, Sanna! I promise. That’s all I’ll ask you to do, and I’ll be ready in two minutes.” Solace cooed, knowing this would have an effect on Rosanna who hated to see her in peril, no matter how slight.

”Sure,” Rosanna replied, growling slightly as she straightened her buttons and marched towards Solace’s distress call. As she neared the doorway, she stopped short, her breath catching in her throat. She gazed at the vision before her. Solace stood there, positively stunning, in a dress of midnight-blue silk and black pumps, her wavy hair cascaded down her back. The dress accented Solace’s curvaceous form and Rosanna enjoyed both the view from behind as well as Solace’s beautifully made-up reflection in the mirror. Solace turned to Rosanna and thrust two ornamental combs at her. Rosanna took the combs from Solace’s trembling hands, but instead of attempting to arrange them artfully in the mass of waves, she laid them on the counter near the sink.

“Leave your hair down, Sol. You look lovely,” she said huskily, pulling Solace towards her and burying her face in her neck. She found Solace’s entire appearance intoxicating and had forgotten why she had entered the room in the first place.

“Sanna! Stop that! We’ll be even later than we are.” Solace sighed as her pulse quickened, which might send her over the edge as she was already feeling that nervous twinge in her stomach, which she always experienced prior to performing. Rosanna’s touch inflamed her, though, no matter where they were or what they were doing. This power was both a blessing and a curse.

“Look who’s talking,” Rosanna murmured through kisses that were becoming ever more fervent and lower on Solace’s body. She wrapped her arms around Solace’s waste and crushed her close, her hands gliding seductively over Solace’s smooth hips, the silky dress offering no friction. Rosanna moaned as her tongue neared the top of Solace’s breast. She had been driven to distraction by the sight and scent of this woman. The rehearsal might as well have been next year instead of in the next hour. She began to slide the thin straps of the dress down, but was thwarted in her efforts.

“Sanna,” Solace breathed. “We can’t. We have a rehearsal to do.” With an effort rivaling any feat undertaken by Xena, Warrior Princess, Solace extricated herself from Rosanna’s fevered embrace and kisses. She placed her hands on Rosanna’s chest, pushing her back towards the wall. “Wait till we get back, lover, okay?” Solace kissed her quickly and darted out before she could be caught up in activity neither of them could resist. Solace ran into her living room, searching frantically for her belongings. Rosanna waited for her breathing to calm and then followed. Seeing Solace fly around the room like a headless chicken, she stood there with an evil grin on her face.

“Where is my stuff? I can’t find anything,” Solace shouted. “We really are gonna be late, Sanna. Help!” Taking pity on her near-hysterical friend and feeling a pang of guilt, Rosanna took the bewildered woman by the hand and led her to the tidy pile by the door.

“You are one evil woman, Sanna Romero. Why didn’t you just tell me my stuff was by the door?” Solace huffed.

“Sol, you need to be more organized. You’re always looking for something. If you would put your—“ Rosanna did not have a chance to finish.

“I am organized, in my own way. Who says people have to put things where you think they should put them, Sanna?” Solace’s face was turning red as she yanked on her coat and attempted to put her right arm in the left sleeve, muttering in protest. “You just think everybody should be as fastidious as you are. Well, we don’t all go that way, Ms. Romero. Some of us target our organizational efforts in other directions.”

Rosanna’s laughter bubbled up from her stomach to her throat, but she resisted the urge to let it out. Finally, she reached out, pushed down Solace’s arms, slid the coat off, stood behind Solace and waited for her to calm down. As Rosanna eased the coat over Solace’s shoulders, she kissed her on the cheek.

“Don’t patronize me, Sanna,” came Solace’s irritated reply. Rosanna threw her hands up in mock surrender.

“All right, Sol. I’m sorry. Let’s just go.” She gave Solace her cane and knapsack, and they exited the apartment.

Rosanna hailed a taxi. She bundled Solace inside, slammed the door, and rattled off the address to the driver. Rosanna twined her warm fingers into Solace’s frigid digits..

“Sol, I am sorry. I just think you might be able to find things if you—“ Solace interrupted her.

“Sanna, do I tell you how to run your business?”

“Well, no, but—“ Rosanna answered.

“Well, don’t worry about how I run my life. If you don’t want to help me find stuff, don’t. I’ll find it eventually. Why should it freak you out so much? I don’t care how neat you are. Why should it matter?” Solace finished.

Rosanna blew out an exasperated breath. “I know if shouldn’t matter, but I’m just trying to help you.”

“You don’t have to help me, Sanna. Just be my friend, okay?” Solace gave Rosanna a quick peck on the cheek. At that moment, the cab swerved and sent Solace and Rosanna slamming into each other.

“Hey!” Solace shrieked. “Watch out!”

Rosanna placed a prot
ective arm about Solace’s waist.

“Calm down, Sol. He was just trying to avoid a biker.”

“Damn bikers. I hate them!” Solace mumbled.

“Okay,” Rosanna said in what she hoped was a soothing tone.

Solace dropped her head onto the back of the seat. It was so warm in the cab, but her hands felt like ice cubes. She was so nervous about the performance. She had a key solo and had practiced so fervently that her fingers became numb with fatigue from going over the Braille score. She did not feel comfortable without her music. She suddenly leaned forward.

“My music!” She cried.

“It’s in your bag. See, you didn’t even remember until now,” Rosanna chided. She could feel Solace’s tension mounting, though, and knew that she was in for a near complete meltdown. Solace was such an excellent performer but she became totally neurotic and unglued before each performance, often regurgitating at the last moment. She would wretch until there was nothing but dry heaves and then proceed to sing, dance or act as if she had had a relaxing yoga session beforehand. Rosanna hated seeing her friend go through such torture. She wished there were a magic, non-addictive, side-effect free pill available for severe stage fright. She would buy stock in the company or at least have her mother keep the wonder drug in stock for these occasions.

“Sanna, why did you let me eat lunch? My stomach feels like it’s going to revolt.” Solace hung her head as if it weighed a hundred pounds. “Can we stop somewhere? I—“ She clutched at her middle.

“No throwing up in my cab, please!” The cab driver caught Rosanna’s eye in the mirror.

“Oh, God, no. Sol. Please! Not here. Not now! Wait till we get to the hall at least.” Rosanna pleaded. She looked up. They were driving through Central Park and there was no way they could jump out to allow Solace to empty her nervous stomach.

“Is she drunk?” asked the cabbie.

“No. She’s just got stage fright.” Rosanna replied as she stroked Solace’s back.

“Stage fright. What is stage fright?” insisted the driver. “Why would she be afraid of a stage? What can it do to her?”

“No, it’s not that. She’s a performer and—“ Rosanna realized that she did not owe the driver any explanations. She closed her mouth, vaguely noticing that her own nerves were showing themselves through her accent, which was becoming progressively thicker. It must have been all those years spent with her Abuelita Carmen, who had taught her Spanish. “Just drive, please.”

“Sanna?” Solace whimpered.

“Yes, Sol.”

“I’m not gonna make it.” Solace could feel her throat muscles working and her stomach lurch. She put her hands over her mouth, tears beginning to run down her cheeks, smearing her makeup.

Thinking quickly, Rosanna grabbed Solace’s knapsack, emptied its contents and held it under Solace’s weaving head.

“Don’t throw up in my cab!” yelled the driver.

“She’s not going to, you jerk!” Rosanna screamed as Solace abruptly released the contents of her stomach into the awaiting backpack. The smell that filled the car was overwhelming, and the driver quickly rolled down all four windows to let in a chilly blast of March air.

“I hope you are having napkins, Miss. I still have to pick up customers and they will not be happy to sit in my cab with a mess on the seat,” barked the driver as he pulled to the curb and stopped the car.

“You know, a woman just got sick in your cab and all you can think of is your damned next fare. You don’t even give a crap whether she’s all right or not.” Rosanna was beginning to feel a surge of anger as she hunted in her own bag for a tissue, a napkin, anything that Solace could use to wipe her mouth.

“I’m so sorry, Sir,” Solace said weakly, wrinkling her nose at the awful taste in her mouth.

“I don’t care what you do, just get something. My cab is now smelling like a drunk was in here. I am going to lose a lot of money tonight,” whined the driver, his arms crossed defiantly over his chest.

“You know. You’re really starting to get me upset,” Rosanna snarled as she handed Solace a silk handkerchief. “I said we would clean your damned cab and I will. But could you just wait a minute?”

“Sanna? Okay. Calm down. Remember, we still have to get to the hall.” Solace placed a restraining hand on Rosanna’s shoulder. She could hear the rage rising in Rosanna’s voice and knew that injury to the cabbie might be imminent. To her relief, she found that she felt a bit better.

“All right,” came Rosanna’s soft but menacing reply, her eyes never leaving those of the driver. The two remained locked in a glaring contest.

Solace released her grip on Rosanna’s arm. She zipped up her now ruined knapsack, thanking the heavens that it had been relatively inexpensive. She could barely stand to hold it, but she placed it carefully on the floor. Thank god, Rosanna had been such a quick thinker or who knew what a mess there might have been. When they got out, she would toss it in the nearest trash bin. She then began searching for her things, which Rosanna had seemingly flung to the four corners of the back seat.

“I see a convenience store. I’m going to run over and get some air freshener. You stay here, Sol.” Rosanna commanded. She snatched up the knapsack, threw open the door and leapt out. Once outside, she held the bag at a safe distance and gingerly rummaged through the pockets, making sure that Solace would not be throwing away any items she might need. She found a garbage basket and tossed it in. She looked up, noticed she had the light and dashed across the street and into the store.

“You’re a very beautiful woman. It’s too bad you don’t know how to hold your liquor. But would you be interested in helping a poor man obtain citizenship into this fine and prosperous country?”

Solace was so shocked by this man’s bold statements, she hardly knew how to respond.

“First of all, I am not a drunk. I just have terrible stage fright.” Her voice still sounded slightly shaky in her ears. She would have to do some serious warming up to get it in shape for the performance. “And secondly, I am certainly not interested in marrying a total stranger, no matter how great he thinks our country is,” she finished with a final blast of rancid air, which caused her stomach to lurch in revolt. No, not again. Please. Without thinking, she lunged through the open door, stepped a few paces, leaned over the curb and surrendered to her stomach’s demand for purging itself. As she stood up, she weaved a bit and reached out to steady herself against a solid object. The object turned out to be Rosanna, who had come racing back across the street, saw Solace heaving what could only be air at this point, tossed the bag into the cab and ran to take her outstretched arm. I do need a drink, Rosanna thought vaguely as she leaned Solace against a mailbox and began to gather up their things. She crammed as much of Solace’s items into her own shoulder bag as possible and jammed the rest into any available pocket in Solace’s coat as well as her own leather jacket. As the knapsack had been the willing recipient, there was very little to clean up. Rosanna removed the can of air freshener from the brown paper bag and sprayed it liberally into the car. For good measure she aimed the can into the driver’s area and sprayed furiously, not missing his mirror, the dashboard, the front window and the seat.

“Hey! What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy?” screamed the driver as he got a head full of ode de rose. Rosanna did not answer. She simply slammed the door and turned to Solace. The cab screeched away.

“Are you feeling better, Sol?”

“I think so. Thanks. Where are we?”

“Well, we’re on the west side anyway.
We just have to walk a few blocks. Do you think you can handle that? Here. Have some water. You can rinse with it.” Rosanna unscrewed the top of a small bottled water and handed it to Solace, who proceeded to do as advised. Once done, she turned to face Rosanna and felt a stick of gum being pressed into her hand which she also took with gratitude.

“Is there nothing you don’t think of, woman?” Solace asked incredulously.

“I try to cover all the bases.” Rosanna answered with a slight smirk. Come on. Take my arm. Are those shoes good for walking?”

“I certainly hope so.” Solace said, unfolding her cane, but also taking Rosanna’s arm.

“You don’t need—“ Rosanna began but stopped herself.

“You’re learning, Sanna.” Solace squeezed Rosanna’s arm and they made the short jaunt uptown.

When they entered the hall, they ran straight for the nearest ladies’ room where Solace gazed into the large mirror to assess her appearance. Aside from her makeup needing repair, she had sustained no major damage to her beautiful dress. After washing her face, rinsing again, and running a brush through her hair, she asked Rosanna for another piece of gum and, in her most woebegone voice, if she had any makeup.

“You know I leave the femme stuff up to you, Sol.” Rosanna responded, shrugging her shoulders. “Don’t you walk with extra?”

“I for—“ Solace had begun to say the word forgot, but she thought better of it. Instead she said, “Okay. You’re right.” She picked up her cane, which she had dropped on the counter. She flung open the door and headed toward the recital hall auditorium. Rosanna followed closely on her heels. Solace ran into the hall where the women of the ensemble were assembled. She called out as she practically flew down the aisle, “Does anyone have any makeup for a leche con café complexion?” Peels of laughter could be heard throughout the space as the women recognized the approaching woman. This was not the first time Solace had needed last-minute assistance. As their laughter died down, some women could be heard grumbling, others could be heard snickering and talking to their neighbors, and still others jumped to their feet and ran to retrieve their bags, peering inside to see if they had a shade that would work for Solace.

“You don’t need any makeup, Solace. Now get your ass up here!” came the abrupt tones of a woman many of the women called Gruff Gretchen, a no-nonsense second alto.

“All right, ladies.” Interrupted the smooth voice of Katrina, their conductor. “Solace and Rosanna, why are you so late? Never mind. Tell me later. I think I might have an idea already. Solace, do you at least have your music?” Katrina sighed in exasperation as she started for her own briefcase. She had forced Solace, under pain of death, to provide her with several copies of her Braille music as she had become accustomed to Solace’s knack for losing and/or forgetting her music in her nervousness. The performances were too important to leave anything to this brilliant, yet hopelessly scatterbrained young woman.

“Rosanna has it somewhere,” came Solace’s sweet reply as she traipsed daintily down the carpet, Rosanna trailing behind like her maid servant, laden with coats and bags.

Katrina ran to take Solace’s arm and led her up the short flight of steps. At the top, Solace was met by Sasha, who dusted her cheeks with blush and her lips with a light lipstick.

“That looks great. You’re a lucky woman, Solace,” said Katrina as she stood waiting patiently for the job to be completed.

“Thank you,” Solace said to both women as she took her seat. Rosanna stood, shaking her head. You would have thought Solace were a queen and these women her royal minions. Well, actually, she was as beautiful, if not more so, than any queen and Rosanna would have walked on hot coals for her. But that was a thought for another time. She placed bag and baggage in a seat and took her place in the second alto section next to Gruff Gretchen.

“Solace looks good enough to eat. You’re a lucky woman, Rosanna,” whispered Gretchen.

“Thank you. But that is a thought that is best left unspoken, Gretchen,” Rosanna replied through gritted teeth. It was no secret that Gretchen had her eye on Solace and this caused Rosanna’s blood to boil.

“I’m just paying you a compliment, Hon,” smirked Gretchen lewdly.

Rosanna did not answer, but opened her music in preparation for the two-hour rehearsal.

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He poured a second cup of coffee, sitting nude at the kitchen table and smiling as his wife drove away early on that Saturday morning to get laid. She’d dressed lightly and given him a loving kiss as she left. She’d be back for lunch, happy as could be, he knew from past experience. The male organ between his legs began to swell as he thought about what would happen between now and then. It was partly the idea that his wife of twenty years would be joyfully naked with another also naked man,...

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Amys Step Sister 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! The weekend passed and Amy was staying over with a friend. She couldn't wait to get back to see her sister, though. When she got back home Monday, her parents stayed up late watching movies, and she couldn't get to her sister's room. Tuesday morning finally came. When Amy got up it was 10:30. She only had to wait an hour and a half for Kaitlyn to get home. She decided to watch some TV. After several game shows, Kaitlyn came home. "Hi Kait. Did you...

3 years ago
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Tales of the Season Darlas Story

Tales of the Season - Darla's Story by Tigger copyright 1998, all rights reserved. Part 1: A frustrated frown on her normally smooth features, the woman ran to the phone while drying her hands on her dishtowel. Who on earth would be calling at this ungodly hour of the evening? "Bonjour, Ms. Thompson's." "Bonjour to you, too, Madamoiselle Maria, Comment allez vous?" "Michael?? Is that you, dear?" Maria asked delightedly. "Where are you? What are you doing? Why have you...

4 years ago
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The Club

A quick fiddle, and a real mess. That's all it had been, Andy told himself.He didn't want to get drawn into being involved in anything that hadn't been in his plan. After all, he was the straight-A student, was going breeze through university without as much as a care in the world - or losing his virginity, if he had his way. Girls, boys, whatever! They were too much hassle. It would all end in tears - and academic failure if he allowed himself to be drawn away now.And yet, the urges were...

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Sitters RevengeChapter 4

After arriving home from their skinny-dipping adventure, Harry opened their front door for Sarah and gallantly bowed as she walked inside. "Thank you, kind sir," said Sarah in a very fake British accent. "Well, that was a very weird evening," mused Harry. "I'm pretty drunk, but... correct me if I am wrong... I believe we just got naked with our neighbors." "Yes, we did," answered Sarah sheepishly. "And, if you don't get these clothes off of me again right now, I might scream. I...

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Babhi ke sath zabardasti

Hi friends my name is Rinku and I’m pursuing main aaj phpehli baar apni story likh raha hu. Story..uhh ek aisi sachi ghatna..jisme main bula nahi paya yeh kahani hai..meri aur meri sexy/hot babhi ki.sardiyon ki baat hai. Mere ghar mujhe aur babhi koi chod koi bhi nahi din thand bhut aur dhoom bhi achi maine..aur babhi ne mood banaya ki chat baith kar mugphali khate hain..bas hum chale gaye chat par..aur mugphali khane lage. Dhodi der baad babhi ne khaa ki meri to peeth...

3 years ago
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SwapChapter 28

Dad muscled the cork out of the bottle of champagne without spilling a drop and poured the bubbly into three flutes. "That's an illegal substance for me," I said. "It's a celebration, Eric," Maureen said. "One glass of champagne won't hurt you." I shook my head and said, "But breaking a personal vow will. Do you have any iced tea, Maureen?" "I do." She hopped up and in short order I had a tall glass of tea in front of me. "To the future," I said and raised my glass. Dad...

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CastawayChapter 49

There was no more brutality after that, not to me; and Camilla was also treated, if not well, at least courteously. They separated us immediately, even taking us in to jail in different cars, and I didn't see her again for ten days. Yes, ten days, that's how long they held us. The threats of the local opera company's management and a bunch of its politically connected backers, their pleas, the loud legal noises made by the lawyers Marilyn and Sam hired for us, nothing would budge them....

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Uncle Bill

"You got a nice ass." Those words bounced around my skull and made me tingle. Honestly, I was hoping for this. I knew the fishing trip most likely had some ulterior motives and unbeknownst to him or anyone else, I had prepared for it. Early that morning, about an hour before he picked me up, I had lifted the false bottom of my sock drawer and picked out the black lace panties. Pulling them on over my raging 14 year old hard on was a bit of a chore, but I managed to cinch them up nice and high,...

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brothers and sisters

brothers and sisters Jane woke up first, having to go to the bathroom. Sheextracted herself from the tangle of her brother's embrace andwalked quietly into the bathroom. She sat down on the toilet andbegan to pee, when she was done, she wiped herself clean andfound that she had started to get horny just from wiping herselfwith the toilet paper. She lay down on the bathroom floor andstarted to masturbate, her fingers finding her old comfortablerhythm. Then she stopped, deciding to wait....

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Alexs Craigslist Adventures Ch 0

I Love AdventureThis is where it all began. I was in my early 20s and decided to answer Seth's ad. He had a swimmers build, and a gorgeous 7" cock. Also his personal motto was "Spitters are quitters" (I think you know where I'm going with this.) So of course I let him cum in my mouth, several times, but this story is about our first fuck. Enjoy!!!-----"We could meet up somewhere, like my truck. I love adventure." Was his typical line. We had an empty parking lot where we regularly met.Seth was...

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Changing Direction Ch 05

Chapter Five: A Night Out. The RumJungle club was alive with salsa music as the beat filled the neon adorned rooms of London’s premier three-tiered nightclub. It was filled with live percussionists, playing off giant conga drums on stages, with each song transitioning seamlessly into the next. Ella’s usual haunts were the dingy, packed nightclubs of Brighton, with Dani and her other girlfriends, and although salsa wasn’t really her thing, she hadn’t had so much fun dancing in a long time. The...

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party with an older woman

party with an older womanAbout six years ago I went to a party at a friends neighbors house. While I was there i noticed several attractive older women whom I'm guessing were in their 40's. My buddies neighbors house was pretty big and had a lot of rooms. The owner was an older male who lived there alone, after speaking with him and introducing my self he asked me to go to the basement where the extra drinks were kept. Once in the basement I noticed a bathroom, I was drinking beer and I had to...

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Sex and the school gril 3

In the morning she called and said her mother was letting her off at noon be at the cabin at 12:30 and the boys would arrive about three o'clock so we could have some time alone together. That would give me some time to explore the lot and the cabin as I never had time before. One of the doors that was locked, I got the keys and opened it went down to the basement where I found a washer and dryer. After to day the bed sheets would diffiently need to be laundered. Out side there was a path...

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Wake up Call

I was lying in bed at 6AM on a Sunday morning when my doorbell rang. I walked downstairs to see my friend's beautiful 22-year-old wife at my door alone. She worked down the street and somehow got to work 3 hours early. She didn't want to stay at work for 3 hours, so she came to my apartment. I told her she could chill, but I needed to sleep. She didn't hesitate to get into bed with me. She told me she wanted to film some amateur porn with her husband. I told her that she might need to rehearse...

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Friendly Travelers Inn Room 212Chapter 2

"Holy shit! Jeez, Lou, would you PUH-LEEEZ get a haircut? I almost 'accidentally' rubbed your ass, thinking you was some chick!" Louis Wilson popped his head up from where he was bent over digging in his bottom locker. "Looks like I saved you from getting your face slapped, Ed," he grinned. Ed Powers grunted. Lou REALLY needed to deal with some shit -- it wasn't just his hair that made him look girlish! Hell, that ass in itself would probably put a bunch of chicks in Jefferson High...

2 years ago
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Stories by EckieI received an email from a friend, inviting me to a party where they wanted to hold a sort of slave auction. Several Masters and slaves will be invited and during the evening the slaves will be auctioned off for the weekend - or in case the two right matches are finding each other, even for lifetime. The email stated that for the weekend enough toys and space is provided for all to enjoy the party and results of the auction.I do not consider myself master or owner, in fact I...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 19

As Tom had predicted, Friday morning’s practice session was fairly light and the team was dismissed so that they could get to the assembly on time. Roger and Tom walked to the lobby in front of the assembly doors and tried to locate the girls, which they did after a few minutes of searching. They entered the auditorium, gave their names to the teacher at the door, and found some seats together. When the bell rang, Mr Davis walked onto the stage carrying a microphone and the hum in the room...

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HorseplayChapter 8 New Things

On the way back from the bathroom Neil found himself in a fairly sour mood. He desperately wanted to shake Mae out of her mental state, but knew it was all but hopeless. If his strategy didn't work, he'd be short one girlfriend and long on remorse and regret. He walked into the cabin and saw that Mae was still asleep, curled down near the lower part of his bed. He watched her for a few minutes. Her hair was a mess, laying in ribbons across her face and shoulders, red even in the low light....

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Beautiful Stranger

Alright so, the feedback I got about doing a self narrated story from the point of view of a guy was good (even though I agree it’s a little weird), so I thought I'd give it another try! It's more of a setup story than just random sex scenes. I hope you like it, and don't be afraid to let me know if it sucks! I woke up with the worst hangover headache I’d ever had. Before I even opened my eyes the light in the room bothered me, and I frowned, squeezing them shut and inhaling deeply. The sudden...

Gay Male
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My first Time94

In the neighborhood we lived in there was a youth center for kids for ages 8 to 16. At the center there was a pool and ping pong table, a TV and VCR which was mainly used for movie night on Fridays. Outside there was a basketball and tennis court, and a grassy field for playing soccer which is called football here. I didn't know about American football until we moved to the States which will come later in the story. It was there at the center where I got my first crush. The center was open...

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A Special HellChapter 5

I sat there for a moment, thinking about what would happen. I knew that Kaila would make love to Charlotte. Strangely, that realization brought no anger, and merely a slight tinge of jealousy. My wife's love was not in question, and it wasn't like Charlotte could get her pregnant... I chuckled, pulling the blanket up to cover my body. I breathed softly, craning my ear to listen for Kaila's voice in the main room. Occasionally I would hear a tone that I thought was hers, but it would soon...

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FootsieBabes Lara Duro Distracting Feet

Young sexy starlet Lara Duro is playing with her feet in the changing room instead of getting ready for her photoshoot. The photographer Chad Rockwell tries to convince her to get ready for the shoot. But Lara wants him to play with her instead. Chad gets down and starts to praise her perfect feet. Kissing and licking her luscious toes. This hot foot action makes her pussy get so wet, Chad just has to take a taste of that sweet moist cooch. He then pulls out his throbbing cock and sticks it in...

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The ArcherChapter 5 The Hunt

To pass the time Lee, waxed both of the bow strings, massaging the wax deep into the strings. She sharpened the knives she'd be using if he did bring home a wild pig. She dug in the supplies for the rope she knew he'd need to hang the meat from a tree. She moved around the camp restlessly, really having nothing to do at all but wait. She did check the first aid kit again. "Frigging men," she said to the silent camp. How long in history did women sit around waiting for men to come back,...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 35 That Was Fast

December 11, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “I can’t believe that Diana and Charles are splitting up!” Samantha said at dinner on Friday. “I can’t believe she married him in the first place!” Elyse laughed. “What a toad! Not to mention a total loser!” “He’s the Crown Prince,” Jessica replied. “Which does NOT contradict what Elyse said,” I laughed. “Royalty aren’t exactly known for being super intelligent! He’s more like the ‘Clown Prince’! The best thing that could happen for England would be...

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First Cums Fuck then Cums Marriage

Summary: A nude model and art professor fuck after class. Note 1: This is a VALENTINES DAY 2016 Contest story. Note 2: Thanks to goamz86, Robert, Wayne and cuckdynasty for editing this story. FIRST CUMS FUCK, THEN CUMS MARRIAGE It’s funny how life works. It’s funny how one random conversation leads to one trivial decision, which leads to one amazing encounter that ultimately changes your life forever. As I look into my bride’s eyes and the minister begins to speak, I reflect on the crazy...

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My Former Succubus 2 A Holiday to RememberChapter 7 Tying up Loose Ends

Beth and I decided to give Dave and Monica some privacy, so we got out of the car to rejoin our friends. "I'm so horny right now," moaned Beth, as we walked back into the restaurant. "Me too," I whispered. "I can't wait to get you into bed." "Me either," she grinned, as she squeezed her arm. "Josh?" I turned my shoulder and saw Stephanie and Jennifer Van Allen. "Yeah?" "Can we borrow your girlfriend for a little while?" asked Stephanie. I looked at Beth and she...

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Exhibition In Train 8211 Part 1

Hi friends.. I am Sirisha and this is my first story here.. I am a exhibitionist and I got many experiences which I will post one by one.. My stats are 34 30 34.. My regular maintenance I got very fair skin.. So many boys in my area had eye on me.. But as I am from very good family, I never tried to expose more near my home… Ok going to story.. 1 day I got a call from my brother who is married inviting to his home for summer holidays.. He lives in Delhi …. As my family likes him very much they...

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My first wank getting caught

I was sitting at my computer playing a computer game when I suddenly had the urge to get my dick out and wank it off. I went to my bedroom door to make sure that nobody was watching, then I went over to my bed and took of all my cloathes, starting with my t-shirt, then my trousers then my underwear. I grabbed my dick with one hand and slowly started to rub my foreskin up and down, and within no time I had an erection. I got up from my bed with my proud boner and walked around my room, beating...

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My Master Had Me

Said I would post another story well here it is. Went to his place wanting him to use me and I got my wish first we got in the shower together washing each other he carefully washed my asspussy turning me on even more than I was driving over to his place I stroked his cock getting it hard got out of shower I went down on his cock.My pussy was ready for him to rip it open he likes to fist me after he lubed me with Crisco he was able to ram his fist in half way to the elbow causing me to moan and...

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Friends With Benefits

Friends With BenefitsBy: Londebaaz Chohan“But then why did you ask me to join you for a ride to Harrisburg all the way from Camden”. Dev asked his Egyptian friend, Mahmood. Mahmood only smiled and repeated that he never had a girlfriend in the State of Pennsylvania or particularly in Harrisburg. By now they had hit a rest stop on the highway and Mahmood pulled into it, got out of the car and left for the bathroom, asking Dev to wait there. It was unusually a long wait for anyone to hit the...

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Curious Sister 4

his is the last installment of my curious sister,in curious sister 1,2,3 i told of the time of when i used to walk around naked hoping my sister would see me, which she did and then her friend Christine joining in the fun after a few sessions they asked me to fetch a mate round then they could see other boys dick.s.A few weeks after our last session one Friday our parents said they would be going out Saturday and told my sister to ask her friend Christine to sleep as she was a year older than...

2 years ago
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My personal Assistant Part 2

After my interview with Deena, I stayed disciplined. I spent the next 6 business days interviewing the rest of the applicants, all 61 of them and I kept it all business.  I have to say, I got a full menu of women to digest in those interviews. They ranged from older women to very young, single women, married women and even a couple of widows. Some were so hot I’d be hard all day if they worked right next to me and some were so disturbingly ugly I’d forget about sex all together if they worked...

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Desert DroppingChapter 24 In Company

All day long, I'd been planning to meet Eddie when he got off work. I'd been thinking of it as a way to get out of the house. Only, I hadn't been home all day, and it wasn't like I didn't have company. I didn't need to meet Eddie the way I thought I did anymore. But, somewhere along the line, I began to realize that while I didn't need to meet him, I sort of wanted to. In fact, I'd been looking forward to it. That surprised even me. It also surprised Eddie, I think. He was in a...

1 year ago
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Akkadian StatuetteChapter 4 School Days

Monday started well. My history teacher, Ms. Yanith, was surprised. "Martin, I am pleased that you submitted your work on time. I think that was your first report I did not have to penalize for lateness. I hope this trend continues -- as you know there is one more report due, and it's the most important one this term. "However, your argumentation needs work. I have marked where you should have used the structures we discussed in class. I recommend you review your notes on evidence and...

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Spirit QuestChapter 10

The Koumbi marketplace was a cacophony of excited voices as buyers tried to talk and shout over each other. Then there were the constant bleats, bellows, growls, grunts, and roars from upset camels. I was dealing with one of the wealthy men when it got so quiet that I thought for a second that I’d gone deaf. Only noise from rambunctious camels let me know I hadn’t. Turning to find Izem and ask about the sudden quiet, I found him genuflecting towards my rear, just like the wealthy merchant. I...

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