ChrystalChapter 6 free porn video

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When Pat returned to the Pump Shop office at nearly four Crystal had her notes to show him. She told Pat that she had sent a tug to get a half million gallons of ships fuel 70-80 miles up the Inland Waterway. The tug had blown it's engine and she needed the fuel no later than late the next day. Crystal showed Pat a fax from the refinery giving current prices on fuels and gasoline, and ofering to sell direct to Colson Company. Then she showed him what the barge line had charged for their last load. They were billing thirty cents a gallon more for fuel delivered than the barge line was paying. Crystal had called the fuel docks across the bay. That facility used the same source for fuel Pat did. They had been told when they tried to place an order that day that the barge line was closing. They were trying to find another source for fuels. Crystal told them she was working on that herself. She promised that if she could work out the details she might take care of their needs as well as Colson Fuel Service's. Crystal told Pat she had talked to the owner of the barge service and he had set a price of ten thousand dollars for each barge and was throwing in for free the ten that had failed the Coast Guard's last inspection. Pat told Crystal "We have the tugs parked to do the job but no crews." Crystal said the barge company was shutting down and all three tug crews might be available. Pat told Crystal he just happened to have three large tugs ready to go.

Pat called the charter service renting the office building of the fuel docks. The guy renting said he had been going to call Pat the next week. He was not going to be able to pay the next months rent. He said he had spent his capital on the four cheap hangars but was not getting enough charter work to make it. He asked Pat if he would be interested in taking over the note for the plane he had flown Pat to Charlston in. Pat asked the pilot if he could fly he and Crystal to New Jersey the next morning and they could talk about that. They called the barge company's owner in New Jersey and made an apointment for before noon the next day. Crystal did the talking and Pat listened to the conversation on the speaker phone. The old man in Jersey said "Honey I can't tell you how anxious I am to meet you in person." Crystal said nothing to that remark. In her mind she knew the old bastard was a woman chaser.

Crystal called the owner of the fuel docks across the bay and asked how much fuel he needed immediately. He replied that he had storage for a million gallons now, he could take that much. He said his location was good but to small to add more tanks. Crystal asked if he would like to rent two barges from her and store a million galons in them. She offered them on rental for five hundred a week. The guy said that would answer his storage problems. Pat called Tim and asked him to dispatch a large tug to the barge line dock in New Jresey the next day. It would be bringing back at least six loaded barges of fuel.

The dock for Ellens houseboat was finished that day and her new home would be delivered the next day. Crystal had told Janet she could move out of her furnished apartment before the first of the month. Janet was going to move in with Pat and Crystal over the coming week end. Janet had been working at her computer all day while Crystal had been on the phone. She was caught up at five.

For the first time in weeks the office closed at five.

Pat and Crystal were at the sea plane dock at seven the next morning. Pat introduced Crystal to Nathan Graig their pilot. Nathan said "My friends call me Nat." Nat was ready to go. He had them running up the bay until he got take off speed and got it off the water then he turned north and got his altitude. Pat and he could talk then. Nate said the bay area did not have the need for a charter service such as he was offering. He said the pilots of his two other planes had taken over the notes on the planes. Nat said he would not be able to pay the coming months payment on this one. Nat asked if Pat would be interested in taking over this one. Pat told Nat he would be interested if he would work for him and pilot it for him. Pat said Nat could rent out hangar space and run the sea plane base for a salary.

Nat said "The two guys he had let take over the debts on the other planes would rent hangars. He thought there were others he could rent to. Pat told Nat as he had the rentals he would have more hangars built.

Nat asked about salary, Pat told him he could turn the upstairs of the office into nice living quarters and live there rent free. He told Nat he could pay him two hundred fifty dollars a week until the place was showing a profit. Then Pat told Nat he would talk to him about a raise.

They were over the barge docks by ten thirty, Mat landed and they saw sixteen of the twenty usable fuel barges as Mat taxied around. The ten that had not been certified for use by the Coast guard were clustered near by. Pat said "They all look the same to me." Crystal said they had not had the Flame Trap now required by Coast Guard regulations on their vents. The old man's yard manager said a ship yard had quoated five thousand each for them and the owner had choaked at spending that kind of money on barges he did not need.

Pat directed Nat to taxi to a float next to a run down building on a pier, the barge lines name in flaking paint was on it. Nat waited with the plane.

Up on the pier where Nat could not see her Crystal took off a light weight wind breaker and hung it over her arm. She was wearin a skinpy top with most of the buttons unbuttoned. Crystal said "It is time for this girl to do what a girl has gotta do." They entered a small office, two men were in there sitting behind desks. Crystal introduced her self and Pat. The oldest came out from behind his desk and shook hands with Pat, when he stuck his hand out for Crystal she brushed it aside. She said "I don't shake hands with handsome men, I hug and kiss them." She hugged and kissed him on the cheek and made sure he got a good look at a tit. She treated the other one the same way. Crystal came right to the point. She said she and Pat were there to try to make an araingment to keep the Colson Fuel Service supplied in gas and fuel. She wanted the rock bottom price on a few of his barges. She was sitting in such a way that both of the old men were getting a view of her pussy up the big legs of her shorts. The owner said that ten thousand for each barge was the figure he had in mind but if they would take all twenty of them he would let them go for less. Crystal said "For like five thousand each?" The barge owner told her that was much to cheap and offered them for seven thousand five hundred.

Crystal placed a vivid picture of she and him nude in a bed and fucking in his mind. He said if five thousand is your top offer I will take that for all twenty barges. She asked if the ten barges not in service were included. He said they were. Crystal offered to type a rental purchase agreement and that the first months payment would be in paid in cash now. She knew Pat had more than ten thousand in his money belt. Crystal typed a rental purchase agreement for the next ten months at ten thousand a month. She asked that the titles on the barges be mailed to her so she could have the barges re-inspected at home and registered to the Colson Barge line. Crystal told them a tug was on the way for the first six barges. She asked if he would see that his tug crews got the word that she had jobs for them. She was told that the four man crew of the tug that she was towing in would be at the office for their final checks in two hours. She could tell that crew themselves.

Pat and Crystal left and Nat taxied them to the refinery. There were four foreign oil tankers tied up and unloading there. Nat found a place to dock the plane and they made their way to the offices. Crystal had slipped a pair of slacks that matched her jacket on over her shorts while Nat got them there. The walked to the refinery office and Crystal asked to see Mrs. Cobb. She came out and greeted them. In Mrs. Cobb's office Crystal came to the point again. She asked if Colson had a line of credit established. She was told that it was and they were one of their customers already. Crystal said "Good, we will have eight barges here for fuel day after tomorrow." She said that would be six of ships fuel and two of gasoline. Mrs. Cob told her the barges would be filled and ready to leave in three hours after docking. Mrs. Cobb invited Pat and Crystal to be her guests for lunch, they had time and joined her at a bufet in the cafateria. It was cold cuts and cheeses. They talked as they ate. Mrs Cobb told them that the plant's product was pumped out in pipe lines but her job was to develop more sales to customers like them. She said the refinerys capacity far exceded the commitments by pipe line. Mrs Cob promised to send them barge busisness. Crystal told her she was thinking of taking on smaller customers up and down the Atlantic coast. Crystal went back to the serving bar and made two sandwiches for the pilot of the company plane and they left. Nat took them back to the barge office. There were four seamen waiting on the dock for them. Pat introduced himself and Crystal. He asked what they had been being paid and each gave his salary with the barge line. Pat offered the Captain a hundred dollar a week increase and each deck hand a salary of two dollars an hour increase from what they had been making before. He told them they could get on the company paid health insurance. He told them they could keep their familys where they now were and would be working on big offshore tugs. All four were interested. Pat set them up to meet his tug here the next day. They would be passengers back on the tug and be assigned their tug when they made home port. Pat told them they needed two more men to make a full crew and told his new captain to hire more men if he could. One of the new crew asked if there were enough berths on the tug coming to pick them up. Pat told them there were twelve bunks but the crew furnished their own bed clothes and pillows. The new captain said they were used to that. Pat told them that the tug coming for them was exactly like the one they were to man. He said there would be hot showers and a galley and mess hall.

One of his new crew men said "I will be in heaven fellows."

Pat, Crystal and Nat took off for home. Janet was still in the office when they arrived. She reported all that had happened that day, she had made the proper decisions and the day had gone well.

Ellen had moved out and though they loved Ellen and her children they were glad for the quiet.

Pat ordered Chineese food to be delivered. Over that he complimented Crystal for creating a new division of The Colson Company. Sex was rewarding for both of them that night. That mornings show of her tits and pussy to the two old men had left them both turned on.

The next morning Pat kissed Crystal and left early to make his rounds. The barge that had been towed in from the waterway and two others were parked at the fuel docks. The other two had been supposed to go to the fuel docks across the bay. Pat made a note to have them delivered that morning. The fuel island was busy with car and truck customers. A small cargo ship was taking on fuel at the dock. All was well. Pat and Tim were to meet an office designer at the building to be converted to company offices at eight.

Pat had time to drop by the ship yard. The houseboat to be parked with Ellen's would be finished and delivered the next afternoon. Janet was at the ship yard going over a material list for the remodeling of the six larger house barges. Pat had decided to turn them into four bed room four bath units. Each would have a big kitchen, dining and living area. Every one of them was going to be insulated to excess. The new plumbing was to be copper and stainless steel. All new electrical would be installed. One contractor was doing the heating and air changes, the plumbing and electrical. He was working on a cost plus basis.

Pat made it early to his appointment at the office building. Tim had a crew sand blasting the roof for painting. The foreman told Pat that most of the nails holding the roof metal down needed to be replaced they were nearly rusted away. Pat told him he would talk about that with Tim and have new screws used to anchor the roof metal installed. At eight Tim drove up and a few minutes later the designer. Pat and Tim had a few ideas about what they wanted in an office. The designer made notes and Pat and Tim left him taking pictures and measurements. Tim went back to the construction office Pat to the Pump Shop. Janet and Crystal were busy.

Crystal suggested that Nat be made the manager of the fuel operation. Pat agreed, Nat should have time to do that and operate the seaplane base as well. When his skills as a pilot were required he could leave a person in charge of the sea plane base. He could have the comunication equipment to keep in constant touch with the four tugs Pat, Tim and Crystal could assign to him. Nat could book orders and make sure deliverys were made on time. Billing would be done by Crystal or Janet. Crystal had taken a copy of a list of the barge line's customers from the wall of the shack in New Jersey. She called each of the ten south of Jersey and north of her on the Atlantic coast. Each would like to count on the Colson Company delivering their needs. Crystal booked orders from each and set up their accounts in the computers.

Nat was asked to come to the pump shop office and sign up for the employement records. Pat and Crystal would assign him his dutys. Nat would have to operate the fuel barge line from the sea plane office.

Nat left with the full knowledge of what his new job was. He was to have radio equipment installed that would let him stay in touch with the tugs at all times. Nat would have a signal tower installed and take care of seeing to fuel deliverys over his radio.

Tim had the tug he chose for the new crew from Jersey to use cleaned and stocked with galley provisions. The tug was filled with fuel and all the navigation gear was inspected. The Navy had kept the tug in top notch shape.

The tug dispatched to New Jersey called in, they were just a few miles from their destination. That Captain was given the information concerning bringing back a crew for another tug. He was to order provisions for the additional men for the voyage back. He was to pick up eight barges and load six with fuel, two with gasoline. Those were to be brought to the Colson fuel docks. Part would go across the bay to the fuel dock there.

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family Camping Trip

2 friends want to spent the summer together and this get discovered Abigail flung her bag onto Olive’s chair and threw herself down onto her best friends pure white bed making her long black hair spread out around her head. She locked her beautiful green eyes onto Olive as she exhaled sharply “I just found out that instead of staying home like we do every summer my dad planned this camping trip, we are going out to a family cabin somewhere in the middle of nowhere. You have to come with me...

4 years ago
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As many of you now know, we are lovers, married to other people. We have to steal away our time together and it's never enough. We've had a rough patch with my husband being off work and home more and some other obstacles that seem to be working against us. All of the turmoil led to a heated argument between the two of us and almost caused him to shut our site here together down completely. It even got to the point he was deleting things from the account so he could turn it over to just me. But...

1 year ago
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Transformative Sex

The story below is a complete work of fiction and in particular an erotic piece of fiction. Therefore, if you are not of legal adult age from where you are currently located then it is best that you move along and come back at a more appropriate time. Transformative Sex by Pink Hair Girl "That's it..right there.... oh baby just like that mmmmmmmm...." My name is Luke and right now I really love my life. I may not have much going for me but one thing that I can do is give...

3 years ago
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Mind of its Own

The morning sun was rising in the quiet town of Hampton, MA. Not many fun or interesting things ever happened there. It was cozy, the residents were warm and neighborly. It was surely a happy and peaceful place. The police force here had very little to worry about. The occasional speeders were often the major issues the officers had to deal with. But all of that would surely change today. Something strange, and rather indescribable was in the air. The people of Hampton would be completely...

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The Cure

She only married me for the money, everyone said it. Melissa was the university stunner, five foot ten, natural blonde, big, naturally firm breasts and a bubble butt that J-Lo would envy. I had just turned twenty when she married me and everyone thought it wouldn't last. My father had made millions from astute investments in various stocks and shares after he sold his small building firm. The family home was a one million pound mansion on the Dorset coast. I inherited it all after he drove his...

Love Stories
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First College Romance Part 1

This is my first story. The characters and story are fictional. Hope you like it! Thomas and I had been friends for a while. We met in my first ever college class, physics. We were randomly selected as lab partners and hit it off quickly. We talked for hours that night and soon became inseparable, especially when we found out we lived in the same apartment complex, neither of us wanted to live in the dorms because we were focused on school. Most of our friends thought we were dating, but we...

2 years ago
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Instructions hid around house during my absence

One of the trips I had taken with our son, I left instructions for my wife. These were hidden around the house for each day. I called her and told her to retrieve them each morning. The private pictures and videos were great! She went above and beyond and made me proud. Sunday Evening’s Instructions: Make sure our daughter gets to bed on time, 8:30 latest. Do your Wii Fit if you like, but you must still wear short shorts and tank top. When you finish the game, take a shower. After the shower...

3 years ago
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Hiccups by Susan Brown. Once upon a long time ago lived a young spotty boy. His home was deep, deep in the wood. He had had a short but very traumatic life, having seen his Grandma being eaten by a flea infested wolf. If this wasn't enough, he had been evicted from a lovely cottage, which had been overrun by porridge eating bears. To add to his misery, he had a bit of a complex about 3 little pigs, 7 dwarfs and a strange encounter with a giant who lived on top of a...

2 years ago
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Anything For Georgetown part eightHoulihan finds out Monica danced at a party

Monica looked behind her. Some boys had come upbehind her, and she and Nick had been surrounded, but when Blake had tripped up the stairs, Nick had whirled around and two of the boys who had come up behind them saw the gun and backed away. She got up the stairs and burst out of the house. Nick followed behind her. Oh Geez, she thought. This was bad. This was very bad. Nick had asked her about the gun during their phone call, and she’d said yes, but she never thought he’d have to bring it out....

3 years ago
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TVCD adventures going for ice remember ID

It's amazing what high heels, wig, makeup, nylons, mini, etc can do for ya when going out in public. Couple months ago I got me a room at Imperial Palace on the strip and I think the front desk caught on I was using the room for casual sex. I put up an ad on craigslist and gave out the room number. But setting up times and availability was difficult because I didn't have a computer in the room. So the front desk constantly was connecting me to "different" guys. After being drilled deep by...

3 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 8211 Part 1 Ek Nayi Subah

Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kamnaye. Sabke messages mail mein mile mujhe, kayi logo ko reply bhi kiya aur kayi ko kar nahi paya. Jinko reply nahi de paya un sabse mafi mangta hoon. Aur sabki besabri ko itne din rakhne ke liye bhi mafi chahunga. Aur ye aap loga ka messeges mein bheja pyar hi hai jo aap sabki khushi ke liye Kumar Apartments ka Season 2 shuru karne aaya hoon. Umeed karta hoon aap sabhi ko kaafi khushi hogi session 2 ke aane se. Aap sabhi ka mere se itna lagav hi mujhe...

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The Battered LampChapter 21 The Desires of the Succubus

Wednesday, January 27th – Kamifurano, Hokkaido, Japan Fumi licked her lips as Zaritha led in the two men, snow swirling through the motel room's doorway. Another blizzard was smothering the mountain town of Kamifurano. She could "see" the individual snowflakes swirling on the wind thanks to Windfeather, the bow Kyle had gifted her. Her sight had been the price to be with him, but thanks to the kami dwelling within the bow, she could see the currents of the air painting the solid objects...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Alexis Zara Alexis And Her Husband Made A Promise

Sexed up wife Alexis thrusts her favorite suitor James over the couch hungry to get the fun started and not worried her husband did not make it back with them from dinner. James a bit uneasy is convinced with the promise Alexis and her husband have, to go ahead and fill her hunger up with his hard cock. Alexis drops to her knees sucking up all his inches and wrapping her juicy big tits around his meat making sure its harder than ever to go balls deep inside her tight married pussy for her face...

3 years ago
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Red Ribbons in Her Hair Ch 03

Author’s Note: This book has instances of gross and horrid references. If murder, violence and horror are not your thing, you might just want to pass this one by. Thanks for reading me! ***** Gabe had no idea of how right he was. A chair went flying across the room, followed by an orange streak as Buddha ran from the room. A vase followed, shattering in a burst of colored glass as it crashed against the wall. Papers flew as he pushed mail and dishes off the breakfast bar, a lamp crashed...

4 years ago
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The Snow

The snow was falling heavier now, it hadn’t taken long for it to settle. ‘Amazing what a difference a couple of hours had made’, she thought. When she’d left it was cold but had given no indication of what was to come. She quietly cursed her independent streak and for not the first time that afternoon, she wished she’d simply stayed in. But no, foolish as she was, she’d thought a quiet walk in the countryside in the middle of winter would be a good idea. She realized she was at least half...

4 years ago
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Pain Is Good When It Comes To Profession

Hello everyone. This is Steve again, one of the biggest fans of ISS. ISS is one of the best media for sharing one’s experiences. Before I start mine, I would like to enlighten my information to the readers. I am 23 years old and a fresh doctor coming out from reputed university. I am from Vadodara, Gujarat. I like to write blogs and stories. This is not my first story and I am glad to see response of you readers on my previous story. At that time I was a student of the last year MBBS. As it’s...

1 year ago
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What Julie Wants

My next door neighbor is Julie Yamagata. She is 26 years old and married to a real nice guy that goes by the american name of James. He is an engineer for a large Japanese auto company in our town, and he and Julie moved in next door to me last year. He is from Japan and met the Japanese-American Julie when he was here for college. The ironic thing is that while she is full blooded Japanese, James is half Japanese, and half British as his mother was white. They have been married for five years,...

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How My Cute Little Daughter Became My Sex Slave 8211 Part 4

In the afternoon she went to a beauty parlour for facials. She was busy in her makeup. We fixed the time at 7.30 in the evening. I shaved the hair in my armpits and down there. I prepared the bed and decorated it with flowers. At 5 in the evening, she came with a cup of tea. I tried to pull her towards me. But she refused to come near me telling me to wait till the marriage ceremony is over. She looked totally new to me. She was jumping with joy. She locked her room and was busy in...

3 years ago
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Hotel pickup

All the years I'd been going to the gym when I was young and fit I never had anyone hit on me. Now I'm old, balding and stocky I had a young black guy come on to me in a hotel sauna.I'd had a little workout in their gym, took a swim and headed to the sauna. There were two guys in there, one about my age (who left soon after I sat down) and this young black guy, he must have been in his early 20's. He was sitting with a towel wrapped round his waist and his chest was glistening with sweat and...

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Kathy And Surprises part three

Since Kathy and I had lived together sharing the same one bedroom apartment at our community college we had become an item. An unusual item. Kathy had a cock. A huge cock. Bigger than my seven inches. But I adored her and we were really good together. I'm Greg and we had completed our first year. We had gone our separate ways and then I was invited to Kathy's home to meet the family. It had went so fucking well. Her mother and father had the master bedroom downstairs. I had a guest room...

4 years ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 14 Another Aftermath

James shook his head and looked up. "Terrence, start bringing all the injured from Freya over. Coordinate with their staff and bring the hurt ones over when gurneys are available. Let's get them medical attention quickly." "We're already on it," Donna said. "David, Elle and Robert are standing by with gurneys. Lindsay and Ed have headed to our multi-use room and are going to set up to treat the non-critical cases there. Craig and Tom are setting things up there." "Maggie has the...

3 years ago
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Taking Control

My breath gets heavier with each step towards her. Slim but curvy, dirty blonde hair, full lips, large handfuls of tit. The nervous anticipation with a tinge of fear in her eyes makes blood pulse through my veins. Her clothing is reserved and unrevealing which arouses me even further. I reach out with my left hand and take a fistful of her hair. Using the handful of hair like a handle I pull her face towards mine and kiss her. My mouth controls hers as she tries to keep up moving her lips in...

3 years ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 11

“You guys are NOT calling her MOM,” I whispered to the other girls angrily. “Why? Your mom said we could,” Mandy smiled at me because she knew this was really pissing me off. “You are just doing it because you want to butter her up like a little brown noser. That’s why you made us lez out in front of Mr. Greenbaum!” I told her. “Was that what we were doing? I thought we were making a lonely old man happy and getting a drink,” Mandy looked at Julie, and they both grinned at my discomfort...

2 years ago
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A Dad seduce his little girl

It´s evening and i´m laying in my bed, thinking about the last saturday, when i come home late in afternoon and find my Daddy drinking some Whisky in the living room and in half-sleep a bit drunk. He was angry, because i come home so late and he was angry and i start to cry by his hard words. But then he said, sorry darling, it´s just because i´m afraid that something is happen to you, you know your are my little sunshine and i love you so much. I go to his arms and we watch TV. He had his Arm...

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