My NeighboursChapter 2 free porn video

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That night had ended with Vikki and I passed out in my basement, exhausted beyond belief. However, that hadn't stopped her from leaving sometime in the night to sneak home. She had left a note apologizing for leaving without waking me and explained that it was all part of her little scheme. Her scheme called for me to sleep with both her, and her mother, without Mrs. Fletcher finding out about Vikki and I. It made my head spin a little bit. So, I tried not to think about it whenever possible.

We'd given up trying to watch the movie. Just as we'd start to settle down and enjoy it, we would get 'distracted'. This first of these 'distractions', was when I couldn't tear my eyes away from her still bare crotch. My body had reacted accordingly, which, in my state of nakedness, was quite noticeable. She of course, noticed, and I nearly ended up in a sexual coma while she gloated, still fully charged and ready for more. But I digress.

The next morning I awoke feeling slightly stiff and in need of some energy. I changed, used the exercise equipment we had in the basement and considered either going for a run or heading to the gym for more. Dismissing both ideas, I showered and changed. Today was my 'off' day. Every other day I went over to the Fletcher's to work. The days in between were mine, though if I had plans, Mrs. Fletcher would let me skip a 'work' day. I looked at the clock. By now, Vikki would be at work and Mrs. Fletcher would be puttering around the house.

Try as I might I just couldn't keep Vikki out of my head. Everything she had said, the way we had kissed, the way we had touched. I couldn't stop thinking about it. It was blissful. And that's how I came to my decision as to what to do on my off day today. I cleaned myself up and grabbed up my keys and cell phone. I walked out to my car, a beat up Taurus. It was nothing compared to Vikki's car, and wasn't meant to last more than a few years, as freshmen weren't allowed to bring their cars next year. I tried to keep it in good shape, but just couldn't quite manage it.

Pulling out of the driveway, I headed for the highway, exiting a short time later. Now it was a red light filled drive through the shopping area of town, baking under the summer sun in a car with no air conditioning. Though, there was a nice breeze coming off the ocean that helped keep me cool. Did I mention we lived on the coast? Well, we did. An eternity later (damned red lights) and I was pulling into my destination.

I parked and shut off the car. Surreptitiously, and with plenty of furtive glances, I checked myself. I wasn't sweating too badly from the car ride, and I used a superb deodorant so I smelled 'spring time fresh'. I got out and locked the car, turning to stride into the Smokey Bones bar and grill.

The hostess recognized me from school and summoned a perky smile, "Hi Robbie."

"Afternoon Maya," I replied, leaning over her desk and making a vague waving motion with my hand while giving her my most flirtatious smile, "you'll seat me by the windows." Maya was the hottest nerd I've ever seen. She possessed a genius I.Q. and was obsessed with everything science fiction. She was trim, short, had short, red dyed hair that she spiked up, and wore a pair of thick framed glasses like she was made for them. The image of the sexy librarian came to mind when you looked at her. And if by some cruel twist of fate, she was unobtainable. If she didn't play for the other team so to speak, I would have been all over her. Of course that didn't stop me from hitting on her.

"Your mind tricks won't work on me, Jedi scum," she said, unable to stop a pleased little smile that I knew about her favorite sci-fi theme.

"Still, you'll seat me by the windows," I grinned, waving my hand again.

She rolled her eyes, "Only if you stop hitting on me."

"You drive a hard bargain Padawan," I paused as if considering it, "deal."

"God, you're weird," she said only loud enough for me to hear, as she used a wax pencil to cross of a seat by the windows on her chart and grab a menu.

"I'm weird? What was it you dressed up as for the Halloween dance?"

"I was a Twi'lek," she said defensively. I gave her a 'my-point-exactly' kind of look and immediately regretted it as she frowned, hurt. I dropped it; I liked her and didn't enjoy it when my harmless ribbing went too far.

Instead, I focused on just how sexy she looked in the unofficial uniform of Smokey Bones. Tight, oh-so-tight jeans and a tight black collared t-shirt completed the ensemble. Of course her girl senses alerted her to my scrutiny, and just to twist the knife, she put a little extra wiggle into her hips.

"You're the devil in disguise Maya," I said as she sat me.

"Pfft," she snorted, eying me derisively, "which head thinks that?" With that, she turned on her heel and marched back to the front desk and a family that had just walked in.

"Ouch," I said to myself, watching her go. I had just pulled my attention back to my surroundings and nearly had a heart attack as I realized Vikki was standing a few feet to my right.

"Holy crap!" I squeaked, actually scared.

"That's right 'holy crap'," she said quietly, her voice dangerously soft. "Don't think that because Maya is gay, that you flirting with her means anything less to me. And it doesn't help your case that she's prettier than me."

"Vikki, she's not..."

"Bup, bup!" she cut me off, "Don't even try."


She gave me a warning look and I hung my head, suitably chastised.

Smiling, she reached out and touched my arm reassuringly. I guess she thought she had hurt my feelings or something.

"I suppose I should have been prepared for this," she started, drawing a confused look from me, "my boyfriend is a whore after all."

I pouted, that was not what I had expected her to say.

"Awww," she said like only a girl could, "but at least you my whore. That makes you special."

"So I'm a special whore," I mumbled, reaching out and pulling her into my lap.

She sighed, looking around to make sure no one was looking, she said "Yes. Now, what are you doing here?"

"I'm hungry." She rolled her eyes. "And I thought I might harass the staff a little bit." She jumped as she suddenly felt my hand between her legs. She was still a little sore from last night I think, or I had just startled her.

"Ooh, um, how sweet of you to think of me like that," she said quietly, swallowing hard to clear the sudden unwanted thoughts that popped into her head at my touch.

She carefully reached down and pulled my hand away, "Robbie, not now. I still have two hours on my shift and I can't be thinking about you the entire time."

She climbed out of my lap and fixed herself as I asked, "Why not?"

"I'm not answering that here. Now order something or I'll get in trouble for standing over here talking the whole time."

I sighed dejectedly and ordered a pulled pork sandwich with a coke. She wrote it down and took my menu, hesitating as she was about to leave before leaning down and kissing me hard, pushing me back into the booth. With a pleased little giggle, she pulled away and skipped off to the ordering station, leaving me wondering just what the hell had happened.

Despite the lack of a crowd when I arrived, it picked up considerably as soon as she left my side. She didn't have any time to spare on me, rushing around taking orders and delivering food. She managed to sneak me a kiss as she brought my order, but that was about it until she brought my check.

"Are you gonna hang out with me when I get back?" she purred as she handed me the check.

"Define hang out," I said coyly.

She didn't answer, just gave me a look that said 'you know what I mean'.

I grinned, "Whatever you want, babydoll." She thrilled at the new pet name and her mind flashed to whatever fantasy was in her head at the moment. The look on her face said it all; she was going to go insane waiting for her shift to end. I made sure to give her a big tip and stood up, pulling her into a tight hug and kissing her cheek. She staggered back slightly after I let her go, her movements uncoordinated and her mind clearly filled with thoughts of what was to come.

"No bye bye, Robbie?" I said, feigning a hurt tone.

"Bye bye, Robbie," she repeated absentmindedly. Smiling to myself, I discreetly smacked her supple rear and made my way to the door.

"See you around Maya," I smiled, wiggling my fingers in a wave.

She growled something at my back as I left, but nothing I could understand. Shaking my head, I nearly skipped back to my car, and got in. It would be two hours before she got off work, so I had time to burn. The mall was right down the street, so I decided to head down there.

I walked around; window shopped, walked around some more, and bought this teeny tiny shirt for Vikki. I met up with some friends that were doing much the same thing, just walking around wasting time. So, it ended up being a few hours before I realized what I was supposed to be doing. I excused myself, told them I'd call later, and left.

My car was an oven driving home, and by the time I walked through the front door I was sweating like a (insert crude stereotype) and in desperate need of a shower. Driving by, I had noticed Vikki's car was in her driveway, but it was as I got out of the shower that I realized she wasn't home, she was here! Vikki wore this very distinct perfume, an incredibly subtle scent that I would recognize anywhere. I can't even begin to describe what it smelled like, and she acted like it was a state secret so I assumed I would never find out.

So, brow furrowed in concern, I walked into my room and nearly tripped over a pile of clothes. I sighed, somewhere, in my house, was my naked seventeen year old girlfriend.

"Vikki?" I called out.

"What?" she said from directly behind me, almost literally scaring the piss out of me.

"Sweet paraplegic Jesus!" I nearly screamed, turning around to find her standing there, naked, eating out of a snack sized bag of popcorn.

"That's not very nice," she tutted calmly, unperturbed by my outburst and stuffing another handful of popcorn into her mouth.

Hand clutching at my heart, I gaped at her until she gave me a big lopsided grin. However, her eyes were inevitably drawn to the shopping bag I still managed to hold onto.

Her feminine eyes recognized the label, "What did you get me?"

"Who says I got you anything?" I retorted, finally managing to get myself under control.

"You don't shop there," she pointed out.

Feigning reluctance, I handed her the bag. "Smartass," I muttered as she squealed girlishly, seizing her present. Mind you, she's still naked. She handed me the popcorn and dug into the bag, pulling out the shirt.

"Oo, sexy," she purred, struggling into it. I had sized her just a little too small apparently, because it fit her like a second skin, though she didn't seem to mind. It wasn't a normal shirt, just barely covering her breasts, and left the rest of her torso bare. It took a moment, but her nipples, constricted as they were, hardened and strained against the fabric. Maybe it was the fact that she was naked, maybe it was the fact that there was a good chance we were going to fool around, and maybe it was the way the shirt fit her, but my shorts had shrunken considerably by now.

She took the popcorn from me and sauntered over to my bed. Sitting on the edge, she looked up at me with a wry little smile and patted the bed next to her.

"Why did you take so long?" she asked innocently, giving me doe eyes.

The question flew over my head for a moment before I remembered she had been here for an hour or so waiting for me.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that, I sort of got lost in my head," I said, feeling guilty under her gaze. "I hope it wasn't too painful for you."

"Painful? No, not painful, it felt kinda good actually."


"You didn't expect me to sit around your house waiting for you without entertaining myself in some way, did you?"

"So what, you watched a movie?" I asked, knowing full well she did no such thing.

"No, baby," she grinned.

This was fun, so I decided to keep it up, "Well, then what did you do for an hour?"

She played along, "What would you have done if you're boyfriend showed up at work and made you so horny you could barely stand. Then, as a added bonus, when you got off work you rushed to his house to surprise him and then ended up waiting an hour for him to come home, all the while you're..." she couldn't seem to come up with the word she wanted but I knew what she meant.

"Well, if my boyfriend did that," I said as she snickered despite herself, "I'd probably beat his ass."

"Really?" she giggled.

I nodded my head sagely.

"Ok then," she said, finishing off her popcorn and carefully placing on the floor. She took a deep breath and turned to me, making sure to catch my eye.

I barely had time to yelp in surprise as she launched herself at me. Determined as she might have been, she was too small to get any sort of edge on me. I caught her and threw her further onto my bed, following soon after and trapping her body under my own.

"I'm sorry babydoll, really I am," I breathed in her ear, pressing my body against her. Her legs wrapped themselves around my waist and she looped her arms around my neck.

"Don't do it again," she gasped, feeling my trapped cock push against her crotch. By way of response, I kissed her hard, breaking away with an explosion of breath and attacking her neck with similar passion.

"Uhhn, Robbie," her voice took on a thick quality as her body revved up all over again. She held my head tightly to her neck and moaned as I switched to her ear, nibbling on the delicate piece of flesh and cartilage. All at once, I pulled away from her face and sat up straight on my knees, her legs still tightly wrapped around my waist. She collapsed back panting with the exception of her legs, and gave me the most lustful, pleading look she could muster, drawing me back to her with her eyes. Grinning, I ripped off my shirt and went back in, assaulting the other side of her neck and face.

Using her legs, she pulled her lower body up into my stomach, grinding her crotch against my abs. "Horny little devil," I whispered. She grinned drunkenly and kissed me full on the lips, worming her tongue into my mouth.

She groaned, "Yes, baby, I'm so fucking horny. I want you in me." She reached down and shoved her hands into my pants, pushing them down.

"God, it's so hot when you talk like that," I sighed, kissing her again and pushing my hips back against her, jabbing my cock into her butt cheek. As soon as she felt that, her legs fell away and she pushed her body down, lining up her pussy with my dick. She pulled me down on top of her and let out a frustrated noise as my cock stabbed into her thigh.

"Oh for god's sake," she cried out, "fuck me!" Quickly, I reached down between us and grabbed my dick, pushing it downwards and into her tight little cunt. I wasn't too careful this time; pressured by her frenzied actions, I forced nearly my entire length inside her. A low groan from deep in her throat told me she was still sore from last night but she was so filled with lust she could have cared less.

I lowered myself back down on top of her, relieved to see she took comfort from my closeness and pressure. She took a moment to settle her body and relax before wrapping her arms around me again.

There was a dull thump from outside and some laughter, but it hardly made an impact on my focus.

I was about to start pulling back but she stopped me, "Wait, uhhhn, just wait. This feels so good."

Suddenly, there was a bang that I recognized as the front door closing, "Shit!" I pulled my cock from her all in one go and shot to my feet.

She gasped in shock as she was completely emptied of my filling presence. I rushed to the door and listened hard, my dick beginning to shrink as panic set in. There were three voices, all of which I recognized. I swore and pulled up my shorts, looking back at Vikki. She lay spread eagled on my bed, still gasping for breath as her legs squirmed in my absence.

"It's our parents," I hissed, "get dressed!" I snatched her clothes off the floor and tossed them at her. I couldn't help but smile as her soaked panties landed on her face.

Groaning in frustration, she scraped the little pink undergarment off her face, "C'mon Robbie, you can do it quick cant you? I can be quiet."

"Victoria!" I heard Mrs. Fletcher call from downstairs. Muttering the vilest curses I have ever heard, she threw on her clothes over the shirt I had bought her and pushed past me.

"Coming, mom!" She stopped just past the door and looked back at me, "I have to go to my aunt's for three days."

"What!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you."

"What am I supposed to do with myself?" I asked, half serious.

"You've got my mom to entertain you," she said, a twinge of jealousy in her voice and more than a little annoyance at having to leave. She turned and headed downstairs with me in her wake. My parents and Mrs. Fletcher stood at the bottom of the stairs by the door, talking about something and laughing a lot.

"Ready to go sweetie?" she asked as Vikki sulked down the stairs.

"My bags are in my room," she pouted, heading out the front door and around the corner.

"I don't know why she's so upset, she's known about this for a while now," Mrs. Fletcher told my parents. They nodded knowingly, very familiar with the erratic behavior of the species known as teenagerus pain-in-the-assus. I stood between my parents and Mrs. Fletcher, waiting for my cue to either leave or stay.

"Do you want something to drink, Amanda?" my mother asked, gesturing further into the house.

"Oh, no thank you Susan. I need to drive Victoria to her aunt's house." She looked at me all of a sudden and smiled before turning back to my parents, "And I was wondering if I could borrow a certain strapping young man to help me move some furniture when I get back."

"Of course, he needs to keep busy anyways," my father chuckled, giving me a playful shove.

"Aww, three days in a row, Mrs. Fletcher?" I pretended to complain.

"Ahh, quiet boy, she pays you too well for you to be bitching," my dad said, he wasn't serious, but my parents loved having me at the age where they could swear again. Mrs. Fletcher giggled, giving me a quick look before cocking her head.

"Mom! Let's go!" we could hear Vikki calling from outside.

"Maybe I'll take you guys up on that drink later tonight," she said, casting glances out the door. My parents smiled and excused themselves to start dinner as Mrs. Fletcher made to leave. When my parents turned away, Mrs. Fletcher gave me a look.

"So, what are we moving?" I asked as she too turned to go.

With a sly look over her shoulder she said, "My bed." She had disappeared before I could muster a suitable response.

Grinning anyways, I headed into the house and waited for dinner.

It was nearly two hours before my cell phone rang. I was lounging on the back porch, reveling in the cooling evening air.


"Where's my pool boy?" Mrs. Fletcher giggled girlishly on the other end.

I laughed, "I'll be right over Mrs. Fletcher, I know how helpless you are."

I pictured her pouting, "I'm not helpless." I stood and began walking around the house.

"Yeah? How do you start the lawn mower?"

There was silence as she thought about it, "With a key?"

I couldn't help but laugh, "No, Mrs. Fletcher, not with your mower." I reached her front door and rang the bell. The door was thrown open while I wasn't looking and I was yanked inside into Mrs. Fletcher's warm embrace.

"Don't make fun of me pool boy, I'll have to get rough with you."

"What's this? You have sex with me once and now you're all cocky like some kind of teenager?"

She wore a sheer robe that might as well have been invisible, and she cradled me against her body like only a mother could as she spoke, "I feel like I'm a teenager again. It's so weird, but oohh does it feel good."

I chuckled, feeling her hands roving up and down my back. She squeezed me tightly and let go, taking my hand and leading me down the hall with the energy of someone half her age. She burst through her bedroom doors and slung me across the room. I squeaked in surprise as I landed, she threw off her robe and practically tossed her body on top of me, driving the breath from my lungs.

She grabbed my head and held it to her chest, basically forcing a nipple into my mouth. All she had on was a pair of lacey black panties. Her weight was settled on my stomach, not giving my lungs a chance to refill themselves. She pulled her breasts from my face and crushed her lips against my own. Breaking away with a gasp, she grinned down at me and pulled my shirt over my head.

"Insatiable woman," I groaned and reached up to grab her shoulders, using the hold to throw her onto her back. She giggled madly and pulled me down on top of her.

"Big strong boy like yourself, who wouldn't be drawn to you?"

She kissed me and whined as I pulled away, sitting up straight and straddling her trim stomach on my knees. She reached up to pull me down again but I trapped her wrists in one hand and reached down to squeeze one of her big tits with the other. She groaned and shifted her body underneath me.

I nearly giggled, "Look!" I waved her hands around, still trapped in my unbreakable grip, "Now I can do whatever I want with you."

She shuddered, goosebumps rising all along her body at the thought that she was completely at my mercy. "Ravish me," she breathed, her sparkling blue eyes pleading.

I leaned down, pushing her hands ahead of me so they were pinned against the bed above her head. I leaned down so close that she tried to arch up and kiss me, but couldn't quite manage it.

"No," I whispered, "I'm going to do just the opposite." Despite the painfully hard erection in my shorts, I was fully prepared to make this woman scream for it.

She looked like she was actually going to cry for a second, "Robbie no, please. You can't."

"Can't I?" I said distractedly, looking around her room. I rarely had reason to come into Mrs. Fletcher's room, so it was unfamiliar to me. The large bed we occupied was the main feature of the room, complimented by a dresser, make up station, and walk in closet all made from the same wood. All in all it was very tasteful, not overly ostentatious but displayed restrained style. Family pictures adorned the walls as well as ribbons and awards she had won as a girl for horseback riding and karate.

"Too bad you don't have any handcuffs, that would make this easier," I mused, giving her a playful smile. Something flashed across her eyes and she deliberately avoided eye contact with me.

"Oo, you do have some!" I cried excitedly, "Where are they?"

"I don't have any. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Mrs. Fletcher," I cooed, leaning down and kissing her cheek as she tried to look innocent, "You can't lie to me and you know it." I got off of her and stood up, still holding her hands in my own. My hands were beginning to cramp as she kept trying to break free. I let her go and stood by her nightstand.

"Could they be in here?"

"No," she squirmed under my scrutiny. I smiled and pulled open the top drawer, taking my eyes from her nervous face to the contents of the drawer. I snorted, typical top drawer stuff. Yes there was a pair of those fluffy handcuffs, but there was also good sized pink dildo, a thumb sized vibrator, and a half full tube of lube.

"Naughty girl," I took out the hand cuffs and the lube, "what's this for? From what I've seen, you don't need this one bit."

She gave me a look and I knew immediately what it was for. "Oh, Mrs. Fletcher." She blushed hard and looked away.

"Wow, why is that so hot?" I asked no one in particular, the strain in my shorts was almost unbearable as I imagined her trying to push that dildo into her ass while frantically fingering her pussy.

"It's not my fault," she mumbled softly.

I tossed the tube back in the drawer and plucked out the vibrator, before walking back to the bed. She covered her breasts with an arm and gave me a wary look.

"Give me your hands," I ordered calmly.

"No," she said petulantly, sitting up and pulling her hands out of my reach.

"Mrs. Fletcher," I crawled onto the bed after her, as she kept backing away. I reached out to cuff her wrist but hesitated as she grinned wickedly. She grabbed my wrist first and turned, rolling me over her shoulder in one smooth movement. Before I could even register what happened, she had slapped the cuffs on me and perched herself on my chest.

"Mmm, all tied up and at my mercy," she purred triumphantly.

"Damn it," I muttered.

She picked up the vibrator from where it had fallen and brought it up so I could see it. Slowly she brought it to her mouth and stuck out her tongue, lightly licking the tip until it shone. She scooted up my chest, knees pressing into my sides and took the little device from her mouth.

"This thing is so much fun," she said quietly, turning it on with a soft buzzing sound. She brought it down and traced the tip around my right nipple. It felt weird, not bad, just weird and I watched as my nipple hardened like crazy. After a moment, she switched to the other, giving it the same treatment.

She must have gotten bored, because she sighed and shut off the vibrator, tossing it onto the bed next to us. "I don't even know what to do with a tied up boy toy, how sad is that?"

"It's not that sad. You're just easier to play with."

"Oh, you think so do you?" she said coyly. She looked back over her shoulder, a wild grin revealing her white teeth as she turned back. Smoothly, like only she could, she pivoted on my chest and reached down to grab my cock through my shorts. I inhaled sharply through my teeth; the feel of her hands was a huge relief on my throbbing shaft.

"Oh, look at you. Someone's ready," she remarked huskily.

"Nnh," was all I could muster, as she undid my shorts and pushed them down. Her hand wrapped around my dick and squeezed hard. I nearly lost it right then and there!

She leaned down and put her head on my thigh, lightly rubbing my cock with delicate fingers. My vision was filled with her panty covered ass and I longed to be able to touch it. Damned handcuffs, whose bright idea had that been, oh wait...

"Ahh!" I moaned, as the tip of my cock was engulfed in wet heat. Her tongue swirled around the head of my cock like I've never experienced before, and I felt like I was being dragged further down her throat.

I whimpered as I felt myself getting close, earning a pleased look from Mrs. Fletcher. Straining against my bonds, my back arched and my hips rose, accidentally driving more of my cock into her mouth. She made no nose of discomfort, just relaxed her throat. I ached to touch her, to do something with my hands; the inability to do so was maddening. I felt my body release itself into her throat with a sense detachment, like I wasn't really doing it yet I could feel all the sensations of climax. It was all very strange.

I watched with fascination as her throat worked to coax every last drop of cum out of me. After draining me dry, she sucked hard as she pulled her lips off my cock.

"Oh, god!" I groaned, lying back, panting.

"Hmm," she sighed, a self-satisfied little smirk on her full rouge lips. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to piece my mind back together after having it blown so completely.

I couldn't quite do it, my whole body reeling with the onslaught of sensation.

"Why do you look so cute right now?" she mused, sitting cross-legged next to me and stroking my face and head.

"What?" I exclaimed tiredly, "I'm always cute." She giggled and leaned down, kissing me on the cheek.

"Now, can I let you go and trust you'll be a good boy?" she asked, flattening herself against my body.

"Define good boy," I countered, flashing a wicked grin. She laughed, leaning in and kissing me hard. I fancied I could still taste myself on her lips but didn't care.

"In that case..." she trailed off, rolling gracefully off the bed and wandering around the frame towards my feet. She reached out and yanked my shorts and boxers from around my knees and tossed them across the room. Then, as slowly and as sensually as she could, she crawled back onto the bed and up my body, until she was straddling my thighs. She looked down at my already hardening cock with fascinated amusement.

"Ah, youth," she mused, smiling as she reached down and softly ran her fingers over the hard piece of flesh and blood. Already sensitive from before, her touch was like lightning shooting through my body and my cock jerked in response. Mrs. Fletcher bit her lip, eyes locked on my shaft as it twitched against my stomach, one hand gently touching it now and then, and the other going from one breast to the next squeezing and pinching her own nipples.

Same as My Neighbours
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My Next Door Neighbor Mrs Shook

My name is Rob, and my family and I have been next-door neighbors of the Shook's for about 6 years. We were a lower middle class family who came into a LARGE amount of money 6 years ago, thanks to my dad buying a winning lottery ticket. We moved to this neighborhood as a result of that windfall. While no one here has ever really treated us badly, we have never really been accepted either. The people here are relatively well off, and have always known luxury, but we came from a different social...

3 years ago
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Across the lake part 3

Continued from Chapter 2 As I watched Bill taillights disappear I wondered if I did the right things, should I have done something more (or less), asked him to stay? Here I was all nervous again but now for different and opposite reasons. I teared slightly as I stood on the front patio still in my wig, makeup and nightgown. Then my belly grumbled and I knew the bathroom was too far. I threw up all over the flower garden and then ran for the bathroom before it hit again. I threw off...

1 year ago
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Pleasing the Ghost Hunter

I lick my fingers and bring them down to my longing pussy. In circular motions I rub my clit as my head tilts back and I moan. Where I was only some what wet before I started, now I'm soaked and not just from the sensations I'm giving myself, but by fantasizing of my ghost hunting partner, Trevor.I had met him years back and while I had started talking to him because of my attraction to him, I learned that he, like me, was very interested in the paranormal. A few months later, we joined...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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It's hard to believe it, but I am happily married to my best friend, and now my family has welcomed us with open arms. I am glad, because I was born a boy. My best friend is Maxwell Anderson. He looks like an red-headed Anthony DiNozzo from NCIS with his flaming red hair, hazel eyes and natural tan. He is a musician who can play the piano, organ, violin, and guitar with equal ease. He teaches music at Warton High School. My name is Connie Renee Anderson. Me, I look like an Arabian...

3 years ago
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Being Feminized 2

A New Beginning Part Two I did not recall saying to Terri that I wanted her to change me into a girl, but there was nothing I could now do to stop her as she tugged my up from the chair. We headed back towards the bathroom, Terri was saying to me that she wanted me to shave my face closely and after that she would take care of the rest. I stared into the water as it began to fill in the sink, I made sure it was hot; once it was full I used a cloth...

3 years ago
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The Tree House Book 2Chapter 16

It was so nice getting it right. Michelle was happy as a clam and well, Lindie just smiled at me. That huge broad grin that for over eleven years I had not seen was wonderful. I knew I'd try to put that on her face every possible second. And I wanted a smile on Michelle's face just as frequently too. She was trembling in my arms expressing physically her glee at the surprise of being at her favorite eatery. As Michelle's kisses began to wane and she started to settle down, Lindie leaned...

1 year ago
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Senran Kagura ENF

The Senran Kagura franchise has dozens of ladies. Hanzo Academy, Hebijo Academy, Gessen Academy, the Crimson Squad, the Mikagura Sisters, just to name a few factions. The series certainly isn't any stranger to lewd scenarios, but there's definitely a wide variety of ways to lay them bare and embarrass them. And that's where you come in!

3 years ago
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Sleepover at Charleys

Ya see, Old Charley is kind of shy sometimes, and other times, there ain't nothin' shy about him. Well, Old Charley went through this stage, like most of us kids, when he didn't want anyone else to see him, well, you know, without any clothes on. So, Old Charley never took showers at school. But Old Charley loves to play all of them sports. He is real good at football, and when they all get in the line, Old Charley is the one to stand right behind the guy in the center and reach between...

2 years ago
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A very very huge surprise

I had flown to Salt Lake City with a couple of colleagues, for another boring conference, of course. We were happy enough, because these conferences could be more interesting than an ordinary business trip.On the second night me and my friends were out for a few drinks.After a few beers in that local bar, we decided to hit a nightclub.Once there we took a table and I soon noticed a very sexy girl sitting at the bar. She was tall, with long dark hair, her round tits obviously fake but real nice....

4 years ago
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The Slow QuickstepChapter 3

Life went happily on. In time Allie began to be given more homework. Leah made her do it every weekday between five and six o’clock. She had little trouble with it and by the time her eighth birthday came round she was reading fluently, even the long words. Fortunately ‘onomatopoeia’ did not crop up very often. She undertook her piano-playing enthusiastically. Leah normally did this with her following a little guidance from Nessa. When Toby was due to baby-sit he would come round at six...

3 years ago
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Quick Flash Last Night Was Amazing

Last night was…amazing.I’m just going to write everything down in this email because I want to record it, but at the same time I had to share with someone just how amazing last night was.I think part of the reason why it was so amazing was due to the fact that it was so spontaneous. We were just sitting there talking and then it all just…happened.Last night we invited Sean over for dinner. I don’t think you’ve met Sean before. He is that neighbor who is a floor down from us. He moved to New...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Unknown Waifish Model On Page 53

Unknown Waifish Model on Page Fifty-three Chapter 1 Copyright 2003 by Couture We lay curled up to one another in the hotel bed, Sandra and I. I looked forward to the day we'd no longer have to make do with hotel beds and the occasional foray to my apartment. Yes, one day soon, she would leave her bastard of a husband and move in with me. God, she was beautiful. Her blonde hair was mussed up, as she lay on the pillow. Her face had the tranquil look that only comes during sleep. She...

3 years ago
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Grace 4French Ecstasy

The author kindly advises that this scenario contains descriptions of d**g use, group sex and graphic language. It is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.Grace 4-French Ecstasy (Grace Worthington enjoys wild orgies in a French chateau)The mid-year exam results were in. Grace hurried down the Uni corridors towards to administrative department where the results were pinned on the announcement board. Her finger ran down the list. She found her scores. Above average was the verdict....

2 years ago
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Chris and Nenas Big Day Chapter 8

Chapter 8. Day 6 Friday. Kaptain Starky of the U-740. Gunther Starky looked at his grand son and grinned. "So you take after your Grandpa and Papa and and joined the navy after all. May I look over your ship? I well remember my first Kaptain Fryberg. He was to later become Admiral Fryberg and was a real gentleman. I was the only survivor of the U-740. A storm came up after we abandoned ship and all my men died. To this day I have thought about what would have happened if I had not...

4 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 25

"Do you know who this is?" Pete Hershey said on the telephone. "Yes," Gordon Wilson said. "Call me back on a payphone." Pete gave Wilson the number to call and hung up. Pete Hershey wasn't happy. Wilson calling him in the middle of the night, probably not on a payphone, infuriated him. Wilson knew the rules. Not for the first time, Hershey wished he'd never accepted Wilson's contracts. He sat and stewed, becoming angrier at each passing second. When the phone rang, Pete was ready...

1 year ago
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The Operators Chair

Welcome to the operators chair! From her you can change your reality, just as the operators of past have. The world is your playground to fulfill your wishes and desires. Please type what you would like to alter on the screen below and press enter. You lick your lips after reading the glowing green text in front of you. is this for real? Are you dreaming? You glance around the mysterious room to find yourself surrounded by a heavy darkness, only the glowing green computer screen in front of...

2 years ago
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Milk And Honey Getting Even

A month went by and the weather remained hot as ever. For the two young people, living across the street from each other, plans for the weekend couldn't have come at a better time. Jin's folks decided to go out for the weekend, leaving him to watch over their home, but also to spend more time with his blonde neighbor, Vicki. They agreed to meet at his place instead of hers, due to the recent events that nearly led the poor girl to the brink of insanity. She was anxious to get as far away from...

2 years ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 25

“Okay sluts, clean our guest’s cute little face-off,” Mom pointed, and Honey and Candy began to lick his face eagerly. “You too Sugar, you made the mess. The least you can do is lick it clean,” my own mother told me to lick my cunt juices off this strange boy’s face after she let him practice learning to eat pussy on me. I have to admit he did do a good job, but the old me would never have allowed him to use me as a training dummy. Mom had a thing about cleaning your own fingers after you...

1 year ago
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Midnight Sex With A Hospital Nurse

I’m a bisexual guy living in Bangalore. In this story, I would like to narrate an unexpected sex with a nurse in hospital pharmacy. My grandfather had got admitted to hospital as his sugar levels had hit high. I and my family took turns for staying right next to him. As I used to go to my office in the day time, I used to stay in the hospital at nights. There were a couple of nurses who used to be on duty at night. One of them was very cute and chubby. Her name was Navya. I believe nurses are...

1 year ago
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Shortly after starting high school, I fell in love (Platonically speaking) with Barry. The incident that sparked my affection happened in one of the hallways at school. Corbin, a real piece of shit had taken a huge dislike to me, and on every occasion that he could, would corner and bully me. This was not surprising because I was the smallest guy in class. On one such occasion, with the side of my face pressed up against the wall, Corbin suddenly went flying next to me. Barry had given him an...

Gay Male
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Rustle in the Bed

He's lying there sleeping and snoring, a little restless like always. And here I am, awake, still, and pondering. It's 3am and of course I'm horny. I can feel the warmth building between my legs, and can smell myself getting wet. My nipples are hard, and the cold air of the fan makes my shirt flutter slightly... just enough to make my clit throb. Plain and simple, I want his dick. I want it in my mouth, against my tits, and deep inside me. But we both have work in the morning, and I know I...

Straight Sex
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Desert Nights

We are out shoveling snow from our driveway for the second time this week. And for the second time in the past five minutes, I think that I should be joining you on your business trip to Palm Springs next week! I pause in my shoveling and look over at you. Even after years of being together, I still find your tall, slim form attractive. You look up as if to say, “Keep shoveling!” I can see the humor in your warm brown eyes from here. I bend down to move another pile of snow. Out of the corner...

2 years ago
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Dare Book IChapter 5

It's strange to be naked all the time after spending some 18 years being clothed for most of it. Not that I was ashamed of my body, I wasn't and never had been. I wasn't even particularly shy. I mean the physical part of being exposed to every little thing you can think of was strange. It was nice and warm in my room. The floor was smooth and the water cold, of course, but after a few days I was becoming used to it. I even began looking forward to the bracing chill that brought me wide...

3 years ago
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Vena Cava

I feel her near me, her skin close to mine, her heels touching the floor boards and I worship the sound. Sweat drips down my face, across my cheek and down my slender neck, I feel it moving down my nude body, closer to my bound and tender breasts. My wrists begin to ache, the cuffs biting into my skin is heaven because she did it to me because it pleases her. I am here to please her, to serve her and to love her. I love her.She places her hand on me and my breath stops. I feel a surge of power...

1 year ago
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When I first got the link for Blow Pass, I immediately imagined a subscription service offering unlimited blowjobs for one low monthly fee. It turns out I was kind of right, though the actual service doesn’t include full service from the local crack whores. This is a premium smut network dedicated to beautiful women giving has been around in some form or another since 2005. I’m already hard as a rock looking at their landing page, so I have a feeling I know how they’ve lasted...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
2 years ago
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The Inches Between UsChapter 17

It was Halloween evening. Lisa and I were hanging out in her apartment. We had just finished dinner and were snuggling in front of the television, in between the intermittent parade of costumed neighborhood kids taking advantage of the fact that our management team opened the building to them for trick-or-treating. Just after Batman and Iron Man took their leave of us, Lisa’s phone rang. “Hi Mom!” “Oh, nothing much, just hanging out feeding a bunch of sugar addicts.” “Oh, no. Is she all...

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Craig HillChapter 46

They went to the kitchen. Mark's almost untouched cup of coffee was still on the table and his plate beside the sink. "Oops, giveaways!" squeaked Victoria and rushed to wash them up. Mark grabbed a tea towel, dried them and put them away. "Will you do me a favour?" asked Victoria. "Of course. What?" "Play that Chopin nocturne for me again?" "Willingly." He took her hand and led her to the drawing room. He played a couple of scales to loosen his fingers and then started to...

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SparksChapter 22

18:15 Saturday, July 20th, 1991 7914-B Arthur Street Oakland, CA 94621 Sandy and Ben waited in the Gunny's kitchen while the sounds of showers and other preparations floated down the stairs. Deb joined them in the kitchen, wearing a full-length formal black dress with short sleeves and a grey sash, with a short décolletage at the front and a scalloped back. A pearl stickpin rode over her left breast, and a small comb with seed pearls rested in her brown hair behind the left ear. Sandy...

3 years ago
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Mix Up

No matter where I tended to end up for the night, these little rituals kept me grounded, gave me a little bit of homely quality to counteract the tedious sterility of hotel rooms. I set my diary onto the nightstand, put the small pink cushion into the bed and hung up my black original Japanese kimono on the wardrobe. While I did this, I slowly disrobed and took a guilty pleasure in dropping the discarded items of clothing wherever I stood. The city lights were visible through the large glass...

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Check Yes or NoChapter 5

Homecoming week is always a big deal and Fitzpatrick High was no different. Both Jacob and Ann Marie were roped into chaperoning the dance and helping out with some of the other things. They went to the football game—separately—on Friday and generally avoided each other, at least in public. They didn't have plans together. Both were in charge of something at the dance; Ann Marie was supervising the refreshments and Jacob and a couple of the other male teachers were the "bush patrol"...

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One Familys Awakening Chapter 2

Keith arrived home about 30 minutes after his mother did. She was in a strange mood, Keith thought to himself. He wasn't sure he wanted to talk about the evening because he was still thinking about the surprise fucking he got from Amanda and had another erection. He mostly wanted to head for his room and jack off to the thoughts about his experience. But his mother was having none of it."Come in here and tell me about your evening at the dance. You seemed to be having a good time with your...

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Red Ribbons in Her HairChapter 2

He watched her. Before work, he would follow her to hers, watching as she would walk in to the restaurant. If she were alone, he could see her glancing around, checking cars, searching faces. She was looking for him. The idea sent a little thrill through his system. His prey knew she was hunted, she just didn't know by whom. He went there for lunch when she worked the mid shift, never sitting in her section. He'd sit close enough to the kitchen, though, to be able to see her. He loved to...

1 year ago
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Lost Empire 63

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace – Zimmel 0098 – Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 – Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 – Rodrick 0403 – Johnathon 0667 - Marco – Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara – Mara -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 4 - onboard Shelby 0805, 0808 in re-gen, 1000 - Sherry 0250 Tendra 0999 - Zan - still lost -------------------------------- Known and OR...

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Blue collar Master white collar slave

Blue collar Master, white collar slave. 3by 2NN  This story depicts homosexuality and very extreme S&M. If you are aminor or this offends you, go elsewhere now.  PrologueI sit on the couch in my owner's house, dressed every bit theslave I am. My body from the tips of my toes to my eyelashes iscompletely and permanently hairless, smooth, soft and beautifullytanned. My upper body is clad in a thin, soft and pink rubber T-shirtand my ass is clad in a pair of outrageously short and...

2 years ago
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Oh Brother Those Are My Things

Oh Brother! Those Are My Things Author's Note: We've read so much about how the boy feels getting into Mom's or Sister's things. I thought I would take a shot as to how the sister might feel about it. Allison rushed in through the kitchen and headed for her bedroom. "Allie-girl? Is that you?" she heard her mother call from another part of the house. "I thought you were heading to Helen's house." "I am," she called back as she pushed open her bedroom door. "I just forgot some...

2 years ago
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A Rainy Night in ParisChapter 12

At 45, Rachel Staunton was a force of nature. Stepping off the train from Nice, she looked like she had just stepped out of a salon, instead of getting off of a five and a half hour train ride from the south of France. Her hair, worn tight against her head, was perfect, not a strand out of place, showing off her round face. Her makeup was impeccable, lipstick and cheekbones by the book. You had to be intimate with her to see the depth of powder and concealer that covered the dark circles...

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Harleys Plaything

Warning! This story will be pretty Femdom heavy so if those themes do not tickle your pickle then this may not be the spank bank material for you. For those who remain, I hope that you 'enjoy' your time here and feel free to like and comment. Thanks! "That's it! This time we're over, kaput, finished I tells ya!" Harley raised her hands into the air erratically as she huffed up and down her best friend Ivy's living room. "Whatever you say Harls." Ivy rolled her eyes before going back to...

4 years ago
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Scratch one off of the ol bucket list mfanother bloated story of my experiences so far

I've been able to make some money over time playing music in bars and restaurants. I would guess that 90% of my sexual encounters are a result of this (seriously guys, learn to play 25 to 30 popular songs decently, and start playing them out). The other 10% is pure dumb luck. 100% of the time its a total surprise. I'm on the shorter end of an average in every way white guy with no game. I was playing at a restaurant when I met a nice woman named, Sarah. She was a middle aged lady who came...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 31 Summer Vacation Part IV

May, 1983, Milford, Ohio On Friday morning I swam with Stephanie while Stephie sat on the edge of the pool and dangled her feet in the water, then the three of us ate breakfast, and my dad joined us as he often did. We hung out with my little sister until it was time for lunch. We met Marty and Tracey at Frisch’s and I introduced everyone. They had taken advantage of the school rules that said they didn’t have to stay on campus for lunch, so we had to be careful not to take too long. We...

2 years ago
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Happy EndingsChapter 9 Just Another Day

Now I felt more in control. I sat behind my desk waiting. I had my hair pulled back into a tight pony tail and had wiped off most of my makeup. Gone was the soft blouse and I was in an old t-shirt and jeans. The high shining heels were gone, replaced with the tennis shoes I wore when I wasn't riding or dealing with the horses. What I didn't know, is I looked all of 18 and not at all my own age. "Good." I said in place of any greeting to JC. "Fill out this, standard employee...

3 years ago
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Loving Erica Mf fatdau rom PART THREE end

Loving Ericaby SpectreOfHellPart 3 Things were normal at dinner and the rest of the night. Except that Erica and I kept looking into each other's eyes and smiling like idiots. Was this really happening? Was my daughter willingly becoming my lover? Later, she got her bath and returned in one of her short gowns. Helen was starting to doze in her chair. Erica sat on my lap and I got instantly hard. Erica wiggled and giggled, and I realized she'd always known the effect she had on me. She...

4 years ago
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Zombies and Tigers and Swords Oh MyAfterwards

Oh Sardman, give us clever hands to dig and lusty hips and kissing lips and plenty food to eat Oh Jimbo keep the peace between the fangers and the 51 or let justice be done Oh Lady Tiger be not vexed and teach instead the feel of "Whee!". Feast prayer of the Rowdillan tribe Olady God-Mother thanks for your blessings and bedtime stories. May you always kiss our booboos. God-Mother Day prayer from the Pwetorika tribe The fifty one tribes all spoke the same language, and all...

2 years ago
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Two Online Friends Meet For Drinks Ch 2

Ashley stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel. She walked over to the door and called me over asking for a brush. She looked oddly at my shoulder and then at me. I looked down and there was my first squirt up on the shoulder of my shirt. She reached with her fingers and...Ashley reached with her fingers and scooped up what was on my shirt and rubbed it in between her fingers. She then put it up to her lips and licked just enough of the sticky substance to get a taste. Ashley...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Dakota Tyler Maya Woulfe Molly Little All We Want For Christmas Is To Fuck My Stepdad

Molly Little has invited her friends Dakota Tyler and Maya Woulfe over to help decorate for a Christmas fundraiser event. Dressed as slutty reindeer, the girls bounce and giggle as they put the finishing touches on Santa’s Workshop. Molly’s stepdad, Charles Dera, comes in to compliment them on what a good job they’ve done. The girls invite Charles to dress up as a reindeer, too, but he points out that his son already agreed. Molly says that her stepbrother is a creep who will...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e3 Liu Danying 39 eastern delight

Series 9, Episode 3: Liu Danying (39), from Peterborough An establishing shot of a large, grand and historical looking building set in beautiful green gardens. This is Orton Hall. Next to the hall, an old church ... Around them, several newer structures – tasteful extensions - have been added. One of them contains a Health Spa. We take in the quiet beauty of the complex for a moment, then... Then we pan on a sexy young lady – long dark hair hangs down over her shoulders, red lips glisten...

1 year ago
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Kaun Banega Sultan Kushti Ke Baad Sex Ka

Hi there guys, thanks for great response to my previous sex story mujhe wrestling karni hai… I m atul once again with a nice continuation of my story except that its a totally different event. So again about my friend prassanubh and another guy joins our group this time his name is sid, hes also total hunk biceps chaudhi chest,abs and cheeky ass of course!! So it all started when we guys went for watching sultan, salman khan starrer movie on wrestling u guys must be knowing that we are huge...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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My first black cock as a cross dressing schoolgirl

It’s 1995, and I’m in year 9 at school. I’m been cross dressing for longer than I care to remember. I’m fascinated by tights, and I’m fortunate to be at school in the era of the Spice Girls and Girl Power. Skirts are as short as possible, and everyone is wearing platform shoes. I’m in my element. I’ve recently discovered my best mate also cross dresses, but he’s lucky in having a slightly younger sister who has a very nice wardrobe to raid. I’ve also discovered he’s a very heavy cummer, and...

1 year ago
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Fucked Mom When Everyone Was Asleep

Someone shook me and woke me up. I opened my smudgy eyes but everything was blurred. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and say mom sitting close to me. Before I could open my mouth to ask any question she pressed her finger on my mouth and shushed me. I sat upright and looked around, everyone was deep asleep and it was dark outside the window. All I could see was mom’s face in the dim light of the night bulb. She stood up and signaled me to follow her quietly. Carefully not to make any sound and...

2 years ago
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Like Father Like Son

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2019 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is...

3 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 14

Flashback – Ben and Tatiana – At the hospital After we had a great time with our 'physical therapy' (!!!), Tatiana went into the bathroom even though I was restrained to the bed. She explained, "You benefited from the carrot and now you will experience the stick." I didn't know what she meant and so I patiently waited. After all I had been punished by the worst (my dad), so what could she do to me? I waited for what seemed like forever, then I called, "Tatiana, where are you?" I...

1 year ago
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Rainy Day Rubdown

Cindy wasn't exactly sure when she had decided to seduce Gina. But it was firm and now she had to figure out how she was going to do it. She wasn't sure what steps to take but realized her desire for her older coworker was growing stronger each day. Cindy had been working at this branch of a major bookselling chain for about 4 months when Gina first came to work. Cindy worked evenings and went to college during the day. She was a junior, single and 20 years old. She liked the evening shift,...

3 years ago
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an unexpected fuck with tenents

An unexpected fuck with tenents By: gautam Dear ISS readers I m a regular reader of ISS. Reading all Ur submissions has encouraged me to share my one of many such unforgetful sex encounter with two of our tenants. Let me tell u something about myself. I am at present 27years n am working in automobile engineer. I am staying in one of the most b’ful cities Chandigarh in a very posh locality as we have our own house there. Since it is a big house n we r only three members living there. Our house...

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